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What to open in a small room. How to open your own business in a small town: ideas for making money

Many people who are planning to take up own business, they unfairly believe that they can only develop their business and make high profits in a big city. In fact, this is not true for several reasons, the main ones we will discuss below.

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First, let’s understand what business technologists mean by “small city.” This is considered a settlement that has up to 100 thousand inhabitants. It should be noted that in Russia there are only more than 83% of such cities, that is, business ideas for a small locality open up enormous prospects; opening your own business in a small city is much easier and more profitable.

Own business for a small town

Living in a small locality, there are many business opportunities. This is due to lower costs than in a metropolis and lack of competition.

Why is it needed?

By opening his own business in a small town, a businessman first of all gains independence and the opportunity to earn quite large sums.

At the same time, a considerable part of the money is saved due to the fact that starting a business in the provinces incurs much lower costs than in cities with a population of one million.

In addition, you can be the first in the city to offer certain services, in which case the absence of competitors will allow you to quickly expand and strengthen your business.

Differences from large cities

There are quite a lot of differences, and almost all of them benefit those who decide to start their own business in small town.

Let's take a closer look at some of them:

  • Residents of small towns tend to have low incomes. Therefore, unfold big business in such settlements it is not profitable (except for the opening of large enterprises that require labor);
  • The demand in such cities is for ordinary, familiar goods and products that we use every day. This allows you to expand your business in several directions at the same time;
  • Not a high investment at the start (low rent for premises, low salaries, low costs for promotions).

An important factor for successfully running a business in a small town is the reputation of a businessman. After all, residents often learn city news not from newspapers, but from neighbors and friends. Therefore, this aspect should be given special attention; measures to attract and retain customers are very important.

Best ideas 2014

Before deciding what business to open, let’s name a few of the most popular business ideas of this year.

Small business in the catering industry

A profitable business is opening a small cafe with affordable prices and familiar dishes. In small towns there are usually few such establishments, so they are very popular among residents.

This type of business is perhaps the most profitable. It will not require large expenses, and the self-sufficiency is quite high.

Mini cafe on wheels. Nowadays it is a fairly common type of business that is in demand. The assortment in such cafes is small; it is enough to offer several types of pancakes, hot dogs, and drinks. If the snacks are tasty and inexpensive, such a cafe will always be popular;

The canteen at the enterprise will be in demand - it does not always have its own catering station. By setting low prices and offering homemade dishes, there will always be customers in the dining room.


If one cafe seems not enough for you, try offering your clients to organize holidays, corporate events, weddings, setting a low price. In small cities there are unlikely to be many event agencies, so there is a chance of becoming a pioneer and a monopolist.

A club with a disco will be very popular among young people. To do this, you will need to rent a large room and equip it. Modest but tasteful is not your option; such an establishment most likely already exists in the city. But the real one night club with performances by metropolitan DJs - this will attract the public. In such a club you can hold themed parties, games, and events. There you can also offer your clients training in various courses (music, singing, dancing, etc.)

During the daytime, you can arrange in the same club.


The service sector will never lose relevance from the point of view of a business project: investments are minimal, the main thing is to have the necessary skills.

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Unusual but successful examples

An example of an unusual, but quite successful business is chinchilla breeding. Last years This animal has become very popular; it is raised not only to make expensive fur coats for women, but is also kept as a pet. A Moldovan businessman who started this type of business notes that the investments are minimal, but the income exceeded all his expectations.

Some aspiring businessmen figure out what to do just on the fly. An original way to make money was founded by American fitness instructor Kristen Horler; she developed a training program for women who had recently become mothers, and the classes were held right in the park.

This idea did not foretell large incomes, but quickly began to be in demand among city residents.

The price per lesson was set significantly lower, so the client base expanded very quickly and brought good income. Today, these are quite popular courses that are attended by a large number of young mothers. This type of earnings can also take place in small towns in Russia. Many young women will be carried away by the idea of ​​playing sports without leaving their children to relatives.

Ethnic tourism is gaining increasing popularity. Today it is difficult to surprise with resorts on the sea coast; many businessmen prefer to relax in remote picturesque corners of Russia.

For example, excursions to Lake Baikal are in great demand, where you can enjoy the nature and beauty of the region without fuss.

Many people go on vacation to Kamchatka and Karelia. If your town has similar attractions, you can arrange excursions and even accommodation in tents.

About 80% of the Russian population lives outside the capital and regional centers. Rumors that it is impossible to create a profitable business in the periphery are greatly exaggerated. The article provides five examples of quite successful businesses, and notes characteristics provincial cities.

