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SP Santa Impex. Economic analysis of JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC

economic management organizational

Organizational and economic analysis of the joint venture "Santa Impex Brest" LLC

The Belarusian-German joint venture Santa Impex Brest, which opened in the spring of 1993, identified seafood processing, as well as wholesale and retail trade in fish and fish products, as its main activities. In order to expand production, introduce new progressive technologies, JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC created a subsidiary joint venture "Santa Bremor" company with limited liability.

The Belarusian-German joint venture "Santa Bremor" limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as JV "Santa Bremor" LLC) was formed in accordance with the Founding Agreement dated January 12, 1998 and registered by order of the Administration of the free economic zone "BREST" dated March 23. 1998 No. 22-r in the Register of All-Republican Registration for No. 10. In connection with the introduction of repeated additions to the first edition by order No. 25-r dated March 30, 1998, registered as a resident of the Brest FEZ in Register No. 1 of registration of residents of the Brest free economic zone under No. 23.; by order No. 70-r of December 17, 2001, it was also registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs for No. 200656098.

The founders of the Enterprise are:

1. Belarusian Participant - JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC, located at: Republic of Belarus, 224032, Brest, st. Soviet Constitution, 26/1,

2. Foreign Participant - "ALFA MAP SIAFOOD IMPORT EXPORT" GmbH, Bremerhaven, Germany. The trade register number is HRB2641.

An enterprise is created for the purpose of implementing economic activity aimed at making a profit, to satisfy social and economic interests participants of the joint venture "Santa Impex Brest" LLC and its employees. The subject of the enterprise's activities is:

* processing and canning of fish and fish products

* ice cream production

* processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, except potatoes

* production plastic products for package

* spice production

* wholesale others food products, including fish and seafood

* hotels and motels without restaurants

* storage and warehousing

* construction of completed structures or parts thereof; civil Engineering

* building equipment

* completion of construction

* wood antiseptic

* activities in the field of architecture, engineering and technical activities related to civil engineering

* production of pasta, noodles and similar flour products.

The enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is legal entity according to the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, legal status enterprise is determined by interstate or intergovernmental agreements of the participating countries, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, constituent agreement and the charter of the enterprise, approved by the meeting of participants on March 24, 2000. In its activities, the enterprise is guided by the legislation on foreign investments, legislation on the free economic zone, and general legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. JV "Santa Bremor" LLC, in order to achieve the established goals of its activities, has the right to enter into transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court and arbitration.

The enterprise is liable for its obligations with all its property. In the event of economic insolvency (bankruptcy) of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC, due to the fault of participants or other persons who have the right to give instructions mandatory for the enterprise or otherwise determine its actions on such persons, in case of insufficiency of the enterprise's property, a decision of the economic court may be imposed subsidiary liability for his obligations.

The enterprise has the right to open current, foreign currency and other accounts in banks. The official languages ​​of the enterprise are Belarusian, Russian, German and English, and the working language is Russian.

The organizational structure of the enterprise is presented in Appendix 1.

Key persons of JV "Santa Bremor" LLC:

Director of the enterprise: Nedbaylov Sergey Nikolaevich, born in 1965, higher education; work experience at leadership positions- 5 years.

Deputy Director - Moshensky Alexander Mikhailovich, born in 1970, education - higher; Experience in management positions - 8 years.

Deputy Director for Economics and financial matters and economics - Gul Pavel Grigorievich, born in 1970, education - higher; experience in managerial positions - 6 years.

Chief accountant - Tamara Anatolyevna Strizhneva, born in 1957; higher education; Experience in management positions - 15 years.

The enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC has 2 representative offices in Moscow, Russian Federation, located at the address: Russian Federation, Moscow, st. Dushinskaya, 9 and in Ukraine, the city of Kyiv.

Active economic activity of the enterprise began in July 1999. From this date, the construction of a fish processing complex began on the territory of the Brest FEZ, the resident of which is the Santa Bremor LLC JV. In September 1999, preparations began for the commissioning of the first stage of the ice cream production workshop. The production of the first products by this workshop began in June 2000. Since August 2002, the second fish processing plant was put into operation at the address Brest, st. Moskovskaya, 204, on the territory of OJSC Brest Electric Lamp Plant. For this purpose, the company opened a credit line with Priorbank OJSC for the implementation of the project “Construction of a fish processing complex.” Taking into account the maximum load of four lines, including the line for rolling glass jars, the workshop’s productivity exceeds 40 tons of fish products per day. Thus, the structure of the joint venture “Santa Bremor” LLC includes an ice cream shop and two shops for processing fish and seafood.

total area land plot The enterprise area is 3.5 hectares. The enterprise is a large production base for processing fish products. The productivity of the fish processing workshop, located on the territory of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC, is 25 tons per day. The area of ​​the fish processing workshop is 6198 sq. m., of which:

· main production - 1041 sq. m.,

· warehouses 362 sq. m.,

· household premises 745 sq. m.

