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Pragmatics of the language of tourism advertising. Pragmatic component of advertising texts Pragmatic function of advertising

However, we should not forget that there is also a reverse influence of society on advertising, a kind of Feedback, as already mentioned above. This influence is exercised not only by regulatory and regulatory documents, but also by the direct reaction of society to specific advertising projects.

Society places ethical demands on advertising. Let's list the main restrictions. Advertising messages should not:

  • - mislead the consumer (through omissions, exaggerations, ambiguities);
  • - take advantage of the inexperience and gullibility of the consumer;
  • - use superstitious signs, play on feelings of fear, create a feeling of inferiority;
  • - violate traditions, offend national and religious feelings;
  • - have a harmful effect on the children's audience (Golovleva E.L., p. 215, 2).
  • - advertising makes goods and services more expensive;
  • - advertising exploits such negative qualities of people as greed, envy;
  • - advertising manipulates people, forces them to make unnecessary purchases due to false prestige;
  • - advertising violates the norms of literary language and is often in bad taste;
  • - advertising is carried out using dishonest methods, presenting positive information and concealing negative information that is important for consumers.
  • - manipulation of consciousness and behavior.

Advertising experts deny these accusations. In their opinion, advertising activities, as part of marketing, are necessary for a civilized society. It is brought to life by the needs of society. It informs millions of people about beautiful, necessary and convenient things, about necessary services(Sarkisyan O.A., Gruzdeva O.A., Krasovsky G.V., p. 70, 6).

In addition, advertising ultimately reduces prices, since, by stimulating demand, it promotes mass production goods, while the costs that form the basis of the price are reduced. Advertising raises the level of aspirations of many people, forcing them to earn money, and creates the concept of prestige. Supporters of the development of advertising believe that the paths of “dishonest” advertising are blocked: it violates the law and is prosecuted (Gordon I.M., p. 83, 3).

The development of requirements for the language and style of this kind of messages is of certain scientific and practical significance, since they differ in terms of writing from strictly regulated business papers.

There is a certain system of requirements for an advertising letter from the perspective of four aspects of semiotics:

  • - pragmatists who study the influence of the message on the addressee;
  • - sigmatics, which studies the languages ​​in which the message is presented;
  • - semantics, which studies the content of the message;
  • - syntactics, which studies the composition, structure and organization of the message.
  • - presentation of the manufacturer as an enterprise that enjoys a high reputation and commitment and produces reliable in a broad sense products;
  • - knowledge of the characteristics of potential buyers, understanding the motives of their behavior, interests, problems;
  • - taking into account the needs of various groups of customers (businessmen, purchasing department specialists, technical specialists, engineers, etc.) (Uzilevsky G.Ya., pp. 25-26, 10)

In connection with the above, experts recommend attaching catalogs, prospectuses, leaflets, booklets, postcards about the activities of the enterprise and the goods it produces to advertising letters in order for the customer to obtain a complete picture of the enterprise or company. The above brings us to the requirement to ensure that the buyer is informed about the state and activities of the enterprise or firm. Concluding our consideration of the pragmatic aspect of writing an advertising letter, we note that advertising solves not only a momentary, commercial problem, it builds a solid foundation of respect and trust, both in the company itself and in the country in which it operates.

It is well known that a person exists in society, and society is a system in which communication occurs, carried out through various sign systems. Society is based on economic relations, which, in turn, are one of the types of communication, and advertising in this context serves as a stimulus for economic relations.

But in linguistic terms, advertising is a system of means of expressing information and can also be considered as a semiotic system. Research within the framework of the social function of language makes it possible to accept advertising as one of the spheres human activity, which allows us to consider its linguistic features within the framework of social oriented communication generally.

The uniqueness of the communication conditions in the advertising text follows from its pragmatic orientation: the advertising text contains certain information, the purpose of which is to influence (by persuasion, suggestion) the psyche and determine the behavior of the recipient. All types of influence on the recipient are important, as well as taking into account his specific perception, which is based, on the one hand, on the picture of the situation known to the communicants and their general background of knowledge, and, on the other hand, on the “programming” of certain physical actions (for example, visiting store, bank).

Pragmatic aspect advertising texts is directly related to their unique organization (choice of grammatical and lexical units, stylistic devices, use of elements of different sign systems) and has as its final content an orientation towards specific actions on the part of communication partners.

In an advertising text, it is important to be able to form an advertising image using various lexical-syntactic and visual means. An advertising image creates specific ideas about a subject and evokes certain feelings that influence the behavior of the reader and listener in the right direction. The advertising image is formed taking into account individual characteristics the advertised item and the common features inherent in the group of items.

Orientation towards achieving a goal in the process of advertising production is based on emotional appeals and appeals to the unconscious, i.e. advertising is used as a universal tool for psychoprogramming the consciousness and behavior of people in various areas of life (Strizhenko A.A., p.48-51, 9)

Thus, advertising is a kind of sign (semiotic) system, which represents the coexistence different types“languages” (text itself, visual and textual series, social “text” and “context”), operating in human society, along with natural language and other cultural phenomena, storing and transmitting information.

Pragmatics (from Greek. pragma? business, action) is a broad area of ​​linguistics. The basic idea of ​​pragmatics is that language can only be understood and explained in the broad context of its use, i.e. through its functioning. The concept of functionality is basic in the pragmatic approach to language in both foreign and domestic linguistics.

