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Devices for connecting to the Internet. Methods of connecting computers to a network, principles of addressing computers, users and resources on the Internet

Dial-up connection via modem. Today, the cheapest way to connect to the Internet is access to the provider’s computer via analog and analog-digital lines of telephone networks via a modem. The oldest dial-up method of connecting to the Internet has disadvantages: low speed and a busy line. Upper limit speed 56 Kbps.

A dial-up connection via ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) allows you to transfer data at speeds of up to 9 Mbps in the forward direction and 1 Mbps in the reverse direction over regular telephone lines.

A dial-up connection via ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) allows you to connect to the Internet over networks in which the access line to providers can be completely digital. This allows you to transfer a digital signal from one computer to another without conversion. Due to this, information is transmitted at speeds of up to 384 Kbps.

Connection via dedicated lines. You get the opportunity to use the Internet 24 hours a day without paying for the services of the telephone company at a temporary tariff. In this case, a fiber-optic cable is laid to the user's premises. The speed and quality of transmission over the channel in this case is guaranteed.

Connection via frame relay. When the information load on lines is uneven, it is often more profitable to use a connection via frame relay networks (“variable structure”). The principle of operation of such networks is simple: the minimum guaranteed channel capacity is determined, and if necessary, the bandwidth is expanded to possible limits. Such “forced” transmission of information is allowed if the line is not busy with other users. The expediency of using such networks in a small office, where the likelihood of simultaneous access to the network by several services is low, is obvious. From a financial point of view, a frame relay network is quite profitable.

Network connection cable television. If this technology is implemented, we immediately get a TV, telephone and Internet. Transmission speeds enable high-quality Internet telephony, real-time video conferencing, and broadcasting television programs on the World Wide Web. Data transmission is carried out through an HFC (Hybrid Fiber Coaxial) cable - a combined opto-coaxial cable. In this case, the data transfer protocol will remain IP (Internet Protocol) or newer protocols.

Connection via radio modem. This method will allow you to get rid of the telephone company.

Is becoming widespread Connectionvia mobile communication devices.

Internet services

Internet services usually refer to the types of services that are provided by servers on the network. The following are the oldest services available since the birth of the network:

1. Usenet (newsgroups, newsgroups) is an outdated service that allows you to organize network discussions on certain topics.

2. FTP - file transfer service) allows you to transfer and receive files from FTP file servers connected to the Internet.

3. Telnet - service remote access to computers.

4. Electronic mail (e-mail) - message transmission service.

5. World Wide Web (WWW, Web, “World Wide Web”) - a service for searching and viewing hypertext documents, including graphics, sound and video.

Of the above services, the last two remain popular to date. Other services have been added to them. Currently, the most popular services can be arranged in the following order: Email. WWW (search engines, news sites, forums, blogs, social networks), IRC messaging services (chat rooms), Internet shops, electronic payment systems, Internet telephony. In addition, popular modern services include instant messaging services (ICQ, GoogleTalk, Skype), wikis, bulletin boards, Internet television, social networking services, virtual dating service, accurate time service, distributed computing, cloud computing, YouTube, etc.

The Internet has long become the norm for all inhabitants of the planet. Thanks to him, monetary transactions, people watch TV shows, study in master classes, learn previously unknown information. However, connecting to the Internet is not so easy. You must be connected via a local network, through a mobile provider, or some other means. Connection to the Internet is carried out using fiber optic cable, twisted pair, ADSL, or wireless Wi-Fi.

Cable connection

The most common type of connection is cable. This type of connection is made using twisted pair or optical fiber. twisted pair is a cable consisting of four pairs of copper wires. It receives and transmits signals. Modern providers provide Internet to apartment buildings in this manner: a router is installed, a wire comes to it and, using a connector, is connected to a distributor, from which wires are already distributed to apartments. At the point of connection with the computer, the ends of these wires are crimped with a connector.

twisted pair

Optical fiber is already more modern means transmitting information over a distance. It also connects and has almost the same junction boxes as twisted pair, but with the difference that via optical cable information is transmitted with speeds up to 1 GB per second, while over twisted pair cable only up to 100 MB/sec.

Fiber optic connection

Connecting FTTB or fiber to the home is a connection to the World Wide Web using optical fiber, and distribution throughout the apartment is using twisted pair.

Twisted pair is connected or directly to the system unit, or to home wifi router By using of this connection It is possible to provide users’ apartments not only with the Internet, but also with telephone and digital television.

