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The labor market will have a difficult time working remotely. Agency employment

With the adoption of the federal law “”, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on April 05, 2013, a legal definition of remote work appeared in Russian labor law (in the theory of labor law it is also called telework - from the English term “telecommuting”, proposed by the “father of freelancing”, American Jack Nilles) . The procedure and features of regulating the labor of remote employees are now contained in the new Chapter 491 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, included in Section XII of the code “Peculiarities of regulating the labor of certain categories of workers.”

What is telecommuting and who are teleworkers?

Definitions of remote work and remote workers are contained in Art. 3121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Remote work is the performance of a labor function, defined by an employment contract, outside the location of the employer, its branch, representative office, other separate structural unit (including those located in another area), outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer , subject to the use of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, to perform this job function and to carry out interaction between the employer and employee on issues related to its implementation.

Thus, to qualify a job as remote, the simultaneous fulfillment of three conditions is important:

    the employee performs a labor function specified in the employment contract;

    work is carried out remotely, outside the location of the employer and its departments, including outside stationary workplaces equipped by the employer or any objects and territories under the control of the employer;

    the labor function and interaction with the employer are carried out using public information and telecommunication networks.

The first condition characterizes the relationship between an employee and an employer and makes it possible to distinguish between labor relations and civil law ones, since relationships with remote performers, for example, with copywriters, journalists, text authors, programmers, are often formalized in civil law contracts for the provision of services, contracts, copyright order.

If the labor relationship with a remote employee was mediated by a civil law contract, then in the event of a labor dispute in court, the employee can file a demand to recognize the contract as an employment contract and prove the fact of regular remote performance of labor functions. In this case, the outcome of the case will depend entirely on the evidence. If the court comes to the conclusion that there is an employment relationship between the parties, within the framework of which remote work was carried out, labor legislation with specifics regarding remote work will be applied to resolve the dispute. If the employee fails to prove the labor nature of the legal relationship, despite the presence of remote performance of duties, the court will apply Civil Code RF on the appropriate type of contracts. In response to demands for recognition of a contract as an employment contract, the conditions, procedure, regularity of payment of remuneration, the nature of the duties performed and the relationship between the parties to the contract are clarified within the framework of the judicial process.

The second condition indicates the place where the labor function is performed. In its most general form, it can be said that work will only be considered telework when it is performed in a location that is not under the control of the employer. And if determining the location of the employer, its branches, representative offices and other separate structural divisions does not cause difficulties, then determining whether the place of work is a “stationary workplace” located outside the location of the employing organization and its divisions is more difficult. The provisions on the employer’s indirect control over this stationary workplace, territory and facility can be interpreted even more ambiguously. These norms, in the light of law enforcement, acquire an evaluative nature, and in trials, the question of the legality of concluding distance contracts will likely be decided by the court based on the evidence presented by the litigants. If it is proven that the place where the work function is performed does not meet the criteria for the place where remote work is performed, the court may conclude that there are no grounds for concluding a distance contract. In this case, the concluded contract with a remote worker can be considered as an ordinary one. employment contract with all the ensuing consequences, for example, the inability to apply additional grounds for dismissal provided for in Art. 3125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (grounds for dismissal provided for in an employment contract on remote work).

The third condition indicates the mandatory use of public information and telecommunication networks to interact with the employer when a remote worker performs labor functions. Thus, the performance by an employee of remote functions without the use of public information and telecommunication networks is not considered remote work.

According to Art. 3121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a remote worker is a person who has concluded an employment contract with the employer on remote work.

Unlike remote workers, homeworkers enter into an employment contract to perform work at home, perform labor functions at home, the work is performed from materials and using tools purchased by the employee at his own expense or allocated by the employer. At the same time, Art. 310 of the Labor Code allows homeworkers to engage members of their family to perform work. The specifics of the work of homeworkers are regulated by Chapter 49 of the Labor Code.

Employment contract with a remote worker

An employment contract on remote work is concluded with a remote employee. In an employment contract with a remote worker, it is necessary first of all to indicate the form of interaction between the employer and the remote worker. Interaction between the parties to an employment contract can take place in two forms:

V electronic form(by exchanging electronic documents);

in a standard form (in the general manner provided for by the Labor Code).

What additional clauses should be included in the remote work agreement? It is recommended to indicate in the employment contract with a remote employee:

    form of interaction between employee and employer,

    deadline for confirmation of receipt of the electronic document,

    obligation and deadline for notarized copies of documents required for employment,

    an agreement on not entering information into the work book, if the interaction is carried out electronically and the parties have agreed on this,

    a condition on the employee’s obligation to use equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means recommended or provided by the employer in the performance of his duties,

    procedure and terms of employee support necessary equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means,

    the procedure and timing for employees to submit reports on work performed,

    the amount, procedure, terms of payment of compensation for the employee’s use of equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means owned or leased by the employee,

    procedure for reimbursement of expenses associated with remote work,

    the employer’s responsibilities to ensure safe working conditions (ab. 16,19,20, part 2, article 212 of the Labor Code, the procedure for familiarizing an employee with labor protection requirements when working with equipment and tools recommended or provided by the employer, plus others established by the contract),

    working hours and rest hours (by default, the employee sets the working hours at his own discretion),

    the procedure for granting annual paid leave and other types of leave,

    additional grounds for termination of an employment contract.

Exchange of electronic documents between employee and employer

The new electronic form of interaction between the parties to an employment contract involves replacing the traditional paper document flow between the employee and the employer with an electronic one. These provisions appeared in Russian labor legislation in the development of norms Federal Law RF from 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ “On Electronic Signature”, as well as in connection with the issuance of universal digital signatures to citizens from January 1, 2013 electronic cards in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 No. 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services.”

