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Business plan for seasonal tire storage. To store or not to store? that is the question

In fact, it is precisely for our country that the problem of storing the kit summer tires in winter, and winter in summer, is one of the most pressing due to the specific climate. Without two sets of tires, year-round operation of the car is impossible, and this means that the car owner has to constantly keep four tires somewhere. It’s good if you have space in the garage or in the country house. In any case, twice a year there remains the ordeal of extracting dusty tires from dark corners, transporting them to the tire shop and back. Nobody really thinks about how random storage conditions affect the performance of rubber: if it’s not “bald”, that’s okay. In solving all these problems, the car owner has a fairly large resource for attracting and retaining customers.

We live in the age of global outsourcing. No one has time to independently solve everyday problems of average complexity. Even if a person knows how to change locks on doors, gaskets on faucets, and sockets on walls, he prefers to call technicians who specialize in this. This fully applies to car service - few people delve into their car at their leisure, even if they understand something about it. Everything is done by specialists. And only carrying and storing tires remains the lot of each individual car owner, as in the times of developed socialism. Meanwhile, people’s psychology has long changed, and the demand for the service has, in fact, already matured. Once a car owner tries to use it once, he is unlikely to want to return to fiddling with tires on his own. In the same way, for a long time, few people wash their car themselves - it is much easier and more convenient to pay money for a wash.

Let's say the client is really mature. But is the money that he is willing to pay for the fact that his winter or summer tires just sit around for half a year really that important for a car service center? And how significant will the costs of providing such a service be for the car service itself (after all, in essence, we're talking about about organizing an additional warehouse)? Despite the fact that free space is one of the most expensive resources after time. It’s convenient for a car owner to shift this burden onto someone else, but is it profitable for a car service center to take it upon itself? This is a complex issue. However, by and large, the market has already predetermined the answer to it. The development of the situation is pushing the main players - official dealers - to new ways of attracting and retaining customers, especially in a situation of sharply intensified struggle with independent services. The economic situation does not make it possible to make money on sales alone, and dealers began to actively develop not only post-warranty service, but also Additional services. And tire fitting in Russia is one of the most attractive types of car service. Not every (fortunately) car will make it to Tinsmith Day. But no one can avoid the “tire fitter’s day” (unless, of course, they want to get to the “tinsmith” with a guarantee). In an effort to attract customers from tire service chains and individual independent workshops, dealers are increasingly beginning to introduce and offer seasonal storage services to customers.

Everyone knows how interconnected tire sales and seasonal replacement are in the tire business. We sell to install, and we install to sell. So, these are just two pillars of this business. The third is storage. This is what ensures high customer loyalty. A person, as a rule, mounts tires where he buys them. Once. Where he stores them, he is constantly maintained. And in the end he buys new tires.

Attracting and retaining customers is not the only reason, however, official dealers developing seasonal storage programs. The fact is that partner companies directly require such a service from them if the dealer participates in the leasing program. The presence of a “tire hotel” at the dealer, where the tires of the lessee’s cars will wait out the “out of season”, is in some cases one of mandatory conditions lessor. And having created a “tire hotel” for leasing, it will be developed for all clients.

Thus, the question arises: how to properly organize seasonal storage? Due to the shortage and high cost free space, especially in large cities, the organization of the system first of all requires competent organization of space. The more tires you place per unit area, the lower the cost of storage. The second problem is logistics and accounting. The more tires you take into storage, the higher the return on costs, but you should not get confused in a large number of storage units, especially during the “re-shoe” season. The problem of order processing speed is also associated with this season: if the client waits too long, the value of the service in his eyes will noticeably decrease. Fast order processing is associated with another human resource: how many people must serve a “tire hotel” in order for it to successfully cope with its tasks? Finally, the question of product safety: how to ensure it with a large number of different tires? Here we must also take into account the fact that if a damaged tire is installed on a car, an accident may occur, for which the “tire hotel” will also have to answer.

When deciding to create a seasonal tire storage warehouse, you need to take all these issues into account.

