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Ivanchenko progress. SE "Ivchenko-Progress": on the verge of creating a new generation of engines

Scope of activity of SE "Ivchenko-Progress": design, manufacture, certification, repair, testing, fine-tuning and putting into mass production of gas turbine engines for aircraft and industrial applications. The high level of design development of aircraft engines of the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" is confirmed by certificates of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine, the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee of the CIS countries and Bureau Veritas. For more than 60 years, the Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau “Progress” named after academician A.G. Ivchenko has been creating engines for many types of aircraft and helicopters, as well as drives and special equipment for industrial use. During this period, engine-building plants of the world have manufactured over 80,000 aircraft piston and gas turbine engines, turbostarters and drives for industrial use. Aircraft engines developed by Ivchenko-Progress State Enterprise are used on 57 types of aircraft in 109 countries. The total operating time of gas turbine engines is over 300 million hours. Gas turbine engines manufactured according to the documentation of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" are successfully operated by numerous airlines of the world.

Design, production, testing, development, certification and repair of gas turbine engines for aviation and industrial applications.

Contact faces

Kravchenko Igor Fedorovich - Director, General Designer
Merkulov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich - First Deputy Director of the enterprise, Chief Designer of the thematic direction "New aircraft engines"


The experimental research complex "Ivchenko-Progress" makes it possible to manufacture and test engines with a thrust of up to 40 tons. Aircraft engines developed by Ivchenko-Progress are used on 57 types aircraft in 109 countries of the world.
Today, work is underway to create and certify a new generation of engines D-436T1/T2/T3 for new passenger airliners Tu-334-100/200/300 and modified Tu-134M, Yak-42D, as well as the D-436TP engine for amphibious aircraft Be-200.
The enterprise created the D-27 turbopropfan engine, which is installed on the An-70 military transport short takeoff and landing aircraft and on the An-70T civil aircraft. For the new production aircraft An-140 of local airlines, Type Certificates were developed and received for the TV3 117VMA SBM1 turboprop engine and the AI9-3B auxiliary engine.
The newest development of the enterprise is the AI-450 small-sized turboshaft engine, which will find its application in Ka-226, Mi-2 helicopters of the ANSAT type. In accordance with the joint program of Ukraine and Tatarstan, Ivchenko-Progress takes part in the creation of the AI-22 turbojet engine for Tu-324 and Yak-48 administrative aircraft. Its further modifications AI-222-25 and AI-222-28 can be installed on training aircraft Yak-130, L-159, etc.
The enterprise also develops auxiliary engines for launching main gas turbine engines of aircraft, helicopters of various classes and for use in various installations. industrial use: AI-8, AI-9, AI-9V and AI9-3B.
"Ivchenko-Progress" has extensive experience in the development of engines for the needs of the national economy.

Participation in associations

The International Association "Union of Aviation Engine Building" is a voluntary union of manufacturers and consumers of high-tech products. It includes almost all the largest companies in the world in terms of aircraft engines who have great authority and possess the highest art of creating, manufacturing and operating the most complex technical devices, such as an aircraft engine. The Association is the optimal structure that coordinates the implementation of the requirements for aircraft engines throughout the entire life cycle. ASSAD - established in February on the initiative of 58 enterprises and organizations and registered on May 31, 1991 (certificate of the Moscow Registration Chamber 003.076). Within the framework of ASSAD, 91 companies of various profiles work with us, representing Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the USA, England, France, Germany, Canada and Switzerland - research, development, serial, repair state, joint-stock and private firms engaged in the creation , production, repair and after-sales service aircraft engines and components for them, auxiliary power units, drives for gas pumping and power plants, recycling of aircraft engines, as well as a large range of consumer goods (engines for cars, outboard motors, snowmobiles, walk-behind tractors and motor cultivators and many other goods). The Association closely cooperates with the Russian Aerospace Agency, the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defense (Air Force) of the Russian Federation, the Aviation Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee.

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine

Zaporozhye State Engineering Academy. Faculty of Economics and Management. Department of Enterprise Economics

Course work

on the course "Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations"

on the topic "Analysis of the labor and social and labor spheres of the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress"

Passed by: Minkova N. M, 3rd year, gr. EP-07-2

Checked by: Tkachenko M. A., senior lecturer

Zaporozhye, 2010

Coursework: 36 pages, 15 tables, 14 sources.

The purpose of the study: to increase the efficiency of the enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress".

Object of study: SE "Ivchenko-Progress"

Research methods: calculation-analytical, logical.

The main content of the course work: give general characteristics State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress", analyze the state of labor and social and labor relations at the enterprise State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" and the main areas of labor assets, identify possible improvements in the labor and social - labor indicators of the enterprise, provide recommendations on improving the management of labor resources to increase work efficiency enterprises.

Analysis, labor resources, working time, labor productivity, product development, labor intensity of products, dynamics, production efficiency, production volume, labor organization, enterprise, reserves, social and labor relations, labor intensity of products, factor analysis, competitiveness.


1.2 Analysis of the normative - legislative regulation of the labor and social and labor spheres at the enterprise

1.3 Analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources

1.7 Analysis of the correlation between the growth rates of labor productivity and wages

Section 1 Conclusions

Section 2. Development of theoretical ways regarding the possibilities of improving the labor and social and labor indicators of SE "Ivchenko-Progress"

Section 2 Conclusions



The economy of our country has practically switched to a market economy and operates exclusively according to the laws of the market. Enterprises themselves are responsible for their activities, and they themselves make decisions about further development. And in market economy the survivor is the one who makes the best use of the resources available to him to obtain the maximum amount of profit, solving the main problems economic activity.

Of the known this moment one of the main factors of production, and often the main and most costly, is labor.

For effective work In the new conditions, highly qualified workers who have knowledge of technology, economics, and production organization, who are able not only to follow orders, but to independently show initiative and enterprise, have become more and more often required.

The relevance of the study of this topic at the present stage is increasing more and more. This is due to the ongoing transformations of the social system, the reorganization of forms of ownership, the replacement administrative methods economic management, transfer of the economy to market relations. All these circumstances give a qualitatively new content to the process of the formation of labor resources, and, consequently, the study of this process at the moment is of particular importance. Based on the foregoing, we conclude that the specific task of any analysis of the labor resources of an enterprise is to find weaknesses in production associated with the use of work force, and its purpose is to develop such recommendations that will not allow the enterprise to reduce the volume and quality of its commercial products.

The analysis of labor resources makes it possible to reveal the reserves for increasing the efficiency of production at the expense of labor productivity, more rational use the number of workers, their working hours. All of the above defines enough a high degree both social and practical significance of the considered direction in the analysis of the economic activity of the enterprise.

In particular, the volume and timeliness of all work, the efficiency of using equipment, machines, mechanisms, and, as a result, the volume of services provided, the cost of transportation, profit and a number of other economic indicators depend on the availability of labor resources and the efficiency of their use.

That is why the research topic is very relevant.

The purpose of this course project is to analyze the activities of the enterprise and develop proposals for improving the efficiency of its activities.

Objectives of the course work:

Give a general description of the enterprise, its regulatory and legislative regulation;

Conduct an analysis of labor productivity and the use of working time at the enterprise;

To analyze the security of the enterprise with labor resources;

Consider proposals for improving labor and social and labor indications at the enterprise;

Section 1. Analysis of the labor and social labor sphere

1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise SE "Ivchenko-Progress"

SE "Ivchenko-Progress" is a state-owned enterprise, which is part of the Ministry of Politics of Ukraine. His field of activity: design, manufacture, certification, repair, testing, fine-tuning, introduction into serial production and improvement of consumer properties of gas turbine engines for aviation and industrial applications throughout the entire life cycle. The high level of design development of aircraft engines of the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" is confirmed by certificates of the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine, the Register of the Interstate Aviation Committee of the CIS countries and Bureau Veritas.

