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Where can a programmer technician work? Job Description for Programming Technician

Higher educational establishments every year certified socialists are released into the world, but in practice their knowledge and skills leave much to be desired. Most of these pseudo-professionals get jobs that involve the same monotonous, routine work. Moreover, workers can drag their feet for years, not wanting to particularly develop in their profession, but only to receive a fixed salary.

The passive position of employees has led to the fact that in 2019 there is an acute shortage of highly qualified specialists. It is the demand that is the determining factor for software engineers working in Russia.

However, this does not mean that all programmers receive the same salary. It’s hard to say that a software technician can hope for a certain salary, because a lot depends on the complexity of the project that the specialist is researching and leading, as well as his knowledge.

What determines the salary of a software engineer

If we are talking about a profession that is in demand in Russia, the programmer occupies a leading position. The employer is ready to pay for the work of a subordinate, whether it is permanent employment at the company or a single job performed in accordance with the drawn up agreement.

Factors that make up an employee’s salary:

  • knowledge of different programming languages;
  • knowledge in English at a high level;
  • independent performance of tasks specified by superiors or customers;
  • the ability to find solutions from the most difficult situations, think creatively and try new programming techniques;
  • It is desirable to have an education in the specialty;
  • long work experience;
  • positive recommendations from other customers. It is not necessary to ask each customer to write a review of the work done; you can ask permission to refer to his contacts;
  • the policy and cleanliness of the customer (employer) who cooperates with the technician.

How does a programming language affect earnings?

A programming technician who has become familiar with specific programming languages ​​can significantly increase his income:

  • java programming in 2019 allows you to demand from your boss a salary from 130,000 to 250,000 rubles (it is believed that java is the language of the highest aerobatics);
  • if a specialist has knowledge of PHP, income immediately decreases by 45%, this is due to the low entry threshold (for beginners, the ability to use PHP ensures earnings from 50,000 to 190,000 rubles);
  • A software technician can earn extra money by servicing the 1C program (constantly monitoring 1C in Russia for one client costs approximately 75,000 rubles per month).

Related programming skills

The salary of an employee in the field of programming may change due to the influence of the following parameters:

  1. If you use English at the documentation and protocol level, this will provide an additional 20% of income. However, in order to receive payments, you need to cooperate with European customers; in Russia, clients take such knowledge for granted.
  2. A software engineer working independently takes responsibility for all processes of organizing and maintaining a project, and even force majeure circumstances cannot be a reason to slow down the process. It is guaranteed cooperation and non-stop high-quality work process that the customer pays from 15,000 to 25,000 rubles per month.
  3. Whether you have a diploma or not, a software technician is in any case obliged to educate himself if, of course, he wants to earn good money. Judge for yourself - if it is in vain for a beginner to count on an income of more than 100,000 rubles, then a specialist who knows his business earns from 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.
  4. The salary of a person working in a company implies a set work schedule and strict production deadlines. Not wanting to lose an experienced professional, the employer is willing to pay 150,000 rubles.

Information technologies do not stand still and are constantly being improved, which leads to changes in production process technologies, business and other areas of activity. Becoming information society served as an impetus for the need for specialists with relevant knowledge. In this regard, professions related to programming are in demand in modern market and applicants who have not yet decided on the choice of future professional activity should take a closer look at this area. There are a sufficient number of specializations in the IT field; Today we offer you to get acquainted with the profession of “programmer technician”.

General information

The emergence of the profession dates back to the mid-twentieth century, when the first computers appeared. Previously, much attention was paid to equipment maintenance, but over time, the programming technician increasingly became responsible for the maintenance and commissioning of software scripts.

A software engineer is a specialist whose responsibilities include technical work and participation in the development of source program code in a specific programming language, conducting software testing and maintenance.

Technical programmers are divided into three categories:

Category 2 – system programmer. The responsibilities of such an employee include developing operating systems, database interfaces and networking. It should be noted that this category is quite rare and highly paid.

Category 3 – Web programmer. The activity of such an employee is to work with network resources, namely global networks. He is involved in creating dynamic pages and developing web interfaces for databases.

