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Information and technological support of 1C:Enterprise programs. Information and technological support of "1C:Enterprise" programs 1c its official

The 1C:ITS information system was created specifically for 1C:Enterprise users - for managers, personnel officers, economists, accountants, accountants and IT specialists commercial organizations.

The 1C:ITS information system provides news, comments and advice from specialists on accounting, tax and personnel records, recommendations for the taxation of business transactions, step-by-step instructions for reflecting them in the program, instructions for drawing up accounting, tax reporting and reporting on insurance premiums and sending reports to regulatory authorities in in electronic format directly from 1C:Enterprise.

Uniqueness information system 1C:ITS is that the authors of all included materials are the developers of the 1C:Enterprise programs, auditors and methodologists of the 1C company.

Experts and methodologists of the 1C company daily monitor changes in legislation and develop methods for accounting for a particular business transaction, accounting for taxes, filling out declarations, etc. Then programmers, based on these methods, make changes to the programs, and methodologists write materials for IS 1C: ITS. Thus, all business situations, materials on taxes and reporting are considered from two points of view: from the position of legislation and from the position of application of legislation in 1C programs (detailed step-by-step instructions).

Accountants and personnel officers

  • Monitor changes in legislation on the information system website or subscribe to newsletters by email.
  • Use search to solve non-standard questions. The 1C:ITS information system contains more than 100,000 articles, consultations, comments on legislation, court decisions and letters.
  • Submit your reports on time and without errors - the accountant’s smart calendar will remind you of the deadlines and the procedure for filling them out. Step by step instructions on the preparation, generation and sending of reports will help you do everything correctly.
  • Have you recently started working with the 1C program? Read the recommendations for keeping records of auditors and methodologists of the 1C company. This will save time and give you confidence.

Head of a small company, entrepreneur

  • Gain knowledge about taxation, working with personnel, legal and legal aspects of activity, presented in a simple and understandable form.

IT specialists

  • Read online books on development on the 1C platform: "1C: Programming for Beginners", " Practical guide developer", "1C:Enterprise Query Language", "Development of complex reports in the 1C:Enterprise 8 program" and others.
  • Find answers to your questions in the current documentation on 1C application solutions.


For accountants and personnel officers

  • Legislation news - comments on important changes, letters from government agencies and decisions of arbitration courts.
  • Directory of business transactions. Step by step practical examples conducting accounting in 1C programs.
  • Settings accounting policy for VAT, income tax and simplified tax system.
  • Handbook on taxes: the procedure for determining the tax base, issuing invoices and paying VAT, income tax, personal income tax, simplified tax system, UTII, property tax, transport and land taxes.
  • The procedure for filling out and submitting reports, the accountant’s calendar.
  • Personnel Directory: rules for hiring and firing, calculations wages, registration of personnel documents, accounting of entertainment expenses, assistants for calculating vacation pay, benefits and travel allowances.
  • Directory of economic situations and taxation of state, budget and autonomous institutions.
  • Electronic versions of books on accounting in 1C programs.
  • Answers from 1C auditors and methodologists to user questions on accounting, taxation and personnel issues.

For the head of the company:

  • legal support:
    • legal aspects of activity: how to open or close a business, how to correctly formalize the organization’s relationship with its founders and government agencies
    • contract guide: terms and conditions standard forms
    • clarifications and comments on issues of administrative responsibility
  • comments on important changes in legislation for business
  • tax tips and advice

For an IT specialist:

  • development and administration recommendations
  • technological issues major implementations
  • demo configurations
  • reports and processing, geographic diagrams, libraries, utilities
  • standard elements built into application solutions
  • documentation for the program system "1C:Enterprise 8"

Terms of Use

The information system is available to users of all versions of 1C:Enterprise software.

Internet access is required for the service to work.


Information system 1C:ITS for 12 months

16,800 rub.