GPon is gigabit communication channel. It provides users high speed access up to 1 gigabit per second. The cable is connected in the user’s apartment to a special media converter, which in turn receives data and distributes it to the user’s devices. Such equipment began to appear in our megacities quite recently.

The local network

The principle of local connection is to connect several computers at home or in a factory into one network, for which the provider allocates an IP address. Such an address can be static or dynamic.

When connecting using dynamicIP, the provider constantly automatically assigns you the necessary settings at certain intervals. Nothing is required from you, just plug the cable into your computer and connect to the Internet.

StaticIP differs from the first in that the provider provides the settings to the user and he himself configures his computers, network card and Internet access. Positive side static IP is that it is convenient for working with online services that ask you for an IP address. The router most often automatically detects the IP.

This technology is called Ethernet.

VPN network

A virtual private network or VPN is a technology for encrypting data. This way your data is protected during transmission. They reach the provider safely and securely. Working with a virtual private network is most often implemented in several ways:

Combined connection

This type of connection combines several types of connections simultaneously. Typically the first is a virtual private network, and the second is a dynamic or static IP. This connection is rarely used, as it is the most complex.

Phone line

Nowadays the world is dominated by cable connection, and phone line is gradually becoming a thing of the past. But in areas so far from large cities or desert areas, it still has its significance, because it is not practical and expensive to run the cable there.

Internet via home phone transmitted over a telephone line several types of communication:

  • ADSL, SHDSL, VDSL are types of digital subscriber line or DSL. ADSL uses a telephone line to transmit data and is connected to a computer via a modem and cables. In addition, using this connection, not only the Internet, but also the telephone works. Is it true, throughput this type of connection is very small compared to modern cable installations. If the first one uses asymmetrical data transmission, then SHDSL, in turn, uses symmetrical duplex transmission. The speed of such a connection on one pair is no more than 2.3 Megabits per second. VDSL is super high speed digital subscriber line. This technology is used when connecting optical fiber from the provider to the user switch, and from the latter via twisted pair cable to the system unit. With this technology it is achieved high speed receiving data over short periods.
  • DIAL UP (dial-up) is the oldest type of data transmission over a telephone line. Transmission speed about 56 kilobits per second. You cannot make phone calls at this time, otherwise your connection to the Internet will be lost. The modem is connected to the telephone line and to the computer. The modem connects by number, and the user gains access to the network.


Access is via TV cable. It is brought into the apartment with a subscription and distributed to the TV and modem or goes straight to the computer. 300 megabits per second is his maximum speed . But this type of connection is not common.

This type of data transmission has become the most popular recently. After all, no cables or routers are needed. Most importantly, you must have a phone with you that supports 2G, 3G, 4G and is within the coverage area of ​​your telecom provider.

2G – the slowest telephone connection technology. Used before on the first smartphones. Its speed is measured in kilobits per second. Also called GPRS, which replaced the GSM standard

3G (3rd Generation) - this connection model is also becoming obsolete, but still in use. Its speed reaches 40 megabits per second.

4G/LTE is new format connection to the network, which supports speed data transfer up to 300 megabits per second.

5G is replacing all standards. This type of connection is still being tested. But they are obliged to introduce it into Western countries by 2020. He has already passed the first test quite successfully. In Russia, the first tests of 5G technology will be carried out during the FIFA World Cup, which will be held in 2018.

Satellite Internet

Satellite Internet is the most expensive. There are two types of such network entry - one-way and two-way. At unilaterally transmission occurs over a terrestrial channel, and when bilateral the exchange takes place via satellite. The speed reaches tens of megabits per second.

WiMax or Wi-Fi

WiMax is a connection using highly targeted microwaves. This type of network access is used on long distances and provides broadband connectivity, and it also uses the MAC Address Protocol.

Wi-Fi is needed for broadband Internet access within the office or at home. It operates on unlicensed bands. This type of communication is more common and adapted for the average user.


Now we understand how communication with the World Wide Web occurs through our devices. But many users ask questions about what broadband is, open internet or other. Therefore, let's look at the most common of them.

Open Internet is often used by providers in the names of tariffs. This is the Internet which is charged after the end of the traffic, which is included in the subscription fee.

Broadband access (broadband) is access to the network at a speed much larger than the speed of the modem or telephone network.