Professional skills:

A technical programmer must have the following professional skills and abilities:

  • Confident knowledge of programming languages;
  • Knowledge of various operating systems;
  • Availability of skills in working with software products and programming tools;
  • Knowledge in the field of database maintenance, as well as their basic technologies (SQL, DB2, PL/SQL, etc.);
  • Ability to select the correct equipment configuration or software;
  • Knowledge of technical English for working with documentation.

Personal qualities:

A person who wants to connect his life with the profession of “programmer technician” must have certain qualities. Such specialists are especially valued:

  • Analytic mind;
  • Ability to make decisions;
  • Tendency to intellectual activities;
  • Determination;
  • Skill to work in team;
  • Attentiveness;
  • Accuracy;
  • Perseverance;
  • Responsibility;
  • Initiative.

Advantages of the profession:

  1. High demand in the labor market.
  2. Decent salary.
  3. Availability of career growth.
  4. Creative profession.
  5. Opportunity to constantly develop.
  6. Optional presence higher education.
  7. Low barrier to entry for beginners.
  8. Ability to work remotely.

Disadvantages of the profession:

  1. The need to follow trends in the IT field and constantly strives to meet the requirements.
  2. Large volumes of work.
  3. Sedentary specificity of work.
  4. Irregular working hours.


The list of job responsibilities of a software engineer includes the following:

  • Provide assistance in the design of data processing systems, as well as mathematical support for production processes;
  • Take part in preparatory work and monitor the functioning of computer systems;
  • Drawing up diagrams of the technological process of information processing and communication, describing algorithms for solving problems, writing instructions and explanatory notes;
  • Creation software products, testing and troubleshooting;
  • Preparation of technical storage media that are intended for automatically loading data into an electronic computer, accumulating and systematizing the obtained indicators, making changes to the process of program operation;
  • Documenting the work performed, as well as maintaining records of the operation of machinery.

Place of work

When looking for a job, a software technician can pay attention to the following vacancies:

  • Technological equipment adjuster;
  • System Administrator;
  • Database administrator;
  • Computer maintenance technician;
  • Programmer;
  • Web programmer;
  • Consultant for the sale and repair of computer equipment.

As for direct employment opportunities, a specialist who has received the qualification of a software technician can find a job:

  1. In software development and implementation companies.
  2. In computer centers.
  3. In computer hardware stores.
  4. At service centers.

It should be noted that in the first case of employment, the specialist is required to fulfill the following requirements: develop software, make changes to the source code, eliminate software errors in the code.

It should also be noted that the above list is just the beginning. big list places for employment as a programmer. Nowadays, any enterprise has a need for such personnel, so a young specialist can try to provide his services on a freelance basis.


The education of a programmer technician involves both specialized secondary education and higher education in the relevant field. Personnel training is carried out in the direction of “Programming in computer systems” (Specialty code: 02/09/03), qualification – programmer technician.

Or, to enter a secondary specialized educational institution, you must pass the GIA in:

  • Russian language;
  • Mathematics;
  • Computer science.

To enter higher education institutions, you must pass the following Unified State Exam:

  • Russian language;
  • Mathematics;
  • Computer science (physics).

In accordance with state standards, the training of a specialist in this profile is carried out with the study of the following disciplines:

  1. Basics of programming.
  2. OS.
  3. Architecture of computer systems.
  4. Theory of algorithms.
  5. Technical means of informatization.
  6. Information Technology.
  7. Math modeling.
  8. Application programming.
  9. Implementation and support of computer systems software.
  10. Database development and protection technology.
  11. Engineering graphics.
  12. Software modeling and analysis.
  13. Legal support of professional activities.
  14. Life safety, etc.

You can study these disciplines and receive a secondary specialized diploma (programming technician) or higher education (software engineer) in the following educational institutions:

Universities And academies:

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov (tuition cost 246 thousand rubles per year);
  • Baltic State Technical University "VOENMECH" named after D.F. Ustinov (tuition cost 61 thousand rubles per year);
  • Kurgan State University (tuition cost 28.1 thousand rubles per year);
  • Belgorod State Technological University named after. V.G. Shukhov (tuition cost 36 thousand rubles per year);
  • Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin (tuition cost 70 thousand rubles per year).