Storage according to science

When organizing the storage of tires, it is necessary to take into account that they should be stored in compliance with certain rules - in unfavorable conditions and with improper handling, tires lose physical properties, as a result, their service life is reduced and they may become unusable. Many people forget or don’t know about this. By the way, detailed information to customers about the rules for storing tires and the reasons why they must be followed greatly encourages car owners to turn to seasonal storage services.

The correct conditions for storing tires are described in ISO 2230. To store tires and inner tubes, it is necessary to equip a room - storing them in the open air, including under a protective canopy, is unacceptable. Such a room should be cool, dry and dark, it should be equipped with good ventilation, and there should be no drafts - direct air flow is excluded. Rubber properties may change and affect the performance of tires if they are stored at temperatures above 25°C or below 0°C. The optimal temperature is about 15 °C. If heating is required, the product should be removed from heat sources; in addition, the tires must be protected from direct sunlight or intense artificial lighting, especially with a high ultraviolet component. Ozone is extremely harmful to tires and has a strong destructive effect. Therefore, there should be no sources of it in the room, such as fluorescent or mercury lamps. It is also necessary to exclude high-voltage electrical equipment, electric motors or any other electrical appliances that could create a spark or leak electricity.

High humidity also has a negative effect on tires. The appearance of condensation on them must be excluded, not to mention the ingress of any precipitation. In addition, tires must be protected from exposure to any solvents, oils and greases, including even short-term contact. Tires should be stored freely, without any external loads affecting them.

Proper tire storage is not as simple a task as is commonly thought. It’s worth starting to solve it by studying the warehouse technology market. As a rule, in Russia two main methods of storing tires are used: in bulk and on various racks. It’s probably not worth explaining that the first one is the least convenient and safe, but rational use there is no need to talk about areas at all. It will not be possible to “pile” tires taller than human height, even very carefully, one on top of the other; therefore, the efficiency of using the premises will be minimal. Nevertheless, this is one of the most common methods in our country, which is practiced even by well-known bus networks. To be fair, the “bulk” also has positive side: no additional investments, other than the cost of the space under the roof itself, are required in this case. Thus, at the time of organizing a business, you can invest significantly less money. However, if you don’t buy anything at all, you can save even more.

Another fairly widely practiced and well-known method is racking. You can independently weld a two- or three-tier rack from a metal corner, as roadside tire sellers often do. You can buy ready-made racks of a wide variety of designs and quality - there are a lot of offers on the market, any factory metal products or a company that produces metal furniture has several types of such products in its assortment. You can order shelving to suit your specific needs, taking into account the space. It is more convenient to work with such racks; it is possible to use the available space more efficiently. But high efficiency However, you shouldn’t expect it: with a huge selection of manufacturers, almost none of them make specialized tire racks.

Economical and logistical

Meanwhile technical progress does not stand still when it comes to organizing tire storage. Relatively recently on Russian market appeared new development German company Scholz Regalsysteme, which specializes in technologies for automobile business and spent several years researching the issue of how to store tires most effectively. The result of the research was specialized system for storing tires YeSiReB, which, due to the maximum display per unit volume, allows you to store more tires in a smaller area.

YeSiReB is based on the classification of tires by size developed by Scholz specialists using the most compact display field. YeSiReB makes it possible to make maximum use of all three parameters of space: length, width and height of the room while minimizing working passages. Unlike methods with a mezzanine level device new system does not require flights of stairs, an elevator zone and auxiliary passages due to the construction of the warehouse with easily assembled cells with low metal consumption to a height of up to 6 meters. As a result, the efficiency of using the premises increases to 50% - the savings are very noticeable, and in terms of renting the premises - permanent. An important advantage of the cells is also the ability to easily and quickly disassemble them and transport them to a new location.

But YeSiReB is not just shelving, albeit modern, of high quality and with thoughtful ergonomics. The system allows you to solve not only the problem of economical placement and proper storage of tires, but also such a complex and pressing issue as the logistics of accepted property. This is especially important in the case of seasonal storage of customer tires, when you need to not only know exactly where a certain product is located, but also find a very specific tire that belongs to a specific owner. And there are hundreds, or even thousands, of such tires. YeSiReB offers ready-made warehouse technology, which also looks convenient and attractive to end customers. Each set of tires is assigned its own cell, a special sticker with its data is attached to the tire, and the owner receives an inspection pass that can be pasted inside the car until the next “change of shoes.” The owner of YeSiReB receives a product for managing tire storage, which includes a classifier, labeling, reporting forms and an addressable storage system.

