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Subscription children's magazines. Review of magazines for children

In July 2018, this young man will turn 90 years old. In the beginning there was a biological station - the first out-of-school institution in Russia for children who love nature. After 10 years of successful work, the biology teacher and part-time founder and ideological founder of the station proposed publishing the magazine “Young Naturalist” in order to publish the works of biologist teachers and articles of children from all over the Union. For almost a century, great writers, academics, famous artists and even astronauts have been collaborating with the magazine. In the “Wildlife Paths” section, the editors describe their own travels to the most incredible corners of the world - from Bali and the New Siberian Islands to cycling along the entire Anatolian coast. There is a “Why” section, where questions of any complexity will be answered, and a “Spring” section, where you can send your own story about the experience of raising butterflies at home or a story about interesting places you have visited.

Everything is grown up

Children's magazine "Geolenok" is a continuation of the famous adult magazine Geo, adapted for a children's audience. High quality photos, interesting articles and regular children's competitions with good prizes like tickets to the premiere of The Adventures of Paddington. The magazine is intended for older children - from 12 years old. All articles are written in simple but scientific language, without any “foxes” and “dogs”.

For children of any age

About mathematics and physics, about linguistics and life. About krypton in light bulbs and yttrium in monitor screens, about chess tricks and Hottabych. We are pleased not only with the pleasant design, but also with the intriguing headlines - the article “On the Dead Loop of Flying Rotating Cups” immediately makes you want to read it. In general, your eyes widen, you don’t know which page to start from: read about Jupiter, where the clouds stretch along the entire border, or run to guess riddles on a sports theme?
In regular sections, the most interesting mathematical problems from the best Olympiads are solved and discussed and Russian language competitions are held. Quantik also publishes stories and comics for young readers. The magazine is intended for children from the 4th grade, but according to reviews, both first-graders and their parents read it with great interest.

News digest for children

A weekly magazine about the latest in children's cinema, literature, computer games, scientific discoveries and, in general, about the latest news of modern children's world. Each issue contains a poster, a fairy tale, puzzles, puzzles and crosswords. For children 7–14 years old.

Domestic Smurf

Murzilka's fascinating journey into the pages of a Soviet magazine began in late XIX century, when the Canadian artist and writer Palmer Cox came up with a series of poems about the little brownie man. Later, the Russian writer Anna Khvolson wrote a series of stories about the little forest man and his friends, renamed Murzilka. Then Murzilka was wearing a monocle and a tailcoat. In 1924, Murzilka turned into a white puppy and appeared in pairs with the boy Petya. The famous image of a yellow fluffy creature in a beret, scarf and with a camera over his shoulder that has come down to us was invented by the artist Aminadav Kanevsky in 1937. Marshak as a children's poet, Agniya Barto, and Sergei Nosov began their creative careers in Murzilka. The pages of the magazine are still filled with the best examples of modern Russian literature. Here you will find interesting science fiction stories and detective stories. Columns about art, Russian history, educational games - “Murzilka” is true to its traditions and this is why it still resonates in the hearts of young, spoiled technical progress and an overabundance of information for boys and girls.

For those who love to read

The magazine "Chitaika" wants to return the attention of boys and girls to good literature, instill the habit of opening a book and being alone with their imagination. Literary crosswords, riddles, biographies of classic children's writers and, of course, their works.

A little bit about everything

A magazine for inquisitive children who are interested in everything at once: from the design of machines and mechanisms to predicting the future. Entertaining stories about great scientists and discoverers are interspersed with sections about the structure of volcanoes and space. Almost every episode offers fun physics experiments, solving problems and thinking about puzzles.

For future writers

A magazine for children and their parents - family quizzes, etymology of various words, interesting articles like “How the Golden Key was Found” or “Who the Musketeers Really Were.” There are columns on general topics: about art, scientific discoveries, columns on geography and history. The magazine “Luchik” is also one of the founders of the prestigious Gorky Prize for poets and writers under 18 years of age, so if you notice literary talent in your child, do not hesitate to send his works to the publication’s mail, and perhaps you will give the country a great writer !

Into the world of new knowledge riding on a pony

Entertaining magazine for children younger age. The main character, a pony named Masha, teaches kids from room to room to read, write, make crafts and even cook. The magazine has three main sections: tracings and coloring pages train little hands to hold a pencil tightly and prepare the child for penmanship tasks, labyrinths and intelligence tasks develop thinking, logic and attentiveness, humorous and easy counting tasks will teach the child to add and subtract, and colorful pictures with different tasks will develop the child’s speech and concentration.