  • access to all general sections of the information system (does not include access to the sections "Accounting in government institutions", "Medicine", "Construction")

Test access for 7 days

  • access to all general sections of the 1C:ITS information system, incl. to sections "Accounting in government institutions", "Medicine" and "Construction"

As part of ITS tariffs

Access to the information system is included in the 1C:ITS PROF level information technology support packages:

  • under the 1C:ITS PROF or 1C:KP PROF agreement - access to all general sections of the information system, does not include access to industry sections ("Medicine", "Construction", etc.)
  • under the 1C:ITS BUDGET PROF agreement - access to general sections of the information system and the section "Accounting in government institutions"
  • under the contract "1C:ITS Construction" - access to general sections of the information system and the section "Construction and Housing and Communal Services"
  • Under the agreement "1C:ITS Medicine" - access to general sections of the information system, sections "Medicine" and "Accounting in government institutions"
  • The 1C:KP PROF tariff includes access to general sections for commercial organizations and government agencies, does not include access to industry sections ("Medicine", "Construction").

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What is ITS?

Financial and economic programs cannot work correctly for a long time without updates. Legislation is constantly changing, calculation methods, postings, and accounting requirements in organizations are changing. Errors made while working with outdated versions of programs can lead to undesirable consequences.

The 1C company provides users of 1C:Enterprise programs with comprehensive consulting, technological and methodological support. Support is provided through a subscription to the monthly publication " Information and Technological Support "1C:Enterprise""(briefly - ITS).

The ease of use of ITS has already been appreciated by more than 140,000 users economic software company "1C".

ITS is A complex approach to service users of software products of the 1C:Enterprise system, including:

Technological, methodological and consulting materials (on DVD or on the Internet):

  • 1C:Enterprise program updates;
  • practical and methodological recommendations for working with 1C:Enterprise programs;
  • exclusive guides to basic taxes and fees;
  • materials from leading economic publications;
  • exclusive explanations of changes in legislation;
  • current regulatory information.

Information is updated and updated monthly.

Service and consulting services:

  • delivery of ITS disks directly to workplace user;
  • installation of software product updates by qualified specialists;
  • personal consultation of users on issues of working with 1C:Enterprise products;
  • the ability to receive 1C:Enterprise updates via the Internet;
  • the opportunity to address complex questions to auditors - authors of ITS reference books (only for ITS PROF subscribers).

Who can subscribe to ITS?

ITS is distributed exclusively by subscription among registered users of 1C:Enterprise programs and is not available for free sale. The amount of information and service provided depends on the type of ITS.

Types of ITS

The target audience Types of ITS
Manager, accountant, HR officer, IT specialist of a self-supporting organization
Manager, accountant, HR specialist, IT specialist budgetary organization
Manager, accountant, pharmacist, IT specialist of a medical organization
Director, accountant, lawyer, estimator, designer, foreman, IT specialist of a construction organization
IT specialist of a self-supporting organization ITS TECHNO
IT specialist of a budget organization

Terms of subscription to ITS

You can subscribe to ITS from 1C partners in your city. The list of partners is presented on the 1C company website in the section “Service Centers and 1C Service Partners - support for 1C:Enterprise users”.

Preferential (free) subscription to ITS

Some 1C:Enterprise software products provide preferential (free) support within the ITS for 6 months. For detailed information on the terms of support for 1C software products, see "".

Subscription to preferential services must be completed within 6 months from the date of purchase of the program. The partner of the 1C company who sold the software product must subscribe to the preferential ITS.

Transition from a preferential (free) ITS subscription to a paid subscription

After the end of the grace (free) period, for further maintenance and updating of programs, users complex products“1C:Enterprise 7.7”, standard software products “1C:Enterprise 8” and products “1C:Enterprise 7.7”, the name of which contains “+ITS”, you must take out a paid subscription to ITS.