Since one of the features of the system is the use of the upper part of the volume warehouse, Scholz Regalsysteme offers a specialized electric order picker for working at height. Essentially, it is a small, self-contained electric vehicle with a cradle and a loading platform on a retractable lifting boom. The order picker is compact and mobile, it does not require special management skills and has several levels of security. In addition to the order picker, Scholz Regalsysteme has created a whole range of specialized tools designed for fast and convenient receipt, storage and delivery of tires. All these technologies even allowed the company to get into the Guinness Book of Records for high-speed tire storage. The entry in the Book literally reads as follows: “Only the YeSiReB system made it possible to download in a record a short time- 8.59 minutes on an area of ​​1 x 2.16 m with a rack height of 5.24 m 128 wheels of dimensions 225 / 45 / 17". It is worth adding that the record loading was carried out by only two workers. This is another advantage of the system: two employees are enough to handle the maintenance of a warehouse of almost any size, with one person working on receiving and the other on loading and unloading tires. Given that a computerized system allows clients to be scheduled in advance, queues can be managed. It is clear that in the season of mass “re-shoeing” this is one of the decisive competitive advantages: seeing the queue, potential client may go in search of another company, “where there are fewer people.” Using the YeSiReB system will allow you to constantly collect these “surplus clients” that other companies did not have time to serve.

However, no matter how attractive the use of modern high-tech warehouse systems may be, any businessman is concerned about the issue of price. The cost of the YeSiReB kit starts from 1500 euros. According to calculations, the payback of the system in the capital can occur in three months with a 100% warehouse load, in the regions - in six months. At the same time, it is obvious that, one way or another, tires can be stored without using any technology or investing any money. You can calculate such one-time savings in one moment; It is, of course, more difficult to calculate losses from wasted time and lost profits from clients who left for competitors. In addition, there is one more aspect to consider. Seasonal tire storage is a fairly new service in our country. Middle class I’m not used to paying for it yet, and when offering storage to clients, I need to advertise it more boldly. People need to be made to feel the convenience and benefits of using a tire hotel. At the same time, as with everything new, seasonal storage is primarily being used by high-end clients, for whom the cost of this service simply does not matter, but its quality and level are important. And here, of course, it is worth offering a specialized branded system, and not just ordinary racks, because you need to make sure that you don’t have to blush if the client suddenly wants to get acquainted with the place where his precious tires are taken.

It’s convenient to have two sets of wheels - you can screw them on at any time. Saving time and money on tire fitting. The only question is where to store it? Let's consider the issue of seasonal storage of tires and wheels - what are the conditions and cost of this service.

What conditions

Seasonal storage of tires assumes that they will be in a clean, dry, and well-ventilated place (temperature 10-15 degrees), but not in a draft. Do not leave tires in damp areas, on greasy surfaces or in direct sunlight. According to the rules tires are stored in a vertical position to avoid deformation and for ease of handling. If they can be stored only in a horizontal position, then passenger car wheels are stored in stacks no higher than 1 meter, and truck tires no higher than one and a half meters.

Before storing tires, they should be deflated to 50% of normal pressure. Keep the nipples in place. Before laying down the tires, you need to make sure the area is clean, free of dirt and moisture. Tires should not come into contact with oils, fuel, asphalt and should be placed on special shelves or stands. The place where the tire comes into contact with oil swells, although it subsequently acquires a normal shape and looks undamaged in appearance. The permissible load on it will be reduced.

Some car enthusiasts treat their tires with silicone lubricant or rubber dye before handing them over. As you know, these products help restore the structure rubber products. The rubber will not dry out and will retain its original appearance.

Also useful to mark tires where it was on the car. For example, use a marker or school chalk to mark each wheel with the designation “PL”, which means “front left”. “ZP” means “rear right”. This is especially true if the tires are directional and it is better not to swap them. In addition, each tire has its own characteristics - abrasions, tread depth. If the method with a marker or chalk does not work (it gets erased), then tie a clamp. For example, one clamp means that the wheel was in the front left, 2 - in the back left, and so on.

