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Sample letter of recommendation to a bank from a counterparty. Letter to the bank about activities and business reputation How to correctly format a letter to the bank

If a banking organization requires its provision, then our sample letter of recommendation to the bank from a counterparty will be useful. A form is also attached. This form is not the only correct one, but it reflects all the necessary points.


Recently, banks began to turn to legal entities with a request to provide a letter of recommendation from one of their counterparties. Bankers can be understood, because clients often use the loans provided, purchase leasing services for large objects, etc. A letter of recommendation in these cases minimizes the risk of forming a bad debt obligation.

As for the legal justification of such a procedure, it is provided for in Bank of Russia Directives No. 3179-U dated January 21, 2014.

Thus, a banking organization has the right to request letters of recommendation from counterparties in any volume.

Who to choose as a counterparty

In order to provide what the bank wants, it is not necessary to conduct a survey among all counterparties with whom the organization has ever dealt. You can select several, guided by the following principles:

  • The recommending counterparty is serviced by the same bank to which the application is submitted (and which sent the request for a letter of recommendation). This way, bank employees have the opportunity to make sure that the recommender is responsible in financial matters, monitor the movement of his funds in his jurisdiction.
  • The recommender has worked extensively and for a long time with the organization. There are no problems, delays, litigation or other “adventures” with him. Still, the timing of cooperation plays a big role in proving a responsible approach to business.
  • The counterparty is known, is in good standing with banks, and has no problems concluding transactions. In principle, any large organization that has established a good reputation will do.

If there are no counterparties with such characteristics, then you will have to choose from what is available.

It is worth noting that if there is insufficient support from counterparties or if there is no response to a request for a letter of recommendation from a counterparty, the bank has the right to refuse service to its client and suspend ongoing operations. So you need to be responsible when requesting any documentation.

Components of a document

The letter of recommendation is drawn up in free form. When writing it, you should be guided general rules, set for business correspondence. At the top, the details of the counterparty are written down (it is best to fill it out on a specialized form of this organization), as well as the date. Without indicating the latter, the bank may not accept the document, since it needs fresh letters of recommendation (this is implied during the request, although it may not be indicated in its text itself).

The main thing that interests employees of a banking organization is how much they should trust this or that acting or potential client. So it is advisable to address the following points in the recommendation:

  • Details and names of both organizations.
  • Are the companies counterparties to each other?
  • An agreement concluded between organizations. Its number and date of signing are indicated.
  • How long have the companies been cooperating?
  • Were there any irresponsible steps or complaints on the part of the recommended person (since this is a letter of recommendation, it is assumed by default that there were none).
  • Whether the counterparty fulfilled its debt obligations, if such arose between the counterparties.

The paper ends with the signature of the head of the recommending counterparty and the date. If possible, a “live” seal is placed. This touch adds weight to the recommendation. Although since 2014, attitudes towards the press have changed significantly.

Possible errors during compilation

When an organization collects the requested package of recommendations, there is no need to collect signatures from different counterparties, using the same text with identical and vague wording such as “long-term cooperation.”

For example, the different number of contracts concluded with the counterparty and the different duration of cooperation should be indicated. It would be useful to indicate additional points characterizing the interacting parties as responsible business partners fulfilling their obligations.

New organizations

If a company's business reputation is at the stage of formation, it makes no sense to request letters of recommendation from a counterparty to the bank. This point must be clarified immediately when business correspondence occurs with a bank employee. But even in a situation where provision is impossible, it is worth answering the request correctly, using specific wording.

Perhaps the bank will be satisfied with the reputation of an individual - the head of the applying organization. It is worth discussing these points, trying to come to a constructive solution that satisfies both parties.

Perhaps, when an individual entrepreneur or legal entity begins to emerge, it makes sense to contact smaller banking organizations that do not request letters of recommendation.


Copies of the agreements specified in the letter may be attached as the basis for assurances. The larger the amounts and the longer the relationship, the better. You should also not hide anything from bank employees. Perhaps a change in wording will suffice.

For example, if there were some minor complaints during the interaction between counterparties, then it is worth writing in the letter that no major complaints were identified under any of the contracts. On the one hand, this is a positive characteristic, on the other hand, the fact of minor complaints is not hidden.

In general, a sample letter of recommendation to a bank from a counterparty, attached at the top of the text, is the best option. It can be edited to suit a specific situation and the nature of interaction between counterparties. All the main points will be properly described.