The answer to the question of what business to open in a small town cannot be unambiguous. In addition to the general characteristics inherent in small administrative centers, each of them has its own unique features. When counting on the success of an enterprise, it is necessary to take into account both groups of influencing factors as fully as possible. As life shows, the advantages in this regard are on the side of the local residents. In contrast to the “alien Varangians” who develop a new territory by trial and error.

Pros and cons of a small town

Two professors High school economics: Simon Kordonsky and Yuri Plyusnin, in 2011-2014, made 30 field expeditions, studying the provincial cities of the Russian hinterland. The results of the study were announced in June of this year as part of round table « Russian society outside big cities».

Hence the conclusion: there are prospects anywhere. The main thing: when choosing which business to open in a small town, all ideas need to be considered through the prism of specific local characteristics.

General specifics of small towns

  • one, less often two city-forming enterprises;
  • low-rise buildings, low population density;
  • low incomes and solvency of residents;
  • high level of administrative "press".

At first glance, all of the above limits the choice of business idea. But on the other hand, these same factors provide some advantages: low start-up capital investments, no large advertising costs and a relatively low level of competition.

An example is the federal retail chains: "Magnit", "Seventh Continent" and others. Despite widespread development in large cities, in the periphery they, as a rule, do not receive the expected profit. In small towns, they lose their main advantage: the savings from population density, which reduces their costs, and displace small retail outlets within their small radius of influence. Besides, average salary residents of small towns are 5-7 times lower than even the regional level, which significantly reduces trade turnover from 1 sq. m. and the amount of the average bill. Lack of knowledge of the local market and consumer tastes also plays a role.

Administrative support, as a rule, receives socially oriented: educational, sports, cultural, health projects. When developing a trading business, you need to take into account the interests of local producers. In general, the authorities are interested in developing those types of activities, the income from which goes to the local budget.

What business ideas to pay attention to

If you intend to open your own business in a small town or village, it would not be superfluous to ask what small and medium-sized enterprises in Russia do in general (Fig. 1).

Even at a quick glance, everything is obvious. About 40% of emergency services are occupied retail trade, catering, household repairs. Under “others” are hidden: hotels, restaurants and cafes; housing and communal services, education; entertainment, tourism. How to assess the prospects of this or that idea, to understand which business is the most profitable in a small town?

main feature business ideas for a small city: it must take into account local specific factors, both positive and negative.

In most cases, the bet turns out to be successful:

  • to local flavor, unique nature: organization of non-standard tours, including agritourism, which is gaining popularity; horse breeding; opening of a mini-hotel;
  • on historically established habits: fishing and fish breeding, production of dairy products, potatoes - in agricultural areas; knitting production in areas where goats and sheep are raised.
  • to meet the modern needs of the population: private kindergartens, cafes, paintball clubs, entertainment for children, development and sports centers.

The services offered must solve pressing, vital problems of city residents. Practicality and benefit are the main criteria for choosing a business idea for a small town, and not its pretentiousness or exclusivity.

A separate topic is services for business. Surprisingly, they are in demand! For accountants, economists, lawyers, experts in various industries, this is a poorly filled and very promising niche. This is shown by the results of a survey recently conducted by the Small Business Resource Center (Fig. 2). The project was implemented using the example of three cities: Suvorov (20,126 people), Buturlinovka (26,241 people) and Ostrogozhsk (32,310 people).

The biggest gap is in legal advice. There is no company providing such services in any of these cities.

Is successful business in the periphery a reality? Yes!

The examples below are taken from real life. This is a clear illustration of everything that was said above.

Private kindergarten "Umka"

City of Sibay, Bashkiria, 62 35 inhabitants.;

Ilmira Gatiyatova directly faced a problem when she was unable to go to work: there was no place for her 2.5-year-old daughter in kindergarten. 6 months passed from the birth of the idea to its implementation. 200,000 rubles of their own funds were invested in the organization, and 300,000 were received from the city budget under the program to support small and medium-sized businesses. The private kindergarten is the first and so far the only one in the city. There are 30 children attending it, and 50 parents have already signed up for the waiting list. In the video below, the entrepreneur talks about his experience.

The Ministry of Labor has prepared a bill that is under consideration. It will allow using maternity capital funds to pay for private kindergartens and individual entrepreneurs supervising and caring for children. If the law is adopted, this type of business will receive an additional impetus for development.

Interesting franchise: Baby Way - an innovative technique for raising children.

