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Work on the atmosphere in the team. How to create a favorable climate in a team? Be resilient to negative information

Creating and maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the team is one of the main concerns of managers and personnel services. Features of corporate culture, non-material motivation and relationships between employees directly affect productivity.

An unfavorable organizational climate has a negative impact on business processes and leads to high level staff turnover. Providing favorable working conditions is beneficial for both the company and its employees.

How to create a favorable climate in a team?

The manager should not isolate himself from the employees; it is important to understand the mood in the team in a timely manner. Rewarding employees is a great way to create a positive atmosphere and maintain healthy competition.

If employees know they will be rewarded for effective work, they will make every effort to perform their duties perfectly. Employees should also have the opportunity to discuss important work issues with their manager.

There are many definitions of the concept of “work environment”, but in general it can be characterized as the set of conditions in which an employee performs professional responsibilities. The environment in the office, the existing corporate culture, the characteristics of the temperament and character of employees and management affect not only labor productivity, but also the loyalty of employees in the company.

Most employees Russian companies The concept of “favorable climate in the team” means the opportunity to realize knowledge and skills, respect and goodwill of colleagues, as well as encouragement for a job well done by management.

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It is important to create such an atmosphere so that each employee understands the significance of his contribution to the work of the entire team. The manager should hold meetings at least once every two weeks where any employee can express his personal opinion on solving a problematic issue or improving the production process.

From time to time an employee personnel service, an in-house psychologist or an externally hired expert should conduct an anonymous survey of employees to determine job satisfaction.

The manager should encourage respectful, trusting, and fair attitude of employees towards each other. It is also necessary to ensure that conflicts and problems are resolved constructively. When people feel recognized and rewarded for their accomplishments within a company, it creates a positive attitude toward the organization, their work, and their colleagues.

When you walk into the office of an unfamiliar company, it only takes a few minutes to assess the general atmosphere. Friendly or cozy, cold or repulsive - all this is felt at once. Such things have a particularly strong impact on company employees, and not only on their attitude towards the work itself, but also on their overall productivity.

Baby boomers at one time did not think much about corporate culture as such. They “inherited” jobs from their parents. They are accustomed to working strictly from nine to five, going out for lunch from twelve to one, and reporting to a boss who is at least 10 years older.

By and large, baby boomers never thought that working in an office should bring them positive emotions. The office atmosphere has always tended towards formalism (depending on the industry, of course), and a suit and tie was a mandatory part of the work rules.

Over the course of twenty-five years, along with the entry of Generation X and the Millennial generation into the labor market, not only working methods, but also ideas about work environment. With the decline of baby boomers, it has become easier for Generation X to influence corporate culture, reshaping it to their tastes and abandoning old restrictions like strict dress codes.

Over the past 10-15 years, which have seen a major leap in the development of communication technologies and an increase in the share of the millennial generation in the labor market, old traditions have begun to erode even more.

Today, literally everything, from the color of the walls in the office and the dress code to the length of the working day, is being revised. While this may make Baby Boomers gnash their teeth, change is imperative if companies want to secure the best talent in the market.

But how do you know what type of corporate culture you have and what needs to change in it? Let's look at what are the key characteristics and what you need to do to attract the best employees in the industry.

What defines corporate culture?

In a nutshell, communications. More specifically, the communication that comes from key decision makers in your organization and their willingness to listen and respond to the needs of subordinates.

Just like your customers, employees need communication. People need to feel that management cares about their problems, that their work is recognized, and that their colleagues respect them.

How to determine the state of corporate culture?

Ask yourself a simple question: when was the last time a senior executive interacted with the company's employees? Not through an assistant or department internal communications, but directly. The answer will give an idea of ​​the nature and state of corporate culture:

  • If you answered “yesterday”, most likely your company culture is quite open and attractive;
  • if your answer is “last month”, generally everything is fine too.
Do you remember whether other company managers communicated with employees during this month? Of course, it all depends on the size of the organization, but expect daily emails from the boss - not worth it. It's simply not practical.

Consider also this:

  1. Do employees know what the current state of the company is?
  2. Do they know the organization’s income level for the past quarter?
  3. What have they heard about the company's goals for the coming year?
  4. How are things going with large clients: were there any losses or gains? Have key employees joined or left?
If you answered “yes” to the first three questions, then here’s the next one: how was the information disseminated?
  1. Was it raised by any key person at the meeting?
  2. Did people receive it, as they say, “at the water cooler”?
  3. Or did employees find it on the Internet, such as online media?
If you answered yes to the first question, information is conveyed in an adequate way, at meetings and conferences, which means you have open culture. If you answered yes to the last one or two questions, there is probably something wrong with your company culture.