It is the functional aspect that pragmatists G.V. emphasize in their definitions. Kolshansky and N.D. Arutyunova.

Pragmatics studies all the conditions under which a person uses linguistic signs [Kolshansky, 1999, p. 127], while the conditions of use mean the conditions adequate choice and the use of linguistic units in order to achieve the ultimate goal of communication? influence on partners in the process of their speech activity.

N.D. Arutyunova refers pragmatics to the field of “research in semiotics and linguistics, which studies the functioning of linguistic signs in speech, including a set of issues related to the speaking subject, the addressee, their interaction in communication and the communication situation” [Arutyunova, 2001, p. 389?390].

The theory of speech acts (one of the main branches of linguistic pragmatics) is associated, first of all, with the name of J. Austin, who drew attention to the fact that uttering a statement can represent not only the communication of information, but also other actions (for example, a request, advice , warning). Within the framework of the theory of linguistic philosophy of J. Austin and J. Searle, a distinction was proposed between locution (the act of speaking), illocution (carrying out some act during speaking) and perlocution (influencing the feelings, thoughts and actions of others and obtaining a result - intentional / unintended effects of exposure) [Austin, 2004, p. 108].

When performing a speech act, two actions are carried out simultaneously: the actual utterance of the utterance (locutionary act) and the illocutionary act, for example, the expression of a request, etc. In other words, in addition to transmitting the message, the speaker’s communicative intention is realized.

According to J. Austin, a statement may be intended, in addition, to carry out one or another impact on the listener, i.e. have a perlocutionary effect. It is the perlocutionary effect that is an important result of the impact social advertising.

A number of issues that pragmatics studies are important and relevant for the activities of social advertising, in particular, the impact of the statement on the addressee.

Each advertising text is designed for a certain perlocutionary effect. The pragmatic focus of any advertising text is the need to induce the addressee to respond. The effectiveness of communication through social advertising lies precisely in the extent to which this impact has been achieved. N.D. Arutyunova, discussing the problem of the addressee factor in a speech act, makes the pragmatic meaning of a speech act dependent not only on the speaking subject, but also on the speech situation, and also to a significant extent on the recipient. It is the consistency of the parameters of communicators that ensures correct management communications. Every act is designed for a specific model of the addressee. In this case, the role of the recipient is such that it forces the speaker to take care of the organization of his speech.

Thus, a broad understanding of pragmatics covers a set of issues related to the speaking subject, the addressee, their interaction in communication and the communication situation. “The subject and the addressee, as the starting and ending points of a communicative act, inevitably enter into the essential characteristics of a speech work; they constitute an organic unity and cannot be separated unless the conditional formula of any linguistic method of research is stipulated. The set of conditions that determine the formation of a particular speech work by the subject and the corresponding perception of it by the addressee, including the condition of the adequacy of the speech impact on the communicant, constitutes the inextricable integrity and essence of communication itself” [Kolshansky, 1999, p. 139].

Thus, understanding by pragmatics the theory of speech influence, we note that it is the correct pragmatic orientation of the discourse of social advertising that is the factor that largely determines its specificity and turns out to be decisive for the formation of other distinctive features of social advertising. The pragmatic orientation of texts of this type determines the logical and/or emotional core of the statement, the general tone of the discourse, dictates the selection of linguistic and non-linguistic means and the method of their presentation and organization.

From the perspective of modern pragmalinguistics, an advertising text is characterized as a vivid speech form of social influence, as a unidirectional speech action, the content of which is the social influence of the addressee on the addressee through clarification and information [cit. after Fomin, 1999]. In addition to describing the characteristics of the product, advertising carries an additional load due to the illocutionary intention of the sender of the text embedded in the text; The purpose of advertising is to attract the attention of consumers to a particular product. Speech influence, i.e. the influence of verbal information on the recipient’s behavior, is formed as a result of the interaction of a number of linguistic and non-linguistic factors included in the act of communication. Under these conditions, expressiveness becomes prerequisite pragma-communicative existence of an advertising text, since the extent to which the communicative, pragmatic and aesthetic functions of advertising are realized largely depends on it. The expressiveness of an advertising message is a necessary means to achieve its immediate goal: to encourage a potential buyer through an extremely compressed lexical and semantic structure to purchase the subject of advertising. The problem of expressiveness is one of the cardinal linguistic problems.

We consider expressiveness as one of the leading conceptual categories of advertising that determine its pragmatic-communicative existence [cit. after Maslova, 1997]. Expressiveness in our work is presented as an essential characteristic of an advertising text, as an act of pragmatic text formation. The possibilities of expressiveness as an essential characteristic of an advertising message are inherent, first of all, in its denotative plan. It is on the denotative attribution of the subject of advertising that the expected perlocutionary effect ultimately depends. The denotation of the text (product, service, image, universal values, political parties, movements) may have one or another personal significance for the recipient of the advertisement, regardless of whether there are expressive units in the text or not. It is the denotative plan that creates the ground for the emergence of connotative meanings, the deep intentions of the author’s superidea. Thus, the choice of a “key” word is determined both by the pragmatic attitudes of the advertiser and by the properties of the specific denotation of the advertising text. It is obvious that there are certain semantic connections between the meanings of the “key” words and the name of the denotation. The signs and properties of the denotation predetermine to some extent the appearance of a particular word-characteristic. If the name of the denotation is not directly related to the expression of the subjective modal component, then keywords are a direct conductor of the expression embedded by the author in the advertising text. Thus, linguistic means “dress” the denotation of advertising, forcing it to become personally significant for the addressee.