In June 2000, as noted above, an ice cream production workshop began operating at the enterprise. The area of ​​the ice cream production workshop is 970.2 sq. m., household premises are 258.6 sq. m. Installed in production workshops modern equipment from Germany, Holland, Italy, Poland, Lithuania.

The main activity of the enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is the processing of fish and seafood, the production of fish preserves in plastic and glass jars, fish pates and salmon snacks, smoked meats for beer and seaweed, the production of canned fish and seafood salads, smoked fish, rolls from herring fillets and capelin caviar, forshmak and “Fishpiknikov”, rolads and rollmops. To date assortment list The products of the two fish shops amount to more than 100 items, of which:

· about 25 items - preserves in glass jars,

· more than 35 items - preserves in plastic packaging,

· about 30 items - preserves in polystyrene and aluminum cans,

· about 10 items - weight products.

The full assortment list of fish products produced by JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is reflected in Appendix 2.

For the production of fish products, JV "Santa Bremor" LLC actively introduces and uses new, modern technologies, production workshops equipped the latest equipment, corresponding to international standards. In the workshop for the production of delicacy herring fillets “Mathias” and “Moryachok” there are 4 German “TIROMAT” lines installed for vacuum packaging of preserves. All of the company's products are made from high-quality fish with 15-19 percent fat content. Due to vacuum packaging and filling with natural vegetable oil, a long shelf life of the product is ensured.

The use of technological know-how in production allows products own production JV "Santa Bremor" LLC to be competitive with the products of leading European food manufacturers. Experienced foreign technologists are invited to the enterprise to develop recipes for new types of products, improve existing tastes using the latest achievements of the world Food Industry.

The total cost of products released in 2007 was about 17 million US dollars, and in January-October 2008 - 22 million US dollars in actual prices. The sales volumes of fish products of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC for 2002 in percentage terms are presented in Figure 1.

Rice. 1.

In parallel with the construction of the fish processing complex, JV "Santa Bremor" LLC commissioned the first stage of the ice cream production workshop. JV "Santa Bremor" LLC decided to implement this ice cream production project for several reasons.

1. First of all, it was necessary to take into account the relative seasonality of sales of preserved fish. The summer period is less successful in terms of marketing fish products, which objectively can lead to a decrease in cash flows and profitability at constant fixed costs(production maintenance and administrative and management costs).

2. Based on very significant tax and customs preferences, JV “Santa Bremor” LLC, as a resident of the Brest FEZ, was able to fully minimize the variable costs of ice cream production and make this production highly profitable.

3. In the production of ice cream, as in the production of preserved fish, similar mechanisms and equipment are used: large-capacity refrigeration chambers, compressors, and various pneumatic equipment. In addition, both of these industries consume a significant amount of water (washing), which is acceptable if you have your own well and treatment facilities.

To date, at the expense of its own funds, the company has carried out work to commission the second stage of the ice cream workshop, purchased from the Dutch company Tasman Fish GmbH, in the amount of 90.0 thousand US dollars, including:

1) A frame made of metal structures worth 30.0 thousand US dollars was installed;

2) Installation of ceilings made of metal corrugated profiles with an area of ​​540 square meters was carried out. - 12 thousand US dollars;

3) Installation of walls made of sandwich panels with an area of ​​211 square meters was carried out. - 40.0 thousand US dollars;

4) Subfloor screed poured - 3.0 thousand US dollars;

5) All necessary communications were carried out (water, electricity, sewerage, compressed air), the cost of which amounted to 5.0 thousand US dollars;

6) Installation of monolithic floors, installation of doors and windows - 35.0 thousand US dollars;

7) Installation of special floors based on quartz sand and epoxy resins was carried out - 20.0 thousand US dollars.

To date, the cost of the equipment used is 975.0 thousand US dollars, including the Teorema line - 520.0 thousand US dollars, the OLV line - 455.0 thousand US dollars. The main source of commissioning of the 2nd stage of the ice cream shop was the profit from the sale of ice cream.

Today, the range of ice cream includes more than 76 items: ice cream in a waffle cup, low-calorie ice cream, candy series, ice cream on a stick, ice cream in briquettes, ice cream by weight.

The full range of ice cream produced by JV Santa Bremor LLC is presented in Appendix 3.

Given the unstable demand for ice cream in cold period year, the company mastered the production of so-called “family” and “holiday” types of ice cream. This high-quality ice cream, intended for consumption at home, was practically not presented on the market before. domestic market and immediately found a circle of its consumers. This step helped smooth out difficulties caused by seasonal demand. It is also necessary to note that ice cream with fillings at present, based on technical capabilities and wear and tear of fixed assets, can actually be produced only by a limited number of enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.

As a resident of FEZ "Brest", JV "Santa Bremor" LLC has the following financial benefits and privileges:

1. When importing goods (raw materials, materials, equipment) into the territory of the FEZ "Brest" customs duties the enterprise is not charged and economic policy measures are not applied.

