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For many in Russia, getting a job at Gazprom is a victory and the realization of career ambitions. There are legends and jokes about the salaries that company employees receive. In many ways, the information is exaggerated, but nevertheless, becoming part of this team is a real achievement for specialists in the relevant field. How can you make your “dream come true”? Let's figure it out.

Gazprom — largest company Russia and one of the largest in the world. As of 2018, the total number of company employees exceeded 550 thousand. Human. The company includes many separate units, such as Gazprom Neft, but Gazprom’s main directions are gas production and sales.

According to employee reviews, Gazprom and its divisions provide interesting and well-paid work with clear growth prospects and personal development. The company is working on continuous training of employees. In ratings of the best employers in Russia, Gazprom ranks in the top ten.

When applying for a job at Gazprom, as a rule, you have to go through standard stages:

  • find an advertisement for the vacancy you need,
  • send your resume or fill out a form on the website,
  • wait for the call to set the meeting date,
  • get tested,
  • pass an interview,
  • to be hired.

It is not always necessary to overcome them all; it depends on the policy of the enterprise or company. But, if you want to get a job at Gazprom, you must remember that this is an old, large and rather conservative corporation. Be prepared to go all the way.

Main stages

Search for vacancies

So, it all starts with searching for vacancies. For such large companies, it is commonplace to look for employees for new positions primarily among their own. That is, make the intern a specialist, promote the latter to a leader, and the like. Career within the company - an excellent, proven business practice. But in this case, some position - even the most “low” one - is vacated. And then it is “posted” in the section with open vacancies on the Gazprom website itself or on the most popular of those sites that are intended for job searches.

If you decide to get into Gazprom, keep an eye on the opening vacancies on the official website of the Gazprom company in the Vacancies section and, as soon as a suitable position appears, react promptly and boldly, remembering - this is a chance to get into a system where career growth is possible in the future.

However, you need to understand that you are not the only one so brave, fast and full of hope. Even at the stage of creating a resume, you need to take into account that the competition will be serious. And your resume should not only be professional and well-written, but also stand out from thousands of others. You should be noticed among hundreds of other candidates. We recommend reading our series of articles on preparing a resume and a cover letter for it in the section.

Once the application has been submitted, all that remains is to wait. Don't worry unnecessarily waiting for a call the very next day. Such large corporations are extremely slow and clumsy and make their choices thoroughly, even if it just concerns the selection of resumes.

If everything went well and your candidacy attracted attention, they will call you back and set a date for the meeting.

Gazprom - employment test

The next test that must be passed on the way to work at Gazprom is testing. This is an extremely important stage. If during an interview, as a rule, your professional quality, knowledge and skills, then when solving tests for a device at Gazprom - speed and level of thinking, logic, ability for abstract thinking and the ability to analyze text information.

Tests for employment at Gazprom include:

  • numerical - to assess mathematical (numerical) abilities
  • logical - for structured thinking and abstract thinking
  • verbal - on the ability to analyze texts
  • psychological (cases, assessments) - behavioral tests

Additional questionnaires are created for some positions. This is especially important for leadership positions at all levels. To get hired, you are guaranteed to need to pass psychological tests for situational behavior for managers, where your leadership skills, management experience and ability to communicate with subordinates and senior managers are tested.

In terms of testing, the corporation cooperates with the leader in test development - SHL. For each position, tests of different difficulty levels are used. That is, those who apply for the position of engineer will not be given tasks for an accountant, and trainees will not be given tasks for the directorate.

You should carefully prepare for tests at Gazprom. There are times when a competent specialist fails the test, “getting caught” on some tricky question. Therefore, it is better to take care of everything in advance rather than rely on luck. In order not to get confused at the most crucial moment, it is best to solve problems in advance, similar to those that will be given at Gazprom when applying for a job.

Tests must be solved quickly, properly distributing the allotted time, otherwise you may not meet the time limit. On average, it takes 60-90 seconds to solve the test.

Numerical test at Gazprom

Below you will find an example of a numerical SHL test for Gazprom.

Verbal test at Gazprom

Can be used in various divisions of Gazprom different types verbal tests. Usually these are “true-false-can’t say” tests and verbal analysis tests. Below is an example of a verbal analysis test:

The answer and solution to this test for the Gazprom device can be found at the end of the article. Try to solve the test yourself before viewing the answer.

