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FAQ: What you need to know when traveling by ferry. Prices for the crossing

An electronic ferry ticket, as it turns out, is a very convenient thing, however, when you know exactly what date and time you will be there in the port of Kavkaz, or if you go from the other side, then in the port of Crimea. At the end of July 2015, we went to Crimea through this strait, where a month of wonderful vacation awaited us. Register in advance on the official website of the state ferry so that you can buy an electronic ticket for the ferry without leaving your home. Read more about how to purchase a ticket and how to behave in the port, with current changes dated April 2017.

For a quiet road and in order not to stand in traffic jams among other lovers of holidays on the Black Sea, especially if you prefer traveling to Crimea by your own car, I advise you to purchase an electronic ticket for the ferry across the Kerch Strait. Likewise, the waiting time in line for crossing to or from Crimea can be significantly reduced and nerves can be saved. For example, in August 2015, with EB, the waiting time at the port of Kavkaz did not exceed 5 hours (just enough to take a nap after an exhausting journey). Those who did not bother to purchase an electronic ferry ticket in advance were forced to stand for 7-12 hours, depending on the time and date. And I don’t yet take into account force majeure with bad weather, which sometimes happens in Kerch. In 2016, waiting times in electronic queue reduced to 1-2 hours. In the spring of 2017, people with electronic tickets most often travel directly to the ferry.

The funny thing is that to issue an electronic ticket through the Kerch Strait, you need to make a minimum of effort. After just two years, government developers were finally able to cope with this task. Since then, the quality of the site has only grown. So, what needs to be done by going to the state ferry website:

This is the end of buying electronic tickets through the Kerch ferry, you can get behind the wheel and rush to meet your long-awaited vacation in Crimea.

What to do before arriving at the port of Kavkaz and at the port itself

  • First of all, follow the recommendations of the Gospar website and print e-tickets for the ferry. Things will go much faster in the port if you have paper copies on hand.
  • note that Along with the car ticket, a map of the entrance to the port of Kavkaz will be printed. If you are at the crossing for the first time, then it may be useful
  • Following the diagram, drive up to the ferry worker and do not try to bypass the queue, the initial distribution takes place quickly and in general procedure, except that you will receive a boarding pass and go to the electronic queue (which is much shorter) or directly to the ferry.

How to behave in the port is very clearly dismantled by the diagram that you receive when printing a ticket for a car. For more details about the crossing, I advise you to read in the article: “” - where I described the most striking pros and cons of a summer holiday on the peninsula

Waiting time for boarding at the Kerch ferry.

With printouts of electronic ferry tickets, we arrived at the Kerch ferry at 4:30 am and got through without delays. It is better to arrive 1 hour before the start of the time slot or 2-3 hours before it ends, because... the bulk of the cars arrived exactly on time, we, in principle, as I said, arrived at the port of Kavkaz at 4:30, and the slot was from 3:00 to 9:00 (I repeat, optimal, in my opinion), we were already at the port of Crimea at 6 am, that is, everything together with the ferry ride took an hour and a half. And that’s because they were loading the ferry with other cars; when we arrived it was practically empty. If you are late for some time, you will be sent to stand in a general queue with free riders, so it is better not to be late.

Still very helpful advice with a choice of the day of the week of the ferry trip. Usually people take vacations starting from the weekend and go on vacation to Crimea on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Therefore, during the daytime on these days of the summer holiday week, there are a lot of people on the ferry. We arrived at the ferry on the night from Wednesday to Thursday and rushed through like the wind through a field.

On-site actions related to the electronic ticket at the port of Kavkaz.

Once again about actions at the crossing. It is imperative to go to the first settling station, where they issue a ferry ticket. That is, stand behind the people who arrived before you, regardless of whether they have an electronic ticket or not, and wait to meet the ferry employee in the booth, who will print out the necessary ferry coupons for you and send you to the desired stream for further waiting. If there is no queue with e-tickets, then you will be immediately sent to the second settling area, and immediately before boarding the ferry there will be no waiting in the general queues. If you decide to immediately board the ferry without boarding tickets, then the police officers at the checkpoint located on the way to the ferry will not let you through, and they will not let you onto the ferry itself, which will be very disappointing

I repeat, it is advisable to have printed electronic tickets, because... barcodes are read from them and boarding tickets are printed.

You will need to stand in the second and last sump if there is a queue of cars, or immediately, like us, they may offer to take the ferry, because... There was no one left in the sump, everyone had moved in.

If you go straight to the second sump, bypassing the first, and bypassing the ferry workers, then you will be turned around and sent back, so there is no need to rush, because ferry tickets are printed in the first slop.

Behavior on the ferry

After you have parked your car on the ferry and you see that the valet has lost interest in you, then feel free to lock the car and go to the top, where you can rest, have a snack (if this ferry has a cafe), or just hang around the ferry looking at and photographing everything around. On the ferry, as a rule, there is a closed area where the cool morning breeze will not reach you, and you can also take a nap there, especially if you were the first to board the ferry and have to wait for full loading. By the way, being first is also a plus - the ferry won’t go anywhere without you, they won’t go around you, so you can safely sleep until you get tired. I’m kidding, of course, because a sleeping person will quickly be identified and woken up, and quite rudely, because the ferry must run strictly according to schedule.

