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Business plan for a bed linen company. Is it profitable to sew bed linen for sale? Sell your own bed linen

Business plan for a real company specializing in sewing bed linen. Based on the example given, you can understand what points should be reflected in the business plan.

Privately owned, the main activity is sewing bed linen to provide them to residents of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, and in the future, other districts and cities.

This project will be created without registration legal entity in order to reduce taxation and simplify financial statements. Production is organized in his apartment.

Business plan goals:

  1. To substantiate the profitability of both sewing and selling bed linen.
  2. Creating profit for the company and further increasing production and sales of products.
  3. To satisfy all the demand for bed linen in Naberezhnye Chelny, and in the future in other regions and cities.
  4. Creation of products with different price categories.

Sales market

Wild Orchid products are suitable for a wide range of customers. The goods will go to the market where there are the largest number of buyers, and to stores with which an agreement will be signed for the monthly supply of goods. A successful decision for the company was the acceptance of individual orders for sewing bed linen


In the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, bed linen is imported from other cities or regions, which means its cost is slightly higher. Products from Turkey and China are of course cheaper than their Russian counterparts, but the quality is lower. So the products of the Wild Orchid company will be able to provide customers with a high-quality and inexpensive product. And for wealthy buyers, an individual selection of styles, materials and colors, as well as a professional consultant, is possible.

Cost of necessary equipment

One Singer sewing machine costs 4,000 rubles, a Singer overlocker – 1,000 rubles, an ironing board – 500 rubles, an iron – 800. The total amount is 6,300 rubles.

Quantity of products produced for March-April: sheets - 408 pieces at a price of 100 rubles, the total amount will be 40,800 rubles. Pillowcase – 408 pieces at a price of 50 rubles for a total amount of 20,400 rubles. Duvet cover - 408 pieces at a price of 150 rubles, amount - 61,200. The total cost of manufactured products is 122,400 rubles. During the reporting period there were 51 eight-hour working days.

In order to calculate the annual effective working time fund, you need to know the number of working days in a year. To do this, subtract weekends from the total number of days in the year and holidays- this will be called the nominal working time fund.

We take away from it the time needed to repair equipment (15% of the nominal working time). Based on the data obtained, it turns out that for six weeks of work, eight hours a day, the effective working time for the year will be 2,320 hours, and for March-April - 580 hours.

To calculate production capacity, it is necessary to multiply the number of units of a certain type of equipment by its productivity and by the effective working time fund.

Judging by the calculations, it turns out that the Wild Orchid company is capable of processing 69,600 meters of raw materials per year and ironing 23,200 square meters products. But we should not forget about unforeseen circumstances, and therefore it is necessary to have a reserve of finished products for orders in excess of the norm.

To produce the first batch of products, you need to spend 154 rubles on raw materials. This amount includes the cost of the required amount of fabric, thread and bobbins. Raw materials are purchased from the warehouse at wholesale prices with free delivery.

In two months, 408 sets of bed linen were produced. In March, 208 sets were sewn, since there were 26 working days, in April - 200 (25 working days).

Equipment depreciation is calculated as follows. The rate of deductions for full service is divided by one hundred. The resulting number is multiplied by the average annual cost of fixed assets. And it turns out that for the year the company must plan 1,260 rubles to maintain the equipment in working condition. Accordingly, for March-April it is necessary to deduct 210 rubles for this.

There are no advertising costs since placing advertisements in the newspaper “From Hand to Hand” is free. The cost of telephone calls is 300 rubles, cell phone – 500 rubles. Utility costs per month will be about 1,500 rubles.

To determine the full cost of production and calculate the wholesale cost of products produced in March and April by the Wild Orchid company, it is necessary to sum up the costs of purchasing raw materials, public utilities, equipment depreciation and communications. The resulting number is the cost of production.

For determining wholesale price it is necessary to add 25% of it to the cost of production. As a result, we get the wholesale cost of products for March-April. To calculate the cost of one set of linen, you need to divide the cost of production by the number of working days for two months and divide again by the number of working hours per day. As a result, the cost of a set of bed linen was 156.5 rubles.