Abstract thinking test at Gazprom

Logical tests are a group of tests that are very diverse in type. For a device in Gazprom, it is usually necessary to pass logical tests in the form of logical sequences or matrices. Below is an example of a logic test for working in Gazprom based on a matrix:

The answer and solution to this test for the Gazprom device can be found at the end of the article. Try to solve the test yourself before viewing the answer.

Psychological test at Gazprom

As a rule, testing takes place on a computer, so the result can be found out almost immediately. If you have prepared well for this stage and confidently passed it, then you will be invited to an interview with an HR representative of Gazprom.


Standard questions are asked here: “How many places did you change before coming to us?”, “Reasons for leaving previous places work. Were there conflicts with management and co-workers?”, “Why were you attracted to the offer to work in our company?”, “What do you expect from this job,” “What are your salary expectations? Are you satisfied with our offer?”, “Tell us about your achievements” and so on.

The questions are quite expected, and you can prepare for them in advance. Think about what and how you will respond. If there are ambiguous moments in your professional biography - for example, a conflict at your previous place of work - then think carefully about how to present this information correctly and in the way you need. There is no point in hiding or lying - the truth will come out anyway, and then it will only get worse. We recommend that you read our articles in the section on how to communicate correctly during an interview - it can help you a lot.

After you have successfully completed all the tests and passed the previous stages with dignity, there comes a break. Now all that remains is to wait for the call - either with a refusal or with an invitation to an interview - a meeting with the hiring manager, that is, your future manager. It will become the final stage selection.

It is difficult to predict how this conversation will go. It is impossible to give any recommendations here. The future manager may either try to find out your professional level during the conversation, or try to understand how well you will fit into an existing team, and then begin to ask about your interests, habits, and hobbies. If the team goes bowling or plays basketball on Fridays, it would be nice if you shared their interests.

So what should you do to get the coveted place at Gazprom? If you need to prepare first for the test, then there are some tips for the interview.

  1. Good dream. You should show up to your interview feeling rested and alert, so put aside your worries and go to bed early.
  2. Cloth. The first impression is quite important, and, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes. You must look dignified and neat. Classic formal suit suitable for similar cases as well as possible, both for men and women. Office style is mandatory in such companies.
  3. Punctuality. Arrive on time, or better yet, a little early. Think over the route, take into account possible delays: traffic jams, unforeseen circumstances. It's better to sit and wait a little than to fly into last moment, and then blush and make excuses.
  4. Confidence. Try to appear calm and speak firmly, despite any tricky questions. Make eye contact with the person you're talking to, rather than roaming around the room or looking away, which can make it seem like you're lying.
  5. Before leaving, check with the recruiter when they will call you and whether you should get in touch yourself or if it’s better not to be intrusive. If you are told that you should contact them yourself, please clarify which type of communication is preferable: telephone, email or something else.

We hope our article and sample tests will help you get a job at Gazprom. Don’t be shy and remember that the people who will conduct the interview also once sat in your place. Be calm and confident in your abilities - because you are ready and you are the best candidate. Dreams can really come true if you put enough effort into it.

Interviewed by Alevtina Lozhkina

- Olga Leontievna, what is checked using tests?

On this moment We use several test options that assess employees’ abilities to understand and process verbal (text) and numerical information. Options differ for specialists in different fields and levels of responsibility.

For example, to assess the ability to understand and analyze numerical information for PES and accounting workers, different tests are used. For a specialist and the head of one department, they will differ in level of complexity.

Also in the arsenal electronic system assessments include tests for assessing management skills, tests for specialists information technologies, mechanics, secretaries, professional and motivational questionnaires. The latter, however, we use “to order”.

- Why? And what are these surveys? How are they different from tests?

Tests evaluate abilities objectively, they have correct and incorrect answer options, and they are conducted for a time; upon completion, the computer gives a score in percentiles (percentages in the scoring system). Questionnaires are the employee’s subjective opinion about his abilities in the field of management or motivation. There are no time limits, no right or wrong answers - there are those most suitable to his usual style of work. And their interpretation - that is, decoding for ordinary users- can only be done by a specially trained specialist; this is a labor-intensive and costly process. This is why we use questionnaires mainly for managers.

- And how can they help?

