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Recommended list of literature on choosing professions. Outline of a lesson on speech development (preparatory group) on the topic: Reading fiction

Educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Physical development”.

Project type: informational - creative

Project type: group.

Project duration: short-term (15 days).

Participants: children senior group, teacher, parents, senior teacher, psychologist, cooks, safety engineer, nurse, doctor.

Relevance. A survey of children in the group showed that the children show interest in the professions of adults, but many of them do not know who and where their parents and employees work kindergarten what their professions are called, what they do at their jobs, some children have not developed respect for the work of adults. Parents, and we educators, rarely or not at all tell our children about their work. But the tendency of children to certain roles, games and types of work indicates the first manifestations of “ professional orientation"in the development of the child's personality. Based on this, I decided to offer the children the idea of ​​​​this project.

Expected Result.

I guess that familiarization with the professions of parents and kindergarten employees will allow: - to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the existence of various professions, about the significance and value of each work. - activate and replenish children’s vocabulary, develop coherent speech on the topic of the project. - improve the monologue form of speech, thereby increasing the speech activity of children. - continue to develop in children the ability to be an active listener - the desire to help parents at home more in performing feasible work duties at home and in kindergarten. - strengthen friendly relations between parents and employees, promote the desire to cooperate, and help children in its implementation. - will help in the future to find your favorite thing in life, which brings joy and benefits to people.

Objective of the project: developing interest and respect for people of different professions



1. Maintain and develop the ability to carefully become familiar with the professions of parents and kindergarten staff.

2. To promote children’s ability to compose a story about the profession of their parents (present, the professions of kindergarten employees.

3. Develop children’s speech and productive activity during the project.


1. Cultivate an interest and desire to learn about the professions of your parents and kindergarten staff

Preparatory stage:

Formulation of goals and objectives;

Development of an action plan;

Selection methodological literature on the topic of the project;

Survey of children on the topic “What do you know about the profession of your parents and kindergarten employees?”

Main stage:



1. Expand children’s understanding of the variety of professions.

2. Exercise children in writing short stories about the professions of their parents and kindergarten employees.

3. Replenish and enrich children's active vocabulary.


1. To develop children’s cognitive activity and desire to learn new things about different professions.

2. Develop lexical and grammatical understanding, improve word formation and inflection skills on the topic of the project.

3. Develop communication skills.


1. Contribute to the education of an active listener: the ability to listen to the stories of your comrades about the professions of your parents and kindergarten employees.

2. Foster a respectful attitude towards working people.

Working with parents:

Introduce parents to the upcoming project and its objectives (in the form of an announcement);

Invite parents to take an active part in the implementation of this project.

Interaction with children:

GCD for Speech Development:

1.Conversations - reasoning:“What kinds of professions are there?”, “What will happen if people don’t work?”, “All professions are important, all professions are needed!”

2. Reading books about different professions and looking at illustrations in art books about people of different professions.

Fiction about professions:

"Who to be?" I. Karpova (series of books about professions, “What do you have?” S. Mikhalkov, “Who to be?” V. Mayakovsky, “Builders” B. Zakhoder, “Uncle Styopa is a policeman” S. Mikhalkov, “What do crafts smell like?” ? " D. Rodari, "Doctor Aibolit" K. Chukovsky, "Dunno in the Sunny City" N. Nosov, Y. Akim "Incompetence", S. Baruzdin "Mother's Work", S. Marshak "Fire", "The Story of the Unknown" hero”, S. Marshak, “Poems for Children”, “Dugout” Mityaev, N. Kostarev, “Professions”, Y. Krutogorov, “Riddles and Proverbs”, B. Zakhoder, encyclopedia for children “Do you want to know why?”.

3. Children presenting stories about their parents’ professions (presentations)

Compiling stories about different professions using pictures.

4. Excursions:

In kindergarten (introduction to the professions of a doctor, nurse, senior teacher, psychologist, cook, safety engineer).

Introduction to the profession of "Senior Educator"

Introduction to the profession of "Psychologist"

The cook's story about his work.

Conversation with an occupational safety engineer in a kindergarten.

Supervising the work of an excavator operator.

A trip to your favorite library.

5. Organizing an exhibition of your favorite books in the book corner.

GCD for Visual Activities:

1. Drawing “My future profession" or "What will I be when I grow up."

2. Designing their juice boxes “Houses of our city” (profession of architects, constructors, builders, designers).

3.Application “Houses of our city”, “Vases” (profession artists-designers)

4. Use coloring pages based on the project theme.

5. Finger game “Artists”.

6. Outdoor games: “If you like it, then do it this way”; “The sea is agitated” (with the words “Show me your planned profession”).

7. Role-playing games, games with designers and builders:“Road Construction”, “Firemen”, “Toy Store”, “Library”, “Policlinic” and others.

8. Survey of children on the topic “When I grow up, I will start working...”

9. Didactic games: “Who is doing what”, “I know all the professions”, “Who needs what for work?”, “Look and name the profession”, “The fourth odd one”, “What comes first, what comes next”, “Guess the professions from the description”.

10.Using sayings and proverbs in work:

The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.

You work conscientiously, you are not ashamed to look people in the eye.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

Whatever the soul lies to, the hands will put their hands to.

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized in his work.

The bee is small, and it works.

A small deed is better than a big idleness.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

See trees in their fruits, and see people in their deeds.

If there was a desire, any work would go well.

He who doesn't work doesn't eat.

As you trample, so shall you burst.

It's a long day until the evening, if there's nothing to do.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Time for business, time for fun.

Working with parents:

1. Parents’ stories about their professions and their significance

2. Individual consultations with parents during the project

3. Providing parents with a list of books about professions recommended for reading with children

4. Help parents in selecting attributes for role-playing games.

The final stage:

1. Creation of a collective wall newspaper “It’s not so important who we are, it’s enough to love our work.”

2. Creation of the album “Children’s stories “Professions of our parents” (together with parents)

Result achieved:

1. The children of the group expanded and deepened their knowledge about the existence of different professions, the significance and value of each work.

2. The project contributed to the emergence of interest in the professions of their parents and the professions of kindergarten employees; children began to more actively participate in discussions and debates about which profession is more interesting.

3. Most children (19 out of 28) learned to compose short stories about the profession of their parents, confidently present them to their comrades.

4. Daily discussions and viewing of an album with photos and stories of children about their parents’ professions enriched their children’s vocabulary and contributed to increasing their children’s speech activity.

5. The project contributed to instilling in children a respectful attitude towards working people, a desire to help their parents, teachers and nanny (teacher’s assistant) at home in kindergarten.

6. Parents told the children about their profession, helped the children compose and write down the story they had written, and designed a page with a photo from their place of work.

7. The project strengthened friendly relations between parents and employees, contributed to the desire to cooperate and help children in its implementation.