Consulting in a small town?

Engineering group "Compass"

G. Glazov Udmurtia, 94,610 inhabitants.

In Europe and the USA, about 90% of small and more than 50% of medium-sized enterprises use the services of accounting firms. In Russia there is still much less, but the number of people interested is constantly growing. The educational and methodological center "Compass" grew out of small company engaged in the provision of legal services, accounting, consulting on issues commercial activities. The organization was created in 2002, and now it is already a group of companies. Its partners and clients include largest enterprises region. In 2008, the Expert RA rating agency assigned the company a V quality rating. Its director Andrey Anatolyevich Makarov was recognized in 2010 best entrepreneur city ​​in the “Services” category.

Uryupinsk: “Russia is a province - a hole”?

The town is located in the south of the Volgograd region, population - 39,171 people. Two years ago, he officially registered the brand “Capital of the Russian Province”. The following three examples of successful businesses show that enterprising people find business everywhere.

Let's replace Polish apples with Russian ones

In 2007, a young entrepreneur Nikolai Sayutin purchased one of the apple orchards abandoned in the 90s. The mild climate makes it possible to grow excellent apples here, and over the past years, the renovated orchards have entered a time of active fruiting. Taking into account the policy of import substitution, the entrepreneur hit the bull’s eye. A video from local Uryupinsk TV shows the whole process in detail.

The entrepreneur organized waste recycling

The enterprise, created by Ali Ibragimov in 2010, is thriving - there is plenty of garbage in the city. It makes a profit and employs 10 workers. There is a loader, two presses. Aluminum cans, waste paper, plastic bottles. So far it is the only one in the city, but there are plans to expand services in the housing and communal services sector. In what areas is kept secret from future competitors. B.zYu

Knitting enterprise LLC "Uzory"

Small business organized by Raisa Kazimirova in 2000. It employs 10 homeworkers, 7 knitters, 3 spinners. Uryupinsk is the only place in Russia where goats with a fluff length of up to 13 cm are bred (the vaunted Orenburg ones, according to locals, have it shorter). Nowadays, Vyacheslav Zaitsev, Andrey Malakhov, and members of the Ryzhkov and Chubais families are wearing products from Uryupinsk. For his 55th birthday, Putin was given down underpants, a T-shirt with the inscription “I’ll give up everything, I’ll go to Uryupinsk” and socks. Ranked " The best gifts President”, compiled by the newspaper “Trud”.

There are only 5 examples, and small and medium-sized cities in Russia - more than 80% of total number. There is a field for activity, if there is a desire.

An important condition for organizing a business in a small town is low initial costs. In a special section of the Moneymaker Factory, we have collected 45 projects with investment amounts starting from 15,000 thousand rubles. Here you will find real stories beginners and successful businessmen, examples of business plans and interesting ideas.

Are you new to business? Maneuver among pitfalls the existing structure is quite difficult. Let's introduce a few possible options: production, trade, services.

These are the areas where competition is fiercest. However, it is in these areas that a small business can successfully compete. Since to enter a niche, for example, financial and banking services or construction, you need to have quite a significant start-up capital.

So, you have decided to set off on a free voyage. Having chosen a field of activity in which you are able to make specific efforts with a real prospect of income, having selected a team of like-minded people, you take the first step: you need to decide on the location.

The direction of activity plays a significant role. Further success depends on this. For example, if you open outlet or a catering establishment, it is necessary to take into account the traffic factor.

If you have a ready-made business premises in mind, it is easier to decide on the scope of the included services. What is always in demand among potential consumers?

  • Public catering. The restaurant business is a rather serious area that requires organizational skills. Here you need to have at least two rooms - a general one and one for VIPs. Business in a small room is organic, for example, in the case of arranging a compact and cozy bistro, a mini kitchen for making donuts and other simple confectionery, a store with an assortment of the most necessary products for everyday use;
  • Sphere of beauty. These can be a variety of hairdressing salons, mini beauty salons with a regular clientele, solariums that are in off-season demand;
  • The sphere of everyday life. Extremely popular business V basement apartment buildings - workshops for minor repairs wardrobe items: clothing, shoes, accessories and leather goods;
  • The sphere of art and luxury. Certain urban areas benefit from locating antique shops or jewelry makers.

The application of your own efforts depends solely on the capabilities, abilities and desires of the small business representative. You have taken the first step - you have chosen a room.

What needs to be taken into account in the future to successfully maneuver in a sea of ​​fierce competition? The answer on the surface is the financial component.