The best thing that happened in the 90s

He is Gosha, he is Goga, he is Andrei Ivanov, known to us under the pseudonym Tim Sobakin, the editor of the famous “Tram”, which was published for only two years, in the early 90s. Poets half-banned and not permitted in the Soviet Union began their journey there, stories and poems were published in important topics, Russian comics were first seen in it. Despite the fact that the magazine was published in a fairly large circulation, at that time it was rare and difficult to get, but now all you have to do is follow the link - and you are already in the universe of “The Elephant-Loving-Answering-Questions”, “Lushi the Mouse” and "Dragon Am-Am".

Archive of the magazine “Funny Pictures”

An old, good, very Soviet magazine with a huge number of bright pictures and good poems. In the book you will find a collection of stories and poems (with pictures, of course) from archival issues of the magazine “Funny Pictures”. Children will be interested in looking at the bright drawings of the best artists of the Union, and adults will have time to relive and feel like a Soviet child again, solving funny problems and guessing Soviet riddles.

For serious readers

The first issue of Roman Newspaper was published back in 1927 and almost immediately became a popular favorite. Maxim Gorky took part in the creation of the magazine. He insisted that Roman-Gazeta become state project and introduced the children of workers to the best works of domestic and foreign literature. Children's "Roman-Gazeta" is in no way inferior to adults: poems and stories, stories, puzzles and quizzes, even theatrical skits and various productions that can be performed with friends and which will not make you bored during recess. There is a section about museums with stories about artists with colorful pictures and detailed description works

Educational magazines

Magazines for children from DeAgostini publishing house

Many parents ask what children's magazines are available for the full development of their children. Modern educational magazines for little boys and girls are widely represented in the collections of the DeAgostini publishing house. Children's magazines for schoolchildren aim to give additional education children of different ages. Moms and dads can buy colorfully illustrated children's editions of Russia from 2017 and 2018 in the Deagoshop online store.

Children's animal magazines

Young parents know that you can’t tear your kids away from looking through beautiful children’s magazines with pictures telling about different animals. Young children are especially interested in representatives of the fauna that they have seen in cartoons. The publishing house of children's magazines DeAgostini offers boys and girls a whole list magazine series, telling fascinating stories about the animal kingdom of different countries and eras:

  • "Animals wildlife»;
  • "Forest Animals 2016";
  • "Dinosaurs and Jurassic World."

Children will meet funny elephants, giraffes and hippos on the pages of the wonderful magazine collection “Animals of Wildlife”. Each issue of the children's series will tell about the habits of animals living in various countries peace. Traditionally, all magazines are accompanied by miniature figures of animals. Children's magazines "Animal Forests 2016" will introduce children to the inhabitants of Russian forests. Dinosaurs that kids love will appear while reading the children's edition of Dinosaurs and Jurassic World. Bright pictures are perfectly complemented by cute dinosaur figures. Getting children's magazines is very easy. All you need to do is order the publications you need or subscribe.

Children love Winnie the Pooh

It is because of our children’s great love for Winnie the bear and his funny company that the DeAgostini publishing house has released a whole series called “Funny Stories.” Little book lovers will enjoy reading all the stories and watching beautiful pictures made by talented artists.

Where to buy children's magazines?

You can order any children's publication on the Deagoshop online store website. Available bonus program, allowing you to accumulate reward points. Accumulated bonuses can be used when purchasing goods on our website. Delivery in Moscow is carried out by courier. Delivery of goods to other regions is carried out by Russian Post.

Children's periodicals are primarily designed to instill in children a love of reading, develop their abilities, broaden their horizons, and provide opportunities practical application acquired knowledge, and, of course, entertain. When choosing a modern children's magazine, you should take into account both the age characteristics and interests of your child. IN modern world A huge selection of periodicals has appeared, in which it is difficult not to get confused. And besides, there are individuals who have little idea about the educational impact on the child. Their the main objective- profit from the sale of brightly advertised stories. What really deserves the attention of children and their parents?

The content of the article:

Top 5 modern children's magazines for preschoolers

According to our site, the best publications were: “For the very little ones”, “Merry Bun”, “Svirelka”, “Tom and Jerry”, “PonyMashka”.

