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Prevention of problems with personnel. Solving HR problems

Human resource management in the service sector (retail trade, hotel and restaurant business, consumer services) has its own characteristics.

From this article you will learn:

  • how to manage with minimal costs sales staff;
  • what specific personnel management problems does an HR manager have to solve? trading enterprise;
  • What is the basis for effective economics of personnel management in a hotel or restaurant?

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Regulations on non-material motivation

Questionnaire to identify internal loyalty of employees

Regulations on material motivation and remuneration

Economics of personnel management in trade: how to retain employees?

The service sector occupies one of the key positions in the economy of post-industrial society: it is characterized by a high level of profit (compared to the agricultural or industrial sector) and a significant number of jobs. Trade is one of the pillars on which the service sector rests.

HR management in a retail enterprise has its own characteristics: high staff turnover and long working hours create the need to constantly hire new employees and find effective ways to retain experienced staff.

The main problems of personnel management in trade, as a rule, come down to:

  • lack of practical experience among employees of a trading enterprise;
  • difficult working conditions (long shifts, the need to constantly be in sight of customers), which discourage potential employees;
  • difficulties in planning work schedules caused by fluctuations in consumer demand.

Retail trade attracts mainly people without work experience (for example, part-time students) and without special education. Low level of discipline, reluctance to make a career and take care of one’s own appearance and behavior in the workplace, absenteeism is not a complete list of shortcomings of workers who chose the trade sector only because “a store or supermarket is located near home,” and at the moment there was no more interesting and profitable occupation.

Therefore, to achieve satisfactory results, the HR manager must carefully screen out candidates during the initial selection and apply effective ways to motivate employees.

  • make personnel search and selection procedures massive to ensure the maximum number of candidates and select the most suitable ones;
  • make it available to employees who are truly suited to trade work and do not see it as a “temporary option”;
  • establish control not only over the appearance of employees, but also over their behavior in the workplace;
  • introduce short but intensive training programs at the enterprise for employees with no work experience;
  • boost staff morale by everyone possible ways to reduce staff turnover and improve quality of work;
  • establish a level of material remuneration for work that is fair from the employees’ point of view;
  • resolve any conflicts that arise between employees in a timely manner before most of the team is involved;
  • try to plan work taking into account trends in consumer demand in order to evenly distribute the load among all salespeople, cashiers and other sales floor workers.

Hotel personnel management: focusing on motivation

For hotel industry labor resources are of great importance, since the services offered by hotels are of an intangible nature. The well-being of such an enterprise largely depends on the professionalism of its employees. In order for the economics of hotel HR management to provide the best results, a clear HR system should be created, covering not only the area of ​​​​day-to-day tasks solved through administrative intervention, but also strategic issues.

Practice shows that the most painstaking work with personnel does not ensure positive effect if employees are not motivated enough. Poor management of hotel staff affects the company's profits almost immediately: the results of numerous studies have shown that there is a direct relationship between the loyalty of employees and the loyalty of hotel customers. Therefore, even in a small hotel it is important to implement, avoiding:

  • “punitive” motivation techniques that encourage the departure of the most creative, active and competent employees;
  • instability (do not cancel motivational events and cut back social package for no apparent reason understandable to the staff);
  • ignoring the expectations and interests of employees;
  • inconsistencies between the motivation system and overall strategy companies.

You should not rely solely on the material component of motivation: as a rule, an increase wages ceases to motivate an employee after just a few months, but the process of work itself and the growth of career status can provide a much more lasting effect.

Personnel management in the restaurant business: we carefully select employees

Well-organized HR management makes it possible to provide any restaurant with qualified employees who conscientiously perform their duties and thereby increase customer loyalty (and, consequently, the establishment’s profit). In order for restaurant personnel management to give a positive result, it is necessary to identify in advance the most relevant personnel problems and find ways to solve them. Most often, restaurant managers have to deal with the following issues:

  • training for employees who are employed without work experience and relevant education; low prestige of the profession (working as a bartender or waiter is considered not attractive enough, and this repels many promising candidates);
  • interpersonal conflicts in the team caused by the need for everyday teamwork.

Besides, in catering business Often there are “random” people who are employed for the purpose of making a quick profit (potential scammers) or looking for temporary work. They help to weed out such applicants modern methods selection: step-by-step testing, role-playing games (including conflict games), interviews testing special skills.