In the development of world aviation, the State Enterprise "Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau "Progress" named after academician A.G. Ivchenko plays a significant role - for 60 years they have been creating engines for many types of aircraft and helicopters, as well as drives and special equipment for ground use. During this period over 55,000 aircraft piston and gas turbine engines, auxiliary power units and industrial drives have been manufactured by engine-building plants.

Since 1994 ZMKB "Progress" bears the name of its first leader, Academician A.G. Ivchenko. Over the years, the Zaporozhye Design Bureau was led by outstanding domestic designers of aircraft engines: in 1968 - 1989. - Vladimir Alekseevich Lotarev; since 1989 - Fedor Mikhailovich Muravchenko.

The company researches new materials, control systems, elements and units created on the basis of new ideas and promising technical solutions.

The team of the enterprise is widely working on the creation of drives for industrial use. This direction includes 17 types of engines in the power range from 0.5 to 25 MW. The powerful intellectual, production and experimental-research complex of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" makes it possible to create gas turbine engines of a wide range of thrusts and capacities.

SE "Ivchenko-Progress" carries out a unified technical and marketing policy together with Ukrainian and Russian manufacturers of gas turbine equipment. At present, the enterprise has more than 500 business partners, most which are aviation enterprises of Russia and Ukraine. Aircraft engines: turbojet (AI-22, AI-222-25, AI-25, D-18T, D-436TP, D-436-148), turboshaft (AI-450, D-136), turboprop (AI-20 , AI-24, TV3-117VMA-SBM1), turbopropfan (D-27), auxiliary power units (AI-8, AI-9, AI-9V, AI9-3B), gas turbine drives (D-336, D-336 -1/2, AI-336, AI-336-2-8, AI-336-1/2-10). Power plants: gas turbine power plant (GTE) - AI-2500, AI-3000; block gas turbine power plant (BGTES) - AI-4000, AI-6000, AI-8000.

Special units: inert gas generator (AI-19GIG), automotive unit AI-19GIG-A, gas compressor unit (AI-45 GPA-Ts-0.7/45-5). Aircraft engines developed by Ivchenko-Progress State Enterprise are used on 57 types of aircraft in 109 countries of the world.

1.2 Analysis of the regulatory and legislative regulation of the labor and social and labor spheres at the enterprise

The main legislative act is the Constitution of Ukraine, on which all legislation is based, including labor legislation. Articles 43-46 of the Constitution of Ukraine say that everyone has the right to work, rest, social protection, safe and healthy working conditions and wages, and not below the established minimum. It is interesting that every citizen has the right to receive timely remuneration for his work and this right is protected by law. At the same time, the state must create the conditions necessary for a citizen to fully exercise his rights.

The following laws are used to regulate payroll issues: regulations, Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, instructions approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine:

1. Law of Ukraine "On wages" dated March 24, 1995. No. 108/95-BP. This Law defines the economic, legal and organizational principles of remuneration for employees who are in labor relations based employment contract with enterprises, institutions of all forms of ownership and management, and aimed at ensuring a reproductive and stimulating function wages.

3. Law of Ukraine "On holidays" dated 15.11.96r. No. 504/96-BP with changes and additions.

4. Law of Ukraine "On compulsory state social insurance against accidents at work and occupational diseases which entail loss of efficiency" dated 23.09.99, No. 1105-XIV.

5. Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Pension Insurance" dated 09.07.03. No. 1058-IV.

6. Law of Ukraine "On the fee for compulsory state pension insurance" dated 26.06.97r. No. 400/97-BP.

7. Law of Ukraine "On obligatory state social insurance in case of unemployment" dated 02.02.2000. No. 1533-III.

8. The Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory State Social Insurance in Connection with Temporary Disability and Costs Caused by Birth and Burial" dated 18.01.01. No. 2240-III.

9. Law of Ukraine "On income tax individuals"dated 22.05.03. No. 889-ІV.

10. Law of Ukraine "On Collective Contracts and Agreements". This Law provides for the drawing up of agreements of three levels: at the state level - State, at the sectoral - sectoral, at the regional - regional agreements. On production level(enterprises that have the rights legal entity and use

hired labor) - collective agreements are concluded.

11. Decree dated 30.07.1999r. No. 1398 "On amendments and additions to the Procedure for calculating the average wage, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated February 8, 1995 No. 100

12. Wage instruction, approved by the order of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine dated 13.01.2004. No. 5.

13. The procedure for calculating the average wage (income) for calculating payments under the obligatory state social insurance, approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 26.09.2001r. No. 1266, with changes and additions.

14. Law "On labor protection" - "On labor protection", Law of Ukraine dated October 14, 1992 No. 2694-XII.

15. Law on "Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on healthcare" - "Fundamentals of Ukrainian legislation on healthcare", Law of Ukraine dated November 19, 1992 No. 2801-XII.

16. Decree No. 994 - "List of measures and means for labor protection, the costs of implementation and acquisition of which are included in gross expenses", Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated June 27, 2003 No. 994.

17. Regulations on overalls No. 170 - "Regulations on the procedure for providing workers with special clothing, special footwear and other means personal protection", approved by the order of the State Committee of Ukraine for the supervision of labor protection dated October 29, 1996 No. 170.

18. Letter No. 0-9-3493 - Letter of the Ministry of Justice "Regarding the determination by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the list of personal protective equipment for employees, the cost of which is not included in the total monthly or annual taxable income of the taxpayer" dated May 17, 2004 No. 0-9-3493 . 19. Law "On taxation of profits" - "On taxation of profits of enterprises", Law of Ukraine dated December 28, 1994 No. 334/94-VR.

20. Law of Ukraine dated September 15, 1999 No. 1045-XIV "On trade unions, their rights and guarantees of activities"

1.3. Analysis of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources

The availability of labor resources of the enterprise is characterized by the data shown in the analytical table 1.3.1.

productivity pay management personnel

Table 1.3.1 - Assessment of the provision of the enterprise with labor resources

The table shows that in 2008 the number of total personnel decreased by 0.71% compared to 2007, which in absolute terms amounted to 18 people. In 2008, the number of specialists increased by 8.5% compared to 2007. The number of non-industrial personnel in 2008 decreased by 13.9%. Perhaps this was influenced by the working conditions at the enterprise, the level of wages or personal reasons. The volume of production in value terms in 2008 increased by UAH 860,000. compared to 2007. This was driven by an increase in output per worker and an increase in production or repair orders, as well as the use of new, more efficient equipment.

Analysis of changes in the structure of labor resources will be considered in Table 1.3.2.

Table 1.3.2 - Analysis of changes in the structure of labor resources

As can be seen from Table 1.3.2, the number of core business personnel in 2008 compared to 2007 increased by 0.4%, which in absolute terms amounted to 1 employee. The support staff of the enterprise decreased by 13.86% in 2008 compared to the base period.

It can be assumed that this was influenced by the decision of the management of the enterprise to reduce support staff in order to save money.

The most important stage in the analysis of the provision of an enterprise with a labor force is the study of its movement.