During the initial stages of the project, only one employee will be hired. In the future, additional workers will be hired to expand production. The following requirements will be imposed on the hired personnel: availability necessary preparation and qualifications in the required specialty, experience working in similar structures, sociability and ability to work with clients, knowledge of the necessary regulatory documents, which determine work in the field of trade and manufacturing.

As a result, we will get the following financial plan

Sales income for 12 months will be 774,460 rubles. Taking into account all expenses gross profit will be 351,408 rubles. Tax expenses will be 3,000 rubles. The net profit of the enterprise will be 348,408 rubles. As a result, the profitability of the Wild Orchid company is 94.6%.

In this material:

Beginning businessmen are wondering whether it is worth organizing such a business as sewing bed linen; the business plan presented below will help you find the answer. A small garment factory is an excellent option for beginning businessmen who are counting on quick payback. It all depends on the type of product you are going to produce. For example, organizing a clothing sewing enterprise will require significant financial costs. And the competition in this area is quite high, so you risk being left with nothing. Sewing bed linen is considered a more profitable direction. There are more than 50 million families in our country, each of which needs 4-5 sets of bed linen. Demand exceeds the quantity of products produced in our country, so people have to buy expensive kits brought from Turkey and Italy.

Bed linen is sewn according to standard sizes, so you don't have to develop complex patterns. Sewing itself is not considered a complex process, so the productivity of the enterprise reaches high values. Most often, sets are purchased from natural fabrics: cotton, silk, linen. The standard bed linen set includes: a sheet, 2 pillowcases and a duvet cover. Many manufacturers sell these items separately, so the buyer can build their own kit based on their needs. The most popular are sheets with elastic bands; they are securely fixed to the mattress and do not bunch up during sleep.

Where to start opening a sewing workshop at home?

First of all, the enterprise should be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The last option is suitable for those who are going to take out a loan to run a business. Besides, wholesale organizations cooperate more actively with LLCs than with individual entrepreneurs. If you are planning to open small business at home, you can register it as an individual entrepreneur. To open a home atelier for the production of bed linen, you will have to purchase a sewing machine, overlocker, and iron. Such products are usually packaged manually. Sew bed linen for wholesale in this case it won’t work, you won’t be able to withstand the competition of leading manufacturers similar products. Wholesale companies they rarely enter into contracts with small studios, and stores will refuse your products due to their high cost.

However, there is a way out in this case too. You can sew bedding sets to order. You won't be able to compete with large companies, but you will find regular customers who can't find the right product in stores. Tailoring services to order are in demand in any locality. It is almost impossible to find ready-made linen for beds of unusual sizes and shapes. It is also difficult to choose a set of colors that match the interior of the bedroom. Organizing sewing business at home, you will be engaged in the selection of suitable fabrics and sizes for bed linen.

The profitability of such a project exceeds 50%, the starting capital required to start work is 100 thousand. The main expenses are aimed at purchasing equipment, fabrics, consumables, supply advertisements. If the business is successful, in the future you can expand your enterprise - develop your own line of bed linen, register a trademark and open a factory in a separate premises.

How to open your own sewing factory?

Opening such an enterprise requires significant financial costs. First of all, you should decide on the volume of products produced. This determines the number of sewing machines and employees, and the area of ​​the production premises. It is better to organize the enterprise in rural areas or village. The area of ​​the room must be at least 40 m². 5-6 people will work in one shift. The business plan for the production of bed linen includes the stage of purchasing equipment: sewing machines, cutting tables, ironing units, cabinets for storing materials, seamstresses’ work stations. Must be purchased industrial equipment, which costs several times more than household ones.

The layout of the workspace should take into account the need for bright lighting and free space between workstations. Proper placement of equipment can improve workshop productivity. In addition to seamstresses, it is necessary to hire cutters, packers and ironers.

At first, one employee can handle these responsibilities. No special skills are required to cut bed linen. Fabrics for making bed linen are purchased from wholesale suppliers, choose natural, high-quality materials, otherwise the linen will quickly lose its appearance.

The factory will receive its main income from the sale of products large companies. Small businesses can collaborate with government agencies.

The search for distribution channels must be started even before the opening of the enterprise.