The application is written in free form, after which it is handed over to the employee at the bank. It is important to make sure that the bank employee actually accepted the application and registered it (that is, assigned it a number, put the appropriate acceptance mark on it), only in this case can you be sure that the insolvency application will reach the addressee and will be considered.

It is this point that is the most important in the application for the bank; you need to try to state the reason correctly and truthfully.

Communication with the bank Letter to the bank!

It is not clear for what period the contract was originally drawn up? And how was the contract term extended without your consent?

If you initially signed the contract for five years, it is pointless to argue, including in court. If the bank unilaterally extended the period without your notice and there was a new payment schedule, such an agreement may and should be challenged in court. Hello Yuri!

I re-read and studied a lot of material on the topic of problem loans (without collateral).

Letter to clarify the purpose of payment

But in some cases complications are possible.

For example, if the tax inspectorate during an audit discovers such a correction and considers it a way to evade taxes, sanctions from the regulatory authority can be considered inevitable. It happens that friction regarding the purpose of payment arises between counterparties, especially in terms of payments on debts and interest.

In most cases, in order to challenge the correction, the party protesting it will have to go to court, and no one will give guarantees of winning the case, since such stories always have many nuances.

How to write a letter to the bank about prolongation or reduction of payment?

  • take it to the bank;
  • write such a letter in 2 copies, attach everything Required documents(photocopy of passport and document confirming temporary disability) and send by registered mail with notification.
  • date of loan receipt;
  • the amount that was provided to you;
  • at what point did you start repaying it and how;
  • how much of the debt you have managed to repay, and how much you still owe today;
  • from what moment did you cease to properly fulfill your obligations;
  • what was the reason (this must be written down);
  • what amount is realistic for you today;
  • We write everything in 2 copies, take it/send it to the bank, register it and wait.

based on its meaning: request, claim, etc.

You can also simply “appeal”.

If the subject of your description is conflict situation, state it from the very beginning.

Provide the most accurate information that allows you to identify the bank employee with whom the conflict occurred: the date, time and place of the incident, the name and position of the employee, if known to you.

Indicate which provisions of the current legislation of the Russian Federation the actions being appealed contradict, and which of your rights they violate. In case of a request, immediately indicate what clarifications, documents, etc. you need.

If you really want to work with the bank, then write a letter to the bank. So in the text you need to describe in detail what you got, why, what you would like to do in the future.

If you send a package of documents for any purpose, you are obligated to submit a confirmation sheet to the bank. You must clearly indicate why you are sending the documents, and carefully check how many sheets are in the bag as you are sending the documents themselves.

Complaint to the bank - how to write?

When you correspond with banks, you notify, demand, inform, because you have the right to do so.

Any communication you have with banks should be conducted in writing, necessarily indicating the date, on both sides there must be signatures of persons authorized to carry out these actions.

Do not conduct important negotiations over the phone, do not accept any offers from banks over the phone.

How to write a letter to a bank about loan restructuring

So, the restructuring service involves changing the terms of your current loan agreement. It is recommended to apply for this service to the bank before any delays occur, so as not to spoil your credit history, because

Society with limited liability"Stroykrovlya" was established on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated February 8, 1998 “On Limited Liability Companies” (as subsequently amended) and constituent agreement dated April 16, 2000 by decision general meeting founders to implement economic activity. Legal address Societies: Volgograd, st. Dorozhnaya, 39. eureka promo code - a case for promoting the eureka web service.

Stroykrovlya LLC is registered: in the Registration Chamber of the Volgograd region. (Certificate of Registration No. 3000661 dated April 25, 2000); at the State Tax Inspectorate for the Central District of the Volgograd Region. (Certificate series 34 No. 0016206 dated May 10, 2000; TIN 3444080412).

The main goals of creating Stroykrovlya LLC: participation in the accelerated saturation of the market with construction goods and services; providing individuals and legal entities paid services; making a profit.

To achieve these goals, Stroykrovlya LLC can carry out the following types of activities: production of construction goods; provision of construction services; trade and procurement activities; other. So, the Company can carry out any types of activities that correspond to the statutory goals and are not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. However, since its creation, the Company has been engaged only in the provision of construction services, namely, construction and installation work. In addition, the Company sells wholesale some types of building materials.

Stroykrovlya LLC, like any other entity, has property independence, which is expressed in the availability of Stroykrovlya LLC property necessary for the implementation of statutory activities. With this property, Stroykrovlya LLC is responsible for its obligations.

The sources of formation of the property of Stroykrovlya LLC can be divided into mandatory and possible. The basis of the Company's property independence is its authorized capital (fund). After all, the participants of this company exclude in advance their liability for its debts with personal property, and the company’s creditors have to rely only on its authorized capital. Size authorized capital Stroykrovlya LLC 110,000 rubles.