The use of expressive language in the process of generating advertising text depends on the advertiser. The addressee, as a more informed participant in communication, fills in possible gaps in the addressee’s conceptual picture of the world. Moreover, he does this not intrusively, but very tactfully and friendly, revealing new opportunities to his interlocutor, emphasizing their advantages and offering to take advantage of them. The pragmatics of the text is manifested not only in the fact that it influences the recipient, but also in the fact that the text contains implicit information about its author and the sphere of communication. Through his message, the advertiser updates a complex of verbalized and non-verbalized knowledge about the world around him, including a certain value system, to which he refers the consumer directly or indirectly. The idea, the advertising appeal, the idea of ​​the advertising message, the advertising image, the meaning-forming motives of the advertisement, the composition of the RT, the language means are determined consciously or unconsciously by the author of the advertisement as a linguistic personality, his model of the world, individual experience, value system, and attitude to language. Special linguistic means (figurative, emotive, evaluative) used in advertising do not in themselves create the overall expressiveness of the text. Expressiveness arises under the condition that these means, firstly, display a certain content (characterize the object of advertising), and secondly, are addressed to a real consumer for whom they will be personally significant. Any text, including advertising, is designed for perception, understanding and evaluation. Consequently, the expressive efforts of the advertising author achieve their goal when they are consistent with the apperceptive capabilities of the recipient. It is known that one of the most important tactics of speech behavior is the construction by both partners common system reference necessary for their mutual understanding [Tretyakova, 2000: 21-30]. For successful implementation In the phenomenon of speech influence, it is important that the intention of the sender of the advertisement is correctly recognized by the reader - the recipient of the advertisement. The implementation of an expressive advertising plan affects the dynamics, quality and selectivity of perception, contributes to an accelerated, in-depth and expanded understanding of the text. The expressive plan of the text also contributes to the achievement of a pragmatic goal - a change in the consciousness and behavior of the addressee, encourages him to an active reaction - the acquisition of a product/service. The objective meaning of linguistic units is superimposed on the personal meaning of a potential buyer who perceives the advertising text, resulting in an expressive effect. Each reader looks at the same advertising message through the prism of his ideas and concepts, through the prism of his individual consciousness. The perception of advertising is always selective and depends on the psychological state of the recipient at the time of perception. There are no advertising messages that do not contain expressiveness at the recipient text level, because there will always be an advertisement recipient for whom this or that content will be expressive, regardless of the presence or absence of special linguistic expressive means in the text. The factors that determine the strength of expressiveness, which is based on the interaction between the text and the addressee, include: harmony or disharmony of the goals of the advertiser and the consumer, therefore, the interest of the advertising recipient in the communicated information, his system of values, the addressee’s knowledge of the world around him. In addition, the possibilities of the influencer effects are embedded in units of various levels - vocabulary, morphology, syntax, and phonographic units. The author of the advertisement selects such emotive, evaluative, figurative, stylistic, as well as compositional and structural linguistic means that are able to present the denotation of the advertisement in the most favorable light. Advertising text is characterized by a tendency to combine means of all levels of language, representing a network of intratextual connections. When creating advertising and trying to achieve the main goal of advertising - influencing a potential buyer, the advertiser refuses the standard conventional and normalized means of language in order to influence his consciousness and behavior with a new, unpredictable language means (combination of means) for the reader. The use of systemic expressive means and techniques enhances the overall expressive tone of advertising, since every technique is an active and serious “game” with meanings and meanings, which has a communicative purpose and a pragmatic purpose - emotional infection of the addressee [Ladutko, 1999: 86-93]. In a specific text, any neutral means of language, depending on the intentions of the advertiser, can be transformed and become emotionally, figuratively or aesthetically affecting, i.e. expressive, spreading the expressive effect throughout the entire text. We consider the expressiveness of an advertising text, therefore, as a system of linguistic means and techniques used in the text, which allows us to most expressively present the denotation of advertising - a product / service - and the pragmatic intention of the addressee, as a result of which it influences the consciousness, behavior and activity of the addressee.

a) Informative. According to E.V. Klyuev, speech interaction is always focused on transmitting or receiving information.

b) Pragmatic (function of influence) - the use of linguistic means for intellectual, emotional or volitional influence on the addressee of speech. Of great interest to our research is the problem of speech influence in mass communication. The rapid development of theories of public relations and image making makes public discourse a tool in creating and regulating image.

c) Emotive (emotionally expressive) - the use of linguistic means to express an attitude towards the content of the message or towards the interlocutor.

d) Phatic (contact-establishing) - the use of linguistic means to establish psychological contact with the addressee.

Let's take a closer look at each of these functions.

The informative function consists of transmitting a certain amount of information, a set of data about an organization (or product), characterizing its distinctive qualities.

Advertising transforms the array of transmitted information into a system of attitudes, motives and principles of the recipient of the message. The tools for forming attitudes are frequent repetition of the same arguments, providing logical evidence of what was said, and the formation of favorable associations.

This influence is aimed at the mental structures of a person, “is carried out secretly and aims to change the opinions, motives and goals of people in the right direction.”

As G. Schiller notes, “to achieve success, manipulation must remain invisible. The success of manipulation is guaranteed. When the manipulated believes that everything that happens is natural and inevitable. In short, manipulation requires a false reality in which its presence will not be felt.”