Sales are carried out via the Internet, so you need to take care of developing and maintaining an attractive website. The simplest option costs 30-40 thousand rubles. Current expenses are aimed at maintaining the work and promoting the site.

The next step will be setting prices for products. On average, one set of single bed linen costs 400-500 rubles, one set of double bed linen costs 600-800 rubles. Buyers are willing to pay up to 3,000 rubles for original gift sets.

Opening your own bed linen production plant will require at least 3 million rubles. This includes renting premises, purchasing materials and equipment, and paying employees. Part of the funds will be spent on finding distribution channels and suppliers of quality materials. Do not forget that such enterprises often have to hire and train new workers.

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The ability to sew has been valued at all times. Most often, thread and needle craftsmen are asked to perform simple work, for example, make pillowcases for pillows. Making a couple of lines for a seamstress couldn't be easier. But you can organize your own business on the basis of popular and at the same time basic things. You just need to develop a business plan for sewing bed linen.


Bed linen is always in use in great demand. Therefore, sewing such goods brings good income. Having occupied this niche, both experienced entrepreneurs and beginners will feel great.

The reason for the simplicity lies in the fact that to organize the business you do not need to have special cutter skills. The sewing technology is elementary and is based on the use of special patterns. Next, the material is sewn by hand. Start with home work. Open a mini-atelier in which you will be the only employee. In this case, investments in the business will be minimal, as will the risks. Most often you will work to order, and such services are provided on an advance payment basis. So you have nothing to lose.

At the end of the day, the cost of a set of linen costs 157 rubles. Considering that you will be purchasing at wholesale market, add another 25% to the cost. In retail, a one-and-a-half-bed set costs from 300 to 500 rubles. The profitability is obvious.

Among the organizational and legal forms, individual entrepreneur was chosen. A business license for sewing linen at home does not require a license, which greatly simplifies registration issues. The next step is registration in tax office. Here you will need to fill out everything Required documents, and also choose a taxation system.

To register an individual entrepreneur, a list of documents is required:

  • Passport with registration, which must be permanent.
  • Application completed in form P21001.
  • Providing a receipt in the PD-4sb form for payment of the state duty.

In your business, it is better to choose a simplified taxation system. It is 6% of income. To do this, you need to fill out an application with the tax office.

Among other things, a novice businessman can contact the employment center by filling out an application for a subsidy from the state for the development of the business. To do this, you need to provide a clear business plan for sewing bed linen with calculations. It should contain not only marketing research and justification, but also absolutely all expenses.

Technological process

Before starting work, you need to clearly understand the structure of production from the inside. The manufacturing procedure for this product includes several stages:

  1. Layout of patterns on fabric.
  2. Open it up.
  3. Sewing with edge processing.
  4. Ironing the finished set.

First they make a blank. To do this, the fabric is laid and cut based on the desired dimensions. After these procedures, the resulting elements are assembled into the finished product.

Don't forget the last important step. Any resulting product must undergo wet-heat treatment. Now laundry can be safely packed, for example, in PVC film. After which the goods are sent for sale.

Organization of the workplace

So, the business of sewing bed linen is organized at home. Having a work space at home can help you save a lot on rent, renovations, and furniture. Your mini-studio should be optimally equipped with everything necessary. Namely, you need to allocate space for storing fabrics, performing work, and installing a sewing machine.

Please note that laying out the fabric for a double set requires a lot of space. If it is not possible to install such a large table, it does not matter. To work with large workpieces, you can sit on the floor. Decide on a place where you can receive clients. The buyer should have the opportunity to sit down at the table and look through the fabric catalog.

It is very important to set yourself up for work in a relaxing home environment. At first, you will encounter not only difficulties in self-organization, but also misunderstanding on the part of family members. After all, you will not be able, while still at home, to give them the same amount of attention as always. Prepare them in advance that you cannot be distracted during the work process.


The advantage of a home-based bed linen sewing business is that you do not need to buy expensive industrial equipment to operate. If you already have a sewing machine and overlocker, great! You can start working.

Initially, the purchase of equipment will require about 46,000 rubles.