I am sure that this project made children look at their parents’ work with different eyes and be more respectful of their work. Right choice profession determines life success, so I really hope that in the future my graduates will choose a favorite profession that brings joy and benefits to people.

Please try to take a moment away from what you want your children to become. Your parents, most likely, wanted you to become lawyers and brokers. And the generation of grandparents, in turn, oriented our parents towards engineering, public education and consumer cooperation. But we all know that nothing can be achieved in what the soul is not in.

Therefore, let's “announce the whole list”: from a veterinarian to an astronaut, from an oceanographer to a neurosurgeon. If you have big children, then it is quite possible to recommend them books written for adult readers. And here I tried to put together something a little more artistic and a little more childish and teenage.

About all creatures - great and small

James Herriot, Zakharov Publishing House

James Herriot was actually a veterinarian in Yorkshire and traveled to the farms of local peasants to treat sheep, cows, horses, as well as dogs and cats. In his practice there were many funny, touching and dramatic cases, which were enough for a whole dozen books. Harriot is an amazingly talented storyteller, a person who truly loves animals and is endlessly devoted to his mission: to heal and save. I have read all the books in this series, I think “Dog Stories” and “Cat Stories” (these are quite short stories) can be offered to primary school children, but Harriot’s thicker books are suitable for middle school children school age. Even if they don't want to become veterinarians, these books will help them learn to empathize and give them insight into animal habits and health, and the challenges and joys of being a veterinarian. And yes, this is again the book that you yourself will enjoy reading: wonderful style, English humor - what more do you need from a good read?

My life among chimpanzees

Jane Goodall, "Crypto Logos"

And this is for those who are interested in the behavior of wild animals and the protection of rare species, that is, they are focused on the profession of ethologist or ecologist. This book is one of the few translated books for children written by a remarkable primatologist who studied the life of chimpanzees in Tanzania for many years. It all started with her dad giving her a stuffed monkey! Another cult book, this time about the endangered mountain gorillas from Rwanda, is “Gorillas in the Mist” by the famous Dian Fossey, who lived alone in the jungle for twenty years, studying gorillas and getting them to accept her into the troop. She tried to protect these intelligent and rare animals from poachers and was killed under mysterious circumstances at her jungle research station. Based on her biography

Stories about life, death and neurosurgery

Henry Marsh, "The Revenge of Old Lion"

Henry Marsh's book will certainly be suitable for adult children, because this is an extremely honest doctor's story about what modern doctors have to face in daily practice: the imperfection of the healthcare system, the incompetence of colleagues, and their own powerlessness before death. Irony, honesty, passion for his profession - Marsh’s book is liked by everyone who read it.

An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth. What 4,000 hours in orbit taught me

Christopher Hadfield, Alpina Publisher

If your kids have already read all they can of children's (and adult) space adventure fiction, and are already getting ready in the bathtub for training in the absence of gravity, feel free to offer them a book written by real astronaut Chris Hadfield. He has logged nearly 4,000 hours in space and is considered one of the most experienced and popular astronauts in the world. His knowledge of space flight and his ability to talk about it in an interesting and entertaining way is unparalleled. However, this book is also the story of a man who not only dreamed of space from the age of nine, but was also able to realize his dream, although, it would seem, there was no chance of this. This is a real textbook of life for those who have a dream and the desire to realize it.

Land of George

Anton Sanchenko, “Visitation of the Old Lion”

Many boys and even some girls would like to become sailors. Anton Sanchenko himself studied at a nautical school and knows firsthand about the sea and the character of sailors. The book “The Land of George” is based on the experience of an experienced sailor, who faces trials both on water and on land. Six stories about people with truly Ukrainian character: decisive, enterprising, resilient and ironic. And when these people fall in love... There are no barriers for them.

Colorful Silence

Nikolai Nadezhdin, "Major"

If you can’t become a sailor, but still like the sea, then you need to read Cousteau. Jacques Cousteau wrote many books in which he popularized oceanology and the biology of the deep sea. In principle, any of his books is suitable for broadening one’s horizons, instilling or deepening interest in this area of ​​science. But “The Silence of Many Colors” is a fictionalized biography of the scientist himself, who was also a great inventor, who is responsible for the invention of the underwater movie camera, scuba gear, scooter for divers, as well as the Oscar and Palme d’Or awards (after all, he was also film director) and the Legion of Honor. His biography reads like a real adventure novel.

The story of one girl

Magdalina Sizova, "Detgiz"

There is a good book about the great Plisetskaya - “I, Maya Plisetskaya” and it is suitable for those who are older, but for girls 8-11 years old who dream of becoming ballerinas, it would be nice to get an old book about Galina Ulanova. Who was also once little and studied at a ballet school. The book is written according to the memoirs of Galina Sergeevna Ulanova herself, a great dancer, and tells that any skill is a dream and a lot of work. In fact, a very good book, it’s just a pity that you can only find it in the library. Or on the Internet.

Take off!

Anatoly Markusha, “Detgiz”

For younger children who dream of the sky, Martina Sodomki (VSL) is perfect, and for those who already want to get acquainted with the profession of a pilot in more detail (some live at my house), I have nothing newer than “You're off!” did not find. Markusha himself was a pilot. The preface says this: “The author addresses future aviators, he strives to convey to them, along with knowledge, his love for the sky, to which he gave most conscious life. This book will not make the reader a pilot, but it will help him understand, get to know and, most importantly, love a difficult and delicate profession - the profession of a pilot, winner of time and space."

In search of Scythian treasures

Joseph Brashinsky, “Science”

“How interesting it is to take away long-gone forgotten secrets from the earth!” - one enthusiastic girl said to the imaginary “archaeologists” in one old comedy. But it's really very interesting! Brashinsky's book is one of the most fascinating popular science books devoted to the study of Scythian antiquities. The author talks about the history of the search for Scythian treasures, about the wonderful masterpieces of art discovered in the “royal” burial mounds of the Scythians, and, of course, about everything related to the profession of archaeologist.

Court of last resort

Erle Stanley Gardner, Renaissance

If your child likes law, then let him learn about the intricacies of the work not from reporting on corruption. The author of this book, Earl Gardner, was himself a practicing lawyer for a long time, and then began to write detective stories, the main character of which was a still super popular character: the principled and unbending lawyer Perry Mason. Gardner himself was a noble man, sincerely devoted to his work, purposeful, thoughtful, humane. "Court of Last Resort" is human rights organization, created on Gardner's initiative in 1946. He brought into its ranks specialists of various profiles, authoritative and independent, in order to help wrongly convicted people serving life sentences or awaiting the death penalty. This is a documentary, but very fascinating work about the Court. The stories presented mostly ended happily, but there are also examples of unsuccessful attempts to help prisoners. Gardner and his colleagues were very passionate, really worked hard, and did it all for the sake of justice.