Cost of renting non-residential premises

This factor depends on many nuances. Location: premises close to central areas with high level cross-country ability, are several orders of magnitude more expensive than similar ones, but in residential areas or on the outskirts of the city.

Infrastructure is of great importance. How close is the store to bus stops? public transport. Alternatively, the structure of the residential sector - apartment buildings are usually inhabited by potential buyers.

Therefore, the possibility of making a decent profit, for example, from the sale of fresh and high-quality food products is extremely high.

An important factor is the status of the owner. Non-residential premises can be: city, federal, private. Both the rental algorithm and the final cost depend on this. Let's look at examples.

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Non-residential premises owned by the city

Start: take part in a competition for the right to rent premises from a non-residential property. This is the most profitable option for entrepreneurs. Since, usually, the final cost is an order of magnitude lower than the market price.

It is worth considering that specialized competitions focus on such factors as real benefits for the city. Therefore, it is necessary to outline a clear plan for structural development.

For example, a store should not disturb the landscape; the façade should be designed in the general style of the surrounding buildings. Outdoor advertising placed in such a way as not to cause inconvenience to the inhabitants of the area.

This especially applies to remote shields. If an entrepreneur expects to open a 24-hour establishment, then it is necessary to pay attention to the peace of mind of the residents of the area. All these nuances will be considered by the competition committee.

Non-residential premises in federal ownership

In this case, an appraiser is invited to draw up a reasoned basic estimate. Usually, the cost is close to the market price.

Non-residential premises in private ownership

You need to focus on market value at this moment. The lease agreement is short-term with the possibility of extension. Advantages: the final price includes utilities, cleaning and other services.

The tenant does not spend own funds for repairs and maintenance Maintenance non-residential premises, since this is the responsibility of the owner.

How to rent non-residential premises

There are several options. Which one is most acceptable is up to the tenant to decide. Everything depends on the situation. Usually, there are a lot of class A offers on the market. These are elite premises with a fairly significant rental rate. However, small businesses do not always need such space. Class B enjoys in great demand Accordingly, it can be difficult to find what you need in the non-residential real estate market.

In this case, it is best to turn to professionals. Realtors will select an option suitable for each specific case. Payment for specialist services is determined depending on the final cost of the rented premises.

Typically, the rate is 50% of the monthly rent. Alternatively, the realtor can set a fixed rate. This is cost-effective in cases where the proposed activity is specific and the premises must be equipped accordingly, which makes searching difficult.

Duration of the lease agreement for non-residential premises

This is extremely important point, which you should pay special attention to. What's the nuance? There is such a thing as state registration rent.

Typically, such an act is performed if the premises are rented for a period of more than 12 months. How to avoid this formality? Conclusion of a lease agreement for a period of 11 months. Typically, this is practiced by owners of privately owned premises.

Significant disadvantage: change in rate. At the end of the lease period, the owner can increase the price. No one is immune from this, since the contract is concluded for a certain period.

And further extension is possible with a new fixation of the rental rate. Therefore, it is more profitable to enter into long-term contracts. However, this is not always possible with a private space.

Anyone who rents or leases non-residential premises needs:

If you have non-residential premises that can be used for business, the most optimal solution is a franchise:

Rent of non-residential premises for a store

A store is always profitable in the long term. Naturally, subject to competent marketing. Retail premises may be intended for implementation non-food products and for food trade.

Each option has its own nuances. But in any case, the store implies a constant influx of potential visitors. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the regulatory requirements of regulatory structures.

It is important to know a few basic nuances that should be recorded in the lease agreement:

  • The parties and grounds of the agreement are clearly stated;
  • Description of the leased object includes: actual location address, name - full or partial premises, inventory number, functional purpose - store, actual area;
  • Fixed rate;
  • Methods of transferring a leased property;
  • A clearly defined period with the possibility of extension or lack thereof.

Watch the video: When renting a room turns into a headache

Rent of non-residential premises in Tyumen

Renting premises for small businesses in the non-residential sector is most acceptable with the help of professionals. This can guarantee protection from numerous incidents, which in the future will lead to expenses that were not predicted in advance.

As a rule, the consultant will introduce you to the basic assortment offered. In case of special wishes from the client, the agency will conduct marketing research market and select what you need.

By collaborating with colleagues in the real estate industry, realtors have the opportunity to quickly find premises of the exact class that will suit the client in each specific case. This is an undoubted advantage that is worthy of the costs required to pay for the services of professionals.

