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Niu HSE has launched free courses. Preparation courses for the Unified State Exam at the HSE online school Mazaev Dmitry Vladimirovich

For every applicant, an Internet school is, on the one hand, an opportunity to get acquainted with programs, educational materials, tests and prepare for entrance exams to our university, and on the other hand, a huge volume independent work. We will begin together gradually, step by step, to move towards your chosen goal.

Students of the Internet school have the opportunity to seriously independently prepare for entrance examinations at the State University Higher School of Economics in subjects of socio-economic profile, mathematics, history, Russian and English languages.

Work principles

Internet school State University— The Higher School of Economics works on the principles of openness and accessibility and is intended for those who want to study independently.

Duration of training: from October to April (you can join the learning process at any time).

Materials are posted according to program topics and curriculum Faculty of Pre-University Training of the State University-Higher School of Economics once every two to three weeks (see section “Calendar Plans”). To gain access to educational materials, you must register and pay for training. (5000 rubles for the whole year).

Online schools have forums. The Internet school coordinator and specialist teachers will answer your educational and organizational questions.

The economics course is aimed at mastering the system of knowledge about economic activity person, enterprise and state, necessary for effective participation in Olympiads and for further study of economic disciplines at a university.

Teacher, course leader: Chelekhovsky Alexander Nikolaevich

Senior Lecturer, Department of Theoretical Economics, Faculty of Economic Sciences
Head of the Economics and Mathematics department at the HSE Lyceum.
Teacher of the Olympiad program of the Summer Economic School “I Love Economics” (from 2014 to present)
Jury member All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in economics (2008, 2009, 2011, 2012)
Expert of the project The Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes, OECD AHELO (2012)
Best teacher - 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
Winner of the "Golden HSE" award - 2017 in the category Teacher's Success

Course Description

The course at the School of Economics is structured in such a way that it allows you not only to study theory and practice problem-solving skills, but also to develop the ability to critically comprehend information about the economy and government economic policy. This skill is necessary in order to learn how to formulate your own reasoned opinion and apply the acquired knowledge in specific situations from the point of view of economically sound behavior. The course pays great attention to solving Olympiad problems; students can also watch videos of solutions to problems of various levels of complexity and ask questions to the teacher on the forum.

The course will last 36 weeks which will include:

  • 17 lessons, including educational materials and self-tests
  • 10 test papers, including Olympiad-type tasks, with the possibility of receiving an individual review from the teacher
  • 2 intermediate And 1 final control mastering materials that include Olympiad-type tasks, with the possibility of receiving an individual review from the teacher
  • forum with a teacher

Course cost: 19,000 rubles.

Access to class materials is open from October to May inclusive.

Course program

Topic 1. Introduction to economics. Production possibility curve

Subject and method of economic science. Limited resources, choice in economics and economic objectives. Methodology of economic science: theories and models. Building a model. Microeconomics and macroeconomics. Positive and normative economics. Concept economic efficiency and the economic model of the CPV. Production possibilities curve (frontier): analytical and graphical representation. Properties of CPV. Specialization and trade. Absolute and comparative advantage countries in the production of goods and international trade. Trading Opportunity Curve (TPO).

Topic 2. Market equilibrium. Taxes and subsidies.

Individual demand. Non-price factors (determinants) of demand. Law of demand. Direct and inverse demand functions. Dependence of individual demand for a product on consumer income. Normal (high-quality, highest category) and inferior (low-quality, lower category) benefits. Dependence of demand for a product on the prices of related goods. Complementary and substituting goods (complements and substitutes). Market demand. Constructing a market demand curve. Individual offer. Non-price factors (determinants) of supply. Law of supply. Direct and inverse function of a sentence. Market offer. Construction of the market supply curve. Achieving market equilibrium: competition between sellers and competition among buyers. Equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. Excess demand (scarcity) and excess supply (surplus). The effect of changes in supply and demand on equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity. Consequences of government price regulation (upper and lower price limits). Equilibrium in case international trade: export and import of goods. Tariffs and quotas for exports and imports. The influence of taxes and subsidies on market equilibrium: commodity taxes and subsidies, VAT, excise tax.

