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A business conversation on the phone is an example of a dialogue. Business communication over the phone: how to conduct a conversation correctly

A. - Hello. Intercongress Center.

B. - Hello. Radiotechnical University. Mironova Olga. I called you yesterday regarding the symposium.

A. – Good afternoon. I'm hearing you.

B. – Can you provide us with premises for one hundred thirty to one hundred and forty people?

A. - Yes. We can book a conference room for you with one hundred and fifty seats.

B. – This suits us, thank you. How to rent furniture?

A. – The application must accurately indicate the names of all items and their quantity.

B. – How can I send you an application?

A. – You must send to our address letter of guarantee. In it you will indicate all types of services and their costs.

B. - I see. The letter can be sent either by mail or by fax.

A. - Yes.

B. – And in how many days will you receive it?

A. – The letter usually takes two to three days.

B. – This is quite a long time.

A. – You can send it by express, then it will come to us within two hours.

B. – That’s what we’ll do. Thank you very much for the comprehensive information.

A. - Please. All the best.

American businessman H. McKay believes that “any person who maintains telephone contact with you will be pleased knowing what time he can find you. That’s why during business negotiations, always inform him about this.”

Questions for self-control

1. Why do you need to speak competently on the phone?

2. What does it mean to “work through” a conversation?

3. What questions should you prepare answers to before a business conversation?

4. What influences the success of a business conversation?

5. What are the features of a business telephone conversation?

6. How to properly prepare for a business conversation on the phone?

7. What elements does competent telephone communication include when we're talking about about the caller?

8. What elements does a competent answer on the phone include?

Exercise 1

Task 2

You are calling a new (old) client whose needs and tastes are unknown (known) to you. You need:

· win over the client;

· convince him to place an order.

Task 3

You need to remind yourself after a long break. How do you structure a conversation over the phone? How will a telephone conversation depend on the type of partner? Give two or three different situations. Play them out in pairs.

Task 4

The group breaks into pairs and conducts telephone conversations following situations: clinic, magazine editorial office, dean's office, bank, store, foreign consulate.

The topic of the conversation is arbitrary, but the following conditions must be observed: conduct the conversation competently, ask only one question, using a minimum number of words.

Then the interlocutors change roles and again conduct a conversation in given situations.

Task 5

Couples are encouraged to demonstrate their ability to talk on the phone. They ask three sequential (logically related) questions in the following situations: car service center, theater, warranty workshop, hairdresser, dolphinarium. Questions can be prepared in advance. the main task– conduct a conversation correctly, using a minimum number of words. At the end of each conversation, a joint analysis is carried out.

Task 6

At home, sit down on the phone and, using our recommendations, call 5-7 institutions. Count how many of them contain professional “defendants.” Analyze your conversations. Have you made many mistakes? In the future, try to avoid such mistakes.

J By the way, when you smile during a conversation, your voice becomes more pleasant J

Lesson 3. Discussion

He who convinces too hard will not convince anyone.

Nicola Chamfort,

French moral writer

Every business person, no matter what type of activity he is engaged in, must be able to competently and effectively discuss vital problems, prove and convince, defend his point of view with reason and refute the opinion of his opponent.

Dispute as a species business communications widely used when discussing disagreements, in a situation where there is no consensus on the issue under discussion. Argument is the science of persuasion. Persuasion is a method of influencing the consciousness of an individual through appealing to his own critical judgment.

The result of persuasion is considered successful when the partner is able to independently justify the decision made, evaluate its positive and negative aspects, as well as the possibilities and consequences of other options and decisions.

Persuasion is more effective:

within the framework of one need;

· with low intensity of emotions;

· with an intellectually developed partner.

In the process of persuasion, you can use the following schemes:

· statement of the problem, its place among others, relevance and deadline for solution, necessity of solution, solution options, their advantages and disadvantages, consequences, necessary means, costs, other conditions;

· increasing the value of the advantages of the proposal and decreasing the value of its disadvantages; increasing the value of a given option and decreasing the value of alternative options;

· persuading a partner by presenting him with different points of view;

· the principle of gradual coverage: break the proposal into stages and move sequentially, seeking agreement at each of them. Another application of this principle: before an upcoming meeting with several participants, first discuss your issue with each participant separately and obtain their consent;

· as a programming technique, you can ask a question with emphasis (usually to the point) and not require an immediate answer. After some time, the question itself will arise in the partner’s thoughts and make him think.