Self-portrait of a reporter

Ryszard Kapuscinski, Tempora

If your grown-up child wants to get into journalism, then let him read about the best representatives of this profession. Let's start with the fact that Kapuscinski is the most translated Polish author after Stanislaw Lem and the winner of a wide variety of journalistic and literary awards. In this book, he honestly talks about the work of a reporter, journalistic ethics, globalization and trends in world journalism.

Producer comes out

Alexander Rodnyansky, “Mann, Ivanov, Ferber”

The publishing house "Mann, Ivanov, Ferber" has a whole series good books about choosing a profession, although aimed at an adult audience. In this book, Rodnyansky appears before us, the producer of the films “Peter FM”, “9th Company”, “Elena”, “Cloud Atlas”, the series “My Fair Nanny”, “Don’t Be Born Beautiful”, “Dostoevsky” and dozens of others. Home her big idea— the producer influences the consciousness of millions. A lot of personal experience and useful observations - how to assemble a project from pieces, how to manage creative people, how to work with the speed and quality of Hollywood.

Class: Reading fiction.

Subject: “All professions are needed, all professions are important”

Preparatory group

Program: "Kindergarten 2100".

Lesson objectives:

  • introduce students to the diversity of the world of professions and the importance of each of them;
  • develop curiosity, broaden your horizons;
  • cultivate a respectful attitude towards any work;


Portrait of V. Mayakovsky, book “Who to be?”, cards with images of people of various professions, self-esteem cards.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.

Every day - always, everywhere,

In class, in play,

We speak boldly and clearly

And we sit quietly.

  1. Repetition of the previous topic.

Educator: Guys, remember which piece we met in the last lesson?

Educator: What trees and what were they arguing about?

Children: Apple tree, oak tree, pine tree, which is more important.

  1. Motivation.

Educator: Now let’s solve the riddles.

Who sits at the patient's bedside?

And he tells everyone how to get treatment.

Who is sick - he will offer to take drops,

The doctor will allow someone who is healthy to take a walk

Pears, apple trees, gooseberries

The gardener planted it in the spring

He sings beautiful songs. singer

Sells you goods

There is his post at the window. salesman

Equipment takes to the sky - airplanes and helicopters. pilot

Love nature, respect the elderly. teacher

Guitar strings, patience, talent

Plus inspiration equals... musician

Who dresses us in beautiful dresses,

Who sews our clothes?

To make it pleasant, seamstress

  1. Difficulty
  • Tell us what your parents do
  • What profession do you think is more important?
  • Back in 1928 poet Vladimir Mayakovsky (show portrait of the poet) wrote a poem. Let's look at the illustrations for the work. What do you think this work will be about (Children's answers)
  1. New topic: Reading the poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky “Who to be?”

Now let’s read Vladimir Mayakovsky’s poem “Who to Be” and find out how the author answered, which profession is more important.

  1. - Fizminutka

We play in the profession, (children walk in a circle. holding hands)

We call them with friends.

Doctor, teacher, musician, (children take a step forward)

Everyone has a talent

(bend your arm at the elbow and raise your index finger up)

Gardener and pilot, salesman, seamstress, singer (children take a step forward)

All professions are needed, all professions are important

(walking in a circle holding hands)

  1. Discussion of a new topic

Who did the hero of the poem want to be?

Why couldn’t he choose a job he liked? (He liked everything.)

Despite the fact that all professions seem attractive, each person chooses a business to his liking

How many of you want to eat bitter or salty bread?

Who wants to wear beautiful clothes? What about shoes with holes?

Who wants trash littering our streets?

Who wants to live in a beautiful and durable house?

  1. Game “Say the Word”(the teacher reads, and the children answer in chorus)

The tractor is driven by... (tractor driver)

Electric train... (driver)

Painted the walls... (painter)

Planed the board... (carpenter)

He installed lights in the house... (fitter)

Working in the mine... (miner)

In a hot forge... (blacksmith)

Do you dream about what you will be when you grow up? (children's answers)

Is it enough to just dream about a profession? (Need to study)

And whatever you dream of doing in life: welding steel or treating people, driving or a plane in the blue sky, building cars in a factory or new cities, is it just necessary? (study.)

  1. Self-esteem

10. Lesson summary.

So which professions are important and which professions are needed?

To get a profession, what should you do first? (study)

Thanks for your work in class!

I have selected books for you where the main character’s occupation plays a big role in the plot.

John Grisham "The Lawyer"

Profession: lawyer

Michael Brock, a young lawyer at a large law firm, decides to change his life after one incident. Main character gives up absolutely everything in order to do the only thing that makes sense to him - helping the poor. The novel touches on many social topics: homeless people, racial hatred, mercy, problems of residents of big cities, etc.

Sergey Dovlatov “March of the Lonely”

Profession: journalist

The writer talks about his life in America and his work at the New American newspaper, of which he was one of the founders. Dovlatov's articles are about everything: life in New York, journalism, wife, daughter, dog, cockroaches... There is love, sadness, dreams, hopes, and reflections. There is the author himself, a little sad and self-ironic.

Anton Makarenko “Pedagogical poem”

Profession: teacher

Anton Makarenko is a professional teacher with a talent for writing who has worked with juvenile delinquents for a long time. Anton Semyonovich admits in his book that he had to abandon all the smart theoretical treatises on pedagogy. Only resourcefulness, observation and a brilliant mind allowed him to develop his own re-education strategy. This work has inspired hundreds of people to become teachers.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky “Monday begins on Saturday”

Profession: programmer

A young programmer from Leningrad, Alexander Privalov, during his summer vacation, meets with two engineers who recruit him to work at the Research Institute FAQ (Research Institute of Witchcraft and Wizardry). By nature, Alexander has special warehouse mind, allowing him to perceive and accept the magical things that happen to him. The hero does not deny the irrational, but tries to explain it using a scientific approach.

Richard Feynman "Of course you're joking, Mr. Feynman!"

Profession: physicist

This is the autobiography of a nuclear physicist who was awarded Nobel Prize for the development of the atomic bomb. A story about his first passion for physics, his time studying, his scientific, practical and teaching career. The book is about a person who loves life and is interested in what is around him.

Emile Zola "Money"

Profession: financier

The main character, Aristide Sakar, has long been nicknamed the “pirate of the financial exchange.” He is convinced that the meaning of life lies in achieving the highest pleasure, for the sake of which one can neglect public morality. In the novel, money is the greatest good for many characters. And for those who had them in abundance and who did not have them at all. Zola creates an atmosphere of complete immersion in the financial world and the ground for thinking about “despicable pieces of paper.”