Topic 3. Elasticity of supply and demand.

The concept of elasticity. Elasticity of demand for a product based on its price. Point and arc elasticity. Elasticity of linear demand function. Elastic and inelastic demand and revenue of sellers. Absolutely elastic, absolutely inelastic demand and demand with unit elasticity. Cross elasticity of demand with respect to the price of a complementary or substitute good. Income elasticity of demand for inferior and normal goods, including “essential” goods and “luxury” goods. Price elasticity of supply of a product. Elasticity of the linear supply function. Absolutely elastic and absolutely inelastic supply. Supply and demand with constant elasticity.

Topic 4. Production. Revenue, costs and profit of the company.

Firm. Technology. Production function. Constant and variable resources (factors of production). Short and long term production periods. Production in the short term. Two-factor production model. Labor as a variable resource. Total (total), average and marginal product of a variable factor of production. Curves of total, average and marginal product of a variable factor of production and the relationship between them. Law of diminishing marginal product (marginal productivity) of a variable factor of production. Accounting (explicit, external) costs. Implicit (internal) costs of using own factors of production. Economic costs. Production costs in the short run. Permanent and variable costs. Depreciation as a component fixed costs production. Total, average, average fixed, average variable and marginal costs. Curves of constants, variables and total costs. Curves of average, average variable, average fixed and marginal costs and the relationship between them. Total, average and marginal revenue of the company. Profit of the company. Accounting and economic profit. Normal profit. Maximizing economic profit as the goal of the company. Condition for maximizing profit.

Topic 5. Perfect competition market

Market Characteristics perfect competition. Demand for a competitive firm's products. Marginal and total revenue of a competitive firm. The problem of maximizing the profit of a competitive company in the short term. The profit maximization condition of a perfectly competitive firm. A condition for a firm to cease production in the short run. The supply curve of a competitive firm in the short run. Equilibrium in a perfectly competitive market in the short and long run.

Topic 6. Imperfectly competitive markets

Imperfectly competitive markets: monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly. Market power of the firm. Lerner index. Monopoly market. The main features of a monopoly market. Reasons for the emergence of monopolies. Natural monopolies. Total and marginal revenue of a monopoly. Profit maximization by a monopolist. Monopoly price and monopoly output compared to perfect competitive industry. Monopolistic competition. Main signs of the market monopolistic competition. Product differentiation as a source of market power in monopolistic competition markets. Profit of a company in a monopolistic competition market in the short and long term. Oligopoly. The main features of an oligopoly market. Diversity of forms of strategic interaction between firms in oligopolistic markets. General characteristics all types of imperfect competition.

Topic 7. The labor market as an example of a production factor market

Markets for factors of production. Derived demand for factors of production. The labor market as an example of a production factor market. Absolutely competitive market labor. Supply and demand in the labor market. Part of the marginal product of labor curve in in monetary terms(marginal revenue per factor) as the firm's demand for labor. Determining the optimal amount of labor hired by a competitive firm. Elasticity of labor demand. Labor supply: individual and market. Elasticity of labor supply. Imperfect competition in the labor market: monopsony in the labor market, activity of trade unions. Pay discrimination. State establishment of a minimum wage rate.

Topic 8. Inequality in income distribution. Market failures and government regulation.

Income distribution in the economy. Income inequality and the causes of inequality in income distribution. The problem of poverty. Measuring the degree of income inequality: the Lorenz curve and the Gini coefficient. State policy: mechanisms of income redistribution. Cases of “market failure”: market power, problems of externalities, underproduction of public goods. Monopolization of markets and public policy(antimonopoly legislation). Public goods. Properties of public goods. Examples of public goods. The “free rider problem” that arises when providing a public good. Positive and negative externalities in production and consumption. Ways to internalize external effects.

Topic 9. Introduction to macroeconomics

Macroeconomics as a section economic theory. Subject of macroeconomics. Differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics. Aggregation and microeconomic justification. Main macroeconomic problems. Circulation of product, expenses and income. The principle of equality of expenses and income. Basic macroeconomic identity. Macroeconomic indicators. Flows and stocks. System of National Accounts. Indicators of total output (production volume) and total income. Four-sector economic model. Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Measuring GDP. Components of GDP. Methods for calculating gross domestic product. GDP as the sum of expenses of macroeconomic agents. GDP as the sum of income. Calculation of GDP by value added. Gross National Product (GNP). Disposable income. Net income of foreign factors (NIF). Real and nominal GDP. Price indices. GDP deflator, consumer price index.

Topic 10. Economic growth, economic cycle

Economic dynamics in the long and short term. The economic growth. Measuring economic growth: GDP growth rate and GDP per capita. Standard of living and labor productivity. Sources of economic growth. State policy and economic growth. Economic fluctuations (business cycles, fluctuations business activity). Potential and actual GDP. Phases of the economic cycle. Main characteristics of fluctuations in business activity.

Topic 11. Unemployment

Main categories of the population. Work force(economically active population). Employed and unemployed. Unemployment rate indicator. Types of unemployment. Frictional, structural and cyclical unemployment. Natural rate of unemployment. Actual unemployment rate. Social and economic consequences of unemployment. The relationship between the dynamics of unemployment and GDP. Okun's Law. Government regulation employment.

Topic 12. Aggregate demand and aggregate supply

Aggregate demand. Components of aggregate demand. The difference between the concept of the magnitude of aggregate demand and the concept of aggregate demand. The aggregate demand curve and the reasons for its negative slope: the real wealth effect, the interest rate effect, the effect of import purchases. Shifts in the aggregate demand curve. Factors directly affecting the components of total costs. Monetary factors of aggregate demand. Aggregate offer. The difference between the concept of the magnitude of aggregate supply and the concept of aggregate supply. Different approaches to the study of aggregate supply. The concept of long-term and short-term periods in macroeconomics. The vertical aggregate supply curve in the long run. Possible reasons for the positive slope of the aggregate supply curve in the short term. The case of a fixed price level (horizontal aggregate supply curve). Factors affecting aggregate supply in the long and short term. Equilibrium of aggregate demand and aggregate supply. Equilibrium output and equilibrium price level. The consequences of changes in aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the short and long term.

Topic 13. Open economy

The influence of relations with the outside world on the production, distribution and consumption of national income and product. SNA accounts and indicators reflecting the economy's connections with the outside world. Nominal and real exchange rates. Purchasing power parity. Exchange rate regimes. Payment balance and the country's trade balance. Structure and main items of the balance of payments. Current account. Capital and financial account. Official reserves. Relationship between balance of payments accounts.

Topic 14. Inflation

Inflation and its measurement. Demand inflation and cost inflation. The role of inflation expectations. Consequences of inflation Deflation and disinflation. Stagflation. Inflation and purchasing power of money. Inflation tax. Inflation and real incomes. The real effects of inflation: social welfare losses and wealth redistribution. Inflation and interest rates: the Fisher effect.

Topic 15. Money

Money. Functions of money: medium of circulation and payment, unit of account, means of storage. Types of money. Liquidity of money. Monetary aggregates. Money supply. The amount of money in circulation. Speed ​​of circulation of money. Exchange equation.

Topic 16. Banking system. Monetary policy

Commercial banks: main functions, operations and role in the economy. Structure of the banking system. Central bank and its functions. Banks as financial intermediaries. Bank reserves and their types. Required and excess bank reserves. The role of commercial banks in money creation. Credit multiplication mechanism. Central bank and its functions. Monetary base and money supply. Money supply model. Money multiplier. Factors determining the supply of money. Types of demand for money: transactional demand for money, speculative demand for money, demand for money from a precautionary motive. Equilibrium in the money market. The consequences of changes in the demand and supply of money. Monetary policy, its goals and instruments. Changes in the required reserve ratio. Change in discount interest rate. Operations on open market and their types. Transmission mechanism of monetary policy. Types of monetary policy: expansionary and contractionary monetary policy. Selection of intermediate goals of monetary policy. The problem of the independence of the Central Bank.

Topic 17. State budget. Budgetary and tax (fiscal) policy

The state and its role in the economy. The state budget. State (balance) of the state budget and its types. Budget deficit and budget surplus. Balanced budget theories. Government expenditures and their types. State revenues. Taxes and their role in the economy. Taxes as the main source of state revenue and as a tool for income redistribution. Types of taxes. Direct and indirect taxes. Tax systems: proportional, progressive and regressive. Taxes and economic activity. Laffer curve. Fiscal policy, its goals and instruments. Expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy. The crowding out effect of stimulating fiscal policy. Discretionary and non-discretionary (automatic) fiscal policy. Built-in (automatic) stabilizers. The impact of fiscal policy instruments on aggregate demand. Animators public procurement, autonomous taxes and transfers. Budget deficit and budget surplus. Methods of financing the budget deficit (emission and debt) and their consequences. State debt. Economic consequences debt.

Unified State Exam courses at the HSE online school are suitable for motivated high school students from all Russian regions. The only condition for success is the willingness to develop self-study skills under the guidance and, of course, with the help of highly qualified teachers.

general characteristics

The online school at the National Research University Higher School of Economics began its work in 2002. The project was conceived as a way to make it easier for students living in remote regions of the country to prepare for Olympiads and the Unified State Exam. Over 17 years, over 18,000 graduates graduated from the school.

Advantages offered by HSE Unified State Exam courses are not much different from the advantages of any other distance preparation for exams:

  • reasonable price;
  • high mobility and enormous time savings (you can study anywhere where there is Internet access);
  • full dialogue with the teacher (questions can be asked on the forum at any time, not just during classes).

However, there is one undeniable advantage that sets the courses apart from others: the HSE online school has more than 50 mentors - mostly HSE teachers - who can prepare high school students in 22 areas.

Studies at the HSE online school are conducted in four major areas:

  • intra-university creative exams;
  • Olympics.

11 schools are responsible for the creative and Olympiad trajectory:

  • 2 schools of economics (for 8-9 and 10-11 graders);
  • 2 schools social sciences(designed for the same age categories as the economic direction);
  • legal courses;
  • political science;
  • design;
  • engineering;
  • journalism and media communications;
  • oriental studies;
  • school of psychology.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam at the Higher School of Economics includes:

  • personal programming and calendar plan studying the subject;
  • a complex of theoretical material for independent development;
  • regular execution and verification practical tasks with a detailed explanation of the solution technology;
  • tracking success (4 intermediate and 1 final control according to the Unified State Exam model);
  • communication on the forum with a mentor who helps in solving educational and administrative issues.

Plus, course teachers give each student personal recommendations on studying the subject.

Forms of classes

Training in preparation courses for the Unified State Exam at the HSE online school takes place entirely in an online format. To access educational materials, you need to select the desired subject, register and pay for the service. Within 3 working days, a system-generated password for logging in will be sent to the email specified in the application. Personal Area Internet schools. Recordings of educational materials are available to the student throughout the entire period of study. Information is presented in the most understandable form (diagrams, pictures, videos, tables).

The main emphasis in the learning process is on self-preparation. There is no total control, as in a regular school. On the one hand, this is good, as it disciplines students. But those high school students who need to be constantly forced to do something are clearly in the wrong place. Homework and homework help track the progress of each student. test papers, which students write throughout the academic year.

It is noteworthy that you can connect to the course even if classes started a long time ago (but no later than March 1). In this case, the new listener will have access to all missed materials, thereby maintaining the opportunity to catch up.


Unified State Exam courses annually begin on October 1 and end on June 7, that is, training lasts 36 weeks, or 8 months. Approximately 7 days before the start of classes, registration for training opens. The total duration of the course depends on the chosen discipline. The summary labor intensity for each subject is shown in the table.

With the exception of English language and literature, the duration of teaching subjects is approximately the same and varies between 24-26 lessons. The fewest hours are devoted to foreign language preparation (13 online lessons plus 5 tests).

Literature, despite a slightly smaller amount of theory (it is designed for 20 hours), can be considered one of the most labor-intensive disciplines. During 8 months of study, high school students must write 13 test papers.


The main trump card of the HSE online school is its teachers, of whom there are more than 50. These include current employees universities, gymnasiums and schools, as well as Unified State Examination experts. general information they are summarized in a table.

Item Place of main work
Russian language Teacher of Russian language and literature at school
Mathematics Deputy Head of Data Analysis Department and artificial intelligence, Faculty of Computer Science, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Social science Head and senior methodologist of the socio-economic direction of the Higher School of Economics Lyceum, Unified State Exam expert and member of the Unified State Exam appeal commission in social studies (2010-2017), member of the jury of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in social studies, Ph.D. n.
Physics Senior Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Biology Biology teacher at school, current Unified State Exam expert, laureate of the “Teacher of the Year” competition
Story Professor of the Faculty of Humanities, chief researcher at the Institute of Humanitarian Historical and Theoretical Research, member of the Academic Council of the National Research University Higher School of Economics
Computer science Academic supervisor educational program"Joint Bachelor's Degree at HSE and CPM"
Literature Postgraduate student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, teacher at the Department of Continuing Education
English language Associate Professor of the Department of English for Economic and Mathematical Disciplines of the Department foreign languages National Research University Higher School of Economics, Ph.D. n.

All of them use proprietary developments in preparing students, helping to systematize general knowledge of the subject and learn how to correctly solve standard Unified State Examination tasks.


The set of subjects in which you can improve your knowledge before the Unified State Exam at the HSE online school includes most of disciplines:

  1. Russian language - the teacher will teach you how to perform standard exam tasks and write an essay.
  2. Mathematics - the program helps to understand the typology of tasks and develop a unified algorithm for solving them. The course consists of text material and a video problem solver with comments.
  3. Social studies - the course systematizes and deepens knowledge in all sections. High school students will learn to answer standard questions and correctly argue their point of view in essays and creative writing assignments.
  4. History - preparation is designed to make it easier to remember important facts, dates, people and events from Russia's past. The unique problem-chronological way of presenting the material helps to immediately grasp the peculiarities of completing tasks in all parts of the Unified State Exam.
  5. Biology - educational material the course is visualized as much as possible. A huge database of tasks contributes to the successful solution of problems not only from the first part, but also from the more complicated second part.
  6. Informatics - the course will eliminate existing gaps in knowledge, plus it will help to develop a unified algorithm for solving tasks in a complex block. The program will teach you to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various solution techniques.
  7. English language - the course is focused on practice as much as possible. During the lessons, the basics of grammar are repeated, speaking is honed, reading and listening are trained. Each lesson includes a set of theory and tests designed to test the material learned.
  8. Physics is a practice-oriented course that helps you understand the features of solving problems of varying complexity. Each topic is dedicated to a separate forum, in which all points related to this section are clarified.
  9. Literature - the course is aimed at solving two problems: preparing for the final essay and, in fact, for the Unified State Exam. The teacher will give an idea of ​​the structure, evaluation criteria for the December essay, and strategies for developing the topic. As a result of the program, the reader's horizons will expand and the skills of oral and written presentation of information will be sharpened.
Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Economic Sciences (Department of Theoretical Economics).
Lyceum teacher, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the “School of Economics” course at the HSE Internet School

The HSE Online School is an excellent opportunity for nonresident students to study effectively, in some cases better than full-time students, because the distance learning method fosters independence. Getting into a university through the Olympiad is in some ways easier than using the Unified State Exam, because you only need to prepare for one subject. But the problem of preparing applicants is that there is no literature that would teach how to solve problems in economics. The main objective of the course is training in solving quantitative and qualitative problems in preparation for Olympiads in economics.

Margarita Kosik

Student of the course “Final Composition and Literature”

I want to thank you for helping all of us (and me personally) throughout the year. I was with you from the final essay (for which I received 5 out of 5) until the Unified State Exam. I will definitely write a letter :) You really helped me a lot. Thanks to you, I fell in love with many foreign writers, watched several films (based on your recommendations), which opened my eyes to many things, and, of course, for giving us so much interesting information from all areas of culture.

Even without preparing separately for the Olympiad, I was able to write the Highest Test in Journalism with 86 points, citing in my work some of the material that you gave us. Even though I was 4 points short of winning the prize, I’m still glad that I was able to broaden my horizons during the 11th grade. Thank you for your work!

Mazaev Dmitry Vladimirovich

Deputy Dean for Alumni and Employer Relations, Faculty of Law, Higher School of Economics
Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of Law, Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the “School of Law” course at the HSE Internet School for the 2016-2017 academic year

About 50% of those admitted to the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics, as a rule, are winners of Olympiads who did not waste time on other subjects, but prepared deliberately and successfully. The subject “Law” is the same as economics, “branded” HSE subjects. We provide knowledge on the discipline in an expanded form; in a sense, this is also a path to growing up and getting to know life, because knowledge from this area is used at every step, from the implementation and protection of consumer rights to constitutional rights.

Valeria Ismailova

Student of the course “Oriental Studies”

I was not mistaken in choosing a school and have never regretted it. The first thing I noticed was the format of the training. After each topic, a test was offered with which you could test your knowledge, as well as practical work, which was compiled in the format of the Olympiad. From the first classes I became incredibly interested in studying here. Every time you master new topic I was completely immersed in it. I am incredibly glad that I became a student at the Internet School of Oriental Studies. Thanks to classes at the Internet school, I acquired many useful skills: I learned to manage time wisely, work with complex texts, delved deeper into reading serious literature, and, of course, became more disciplined.

Kashkarova Tatyana Petrovna

Deputy Head of the Department of English for Economic and Mathematical Disciplines
Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Teacher of the English language course at the HSE Internet School

The online school is designed for particularly motivated children who have decided how they see their future. Therefore, our task is to help them achieve their goal as effectively as possible.”

Timur Sharibaevich Adilbaev

Author and teacher of the course “Oriental Studies” at the Lyceum of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in 2014-2016
Member of the HSE Lyceum initiative group for research activities
Teacher of the course “Oriental Studies” at the HSE Internet School

I myself entered HSE as an Olympiad winner. It’s nice to know already in April that you have been accepted, and this is an attractive option for applicants. In our subject, it is important to develop oriental erudition, to provide an understanding of philosophy, culture, and much depends on the student himself, who is motivated and ready to approach solving tasks systematically and originally, for example: finding Confucian themes in the poems of Korean authors, relying on written sources. In a word, look between the lines. We have very interesting tests - for example, a student can complete it in the form of a letter from a German colonel from Japan at the beginning of the twentieth century, where the student describes the features of culture, mythology or life.

Yana Kruchinina

The course was very useful for me. I finally figured out how to write essays!! Everything is laid out neatly and clearly, with many interesting examples.

On the plus side, the topics for “home” essays were quite interesting, which helped a lot in the final essay itself.

Alexandra Batchenko

Student of the course “Final essay and literature (1 module)”

I really liked your course - I learned a lot about essay structure using interesting examples. Thank you very much for the many useful algorithms of actions - I will definitely follow them (I will take them next year). Thanks for your comments on the essays. I learned a lot of new works, the questions for reflection and illustration were very useful.

Anastasia Pankova

Student of the course “Final essay and literature (1 module)”

The course was very useful! Informative, concise, structured - easy to prepare. The fact that you checked and evaluated and gave comments on our essays helped a lot. Thanks a lot!!