2. Products (works, services) of own production, exported outside its borders, are exempt from paying customs duties.

3. JV “Santa Bremor” LLC guarantees unhindered transfer abroad of income received in the territory of the Brest FEZ.

4. Quotas are not established for goods (works, services) produced by JV “Santa Bremor” LLC on the territory of the FEZ “Brest”, and licensing is not introduced when exporting them outside the republic.

5. On the territory of the Brest FEZ, coercive measures such as nationalization, requisition, confiscation or any other similar measures are not allowed in relation to investments.

6. Interference in the economic or other activities of an enterprise from the outside government agencies and them officials not allowed. Government guarantees are set out in the “Investment Code of the Republic of Belarus” and in the law “On Free Economic Zones on the Territory of the Republic of Belarus”.

7. There is a preferential taxation procedure in the territory of the FEZ. The tax for the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC on profit and income is 15% (in the Republic of Belarus - 30%), value added tax - 10% (in the Republic of Belarus - 20%).

8. JV “Santa Bremor” LLC is exempt from paying income taxes for the first 5 years from the date of declaration of profit.

Due to the pronounced seasonality of production and limited periods of planned large purchases of raw materials throughout the year (winter purchases of herring fillets, summer purchases of powdered milk and sugar), as well as in order to preserve the working capital of the enterprise, since August 2001, JV "Santa Bremor" LLC in Priorbank OJSC opened a credit line with a debt limit of up to 750 thousand US dollars. Using its economic potential, JV "Santa Bremor" LLC attracted foreign investment from its foreign partners in the amount of over 1.5 million US dollars in equivalent. These funds are used for the construction and purchase of equipment, as well as for the formation of working capital of the enterprise.

The volume of exports of products produced by the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC is growing steadily. Moreover, for the period from the beginning of 2007 to October 2007, JV Santa Bremor LLC contributed 4.3 billion rubles to budgets of all levels and extra-budgetary funds.

Solvency indicators of JV "Santa Bremor" LLC, allowing to determine the ability of the enterprise to pay its short-term obligations during the reporting period, for 2006-2007. look like this:

1) absolute liquidity ratio, standard? 0.33:

Labs = DS: KO,

where Labs is the absolute liquidity ratio;

DS - cash;

KO - short-term liabilities.

2006: Labs start. g. = 2.23, Labs con. g = 2.02

2007: Labs start. g. = 2.02, Labs con. g. = 1.4

All coefficients are higher than the normative ones, this indicates that the funds of the enterprise JV “Santa Bremor” LLC are sufficient to cover short-term obligations.

2) Intermediate liquidity, standard>0.5:

Lprom = (DS + DZ): KO,

where Lprom is the intermediate liquidity ratio;

DZ - accounts receivable.

2006: Lprom beginning. g. = 4.68, Lprom con. g = 4.79

2007: Lprom beginning. g. = 4.79, Lprom con. g. = 3.9

At the end of 2007, there was a decrease in this ratio, but in general it should be said that short-term liabilities can be repaid using cash and accounts receivable, because coefficients are higher than the standard value.

3) General liquidity, standard >1:

Lob = OA: KO,

where Ltot is the total liquidity ratio;

OA - current assets.

2006: General beginning. g. =7.59, Total con. g = 9.12

2007: General beginning. g. = 9.12, Total con. g = 6.82

In general, it can be stated that there is a significant excess over standard values liquidity indicators of JV Santa Bremor LLC, which is primarily due to the fact that cash and receivables of the enterprise occupy a significant share compared to short-term liabilities.

4) Solvency ratio, standard? 1:

P = OA: VZ,

where P is the solvency ratio;

OA - current assets;

EO - external debt.

2006: P start. g. = 7.59, P con. g = 5.41

2007: P start. g. = 5.41, P con. g = 3.69

The indicator values ​​correspond to the norm, although there is a periodic decline towards the end of 2007.

Kobz = SOS: MZ,

where Kobz is the coefficient of provision of material reserves with own working capital;

SOS - the enterprise's own working capital;

МЗ - material reserves of the enterprise.

2006: Kobz n.g = 2.26, Kobz k.g = 1.75

2007: Kobz n.g = 1.75, Kobz k.g = 1.74

It should be noted that by the end of 2007, the share of own working capital of JV Santa Bremor LLC decreased in comparison with the material reserves of the enterprise.

Below we present the coefficients financial independence JV "Santa Bremor" LLC:

1) Financial independence ratio, standard? 0.5:

Kfn = SS: IB,

where Kfn is the coefficient of financial independence;

SS - equity enterprises;

Information security is the result of the balance sheet.

2006: Kfn n.g = 0.93, Kfn k.g = 0.87

2007: Kfn n.g = 0.87, Kfn k.g = 0.81

Based on the calculations carried out, we can conclude that throughout the reporting period, the financial independence of JV Santa Bremor LLC remained at high level, and the financial independence coefficient remained practically unchanged.