Stephen Fry "How to Make History"

Profession: historian

Cambridge graduate student, young historian Michael Young, interested the talented physicist who invented the time machine with his research into the origins of Nazism. Together they decided to commit an outstanding act and erase Hitler from the face of the earth forever. The book will tell us how this idea turns out.

If you want to read works of fiction about other professions, we advise you to look for a suitable book using the queries “books about professions”, “fiction about professions”, etc. Also go to the website, where in the “selections” section, you will find literature on a topic that interests you.

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A teacher is a person who raises and teaches children in kindergarten. The profession of a teacher is important and necessary. He must love and understand children.

In kindergarten, the teacher organizes games with children, teaches them to draw, sculpt, cut out of paper, design, and craft. The teacher reads books to the children, tells them fairy tales, teaches them poems, riddles and counting rhymes, introduces them to the world around them, teaches them to love nature and respect their elders.

In the morning, when children come to kindergarten, the teacher does exercises with them - these are simple, but very useful physical exercises.

The teacher teaches children to wash themselves, dress and undress, use cutlery correctly, and teaches children the rules of etiquette. While preparing the children for the walk, he helps the children get dressed, tie scarves, and fasten buttons.

The teacher sees the relationships of children in the group, knows who is responsive, friendly, who likes to complain, who starts arguments and quarrels. Through his behavior and conversations, the teacher influences children, trying to suppress manifestations of bad qualities in them and cultivate good ones.

In the older groups of kindergarten, the teacher prepares children for school: he introduces them to numbers, letters, teaches them to count, and write stories.

A teacher is a kind, attentive, caring person who loves little children very much.

Vocabulary work: teacher, cutlery, etiquette, sympathetic, bad qualities.

Action names: educates, teaches, tells, helps, plays, pities, reads, shows, explains, introduces, engages...

Names of personality traits: kind, affectionate, cheerful, fair, attentive, caring, strict, patient...


Who always plays with children,

Reads smart books,

Takes the kids for a walk

And puts him to bed?


Olga Pavlovna

Who will tell you everything:

Why does there thunder?

How do factories work?

And what kind of machines are there?

And about how gardeners

Planting flower beds

And about the north and about the south,

And about everything that is around,

And about coal and gas,

About the taiga and the Caucasus,

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest?

Who will teach you how to draw?

Build, sew and embroider,

Having seated the children in a circle,

Read them a poem

He will say: “Learn it yourself,

And then read it to your mother.”

Who will figure it out now?

Why is Oleg fighting?

Why do Galya and Nina have

He took away the nesting doll,

Why an elephant made of clay

Did Misha break it right away?

This is the teacher

This is Olga Pavlovna.

Olga Pavlovna loves

All my guys

Very Olga Pavlovna

Loves kindergarten.


A junior teacher is an assistant teacher in a kindergarten, or otherwise a nanny. The junior teacher takes care of the children and looks after them. The nanny must be kind, caring, hardworking and responsive.

In kindergarten, the assistant teacher sets the table, arranging the dishes beautifully, feeds the children, washes the dishes and the floor, and wipes the dust.

The teacher's assistant changes the children's towels and bed linen, and neatly makes up the children's cribs. Thanks to the work of the nanny, the group is always clean and comfortable.

While preparing children for a walk, the junior teacher helps them get dressed, tie scarves and fasten buttons. When the children return from a walk, he greets the children warmly and helps them undress.

When the teacher is working with a subgroup of children, the nanny plays with the rest of the children, reads books, and talks.

The work of a junior teacher is very necessary in kindergarten.

Vocabulary work: mop, bed linen, helper, hard worker.

Action names: washes, cleans, covers, helps, wipes, puts away, changes, talks, plays, reads...

Names of personality traits: kind, hardworking, caring, loving children, attentive, affectionate, responsible, patient, responsive...


Who will help the teacher?

Everything in the group will be cleaned up,

He will feed the children, put them to bed,

Will everything be in order?

(Nanny. Junior teacher)

A story about our nanny

Our nanny is just great,

He tries all day for us:

Breakfast is served in the morning,

Then he puts away the dishes,

Everything will be washed and wiped off

And he will restore order.

He will dress us for a walk,

If we come from the street, he will undress.

Lunch will be brought from the kitchen

And again he will put away the dishes.

He'll spread out everyone's bed -

Children need to sleep during the day.

Here we get up after sleep,

And the nanny brought an afternoon snack.

Busy work -

Taking care of little children:

You have to clean up after them

If necessary, caress

Undress or dress, wash

Set the dishes, floor and table...

Nanny - assistant teacher,

It works just great!


Order is the soul of everything


A nurse is a doctor’s assistant who cares for sick people and helps treat them.

The nurse must have the necessary knowledge and skills in various fields of medicine: be able to properly treat a wound, apply a bandage, give an injection, and carry out other medical procedures. The nurse must strictly follow the doctor's instructions.

In kindergarten, a nurse monitors the health of children: examines them, weighs them and measures their height, and administers vaccinations. She creates a menu for every day so that the cook prepares delicious and healthy food.

The nurse's office has necessary equipment: stadiometer, scales, syringes, various medications, vitamins.

The nurse always wears a white coat and a white cap. She must be patient, kind, disciplined and observant.

Vocabulary work: nurse, stadiometer, scales, menu, syringes, vaccinations, procedures, medicine, vitamins.

Action names: treats, sets, weighs, measures, checks, examines...

Names of personality traits: kind, attentive, patient, caring, observant, affectionate, disciplined...


After illness he will meet

And greet you kindly.

Measure everyone's height and weight,

And he knows who sleeps and eats how.

And if a child suddenly gets a headache,

He will immediately rush to help. Who is this? ...



I am a nurse

Healthy and sick people need:

Here's an injection, a pill -

Medicinal candy.

I am treating my children with a doctor

In the white office,

So that you can go to the doctor with confidence

Small children!

And in our kindergarten

I will measure your height and weight.

I will vaccinate all children

And I will force you to be healthy!


A cook is a person who prepares food. He knows how to cook deliciously and appetizingly, beautifully decorate any dish: salad, cake.

In kindergarten, the chef prepares different dishes in the kitchen. He cooks soups, porridges, compotes, fries cutlets, pancakes, and meat. The cook knows how to bake delicious pies and buns. When a chef prepares food in the kitchen, delicious smells spread around. The cook uses a stove and an oven to prepare food. The cook’s “assistants” are a meat grinder, a potato peeler, a bread slicer, and a dough mixer. Food is prepared according to recipes. From the hands of the cook, the first, second and third courses, salads, and pastries come to the children's table. It is important not only to prepare the dishes correctly, but also to decorate the dishes beautifully, so that even just the sight of them will arouse your appetite.