What is the price

You can try to create ideal conditions in the garage. If it is not possible to store an additional set of tires at home (for example, on a balcony) or in a garage, then it is better to give it to specialized companies (usually these are the same companies that sell wheels). The advantage is that you can carry out tire mounting and wheel storage in one place.

The cost of the service is not high and ranges from 50 to 100 rubles per month, depending on the tire size. The maximum price for storing a set of tires/wheels is 320 rubles/month. In total, for a car with 15′ wheels, seasonal storage of four tires for 6 months will cost from 1200 to 1500 rubles. Agree, not that much money. For an SUV, the cost will increase by one and a half times. It should be taken into account that if you want to temporarily store the tire along with the disk, the price also increases.

When choosing a company where you will give your tires for storage, check where they will be located. Some companies store wheels outdoors, which is bad. They should only be in special rooms.

The service life of concrete is around 100 years. The shelf life of raw smoked sausage outside the refrigerator is 3-4 years, provided that it is lubricated with vegetable oil.

Shelf life car tires somewhere in between these two products. Tractors successfully run on tires produced during the Soviet era. Retro cars in the Mille Miglia, Mercedes and Porsche museums are on tires from the 40s to the 80s and periodically participate in endurance races - driven from the north of Italy from Brescia to the central city of Rome and back.

Tires are getting old! But they age very slowly. Everything in this world ages and only cognacs and wines become better and more expensive over the years. But tires age very slowly, aging at about the same rate as people. Five-year-old tires, especially summer ones, should never be thrown away, just like five-year-old people :)

How can you tell if your tires have been stored correctly? Weren't they lying in the sun?

If you see that the tires are yellowed, have cracks on the tread or sidewall, then don’t even look at the production date - you don’t need to buy such tires. If the tires, on the contrary, are black and look sleek and beautiful, then look at release date You don't need those tires either. Just feel free to take them, ride and enjoy!

Several years ago, the once government car Chaika, which has a very specific wheel size, came to us and brought with it new tires. 1968 release. Beautiful, black with white insert, brand new looking car tires. We installed them on a beautiful car weighing about 2.5 tons and it drove away from us with dignity. At the same time, the driver asked, for his own peace of mind, to give 7 atmospheres of pressure to each wheel as a stress test, and then deflate the wheels to the working two barrels. The tires behaved like new.

How long are wheels considered new?

Manufacturers do not recommend using winter tires made more than 10 years back. The fact is that the rubber mixture becomes harder over time, which has a bad effect on performance characteristics - hard tires cling worse to ice and compacted snow. The possibility of further operation is determined by the buyer based on their technical condition. But the most main reason , why manufacturers started rumors about tire aging - they need to make sales. They are not happy if you drive on the same tires for 10 years. They have long ago made light bulbs burn out and cars break down after the warranty period expires.

According to GOST 52900-2007 during 5 years the tire is considered new.

Today there is no law regulating the period of use and storage conditions of tires, but only recommendations from tire companies. For example, Nokian does not regulate exactly how rubber should be stored. They simply ask them to be periodically rearranged - there is no talk of even a flat surface for storage - only a change in the support area. That is, according to Nokian, it is apparently even possible to store it at an angle or on an uneven surface. Continental, for example, states that tires should be stored in a dry, dark and cool place with little ventilation, and they call the conditions of vertical tire storage with rotation ideal, and not at all mandatory.

Guarantee period

Any manufacturer provides a guarantee against manufacturing defects. We give our customers a 1 year warranty against manufacturing defects. Some manufacturers provide a five-year warranty on their tires from the date of manufacture of the tire. But in principle this is a gimmick, since the fine print stipulates that the tire should not have a tread depth lower than 4 mm. Tire manufacturers are well aware that three to four years after the start of operation, 95% of tires will become bald and no one will even remember the factory warranty, firstly, and secondly, factory defects are such a rare occurrence even among Chinese or domestic manufacturers, Yes, and it usually opens on the first day and most often during the first tire fitting.