Table 1.3.3 - Movement of labor


Base period

Reporting period

Number of workers at the beginning of the period 2500 2480 -20 -0,8
Accepted to the enterprise 225 178 -47 -20,9
Retired from the enterprise 202 150 -52 -15,8
for education - - - -
to the Armed Forces 19 15 -4 -21,1
retirement and for other reasons provided by law 140 112 -28 -20
on own will 30 18 -12 -40
for violation labor discipline 13 5 -8 -38,4
Number of workers at the end of the period 2523 2508 -15 -0,6
Average number of workers 2512 2494 -18 -0,8
Turnover ratio for hiring employees 8 7 -1 -12,5
Retirement rate 8,04 6,01 -2,03 -16,25
Staff turnover rate 1,71 0,92 -0,79 -46,2
Staff retention rate 92,1 89,6 -2,4 -2,3

Personnel turnover rates are not planned, therefore their analysis is carried out by comparing the indicators of the reporting year with those of the previous year.

The turnover coefficient for the reception of workers is calculated by the formula (1.3):

Kpr bases \u003d 225/2512 * 100 \u003d 8

Kpr otch \u003d 178/2494 * 100 \u003d 7

The retirement turnover ratio is calculated using the formula (1.4):

Kv bases \u003d 202/2512 * 100 \u003d 8.04

Kv otch \u003d 150/2494 * 100 \u003d 6.01

The turnover of workers plays an important role in the activity of the enterprise. Permanent personnel who have been working at the enterprise for a long time improve their qualifications, master related professions, quickly navigate in any atypical environment, create a certain business atmosphere in the team, actively influencing labor productivity. The flow coefficient is calculated by the formula (1.5):

Kt bases \u003d (30 + 13 / 2512) * 100 \u003d 1.71

Kt otch \u003d (18 + 5 / 2494) * 100 \u003d 0.92

The coefficients of permanence and stability of personnel reflect the level of remuneration and satisfaction of employees with working conditions, labor and social benefits. The coefficient of constancy and stability of personnel is calculated by the formula (1.6):

Kp bases \u003d (2316/2512) * 100 \u003d 92.1

Kp otch \u003d (2236/2494) * 100 \u003d 89.6

1.4 Analysis of the use of working time

The efficiency of work, the use of all technical and economic indicators depends on how fully and rationally the working time is used. Therefore, the analysis of the use of working time is an important part of the analytical work at an industrial enterprise. The working time fund can be calculated using the formula (1.7):

PDF \u003d Kr * D * P,

where, Kp - the average annual number of employees;

D - the number of days worked by one employee;

P is the average working day.

PDF bases = 2300*256*8 = 4710400 hours

PDF pl \u003d 2312 * 254 * 8 \u003d 4697984 hours

PDF f = 2312*254*8 = 4697984 hours

The completeness of the use of labor resources can be assessed by the number of days and hours worked by one worker for the analyzed period of time, as well as by the degree of use of the working time fund.

Table 1.4.1 - The use of labor resources of the enterprise

The object of analysis in this case is the deviation of the actual time worked in man-hours in reporting period from the corresponding figure for the previous year. This deviation can be affected by such factors as: a change in the number of workers, a change in the length of the working period and a change in the duration of the work shift. The influence of these factors on the change in the working time fund can be established by the chain substitution method:

∆ PDF kr \u003d (KR f - KR pl) * D pl * P pl (1.8)

∆ PDF d \u003d (D f - D pl) * KR f * P pl (1.9)

∆ PDF p = (P f – P pl)*D f *KR f (1.10)

Due to the decrease in the actual number of personnel from the planned one, the working time fund at the enterprise decreased by 24384 hours:

∆ PDF cr = (2300 - 2312)*254*8 = -24384 hours

The influence of the actual and planned number of days worked by one employee per year and the average length of the working day did not affect the change in the working day fund:

∆ PDF d \u003d (254 - 254) * 2300 * 8 \u003d 0 hours

∆ PDF p = (8-8)*254*2300 = 0 hours

We will consider the balance of working time per employee according to table 1.4.2.

Table 1.4.2 - Balance of working time per employee

Composition of the working time fund Unit measurements 2007 2008 Deviation
absolute relation
Calendar fund of time days 365 365 - -
Weekend days 104 106 +2 +1,1
Holidays days 5 5 - -
Nominal working time fund days 256 254 -2 -0,8

total absences from work

a) basic and additional holidays;

b) holidays in connection with pregnancy and childbirth;

c) vacations and reductions in the working week of students;

d) due to illness;

e) fulfillment of state and public obligations;

e) by order of the administration.

Turnaround time clock 2048 2038 -10 -0,5

Losses in the middle of the day

a) reduced working hours:

On holiday days

In nighttime

b) breaks for feeding children;

c) reduced working day:


Workers employed on heavy and harmful robots

Useful (effective) fund working time clock 2032 2021 -11 -0,6

The work schedule of the enterprise is set to 2 days off. Labor Code sets the length of the working day - 8 hours (with a five-day working week). Turnaround time in 2008 decreased by 10 hours compared to 2007. This was affected by a decrease in the nominal working time fund, which amounted to 254 days. Also in the reporting period, the useful working time fund decreased by 0.6%, due to an increase in losses in the middle of the working day. This, in turn, was influenced by the increase in workers employed in heavy and hazardous work.

1.5 Labor productivity analysis

At the workplace, in the shop, at the enterprise, labor productivity is determined by the amount of products that a worker produces per unit of time (output), or the amount of time spent on manufacturing a unit of output (labor intensity).

The general indicator of labor productivity (production per worker or one worker) largely depends on the intensity of materials certain types products, volume of cooperative deliveries, product structure.

The purpose of the analysis of labor productivity is to establish the optimal measure of the work of each employee and his corresponding payment, as well as to search for reserves to increase labor productivity. We will consider the analysis of labor productivity in table 1.5.1

Table 1.5.1 - Productivity per worker.

Indicators Base 2007 Report 2008 Deviation
absolute relates
Output of marketable products in value terms, UAH. (VP) 111 640 000 112500000 860 000 +0,8
Average number of workers, pers. (Ch p) 2512 2494 -18 -0,8
Share of workers (D) 83,1 83 -0,1 -0,2
Worked by all employees per year, thousand hours (t h) 4710,4 4697,9 -12,5 -0,3
one worker (t h) 2,048 2,038 -0,010 -0,5
Number of days worked by one slave (D r) 256 254 -2 -0,8
Average working day (P r) 8 8 - -
Average annual output of one slave, yew. (B p) 2,07 2,1 +0,03 +3,5
Average annual output of one employee, yew. (In p) 4,3 4,5 +0,2 +4,6
Average hourly output of a pro-tion of one worker, UAH. (In hr) 25,87 27 +1,13 +3,5

The average annual output per worker increased by 3.5%. This was influenced by an increase in the average hourly output, which, in turn, was most likely affected by the modernization of equipment and staff development.

The average annual output of one employee can be calculated using the formula (1.11):

Sun \u003d Dr * Vchr * D * Pr

Sun bases \u003d 256 * 25.87 * 83.1 * 8 \u003d 4.3 t

Sun otch \u003d 254 * 27 * 83 * 8 \u003d 4.5 t

The calculation of the influence of some factors on the value of the average annual output of one employee is shown in table 1.5.2.

Table 1.5.2 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the value of the average annual output by one employee (for four factors)

Due to the decrease in the number of days worked by one employee, the average annual output decreased by 35,856; due to the increase in the average hourly output per worker, output increased by 190,581; due to decrease specific gravity workers in the total number, output decreased by 5,486; The average length of a work shift has not changed.

The reserves for the average annual output amounted to UAH 41.342.

1.6 Analysis of the payroll and average wages of employees

Wages are part of the national income expressed in monetary form, which is distributed according to the quantity and quality of labor expended by each worker, coming into his personal consumption. A wage is a reward for work. Compensation of employees is the price of labor resources involved in the production process.

It can also be said that wages are part of the costs of production and sales of products, going to pay the employees of the enterprise.