The net assets of Stroykrovlya LLC are 94,000 rubles.

Stroykrovlya LLC contains sufficiently detailed information about the state of economic assets and the sources of their formation as of a certain date as a result of economic activities financial statements of this enterprise (see appendices 2 - 4). Separate balance sheet items, characterizing the state of funds at the beginning of the year and the end of the reporting period, serve to control and interconnect indicators of other forms of reporting, reflecting the movement individual species funds or their purpose.

The Stroykrovlya LLC enterprise has a linear management structure. At the head of all divisions is CEO, endowed with all powers and exercising sole management of employees subordinate to him and concentrating in his hands all management functions. Each link and each subordinate has its own leader, through whom necessary information reaches the CEO.

The data below shows that sales volume during the period under study increased by 20% or by 1849 thousand rubles. Due to the increase in production throughout the year, there was an acute shortage of working capital.

Cost indicator per 1 rub. commercial products, characterizes how justified the costs are in relation to revenue. At Stroykrovlya LLC this indicator is decreasing, which is a good factor; it indicates that the company is seeking to reduce its costs.

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Explanations to the bank sample document - tax accounting law

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  • The name was the same, but the client signed it with her old surname. In general, it is noteworthy that the secretary who answers calls on the phone number listed on the bank’s website does not know anything; she only gives out other phone numbers. But sometimes it is not possible to follow these rules, because many themes live only for a few days, and you need to use them as quickly as possible.

    New Arbat, where he is ready to put me in touch with a person who is ready to answer my questions comprehensively. Are there cash withdrawal limits and restrictions on spending these funds? For what purposes could we use the money? Your comment will be placed in moderation! — there is no monthly fee for servicing the main card if you pay for purchases worth at least 20 rubles per month. If you have any good reason as a result of which you showed inattention (read unprofessionalism), I would advise you to indicate it in the note.

    I didn’t fill out the journal for six months, because I didn’t have time for it all the time. I need on this moment write an explanatory note in which I explain that I, sorry, am not a camel, and I handed over everything to them on time and on time. An information letter about the company's activities is marketing material, so. My friend, being a stubborn person, wrote a complaint to the bank, it’s better not to ignore such requests and provide an explanation. An explanatory note is written so that your department understands the reason for your violation or understands that this is not a violation.

    Requests and provide explanations to the bank in writing according to the standard. The reason was that due to the difficult pregnancy and fuss around the house, I simply forgot. Please help me write an explanatory note after the birth of the offspring, we registered him only after 4 months he was born 4. Banks and anti-money laundering legislation, scope of implementation of 115-FZ, refusal. And he didn’t bring it after the weekend (I wasn’t aware of their agreements at all). Transactions on my accounts were carried out within the framework of the services provided at the bank’s tariffs, the origin of foreign currency funds was my own accumulations and income from accounts in other banks and payment systems.

    Explanatory bank banker's blog

    Transactions on your bank's cards were carried out within the limits set by your bank. I can explain my own step only by my zeal to complete the work perfectly and on time, since I was firmly convinced that later the accountant would still put his visa on the original.

    The bank has the right to further request documents on the basis of Federal Law 115, I don’t remember which paragraph of Art. A letter to the bank is a standard letter about the company’s activities. I took the letter to the bank and attached copies of several checks. It is oriented to clusters), because, as is clear, this form of reporting has been introduced. explanatory letter upon submission of the updated declaration.

    How to correctly write a response to a bank letter - simplified

    In the throes of searching for a customer support service, I realized that there was none, but in the end, a young man who represented this very service answered me. There was an information letter on the correct entry of documents, but I entered it in the same old way as everything was entered until recently. First of all, I started my labor activity back in 1998, because. A letter explaining the purpose of withdrawing foreign currency from a legal entity.

    How to draw up a certificate (letter) to the tax office stating that the economic activity of an LLC or individual entrepreneur was not carried out? Sample, example

    In order to avoid increasing costs that could bring losses to the company, the organization may suspend its own activities. In this case, the legal entity must notify the regulatory authorities that it does not conduct commercial activities to avoid the accrual of mandatory payments and taxes. Otherwise, the company will acquire large debts in the form of penalties.

    Letter of no activity

    In practice, there are often situations when an organization cannot conduct financial and economic activities for a long period of time.