2) Financial risk coefficient, standard = 0.25:

Kfr = (DO + KO): SS,

where Kfr is the financial risk coefficient;

DO - long-term financial liabilities (line 490 of the balance sheet),

KO - short-term financial liabilities (line 590 of the balance sheet),

2006: Kfr n.g = 0.07, Kfr k.g = 0.15

2007: Kfr n.g = 0.15, Kfr k.g = 0.23

The financial risk ratio increased slightly over reporting period from 0.07 to 0.23, however, in general, JV Santa Bremor LLC is financially independent.

Indicators business activity JV "Santa Bremor" LLC, which allows you to analyze the efficiency of the use of funds by the enterprise, is presented below:

1) turnover of fixed assets (capital productivity):

where F is capital productivity;

B-revenue for the period;

OS - the cost of fixed assets.

2006: FO = 5.3 2007: FO = 5.3

The obtained values ​​indicate that the fixed assets of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC for 2006 and 2007. managed to turn around 5 times.

2) turnover of working capital:

where K1 is the turnover of working capital;

B-revenue for the period;

OA - current assets of the enterprise.

2006: K1 = 2.74 2007: K1 = 2.27

The turnover of working capital for the reporting period decreased to 2.27 revolutions.

3) turnover of inventories and costs, which reflects the speed of their implementation:

where K2 is inventory turnover and costs;

B-revenue for the period;

3 - inventories and costs;

The turnover of inventories and costs for the joint venture “Santa Bremor” LLC for the year decreased to 4.7 turns.

4) the turnover time of current assets shows during what period (in days) these current assets make one turnover:

T1 = (OA: V) * T,

where T is the analyzed time period in days (360).

2006: T1 = 131.24 days 2007: T1 = 158.78 days.

The turnover time of current assets of JV Santa Bremor LLC increased by 27.5 days over the year.

Based on the results of the above data, it is very clear that the enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC during the analyzed period is in a fairly stable financial condition, located in a risk-free zone, financially independent, despite a slight decrease in some financial indicators.

The mobility and openness of the enterprise, the won recognition and approval of the enterprise's operating style by European suppliers led to the fact that the company not only attracted foreign investment in the form of loans, but also has working accounts payable to foreign partners in the amount of more than 3.0 million US dollars. The presence of such a permanent interest-free trade loan is an additional source of working capital formation.

Brand: Santa Bremor

Tagline: We know everything about fish

Industry: food industry

Products: fish, seafood.

Owning company: JV "Santa Bremor"

Year of foundation: 1993

Headquarters: Belarus, Brest

JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is a Belarusian-German joint venture, the largest food manufacturing company in Belarus. The company's brand portfolio includes more than ten brands, which are popular in the CIS countries and abroad.

The Santa Impex Brest enterprise was first registered in 1993. The main activities of the company are as follows: export, import of fish and seafood on the territory of Belarus, wholesale and retail trade, transport services and restaurant business.

During a trip to one of the suppliers - the German company Abellman - CEO Belarusian-Dutch joint venture "Santa Impex Brest" Alexander Moshensky was surprised to learn that German fishermen have been producing herring fillets packed in glass jars for about 60 years. On his next business trips, he invariably looked into local supermarkets and soon came to the conclusion that this product was very common in European countries.

Then Moshensky decided to start producing it in Belarus.

“Mom often bought barrel herring,” recalls Alexander Moshensky. “She put it under the tap to soak, and the next day the herring was cleaned, cut, and the intestines were taken out. It was a rather complicated process.” In the mid-1990s, most Belarusian and Russian consumers took this process for granted. Ready-to-eat fillets in glass jars from Germany and Holland could not be found in every store. They didn't even look for him.

Firstly, not many people could imagine ready-to-eat herring back then. Secondly, the fillet was premium (Alexander Moshensky includes all preserves that cost more than two euros at retail into this category). But most importantly, it was pickled and in the post-Soviet space was considered a product for everyone.

IN Western Europe Herring is consumed exclusively in pickled form. In Russia and Belarus, on the contrary, they ate salted barrel herring and spicy herring from Iceland, which Soviet power exchanged for wood. Moshensky tried to take all these circumstances into account before putting the production of herring fillets on stream.

March 30, 1998 appeared subsidiary "Santa Bremor", which in addition to wholesale and retail food products, begins producing preserves, ice cream, salads, dumplings.

The supplier of unprocessed, raw herring fillets, which served as raw materials, was the same company Abellman, from which Moshensky borrowed some production technologies. But in Abellman the herring was pickled, and "Sante Bremor" were going to salt it. It took several months to develop the flavor through trial and error. As a result, according to Alexey Artemov, the product gained everything taste characteristics"Don herring" Instead of marinade, they began to use vegetable oil.

After working with the ratio of salt and spices, four technologists "Santa Bremor" They came up with a whole line of products under the “Mathias” brand: herring fillets with garlic, with seasonings, in olive oil, etc. They decided to “emphasize the premium quality” by packaging preserves not in glass, but in plastic and polyethylene. In addition, salting herring turned out to be cheaper than pickling it. The result was a product that cost just over one euro at retail. He was strikingly different from his German relative.