The most important targets that are influenced when manipulating consciousness are memory and attention. The analytical and theoretical study of attention is fraught with great difficulties, but a huge amount of experimental research has been devoted to it, so that technologies for manipulating consciousness have an unlimited supply of “stimuli” that make it possible to attract, switch or disperse attention, as well as influence its stability and intensity.

For successful manipulation, it is important to correctly assess such characteristics of the audience as stability and intensity of attention. They depend on the level of education, age, profession, training of people and are amenable to experimental study. The technological base of the manipulator is no less important.

Television and other mass media, which operate simultaneously with text, music and visually perceived moving images, have an exceptionally high, magical ability to concentrate, disperse and switch the attention of the recipient.

Advertisers have a rule: “The message must always have a level of intelligibility that corresponds to an IQ approximately ten points below the average coefficient of the social class for which the message is intended. A person must perceive the message effortlessly and unconditionally, without internal struggle and critical analysis.

The simplification technique allows you to express the main idea that you want to convey to the audience in a concise, energetic and impressive form - in the form of a statement. Assertion in any speech means a refusal to discuss, because the power of the person or idea that may be discussed loses all credibility. It also means asking the audience, the crowd, to accept the idea without discussing it as it is, without weighing the pros and cons, and to answer “yes” without hesitation.

Suggestion involves the use of both conscious and unconscious elements. The result of suggestion can be a conviction obtained without logical evidence.

It should be noted that suggestion is possible, firstly, if it meets the needs and interests of the addressee, and secondly, if a person with authority and unconditional trust can be used as a source of information. As the creators of advertising note, suggestion will be more effective if the advertising message is repeated many times.

Repetition also serves a pragmatic function. It gives statements the weight of additional conviction and turns them into obsessions. Hearing them again and again, in different versions and on very different occasions, eventually you begin to get into them. "As an obsession, repetition becomes a barrier against differing or contrary opinions. Thus, it minimizes reasoning and quickly turns thought into action."

An advertising message is defined as a completed message that has a strictly oriented pragmatic setting (attracting attention to the subject of advertising), combining the distinctive features of oral speech and written text with a complex of semiotic (paralinguistic) means.

The main goal of advertising is to arouse consumer interest, that is, to influence the pragmatic sphere of consumers by all means. To do this, along with other means, various stylistic techniques are used, the purpose of which is to activate the recipient’s interest and create favorable conditions for consolidating the advertising message in the recipient’s mind.

When encoding information, the addressee tries to create as much as possible a situation of direct or indirect influence on the addressee. Various means are used as codes:

1) verbal: vocabulary and style of oral speech; vocabulary and writing style;

2) non-verbal: rate of speech; visual image (person, animal, object) and its movement, gestures; color (bright, muted, dull); sound (melody, intonation and timbre of voice, modulation); smell (of flowers, perfume); taste.

A certain effect on the addressee can be achieved not only by linguistic, but also by paralinguistic means: with the help of drawings, photographs accompanying the text, or paragraphs (placing text on a plane, using color in it, varying fonts).

All of the above means are actively used in advertising creativity in order to influence the consumer of products or services.

Evaluativeness and emotionality (the emotive function of advertising) act as a tool for advertisers to realize their interests. Based on this, advertising uses initially positive vocabulary, for example: perfection, joy, success, growth, dream, movement, etc. Emotionality in the language of advertising is manifested in feelings, moods, sensations. In advertising, different levels of the language evaluation system interact. The consequence of this interaction at the textual level of advertising is its special expressiveness, “...determined not only by linguistic, but also by visual impact.”

In psychology, the influence of the emotional elements of a message on its memorability has been studied in detail. "In all balance different types memory (figurative, verbal, sound, etc.) the main thing for the manipulation of consciousness is emotional memory." What is remembered and acts first of all is what caused the impression. Any information, if it is not supported by the memory of feelings, is quickly erased and replaced by other information .

The connection between emotional memory and recognition is important. Recognition plays a role in the manipulation of consciousness key role, because it creates a false sense of what is already familiar. This becomes a prerequisite for the audience to agree with the communicator (the sender of the message) - he is perceived by the audience as one of their own. To “capture” an audience, recognition is much more important than conscious agreement with his statements.

The phatic (contact-establishing) function of advertising and PR is the use of linguistic and paralinguistic means to establish psychological contact with the addressee. It is carried out using address and techniques of positioning the addressee towards the addressee.

Among the main functions speech etiquette called contact making. Etiquette is a prescription based on the fact that if a person wants to occupy a certain place in a given society, then he must justify the expectations of this society with his behavior (including speech). Etiquette helps to get around sharp corners, smooth out contradictions with etiquette formulas or etiquette behavior. Etiquette expressions are actively used in advertising and PR.

The functions of PR and advertising in educational discourse determine the genre palette of implemented texts. E.Yu. Dyakova identifies the following genres: advertising for those entering universities, advertising vacancies, brochures, leaflets, articles in university and other periodicals, interviews with representatives of university administrations, Internet sites, interactive communication with universities via the Internet.

A detailed genre description of PR texts is given in the work of A.D. Krivonosov "PR-text in the system of public communications". Let us characterize the genres of primary PR texts, systematizing them, following A.D. Krivonosov, into five groups:

1) operational news genres - a group of genres that quickly transmit previously unknown to the public news information relating to the basic subject of PR. .

This group includes a press release and an invitation.

