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Who works at Google employees. How to get a job at Google without experience and with a Russian diploma

According to job site Glassdoor, Google is the fifth largest average salary in USA. But to get one of these high-paying positions, you need to develop and follow a whole strategy - especially if you just graduated from university and don't have a high GPA. Business Insider talks about ways to stand out from the crowd, even with not the best academic performance, using tips from discussions on Quora as an example.

Alexey Zenkov

Google is known for the fact that it is extremely difficult to go through all stages of selection for the company. But it recently abandoned assessments of final exam scores and GPA, which used to be critical criteria for screening out applicants for job openings.

“Everyone knows that Google asked for information about GPA and final exam grades, but we no longer do this if at least a few years have passed since you graduated from university. We realized that these parameters were not useful,” said former Google HR chief Laszlo Bock.

But Google will still ask for your degree during the selection process. “I was told to provide a diploma and information about the disciplines completed in the undergraduate program. It wasn’t difficult, but I didn’t expect it,” reads one applicant’s review on Glassdoor.

If you're a recent college graduate or applying for an internship, your GPA becomes more important. However, there are things that can help you stand out from the crowd regardless. Below are 12 ways to do this.

Source: Thomson Reuters

1. Gain professional experience

“If you have valuable work experience, you may not even have a university degree at all. (Although, of course, it's always better when you have suitable specialty.),” says Lutz Enke, a Google employee from Hamburg.

2. Develop programming skills (if you are applying for a technical position)

“GPA is just one criterion. When you're just starting out, what matters is how well you understand the code, how you can think of ways to improve it, and how quickly you can grow,” notes one of the panelists, developer Gaanesh Kap.

3. It's best not to apply through the company's general website (focus on internships, university recruitment programs, and recommendations instead)

Source: Google

“The best ways to get an interview without the highest GPA are the same as the best ways to get an interview in general... If you applied through an external resource, such as the careers section of a company website, then your chances are not as good.” too high,” John L. Miller, interview specialist at Microsoft, Amazon and Google.

4. Contact a Google Recruiter Directly

Source: Biaconshock

“I had two interviews at Google (both of which I failed miserably)… but I had them. I got to the first one after I found Google recruiters through LinkedIn and sent them letters. I wrote to three people, and one of them responded,” notes systems engineer Mark Kutzmarski.

5. Improve yourself in your professional field and become what Google calls a “T-shaped” person.

“Google is looking for “T-shaped people”—highly competent in one area, sometimes even the best in it, but also having other interests,” writes in its blog.

6. Don't add information about your GPA if it's low.

“Everyone knows that Google won’t look at GPA if the engineer is good enough. But nevertheless, when the HR specialist compares your resume with thousands of others, it is better not to add to it what is not your advantage. And I think a low GPA does hurt your chances,” says cybersecurity specialist Shubham Bansal.

7. Wait until more than three years have passed since you graduated from university.

“If you apply within three years of graduation, Google will ask for information about the grades on your diploma, and it will forever remain on file with the company's recruiters. If you're patient and don't specifically provide this information, then no one should ask you about it,” said Harvey Alcabez, an MIT computer science graduate.

8. Fill your resume with additional hobbies and activities.

“The main difficulty is passing the resume check. It would be better if it contained something other than information about your GPA. They receive 3,000 resumes a day and physically cannot invite everyone to an interview,” says Bruce R. Miller, HR engineer at Google.

9. Showcase your engineering skills

“Make sure you have evidence of your exceptional engineering skills,” advises Noam Ben-Ami, analytics engineer at Mulesoft.

The Russian division of Google appeared in December 2005. The first employees first sat in Smolensky Passage, and then moved to the third floor of the business center at Balchug, building 7. Then, as the staff expanded, some of the employees had to move to Lotte Plaza. As soon as space was freed up at Balchug Plaza, the team returned. Now the Google Russia team occupies the fourth and ninth floors of this office center. It employs about 150 people: engineers, lawyers, accountants, marketers and sales specialists. After work, they have the opportunity to go to yoga, massage or just sleep. The Village visited the company's office and found out how it works there.