To organize this business you need:

  • Sewing machine.
  • Overlock for finishing edges.
  • Iron.
  • Ironing board.
  • Threads, scissors and other auxiliary materials.

The main thing in this matter is not to save money. High product quality is your main goal. An exceptionally first-class product will be able to compete with other clothing companies.

Fabric selection

Another point on which all your work will be based is the search for suppliers of quality fabrics. Any customer of a handmade lingerie set expects to receive an excellent product. Therefore, take this issue with the utmost seriousness.

Statistics show that the most popular are bedding sets made from natural fabrics. The most popular underwear is calico. It is valued due to its practicality. The material does not deform, does not lose colors after washing and does not wrinkle during use.

It is best to sew the first batch from calico. In this case, the risks will be minimal. Further, having recruited the first clientele, you can add linen, cotton, satin and even natural silk.

The profitability of your business directly depends on the choice of a wholesale supplier company that will provide high-quality raw materials at an affordable price. Specialized stores are not suitable for this, since the cost of purchasing material there is higher. You also have nothing to do in factories. Only companies with large-scale production are focused on purchasing from them. Wholesale warehouses and shops remain. Suppliers and wholesalers will be able to sell small quantities of fabric at an attractive price. And this will be an ideal option for a mini-atelier.

Who to sell to

At the initial stage, bed linen can be sold through word of mouth. You tell some friends, they will tell others, and so on. Someone will need your services. However, without advertising it will not be possible to ensure a stable flow of customers.

After going around your closest circle of friends, contact specialty stores. You must be very convincing to get them to purchase the first batch of goods from you. You may have to give it away for free, with payment upon sale. If there is a demand for your products, in the future you will be able to move on to cooperation on more favorable terms.

One of the most promising areas for trade is creating an online store. Your own website will cost at least 30,000 rubles to create and from 25 thousand rubles monthly for at least the first six months for promotion. But these costs will pay off. You can also use groups in in social networks, you can develop them yourself or turn to specialists.

In numbers

Start-up costs will be as follows:

Needless to say, the larger the budget for the creation and promotion of the site, the higher quality the product can be created and the faster it will reach leading positions in search engines.

Let's calculate the expected income. It was already noted above that the approximate cost of one set of linen is 157 rubles. To this amount it is worth adding a 25% markup for wholesale purchase. In total, it turns out that sewing a set of bed linen costs about 200 rubles.

The retail price of a one-and-a-half-size set is up to 500 rubles, and a double set is up to 800 rubles. Considering that your bed linen is handmade, you can safely raise the price higher. It turns out that from each set you win at least 300 rubles.

If you don't relax and work 25 days a month, you can easily sew 200 sets. That is, your income from single bed linen alone can be:

200 sets per month x 500 rubles = 100,000 rubles.

Expenses, assuming the cost of the kit is 200 rubles, per month will be:

200 sets per month x 200 rubles = 40,000 rubles

It is best to use outsourced accounting services to maintain documentation for your business. To do this, you need to transfer 5,000 rubles monthly.

When calculating expenses, do not forget about paying taxes, which amount to 6% of income, that is, 6,000 rubles per month.

Total monthly expenses will be:

40,000 rubles + 5,000 rubles + 6,000 rubles = 51,000 rubles

It turns out that the minimum profit per month can be:

100,000 rubles – 51,000 rubles = 49,000 rubles.


Knowing the amount of capital costs and taking into account the expected profit, we can conclude that you will be in the black already in the first working month. That is, the payback period for producing bed linen at home begins almost immediately.

But there are a number of risks that need to be taken into account before starting activities. The main problem will be to sell the first trial batch. Therefore, it is worth starting to search for a potential buyer at the planning stage.

The second problem is instability home business. It is a rare seamstress who can boast of a constant flow of orders. Therefore, try to expand your services by adding, for example, clothing repair. This way, you will be less likely to be unemployed.

Sewing bed linen brings profit when minimum costs. If properly organized, a mini-atelier can be a good start for a future project involving more significant capital investments. The proposed example of a business plan will certainly contribute to this.