    The head of the enterprise when preparing documents in territorial tax authorities, Pension Fund Russia or fund social insurance To submit mandatory reporting, it undertakes to provide the listed bodies with information letters stating the lack of activity.

    A notification of this type is issued on the letterhead of a legal entity, indicating the period during which no activity was carried out and attaching documents confirming this circumstance. An organization, in order to reduce costs while not carrying out business activities, can send documents to the reporting authorities confirming that the company’s work has been suspended. This document is a letter of absence of activity.

    Notification to the tax office

    There is no statutory form for notifying the tax inspectorate about the absence of activity. Therefore the letter to tax office drawn up by a legal entity in any form indicating the following information:

    1. Address and name of the Federal Tax Service body to which the letter will be sent.
    2. Name and organizational form legal entity sending a notification to the Federal Tax Service.
    3. Legal address and location address executive body companies.
    4. KPP, TIN, OGRN and other details of the organization. For this purpose, you can use the form of a legal entity, which contains all the necessary information.
    5. Name of the document – ​​Letter of absence of activities and objects of taxation.

    The body of the letter must contain the following information:

    Confused about how to fill out documents?

    Don't worry, we We will make a 3-NDFL declaration or zero reporting for you.

    • Name of the organization and its legal form according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • The period during which the activity was suspended;
    • Attached are documents that confirm the absence of statutory activities of the company;
    • Types of taxes for which there are no objects of taxation.

    The manager and chief accountant endorses the letter to mandatory and certifies it with the seal of the organization.

    You can send a document to the Federal Tax Service in one of the following ways:

    • By registered mail with an attached list of attachments and a notification, which is sent to the organization’s address or to its post office box after delivery of the letter to the tax inspector;
    • Submit to the tax office personally by the head of the organization or an authorized person. In this case, the date, stamp and signature must be affixed to the second copy of the letter, which indicate acceptance of the letter;
    • Send via a special courier service;
    • Send through the personal account of a legal entity on the official website of the Federal Tax Service after signing the document with a qualified digital signature.

    How to fill out a letter to the Pension Fund

    There is also no sample letter sent to the Pension Fund and established by law. The letter contains similar information indicated by the legal entity in the letter sent to the tax office. In addition, the letter contains a link to the following information:

    • No wages were paid during the specified period;
    • Passport and personal data of employees, their place of residence, number of staff;
    • That all employees have been warned that they are deprived of the right to insurance coverage in accordance with current legislation.

    Along with the letter, a bank certificate confirming the absence of transactions on current account companies. The legal entity also undertakes to provide a statement of payment of insurance premiums.

    If the organization’s activities are suspended, then the legal entity is not obliged to hand over SZV-M reporting to the Pension Fund of Russia.

    Letter to the FSS of Russia

    A letter to the insurance fund is drawn up in a similar way. Chief Accountant and the head of the enterprise sign the document and attach to it a certificate from the bank confirming that there was no movement of money in the account.

    The letter to the FSS contains the following information:

    1. Address of the territorial body of the FSS.
    2. Company name.
    3. Details and addresses of the legal entity.
    4. No movement indication Money and accruals wages employees.

    We will help you correctly prepare documents for the tax authorities

    It is important to understand that a letter is just a shell for the information being transmitted. And if you need to compose good letter In addition to the form of the letter, it is important to pay attention to the content. In this review we will limit ourselves to describing the form of the letter.

    Official letters are written on special forms that meet the standard. For such forms, a set of mandatory elements (details) has been established, which must be arranged in a certain order.

    Below are the most commonly used letter samples:

    Form official letter often consists of a sheet of paper with permanent elements printed on it. But lately, standard forms have been used less and less, because a letter with all the formatting can be printed on a printer. We can say that an official letter consists of a “frame” of the letter and the main text and contains, in addition to the main text, information about the addressee: the full and abbreviated name of the sending organization, its postal and telegraph address, telephone, fax and teletype numbers, the number of that letter or telegram , which served as the reason for the correspondence, and much more. Forms can be with either angular or longitudinal arrangement of details.

    The design of the form must comply with the principles of technical aesthetics, which in turn has a positive effect on the perception of its content. Considering the ability of the human eye to more easily fix the upper part of any object, when drawing up documents, their upper part should be made more saturated, and the lower part more “stable”.

    The standards for sample forms establish the formats and sizes of fields of documents that are part of the unified documentation system, as well as the requirements for constructing the structural grid of the sample form, details and rules for their location. Documents included in unified documentation systems consist of three main parts, which are located within clearly demarcated areas.

    This arrangement of the document ensures the necessary speed of perception of its text.

