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Questions 1c professional certificate. Frequently asked questions about 1C:Professional certification

In December 2000, NPC INFA-Education, for the first time in Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory, received a new status - an authorized certification center of the 1C company. ()

What does 1C:Professional certification provide?

Looking through job advertisements for accountants and sales service managers, you can see that knowledge of the 1C:Accounting programs and other programs of the 1C:Enterprise system is becoming almost a standard requirement. As shown by the results of independent studies of the accounting labor market conducted by the Center for Economic Research and Development "Business Programs-Service", knowledge of 1C programs significantly increases the likelihood of a quick job placement for an accountant.

Certification gives the user: 1) official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most popular management and accounting automation programs; 2) advantages for promotion or hiring; 3) respect and trust of management and employees; 4) confidence in your knowledge and abilities.

Certification provides the enterprise with: 1) objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring employees, promoting them or rewarding them; 2) reducing the time and money spent on education and training of accounting and sales staff; 3) quality improvement work of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems.

What does the 1C:Professional certificate confirm?

Certification exam

The exam is taken on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on various topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose the most complete and correct one. There is a general time limit of 30 minutes for answering all questions. At the same time, there is no time limit for answering each individual question.

The exam result is assessed on a two-point scale “Passed” - “Failed”. For getting positive assessment Pass requires answering 12 out of 14 questions correctly within the time limit of 30 minutes. The order in which questions are answered, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made while answering questions, or repeated reference to the same questions do not affect the result. Early answers to all questions on the assignment are also not taken into account when evaluating results. If the test is unsuccessful, another attempt is given (no more than two attempts in total within the framework of one agreement - 800 rubles).

If the examinee does not agree with the result of the 1C:Professional exam, subject to certain conditions and procedures, it is allowed.

How to prepare for the certification exam

To prepare for the certification exam, it is recommended to use the documentation included in the delivery package software products, as well as a training manual - according to the corresponding program with examples of solutions. The names of specific tutorials can be read on the 1C website by and by. You can order a set of questions for testing 1C: Professional using the following link

Pick up what you ordered teaching aids possible in our center (see contacts). To be confident in your abilities, it is recommended to go to the 1C website.

Our center offers courses “Preparation for testing 1C: Professional on 1C: Accounting 8” and “Preparation for testing 1C: Professional on 1C: Platform 8” in the amount of 30 academic units. hours. More detailed information in the price list.

For preparation, you can also use the 1C: Educational Testing simulator. The cost of such training is 2100 rubles/month. By purchasing a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" you can take any test unlimitedly within 30 days and at the same time remember (or learn, or mark in the purchased set of questions) the correct answers to the test. Please note that the correct answers are shown only for those questions that you tried to answer. The complete list of questions and answers is not available in the database; each new test is generated randomly from the database. You can order a payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" using the following link:

You can pick up the delivered payment card for the online course "1C: Educational Testing" at our center. At your request, we can send you the PIN code of the payment card to your email within 2 business days from the date of payment.

Conditions for passing the certification exam

If you have any problems filling it out, please contact us (see contacts). Within one working day the center receives a password for test, and you can get certified.

Certification takes place on-line only in our training center under the guidance of an administrator at the very time specified in the application. The password for the task is not sent via e-mail and is transferred to the performer immediately before testing. The password gives access to the exam only once. Before allowing a user to take the exam, the administrator must familiarize him with the rules for taking tests. The administrator is in the room (next to the users’ workstations) during the entire examination period. It ensures that users taking exams comply with the following rules. The user is not allowed to:

  • Conversate with other users and outsiders and use their knowledge in any form,
  • Use notes, literature and reference materials, laptop computers and electronic notebooks, other information media,
  • Carry on workplace briefcases, diplomats, bags, Cell Phones, pagers, other unauthorized materials and things,
  • Copy questions and/or answers, remove them from the testing area, or discuss them with other candidates.
  • At the end of the time allotted for passing the exam, or if completed early, the test result is issued. If not successful completion One more attempt is given. If the test attempt is successful, the certificate will be sent from 1C within 3-4 weeks. Simultaneously with the issuance of the first “1C:Professional” certificate, a 1C:Professional badge is issued, which looks like this:

    Payment Methods.

    For the convenience of our clients, we have implemented many payment methods for 1C: Professional testing. All available methods Payments are listed on the Payment Methods page.

    If you cannot or do not want to visit our center for prepayment, you can visit our center only for testing. In this case, you can order 1C:Professional testing and pay for it online.

    INFA-Education → Certificate 1C:PROFES-SINAL

    So, in the previous lesson we learned WHAT 1C certificates are. We also discussed why it is needed. Whether you need it - we will leave it to your personal discretion.

    Now we will consider passing two main 1C certificates - Professional and Specialist. To get admission to take the Specialist test, you need to take the Professional test.

    1C Professional - a certificate confirming your knowledge as a professional 1C consultant; to obtain 1C Professional you need to pass an exam.

    What is the Professional 1C exam?

    We will highlight separately - 1C Platform Professional - the main mechanisms and capabilities.

    The 1C Professional certificate certifies that you know how to use 1C from a user's point of view.

    To pass 1C Professional, you need to answer 14 questions within 30 minutes. The complete database of questions is about a thousand questions (selected randomly).

    For each question, 3-5 answer options are given, one of which must be selected.

    You need to answer 12 questions correctly.

    Please note that in order to receive a 1C Specialist certificate, you must first pass the 1C Professional exam.

    Moreover, both exams are possible only on one topic. Thus, to pass the “1C Platform Specialist” you need a “1C Platform Professional”, and to pass the “1C Accounting Specialist” you need a “1C Accounting Professional”.

    Example questions for the 1C Platform Professional exam:

    “How does the 1C:Enterprise 8 system work with data?
    Technology platform
    Information base

    Where does the 1C Professional exam take place?

    Passing the 1C Professional exam is different for employees of 1C franchisees (partner firms) and others. Franchisee employees take an exam in special centers 1C training or remotely (limited to a list of cities).

    All “others” take exams at certified 1C testing centers, in fact, at authorized 1C partner companies in various cities of Russia.

    Additionally, you can take the 1C Professional “trial” exam. They don’t give you candy for the trial exam - you can just test your strength. Take a training test.

    According to rumors, the base of questions on educational testing is smaller than on real testing.

    Cost of 1C Professional

    Passing the 1C Professional exam is paid.

    For partners, the cost may differ from the recommended one (as well as the cost of retaking). Check this question with the specific partner of the 1C company where you want to take the exam.

    How the 1C Professional delivery takes place

    The exam is taken on a computer, in a special 1C configuration, written specifically for passing this exam.

    You are sequentially shown randomly selected questions from the question database and answer options. You need to mark the correct one and click “Next”. The database does not show the correct answers - it simply says yes/no. After taking the test, you can find out which questions were answered incorrectly.


    The process of obtaining a certificate is as follows:

    1) Payment for the exam at the selected 1C partner company. If you are retaking the exam - don’t forget to say so - the retake may be free or at a discount.

    2) Order a unique version of the test for you in 1C.

    3) Attempt to submit. The result is immediately displayed by the computer.

    4) If the result is “Passed”, then within a maximum of two weeks a certificate with a signature, seal and your name will be sent by mail

    5) If the result is “Failed”, then go to point 1 :)

    - Select a course - Course Microsoft Office Excel - 16h Microsoft course Office PowerPoint - 18h Intensive workshop Creation technology financial models in EXCEL - 8 hours Express seminar Applied budgeting for beginners - 8 hours General 1C Operator course - 26 hours 1C Operator course - 16 hours 1C Accounting course 8 edition 3.0. Practical mastery of accounting from the very beginning - 80 hours 1C Accounting course 8 edition 3.0. Using the configuration – 32h Course 1C Accounting government agency 8 - 24h Course Step by step transition on new standards of budget accounting in 1C: Accounting of a public institution 8 - 16 h Seminar 1C Features of VAT accounting in the 1C program: Enterprise Accounting 8 (edition 3.0) - 8 h Seminar Settlements with accountable persons: from theory to practice in 1C: Accounting 8 - 6 h Seminar Accounting foreign employees in 1C:ZUP 8 - 8h Seminar Children in 1C:ZUP 8 - 8h Seminar VAT and income tax 2019 - 7h Seminar Salary 2019 - 7h Seminar The financial analysis for an accountant - 7 hours. Seminar Accounting for foreign trade operations - 7 hours. Course 1C Errors in accounting - find and neutralize! - 9h Course 1C Simple transition to VAT 20% - 5h Course 1C VAT accounting (value added tax) - 24h Course 1C Accounting 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Salary and personnel management 8. First steps - 10h Course 1C Trade Management 8 First steps - 10 hours Course 1C:Enterprise 8 Automation tax accounting- 24h Course Theory accounting for beginners - 24 hours Course 1C Trade Management edition 11.3 - 40 hours Course 1C Trade Management 8, edition 11. In-depth study of the program's capabilities - 32 hours Course 1C Personnel Management 8 - 16 hours Course 1C Salary and Personnel Management 8 ed. 3.1 - 32h Course 1C Theory and practice of calculation wages in 1C Enterprise 8 - 80h Course 1C Salaries and personnel budgetary institution- 32h Course Personnel Accounting in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management 3.0 - 24h Express Course Management Accounting in 1C: Salary and Personnel Management CORP - 6h Course 1C Retail 8. Using the Configuration - 20h Course 1C: Comprehensive automation 8 – 40 hours Course 1C: Complex automation 8. Trading operations – 24 hours Course 1C: Complex automation 8. Regulated accounting – 32 hours Course Operational management in small businesses using the 1C program Managing our company 8, rev. 1.4 - 24 hours Course 1C: Document flow 8 – 16 hours Course 1C UPP 8. (ed. 1.3) Concept and trading functionality - 24 hours Course 1C UPP 8. (ed. 1.3) Planning and Budgeting - 16 hours Course 1C UPP 8. (ed. 1.3) Regulated accounting, Personnel, Salary - 24h Course 1C UPP 8. (rev. 1.3) Production accounting - 16h Course Concept of the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 - 24h Course Management of production and repairs in the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 - 32h Course Management cost accounting, financial results in the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 - 24h Course Concept of the applied solution 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 - 24h Course Content Manager 1C-Bitrix: Site Management. Basic course – 16 hours Course Administrator 1C-Bitrix: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate portal" - 16h Course 1C-Bitrix Developer: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal" - 16h Course 1C-Bitrix Developer: Site Management" and "1C-Bitrix24: Corporate Portal. Level 2" - 16 hours Course 1C Enterprise. Introduction to configuration - 24 hours Course Basics of programming in the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 system - 24 hours Course Tools for integration and data exchange in the 1C Enterprise system 8 - 24 hours Course Using the query language in the 1C Enterprise system 8.3 - 24 hours Course 1C Data composition system - reporting in the "1C:Enterprise 8" system - 24h Course Administration of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system - 32h Course 1C Accounting when applying a simplified taxation system in 1C:Accounting 8 - 24h Course 1C:Enterprise 8. Solution of operational issues tasks - 16 hours Course 1C Configuration in the 1C:Enterprise system 8.3 Solving accounting problems - 24 hours Course 1C Configuration in the 1C:Enterprise system 8. Solving calculation problems - 20 hours Course Fundamentals of graphic design in Adobe Photoshop for beginners - 16 hours Course Practical use BIT.FINANCE in terms of the Treasury and Budgeting subsystems - 32 hours Course Practical settings of the translation mechanism IN BIT.FINANCE - 16 hours CSO course "Practice of using the 1C: Accounting 8 program at manufacturing enterprises - 16 ac. Parts CSO course Practice of using the “1C: Accounting 8” program in trade - 16 hours CSO course Practice of using the “1C: Accounting 8” program in the service sector - 16 hours Course Practical application of BIT.FINANCE in terms of IFRS and Consolidation subsystems - 24 hours Course Practical application BIT.FINANCE in terms of the Contract Management subsystem - 16 hours BIT.CONSTRUCTION course module Contractor - 16 hours BIT.CONSTRUCTION course. Salary - 4 hours BIT.CONSTRUCTION course module "Supply and warehouse" - 16 hours Course Fast start in the program "BIT.ZHKKH 8" - 8 hours Course Benefits and recalculations in the program "BIT.ZHKKH 8" - 8 hours Course Integration of BIT.ZHKKH and "1C: Accounting Prof" - 8 hours Seminar 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.3 for warehouse employees and 1C operators - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade management 8 ed.11.3 for warehouse employees and operators 1C - 8h Seminar 1C: Trade management 8 ed.11.3 for warehouse employees and 1C operators - 8h Seminar 1C Tax accounting and reflection of PBU 18/02 in the 1C: Accounting program 8 - 5 hours Seminar Features of VAT accounting in the 1C Enterprise Accounting program 8 (edition 3.0) - 10 hours Seminar Advanced accounting of fixed assets in the 1C Accounting program 8 edition 3.0 - 6 hours UPP seminar for an accountant - 6 hours Course 1C: Salary and management staff. Transition from 2.5 to version 3.1 Programming school for children Educational literature on 1C Participation in the promotion, difficult to answer / another course

    Any 1C company certificate is an official document issued after passing the exam. Successfully passing the certification exam is proof of qualifications and, therefore, an advantage in hiring or promotion. In theory.

    In practice, not all companies and managers attach significant importance to the presence of certificates. In addition, certificates tend to become outdated, because Platform versions change, configurations are updated.

    Certificates are of particular importance for franchisee companies: the rating and the ability to sell and implement application solutions directly depend on them.

    For some, taking the exam can be a in a good way gain confidence in your knowledge and abilities.

    I don’t encourage you to take exams and receive certificates; everyone will decide for themselves whether they need it or not. Let me just note that taking some exams is a useless chore, while preparing for others can be really useful, perhaps even fun.


    This exam is the first one you will have to face, because... certificates of this type are required to access the rest.

    The exam is conducted in the form of testing on a computer. The test consists of 14 multiple choice questions. To pass successfully, you must answer 12 questions correctly and within 30 minutes. During the testing process, you can skip questions, correct answers, return to any question - this will not affect the result, just like early delivery.

    Certification 1C: Professional is carried out in the following areas:

    • knowledge of the basic mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform;
    • for application solutions for Russia:
      • Accounting;
      • Trade management;
      • ERP Enterprise Management 2.
    • on various localized application solutions for Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova and Uzbekistan;
    • By technological issues;
    • on the operation of information systems.

    A list of questions (without answers) for each direction can be found in books published by 1C. They are called " Certification Exam Question Set..." The retail price of each book in this series currently costs 300 rubles. If you search, you can find both the books themselves and the answers for each exam on the Internet.

    The 1C company itself offers to use its solutions for preparation:

    • Training testing (
    • Mobile simulator "1C: Professional" (

    Educational testing- This is a simulation of passing an exam. Available in free and paid versions. In both versions, all directions are available for testing. The differences are that in the free version the correct answers are not visible. The cost of the paid version is 2100 rubles for 30 days of access.

    Mobile simulator— an analogue of educational testing, but for mobile devices. Versions available for Android, iOS and Windows. It differs from educational testing in the order of distribution: there are no full-fledged free versions, and upon purchase testing will be available only in one direction, but without a time limit. Cost: 1299 rubles for one exam.

    For physical For individuals, the cost of the exam is 750 rubles. Delivery is carried out at Training center 1C, in Authorized Certification Centers (ACS) or Certified Examination Centers (CEC). The list and opening hours can be viewed. The result of the test will be known immediately. If successful, they will tell you when you can pick up the certificate (at the 1C Training Center they will give it to you right away).

    If you fail to pass the first time, there is a free second attempt.

    1C: Specialist

    This type of exam is designed for programmers. The form of the course is solving practical problems from the ticket and then defending your solution. When solving problems, programming is required (except for the soft starter).

    Currently, 1C:Specialist exams are divided into 2 types:

    • by platform;
    • for application solutions:
      • Trade management;
      • Accounting;
      • Control manufacturing enterprise;
      • Salary and personnel management;
      • Salaries and personnel of a government agency.

    When passing the exam by platform so-called frame configuration, containing a minimum of metadata objects. It is designed to reduce routine operations and save some time.

    The tasks in the platform tickets are arranged to test knowledge of the following sections:

    • operational accounting;
    • Accounting;
    • periodic settlements;
    • business processes and tasks;
    • managed forms.

    It is also necessary to understand the purpose and correctly apply controlled locks.

    When passing the exam according to application solution The current version of the configuration is provided. The tasks in the ticket are formed in the form of a problem statement from a hypothetical customer. The understanding of the methodological principles of construction and technology of functioning of a standard configuration is checked.

    The 1C:Specialist exams are quite complex and require careful preparation. The preparation time depends on personal experience and the time spent on preparation.

    Variants of problems encountered in exams can be found in books published by 1C. They are called " Collection of tasks for preparing for the 1C:Specialist exam..." The retail price of each book in this series is 1000 rubles.

    The 1C company has quite a lot of courses designed to prepare for the Specialist exams. I also recommend looking towards unofficial courses, for example, the courses of Gilev and Nasipov. A lot of useful information You can learn more about preparation and delivery on thematic forums.

    To access the 1C:Specialist exam 1C:Professional certificate is required. Each “specialist” has his own “professional”. For example, to pass 1C:Platform Specialist, you need to get 1C:Platform Professional; for passing 1C: Accounting Specialist - 1C: Accounting Professional, etc.

    The duration of the exams is different: for the platform 5 hours (previously it was 4 hours), for trade management 3 hours, for all others 4 hours.

    You can take the exam:

    • in person in Moscow at the 1C Training Center;
    • in person at on-site certification, which are periodically organized in large cities;
    • on remote certification.

    The tasks will be the same regardless of the chosen delivery method.

    When taking the exam in person, the applicant demonstrates and defends his decision to the teacher. The examiner evaluates the quality of the code, the efficiency and performance of the solution, and checks the solution using test data. The result of the submission will be known immediately after the defense.

    During remote certification, the applicant completes the tasks of the ticket and describes in detail all the steps of the solution. The configuration with the solution and the file with the description are sent to Moscow for verification. The result will not be known immediately.

    After checking the solution to the ticket, the examiner assigns a grade. The exam is considered passed if the grade is “excellent”, “good” or “satisfactory”. This assessment does not appear anywhere in the future; it is not included in the certificate.

    Cost of delivery: 2600 rubles in Moscow and 2500 rubles remotely. If you fail to pass the test the first time, then the second attempt at the Training Center in Moscow is free, and at a reduced price for remote certifications.

    Exam description page on the official website:

    1C: Specialist consultant

    The exam is intended for consultants and analysts. There is no programming required during the submission process. The purpose of the exam is to test knowledge of one of the standard configurations and the ability to find adequate means of this configuration to solve specific customer problems.

    Currently, certification is carried out for knowledge of the following standard solutions:

    • Trade management;
    • Accounting;
    • Accounting of a government agency;
    • Salary and personnel management;
    • Salaries and personnel of a government agency;
    • Document flow;
    • ERP Enterprise Management 2:
      • on the management accounting subsystem;
      • on the subsystem of production management and repair organization;
      • on the budgeting subsystem.

    The procedure for surrender and defense is in all respects similar to. Admission also requires an appropriate 1C: Professional certificate.

    Delivery cost: 3,700 rubles in Moscow and 3,600 rubles remotely. If you fail to pass the test the first time, then the second attempt at the Training Center in Moscow is free, and at a reduced price for remote certifications.

    1C:Technology expert

    This exam is intended for programmers. It has always stood somewhat apart from the rest and is rated noticeably higher than the Specialist type exams.

    The examinee is tested on the knowledge and skills necessary to solve large implementation issues. To pass, you need a really deep knowledge of 1C and DBMS architecture (mainly MS SQL), methods for designing and developing highly loaded information systems. You must be able to competently administer 1C:Enterprise, evaluate the effectiveness of a running system, investigate performance problems, perform load testing, and much more.

    The books “Professional development in the 1C:Enterprise system” and “ Desk book 1C: Expert on technological issues.”

    There is also a lot of information contained in articles on ITS (especially in the section Development and Administration > Technological issues of large implementations), the knowledge base on technological issues of large implementations and on the partner forum of the 1C company. Unfortunately, access to these sites is not free.

    In addition to the above sources, it is advisable to pay attention to a variety of training courses, both “branded” 1C and third-party ones.

    To successfully pass, you simply need extensive experience with MS SQL and 1C:Enterprise.

    Recently, a 1C:Technological Professional certificate is required for admission to the exam. Allotted for the exam 4 days. Submission is made on the first day, the next 3 days are spent on training. The cost of the training is included in the price and it is required to attend if taking the exam for the first time.

    The exam consists of several parts:

    1. Test;
    2. Answers to questions from the ticket (3 questions);
    3. Answers to additional questions (if necessary).

    The preparation time is 60 minutes, and delivery takes about 25 minutes.

    To obtain a certificate you must:

    • Correctly answer 80% of the test questions;
    • Correctly answer all the questions on the ticket;
    • During the test, demonstrate a good understanding of the subject area.

    The cost of delivery is 4900 rubles. Exam description page on the official website:


    The exam format has recently changed. Now it lasts 2 days.

    On the first day, the examinee must decide practical problems. It is on this day that most people fail the exam. Only those who have completed 3 out of 5 practical problems are allowed on the second day.

    On the second day, the theoretical part is taken. On this day, you must correctly answer 14 out of 20 written questions and 3 out of 3 oral ones.

    1C: Operator

    A new exam designed for administrators of large information systems based on 1C:Enterprise. The exam is difficult and requires a lot of practical experience. The exam tests knowledge of 1C:Fresh technology, the ability to work with the Corporate Tool Package, the ability to correctly assess the workload of equipment, find the cause of an information system failure and promptly restore functionality. You must be able to correctly create and configure working system based on 1C:Enterprise, including operating system, web server, DBMS.

    To prepare, you can use the same recommendations as for preparing for. In addition to the resources mentioned, the book “Cloud Technologies 1C:Enterprise” and the technology for developing solutions 1СFresh will be useful for preparation. 1C also recommends its course “Operation of Large Information Systems” for preparation.

    The exam consists of:

    • Practical part - completing the task on a prepared information system. The problem is formulated in general form.
    • The theoretical part is the answer to two questions from the ticket. Additional questions are possible.

    The practical part takes 1 hour. You are allowed to take part in the theoretical part only if you complete it successfully. practical task. 0.5 hours are allocated to prepare the answer for the theoretical part.

    The cost of delivery is 4,700 rubles.


    A whole market has long been formed around obtaining 1C certificates: in order to successfully pass exams, they sign up for courses that are paid, and you also need to pay for passing the exam itself. Certificates are often obtained not only for the sake of prestige, but also for a company that seeks to obtain 1C partner status. Certificates are even sold (the holder issues his certificate to a specific company)!

    In any case, if you have decided on the exam and are determined to obtain a certificate, I sincerely wish you success in preparing and passing!

    According to the 1C:Enterprise 8 system

      • "1C:Accounting 8"
      • "1C: Accounting of an autonomous institution 8"
      • "1C: Public Institution Accounting 8"
      • knowledge of the basic mechanisms and capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform
      • “1C: Salaries and personnel of budgetary institutions 8”
      • "1C: Trade Management 8"
      • "1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8"
      • "1C: Salaries and personnel management 8"
      • on knowledge of the features and application of budgeting in application solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
      • knowledge of the specifics of implementation and application of IFRS in application solutions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system
      • "1C:Enterprise 8. Management construction organization»
      • "1C: Consolidation 8"
      • "1C: Management small company 8"
      • "1C: Document Flow 8"
      • "1C: Retail 8"
      • "1C: Budget reporting 8"

    To pass the exam you must:

      • Receive an invoice from our Certification Center to pay for the exam. Its cost is 600 rubles.
      • Pay for the exam and order a test task.
      • After receipt of payment, an individual test will be ordered for you at 1C and a testing time will be scheduled.
      • The task arrives at least 48 hours after your order.
      • Students who have completed training at our center are given the opportunity to take an exam for1C:Professionalfree of charge (one attempt immediately after completing the course).

    The result will be known immediately after taking the test. If the task is completed successfully, after 1-2 weeks a certificate from 1C will be sent to the address of the certification center.

    Exam delivered on a computer. For all exams, the test consists of 14 questions on various topics and aspects of using the program. For each question, several answer options are offered, from which you must choose the most complete and correct one. There is a general time limit of 30 minutes for answering all questions. At the same time, there is no time limit for answering each individual question.

    Exam result is assessed on a two-point scale “Passed” - “Failed”. To receive a positive grade (“Pass”), you must answer 12 out of 14 questions correctly within the established time limit of 30 minutes. The order in which questions are answered, the time spent on individual questions, corrections made while answering questions, or repeated reference to the same questions do not affect the result. Early answers to all questions on the assignment are also not taken into account when evaluating results. At the end of the exam, it is possible to receive a testing protocol indicating the number of points, the wording of the question and the specified option answer. If you fail, if you have a paid test, you can try to retake it immediately, on the same day, or reschedule the retake to another date.

    What does the 1C: Professional Certificate provide?

    To the enterprise:

      • Objective criteria for assessing professional abilities when hiring, promoting or rewarding employees.
      • Reducing the time and money spent on education and training of accounting and sales staff.
      • Improving the quality of the enterprise, minimizing risks and problems.

    To the user:

      • Official confirmation of high qualifications, experience and skills in working with the most popular management and accounting automation programs.
      • Advantages for promotion or hiring.
      • Respect and trust of management and employees.
      • Confidence in your knowledge and abilities.

    The 1C: Professional certificate confirms that its owner has the knowledge and skills to:

    * Information from the website was used in the preparation of materials