Alternatively, you can find the required premises on specialized online sites. Landlords regularly update their offer database. This may save money but prolong search time.

In small towns, life is more relaxed, the way of life is traditional, and the population is not very wealthy. But this does not mean that you cannot open your own business here.

These people are no different from residents of megacities. They also want to eat deliciously, dress beautifully and be able to relax in comfort. This means that organizing your own profitable business in a small town is quite possible.

In demand in small towns daily goods, domestic services. Investments here can be minimal; the low cost of rent allows you to develop several areas of activity at once.

Your main task is to correctly determine which business will bring profit and which will not take root at all.

It must be said that business in a small town is no different. The same economic mechanisms operate here as in the metropolis. The success of any enterprise is determined by several factors, such as:

  • profitability;
  • competitiveness;
  • quality of goods and services;
  • personnel qualifications;
  • convenient location.


The first thing to start with is market monitoring. Find out what goods and services citizens are more interested in and what is missing. In this case, you need to focus not on personal feelings, but on the needs of the future target audience.

If your city is dominated by middle-aged and elderly people, a pharmacy will be more profitable than your own nightclub.

Take a look at your competitors: who they are, what range of services they offer, what distinguishes their pricing policy.

If you can give your customers more, better and cheaper, feel free to start working. Not sure you can handle it? Then it's better to do something else. Look for free niche and you will dictate your terms.

Quality of goods and services

The quality and price of goods depend on manufacturers and suppliers.

One of the first things you should ask before opening your business in a small town is the opportunity to purchase products at reasonable prices close to home.


The professionalism of employees decides a lot. No matter how chic the interior is, a cafe without a good chef, or a store without a polite, competent salesperson, is unlikely to exist.

Finding a place to locate a store, club or hairdresser is a very difficult task. Hardly potential clients They themselves will sacrifice time to learn about you.

Therefore, you will have to take care of being closer to the target audience yourself. As you know, rent in the city center is more expensive, so with a reasonable approach you can save on this. It is not at all necessary to open your own store; you can rent a small area in a shopping center.


If you decide to do your business not for fun, then your goal is profitable business. It is quite difficult to determine what the profit margin will be.

Even when calculating using the example of a similar enterprise or production, it will not be possible to give exact figures. Therefore, it would be more correct to take into account the lowest indicator.

Such a question as business ideas for a small town worries a large number of people in any country in the world, including ours.

If no more than 100,000 people live in a settlement, then it is considered not a very suitable place for entrepreneurial activity, since there is a high chance of simply not finding your client or buyer. Small towns usually have modest average salaries, deficit active population, and this calls into question even the most sound plans and calculations.

But not everything is as sad as it might seem at first glance. If you approach the matter wisely and show some dexterity, which is simply mandatory for an entrepreneur, then even in settlements with a population of 20, 30 or 60,000 people you can find your niche and make good money.

Features of doing business in small towns

If you are a resident of a small locality, but do not want to give up the idea of ​​becoming a businessman, then the very first thing you need to do is understand the key features of competent business activities in your region. There are both pros and cons here.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  1. A small number of people cannot truly create high demand even for the highest quality products. The question of what to trade is very acute here. They won’t often buy new cars from you.
  2. Limited opportunities for partnerships. If a person plans to produce or create something, then he will have to travel far away for components and materials, which increases costs.
  3. You need to correctly calculate the quantity of goods offered. If, for example, these are agricultural products, they may deteriorate over time, so it is important to provide as many products as the local market can absorb.

Among the advantages, the following points can be noted:

  1. A small town means a minimum of competitors and possible problems with industry giants. Here, even a product of mediocre quality can be quite in demand.
  2. Organizing production will not be so expensive - renting premises will not require large investments, modest salaries for employees will also play into the hands of the entrepreneur.

Taking this into account, you can protect yourself as much as possible and protect yourself from the rapid collapse of even the most productive ideas.

What business to start in a small town

It is very important to immediately outline those areas that will bring in such an area maximum benefit. What type of activity should you engage in so that it brings a stable profit?

Obviously, it is not worth organizing a car production plant in a town of 40,000 people, just like opening a company for organizing flights to the moon.

The most cost-effective business will be the one that is aimed at the majority of residents or a significant part of it.

There is no need to invent something exotic - a traditional type of activity can bring maximum benefits. Residents of the capital and large cities are fed up with the abundance of offers around, but in a small settlement everything is different - even a simple good grocery store with familiar products or an experienced tiler can have constant demand for their activities.