I think it is useful for any manager to know how his subordinate evaluates his capabilities and abilities. And it is especially useful to compare his self-esteem with the results real work. This is also important for understanding the peculiarities of his work style - some people happily accept innovations, for others it’s a lot of worry and worry. Some people easily build new acquaintances, but for others it takes a lot of time. Understanding such subtleties about his subordinate, the manager finds it easier to find a common language with him.

You mentioned special teaching. It turns out that you can’t just use tests and questionnaires? Do you still need to learn?

Assessing abilities in any case affects a person’s inner world, his self-esteem, his pride. And here, unskillful actions can cause much more harm than good. The test results look dry, and if the result is below average, it is perceived painfully. But only a professional can add useful information to dry numbers.

For example, the test results are 29 percentile. This is below average, that is, frankly speaking, unimportant. At the same time, the employee managed to answer all the questions, but made many mistakes. A professional will definitely note this and advise you to take your time in your work, be more careful, and double-check the results of your work. And next time, perhaps, the employee will show a higher result on the tests.

- A very pressing question: is it possible to “retake” the tests?

- “Retaking” the same test is possible only after six months, this is part of the assessment methodology. But it happens that a co-worker got overexcited or simply took the tests without getting ready, absent-mindedly. Then we select a similar test, and he passes it within 1-2 weeks.

- As far as I understand, tests and questionnaires are not the entire assessment system?

Yes, definitely. Tests are just one element in a larger corporate system personnel assessments.

- What is this system?

We use professional testing methods British company SHL, which has been involved in this area for more than half a century. What does it have to do with Russian market the company has been operating for 15 years, and its methodology is adapted to Russian characteristics: education, work experience, industry differences. So the new system is not a mindless copy.

The system includes several directions. These are the same ability tests and questionnaires. This is the basic level, the first stage of assessment. The assessment system may also include business games, presentations, and interviews based on competencies.

- Why did the need arise to adopt a new personnel assessment system?

I’ll answer the question with a question: when you choose something for yourself, do you always rely only on external attractiveness? Or are you still trying to get more information so as not to make a mistake when choosing?

- Of course, I want to choose the best!

That is why the evaluation system arose - the company also wants to choose the best. And the higher the employee’s position, the higher his responsibility, the higher the risks of an error, the more expensive it will cost. On the other hand, the assessment system allows you to find hidden talents. The last example that made a strong impression on me: a worker was applying for a specialist position; based on the test results, he received results that were higher than those of many employees of this department. Very high results! And we were glad that he found a new place to apply his knowledge and skills.

By the way, this is a response to those colleagues who are unkindly disposed towards new system assessments. I have personally heard very strange statements that the tests are specially selected to “fail” the employee, that nothing is explained to the employees, they are almost intimidated before testing, that the results are made by us and do not correspond to reality. By the way, the employee from whom I heard this passed the tests just fine (smiles). One of the heads of the department, whose employees passed the tests with very average results, reproached me for the fact that no one explained anything before the tests, people were not prepared. They say that’s why the result is like this. I had to confront him to prove that this was not true. The manager called me later to apologize: he really was wrong. By the way, at the moment we are recording on a dictaphone - preparation before tests, explanations, questions and answers.

But still, I want to note the general positive attitude in this direction. If earlier our managers very militantly proved to me that they know their subordinates better and do not need tests, now they themselves actively send our employees for testing, especially before promotion or transfer to another job.

- That is, they agreed that this system more objective?

Of course, but in order not to seem unfounded, I will give a few figures from world practice. So, a usual assessment during a meeting and conversation gives only 5-15 percent of accuracy when assessing professional abilities (depending on the experience of the evaluator), motivational and professional questionnaires - 20-30 percent of accuracy. The assessment gives the highest compliance rate - 60 percent, and ability tests are quite close to this level. It turns out that today this is the most objective assessment system.

- What are the main goals of introducing a personnel assessment system in the company?

The personnel assessment system was introduced at OJSC Gazprom neftekhim Salavat with the main goal: to determine the strengths and weak sides employees for their further targeted and individual development in the company. The assessment is carried out when accepting third-party candidates for work in the company, moving company employees from position to position, and when selecting for the personnel reserve.

In the company's recently adopted standard for assessing professional abilities, such concepts as competence and competency model are often found. What is it?