For the little ones

Educational publication for children from 1 to 4 years old. Together with their parents, children look at pictures with various scenes, on the basis of which a conversation is built. Readers are introduced to the world around them. The baby’s speech, feelings and emotions develop. It also contains tips for parents and educational games. This publication is recommended by the Ministry of Education. The average cost of one copy of 20 pages in 2016 is about 80 rubles.

Merry bun

Educational, entertaining magazine for children 4-8 years old. Its sections focus on counting and writing. Fairy tales, poems, various games (labyrinths, adventure games), coloring books, a page about wildlife, competitions for readers. The price is moderate, for 36 pages about 67 rubles.


Informational, developmental, entertaining publication. Dedicated to nature, the environment, ecology. For readers aged 3-8 years, there are poems, stories, riddles about the animal and plant world, educational games, as well as coloring books and crosswords. Another plus is that you can create a baby book with your own hands. The volume of “Svirelka” is 32 pages, the average cost is about 105 rubles.

Tom and Jerry

Comics that will give great mood older preschoolers. Funny adventures of famous heroes, jokes, riddles on all 36 pages. The price of an entertainment magazine is about 85 rubles.


A wonderful entertaining and educational magazine for preparing for school. Will help a preschooler learn to read, write, sculpt, draw, and make crafts. Suitable for children 3-7 years old. With the main character, a pony named Masha, children will learn about different countries, regions of our country, customs, animals, birds. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. As always, stories, riddles, recipes, and in addition, a task for the development of creative thinking, ingenuity, and attention. The price for 32 pages is, on average, 52 rubles.

Top 5 children's magazines for primary schoolchildren

The top five included: “Murzilka”, “GEOlenok”, “Sketch”, “Collection of Ideas”, “3/9 Kingdom”.


He has raised more than one generation of well-read, educated people. This is a treasure trove of quality contemporary and classic children's literature. "Murzilka" is addressed to children 6-12 years old, it is a good addition to educational program junior classes. Its headings contain material for a more in-depth study of almost all school subjects, not to mention riddles, crosswords, counting rhymes, and puzzles. A fairly voluminous edition (46 pages) can be purchased for about 150 rubles.


A popular science magazine for children aged 7-13 with an incredibly diverse set of sections. These are stories, reports about different countries, peoples, points on the map, about animals and plants, about the history of the objects around us, about space, the laws of physics, comics, and interesting tasks. All texts are written in a scientific style, but are easy for children to understand. Overall, the magazine is good even for reading with the whole family. 52 pages/85 rub.


An aesthetic magazine for children 6-12 years old, it tells schoolchildren about painting, sculpture, architecture, folk crafts, cinema and theater. “Sketch” instills in children a love of art, and, mainly, serves practical guide on drawing. Average cost 64 rubles, number of pages 36.

Collection of ideas

Develops the creative abilities of children 6-10 years old. In the magazine you can find detailed instructions, diagrams for making interesting crafts, ideas for needlework, applique, weaving, embroidery, origami, sculpting from salt dough etc. 34 pages/63 rub.

3/9 kingdom

A developmental magazine whose characters are heroes of Russian epics. Children are taught respect for their own culture and Russian folklore. Each issue is dedicated to the story of a single character. Entertaining tasks, riddles, puzzles, labyrinths, board games, and even a craft at the end of the magazine will be of interest not only to children. 52 rub./28 pages.

Top 5 modern children's magazines for teenagers

Children's encyclopedia

Educational and entertaining magazine for children from 12 years old. Each issue is dedicated to a specific topic. The articles are arranged in alphabetical order and written in simple, engaging language. In addition to them, there are also puzzles, crosswords, board games and competitions for readers. Unfortunately, the magazine is not sold at retail, but you can pick it up at any post office. Pages 56-80, price per issue is about 103 rubles.

Children's novel-newspaper

Literary publication, valuable texts of Russian classics and contemporary writers. In addition to carefully selected stories and short stories for children, in the sections of the novel newspaper you can learn about people who contributed to the history of the Russian state, take a virtual trip to the most beautiful places in Russia, read about painters and even create your own gallery of reproductions of famous masters. Readers have the opportunity to try their hand at writing by sending their essays to the editor. The price per copy is from 141 rubles with the number of pages from 28 to 39.


A wonderful information and entertainment magazine for teenage girls that meets their age interests. In the sections of the monthly publication there are many useful information about fashion, style, cosmetics, feelings, relationships; as well as psychological tests, advice, patterns, recipes, master classes on 72 pages costing about 368 rubles. The magazine is not sold at retail.