Some people are interested in what types of networks there are. There are three connection types:

  • LAN– local computer networks. These networks belong mainly to one organization and have a coverage of several kilometers or tens of meters. Such networks can be connected to each other through a ring. Or in linear mode using routers. The second method is much more convenient and effective.
  • Regional networks. Their coverage reaches 100 kilometers. Usually these are city and regional networks.
  • Global. Essentially, this is the Internet network, which connects all the computers in the world into one big web.

In addition, you can highlight division by communication method (wired and wireless), control method (with centralized and decentralized control) and composition computing facilities(homogeneous and heterogeneous).

And finally, if you want to find out the type of connection your computer has to the Internet, to do this you need to right-click on the computer icon in the lower right corner of the screen and open network control center and general access.

In the window that opens, click " Change adapter settings».

You will see a window on the screen where all your connections will be displayed.

The one without the red cross icon is the current connection. To find out in more detail, it is better to contact your provider, or determine the type based on the above methods.

Sooner or later, every owner of a home computer thinks about connecting it to the Internet. For the sake of communicating with other people, downloading necessary information and so on. At this moment, the user is faced with the question - which method of connecting to the Internet to choose? If just a few years ago the overwhelming majority of Internet users in Russia actually had no choice but to use a modem connection (dial-up), now the situation on the service market has changed greatly.
I would like to immediately note about the prices given in the article - although Internet access in general is constantly becoming cheaper, in large cities, due to the presence of home networks, great competition among providers, and many users, Internet access services can be obtained much (sometimes even very much...) cheaper, than in the regions. In this article, MirSovetov tried to display average prices.

Ways to connect to the Internet

The most common ways to connect to the Internet today are:
  • Modem connection (Dial-up) – Dial-Up, ADSL
  • Leased line connection (fiber optic, etc.)
  • GPRS – access (via cell phone)
  • Radio access
  • Satellite Internet
They all differ from each other in operating principle, data transfer speed, reliability, complexity of equipment setup and, of course, price. The main characteristic of any Internet connection - data transfer speed - is measured in the amount of information transmitted to the user per unit of time (in one second) and is usually measured in kilobytes/sec (KB/s) or kilobits/sec (kbps). For high-speed channels, speed is already measured in megabits or megabytes per second.
In principle, spending time on the Internet can be divided into two groups - those that require receiving a large amount of traffic and those that do not require it. For web surfing (viewing pages), the speed of a regular modem connection is sufficient. However, this speed will not allow you to comfortably download large files - movies, high-quality music, and so on. Therefore, to fully use the capabilities of the Internet, high-speed access is required.

Modem connection (dial-up)

The oldest and most widely used connection method, but currently being gradually replaced by others. Modem (dial-up) connection is now relatively popular only in cities where there is no wide choice of providers.
With this connection method, each time the user needs to access the Internet, he will have to dial up the telephone line to the provider’s modem pool using a modem. This leads to the first disadvantage of dial-up - the telephone line is busy while on the Internet. Next, the provider processes the user's account name (login) and password and verifies them. Then the subscriber is assigned a free IP, thanks to which he gains access to the Network.
The advantages of such an Internet connection are: ease of configuration and installation of equipment (only an analog modem is required), low price equipment, and many tariff plans offered by providers.
There are many more disadvantages to a modem connection. As noted above, the subscriber’s telephone line is busy, the data transfer speed is low (usually 3-4 KB/s), and the quality of the connection and data transfer is poor due to the wear and tear of the telephone lines.
MirSovetov wanted to note that with the speed provided by a modem connection, it is almost impossible to download large files from the Internet - videos, distributions of large programs, and so on.

Required Equipment

  • Analog modem - from 300 (internal) to 1000 (good external) rub.
  • Connection is free with most providers.


More promising than dial-up at present is ADSL technology(Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line). This is a technology that allows you to provide high-speed broadband Internet access over regular analog telephone lines. The speed reaches 8 Mbit/s. Besides this technology does not load the subscriber's telephone line, thanks to the separation of signal ranges in the telephone line. The subscriber also does not need to call the provider. Cons – enough high price traffic – 2-2.5 rub/MByte.