Dispute Rules

1. You can only discuss an issue that both sides understand well. Do not argue about what is too close (affects the interests of the parties) and too far (it is difficult to judge).

2. It is necessary to agree on the subject of the dispute with the opponent.

3. Strictly adhere to the issue under discussion, do not stray from the subject of discussion. Conduct a debate around the main thing, do not waste time on specifics.

4. Techniques of psychological pressure should not be allowed: becoming “personal”, etc.

5. Take a certain position. Show integrity, but not stubbornness.

6. Observe the ethics of polemics: calm, restraint, goodwill.

Dispute tactics

1. Arrange the arguments in the following order: the strongest ones are at the beginning of the argumentation, and the strongest one is at the end of it. In a dispute, the strongest argument for persuasion is the one that seems most convincing to the partner, because affects his feelings and interests.

2. Expose the opponent’s possible arguments, anticipate the arguments. This allows you to disarm the enemy before the attack.

3. Delaying the answer to a tricky question, answering at the right moment.

4. Effectively refute secondary arguments.

Types of arguments

Arguments vary in the degree to which they influence people's minds and feelings.

The business sphere involves active communication between people: employees, colleagues, partners, clients and potential clients. If it is not possible or necessary to discuss important issues in person, they usually resort to the help of products scientific and technological progress: e-mail, social networks, corporate chats, telephone.

Today we’ll take a closer look at business communication over the phone.

The importance of the telephone in the life of a modern person

With the advent of the telephone in people's lives, communication has taken on a whole new level. If previously, in order to talk, you had to meet, then the telephone made it possible to resolve some important issues or just chat while being at a certain or even quite a huge distance. Of course, this was a novelty for the first users, and many inhabitants of the Middle Ages would probably have burned at the stake anyone who would have suggested that this was possible.

But time does not stand still - telephones began to change, and telephone communications- improve. Nowadays we have smartphones and even smart watches at our disposal, with which we can also contact someone.

Unfortunately, technological progress does not guarantee that progress occurs in human relationships. That a person is talking to someone using a very expensive smartphone newest model, does not mean that he automatically becomes a pleasant interlocutor. Everything is decided by the culture of speech and the vocabulary used during a conversation. Especially when it comes to communication in business.

What does "business communication" mean?

To begin with, it will outline what the business sphere as a whole is. First of all, this is the sphere of business and entrepreneurship.

In addition, the definition of the business sphere includes any activity related to the provision of services, the sale of goods, the conclusion of an agreement (oral or written - it does not matter) regarding any issue.

Business conversation, talking on the phone and corresponding by mail now have a special connection, since it is easier for people to call or write to ask their question than to waste time traveling to talk to consultants in person.

The current situation with telephone communication in business

With the development of the Internet, the emergence of many applications and instant messengers for communication, the telephone era began to gradually fade away in the business sphere. Nowadays they prefer to communicate through email, corporate chat (for example, in the Bitrix system - one of the most popular for business in this moment), social media.

The telephone is still the most commonly used contact for an organization for customers to call. Employees can resolve work issues among themselves in a way that suits them.

Company management can set its own rules regarding communication. Surely you have often come across phrases in job advertisements like “communication takes place through the Bitrix system”, “we delegate tasks using Google Docs”, “if you successfully pass the interview, we add you to the general chat” and so on. Perhaps these rules were established for months or years on the principle of “it just happened that way” - the first employees were simply comfortable communicating this way, and later it became a tradition.

In other words, no one refuses telephone communication - it is still relevant today, despite the emergence of other means of communication. Therefore, it is important to know the principles of telephone communication.

Differences between telephone and face-to-face communication

When meeting in person, we see the gestures and facial expressions of the interlocutor: this helps us better, easier and faster form an opinion about him and the impression of the conversation. Communication during a meeting makes the task especially easier if people are agreeing on something (on the supply of goods, on the provision of services, on hiring or firing, and so on).

In addition, if there is a need to explain or confirm something, during a face-to-face conversation we can use gestures, which is pointless when talking on the phone. No, you can, of course, but your interlocutor won’t see it. Although, there is an undeniable advantage to this: you can “make faces” at your boss as much as you like with impunity, the main thing is to stop in time so that it does not become a habit.

Classification of formal communication

Types of business communication by phone:

  • Conversation with clients.
  • Negotiations with partners.
  • Conversation with subordinates.
  • Conversation with employees.
  • Conversation with potential clients.
  • Answering complaints, solving problems.

Features of etiquette for business communication over the phone

It turns out that if you speak on the phone with a smile, a positive attitude is transmitted and felt by the interlocutor. In any case, business telephone etiquette requires mutual respect. Even if one of the parties for some reason does not behave very correctly, a well-mannered person will not allow himself to sink to the level of rudeness and banal rudeness.

Many companies have a technology for business communication over the phone: so-called “scripts”, examples of how to talk with clients on different situations. There are usually no such “scripts” if a conversation with partners or suppliers is expected.

Differences between a business conversation on the phone and an informal one

It implies an absolutely free form of expression of thoughts. Yes, there are rules (for example, do not call late and do not disturb a person with numerous calls when it is clear that he is busy), well-mannered people follow them.

Features of business communication over the phone have more strict rules. However, practice shows that following them significantly affects the work process.


Ethics for business communication over the phone involves following general rules.

Examples of proper telephone conversations

Business communication over the phone: examples of how to build a conversation correctly and incorrectly.

Call the publisher.


Hello, publishing house "Let's publish you", manager Olga. How can I help you?

Good afternoon, I would like to know about your services.


Please specify what services you are interested in? We offer publishing and promotion of books, proofreading and editing of manuscripts, layout, cover design, printing of circulation and advertising products.

I would like to print books and leaflets.


We print books from 10 pieces and a set of leaflets from 100 pieces. If the book was designed by our specialists, then a discount on printing is provided.

Call a law office.


Good afternoon, Lawyers Here.

Your employee drew up a bad contract for me! All the points that I need are not written down there! I will complain if you don't return my money!


I understand your disappointment. Please, let's calm down and try to figure it out. Could you come to the office with a copy of the agreement?


Good afternoon, Aurora company, my name is Igor.



Tell me please, who am I talking to? How can I introduce you?


I'm Max, supplying coolers to your office.


Got you. Unfortunately, Viktor Sergeevich is not in the office right now; he will be back in about two hours. Please call back around 17:00.


OK, thank you.

Examples of incorrect business conversations on the phone

Call the publisher.


Hello, I would like to print books and leaflets.


Should we print it?

Maybe. Can you tell us about your conditions and prices?


Everything is written on the website.

There are no prices and no minimum quantity stated.


Yes? Well then come to our office.

Client: Why?


Well, print leaflets! Print it and find out how much it costs.

What impression do you think the client will have from such a conversation?

Call a law office.



I will complain, you drew up a bad contract for me!


Did I draw up a contract for you?

Where is your boss?


Busy! (hangs up)



Hello, I need Viktor Sergeevich, your boss.


He's gone.


When will it be?


Two hours.


So 14:00 was already an hour ago.


It'll be there in two hours!

Differences between a telephone business conversation and a conversation on Skype, Viber and using instant messengers

On the phone, communication occurs only using voice.

Some applications allow video calls, where the interlocutors can see each other if they have an active and connected camera.

Messengers only involve correspondence.


The culture of business communication over the phone is not as difficult to understand as it seems at first glance. It is enough to understand that you are the face of the company, and the impression that the interlocutor will have depends on you.

If a person does not master the culture of telephone communication, does not know the basic rules of its conduct, or neglects them, then this can significantly undermine his authority, harm his career, and reduce the effectiveness of his activities. If you don’t see a person, this doesn’t mean you can say whatever comes to mind. If you call any institution, you must give your last name, first name and patronymic and say hello to whoever answers the phone. If there is only one telephone installed in an office room with several employees, then no...

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Business conversation on the phone

Telephone conversations occupy a significant place in business life. Up to 27% of working time is spent on telephone conversations business man. And if a person does not master the culture of telephone communication, does not know the basic rules of its conduct or neglects them, then this can significantly undermine his authority, harm his career, and reduce the effectiveness of his activities.

Professional ability to conduct conversations on the phone makes a favorable impression on the interlocutor and everyone present, and increases the reputation of the speaker.

Some people talk a lot on the phone, in a less polite tone than in person. It is not right. Using the phone can ruin or improve relationships. If you don’t see a person, this does not mean that you can say whatever comes to mind. If you call any institution, you must say your last name, first name, patronymic and say hello to whoever answers the phone.

The person who answers the phone must state their institution and last name.

If there is only one telephone installed in an office room with several employees, then there is no need to give your last name (they are not only calling you).

It is considered tactless to ask: “Who is calling?”, “Who is speaking?”, “On what issue?” The caller himself must say this if he expects politeness and responsiveness. Such questions are asked only by the secretary, who helps you establish contact with your boss.

You should never persuade the secretary, threaten, be rude to him, etc., if it is not possible to connect you with the boss right away (and the secretary not only cannot, but also does not have the right to talk about the reason for the refusal). In this case, the caller can only ask to set another time to talk on the phone.

It is extremely unethical to raise questions over the phone family life, your pastime, etc. If someone brings up a personal topic in your presence, then you should not listen to the conversation; if possible, leave the room.

You can’t say on the phone: “Call me tomorrow.” With subscribers you don’t know well or with elders, you should not say slang or other words like “come on”, “bye”, “hello”, “okay”, “good”, etc.

In a conversation, you must clearly dictate names, dates, numbers, geographical names, terms, names of institutions and organizations.

It is advisable to answer the first or second call - this is a manifestation of goodwill in the service. This, of course, does not apply to home phone at home there may be many different reasons why a person cannot quickly approach the device.

The duration of the conversation is determined by whoever called first. However, in all cases this is decided by the woman, as well as by a senior employee if the conversation lasts more than 5 minutes. But there is no template here, everything depends on the specific situation, problem, relationship.

You are not supposed to call your boss at home, especially late at night, nor are you supposed to call your colleagues regarding the activities of your company.

Preparing and conducting a business telephone conversation consists of the following stages:

It is important to streamline telephone conversations throughout the day if possible. It is advisable to set hours when you can be called, this will free up time for your main work.

You also need to plan your phone calls. At the beginning of the working day, on a piece of paper you should write down the names and telephone numbers of all persons with whom you need to contact today. Then call the list. Mental hygiene requires a short rest after each hour of work. Therefore, after an hour, you should return to the list and once again call those who were not reached the previous time.

When preparing for a telephone conversation, make a note on the calendar when the conversation is planned, with whom and on what topic. It is advisable to sketch out a rough plan.

To conduct telephone conversations, it is advisable to use special telephone notepads in which the subscriber’s first name, patronymic, last name, position and place of work, date, time, telephone number, previously reached agreements, and content of conversations are recorded; numbers that may be needed during contact, indicate what needs to be done in response to the call, etc. There should always be a telephone directory on the table.

A business conversation on the phone should be extremely brief. The optimal time is up to 4 minutes. A telephone conversation has its own structure. The following scheme “Seven Ps” is suitable for any telephone conversation:

1. Greeting.

2. Presentation.

3. Reason: explanation of the purpose of the call.

4. Problem: discussion of the issue.

5. Summing up the discussion.

6. Appreciation: Expressing gratitude.

7. Farewell.

Duration of each conversation stage (in seconds): P1+P2= 15; P3=20; P4=150; P5=35; P6+P7=20.

Proper organization telephone conversation allows you to get in optimal time maximum information.

You should think through your words and the possible reaction of your partner at each stage of the conversation.

As in a direct meeting, in a telephone conversation the first impression of the interlocutor is very important, therefore it is not indifferent what words will be heard on the phone at the beginning of the conversation, in what tone they will be spoken.

When talking on the phone, you should treat your interlocutor politely and correctly, listen to him carefully, do not interrupt, do not cut off mid-sentence, do not be rude, and do not give free rein to your emotions.

It's better to say hello with a smile. A smile is clearly audible in the voice and immediately encourages conversation. You should identify yourself and your organization immediately, without waiting for questions. During the conversation, you may have to name numbers and refer to documents. All this must be prepared and before your eyes. The information should be as brief as possible. You need to say as much as possible so that your partner understands that yes, he needs it, and wants to find out all the details during the meeting. Let the person you are talking to set a time that is convenient for them. It is very important to thank you for the conversation and apologize for wasting your time. The farewell should be as warm as the greeting. The last word on the phone should sound so that you want to see the person with whom it was pleasant to talk.

To the main requirements for the content of a business telephone conversation, relate:

1) brevity;

2) information saturation;

3) logic;

4) absence of repetitions and long phrases;

5) friendly tone;

6) clear pronunciation of words, especially surnames and numbers;

It is important to know basic rules for conducting a telephone conversation(in two situations you call, they call you).

If they call you, then:

1. It is best to pick up the phone after the first ring. If the manager has a separate office and a parallel telephone, then the secretary picks up the phone first. She can give answers and explanations to some subscribers herself.

2. If it is not possible to pick up the phone after the first call, it is recommended to pick up the phone before the fourth call. This gives you the opportunity to finish what you are doing.

3. Phone calls should not be ignored as this may cause them to accumulate and subsequently complicate your work. It is also impossible to predict in advance what level of information a particular call contains. Even if the phone rings during a meeting, you should respond to it by telling those around you: “Please excuse me, I will answer the call.”

4. In business communication, you should abandon neutral reviews and replace them with informative ones. When answering a phone call, you must say hello and be sure to introduce yourself - name your institution, department, as well as your last name.

5. If the subscriber forgot to introduce himself, then politely ask for his name, the name of the institution, and then continue the dialogue.

6. If during a call you are busy talking on another phone, then you should interrupt the conversation, apologize to the interlocutor, pick up the phone, report that you are busy, and ask the subscriber to wait or call back later.

7. If the phone rings during a conversation with a visitor, then you need to apologize to him, interrupt the conversation, pick up the phone, introduce yourself, inform him that you have a visitor, and ask the subscriber to wait without hanging up, or agree to reschedule the conversation for another time. By doing this, you will express your respect for the person who has come to you.

8. If you are very busy, and the telephone interlocutor is dragging out the conversation, then there is only one way out - to apologize and reschedule the discussion for next time.

9. If you need to step away from the phone for a while to prepare an answer, you should definitely ask the interlocutor whether he can wait or not.

10. You cannot remain silent during a telephone conversation - you must maintain contact using short phrases: “Yes”, “I understand you”, “Okay”. They are necessary so that the interlocutor does not have the feeling that you have been separated or that you are neglecting his opinion. Repetitions and clarifications ensure that you are understood: “So, we have decided...,” “Please repeat the number...”, “Please specify the receipt number...”.

11. When saying goodbye, thank you for the information, assure that you are happy to have a call, a personal meeting, and wish you all the best. According to etiquette, a young man should not end a conversation before an older person in age or position.

12. The one who called ends the conversation (in case of equality in the service hierarchy), therefore, when ending the conversation, you need to wait until the interlocutor says goodbye to you and you hear beeps.

13. If for any reason the conversation is interrupted, the one who called first calls back.

14. In response to an erroneous call, you should politely say: “You have the wrong number” and hang up.

15. If a colleague who is asked by phone is absent, you should be advised to call again, offer to pass on an order or provide some other assistance, or leave a note on his desk.

If you are calling, then:

1. Prepare carefully for a business telephone conversation: think about the purpose of your call, what you intend to say, collect necessary information, which may come in handy; make a list of questions that need to be clarified; write down the main points of the upcoming conversation.

2. Determine the optimal time for your phone call. It should be convenient for the interlocutor and acceptable for you. It is believed that best time for business calls the beginning of the working day, i.e. from 9 to 10 o'clock.

3. After waiting for the telephone connection with the desired subscriber, say hello and introduce yourself: “This is Commercial Director company "Crystal" Petrov. Hello". Find out the presence or absence of your recipient. If the secretary picks up the phone, say hello and briefly state the reason for your call.

4. If you get to the wrong place by mistake, apologize rather than silently hang up.

5. If the person you are calling is not there, ask him to tell him that you called, and tell him when and by what phone number you can be contacted as soon as possible.

6. If you have a long conversation ahead, ask the other person if he has enough time, and if not, reschedule the conversation for another day and time that suits both parties.

7. When calling again on any issue, be sure to identify yourself and recall the content of the previous conversation.

8. When the subscriber’s phone is constantly busy and it is not possible to reach him immediately, and the issue that needs to be discussed and resolved is important, then it is recommended to dial the desired number over and over again.

There are alsoExpressions to avoid during telephone conversations:

1. “I don’t know.” If you are unable to give an answer to your interlocutor, it is better to say: “Good question. Let me clarify this for you».

2. “We can’t do this.” If this is true, your potential client will turn to someone else. Instead of refusing, try to find an alternative solution. It is recommended to always focus on what you can do first and not on the opposite.

3. “You must...” Your client doesn't owe you anything. The wording should be much softer: “Makes sense to you…" or " It would be best…».

4. “Wait a second, I’ll be right back.” Will you be able to get things done in just a second? Hardly. Tell your interlocutor something closer to the truth: “In order to find necessary information, it may take 2-3 minutes. You can wait

A telephone conversation should end on a positive, optimistic note. The interlocutors must find suitable words that encourage further collaboration.

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Thanks to this article, you will be able to remove useless language from the script of a conversation with a client to which they have not responded for a long time, make a list of stop phrases for managers that interfere with sales, and replace flowery but empty messages with information useful for the buyer.

The manager’s task at the beginning of a conversation with a decision-maker is to interest the interlocutor so that he does not have the desire to hang up or immediately refuse. Sales people strive to provide as much information as possible about the company’s advantages, sell a product or service, and arrange a meeting. But according to a 2015 study by, only one in 20 contacts between a manager and a client results in a sale. What are the reasons?

If you suspect sellers of lack of initiative, do not rush to conclusions. Before accusing employees of incompetence, study conversation script with a client. See if the script contains phrases that repel customers. In this article we will look at three non-obvious errors in scripts that will scare away the buyer.

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We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

Redundant My kindness ruins the script of a conversation with a client

Problem. At the beginning of a conversation with a potential buyer, sales people say: “Hello! I am the sales manager for [name]. I’m calling to offer you cooperation.” The rules were followed: the seller greeted, introduced himself and politely explained the purpose of the call. But after such a phrase the person will hang up with the words “Nothing needed.” Reason: clients are tired of such requests, so they automatically answer “No” without listening to the sales representative.

Solution. In order not to alienate the buyer, the seller must attract attention and secure the interest of the interlocutor. The foundation of the script is not a request for cooperation, but a conversation with the client as an equal, as with a partner. With this approach, the buyer will listen carefully to the seller.

  • Communication with clients: secrets of successful communication

Example."Hello! Do you represent the federal retail network, and I am the manufacturer baby food. Please tell me on what terms we could start working with you?” In such a phrase, the accents are placed correctly. First, the manager mentions the client's company, then his own company. And the salesman asks about working conditions as if the potential buyer has already agreed to cooperate. In response, the client will at least ask what products the company produces, and the conversation will continue as the seller needs.

Phrases about the product that should not be said to the client

Problem. The manager, having overcome the resistance of the interlocutor, talks about the advantages of the company, the benefits of partnership, etc. The client will listen to new information about the product or service, but will lose interest as soon as it comes to the “selling” part of the script. He will probably answer: “We’ll think about it,” “Send Commercial offer by email,” “Thank you, this doesn’t suit us,” and the conversation will be interrupted.

Solution. You should talk about the company’s advantages not over the phone, but in a personal conversation. Therefore, the manager’s task is to sell not a product, but a meeting, to focus on the value of the visit for the buyer: the client will receive important materials, test the product for free, etc. The materials should be useful. For example, for potential customer, which produces pipes for water supply, prepare a study of this market in Russia or compile a database of building standards.

  • Business Conversation: 11 Best Business Communication Techniques

Example. In 2008 Law Firm ordered a study. The telemarketing company has two groups: best employees, who made the most appointments with clients, and average workers, who made the least number of appointments. Both groups called the chief accountants of the organizations, who answered: “We don’t need your system. We are working with company X."

The middle peasants were convinced like this: “Our system differs from the product of company X in that...”. After that, they talked for a long time about the characteristics and immediately tried to sell it. If the accountants answered: “We are looking for regulations on the Internet,” the sales people objected: “You’re taking a risk. If you find incorrect information, your company will suffer financial losses.” The chief accountants did not like being taught the basics of working with documents, so they refused the offer.

Strong telemarketers reacted differently to refusal: “Our specialist will tell you about the differences between our system and the product of company X. At the same time, he will bring you the newsletter “New in Accounting Legislation” at a time acceptable to you. Please tell me when is the best time to come.” As a result, this sales team booked twice as many appointments and sold 40% more than the mediocre sales team.

Eliminate eloquence from the client communication scenario

Problem. It is believed that in order to interest the buyer, the manager must describe the advantages of the product in a long and colorful manner. After all, if the seller speaks in choppy phrases and constantly asks questions, the client will get angry and interrupt the conversation. But this is a mistake. Long flowery descriptions will bore the buyer. In addition, while the salesman is practicing his eloquence, the client will have time to come up with excuses and objections. As a result, the seller will not achieve results.

Solution. According to research, men maintain continuous attention on unfamiliar information for 20–25 seconds, women - 40–45 seconds. Fit the speech formulations into these time frames. At the same time, adhere to the rule: a maximum of four sentences, a total of 30 words. And so that the seller’s speech does not seem chopped up, you will need “chops” questions.

  • Direct sales: advantages of selling a product without intermediaries

Example. Manager 30–40 sec. talks about the delivery services that his company provides, and then asks: “Please tell me, is it important for you that delivery is free?” Another example: “We work with Russian suppliers. Is this an important factor for you?

The essence of the approach: the manager presents arguments, and after 30–35 words asks one question. This way the salesperson will know if the customer is interested. If not, you can switch to another dialogue scenario in time. The questions should be closed in order to involve the interlocutor in the conversation. Open questions in such cases, they will distract the client from the topic of conversation.

Good afternoon friends. We constantly study new materials, articles on the Internet, read new books, engage in self-development to learn new techniques and non-standard solutions their problems. Today I want to talk to you about telephone communication, or rather, business communication. What gave me the idea to write this article was a book I recently read again by Dale Carnegie, which is as relevant today as it was many years ago.

This topic, of course, is very broad and interesting, ranging from working with cold calls, closing objections, inviting people to meet... to telephone sales.

What the article is about:

  • 1. The purpose of the business conversation.
  • 2. Telephone communication: business, with a client, examples.
  • 3. How to properly take feedback on work over the phone.
  • 4. How to properly make a discount on a product or service over the phone.

The ability to competently conduct a business conversation on the phone will be useful in your off-line environment. Let's say you have and you accept orders over the phone, advise clients about your product, services, then at the time of the conversation, it is important to close the buyer for the purchase so that the transaction is 100% successful. After all, very often a client refuses a purchase after an illiterate conversation on the phone.

The purpose of a business conversation on the phone can be different:

For example, these are negotiations, selling a product or service, receiving mail for the purpose of further communication, establishing contact with a client, a supply agreement, signing up for a webinar, workshop, etc.

Telephone communication: business, with a client [Examples]

  • 1. When you call a person on the phone for the first time, build the beginning of the conversation to establish personal contact.
    So, be sure to first introduce yourself, then ask the client’s name. “Excuse me, please, what’s your name?” After the conversation is over, you need to figure out how to contact him again. Perhaps this will be an email address or check its number again personal phone. This is necessary in order to leave yourself one more chance to contact this person if the first conversation was unsuccessful or to continue communication and negotiations.

At the same time, you need to introduce yourself every time you call a person and call him by the name he used to introduce himself to you the first time. For example, if he said that his name is Sasha, you should not call him Alexander or Alexander Ivanovich. A person himself determines how you should address him, this is very, very important.

  • 2. When you call a person, be sure to ask if it is convenient for him to talk now. People are often busy with their own business and may avoid talking to you if you don't ask such a simple question. And your sale of goods or negotiations will fail. Your friendliness and confidence will be an additional plus.
  • 3. Don’t start a phone conversation with:
    “I’m not distracting you” or “What’s bothering you is...”.

    The fact is that then you automatically take a weaker position and characterize yourself as an annoying person who bothers and distracts. Remember this when you start a conversation.

  • 4. During business negotiations or telesales, try to think ahead about what you will say to the client and immediately announce your call so as not to beat your interlocutor around the bush. Perhaps you have promotions, discounts, a business proposal - this is where you need to start.

    The conversation should be to the point and take a minimum of time, usually 3-5 minutes. For example: “I’m selling..., we have discounts today...”

    • 5. Think about telephone response patterns in your business. to popular questions, objections, refusals, greetings, i.e. a conversation script or they are also called scripts, algorithms, speech modules.

    For example, scripts for incoming calls - greetings or outgoing calls - sales at discounts, promotions, invitations.

    • 6. Listen and give the other person a chance to respond to you when you call him on the phone. By doing this, you make it clear that you are interested in him, pleasant, and that you are attentive to him. Remember in Dale Carnegie’s book there are these lines: “when you want to convince someone to do something, be quiet before you speak” or “to become interesting, be interested.”

    • 7. And also, don’t interrupt and argue on the phone, if you receive a complaint regarding your business activities. Otherwise there will be incoherence, and you know how such scenes end. It’s better to do this at the end of the monologue.

      Example: “I understand you, Maria Ivanovna...” and briefly summarize the complaint, or “If I were in your place, I would probably call about this” and briefly summarize the essence of the complaint.

      This will show that you listened to the client!, understood why he was dissatisfied and take measures to eliminate dissatisfaction. Otherwise, if you try to argue and prove him wrong over the phone, his pride would not give you the chance to concede.

    • 8. If you want to persuade a person to your opinion, then when entering into a conversation on the phone, do not start it with those issues on which you disagree with your interlocutor. Make him say from the very beginning: “Yes, yes, okay.” Keep him from saying “no” as much as you can. Using this method will give you the opportunity to retain and attract a customer who might otherwise have been lost.
    • 9. The art of telephone communication includes both the tone of the conversation and the pace of speech. during a conversation. Dale Carnegie wrote about this very well in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” which everyone has probably read.

    How to properly get feedback on the work of your, for example, online store by phone

    The method of assessing an enterprise using a five-point system works well. The trick is that you ask the client to evaluate the work of the enterprise based on five points. And then name the pros and cons of your work. At the same time, be sure to structure the conversation like this.

    For example: “Maria Ivanovna, what did you not like and what did you like (emphasize!) in the work of our store.”
    The fact is that a person, as a rule, always begins to answer from the end of the sentence, which means to the last question. And when he talks about the pros, believe me, there will be few cons left, because he will tune in to a positive conversation.

    How to make a discount on a product or service over the phone

    Often the discount is purely, i.e. a person simply needs it in order to feel that he is a lucky person who knows how to bargain, has saved, and has not overpaid.

    In general, a discount on the purchase of a product or service for the first purchase is not justified. It destroys business. Neither the buyer nor the seller owe each other anything at the first meeting.

    A discount is given, for example, because a person returned to you, repeat purchases, regular customer, brought new customers to your business, purchased for a larger amount or extended the service for a long time.
    Over the phone, you can make it clear that if he enters this category of clients, he is guaranteed to receive a certain discount.

    P.S. Of course, these are just the main points in the world of competent telephone communication with clients. I hope you weren’t bored reading and you learned something important and interesting for yourself. Supplement the article with your own tricks that you use during business communication over the phone. Sincerely, .