And last questions:

  1. Is it possible that CEOs and other executives prefer to keep information to themselves?
  2. Are employee concerns ignored?
If you answered “yes” to the last two questions, your company culture is in serious trouble. In addition, you should evaluate how you and your company behave in situations involving major changes in the company. Few things can be as demoralizing to employees as rumors about upcoming layoffs received from the outside before they are officially announced.

Communication is trust, and trust is a guarantee of longevity.

And while a recent IBM study found that all three generations in the workforce (Baby Boomers, Generation X and Millennials) want the same things and a similar culture at work, the future of the workforce is still millennials. They are just starting their professional journey, but they will have to work longer than their predecessors - up to 65 years and more. It turns out that it is their desires and needs that will dictate the shape of corporate culture in the near future.
But they want open communications and collaboration.

The idea that the answers to the most important questions belong to small, elite groups has lost its relevance. Millennials believe in key role collaboration. Today you can increasingly hear statements that modern business problems are more effectively solved together.

How to improve your corporate culture

Changing corporate culture is not a task of one day or even one month. Such projects are not implemented in a passive mode. Depending on who is leading the change, it can take several months, a year, or even a year and a half to make noticeable and meaningful changes.

The first thing you can do as a leader is open communication channels. Transparency is the key to everything. For better or worse, today's workers want to know what's going on. Knowledge is power, but it is more important to use it to create an atmosphere of community. When you communicate business challenges to a broad audience of employees, this in itself fosters the collaboration that millennials value so much. In the same way, telling stories about success allows you to feel involved in the company's achievements.

Second, you need to make sure that all of your managers are on board. You will need their efforts and input to make the change successful.

Finally, you will need the approval of the employees themselves. As soon as you start to change something, call a general meeting and talk about everything you want to do, explaining why it is necessary. Encourage employees to share ideas and recommendations—and listen to them! Depending on the size of your company, it may make sense to create a dedicated team dedicated to supporting change and monitoring overall progress.

A welcoming and open corporate culture is good for employee engagement, reduces turnover, and increases satisfaction and, ideally, productivity of your team. Don't underestimate its importance. Ignoring it can be very costly.


Pay special attention to personnel selection. It is easier to prevent conflict than to try to resolve it later. Undoubtedly, professional quality are important, but character traits must also be taken into account. If, even during the interview, the applicant gives the impression of an arrogant, arrogant, aggressive person, then he should be denied the job. Also, you should not hire someone who openly states that at his previous job he constantly came into conflict with the team.

Try to provide employees with comfortable working conditions. If a person is irritated due to constant troubles at work, inconvenient vacation times, low wages, etc., he is unlikely to be inclined to communicate friendly with the rest of the team. Pay special attention to the arrangement of your workplace. The table and chair should be comfortable so that employees do not suffer from back pain at the end of the working day. Allow staff to bring things close to their hearts from home and design their own workspaces. This way, the office will become a second place for employees, and the team will be perceived as a family.

Set up an office kitchen and break room where employees can socialize in an informal setting. Let the interior of these premises be cozy and even homely, so that employees can relax and talk not as colleagues, but as friends. Chatting over coffee during your lunch break strengthens relationships and helps people bond.

Be sure to hold common events: celebrate with your team New Year, employee birthdays and other holidays, go on hikes or picnics together from time to time. Such events should not be turned into boring meetings to which it is forbidden not to attend. Let the holidays be fun, and let employees attend them with pleasure and satisfaction. at will, and not by order. Set up a stand and display on it the names of employees who will have a birthday in a few days. Colleagues will be able to see this information, prepare gifts and congratulations, which will also help improve the psychological climate in the team.

Tip 2: How to create a friendly atmosphere in a team

Every independent person sooner or later has a job. She may or may not be loved. And relationships with colleagues are different. But in any case, carry out work time It’s much more pleasant to be in a friendly team than to be in an unfriendly one.


Host a corporate party. If you hold a position, then of course you need to save “face” and carry yourself seriously. But no one will stop you from hinting to one of the activists that it’s been a while since you celebrated the holidays. And if you are not a leader, then you yourself can act as an initiator. Finding a reason is usually not difficult - it could be one of the employees, the approaching New Year, International Women's Day or Defender of the Fatherland Day... In general, there are many “red days” on the calendar. Involve as many people as possible in the organization, the joint unites and even the most closed people become more open. By the date of the event itself, the team will already have a friendly atmosphere. But for this you will have to spend some time in trouble and spend a lot of effort.