Consider the salary analysis in Table 1.6.1

Table 1.6.1 - Analysis of the payroll.

After analyzing the table, we can conclude that the number of employees from 2007 to 2008 did not change, and the funds allocated for wages for the year increased, and the wage fund also increased. Payment for one man-day increased by 25% compared to 2007.

This was influenced by the increase in the production of workers.

The initial data for the analysis of the hourly payroll are summarized in table 1.6.2

Table 1.6.2 - Initial data for the analysis of the hourly payroll

As can be seen from Table 1.6.2,

The calculation of the influence of factors on the value of the wage fund can be carried out by the method of absolute differences (table 1.6.3), using the data in table 1.6.2.

Table 1.6.3 - Calculation of the influence of factors on the size of the wage fund of hourly workers

Factor Calculation algorithm Influence thsgr
Change average headcount hourly slave ∆FZP chr p \u003d (ChR P zv - ChR P base) * D P zv *t zm.zv n * GZP zv p, (1.12) 0
Change in the number of days worked by one work-hour per year ∆FZP d p \u003d CR P zv * (D P zv - D P base) * t zm.zv p * GZP zv p, (1.13) - 55200
Change in average shift duration ∆FZP tcm p \u003d CR P zv *D P zv * (t zm.zv n -t zm.baz p) * GZP zv p, (1.14) 0
Change in the average hourly wage per worker-hour ∆FZP zp.g p \u003d CR P zv *D P zv *t zm.zv n * (GZ P zv -GZP base p), (1.15) +55308,7
Total , (1.16) +108,7

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual wage fund of hourly workers is 108.7 thousand UAH more than last year. Due to the decrease in the number of days worked by one hourly worker, the wage fund decreased by UAH 55,200 thousand. And the increase in the average hourly wage of one hourly worker influenced the increase in the wage fund by 55308.7 thousand UAH. The reserve for the wage fund of hourly workers amounted to UAH 55,200 thousand.

The payroll fund of staff can also change due to its number and average annual earnings. By changing the actual average headcount:

∆FZP chr \u003d (Ch - Ch r.base) * RZP sv, (1.17)

By changing the average wage:

∆FZP RZP \u003d H * (RZP sv - RZP bases), (1.18)

where Ch - the number of employees in the reporting period;

H r.baz - the number of employees in the base period;

RZP zv - annual salary in the reporting period;

RZP bases - annual wages in the base period.

∆FZP chr = (2300 – 2300)*21274 = 0 UAH

∆FZP RZP = 2300*(26499 – 21274) = +1201.75 thousand UAH.

The increase in the average wage per employee for the year contributed to the increase in the payroll by 1201.75 thousand hryvnia.

Balance check of the calculation of the influence of two factors on the payroll of the personnel of the enterprise:

∆FZP =

∆FZP = +120175 UAH

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual payroll of the staff is more than last year by UAH 1201.75 thousand. As can be seen from the above data, the available labor resources of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" are not fully utilized.

Let's consider the analysis of the average monthly salary of the personnel of the enterprise in Table 1.6.4.

Table 1.6.4 - Analysis of the average monthly salary of personnel

Indicators Bases 2007 Father 2008 Deviation
abs. relation
1 Payroll fund, thousand UAH 63113,04 78244,04 +15131 +23,9
2 Headcount 2512 2494 -18 -0,8
3 Number of industrial staff 2300 2300 - -
4 Average annual salary of personnel (RZP), UAH 25190 31089 +5899 +23,4
5 Average annual salary of industrial staff, UAH 24576 30480 +5904 +24
6 Average monthly salary of staff, UAH 1964 2444 +480 +24
7 Average monthly salary of industrial staff, UAH 1934 2409 +475 +24,5
8 Number of days worked per worker per year (D) 256 254 -2 -0,8
9 Number of days worked per worker professional staff per year 256 254 -2 -0,8
10 Average daily wages of staff, UAH 98,2 122,2 24 +24
11 Average daily salary of industrial staff, UAH 96,7 120 +23,3 +24
12 Average duration of a work shift, hours 8 8 - -
13 Average duration of a work shift for industrial staff, hours 8 8 - -
14 Number of hours worked by one employee per year 2048 2038 -10 -0,5
15 Number of hours worked by one employee of industrial staff per year 2048 2038 -10 -0,5
16 Average hourly wages of personnel (GZP), UAH 12,3 15,3 +3 +25
17 Average hourly wages of industrial staff, UAH 12 15 +3 +25

The average annual wage depends on the number of days worked by one employee per year, the duration of the work shift and the average hourly wage and is calculated using the formula (1.19):

RZP \u003d D * t zm * GZP

RZP bases \u003d 256 * 8 * 12.3 \u003d 25 190 UAH

RZP otch \u003d 254 * 8 * 15.3 \u003d 31,089 UAH

As can be seen from Table 1.6.3, the average monthly salary of industrial personnel in 2008 increased by 24% compared to 2007. And the average annual salary of the staff in 2008 increased by 23.4% or UAH 5899 compared to 2007.

Calculation of the influence of 3 factors on the change in the level of the average annual salary of personnel can be carried out using the method of absolute differences.

Table - Calculation of the influence of factors on the change in the level of the average annual salary of personnel

Table data. show what factors influenced the change in the level of the average annual salary of the staff. The negative result of the influence of individual factors can be considered as an unused reserve for improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources in the enterprise.

Due to the decrease in the number of days worked by one employee, the payroll decreased by UAH 244.8. The change in the average hourly wage of one employee most of all affects the increase in the average annual wage of the staff, as a result of which the payroll increased by UAH 6096. The unused reserve amounted to UAH 244.8.

1.7. Analysis of the ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages.

With the growth of labor productivity, real conditions are created for increasing the level of wages. At the same time, funds for wages must be used in such a way that the growth rate of labor productivity exceeds (or equals) the growth rate of wages.

Let's calculate the index of changes in labor productivity of workers according to the formula (1.23):

Ivp =

where, DPtch - the income of the enterprise in the reporting period;

DPbase - the income of the enterprise in the base period.

Ivp \u003d 16875000 / 16312500 \u003d 1.04

The index of change in the remuneration of workers is calculated by the formula (1.24):

Iop =

where, Opotch - the cost of paying staff in the reporting period;

OPbase - the cost of staff salaries in the base period.

Iop \u003d 78244.04 / 63113.04 \u003d 1.03

The growth rate of labor productivity exceeds the growth rate of wages.

Consider the analysis of the ratio of growth rates of labor productivity and wages in table 1.7.1

Table 1.7.1 - Analysis of the ratio of labor productivity and wages.

Indicators Index
1. Labor productivity index:
- one employee 1,4
- one worker 1,4
2. Index of wages:
- one employee 1,3
- one worker 1,2
3. Lead coefficient for
- employees 1,007
- workers 1,07
4. Lead coefficient corrected
- by employees 1,15
- by workers 1,2
5. Amount of savings/overspending of payroll 0,098

When calculating the lead factor, it is necessary to take into account such external factors as an increase in prices for the company's products (price index); inflation index, which changes the real wage rate; change in labor productivity under the influence scientific and technological progress. The change in the lead coefficient for employees is affected by the change in the income of the enterprise, the change in the average wage of the staff, the change in the number of employees. The change in the lead coefficient for workers is affected by a change in the average annual output of a worker, a change in the average wage of a worker, and a change in the number of workers.