Google Russia office

place: " Balchug Plaza"

the number of employees: 150 people

Square: 2500 sq. meters

opening date: December 2005


All Google vacancies are published on the website, where you can also apply.

The corporate hiring process is different in that the candidate undergoes an interview not only with the manager, but also with colleagues. Candidates must solve unusual problems, such as counting the number of tennis balls that can fit on an airplane. There can be no right or wrong answer here - the speed of reaction and approach to the solution are important.

Google has programs for senior students - for three months or more you can come for an internship in any department: legal, marketing, sales. All office resources, including health insurance, are provided to interns.

Work organization

The schedule of the company's employees is not strictly fixed; only the norm of eight working hours is observed. Engineers often work with colleagues from other offices around the world, so they come late and do most of their work at night.

Each employee can use 20% of their working time on own projects. They should be on a professional level, but may not be related to direct responsibilities. For example, this is how the Gmail email service appeared at one time.

All new employees are usually sent to training in Dublin, where they are told about corporate culture companies. According to the employees, she is cool, but you need to get used to her. There is no formal chain of command in the company - everything is mandatory Address each other on “you” and by name. There is no work dress code - you can come either in slippers or barefoot, the only limitation is common sense.

At Google, it is customary to share knowledge with colleagues; for this there is a googler to googler system. Every Friday, employees gather for TGIF - informal Friday meetings where they eat and socialize over a glass of wine or beer. Here new employees are introduced and shared professional achievements per week (for example, the launch of a new product).

Office decoration

The Google office is an open space. Since employees spend a lot of time at desks arranged in a circle, they have the opportunity to order a transformable desk that can be lifted and worked while standing.

When developing the office concept, the opinion of employees was taken into account, who wanted something local that would reflect Russian history, so the fourth floor is decorated in the style of Russian fairy tales (though there are Soviet films and cartoons), the ninth floor is made in the style of the Moscow metro. It was developed by Fedor Raschevsky from the OFFCON bureau.

The meeting rooms have names corresponding to the theme of the floor: on the fourth - “Postman Pechkin”, “12 chairs”, “Winnie the Pooh”, on the ninth - the names of the metro stations “Pushkinskaya”, “Polyanka”, “Komsomolskaya”, and the meeting room-studio - “ Mosfilm." The meeting rooms have large plasma screens and fitballs - you can also sit on them during a meeting. If you need to be in silence or talk on Skype, you can use a conversation room for one person.

Food in the office

All food in the office is completely free - no coffee machines or limited amounts for food. On the fourth floor there is a dining room “Samobranka”, where you can come for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Always on the table different types dry cereals and muesli, freshly squeezed juices, sandwiches.

You can also have a snack in the Lukomorye area with an image of Baba Yaga on one side and a roadside stone from fairy tales on the other. There is a coffee machine and trays with snacks - bars, bread, etc. Many employees adhere to the principles healthy eating, and the company supports it. Colored stickers on food trays give recommendations on how much of a particular product you can consume per day: green is the most dietary option, yellow and red are, respectively, higher in calories.

Leisure and entertainment

You can spend the night in the Google office: for this there is a shower and a sleeping place. On the ninth floor there is a gym with motivating Soviet posters and a sleep capsule. Through the huge wall-to-wall window there is a fantastic view of the center of the capital.

The office also features video games and table tennis. On the fourth floor there is a “Lukomorye” zone. People come here to socialize, drink coffee and relax. For this purpose there are chess, a guitar (they say that once the employees even formed a band at work, wrote their own music and played) and a mini-library. True, not a single fiction book was found in the library - only semi-professional literature and discs with films and TV series like Top Gear.

Every week a yoga teacher comes to the office - a large meeting room is set aside for classes. There is a professional massage therapist working in the office, however, his services are not free and you need to make an appointment with him in advance. Those who did not have time to sign up can use a massage chair in a dark relaxing room.

Photos: Maria Turykina

Working at Google. Most people who know at least a little about this company immediately imagine a green field flooded with rays. In its center stands a magnificent glass campus, playing with the reflections of the sun on the faces of happy employees. They slowly drive up in their clean electric cars and bicycles.