Required Equipment

  • ADSL – modem (splitter is usually included) – from 600 to 2000 rubles.
  • The right to connect for the population - up to 1000 rubles. (depending on the region).
Due to the rapid development cellular communication In Russia, almost every person has a cell phone. Why not use it to access the Internet? Almost all providers today offer the service of using cell phone instead of a traditional modem. In this case, free channels of the cellular operator are used to access the network.
For the user, such an Internet connection is good because if the phone supports GPRS, the only additional equipment required is a communication device mobile phone with a computer (USB cable, infrared port or Bluetooth). Another advantage is the mobility of this type of connection.
The data transfer speed depends on the cellular operator and the equipment used, but in general it is also low - only twice as high as a modem.
The defining disadvantage is primarily the high cost of traffic received by the user (5-7 rubles/MB).

Required Equipment

  • USB cable, infrared port, Bluetooth - about 400-500 rubles.

Leased line connection

The provider runs a dedicated line (twisted pair or fiber optic) to the subscriber's computer and issues a range of IP addresses for the subscriber to access the Internet.
In this case, the user receives a free telephone line, constant connection to the Internet, high quality connections and data transfer, high speed (up to 100 Mbit/s).
However, the cost of installing and configuring such a connection directly depends on the distance of the computer to the provider’s connection point, and, in any case, is quite high compared to other connection methods. And when moving the computer to another place, you will have to lay a cable to it again.

Required Equipment

  • In this case, the user only needs a network card from the equipment, and currently it is available on almost any motherboard.
The cost of laying a cable to a computer and connecting depends on the provider and can generally range from 500 to 13,000 rubles. In Moscow, such a connection is much cheaper than in the regions... alas, alas... =)

Radio access

Wireless way to connect to the Internet. Everything is installed for the provider and the subscriber necessary equipment(special radio modem, antenna), with the help of which information is exchanged between the user and the Internet.
The disadvantages of radio access are the need to purchase expensive equipment and high subscription fees to the provider. The quality of the connection and data transmission depends on the weather and visibility of the base transmitting station.
Its advantages include high connection speed (up to 2 Mbit/s) and subscriber mobility (that is, the ability to connect the subscriber device to another computer).

Required Equipment

  • Antenna - about 2000 rubles.
  • Internal module (radio modem) – the price range is quite large
MirSovetov did not indicate the cost of all equipment and the connection itself - this depends on the provider and may differ several times. Anyway good connection access to the Internet via radio access will not cost you less than 10,000 rubles.
Separately, it is worth noting the Wi-Fi connection, which requires only a Wi-Fi module (cost up to 2000 rubles), but... in the regions there is practically no Wi-Fi coverage area.

Satellite connection

Satellite connection can be one-way (asynchronous) or two-way. The second one, due to the high cost of the equipment (the bill runs into tens of thousands), MirSovetov will not consider.
Most often, satellite Internet is called an asynchronous (or combined) access method - data reaches the user via a satellite dish, and requests (traffic) from the user are transmitted by any other connection - GPRS or via terrestrial channels (ADSL, dial-up). The main requirement for a request channel is connection reliability. In most cases best choice it has an ADSL connection with free outgoing traffic.
The advantages of a satellite Internet connection are, first of all, the very low cost of traffic - from 10 to 100 kopecks per 1 megabyte. The cost of a set of equipment and connection is currently affordable for almost everyone (especially compared to other access methods) and is approximately 200-300 US dollars.
Data transfer speeds vary significantly depending on the provider and tariff plan chosen by the user. Providers satellite Internet offer a very wide selection of tariff plans, including unlimited ones. A very nice bonus is also the possibility of free satellite television reception.
The disadvantage of a satellite Internet connection is the need for a channel for outgoing traffic - a telephone line or a phone with GPRS support. However, now this is not such a big problem.

Required Equipment

  • Antenna 90 cm with bracket – about 2000 rubles.
  • DVB card (satellite modem) SkyStar2 - 1800 rub.
  • Converter – 700 rub.
  • Cable – 100 rub. (10 m)
  • Installation, configuration – 1700 rub.
Total – 6300 rub. "Full construction".
It is worth noting that in large cities of Russia, due to growing competition among providers and the development local networks Internet access is becoming cheaper. Often you can install unlimited Internet access with decent speed and a subscription fee of 500-1000 rubles/month. In the provinces and small towns, this is much more complicated and prices are an order of magnitude higher. The best choice in this situation would be to use satellite Internet.
Finally, a little math from personal experience author. Let's calculate the approximate cost of downloading a certain amount of information from the Internet. When using dial-up Internet access with time-based payment in an hour, theoretically, you can get (download) 6*3600 = 21600 kilobytes, or 21 MB. In practice, this figure is in the region of 15-17 MB. Now let's count:
Modem (dial-up) access – 20 MB – 20 rubles (charge per hour).
ADSL access - 20 Megabytes - 40 rubles (Volgatelecom) (tens faster than modem access).
Satellite Internet – 20 MB – from 2 to 20 rubles depending on the download speed and time of day.
We hope our advice will help you make the right choice.

