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5 most in-demand professions. Current professions on the labor market: list of the most in-demand, new and disappearing specialties

How to find the ideal job, what specialties are currently relevant, what field should future graduates go into, what areas will be most in demand in the very near future? We answer all these questions, together with business coach Vladimir Yakuba.

A profession should initially be an act of love. And not a marriage of convenience. Haruki Murakami

If work doesn't bring you happiness

Tell me, which of us, in distant or not so distant childhood, did not indulge in dreams of adulthood, and in particular, of the best, most interesting and beloved dream job? Some wanted to become a designer, some wanted to become a journalist, and some wanted to become a fitness trainer. Over time, all these dreams, as a rule, are forgotten, the former children grow up, get an education, begin to look at life differently, and get their first job.

Nowadays, we often hear from friends and acquaintances that their high salary and high position do not at all bring a feeling of being busy with the right thing and simple human happiness. It should also be noted that year after year it is becoming increasingly difficult to find suitable job, and in general choose the only right field of activity. With the development of technology, new professions are emerging, and navigating them is becoming more and more difficult. One thing is clear: if a long search is not crowned with success, perhaps it’s worth trying to learn something new and change your specialty?

Today I want to talk about what a dream job should be, talk about several professions that seemed very unusual to me, and highlight several of the most relevant professions both at all times and in the future

Ideal job: what is it like?

For some reason, for many of us, a dream job is something unrealistic, something like a secret childhood dream. Each of us has our own dreams, aspirations and interests. Accordingly, the idea of ​​an ideal job varies from person to person. Remember our childhood desires regarding a profession? Something like this, only at a more mature age.

But is it at least somehow possible to characterize your dream specialty? Can. It must meet the following requirements. So, perfect job must…

  1. Promote both personal and professional growth and development;
  2. To be interesting to you, to captivate you and bring pleasure. You want to get up on it in the morning, while working you don’t glance at the clock every ten minutes and you don’t want to run away from it as early as possible;
  3. Bring the income you need. And better yet, even more.

The most unusual professions

Let's take a little break. I want to tell you about some unusual professions, whose performers are truly happy. That's who really found their dream job!

Professional gamer, aka e-sportsman

As a child, and perhaps even now, you didn’t like to while away the evening playing another strategy, “shooter” or “adventure” game on the computer? Imagine, there is a profession dedicated to exactly this – professional gaming, or e-sports.

An eSports player can say with full confidence that he has truly turned his favorite hobby into a profitable job. A progamer is a player of various computer games. You can spend hours completing a variety of quests, fighting dragons, saving entire cities, or developing a cure for a disease unknown to science - and get good money for it!

Negative side: constant connection to the computer screen. Regularly. For several hours every day. With such a schedule, won’t the virtual world swallow up its eSports player?

Taster of chocolate or other goodies

An ideal job for lovers of sweets/cheese/wine/etc. To get the opportunity to try such a profession, you must have an appropriate education in the field of cooking, a subtle, refined taste and boundless love for the object of the test. Do you agree that it is sometimes impossible not to dream of trying new varieties of your favorite product every day and receiving a monetary reward for it?

The downside is that you may experience weight gain and health problems. And how long can you last by eating, for example, several bars of chocolate every day? different varieties? I’m inclined to believe that in a month at most you’ll get so tired of your favorite product that you’ll want to give it up for several years...

Amusement tester

This profession can be called anti-crisis: the negative impact of everything that happens on the foreign exchange market has little impact on the development of the entertainment industry. New facilities are regularly built and old ones are reconstructed. But should someone check the quality of work done before an amusement park or water park starts receiving hundreds of visitors a day? This is what they do happy people who have the profession of attraction testers. Ideal, isn't it?

There were some downsides here too. This type activity is associated with considerable risk. What is stronger: fear for own life or the desire to feel like a child again?

Top professions relevant at all times

The future has not yet arrived, but you need work now? I bring to your attention a selection of professions, having mastered one of which, with a very high degree of probability, you will not be left behind, as they say, even in the most difficult and crisis times.


Oddly enough, there is currently an acute shortage of specialists in this field. Both our country and the whole world need smart technologists, electricians and construction specialists.