Colleges And technical schools:

  • College of Management and Production (Moscow, tuition fee – 84 thousand rubles per year);
  • Moscow College of Business Technologies (Moscow, tuition fee – 70 thousand rubles per year);
  • Radio Engineering College (St. Petersburg, tuition fee - 50 thousand rubles per year);
  • Ural Polytechnic College - Interregional Competence Center (Ekaterinburg, tuition fee - 31 thousand rubles per year);
  • Polytechnic College of the Sarov Institute of Physics and Technology - a branch of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Nizhny Novgorod, tuition fee - 45.6 thousand rubles per year).

Courses And trainings:

  • Training center “Code Class” (Moscow, training cost – 25 thousand rubles, training period – 40 hours);
  • School of Programmers “ITMonopoly” (Moscow, tuition fee – 32 thousand rubles, training period – 1 month);
  • NOCHU DPO "Academy of Modern Programming" (St. Petersburg, tuition fee - 22 thousand rubles, training period - 2 weeks);
  • Educational center "Alef" (St. Petersburg, tuition fee - 18 thousand rubles, training period - 20 days).


The profession “Programmer Technician” is popular in the labor market. Many popular job search sites have a large number of open vacancies specifically for such specialists. In addition to the demand for personnel, the level of salaries is also a positive factor. So, according to statistical data, the salary indicators for this profession are:

  • Minimum – 75.6 thousand rubles.
  • Average – 109 thousand rubles.
  • Maximum – 413.4 thousand rubles.

If we consider a specialist’s earnings depending on the region of professional activity, then the average indicators will be slightly different and amount to:

  • Moscow – 130 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg – 109 thousand rubles.
  • Samara – 78 thousand rubles.
  • Yekaterinburg – 77 thousand rubles.
  • Novosibirsk – 77 thousand rubles.
  • Voronezh – 69 thousand rubles.
  • Rostov-on-Don – 67 thousand rubles.
  • Kazan – 64 thousand rubles.
  • Ufa – 53 thousand rubles.

Regardless of what kind of education he has - a technician or an engineer, in order to succeed in this profession, he needs a set of some special personal qualities. First of all, he must be able to think logically and calculate events many moves ahead. He will also need attentiveness, perseverance and the ability to do not only creative work, but also quite routine. Sometimes, in order to bring a creative idea to life, he will need to spend more than 90% of his time on its implementation and debugging of the program. Of course, one cannot do without determination and perseverance in this profession, as well as without developed intelligence, the ability to master the exact sciences and the ability to concentrate.

To get a job as a software technician, a person must have a secondary vocational education; it is very good if he also has work experience in this specialty.

What are the job responsibilities of a software engineer?

Of course, what the job of a software technician will consist of largely depends on what area he will work in and what type of activity the company is engaged in. But there is, of course, General requirements and knowledge that will be useful to him in any workplace. First of all, he needs to have a perfect knowledge of computers and the devices used in conjunction with them, as well as devices for collecting, processing and transmitting information, the rules for their maintenance and operation. You will need knowledge of methods and technologies for automated information processing, basic programming languages, and specialized software products used in the work of this enterprise.

IN job responsibilities A programming technician usually includes work to ensure the uninterrupted operation of computer systems and equipment installed at user workstations. He will need to perform preparatory operations related to the operation of local computer networks, monitor how workstations operate, provide technical assistance.

He may be required to develop simple utilities and work programs to optimize manufacturing process, he must debug and test them. In some cases, he may be entrusted with drawing up simple diagrams technological processes processing various information flows in the enterprise or individual algorithms for solving those problems that the IT department faces. At many enterprises, software engineers are involved in maintaining databases, filling them, storing them, and processing them. A software engineer at any enterprise must be able to work with large amounts of data, know the rules for archiving and storing them, he must have an idea of

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Specialty – Applied informatics in the Education sector Purpose of the profession – development, maintenance and operation of software in the Education sector (and in other areas); Qualification - Programming technician; Educational base for admission – basic general education; Level vocational education– mid-level specialist (secondary vocational education); Ways to obtain professional education - full-time training at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of the Republic of Mari El "Orsha Multidisciplinary College named after. I.K. Glushkov", the successor of the Orsha Pedagogical College named after. I.K. Glushkova Passport of profession

A technician-programmer prepares for the following types of activities: Processing industry information; Development, implementation and adaptation of industry-specific software; Maintenance and promotion of industry-specific software; Security project activities