Sewing bed linen with subsequent sale is an affordable opportunity to open own enterprise from scratch. You can organize sewing of bed linen at home. The advantage of the idea is minimum investment: purchasing a sewing machine, fabrics and accessories. A good option: rent a small room, purchase a set of equipment and open a mini-workshop. The scale of production directly depends on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

Market analysis

Market monitoring is the first thing you need to do if you want to organize a business. Only a thorough study of the market environment will help an entrepreneur collect accurate information about the relationship between supply and demand for specific type products, as well as the level of competition. Based on the data obtained, a businessman can determine target audience, find free niche, coordinate prices and the range of services offered to clients.

Our business assessment:

Starting investment – ​​from 10,000 rubles (if you have a sewing machine at home).

Market saturation is high.

The difficulty of starting a business is 1/10.

All of the above parameters should be considered in detail in the business plan of the enterprise. A competent business plan for sewing bed linen will allow you to calculate the amount of start-up investment and monthly expenses, determine the profitability and profitability of the business.

Formation of assortment

Sewing and selling bed linen as a business requires careful study assortment.
A beginner should know that bed linen is divided into the following categories:

  1. The single set consists of a sheet measuring 1.1 x 2 m, a duvet cover – 1.35 x 2 m, a pillowcase – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m, and is designed for use by one adult.
  2. The one-and-a-half set is slightly larger than the single set: sheet – 1.5 x 2.2 m, duvet cover – 1.45 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  3. The double set has a sheet - 1.85 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 1.75 x 2.15 m, 2 pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. The set can Used by two adults.
  4. The family set includes a sheet - 2 x 2.2 m, two duvet covers - 1.5 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m. Designed for two adults.
  5. Euro - standard is a set designed for use by two adults. It consists of a sheet - 2.2 x 2.2 m, a duvet cover - 2 x 2.2 m, two pillowcases - 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  6. Children's bedding is designed for a teenage bed: sheet – 1.1 x 1.9 m, duvet cover – 1.1 x 1.8 m, pillowcase – 0.5 x 0.7 m or 0.7 x 0.7 m.
  7. Sets for babies (in cribs) consist of a sheet - 1.4 x 1.1 m, duvet cover - 1.45 x 1.1 m, pillowcase - 0.4 x 0.6 m.

Assortment of production of bed linen sets

If the listed parameters change, the exact dimensions must be indicated on the packaging. But it should be remembered that kits with non-standard sizes will be more difficult to implement.

Individually tailored bed linen is cut out according to the client’s measurements, taken before contacting the master. The customer can also provide pre-purchased fabric, threads and accessories.

You can expand the range of services by offering clients sewing bedding sets not only for everyday use, but also gift sets. When making a gift version, more expensive fabric, accessories and packaging are used, so the cost of production will be significantly higher than the price of regular sets. But as ?

Organizing a home business

First, you need to decide what type of underwear will be produced at the enterprise. If you plan to work on sewing bed linen at home, then exclusive sets made to order from the client will bring more profit. As well as underwear of non-standard sizes, unique shapes with original finishes. You can provide for the production of bedding sets complete with curtains, or offer a selection of elements that are in harmony with the overall interior of the bedroom.

The technology for producing bed linen is quite simple and requires a minimum set of equipment: a sewing machine, an overlocker, an iron and an ironing board.

A beginner needs to register his activities as an individual entrepreneur and choose a form of taxation, preferably UTII.

Opening of a mini-workshop

A mini workshop for sewing bed linen can produce standard products for everyday use. This will allow certain batches of goods to be released daily. The main thing is to find wholesale buyers. You can cooperate with stores, offering products for sale. Hospitals, children's camps, sanatoriums and other institutions can also become regular clients of such an enterprise.

An entrepreneur needs to register as an LLC, rent premises, select personnel, buy Consumables and equipment.

We are developing a business - a mini workshop for sewing bed linen

Material for making linen

It is very important to choose the right fabric for sewing bed linen, since the quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the material.

By cost, linen can be divided into several categories:

  • low quality sets - from 600 rubles;
  • sets of average quality - from 800 rubles. up to 1,500 rub.;
  • low-premium – from 1,500 to 5,000 rubles;
  • premium – from 5,000 rub.