Let's turn to statistical data. By 2020, more than 60% of currently employed professionals will retire, and replacements will come at a rate of less than 10% of the required number of specialists in the engineering spectrum.

Medical workers

People were sick, are sick and will continue to be sick, no matter how sad it sounds. Good highly specialized medical specialists and surgeons of various specialties are needed in every medical center.

Even if we assume that in the future most doctors will be replaced by robots, someone will still have to monitor their work and independently make the necessary adjustments.


The problem of the mental state of the population in this moment is one of the highest priorities. Psychologists solve it successfully.

Today, not only clinics and educational institutions. Any enterprise considers it necessary to have a full-time psychologist on its staff. Private psychologists are also developing extremely successfully.

Environmental scientists

No matter how much I would like to say the opposite, the fact remains: the environmental situation around the world is only getting worse year after year. For this very important reason for the entire population of the globe, specialists in the field of ecology are in great demand.

For example, every year the number of cars increases by several billion, but only 2% of them are more or less environmentally friendly. Of course, not only this task, but also the global goal of conservation falls on the shoulders of the ecologist. environment, improving the quality of life of each person and his health.

Chemical scientists

Do you know what problem is becoming the most significant and serious in our time? Energy. The fact is that natural reserves of oil and gas are on the verge of depletion, and worthy replacement they still haven't figured it out. Yes, we are trying to use the energy of the sun, water, wind, but the coefficient useful action such sources are very low. Think for yourself, how can you provide solar energy to the entire country if it only has 100 sunny days a year?

Modern chemists not only synthesize medicinal substances, but also search for new alternative energy sources. And most likely, this issue will be under development for a long time.

Security guards and watchmen

Surprisingly, representatives of these professions are in very short supply. But a house, an office center, a bank - all this and much, much more needs protection. Interestingly, employers do not impose any special requirements on security guards and watchmen. True, they often prefer to see men in these positions.

Working professions

Highly skilled general workers such as builders, electricians, installers and many others are constantly needed in the labor market. The construction of new facilities is ongoing. People regularly need repairs and help with plumbing or wiring.

There is a misconception that in our country construction is mostly done by migrants. Statistics show otherwise. So we can say with firm confidence that for good specialists There will always be several interesting offers.

Sales specialists

The product is constantly in motion. This is directly related to the fact that specialists who can provide high-quality advice and, as they say, “sell a broken pencil” are always in demand. An important factor is the high turnover of personnel, which determines the constant demand for them.

A pleasant bonus is that special education is rarely required to work in this profile. It is enough to be sociable, organized and active.

Service specialists

Service to various industries is another actively developing area that opens up wide scope for professional activity. People have an increasing number of requests, and their satisfaction falls entirely on travel business, beauty industry and many other services.

This explains the demand for such professions as animators, cleaners, and call center operators. Attracted by the possibility of part-time work and the frequent lack of need for special education.

Pastry chefs

The cook closes my top current professions. The demand for this specialty is explained by increasing quality requirements food products and employment growth. We increasingly come for lunch to cafes with tasty and healthy food, located near our place of work.

The demand for pastry chefs is growing over time. It is not possible to completely replace humans with robotic mechanisms in this industry.

Several in-demand professions of the future

Let's assume that you are just about to decide on your future profile or are not thinking about changing your job in the near future. Then my other selection will be especially interesting for you, in which I will talk about several of the most interesting and in-demand professions of the near future.

Personal consultants

A very promising profession. It is expected that in the near future each person will be able to receive full-fledged individual consultation on any issue of interest to him.

Marketers and SMM specialists

Almost every day, manufacturers offer us more and more new goods and products. But most of of which remains unclaimed. And goods that were previously in demand often lose buyers due to the emergence of analogues that have a more favorable price-quality ratio.

Marketing and promotion on the Internet and in social networks are designed to monitor markets and make forecasts of demand for goods and services. This area is rapidly and actively developing, and competent specialists in the field of promotion are very valuable.

PR specialists

Advertising business is a very difficult field, for successful existence in which it is not enough to have an appropriate education and dozens of books read on the above topic. More significant are interest and love for your work, personal flair and acumen.