The cook must have a good memory. He knows and remembers how to prepare certain dishes, how much and what foods to put in, what side dishes to serve with cutlets, chicken, fish, and meat.

Food must be prepared under sterile conditions. That's why the cook always wears a white robe and cap.

A cook is a person who loves to cook, showing imagination and invention; he must have a subtle sense of smell and well-developed senses of taste.

Vocabulary work: meat grinder, bread slicer, potato peeler, stove, dishes, baking, appetite, side dish, sterile conditions, sense of smell, taste, imagination.

Action names: cooks, fries, cuts, salts, peels, bakes, cooks...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, kind, caring, neat, patient...


Who is the master of cabbage soup and borscht?

And vegetable stew?

He will cook us a delicious broth,

He can bake a cake

And he will fry cutlets for us.

Who is he? Guess it, kids!



Give the cook the following ingredients:

Meat, poultry, dried fruits,

Rice, potatoes... And then

Delicious food awaits you.


A chef walks around in a cap

With a ladle in hand.

He cooks us lunch:

Porridge, cabbage soup and vinaigrette.

About the cook

It's always nice for people to eat when the food is delicious.

And good chefs always have tasty food.

They probably work their dinner like sorcerers,

And it seems there are no secrets, and the dishes are all delicious:

Roast, fish, vinaigrette, okroshka and borscht,

Salad, cutlets and omelet, and buns, and cabbage soup.

Everything is always fresh with them, as it should be,

Food cannot burn and must not get cold.

Once I came for lunch, I ate this soup,

I almost swallowed the spoon, I almost ate the plate!

That’s why they rush to see them, go to dinner with them,

And they are thanked for a long time for this delicious work.


It is not the oven that feeds, but the hands.

What you bake is what you eat.

A good cook is worth a doctor.


A driver or chauffeur is a person who drives a vehicle: a car, bus, truck, etc. This profession is very interesting and necessary.

The driver of a car or bus carries people, and a truck driver transports various goods. Trucks are used to transport vegetables, grain, hay, animals to rural areas. In the city, trucks deliver food and industrial goods to the shops.

The driver must know the structure of the car well, drive it skillfully, must be able to repair the engine, inflate the wheels, know the rules traffic and never break them. At gas stations, the driver fills the car with gasoline or gas.

Many drivers work on public transport - trams, buses, trolleybuses. Before going out on the trails, these vehicles are checked by mechanics, and a doctor examines the driver. The driver must be healthy! After all, he is responsible for the lives of many people. At stops, the driver presses a special button and opens the doors. Some passengers get off the bus, while others enter.

The driver must have excellent memory, endurance, strength, good health and excellent eyesight. He must distinguish all light signals and have excellent hearing.

Vocabulary work: driver, traffic rules, public transport, highway, mechanic, gas station.

Action names: controls, carries, transports, presses, checks, fills, repairs, repairs, pumps up, looks...

Names of personality traits: strong, brave, healthy, attentive, responsible, skillful, disciplined, obedient, tactful, competent...


Who drives a car skillfully?

After all, this is not your first year behind the wheel?

The tight tires rustle slightly,

Who is driving us around the city?

(Chauffeur. Driver)

About the driver

The driver worked all day,

He was tired, he was dusty.

He carried bricks to a construction site,

He helped build the house.

And now he takes me to the car wash

Your own huge dump truck.


And again a long road,

And the dome of the sky is blue.

He will travel a lot,

But he still doesn’t want to retire.

He probably barely remembers

How much cargo for the country

He transported; they were waiting for them everywhere,

And everyone needed them.

He often speaks with laughter

Without looking up from the steering wheel:

“I have circled the globe five times,

and the Earth is small for me.

I'm very happy so far

Whether I’m driving or the driver.”

My truck

That's a huge truck! I'm used to driving it

I carry loads on it if they are building a new house.

To all machines, he is a machine - a real colossus!

He carries bricks, sand, he could move a mountain!

The whole day we are alone with him, I am in the cockpit behind the wheel.

He is obedient, as if alive, as if he were my comrade.

I’ll turn on the music quietly and spin the steering wheel,

Whether it’s raining or snowing, we’re going, we’re going forward!


The master's work is afraid.



A seller is a person who sells us various things and products. The sales profession is divided into several specialties. There are sellers Not food products(clothes, shoes, furniture, books, electrical equipment, household goods) and sellers of food products (vegetables, fruits, bakery, confectionery and other goods).

The seller works in the store. He must know his product well, its properties, remember prices, sizes, and location of goods. This means that the seller needs a good professional memory.

In an ordinary store, the seller stands behind the counter. He weighs the goods on scales and tells the buyer the price. The buyer pays the cost of the goods at the cash register, gives the seller a receipt, receiving the desired product in return. The seller helps pack the groceries.

There are new shops - supermarkets. There, all the goods are open on the shelves, the buyer walks and chooses the ones he needs, and pays when leaving. In supermarkets, sellers act as consultants: they help customers with their choice, explain the purpose of products, and show where the desired product is located.

Sellers have their own overalls, which must be clean and neat. But the main thing for a seller is a kind, respectful attitude towards people, politeness, tact, and a charming smile.

Vocabulary work: seller, buyer, supermarkets, workwear, counter, cash register, check, tact, charming, consultant.

Action names: sells, weighs, counts, packages, advises, shows...

Names of personality traits: polite, attentive, tactful, kind, patient...


Who sells products?

Milk, sour cream, honey?

Who sells us boots?

Shoes and sandals?

They all know the goods

Don't waste time

The stores are great.

Who is this? ...



We all go to stores. Sellers in stores

They sell us oranges, coffee, tea and candies.

And potatoes, carrots, beets, onions and cucumbers

The sellers will get to us quickly, politely and deftly.

This is what a profession is, and for good reason, in Eventually,

Our girls play “Shop” and “Sellers”.

"What do you want?" - they find out, “Do you want cabbage? Ogurtsov?

Maybe coffee or tea? There is sausage, ham...”

This is what a profession is, everyone always needs it.


A laundress is a person who washes, dries and irons clothes. The work of a laundress is hard, but very necessary for other people.

In kindergarten, the laundress washes towels, bed linen, and bathrobes.

The room where a laundress works is called a laundry room. There is a bathtub for soaking clothes, a washing machine for washing, and a centrifuge for spinning clothes.

After washing, the laundress places the wet laundry in a special dryer, and in the summer you can dry the laundry outside. When the linen is dry, the laundress irons it and folds it neatly.

Thanks to the work of the laundress, children in the kindergarten dry themselves with clean towels, sleep on fresh bed linen, and employees wear clean bathrobes. The laundress makes sure that all the linen is always clean and fresh.

To wash clothes you need washing powder, laundry soap, and gloves. Makes the laundress's job easier Appliances: washing machine, centrifuge, iron.