The exchange of electronic documents involves confirmation of the identification of the person who sent the document. According to Art. 3121 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, enhanced qualified electronic signatures of the employee and employer are used to identify a person. To use the opportunity to exchange electronic documents with a worker, the employing organization must obtain enhanced qualified electronic signature. An employee can use an enhanced qualified signature, which is built into a universal electronic card.

If the interaction between an employee and an employer occurs in electronic form, the location of the employer is indicated as the place of concluding the employment contract (3122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Before concluding an employment contract by exchanging electronic documents, the employee must obtain a certificate of state pension insurance on his own if he is getting a job for the first time. The situation with registration of a work book is as follows. If an employee enters into an employment contract for the first time, then by agreement of the parties, a work book may not be drawn up at all, and if the employee has a work book, then the information may not be entered into it. But for this it is necessary to formalize the corresponding agreement between the employee and the employer in the proper way (in writing or by exchanging electronic documents). The issue of registering a work record book may be of decisive importance when calculating the time limit for appealing dismissal under Art. 392 of the Labor Code. If there is no agreement between the employee and the employer regarding the maintenance or non-maintenance of a work book, then the employee is obliged to provide the work book in person or must send it by registered mail.

Documents required for employment according to the list established by Art. 65 since they are sent by the employee in the form of electronic documents, but the employer has the right to request the employee to send notarized copies by mail.

After concluding an agreement on remote work by exchanging electronic documents, the employer is obliged to send a paper employment contract by registered mail with notification within three calendar days from the date of conclusion of the agreement.

The employee sends original documents for the provision of disability and maternity benefits by registered mail with notification. However, it should be remembered that when sending a registered letter, it is impossible to confirm the contents of the sent documents, as this allows you to make a letter with an inventory of the attachment.

The procedure for interaction between an employer and an employee through the exchange of electronic documents is established by Chapter 491 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Thus, by exchanging electronic documents, an employment contract on remote work can be concluded, an agreement can be concluded to change the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties.

The Labor Code contains rules on the mandatory familiarization of the employee with certain documents accepted by the employer (local acts, orders, notifications, documents of Part 3 of Article 67 of the Labor Code, etc.). If an employment contract for remote work is concluded, such familiarization can be made through the exchange of electronic documents. In the same manner, an employee can contact the employer with statements, explanations and other documents.

Dismissal of a remote worker

The employment contract for remote work may contain additional grounds for dismissing a remote worker. This allows Art. 3125 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation Therefore, at the stage of drawing up and agreeing on a contract, special attention should be paid to this, because almost any grounds for dismissal can be written into the contract, for example, the decision of the general director to terminate the contract.

Many companies have long been convinced of the real benefits of hiring remote workers, but literally until recently there was no legal framework for official labor relations. How to properly register remote employees for work, what is important to take into account in employment contracts, and how to avoid financial risks - says IPK legal expert Tatyana Shirnina.

In 2013, the Labor Code Russian Federation(hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) was supplemented by Chapter 49.1 “Features of regulation of labor of remote workers.” These innovations were due, among other things, to the high development of information technology. And in practice, the principle of remote work has been applied for a long time, but there was no legal regulation for a long time.

Today, specialists with different skill levels work outside the employer’s location (at home, in another city/country, in a restaurant, on the beach, etc.): engineers, lawyers, accountants, translators, journalists, editors, designers, programmers, auditors. Despite the fact that remote work is already an established phenomenon in Russia, the questions are not decreasing. Let's try to answer some of them.

So, first of all, let's look at the main question:

How to formalize an employment relationship with a remote worker?

Your main assistant will be the Labor Code, namely the above-mentioned Chapter 49.1, which, by the way, provides for two options for concluding an employment contract:

1) an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded by visiting the employer’s office in person;

2) an employment contract with a remote worker can be concluded by exchanging electronic documents. This option can only be used if the parties have enhanced qualified electronic signatures.

When hiring a remote worker, the list of documents required to conclude an employment contract is no different from the general list provided for in Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Just one nuance: if an employment contract for remote work is concluded by exchanging electronic documents with a person entering into an employment contract for the first time, this person receives an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance independently.

The employer’s obligation to familiarize employees with the documents before signing an employment contract also remains. The method of familiarization depends on how the interaction between the employee and the employer takes place: by exchanging electronic documents (here we remember about an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature) or by directly visiting the employer’s office.

Terms of an employment contract with a remote worker

When drawing up an employment contract, you must be guided by Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. But since this special kind labor activity, the text of the contract must reflect that the work is performed remotely.

In addition, there are other special conditions of the employment contract with this category of workers. One of the mandatory conditions is to indicate the place of work and there are no exceptions for remote workers in this part. However, how can we indicate it if we do not know in what place the employee will perform his work function today and tomorrow?

Let's turn to article 312.1. Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

“Telework is the performance of a labor function determined by an employment contract outside the location of the employer, its branch, representative office, other separate structural unit (including those located in another locality), outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer, with provided that public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, are used to perform this job function and to carry out interaction between the employer and the employee on issues related to its implementation.”