Young polymath

Will be of interest to boys 12-17 years old. This is an educational magazine that covers various areas of science: history, natural processes, anatomy, robotics, devices of various mechanisms and machines, the history of weapons. There are instructions for conducting fascinating physical experiments, various puzzles and competitions. 32 pages priced from 93 rubles.

Young naturalist

A popular science illustrated publication with an environmental focus that will appeal to both boys and girls. On the pages of the magazine, children can read about the secrets of the seas and oceans, about animals and plants protected by the Red Book, and about forests. Here you can not only read stories of famous naturalist writers, but also publish your notes about nature. Detailed instructions, how to build, for example, a bird feeder with your own hands, in addition, crosswords, games, puzzles - this is not the whole list of variety presented on 52 pages of a magazine worth 475 rubles.

All mentioned publications can be subscribed to at any post office, on the publications’ websites, as well as in online newspaper and magazine subscription stores. All of them go on retail sale except Marusya and Children's Encyclopedia. Subscription at post offices is noticeably cheaper than other options.

What magazines do your children subscribe to or what magazines do you buy at newsstands? Share your reviews of modern children's periodicals with the readers of Active Mom in the comments!

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    Summary: Leisure. Review of magazines for children. Children's magazine "Funny Pictures", "Filya", "Toshka and Company", "Svirelka", "Svirel", "Winnie the Pooh", "Mickey Mouse", "Tom and Jerry", "Barbie", "Magazine of Fairy Tales" ", " Good night, kids!". Literary and entertainment magazine "Murzilka". Educational magazine for children "GEOlenok". Literary and educational magazine for younger school age"Prostokvashino". Educational almanac "Klepa". Children's nature magazine for family reading "Anthill". Magazine "Why?" Magazine about pets "Cat and Dog". Educational almanac "Children's Encyclopedia". Developmental magazines.

    I remember that as a child, a real holiday was the day when the next issue of “Funny Pictures” appeared in our mailbox. Mom and I took the key and went together to get the treasure. This was our tradition. And then several hours or even days of enthusiastic leafing, reading and solving all sorts of puzzles. Later there were “Murzilka”, “Tram”, “Bonfire”.

    Now the culture of reading periodicals in families has been lost. And few parents know about the existence of a lot of magazines for children. Meanwhile, the variety of printed children's publications on the Russian market has recently been so great that it is impossible to cover them all in one small review It's simply impossible. And what makes us most happy is the fact that finally, from the covers of children's magazines displayed on trays and kiosks, the heroes of domestic cartoons and everyone's favorite TV shows have begun to look at us. However, first things first.

    At the age of three, a child is already able to concentrate his attention, he has learned to think logically, he is interested in everything that happens around him, hundreds of “why?” and for what?" In addition, the time has come to seriously engage in the development and education of the toddler. And magazines for little ones help to do this in a relaxed and entertaining way, in a playful way.

    "Funny pictures"

    Some parents experience the deepest surprise when they learn that their childhood friends - the cheerful little men Pencil, Samodelkin, Thumbelina - are still alive and well on the pages of this magazine. True, the publication itself has changed slightly: it has increased in size and began to be printed on thick paper. There are a lot of large illustrations and a minimum of text. Just what the youngest readers need, who cannot yet concentrate on a long text for a long time. They are more interested in dynamics, quick changes of emotions. As before, humorous poems and short stories of modern children's authors and "classics" of periodicals coexist on the pages of the magazine.

    There are sections with which you can make homemade items. And, of course, there are plenty of puzzles, riddles, labyrinths, and interesting tasks for kids.

    The only, in our opinion, “minus” of “Funny Pictures” is that the design of the magazine is not bright enough compared to some other publications. However, some psychologists believe that children do not need a riot of colors: it provokes excessive excitability and emotionality.

    The magazine will be of interest to children from 3 to 6 years old. The concept of the publication fully corresponds to the age-psychological needs of this age category of readers.

    Our rating is 4+

    The results of a survey conducted among preschoolers and primary schoolchildren show that most of all at this age children like to read about animals and nature. Do not deny your kids the pleasure of receiving comprehensive, “serious” answers to all these questions, and not excuses from the realm of science fiction. To do this, for example, take the magazine "Filya".