There are no unimportant, unnecessary professions. Each specialty plays a big role for people in society. A profession in demand is a category that many people try to guess or “catch”. In particular, this applies to students, applicants,... Eat professions in short supply who are highly paid.

The labor market changes frequently; it is difficult to predict its trend for the next 10 years. It is sometimes difficult to predict the next 1-2 years. Let's consider the popularity of the profession in the market now, with a 5-year perspective. The market for technologies and services is developing rapidly, placing demands on certain specialists. It is difficult to accurately predict indicators and trends for women and girls. Eat General characteristics in this area.

What professions are in demand now?

Researchers are putting forward conflicting information. When enrolling in one specialty and finishing the current field, the loss of demand for the field becomes clear. This error occurs frequently. Difficulties arise in finding applicants for engineering, engineers, and so on. The decadent state of industries and low wages are now known. There are simply no people willing to give their time and effort for minimal pay.

Choosing an unprofitable profession

In-demand specialties can be determined based on research data and information from government orders for specialties. The vast majority enter training in the field of economics, manager, employee of a company related to international relations. Getting a job in such specialties is becoming more difficult every year, given the desired considerable payment for the cost of labor.

The professions in demand, based on the state order for specialties, are the following:

  1. Teachers in schools and mid-level institutions. Women's orientation, where there is a minimum of people willing to work. The state encourages young people to enroll in pedagogical universities, understanding that wages are paid in different areas; the budget does not allow for sufficient growth.
  2. Medical workers. There is an emerging severe shortage of doctors, nurses, and nurses. Clinics are closing, and there are no specialists as such in many specialties.
  3. Engineers. Height technical development not backed up with the right personnel.
  4. Work in the field of nanotechnology. No required educational institutions for studying disciplines.
  5. IT specialists. Modern market not adapted to the required number of employees. There is a shortage of both institutions and specialists in these industries.
  6. Psychologists. The trend is just developing, gaining momentum, and there are still few knowledgeable workers in this industry.
  7. Marketers. The market, goods, and services were not always studied. The direction is just being developed; there are no necessary personnel on the market.

You have seen what professions are in demand. Now there is no confirmation of the relevance of these specialties in a year or two. Professions in demand in the labor market are characterized by low pay and minimal opportunities for self-realization in specific areas. There are a small number of applicants ready to enroll in these specialties.

What professions will be in demand in 5 years?

Looking at the future is more than justified, so let's study the most in-demand professions in Russia in 5-7 years. The labor market is flexible, dynamic, changing, depending on many factors. The reorganization of educational institutions aimed at obtaining a specific specialty also makes it more static.

In-demand professions of the future

The most important specialties for women in 5 years are as follows:

  • Builders;
  • People involved in the service sector;
  • Engineers;
  • PR management specialists.

Construction specialties are relevant due to the improvement of the demographic situation in the country. There is a need to build new housing and update the old stock. Commercial properties are gaining popularity - business centers, offices, retail space, production workshops and so on. Intellectual work is becoming relevant, to which many people in Russia are moving. Service sectors are popular - opening, working at service stations, car repairs, the work of waiters, administrators of cafes, bars, restaurants, salespeople, and distributors is in demand.

The world is ruled by intellectual work

After 5 years, the demand for specialties will begin to grow faster than now. The advantage is that there is no need to acquire in-depth knowledge in the field. Minimal information with sufficient work experience and the necessary skills will be enough to organize a high-quality labor process.

Specialties that were popular several years ago are losing relevance. For decades to come, the labor market is provided with areas where managers, lawyers, economists, office staff, and administrative personnel work. Now the actions of administrative personnel are replaced by the optimized work of organizations, the use of new technologies, reducing costs and human labor resources.

Journalism in the standard understanding of this direction will be on the verge of extinction. The relevance of this work is gradually beginning to fade into oblivion now. Television, which now has a large number of presenters, will not lose popularity either.

Most information products, data, articles are available online. It is not necessary to receive a degree in journalism in order to present current facts to a wide range of people.