There are several ways to connect to the Internet. They differ in the capabilities provided to the user and the cost of connection.

A provider (English provider, fully ISP - Internet Service Provider) is an organization that provides other organizations and individuals with access to the Internet.

Providers build and maintain information transmission channels and have a high-speed connection from their servers to the Internet, which allows them to provide users with access to the Internet and provide additional services.

Interaction with an Internet provider begins with the conclusion of an agreement for the provision of Internet access services. When concluding an agreement, you come up with and enter in the agreement a user name and password for access to the provider’s site.

The simplest option for concluding an agreement with a provider is to purchase an Internet card. An Internet card is a plastic card that contains a username and password for accessing the provider’s website.

After concluding the contract, the Internet provider provides technical support, keeps records of funds spent under the contract, provides additional services, for example, provides a free mailbox, and sometimes even preferential pricing for access to this mailbox.

The choice of Internet connection method depends not only on your technical capabilities, but also on the technical capabilities of the provider. Here we can say that we're talking about not about connecting to the Internet as something virtual, but specifically about connecting to a provider, to the provider’s equipment.

There are many ways to connect to the provider’s equipment. This is a connection via a dial-up telephone line, via a leased line, via digital telephone communication, via a cable television network, via satellite channels, via a radio channel.

Connection via a regular dial-up telephone line.

The most accessible and frequently used way to connect to the Internet is to connect via a regular dial-up telephone line. There is such a line in every home and office, and to connect a computer to the Internet via such a line, you only need one device - a modem.


  1. Who is a provider?
  2. What are the main tasks of the provider?
  3. List ways to connect to the Internet.
  4. What device is needed to connect to the Internet via a dial-up telephone line?
  5. What is a modem and what types of modems are there?
  6. What is the advantage of connecting via a dedicated telephone line?

The Internet has long ceased to be some kind of addition to our life, having become an integral part of it. Too many everyday activities and entertainment depend on the World Wide Web. But in order to enter it, you need something more than a plugged cord into an outlet.

Let's look at the main types of Internet connections: features, equipment used and user reviews of one or another type. The options are not very diverse, but nevertheless, everyone can choose something for their specific purposes and conditions.

Cable connection

This is the most popular type of Internet connection. The provider serving your area runs a cable into your apartment, through which the signal enters the house. In such cases, as a rule, only two connection options are used - via an optical cable and via twisted pair.

twisted pair

As for everything here, everything is simple. A twisted cable (copper) is drawn from the distribution box in the entrance and connected to your system unit or router. Almost all multi-storey buildings are connected in this way. Finding out what type of Internet connection (cable) in this case is very simple: if you have thin wires (compared to fiber optics) and an average speed of up to 100 Mbit/sec, then it means twisted pair. If the loop is thicker and the speed is higher, then it is fiber optic.

Optical cable

In another case, “optics” are installed in the apartment, which are connected to a special distribution box directly in the house. This type of Internet connection has one very serious advantage - it is a speed that can reach up to 1 Gbit/s.

Using an optical cable, you can easily access not only the World Wide Web, but also use telephony and television services. That is, instead of three laid cables, you get one.

In turn, the cable type of Internet connection has two options for working with network protocols - local and virtual. Let's look at them in more detail.

The local network

The whole point of local protocols is that your telecom provider simply assigns you a separate IP address. The provider includes all computers in one large network, where he can easily control each address. In addition, this type of Internet connection is distinguished by the presence of a dynamic or static IP.

The dynamic option is the simplest, because everything falls on the shoulders of the provider himself, and the user does not need to adjust anything himself. How to find out the type of Internet connection in this case? If you plug the cable into your computer or router and after a couple of seconds you gain access to the World Wide Web, then you have a dynamic IP, otherwise operating system will ask for additional login parameters.

The static option is more picky in terms of access. Before each session, the system will request data for accessing the Internet, which your provider should have provided to you. They do not change, so it is enough to enter them once, and in the future the operating system itself will gain access to the network.