Storage conditions depend on tire centers and companies selling tires. 95% tires Our company stores them in warehouses from several days to several weeks because they sell very quickly. A small part of tires inevitably hangs up for the next year, since it is impossible to fully predict the demand for each model and standard size, but such tires are moved by us several times due to the compaction of warehouses; winter tires are exported for the summer to remote warehouse(and not sold summer ones, respectively, for the winter), then they are returned again to warehouses close to the buyer. That is, during a year of storage, such tires change the side on which they lie and their ordinal place in the stack several times. By the way, the stack cannot be too high, since tires are a lightweight product, and high stacks tend to collapse, often with the risk of knocking down the entire warehouse like a domino.

Why is horizontal storage better than vertical storage?

On the websites of tire manufacturers it is sometimes written that tires need to be stored vertically and periodically rotated at a certain angle. At the same time, it is not written anywhere at what angle they need to be turned and how often to do this. And the funny thing is that all tire manufacturers do not have finished product warehouses long-term storage- their entire business is built in such a way that tires must be immediately shipped and sent to distributors and retailers immediately after production.

Almost all tires to Russia are first shipped by sea - this is much cheaper when delivering them even to Europe, because transportation by rail requires the relocation of containers from the narrow European gauge to our wide Russian gauge, and therefore requires additional expenses. Therefore, it is much cheaper to send a hundred or two sea containers with tires on one huge cargo ship to Finland, the cost drops significantly.

As a result, tires will already spend several months in containers at sea, especially when transporting them from Japan. But even from Hamburg the route is also not as close as it seems when looking at the geographical map. Perhaps the tires will remain in these same conditions for several more months. containers at distribution warehouse sites in Finland before they are required by a Russian or European customer.

Why to Finland? Everything is very simple:
firstly, the width of the railway gauge in Russia coincides with track width in Finland (after all, it was part of the Russian Empire, when a huge number of key railways), therefore the carriages of Russian railways can directly call on our northern neighbor;
secondly, tires stored in Finland are stored close, cheaply and reliably, and most importantly, you don’t have to pay huge amounts for them customs duties , which are inevitably used when importing tire products upon import into the territory Russian Federation. Any wheel that has entered the territory of Russia never leaves its borders - it is impractical, no one will return the customs duty back.

Thus, it turns out that any imported tires have already been stored in containers for several months, at best in horizontal stacks. And now we are not talking about our company, which does not even have foreign economic activity(we do not import tires ourselves); This is what everyone does, absolutely all tire companies. By the way, all tire supplies to Russia have long been carried out only centrally - absolutely all famous tire manufacturers have their representative offices in our country. No one transports tires themselves, directly, except Chinese brands. All tires are imported into the country only by the representative office of each manufacturer. And no one has been transporting them in trucks for a long time - it’s too expensive due to the driver’s salary and the amount of fuel consumed, and trucks also sometimes get lost and disappear along the way. Everything is transported by sea containers.

And it’s good if the tires float in the lower containers and better in winter. And if these are the top containers, which will spend a month in the Indian Ocean, a week in the Red Sea, a couple of weeks in the Mediterranean Sea under the scorching July sun (although it’s not particularly cold in the Maldives in winter), heating up every day, perhaps up to 100 degrees Celsius?.. It is to this temperature that closed, dark-colored containers are heated. Then we will get what happened recently with a large batch of Dunlop, which was caked in piles, and buyers will again blame Russian online stores for this, without thinking much about how exactly they were able to violate the conditions for proper storage of automobile rubber so that the tires turned gray and caked ?.. Maybe they were stored in paint booths to save space :) Moreover, in principle, nothing terrible happened, the tires are wonderfully inflated with explosive pumping boosters, which every self-respecting tire shop simply must have (we have them at all branches), than listen to tire beggars from garage services about improper storage and increasing installation costs of such tires.

By the way, this is a reason to think about purchasing products from famous manufacturers who produce their products in free economic zones in Russia. Half of the edition produced in Russia tires go abroad, high quality ensured by the use the latest equipment and robots, as well as the strictest quality control of both finished products and at all stages of production. Tire factories in this respect are very much reminiscent of luxury hotels of the most famous chains: once inside it is very difficult to determine in which country this hotel/factory is located, workers everywhere are from third world countries or the poorest countries, management and top managers/engineers are always from country of original origin of the brand.