Dreamers who have decided to connect their career with working at Google, but have not yet heard anything about it, imagine huge, spacious offices with soft sofas, cozy armchairs and comfortable tables. Another thing that comes into my dreams is a beautiful cafeteria with endless supplies of free food, and even more so tasty food. The environment in fantasies is friendly, cheerful, smart and carefree colleagues.

We decided to find out whether this stereotype corresponds to reality. To do this, we did not turn to official sources of information from major publications, but checked an extensive thread on the reddit forum, where every Google employee can talk about the most interesting aspects of their work without censorship.

Bonuses and incentives

Let's start, perhaps, with the most pleasant thing. What Google attracts hundreds and thousands of young professionals to permanent job to their offices, is actually true and not a loud advertising fiction. Judging by the reviews of both novice employees and their experienced colleagues, the company is trying in every possible way to encourage employees, but most of them trace this more likely to the motive of Google’s personal gain: if workplace is well equipped, all amenities are present and there is no need for anything, then the employee has no need to leave the office, and therefore, he will be able to stay at work longer.

First of all, all Google offices offer free food. The menu in cafeterias, of which there are a huge number, is varied and depends on the time of day. For example, for breakfast they provide fried tuna and lemon-mint mineral water (and this is in a small branch of the company). There are actually several cafeterias at the head office, where they often serve breaded chicken curry and chocolate pudding. One Google employee writes that his office has fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and the kitchenette is two steps away. Most often there are ordinary fruits like apples, bananas, oranges, but sometimes they bring something exotic (pitaya, carom). There is hummus, cheeses and so on. Also present different kinds bread - the “assortment” depends on the appetite of Googlers for breakfast; There are also many themed kitchenettes around the office: one has a yogurt bar, another serves berries.

“One day the management decided that it was time to take charge of the health of our employees and significantly reduce the amount of sweets and junk food in our mini-kitchens. A year ago they stopped giving chocolate bars and since then I’ve been sitting on nothing but chips and... oh God, I can’t continue!”

It's really hard to bear this.

Other pleasant additions to the work include the presence of special rooms for relaxation, many conference rooms, massage at a reduced price, game rooms, pool tables, massage chairs, free laundries and car maintenance. On Friday evenings, even weak alcohol can be served. Doctors look after and cherish each employee, because the amount of their insurance is very decent. And gifts, like brand new Android smartphones, are not at all uncommon.

The design of the premises is interesting, not boring, you can simply walk along the corridors and look at them without fear of falling into boredom. It is interesting that in the offices there are special places for sleep and recuperation, the scene with which was perfectly played out in the film “Personnel” (“The Intership”). However, this is Google's main dilemma: you you can sleep during the day, but only if you have there is time for sleep.

“You get the feeling that you are shackled in golden handcuffs. You have to love this rat race, get used to the lack of time and not go crazy with the bureaucracy that haunts you everywhere.”

Problems and difficulties

Many corporate employees say that before the Google device they had no problems with social communication, they felt like the center of attention of any group of friends. However, on new job everything changed dramatically. They admit that they feel absolutely terrible here, that they are the dumbest person in any room, wherever they go or whoever they talk to, and they only got hired because they were lucky enough to have a condescending interviewer in the right place at the right time. . All this together is very depressing, pressing - as a result, some, especially young employees, cannot stand it and leave their jobs. The above are the consequences of the so-called impostor syndrome.

« Imposter syndrome(Impostor syndrome)- a psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to internalize his achievements. Despite external evidence of their worth, people susceptible to the syndrome continue to believe that they are deceivers and do not deserve the success they have achieved. They tend to attribute their successes to luck, being in the right place and time, or misleading others into thinking they are smarter and more competent than they actually are.”

Most of the employees work at Google's headquarters in Mountain View. The problem arises: if you work here, you will have to choose between living in the suburbs, where everything is overpriced, or spending 3 hours every day commuting to and from San Francisco. Transport, specially allocated by the company for the needs of its clients, often cannot cope with the current situation. It is important to understand: no matter where a person lives, he will have to pay a decent amount of money for rent.

There is also the problem of overcrowded offices. The fact is that Google is hiring new employees faster than it is expanding its workspace. Therefore, workers sit like sardines in a bank in multi-story buildings. open offices, where they have about one and a half square meters for table and chair. Strange situations often happen, for example, sometimes it turns out that a department is understaffed, and then Google hires several hundred new employees. And suddenly it turns out that the budget for them is not enough, so they have to reduce the staff at the expense of experienced, qualified personnel. As a result, the money saved is still not enough, and agents begin to refuse to cooperate with the company.

Bureaucracy has not gone away at Google either; it is just as senseless and merciless as in Russia. Yes, in Good Corporation this is a little easier than in other technical companies, but it is still at high level. Even the launch of a small innovation can turn into lengthy paperwork.

Men and women

Like every company in the tech industry, Google has a gender problem. More precisely, the ratio of the number of their representatives. As the corporation employees themselves write, it is very difficult to attend daily briefings, meetings and other team events where you see only men . According to them, this greatly affects the attitude towards work, depresses, appears lack of diversity in communication. I'll bring you interesting story employee of one of the tech companies (not Google), which, in my opinion, perfectly describes the prevailing modern world situation:

I once worked in big company, dealing with technology. The work was quite interesting, promising, and the team consisted of about 50 people, 47 of whom were men.

There was one woman doing secretarial work - answering calls, working with mail, and so on. At that time she was already quite old, although this woman coped with her responsibilities “excellently.” Besides her, there were two young girls specializing in software development. One of them is married, but looks like the spitting image of a stereotypical nerd. She washed once a week, was obese, wore several layers of clothing and glasses with thick lenses. She was good at her job, but if you looked up the word “nerd” in the dictionary, you would see a photo of her. The other girl looked great but wore stupid T-shirts and jeans all the time. As you might think, she was a lesbian.

A week after I left work, I decided to throw a party and invited all my colleagues, many of whom came. The girl-in-the-stupid-T-shirt also came. She and I got to talking, drank a couple of glasses of beer, and when the party came to an end, I decided to walk her to the car. Then she hugged me and whispered that it would be okay if I kissed her. “I thought you were a lesbian!” - I exclaimed. Her answer stuck with me for a long time: “Yes, I deliberately started such a rumor so that didn't bother you at work all day long. But do not tell anyone".

Family and work

As for the working hours of employees, everything often depends on the specific office, department and type of tasks being solved. One Google employee writes that he mostly works from 7:30 am to 10 pm, but if there are deadlines or unfinished work, he can sit until 11:30, until 1:30, and even all night, and his boss comes in several times a day to check progress. You will laugh, but this man was forced to place a bed next to his desk.

“On the weekends I usually either sleep as much as possible, or work, or I drink to forget all this stress. Those free minutes that remain at your disposal are spent in terrible traffic jams. Sometimes you get the feeling that some managers have never learned how to communicate with people at all, and in order to get their point across to them, they have to almost yell.

If you already have such a job, then Google appears in a better light: the salary is higher, the food is free, etc. If you want to leave normal life for a few years, get excellent recommendation and save a lot of money, then Google is a great choice. If your priority is family, hobbies, sleep, relationships - run away from here».

However, these words are refuted by other employees of the corporation. Thus, one of them said that in 10 years of working at Google he had never seen anything like this. He has a family and two children; if he is late at work, it is only because he like work. Yes, he was promoted several times, but he never had to face the choice of what to give preference to - family or work, since in their team they immediately agreed that his wife and children were most important.

“I am a software development engineer. I work 40 hours a week, and with a flexible schedule, that is, it doesn’t matter what time you arrive at work, the main thing is to spend your 8 hours a day. Moreover, if there are no important meetings, you can work remotely several times a week. I've never had a 50-hour work week, but I don't want to work at various Silicon Valley startups where product development is not a job, but a lifestyle. The working hours of most employees in corporations or state enterprises just 40 hours a week.”

Superiors and subordinates

In addition to the problem of impostor syndrome that arises from the accumulation of large numbers of erudite people, there are many other situations where communication with colleagues is difficult. First, some employees identify a special category of people whom they call ruthless careerists. Such people do not work with the goal of creating beauty, that is, developing a product that would help make humanity a little happier and life easier; their the main task— advertise an existing product or service, impose it on the buyer.

Such people are passionate about their work, but all this is the reason for their inflated ego. Many of them are absolutely incompetent; the main thing for them is to win first place in any social unit. No matter what interview, meeting or conference such a person comes to, everywhere he talks about how cool he is, how he is better than others, what he does, and so on.

According to the employees themselves, there are a lot of arrogant, selfish people at Google who often don’t know how to do anything themselves, but try to snatch someone else’s work or interfere with it, calling it “their territory.” Yes, the company treats its employees well, providing them with various bonuses and incentives. However, if regular employees receive promotions or salary increases, ego can play a bad joke.

“I am a polite person, and I will always be happy to meet a cook, a cleaner or a security guard, and ask how they are doing, because I am really interested in these people who occupy a low, but extremely important place in the work of the company. However, often I see people who either do not notice the above employees or treat them like servants. They don't like that free food doesn't meet their individual needs. That the impressive bonus package has not changed compared to last year. Personally, I saw a guy who cursed scooters on the office grounds because he was too fat and couldn’t get on them, so no one should ride them.”

At Google, in addition to engineers, there are also coders. These are people who quickly write code to run a program and move on to another team. They usually leave behind a mountain of unreadable code, which must be disassembled in case of any problems in the program. Is it really so difficult to spend 5 minutes on optimization and comments so that the next programmer doesn't waste 5 hours or even 5 months of precious time?

Often a situation arises when one of the departments wants to promote their idea because it is in their interests. One Googler wrote that he worked in a team that oversaw 3 promising projects. This means that there are 3 general concepts, 3 ideas from designers, 3 proposals from managers, etc., and no one agrees with each other. Who is ultimately to blame for missing all the deadlines? Of course, ordinary engineers.

Newspaper The New York The Times interviewed Google's vice president of human resources, Lazlo Bock, who answered the question: "Who does Google hire, anyway?"

Bock began his answer by saying that Google views test scores and GPAs as meaningless and the attention spent on them as wasted attention. GPA (Grade Point Average) is a weighted average assessment of a student’s performance in his specialty. So, she doesn't talk about anything. Every year the percentage of people without education at Google is only increasing. And this trend cannot be ignored. In some teams it already reaches 14%. So, what does it take to get your dream job?

Still, a higher education won't hurt. Many positions at Google require knowledge of mathematics, programming and physics, which are quite difficult to obtain without higher education. But Google is looking at something else. There are five skills we look for in people looking to get a job at Google.

Of course, if you apply for a job with us as a programmer (which is half of the positions at Google), then, first of all, we will evaluate your ability to create code. But still, the No. 1 skill that is looked for in all candidates is mental ability. Don't expect us to test your IQ. Mental ability is, first of all, the ability to learn. Capture everything on the fly. This is the ability to make a picture out of mosaic pieces. We test these skills using behavioral tests that accurately measure your abilities.


Not the kind of leadership you mean. Were you a class leader? Vice President of Sales or Head of the Chess Club? We do not care. What we pay attention to is how you act in critical situations. Are you willing to take on unexpected leadership if the team is faced with a problem and you are the only one who can solve it? In such a situation, will you retreat or, on the contrary, become the head of the team? It is important to us that you are always ready to use all your strength to solve the problem.


The end goal is what your team can do to solve the problem. Not you, not anyone else in particular. Just the whole team. Make your contribution and let others do it. Without humility you cannot learn. Our research has shown that many graduates of elite colleges hit a plateau in their development when they join Google. Because they try not to do work that could lead to a bad result and, as a result, cannot learn from their mistakes.

They think in this way: “if something worked, then I’m a genius, if something went wrong, then someone is an idiot.” You need to reduce your ego. Although, no. You need to have a big ego and a small ego at the same time.

