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What is an auction? Electronic, Internet auction. Your own business: energy audit company

According to recent statistical studies, one of the most visited sites are online auctions. From the point of view of users, everyone understands the principle of operation of such a platform - user “X” wants to sell product “Z”.
He looks for the most convenient online auction, registers and leaves an advertisement describing the main characteristics of the product, attaching a photograph to it. Potential buyers "U" leave their bids with a price, and the seller chooses the most generous buyer. Next, they discuss the details of the purchase and carry it out.

Quite simple, isn't it, especially compared to real life where to try yourself as an owner auction house only a very wealthy person can, since the lots are antiques or exclusive expensive items that require appropriate “conditions” from the auctioneers.
But is this process so simple from the point of view of the online auction organizer? Let's count and figure it out together...

So, your own online auction is in a good way earn money and get rid of things that the family no longer uses, with the prospect of earning money later by renting out advertising space.

Administrative and organizational issues.
To organize an online auction you will need a home computer, paid internet and, just in case, a database email addresses, which can be used in advertising mailings.

Next item- creation of the resource itself. This work should only be entrusted to a specialist (you can find him using the Internet and some freelance exchange). Depending on the site interface, its design, the presence of voice advertising, the number of pages, etc. The webmaster’s work will also be paid. But the most “modest” site will cost at least $300-500, so immediately include these expenses in your list of expenses.
By the way, the site should be assigned an identifier that will help all bidders contact you personally.

The next destination is a bank, where the future entrepreneur must open a bank account to which all funds will be transferred (or a bank card “linked to one of the Internet monetary systems”). And then - tax office, as Ostap Bender said, the criminal (in our case, tax) code must be respected!

Then your task will be to prepare the items that will be put up for auction. To do this, you should photograph them in the most presentable form and write a short description of the main characteristics, age and other parameters of the product. If you can do it yourself, great, if not, you need to look for a good copywriter.

Having placed lots on the site in certain categories (their quantity and list should be located on the main page), indicate the price of the product. And now wait until email or the phone will receive a message about the purchase of this or that item. On the same day, send the purchased product to the buyer so that there are no hitches or delays in delivery.

How to organize work with clients.

You need to communicate with customers - answer all their questions, when purchasing a product - be sure to send email with words of gratitude and clarification of delivery conditions that are most convenient for the buyer. After a few days, you should contact the client again to find out his impressions of the purchase, etc. Respectful attitude towards each client is the basis of your successful activities, because “word of mouth” conveys information over the network at the speed of sound.

Advertising moves.
Don't forget that you can't do without advertising. You can advertise an online auction using:
- electronic mailing of letters with a link to the site to all addresses in the database;
- short commercial(or banner) located on your pages in all in social networks;
- links to the site in personal comments and posts on various sites;
- small banners located on sites with TIC traffic >1000 people and with a circle of potential users (i.e. people who will be interested in precisely these categories of goods).
- offers to auction visitors to become participants in a referral program, which will attract more customers to your site.

Expansion of activities.
If the site develops and its traffic increases, it will be necessary to expand further, accepting applications for the placement of lots from third-party users. Determine a fixed rental rate for placing a lot or set a commission of 10% for each transaction completed.

Naturally, before you create your own online auction, you need to develop a thorough business plan that will list all organizational events and the timing of their implementation. The project cost estimate is calculated separately. It should include the following costs (prices are averaged and shown in the lower threshold):
- development of an online auction website - $500;
- purchase of a database of email addresses - $50;
- creation of a commercial - $250;
- writing regular text and SEO-optimized information (site name, home page, product descriptions, posts and comments, customer reviews, etc.) - $300
- purchase of advertising space for banner advertising - $300 (for starters).
- postal costs for delivery of the first orders - $40;
- unforeseen expenses - $5-10 of the total project budget.

Of course, the site will not pay for itself immediately, but you will be able to get rid of unnecessary things and constantly keep your house clean. So go for it, there are a lot of people willing to buy quality items in good condition for half the price, and you will definitely find your clientele!

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Help develop regulations on the organization and conduct of public auctions or other competitive procedures for the sale of JSC property.


The procedure for concluding contracts at auctions is established by the provisions of articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

“Organizing and conducting tenders always involves the preparation of a large volume of documents. If the company does not have a specialist who deals exclusively with trading, then this task falls on the lawyer. Mistakes made at this stage are fraught with adverse consequences for the organizers - the auction may be declared invalid.*

Procurement for state and municipal needs is also carried out taking into account special requirements. For more information, see the recommendation.