2) research and news genres - genres that report non-operative, but up-to-date information, accompanying a news event concerning the basic subject of PR. The object of reflection in these genres is an event, a process, a person.

Background, question-answer sheet - genre varieties of this group.

3) factual genres - genres that contain Additional information(primarily facts) in relation to a news event in the life of the basic subject.

Factual genres include fact sheet and biography.

4) research genres are genres that presuppose the presence in the text of elements of a logical and rational analysis of the facts presented, multi-channel sources of information, and a special style that, despite the presence of means of expressing personal principles, tends to the scientific style.

Statement for the media is the most striking genre of this group.

5) figurative news genres are focused on a news event, but information about this event is presented from a specific person: these are genres that are often allegedly signed by the first person of the basic PR subject and / or distributed on his behalf.

Many texts of this genre reflect the phatic function - the function of maintaining communicative contact. In the genre of congratulations, the aesthetic function prevails.

Figurative news genres include: byliner, congratulation, letter.

In the same work, A.D. Krivonosov defines genre peculiarities combined texts and media texts. He includes a press kit, booklet, brochure, and leaflet as combined PR texts. The peculiarity of combined texts is that they function in various areas of public communications, have different target public groups and can contain texts of other related communications (journalistic and advertising texts).

Press kit, booklet, prospectus, brochure, newsletter - types of combined texts.

Media texts are PR texts emanating from the initiative of the basic subject of PR, prepared by employees of PR structures or by journalists themselves, distributed exclusively through printed media outlets.

Under the media texts of A. D. Krivonosov, the following genre varieties are recognized: image article, image interview and case story.

To summarize what has been said about the functions of advertising and PR in educational discourse, it can be noted that the specificity of the functions lies in the implementation of influence on the addressee, suggestion. IN advertising practice The main types of advertising influence are identified - information, persuasion, suggestion and motivation. Thus, the main markers of advertising are informativeness and suggestiveness, and the markers of the impact on the addressee are intensity, imagery, emotionality, expressiveness and evaluativeness.

The limitations of the marketing approach to advertising (which negatively affects the achievement of purely pragmatic goals!) is that the marketing concept considers advertising only from the point of view of the subject of influence - the advertiser, advertiser. In numerous literature on marketing and advertising you can find a description various techniques on attracting attention to the advertising message, on the creative strategy, but there it is impossible to find a deeper formulation of the question: not how to attract attention to advertising and the product, but why the advertising message should attract his attention. As we noted above, non-advertising communication has use value and is a commodity. Advertising communication, perceived by the consumer as advertising, is often rejected by him, since the consumer is aware of the conflict of interests in the buyer-seller relationship and understands that they want to impose an idea on him, to sell something. And to that extent, this communication has no value for him.

It should be noted that there is a difference in understanding the effectiveness of advertising within the framework of marketing and cultural approaches. In the literature on advertising, it is customary to distinguish between psychological effectiveness, which is usually understood as the effectiveness of the impact of an advertising message on individual consciousness, communicative effectiveness - the manifestation of psychological effects in a mass audience, and economic efficiency, as the ratio of costs to profit. The concept that is closest to the cultural understanding of effectiveness is communicative effectiveness, since it reflects the degree of effectiveness of introducing a certain idea into the mass consciousness.

In order to give preference to a product (buy it) or a candidate (vote for it), it is not at all necessary to consider it ideal and defend your point of view in discussions. In marketing level psychological effectiveness determined by a more modest degree. And from the point of view of cultural effectiveness, we will be interested in: whether the advertised object (product, brand, etc.) has become a symbol of something, what place it has taken in the value system.

The pragmatism of the cultural approach to advertising is:

1) taking into account the role and significance of the communication channel in the cultural and communication system;

Therefore, it is necessary to provide value to advertising; it must either contain useful information, or to entertain the consumer, etc., i.e. perform non-advertising communication functions. And for this it is necessary to use all its forms, means and phenomena.

The advertisement began with an announcement. Currently, the effectiveness of traditional - elementary - forms of advertising communication, advertising messages, such as an ad, audio or video, etc. continues to decline. There is a process of switching to the use of more complex forms of advertising. On television - the most popular media - this is advertising of goods placed directly in programs (Smak, Bad Notes, My Family, etc.), the creation of special advertising television projects (The Last Hero), advertising in television series.

Diachronic forms of communication (which marketers attribute not to advertising, but PR) are also used when promoting goods, such as, for example, educational program Blend-a-med. It is aimed at ensuring that childhood to form an associative connection among the consumer between the process of brushing teeth and the brand, making the concepts toothpaste and Blend-a-med synonymous. The company thus forms a positive image among parents and teachers and has an impact on the children's psyche. Well, the children preschool age they are simply not yet able to think critically about one or another asserted postulate.

Advertising myths formed (mainly as a result of accumulated empirical knowledge) in the minds of those who will the myth lead to serious and inexplicable failures in the construction of advertising myths about goods within the framework of existing mythology.

Let's look at some of them related to advertising media. When choosing advertising media, the correspondence between the target audience and the media audience is taken into account, and the advantages and disadvantages of media channels are also considered. In the educational literature, opinions about them have already been established. The advantages of television are simultaneous visual and audio impact, high degree of viewer involvement, large audience and breadth of coverage, high emotional impact; disadvantages - high absolute cost and overload with advertising, fleeting advertising contact and poor selectivity of the audience. Disadvantages of newspapers: low emotionality and low quality of reproduction of illustrative material, etc., etc.