According to representatives of Rostrud (Letter of Rostrud dated October 7, 2013 No. PG/8960-6-1 “On determining the place of work of a remote worker”), an employment contract for remote work must contain information about the place of work where the remote worker directly performs the duties assigned to him with an employment contract. Of course, the explanation of Rostrud does not equate to regulatory legal acts. However, the State Labor Inspectorate is its territorial body, therefore, the policy will be similar. That is, if the employment contract with a remote worker does not contain such a condition as “place of work,” the company may be brought to administrative liability under Part 3 of Art. 5.27 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

So where to look for the answer? A guideline may be a letter from another federal executive body - the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 08/01/2013 N 03-03-06/1/30978, which draws a conclusion from the definition of remote work given in Art. 312.1 Labor Code of the Russian Federation: for an employee a place permanent job is its location.

Perhaps we should agree with this opinion. After all, it is logical that the place of work of the “remote worker” is the place of his actual location at the time of performing his work function.

Working conditions in the workplace

As is known, working conditions in the workplace are determined based on the results of a special assessment of working conditions. But how can an employer describe these factors if an employee can move to different parts of the Earth every day?

In fact, the legislator has provided exceptions regarding the mandatory special assessment of working conditions for certain categories of workers. These included remote workers (Part 3, Article 3 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 426-FZ “On Special Assessment of Working Conditions”). Therefore, since there is no need to carry out special assessment working conditions, the employer is automatically relieved of the obligation to stipulate in the employment contract with the remote worker such clauses as: “guarantees and compensation for work under harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions” and “working conditions in the workplace.”

Operating mode

Here’s another important question: how to arrange a work schedule with remote control? It all depends on how important the employer is to the time frame within which the employee will perform his work function. This is also due to the way in which working time is recorded: the employer will keep it independently or will entrust the employee to record hours of work by self-reporting.

One option is to provide for remote employees the usual working hours adopted by the company. For example: “An employee is given a 40-hour, five-day work week, with two days off. The employee is given working days from Monday to Friday, working hours from 9:00 to 18:00, a break for rest and food - 1 hour from 12:00 to 13:00, which is not included in working hours and will not be paid. Saturday and Sunday are days off."

The second option (if it is not important in what period of time the work will be performed) is to set the employee, for example, a 40-hour five-day work week, with two days off. Indicate which days are considered working days and which days are considered weekends. Regarding the start and end times of the working day, as well as breaks for rest and food, state that they are set by the employee independently. In this case, you can write like this: “Duration of one working day: no less than 5 hours and no more than 9 hours per day. The duration of the break for rest and food is 1 (one) hour, which is not included in working hours and is not paid.”

Additional features

From the above, we can conclude that it is necessary to consolidate the methods of interaction between the employee and the employer. It is recommended that the employment contract additionally specify the means of communication (mobile phone, e-mail, Skype, etc.) that will be used by the employee and the employer, and the time during which the employee must answer the call, incoming message/call back/write a message/go to connection.

Whatever work mode you specify in official documents, remember: a remote worker may be located at a point with a different local time. Therefore, when determining the operating mode, indicate time zones. Otherwise, it may happen that if you get in touch with an employee at 8:00 Moscow time, you will never see him. After all, if he ends up, say, in New York, it will be late at night - 00:00.

Don't forget about your vacation

Part 2 art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges employers to prescribe the procedure for providing remote workers with annual paid leave and other types of leaves in the employment contract.

What else should be included in the employment contract with a “remote worker”?

It is recommended to clearly state what equipment (software and hardware) the employee will use when performing his or her job function, who provides it, what actions the employee needs to take, and within what time frame the employer must be informed about breakdowns or technical malfunctions. If the employee will use his own equipment (for example, a laptop, telephone, etc.), the employment contract should additionally regulate the procedure and timing of payment of compensation for its use.

In order to track the quality and quantity of work performed, you can additionally prescribe the procedure, timing and form for the employee to submit reports on the work performed.

Of course, as with any relatively convenient option, remote work has pitfalls.

1) When hiring a remote worker to a company, interviews are often conducted via Skype or email. In this case, the employer bears the risk of incompletely and unreliably assessing the specialist’s business qualities. Agree, in a home environment, when there is a lot of reference material around (books, manuals, the Internet), it is much easier to pass an interview.

2) Since remote work involves the possibility electronic document management, including signing an employment contract, certain difficulties may arise. For example, an employer signed an employment contract and sent it to an employee, but the employee did not return the signed document and kept all copies or sent a scanned copy.

Unfortunately, due to simple carelessness in the event of a legal dispute, the terms of the employment contract may be considered inconsistent with all the ensuing consequences. Therefore, remember: the employment contract must be signed by both parties with an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature or a “live” signature on paper.

3) The question of control remains open, namely, how many hours a day a person works. That is, interaction must be clearly regulated, otherwise the employer will never know how long the remote worker worked on a given day - 8 hours or just 2 hours.

4) When an employment contract is terminated at the initiative of an employee, the employer often receives a scan of his resignation letter. However, based on the existing judicial practice, the courts do not recognize a scanned application as evidence, indicating that the employee’s will to dismiss must be expressed either in writing with the employee’s “live” signature, or signed with an enhanced qualified electronic digital signature.

5) From the point of view of the procedural code, it is not entirely clear from what moment an employee has the right to go to court to restore violated rights.

Here is a practical example. The Moscow City Court, in the Appeal ruling dated January 20, 2015 in case No. 33-1146/2015, found that on May 21, 2014, the plaintiff received a dismissal order by email, printed it out, put his signature on it and also sent this order by email to the defendant. Thus, the plaintiff received a copy of the dismissal order on May 21, 2014 and from that date he knew about his dismissal, and was not deprived of the opportunity to apply to the court for reinstatement before the expiration of one month. However, the plaintiff went to court on July 7, 2014, that is, he missed the one-month deadline.