IN modern world The main challenges facing organizations are new ones. The main ones are: stimulating the work of hired personnel, preventing “brain drain”, indexing wages in conditions of inflation, ensuring that the level of qualifications of personnel meets strict requirements modern economy and, finally, strengthening the sense of belonging to the company among staff, etc.

But even now there are contradictions between the declared goals and functions of personnel management departments, so the list of responsibilities includes actions for accounting, control, motivation of personnel, regulation of relations between management and personnel, but in reality the functions of personnel management services, judging by the facts, turn out to be rolled up. The heads of these services assess their role in managing social personnel processes as secondary, believing that everything depends on the management of the enterprise.

It is known that successful development production in modern conditions to a large extent depends on the competitiveness of personnel. And it is achieved by constant training of personnel, improving their qualifications and strategically determining their number and professional guidance V this moment and in this production. The narrow skills of the management corps, especially its senior management, had a negative impact on the transition to market relations from the very beginning of the reforms. It turned out that “many managers failed to organize the work of the institutions under their control in general and orient it towards studying and satisfying consumer demand in particular. A great difficulty for them was determining the directions for using resources, first of all, this applies to such important resources as personnel , fixed assets, financial resources."

This gives grounds to assert that key problem For the vast majority of Russian enterprises, the problem is ineffective personnel management. Now is the time when it is necessary to pay closer attention to systematic training and, especially, retraining of qualified specialists. This will make it possible to respond faster and more effectively to changes in the country, strengthen market activity elements of stability, solidity, representativeness, sober calculation, refusal of excessively risky speculative play.

Market educational services turned out to be practically unbalanced with the real needs of the skilled labor market. The quality level of enterprise employees is significantly inferior to the requirements for international market labor. The personnel management system at most enterprises does not correspond to the strategy of market reforms, which significantly hinders the possibility of implementing programs of sustainable stabilization, revitalization of production and structural restructuring of the economy, improving the quality and competitiveness of Russian products.

It is necessary to train and significantly improve the qualifications of the management corps in management, marketing, innovation, personnel management and a number of other disciplines, taking into account the peculiarities of the current economic situation and the Russian market. The formation of a business services industry should become one of the primary problems of structural investment policy.

Among the most pressing problems, the following should also be noted: the departure of qualified specialists, low performance and labor discipline of personnel, insufficient qualifications of personnel and individual managers, unsatisfactory moral and psychological climate, low level motivation of workers, and as a result, lack of initiative of workers in solving production problems, confrontation between administration and staff.

It should also be noted that there is an erosion of traditional values, which leads to serious disturbances in personal beliefs and values. Stress, pressure and uncertainty are increasingly present in most forms of organizational life. This has significantly complicated the system of motivation and incentives for employees, primarily in connection with hiring on short-term contracts, putting forward various preconditions (including probationary period), rigid linkage material incentives with the profit received and other factors.

When reviewing personnel management methods that do not meet the state external environment, management may face conflict arising from rejection of new methods organizational culture firms due to the conservatism and inertia of some part of the team. Such a conflict can be quite painful and destructive in its consequences.

Thus, K. Davis identified three groups of reasons for resistance to innovation. The basis of all economic reasons is the fear of loss of earnings, which creates an anti-innovation attitude in the employee. hired personnel qualifications incentives

Regarding the personal reasons that encourage people to resist the innovation process, we can say that the main one is the individual’s resistance to devaluation, which the innovation process very often brings with it.

In the group of anti-innovation barriers that are socio-psychological in nature, most of the reasons are based on a person’s reaction to those accompanying them in many organizations. innovation processes, a kind of encroachment on his psychological comfort.

These and some other problems raise the question of improving the personnel management system for managers. However, we often have to deal with the fact that, trying to put the work with personnel in the company at the proper level, managers make a number of mistakes that do not allow them to achieve the goals for which, in fact, the work with personnel was started.

To eliminate these types of shortcomings, personnel development planning is necessary. First of all, this is planning the natural movement of personnel - retirement, dismissal due to illness, due to study, military service, etc. This is not difficult to do, but it is important to prepare an equivalent replacement in a timely manner. What is more difficult is to strengthen the potential of the team and increase its competitiveness.

There are several ways to do this, including: careful selection of personnel, systematic improvement of their qualifications, creation of conditions for the most effective manifestation of their abilities and development of a methodology for assessing the actual effectiveness of the team.