The most in demand and highest paid profession

The same profession will be relevant in foreign countries and irrelevant in Russia. This question concerns in-demand professions for men and women. Western countries differ markedly from Russia in this matter. There is a shortage of teachers and engineers in the labor market. Such professions do not allow you to receive the desired funds by working in these industries.

Top managers, employees oil and gas industry they receive a lot, but their demand in percentage terms is minimal - 5% of the total number of people in the labor market.

Oil and gas industry employees

It's easy to make a list of in-demand professions, but the highest paying and most in-demand ones are not clearly marked. When using the arithmetic average and miscalculations, the conclusion suggests itself that the popular and highly paid professions- programmer, IT technology specialist. The result is justified by the need for highly specialized personnel and the prospects of the areas. The number of women in specialties is growing - 10 years ago there were predominantly men. This trend will not change in the coming years.

What professions are most in demand in the world?

Considering the labor market of the USA and Europe, conducting analysis, research, compiling a list, you can come to certain results. In Africa, labor market monitoring will be more complex. The reason for this is low economic development states.

Current professions for the USA, Europe - IT specialist, financial expert, software security specialist, employees in the field of advertising, PR technologies, management personnel, mathematics teachers, specialists in the field hotel business. Let us note that teachers are in demand and their work is paid accordingly.

IT specialist in the USA

This description is conditional and changes based on the continent being studied. Most in-demand and highly paid professions overlap here. The state puts emphasis and distributes the budget correctly. This way, the deficit in the labor market is covered without harming the country’s residents.

Exotic professions in demand in Russia

The in-demand professions in Moscow, which are unusual, are already surprising many. They are very interesting and exotic. For example, this includes a livestock slaughterer, a sports shoe tester, a boogie-woogie coach, a captain of floating drilling rigs, and a carcass cutter.

Carcass cutting specialist

The vacancies are not fictitious, they exist on the labor market. Potential specialists are offered a complete social package, good salary. Most training requires only highly specialized training. Before this, a person must receive higher education. Demand is not an indicator in relation to these professions. Many of them are very rare and specific.

Non-standard approach to solving the problem

The labor market in Europe is different from the Russian one. For example, in Germany, a popular profession is prostitutes - brothel workers. It's paradoxical, but it's a fact. Girls and women under 40 years of age are accepted there. Decent wages, social package, and official employment are guaranteed. There are deductions from salary to the pension fund.

Considering the Russian labor market, such a situation is excluded. There is a lot of controversy on this topic - the profession is immoral, leaving a mark for life. Some argue that prostitution has existed, is here to stay, and will not go away. This method of legalizing activities helps solve the problem in the labor market. This profession is out of the question in Russia - mentality, education, morality are barriers to the legalization of prostitution.

New areas of work

It is highly likely that new specialties will appear on the labor market in the next 10 years. These include:

  1. Translator between generations. This is how conflicts between fathers and children will be resolved. They get worse over time, people. different ages cannot fully communicate.
  2. Leader of network communications. Expert groups, forums, communities - places where hundreds and thousands of people work. For more efficient debugging of work, a special direction will be created and PR faculties will be developed.
  3. City farmer. Current direction when living in the city. There is little land, no resources for growing vegetables and fruits. Technically, it is possible to arrange greenhouses and create crops on the roofs of high-rise buildings. A similar practice already exists in Japan and the USA.
  4. Urbanist-ecologist. Experts who study the state of the environment work in the construction industry.
  5. Biotechnologist. Development of technologies and substances that do not harm human life. Replacing habitual harmful substances with safe ones. Biofuel instead diesel fuel, bio-concrete instead of standard building material.

Distant future

In 20-50 years, professions will appear that would be difficult to guess. They will be associated with the emergence, repair, and operability of robots and intelligent organisms.

Profession of the distant future

Due to the increase in information, a certain direction in psychiatry will appear to help cope with brain overload.

Taking into account the possibility of organ transplantation and biomodeling of organs, specialists will appear who control this area. It is possible that genetically modeled organisms will emerge, which will be monitored by architects of living systems.

This is just a guess. Whether the labor market will be built in this way can only be judged in 10-50 years. For now, you should focus on specialties that are relevant at the present time.