Experience (competence)

Imagine hiring someone who is highly intelligent, curious, eager to learn, and has the makings of a leader, but without any professional knowledge, to be a financial analyst. And you have another candidate who understands finance and has a diploma, but only has this skill. Who will you choose? Google will choose the first one. If emergency situations arise, a graduate with honors will act in the same standard way. While the first candidate may mess up a couple of times, but the third time he will come up with a completely ingenious and new solution to the problem. And we appreciate this most of all.


Nowadays, talent is such a loose concept that it has practically lost its original meaning. When we see a person who did not go to university, did not go to school, but made his contribution to this world, we understand that this is an exceptional person. And we need to do everything in our power to get it.

Too many colleges don't deliver what they promise. You get into debt, waste your time and don't learn the most useful things that can be useful in life. You are simply prolonging your adolescence without commitment.

There are so many talented people coming to Google that we have long since stopped looking at standard achievement metrics like G.P.A. However, for many people, college is still The best way lead your life and make a career. But Bock asks one thing to be kept in mind: “Be careful.” No one in this world cares about how you learned something, all that matters is how you handle your knowledge. And, having all the above qualities, your place of work will no longer be important to you; you will be appreciated anywhere.

Working at Google is the dream of many job seekers. Beautiful and spacious offices, cozy soft sofas, a riot of colors, cleanliness, order - the splendor of creative thought is concentrated here. Indeed, the Google building is amazing. The fantastic glass campus, which has gathered super-professionals under its roof, attracts those who want to work in spacious and bright offices in a creative environment. Everything here is created for comfortable and productive activities. The headquarters is located in California, and small branches are scattered throughout the world.

Google Company

Google is a web-based corporation focused on developing and creating scalable modular systems. Today the company manages a million servers, processes billions of requests, as well as user data. Google's main product is search system. In addition to it, there is the Gmail mail service, social network Google+, Google Chrome Internet browser, Picasa, Hangouts. The company is developing OS, as well as famous mobile applications, such as Ok Google. Working in this company is hard, but the experience gained is invaluable for any programmer and engineer.


Google... Employment is a pressing issue that worries everyone who wants to work in this company. This process is complex and consists of three stages:

  • The applicant must submit a resume. The hiring manager evaluates him and decides whether to call and schedule an interview.
  • The first interview takes place over the phone. The specialist remotely determines the applicant’s knowledge level and professional skills. Based on the results of such communication, the manager invites him to the office or refuses him at a further stage.
  • Interview in the office. The applicant meets with several company employees who conduct an interview in the form of a conversation. You should expect tests and questions.

Remember that the specifics of working at Google also affect the level of interviews. if the experts delay in answering.


If Google company opened vacancies, the chances that your resume will be considered increase many times over. The corporation values ​​interesting and knowledgeable staff Therefore, they often select a position for an applicant based on his skills. Google's requirements for writing a resume are no different. It must be correctly composed, structured, interestingly presented, but in simple language. The perfect resume will help you get to work. Google Play is the company's application store, where it is easy to find any information on how to correctly compose such a document. Follow these simple rules when writing:

The resume must fully reflect the personality of the applicant, his strengths and abilities. This is a kind of portrait that recruiting managers imagine in their imagination, based on the data obtained. Want to make a positive impression? Be bold, frank, do not hesitate to take initiative and take responsibility.

How to get a job?

Many may be interested in the question: “How is Google?” This is quite difficult to do. Some applicants prepare for interviews several months before the X-day. They study theoretical disciplines, communication skills, learn to look and speak naturally, without anxiety. During the interview, Google specialists evaluate the candidate according to four main criteria: analytical skills, communication skills, work experience, and programming skills.

Each criterion is scored from 1.0 to 4.0. Interviewers only ask questions and contact the applicant, and the decision on admission is made by the recruitment committee. The rating system plays a big role in the positive outcome of the interview. If a potential employee scores 3.6, this is considered an excellent result. The final decision on whether to hire an applicant for a position takes several weeks. Company employees advise you to prepare for the upcoming interview by studying questions about scalability and memory limitations and bit-by-bit processing.