The launch of "Mathias" was not required large investments. For several hundred thousand dollars earned from the supply of frozen fish, Moshensky purchased a fillet packaging line, which was located on rented premises in Brest.

Much more effort was required in order to demonstrate to the buyer the advantages of the new product. “We opened the packages and let them try the fillets in stores, at bazaars - wherever possible,” says Alexander Moshensky. “They convinced us that it was more profitable to buy fillets than whole herring, and that they tasted better.” It took two years of this “educational work.” During this time, representative offices were opened in Moscow, Kyiv and Chisinau "Santa Bremor". As a result, the company was successful. The buyer liked the Belarusian herring, and by mid-1998 the sales volume of Matias herring reached 4 thousand tons.

In 1998 at "Sante Bremor" undertook to “rethink” another Western product from the family of preserves – rollomps. Rollmops is a traditional German product. This is a cucumber wrapped in herring fillets in a jar of vinegar marinade. In order to fit a rollpug into a flat plastic package - others have "Santa Bremora" there was none, Belarusian technologists cut it into several slices. The flavor of the rollmops was changed from pickled to lightly salted, and they decided to use not only cucumber as a filling, but also carrots and beets, traditional for Russia and Belarus. And as Korean cuisine grows in popularity, eggplant. The result was something that looked nothing like a Rollpug. The new product was called a roll.

After that on "Sante Bremor" engaged in, as Alexander Moshensky put it, “classical marketing.” The company launched a new brand, Moryachok, on the market: the same herring fillet, but prepared according to a simpler recipe than Matias. Herring fillet “a la salmon”, as managers call it, has appeared in the Matias line. Santa's Bremor"The herring fillets were painted red and flavored with salmon.

Construction began in July 1999 production complex and already at the beginning of May 2001, the official opening of a new fish processing plant took place.

According to the level of equipment and technology with "Santa Bremor" At that time, not only other fish processing enterprises, but also most of the country’s food industry enterprises could not compare. Since then, the enterprise has constantly expanded through the organization of new workshops and the development of new types of products.


Department of Management


MINSK, 2009

General information about the enterprise and the history of its development

The Belarusian-German joint venture Santa Impex Brest, which opened in the spring of 1993, identified seafood processing, as well as wholesale and retail trade in fish and fish products, as its main activities. In order to expand production and introduce new progressive technologies, JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC created a subsidiary joint venture "Santa Bremor" limited liability company.

The Belarusian-German joint venture "Santa Bremor" limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as JV "Santa Bremor" LLC) was formed in accordance with the Founding Agreement dated January 12, 1998 and registered by order of the Administration of the free economic zone "BREST" dated March 23. 1998 No. 22-r in the Register of all-republican registration for No. 10. In connection with the introduction of repeated additions to the first edition by order No. 25-r dated March 30, 1998, registered as a resident of the FEZ "Brest" in Register No. 1 of registration residents of the free economic zone "Brest" for No. 23; by order No. 70-r dated December 17, 2001, it was also registered in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs under No. 200856098.

The founders of the Enterprise are:

1. Belarusian Participant - JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC, located at: Republic of Belarus, 224032, Brest, st. Soviet Constitution, 26/1.

2. Foreign Participant - "ALFA MAP SIAFOOD IMPORT EXPORT" GmbH, Bremerhaven, Germany. The trade register number is HRB2641.

The enterprise is created for the purpose of carrying out economic activities aimed at making a profit, to satisfy the social and economic interests of the participants of the joint venture "Santa Impex Brest" LLC and its employees. The subject of the enterprise's activities is:

Processing and canning of fish and fish products;

Ice cream production;

Processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, except potatoes;

Production of plastic products for packaging;

Spices production;

Wholesale trade of other food products, including fish and seafood;

Hotels and motels without restaurants;

Storage and warehousing;

Construction of completed structures or parts thereof; civil Engineering;

Building equipment;

Completion of construction;

Wood antiseptic;

Activities in the field of architecture, engineering and technical activities related to civil engineering;

Production of pasta, noodles and similar flour products.

The enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is a legal entity under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the legal status of the enterprise is determined by interstate or intergovernmental agreements of the participating countries, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the constituent agreement and the charter of the enterprise, approved by the meeting of participants on March 24, 2000. In its activities, the enterprise is guided by the legislation on foreign investment, legislation on the free economic zone, and general legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. JV "Santa Bremor" LLC, in order to achieve the established goals of its activities, has the right to enter into transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court and arbitration.

The enterprise is liable for its obligations with all its property. In the event of economic insolvency (bankruptcy) of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC, due to the fault of participants or other persons who have the right to give instructions mandatory for the enterprise or otherwise determine its actions on such persons, in case of insufficiency of the enterprise's property, a decision of the economic court may be imposed subsidiary liability for his obligations. The enterprise has the right to open current, foreign currency and other accounts in banks. The official languages ​​of the enterprise are Belarusian, Russian, German and English, and the working language is Russian.

