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1c mdm nsi management. Possibility of integration of EU reference data and systems - consumers of reference data

The joint solution of the 1C company and the AXELOT company “1C: MDM Management of regulatory and reference information” belongs to the class of master data management systems (Master Data Management, MDM) and is intended for building unified systems regulatory and reference information corporate level in companies with an extensive branch structure or a heterogeneous information landscape. Using “1C:MDM Reference Information Management”, directories and classifiers are prepared, primary content processing, maintenance of regulatory and reference information, keeping centralized directories up to date, as well as synchronizing records of regulatory and reference information objects in enterprise information systems.

Implementation of "1C:MDM Reference Information Management" standardizes information interaction between structural divisions and functional services of the enterprise, will centralize responsibility for the quality of regulatory and reference information, ensure its relevance in terms of basic reference books, reduce the influence of the “human factor”, and finally increase the efficiency of accepted management decisions and operational control of key production and economic indicators.

The software product "1C:Enterprise 8. MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information" provides the following capabilities:

  • Managing the content of reference data directories,
  • Viewing and searching the contents of reference data directories,
  • Managing requests to add/change reference information,
  • Synchronization of reference data directories,
  • Administration of reference data directories.

In the spring of 2013, I successfully passed the next certification to obtain the status "Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system" software"1C:MDM Reference Information Management", developed by AXELOT and submitted for certification as a configuration developed in the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 environment in managed application mode.

In the summer of 2015, the software product "1C:Enterprise 8. MDM Reference Information Management", version 1.0, developed by AXELOT (Akselot-K LLC) and submitted for certification as a configuration developed in the " 1C:Enterprise 8.3" in managed application mode.

Description of the functionality of the software product "MDM Management of regulatory and reference information"

The configuration "MDM Management of regulatory and reference information" is intended to automate the processes of consolidation, primary processing and maintenance of regulatory and reference information, in order to increase the profitability of the processes of using material, technical, human, financial resources and enterprise assets. MDM (Master Data Management) is a set of organizational measures and tools designed to manage regulatory and reference information. In general, the configuration provides the ability to manage the process of maintaining normative and reference information and provides functions for integrating normative and reference information between various accounting and information systems.

The configuration "MDM Management of normative and reference information" is used to manage the process of maintaining normative and reference information (RNI) along the chain of a user's application - processing of a position by an expert in reference data - creation of a record about a reference information object in the corporate (centralized) system of reference data - replication of data into functional ( production) systems of the enterprise.

The configuration can be in demand by companies both with and without an extensive network of branches or geographically distributed divisions. Especially effective use configuration will be for companies with several accounting and production information systems.

The configuration "MDM Management of normative and reference information" provides the possibility of multiple classification of normative and reference information. With multiple classification of master data, the configuration supports the possibility of using various combinations all-Russian classifiers, industry classifiers, international classifiers, internal specialized classifiers of companies. The configuration also supports the ability to create and maintain planar and hierarchical classifiers.

In the "MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information" configuration, the ability to group regulatory and reference information according to various attributes and characteristics is implemented. The ability to simultaneously maintain independent variants of reference data groupings, both planar and hierarchical, is supported.

The configuration "MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information" allows you to build a Unified System for maintaining Regulatory and Reference Information (US RRI) of an enterprise. At the same time, the full cycle of work on the transfer of master data objects from the company’s production and accounting systems to the Unified Master Data System is supported. Using the software product "MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information" you can:

  • alignment of the attribute composition of directories,
  • setting up classifiers, groupings, lists technical characteristics and their permissible values,
  • primary consolidation of data, their normalization (including searching and linking duplicates, creating reference master data objects, establishing links to auxiliary objects or reference books and related master data objects),
  • primary synchronization of master data used by all information systems (IS) of the enterprise,
  • maintaining reference data up to date, as well as maintaining a database of regulatory and technical documents.

The MDM Reference Information Management configuration operates in managed application mode.

Basic functionality of the system

As can be seen from the block diagrams, the configuration implements the functions of the processes for processing source content and maintaining (updating) master data.

In addition to primary processing and further maintenance of reference data, the configuration supports replication (synchronization) of records of reference data objects in various systems- consumers.

AXELOT expects that “1C:MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information” will become a truly popular solution, because in addition to its wide functionality, it is distinguished by a price that is quite competitive for systems of its class - 450,000 rubles.

1C:MDM Reference Information Management, edition 2

The product "1C:MDM Reference Information Management", edition 2, is intended for building unified systems of corporate-level regulatory and reference information for companies with an extensive branch structure or a heterogeneous information landscape.

Using the software product "1C:MDM Reference Information Management", the processes of consolidation, primary processing and maintenance of regulatory and reference information are automated in order to increase the profitability of the processes of using material, technical, human, financial resources and assets of enterprises. In general, the software product provides the ability to comprehensively manage the process of maintaining regulatory and reference information and provides functions for integrating regulatory and reference information between various accounting and information systems.

Basic specialized functionality programs:

  • ensuring storage and management of corporate regulatory and reference information;
  • organizing the exchange of reference data between various information systems used in enterprises and organizations;
  • normalization of source directory entries;
  • searching and linking duplicates;
  • search for analogues and interchangeable objects of regulatory and reference information;
  • maintaining multiple hierarchical classification;
  • assignment of properties and characteristics of objects of normative and reference information;
  • creating and changing the structure of directories without configuration;
  • setting up the procedure for maintaining and updating regulatory and reference information.

The software product consists of the following subsystems:

  • data structure management subsystem;
  • information viewing and retrieval subsystem;
  • subsystem for managing the processes of maintaining regulatory and reference information;
  • integration interaction subsystem;
  • administration subsystem.

The "MDM Management of Regulatory and Reference Information" configuration is original, but not independent; for its operation, you must have the installed "1C:Enterprise" platform version 8.3, the "Taxi" interface is supported. Shared use with "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" is provided.

The configuration is completely open, does not contain protected code sections and does not use software or hardware protection.

Directory « Company structure» contains a hierarchy of functional divisions of an enterprise of all types - administrative, production, etc.

The directory can have any hierarchy depth, and a hierarchy of elements is used. This means that an accounting unit and planning object can be any division in the hierarchy.

Here is an example of a hierarchy of divisions:




Commercial service

Sales department

Group retail

Group wholesale

Purchase department


Auxiliary production

Repair shop

Tool shop

Primary production

Procurement production


Section 1

Section 2

Forge shop

Assembly production

From this example it is clear that production can be structured into divisions (sections, sectors, groups, departments) with any level of nesting.

From the point of view of the production management subsystem, the division is interpreted as the executor of the stages of the production schedule; accordingly, in the resource specifications for each stage, the division executing the stage is determined.

Let us list the details of the production unit, the values ​​of which must be determined in the “Production Management” subsystem.

Schedule. Selected from the “Work Schedules” directory.

An element of this directory defines the work schedule - the start and end times of work separately for each day of the week and separately for all pre-holiday days. For each day of the week, you can separately specify the start and end time of work according to the schedule, and there can be several time periods of work per day of the week, for example, from 8.00 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 18.00. A work schedule for a department is required so that the production schedule calculation procedure can determine the number of hours of work available in the department for each calendar day.

Warehouse of materials. A warehouse where the need for materials is generated according to the production schedule for the planned stages in the department. This warehouse checks the availability of materials to complete the stage. If necessary, for the nomenclature and characteristics of the material, you can set up separate material warehouses where their availability will be checked.

Scheduling interval. Determines which interval will be used for the department when calculating the production schedule by stage. Options: "Day", "Week", "Month".

If necessary, the option " Hour"To use this interval, the corresponding functional option must be enabled.

The criteria for choosing a planning interval for a department are compliance with the duration of typical stages performed in the department and the duration of the interval. For example, if most of the stages in a department last no more than a few days, then it makes sense to use the “Day” interval. If the typical duration of a stage significantly exceeds a week, then it is reasonable to use the “week” interval.

Increasing the length of the interval beyond what is necessary leads to a noticeable increase in the duration of production, i.e. to “stretching” the production schedule over time.

Excessively reducing the interval length leads to too much time detail in the production schedule, which can complicate the work of the local dispatcher.

Method for managing route sheets. This setting is used when managing Route Sheets executed in the department.


    "BBV/UBVV Methodology". The ML execution schedule is generated for key RCs; the ML execution is monitored by the passage of the preliminary and final buffer by the ML.

    "Operational planning". The schedule is generated for all DCs and route sheet operations. Additionally, you need to clarify "Planning Method"- “Forward” or “Backward”.

Warehouses (warehouse areas)

From the point of view of production planning, a warehouse is an object production system, meeting the needs of production departments for materials and semi-finished products.

When calculating the schedule, a schedule of requirements in warehouses for materials and semi-finished products is generated (item, characteristics, quantity, planning interval).

The warehouse from which it is “powered” production division by default – determined by the department details.

But not vice versa: the “Division” attribute in the “Warehouse” directory does not affect planning (and serves for accounting purposes).

You can specify a more detailed definition of the supply warehouse - for division and item, characteristics of the source component.

Brigades and brigade composition

The team is the direct executor of work at the stage (operations) in the workshop. To account for the output of employees according to the Route Sheet, the local dispatcher generates a document “Brigade Order”, in which he indicates the team and the types of work that the team performed according to the Route Sheet.

The team consists of employees. The composition of the brigade is established by the document “ Formation of the brigade composition", and is valid from the date specified in the document.

If it is necessary to detail orders down to individual employees, then in the “Brigades” directory, brigades consisting of one employee are formed.

Types of work centers, work centers

Types of work centers are intended to describe the production capacity of a department. Types of work centers have an available fund of work time in planning intervals, which is filled in when assigning production stages to intervals when calculating the production schedule.

A work center view consists of specific work centers, such as pieces of equipment. A synonym for the type of work centers is “Group of interchangeable work centers.”

Examples of work centers:

- Unit of equipment

- Workplace

- Group of workers (team or professional association)

- Employee

- Equipment unit

To calculate a feasible production schedule that corresponds to the maximum production throughput, it is necessary to allocate for resource specification stages loadable types of work centers in each department, which may limit the throughput of the stage.

The details of the type of work centers are as follows:

Flag "Plan work". If the flag is enabled, this type of RC can be selected in the stage as a loaded RC type. The flag is turned on for RC types of the division, which may turn out to be the “bottleneck” of the division.

Maximum availability (hour, min, sec). Determines the maximum duration of processing of one batch of a stage in the interval of the division to which the RC type belongs. For one batch of a stage, a processing duration cannot be assigned in an interval greater than the maximum availability.

In the current version of UP2, the settings for RC types, while maintaining the described essence, have already changed somewhat. Now you can use the checkboxes to:

- Should the availability of RC time be taken into account when drawing up a schedule for upper level. And if so, will this DC be downloadable or not.

- Should the DC be involved in production management using Route Sheets at the lower level?

The following diagram shows the structure and relationship of the directories “Enterprise Structure”, “Types of Work Centers”, “Work Centers”.

Entering available work center time

To enter the fund of available time of work centers by intervals, use the document “Availability of work centers”. In the document header, select the department, type of work center, and document period.

The tabular part of the document is expanded by columns - division intervals (for example, days) in the document period.

In the row of the tabular section, you need to select a work center that belongs to the Work Center Type, and by column intervals, indicate the number of hours of availability for each interval.

Resource Specifications

Resource specification as a network diagram

Known Various types specifications, for example - design specifications, operational specifications technological maps routes, “cutting out”, as routes for passing parts through departments.

The most common way to describe the manufacturing process of any product is a network diagram.

Resource Specification describes the network schedule for the manufacture of a product.

Knots network graphics in this description are interconnected stages of production, carried out sequentially or in parallel by departments in the process of manufacturing a product or semi-finished product. In one department - one or more stages to be performed.

Arcs– interdependence between stages, show, upon completion of which stages, the following stages can begin.

It is convenient to use a network diagram to describe any manufacturing process– in discrete, continuous production, in construction, in design activities.

In general, a network diagram can contain not only facts of transfer of products between departments, but also facts of transfer of work results.

The result of work transferred between workshops does not necessarily have a material expression. Transferring a result from a department to another department, so that the other department can do its part of the work, does not necessarily involve the transfer of certain products. The product can, for example, be located in one department or moved as needed, while work on the product can be carried out by other departments.

The production stages may include not only the manufacture of products, but also production preparation, equipment setup, documentation development, training, installation, etc.

In the extreme case, a resource specification may include all stages of manufacturing a product, in accordance with the hierarchical tree of the product structure. In the simplest case, a resource specification consists of one production step. This resource specification is called one-stage.

Example resource specification, as a network diagram with node stages is shown in the following diagram:

Resource Specification Structure

The structure of a resource specification as a configuration object is shown in the following diagram:

The resource specification contains:

List of outputs,

List of material inputs,

List of labor costs (by type of work),

List of stages.

For each input, output, and labor input in a multi-stage resource specification, it is necessary to indicate the stage in which the input (labor input) is consumed or the output is produced.

At the inputs of the stages, the initial components (materials, services) coming from outside into the production process, described by the specification, are indicated.

Those. These are those components that, for a given stage, are not outputs of other stages of the same specification.

For a material input - a semi-finished product, you can enable the flag " Produced in process» and accordingly select the Resource specification according to which this semi-finished product must be produced. As a result, this resource specification will be “completed” from this input “down” by another resource specification. Thus, it is possible to construct a complete tree from individual specifications finished products, in the form of a cascade of specifications.

This cascade of specifications is used when generating a specification for a specific production order line. The entire cascade of related resource BOMs is copied into the order line BOM.

In the props " Optimal amount of transfer between stages» you can specify the quantity of a product batch (result of work) that is advisable to transfer between stages. When calculating the production schedule, the stage quantity is divided into batch data, and each batch is planned separately, based on the availability time of the loaded DC types.

Standard labor intensity in the resource specification, as well as in technological operations route maps, indicated in the section " Types of work».

Type of work - analytics, according to which labor prices for workers are entered, and the output of workers is taken into account. The name of the type of work may contain, in addition to a description of the work itself, also the required category of workers and their profession. For a type of work, its unit of measurement is specified, for example, hours or pieces. products.

For each type of work in the periodic register of information " Prices» you can indicate the current price per unit of the type of work.

Resource Specification Stages

A resource specification can be single-stage or multi-stage.

If the specification is one-stage, the details of a single stage are edited directly in the specification form. If the specification is multi-stage, then the specification contains a list of stages. To edit stage details, you need to open a separate stage form from the list of stages.

The sequence of stages is determined by the stage details: “Stage number”, “Next stage number”. Based on the stage number and the number of the next stage, connections between stages are built in the form of a network diagram of stages.

Stage details determine the main parameters of stage planning:

Subdivision, in which the stage is performed. Only one division is defined for a stage. If the same stages can be performed in different departments, then it is necessary to create different resource specifications

Quantity produced at one time. R batch size or volume of work for which the stage completion time is standardized. For example, if a unit is specified in the attribute, then the stage execution time is normalized to one.

Flag “Plan the work of types of DCs”. Determines the method for normalizing the duration of the stage.

    The flag is enabled. In the stage, it is necessary to indicate which types of work center will be loaded by the stage and the duration of processing of the simultaneously produced quantity on the loaded type of work center. These types of DCs may turn out to be " bottlenecks» when fulfilling the production schedule, therefore their load in the schedule is calculated. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the preliminary (before processing on the loaded RC view) and final buffer time. Buffers occupy separate intervals in the production schedule. Let us recall that if the processing time before or after the loaded RC type is much less than the duration of the interval, then specifying buffer times can lead to unjustified capture of entire intervals by buffers and, accordingly, to an unjustified increase in the duration of a stage in the production schedule.

    The flag is turned off. The stage indicates the time it takes to complete it, for any batch quantity. It is believed that during this time the stage will be completed in any case, regardless of the number in the stage. The flag can be turned off in stages, the execution of which is not related to processing on loaded types of RC (“the so-called “bottlenecks”); accordingly, it is considered that when performing such a stage, a department has (relative to departments with “bottlenecks”) unlimited production power.

Flag « Continuous» stage determines whether the stage execution can be divided into several non-adjacent intervals in the schedule.

    If the flag is turned on, then the stage is executed continuously and can be located in the schedule only in adjacent intervals.

    If the flag is turned off, then the execution of the stage can be interrupted, i.e. part of the time stage can be located in the graph in one interval, and part - in another, not adjacent to the first, interval.

Continuity criterion – at least one operation within a stage is continuous and comparable to the duration of the interval. Such operations include, for example, heat treatment, painting, drying, etc.

The difference between planning "discontinuous" and "continuous" stages is shown in the following diagram:

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