When can and when are private companies required to tender?

There are two reasons why private companies may conduct tenders:

Although situations cannot be ruled out when the desire of the company may coincide with the obligation established by law.

The fact is that often companies themselves are interested in holding tenders. After all, this is one of the ways to conclude an agreement (). They allow the company to attract the maximum number of potential counterparties and select the most suitable one. In addition, it is not the company that is looking for counterparties, but they are looking for it. This saves time and financial resources and does not involve intermediaries.

When does a company have the right to tender?

Any company can conduct auctions in relation to its property or property rights (). However, the law does not prohibit holding auctions whose purpose is ():

  • purchasing goods;
  • execution of work;
  • provision of services;
  • acquisition of property rights.

It is not necessary to conduct the auction yourself. This can be entrusted to another person (including a specialized organization) on the basis of an agreement.

Any civil law contract can be concluded at an auction, unless otherwise follows from its essence (). For example, you cannot conclude a publishing agreement, a gift agreement, an agreement on joint activities, barter agreement, etc.

Also, the subject of bidding may not be the contract itself, but only the right to conclude it. For example, the airport held an open auction for the right to conclude a lease agreement for the commercial space of the passenger pavilion. Lot 15 won individual entrepreneur. The airport entered into a preliminary lease agreement with him ().

When is a company required to tender?

Cases when it is necessary to hold an auction to sell a thing (property rights) are established by laws (). These include, in particular:

  • conclusion of an agreement to conduct a mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of an organization in the authorized (share) capital of which the share of state ownership is at least 25 percent ("On audit activities"; hereinafter referred to as the Law on Auditing);
  • sale by a pawnshop of an unclaimed pledged item if the amount of its valuation exceeds 30 thousand rubles. (“About pawnshops”);
  • sale of the debtor’s property at auction within the framework of enforcement proceedings (“On enforcement proceedings”);
  • sale of the debtor's enterprise in a bankruptcy case (“On insolvency (bankruptcy)”);
  • other cases when this is expressly provided for by law.

In what forms are auctions conducted?

Trading (including electronic) can be carried out in the form ():

  • auction;
  • competition;
  • in another form provided by law (for example, request for proposals, quotations, etc.).

Can be identified as a separate form of bidding).

Exceptions are cases where the law directly prescribes the form in which tenders can be held. Then the organizer has no right to change it. Otherwise, there is a risk that the contract that will be concluded based on the results of the tender will be declared invalid.

So, for example, contracts for conducting a mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of an organization in the authorized (share) capital of which the share of state ownership is at least 25 percent must be concluded based on the results open competition. This requirement is established in Article 5 of the Law on Auditing."

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Organizing and conducting auctions always involves the preparation of a large volume of documents. If the company does not have a specialist who deals exclusively with trading, then this task falls on the lawyer. Mistakes made at this stage are fraught with adverse consequences for the organizers - the auction may be declared invalid.

Selected species legal entities are required to make purchases in special order. For more information, seeHow to conduct procurement under Law No. 223-FZ: competition and auction .

Procurement for state and municipal needs is also carried out taking into account special requirements. For more information, see the recommendation.What are the features of procurement within the contract system? .

When can and when are private companies required to tender?

There are two reasons why private companies may conduct tenders:

Although situations cannot be ruled out when the desire of the company may coincide with the obligation established by law.

The fact is that often companies themselves are interested in holding tenders. After all, this is one of the ways to conclude an agreement (Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). They allow the company to attract the maximum number of potential counterparties and select the most suitable one. In addition, it is not the company that is looking for contractors, but heand are looking for her. This saves time and financial resources and does not involve intermediaries.

When does a company have the right to tender?

Any company can hold an auction in relation to its property or property rights (Clause 2 of Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). However, the law does not prohibit holding auctions whose purpose is (clause 6 of Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

  • purchasing goods;
  • execution of work;
  • provision of services;
  • acquisition of property rights.

It is not necessary to conduct the auction yourself. This can be entrusted to another person (including a specialized organization) on the basis of an agreement.

Any civil law contract can be concluded at an auction, unless otherwise follows from its essence (Clause 1, Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). For example, you cannot conclude a publishing agreement, a gift agreement, a joint activity agreement, an exchange agreement, etc.

Also, the subject of bidding may not be the contract itself, but only the right to conclude it. For example, the airport held an open auction for the right to conclude a lease agreement for the commercial space of the passenger pavilion. Lot 15 was won by an individual entrepreneur. The airport entered into a preliminary lease agreement with him (resolution of the Arbitration Court of the East Siberian District dated November 27, 2014 No. F02-5553/2014 in case No. A19-14911/2013).