    All from the same Publishing House "Funny Pictures". This is a small monthly publication about nature for children aged 3–7 years. Built on the same principle as "Funny Pictures". Lots of large illustrations, riddles, puzzles and short texts. But they are quite enough to satisfy the curiosity of young readers.

    Our rating is 4+

    "Svirelka" and "Svirel"

    Do not confuse these two publications. Both of them are published by the publishing house "Veselye Kartinki", but if "Svirelka" is a monthly magazine about nature for the very little ones (from 3 to 8 years), then "Svirel" is also about nature, but for older readers (from 7 to 12 years old). The texts in it are written in a popular science style, adapted for schoolchildren. As illustrations - photographs.

    However, it’s not difficult to remember, because “Svirelka” is smaller in size than its “bigger” sister. It comes out in A5 format - half a landscape sheet. Many children love her for this. The magazine is quite voluminous - 32 pages. And the paper is thick and high quality. In addition to meaningful short stories, stories, and poems about wildlife, “Svirelka” has coloring pages and an insert book that you can easily make yourself: take a few sheets out of a magazine, fold them in half and sew them together. Surely you yourself did this operation more than once in childhood - you collected a personal “library” from such “little books” on the shelf of a bookcase. There are a lot of funny puzzles and riddles in the magazine. There is also a homemade one. In general, "Svirelka" is worthy of your baby's attention.

    Our rating is 5

    "Toshka and company"

    This is a "fun animal magazine" for children. But, as it seemed to us, a little older. 5 - 8 years old. There are also a lot of illustrations in it, and not only drawn ones, there are also photographs in Toshka. Short texts. The publication contains many riddles, logical tasks, and puzzles. There is a homemade product and even a poster with a photograph of an animal that a child can hang on the wall in the nursery with his own hands. If, of course, free design decisions by the younger generation are allowed in your home. Toshka also publishes drawings that readers send in their letters.

    True, “Toshka” is printed on regular (not glossy) paper and, like “Funny Pictures,” it is not very bright.

    The magazine is published by the Egmont Russia publishing house.

    Our rating is 4+

    "Winnie the Pooh"

    And here is another magazine published by the same publishing house and similar in theme to Toshka. It's called "Winnie the Pooh". But you won’t find our beloved, clumsy, “Leonov’s” bear cub in it. Disney's Winnie the Pooh and, accordingly, all his American friends "live" on the pages of the magazine. It is customary for us to criticize everything American, but this publication is not the case. Unlike entertainment comic magazines with the names of Disney cartoons, "Winnie the Pooh" is quite educational. It is published under the slogan “Your magazine about nature,” but is absolutely unlike all the above publications.

    There are bright illustrations, photographs of animals and very little text. Basically, young readers are offered developmental tasks for intelligence, puzzles, puzzles, and curious questions with which the child can test his erudition. The magazine also has coloring pages and DIY pages. All appeals to children come directly from the cartoon characters of the magazine, and this corresponds to the age-psychological characteristics of children’s perception of information.

    If you noticed, basically all children's publications and programs are hosted by one or more permanent characters. They become good friends of readers, whom children trust and whose advice they listen to.

    Our rating is 5

    "Mickey Mouse", "Tom and Jerry", "Barbie" & C0

    These and other comics magazines are also published by the Egmont Russia Publishing House. They were the first swallows of the publishing house to fly to Russia from America. And already in the 90s they gained enormous popularity among children who had never seen anything like it before. Until now, these and similar comics are in great demand among young readers. But, you understand, they cannot develop anything special in a child and are unlikely to perform a cognitive function. Yes, simple fun. But, of course, they do no harm. One of the classical psychologists even noted that children who love comics will later treat books with respect. Well, we don’t know, we don’t know. We can only say one thing: the comics of the Egmont Russia publishing house are, at least, much more colorful and harmless than their “analogs” about monsters and bandits, which have now proliferated, apparently and invisibly.

    The age audience for comics is practically unlimited. They may be of interest to anyone who loves Disney cartoons. Although the publishers conscientiously note in the imprint: “For middle school age.”

    Our rating is 4

    Another publication for preschoolers will help you to kill two birds with one stone - to introduce a careless child to books and make a homemade product with him.