Try to communicate more with colleagues. During your lunch break, you can have a snack or drink tea together and discuss some topics distracted from work. In a women's group, it's not a sin to gossip sometimes - it will defuse the situation. Give someone advice, just listen to someone. Of course, you should never impose your opinion. It is better to express it in a casual conversation. Constant communication will bring you closer to your colleagues. This means it will create a friendly atmosphere.

Avoid conflicts. Probably, everyone at work has people who are capable of creating a scandal out of the blue. The company of such originals cannot be avoided, but trying to find a compromise is quite possible. In general, you need to avoid “sharp corners” in relations with colleagues, otherwise it will not be possible to create a “warm” atmosphere. If you manage to create a peaceful reputation for yourself, then you can become the very “center” around which the team will unite. And you will go to work with joy, knowing that friendliness and understanding await you there.

Video on the topic

For any manager, the interests of his organization come first, its ability to effectively occupy its “niche” in the market, maintaining and expanding client base. In other words, his main responsibility is to make the company work “like a clock.” And to do this, he needs to ensure that all employees of the company feel that they belong to one “common home”, so that they perform their duties with maximum diligence and conscientiousness, showing reasonable initiative when necessary. How to do it?


Achieve good attitude to work according to orders is pointless. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “You can’t be nice by force.” So that subordinates truly value their work, in addition to purely material incentives ( good salary, social package, bonuses), the moral and psychological climate in the team is very important. After all, if a person literally “forces himself” to go to work, if he knows that hassle, humiliation, scandals, and “support” await him there, then he is unlikely to devote himself to work with all his heart.

To prevent your employees from going to work like hard labor, it is important to establish a healthy atmosphere in the company. The site told the portal how to do this in three stepsElena STarochkina, career guidance specialist, psychologist.

It is important to me that my team works positively and with pleasure, that employees sincerely love the work that we all do together. In my opinion, this helps to cultivate in the team a sense of dedication to the company, the team and the cause that unites us all.

In fact, creating a strong and friendly team is not as difficult a task as it might seem. The main factors in this matter are consistency and a systematic approach. However, we can look at the key ingredients for team success.

Step #1. Translation of standards

A healthy atmosphere in a team largely depends on the leader. After all, as you know, a fish rots from the head. But the quality of life within the team also depends on it. The brain of the team is its leader, its leader. He leads his team like an orchestra conductor. Therefore, it is safe to say that his every move will have consequences for the team over time.

The conclusion from this is that the manager needs to think about what exactly he is conveying to his team. If he conveys rudeness, disrespect, irritability, then, most likely, instead of a healthy atmosphere in the team there will be tension.

Step #2. Love for business
Every manager has a dream: for his subordinates not only to perform certain functions, but also to sincerely love their work. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to unite the team so that each individual employee is committed common cause and felt maximum comfort in the workplace. The task is to create an atmosphere of mutual trust in the team - between all team members.

Then employees will begin to feel like part of the team, which will certainly affect the overall performance.
Will help achieve this goal different methods, one of them is holding corporate events. The purpose of this kind of event is to create conditions for informal communication between company employees.

What can a corporate event give? Establishing friendships within the team, increasing team spirit.
It is at corporate events that people stop perceiving their colleagues as rivals, and the manager has the opportunity to evaluate other character traits of his subordinates and show himself a little more " a simple person", not the boss. All this leads to the creation of a unified team.

Step #3. Friendly relations

All employees are to one degree or another similar to their boss. This is fine! If an employee is still part of the team, it means that he has learned not only to live in this team, but to survive somewhere. Adaptation in this case goes hand in hand with the fact that he knows how to “please” his boss.

And there is nothing bad about this: a person is interested in staying at his job. In addition, psychologists have long established the fact that we tend to imitate those people we like and whom we want to please.

An office interior can improve employee productivity by 30%, says Arthur Gots, head of the operations and customer service department at ECommPay.

The interior of his company’s office space was created taking into account the results of HR research in the field of improving productivity and creating the most comfortable environment for them.

Here are the main life hacks!

1. Good climate

Modern climate control maintains the selected temperature to the nearest degree, humidifies and ventilates the air. The importance of this technique has been proven by scientists at Harvard University. Their research demonstrated a direct link between air quality and human productivity.

People work 61% better in “fresh” premises.

2. Proper lighting

The benefits of natural daylight for a room have been confirmed by a study from Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory.

The results showed that daylight helps employees feel refreshed throughout the day, creating good conditions for work without tiring your eyes.

In the same place where it prevails artificial lighting, people feel sluggish and sleepy. For example, in our office there are many large windows, each of which has blinds in case of strong sun.

There is never too much light in the ECommPay office

3. Quiet places

The Journal of Applied Psychology published the results of a study that assessed the importance of silence in work spaces. 40 people took part. Half of them were in office noise, the rest were in complete silence. A few hours later they were asked to solve a puzzle.