When is a company required to tender?

Cases when it is necessary to hold an auction to sell a thing (property rights) are established by laws (Clause 3 of Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). These include, in particular:

  • conclusion of an agreement to conduct a mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of an organization in the authorized (share) capital of which the share of state ownership is at least 25 percent (Part 4 of Article 5 Federal Law dated December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activities”; hereinafter referred to as the Law on Auditing);
  • sale by the custodian of an item the price of which exceeds 100 minimum wages (clause 2 of Article 899 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation);
  • sale by a pawnshop of an unclaimed pledged item if the amount of its valuation exceeds 30 thousand rubles. (Clause 2 of Article 13 of the Federal Law of July 19, 2007 No. 196-FZ “On Pawnshops”);
  • sale of the debtor's property at auction within the framework of enforcement proceedings (Chapter 9 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”);
  • sale of the debtor's enterprise in a bankruptcy case (Article 110 of the Federal Law of October 26, 2002 No. 127-FZ “On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)”);
  • other cases when this is expressly provided for by law.

In what forms are auctions conducted?

Bidding (including electronic) can be carried out in the form (clause 4 of Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

  • auction;
  • competition;
  • in another form provided by law (for example, request for proposals, quotations, etc.).

A public competition can be identified as a separate form of bidding (Chapter 57 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

In turn, auctions and competitions can be (clause 1 of Article 448 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation):

  • open (when any person can participate);
  • closed (when only persons invited by the auction organizer can participate in them).

The form of the auction is determined by the owner of the property being sold or the holder of property rights (clause 4 of Article 447 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Exceptions are cases where the law directly prescribes the form in which tenders can be held. Then the organizer has no right to change it. Otherwise, there is a risk that the contract that will be concluded based on the results of the tender will be declared invalid.

So, for example, contracts for conducting a mandatory audit of the accounting (financial) statements of an organization in the authorized (share) capital of which the share of state ownership is at least 25 percent must be concluded based on the results of an open competition. This requirement is established in paragraph 4 of Article 5 of the Law on Auditing.

Attention!Not every procedure for selecting counterparties is a tender.

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Just a quarter of a century ago, auctions were rare in the distribution of public resources. The very word “auction” was associated with the sale of paintings and antiques, as well as the sale of property during bankruptcy. The only possible goal seemed to be maximizing the profit of the seller - for example, in 195 AD, the Praetorian Guard auctioned off the Roman Empire to the highest bidder. When it was necessary to distribute government orders and licenses, this was done either during “beauty contests” or by lot.

“Beauty pageants” give rise, if not corruption, then at least a feeling of corruption both among those who did not receive licenses and among the public. The distribution of licenses by lot gives firms that are not truly interested in receiving it the opportunity to earn money by simply registering to participate in the draw. The company may not have the experience or resources to fulfill a government order, but if there is an opportunity to win by lot, and then simply assign the contract to those who can really take it on, why not try your luck?

Soon after the American government began to allocate licenses for certain radio frequencies by lot, the number of applicants for them increased tenfold, and this made the entire procedure meaningless. The chance that the company that actually uses the license will win has become very small. And since the license is being resold anyway, it would be more efficient to sell it immediately rather than play it away.

In addition, in the late 1970s, many governments had more properties for sale. First, the sad experience of increased government intervention in the economy has shown that in many industries markets are much more effective than government. To destroy ineffective monopolies, it was necessary not only to privatize them, but also to create entire markets anew. Secondly, the rapidly developing telecommunications sector required the allocation of resources and the formation of markets.

The most pressing issue of the last decade has been the distribution of licenses for the use of new technology - the 3G mobile communications spectrum. As with any new technology, no one can know in advance whether it will turn the whole world upside down or disappear in the coming years without any trace. Let's pretend that mobile connection third generation is a super invention that will bring incredible profits to the lucky license holder. Excellent: as a result of the auction, these licenses will go to the most motivated companies that can correctly assess innovative trends.

Or maybe, on the contrary, 3G is a technology that has no future? In this case, the result of the auction will be low prices, which, without any experts, will confirm the verdict: no prospects. The main advantage of auctions is that citizens who participate in the process of distributing licenses in two roles - firstly, as a seller of radio frequencies and licenses, and secondly, as a consumer of the services of the companies that will win them - do not need to worry about anything. Neither about whether the spectrum was allocated to the “right” companies, nor about how much the winners of the “beauty contest” paid the officials. You only need to think about whether the auction is properly organized.