Competence is the manifestation in practice of knowledge, skills and abilities that allow an employee to be successful in a given field. That is, it is not enough to know and be able to, it is necessary to successfully apply it in practice.

Of course, each position has its own specific requirements and knowledge, but there are competencies that are needed in all positions. These are, as a rule, managerial competencies: the ability to manage people, organize processes, making what is happening as efficient as possible for the company.

Competencies can be determined by the company's management: it creates a strategy and plans for the future, understanding what requirements a successful employee must meet.

Based on the results of meetings with the company's top managers, competency models were developed for managers, specialists and workers. For the first two categories, the models consist of 7 identical competencies with different depths of responsibility, these are: achieving results, analyzing and solving problems, organizing activities, managing people, working in a team, following standards, influencing. For workers, the model consists of one competency - following standards. With the adoption of the competency model, personnel selection, formation personnel reserve, any personnel movements, training and certification are carried out strictly on the basis of accepted requirements for personnel.

- For how long have these competency models been accepted?

A competency model is not a fashionable dress that needs to be changed according to the season. This is a standard, an example of a successful company employee. However, as the company's strategic priorities change, the model may be changed - new skills and abilities may be required.

- How is the level of competency checked? With the help of tests?

Aptitude tests are just an element comprehensive assessment- this, of course, is an assessment. It’s not for nothing that I showed you the accuracy of assessment using different methods - you shouldn’t rely only on tests. It's like making a diagnosis based on one test. When conducting an assessment, the same competence is assessed in different situations, in different manifestations and by different people in order to maximize the objectivity of the assessment. The level of competency proficiency is assessed on a 5-point scale. But this is not a school grade. In our case, 3 points is exactly the level sufficient for a successful employee.

- What if an employee gets 4 points?

I’ll explain with an example: 3 points - you can sing, this is enough for a choir. 4 points - you can sing and do it noticeably better than anyone else, you have every chance of becoming a soloist. And 5 points - you not only know how to sing, you are able to teach it to others.

- Is the scale on the tests the same?

No, there is a different gradation here. Levels on aptitude tests are determined on a scale from 0 to 100 percentiles. A result between 1 and 10 percentiles is considered very low. The result is below average - from 10 to 30. From 30 to 70 is an average result, above average - 70-90 and high - 90-100. Practice shows that a person with a higher education and an average level of intellectual development demonstrates a result of at least 30 percentile. In fact, this is the starting point from which it is recommended to hire.

Naturally, everyone strives for a high level of compliance, but what to do if the results turn out to be low?

Results on aptitude tests are not a sentence, not a diagnosis. The purpose of testing can be compared to playing chess. You think your figures live up to their names. But in fact, your bishop is weaker than your pawn, and your pawn can play like a queen. And now, with the help of testing, we are trying not to label employees, but to draw the attention of managers to the placement of official figures, to their strengths and weaknesses and, possibly, to a lack of knowledge.

- It turns out that after testing, studying should begin?

Certainly. One of the goals of the personnel assessment system is to create a comprehensive training system. Don’t blindly teach a person something, but create an individual program based on the gaps in knowledge and skills that were revealed through the assessment.

The training program, which starts in July, is designed to develop those competencies in which our managers have identified the most significant gaps. In the future, it will be transformed into a program available to all the company’s specialists, designed to teach how to manage oneself and people, manage time, and one’s efficiency. Our task is to make our employees experts in their field, and the company more professional, profitable and successful.

- How should you prepare for the testing procedure so that the result is optimal?

The most great importance when conducting testing, the person has a positive attitude towards a good result. Just like in life (smiles). Moreover, if before testing you feel unwell or are worried, then you have the right to refuse testing and reschedule it for another time.

You should listen carefully to the specialists conducting the testing. They will tell you in what order and how to complete the tasks, and together with them you can take practice tests. Then you should concentrate as much as possible on the ability tests. Get rid of all unnecessary thoughts from your head, concentrate only on questions and answers. And I'm sure everything will work out. Good luck!

For many Russians, working for Gazprom, which tops numerous employer ratings, is the personification of success and prosperity. It is not surprising that a fairly widespread opinion is that you can get a job in this organization only through an acquaintance or being a highly professional specialist with many years of experience behind you.

Nevertheless, you can get a job at Gazprom in the same way as any other job: as you know, there are no barriers for persistent and persistent people who have the necessary qualifications. Specialists come and go, so there is always a need for competent personnel and professionals in their field.

First of all, you need to decide where exactly you want to go to work: Gazprom includes many subsidiaries for production, transportation, storage of oil and gas. Moreover, the company includes banks and media structures.

Before hiring, you need to realistically assess the level of potential wages: as a rule, it is the market average or slightly above the average. High salaries received by top managers of the enterprise.

At the same time, Gazprom has built and clearly streamlined a system of incentives and bonuses.

The longer a person works for the benefit of the enterprise, the more productively, the higher his salary.

What are the ways of employment?

Getting a job starts with finding suitable vacancies and declaring yourself as a qualified specialist. To get a job at Gazprom, you need to complete certain actions.

These actions will definitely give the desired result:

  • browse websites for vacancies in the organization of interest (this can be regular job search websites or a specialized Gazprom website where advertisements for vacant positions are published);
  • look at the vacancies of organizations and departments that are divisions of Gazprom (you can start your career in the company in smaller specialized organizations, where it is easier to try your hand at gaining the necessary skills and experience);
  • prepare a high-quality resume and send it to e-mail to those e-mail addresses that are listed on the website of Gazprom and its divisions (nothing prevents you from taking the initiative; perhaps the candidate’s resume will be taken into account when the relevant positions are vacated);
  • subscribe to Gazprom's newsletters, follow the events taking place in oil and gas industry, and perhaps that’s where it will be necessary information about vacancies and employment opportunities.

Of course, no one has canceled the “acquaintance” method of employment either. As with other organizations, it works great. As a rule, when vacant positions candidates are first sought out among acquaintances, and only after that they resort to other search methods.

To work from the university bench

Another way to find employment in a company should be highlighted separately. It is suitable for those candidates who think about their future career and only choose which direction of activity to connect their life with.

The fact is that Gazprom pays great attention to personnel training. The company cooperates with many universities throughout the country. As a rule, these are technical universities, since the corporation needs technical specialists.

Theoretically, you can get into the corporation through Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, which is rightfully considered a source of personnel and takes an active part in the life of the organization.

An internship at Gazprom subsidiaries can be a good help (the list of enterprises that recruit for internships can be found directly at universities).

Having proven yourself well in practice, you can count on receiving recommendations and subsequent employment.

In addition, you can get a job at Gazprom by taking part in one of the many competitions for young specialists, during which the most talented university graduates are selected. Competition winners are automatically employed.

Requirements for applicants

Gazprom, as one of the leading companies, applies modern methods recruitment, therefore, having decided to submit a resume for one of the vacant positions, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparation. You should find out the maximum amount of information about the vacancy you are interested in, adjust your resume according to the requirements, adding suitable wording in it. After this, you should be patient and prepare to undergo a series of interviews and checks, including from the security service.

The employer will need to prepare documents about the education received, work book, letters of recommendation from previous places of service. During interviews, candidates are asked what they want from the job and what the company can offer, so it is important to first study the main activities and expected areas of responsibility.

It must be taken into account that the competition for filling vacancies is usually quite serious.

On average, seven people apply for engineer positions, and three or more people apply for blue-collar jobs.

When hiring, candidates' education, professional training, work experience, business and personal qualities are taken into account.

There are usually several interviews with candidates:

  • with a specialist responsible for recruiting personnel in a certain structural unit;
  • with the head of the relevant department;
  • with the head of the branch, which includes the relevant department.

When employed at leadership positions there may be additional interviews, for example, with a deputy general director companies.

Features of working at Gazprom

The company provides its employees with full social package, because of which many people strive to find a job here. Vouchers, medical insurance, paid vacations - all this is received by employees who have signed contracts with Gazprom.

The organization provides its employees with opportunities for free sports and provides support to young people, which can be manifested, for example, in the form of loans for the purchase of real estate or in the form of non-repayable financial assistance. At the same time, benefits are provided not only to Gazprom employees, but also to members of their families.

The company also pays great attention to improving the qualifications of its employees. They are constantly learning something new, undergoing training, and exploring new methods of organizing work.

Gazprom employs true professionals who daily prove their training, qualifications, endurance and resistance to stress through personal work. Therefore, everyone who is ready for this can try their hand at this organization.