Market analysis shows that the most popular underwear is low and medium category, which is purchased for personal use. Demand for expensive sets, which are usually bought as gifts, is much lower.

Almost all buyers prefer to purchase sets made from natural materials. Synthetics are not in demand. This aspect should be taken into account before choosing and buying fabric for sewing bed linen. Calico is the undisputed leader due to its properties. 55% of buyers try to purchase sets made from calico. Linen is in demand among 25% of the population, and 10% pay attention to satin sets. Expensive silk linen and terry sets are usually bought as gifts.

Choosing fabric for everyday underwear

Which fabric is best for sewing bed linen?

The production of bedding sets for everyday use requires the purchase of the following types of materials:

  • satin (gloss-stain, mako-satin) - fabric made from cotton with the addition of chemical fibers, having a smooth surface that can withstand (in good quality) up to 300 washes;
  • calico is an environmentally friendly, practical, wrinkle-free, dense cotton material that long time retains rich color and has an affordable price;
  • calico is called ranfors High Quality, soft and delicate, consisting of 100% cotton and having an amazing property: such underwear is warm in winter, cool in summer;
  • polycotton consists of cotton and synthetic thread, which determines the strength and wear resistance of the fabric, which does not shrink when washed, retains color for a long time and does not wrinkle;
  • chintz is a durable fabric that does not require special care and has an optimal price-quality ratio;
  • linen is a durable, tough fabric, perfectly absorbs moisture, has high level breathability and heat transfer, but when washed it wrinkles and shrinks;
  • soft, pleasant to the touch, brushed cotton material is called flannel;
  • terry cloth.

Material for sewing exclusive sets

If you need to sew high-quality bedding to order, or a gift set, the master can offer the client the following fabrics:

  • silk;
  • atlas;
  • batiste.

Sometimes they order bedding sets made of jacquard, velor, and tapestry. This type of underwear belongs to the luxury category and is very expensive.

Financial plan

To determine the profitability of an enterprise, it is necessary to calculate costs and expected profits.

Equipment prices are as follows:

  • a semi-professional sewing machine costs about 5,000 rubles;
  • overlock "Singer" - from 1,200 rubles;
  • iron - from 700 rubles;
  • Ironing board – from 600 rub.

The total cost of equipment for sewing linen at home varies within 7,500 rubles.

According to experts, a small enterprise can sew about 200 sheets for 100 rubles per month. per piece, 200 duvet covers for 150 rubles. per piece, and 200 pillowcases for 50 rubles. a piece. The price of the product includes the cost of tailoring and consumables.

Judging by the prices above, the cost of a set of bed linen will be 350 rubles. The product is sold at a price of 700 rubles. The profit from the sale of one set reaches 100% or 350 rubles. By selling only 200 standard sets, the owner will be able to earn 70,000 rubles. All costs will be recouped within 1 month of operation.

If you add to this the tailoring of bed linen to order, not of standard quality, then the profit can increase by 1.5 - 2 times. Since, despite the relatively low cost, the price for such kits is quite high.

You can reduce the cost of finished linen by purchasing consumables in bulk. Additional income will bring sewing of children's bed linen and diapers. The latter can be made from fabric scraps. Craftswomen do not throw away small pieces of fabric and excess accessories, making from them:

  • caps, baby vests;
  • headscarves;
  • handkerchiefs;
  • clothes and linen for dolls;
  • handbags and phone cases;
  • aprons and potholders.

You can cut the remaining fabric into narrow strips, tie them together and crochet a rug or chair seat.

Business relevance

Opening of a sewing workshop - best option for those who are looking for a business idea with little starting capital, but with high profitability. And if tailoring is accompanied by organizational difficulties and high competition, the bed linen market is far from saturated. Leading among sales Russian production, second place is shared by high-quality products from Turkey and inexpensive ones from China. Italian kits are purchased by about 7% of domestic buyers.

Stages of building a business

A business plan for sewing bed linen includes the following steps:

  • market monitoring, competition research;
  • formation of an assortment range;
  • rental and preparation of premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • registration of permits;
  • recruitment;
  • carrying out marketing activities.