Location of the enterprise: Republic of Belarus, 224025, Brest region, Brest, Katin Bor, no. 106.

To ensure the activities of the enterprise at the expense of the contributions of the Participants, an authorized fund in the amount of 200,000 US dollars was formed, which is confirmed by a certificate issued by the Administration of the FEZ "Brest". Participants determined the following sizes of each Participant's share (Table 1).

Table 1 Authorized capital of JV "Santa Bremor" LLC

The size of the authorized capital may change by decision of the meeting of participants of the enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC. The authorized capital after the participants have contributed their shares in full can be increased by:

Additional contributions from participants; in this case, additional contributions to the authorized capital of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC must be made by participants in amounts proportional to their share in authorized capital. Otherwise, a redistribution of shares occurs. The deadline for making an additional contribution is 30 days from the date of adoption of the decision of the meeting of participants;

Attracting third parties to participate in the enterprise and contributing their shares to the authorized capital of the joint venture "Santa Bremor" LLC.

Each participant has the right, with the written consent of other participants and in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, to fully or partially transfer to third parties its share in the authorized capital. At the same time, he must first notify other participants about the identity of the potential buyer and the price offered by him. The remaining participants have a preemptive right to purchase the transferred share at a price not lower than that offered by a third party.

The enterprise JV "Santa Bremor" LLC has 2 representative offices in Moscow, Russian Federation, located at the address: Russian Federation (Moscow) and in Ukraine (Kiev).

Active economic activity of the enterprise began in July 1999. From this date, the construction of a fish processing complex began on the territory of the Brest FEZ, the resident of which is the Santa Bremor LLC JV. In September 1999, preparations began for the commissioning of the first stage of the ice cream production workshop. The production of the first products by this workshop began in June 2000. In August 2002, the second fish processing workshop was put into operation at the address Brest, st. Moskovskaya, 204, on the territory of OJSC Brest Electric Lamp Plant. For this purpose, the company opened a credit line with Priorbank OJSC for the implementation of the project “Construction of a fish processing complex.” Taking into account the maximum load of four lines, including the line for rolling glass jars, the workshop’s productivity exceeds 40 tons of fish products per day.

In parallel with the construction of the fish processing complex, JV "Santa Bremor" LLC commissioned the first stage of the ice cream production workshop. JV "Santa Bremor" LLC decided to implement this ice cream production project for several reasons:

1. First of all, it was necessary to take into account the relative seasonality of sales of preserved fish. The summer period is less successful in terms of marketing fish products, which can objectively lead to a decrease in cash flows and profitability with constant fixed costs (production maintenance and administrative and management costs).

2. Based on very significant tax and customs preferences, JV “Santa Bremor” LLC, as a resident of the Brest FEZ, was able to fully minimize the variable costs of ice cream production and make this production highly profitable.

3. In the production of ice cream, as in the production of preserved fish, similar mechanisms and equipment are used: large-capacity refrigeration chambers, compressors, and various pneumatic equipment. In addition, both of these industries consume a significant amount of water (washing), which is acceptable if you have your own well and treatment facilities.

Today, the range of ice cream includes more than 76 items: ice cream in a waffle cup, low-calorie ice cream, candy series, ice cream on a stick, ice cream in briquettes, ice cream by weight (see appendix 3).

Considering the unstable demand for ice cream during the cold season, the company has mastered the production of so-called “family” and “holiday” types of ice cream. This high-quality ice cream, intended for consumption at home, was practically not represented on the domestic market before and immediately found a circle of its consumers. This step helped smooth out difficulties caused by seasonal demand. It is also necessary to note that ice cream with fillings at present, based on technical capabilities and wear and tear of fixed assets, can actually be produced only by a limited number of enterprises in the Republic of Belarus.

Thus, the structure of the joint venture “Santa Bremor” LLC includes an ice cream shop and two shops for processing fish and seafood.

Analysis external environment activities of JV LLC "Santa Impex Brest"

General characteristics of the activities of JV LLC "Santa Impex Brest"

The Belarusian-German joint venture Santa Impex Brest, which opened in the spring of 1993, identified seafood processing, as well as wholesale and retail trade in fish and fish products, as its main activities. In order to expand production and introduce new progressive technologies, the joint venture Santa Impex Brest LLC created a subsidiary, the joint venture Santa Bremor, a limited liability company.

The founders of LLC JV "Santa Impex Brest" are:

  • - Belarusian Participant - JV "Santa Impex Brest" LLC, located at: Republic of Belarus, 224032, Brest, st. Soviet Constitution, 26/1.
  • - Foreign Participant - "ALFA MAP SIAFOOD IMPORT EXPORT" GmbH, Bremerhaven, Germany. The trade register number is HRB2641.