Who is needed?

The operation of Google services requires proactive, hardworking and qualified specialists. The company values ​​development engineers, software engineers, designers, development and sales managers. Education, level of intelligence, sociability, portfolio, work experience - all this plays a big role when finding employment in a large corporation.


Remote work at Google is a great opportunity for those who want to work for the company, but cannot physically be in the office for a variety of reasons. In order to get a job at Google that does not require direct contact with management and employees, the applicant must have certain knowledge and skills. A freelancer interview is no different. A company specialist will talk to the applicant by phone and ask technical questions. They may concern writing codes. Sometimes a candidate for remote work may be invited to the office to chat in person.

The personal interview is conducted by four to six interviewers. It is objective and independent. The questions asked are unconventional, but there is no consistent structure. The hiring decision is made by managers and engineers based on the results of the interview.

Selection criteria

If you are interested in the question of how to get a job at Google, consider the criteria for selecting candidates for a specific position. For example, management has special requirements for technical applicants. During the interview, personal and professional quality candidate:

  • Programming skills.
  • Fast learner.
  • Leadership.
  • A sense of ownership.
  • Intellectual modesty.

The interview takes place in an interview format. The candidate is asked questions by five different employees from the management and engineering departments. Each of them evaluates the applicant objectively, without consulting colleagues. Based on the final results, an independent decision is made.


Working at Google is an interesting and rewarding experience for people creative professions. The company's employees have many incentives and bonuses. For the purpose of productive activities, management created special working conditions, but this can be attributed to personal gain. Employees' workplaces are equipped in accordance with modern standards. The headquarters is as cozy as home: soft sofas, armchairs, delicious and free food. The conditions are such that you can stay at work late and not rush home.

The huge number of cafeterias with a free and varied menu amazes the imagination of the average worker. For breakfast here you can eat fried tuna and wash it down with lemon-mint mineral water, for lunch you can order breaded chicken curry and enjoy a chocolate dessert. The local balanced menu (fruits, vegetables, grains), as well as exotic dishes - all this can easily be compared with the best restaurant food. Any whim of a gourmet employee will be fulfilled here, and for free!

Working at Google comes with added bonuses. For example, there are special break rooms where employees can relax. The company's staff has gaming facilities, massage chairs, a billiard room, laundry, and car maintenance at the full disposal of the company's staff. Employees can while away Friday evenings with a glass of mild alcohol. A pleasant advantage of the job is solid insurance and personnel health monitoring. Employees are often given expensive gifts: new smartphones and other gadgets.

Another plus: the design of the premises. It is modern, not boring, and has futuristic features. It is impossible to fall into melancholy and despondency here. Offices are equipped with places to sleep and recuperate. However, time for relaxation in the corporation still needs to be found.


Working at Google is not as rosy and fabulous as many people think. This is a separate world in which you need to obey established laws, sacrifice your time and principles. As a rule, they hire qualified professionals who have graduated from prestigious educational establishments. Beginners often cannot stand the pressure of success and cannot put their knowledge into practice. Yes, there are high salaries, bonuses and other incentives, but working in the company takes everything free time. Employees practically live in the office, as if in a “golden cage”.

Another significant drawback is overcrowded offices. The company employs many employees, and the staff is constantly being replenished. The management simply does not have time to expand. In this cheerful American company there is bureaucracy. Problems certainly exist at Google. This is a large institution in which living people of blood and flesh work. No one is immune from mistakes and shortcomings.


Who among us does not dream of a high salary, the realization of creative potential and acquired knowledge? Working at Google is prestigious and highly paid. Without bonuses, payments, cash incentives, or gifts, employees receive from 100 thousand dollars a year. The highest paid positions in the company are: financial analyst, Development Manager, Senior Engineer, Product Sales Manager, Research Scientists, Technical Lead, Technical Project Manager, Corporate Legal Consultant, Public Relations Manager, Technical Lead, User Interface Designer, Online Sales Manager, Service Availability Engineer And software and others. Ordinary employees receive less.