    Details are mandatory features established by law or regulations for certain types of documents.

    The composition and arrangement of details on the forms of organizational and administrative documents must comply with the relevant standards. Previously, these standards were regulated by GOST 6.38-90, currently GOST R.30-2003 is used.

    The introduction of a standard for the form, which, in turn, defines the requirements for the form of an official letter, was caused by the need to unify the process of its registration, this allows:

    • organize centralized production of letterheads;
    • reduce the cost of typing work;
    • reduce labor costs for writing and formatting letters;
    • facilitate visual search for necessary information;
    • expand the possibilities of using computing and organizational technology when processing letters.

    The sample form is the basis for designing forms and templates for all types of management documentation. The area allocated to sample forms for the location of each detail corresponds to the optimal volume of this detail in printed characters.

    A short guide on how to correctly write a letter (application, claim) to the bank when you have nothing to pay the loan. This will allow you not to overpay lawyers or pay for magical document templates that are shoved at you on the Internet.

    It's time to dot the T's and express YOUR POSITION regarding pre-trial correspondence with the bank - is it necessary or not, in what form should it be carried out and are there any secret tricks and magic application forms?

    Let me start with the fact that I always say that no miraculous letters will force the bank to forgive your debt, terminate the loan agreement with you, stop charging interest, or win a lawsuit with the writing off of all loan obligations. Correspondence is not a catalyst for starting the collection process and with the help of correspondence you will not break the bank, as some advanced specialists say.

    Correspondence with the bank

    Important! Please keep in mind that:

    • Each case is unique and individual.
    • A thorough study of the issue does not always guarantee a positive outcome. It depends on many factors.

    To get the most detailed advice on your issue, you just need to follow any of the suggested options:

    Correspondence is just a way to win back penalties in court, to delay the trial, but in EXCEPTIONAL CASES it is a reason for the court to refuse to satisfy the bank’s claim. But this is not writing off the debt - it will only allow you to enlist the support of the court and return the case to the pre-trial stage if there is bail. That is, save your collateral for a while if you have a mortgage or a car loan. Well, in the case of an MFO, perhaps this will be a basis for terminating the loan agreement if you manage to prove the enslavement of the transaction. THESE ARE JUST NICE BONUSES THAT YOU CAN GIVE YOURSELF.

    It is not worth paying lawyers for this every month or for every application. If you forgot what I’m talking about, I recommend watching my video about shitty lawyers.

    When you have nothing to pay a loan, they screw it into your ears or hang it on your ears that everything is individual and you definitely need to pay in order for everything to work out for you. But there are no magic forms and it’s stupid to pay money for it - you can do it yourself INDIVIDUALLY according to my instructions, which will be published IN FREE ACCESS within the next two weeks. I will try to analyze the main typical situations, but if somewhere I don’t take into account your situation, just write comments - and I will finalize the instructions, so to speak, for future generations.

    So, if they sell you money or fabulous templates or magical individual services for filling out documents, you are being scammed. They don’t deceive you, but convince you to pay for something you can do yourself. I want to say, friend, if you are not lazy and have a head on your shoulders, you can do everything yourself. And of course, if a problem has just appeared in your ass and you have a little time to resolve your issues. Well, if only the handle sticks out from the awl and by all accounts it has already been turned there several times and the deadline is “YESTERDAY” - then, of course, you will not have time to understand these pieces of paper yourself. And most likely they won’t help you anymore.

    So, let's figure out what correspondence with a bank is. I'm talking here about primary correspondence - these are statements, claims - what you send to the bank with the hope of settling your loan debt. But there is, as I called it, secondary correspondence - these are complaints that you submit to regulatory authorities when your requests and demands specified in the primary correspondence are not satisfied. But this will already be a topic for the next videos and I will definitely look into it - be sure to subscribe to the channel.

    In this video we will talk specifically about the initial correspondence with the bank and today I will formulate only the rules for drawing up statements and claims, and we will discuss writing specific claims and statements in subsequent video instructions. Subscribe to the channel and very soon you will see instructions for filling out with free samples of the following documents:

    • Application for a copy of the loan agreement
    • Application for provision of loan account number
    • Application to accept payment directly to the loan account, bypassing the personal account (for mortgage loans)
    • Instructions on how to pay directly to a loan account
    • Application for an extended statement of loan account
    • Application for a copy of the insurance contract for a consumer loan
    • Pre-trial claim for refusal of insurance and return of insurance premium
    • Application for restructuring, refinancing, credit holidays, credit amnesty
    • And a separate procedure for actions and correspondence with the bank when revoking its license

    Well, maybe I’ll remember something else. These documents will definitely be there as they are published - links to the documents will be active and you can follow them and study the instructions and get free access to samples of these papers. BUT! These forms of documents are not miraculous - I just tried to take into account the experience of communication and judicial practice with banks, which I learned while I was helping myself and other people with loans. You can draw up any document yourself, using simple rules for correspondence with banks. There are 10 of them. Let's go.