Many commercial structures in Russia they are now taking a different path. Instead of intensifying the work of adapting teams to the conditions of economic reforms, taking care of ensuring a painless psychological restructuring of each person, especially experienced specialists, workers are sometimes mercilessly fired as they have not adapted to the new requirements. This approach is a manifestation of short-sighted policy. After all, any replacement of an employee is an economically expensive undertaking. This damages the company's reputation.

The problem of “obsolescence” occupies a special place in the process of professionalization of management. "Obsolescence" occurs when an individual uses viewpoints, theories, concepts and methods that are less effective in solving a problem than others currently existing. Of course, not every example of a firm's HR inefficiency is due to "obsolescence." Laziness, lack of understanding, and overload with other responsibilities can also lead to ineffectiveness. But the cost to a firm of developing and adopting second-rate solutions to emerging problems is likely much greater than the costs required to overcome the obsolescence of its workforce.

Management practice also shows that in any company, as a result of a combination of different reasons, the presence of conflicts is inevitable. Conflicts often arise due to staff dissatisfaction with the manager’s assessment of their work. In cases of very serious conflicts, there may even be a shift in organizational goals.

It is significant that in the activities of the manager himself, as the main subject of management, there are various contradictions associated with undesirable trends in people’s behavior. The difficulty in assessing these phenomena lies in their heterogeneity.

It should be noted that recently in our country there has been a certain work to train high-class managerial personnel, various business schools are organized, and a lot of specialized literature, although of varying quality, by domestic and foreign authors is published.

However, in the literature on management topics, as a rule, publications of an educational and methodological nature predominate, considering mainly the history and fundamentals of management, special management issues ( financial management, personnel management, situational and systemic approaches to management, sociology of organizations, marketing). In this sea of ​​publications on management problems, there is clearly not enough literature for specialist managers and senior management.

There are also problems at the lower level of personnel management, which have their own aspects and characteristics. " An important point in their assessment is that in their mentality and roles, lower managers belong to managers, and vice versa, the situation contributes to the fact that their psychology approaches that of workers. This duality of position in the company often leads such managers to a state of stress."

Lately there has been a lot of talk about the fact that the roots of the problems of most Russian enterprises lie in ineffective management. What is it effective management, each of the enterprises that managed to adapt to new conditions understands it in its own way. Everyone finds their own levers of control and implements their own management principles. But until now, the valuable experience developed by each of the enterprises remained only its experience.

At the same time, there is also positive experience that needs to be studied, refined and recommended for implementation. The results of the activities of many enterprises and the accumulated experience of their work with personnel show that the formation of production teams, ensuring High Quality human resources are decisive factors in production efficiency and product competitiveness.

Problems in the field of personnel management and daily work with personnel, according to experts, will be constantly in the focus of management's attention in the near future. In the future with development scientific and technological progress content and working conditions will acquire higher value than material interest.

Due to the variability of sales volume, unstable economic situation, intense competition and other reasons for most retailers trading companies the first place goes to increasing the efficiency of the company or forming a competent strategy retail. The efficiency of small business firms in retail trade is determined by a large number of indicators, and their management is a very complex process and is carried out using various management methods, primarily personnel management.

It is believed that in the 21st century a unique professional core of human resources is the main competitive advantage any company on the market. This statement, according to analysts, will become the law of business survival for modern successful companies, since only personnel focused on constant development and adaptation will be able to adapt to the constantly changing state of the market environment. However, this factor will also increase the requirements for all personnel policy in general, and HR management in particular.

Already now one can observe a tendency that it is the work of personnel in retail networks is a leading factor for consumers so that the client continues to remain loyal to the company. Consider Figure 1 from Accenture Consumer Pulse Research Russia.

Figure 1 - Answer to the question: Which service provider did you change during the past year? Last year(if changed) due to unsatisfactory quality of service?

As can be seen from the diagram, it is retail companies that primarily suffer from poor quality service or illiterate personnel, and need highly qualified specialists to retain their customers. According to research, this percentage is only growing every year. A review of retail trade from Ernst&Young confirms these words. Let's look at Figure 2 about the most pressing problems of companies.

Figure 2 - The most pressing problems of companies

The diagram shows that the problem of finding and hiring personnel has come to the fore, and that this problem is significant enough for Russian market. Thus, at the moment the situation is such that personnel is both the main competitive advantage of the company and the main problem.

Specialists Western countries have long been faced with problems in personnel management, but the Russian market has only now begun to identify the most acute of them. According to Chumarin, the main negative features of working with personnel are:

· Constant turnover of key personnel;

· Unfounded claims regarding wages;

· Low level of staff loyalty;

· Low-prestige jobs in core retail areas;

· Predisposition of some employees to theft.