Video on the topic: 10 most in-demand professions

The labor market changes every year, so it is difficult to predict what the most in-demand professions will be in 10 years. The directions that will lead in Russia by 2019 can only be guessed at, because the need for professionals depends on several factors.

Top 10 most in-demand professions in Russia in 2019

It is possible to accurately answer the question of what are the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia from two positions: in terms of government orders for specialties and in terms of research. Based on the number of budget (free) places in the country’s universities, it is easy to guess which specialists are currently in greater demand.

According to independent studies, the demand for workers directly depends on the pace of development of a particular industry, the level of wages, and the shortage of specialized workers.

Based on these indicators, it is possible to predict which professions will be in demand in Russia by 2019.

Engineering and technical workers

The development of technology and process automation requires a strong engineering corps, which creates a need for qualified personnel. In-demand technical professions:

  • design engineer;
  • design engineer;
  • technologist;
  • Electrical Engineer;
  • heating engineer;
  • oil and gas engineer.

Medical staff

The profession of a doctor is always in demand and prestigious. Pediatricians and internists lead the way in vacancies, but this area of ​​medicine is facing a severe shortage of personnel. The most popular medical professions in Russia with high competition:

  • surgeon;
  • resuscitator;
  • gynecologist;
  • cardiologist;
  • dentist;
  • ophthalmologist;
  • otolaryngologist;
  • gastroenterologist;
  • uzist;
  • nutritionist.

Education workers

There are few highly qualified specialists left in the field of pedagogy. Most of the teachers are still from the Soviet school system. For this reason, the demand for workers in various teaching specialties in Russia is high. Popular professions in education:

  • foreign language teacher;
  • teacher of algebra, geometry;
  • teacher of Russian language and literature;
  • IT-teacher;
  • chemistry teacher;
  • Physics teacher;
  • psychologist.

Information technology is just gaining popularity, so most Russian workers IT professionals are self-taught and do not have documented evidence of their knowledge. This is due to the fact that public education is still poorly adapted to the requirements of modern IT technologies.

However, computer industry specialists are among the highest paid workers.

In-demand IT professions:

Engineers in the field of nanotechnology and robotics

These are the professions of the future, so it is difficult to find professionals in these industries today. The promise of nanotechnology is incredible - it covers:

  • energy;
  • telecommunications;
  • medicine;
  • space;
  • ecology;
  • Agriculture;
  • food industry.

Nanotechnologists study materials at both the atomic and molecular levels. Today, scientists who work in the following areas are especially in demand:

  • microelectronics;
  • solar energy conversion;
  • creation of light-emitting devices.

As for robotics, this specialty involves the design and subsequent operation of manipulators and intelligent robots. Such systems are needed in industry and high technology, where human work is impossible. Roboticists are programmers, cybernetics, engineers rolled into one.

Marketers and PR managers

Marketing is a common and popular activity. Professionals study markets, predict customer demands, analyze the work of competitors, and business development on the Internet. Marketing is directly related to advertising and PR, because any, even the smallest company needs to promote its own goods or services. There are many popular and highly paid professions in this field:

  • manager contextual advertising;
  • e-mail – marketer;
  • coach;
  • copywriter;
  • logistics manager (transport management);
  • Art Director;
  • creator (creative director);
  • product manager (market analysis).

Service workers

The list here is huge. Service industry worker is a popular creative professions for girls and guys who are just starting their professional journey. The high demand for specialists in various fields is explained by the rapid development Russian business. Service sector professions popular among the population:

  • visagiste;
  • stylist;
  • hairdresser;
  • waiter;
  • tourism manager;
  • masseur;
  • realtor

Construction and design specialists

A study of labor market trends showed that due to large-scale construction projects initiated by the state, there is a shortage of construction and design workers. Greatest demand noted in the profession:

  • architect;
  • interior designer;
  • geotechnician;
  • hydraulic engineer;
  • designer;
  • mason;
  • installer;
  • a carpenter;
  • welder;
  • painter-plasterer

Together with market economy In Russia, prestigious and not so prestigious professions began to appear. Demand different specialties began to dictate the market.

This is where the corresponding salary for this or that work came from, since demand creates supply. And in order not to make a mistake with a profession or to retrain for a higher-paid and more prestigious one, you need to monitor changes in the labor market. So, what are the most in-demand professions in 2012? Let's start our rating with the less popular ones.