Format selection

To open a small enterprise, a capital of 600-700 thousand rubles is sufficient, subject to the availability of prepared premises. This amount will be enough to purchase equipment and initial expenses. In this case, the productivity will be 30-50 sets of bed linen per day.

To open a small factory with a capacity of 150-200 sets per day, starting costs will range from 5-6 million rubles. At the same time, you can focus on large wholesale and cooperation with retail chains, which will make it possible to recoup expenses in the first year.

Production technology

Tailoring is characterized by complex processes, unlike bedding, which does not require professional skills. Cutting and processing seams is simple, the main thing is the choice of material and the formation of an assortment range.

The bed linen production technology consists of the following stages:

  1. placement of patterns on the material;
  2. cutting according to specified parameters;
  3. connecting parts, processing seams;
  4. heat treatment of the product;
  5. package.

Financial plan

To open a mini-workshop for the production of bed linen, expenses of 600-1200 thousand rubles are required. They are necessary for renting and repairing premises, registering a business, purchasing equipment and supplies. How much does it cost to sew bed linen? Fixed expenses will amount to 300-600 thousand rubles and will be allocated to the fund wages, purchase of consumables, payment of marketing, utility, tax and rental payments.

The retail price for one set is 1.2-4 thousand rubles, depending on the calculation of the fabric for sewing bed linen, the wholesale price is from 700-2000 rubles. When selling 800 units or more, the business will pay for itself in six months.

Selection of assortment and material

Sewing bed linen can be made from different types material. The most popular fabrics for bed linen:

  • flannel;
  • poplin;
  • chintz;
  • calico;
  • cotton;
  • satin

The standard set consists of two pillowcases, a sheet and a duvet cover. Many companies sell all products separately so that the buyer can create a set on their own. Fitted sheets and children's bedding are also popular.

Master class on sewing bed linen:


To open a mini-workshop for sewing bed linen, you need to open an individual entrepreneur or LLC. OKVED code - 13.92 “Production of finished textile products, except clothing.” The first option is relevant for small companies or home production bed linen. If you plan to take out a loan or attract investors, it is recommended to choose an LLC, in addition retail chains are more willing to work with these enterprises.

To work, you need to obtain permission from the Fire Inspectorate and SES authorities. Registration of a special license this type does not provide.

Selecting a room

A mini-workshop can be rented on the territory of former factories. Size production department depends on the number of jobs. In this case, it is worth starting from the calculation of 15-18 m² for two seamstresses, plus every 5 m² for each additional employee.

Each workplaces must be equipped lighting device, natural light won't be enough. It is necessary to install a ventilation system, since textile dust is considered a fire hazard.

Electricity supply, in addition to household equipment, requires three-phase voltage with mandatory grounding.

As a rule, the premises are divided into a warehouse where materials and finished products and work area. The latter, in turn, consists of departments:

Equipment and inventory

To sew bed linen you need to purchase:

  1. sewing machines (automatic and semi-automatic);
  2. machine for cutting parts;
  3. household irons;
  4. steam generator;
  5. cutting knife;
  6. overlock;
  7. tables;
  8. racks;
  9. consumables - scissors, patterns, needles, pins, etc.


For the first stage of work, it is enough to hire:

  1. seamstresses (3-4 people);
  2. cutters (2-3 people);
  3. an order taker who will also handle advertising.

It is more profitable to outsource financial reporting.

Sewing bed linen requires basic knowledge and responsibility. It is not necessary to spend money on professional, highly qualified employees or designers. They will be needed when further development and expansion of activities.


  • printing catalogs and distributing them to retail outlets;
  • creating your own website, online promotion;
  • placement of advertisements in specialized media;
  • description on local forums.

At home

Sewing bed linen as a home business is suitable for housewives, mothers on maternity leave and anyone who wants to earn additional income. To work in your apartment, just select a work area and buy sewing machine, iron, overlock, equipment, consumables. You need to decide on the assortment, make patterns for sewing bed linen with your own hands. You will also need expenses for advertising and registration as an individual entrepreneur. On average, when opening such a mini-production, an amount of 120-180 thousand rubles is enough. To sell products, you can cooperate with small retail outlets, place advertisements on message boards on the Internet, in local media, or start sewing bedding to order.