Without a valid subscription to ITS, users of complex products "1C:Enterprise 7.7", standard software products "1C:Enterprise 8" and products "1C:Enterprise 7.7", the name of which contains "+ITS", cannot use the services of 1C partners » for support, and accordingly, partners of the 1C company cannot support users of such software products without a valid subscription to the ITS.

Paid subscription to ITS

Paid subscription to ITS is provided for 3, 6 or 12 issues. The cost of the subscription depends on the user's choice. Information about delivery options and their prices is published monthly for users and partners about the release of ITS.

ITS PROF - the flagship of the ITS line

ITS PROF is a universal solution for maintaining the functionality of 1C:Enterprise programs, a source of exclusive consulting materials on accounting, tax and labor law, unique materials on working with 1C:Enterprise programs.

Materials on ITS PROF are grouped by topic:

Release news

ITS is a voluminous publication, all materials of which monthly are supplemented and updated. For the convenience of subscribers, each issue is accompanied by a “Review of New Materials.” In the “Review...” we draw attention to the most important and interesting, from our point of view, publications published in this issue.

ITS advice: Start getting acquainted with the new release of ITS PROF with the “Review of new materials.”

Technological support

The thematic section “Technological Support” contains all the necessary information for carrying out routine work on updating 1C:Enterprise programs:

  • current releases of the platform and configurations;
  • reporting forms;
  • instructions for installing updates;
  • materials on administration of 1C:Enterprise.

Subsections with methodological support include a large number exclusive materials prepared by 1C methodologists.

The “Technological Support” section contains methodological materials of a technical nature and electronic manuals that will be of interest to implementation specialists, accountants, experienced users and users who are just starting to work with 1C:Enterprise programs.

Practice of working in 1C programs

The thematic section “Practice of working in 1C programs” includes two unique directory:

  • Directory of business transactions. Accounting in 1C:Enterprise
  • Personnel and remuneration.

Leading methodologists from the 1C company, auditors, specialists from the Financial Academy, and leading specialists from franchisee firms took part in the development of the reference books.

« Directory of business transactions» includes comprehensive information for an accountant on 250 typical situations on the purchase and sale of goods, materials, accounting of fixed assets, provision and receipt of services, lending and mutual settlements.

Almost all situations in the reference book contain detailed and understandable instructions on how to reflect this operation in 1C:Enterprise configurations.

Using the directory " Personnel and remuneration» an accountant can familiarize himself with the detailed algorithm for calculating a particular payment, and based on the available samples, create any necessary personnel document, clarify how to reflect this operation in the 1C:Enterprise program.


The “Accounting” section includes several reference books in the “ 1C:Accounting details", each of which comprehensively reveals one complex economic situation. From these reference books, the accountant will learn complete information about the procedure for registering labor relations with foreigners, accounting and taxation of imports, exports, leasing, the pitfalls of travel and hospitality expenses, amount and exchange rate differences.

Taxes and Reporting

In the “Taxes” and “Reporting” sections in the reference books of the “ Taxes: line by line and in detail» describes the procedure for filling out each line of the corresponding declaration and reveals the basic concepts that an accountant encounters when calculating the main taxes - VAT, income tax, “salary” taxes, simplified tax system and UTII, property tax and transport tax.

The “Reporting” section also includes the reference book “Accounting and tax reporting in 1C: Accounting”, which sets out practical recommendations on the preparation of interim accounting and tax reporting of organizations, algorithms are given for the automatic generation of individual indicators based on accounting and tax accounting in the 1C: Accounting program.

Personnel and Inspections

The “Personnel” section includes several reference books that provide the most complete information on personnel issues. In the directory " Personnel and remuneration"contains information on how to correctly and correctly perform individual accounting operations for payroll and personnel records in the payroll programs of the 1C company. The rules for calculating “salary” taxes and reporting are set out line by line and in detail in the reference book “ Taxes and fees for settlements with personnel". The “Personnel” section contains information about filling rules work records, on hiring foreign workers, on accounting for travel and entertainment expenses. And the reference book “ Attention: check!»