Company was created for the purpose of carrying out economic activities aimed at generating profit to satisfy the social and economic interests of the participants of the joint venture “Santa Impex Brest” LLC and its employees. The subject of the enterprise's activities is:

  • - processing and canning of fish and fish products;
  • - processing and canning of fruits and vegetables, except potatoes;
  • - ice cream production;
  • - production of plastic products for packaging;
  • - wholesale trade of other food products, including fish and seafood;
  • - hotels and motels without restaurants, bars;
  • - storage and warehousing;
  • - construction of completed structures or parts thereof;
  • - equipment of buildings;
  • - completion of construction;
  • - activities in the field of architecture, engineering and technical activities related to civil engineering;
  • - production of pasta, noodles and similar flour products.

Within ten recent years The name “Santa” is strongly associated among the residents of Belarus with the production of fish products. The Belarusian-German joint venture Santa Impex Brest, which opened in the spring of 1993, identified processing, as well as wholesale and retail trade in fish and fish products, as its main activities. And today we can state with complete confidence an obvious fact - this company is a leader in the fishing industry of the national food industry.

The enterprise JV Santa Impex Brest LLC is a legal entity under the legislation of the Republic of Belarus; the legal status of the enterprise is determined by interstate or intergovernmental agreements of the participating countries, the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, the constituent agreement and the charter of the enterprise. In its activities, the enterprise is guided by the legislation on foreign investment, legislation on the free economic zone, and general legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. JV LLC “Santa Impex Brest”, in order to achieve the established goals of its activities, has the right to enter into transactions on its own behalf, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court and arbitration.

Location of the enterprise: Republic of Belarus, 224025, Brest region, Brest, Katin Bor, no. 106.

One One of the main factors ensuring the effective functioning of an enterprise is a properly formed, rationally organized management structure. The structure of enterprise management is understood as an ordered set of interconnected elements that are in stable relationships with each other, ensuring their functioning and development as a single whole. The elements of the structure are individual employees, departments and other parts of the management apparatus.

JV Santa Impex Brest LLC operates a decentralized management system (Appendix 1). The management body of the enterprise is its general director. Directly subordinate to the General Director are: Assistant General Director, Deputy General Director for Trade, Deputy General Director for Commercial Affairs, Deputy General Director for General Issues, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, Deputy General Director for Construction. Each of them is responsible for the functioning of the area under his jurisdiction, ensures its operability and carries out full control and control over it.

Table 2.1 Main indicators of the development of the enterprise JV Santa Impex Brest LLC for 2009 -2010.

Main indicators of enterprise development

Deviation (+,-)

Growth rate, %

Revenue from sales of products, works, services, million rubles.

Cost of goods, products, works, services, million rubles.

Share of costs in revenue, %

Sales costs

Average number of employees

Fund wages, million rubles

Profit from the sale of goods, products, works, services, million rubles.

Operating results

Result from non-operating activities

Taxes and payments from profits, million rubles.

Net profit, million rubles.

So Thus, from table 2.1 it is clear that sales revenue for 2010 increased compared to the same period last year, the growth rate was 136.1%. The cost of production also increased by 37.7%, which is associated with an increase in production volumes. There is an increase in the growth rate of profit from sales compared to last year (126.4%). In 2010, the enterprise received a profit of 14,855 million rubles from the sale of products (works, services). From operating and non-operating operations, the company received a loss in 2009 in the amount of 1,410 million rubles, but in 2010 the loss was reduced by almost half and amounted to 760 million rubles.

Net profit for 2010 amounted to 13,314 million rubles, which is 129.7% more than last year.

The analysis shows an improvement in 2010 financial condition enterprises, which was reflected in the growth of net profit. General indicators for assessing the level of efficiency of an enterprise are profitability indicators.

The financial condition of the enterprise, its sustainability and stability depend on the results of its production, commercial and financial activities. Uninterrupted production and sale of high-quality products have a positive impact on financial position enterprises. Interruptions in production process, deterioration in product quality, difficulties with its sale lead to a decrease in the flow of funds into the company’s accounts, as a result of which its solvency deteriorates.

We will calculate liquidity ratios in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2 Indicators of liquidity and solvency of the enterprise JV Santa Impex Brest LLC for 2008 -2010

The name of indicators

Calculation formula

Absolute liquidity ratio, (standard > 0.33)

Labs = DS / KO

Quick liquidity ratio

(standard > 0.5)

Lprom = (DS + DZ) / KO

Total liquidity ratio

(standard > 1.0)

Ltot = OA / KO

Current ratio (standard = 1.1)

Kt.l = (OA - Rbp) / (KO- - Dbp)

Security ratio own funds(standard = 0.1)

Ko.s.s = (SS - VA) / OA

So Thus, the obtained values ​​of absolute liquidity for 2008 - 2010 are below the standard. This is due to a significant excess of the amount of short-term liabilities over the amount of cash. The urgent liquidity ratio is met throughout the entire analyzed period. Therefore, the company covers in cash, located on current accounts and accounts receivable, their short-term obligations are 100%. Regarding the total liquidity ratio, it can be noted that in the analyzed period the company covers the amount of short-term liabilities by 100% with working capital.