It is worth noting: Of course, it’s difficult to come up with a win-win option, because there are risks everywhere, but if you do everything wisely, then even the most banal things can “work” and be beneficial.

Business for women in a small town

Representatives of the fairer sex are traditionally considered less inclined to active entrepreneurial activity, but they often achieve great success in this direction.

Good result in small business A resident of a small locality can also get it, but for this, again, you need to find your own business. Which one is a pressing question.

What can a woman do, what can a representative of the fair sex reveal? Many things, for example:

  1. A good job for a woman can be making some things, sewing clothes, handicrafts, knitting beautiful tablecloths for the table, or designing bed linen.
  2. The issue of making delicious food is always relevant. You can bake cakes, beautiful decorative cookies, pies and other delicacies that the population will buy in small quantities for the dinner table, and in large quantities for various red days of the calendar.
  3. Class agriculture. Many housewives found themselves working on the land. In breeding various birds. This is a troublesome business, but it can provide significant financial profit.

There are others interesting options– it all depends on the skill and desire of each individual woman.

What store to open in a small town

The traditional option for doing business in a small town is opening a store.

To start your own business and not burn out from the very first days of work, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  1. It is necessary to choose a product that can be traded with minimal competition, but it must be in demand among people.
  2. You should not get involved in incomprehensible and complex things, for example, trying to open a pharmacy. This is the area of ​​activity large corporations, and daredevils who decide to engage in such amateur activities can pay severely for such a decision.
  3. You just need to take a closer look at the typical needs of people and open the appropriate store. What people go to a big city for is high-quality and varied food, fresh modern clothes, interesting children's toys, some inexpensive electronics. All this may well be popular everywhere.

Business without investment in a small town

How to start your own business and not invest a penny in it? The question is complex, but there are options here too.

Here are some of them:

  1. If you have the premises and certain skills, you can organize repairs of automobile and motorcycle equipment there.
  2. Repair computer equipment, gadgets, which are now in great demand.
  3. Installation of various household electronics and its repair (air conditioners, hoods, TVs, satellite dishes, office equipment and much more).
  4. A woman can open her own hairdresser or makeshift beauty salon right at home - do manicures, beautiful haircuts and other beauty services.

There are various projects that do not require investment and they are all interesting in their own way.

Ideas for a profitable business in a small town

Let's move from theory to practice - so what small business create a town for 20,000 - 100,000 people, where to start so that it brings good earnings?

Here are some great ideas:

  1. Trade in food, clothing, and household essentials. Vegetables and fruits, meat products, milk, inexpensive wardrobe items, various Consumables for the household: nuts, bolts, grinder wheels, nails, building materials, etc. People need all this all year round: winter and summer.
  2. An excellent option for individual entrepreneurs is the provision of repair services. Plastering, puttying, laying tiles, installing windows and doors, laying paving stones in the yard - your enterprise will be in demand, since all this is always of interest to the population.
  3. In the service sector, the population needs to look at demand - if it is sufficient, then you can open your own hairdresser, beauty salon or something like that.
  4. What else can you make money on? You can create your own thematic forum or even an online store on the Internet. Minimum investment and reach a huge audience far beyond your hometown.
  5. Rental business. If you have a couple of apartments or a garage that are not used for personal business, then why not rent them out to another family for use. This will bring, albeit small, but constant, noticeable income.
  6. Tutoring. If you have knowledge and know how to share it, you can open your own tutoring school to prepare children for admission to universities. There will be few competitors, but the demand for such help always exists, even for small town this type of activity is relevant.
  7. You can open your own bar or cafe, create an unusual interior and an interesting menu. There are practically no entertainment facilities in small towns; people want to better organize their leisure time, so demand will be guaranteed.
  8. Making small construction company. 2-3 experienced people are enough, and the company is ready - you can carry out repairs of any complexity and make good money.
  9. Creation of water wells. Many people in the private sector do not have access to centralized system water supply, and they need to create a personal source. You can organize your own company and, at the request of residents, equip water wells for them.
  10. Buy a 3D printer and use it to make various interesting things, toys for children, custom parts, etc. It’s a business without large investments, simple and profitable in the long term.

These are the ideas for your own business from scratch that can be implemented in small settlements. A mini-enterprise will not bring in millions, but it can become an interesting business for beginners, bringing a stable decent income.

What to produce or what to sell, in what quantities, what initial investments to make - everyone must decide for themselves. The most important thing to remember is that with the right and thoughtful approach, almost any business can make a profit.

We bring to your attention a video that may help you make a choice in business for a small town: