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Invalid account type. Why do you need a taxi license for Yandex.Taxi

When making transactions through Sberbank Business Online, users may encounter a number of system errors; a fairly common one is incorrectly entering the account key. This mark means that the recipient's current account number is indicated incorrectly.

To improve the quality of service, Sberbank PJSC has developed for its clients specialized system Internet services "Sberbank Business Online" for small and medium businesses. The resource is intended for the organization remote control accounts and business cards opened at the bank:

  • generating and sending payment orders;
  • prompt receipt of account statements;
  • internal messaging with bank employees;
  • submitting applications for the provision of various services and banking products for consideration;
  • receiving up-to-date information about your counterparties.

The procedure for connecting to the Sberbank Business Online service includes: pre-application. To do this, you need to contact a Sberbank employee who will provide the necessary information about the organization of the service and generate registration data. The bank can also send login details via SMS to the number registered in the bank's ABS.

Since the generation and sending of payment orders are priority operations, the bank paid great attention to developing the service part of the resource for maximum convenience. A training program in the form of short videos has been developed to help clients.

The program interface provides a logical system of hints and displays all reference information. The fields of the payment document are filled in automatically, with the exception of the columns with the recipient’s details and the “Payment Purpose” window. After formation, an initial check is carried out; if no errors are found in the payment order, the document is signed with an electronic digital signature and sent to the bank.

Procedure for drawing up a payment order

For remote sending Money counterparty, it is necessary to correctly formulate a payment order. After logging into the system, you need to select the payment creation icon in the top toolbar. A template with fields of white and gray colors is displayed on the screen. White columns are filled in manually, gray ones are automatically displayed as payment details are entered. necessary information. The payment order number and date are generated automatically, but they can be edited if desired. also in automatic mode The method of sending the payment is indicated - “Electronically”. Next, you must carefully enter the details of the recipient of the funds, the amount and be sure to indicate the purpose of the payment. After electronic document is verified and the bank performs the transaction.

A typical mistake when generating a payment order is incorrectly entering the recipient's details. When filling out all fields, you should be careful and control check before sending. The bank can also return the document if the sender does not indicate the purpose of the payment or the transaction is suspicious; in the latter case, the manager can contact an authorized person by phone.

Recipient Account Key: What is it?

The Russian banking system has established a procedure for generating current account numbers. Twelve digits are a unique combination of several numerical groups in which account information is encrypted.

What does each group of digits in the account number mean:

  1. The first five characters determine the account match specific section bank balance.
  2. The next three are the type of currency.
  3. The ninth character is the key (check digit), calculated according to a specific algorithm developed at the Central Bank of Russia.
  4. This is followed by four digits that determine whether the sender is a client of a bank branch or its head office.
  5. The last digits are the end of the account number.

If there is at least one mistake in the account number, the operation will not be performed, and the system will return the document with a mark.

Users often encounter an error that is unclear at first glance - “The recipient's account key is specified incorrectly.” The flag means that the beneficiary account entered is incorrect. An error in keying the recipient's account is not a fatal problem; it can be easily corrected if you check the entered account number, BIC and correspondent account. If all the numbers match the details in the Company Card or invoice for payment, you should contact the counterparty and clarify the data - without them it is impossible to complete the transaction. It is also recommended to contact technical service Sberbank support, where employees will help deal with the problem. The account key can be calculated, and the operator will tell you that the key should be 4 or 5, or something completely different, but there is no way to find out whether the corrected account number matches the recipient over the phone.

The ease of use of the Sberbank Business Online service allows you to optimize the document flow process. An important advantage was possibility of remote operations, which is very convenient for modern people doing business. However, you should not neglect the procedure for generating documents; often a delay in payment can radically affect relations with partners or negatively affect profit. To protect yourself from annoying misunderstandings, you can additionally request from your counterparties an Enterprise Card and a copy of the agreement (including the lease agreement - sometimes this is practiced). These documents always contain basic bank details.

There is serious controversy surrounding the need for a taxi license to work in Yandex.Taxi. What requirements does the law impose on taxi cars and drivers? Do I need a taxi license to work in Yandex.Taxi? Let's try to figure it out. And most importantly: if you want to speak out on this issue, write in the comments what you think about the taxi license for Yandex.Taxi.

Where is a taxi license required to work in Yandex.Taxi? License required only in Moscow and Moscow region.

Read also:

Why don't you need a taxi license to work in Yandex.Taxi? In many countries, in particular in Russia, Yandex.Taxi bypasses traditional laws and the usual state of affairs in the taxi industry. If there are weaknesses in the law, Yandex.Taxi takes advantage of this situation to quickly develop its business in new markets and even develop our ideas about the taxi business in general. At the same time, Yandex.Taxi always tries not to go too far and reach reasonable agreements with the authorities and official representatives of the city.

So far, Yandex.Taxi has only had to make concessions regarding the taxi license in Moscow; in other cities, Yandex.Taxi has successfully managed to circumvent the requirements of the taxi law, since Yandex.Taxi cars are not taxis. On the other hand, this allows Yandex.Taxi to offer jobs to interested drivers without unnecessary obstacles, and therefore, the actions of Yandex.Taxi have benefits both for the city’s economy and for the well-being of the independent drivers themselves.

Read also:

What are the car requirements to obtain a taxi license? Depending on the region, the requirements for a car to obtain a taxi license are:

  • yellow or white-yellow-gray color according to STS
  • Taxi identification lamp on the roof.

An organization that has received a taxi license for a car is also required by law to ensure:

  • control technical condition cars before leaving the line
  • Taxi driver undergoing pre-trip medical examination
  • issuance by the driver of a receipt upon payment of the fare by the passenger
  • availability of information about the carrier for passengers
  • Carry out technical inspection of the car every six months.

Read also:

What are the legal requirements for a licensed taxi driver? Total driving experience 3 years with license.

What is the situation with a taxi license in real life? Firstly, the only city where Yandex.Taxi has yielded to the demands of city authorities and requires a license is Moscow. In any other city you can safely work without a license. In Moscow, a taxi license can only be obtained for a white-yellow-gray or yellow car; a license is not required for a Business Class car.

In real life, a taxi license to work in Yandex.Taxi can be bought like tomatoes at the market; obtaining a license takes 9 working days. The obtained license does not impose any responsibilities on the driver, so a license purchased in this way is an absolutely meaningless piece of paper.

However, obtaining a taxi license for a car poses an obstacle for the driver if he wants to start working in Yandex.Taxi as quickly as possible and on any car. Due to the mandatory license requirement, many drivers refuse to work for Yandex.Taxi and lose the opportunity additional income. In this sense, the mandatory license only harms the normal development of the taxi market.

Read also:

What arguments do defenders of taxi licenses make? Defenders of the license argue that enforcement of the taxi law makes travel safer for passengers because cars and drivers are further inspected before operating. However, current practice does not confirm this. It is in Yandex.Taxi that a taxi license does not protect anyone from anything.

The safety of the trip depends only on the prudence of the driver himself, which is regulated through control by Yandex.Taxi, including through the driver rating system. It seems to me that supporters of the license are simply using it to maintain artificially high prices for travel and as the last bastion in the fight against large services.

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Taxi license to work for Uber - video

Attention, traffic police scam regarding taxi license A traffic police officer cannot fine a driver for not having a taxi license. The only way to check is this:

  • the mystery shopper makes an order and gets into the Yandex.Taxi car for a short trip
  • At the end of the trip, the passenger pays in cash
  • At the end of the trip, the car is met by witnesses, employees of the city transport service and police
  • inspectors ask the driver to show the necessary documents
  • controllers draw up a protocol confirming the fact of travel and payment in cash
  • possible punishment for carrying out entrepreneurial activity Without a license, only the court can appoint. This is a fine of several thousand rubles and potentially confiscation of the car.

A similar error often occurs after sending a payment order to the addressee. It occurs in cases where the document compiler has incorrectly filled out individual columns. Let's take a closer look at the preparation of electronic payment orders, their verification and the reasons for errors. So, the recipient's account key is incorrect - what does this mean? Sberbank provides different ways solving the problem.

What does it mean that the recipient's account key is specified incorrectly (Sberbank Business Online)?

What causes the "Recipient account key is incorrect" message to appear? The fact is that the system works automatically and checks all filled fields. If inaccuracies are detected in the recipient's details, a message with a key error is displayed.

After receiving the service message, you need to carefully check the correctness of the account to which the funds are transferred and the recipient's BIC.

Sometimes checking the details does not correct the situation. If the fields coincide in value with the data on the account from the recipient, then you need to contact him to clarify them. Perhaps an error was made while filling it out.

Such careful attention to the correctness of the details is necessary to avoid problems when funds arrive to the right addressee. Many mistakes do not entail such serious consequences, so they are corrected automatically. Thus, Sberbank strengthens the security of money transfers, which invariably improves its reputation in banking sector and has a positive effect on the rating.

Features of the Sberbank Business Online service

With his help, legal entities receive remote access to various banking services.

The most popular Business Online opportunities:

  • creation in in electronic format, checking and sending payment documents for processing;
  • working with accounts, tracking balances, receiving statements;
  • ordering various banking services;
  • receiving useful information and free consultations about the work of Sberbank.

Companies, organizations and private entrepreneurs receive information to log into the online account after reviewing the application. The latter is served at a Sberbank branch. In most cases, the login and password are sent via SMS to your mobile phone. It is recommended to change your password to a new, more complex one after logging in for the first time.

Filling out a payment order

To avoid displaying the error “The recipient's account key is incorrect”
(what this means is described above), Sberbank recommends that you be careful when preparing payment documents. Developers software We have created an accessible interface that helps you fill out the payment correctly.

Among the tasks offered by the service, money transfers are most often used. Sberbank specialists offer simple instructions which will help you avoid trouble.

The payment form should be filled out as follows:

  • in the toolbar located at the top of the service page, you need to find and click the icon for creating a new payment;
  • A form with fields appears on the display. Some are painted white and others are grey. The first ones are intended for manual filling. The second ones are for automatic. In some cases, gray fields have drop-down lists in which you must manually select the appropriate value;
  • The system assigns a number to the payment order automatically. If for some reason you are not satisfied with this numbering or you create your own, then you can change it at your discretion;
  • The date the document was completed is automatically entered. Sometimes it has to be changed manually;
  • the system independently indicates the method of sending the order, as electronic. It can also be changed;
  • if funds are transferred to the recipient again, then his details can be taken from the invoice for payment. When transferring them into a document, close attention is required to avoid errors;
  • The recipient's data is also saved in the directory and can be retrieved automatically. At the beginning, work with the online account is entered manually;
  • Enter in numbers the required amount of money that will be transferred to the recipient. It is worth noting that the system itself will calculate VAT. However, it can be set manually;
  • indicate the purpose of payment.

Checking the completed data

The next step is to validate the document before queuing it for processing. This takes a minimum of time. If everything is done correctly and no questions arise, a corresponding message appears. If an error occurs (the recipient's account key is specified incorrectly), Sberbank returns the document for revision.

Among others, there are a number of errors that do not need to be corrected in manual mode, for example, incorrect number. The program will fix it automatically, but you can do it yourself.

The system will check the payment again. If everything is in order, the document will be queued. The status “created” will appear in the line next to it.

If the recipient's account key is entered incorrectly, do not worry. Such errors are widespread and occur due to inattention or typos when entering. In the article we will consider in detail the actions in case of such an error, correction options and means of checking payment orders.

Operation of the Business Online system from Sberbank

The Business Online service is designed to increase convenience when making non-cash payments and is widely used by entrepreneurs and companies. With its help you can access the following functions:

  • creating payment orders and sending them to the recipient;
  • constant control over funds in accounts and their movement;
  • all kinds of banking services;
  • various helpful information on the work of Sberbank, services, additional opportunities.
To activate the above service, you must first make an application for it. By contacting a Sberbank employee, you can obtain details for using the service. Recently, the bank has been practicing sending details via SMS to a mobile number registered in the system. It is recommended that you then change the login password to a new one.

Creating a payment without errors

The data entry training program from Sberbank is presented on the bank’s website in the form of videos, where working with the non-cash payment system is shown in an accessible form. In addition, the program interface has a developed hint system that will help you avoid typing errors.

Below we will look at the step-by-step process of creating a payment order. If you fill out everything carefully, then “The recipient's account key is specified incorrectly” will not appear.
We begin work by generating a new payment order. To do this, click on the corresponding icon at the top line of the screen.
The system will display a typical outgoing order window. You must carefully fill out all white fields. Lines that are gray are filled in automatically by the system and usually do not need adjustment. In some cases, you will need to select the desired item from one of the drop-down lists.
Data entry and correction:

  • The payment order number is generated by the system. If necessary, can be replaced with another one;
  • The date is set automatically by the system and corresponds to the current one. If desired, change to another;
  • payment type, by default the system is set to electronic.
Then the payer fields are filled in:
  • all user data is usually pre-entered into the system when setting up work with Business Online;
  • If you need to send a payment on behalf of a new payer, then all details are entered manually. When you select a bank, its details are transferred to the appropriate fields by the system.
Entering recipient data:

From this article you will learn:

...about how Sberbank works online, about its principles of communication with clients, about special services and opportunities ;
...on how to create a payment order online ;
...about what the “recipient account key” is and what to do if it is “incorrectly specified” .

Here are the basic principles of Business Online:

- Carrying your funds through remote access(for this you will need your personal computer, login and password to log into the system);
- Recording of mutual settlement transactions in electronic form;
- With the help of technical support, you can get clarifications by sending your requests or messages sent to you. You can do this in the current time;
- Obtaining access to your account status at any time;
- Possibility of ordering various services of Sberbank;

You can connect to the Business Online system by submitting an application at any Sberbank branch. At the same time, the bank employee issues an information sheet, which will indicate the system user identifier () and number mobile phone, to which the first login password will be sent. When starting to use Business services Online system The client will be prompted to log in and enter a new password.

How to create a payment order online?

Before carrying out any electronic transaction on the website page you can find detailed information and step by step instructions how this or that operation should be carried out. In addition, for the convenience of the client, the Sberbank service has provided pop-up tips. They will help an inexperienced user get comfortable when creating a payment order.

Most common request for services online service is to fill out a financial order. If the client makes a mistake during the operation, then upon completion the following message will appear: “the recipient's account key is specified incorrectly,” and, as a result, the document will not be created. Proper use of the service function is possible by following the instructions, which Sberbank prudently suggests considering. We describe this process in detail here.

Step one: In the service interface you need to find an icon that, when you click on it, will create a new account. The icon is located in the top bar of the site.

Step two: When opening the “Outgoing Order” window, the white fields are filled in by the user. Gray fields will most often be filled in automatically by the system, or, otherwise, it will prompt the payer to select an item from the list that will open.

Step three involves entering known parameters:

You must enter a number in the “account” field. At any time, if desired, it can be replaced with another one;
- The default date for the order is set automatically to the current day or is entered arbitrarily by the user for the payment period;
- Selecting one of two acceptances (agreement to payment): if the client is requested to receive it or the acceptance has already been issued earlier;
- It is necessary to note how you are going to make the payment (by default the system offers electronic transfer).

Step four: The data entry of the user carrying out the payment transaction can be agreed upon in the directory presented on the website. If the payer has already used the services of the service, all his details will be filled in automatically.

If payment is made by a new user, the fields will have to be filled out again:

The name of the bank is enough for the BIC (bank identification code) field and the correspondent account field to be filled in automatically;
- Fill in the TIN (individual tax number) field;
- Account number of the organization where the payment will be sent and its name.

Step five: Enter the details of the invoice recipient:

The account number can be entered manually or selected from the list (if the payment was made previously, the system will automatically fill in the fields: Bank, Correspondent account and BIC).

Step six: Specify the payment amount (in this case, VAT - value added tax - is calculated automatically, but its parameters can be changed if desired).

Step seven: Enter the purpose of the payment. That is, the name of the service, product, product, etc., which you are going to pay for, for example, (electricity, water, gas).

After completing the above steps, the document should be “save”. At this moment, the Business Online system will begin checking the payment order, and if errors are detected, a window will appear on the website indicating the necessary corrections. If the window contains the text “the recipient's account key is specified incorrectly (Sberbank),” you will have to enter corrections. It should be noted that some errors do not need to be corrected. So, if the user specified the number of an existing document, the system will automatically replace it with another one.

If the “save” operation was successful, the document list window will display new document, while in the “status” column its designation will be “created”.

What is the “recipient account key” and what to do if it is specified incorrectly?

The “account key” should be understood as all the necessary details for the electronic transfer of funds. If “the key... is specified incorrectly,” it is worth checking certain columns of the document and making the appropriate changes. What fields of the payment order should you pay attention to first of all?

Firstly, the recipient's account number;
Secondly, the BIC of the bank.

However, it happens that, despite checking the data and the absence of an error in the document, the system insists on its own, showing a pop-up window with the same error code. In this case, you should contact your recipient for full details again. Thus, you can solve the problem of this particular error that occurs most often. This is explained by the fact that the service does not have the ability to make a transfer to a non-existent or inappropriate bank account.