At our company, tires are stored in a horizontal position - we declare this honestly and openly. Our many years of experience in storing and selling tires shows that storing tires in horizontal stacks has an excellent effect on their characteristics and subsequent operation. The horizontal position ensures that the tire will not be deformed during storage.

We would like to draw your attention to the fact that not a single company operating in the tire business stores tires in an upright position. This is caused by the high cost of renting space, irrational use of free space and high time costs. To properly store tires in vertical position, every few days they need to be rotated by an (un)defined angle.

How much time and effort do you think loaders and storekeepers will have to spend to turn all the tires in the warehouse? Are you true believe that at least one Russian person will turn the tires at a certain angle??? Most likely, the tires will stagnate in one position, and this can lead to radial runout of the wheel and deterioration in performance! And the capacity of the warehouse with such storage drops several times. Plus the cost of a huge number of racks. So with 100% probability we can say that everything advertising texts about vertical tire storage are a ploy to lure gullible consumers. The main condition for proper storage, in our opinion, is a flat floor and even stacks.

Therefore, we only store tires in horizontal stacks, as shown in the picture below. And if one of our colleagues assures that when providing storage services they place tires without rims vertically, do not hesitate, ask to see. Most likely you will be denied this under some pretext. After all, often instead of a beautiful warehouse with racks, you will be presented with a sea container at best, or even cages made of reinforced mesh in the open air in the worst case. Our company does not store customer tires or new tires under open air- we declare this to you with full responsibility. The floor of all our warehouses is concrete or asphalt and is level. At the first request, we are ready to show our warehouses from the inside to every client who has paid for seasonal storage.

Car owners in large cities are faced with the problem of storing seasonal tires. Few people have a rented garage, not to mention their own property of this type, and you don’t want to litter the balcony, because these are quite large products, which also require certain storage conditions. Many novice entrepreneurs, aware of this problem, start their own seasonal tire storage business.

In this article we will discuss step-by-step algorithm opening your own warehouse, and we will also draw conclusions about whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business Features

If you start with complete zero, without having premises, then such a business may show low profitability or even go into the negative, since it takes time to develop a customer base, and rent must be paid monthly, the cost of which in large cities is very high.

If you are the owner of a premises where you can make a warehouse, then the business idea of ​​storing tires may suit you, you will only need to further equip it and provide conditions for normal storage of rubber.

And the third option, the most profitable and effective, is an additional service for tire fitting. You already have an established customer base, and by posting an ad, you will quickly gain full warehouse wheels with tires for storage.

It is worth starting such a business in cities with a population of 200 thousand people or more. Since in the regions, the level of salaries simply will not allow residents of small towns to pay for tire storage services, and many there have their own garages or basements, where they put all these products.

What kind of room is suitable for a warehouse?

Garages, basement outbuildings, metal containers, which are usually installed in paid parking areas where it is guarded, and hangar-type premises can serve as storage space.

The location of the premises does not play a big role, but a plus would be a warehouse located near your place of residence or, in the case of tire fitting, a warehouse, so that it is convenient for you to accept wheels for storage, and not have to travel across the city to show storage conditions to a potential client.


It is believed that one set of tires (4 wheels) occupy an area in the warehouse of about 1 sq.m. Thus, the room is 50 sq.m. You can easily lay out about 40 sets of rubber, but usually multi-level racks are built, three or even 4 sections high, depending on the height of the ceilings in the building. And the useful working area increases by at least three, which will allow your business to store 120 sets of tires in the same area.

Shelving is the main equipment you will need. They are made of wood or metal. In fact, if you use wooden blocks that you can ask from friends or dismantle old furniture designs and other used products, you can spend a minimal budget and make beautiful shelving. To give the racks a look, they are painted in one color. Metal structures are more durable and reliable, but the price of purchasing metal and welding work will be rather high. If you work on the basis of a tire service, you can also spend money on metal racks, they will pay off with interest.

