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What you need to know when renting an existing business. Rental business: pros, cons and features


Rental business in Moscow - pros and cons

Is it possible today to invest money in such a way as to receive a decent profit without unnecessary problems and freely manage your own time? Investing in real estate, especially commercial real estate, has become a rational answer to this question for thousands of entrepreneurs. always “lives an active life”, regardless of the financial situation in the country.

According to the CEO consulting companyRENTAVED ESTATE Ruslana Sukhiy , e Another significant advantage of this type of investment is the opportunity to enter the market with a relatively modest amount: many investors start by purchasing a small premises for rent and gradually increase their assets.

Rental business prospects

As in any other activity, the commercial space rental market has its own laws and subtleties that need to be taken into account when weighing everything pros and cons of rental business. Everything is perhaps not as simple as it is described in the rosy articles of realtors, but with a balanced approach it is more than possible.

In general, the picture looks like this. You purchase commercial premises or an apartment and then transfer it to non-residential premises, find a tenant and receive regular payment from him for the use of your property. When concluding a profitable long-term lease agreement, your worries are limited only to controlling the flow of funds.

The advantages are obvious:

    the possibility of obtaining stable passive income without particularly large start-up capital;

    minimal labor investment;

    with proper planning, the risk of losing money is reduced to almost zero;

    constantly growing demand for real estate for rent;

    almost one hundred percent liquidity.

Difficulties you may encounter in the rental business

As elsewhere, there are also some " underwater rocks" In essence, all the difficulties boil down to one question: the approach to choosing a suitable object should be as competent as possible. After all, the rental business has only one threat - idle space in the absence of tenants. That is why every detail must be taken into account initially: cost, location, condition of the object, market situation, trafficability of the place, etc.

Sometimes an investor has a chance to buy a ready-made and profitable rental business that already has permanent tenants, and sometimes it is wiser to consider a “raw” option that requires repairs or redevelopment. When looking for real estate, you will come across a pattern: when buying a cheap property, you will have to invest more in its improvement, and vice versa.

But the opportunities here are colossal. As the practice of Renaissance Investments shows, an unattractive at first glance semi-basement premises, the prospects of which inexperienced investors could not discern, can, with the right approach, become a real gold mine.

What then?

Good liquidity is another significant plus in favor of investing in real estate. If you urgently need funds, it is profitable to sell rental business in Moscow won't be difficult.

    Firstly, real estate prices in the capital have a steady upward trend.

    Secondly, established systems with existing tenants disappear on the market instantly. Investors highly value the opportunity to make quick profits without downtime at the start and are willing to pay for it - often much more than the amount you invested.

However, a well-organized rental business is so unpretentious in terms of “labor costs” that many entrepreneurs decide to keep it for themselves, even when moving abroad or changing their occupation.

If you're just taking your first steps into the world of real estate, it's a smart move to enlist the help of investment professionals . Just don’t make the common mistake and don’t contact ordinary realtors: after all, you’re not buying an apartment for your family, you’re buying a business.

Your goal is to find a proven consulting agency that specializes specifically in the rental business. Such organizations have their own database of profitable offers, are well acquainted with the intricacies of the industry, will carefully calculate the profitability of your investments and protect you from obviously losing options.

Ready rental business from D5invest. How it works?

When I made my first deal to buy a store in 2005, it was scary. First of all, because I, an experienced residential real estate agent, did not have a clear idea of ​​how to sell or buy a ready-made rental business. More than 12 years have passed since then and we have helped buy or sell a store more than 90 times. Today it is obvious to us that the market is selling ready-made business- the same understandable market as all niches in real estate. Dozens of non-residential premises with tenants are bought and sold in Russia every day. We know how to provide this process with maximum reliability, transparency, obtain decent conditions and neutralize all risks of loss of capital.

Fundamentally, the service for purchasing a ready-made business for our client works like this:

  1. the client purchases non-residential premises (square meters) in his own name or in his company
  2. the client enters into a long-term lease agreement with a grocery store tenant from the TOP-10 tenants in Russia
  3. receives constantly increasing rent once a month for 10 years.

This is a simple and understandable scheme that has been working in Russia and throughout the World since time immemorial. You have a premises where some business wants to operate. This business is willing to pay you rent for the use of your facility. Your task is to get the most favorable ratio of the funds invested in the purchase and the amount of rent you receive monthly. Experts on the Russian real estate market believe that the optimal ratio is approximately 1 to 100. That is, the lessor receives at least 1% of those monthly Money, which he invested in the purchase of the premises. In 8.5 years (100 months), you fully return your investment, while the property remains your property.

From this moment important nuances begin:

a) what kind of premises should I buy?

b) which tenant to choose?

c) how to avoid suffering from pitfalls in a lease agreement?

d) how to pay taxes and how much?

d) how to make a redevelopment?

f) what package of documents will I need?

g) what is my risk protection?

Why do we choose DIXY, Magnit, Pyaterochka companies for rental business?

We have witnessed two systemic crises in the Russian Federation. We have seen how people easily give up restaurants, expensive shopping, and entertainment. In 2008, it became obvious to us that only three directions would work stably in Russia, which we conventionally call: “eat”, “get medical treatment”, “die”. People will always be treated in a hospital, they will always buy bread and milk at the store near their home, they will always be ready to pay for a funeral. This means that such tenants will always earn money.

I have witnessed how owners of premises in “traffic areas” 2-3 times a year easily and quickly (in their words) re-let their property to a new tenant, because the old one went bankrupt. And these “passing places” became an uninteresting topic for me. Owners of premises in “passage areas” are confident that they have found The best decision of the possible. It sounds like this: “I have a liquid property in a walk-through location, if this tenant moves out, I will find a replacement within a week.”

And indeed, at first glance, it is easier to find a tenant on Vladimirsky Prospekt in St. Petersburg than on Murinskaya Road, but this is conditional and here’s why:

The price per square meter in the “passage area” of St. Petersburg is 250 000-500 000 rub. behind 1 square meter. Business that can pay 2500-5000 There are almost no rubles left for 1 square meter per month; such tenants can be counted on one hand. That is, your chances of getting the ratio 1 to 100 decrease sharply. Let's add here 1-3 months of rent that you lose with a new tenant (each new business will ask for benefits for repairs, rocking, etc.). Let's add here your participation in shows, negotiations, discussions, races and conventions. As a result, the profitability of your rental business decreases sharply, and your participation time increases.

Premises in “passage areas” offer a real yield of 5-7% per annum. Beautiful, liquid, historical city center, quickly rented out... But you didn’t decide to buy a rental business for the sake of these values? You wanted a yield of 11% per annum, not to participate in any processes, and have stable payments? If your thoughts are about stable income, reliability and freedom - then the ideal answer for you will be a ready-made rental business with a grocery store, and not premises in a “pass-through place”.

What are the advantages of grocery chains?

Our tenants are key grocery stores in Russia. Dixie, Pyaterochka, Magnit - Public companies, their shares are traded on stock exchanges, the companies are transparent, reporting is open, all payments are “white”, the business processes of these companies have been worked out more than 10 thousand times. They independently and at their own expense make repairs in your premises, investing from 8 million rubles, solve all maintenance issues, pay for everything themselves public utilities, resolve emergency issues regarding accidents or leaks. Bear full financial responsibility for your premises. Your task is very simple - issue an invoice once a month to receive a non-cash payment and conduct a reconciliation report once a quarter. To do this, you don’t even have to live in Russia. The rest of the time you just need to receive money.

Real estate objects under grocery store- these are large premises with an area of ​​350 square meters. As a rule, the purchase price per square meter of such premises is no more than 180,000 rubles, and the likelihood of receiving a rent of 1,800 rubles per month for such a square meter is significantly higher. As a rule, all the properties we offer are BETTER; by investing in them, you will fully return your funds in less than 7 years.

The Dixie, Magnit and Pyaterochka chains are very careful in choosing premises. The percentage of chain store closures is less than 0.1% (1 in 1000 stores). That is, they almost never close. Each object is subject to thorough inspection and evaluation. More than 20 specialists of the trading network check everything - from documents and technical condition to forecasts from the economic model. Commercial network will not invest 8 million rubles in opening a new store if he does not receive confidence at every stage: the store will operate stably and will earn money, in this location the store is very necessary for customers, the premises are in order, there are no problems. When purchasing a ready-made rental business with a Pyaterochka tenant, you can be sure that if Pyaterochka has signed a long-term lease agreement, the premises are absolutely clean, both legally and technically. The network lease agreement covers all situations. The working conditions are clear from the very beginning and you will never receive any unexpected news. In every standard and non-standard situation, it is clear who is responsible for what and who should do what. From fire to flooding of neighbors.

Economics of a ready-made rental business from D5INVEST:

This way of investing your capital is always better ANYONE bank deposit (both in terms of profitability and reliability. For example, your real estate property will never have its license taken away, like a bank). You receive a decent rent under a 10-year contract, with a planned increase in the rental rate for each year. You have official payments with the lowest tax - 6% . This is much more profitable than renting out apartments, more profitable and reliable than investing in construction according to the DDU. Remember that the stores of the three largest grocery chains in the Russian Federation are interchangeable (they have similar formats, areas, product matrix, business processes). And if the DIXY chain ever ceases to exist, Magnit and Pyaterochka will first of all want to open in established locations.

The market for the sale of ready-made rental businesses is no different from the market for secondary real estate. Buyers, sellers, tenants, agents. But the success of each event depends on the sum of these components. Every month we sell ready-made rental businesses in different cities of Russia, perhaps this week in your city. Call us for a free expert consultation.

Best regards, Semko Andrey, CEO OOO " D5invest»

Rental business – what is it? This is a real estate business, which, although not one of the most profitable and quickly paid back, is inferior in these indicators, for example, to fast food establishments or pawn shops, it is still quite profitable view activities. Currently, the average annual profitability of the rental business in Moscow is 11-15%, and the payback period ranges from 6 to 15 years.

Pros of rental business

The rental business has three undeniable advantages over others. The first is stability. No matter what crises are raging around, there will always be a demand for commercial and residential real estate. Of course, its fluctuations are possible, but, as statistics on changes in rental rates over the past 20 years show, periods of their decline in large cities are always short-term - a maximum of 2-3 years.

The second advantage of the rental business is reliability. Purchasing real estate is an investment that is not subject to the risk of depreciation in the medium to long term.

And thirdly, this is one of the few types of entrepreneurial activity that allows you to receive passive income. This does not mean that you will not have to do anything at all, but you will be spared the daily hustle and bustle, the constant strain of physical and emotional strength.

What is it customary to invest in?

There are three types of rental business - renting land, housing and commercial premises. The first type is still poorly developed in our country and is used mainly in agriculture.

Since the mid-2000s, for 10 years, Moscow and other large cities in Russia have seen a boom in investment in residential real estate. By purchasing an apartment and renting it out, the owner returned his investment in an average of 5 years. Now the situation has changed, this business is no longer so profitable. The reasons for this are the development of mortgage lending, a multiple increase in supply on the market, and measures currently being considered by legislators to limit or even ban daily rental housing.

On the market commercial real estate In Moscow, the crisis is ending, which led to a drop in rental rates by 10-30% in different segments compared to 2013. However, there was no mass “dumping” of commercial real estate. Already at the end of 2017, a slight increase in rental rates was noted; experts predict the development of this trend and, in general, further activation of the market. Taken together, the facts listed above indicate that a rather favorable period has begun for investors.

Rental business profitability level

If we consider the segments of this market from a strategic point of view, then, according to such reputable companies in the commercial real estate market as Knight Frank and JLL, the return on investment in offices and retail premises averages 9-10.5%, in warehouses a little higher - 11 -12.5%. But in any case, it is necessary to consider a specific object.

Most likely, there is no point in investing in office space in a large business center, in which there is not only sale, but also rent from the owner or developer. In this case, most potential tenants will prefer to rent the premises directly from the developer.

But sometimes it happens that a new business center is attractive to the tenant from all sides: it has excellent transport accessibility, luxurious decoration, and all the latest engineering systems, and a rich infrastructure, but there is one small problem... there is no rent here. The developer simply prefers not to deal with rent and sells all the premises. Anyone who wants to open their office in this particular place has only two options: either buy the premises themselves, investing a decent amount of money at once, or find a rentier who bought suitable premises, and rent from him. On such “especially sweet” properties, the return on investment in the rental business can reach 12, and in some cases even 14%.

An example is the Jazz Business Center from Sminex. It has everything: an ideal location on the first line of the Third Ring Road, proximity to the metro, which is only 200 meters away, and luxurious finishing using glazed terracotta, natural ceramics, travertine, brass and wood. In a word, everything you need for a solid representative office... everything except rent. An investment in such an object will most likely meet your expectations.


Passive income– this is what any sane person strives for today. Large entrepreneurs, office workers, and freelancers are constantly looking for new options for financial investments and calculating the most profitable ones.

In modern economic conditions Many investors are attracted to real estate, and many market analysts note that the rental business currently offers the most stable returns. Commercial properties are being rented quite willingly, and the share of residential tenants is also steadily growing, while the number of one-time purchase and sale transactions remains stagnant. We invite you to find out what a rental business is, understand its features and advantages, consider the principles of taxation and talk about the expected profitability.

Definition of rental business

A rental business is a type of activity associated with the lease of real estate owned by an investor and the receipt of appropriate fees from counterparties. It is quite difficult to classify it as one that quickly pays off and brings the highest profit, but the limited number of pitfalls and the noticeable stable profitability of the rental business, on average several percent higher than the profitability of bank deposits, allow it to gain popularity quite rapidly.

Rented real estate includes land, housing and commercial premises. Among the latter, offices are separately distinguished, outlets, warehouses and production bases. Someone provides for temporary use Technical equipment, cars, work equipment, etc., but such activities should be classified as another area.

How to open a rental business: key nuances

Like any other type of business, rental business involves not just jumping right off the bat, but lengthy and complex preparatory work. Careful calculation of risks, consideration of important factors, identification of requests potential clients, analysis of the activities of competitors and a number of other specific points - this is a standard set of tasks for the owner or person occupying leadership position at any enterprise. Before you start making money, you will have to spend a lot, and this is an axiom that does not require confirmation. And if the impetus for opening a business was not an accident, but a desire for development, you will have to work hard. But let's move from abstract representation to specifics.

How to start a rental business

To rent out a property, you must buy it. If we are talking about commercial premises, then their location is the most important factor, which you should pay attention to, since the future profitability of the entire business is largely determined by it.

It can be very difficult for a novice businessman to determine how profitable a particular area is: ideally, you should contact a specialist for professional advice or choose an option from a ready-made catalog. Try using our resource. A specialist can also help in preparing documentation for the property. There are cases when the transfer of real estate for rent is possible only with additional permits and conclusions from certain services. Competent support will significantly save time and effort when obtaining them.

Another important point, which pops up when opening a rental business is a tax issue. According to the standard agreement, the landlord undertakes to provide the tenant with premises for a certain fee, and periodic receipt of profit from the use of property on the basis of current Russian legislation is entrepreneurial activity. Rental income is legally taxed at the standard rate of 13%. It is quite possible to minimize these payments if you know how to optimize taxes in the rental business.

Tax optimization

Commercial real estate includes non-residential premises that can be used for commercial purposes. Lawyers distinguish several groups of commercial real estate:

If a novice entrepreneur decides to start a business, first of all it is necessary to properly prepare the premises for use by tenants. If necessary, repairs should be made that meet modern standards, the necessary communications should be connected, and much more.

How to file a case?

Such a step as registering a rental business (Federal tax service) – perhaps the most important. Accurate solutions for organizational form depend on the line of business itself. In other words, if a citizen rents out non-residential premises, he is obliged to pay income tax.

It is recommended to obtain individual entrepreneur status ( individual entrepreneur) , thanks to which a person will receive the right to conduct activities on completely legal grounds. Due to the fact that the profit from renting out commercial real estate will be small, according to the law, a citizen has the right to apply for a simplified form of taxation. It provides for the payment of taxes in the amount of 6% of total income.

To register a business for leasing commercial real estate, the following documents are required:

  • A copy of the founder's passport.
  • TIN (individual taxpayer number) of the founder.
  • Application authorized capital from 10,000 rub. When submitting the appropriate application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, a bank statement is provided where you need to open an account.
  • Formation of the company's charter. According to this documentation, the distribution of parts between the owners (if there are several of them), the official name of the company, and its legal address will be carried out.
  • Minutes of the founder's meeting (if there are several of them).
  • Decision on registration of an LLC (society with limited capabilities).

The period for registration of an individual entrepreneur is from 3 to 5 working days. It will take no more than 14 days from the date of application to complete and register LLC status.

We divide the rental area into parts

Not all clients are ready for office space: most need a certain part of it. So, for example, a bar-restaurant or a gaming club can be located in a hotel lobby. Moreover, both establishments are owned by different persons.

For several tenants to share the premises. Division - the cessation of the existence of a single object and its division into several separate objects, each of which will receive a unique cadastral number and individual documents to the right of ownership. According to the law Russian Federation, such objects become newly created, as a result of which, according to Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the owner receives the rights to dispose of them only after official registration.

Article 219 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Emergence of ownership rights to newly created real estate

Ownership of buildings, structures and other newly created real estate subject to state registration, arises from the moment of such registration.

According to the legislative standards of the Russian Federation, the division of a real estate property is permissible if one of the grounds exists:

  • Consent of all property owners to its division and assurance of writing at the notary.
  • Intervention by the courts.

Before competently dividing existing commercial real estate into parts and renting them out, the copyright holder is obliged to organize technical and cadastral records of the premises, as well as officially register the right to manage it. After registering the necessary part of the object in his name and registering the agreement with Rosreestr, he will be able to transfer it for rent.

To divide existing commercial real estate into parts, owners will need the following documents:

The owner will be able to purchase cadastral documents after contacting the authorized bodies and registering the property for cadastral registration. Since 2012 To install the premises for cadastral registration, you will need a detailed diagram of the building, which can be compiled by a highly qualified engineer.

It is worth noting that when subdividing commercial real estate, several technical plans must be provided. Document registration takes place within 18 days from the date of submission. After this period, the customer must contact the cadastral center and obtain documents (including a cadastral passport). In case of refusal to register, civil servants provide reasonable confirmation in writing.

After receiving cadastral documents, you must also obtain a certificate of ownership for each part of the premises. The most important and only document confirming ownership rights is the cadastral passport. It contains detailed information about the division of real estate and a technical plan drawn up in accordance with updated data.

You can invest in real estate in different ways and sizes: buy and resell apartments, rent out premises or open a real estate agency.

It is worth noting that not every average Russian citizen has access to this method of earning money - multi-million dollar investments are required. That is why commercial companies have and invest such large financial resources. Their privilege is to receive a loan for the project. Individual can also start a real estate business only if he has the necessary start-up capital.

Important! Purchasing housing during a period of growth guarantees the investor a multiple return on resale - by 10-15%. For the most part, this concerns those citizens who invested large material savings in this area in the 80-90s. XX century.

You shouldn’t expect a rush effect until 2020 – Russian market real estate has stagnated in a downward phase.

Calculation of possible profit, payback period and profitability level

Scheme for calculating possible profit from leasing real estate:

Assessing the attractiveness of a rental business is not a major task. For a correct calculation, it is enough to compare rental income with the cost of real estate - in the end you will get the payback period of the business, which is the main criterion for business in this area. Standard payback periods for commercial real estate range from 9 to 12 years. Real estate with a payback period of 7-8 years is difficult to find.

The optimal investment option is to buy real estate in new buildings. A less expensive option would be to purchase premises at the foundation pit stage. Thus, the savings will be at least 30%.

However, there are a lot of certain risks in the shared construction system. At an early stage, their likelihood is enormous. To reduce possible risks, you should choose developers with excellent experience and a proven reputation.

Where can I get start-up capital?

Get start-up capital Every citizen can develop a business. There are several ways to finance and find sponsors.

You can get start-up capital to start a business from a bank. The method is effective and popular. However, there is a huge disadvantage - risk. If things do not go in the right direction, then, in addition to a significant loss, the aspiring businessman will also receive a large financial debt. It is worth noting that Sberbank and Tinkoff provide loans for starting a business.

Reference! Government agencies involved in supporting small businesses can become a source of start-up capital. According to the federal system of self-employment, unemployed citizens can qualify for a subsidy in the amount of 60,000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Renting is the only type of business that provides legal passive income.


  • It is important to understand that income depends directly on the activities of tenants. Their activities should be monitored to ensure that the premises remain in good condition.
  • According to the provisions of the Ministry of Finance, the landlord is required to pay taxes in the amount of 15 to 17% of the amount received from the rent.
  • Inconstancy of tenants. The termination of the agreement can occur even if an official agreement is concluded, as a result of which the income traffic will temporarily stop, and the lessor will have to.
  • The presence of responsible tenants makes a business a high-quality and sought-after product that can be sold at any time and get a profitable financial position.
  • An annual increase in rent contributes to the successful prosperity and development of business.

If you have no experience in entrepreneurship, it is recommended to purchase a working ready-made business. The main advantage of this business is the conclusion of a contract with tenants interested in renewing the contract with a new partner.


Thus, the real estate rental business is an excellent source passive income. However, this area has its pitfalls: assessing all kinds of risks, completing documentation, start-up capital, etc. Proper organization business contributes to its active and favorable development.

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