A laundress must be a hardworking, diligent, responsible and neat person.

Vocabulary work: laundress, laundry, washing machine, centrifuge, iron, washing powder, dryer, kindergarten staff.

Action names: soaks , washes, wrings out, turns on, pours, dries, irons, folds, shakes off...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, neat, caring, kind, diligent, responsible, patient...


Who will wash our clothes?

So that it is clean,

Dries and smoothes

And iron it?


Washing machine

The washing machine loves to work,

He is very proud of his work.

She tells Belew: “Hey, you dirty guys!

Diapers, T-shirts, pants and shirts!

I invite you to my drum, you dirty fellow,

I wash off stains and dirt with powder.

I’ll arrange a good bath with linen,

The owner will appreciate my work!”


Electric iron –

A reliable friend for laundry.

He floats on clothes

Like a hot steamer.

It remains for us, guys,

Admire the result:

All the linen has become amazing

Very smooth and beautiful!


Order is the soul of every business.

He who loves to work cannot sit idle.


A janitor is a person who keeps the streets and yard clean. The work of a janitor is necessary and requires respect.

In a kindergarten, a janitor sweeps playgrounds, collects garbage, waters sand and areas, and cuts the grass. In autumn, a janitor rake up fallen leaves and remove them from areas. In winter, a janitor clears snow from paths and removes snow from areas. He makes sure that the yard is always clean and beautiful.

To work, the janitor needsbroom, shovel, rake, cart, watering hose, gloves. In winter, he can use a snowblower to make his work easier.

A janitor must be a hardworking, caring, strong, healthy and disciplined person.

Vocabulary work: janitor, broom, rake, cart, snowblower.

Action names: sweeps, cleans, rake, waters, trims, collects, puts away...

Names of personality traits: hardworking, neat, caring, kind, strong, disciplined, responsible, patient...


Shovels snow

Sweeps the yard with a broom.

You guys guessed it

Who keeps things clean?

(Street cleaner)

Street cleaner

The janitor will get up at dawn,

The snow will be cleared in the yard.

The janitor will remove the garbage

And the ice will sprinkle sand.


Rake with a clawed paw

Remove trash cleanly

Last year's grass

And fallen leaves.


The janitor has it, guys,

A tool to help is a shovel.

He digs the ground with it,

Snow is removed in winter.

A janitor needs a shovel:

It makes work easier.


He who loves to work cannot sit idle.

Without skill, strength has nothing to do with it.


A doctor is a person who treats people for all kinds of diseases.

If the patient cannot come to the doctor himself, the doctor goes to him and provides assistance on the spot. That’s why the car driven by a doctor is called an “ambulance.”

Doctors are different: therapists treat all diseases, dentists treat teeth, pediatricians - only children, otolaryngologists - ears, throat, nose, neurologists - nerves, ophthalmologists - eyes, dermatologists - skin.

The profession of a doctor is very difficult. It requires a lot of knowledge and careful attention to the patient. A doctor must know a lot about the structure of the human body, the work internal organs, must be able to understand various diseases.

When visiting a patient, the doctor will definitely listen to the lungs and heart, and look at the throat. The doctor recognizes what his patient is sick with, makes a diagnosis, prescribes treatment, and writes prescriptions for medication.

The doctor uses the following tools in his work:A phonendoscope, with which he listens to the heart and breathing, looks at the throat with a spatula. The doctor is always dressed in a white coat.

A real doctor should feel sorry for his sick patients and try to help them get better.

Vocabulary work: spatula, phonendoscope, prescription, medicine, help, diagnosis, patient.

Action names: treats, listens, looks, prescribes, prescribes, helps, explains...

Names of personality traits: smart, attentive, kind, caring, patient, persistent, competent...


Bitter is used to heal, but sweet is used to cripple.


If your ear hurts,

Or your throat becomes dry,

Don't worry and don't cry -

After all, it will help you...(doctor) !


All diseases are treated by a doctor,

He will prick - don't cry.

Look around you more cheerfully:

A pediatrician is a friend to the children.


Go to the doctor, little children!

This old doctor is the best in the world.

There is no kinder doctor in the world,

He helps everyone: the doctor is a friend of children.

When the head is hot, we quickly call a doctor.

My tummy hurts before bed – we’ll call the doctor again.

He treats my mom and dad and my grandmother,

Even though I am stubborn, he treats the whole family.

Let the thunder roar and the rain fall,

The doctor will definitely come!

The doctor is our good, faithful friend,

He will cure any ailment.


A white car with a red cross

How everyone knows "First Aid"

And she makes way in any stream

Always and everywhere they give in!

The car is in a hurry, the doctor is in a hurry

To save someone from being burned,

And if old people have heartaches,

And if you break your leg.

A doctor in a snow-white coat will come,

Holding a magic suitcase.

There are tubes and simple iodine stacked there,

Both the syringe and the healing solution.

Measure your blood pressure and give advice

And with a kind, attentive word,

And if necessary, he will take you to the hospital,

So that a person becomes healthy there.

The disease is a disaster for adults and children,

But there is a way out of it.

You always call the ambulance!

03 is the treatment number!


A hairdresser is a person who cuts people's hair and does their hair. The hairdresser is very interesting and creative profession. To become a real hairdresser, you need to study and receive a special diploma.

Hairdressers work in hairdressing salons and beauty salons. The client is seated in a comfortable chair, covered with a special cape, washed with shampoo, and then trimmed using a comb and scissors. For a female client, the hairdresser can style her hair with a hairdryer and brush, or she can curl her hair into curls and cover it with a special hairspray.

Hairdressers have their own special clothing, which must be neat and clean.

A master hairdresser must have good taste, imagination and, of course, “golden” hands. The hairdresser must be sociable, be able to listen patiently to the client, and advise which hairstyle is best to do.

A hairdresser must have good health (after all, he has to spend the entire working day on his feet) and love for people, have a desire to bring joy, to make people more beautiful.

Vocabulary work: hairdresser, barbershop, hairstyle, hairdryer, styling, brush, curls, client, “golden hands.”

Action names: cuts, styles, washes, dries, curls, advises, combs...

Names of personality traits: patient, sociable, skillful, fashionable, kind, responsible.


Who will do the hair?

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

The curls will curl lushly,

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush.

Everything in his hands is burning -

Who will change appearance?



The hairdresser knows the business

He cuts the guys' hair skillfully.

Why go shaggy?

Why go shaggy?

It's better to be guys

Beautiful, neat.


Hairdresser for sure

Will give you a modern haircut.

Give me scissors, a comb,

He will do your hair.

About the hairdresser

The hair has become like a mane, apparently it’s time to cut it...

The hairdressing salon is beautiful, lots of light, mirrors...

They pointed me to a chair. Before I had time to say: “Oh!” -

The scissors sparkled and flew overhead.

I came there as a shaggy and unshorn sheep.

And I left a neat and handsome boy.

Hairdresser Uncle Sasha told me: “Don’t forget

Our hairdresser. Come, don’t overgrow.”

The hairdresser can do everything: if you want, he will shave your head

Or he will remove his bangs, or trim his temples -

He'll cut it however you want. He knows his job.

Anyone who wants to get a haircut, he will help without any problems.


A good hairstyle is more important than an expensive outfit.


Educator physical culture is a teacher who conducts physical education classes with children. It teaches children to be physically strong, healthy, agile, and resilient.

In the mornings, in the gym, the physical education teacher conducts morning exercises with the children to cheerful, upbeat music. In special classes on physical development, children perform general developmental exercises for the arms, legs, and torso; they learn to walk, run, jump, change lanes, throw, catch and throw a ball, crawl and climb.

The physical education teacher conducts special sports exercises on skis and skates outside in winter, and if the kindergarten has a swimming pool, he teaches children swimming. The teacher also teaches children to play various sports games: basketball, badminton, football, hockey, gorodki. In summer he organizes cycling and scooter riding, and in winter – sledding. A physical education teacher knows and conducts with children a lot of different outdoor games with running, jumping, crawling, climbing, throwing. The teacher also organizes and conducts relay races, physical education activities and sports events.

A physical education teacher should always be cheerful, dexterous, slim, cheerful, so that all children want to be like him, love to go to the gym and do physical education, participate in relay races, competitions, and sports games.

This person must really love his job, come up with interesting and useful games and exercises, so that children in physical education classes are always cheerful, cheerful, gain strength and health.

Vocabulary work: physical education, endurance, sports games, swimming pool, general developmental exercises, scooter, cheerful.

Action names: teaches, explains, teaches, plays, organizes, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, engages, invents, runs, jumps, throws, catches

Names of personality traits: cheerful, dexterous, cheerful, cheerful, competent, patient,attentive, kind, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined...


The teacher is cheerful, kind,

Always fit and cheerful

Teaches you to run and play

Jump, climb, throw a ball,

Instills a love for sports

Helps improve health.

Guess what, guys?

Who is this teacher?

(Physical education teacher)

Physical training!

To grow and develop

Not by days, but by hours,

Do physical education,

We need to toughen up!

We're doing exercises

We start in the morning

To contact less often

See your doctors for advice.

The orthopedist prescribed it for us

Massage mats.

We walk along them

We strengthen our legs.

And the massage balls

Good for fingers

Good for drawing

Hold a pen and pencil.

We are developing the eye,

We play with ring tosses.

You need to hit it exactly

To win more often.

To be dexterous and accurate,

We play bowls.

And also at the gate

We hit it right.

Who knows better than us?

Spin the hoop a hundred times.

We count: one - two - three,

Take a spin with us.

We have a lot of sports games:

Basketball, hockey, billiards...

Very interesting in groups

We have to play and win.

Sports, guys, are very necessary!

We are strong friends with sports!

Sport is a helper,

Sport – health,

Sport is a game

Physical training!


Physical education and work bring health.


A musical director is a person who teaches children to sing, dance and play music.

In kindergarten, the music director conducts music lessons with children. At these classes, children learn and sing songs, learn movements for various dances, listen to music, and get acquainted with composers and their works.

The music director organizes and conducts matinees and holidays, various performances for children. He introduces children to musical instruments (metallophone, tambourine, piano, etc.) and teaches them to play them.

The music director himself is good at playing some musical instrument(piano, button accordion, accordion).

He has creative and musical abilities. He is a kind, attentive, cheerful person.

Vocabulary work: musical director, instruments, piano, metallophone, accordion, button accordion, composer, works, play music.

Action names: teaches, sings, dances, plays, shows, listens, organizes, shows, owns, introduces...

Names of personality traits: kind, cheerful, attentive, affectionate, creative, patient, cheerful, cheerful, competent...


Without a lead the song cannot be sung.

Where a song is sung, life is easier there.


Who teaches children to sing, play,

And dance waltzes and polkas,

Will teach you to be friends with music

And love a Russian song?

(Music director)

About music

No music, no music

There's no way to live

Can't dance without music

Neither polka nor hopak!

And you can’t spin in a waltz,

And you won’t be able to march

And a funny song

You won't sing on holiday!

Musical director

Musician and teacher

Helped me get to know music.

He plays the piano

Musical hearing develops.

Teaches to sing and dance,

And play with the bell.

Tells about the composer

And the portrait will show him.

Teaches you to love music

And be educated.

Prepares holidays and entertainment

To everyone's joy and surprise,

After all, adults and children love

These are all very festive!

About our music director

There is a difficult person in kindergarten:

So skillful, lively, mischievous.

Write a script, create a mood

And he will invite everyone to his performance.

There are countless talents, there is a lot to learn:

She dances like in a fairy tale, sings like a singer.

She undoubtedly has a talent for the arts.

This is our teacher-musician.


A visual arts teacher (educator) is a teacher who teaches children to draw and sculpt and develops their creative abilities. This work is very honorable and important for working with children.

In kindergarten, the art teacher conducts special classes: modeling and drawing. In an accessible form, he explains and shows children how to sculpt or draw something. The teacher himself is good with a pencil and brush. To teach others to draw and sculpt, he himself must be a good artist, a creative person. During classes in the art studio, children paint with paints and gouache and make crafts from clay. During the painting process, special supports are used - easels and palettes for mixing paints.

The teacher introduces children to different types and genres of fine art: painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, folk toys, talks about artists, sculptors, architects, teaches children to look at paintings.

An art teacher is a creative, attentive, observant person who loves and understands beauty.

Vocabulary work: teacher, fine arts, creative person, easel, gouache, paints, clay, painting, still life, graphics, sculpture, architecture, artist, sculptor, architect.

Action names: sculpts, draws, writes (pictures), teaches, shows, explains, tells, introduces...

Names of personality traits: creative, attentive, observant, kind, smart, hardworking, skillful, patient, persistent, competent...


Who in kindergarten we have

The artist is simply the highest class,

He will teach the children how to sculpt everyone,

And draw and craft?

(Art teacher)


Maybe an artist with a brush

Draw on canvas:

This is a hedgehog, this is rain,

It's a star in the window.

There are colors in his pictures

They come to life as if in a fairy tale.

He is both fruit and nature

He will also draw a portrait.

Hired by an artist

Brushes, paints and easel.

Children love to draw

So we took the paints in our hands -

And there was no boredom in the house.

To make it more fun

Don't skimp on bright paint!

This is true!

Well, what is there to hide?

Children love to draw!

On paper, on asphalt, on the wall

And on the window on the tram!