Conclusions on 1 section

In 2008, the number of total personnel decreased by 0.71% compared to 2007, which in absolute terms amounted to 18 people. The number of non-industrial personnel in 2008 decreased by 13.9%. Perhaps this was influenced by the working conditions at the enterprise, the level of wages or personal reasons. The volume of production in value terms in 2008 increased by UAH 860,000. compared to 2007. This was driven by an increase in output per worker and an increase in production or repair orders, as well as the use of new, more efficient equipment.

The support staff of the enterprise decreased by 13.86% in 2008 compared to the base period. It can be assumed that this was influenced by the decision of the management of the enterprise to reduce support staff in order to save money.

From the analysis of the movement of the labor force, it can be seen that for the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" the total turnover ratio decreased by 8%. The percentage of hired workers decreased by 12.5%. The number of people dismissed for violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, lateness, etc.) decreased by more than 2 times. Thus, great attention is paid to discipline in the enterprise.

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual fund of working time is less than last year by 24384 hours. As can be seen from the data presented, the available labor resources of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" are not fully utilized.

In 2008, the personnel retirement rate decreased by 16.25% compared to the base year of 2007. This was affected by a decrease in retired personnel: to the Armed Forces of Ukraine, for retirement and for other reasons provided for by law, at their own request, for violation of labor discipline . In turn, all this was influenced by the fact that the company has increased the number of young workers who need some work experience to develop their future activities.

Turnaround time in 2008 decreased by 10 hours compared to 2007. This was affected by a decrease in the nominal working time fund, which amounted to 254 days. Also in the reporting period, the useful working time fund decreased by 0.6%, due to an increase in losses in the middle of the working day. This, in turn, was influenced by the increase in workers employed in heavy and hazardous work.

The average annual output per worker increased by 3.5%. This was influenced by an increase in the average hourly output, which, in turn, was most likely affected by the modernization of equipment and staff development. The reserves for the average annual output amounted to UAH 41.342.

The average annual wage per employee increased in 2008 by 24% or UAH 5225. compared to 2007. The average hourly wage per employee in the reporting period increased by 25% compared to the base period. The increase in wages was facilitated by an increase in labor productivity.

Due to the decrease in the number of days worked by one hourly worker, the wage fund decreased by UAH 55,200 thousand. And the increase in the average hourly wage of one hourly worker influenced the increase in the wage fund by 55308.7 thousand UAH. The reserve for the wage fund of hourly workers amounted to UAH 55,200 thousand.

The change in the average hourly wage of one employee most of all affects the increase in the average annual wage of the staff, as a result of which the payroll increased by UAH 6096.

Section 2. Development of theoretical ways regarding the possibilities of improving the labor and social and labor indicators of SE "Ivchenko-Progress"

Typical problems in organizations associated with low staff motivation are: high staff turnover, high conflict, low level performance discipline, low-quality work (marriage), etc.

Commonly cited reasons for employee turnover are: uncompetitive pay rates, unfair pay structures, unstable earnings, long or uncomfortable work hours, poor working conditions, heavy-handed or unpleasant management, trouble getting to work, lack of opportunities for promotion, training or skill development, experience development, career development, etc.

For example, to eliminate non-competitive wage rates, it is necessary to conduct a study of wages, compare the obtained data with the data of the enterprise. Reconsider rates where they are lower and where they are higher, as Overpayment as well as underpayment is fraught with economic losses.

An unfair pay structure can be corrected by reviewing the pay structure, preferably through a job difficulty assessment, to identify inappropriate rates. After analyzing the differentiated tariffs, revise them if "rate distortions" are revealed.

Poor working conditions can be eliminated by comparing the working conditions (working hours, shift flexibility, equipment, workplace ergonomics, condition of heating, air conditioning, lighting systems) of your company with the working conditions of market competitors or companies that you look up to. Develop measures to improve working conditions: more flexible working hours, new or rearranged furniture, adding coolers or lighting can do wonders. Conduct or order a survey of satisfaction with their work and the working conditions of employees. So you can get complete information about what exactly, what aspects of work employees are dissatisfied with.

If there are significant pay fluctuations as a result of a bonus or profit-sharing system, check those systems and review them.

It is necessary to stabilize the personnel of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to bring to life a number of measures in the social sphere.

A successful workforce development program creates a workforce that is more capable and more motivated to accomplish the goals of the organization. Naturally, this should lead to an increase in productivity, and hence to an increase in value. human resources enterprises.

Measures to improve staff retention can be divided into three main groups:

1.Technical and economic:

Improvement of working conditions;

Improving the system of material incentives;

Organization and management of production, etc.

2. Organizational:

Improving the procedures for hiring and dismissing employees;

Systems of professional promotion of employees, etc.

3. Socio-psychological:

Improving leadership styles and methods;

Relationships in the team;

systems of moral encouragement, etc.

If the staff turnover is high, then there are additional expenses associated with the search for a new workforce, its instruction and development of work. Pay rises with high staff turnover overtime work, marriage and downtime increase, the level of morbidity and industrial injuries increases, and early disability occurs. All this increases the costs associated with personnel, leads to an increase in the cost of production and a decrease in its competitiveness.

Recruitment costs for new staff: preparation of specifications and announcements; advertising costs; Screening of applications, interviewing and correspondence with applicants; selection tests; medical checks; official appointment.

Costs for training new staff: salaries and expenses for apprentices and mentors; preparation and maintenance of training programs; educational materials, equipment and facilities; low efficiency of work of students until the end of training.

The costs of laying off employees of the enterprise: established by the state redundancy payments; other payments.

The low level of labor productivity is explained by the following reasons: interruption in work as a result of staff turnover; a decrease in the output of workers who were about to quit and warned the administration about it; low output of workers who came to work to replace those who left; a decrease in labor productivity among workers in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months after starting work, etc.

The economic damage caused by excessive turnover can be quite significant.

Conclusions on section 2

Typical problems in organizations associated with low staff motivation are high staff turnover.

Great attention should be paid to staff motivation. It is necessary to improve the incentive system for employees of the enterprise, which includes moral and material rewards.

Staff satisfaction is also increased by creating a healthy working atmosphere in the team, organizing technically equipped workplaces, participating in the management of changes in the organization's activities. An example of high satisfaction with working conditions is the minimum level of injuries and diseases in the enterprise, the virtual absence of industrial complaints, very low staff turnover, the presence of a wide range of amenities and services provided by the organization.

A successful workforce development program creates a workforce that is more capable and more motivated to accomplish the goals of the organization. It is necessary to stabilize the personnel of the enterprise. To do this, it is necessary to bring to life a number of measures in the social sphere.

Section 3. Proposals for improving the labor and social and labor indicators of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" by increasing the constancy of personnel

I believe that it is necessary to increase the rate of staff constancy in the enterprise.

For example, let's take a shop that employs 84 people.

We will increase the level of staff constancy by improving working conditions at the enterprise (in this case, in the workshop):

1) UAH 55.82 thousand should be spent on providing workers with special clothing and footwear. (special clothing is required: jacket - 59 pieces for 187 UAH/piece; cotton suit - 59 pieces for 180 UAH/piece; pants - 59 pieces for 165 UAH/piece; special footwear is required: boots - 59 pairs for 195 UAH/pair; shoes - 84 pairs at 140 UAH/pair.) If we multiply the number of necessary things by the price of a unit (pair), we get a total amount of 55.82 thousand UAH.

2) for the prevention of colds - UAH 21 thousand (vaccination UAH 250 per person).

3) provision of vouchers for health improvement UAH 30,000. (20 employees per year multiplied by the cost of the voucher 1500 UAH.)

In total, we will spend UAH 106.82 thousand on the level of staff retention.

Thus, the production output increases, as a result of which there is a decrease in labor intensity.