    Introductory rules

    Very often, borrowers do not use the tools that the law gives us, as consumers of banking services and simply participants in civil transactions. Having made a delay, we forget that we have rights, and not just obligations, to pay the loan on time. So we stick our heads in the sand and act like guilty ostriches. Our sense of guilt does not give us the opportunity to protest against the open violation of our rights, and we do not even know them. We don’t start correspondence with the bank, because we think that the bankers will think, what a scoundrel, not to pay the loan, and he’s also blathering here, fuck his conscience, a fraudster. We want to seem good - by the way, I have one wonderful obscene video about this - look - it really opens your eyes.

    Remember, friend! You did not break the law and you are not a criminal, you just found yourself in the same situation as me and almost 50 million of your fellow citizens, but this does not deprive you of your rights! You don’t refuse the debt and don’t abandon the bank (although this is a purely personal matter) - you just don’t have the ability to pay now and you want to settle your overdue loan debt.

    Be ethical

    There is no need to write to the bank and to all authorities at once, unless this is due to the fact that collectors are harassing you and threatening your safety, or at least your mental peace. First, write to the bank, give them a period of time, if they don’t respond, complain. But the following videos will be about complaints. That is, first pre-trial correspondence, as I said, primary and only then pre-trial with complaints, and then judicial procedure. I understand that you are angry, but at the same time, by driving carts everywhere, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to conduct a constructive dialogue with the bank and turn into a hysterical redneck that these intellectuals will spread rot on. Well, of course you won’t push us down, but don’t show your weakness and this will give you the opportunity to communicate with them on equal terms. And even negotiate. You won’t be able to bend the bank, but he will very well be able to ignore you as an equal participant in this process. In short, don't be a jerk.

    Without a piece of paper you're a bug

    From this day forward, do everything in writing - all papers with a signature and confirmation of receipt by the addressee. Verbal communication sucks. What settled the question - what did I listen to the radio - did the same thing. Write everything yourself on paper and remember that the bank must also respond to you in writing. SMS and letters by e-mail without a seal and signature - bullshit, unless of course you indicated email as a channel of communication with you.

    In person or by mail?

    Various statements, requests and claims can be sent and received in the appropriate way - you can do this in person or by mail. The list of documents provided or received by the bank is personally related to information that constitutes bank secrecy, as detailed in Art. 26 of the Law “On Banks and Banking Activities”.

    Please note that you are required to provide almost all of the above statements regarding initial correspondence personally, since this is related to your receiving copies of documents containing your personal data, information about account transactions - this is all personal, because it contains bank secrecy. Otherwise, you risk not receiving documents, but if you go to court, you won’t achieve anything either - here’s an example of such a court decision. If you don’t do this personally, then don’t blame the bank for not providing you with anything. And by the way, in this case, borrowers often make the mistake of thinking that the bank does not have the documents, so they don’t have to pay the loan. Bankers are just bureaucrats. But sometimes, of course, signed contracts are lost)))

    By the way - such a subtle point - before handing the letter to the bankers - first go to the loan officer and ask in a nice way, put a chocolate bar on the table - sometimes this seriously saves time and allows you to get all the documents that you need from the bank

    In the case of remote banking, for example, if it is Tinkoff Bank or another bank that does not have a branch in your city, you can send these documents to personal account Internet banking, because when you log in using your login and password, you can be identified as a bank client. Please note that online banking options mobile application and PC versions may vary.

    Well, at worst, if there are no opportunities, and you don’t want to go anywhere, you can send a telegram, when sending the identity of the sender is verified by the telegraph operator.

    You can only send an application for restructuring and a pre-trial claim for the return of insurance by mail. Send applications by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt, and if you are sending several documents at the same time, then by a valuable letter with a list of attachments and always with acknowledgment of delivery. It’s better to send to 2 addresses - to the head bank and to your branch where you received the loan - if the latter is slow, you have a better chance of getting desired result faster.