Tourism specialist

The tourism business in Russia is rapidly gaining momentum. They predict a great future for him, and that is why new specialties are being opened in universities “ hotel service and tourism." You can earn from 10 to 25 thousand rubles in this area.

Tourism manager is a sought-after profession

In addition, the demand for maids and receptionists in hotels will never decrease. In a prestigious hotel, by the way, professions with such a rather unattractive name may hide quite good money earned as tips.

Banking specialist

Banking specialists are not left behind either. Nowadays it is rare that a person does not use the services of banks. Almost everyone takes out loans or opens deposits to save and increase their own money. Therefore, financial analysts, credit experts and other financial specialties are paid quite decently.

A beginner can count on an income of 10-25 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that finance specialists are often required not only by banks, but also by large companies. So any applicant will have plenty to choose from.


The profession of a cook will never lose popularity. Everyone wants to eat regularly. Therefore, people who know how to handle pans and pots will always be valuable. But the rating refers to those people who manage the cooking process.

They can receive from 35 thousand rubles. But their assistants, that is, ordinary cooks, can naturally count on more modest earnings.


Specialists with higher technical education in Lately are very much in demand in the labor market.

Engineer - a sought-after profession of the future

The development of new and optimization of existing solutions is estimated at an average of 40-60 thousand rubles.


The profession of a doctor today, as always, is relevant. Doctors receive a rather modest salary for their work alone. However, specialists should not get lost in large cities. As a rule, there are a huge number of private clinics there.

A doctor can choose a fairly decent place of work for himself. The most profitable medical specialty is dentistry. The dentist's salary is 15-25 thousand rubles per month. However, in prestigious centers with a good reputation, a dentist can receive 65 thousand rubles per month. Pharmacists are also constantly in demand on the labor market. But their work is valued much less. The rate, as a rule, is 15-22 thousand rubles per month.


The rather vague word “manager” actually hides many vacancies. For example, an account manager, advertising, sales or personnel manager. All listed specialists require at least secondary specialized education. For the knowledge acquired and skills presented, the applicant can receive from 25 thousand rubles.

The exact amount of earnings depends, naturally, on responsibilities and work experience. Nowadays, recruiting and personnel specialists are most in demand. And some companies are looking for specialists to conduct training and personnel management. If you like this profession, then you can take courses additional education. However, people who have received higher education in this profession are more valued. A diploma will enhance the applicant in the eyes of the employer and increase prestige. It is worth noting that a purchasing manager is also among the top ten most in-demand professions in Russia. Such a person receives from 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. This profession is unlikely to lose its relevance in the near future.


Oddly enough, but such a profession as a driver is also included in the list of the most in demand. Every self-respecting and successful leader wants to have a personal driver. This is a plus for a businessman’s reputation.

Driver is a sought-after profession that will never lose demand

In addition, today you cannot meet a single deputy at any level who does not have his own driver. A professional with an impressive driving record in a good prosperous company can count on wages 60 thousand rubles.


Quite popular professions in Russia in 2012 are lawyers and accountants. True, here the requests of applicants and the expectations of employers very often do not coincide. If a company plans to pay professionals in the field of accounting and jurisprudence only 8-12 thousand rubles, then applicants for the position expect to receive at least 12-20 thousand rubles. However, when applying for a job, novice specialists can qualify for a salary of 7-15 thousand rubles. Further, the salary, based on their work experience, can range from 35 to 100 thousand rubles.

By the way, this also includes the auditor. That is, a person who audits accounting books, reports and documents, and also advises on the topic of adjustment accounting. In other words, in Russia such a specialist can be called an accountant of the highest qualifications. Such an employee, as a rule, receives an average of 35 to 55 thousand rubles per month. It is worth noting that this specialty has regularly been among the top five most in-demand professions for several years in a row.

The most in demand profession

In first place in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are people who specialize in IT technologies and are aces in programming. And no wonder. Computers and high tech have already firmly entered our lives and conquered the business sphere, so every self-respecting company has a full-time programmer.