Smoking is prohibited on the ferry, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as according to the signs on the deck, but smart people are still there. In principle, no fines are issued, because if you are too lazy to spend some time, you can smoke quietly and unnoticed. The same applies to alcohol, although in our country there is an even more loyal attitude towards it, and although it is officially prohibited, both crew members and other passengers will close their eyes to another glass. The main thing is not to tempt drivers.

The ferry goes through the strait for about 20 minutes, approaching the port of Crimea, they will announce on the ferry that you need to get ready to leave it, so they will ask you to return to the car. At this moment, also carefully, do not rush:

Do not rush to start the car, because... some levels are completely closed and you will poison yourself and those around you with carbon monoxide from the car. Therefore, we are waiting for us to move ahead standing cars, and only then we start ours and leave the ferry. There were still a couple of dozen corpses missing.

Happy travel and holiday in Crimea to everyone, I hope you have already found a suitable hotel, if not, then you can easily do it right now:

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    It turned out to be a very interesting and useful article. The whole family gathered to relax and decided to go by ferry to see the surroundings and feel the waves hitting the side of the ferry. We ordered e-tickets and saved a lot of time.

  1. The service is, of course, not bad, but there are some unpleasant nuances. Under Ukraine, it was calmer at the Kerch crossing and there were fewer queues, and there was no “angryness”. You need to look at everything objectively...

    1. In Ukraine, or more precisely in 2013, my wife and I spent 15 hours stuck in traffic on the ferry from Kerch to Krasnodar. At the same time, there are five people in different time They offered to sell their seats for $100. One comrade tried to take us to the gas station to help us. Well, how many wars have there been in this line and how many attempts have been made to get in front of the sleeping person...

      There was anger under Russia only in the first year, when the queue took 40 hours - this is a real nightmare! But since 2015, they included an electronic ticket program, built settling tanks, and the rudeness at the ferry crossing disappeared. The only time after that there was a decent queue (about 11 hours) was at the end of 2015 after two days of a storm, at the very end of August. Now the ferry service works incomparably better than under Ukraine. I check several times a year on personal trips, and I monitor information about the crossing during the season, since my friends and acquaintances constantly travel to and from Crimea.

  2. Thanks for the information, it was very useful. We are just figuring out how to do everything correctly and arrange it so that there are no incidents with these tickets later. It’s still not so easy with these electronic tickets; there is some fear of entering something incorrectly.

    1. Good afternoon.
      On government resources, unfortunately, such problems occur often - somewhere, something was not worked out, etc. However, try the following:

      1. Re-enter all information for registration on the site
      2. Carefully check the entered e-mail address (everything must be entered, including the letters after the “@” sign, i.e. example [email protected])
      3. In your mail, check that messages from the state ferry do not end up in spam (maybe you should specify a different mail), make sure that mail arrives to your mailbox at all
      4. You can try to create a new mail, in my case there were no problems with the domains: mail.ry,,

      The registration failure may be temporary.

        1. this also happens. It’s like on a government services website, it seems useful and good, but problems often arise. It’s just that full-time government programmers don’t try very hard, I know first-hand))))
          Have a good trip.

    1. In theory it is possible. But:
      — as a rule, they ask for printed tickets
      — the slots can become full and you won’t have enough space, that’s the point of purchasing in advance
      — The time slot itself is not an exact time, but an interval of 6 hours. Therefore, it is not difficult to plan even on a long journey. I usually look at the travel time on the Yandex map with traffic jams, add one-hour stops for every 10-12 hours of travel and 15 minute stops every two to three hours (gas station, toilet, exercise). For example, from Moscow, Yandex says 19 hours, which means I budget +1 hour (long stops) + 2 hours (short) for a total of 22 hours. I leave 22 hours before my slot and am perfectly on time. Here, unforeseen events in the form of traffic jams and accidents (other people’s) are taken into account.

      Book in advance to distribute the load on the ferry crossing, which significantly reduces waiting time

    1. Very strange. Maybe you're doing something wrong?

      I just booked a trip for myself and my car, having previously unchecked the insurance box. The total amount to be paid is 1875 rubles, without insurance and the time to pay is several hours. Maybe it's not the insurance, but an empty field (for example, the make or model of the car)

      Here is an excerpt from the rules:
      “The conclusion of an insurance contract is not prerequisite to conclude a contract of carriage (purchase a ticket).” If the problem persists, try contacting the ferry terminal.

  3. I read on the website that when purchasing an electronic ticket, they must send you a ticket with a barcode. But they sent me 6 order numbers in a regular SMS - since there are 2 people in a sedan and round-trip travel. Tell me if there is an error here and what to do with these order numbers

  4. I read on the website that they must send tickets with a barcode. I was sent an SMS with order numbers (6 pieces) 2 people are traveling in a sedan. I paid for the ferry there and back immediately. Tell me, is there any mistake in this or do I just need to provide these numbers on the ferry?

    1. Good afternoon.
      Ticket numbers are sent via SMS - everything is correct.

      And in your personal account on the state ferry website you can see and print tickets. And if I'm not confused, then email another notification is coming. In general, everything is correct - look for sh/k on the website of the “state steam agency”

  5. Good evening, I carefully read all of the above, I actually went to Crimea in June 15 and am going in August 16, are there really still queues? Have they increased the number of ferries, or is it still not enough?

    1. Good day, Elena.
      Yes, there are queues, although not so catastrophic. There is a good application for Android “Crimea Ferry”, it is always visible there actual information in turns. Today the waiting time is 3-5 hours. As a rule, this is the time to travel without an electronic ticket. The number of ferries has increased over the past two years. The level of port service workers has also increased greatly and loading of ferries has become really fast. Frankly, 3-5 hours is much less time that we used to spend at the border. In general, the huge flow of tourists is to blame. The south of Russia is crowded and Crimea is no exception; now there are traffic jams on the peninsula due to narrow roads. The truth is that in the Krasnodar region everything is much sadder. We are currently traveling through it.

    Good afternoon
    How many tickets did you need?
    You can refuse extra tickets by submitting a request in advance before the start of the time slot, then losses will be minimal. You will be refunded 100% of the ticket price minus commission.

    Please note that a separate ticket is created for each tourist, as well as for a car. Those. if you are traveling in a car with four people, then you must have 5 e-tickets

    1. Good afternoon, if you arrive at the port no more than a day late, you will go through with a ticket, but in the general queue. I read this somewhere in their rules. But it’s better to try to arrive at least two hours before the end of the slot, this will greatly reduce the waiting time at the port

  6. It seems like I read everything carefully, but I couldn’t find the answer to my question, please tell me:
    If I bought tickets for a car and for three people, but in the end the trip is cancelled, can I cancel the tickets and get my money back? I would be very grateful for your answer, since the question is quite urgent

    1. I myself did not deal with returns, so I did not write about it. Moreover, I don’t see the point in buying a ferry ticket much in advance. There is always a chance to buy two or three days before the trip. However, if you read the transportation rules, you can easily see the following:
      1. If the refund is issued 24 hours before the start of the slot, the full amount will be refunded
      If less than 24 hours, then 75%
      if after the beginning of the lower limit then only 50%
      2. A return fee will be charged in the amount of:
      30 rubles for ticket prices less than 300 rubles
      10% of the ticket price for prices from 300 to 20,000 rubles
      2000 rubles for ticket prices above 20,000 rubles
      3. The return can be issued in the electronic account on the official website

    Well, as I thought, everything is even better - the electronic ticket is bearing fruit. Honestly, I was afraid that it would take a long time to travel. How do you spend hours at the border waiting for lazy customs officers to inspect your car? And they don’t care about the children in the car or the old people, they just want to get their 500 rubles. It’s good that I don’t have to deal with nima on the ferry, I’m traveling through my own country, I’m not bothering anyone. This is what my parents dreamed of since I was born - to travel to Crimea without hryvnia. Thanks to Putin for this, and I say this in all seriousness

  7. Where, excuse me, is your vaunted bridge? Or have you collected the money and that’s enough? Feed the Rotenbergs, and the Roofs themselves. It’s a great pleasure to stand in line for hours on the ferry, fighting off the crowds of people walking along the side of the road.

    Daria, good afternoon.
    Sorry I just noticed the comment. I would not recommend traveling without an electronic ticket, especially with children (except for the case that children qualify for discounted travel), because... The usual queue is very long. It is better to choose another date where tickets are still available. Based on last year’s experience, I can say that when a slot is completely filled, the electronic queue does not last longer than 5-6 hours. By the way, I took a special look. why don't you get tickets for the morning of July 2nd?

    1. Now I checked the functionality of the site - I was able to log into Personal Area and view old bookings. Try logging in through another browser (for example FairFox, just make sure you have latest version). By the way, after confirmation of payment, an SMS should be sent to the phone number you used to register. The SMS must contain the e-ticket number. The number of SMS corresponds to the number of purchased electronic tickets.

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    We arrived at the port at the berth we needed. We stood in line at the registration point. Tickets were purchased online in advance.

    We provided our details and received in our hands: a personalized key card for the cabin - 2 pcs., a personalized card for the buffet for dinner - 2 pcs., a personalized card for the buffet for breakfast - 2 pcs., a card for the car - 1 pc. The following information is printed on the key card: Ferry name (Silja Serenade), route (Helsinki-Stockholm), departure date and time, cabin number (9818), cabin type (A), passenger's last name. On the reverse side are the coordinates of the shipowner:

    They also gave this interesting reminder:

    And we sailed back and forth on ferries shipping company Tallink: for the Silja Serenade - to Stockholm, and back to Helsinki for the Silja Symphony. Vessels of the same design differ slightly only in interior decoration.

    We passed the registration point. Then special traffic control boys steered the cars into the required lanes in front of the ferry. Cars are sorted by height. The ferry has two car decks; all sorts of cars are driven onto the upper deck, and cars with luggage racks, caravans, campers and trucks with trailers are placed on the lower deck. Trucks are registered separately from cars, and are lined up before loading in a separate parking lot, if you look at the photo, then to our left. Here we are standing waiting for loading, and in the background is the Serenade of Silia ferry:

    The loading order is as follows: first, tractors drive trailers, then trucks drive in, then cars onto the upper deck, then motorhomes, campers, buses and other high-altitude vehicles onto the lower deck. The ferry also has space for motorcycles and bicycles. Check-in on the ferry is made through special gates at the stern or bow. We entered Serenade from the stern through the following gate:

    There are also double gates. These are the ones we passed by:

    For comparison, let's look at the Symphony of Celia, on which we returned to Helsinki. Here she is on the right:

    And here is a registration point in Stockholm. In front of us the car was carrying a couple of yachts on a trailer:

    Horseless passengers are loaded onto the ferry using a special retractable gangway:

    And we were given the go-ahead to load and we entered the ferry:

    We parked on the upper car deck. There are trucks at the bottom. By the way, from here you can clearly see that the trucks are clean, they really shine with cleanliness:

    Photo for memory:

    We took our things, got out of the car and followed the arrow towards the cabins. An uncle who looked like Sergei Sivokha came with us:

    Entrance to the ferry from above. The traffic controllers are talking, they say, again the Russians will drink all night today, and then they will go to pester the Japanese:

    Helsinki from the sea

    The ferry offers a magnificent panorama of Helsinki. By clicking on the photo you can see the details:

    And now Helsinki is left behind, and is gradually moving away:

    The city is almost invisible now. And on the right in the distance you can see a tower of unreal height. And this is not an optical illusion or a scratch on the lens. Apparently this is one of the two highest radio towers in Finland. The towers were built in small town Lahti in 1927 in just 74 days. The height of the towers is 150 meters (300 meters above sea level). For comparison, the height of the Ostankino TV tower is 540 meters. Traffic Radio in Finland apparently broadcasts from these towers:

    On the Helsinki - Stockholm route, the Silja Line ferry is always followed closely by the Viking Line ferry. In this case it was the ferry Mariella. By the way, “Mariella” was the last one to see the ferry “Estonia” before the crash, and she also took on board the largest part of the surviving passengers.

    If you are traveling around the islands, want to see the Norwegian fjords, or prefer to go on vacation with your own transport, be it a bicycle/motorcycle/car, then the ferry is the right way. We'll tell you how to fit it into your itinerary and not screw it up. different countries- from Croatia to Norway.

    How it works?

    Traveling with your own transport makes booking a ferry much like a regular flight. The rules that are already familiar to you apply: the earlier you book, the cheaper; during the season, prices increase sharply, and tickets quickly run out; the larger the vehicle, the more you will pay for it, and so on.

    It is much easier for travelers on foot - there is almost always room on board for you and your backpack.

    The price is also formed differently: for a “pedestrian” it is the cost of a seat on the deck, and this is quite inexpensive compared to flights to the same island.

    For the rest, the fare includes the price for a parking space for the vehicle (directly related to the size; a car will cost at least €30 on short crossings and at least €50 on long crossings), and seats on the deck are also reserved according to the number of passengers - depending on number of hours spent on board. Often the price of a car already includes a certain number of passengers. Pay attention to this so as not to buy too much!

    With the purchased ticket or its number, go to the port. Pedestrians should arrive at least half an hour before departure. For motorists - in an hour or two, depending on the size of the port. Loading hundreds of cars onto a ship - jewelry logistics process. Don't worry if the line next to you is moving faster. The best you can do is to patiently stand in your line, cultivate humility, and follow the instructions of the staff.

    Once parked, immediately take all the things you need on board. It is better to pack a separate small bag. During the crossing, going down to the parking lot is strictly prohibited.

    Catamarans and dolphins

    The vessels that we loosely call “ferries” are divided into at least three categories:

    a large and slow ship that transports both people and cars. Due to its massiveness, it will survive bad weather quite calmly, the likelihood of a flight cancellation is minimal, but it will waste a lot of time. Found everywhere: from international routes to crossings to Estonian Saaremaa.

    A lighter version of the ferry, it carries only passengers. Catamarans are more common on inland routes, in Greece and Croatia, where they are more likely to public transport, a kind of water trolleybuses. Average in all respects - speed, stability on waves, route length.

    Dolphin (Flying Dolphins (Hydrofoils))
    a boat that picks up speed and almost flies over the waves. This is the so-called “dolphin”. It accommodates 150-1000 people and is highly susceptible to flight cancellations due to weather. The forecast worsens slightly - and the flight on such a ferry is canceled for safety reasons. They are found exclusively on short crossings no longer than 90 minutes.

    How to buy a ticket?

    Let us repeat, for pedestrian passengers there is always the opportunity to buy a ticket on the spot. If not at the port itself before departure, then at the many small operators whose offices are scattered around the port. This is how it works, for example, in Greece. Above each office there is a sign with a list of all operators whose flights you can purchase a ticket for there.

    And if you already know that you are traveling by car and want to plan everything in advance, then you should start with this interactive map, which will help you figure out which port is closer to your destination.

    Information about international flights can be easily found on the following websites:

    Again, follow the principle of buying plane tickets: find the flight in the aggregator, buy it on the carrier’s website.

    Online booking for ferries is now becoming more adequate, but the listed aggregators show significantly less information about domestic sailings. Not everyone can still be loaded at domestic crossings. It is better to look for them on aggregators of the country from which you are going to travel (read below).

    How to save?

    Early booking helps you save on travel. If you like to take risks, you can also grab the last tickets right before departure at a serious discount. Prices for crossings in the off-season and on weekdays also differ in price.

    Help you save: search engine for cheap tickets; special offers from the most popular ferry ticket aggregator.

    For example, you can get discounts on car transportation, find out about the start of sales on the Dover - France route popular for Europeans (39 pounds at the start) or get a free breakfast on board.

    A similar tab is often found on carriers’ websites, so before you buy a ticket, check if there is anything tasty in the “Company News” section.

    How to travel on ferries in different countries?


    Yes, these are all agencies. And they all have one advantage over booking on a company website. In case of flight cancellation, they offer you a choice of flights from all operators represented by the agency, while the carrier will offer options only from its own flights.

    When booking, pay attention to the information about where exactly you can get your ticket. If you feel completely insecure, here is an extreme one for you.

    Don't forget that water transport strongly depends on the weather at sea, and in Greece crossings in bad weather are prohibited by law. Plan to return to the continent a couple of days before your flight so you don't have to worry about canceled flights.

    The map will help you figure out the numerous ports of Greece, but we will leave here only information about departure from. There are three ports at your disposal:

    ​ Piraeus is the main port, departure for almost all main routes, and the only one with public transport (green metro line (station of the same name), commuter trains and buses).

    ​ Rafina - northeast of Athens, the second busiest port. Located close to the airport. Ideal for departures to the Cyclades (Andros, Tinos, Mykonos).

    ​ Lavrion - an hour's drive from Athens, suitable for departures to Kea, Kythnos, Lemnos, Ai Stratis.

    How to find your way around on the ferry?

    The most budget option is open deck and economy seats. Places on the deck where you can easily unfold a tent or sleeping bag and relax to your heart’s content, or inside, near the bar tables. You can’t camp there, but you can comfortably seat three people at the tables. There is no need to buy anything at the bar. Seats are not assigned to passengers. If you paid for one of these places, but when you got up on deck everything was already occupied, sorry, but you’ll have to sit on the floor. This is the price of saving.

    There is an option to sit on seats, like on an airplane. There, the seats are assigned to the passenger; they will not be taken by someone more nimble. Seats in business class, as usual, are more spacious, but cost 50% more. Well, no one canceled the cabins.


    Apart from Greece, ferries are taken for granted in Croatia. Let’s say right away: there are no direct flights from Greece to Croatia. But if you like complex routes, you can sail from Greece to Italy and go to Croatia from there (although this will cost a pretty penny).

    In Croatia, dealing with ferries is much easier. For a long time, the monopolist of ferry transportation was the company Jadrolinija. Now it is a national, but far from the only ferry carrier. Competitors cover smaller service areas but offer a healthy alternative in terms of scheduling.

    Mia Tours: Zadar - Premuda, Silba and Olib;

    G&V Line: catamarans from Dubrovnik to Sipan and Mljet, Korcula and Lastovo, as well as from Zadar to nearby islands;

    Kapetan Luka: catamarans from Split to Vis via Hvar and from Split to Brac, Hvar, Korculj, Mljet, Dubrovnik and Rijeka).

    You will find everything related to ferries in Croatia on the main thematic website There you will also see a convenient tab with price tags, but booking on this portal does not work well, so use the websites of carrier companies. Here, too, it is possible that not all flights have tickets online. Therefore, if you don’t find anything you need, you can still try your luck before departure or at company offices.

    Please note that having a ticket does not guarantee your car getting on the ferry during the high season (July-August), because there are sorely not enough seats. We'll have to wait for the next flight. It makes sense to come and get in line early or call the Jadrolinija office and ask how the queue is going. Passengers will be able to get on board in any case, but they must arrive at boarding at least half an hour before departure.


    The only country with which Croatia has sea connections is Italy. You can plan your trip from the continent to the peninsula through many ports that will take you to (from the ports of Piran, Pula, Porec, Rovinj, Umag in the north of the country, the crossing will cost approximately € 60-80 per foot passenger), the port of Ancona (from Split , Old Town, and Zadar for € 50), to Trieste (from Pula and Rovinj), Pescara (Hvar), to Bari (Dubrovnik).

    Probably few people think of Italy as a place to go to the islands. Meanwhile, the proud residents of Sardinia will be happy to tell and show their homeland. There you can find monuments to many eras (necropolises of the Phoenicians, amphitheaters and baths of the Romans, towers and fortresses of the Pisans and Genoese), the most fashionable resorts in Italy, the most beautiful wild and clean city beaches. The cheapest way to get to all this beauty is from Palermo and Naples (about €45 for a “walking” passenger, €120 for a car). Local carriers will charge you cheaper - up to € 70 with a car).

    And of course, Sicily. Crossings 16 times a day for € 7-16 per foot passenger. And if you are not lazy and look for local carriers, you can get there for € 3.50 per person.

    To search for local carriers in Italy, use the following sites:

    From the port of Kavkaz:

    All passenger vehicles (including preferential categories) move to the accumulation site “Caucasus - 3” (between the village of Batareika and the village of Ilyich in the Temryuk district of the Krasnodar Territory).

    At the Kavkaz - 3 collection site, electronic queue coupons are issued, as well as boarding passes for passengers and vehicles with an electronic ferry ticket, or coupons for paying for tickets on a “live” queue. The sale of ferry tickets at the ticket office of the waiting room is carried out upon presentation of the boarding pass of the vehicle, documents for the driver and passengers (passports, birth certificates) and documents for the car.

    Next, at the command of an employee of Marine Directorate LLC, the vehicle proceeds to the Kavkaz - 1 storage area, located in the port of Kavkaz, where inspection activities are carried out, the formation of ship parties and loading onto ferries.

    Passenger vehicles without electronic queue coupons and travel documents or an electronic ticket boarding pass on ferry line ships are not allowed. (Scheme of intercepting parking lots from the port of Kavkaz)

    From the port of Crimea:

    All passenger vehicles traveling to the ferry crossing across the Kerch Strait move from the city of Kerch along highway E-97 (M-19) and enters the Crimea - 2 storage area, located near the port of Crimea.

    At the entrance to the “Crimea - 2” storage area, electronic queue coupons are issued, as well as boarding passes for passengers and vehicles with an electronic ferry ticket, or coupons for paying for tickets on a “live” queue. The sale of ferry tickets at the ticket office on the site is carried out upon presentation of a vehicle measurement coupon, documents for the driver and passengers (passports, birth certificates) and documents for the car.

    Next, at the command of an employee of Marine Directorate LLC, the specified transport proceeds to the Crimea-1 storage site, located on the territory of the port of Crimea, where inspection activities are carried out, the formation of ship parties and loading onto ferries.

    Passenger vehicles without electronic queue coupons and travel documents or an electronic ticket boarding pass on ferry line ships are not allowed.

    Very detailed instructions Read about how the crossing takes place at Crimea forum.

    Prices for the crossing


    • adult ticket - 150 rubles,
    • children's ticket (age from 6 to 12 years) - 80 rubles,
    • child ticket (age up to 6 years) - 0 rub.

    Passenger transport:

    • length up to 5.3 m - 1700 rub.,
    • length over 5.3 m - 4800 rub.,
    • trailer for for a passenger car— 1,500 rub.

    Other ground transport:

    • Bicycle - 150 rub.,
    • Moped - 300 rub.,
    • Motorcycle - 500 rub.,
    • Tricycle - 600 rub.,
    • ATV - 700 rub.

    For the sake of convenience and reducing waiting time at the Kerch ferry crossing, Marine Directorate LLC (the official carrier at the Kerch ferry crossing) recommends purchasing electronic tickets through the website

    You enter the necessary data, make payment and receive electronic tickets, with a printout of which you must arrive at the collection area of ​​the port of departure at the specified time. Every passenger and driver motor vehicle must have original identification documents and vehicle documents.

    The carrier guarantees that it will transport you and your vehicle in the selected time slot of the purchased electronic ticket.


    1. Pregnant women (with a pregnancy period of more than 26 weeks) traveling to the ferry crossing by vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of a certificate of pregnancy.
    2. Passengers with children under 1 year of age - upon presentation of the child's birth certificate.
    3. Passengers of train No. 561/562 “Moscow - Simferopol - Moscow” upon presentation of a valid travel document, as well as the serving team of conductors.
    4. Large families, 3 or more children accompanied by 1 or 2 parents, upon presentation of the children's birth certificates and an identity document.
    5. Disabled people of group I - upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group.
    6. Disabled people of group II - upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group.
    7. Citizens exposed to radiation as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, upon presentation of the appropriate document.
    8. Passengers traveling on regular buses, as well as on buses providing charter transportation (with a capacity of at least 15 seats), upon presentation by bus drivers of the corresponding waybills.
    9. Employees of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Federal Security Service of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, employees of the prosecutor’s office, the investigative committee, traveling alone or accompanied by road transport(including special purpose) upon presentation of a travel and service certificate, Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post", traveling by official motor transport.
    10. Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
    11. Disabled people of war.
    12. Heroes Soviet Union, Heroes Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.
    13. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.
    14. Participants of the Great Patriotic War, traveling to the ferry crossing in a vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of the appropriate document.
    15. Disabled children traveling to the ferry crossing in a vehicle alone or accompanied - upon presentation of the appropriate document.
    16. Passengers traveling to a funeral (including a vehicle), upon presentation of the appropriate document.
    17. Members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma, upon presentation of the appropriate identification.
    18. Vehicles and employees of Crimean regional administration collection
    19. Emergency and operational services vehicles.
    20. Employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions located in the area of ​​the ports “Kavkaz” and “Kerch” (terminal “Crimea”).
    22. Employees ensuring law and order, organization traffic, medical service and other activities aimed at the uninterrupted functioning of the ports “Kavkaz” and “Kerch” (terminal “Crimea”).

    1. Disabled people of war.
    2. Participants of the Great Patriotic War.
    3. Former minor prisoners of concentration camps, ghettos and other places of forced detention.
    4. Combat veterans.
    5. Persons awarded the badge “Resident of besieged Leningrad.”
    6. Heroes of Socialist Labor, Heroes of Labor of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Labor Glory.
    7. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory.
    8. Rescuers involved in the work to eliminate emergency situations when moving to the place of carrying out the specified work.
    9. Members of the Federation Council, deputies of the State Duma.
    10. Workers transport prosecutor's offices within the serviced areas during the performance of official duties.
    12. Employees of internal affairs bodies when traveling to a new place of duty, as well as to the place of vacation and back.
    13. Military personnel when going on a business trip to a new place military service, as well as to the place of use of the vacation and back.
    14. Employees of special communications services.
    15. Heroes of Kuban, Heroes of Labor of Kuban - at the box office located in the Krasnodar Territory.

    Crossing for disabled people

    For the convenience of staying in storage facilities and moving people with disabilities on the territory of the ports “Kavkaz” and “Crimea” of the Kerch ferry crossing, the waiting rooms are equipped with ramps, places for wheelchairs in the waiting room, special tables in the cafe, taking into account the size of wheelchairs, and special cabins in public toilets.

    Disabled people of groups I and II, upon presentation of a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating the disability group, have the right of priority passage to the ferries.

    The above categories of disabled people can exercise the right of priority passage on the territory of storage area No. 3 (Ilyich) of the port "Kavkaz" (in the summer there is a ticket office for preferential categories) and storage area No. 2 of the port "Crimea".

    General information about ferries

    There are four modern ferries operating on the passenger line:

    • “Crimea”: 160 passenger cars / 16 cargo vehicles, 300 passengers;
    • "Olympiad": 120 passenger cars / 16 cargo vehicles, 600 passengers;
    • “Pobeda”: 150 passenger vehicles, 500 passengers;
    • "Protoporos IV": 150 passenger vehicles, 500 passengers.
    • Depending on the workload of the ferries, the Glikofilousa-III and Major Chapichev ferries may be attracted to the line.

    In strong winds (and therefore in strong waves), ferries do not carry out transportation. You can monitor the forecast for wind strength.

    Cellular communications in Crimea

    MTS has the most positive reviews and is most in demand in Crimea.
    One of the most common is the tariff “Super MTS Krasnodar and Crimea” or another name “MTS Yuzhny”. To make calls to various regions of Russia, you can activate the “Call for free to MTS Russia 100” option.
    For optimal use of the MTS SIM card in your home region in Crimea, you need to enable the options “Everywhere at home” for conversations and “SuperBit” for mobile internet.
    No less interesting are MTS tariffs in Crimea specifically for smartphones, tablets and computers, as well as for special occasions(tariff “Guest”, “Resort”, “Per-second”).

    WIN mobile is the first Russian operator in Crimea to build its own communicators on the peninsula. After launch, WIN mobile offered only tariff plan“Freedom of Communication” (very similar to “Super MTS”), three Internet packages with a daily and monthly traffic quota: these are online freedom, online day and online month. To connect to Win Mobile, you must manually select the “Rus 32”, “25032” or “Win ​​Mobile” network in the phone settings. All Russian SIM cards will automatically connect to this network.

    Megafon, Beeline - Before you go on a trip across Russia, do not forget that your phone will be in Roaming, and this may entail unexpected expenses for mobile communications. If possible, disable all types of forwarding and services that are associated with the use of the mobile Internet. Such actions will help significantly reduce the cost of mobile communications during a trip. Therefore, before making a trip, it is recommended to seek advice from the subscriber support department or familiarize yourself with the current tariffs on the company’s website.

    3G Internet - Until recently, tourists coming to the peninsula could not use modern communication services. However, times change, and with them advances in the field of communications come to Crimea.
    We are talking about 3G Internet, access to which is already available on the southern coast of the peninsula, starting from Feodosia to Foros. Previously, it started operating in Kerch and Sevastopol.

    Already upgraded 157 base stations mobile operator "K-Telecom" - the only one on the peninsula so far. The modernization will make it possible to cover the entire peninsula with 3G Internet, including the capital, Simferopol.
    It is planned that all work will be completed in 2016. This will make it possible to provide mobile Internet services with elements of the fourth generation and high speed internet will be available throughout the entire peninsula.

    ATMs and card payments

    On December 26, 2014, payment systems Visa and MasterCard suspended operations for servicing their cards in Crimea. The refusal to service their cards in Crimea was explained by a ban by the US authorities.

    Currently, banks operating on the peninsula offer clients cards based on the PRO100 payment system (). In total, more than 5 thousand terminals have been installed in Crimea that accept payments using cards of this payment system.

    From January 20, 2016, on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the Federal City of Sevastopol:

    • All trade and service enterprises connected through GENBANK JSC accept VISA cards from all Russian issuing banks for payment within the framework of the National Payment Card System.
    • In all PVNs of JSC "GENBANK" IPS cards "VISA" of all Russian issuing banks are accepted for servicing within the framework of the National Payment Card System.
    • RNKB and Bank of Russia work with Mastercard in Crimea and Sevastopol. There are ATMs in all cities of Crimea.

    It is best to take cash with you to avoid problems.

    Gasoline and diesel fuel

    On the mainland. The nearest normal gas station to the port of Kavkaz (Lukoil, all types of fuel) is located 50 km from the crossing in the village of Golubitskaya. . A little closer to the crossing there is an unnamed gas station in the Fontalovskaya area (92nd or DT).

    In Crimea. The nearest gas stations to the port of Crimea are 10 km from the crossing (gasoline, gas). See also where all gas stations are marked.

    Prices for gasoline and diesel in Crimea are a couple of rubles more than in the Krasnodar Territory. There are no problems with gas - most gas stations have it.

    Freight transportation on the Kerch ferry crossing

    There are several ferry lines for transporting cargo and light-duty goods. Vehicle at the crossing "Caucasus-Crimea":
    1. Line "Port Caucasus - Port Crimea" transportation operator LLC "Maritime Directorate"
    2. Line "Port Caucasus - Kerch Trade Port" - operator of the State Unitary Enterprise "Crimean Sea Ports"
    3. Line "Port Caucasus - Kerch Fishing Port" - operator LLC "Crimean Transport Logistics Company"
    4. Line “Port Caucasus - Kerch Fishing Port” - operator NovoInterTrans LLC

    1. The order of freight transport to the Kerch ferry crossing (from the Krasnodar Territory).

    Light-duty freight transport (maximum permissible weight up to 7.5 tons) goes to the storage facility “Caucasus - 3” (Ilyich village). After registration, purchase of tickets (if there are no electronic tickets) and further instructions from the ferry workers, proceed to the port of Kavkaz for loading onto the ferry.

    Heavy-duty freight transport goes through the Slavyansk on Kuban distribution point.

    Upon arrival of a cargo vehicle at the distribution point at the accumulation site "Kavkaz - 4" in Slavyansk-on-Kuban, the driver with a set of documents for the vehicle and for the cargo being transported (vehicle registration certificate, waybill) goes to the control center LLC "Maritime Directorate"

    The driver of a cargo vehicle receives an electronic queue coupon and waits for a phone call and/or SMS message from the dispatcher of Marine Directorate LLC about the need to proceed to the port of Kavkaz (storage site "Kavkaz-2" on the Chushka spit, 9.1 km from the port Caucasus).

    After purchasing a ticket (upon presentation of an electronic queue coupon) in the Kavkaz-2 storage facility and waiting for loading on the ferry, the formed ship party is sent to the port of Kavkaz for loading on the ferry.

    Sending to the port is carried out at the command of the dispatcher. The loading berth and loading order are determined based on the operational situation. For loading at the port of Kavkaz, berth No. 8 (main) and berths No. 3 and 4 are used. When entering the port territory, you must present electronic queue coupons.

    Attention! Trucks without travel documents and electronic queue coupons are not allowed into the territory of the seaport of Kavkaz, the storage area "Kavkaz - 1" and onto the ferry line vessels.

    2. The order of freight transport to the Kerch ferry crossing (from the Crimea).

    The formation of the flow of freight vehicles heading from the territory of the Crimean Federal District through the ferry line "Caucasus - Crimea (Kerch)" is carried out at the accumulation site "Crimea - 3", located on the territory of the airport in Kerch, Vokzalnoye Highway, 140.

    Upon arrival of a cargo vehicle at the storage site "Crimea - 3", the driver with a set of documents for the vehicle and for the transported cargo (vehicle registration certificate, driver's license, waybill, other documents) is sent for registration to the dispatch center of Marine Directorate LLC "

    Upon registration, the driver of a cargo vehicle receives an electronic queue coupon of the appropriate category and awaits a telephone call and/or SMS message from an employee of Marine Directorate LLC about the need to purchase a travel ticket and go to the port for loading. Registration of travel documents is carried out upon presentation of a boarding pass, an electronic queue coupon and documents for the driver and vehicle. Also, consignments of vehicles are formed at the site depending on the loading location (berth) of the selected port of departure.

    Sending to the port is carried out at the command of an employee of Marine Directorate LLC. The loading berth and loading order are determined based on the operational situation. For loading, the berth of the port fleet of the Kerch sea trade port, as well as the berths of the Crimea terminal, are used. When entering the ports, you must present electronic queue coupons.

    Attention! Trucks without travel documents and electronic queue coupons are not allowed into the territory of the port fleet of the Kerch Sea Commercial Port, as well as the Crimea-1 storage area and onto ferry line vessels.
    Loading of a cargo vehicle is carried out in the presence of an electronic queue coupon and a paid ticket.

    Freight tariffs

    In accordance with the order “On approval of the tariff for organizing the transportation of passengers, their luggage and motor vehicles” dated August 12, 2015 No. 171, tariffs were approved for the line port “Crimea” - port “Kavkaz”, port “Kavkaz” - port “Crimea”, port "Caucasus" - port "Kerch", port "Kerch" - port "Caucasus" (in one direction).


    1. If the actual length of the vehicle is more than 16.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: Sfact = L: 16.5xS, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
    2. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: Sfact = Sx2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
    3. If the actual height of the AT is more than 4.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the AT.
    4. If the actual width of the vehicle is more than 2.6 m and the height of the vehicle is more than 4.5 m, the actual cost of transportation (S fact) is calculated using the formula: S fact = S x 2, where S is the base cost of transportation of the vehicle.
    5. If the actual length of the vehicle exceeds 16.5 m and any of the other dimensions at the same time, the actual cost of transportation is calculated using the formula:
    S fact = L: 16.5 x S, where L is the actual length of the vehicle, m, S is the base cost of transporting the vehicle.
    6. When calculating the cost of a vehicle whose gross weight exceeds 28 tons, do not charge for additional tons over 28 tons. When measuring weight, an incomplete ton up to 500 kg is rounded down, and an incomplete ton from 500 kg is rounded up.
    7. When transporting dangerous goods, an increasing factor of 1.25 is applied.