The problem is that advantages and disadvantages do not have a single classification basis for evaluation. For example, the weak selectivity of the television audience is not a disadvantage when advertising consumer goods, but simultaneous visual and sound impact is only a means of high emotional impact, attracting attention, interest and increasing the memorability of information.

A significant drawback, not of advertising media, but of this approach to assessing their merits, is that media channels are viewed primarily through the prism of the reach + frequency approach. Although it is considered the core of only one element of the advertising plan - media planning, it directly affects the core of the advertising process - the creative development of the advertising message.

Let's try to find answers to the questions, not so much what is better than television, radio, newspapers or printed products as advertising media, but why is it better and what should the advertising message be?

Returning to the sociocultural functions of advertising, it should be noted that the pragmatic goals of advertisers will be met by a functional approach to the use of advertising communications. Objectively, the effective implementation of a pragmatic function - economic: promotion of goods - depends on the effectiveness of advertising's implementation of socio-cultural functions. What is the essence of the functional approach? The fact is that an advertising message must perform the functions of the main content of a media channel or that cultural artifact, the form of which it uses for its pragmatic purposes. As a result, the type and form of advertising messages should be determined by the characteristics of media channels. (Although M. McLuhan noted half a century ago that The medium is the message, this thesis is still almost not taken into account by advertisers). In turn, these characteristics, to which we include 1) the nature of the sensations that the media channel causes (visual, auditory or visual-auditory) and 2) the type of thinking (abstract-logical or figurative) that the consumer engages in perceiving and processing information, coming through this channel have a real psychophysiological basis.

These characteristics determine all the advantages and disadvantages of mass communication channels as means of advertising distribution.

The third characteristic that interests us and which follows from the first two is the nature of contact with a media channel - random or purposeful, as well as the motives for accessing the media channel, the purpose of its use.

A person can be exposed to media by accident: accidentally hearing information on the radio, accidentally seeing a billboard outdoor advertising. Accidental use of a magazine or newspaper is much less common. And, for example, accidentally reading newspaper correspondence or an analytical article is even more difficult: contact with this type of media channel is usually targeted.

The most likely is accidental contact with media channels focused on imaginative thinking (the inclusion of abstract-logical thinking requires a person to great effort, than figurative), and among them - causing auditory sensations. Since the senses work, a person involuntarily perceives various messages, being forced to consume information insofar as it helps basic orientation in the world around him. In the case when the contact is purposeful, voluntary, it is determined by the motives of satisfying any human needs.

The goals and motivation for using media channels can be divided into two main types: 1) use as a means of entertainment and recreation and 2) use as a source of information.

If a media channel satisfies recreational needs, then the audience’s emotional motives for accessing the media channel are in the foreground. If the audience is interested in receiving information, then the motives are rational. This difference also leads to the peculiarities of such a mental process as attention, which is of interest to advertisers. In the first case (rest, recreation), the audience's possibilities for using voluntary - volitional - attention are limited: it simply will not load its consciousness, will not engage in abstract-logical thinking. Those. The motives for using a media channel directly depend on the type of thinking. The motivation for contacting can also be multifunctional. However, even news programs on television, as evidenced by sociological surveys, satisfy not only informational, but also recreational human needs.

For recreational purposes, the audience uses communication channels that focus primarily on imaginative thinking (TV, FM radio, illustrated magazines). Media channels aimed at abstract-logical thinking (newspapers, Radio Russia, magazines with a small amount illustrations, analytical materials in them) cannot satisfy this need and are used as a source of information.

Newspapers, magazines, as well as some printed advertising, i.e. those channels that use the transmission of information primarily through texts require the mandatory inclusion of voluntary, volitional attention. In the auditory and visual-auditory channels, the period of involvement of voluntary attention is often very short: voluntary attention either passes due to the presence of interest into post-voluntary attention, which does not require volitional efforts, or the person is distracted by another stimulus.

This is the duration of contact, which affects the degree of concentration and the degree of memorization of information. Memorability increases when an object or information remains in memory for a long time. However, with prolonged exposure to the stimulus, firstly, a process of adaptation occurs - adaptation, and secondly, fatigue develops, expressed in a decrease in sensitivity, impaired attention and memory. And, as a protective reaction of the body, the inhibition of mental processes begins.

It is necessary to take into account the conditions and situation of consuming media channel content (simultaneously with doing other things, under time pressure, with parallel exposure to other stimuli, etc.), which also affect the degree of concentration and the efficiency of memorization. If several stimuli act on a person at the same time, then the significance of each decreases, or the person ignores some of them. In addition, the perception of an object consists of individual sensations. From this it follows that several stimuli from different sources can overlap each other and the perception of an object or phenomenon is formed from the entire sum of sensations, including those not related to this object.

The next characteristic is the level of mental activity at the moment of contact with the media channel: fatigue - reduced level, excitement - increased. This level influences the characteristics of human adaptation to the environment.

With an increased level of mental activity, the degree of concentration and memory efficiency increases. At the same time, the nature of the reaction to certain stimuli may change: the strength of the reaction increases, emotions can manifest themselves in the form of affects. If arousal has a plus sign (delight, joy), then the stimuli receive greater approval; if it has a minus sign, then greater disapproval.

With a reduced level of activity, the volume of attention, the duration of its concentration decreases, and memorability decreases.

And, of course, another important component of the psychology of perception of a media channel is the emotional state at the moment of contact: anxiety or joy, bad or good mood. The content of a media channel will be perceived differently by a person depending on his mood.

Television has the ability to simultaneously influence visual and auditory analyzers. Thanks to this, thanks to the inclusion of both abstract-logical and figurative thinking in the perception, with a predominant appeal to the second, television requires the least effort to perceive the broadcast content. The primary motivation for consuming content is relaxation, entertainment (due to ease of perception), then obtaining information.

TV content corresponds to this motivation: approximately 40% of TV airtime is feature films, series and purely entertainment programs, up to 40% are entertaining and educational.

The psychological advantages of television over other media channels include a high degree of attention and a high degree of emotional impact. That is, in general, television has high degree psychological impact on the consumer. But these findings apply to television as a media channel - and not at all to television advertising. After all, television advertising rarely satisfies the motives for consuming a television product. The viewer wants to receive positive emotions, but they are trying to force advertising on him. Commercials, interrupting the main product at the wrong time causes irritation. Advertising irritates and even disgusts TV viewers. To avoid seeing her, people endlessly switch channels.

As a result, an associative connection may appear between negative emotions and the advertised product. (The existing positive communicative effect of videos is based on the fact that, due to the high frequency of their repetitions, the familiarity of the image of the advertised object is formed).

The disadvantages of the main form of TV advertising, videos, are a short period of exposure, which impairs memorability; weak selectivity of the audience, i.e. showing advertising to those who are not interested in the product and for whom it is almost impossible to form a motivation for its consumption.

A creative approach to advertising that compensates for these shortcomings will consist in the formation of a longer advertising message (while reducing the frequency of contacts); 2) placing it in specialized programs (the most effective advertising product is an interesting program that organically includes advertising information; programs of this type include Housing Issue, Culinary Duel, Plant Life, Health, Eating at Home, In Search of Adventure).

The content of a media channel such as a newspaper evokes visual sensations, but is not aimed at figurative thinking, like television, but at abstract-logical thinking. Attempts to rely on imaginative thinking are expressed in the use of photo illustrations and drawings. This is done to facilitate the perception of information. When using the term newspaper, we mean its original meaning: a printed periodical covering the events of current life. That is, newspapers with crosswords, jokes, etc. - this is a by-product, an extraneous product that only uses the form of a given media channel.

Because of this, it can be argued that contact with media of this type usually presupposes the presence of a specific goal. If radio and even television can serve as a background, then a person buys a newspaper, or at least picks it up purposefully. The purpose of consumption is to search and obtain information, including evaluative information. An event has occurred - a person evaluates it, he is interested in whether he evaluates it correctly or not, what other people, specialists, etc. think about this.

In the so-called tabloid press, the motives for consuming content are peculiarly intertwined: the average person seems to be asking for information, but wants to receive it in a form that does not require any volitional effort. Therefore, information is presented in a form in which it actually performs a recreational function. Moreover, this function is decisive, and the cognitive aspect of communication (information transfer) tends to zero. In the literature on advertising, the disadvantages of newspapers include low emotionality, low quality of reproduction of illustrative material

But neither high emotionality nor high quality prints are not needed by the reader, for whom newspapers are, first of all, a source of information. If he's looking necessary information- he will find her anyway. The answer to the question that is debatable among advertising creators - whether advertising should sell or entertain - is obvious: depending on which channel is used to broadcast it. On television, advertising will sell if it can entertain. And in newspapers, it should not be used to entertain those who are ready to receive information. ...Research data suggests that people are increasingly skipping unnecessary and unwanted information and ignoring uninteresting messages. They see the ad coming up and have the option to dodge it...

Millions spent on advertising in full-length newspapers go down the drain because readers simply aren't interested this product on a given day. On the contrary, when consumers are truly in buying mode, they become surprisingly receptive in their role as information gatherers.

Let's consider another factor that can negatively affect the level of creative solutions. It lies in the fact that the creative flight of fancy of the advertising creator is restrained by the pressure of the already existing layer of advertising works. At the dawn of Russian advertising, many advertising works poorly fulfilled their pragmatic function: firstly, because there were no restrictions imposed by existing theoretical knowledge and data applied research, secondly, there were no role models, models that, entering the consciousness of both developers and advertising customers, would act as standards and limiters creative imagination. It is difficult to predict the audience’s reaction to something that has no analogues yet. Nowadays, certain standards and patterns have been formed in Russian advertising, adherence to which provides the advertiser with advertising and economic security: there will be no pronounced psychological effect from advertising, but failure is guaranteed to be avoided. Evaluating Russian advertising works of the early 90s, one can notice that in general they evoked a stronger and more pronounced reaction from the audience, but this was not always the reaction expected by the advertising developer and advertiser.

Advertising creative is creative that should evoke planned associations and feelings. Consequently, its development should be based on existing scientific data, primarily in psychology. Psychological knowledge is based primarily on empirical data. That is, the advertising work being developed should reflect the knowledge and experience of the past, which may also limit the degree of its novelty.

On the one hand, this increases the share of artistically mediocre works. But on the other hand, by giving creativity a certain direction and thus narrowing the creative field, the pragmatic approach increases competition in this field between advertising works: it becomes increasingly difficult for them to differentiate themselves and the advertised objects. And if so, then this stimulates creative thought in the direction of deepening associative series, searching for new, increasingly complex forms of expression advertising idea.