At the end of the analysis of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise JV Santa Impex Brest LLC, we can conclude that the enterprise is in a fairly liquid, financially stable state.

Brand: Santa Bremor

Tagline: We know everything about fish

Industry: food industry

Products: fish, seafood.

Owning company: JV "Santa Bremor"

Year of foundation: 1993

Headquarters: Belarus, Brest

JV "Santa Bremor" LLC is a Belarusian-German joint venture, the largest food manufacturing company in Belarus. The company's brand portfolio includes more than ten brands that are popular in the CIS countries and abroad.

The Santa Impex Brest enterprise was first registered in 1993. The main activities of the company are as follows: export, import of fish and seafood in Belarus, wholesale and retail trade, transport services and restaurant business.

During a trip to one of the suppliers - the German company Abellman - General Director of the Belarusian-Dutch joint venture "Santa Impex Brest" Alexander Moshensky was surprised to learn that German fishermen have been producing herring fillets packed in glass jars for about 60 years. On his next business trips, he invariably looked into local supermarkets and soon came to the conclusion that this product was very common in European countries.

Then Moshensky decided to start producing it in Belarus.

“Mom often bought barrel herring,” recalls Alexander Moshensky. “She put it under the tap to soak, and the next day the herring was cleaned, cut, and the intestines were taken out. It was a rather complicated process.” In the mid-1990s, most Belarusian and Russian consumers took this process for granted. Ready-to-eat fillets in glass jars from Germany and Holland could not be found in every store. They didn't even look for him.

Firstly, not many people could imagine ready-to-eat herring back then. Secondly, the fillet was premium (Alexander Moshensky includes all preserves that cost more than two euros at retail into this category). But most importantly, it was pickled and in the post-Soviet space was considered a product for everyone.

In Western Europe, herring is consumed exclusively in pickled form. In Russia and Belarus, on the contrary, they ate salted barrel herring and spicy herring from Iceland, which under Soviet rule was exchanged for timber. Moshensky tried to take all these circumstances into account before putting the production of herring fillets on stream.

On March 30, 1998, a subsidiary company appeared "Santa Bremor", which, in addition to wholesale and retail trade in food products, begins to produce preserves, ice cream, salads, and dumplings.

The supplier of unprocessed, raw herring fillets, which served as raw materials, was the same company Abellman, from which Moshensky borrowed some production technologies. But in Abellman the herring was pickled, and "Sante Bremor" were going to salt it. It took several months to develop the flavor through trial and error. As a result, according to Alexey Artemov, the product acquired all the taste characteristics of “Don herring.” Instead of marinade, they began to use vegetable oil.

After working with the ratio of salt and spices, four technologists "Santa Bremor" They came up with a whole line of products under the “Mathias” brand: herring fillets with garlic, with seasonings, in olive oil, etc. They decided to “emphasize the premium quality” by packaging preserves not in glass, but in plastic and polyethylene. In addition, salting herring turned out to be cheaper than pickling it. The result was a product that cost just over one euro at retail. He was strikingly different from his German relative.

Launching "Mathias" did not require large investments. For several hundred thousand dollars earned from the supply of frozen fish, Moshensky purchased a fillet packaging line, which was located on rented premises in Brest.

Much more effort was required to demonstrate to the buyer the advantages of the new product. “We opened the packages and let them try the fillets in stores, at bazaars - wherever possible,” says Alexander Moshensky. “They convinced us that it was more profitable to buy fillets than whole herring, and that they tasted better.” It took two years of this “educational work.” During this time, representative offices were opened in Moscow, Kyiv and Chisinau "Santa Bremor". As a result, the company was successful. The buyer liked the Belarusian herring, and by mid-1998 the sales volume of Matias herring reached 4 thousand tons.

In 1998 at "Sante Bremor" undertook to “rethink” another Western product from the family of preserves – rollomps. Rollmops is a traditional German product. This is a cucumber wrapped in herring fillets in a jar of vinegar marinade. In order to fit a rollpug into a flat plastic package - others have "Santa Bremora" there was none, Belarusian technologists cut it into several slices. The flavor of the rollmops was changed from pickled to lightly salted, and they decided to use not only cucumber as a filling, but also carrots and beets, traditional for Russia and Belarus. And as Korean cuisine grows in popularity, eggplant. The result was something that looked nothing like a Rollpug. The new product was called a roll.

After that on "Sante Bremor" engaged in, as Alexander Moshensky put it, “classical marketing.” The company launched a new brand, Moryachok, on the market: the same herring fillet, but prepared according to a simpler recipe than Matias. Herring fillet “a la salmon”, as managers call it, has appeared in the Matias line. Santa's Bremor"The herring fillets were painted red and flavored with salmon.

In July 1999, construction of the production complex began and already at the beginning of May 2001 the official opening of a new fish processing plant took place.

According to the level of equipment and technology with "Santa Bremor" At that time, not only other fish processing enterprises, but also most of the country’s food industry enterprises could not compare. Since then, the enterprise has constantly expanded through the organization of new workshops and the development of new types of products.