The second point that must be observed is the storage conditions for rubber. Typically this is an indoor air temperature of 15 - 20 degrees, and a humidity of about 50%. To ensure these indicators in winter, it will be necessary to install a heating system to maintain the temperature, as well as a ventilation system to control the level of humidity in the room.

Security and security systems must be at their best. Tires and rims are expensive goods, and by taking them into storage, you take responsibility for ensuring that they are not stolen. A good metal door, the price of which starts from $300 and above. An alarm system with motion sensors, video surveillance, and subsequent connection of the warehouse for maintenance to security companies will help avoid unpleasant situations with the loss of client property, and this is a very important point.

A fire protection system with smoke detectors is something that should definitely be in the warehouse. Rubber burns well and you want to ensure maximum fire protection.

Tire care during storage

In addition to the indoor microclimate, it is also important to properly care for the tires during the entire period they are in your warehouse.

There are several basic rules.

  1. Without rims installed, tires are stored on racks in a vertical position next to each other.
  2. If the discs are mounted, then storage is carried out in a horizontal position, laying the rubber in a stack on top of each other.
  3. Tires must be free of dirt and dry.
  4. The air pressure in the tires is halved.
  5. Once a month, the wheels with discs are rearranged, and free-standing products on the racks are rotated so that they do not stand in one position for 3-4 months and receive deformation from the walls of the rack. In addition, this way you will dry them in case of condensation.

In addition to everything else, the room should also be clean; to do this, it is enough to whitewash the walls and, if possible, lay tiles or linoleum on the floor to make cleaning more convenient.

Where to look for clients?

The next step to starting a tire storage business is to study and implement channels for attracting target customers. There are several basic approaches here.

  1. Advertise on online bulletin boards, with a detailed description of the service and prices, and be sure to indicate the warehouse address.
  2. Own website and contextual advertising.
  3. Posting advertisements in the residential area in which you plan to work.
  4. Advertising using paint and stencils on asphalt.

When the first clients arrive, word of mouth will begin to work.

If you are planning to open a warehouse for seasonal tires on the basis of a tire service or car service center, then it will be enough to make a sign on the facade of the building, and customers themselves will find out and order the service. This is another advantage of working in this format.

Registration of activities

In order to work officially, it is important to complete all documents and obtain permits.

  • open IP.
  • indicate OKVED for the activity. For Russia this is code 63.12. For Ukraine - code 52.10.
  • obtain a work permit from firefighters and SES.
  • if necessary, arrange personnel.
  • if the premises are not yours, then sign a lease agreement for the premises.

Since the cost of wheels or tires is high, you need to study the issue of insuring things and the warehouse as a whole against fire and other factors that may cause losses for your business. To do this, you can contact a lawyer, who, among other things, will help you draw up a standard agreement signed by you and the client.

How much can you earn from storing tires?

Prices this service will vary depending on the region where you plan to work. On average, storing a set of tires (4 wheels) for the whole winter will cost the client $15 - $25. Or you can offer a monthly maintenance rate of about $5.5 - $7 set of tires. Based on the number of clients and tires saved, you can calculate the approximate profit for the season and month separately.

Conclusions. Tire storage as a business is profitable only in combination with a car service or tire fitting, since it will allow them to earn money from an already compiled base of target customers. We do not recommend considering this line of activity as your main business.

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Today we will tell you about the newest and perhaps that profitable idea the outgoing year 2012.

The most interesting thing is that this matter does not require any super knowledge.

As always, you will be required to share the funds to purchase the necessary components. Believe me, the funds invested in this business will return threefold. Let's not stomp around and let's get started...

Every year, millions of motorists struggle and cannot solve the same problem. And it's not what you might think.

Those who live in apartments and do not have their own garage simply cannot imagine where to put a set of winter tires.

For a long time, drivers have been finding more and more new tricks: placing “shells” in the yard, storing tires on the balcony, spending time and money on building a garage.

However, times are changing and now it is not so easy to do the above things. You will not only need to shed blood and sweat, but also go through fiery copper pipes with boiling water.

This is where special organizations come to the rescue, providing you with storage space for a small fee.