Using statistical data on labor productivity, we can conclude that the output of one worker will increase from approximately UAH 45.10 thousand. up to 50 thousand UAH. If so then:

Tr = T/OP (3.1)

where, T is the time spent on the production of all products, standard hours, man-hours;

OP - the volume of manufactured products in value terms.

OP \u003d V * Chr (3.2)

where, B is the average annual output of one worker;

Chr- average number of employees.

Op \u003d 50 * 2494 \u003d 124700 thousand UAH

Тр = 4697984/124700 = 37 (hours/thousand UAH)

As a result, labor intensity decreased by 12% compared to 2008.

Table 3.1 - Table for comparing the indicators of the reporting period and the forecast period (as a result of product sales).

Consequently, as a result of the implementation of measures to improve working conditions, output increased and labor intensity decreased by 12% or by 4.7 hours/thousand hours. UAH All these changes, carried out on the basis of the forecast, as well as the fulfillment of tasks, will make it possible to use the labor resources of the enterprise more efficiently, which, as a result, will increase the output of marketable products by UAH 12,200 thousand or 10% and increase the net profit at the enterprise from 1687.5 thousand UAH to UAH 3,117.5 thousand (+UAH 1,430 thousand net profit). economic effect for the enterprise, obtained as a result of the implementation of the above measures according to the formula (3.3):

where, PE is the net profit that the enterprise receives as a result of the implementation of the above measures;

I - the cost of implementing the activities that are proposed.

Her \u003d 1430-106.9 \u003d 1323.1 thousand UAH.

Economic efficiency is defined as the ratio of results and costs and is determined by formula (3.4):

where, P - results, that is, additional benefits that the enterprise receives as a result of the implementation of proposals;

I - the cost of implementing the activities that are proposed.

E \u003d 1323.1 / 106.9 \u003d 12.3

The payback period is calculated to determine the duration of the period for the return of funds spent on the implementation of activities, that is, when (after how many periods) the amount of net cash receipts (net profit) from the implementation of the proposed activities will be equal to the costs spent on the implementation of these activities. It is calculated by formula (3.5):

where, Np is the average annual net profit that the enterprise will receive as a result of the implementation of the proposed measures;

I - costs for the implementation of the proposed activities

To \u003d 106.9 / 1323.1 \u003d 0.08 (years)

Calculation results economic efficiency summarized in table 3.2

Table 3.2. – Indicators of economic efficiency.

It can be concluded that we will spend 106.9 thousand hryvnias on the introduction and implementation of the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of the workshop and the enterprise as a whole, as a result of which we received an economic effect of 1323.1 thousand hryvnias and an economic efficiency of 12.3. The costs that we invested to increase the economic efficiency of the enterprise SE "Ivchenko-Progress" pay off in about 0.08 years.

SE "Ivchenko-Progress" is a state-owned enterprise, which is part of the Ministry of Politics of Ukraine. The company is engaged in the design, manufacture, certification, repair and testing of engines for aviation and industrial applications. In general, the enterprise works effectively (at a profit), many indicators have increased compared to last year. But the labor resources at the enterprise are not fully used.

In 2008, the number of total personnel decreased by 0.71% compared to 2007, which in absolute terms amounted to 18 people. The volume of production in value terms in 2008 increased by UAH 860,000. compared to 2007. The support staff of the enterprise decreased by 13.86% in 2008 compared to the base period. It can be assumed that this was influenced by the decision of the management of the enterprise to reduce support staff in order to save money.

From the analysis of the movement of the labor force, it can be seen that for the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" the total turnover ratio decreased by 8%. The percentage of hired workers decreased by 12.5%. The number of people dismissed for violation of labor discipline (absenteeism, lateness, etc.) decreased by more than 2 times. Thus, great attention is paid to discipline in the enterprise.

At the analyzed enterprise, the actual fund of working time is less than last year by 24384 hours. As can be seen from the data presented, the available labor resources of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" are not fully utilized.

Turnaround time in 2008 decreased by 10 hours compared to 2007. This was affected by a decrease in the nominal working time fund, which amounted to 254 days. The average annual output per worker increased by 3.5%.

The average annual wage per employee increased in 2008 by 24% or UAH 5225. compared to 2007. The average hourly wage per employee in the reporting period increased by 25% compared to the base period. The increase in wages was facilitated by an increase in labor productivity.

The low level of labor productivity is explained by the following reasons: breaks in work as a result of staff turnover; a decrease in the output of workers who were about to quit and warned the administration about it; low output of workers who came to work to replace those who left; a decrease in labor productivity among workers in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd months after starting work, etc.

Measures to improve staff constancy can be divided into three main groups: technical and economic, organizational and socio-psychological.

I propose to improve labor and social - labor indicators at the enterprise by increasing the constancy of the staff. Greater staff retention can be achieved by improving working conditions. We spent UAH 106.9 thousand on the introduction and implementation of the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of operations, as a result of which we received an economic effect in the amount of UAH 1323.1 thousand. The costs that we have invested to improve the efficiency of the enterprise SE "Ivchenko-Progress" will pay off in about 0.08 years.


1. Tkachenko M.O. Ekonomika pratsі and social and labor vіdnosiny: Methodical introductions to the end of the course work "Analysis of labor and social and labor spheres of business activity" / Ukl.: M.O. Tkachenko. – Zaporizhzhya, 2007.–117 p.

2. Owl V. New methods for improving the productivity of work in enterprises, in institutions, organizations, and economic circles. // Directory of personnel officer. - 2003. - No. 2. – pp.58-62.

3. Tarasenko N.V. Economical analysis of the activity of the industrial enterprise. - Lviv, 2000. - 328p.

4. Krutik A.B., Miller A.E. Planning and stimulating the growth of labor productivity in the enterprise. - M.: Economics, 2001. - 264 p.

5. Economical foundations for the functioning of entrepreneurship in today's minds. - K .: Educational advisory. Center UkrConsulting, 2001. - 228p.

6. Esinova N.I. Ekonomika pratsі and social and labor vіdnosiny: Navch. helper. - K .: Condor, 2004. - 432 p.

7. Dzyuba S. G. Economics of practice and social and labor information: Heading guide / Under the scientific editorship of Doctor of Economics, Professor F. Yu. Poklonsky. - Donetsk: TOV "South-East, Ltd", 2003.- 552 p.

8. Volkov O.I. Enterprise Economics: Textbook / Ed. prof. O.I.Volkova. - M.: INFRA-M, 1997. - 416 p.

9. Antonets A.V., Belov N.A., Bukhalo S.M. etc. Organization, planning and management of activities industrial enterprise/.; Ed. S.M.Bukhalo. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - K .: Vyscha school, Main Publishing House, 2000. - 472 p.

10. Savitskaya G.V. Analysis economic activity enterprises: Tutorial.-7th edition of mine.- Minsk: New knowledge, 2004.-704s.

11. Lukashevich V.M. Labor Economics and Social and Labor Relations: Textbook for High Schools. - Lviv.: New World, 2000.-404p.

12. "Regulations on wages"

13. "Report on labor" f.1

14. "Report on the main indicators of the enterprise" annual

"Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau "Progress" named after ak. Ivchenko A. G. "- a state-owned enterprise, which is one of the members of the state holding Ukroboronprom. The area of ​​activity of the enterprise includes the manufacture, design, development, testing, serial production, certification and adjustment of gas turbine engines for use in the aviation industry.

High level of development of design aircraft engines state enterprise"Ivchenko-Progress" is confirmed by certificates of the State Aviation Service of Ukraine, Bureau Veritas and the register of the Interstate Aviation Committee of the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. As of 2013, aircraft engines developed by the Ivchenko-Progress State Enterprise were used on 59 types of aircraft and helicopters in 122 countries around the world.

As of 2012, the total operating time of all engines produced by the plant amounted to more than two million one hundred thousand hours. History of the plant On May 5, 1945, according to order No. 193 of the People's Commissar of the Aviation Industry of the Soviet Union Shakhurin A.I., an experimental design bureau was established at plant No. 478 to design new and improve previously created aircraft engines of small and medium power for the needs of civil aviation. The head of the experimental design bureau was taken by the personnel designer of the plant Ivchenko Alexander Georgievich, who became the general designer of this enterprise in 1963.

The basis of the team of the new experimental design bureau was experienced specialists of the engine building plant, who went through an excellent school of fine-tuning and creating aircraft engines from M-11 to ASh-82FN and M-88B. In 1966, the company was renamed ZMKB (Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau) "Progress". Since 1994, the name of its first leader, Academician A. G. Ivchenko, has been added to the name of ZMKB Progress. Manufactured products AI-26GR/M-26GR piston engines In 1946, the M-26GR helicopter geared engine with a capacity of 500 horsepower was created in the experimental design bureau.

It was the world's first air-cooled piston engine specifically designed for helicopters. The engine was assigned the index "AI" (Ivchenko Alexander) - AI-26GR. The prototype AI-26GR and its variations: AI-26GRF with a capacity of 550 horsepower, AI-26GRFL with a capacity of 575 horsepower were installed on the B-5, G-4, B-10, B-9, B-11 Bratukhina I helicopters P. and Yak-100 Yakovleva A. S. . In total, about 1300 motors for the AI-26 were produced. Many of the first Soviet serial and experimental helicopters were equipped with helicopter piston engines, which were designed specifically at the Zaporozhye Experimental Design Bureau-478. AI-10 Since 1947, the experimental design bureau began experimental work for the manufacture of a light AI-10 engine with a power of 80 horsepower. (five-cylinder star of the air cooling system) for the Yak-20 (training and sports aircraft).

Only two prototypes of the aircraft were built. AI-4V (AI-4G) In 1948, the AI-4G was developed, which has a power of 55 horsepower for Ka-10 shipborne observation and communication helicopters. The engines were produced in small batches. AI-14 The unique motor was created in the same year. Its version for the AI-14R aircraft - a nine-cylinder star of the air cooling system with a gearbox and a supercharger with a capacity of 265 horsepower, was installed on various variations of the Yak-18 and Yak-12. The aircraft had both training and military use, more than twelve thousand of them were mass-produced in the Soviet Union, China, and Poland.

Also, this engine was installed on the An-14 "Bee" (short landing and takeoff aircraft). Under the M-14 brand, to this day, engines for the AI-14 type are used on aerobatic, administrative, light training and agricultural aircraft of the Yakovlev A.S. Experimental Design Bureau and the A.S. Sukhoi P. O., and are also used in many countries of the world. Variations of the AI-14V, with a power of 255 to 280 horsepower, were installed on the Ka-18 and Ka-15 (multi-purpose shipborne helicopters manufactured by Kamov). A total of 465 helicopters were produced. AI-26V The most fruitful was the cooperation with the design bureau Mil M. L. .

In a fairly short time, the Mi-1 was created and tested (a helicopter with an AI-26V engine, having a power of 575 horsepower), developed in 1953. The helicopter had more than a dozen variations and was widely used both in civilian and military military aviation. It was produced in two countries: Poland and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics with a total of two thousand seven hundred copies. Gas turbine engines TS-12 Since 1953, the experimental design bureau has been actively developing gas turbine engines. The debut work in this area of ​​development was the TS-12 project of a powerful turbo starter for the TVD (turboprop engine) NK-12, which was designed at the State Union Pilot Plant No. 276 under the leadership of Kuznetsov N. D.

These engines were equipped with passenger aircraft Tu-114 and military aircraft An-22, Tu-126, Tu-95, Tu-142. TV-2T In order to gain experience in designing and fine-tuning gas turbine engines, a sample of the TVD TV-2F and documentation for its construction were handed over from the experimental design bureau of N.D. Kuznetsov. In 1954, on its basis, a variation of the TV-2T with a maximum, having a power of 6250 horsepower for the An-8-P prototype, was created at the experimental design bureau. transport aircraft. An experimental batch of seven engines was produced. In 1955, the company developed another variation - TV-2VK, which has a capacity of 5900 horsepower with a unique gearbox for driving the traction and lifting propellers of the world's largest Ka-22 rotorcraft designed by N. I. Kamov.

World records for altitude and flight speeds were set on this experimental rotorcraft. The engines were supplied to the first working copy of the Ka-22. AI-20 In 1957, the AI-20 single-shaft TVD successfully passed state tests. By design, the engine is simple, inexpensive to manufacture and technologically advanced with high reliability of operation. This is the first domestically produced gas turbine engine with such a long service life. For a long time, its variations AI-20A (four series), AI-20D (five series), AI-20M, AI-20K, with a capacity of 4000 to 5250 horsepower, were successfully used on passenger aircraft Il-18, An-10, and airplanes air force - Il-20, An-8, Il-22.

They still continue to be used on the An-12, An-32, Be-12, Il-38. During use, AI-20M achieved a record of overhaul life of 8,000 hours, assigned - 22,000 hours. In total, about fourteen thousand AI-20s of all variations were produced. AI-7 In 1957, for the experimental helicopter Mi-7 (V-7), the AI-7 turbojet engine with a maximum thrust of 60 kilograms / force was specially created. Two engines were installed at the ends of a two-blade propeller and the propeller was spun with the help of their jet thrust.

In 1959, work on the construction of the AI-7 was stopped due to the fact that the subject of the B-7 helicopter was completely closed. AI-24 In 1958, he developed the AI-24 TVD, which has a capacity of 2550 horsepower, based on the experience of designing the AI-20 TVD and using a progressive method of design modeling. Its variations are operated on the An-24 (passenger aircraft) and An-26, An-30 ( special purpose). A total of 11,750 of these engines were produced. AI-25 Since the beginning of the 1960s, the experimental design bureau has been developing double-circuit gas turbine engines.

The AI-25 twin-shaft turbofan engine, which has a maximum thrust of 1500 kilograms / forces for ( passenger aircraft) was built in 1965. It was also used on the Polish M-15 (agricultural aircraft). 6325 engines have been serially produced. For the L-39 trainer produced in the Czech Republic in 1973, a variation of the AI-25TL was created with a maximum thrust of 1720 kilograms / forces. The engine was developed on the basis of the AI-25 turbofan engine with an elongated exhaust pipe, constantly cooled HPT rotor blades and an oil system that makes the bearings work stable even when the aircraft is flying upside down.

The full cycle of creating an aircraft engine (from drawings to valid sample) is a task that only a few states of the world can do.

Nevertheless, despite the economic difficulties, in Ukraine today there are enterprises that are able to compete in the field of high technology with leading Western firms. Among those continuing their development is the state enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress".

What projects are being worked on today in this well-known team far beyond the borders of Ukraine? What place can their products take in the domestic and international markets? And does aviation have a future in these difficult economic conditions?

Our interlocutor is Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Merkulov, First Deputy Director, Chief Designer of the New Aircraft Engines thematic area of ​​SE Ivchenko-Progress:

Our company is currently working in the following areas: first of all, these are engines for transport and passenger aircraft, also engines for training aircraft, engines for helicopters of various classes and engines for general aviation. The subject matter is very broad and reflects a wide segment of our activity in the development of new aircraft engines.