In the 1980s, specialists versed in the intricacies of microeconomics developed a theory that then seemed abstract. Over the next twenty years, auction theory not only became a central theme in economic research—read in “The Nobel Lesson,” for which Roger Myerson and Eric Maskin won their prizes—but it also made it possible to understand and organize real sales all kinds of objects worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

An auction can be organized in different ways, depending on its purpose. If the seller wants to make maximum profit - e.g. we're talking about about selling antiques, you need to arrange it in one way. Another method is better suited if you need to encourage new participants to enter the market. Such a problem may arise during the sale of a large company. If only one participant participates in the auction - for example, the company's main competitor in the market, it will be difficult for owners to count on a high price.

A third auction format may be necessary if there is concern that bidders may collude. Depending on the rules of the auction, participants will have very different opportunities for collusion. In open bargaining, it is quite easy for the “conspirators” to ensure that none of the colluding participants violates the agreement. This means that we should organize a closed auction, in which applications are submitted in envelopes and the winner pays the price that is written in his application: then it will be much more difficult to maintain a conspiracy!

For different tasks We need different auction formats. For most privatization auctions both in Russia and abroad, the main task was to conduct the auction in such a way that the object fell into the hands of the one who could derive the greatest profit from its use, that is, the most effective owner. This is not at all the same as an auction, main task which is the seller's profit.

To increase the efficiency of the auction, that is, to increase the likelihood that the item will go to the person who will make the most profit from it, it is important that participants can see what their rivals are doing. For example, if several frequency licenses are sold simultaneously, from which spectrum packages can be formed (this is how 3G auctions were held in Germany and Austria), then the tactics of each participant, for which licenses and to what price to bargain, depends not only on its market strategy, but and on how others trade. The fact is that after the objects are sold, competition in the market will begin. A license for a spectrum band in a certain region is more expensive for us if our main competitor is actively bidding for all other licenses there.

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To open your own auction, you don’t have to be a super company or be able to do some unusual things. This is within everyone's control. Auctions usually open with large trading companies or brokers who have the opportunity to invite quite a few large buyers. Just follow these simple ones step by step tips, and you will be on the right track.

What you need to have application for bidding, application for participation in bidding, timely prepayment.

Quick step by step guide

So, let's look at the actions that need to be taken.

Step - 1
According to the law Civil Code Russian Federation, for the organization of bidding certain regulations, which do not contradict general rules Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, bargaining items can be different types property, works and services. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 2
The form of bidding is determined by the owner of the item being sold or the holder of property rights (for individual species property can be provided only one form of bidding - auction or competition). The organizer of the auction can be any owner of the item, owner of the property, or a specialized organization. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 3
At least thirty days in advance, the auction organizer is obliged to give notice of their holding, indicating necessary information(place, time, form of the auction, rules of conduct, subject of sale, certain data that must be included in the application for participation in the auction). Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 4
To participate in the auction, an interested person should submit an application to the organizer for participation in the auction and other documents (for example, an extract from unified register legal entities). Also, in order to participate in the auction, the participant must make a deposit in advance, which was established by the organizer in a certain amount, period and manner. If for some reason the auction does not take place, the deposit will be returned to its owner. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Agreement on the payment of a deposit during an auction in _________________________________ "__" _____________ 200_ (name settlement) ___________________________________________________________________ represented by (name of legal...

Step - 5
Organizer open bidding may refuse to hold them at any time (no later than 3 days before the start of bidding) in the form of an auction or no later than 30 days before the start of them in the form of a competition. The organizer of a closed auction (auction or competition), who refused to conduct it, must compensate the invitees and bidders for certain damages (regardless of the period of refusal). Neither the law nor the notice provides otherwise in relation to sealed tenders. Next, move on to the next step of the recommendation.

Step - 6
The person who submitted the application and necessary documents to participate in the auction, may be refused in such cases as: - if he violated the deadline for submitting an application;
- if an application for participation in the auction is submitted from a person who, in accordance with the law, does not have the right to acquire the property that is being put up for auction;
- if the person to participate in the auction has not provided everything Required documents(their list may be established separately by law or in the notice of bidding).

We recommend that you pay attention to the following tips from a financial advisor: The organizer of the auction and the person who won the auction sign a certain protocol on the same day of the auction or competition, which is valid between them by force of an agreement.

Additional Information And useful tips financial expert A person who is refused participation in the auction has the right to appeal this refusal in court.
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