Masters don't like boredom

Hands at work all day.

They sculpt everything: pots and mugs,

Bowls, various toys.

Everything is on the shelves in a row -

Friendly clay squad.


Skillful hands- do not know boredom.


A teacher-defectologist (typhlopedagogue) is a person who teaches, develops and educates children with visual impairments in kindergarten.

A speech pathologist teacher conducts special classes in which he teaches children to look correctly with their eyes, conducts various gymnastics for the eyes and fingers, organizes games, teaches them to think and reason, compare and generalize.

The typhlopedagogue conducts his classes with children in a separate room. In these classes, children play special games and learn various skills and abilities: how to lace, hatch, lay out patterns from shapes, and draw using stencils. A speech pathologist teacher introduces children to the objects that surround them, the human body, and people of different professions. He tries to help children correctly navigate the surrounding space and organizes excursions to various institutions.

In special classes, children get acquainted with geometric figures, color, size, shape of objects, various sounds and smells, learn to identify foods by taste, and objects by touch.

In his classes, the typhlopedagogue teaches children to communicate correctly with each other and adults, to speak beautifully, to compose interesting stories, ensures that children are well prepared for school.

A teacher-defectologist is a competent, responsible, patient person who loves and teaches children, gives them his knowledge.

Vocabulary work: teacher, teacher, office, institutions, special classes, surrounding space.

Action names: teaches, develops, educates, trains, plays, shows, explains, introduces, tells, conducts

Names of personality traits: literate,attentive, kind, affectionate, strict, fair, caring, responsible, honest, persistent, disciplined


Who teaches color to determine,

Name the shape of objects

Fold the pictures correctly

And put them in order.

Who teaches how to think and reason

And answer questions?

Helped improve vision

Who is this teacher?

(Teacher-defectologist, typhlopedagogue)


There are teachers in the kindergarten,

They don’t work in vain -

Children need to be developed

Give them different knowledge:

Why do we need arms or legs?

What kind of transport is there on the road?

As the ears hear, the eyes see,

And who is which hero from the fairy tale?

Teach you how to hold a pencil

And hatch and lace,

Draw using stencils,

Compose pictures and puzzles.

Tell children about nature

About time and weather,

And what surrounds us around us,

When and where why does it happen.

They will teach you to recognize shapes,

Name the colors of the objects,

To the touch, to determine the taste

And compare and generalize.

They will teach you to value vision,

Wear tapes and glasses.

With bad eyesight, guys.

Living without glasses is torture!


It’s not enough to know it yourself – you need to pass it on to others.

A kind person teaches good things.


A speech therapist is a teacher who teaches children to speak correctly and develop speech.

A speech therapist teacher works with children in a special room, where there are a lot of different pictures, games, and a large mirror on the wall, which they look into when they learn to speak correctly. Sometimes when passing by this office, you can hear hissing, buzzing, growling - these are children learning to speak correctly and pronounce difficult sounds.

Speech therapist plays with children finger games, trains tongues, learns poetry and tongue twisters, develops hearing, introduces children to the sounds and letters of their native language. During the classes, children learn many new words, learn to parse words, construct sentences correctly, and speak beautifully. Children have special notebooks in which they draw, shade, and learn to write their first letters. You can take the notebook home and continue the exercise there, glue it or draw a beautiful picture.

Together with musical director In kindergarten, a speech therapist teacher conducts logorhythmics: children perform different movements to the music, learn to breathe, speak correctly, and combine their movements and speech.

A speech therapist teacher can work with a group of children or with one child. The speech therapist conducts conversations and consultations for parents so that they know how to help their child speak clearly and correctly.

At the end school year There is always a speech therapy holiday where children show how well they have learned to speak and pronounce difficult sounds.

A speech therapist teacher is a very competent, patient, responsible person who tries to ensure that children speak correctly and purely.

Vocabulary work: teacher, speech therapist, office, speech therapy classes, sounds, letters, words, sentences, tongue twisters, logorhythmics, consultation.

Action names: teaches, explains, trains, plays, shows, introduces, tells, conducts, trains, exercises, develops, engages

Names of personality traits: competent, patient,attentive, kind, affectionate, strict, caring, responsible, persistent, disciplined


Who teaches to speak clearly

And pronounce all the sounds,

Children develop speech

Does he play different games?

Did you guess it? Don't yawn!

Who is this? Answer!

(Teacher speech therapist)

A speech therapist will help

To speak beautifully

Correct and clean

The sounds we made

Slow and fast.

Sounds suddenly appeared

Syllables appeared...

And the words are already coming

On the right road.

Our Egorka learned

Speak tongue twisters

Nastya no longer burrs,

And Stepan doesn’t have a lisp.

They say beautifully:

Boldly and leisurely.

All children are given advice:

A speech therapist will help you!


Learning is the path to skill.


A teacher is a person who works in a school and teaches children. The teaching profession is very important and necessary.

A teacher is needed to give children knowledge that will be useful to them throughout their lives. He teaches to read, count, write, teaches to work and love work, to be friends and help each other.

At school, a teacher works in a classroom. This is a large room with desks for students to sit at and a table for the teacher. There is a blackboard hanging on the wall in front of the students. The teacher uses the board when explaining the material. He writes on the blackboard with chalk and hangs tables and pictures there to help the students learn. The time during which the teacher teaches children is called a lesson. Between lessons, students rest - this is a break. After classes, students go home, take a break from studying at school, and then do homework assigned by the teacher.

To become a teacher, you need to study a lot yourself: after all, the teacher must pass on his knowledge to his students, make his lessons interesting, and his explanations understandable.

A teacher must love and understand his students, and students must obey him and respect the work of the teacher. A true teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give your knowledge, strength, time, talent.

Vocabulary work: teacher, lesson, recess, school, class, knowledge, talent, generous.

Action names: teaches, tells, explains, writes, evaluates, checks, asks, listens, shows...

Names of personality traits: smart, kind, fair, strict, affectionate, educated, patient, understanding, competent, persistent, responsible...


It's not a shame not to know, it's a shame not to learn.

He who speaks sows; whoever listens collects.


Who teaches order to children at school?

And checks the children's notebooks,

Teach you to read and write and count,

Divide, multiply and solve problems?


About the teacher

The teacher will call us

The letters are all named.

Will explain problem solving,

Subtraction and addition.

He will talk about the seas,

About forests, flowers, animals...

The question will be answered

And he will give useful advice.


He teaches us to solve any problems.

His patience and knowledge are great.

A good teacher is a great success

His students remember him all his life.

Miner and driver, chess player and weightlifter -

Everyone studied at school once,

And they skipped to the classrooms,

And they were also afraid of tests.

But school days are passing faster and faster,

And studying is a thing of the past...

And their children are going to school today -

And everything will repeat all over again.