If briefly about the main directions or main engines that we are actively working on at the enterprise today, then first of all it should be noted the D-18T engine of the 3M series, the D-436-148FM engine, new small-sized engines for helicopters and aircraft, and our new engine, on which we are actively working, - AI-28.

A special place among our new products is occupied by the AI-28 engine for two- and four-engine aircraft. It is designed for new transport and passenger aircraft with a carrying capacity of 18-40 tons for 80-130 seats, as well as for modernized aircraft that need to improve consumer characteristics, including An-148-100, An-158, An-178. AI-28 is a new generation engine with an ultra-high bypass ratio. This is an engine in the thrust class of 8-10 tons. And at certain changes its thrust can reach up to 12 tons.

The high thermodynamic cycle performance and advanced design of this engine provide specific consumption fuel by 15-20%, lower than those that are now in widespread use for this thrust class. It has significantly improved environmental performance and reduced noise levels. This is a modern engine that meets world requirements.

The main key tasks in its production are, first of all, the creation of a high-efficiency gas generator and the development of a low-noise gear-driven zero-noise fan. At present, we have completed the main design work on this engine.

To ensure the start of engine refinement, working design documentation for the gas generator has been issued, and today we have begun technological preparation of production for its manufacture in cooperation with MOTOR SICH JSC. This is our perspective, because the AI-28 will determine the production fate of our enterprise for many years to come.

Can it be counted among promising directions the near future so-called small engines?

We continue to actively work with our customers, whose number is constantly growing. One of the promising areas of work of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" is the development of a family of aircraft engines based on the AI-450 gas turbine turboshaft engine. As confirmation of the effectiveness of these works, the successful certification of five modifications of the AI-450M turboshaft engine for the Mi-2MSB helicopter produced by MOTOR SICH JSC and other Mi-2 helicopters, as well as three modifications of the AI-450C turboprop engine for light aviation aircraft general purpose, such as DA-50JP7 and DART-450 developed by DIAMOND Aircraft Industries (Austria).

At the end of October, Ivchenko-Progress State Enterprise took another step in the development of new modern turboprop engines for light aircraft and helicopters - on October 27, bench tests of the gas generator of the AI-450C-2 turboprop engine, which will become the basis for a number of new aircraft engines with power from 630 to 800 hp

The AI-450C-2 engine is designed for general purpose light aircraft developed by DIAMOND Aircraft Industries. The development of this engine is carried out using the experience of participation of the State Enterprise "Ivchenko-Progress" in the international European project ESPOSA, in close cooperation with partners from the Czech Republic - the UNIS enterprise, which developed the system automatic control gas generator. This engine, in order to provide the necessary power, has an increased dimension of the gas generator compared to the AI‑450S-2 engine. The demand for the AI-450S and AI-450M is quite wide, we have signed a number of contracts for the supply of these engines for aircraft and helicopters, and we are already actively working on them.

The implementation of the AI-450C-2 engine creation program will provide competitive advantage domestic engines in the general aviation market and will greatly expand the opportunities for international cooperation.

We have a lot of projects, but I stopped at the main ones, which today determine quite large volumes of design and production work. This allows us to maneuver on a wide consumer market, but our possibilities, unfortunately, are limited in this part.

Vyacheslav Mikhailovich, have the projects that the company is working on already found their customers or are they still looking for them?

Some found, and some - in the search. In particular, the mentioned AI-28 engine. Today, together with our colleagues from the Antonov State Enterprise, we are working on the modernization of our aircraft line, where in the future the AI-28 engine will be installed as an option. Its improved performance will allow remotorized aircraft to operate successfully for many decades and be competitive in the transport and passenger aviation market. As for the AI-450S-2, we have a contract for the supply of engines for the DIAMOND Aircraft Industries aircraft. This is also an example of how its characteristics can be improved.

Is the enterprise now engaged in the modernization of the D18T engine, which has been one of the main sources of replenishment of funds for the life of the enterprise for many years? How are things going with the Antonov State Enterprise now?

Now we have begun to work actively with the Antonov company on the creation of the An-124-100 aircraft with D-18T engines of the 3M series. This will remove a number of restrictions related to the operation of the aircraft, which arise, in most cases, in terms of ecology, piloting and they are related to the fact that the engine did not have the characteristics necessary for modern world. At present, the development of this engine continues, it is being prepared for testing on an aircraft to study fan blades. Well, further work will be carried out on its certification.

Our conversation takes place at the end of the year, and we expect that the upcoming 2018 will bring hope for the best. The company is included in New Year with optimism?

I think that all our employees, employees of our company should meet the new year 2018 with optimism. Because we have a fairly wide range of new in-demand aviation equipment, we have the opportunity to create new projects that will ensure the prosperity of our company in the future. We will do our best for her. further development for the benefit of Ukrainian aviation.

My optimism is confirmed by the presence of contracts for the next year. And this means that the Progressives will be provided with work and decent wages.

Our reference

For 72 years since the founding of the state enterprise "Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau" Progress "named after Academician A.G. Ivchenko" created more than 60 types and modifications of aircraft gas turbine engines for aircraft and helicopters for civil and military purposes and more than 20 types and modifications of gas turbine engines for ground use. They are mass-produced by enterprises of Ukraine and the CIS countries and are operated in more than a hundred countries around the world. The total operating time of gas turbine engines is over 300 million hours.

During 2016-2017 the company was actively working on the development of a promising bypass turbojet engine AI-28 (at present, the release of design documentation for its gas generator is being completed); on the creation of a modified D-18T engine of the ZM series for the modification of the An-124 Ruslan aircraft; maintenance, operation and repair of D-18T series 3 engines. Design support was provided for the manufacture and operation of D-436-148 engines on 44 An-148 and An-158 aircraft. Experimental flight tests of the D-436-148FM engines were carried out on the An-178 transport aircraft. An application for certification of the D-436-148FM engine according to European standards has been submitted, and the relevant work has begun.

Tests of the AI-222K-25F engine in a thermal vacuum chamber have been successfully completed.

For the modernized Mi-2MSB helicopter, additions to the type certificates for the AI-450 engine were received for the introduction of the new AI-450M-B model. The complex of certification tests of the AI-450S engine for the AI-450S, AI-450SM, AI/I-450CD models has been completed. Design documentation for a modified AI-450SR engine for an aerobatic aircraft has been developed. Flight tests of two DART-450 aircraft with AI-450C engines were provided at DIAMOND AIRCRAFT (Austria) and they were successfully demonstrated at international aviation exhibitions.

Within the framework of the agreement with MOTOR SICH JSC, work was carried out on the test bench of the enterprise to determine the characteristics of the TVZ-117VMA-SBM1V series 5 turboshaft engine for installation on modernized medium multi-purpose helicopters.

For civilian heavy helicopters operating in hot climatic conditions, a modified AI-136T engine with improved altitude and climatic characteristics has been developed.

All projects of SE "Ivchenko-Progress" are successfully implemented in close cooperation with the serial plant of JSC "MOTOR SICH". The enterprise is developing dynamically and has positive technical and economic indicators. Modernization and reconstruction of the existing production is being carried out, energy-saving technologies are being actively introduced, and production buildings are being renovated. Work continues to create optimal conditions for highly productive work, life and recreation of Progressives.

Photo captions:

1) First Deputy Director, Chief Designer of the thematic direction "New aircraft engines" SE "Ivchenko-Progress" Merkulov Vyacheslav Mikhailovich

2) Director of SE "Ivchenko-Progress", General Designer Kravchenko I.F. and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Austria Hermine Poppeller in the assembly shop

3) Aircraft DART-450 with Zaporozhye engines

4) In the assembly shop of SE "Ivchenko-Progress"

5) AI-450C-2 turboprop gas generator on bench tests