Directory « Attention: check!" was developed by the authors of the Information Analytical System "1C: Consulting. Standard" - a consulting system for legal support of an enterprise, produced by 1C. The directory contains reference, consulting and practical materials with the help of which users can independently answer their questions about inspections and perform all the necessary actions during the inspection in the correct sequence. The directory covers inspections by tax authorities, labor inspectorates, migration services, control over transactions with in cash or other property.


All materials on ITS PROF are formatted in the form of a full-text database, each document of which contains hypertext links to the GARANT regulatory framework. The volume of documents in the “Legislation” section corresponds to the information blocks of the reference and legal system “GARANT” - “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship” and “Taxes, accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow”, current as of the date of issue of the ITS.

Accounting periodicals

Periodicals that are published on the ITS monthly are combined into a single database “Accounting Periodicals”, in which the user can search necessary information both within one publication (in all issues for the last year), and across all publications at once. The database includes publications: Bukh.1S, PBU, RNA, Accounting.

Helpful information

In this section, information is updated monthly on where you can get training in working with 1C programs, how to obtain a 1C: Professional certificate, which partner is best to contact to solve a particular accounting problem, the price list of the 1C company .

In addition, the section publishes and updates monthly a catalog of books and teaching aids on "1C:Enterprise" publishing house "" and materials and schedule of seminars "".

Since 2009, ITS appeared on the disk two new navigation tools:

ITS for budgetary institutions

Especially for users of budgetary institutions, the 1C company publishes a monthly publication - ITS BUDGET PROF (>).

In addition to the sections ITS PROF, ITS BUDGET PROF includes reporting forms, releases of programs and configurations for budgetary sphere, reference books describing budgetary financial and economic operations, methodological support and periodicals for budgetary institutions, schedule and materials of “1C:Consulting” seminars on budget accounting and payroll, tests on the “1C:Accounting for budgetary institutions” program for certification for the title “1C:Professional”, schedule of training courses.

ITS for construction organizations

In order to promptly and regularly provide technological, informational and methodological support specifically for construction organizations The 1C company publishes a monthly publication - the disk "Information Technological Support of Construction Organizations" (ITS CONSTRUCTION) ( >).

ITS for medical organizations

Subscription to ITS MEDICINE will be especially interesting medical organizations with the hospital pharmacy, pharmacy chains and retail pharmacies, as well as other organizations involved in the turnover medicines. Materials from ITS MEDICINE can be used as a data source for the Nomenclature directory in configurations on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 and 1C:Enterprise 8 platforms. (>).

Additional service for ITS subscribers

Dedicated telephone line

For information support 1C has allocated a special telephone number for ITS subscribers.

A support telephone number is printed on each ITS disk.

By calling this number, ITS subscribers can receive answers to questions related to the operation of 1C:Enterprise system programs, as well as questions about the use of technological tools presented on the disk. You can also send your questions by email to the address and (for subscribers - 1C:Enterprise 8 users).

Only ITS subscribers registered with 1C are served by telephone information technology support and e-mail.

Internet support for 1C:Enterprise 8 users

Section of the Internet user support site "1C:Enterprise 8" is available for registered users with a valid ITS subscription. The website section address is .

After registering on the website, ITS subscribers can quickly download program updates without waiting for the next release.

Internet support for 1C:Enterprise 7.7 users

Using Internet support, 1C:Enterprise 7.7 users can quickly update regulated reports and configuration releases from the 1C Web server. This requires an Internet connection and the latest release of ITS.

To call Internet support, you need to select “Internet Support” in the “Service” menu of the main menu of the “1C:Enterprise 7.7” program or use the toolbar button with the image of a dove.

Access to the resource where configuration updates are posted is provided if you have an active ITS subscriptions and is limited to the duration of a specific subscription.

ITS advice: Internet support will only work if the ITS disk is properly installed and is in the computer's disk drive.