Kramarev also raises the problem of theft in his article. The author cites statistics that 48.8% of the company’s total losses are due to employee theft.

The main and main problem with personnel, according to Blagorasumova, is staff turnover. In her opinion, this problem was, is and will always be, and all other problematic issues, such as low loyalty of personnel, low qualifications of personnel, violation labor code firms and unscrupulous work stem precisely from it.

In her article, Kanavtseva identifies such personnel problems as:

1. There is a shortage of professionals with good education and qualifications who can master and apply new technologies, as well as use modern equipment.

2. At the same time, difficulties with the selection of unqualified personnel performing tasks new job, however, performing most such work. Usually such work is low-paid, but there is a lot of it and it needs to be done constantly.

3. Employee dissatisfaction with working conditions and social package.

4. The need to maintain a high level of wages, taking into account inflation, growth in the standard of living of society and other indicators.

5. The need for training, retraining, and advanced training of personnel with the advent of new technologies in business.

Thus, you can see that all problems with personnel arise as consequences of one another. High employee turnover leads to low wage levels as firms try to reduce their search and hiring costs. Low wages lead to low loyalty to the company, since during the orientation period in the company, the material component is the main motive for quality work. Lack of loyalty to the company leads to dishonest work, which creates a negative image of the work of such employees in general, and therefore creates low prestige of the profession. The low prestige of the specialty leads to the hiring of only low-qualified personnel or personnel without experience, which leads to violations labor discipline and then to theft. Theft leads to the dismissal of employees and a new search for specialists, resulting in high staff turnover. This cycle can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Cyclicity of personnel problems in retail trade

However, HR management and the company as a whole faces the challenge of new question, how to solve these problems. Firm management needs to change its attitude in the “employer-personnel” system by choosing a strategy for recognizing the value of the human factor. In practice, this is done through the creation and implementation of a personnel management or personnel management system. The main thing is that this system takes into account, in addition to the material side of work or remuneration, the intangible side, such as the motivation and adaptation of employees.

Personnel management includes three components, according to Erkhov, which can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Components of personnel management

In this case HR management deals with personnel movement management, organizational and labor solves problems of ensuring working conditions for employees, and social management coordinates social relations. However, there is another approach to personnel management, in which personnel management includes the management of human resources throughout the company, and not just the personnel movement function.

Most experts formulate the term “personnel management” quite broadly, emphasizing in some cases differences in performance assessment, in other cases based on control, and can also be distinguished by the form of organization and other characteristics. In reality, there are a huge number of definitions of the concept of personnel management, and although they differ in some criteria, three main ones can be identified:

I. Attitude to labor as a source of income;

II. Development of staff initiative by creating the conditions necessary for them;

III. Integration of the company's personnel and social policies into the overall policy of the organization.

However, in order to fully appreciate the term personnel management and the various approaches to it by the authors, consider Table 3.

Table 3 - Definitions of personnel management


Academician website, dictionary

Management aimed at development and efficient use personnel potential of the organization at the operational, tactical, strategic and political levels of management

Ldokova G. M.

One of the areas of modern management, which is aimed at the development and most effective use of the organization’s human resources potential

Afanasyeva Yu. G., Drepa E. N.

New paradigm of personnel management in modern company in terms of values human resources, denies the concept of “personnel management” and accepts the concept of “personnel potential management”

Kibanova A. Ya.

One of the elements complex activities on personnel management of the company in terms of forming the personnel potential of the enterprise

The process of planning, organizing, rewarding, integrating and servicing people to contribute to organizational, individual and social goals through strategic management

Having analyzed the definitions of various Russian and Western authors, we can come to the conclusion that personnel management is personnel management, which is aimed at the formation and development of the organization’s personnel potential. Thus, personnel management performs not only such simple functions as documenting employees, but also such as the formation and effective use of the company’s personnel potential, personnel development in accordance with the strategic goals of the company as a whole. To achieve these functions, personnel management is increasingly using various management technologies or trying to technologize the management process in a different way.

The current problem of the modern working person is working hard, excessive professional stress, and nervous strain. The result is professional and emotional burnout, chronic depression, fatigue, apathy, and indifference to life. In the race for recognition, money or a high rank, a person gives 100%, goes towards his goal, strives for what he wants with all his soul. However, often, having achieved his dream, he does not experience happiness - the person is emotionally so exhausted that he simply does not feel joy.

Employee burnout syndrome is not made up. This is a real “disease of the 21st century”, which affects entrepreneurs, employees of large companies and avid workaholics. If you do not turn on the “reboot” in time, the “disease” will progress, dragging the person to the very bottom. How to promptly recognize and prevent emotional and professional burnout of employees in your company?

Caution, high voltage: professional burnout of employees

The dangerous diagnosis of “burnout” was first discussed in 1974. American psychiatrist G. Fredenberg conducted research on staff large company and revealed symptoms of a gradual decrease in their passion for work and psychological exhaustion. Employees complained about a loss of interest in their usual work, a decrease in labor productivity, and a decline in activity and zeal for work. Moreover, this condition had nothing to do with ordinary fatigue of the body - emotional burnout was closely related to employment, work, and its signs did not go away after rest or sleep.

Professional burnout
– this is a general negative state of a person, developing against the background of chronic stress in the conditions of professional activity and leading to mental and emotional depletion of the individual’s internal resources.

In the process of work, each employee experiences stress of any kind - physical, emotional, psychological. Life is incomplete without them modern man. However, with a slight regular stress, the body copes with stress on its own, a natural “reboot” occurs quickly, without causing significant deformations in consciousness and Everyday life person. But when an employee is constantly exposed to heavy loads, negative situations “wrap up” into a tight ball, are put aside, and accumulate into a huge “snowball”. Without “release,” negativity puts pressure on the consciousness, exhausts a person, and, as a result, professional burnout occurs.

Emotional burnout in professional activity is a consequence of a person’s long-term presence in a stressful atmosphere that arose as a result of accumulated internal contradictions with the factors surrounding him.

Victims of the syndrome most often become employees whose activities involve constant, personal communication with people and nervous overstrain. This category of employees includes:

  • Sales Managers
  • Doctors
  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Company executives
  • Teachers
  • Lawyers

Individuals with certain character traits are more prone to burnout syndrome. These are humane, idealistic individuals, introverts, sensitive, vulnerable people who are characterized by a low level of mental resistance to the negative influence of the environment. It was also found that women are more prone to professional burnout than men due to their innate emotionality.

According to statistical studies (Kadrovik Magazine, 2011), the following categories of people are most prone to professional burnout:

  • Management (43%)
  • Active employees, workaholics (40%)
  • Creative personalities (35%)
  • Sales managers (28%)
  • Specialists close to retirement age (22%)
  • Workers engaged in daily routine tasks (20%)
  • Beginners who do not have a coach or mentor (5%)

Professional burnout: causes of a “fire-hazardous” problem

According to many psychologists, burnout is a kind of defense mechanism that is activated by the body in response to traumatic factors. As a rule, the human nervous system has its own limit of psychological processes carried out, for example, communication, perception, attention, solving certain problems. During the day, a specific person can pay attention to a limited number of people, perceive a certain amount of information, and solve a range of assigned tasks. If a person regularly exceeds this limit, the nervous system becomes overstrained, followed by exhaustion and emotional burnout. The “bright colors of the day” fade, become gray, apathy, indifference, and irritation sets in.
In addition, professional burnout in the case of activities related to intensive communication with people occurs very quickly. In the process of communication, each person exchanges energy with his opponent and expects a positive return in return. However, in a number of cases the interlocutor “responds” with silence, hostility, and indifference. From such communication, the active side is simply exhausted, splashes out its energy, which evaporates like a sip of clean water under the scorching sun. The result is moral and emotional devastation, alienation, cynicism, and a state of complete indifference.

The main causes of professional burnout syndrome:

  • Routine, monotony of the working day
  • Overload with work or, conversely, the presence of free time that is not filled with work matters
  • Negative, unhealthy atmosphere in the team (arrogant communication or “hazing”)
  • Work that involves constant communication with strangers
  • Low-paid activities, lack of professional growth, career development
  • Low self-organization
  • Lack of motivation system in the organization
  • Regular change of management, constant changes work responsibilities, improper delegation of duties, responsibilities

Employee burnout: symptoms of work poisoning

Employee burnout syndrome in the company does not go unnoticed. Symptoms of “pathology” are reflected not only in the emotional plane, but also affect other important aspects of a person.

Signs of employee burnout syndrome are conditionally divided into three blocks:

1. Psychophysical symptoms:

  • Constant fatigue, which manifests itself not only in the evening, but also does not go away in the morning after waking up
  • Feeling of exhaustion (physical and emotional), decreased tone and energy
  • Lack of curiosity, sense of novelty
  • Reduced defensive reaction, lack of fear in a dangerous situation
  • Weight fluctuations (loss or gain of weight for no apparent reason)
  • Insomnia
  • Disturbances in the functioning of certain body systems (indigestion, headaches, respiratory dysfunction)
  • Lethargy, drowsiness during the day
  • Deterioration of vision, touch, smell

2. Social and psychological characteristics:

  • Anxiety for no reason, unreasonable worry, fear
  • Nervous breakdowns
  • Indifference, apathy, passivity, depression
  • Irritability, outbursts of anger even over minor troubles
  • Constant delving into emerging emotions (guilt, shame, resentment, isolation) Underestimation of one’s own abilities
  • Negative attitudes towards professional and personal prospects

3. Changes in human behavior:

  • Feeling of meaninglessness and burden of work
  • Inability to complete important tasks during the working day, wasting time on small details, “stupor” in processes that do not require increased attention
  • Distance from colleagues, inadequate, negative reaction to communication, aggression, increased criticism
  • Stable decline in motivation to work, indifference to own achievements
  • Regular violation of work routine (arriving late, leaving earlier than expected) Difficulty in making any decisions
  • The emergence of bad habits (alcohol abuse, drugs, smoking)

Employee burnout is dangerous both for themselves and for the organization. The result can be problems such as systematic staff turnover, the emergence of a negative atmosphere in the team, and a decrease in labor productivity of the entire company. Of course, not all employees in a company are prone to emotional burnout - avid activists and optimists have high degree resistance to this syndrome. However, not everyone has such qualities and a unique approach to work. What to do? Timely prevent employee burnout and eradicate the problem at the stage of its inception - and this needs to be done not only by the company, but also by the employees themselves.

Don't burn out: preventing professional burnout

Completely eliminate the influence of negative and harmful factors impossible during operation. However, properly implemented prevention of professional burnout will help prevent the consequences of the syndrome, help employees gain faith in their capabilities and take a fresh look at their, even routine and boring responsibilities. Main - correct installation and a positive approach to the problem! All in our hands!

On the part of the organization, the dominant preventive areas to prevent employee burnout are:

An important mission of management is to correctly distribute priorities, highlight the company’s goals and convey them to employees. As an example, consider the old parable about builders who were engaged in one thing, but associated it in different ways. The first one simply “dragged a heavy, damned car with building materials", the second "earned money for his family", and the third - "participated in the unique construction of a beautiful cathedral." The correct formulation of the task is the main condition for motivating employees.

Employees themselves should also make efforts to ensure that work is not a heavy burden that is emotionally and psychologically exhausting, but an enjoyable and useful activity. Prevention of emotional burnout on the part of employees lies in the correct positioning of problems, looking at troubles in a new direction and distraction:

  • While working, switch to other topics and take short breaks. Psychologists recommend looking around, noting the smallest details of nature’s interior, and mentally saying them to yourself. This simple technique will allow you to remove stressful moments from your consciousness, switch to a positive note and relax.
  • Treat stress factors positively, and also reduce the significance of unpleasant, traumatic situations, no matter how difficult it is. Remember: the cause of your stress is not people, but your attitude towards the situation. Look at things more simply, “let go” of the problem, treat existing troubles with humor.
  • Connect physical loads. Light exercise, fitness before work, an active walk in the evening (lunch) time, release of energy by beating a pillow (pear) - any method is good, as long as after it you feel a surge of energy and cheerfulness.
  • Abstract from work thoughts at home, while relaxing. Your brain should be able to switch to relaxation; whenever possible, leave professional tasks within the walls of your office.
  • Distribute correctly work time, try not to “overwhelm” yourself with work, dose out the work, know how to put something off “for tomorrow.”
  • Be creative, find a new hobby, an interesting activity that you enjoy. Dance samba, draw aliens, paint by numbers, lay out puzzles - in your free time, get distracted and do what brings you joy.
  • Use effective methods self-regulation. Try using anti-stress breathing, write down and repeat autogenic training phrases that help stabilize emotions, and practice meditation.
  • Even in the most difficult situation, avoid, try to build and defend your position, know how to manage the dialogue. Sign up for effective trainings that will help you look at your problem from the outside, identify shortcomings or mistakes in communication and management. Vladimir Tarasov’s most interesting course “The Ideal Subordinate” will help you learn about methods of interaction between a manager and a subordinate, study the art of subordination and obtain management tools that will be useful not only in business, work, but also in everyday life.

Remember: life is not only work. There are also a lot of pleasant activities that will give you extraordinary feelings of emotional pleasure, delight, and will help restore feelings of novelty and happiness. Communicate with your family, spend leisure time with your family, travel, share positive emotions, don’t focus only on work. After all, life is beautiful: and you have it alone!

  • Which employees are most susceptible to professional burnout?
  • In what cases does a simple heart-to-heart conversation help?
  • How to provide emotional relief for employees
  • 5 Known Causes of Professional Burnout That Everyone Forgets About

Professional burnout is a process that is manifested by increasing indifference to their responsibilities and what is happening at work, a feeling of one’s own professional failure, job dissatisfaction, and ultimately a sharp deterioration in the quality of life. In this article, we will look at the 5 main reasons that can provoke professional burnout among employees, and how it can be prevented.

Causes of professional burnout

Reason 1. Working hard. When employees are forced to work at their limits, constant stress remains all the time. At a certain point, this causes professional burnout. To identify such burnout, the most effective way is to conduct confidential conversations.

To prevent negative consequences at the initial stage, you can offer the employee an additional day off or send him on paid leave. Such a vacation gives you the opportunity to restore your strength. For example, I recently noticed a significant decline in the performance of one of the top managers. He has proven himself to be a true professional, having successfully completed many projects. But such an active work of a specialist had a negative impact on his condition, and professional burnout occurred. Based on the results of the conversation with him, he proposed a trip to Thailand to participate in an event that we organized together with the company’s business partners. Such a business vacation turned out to be really effective for the specialist, who was able to perfectly recuperate and began to work effectively.

  • Emotional intelligence is a powerful weapon of a true leader

Every month I organize meetings in which the entire management team of our company participates. In a comfortable informal atmosphere, a discussion of the situation in our company takes place, with a search for optimal solutions and ways to resolve current problems. We organize not just a meeting, but a kind of master class - each of our leaders shares their experience with colleagues, and at the same time gets the opportunity to learn from others. We solve problems together until they cause one individual to burn out.

Reason 2. Unstable financial position companies. We have to admit that in many companies, employees' salaries are delayed. If a similar situation may arise in our company, it is better to immediately gather employees and explain the reasons for the problem with payments and the expected time frame for normalization of the situation. From experience, we can speak of the readiness of many employees to understand the position of their management.

For example, in the real estate market, most of the failures with money payments occurred during the crisis. We also had to face this problem. Then I decided to gather a team, honestly explaining the future prospects of the company, and invited each of them to decide for themselves - to look for a new job or wait for money. Many remained then. It turned out that these are the most reliable personnel for the company, whom the manager should especially value.

Reason 3. Routine. The daily tasks of most employees remain the same from day to day. After 1-1.5 years, there is a desire to supplement the work with something new, but such an opportunity does not always exist. Total number Our employees number over 3.5 thousand people, so they regularly faced a similar situation.

The optimal prevention of professional burnout is emotional relief. Therefore, we regularly conduct various cultural outings (to the theater, to exhibitions), with the organization of interesting corporate events (sports competitions, picnics in nature). In particular, we are planning to organize a game similar to “Fort Boyard” for Builder’s Day. Anything unusual increases the interest of employees, giving them additional vitality.

For this purpose, the following measures are useful to maintain the tone of your team:

  1. Conducting training sessions.
  2. Expansion of functions. If an employee, in an intimate conversation, complains about being tired of the monotony and his skills have already reached the stage of automatism, I can invite him to share his knowledge and skills with less experienced colleagues - for example, to become the head of a mini-department.
  3. Increase in salary or position (such decisions are made subject to the achievement of individual KPIs.
  4. Internship in other departments of our company, abroad or in the regions of the country (for example, we offered our chief architect to participate in green construction courses held in Ireland. Today he successfully uses the knowledge gained in the courses in practice, helping the company develop).

Reason 4. Dissatisfaction with superiors and colleagues. Employees in medium-sized companies often lack sufficient authority, without the ability to make decisions on their own. The consequence of the lack of sufficient freedom in work is professional burnout. Let's consider an example of such a situation - the head of one of the departments was faced with the problem of delegation of authority after increasing the number of his subordinates. Previously, I did everything myself and was afraid that delegating my tasks would turn out to be unnecessary. Many people face similar concerns. They believe that they are indispensable and no one will do the job up to standard. I had to participate in this issue, explaining to our employee that delegation of one’s powers becomes necessary in a multifunctional work environment. Such changes must be carried out systematically, so that each employee is responsible for the part of the work that he can handle. After all, there is no need to immediately overload employees with responsibilities; their workload should be increased gradually - only this condition allows maintaining stable growth and further development of your department. Such communication and clarification of the situation allowed our employee to cope with the problem.

  • Conflicts between employees: why they arise and how to resolve them

Personal conflicts between employees arise in the work of any company. Personally, I think that an effective manager cannot remain on the sidelines - he must be able to resolve such problems. Let's look at an example from our company's practice. 2 heads of one of the departments quarreled so much that the conflict directly affected the quality of their work. I decided to delimit the area of ​​responsibility of each of them - for one Moscow and Moscow Region, for the second all other regions. Consequently, a certain competitive environment has arisen between them. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to save important employees, achieving the efficiency of the enterprise.

Reason 5. Impossibility of career advancement. When starting to work in a company, many young people believe that after just six months they will be able to achieve a promotion, starting to rapidly overcome the steps career ladder. When such success cannot be achieved, the effectiveness of their work is significantly reduced. To avoid such a situation, HR department specialists should engage in explanatory conversations about career development prospects, considering real examples how a certain specialist was able to achieve career growth in the company, and what was needed for this.


4 more common causes of professional burnout

The leader is a workaholic. When the manager is constantly at the workplace, his subordinates begin to feel guilty for leaving on time. They gradually begin to stay late at work, although such a need does not arise. This situation leads to increased dissatisfaction with professional burnout in the future.

Unstable working conditions. Frequently, freelancers and freelancers are characterized by a limbo state - when there is work today, and tomorrow there may be a “window” without orders. Not every person can handle such stress. Such fears are faced by full-time employees over 45 years of age - after all, it will be more difficult to find a job in a new place than for young people.

Intrapersonal conflict. For example, a company has an honest sales manager, but he is forced to sell goods that do not meet the declared properties. Because of this, he faces internal contradictions that provoke unstable performance. This conflict is also typical for many women who need to choose between families and careers - without having time to pay due attention to each aspect of their lives.

Uncomfortable conditions at your workplace. A noisy atmosphere throughout the working day will be a serious test for a sensitive and uncommunicative employee. He is forced to spend a lot of his energy to concentrate on work.

Prevention of professional burnout of employees

If we talk about ways to prevent professional burnout, you need to take into account that there are no unique means of dealing with the problem; each person individually chooses the most suitable option for himself.

  1. Workload dosing.
  2. Abstract yourself and don’t take everything too personally.
  3. Know how to switch, changing types of activities.
  4. It is impossible to always be on top, surpassing others.
  5. Accept that mistakes in your work and life are inevitable.
  6. Make sure you get enough rest.
  7. Make time for exercise.
  8. Be clear about your own goals.
  9. Review your goals and benchmarks.
  10. Try to communicate more often with colleagues from other teams to increase your self-esteem.

Professional burnout becomes a definite wake-up call, reminding you of the need to take care of yourself so as not to be influenced by burnout syndrome. To achieve the prevention of an uncomfortable condition, you need to take a break from work for at least a week. The best option– leave the space in which there is a feeling of discomfort by turning off the phone. Sports, yoga, meditation or relaxation in nature will be very useful.

Speaks CEO

Mikhail Zhukov, Managing Director of HeadHunter, Moscow

Based on the results of their research, they were able to determine that only a few domestic employers monitor the emotional state of employees in their teams in order to influence it in a timely manner. The majority of respondents (about 80%) emphasized that they felt professional burnout - in the form of fatigue, irritability and loss of motivation to work.

The emergence of professional burnout syndrome can be influenced by the motivation system. At proper organization motivation systems manage to maintain the fighting spirit of their employees for many years, maintaining their desire to achieve high results. If a company does not pay due attention to motivation issues, then employees will often ask for an increase in position or salary - only such measures will contribute to their desire to do their best at work. Even worse than neglect of motivation is an incorrect organizational system. The consequence of 2-3 mistakes in matters of emotional or financial reward is a person’s loss of desire to work.

If an employee experiences burnout syndrome, there is no need to rush to fire him. You always need to understand the reasons for such a situation. After all, when something is done incorrectly in a company, you will often have to think about changing employees. It should be taken into account that employees often call a conversation with their manager one of the means of solving their problems. Therefore, it is important for employees to understand that the manager is aware of their professional difficulties.