    "Fairy Tales Magazine"

    In each of its issues, it is worth noting, which is quite colorful, only one fairy tale is published. Interesting and, most importantly, instructive. Publishers carefully select material. Basically, these are time-tested tales of the peoples of the world that are useful for the heart and mind. And after you and your child read it, he will certainly want to cut and glue from the proposed diagrams some scene or object that was discussed in the fairy tale. Just don’t forget to set a condition for your child: we will make crafts only after we read the fairy tale and remember what it said. By the way, interesting work with hands certainly evokes positive emotions in children, and they are the best way to help them remember new material. You will see that the “glued together” fairy tale will remain in the child’s memory for a long time. The magazine will be of interest to both preschoolers and children of primary school age.

    Our rating is 5

    "GOOG night kids!"

    Magazines for children preschool age. On its pages, your child will meet his favorite characters and spend more than a couple of minutes with them, as has recently become the case on television, but perhaps more than one day. In addition, he will hear from you or read a lot of funny stories and poems, will color, make crafts, solve riddles, puzzles, and answer questions. In the best traditions of literary and entertainment magazines for children. The magazine is published on high-quality paper, it contains bright, and, most importantly, pictures that are dear to the little ones’ hearts! The publication is addressed to readers aged 3 to 8 years.

    Our rating is 5+

    Developmental magazines from the Publishing House "Karapuz"

    A magazine about babies, about the age of rattles, sliders, cradles. About the first smiles, recognition, the first babble, sounds. What to expect? What and how to do? What to strive for? Expert advice and necessary information are given simply and clearly. Visual material in the form of separate pictures, for a child of this particular age, was prepared by the leading laboratory of the Russian Academy of Education. - 20 pages

    1-3 YEARS "For the very little ones"

    The only magazine in Russia recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as a guide for children's development early age. Winner in the category "Best Children's Magazine". Getting to know the world around you. Conversations based on plot pictures, development of speech, emotions and feelings. Didactic games. Meaningful advice for parents. - 18 pages

    1-3 YEARS "Early development. First steps"

    Fundamentally the new kind publications - cardboard magazine. Each issue is based on serious methodological development in one of the areas of early development. The texts are given as an example of a dialogue between a parent and a child, which creates good conditions for self-expression and speech activation. - 8 pages

    2–5 YEARS "Sandbox"

    Magazine didactic games on thick cardboard. The leading activity of this age is play. The main pedagogical task is the development of sensation and perception. The best innovative teachers will explain to you what you need to do, why and how, so that later there will be no problems with preparing for school. - 12 pages - 1 issue every 2 months.

    3-5 YEARS "Sparrow"

    Invisible, but systematic training in a game form in the main areas of development. Priority objectives are the development of speech, communication, interest in literacy and numeracy. Page for parents. (If your child is 3 years old and you have not yet systematically worked with him, we recommend that you first subscribe to the magazine “For the very little ones”). - 18 pages

    5-7 YEARS "Karapuz"

    The main magazine of the Publishing House "Karapuz" for preparing for school ("home lyceum"). Each issue is devoted to a specific topic - teaching reading and counting, preparing the hand for writing, developing attention, memory, thinking, speech. The authors, scientists from the Russian Academy of Education, give specific advice to parents. - 18 pages

    5-8 YEARS "We read ourselves"

    The first books for initial reading and successful development coherent speech. Large letters, short words and sentences. Gradual complication of texts and tasks. Colorful illustrations and favorite fairy tales. Comments from experts (common mistakes and problems) and methodological recommendations. – 12-20 pp.

    This is where we will probably finish our review of periodicals for preschoolers. There are certainly other baby magazines out there, but not all of them appear in retail sales. If you are a conscious parent and advocate for the education and development of your child, then be sure to visit the children's library with him. And there, perhaps, you will discover many more interesting publications for yourself and your child.

    However, it is no secret that among preschool children there are also particularly inquisitive individuals who, even before school, become real bookworms. “Funny pictures” for them are just childish fun. Give them something more serious. Especially for such book lovers, a list of publications addressed to older children.

    Literary and entertainment magazine "Murzilka".

    He, too, still lives and is very prosperous. If you haven't held one in your hands since you were a child, you will be pleasantly surprised. Now “Murzilka” is published in an enlarged format, on thick glossy paper, on more than thirty pages. In addition to wonderful texts written by famous children's authors, including literary works, educational and educational materials, the magazine contains very high-quality bright illustrations in the form of drawings and photographs. And in the middle of each issue there are amazing engravings of paintings by the greatest artists and an adapted text about the author and his creations. And also permanent comics, advice from "Murzilka", puzzles, puzzles and riddles, competitions with prizes. And, of course, letters and drawings from the readers themselves. "Murzilka" is addressed to children from 7 to 12 years old.