    By shape

    Remember that there is no form of application - the main thing is to write exactly to whom the letter is - the name of the bank, its address, from whom, address, phone number (if you want them to call), what it is - an application, notification, claim, for what obligation the letter is (loan agreement number , date, amount, term), what is the problem, what are the grounds (clause of the agreement, Civil Code, the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, the Law on Consumer Credit (Loan), what you are asking for specifically (there must be a very specific period, amount), in what period (usually 10 days under the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights) and in what form you expect an answer, date, signature. Well, add information where you will complain if what you want is not provided. Indicate attachments to the letter - attach evidence (for example, a copy sick leave and if these are audio or video recordings, write that they exist, but will be provided upon request).

    They may tell you that they won’t accept you using this form - like they have their own form. You can send it by mail, but if it’s a bank secret, then you’ll have to fill out an application with them (don’t forget to take a second copy and ask for a copy). It is not necessary to print on gilded paper with silver ink - not important printed form- you can write at least to toilet paper by hand. But remember about ethics))

    Become a stenographer

    Don’t hesitate to call the bank’s hotline and be sure to record audio and log the telephone conversation - this is called a transcript - find out the employee’s full name and the account number of the conversation recording - this may be useful later for correspondence. By the way, you can write in the form feedback on the bank's website. You can use an online call or order a call back. Plus on the portal all banks have hotline, where you can write in writing. They answer very quickly and reasonably. Record all your requests and responses.

    Become a bureaucrat

    You will have to become a bureaucrat, because without a piece of paper you are a bug. Create a folder where you keep the second copy of your applications with a note from a bank specialist, postal receipts, receipt notices, lists of attachments in valuable letters, protocols of outgoing and incoming calls (telephone messages), answers, print out letters from e-mail, keep telegrams.

    Those who didn't have time are late

    Start and end correspondence as quickly as possible. By prolonging the pleasure, you deprive yourself of the pleasure of letting the bank miss the statute of limitations. This does not apply to claims or complaints. The fact is that the limitation period is interrupted by the obligor’s performance of actions indicating recognition of the debt. That is, when you write letters where you indicate that you have actually entered into a loan agreement and indicate the amount, the statute of limitations begins to expire again.

    Always leave something as a keepsake

    When submitting documents in person, be sure to receive a second copy with the bank’s marks: position, name, signature, date, incoming number, stamp or seal, and in the case of submitting documents that constitute bank secrecy, ask to verify your identity and compare your signature with the signature image card. This will allow you to save time and avoid unpleasant refusals.

    If you receive a response by mail, open the letter in the presence of two postal workers and ask them to sign a certificate stating the contents of the attachment in the letter, so that the bank does not send you a calendar instead of responding to your request.

    I'm waiting for an answer like a nightingale of summer

    If there is no response from the bank for a long time - only AFTER A LETTER HAS BEEN WRITTEN TO THE BANK - write to the Financial Ombudsman on the portal of the Association of Russian Banks - this is not yet a complaint, but it will allow you to stimulate bank employees so that they come out of hibernation. Then, by the way, it will also be useful for the court - that you have done EVERYTHING in order to settle the overdue loan debt out of court.

    Here are 10 simple rules that will help you solve your credit problem easier and without errors and, most importantly, will save a lot of time, and possibly money. Over the next two weeks I will be posting instructions on how to fill out the paperwork I mentioned at the beginning of the video, so be sure to subscribe to the channel. Well, remember that all these pieces of paper will work like effective tool in the hands of the person who has already decided to solve problems with loans, and not run from them.

    There is a feeling that there is no way out of the current situation; banks in such a situation do not make concessions. Try writing a letter to the bank.

    When there's nothing left to lose

    There is no way to avoid penalties and interest. They are specified in the loan agreement; they are added to the total debt by the system in automatic mode. An increase in the loan rate also cannot be avoided; this condition is also stated in the loan agreement in case of violation of the loan terms.

    The loan debt is growing like a snowball every month; it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with the bank in order to soften the requirements in order to achieve the possibility of not repaying the loan in full ahead of schedule. Or so that information about an overdue loan does not get into the Credit History Database. What do you ask? Write a letter to the bank - a letter of goodwill. The effect is not achieved in 100% of cases, but decisions in favor of the borrower also happen. Therefore, try it!

    What is the essence of the letter to the bank?

    Eat certain rules how to write a letter to a bank. It should be written in a friendly tone, ask the lender not to require you to make early full repayment under the loan agreement, or ask not to enter information about late payments on an existing loan into your credit history.

    The point of an official letter to the bank is to try to convince the bank that you are not a willful defaulter, you are not making payments due to your negligence or bad intentions, your delays arose solely because of the difficult life situation in which you find yourself.

    This letter is designed to address the human factor that must be present in the work financial institution, the message can touch the emotional core of bank employees. You need to make your loan officer empathize with you. From the letter, he should understand that you have taken full responsibility for late payments and accumulated debt to the bank.

    Convince the bank that you will continue to cooperate with the lender, taking into account all the mistakes, and make overdue payments, including penalties. It is imperative to indicate the reason why this situation arose - you lost your job (attach an extract from work book), prolonged illness (a copy of the sick leave is attached). And how are you going to get out of this situation? The letter can be sent by email or taken directly to the bank. If the need arises, duplicate the letter, call your loan officer, come to the meeting, and be persistent.

    What should a letter to a bank be like?

    First of all, indicate your full name, address, loan agreement number, and date of conclusion. Next, write who the letter is intended for (full name of the bank, department, full name of the credit specialist). Then comes the text itself in free form.

    Sample letter

    This could be a sample letter to the bank:

    “Thank you very much for taking the time to familiarize yourself with this letter. I am forced to write it because I made a number of mistakes in the form of late payments under the loan agreement, the number of which is (agreement number). I would like to inform you that I am giving report on my actions, I understand what consequences a debt to the bank can lead to.

    There is a good reason why I found myself in such a situation (indicate the reason), otherwise I would not have allowed the loan to be overdue. I have accumulated arrears on my loan (specify the amount), today my financial situation has become better (reason for improvement), I am ready to repay the loan debts and repay the loan further, in accordance with the payment schedule."

    If your letter of explanation to the bank is convincing and it believes you in your sincere intentions to repay the current debt, then you need to completely reconsider your attitude towards credit obligations.

    There is a feeling that there is no way out of the current situation; banks in such a situation do not make concessions. Try writing a letter to the bank.

    When there's nothing left to lose

    There is no way to avoid penalties and interest. They are specified in the loan agreement, and they are automatically added to the total debt by the system. An increase in the loan rate also cannot be avoided; this condition is also stated in the loan agreement in case of violation of the loan terms.

    The loan debt is growing like a snowball every month; it is necessary to conduct a dialogue with the bank in order to soften the requirements in order to achieve the possibility of not repaying the loan in full ahead of schedule. Or so that information about an overdue loan does not get into the Credit History Database. What do you ask? Write a letter to the bank - a letter of goodwill. The effect is not achieved in 100% of cases, but decisions in favor of the borrower also happen. Therefore, try it!

    What is the essence of the letter to the bank?

    There are certain rules on how to write a letter to a bank. It should be written in a friendly tone, ask the lender not to require you to make early full repayment under the loan agreement, or ask not to enter information about late payments on an existing loan into your credit history.

    The point of an official letter to the bank is to try to convince the bank that you are not a willful defaulter, you are not making payments due to your negligence or bad intentions, your delays arose solely because of the difficult life situation in which you find yourself.

    This letter is designed to address the human factor that must be present in the work of a financial institution; the message may touch the emotional core of bank employees. You need to make your loan officer empathize with you. From the letter, he should understand that you have taken full responsibility for late payments and accumulated debt to the bank.

    Convince the bank that you will continue to cooperate with the lender, taking into account all the mistakes, and make overdue payments, including penalties. It is imperative to indicate the reason why this situation arose - you lost your job (attach an extract from your work record book), a long-term illness (a copy of the sick leave is attached). And how are you going to get out of this situation? The letter can be sent by email or taken directly to the bank. If the need arises, duplicate the letter, call your loan officer, come to the meeting, and be persistent.

    What should a letter to a bank be like?

    First of all, indicate your full name, address, loan agreement number, and date of conclusion. Next, write who the letter is intended for (full name of the bank, department, full name of the credit specialist). Then comes the text itself in free form.

    Sample letter

    This could be a sample letter to the bank:

    “Thank you very much for taking the time to familiarize yourself with this letter. I am forced to write it because I made a number of mistakes in the form of late payments under the loan agreement, the number of which is (agreement number). I would like to inform you that I am giving report on my actions, I understand what consequences a debt to the bank can lead to.

    There is a good reason why I found myself in such a situation (indicate the reason), otherwise I would not have allowed the loan to be overdue. I have accumulated arrears on my loan (specify the amount), today my financial situation has become better (reason for improvement), I am ready to repay the loan debts and repay the loan further, in accordance with the payment schedule."

    If your letter of explanation to the bank is convincing and it believes you in your sincere intentions to repay the current debt, then you need to completely reconsider your attitude towards credit obligations.