And everyone who knows how to program has the opportunity to get a prestigious job with good earnings. By the way, 1C programmers are valued more than others. And their salaries range from 500 to 2500 dollars. On the account of the managers large enterprises and web programmers.

Programmer is the most popular profession in Russia

After all, most companies that are focused on development want to have their own resource on the Internet. And here it’s not enough to write a website, you need to support it. It is precisely because of the desire to automate their business that directors are looking for talented and executive programmers. Over time, their popularity will only grow.

One way or another, 2012 is not best time to change jobs, experts say. The situation on the labor market is quite difficult right now. Therefore, before writing a letter of resignation, it is better to think again. And if the question arises about searching or mastering new profession, then it’s better to calculate the best option and explore the most in-demand professions in Russia.

But there are people for whom the amount of salary is not the most important thing in life. They want to do what they love or benefit other people. We invite you to read an article about the rarest professions in the world, for which people also receive a lot of money and are very much in demand due to their rarity.
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The level of remuneration depends on how much certain specialists are needed. The range of professions in demand depends on economic and social conditions. At the same time, a number of specialties are well paid in most countries of the world. Domestic specifics of the labor market.

The level of remuneration in different countries depends on how much certain specialists are needed in the current conditions. Specific economic and social conditions also determine the recruitment of professions in which specialists receive salaries that far exceed the average level. At the same time, there are a number of specialties that are in demand in most countries of the world, for example, IT technologies are developing in the prosperous USA and Iran, which is filled with problems.

IN Western Europe and the USA, doctors receive the most: surgeons, anesthesiologists, obstetricians, plastic surgeons and therapists. Of course, not all doctors can count on millions in fees; high levels of payment apply only to top-class specialists. Senior managers, on average, earn less than doctors, but their salaries are also very high, as the Forbes magazine list clearly shows.

According to the fund's survey " Public opinion", 61% of Russians are dissatisfied with their salaries. At the same time, 46% are willing to work in an unpleasant job for a lot of money.

Civil aviation pilots continue the list. The next line again belongs to doctors, this time dentists, whose services are used by almost every inhabitant of the planet. Financial analysts are also so in demand that they managed to secure a place in the ranking, followed by lawyers. IT specialists round out the top ten of the ranking. In other lists, astronomers, physicists and mathematicians are among the wealthiest, which can be considered an amazing fact for our realities.

In some countries, such as Cambodia, Mongolia, Belize and the Cape Verde Islands, jobs in the field of Agriculture, despite the presence of the Internet and the penetration of new technologies into the territory.

Who can live well in Rus'?

In Russia and many post-Soviet countries, the situation is radically different - in our country administrators of various levels still retain primacy. At the initial stages of the construction of capitalism, the richest were bankers, accountants and economists earned good money. Now these specialists have moved to the bottom of the ranking, giving way to recruiters, chief doctors of hospitals and private clinics. Highly paid directors include: financial, marketing, technical (in the field of mining).

The highest paid professions in Russia in 2017 were the captain of an ocean ship (500 thousand rubles) and the commander of an aircraft (357 thousand rubles). In third place in terms of salary were vacancies for the position of chief technologist of the gold mining industry (312 thousand rubles).

But risk managers are valued more than others - specialists who have received a good education and have extensive knowledge. The risk manager’s task is to bring the enterprise out of a deep crisis at any cost; they often have to make unpopular decisions. In most cases, highly experienced specialists or young ones who are ready to implement their innovative ideas are able to act harshly but faithfully. Experienced crisis managers belong to the highly paid category, and for innovators, leading an enterprise out of a crisis becomes a test of professional suitability.

Domestic ranking of highly paid professions

According to Rosstat, the size average salary in the country - 20,000 rubles, but at the same time 20 million fellow citizens are far from prosperity - their incomes do not reach the subsistence level. What profession should you choose to ensure a comfortable future?

The largest salaries go to the sky and the ocean: the captain of an ocean ship receives 500 thousand rubles, and the commander of an aircraft receives 357 thousand rubles.

1. Top manager

Senior managers do not leave the top lines of foreign and our ratings. Yes, Chairman of the Board commercial bank receives about $1.8 million per year, the work of directors of investment banks and heads of companies operating in heavy industry is also highly valued - they receive about $1 million per year.