As part of the agreement signed by 1C and RIA RosBusinessConsulting joint activities for organizing information services, users of 1C:Enterprise programs have the opportunity to automatically receive information on exchange rates for any period starting from 1991.

Online support allows users to express their opinion to the system developers or ask a question on, without interrupting their work with the program.

Question to the auditor

Users who have a paid subscription to ITS PROF have the opportunity to receive free consultations with auditors(authors of the “Directory of Business Transactions”, series of reference books “Line by line and in detail”, “Details of accounting”) on accounting and taxation issues. Questions should be sent by email to .

In the letter with the question, be sure to indicate the name of the subscriber organization and the registration number of the 1C:Enterprise program for which a paid ITS PROF subscription is issued.

Access to the technical support knowledge base

Department knowledge base technical support 1C company is a collection of the most frequently asked questions by partners and users and answers to them ( FAQ- Frequently Asked Question).

The main purpose of providing ITS subscribers with access to a fragment of this database is to simplify the process of obtaining answers to typical questions. Now users will be able to get answers to many questions without having to contact the technical support department, which will allow users to save their time.

The ITS support system is published monthly both on DVD and on the Internet on the website The Internet version of ITS is released on the same day as the disk and is available to users of ITS PROF, ITS Budget PROF, ITS Medicine, ITS Construction and Housing and Communal Services.

On the site you can download the latest releases of 1C platforms and configurations. To do this, you need to go to your “Personal Account” on the website and scroll down. Only users who have subscribed to an ITS subscription for the current month can download updates.

Users are also given access to information sections of the ITS release on the website and access to the 1C knowledge base on the website The 1C knowledge base is a collection of answers from the 1C technical support service, in which all answers are grouped by topic.

The Internet version of ITS Prof contains the following information sections:

  • Note to the user
  • News
  • Technological support for application solutions
  • Accounting and tax accounting
  • Taxes and fees
  • Reporting
  • Personnel and remuneration
  • Legal support
  • The auditor answers
  • Base regulatory documents
  • Books and periodicals

Note to the user

All ITS materials are updated monthly and updated. For easy user navigation, each issue is accompanied by a “Notes for Users” section. This section briefly reviews all the most significant publications of the new issue, raises all the most pressing issues of changes in legislation, etc.


The section contains news, divided for convenience into several categories:

  • Releases: information about new releases of the platform, configurations, reporting forms, etc.;
  • Legislation: the latest changes in legislation, the most interesting clarifications from the Ministry of Finance, the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies. bodies and comments to them, as well as consideration of recent decisions of arbitration courts;
  • Consultations: answers from experts in accounting, taxation and personnel records to questions from ITS PROF users;
  • 1C: Lecture hall: information about lectures conducted by 1C company methodologists and invited specialists.

Technological support for application solutions

This section contains the information necessary to update 1C: Enterprise programs:

  • new reporting forms;

In addition, in the section technological support includes subsections with methodological support. Methodological support includes many exclusive visual instructions that will be useful to both experienced accountants and novice users of the 1C:Enterprise program.

Accounting and tax accounting

This section includes reference books useful for accountants:

  • Directory of business transactions in “1C: Accounting 8”;
  • Directory of business transactions in “1C: UPP 8”;
  • Household directories operations for accounting for income tax and VAT;
  • Household Directory tax accounting operations when applying the simplified tax system;
  • Directories on accounting for complex business situations, including export and import;
  • Auditors' answers to user questions on accounting.

Directories of business transactions contain information about typical situations for the purchase and sale of inventory, fixed assets, lending and mutual settlements, issuance of advances and wages, etc. All these typical situations contain detailed and understandable guidelines for reflecting them in 1C: Enterprise configurations.

The development of reference books is carried out by leading methodologists of the 1C company, specialists from the Financial Academy, and auditors.

Taxes and fees

This section contains reference books that cover the basic concepts that an accountant encounters when calculating taxes. All information is divided into groups (taxes): income tax, VAT, personal income tax, simplified tax system, UTII, unified agricultural tax, property tax, transport and land taxes, etc.