What is the meaning of the contrast between advertising and non-advertising creativity? And isn’t advertising creativity, advertising works, a modern form of art?

Art is a form of reflection of reality, a form of a person’s knowledge of the world around him, himself, his feelings and experiences, the feelings of another person. However, the ongoing transformation of the value system contributes to the modification or even replacement of objects of reflection.

Let us turn to the most comprehensive form of artistic reflection of reality - television films. If you compare two sections - 40 years ago and modern ones, the difference will be noticeable to the naked eye. There was a clear acceleration in the dynamics of reflected events. In modern films there is much more movement, action, external effects and significantly less concentration on the emotions of the characters. Events are developing in a different plane than before. And if films of past years can be called films of inner experiences, then modern ones can be called films of action.

Let's consider the concept of advertising effectiveness. Its effect, of course, will depend on the quantitative audience covered by the advertising message and the number of times they saw/heard it. However, first of all, the effect depends on the advertising message, on its psychological and communicative quality. But the dominant concept in advertising theory, coverage + frequency, which actually relates to the distribution of advertising messages, essentially crushes the development advertising product. After all, it is clear that the passion for the idea of ​​​​the widest reach of the audience and the maximum frequency of its exposure to advertising appeal will directly affect the volume/size of the latter, limiting its spatial or time frame. Economic efficiency requires a reduction in the numerator of the cost/result fraction, hence the brevity of the advertising appeal, determined by the desire to reduce the cost of placing one appeal and thus increase coverage and frequency indicators. But time or space constraints can prevent a truly creative idea from coming to fruition. However, if the content and form of the message do not motivate consumers to take certain actions, then can increasing the frequency and total volume of exposure to a given work have a significant impact on the audience?

The above concept does not imply the possibility of disseminating information through interpersonal communication channels, i.e. the possibility of relaying information contained in an advertising work. However, an advertising message, formed in such a way that it arouses interest among the audience, could be further distributed through these channels, which would actually increase the audience of exposure. A whole range of large-scale advertising campaigns and many truly valuable products have failed in the market simply because advertisers have not paid due attention to stimulating the processes of diffusion and dissemination of information about the advertised goods orally. The opposite statement is also true. Many other campaigns have achieved significant success precisely because significant attention has been paid to word-of-mouth promotion processes.

The possibility of active use of artifacts of mass culture for advertising purposes is legislatively enshrined in new edition Russian Law On Advertising, which states that this law does not apply to mentions of a product, means of its individualization, the manufacturer or seller of the product, which are organically integrated into works of science, literature or art and are not in themselves information of an advertising nature. In the previous edition there was something opposite: The use in radio, television, video, audio and film products of a non-advertising nature of purposefully drawing the attention of advertising consumers to a specific brand (model, article) of a product or to a manufacturer, performer, seller to create and maintain interest in them without proper preliminary communication about this... is not allowed.

The process that E. Toffler spoke about almost 30 years ago (In the Third Wave society, corporations will be complex organizations(as they are today), performing several functions simultaneously (and not just solving the problems of profit and production).<... >Corporations will either voluntarily or be forced to begin solving problems that today are considered not worthy of attention because they do not relate to the economy. It's about about ecology, politics, culture and morality can be likened to the transition from gathering to agriculture. Instead of periodically raiding the wallets of consumers, corporations prefer to carefully grow consumers in their own garden, forming loyal consumers, using all possible methods for this.

The theoretical justification for such a transformation has received the name socially responsible marketing in the West. More pragmatic is its offshoot called event marketing, which is defined as a strategic positioning and marketing tool that connects a company or trademark with some social event, phenomenon or aspect thereof, to the mutual benefit of the parties.

In event marketing, advertising text is embedded in socially significant and socially approved text. In this case, traditional cultural and communication forms are actually used for advertising impact. Creativity lies in their adaptation to solve advertising problems. According to adherents of this trend, event marketing campaigns have a much greater impact on purchasing behavior compared with traditional forms communications in advertising.

It can be argued that, just like the permanently appearing modifications of familiar products, represented by advertising as a radical improvement, new concepts proclaimed by Western authors in the field advertising activities represent only different versions of one main phenomenon: the development of traditional cultural and communicative space by advertising technologies. Essentially, all of these concepts are also products that the authors intend to sell to firms in need of effective product promotion. Russian practitioners and theorists are also successfully adopting advanced Foreign experience, either generalizing and modifying ideas already expressed and one’s own practical experience, or mythologizing (at least through the use of a new nomination: Entertainment - the latest Russian concept of changing forms and content retail...) certain advertising technologies.

The vector of all new trends in the theory of advertising is the same - strengthening the recreational function of advertising through the use of gaming and other forms and phenomena inherent in mass culture or performing important socio-cultural functions. But advertising, while performing sociocultural functions, still fulfills its pragmatic function: Various spheres of bourgeois culture are governed by law: to produce spiritual needs to satisfy material production.

Thus, you have found out that the rational pragmatic orientation of the initiators of the advertising process is one of the main obstacles to the effective implementation of their pragmatic goals. The need to harmonize the relations of subjects and objects of advertising activity, as well as to increase the effectiveness of the impact of advertising on group and mass consciousness, requires endowing specific carriers of the advertising idea - advertising messages - with value for the audiences of the advertising impact; The cultural approach to advertising should be considered as the approach that best meets the pragmatic goals of advertising customers.