It should be noted that top managers receive money for a reason - modern leader must own foreign languages, have a higher education, MBA and solid work experience. The usual work routine of a top manager consists of regular negotiations and concluding complex agreements with partners. The director is obliged to develop and implement strategic plan development of the company, not many people are able to withstand such a rhythm of life, while the top manager directly determines whether the enterprise will exist and how successful its activities will be. Practice shows that in regular schedule Top managers rarely have time for family, personal life, relaxation, maintaining health and other things familiar to you and me.

2. IT specialist

This is a stable job with a high salary - on average, IT specialists receive 60,000 rubles per month. The demand for professionals is growing along with the level of computerization. There are enough young computer scientists in Russia, but there are not enough specialists high level still not enough. The work of IT specialists is highly paid, perfectly knowledgeable languages programming and thoroughly understand the principles of work in certain areas.

3. Internal communications managers

The salary of these specialists can reach 250,000 rubles, and on average they receive about 100,000 rubles. per month. The job of these managers is to establish communications between the company's management and subordinates, develop a corporate style and maintain employee loyalty to the company. Without a manager internal communications It is extremely difficult to develop corporate rules in a large enterprise.

The manager must be fluent in communication techniques, know the features of personnel audit, and be able to compose corporate press releases and publications.

4. Accountants

Every enterprise has it. This is a responsible job that requires knowledge and personal qualities that allow you to scrupulously keep records of the company’s property, calculate fees and taxes, control payments, and maintain an accounting archive.

The requirements for a modern accountant are qualitatively different from those that a given specialist had to meet 20 years ago. Management wants to see a specialist with a diploma of higher economic education and work experience, knowledge of legislation regarding financial and tax issues in the post of chief accountant.

High-level specialists receive up to 350,000 rubles per month, but the size of the salary depends on the capabilities of the company and the responsibility assigned to the accountant.

5. Lawyers

A practitioner can earn both 35,000 and 150,000 rubles. The work of a derivatives lawyer and specialists who know international law pays well. In this profession, like no other, the combination of rich experience and quality education is valued.

6. Sales managers, customer service specialists

An organizer of sales earns about 45,000 rubles, working with client base– from 25,000 rub. In the first case, the manager must have experience working with the assortment, in the second, he must be able to contact clients.

The success of many companies depends on the manager’s ability to increase sales growth and establish relationships with potential consumers. For this reason, specialists with experience, work experience and specific knowledge related to a certain field are especially valued. For example, managers with medical education, and for the sale of books - with philology. Managers-psychologists work successfully with clients.

7. Purchasing Manager

On average, specialists receive from 35,000 to 50,000 rubles. The purchasing manager controls the quality of goods supplied to the enterprise, selects reliable suppliers, and analyzes the price level on the market.

The position of purchasing manager can be applied for by specialists with secondary education, experience in the field of trade and skills in analysis, who can quickly make decisions.

8. Marketer

Tasks: market analysis, proposal formation, preparation advertising strategy and brand promotion. These specialists are required to understand which segment of buyers a particular product is intended for, and be able to convey information to the target audience in order to stimulate consumption.

Marketers receive a fairly high salary of 50,00 rubles for work experience and effective activity, the results of which clearly affect the financial stability of the company.

9. Logistician

Logisticians are responsible for the safety and timely delivery of goods. The average logistician receives about 45,000 rubles for his work, since the profit of the enterprise depends on the level of his competence. Especially great importance has practical experience in logistics, since even solid theoretical knowledge does not allow us to optimally organize the import and export of goods, taking into account all the circumstances.

10. Auditor

The average salary is from 35,000 to 40,000 rubles, but the amount of payment depends on the volume financial documents that you have to work with. The auditor's task is to monitor the correctness of accounting and reporting. Small businesses prefer to invite a third-party auditor or audit firm to perform the audit. IN large companies Traditionally, there is a full-time internal auditor whose responsibilities include not only systematic auditing, but also making proposals for optimizing work with documentation. An established document flow system allows you to avoid financial losses and timely identify weaknesses in the use and movement of funds.