    Our rating is 5

    Educational magazine for children "GEOlenok".

    Modeled after the adult magazine "GEO". The most interesting, fascinating articles on a wide variety of topics from the world of animals and plants, history, geography, art, literature. As well as materials devoted to issues that are relevant to children: school life, achievements of peers, interests and hobbies, first romantic feelings (all within reason!). In addition, the magazine contains many interesting tasks, competitions and quizzes with prizes. And very colorful design with strip photographs highest quality and comments to them. Everything is like in "GEO", only better, because it is for children. The magazine is created by Russian authors, and therefore is completely adapted to our reality. Designed for ages 7 to 13 years.

    Our rating is 5+

    Literary and educational magazine for primary school age "Prostokvashino".

    Volume 32 pages. Published with the participation of the author of wonderful children's books, Eduard Uspensky. Each number opens new story from the life of Uncle Fyodor and his friends. In addition, the magazine contains a lot of educational materials, accompanied by comments from cartoon characters from Prostokvashino, drawings and photographs. As well as comics, games, competitions and quizzes.

    Our rating is 5

    Educational almanac "Klepa".

    Designed for ages 9 to 12 years. Issued on 42 pages in A5 format - half a landscape sheet. The constant heroine, the girl Klyopa, “travels” across different times and countries together with readers.

    Our rating is 5

    Children's nature magazine for family reading "Anthill".

    Published on 56 pages, on paper good quality. It contains stories and stories from the lives of animals written by professional writers and journalists. Quite a serious educational publication, which can even act as additional educational literature for schoolchildren. The texts are accompanied by colorful photographs.

    Our rating is 4

    Magazine "Why?"

    Published on 34 pages, designed for primary school age. The publication is full of high-quality educational materials, but the illustrative material is not very bright, and the images for a children's edition are quite small. The magazine is popular among children.

    Our rating is 4+

    Magazine about pets "Cat and Dog".

    Issued on 34 pages, excellent printing quality. The magazine contains large artistic photographs of pets, tips on caring for them, stories from the life of tailed animals and letters from readers. One of the favorite publications among little pet lovers.

    Our rating is 5

    Educational almanac "Children's Encyclopedia".

    Publishing House "AiF". Published on thick, high-quality paper in a reduced A5 format. Each rather plump book is devoted to one large topic. For example: " Houseplants", "Chocolate", "Physics", "Cats", "Diplomacy". The material in the magazine is arranged alphabetically. For each letter there are several thematic concepts that are explained in a language accessible to children, in a fascinating literary form. The text is accompanied by illustrations. The almanac is also actively used by children as an additional educational tool and is one of the most popular publications among regular library visitors.

    Our rating is 5

    Magazine "Masterilka" Publishing House "Karapuz" (5-12 years old)

    Funny toys, crafts made from paper and plasticine, natural materials, boxes, wire and ropes - the child will make all this with his own hands and will play, give, and create comfort in the home. In addition to specific benefits and work skills, the magazine develops imagination and creative thinking, hard work, patience and perseverance. - 16 pages

    Magazine "Orange Sun" publishing house "Gamma"

    The ability to draw, play music, dance, and write poetry in an album has always been an integral part of a good secular education and upbringing. By being creative, a little person stimulates the right hemisphere of the brain and trains all channels of perception (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). He enriches himself emotionally and broadens his horizons, becoming more charming and sociable. In other words, it develops harmoniously, which means that when it grows up, it will make any career faster and more successful. Not to mention the fact that he can become a real artist, poet or musician.

    How to determine a child’s abilities, why to develop them, where to take him, what and why to buy for this, how to achieve this or that effect by doing creative work with a child? You will find answers to these and other questions in this magazine.

    In our opinion, we have highlighted the publications that deserve the most attention from you. If you want more, take the initiative and look into the library or subscription catalogue. Believe me, in any case, if you yourself offer your child high-quality periodicals to read, he will only benefit. Otherwise, there is a chance that someday he himself, at the suggestion of friends and in search of interesting information, will look into “Hammer”, “Cool” and others like them. Take a look there too. Feel the difference. Then you will understand why it is necessary to introduce your child to high-quality periodicals from childhood and not skimp on his development.