Subjects who spent time in noise gave up almost immediately. Their colleagues, who were lucky enough to sit in silence, made more effort to solve problems.

The layout of your workspace does not always allow you to find a quiet corner, especially if you have open space. The problem is solved as follows: the room contains soundproof booths designed for individual remote negotiations. If the space allows, create a whole room of “silence”.

In our company, communication is prohibited in this room, which makes it possible to work and think productively without being distracted by any sounds, including conversations.

Soundproof booths in action, ECommPay office

Quiet room, ECommPay office

4. Sports and health

Much has been written about the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle. Many studies have been conducted showing that working with minimal movement causes damage to a person’s physical and psychological well-being. Scientists from Leicester and Loughborough Universities in the UK also talk about this, reminding us that we must move, train, play sports so that the blood circulates better, the bones, joints and muscles are strong and healthy, and the brain is ready to solve diverse problems.

To maintain a healthy mind and a healthy body in your employees, you should create a gym in the office with the necessary equipment for strength and cardio training.

Sports and health area in the ECommPay office

5. Social areas

Space for communication is another driver of creativity and productivity. A few years ago, the Wall Street Journal published the results of a Bank of America experiment in which employees wore sensors that recorded how much each of them was communicating. They found that those who are more talkative work better.

Based on these findings, the organization introduced informal breaks for communication, after which the productivity of bank employees increased by 10%.

Skype, in turn, has created a gaming zone where you can come at any time.

Office Skype – not just for work

We decided to organize more formal and informal events. These are movie evenings, lectures for sharing experiences and general meetings, where they talk about the company's events over the past week. As a result, employees from different departments and even from different floors began to get to know each other better, and newcomers became involved with the team much faster.

6. Comfortable workplace

It is best to give each employee the opportunity to adapt workplace just for yourself. To do this, the company can purchase tables with adjustable heights and fit balls, on which it is comfortable to work. The presence of plants is also very important.

Research from Cardiff University has shown that having plants in the office increases productivity by 15% and reduces stress and tension.

For landscaping, you can use walls made of living plants with special system water supplies, which are called hydroponic.

"Living" walls of the Yandex office

“Revived” walls of the ECommPay office

We have a team of florists who monitor the condition of our plants and, among other things, can decorate an employee’s desk indoor plant. The company specialist just needs to ask about it.

7. Healthy goodies

The problem with many companies, especially large ones where birthdays happen almost every week, is that there are always goodies in the kitchen.

To establish a balance between healthy and unhealthy foods, you should buy fruits and vegetables for your employees. Researchers from the University of Otago have proven the positive impact of such products not only on mood and well-being, but also on productivity. Don't forget about the benefits for the body. A healthy worker is a good worker.

8. Coffee

Coffee machine - without this center of gravity, it seems that work would be impossible. Its presence in the office will not surprise anyone, but syrups can bring even more joy and taste. By the way, it is a mistake to think that breaks for a cup of aromatic and invigorating drink disrupt the work process.

Researchers at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine have found that caffeine improves memory and the ability to concentrate, and reduces the number of errors made by employees.

They analyzed 13 different studies from around the world, the participants of which were predominantly shift workers. The subjects were divided into two groups: one was given caffeine and the other a placebo. Then people were asked to perform various memory and concentration tasks, and the coffee drinkers performed much better on them.

9. Books

Reading promotes creativity, improves concentration and reduces stress, and it's also an extra reason to talk. To encourage and support your employees' desire to read, create a corporate library. It would be great if any member of the team could order books when there is no suitable one in stock.

Library in the office of the American company Tolleson

In our company, literary works are scattered on the shelves throughout the office. To see where everything is, you need to go to the electronic database.

10. Water bottle

Drinking water improves brain performance. The lack of this fluid negatively affects a person's ability to solve problems. To make water as accessible as possible for employees, each of them can be given a sports bottle with corporate symbols. It would seem like a simple solution, but we noticed that with the purchase of this container for each colleague, water consumption in the office increased.

Welcome pack for new ECommPay employees

What else...

Probably, you can also highlight motivating slogans. This is a plus for the good atmosphere. Our company has them on all surfaces on which you can write without vandalism. These are walls, mugs, stickers, notepads and other promotional products.

Individual slogans are framed and hung on the walls. “Do what is Right” (Do what is right), or “If you can dream it, you can achieve it” (You can make what you dream of come true). This motivates and creates a positive atmosphere without much financial investment.

ECommPay office walls that you can “read” when you need inspiration

This list of ways to increase productivity includes less and more expensive options. You can start with something simple, and when the results appear, move on to more complex and expensive methods. Tested - it works!