This option is most convenient for online services that constantly ask you for a static IP address. How to find out what type of Internet connection is in this case? Most modern routers are able to determine the type of connection and inform the owner about it. If you are using outdated or frankly budget equipment, then you can simply call your provider and clarify all the information you are interested in. They will also help you understand the competitive router model and tell you how to find out the type of Internet connection on your device.

Judging by user reviews on numerous specialized forums, providers prefer to “place” subscribers on a static IP. For example, the same “Rostelecom” (type of Internet connection - cable) completely implements the Internet only on “static” basis, because in this case it is much easier to track each individual user in terms of subscription fees and the provision of some additional services. As for the quality of communication itself, much depends on the cable used (fiber optic/twisted pair) and your equipment (router/network card).

Virtual network

A virtual private network, or otherwise VPN, is an encrypted communication protocol where the exchange of all information between the user’s computer and the provider is encrypted, significantly increasing network security. There are two main types of VPN connections - PPPoE and PPTP (L2TP).

One of the most popular types of virtual networks is PPPoE protocols. To connect to the Internet you only need a login and password. The Windows platform recognizes this type as conditional dialing.

A much less popular type is PPTP (L2TP), because when entering a password with a login, the user must indicate the exact address of the provider’s server. Another distinctive feature of a PPTP connection is the encryption method, which is fundamentally different from PPPoE. One of the most famous providers working using this protocol is Beeline ( home Internet). The type of connection from other providers may also vary depending on area conditions (proximity of the tower, required speed, etc.).

Reviews about this type of connection vary greatly. Some are quite happy with the frequently changing data flow rate (watching videos, working with text information, etc.), but for others this is a critical moment. The latter are, as a rule, gamers who need low ping (server response delay), that is, good For example, if you have an MTS Internet connection via a VPN connection (flash modem), then in popular games of the MOVA League genre of Legends and DOTA ping will range from 90 to 120 ms. While through a cable connection the response time does not exceed 40-60 ms.

Combined connection

This type includes several types of Internet connections. The virtual network here is the priority connection type, and dynamic or static IP addresses are used as an additional resource. That is, the difference between them lies in manual or automatic entry of data about the provider’s server.

This type is considered one of the most complex and is used extremely rarely. It is often used by municipal services with a multi-level office structure: Pension Fund, gas services, employment centers, etc.

Phone line

Fiber optic cable seriously dominates telephone lines, but for a number of reasons (rural areas, remote locality etc.) it is impractical to run an expensive Internet cable to the provider. In this case, having a home phone, that is, an ADSL or Dial-Up connection, helps somehow.

An ADSL connection allows you to surf the Internet at low speeds, approximately within ten megabits. For most ordinary tasks this is quite enough. To fully operate on the network, you will need a modem and In order for both devices to function simultaneously and correctly (a computer with a network and a telephone), you need a splitter that branches off cables to both the home telephone and the system unit.

Dial-Up connection is, as they say, a thing of the past. In this case, if you work on the Internet, the telephone line will be busy. In addition, the data transfer speed is limited to 56 Kbps, which, by today's standards, is very, very low. Despite all the disadvantages of the Dial-Up connection, it is sometimes used in difficult-to-reach areas.

Judging by user reviews, this connection method is practically not in demand, because even watching videos on the YouTube channel in low resolution is a real problem. The only thing you can count on with such a connection is only letters, pictures and music in a low bitrate.

Satellite Internet

One of the most expensive types of connection, but at the same time almost ubiquitous. A satellite dish allows you to access the World Wide Web even in the wilderness, where there are no simple communications. The only condition is good visibility of the orbiting satellite, which is not a problem for the venerable provider.

Surely many are familiar first-hand with satellite television. In the case of the Internet, the principle is the same, with the only difference being that a block with a transmitting head is additionally installed on the plate to transmit data in both directions.

The channel speed is measured in tens of megabits. One of the main disadvantages of this type of connection is sky-high tariffs and expensive equipment.


Many people are probably familiar with Wi-Fi protocols. Some people have a router installed at home, while others use free entry points in public places. "Wi-Fi" covers, as a rule, difficult to reach cable connection areas such as cottage communities and other private sectors. To operate, the operator installs base stations that provide the network to a nearby area within a radius of five to ten kilometers.

To connect, you need a special receiver, and if you are located at a considerable distance from base station, then a special antenna that amplifies the signal will not hurt.