Save this article to your bookmarks. Will come in handy ;) → 19.06.2017


The page publishes only reviews that are useful to others and indicate that the person had experience in this matter.

Reviews from business owners:

    Hard times can come in every person's life - and I was no exception! A financial problem arose and we had to look for a way out of the current situation. I decided to realize my potential purely in women’s areas of business, but such things as nail extensions and hairdressing services did not interest me, and the market is full of these offers. I remembered my professional skills that sewing courses instilled in me. Not a bad possession sewing machine and tailor's scissors predetermined my choice!

    I started the process of collecting data on the Internet and came to the following conclusions.

    1. The most profitable business For women who know how to sew, it is their own tailoring of bed linen and its sale.
    2. Sewing bed linen does not require great skill, everything is quite simple. Basic skills in using a sewing machine are required.
    3. The cost of production provides a good opportunity to make good money on its sale if you approach this process wisely.

    I drew up a business plan myself, since hiring a marketing specialist is too expensive. I knew how to sew! There was a rare Singer in the family, and this is what you need to start. With this machine it is quite possible to sew high-quality bed linen without any fancy frills. The cost of a good unit can scare anyone away from this venture. I didn’t need to buy anything, of course, except for fabric and thread. You need to pay a lot of attention to the selection of raw materials - your start will depend on this!

    For those who don’t know, I’ll tell you what you can make bed linen from. Suitable for sewing: linen, calico, cotton, as well as silk, viscose, poplin, plush and of course silk. These are the main types of fabric that are used in tailoring, but there are others, sometimes very exotic and expensive. I started with the simplest ones: linen and cotton. This is the most popular raw material and products made from it are best purchased. Linen and cotton are easy to process and inexpensive! After promotion, I began to make bedding sets from silk and poplin and, of course, combined options for lovers of zest.

    Who became my customers? At first, when I sewed simple, cheap underwear, my clients were, and of course remain, thrifty people - pensioners, mothers of many children, etc. Where did I find my buyer? After sewing a couple of dozen sets, I started marketing. I posted ads on various resources with photos and descriptions - zero effect! Three weeks passed and no one showed interest! I decided to take a different path - well, just like Lenin! I thought a little and created a group in contact, filled it with information about myself and the products - I began to wait!

    The trick worked! In the description I came up with marketing ploy I hope you sleep well on my underwear and have pleasant dreams. Maybe it worked, or maybe I got lucky. My vivid description of all the benefits of bed linen made using individual order attracted customers. I handed over 2 sets to the first buyer from our city and asked for a good comment. Things are going well! Orders began to arrive from various regions. I send by post by cash on delivery, but of course there are losses - they don’t always take the products, so you have to spend money on returning them.

    Maybe I'm just lucky! Hardly! A lot of work has been put into promotion - this is the key to success. Try to sit at a typewriter for at least a few hours and you will understand that this business is not easy. But my plans are to move on! Since the products are being sold, it means that production needs to be expanded and legalized. Open an individual entrepreneur or take out a patent, create a website and hire workers. I think not to rent the premises, but to take advantage of the work of homeworkers.

    And how many prospects there are in the manufacture of exclusive products! Embroidery, logos, appliqués and more. There are a lot of options for creativity and if you manage to create your own unique style, then I will grab luck by the tail! In general, to the business of making bed linen - I say a resounding yes! Best of luck to everyone own business!

    But I started my journey in the production of bed linen from a small place! I sewed well, I had an electric machine, but I didn’t even think about my own business. It all started with sewing a set of bed linen for my own needs. The idea to make money from this came naturally. In our city there is a specialized technical school for training cutters and seamstresses. Fabrics are imported there for sale at low prices but of high quality. There shouldn’t be a problem with raw materials, but the competition was scary, because there are more than enough seamstresses in the city. But the head is afraid, but the hands are doing! At first I sewed only for friends and neighbors at dumping prices: when the price of a set on the market was 600 rubles, I sold it for 450. The clientele increased - it was very attractive low price And good quality tailoring, compared to Chinese options. Now my plans are to open a full-fledged workshop with three hired workers!