As you probably already guessed, we will try to open such an organization and create a temporary storage warehouse only for winter tires.

Do you think this is a bad and worthless business?... Then read on.

Business at the opening of a tire storage warehouse

I think this question arose in your mind as soon as this article appeared.

To be honest, when I learned that such establishments had appeared in Russia, I also didn’t hold out much hope.

However, they soon told me what the annual capital turnover of these warehouses is.

According to the data, the smallest amounts per year vary in the range from 500,000-1,000,000 rubles. So there are no jokes here and the matter is worth paying attention to.

If you think about it, everything is self-explanatory, but for this business it is recommended.

If you started this warehouse in big city and carried out a normal advertising company, then getting 100,000 customers in the first year will not be difficult.

Again, these sayings are made from the experiences of other people. It’s clear that if you really have nowhere to put the tires, and they cost a lot of money, then you definitely don’t want to throw them away.

So you have to pay to various storage lockers like ours.

How to organize a warehouse for storing automobile tires

And so we have already approached the very organization of our business. What is worth paying attention to and what stones are buried in organizing a business?

Let's figure it out. To begin with, you will, of course, need a room to organize a warehouse.

The choice of premises will be the most important step and must be approached with special zeal. In terms of area, or more precisely the size of the area, I can advise you to choose a small, but promising one to begin with.

At first, it will be difficult for you to provide huge areas and it is better to first find small premises for a confident start, however, you must also take into account the factor that if your business takes off, you will have to expand these same areas.

Therefore, it is worth choosing a place that will allow you not only to have a successful start, but also to expand your business in the future.

I would also like to note the fact that the warehouse location should be accessible to customers and not be located 300 km from the city. After all, you are not :). You understand this is very inconvenient.

However, there are different situations.

And if it is not possible to locate a warehouse closer, then I advise you to organize independent removal of rubber from its owners.

It will even be very convenient and people will definitely like it. They don’t have to go to you, they can dial the number and your employee or you yourself will come and pick everything up.

The next question that arises when organizing a temporary storage warehouse is how not to lose tires and know which owner it belongs to. Everything is simple here.

When placing rubber in a warehouse, you must use tape to attach a statement to it that will contain the owner’s phone number and other necessary notes.

To quickly find the right set, it would be a good idea to place the tires in alphabetical order. You can take the names of the owners as a basis and place them in order.

It would also be very correct to maintain an electronic statement, which will indicate everything that will help you find the required set of tires in a matter of seconds.

Now about the employees of your warehouse. Everything is very clear here. A storage warehouse, by its nature, does not require a large number of people. At first, you can do everything yourself, and hire people as you run your business.

It will also be important to conduct competent advertising. You will need to convey to future clients the understanding that in the event of loss or damage to the kits, you will be fully responsible for them.

Speaking of damage, I forgot to say that when receiving the tires in the statement, I advise you to describe all the chips and cracks to the owner, so that he can assure that the damage to his brainchild was not suffered in a warehouse - this is very important because people are different.

What to consider when organizing this business

Storing goods in a warehouse is essentially a very profitable business, but it is also not without its drawbacks.

The main one is the location of the warehouse. This business should not be opened in small towns.

After all, our country is so vast and wide that in small towns there will be a huge number of garages and people simply will not need to buy a place in our warehouse, so everything is simple.

Therefore, this business is popular in large cities such as Moscow or Nizhny Novgorod. Please keep this note in mind.

Sample business plan for a tire warehouse

Business plan for a temporary storage warehouse for winter tires:

  • Goal: preservation of winter tires for the required period;
  • Budget: 300,000 rubles;
  • Capital turnover: 6 months;
  • Area: 150,000 - small premises near the city;
  • Salary to employees: at first you are your own employee;
  • Advertising: 50,000 rubles;
  • Car rental: 50,000 rubles;
  • Risks: 50,000 rubles.

I’ll say this roughly all at once, so I think you’ll figure it out. If anything, I'll be happy to answer any questions.

That's probably all! For those who want to see the latest business ideas of the outgoing year: business ideas of the outgoing year. Don't forget to subscribe to our group at social network to stay up to date with all the latest business ideas.