Process digital information Develop software using information content programming languages ​​Promote and present industry-specific software Set up, control and work with a computer, printer, scanner and other interactive equipment used in educational institutions Provide the content of project operations, determine deadlines, costs , quality and resources of project operations The programmer technician must be able to

History of the profession Programmer takes its origins back to the distant past. Its founder was Al-Khorezmi, a Khorezmian mathematician, astronomer and geographer. He lived more than 1200 years ago. The main work of his life was a book known as Algebra. All software is built on the basis of algebra, that is, modern programming goes back to the distant Central Asian past. Now a programmer is a person who develops and designs software for the most various types computers: embedded, personal, industrial and other types of computers. History of the profession

The profession of a technician - programmer, as you may have guessed, appeared much later: with the advent of the first computers, the prototype of which were computers. Can you clarify when this was? Of course, modern computers are completely different from their ancestors and require special knowledge to maintain them. If the Programmer writes only programs, then the Technician - programmer is well versed in the hardware itself and all devices connected to the computer History of the profession

Special psychophysiological requirements for the profession Psychophysiological – high emotional stability, high concentration and switching of attention, quick reaction; Type of thinking – intuitive, creative, technical, logical and analytical; Type of memory – RAM, memory for symbols.

Personal qualities required by the profession Attentiveness; Accuracy; Patience; Persistence; Determination; Responsibility; Tendency to intellectual activities; Ability to make decisions independently; Having your own opinion; Ability to work in a team

Qualities that ensure success in professional activities Logical thinking; Flexibility and dynamic thinking; Ability to analyze a situation; Good level of memory development; High level development of concentration, volume, distribution and switching of attention; The ability to competently express one’s thoughts; High level of development of technical abilities; Mathematical abilities; Developed imagination

Areas of application of professional knowledge Educational institutions(schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, technical schools, colleges, kindergartens). Computer centers; Enterprises and organizations of various profiles; Banking system; Service centers for servicing computer equipment; Individual entrepreneurship(private service center)

Where you can continue your education Volga State Technological University Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering Information Security automated systems Computer Science and Computer Engineering Software engineering Faculty of Economics Applied informatics in economics Business informatics Mari State University Faculty of Physics and Mathematics Information Systems and technology Applied mathematics and computer science

In accordance with the law “On Education in Russian Federation» Federal Law 273 from the city and the Procedure for admission to higher education programs from 839 and amendments to the Admission Procedure from 1442: a) college graduates have the right to enroll in correspondence studies at universities: - without passing the Unified State Exam based on the results entrance examinations approved by the university - under accelerated training programs (from 2.5 to 3.5 years); b) college graduates have the right to enroll in full-time studies at universities: - based on the results of the Unified State Examination, but with the right to transfer to study according to an individual plan (that is, in a shortened time) ATTENTION!!! Benefits for college graduates when entering a university!!!

Personnel conditions training of technicians - programmers The results of diploma defense, state qualification exams and employment of graduates indicate that during the years of study at the college they received deep professional knowledge and mastered the necessary skills. The quality of training is facilitated by the fact that training in core professional subjects and guidance industrial practice carried out by specialists of the Republican Center information technologies and assessment of the quality of education (Yoshkar-Ola), as well as associate professors and professors of the Volga State Technological University at the Orsha Pedagogical College named after. I.K. Glushkov training of technicians-programmers has been carried out since 2011, one graduation of specialists has been made.

We can no longer imagine our lives without information technology! The computer has penetrated into all areas human activity! Therefore, every year computer specialists will be even more in demand in the labor market. And educational institutions need specialists who are well versed in computer technology who can help the teacher organize a modern educational process using ICT technologies. Demand for technicians - programmers

Dedicated to the technician-programmer... Technician-programmers, The people needed by everyone: They will write everything on a clean website, The hardware will be straightened and - forward! Technician - programmer - Almost a professor, Musician of his keyboard, His stage is where there is a processor, Participated in virtual culture. He can’t sit still And is always on websites, His head is packed like a hard drive, Thoughts are in bytes, kilo-, terabytes. If suddenly questions arise, you need to learn something new - the programmer will teach you very simply. Download it in Google or Yandex. He will save your computer from the virus, replace the motherboard, change Windows if you want, who will replace your programmer?!