This section also contains:

  • Handbook “Fine Calculation Assistant”;
  • All forms of payment orders for paying taxes with current details;
  • Regional and local tax rates;
  • Auditors' answers to questions on taxation.


The “Reporting” section describes the procedure for filling out each line of the corresponding declaration for each of the taxes: VAT, income tax, corporate property tax, personal income tax, unified agricultural tax, simplified tax system, UTII, land and transport taxes, insurance premiums. The section provides detailed examples of reporting in the 1C: Enterprise 8 programs. The section also contains the following useful information:

  • Guides for filling out balance sheets and profit reports of organizations;
  • Directory “Personalized reporting”;
  • Handbook “Reporting in the absence of activity.”

Personnel and remuneration

The section includes reference books that are extremely useful when taking into account personnel issues:

  • Directory “Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in 1C programs”;
  • Assistant for calculating vacation pay, travel allowances and benefits;
  • Information on hiring foreign citizens;
  • Information about possible inspections by the Labor Inspectorate and the Migration Service;
  • Answers to questions about personnel and wages and much more.

Legal support

Section contains:

  • Directory “The most significant changes in legislation for an accountant”;
  • Commentaries by lawyers on laws and court decisions;
  • Instructions for correct completion various types contracts;
  • Information about legal regulation electronic document management;
  • Directory "Checks".

The “Checks” directory contains consultation materials and practical advice that will help you prepare for any type of inspection and avoid misconduct inspection bodies. The reference book popularly states:

  • on what basis can this or that inspection be carried out (and, accordingly, whether it is legal);
  • what are the powers officials inspection body;
  • how the company’s manager and employees should behave during the inspection;
  • whether the deadlines established by law for carrying out the inspection are met;
  • whether the inspectors completed the documents correctly;
  • what responsibility does the audited organization bear when violations are detected;
  • in what cases and in what order can one appeal against the actions of the inspection body.

The auditor answers

ITS PROF subscribers can ask questions to auditors by sending them by email This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it. . In the “Auditor Answers” ​​section you can find the most interesting answers. For convenience, all answers to questions are grouped by topic.

Database of normative documents

This section was prepared by experts from the Garant company. The volume of documents in the section corresponds to the information blocks of the GARANT reference system - “Taxes, accounting. accounting, entrepreneurship" and "Taxes, accounting. accounting, entrepreneurship. Moscow".

The “Base of Regulatory Documents” section also contains accounting and reporting forms in MS Word and MS Excel formats and much more.

Books and periodicals

The section contains electronic versions of popular accounting magazines and books with detailed instructions for working in “1C: Accounting 8”.

Internet version of the disk ITS TECHNO

Of all the above information sections, only the “Technological support for application solutions” section is available to ITS TECHNO subscribers. This section contains the information necessary to update the 1C: Enterprise program:

  • latest platform and configuration releases;
  • what changes in the operation of the program with the installation of new releases and how to use it in your work;
  • new reporting forms;
  • instructions for installing updates.

In addition, the technological support section includes subsections with methodological support. Methodological support includes many visual instructions for working with the program, which will be useful for both experienced accountants and novice users of the 1C:Enterprise program.

1C is a company that has been producing application solutions for business automation, software for home and office since 1991. The most popular products are 1C: Enterprise, 1C: Accounting, 1C: Reporting, 1C: Comprehensive automation enterprises, etc.

The organization operates a portal for information and technical support and support – The site has virtual services, including a personal account - a personal section that allows users to order software products from 1C and partners (Microsoft, Bitrix, ABBYY, etc.) and view information about purchased solutions.

Registration in your personal account

Registration on the site is open. To register on the site, follow these steps:

  • go to the system login page;
  • click on the “New User Registration” button;
  • enter your login and password, address in the fields of the form that opens Email, full name, place of work, locality, phone number. Login, password, and e-mail are required. The remaining data is entered as desired;
  • confirm that you are not a robot by entering the characters from the picture;
  • click the "Register" button.

An email will be sent to your email address with instructions for activating your account. Complete the necessary steps to make your personal account active.

Login to your personal account 1C

To log in, enter the username and password you selected during registration. Authorization is also available through services that provide services for using 1C in the cloud. Forgotten and lost identification data can be restored using the “Forgot your password?” link. In the field that opens, enter the e-mail where the new password is sent.


Users need the personal section of the 1C portal to:

  1. Buy 1C products and see the ordered application solutions with statuses.
  2. Place and track pre-orders for announced software.
  3. View the list of purchased and paid for goods.
  4. Return to viewed programs and services.
  5. Place products in Favorites.
  6. Set up your account: edit personal data, change password, etc.

Registration on the portal allows you to quickly learn about news and the latest 1C developments.

How is the 1C website useful for unregistered users?

The website contains descriptions of 1C software solutions, information about product updates, information about the official partners of the software developer who sell and support licensed application solutions and provide them for rent. Users have access to consultations with experts, methodologists, auditors, 1C technical support specialists, registration for training events (face-to-face and in webinar format), various reference books, manuals, training manuals, consultations on programs and legislation (1C:ITS project) and other opportunities.

The 1C company ensures the constant development and updating of the 1C:Enterprise 8 software system in accordance with legal requirements, business practice, development information technologies and services, and also makes limited updates to outdated versions of its software products.

The Software Update service allows you to:

  • Get information about the planned release schedule of new versions application programs And technology platform; receive information about planned functional changes that will be made in new version programs;
  • Find out which version of the software product is current, download distribution kits to update your version of the product to the current one;
  • Get information about the list of errors that have been registered and will be corrected in future versions of the programs;
  • Download various additional files that are recommended by software developers for use.

According to some software products Preliminary test releases are published on the service. They are intended mainly for 1C partners and serve for testing purposes, preliminary familiarization with new configuration capabilities, bug fixes, and for testing the operation of new releases on real data. Partners who have received a preliminary test release of the configuration can install this release to users if they consider this acceptable, making sure to warn the user about the test nature of this release and ensuring the safety of user data.


  • Quickly obtain the most current versions of the software used, taking into account the latest changes in legislation:
    • possibility of self-updating through the technical support section,
    • possibility of remote updating performed by specialists of 1C company partners.
  • Obtaining new mechanisms and tools in the product, improvements to existing mechanisms made directly by the developer (reducing the cost of in-house modifications).
  • Reducing the tax risks of an enterprise through timely updating of mechanisms, formulas, templates for accounting and reporting in accordance with latest changes legislation.

Conditions of receipt

To gain access to updates, the program must be officially supported.

reference Information

  • Program registration information and existing agreements 1C:ITS is available in the “Personal Account” of this portal.
  • Check whether you can receive the update service by registration number programs are possible.
  • If you do not have the right to receive updates, contact a certified 1C partner in your region.
  • You can choose a package of services and calculate the preliminary cost of support for your company.

How to get update files?

For programs on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform:

  • Download it yourself on the 1C:ITS Portal
  • Configure automatic update of the 1C program via the Internet
  • Receive files on DVD release of IS "1C:ITS"

For programs on the 1C:Enterprise 7.7 platform:

  • Download it yourself in your Personal Account IS "1C:ITS"
  • Receive files on the DVD release of IS "1C:ITS"



Receiving official updates is included in information technology support (1C:ITS). Users basic versions programs of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system can gain access to download updates from this portal without information technology support. Users who rent programs from 1C partners pay for the update service as part of other services under the rental agreement. The contract price is determined by the partner.

You can familiarize yourself with the cost of the ITS Industry service.

Reference Information:

  • Recommended cost of 1C:ITS (the final cost of support is formed by the partner of the 1C company based on his price lists and tariff plans).