Thus, for calculating the time limit for appealing the employer’s actions, it is the employee’s awareness of the violation of his rights that matters, including the receipt of an electronic copy of the order and the employee’s subsequent actions.

Of course, it is often convenient for both employees and employers to use the format of remote collaboration, but please note that not all specialists can be hired remotely. For example, this applies to those whose work result is expressed in material products. This, by the way, is one of the differences between remote workers and homeworkers.

Another interesting question that arises in practice: Can all employees in small companies work remotely?

The legislation not only does not contain restrictions on the number of employees employed remotely, but also does not define the list of positions that cannot be filled in this form. For example, if this is an online store, why not arrange for everyone to work remotely? There is only one condition: the nature of the duties performed must correspond to the definition of remote work (Article 312.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), namely:

a) performing a labor function outside the employer’s location;

b) performing a labor function outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer;

c) use of public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet, to perform work functions;

d) interaction between the employer and employee on issues related to the performance of labor functions, public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

That is, if we objectively consider the possibility of such an organization of work, we must again take into account that not all categories of employees, as noted above, can work remotely. As a rule, “distance workers” are intellectual workers. Therefore, it is still quite difficult to imagine a company where only “distance workers” actually work. Secondly, it is difficult to imagine how complex the paperwork with documents is, and what the huge risks of losing them during the electronic exchange process are.

At the moment, there is no judicial or inspection practice on this issue, so what assessment the authorized bodies can give to such an organization of work can only be guessed at.

As rightly noted in the explanatory note to the bill on amendments to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in terms of regulating the labor of remote workers, “modern economic development is impossible without productive employment, which is a derivative of an effectively functioning flexible labor market that allows you to quickly respond to economic challenges.”

Of course, remote work has many advantages, for example:

  • reducing the employer's costs for renting premises and organizing workplaces;
  • saving time, energy and money for the employee due to the absence of transport problems - delivery to the workplace and back;
  • increase in labor productivity when it is organized in accordance with the desire of the employee in more comfortable conditions.

Remote work increases business activity and employment of the population, since people have the opportunity to work without leaving home or another convenient location. The benefits for employers are obvious: to attract workers without the cost of equipping workplaces, and at the same time receive income from their productive activities.

Tatyana Shirnina, Leading Lawyer, Labor Law Department

The active development of information technology objectively influenced the formation of a new economic environment, functioning on the basis of the use of modern computer technology, network information resources, telecommunications. The consequence of this was the emergence of a new form of employment - remote or telework 1.

Distinctive features of remote employment are:

Spatial, and often geographic, distance of the employee’s workplace from the location of the employing organization;

"The term "telework" or « telecommuting* (from English « commute» - daily movement from home to work) - introduced by the Commission of the European Community at the end of 198(b) to designate remote work performed through the use of information technology.

    the use of various communication techniques and technologies for carrying out work activities (telephone, fax, computer, Internet);

    flexible modes of labor organization: flexible working hours, flexible work schedule, flexible workplace location, etc.

It should be noted that remote employment is not a complete analogue of home work, since its implementation shows signs of both traditional forms of hired work and self-employment. In the first case, the work is performed within the framework of individual entrepreneurship (e-commerce). In the second, within the framework of an employment contract between teleworkers and the organization, which does not differ in content from contracts with other employees, while working contacts are carried out in real time, and remuneration, training, promotion and evaluation of such employees occur in accordance with the regulations applied by the organization in the field of personnel management.

There are several types of remote work 1:

    home telework (home- based telework) - type of employment in which employees perform work duties at home at least one working day per week; use a personal computer on the way to work; use fax, telephone, and email as means of communication with management and colleagues;

    additional telework (supplementary or occasional telework) - type of employment with the same content as the previous category, which involves less than one working day per week. As a rule, this type of employment is additional to the employee’s traditional employment in an office, at an official workplace.

    telework in a specialized telecentre (center- based telework). This is a fairly new practice when a certain organization offers workplaces for employees of third-party organizations, taking upon itself the issues of equipping these workplaces with office equipment and communication tools (high-speed Internet access, publicly available databases, software products).

1 Skavitin A.V. Telework in world economic practice // Management in Russia and abroad. 2004. No. 6.


In fact, this is work through an intermediary organization, a kind of collective service center for teleworkers, specializing in providing them with services;

4) mobile telework (mobile telework) - type of employment in which employees carry out their work duties for at least 10 hours a week outside the home and outside the workplace in the office (on business trips, at clients’/customers’ sites, on the way to work) and use a computer to communicate with the organization in real time.

Remote employment has become widespread in many foreign countries. Thus, in 1997, the number of teleworkers in Europe exceeded 2 million people, in the USA - more than 11.1 million. According to some estimates, by 2007 it was planned to organize up to 40 million jobs for teleworkers in Europe, and up to 50 in the USA -60 million 1. IN developed countries Electronic labor exchanges are actively being formed, and distance employment is being used on a contractual basis between workers and organizations located in different countries.

The scale of the spread of remote employment is evidenced by the following data. In 2001, there were 2.2 million workers in the UK who worked from home at least one working day a week, using a computer and telephone to carry out transactions in real estate (25% of all teleworkers), construction (about 20%), industry (14%) and education (12%). Their share amounted to 7.4% of the country's total labor force. On average, across ten European countries (Denmark, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the UK), teleworkers account for 6% of total employment. This share is 8.5% of the number of people employed in the financial sector of the economy, in industry and construction - 3.5, in transport and communications - 5.5, in education and public administration - 2.3%.

Distance employment, according to many experts, creates significant potential for the Russian labor market, and primarily due to the expansion of employment for regions with high

"Chernukhin V. Remote work, or virtualization of workplaces // Man and labor. 2002. No. 1."

Skavitin A.V. Decree. op.


high level of unemployment. Territorial independence of the workplace provides employment opportunities anywhere in the country and the world. Secondly, telework provides additional chances for employment of people with disabilities, women, citizens forced to abandon traditional forms of employment due to the need to provide care for disabled family members, young people entering the labor market for the first time, etc.

At the same time, remote employment, like no other form of employment, requires the employee to have knowledge and skills in the field of information technology. Moreover, qualification requirements are not only dictated by employers using telework, but are also determined by the very nature and content of the work, and this, in turn, means that a person who wants to realize himself in remote self-employment must have certain training. In addition, the most important condition for the development of remote employment is the state of the information infrastructure, as well as the degree of accessibility information networks and resources. However, today, acceptable conditions from this point of view have formed only in large cities and economically prosperous regions of Russia. Nevertheless, the practically unlimited opportunities for obtaining paid work based on distance employment should be fully used in the sphere of labor market regulation.

Socially- economiccharacteristicsemployment

According to the degree of quantitative and qualitative correspondence between the needs of the economy for labor and the population for jobs, full employment, productive, freely chosen, rational and effective employment are distinguished.

Full employment- this is a state in which everyone who needs it and wants to work is provided with work, which corresponds to the presence of a balance between the demand and supply of labor.

Productive employment- this is employment that meets the interests of increasing production efficiency, introducing achievements of scientific and technological progress, and increasing labor productivity. According to the ILO definition, productive employment is the employment of those whose product of labor is accepted and paid for by society.


Freely chosen employment assumes that the right to control one’s own ability to work ( labor force) belongs exclusively to its owner, i.e. to the employee himself. This principle guarantees the right of every employee to choose between employment and non-employment, prohibiting any administrative involvement in work.

Rational employment - this is employment justified from the point of view of the processes of formation, distribution (redistribution) and use of labor resources, taking into account their gender, age and educational structures, modes of reproduction of the working population and its distribution on the territory of the country. Rational employment is characterized by the share of productively employed people in the total economically active population.

Effective employment presupposes the ability of public management to reproduce the socio-economic conditions for the development of workers, dictated by the criteria of lifestyle at a given stage of social development. The effective nature of employment presupposes engagement in socially useful activities that provide decent income, health, personal advancement, growth in the educational and professional level for each member of society based on the growth of social productivity, as well as the economic and social feasibility of jobs.

In economic theory and practice, a system of indicators has been developed that reflects employment efficiency. Four groups of indicators are usually used:

    the first is the proportions of distribution of society's labor resources according to the nature of their participation in socially useful activities;

    the second is the level of employment of the working-age population in the public economy. Economically, this indicator reflects, on the one hand, the need of the public economy for workers, and on the other, the population’s need for jobs;

    third - the structure of distribution of workers by sectors of the national economy;

    the fourth is the professional and qualification structure of workers. It shows the distribution of the working population by professional qualification

groups and reflects the degree of balance between the personnel training system and the economy’s need for qualified workers.

Employment is quantitatively characterized by the employment level indicator. It can be calculated in two ways.

1. The share of employed people in the total population is determined as

y =h /h

where H 3 is the number of employees; Ch n - total population.

2. The share of employed people in the economically active population is determined by the formula

where Hb is the number of unemployed.

In international statistics, the starting indicator for analyzing employment is the level of economic activity of the population, i.e. share of the economically active population in the total population:

The study of the state of employment in our country is based on determining the following indicators.

1. The level of professional employment (paidlabor determined by the formula

This indicator gives an idea of ​​the share of people who have jobs among the entire population of the country. An increase in the employment level indicates an improvement in the situation in the economy, expansion of areas of employment, improvement in the quality and including life expectancy of citizens, etc. The decline in employment clearly indicates a deterioration in the situation in the social and labor sphere. However, this indicator does not provide information about the real level of employment, since it is calculated according to official data, in which hidden (shadow) employment is presented in the form of expert estimates. The employment level indicator should be considered in conjunction with other indicators and characteristics.



2. The level of employment of the working-age population in societynom production determined by the formula

where Ch-gr is the size of the working population.

This indicator determines the share of employed people in the total labor force and indicates the extent to which the country’s labor resources are involved in social production.

    Structure of employment by areas of socially useful activitytelnosti allows you to determine the shares of persons (in coefficients or %) employed in social production, households, students, unemployed, etc. The ratio of these coefficients indicates how rationally labor resources are distributed in the country's economy.

    Structure of employment by sectors and industries of societyno production reflects trends associated with the distribution of labor resources by forms and types of labor activity. The employment structure changes constantly. However, significant changes, the consequence of which is a sharp increase or decrease in the share of people employed in certain areas of activity, indicate the presence and possible development of problems in the field of social and labor relations. In recent years, the number of people employed in industry and agriculture in Russia has significantly decreased, but at the same time, the share of people employed in the non-productive sector is constantly growing, which indicates a change in the structure of demand on the part of employers for certain types of labor. However, the weakening of material production sectors due to the outflow of almost half of the labor force led to a decrease in economic growth rates. In addition, such areas as education, science, health, culture and others are faced with the problem of a massive outflow of specialists, which significantly affected the entire socio-economic situation in the country.

    Professional and qualification structure of employment reflects the proportion of persons engaged in work requiring certain professional training, as well as citizens employed in low-skilled jobs. The optimality of this structure is assessed by comparison with the structure of jobs in the economy of the country or region.

Once a test was conducted in which teenagers from 12 to 18 years old voluntarily participated. Their task was to spend 8 hours without using gadgets or means of communication. At any time, if a feeling of anxiety or discomfort arose, the experiment could be stopped immediately. At first glance, this idea is very harmless. But out of 68 participants, only three completed the experiment - one girl and two boys. There is only one conclusion: the modern generation, called to be young professionals, is simply unable to imagine life without electronics. Young children seriously wonder if their parents have seen dinosaurs when they tell them that in their childhood there were only landline phones (and even then, not everyone had them), and there were no computers.

Today, in the age of high technology, there are many professions in which a person is allowed to work remotely, coming to the office only a couple of times a month, or even working from home all year round. What's difficult? The project can be done when and where it is convenient for the employee, send it using various Internet systems to the office, also submit a report by e-mail and receive wages to your bank account. People have been collaborating in this way for quite some time. But until now there has not been enough legislative framework to regulate such labor relations. Workers, like their employers, were not protected.

But everything has finally changed. April 19, 2013 came into force new chapter 49.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which establishes the specifics of regulating the labor of remote workers. Now the form of remote work is officially recognized. To understand who these “distance workers” are and what they are facing now, let’s look at the new law.

Remote work is the performance of a labor function specified by an employment contract outside the location of the employer, its branch, representative office, other separate structural unit (including those located in another locality), outside a stationary workplace, territory or facility directly or indirectly under the control of the employer, subject to use for performance of this labor function and for interaction between the employer and employee on issues related to its implementation, public information and telecommunication networks, including the Internet.

The employment contract of a remote worker must provide all the necessary information and mandatory conditions of the employment contract provided for in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but taking into account some features. Among the mandatory conditions of such an employment contract is a condition on the working hours and rest time, which differs from the working hours of other employees working for the employer. So, according to Part 1 of Art. 312.4 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the employment contract on remote work, the working hours and rest hours of a remote worker are established by this employee at his own discretion.

A remote worker, like all other employees, has the right to annual paid leave, which is provided to employees while maintaining their place of work (position) and average earnings, lasting at least 28 calendar days.

As for additional conditions, along with those additional conditions, which are named in Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the parties may provide in an employment contract a condition on the obligation of a remote worker to use equipment, software and hardware, information security tools and other means provided or recommended by the employer when performing his duties under the employment contract. By general rule, if an employee enters into an employment contract for the first time and does not yet have an insurance certificate, it must be issued by the employer.

The legislator allows a contractual method of establishing the grounds for termination of an employment contract.

All details regarding establishing and maintaining labor relations with remote workers can be found in

  • Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation08.00.05
  • Number of pages 220

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical approaches to research 11-82 teleemployment

1.1. Conceptual approaches to defining the conceptual apparatus 11-34, criteria for identifying remote employment and typology of its types

1.2. Main prerequisites and factors determining 34-73 processes of formation of distance employment

1.3. Stages of the spread of distance employment and its 74-82 scientific study

CHAPTER 2. The impact of distance employment on 83-124 functioning of the labor market

2.1. Scales and modern forms of remote work 83

2.2. Advantages and problematic consequences 98-115 of using distance employment for labor market subjects

2.3. Main directions in the mechanism for regulating 115-124 remote employment

CHAPTER 3. Formation and development of remote 125-187 employment in the Russian labor market

3.1. Distance employment in Russia: prerequisites 125-144 formation and stages of formation

3.2. Distribution of remote employment according to estimates of 145-175 researchers and managers of Russian enterprises

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Development of remote forms of employment in the modern global economy 2011, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kvetnoy, Lev Matveevich

  • Features of labor mediation based on modern information technologies 2004, Candidate of Economic Sciences Kamalova, Yulia Fedikhanovna

  • Development of the labor market as a socio-economic system in modern Russia 2007, Candidate of Economic Sciences Shlyakhtova, Lyudmila Mikhailovna

  • Regulation of innovative forms of social and labor relations in the modern economy 2013, Candidate of Economic Sciences Esipov, Andrey Sergeevich

  • Regulation of informal labor employment in the Russian Federation 2012, Candidate of Economic Sciences Konobevtsev, Fedor Dmitrievich

Introduction of the dissertation (part of the abstract) on the topic “Distance employment in the Russian labor market: formation, development and regulatory mechanisms”

Relevance of the dissertation topic. The spread of new forms of employment in the world of work is essentially the main trend in the development of social and labor relations since the 80s of the 20th century. This process is a “response” of social and labor relations to the challenge of a number of “revolutions”: technological, consumer, organizational, motivational, etc. Therefore, experts believe that there is no alternative to the spread of new forms of employment.

The specific forms of this innovativeness in employment depend on the factors that determine them. Thus, the transition to the information society, which continues to take shape at the intersection of changes in communication technologies and in the motivation of people’s work behavior, causes significant transformations in labor relations, namely, the emergence of “distance relationships” between the employer and his employees, which are part of the process of decentralization of labor activity in time and space, that is, the process of forming a flexible labor market. The scale and rate of spread of remote employment1 in developed countries is very high (according to estimates in European countries, the share of potential remotely employed workers ranges from 10% to 22% of the total number of employees). Unfortunately, in Russia these new highly effective remote forms of employment have not yet attracted the same close attention from researchers and practitioners as in developed countries, although its widespread prevalence has already been noted.

Results of foreign scientific research remote forms employment cannot be unambiguously projected onto the Russian economy. Since it is necessary to take into account the specifics of mechanisms for regulating employment at the national level, the study of this issue seems extremely important at the moment. This dissertation is one of the first scientific works devoted to

1 A detailed analysis of the content of this term and its synonyms (telework, teleaccess, etc.) is carried out in Chapter 1 in § 1.1. “Conceptual approaches to defining the conceptual apparatus, criteria for identifying distance employment and the typology of its types” 3 distance employment, therefore it was important to determine the range of issues and the logic of their research. In our opinion, it was necessary to consider the initial evolution of definitions, analyze the technical, technological, socio-economic and institutional prerequisites, and identify the advantages and problematic consequences of the formation of distance employment. At the same time, the main goal setting in this logic was the development of methodological approaches to the study of the formation of remote employment in the Russian labor market and recommendations aimed at developing effective management decisions.

The degree of development of the problem. The formation of the scientific concept of distance employment and the practice of its use was initiated by American scientists Nilles J. (Nilles Jack M.), Kinsman F. (Kinsman Francis) and Gordon G. (Gordon Gil).

Jack Nilles is known as the founder of telecommuting and teleworking. It was he who first introduced these terms into scientific circulation in 1973. He is a recognized expert on telework in Europe and America and the author of several books on the basics of telecommuting, including “Making Telecommuting Narrep” (1994) and “Managing Telework” (1998), which has been reprinted several times in recent years. He currently heads the telework consulting firm JALA International, founded in 1980. One of his latest international projects, commissioned by the European Commission in 2000, contains a review of the status and forecast of the future of telework and e-commerce in 10 countries of the European Union and the United States [Albitov, 2001].

One of the world's first telework experts, Gil Gordon, who began consulting in 1982, helped develop television programs for private and public organizations. He is one of the world's recognized specialists in organizing telework and virtual offices. G. Gordon is the editor of the first and still one of best magazines on telework "Telecommuting Review", which has been published in print since 1984, and online since 1999. Co-author of the books "Telecommuting: How to Make It Working for You and Your Company" (1986) and

Teleworking Explained" (1993). His portal ( is a well-structured source on all aspects of teleworking, and his consulting firm counts among its clients such large companies, like Ernst&Young, AT&T, Procter&Gambel. He is also the author of the book "TURN IT OFF: Living with the Mixed Blessing of Today's Mobile-Office Technology"2.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has made a major contribution to the study of “working at a distance.” ILO specialists, within the framework of the “Decent Work” concept, analyzed remote employment. In February 2001, Vittorio Di Martino3 published Towards Teleworking [Vittorio Di Martino, 2001], which examined the changing nature of telecommuting and proposed new approaches to understanding this phenomenon.

Issues of distance employment, as one of the promising forms of labor organization, have been studied in the works of such foreign scientists as: Ursula Huws (U. Huws), Joanne Pratt (Joanne N.), Noah Norman (Nie, Norman N.), Frank Skiff ( Schiff, Frank), Wellins Alan, Reese Shelly, Roche Eileen, Hill Jeffrey; Brent S. Miller; Weiner, Sara P.; Colihan, Joe, Igbaria, Magid, Kurland, Nancy V.; Bailey, Diane E., etc. All this is evidence that the greatest elaboration of this problem is found mainly in the works of foreign colleagues.

The approach to the problem of distance employment in Russia became possible because such eminent scientists as V.M. Glushkov, N.N. Moiseev, A.V. Sokolov, V.L. Inozemtsev and others formed the idea of ​​a new form economic activity- information technology industries. The main focus of these studies is on the study of electronic

2 G. Gordon’s bibliography is compiled based on materials from the website “Gil Gordon Associates -Telecommuting, Telework and Alternative Officing.htm”//

3 Special Adviser on Innovation and Organizational Well-Being at the ILO (Geneva). He has also been a visiting professor in employment policy at one of the Universities of the UK (University of Bath, UK) since 1992. market, informatization of society, as a qualitative improvement social structures and processes in society based on infocommunications.

Among Russian scientists dealing with the issue of new forms of employment, we can note: Gimpelson V., Kapelyushnikova R., Kostakova V., Chizhova L.,. Sindyashkina E., Parinova S., Chernukhina V., Shmelkova E., Goryannikova V., Golovkina A., Promtova O. et al.

There are still few works devoted to research directly related to the formation and development of distance employment in Russia. Of particular note is the innovative research (project leader M.G. Libo4), conducted jointly by the Stockholm School of Economics and St. Petersburg State University, the official publication of which has not yet taken place, and there are only brief summaries and references about it in articles by O. Promtova. At the moment, among Russian specialists and practitioners there is no holistic understanding of the concept of distance employment. In our opinion, an analysis of these problems is necessary in order for remote employment to become an established norm and be correctly positioned from an institutional point of view. Moreover, the practice of applying and using distance employment in Russia at the micro level has already become widespread.

The importance, novelty and insufficient development of these problems predetermined the choice of topic, purpose and objectives, as well as the exploratory nature of this dissertation work.

The purpose of the dissertation work is: to study the prerequisites and conditions for the formation of a social and labor space for the establishment of distance employment and its effective development; development of methodological approaches to the regulation of social and labor relations in the conditions of this new form of employment.

4 Marina Grigorievna Libo - General Director of the team building company Adventure Races (St. Petersburg), vice president and PR manager of the Federation of Multisport and Extreme Racing of St. Petersburg, member of the Russia adventure races team, extreme trainer (more than 30 trainings), journalist . Graduated from the Aerospace Lyceum (Kaluga), Faculty of Economics of St. Petersburg State University, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD thesis was defended on November 27, 2003 on the topic: “The concept of telework as a new form of personnel management in virtual organizations in Russia” // Magazine “Personnel- Mix", PM No. 1-2 (035-036), 2006. id=5&author id=30.

The set goal predetermined the need to solve the following tasks in the dissertation work:

Explore the evolution of concepts that reveal the essential characteristics of distance employment, identify and classify modern forms of distance employment;

Explore the prerequisites that predetermined the emergence of remote employment and the stages of its spread;

Characterize the scale of remote employment and explore the advantages and problematic consequences that arise in the conditions of this new form of employment for subjects of labor relations;

To analyze the process of formation of distance employment in Russia, in accordance with the methodological approaches developed by the author, to characterize its features, and to explore the main directions in the mechanisms for regulating distance employment.

The object of the dissertation research is the process of formation of distance employment.

The subject of the study is management decisions aimed at the formation and development of distance employment in the Russian labor market.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the dissertation research was systemic and historical approaches to the processes and phenomena being studied. The work also used methods of logical and comparative analysis, expert assessments and questionnaires. At the same time, fundamental concepts and hypotheses presented in classical and modern works domestic and foreign researchers in the field of employment.

Information base The research compiled data from international and state employment statistics, materials from foreign and Russian population surveys on the problems of distance employment. In addition, regulatory documents were used, in particular ILO reports, Laws of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, publications of scientific and periodical press, and electronic sources of information. This ensured the reliability of the information presented in the dissertation and served as the basis for substantiating the author’s proposals and recommendations.

The scientific novelty of the dissertation research is as follows:

1. The evolution of the concept of “distance employment” is characterized, the system of features that allows identifying the definition of “distance employment” is explored and expanded. In order to systematize the variety of types of remote employment, a set of criteria for their typology was analyzed and supplemented, which forms the basis for a differentiated approach to making management decisions on the regulation of labor relations

2. Based on the developed definitions of the main definitions and systematization of types of distance employment, the author proposed and tested methodological approaches to the study of the prerequisites and factors of its development, as the basis for studying the process of formation of distance employment in Russia. The methodology provides an analysis scheme based on the identification of three basic prerequisites for the formation of distance employment (technological, socio-economic, institutional), as well as an ordered system of the main factors that determine the process of formation of each of the prerequisites. The following factors were considered: the development of communication technologies, the Internet economy, the electronic labor market, the openness of the economy, the readiness of labor market subjects to interact within the framework of distance employment, the need for protection against risks, etc.

3. Based on an analysis of the scale of distance employment and its constructive/destructive manifestations faced by labor market subjects, original methodological approaches to systematizing the advantages and disadvantages of distance employment have been developed. The systematization of the positive and negative consequences of telework for an employee is based on identifying family, personal, socio-professional and economic aspects, and for the employer - on the basis of identifying organizational, psychological and economic aspects.

4. Hypotheses for examining the position of employers in relation to distance employment have been developed and proposed, more in-depth and detailed in comparison with the conducted domestic studies, and aimed at identifying: systems of employers’ ideas about the essence and advantages of distance employment, the extent of its use, its characteristics, the degree of formalization labor relations, etc. Survey instruments were developed and its results were interpreted.

Based on the analysis of distance employment carried out in the dissertation theoretical research, as well as the results of its empirical study, a detailed system of recommendations has been developed and proposed aimed at creating a sphere of distance employment in Russia and effectively regulating social and labor relations in it at the level of the state, society as a whole and enterprises. The recommendations cover information activities, measures to ensure wide access to modern telecommunications technologies; creating standards in Russian labor legislation to promote the development of this new effective form of employment.

The practical significance of the dissertation research is due to the possibility of using the recommendations proposed in the work for regulating distance employment to formulate state employment policy, improve legislation in this area, and achieve social dialogue between subjects of labor relations in Russia.

Using the tools, methods and criteria proposed in the work, managers, when analyzing the implementation of remote employment, will be able to justify and prove the need for certain types of costs to achieve the goals of personnel management and the enterprise as a whole.

The results of the study can be used by teachers of economic universities to improve courses on labor market problems and modern forms of employment.

Testing and implementation of work results. The main theoretical principles and recommendations, substantiated and defended in the dissertation work, were presented and published in reports at the scientific and practical conference “Modern Management: Problems and Prospects”, St. Petersburg, March 22, 2006; at the Round Table of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov “Decent Work in the 21st Century”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of Moscow State University, Moscow, November 2004; at the annual conferences of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University “Lomonosov Readings” (from 1998-2004).

The dissertation research materials were also used in the development and teaching of courses “New Realities and the Labor Market”, “Personnel Economics”, “Labor Relations and Labor Law” for the preparation of masters at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

The provisions put forward and substantiated in the work were used in the preparation of methodological provisions in the “Concept of Action on the Labor Market for 2006-2010”, developed by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

The main theoretical and practical results of the dissertation research are presented in 5 printed works with a total volume of 1.7 pp.

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Conclusion of the dissertation on the topic “Economics and management of the national economy: theory of management of economic systems; macroeconomics; economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management; regional economy; logistics; labor economics”, Ludanik, Marina Valerievna


The ongoing processes of globalization, informatization of society, and the widespread use of the Internet across all continents of the planet have led to radical changes not only in technology and economics, but also in the sphere of labor, causing the emergence of new effective forms of employment. The most promising of them at the moment is distance employment, the advantages and disadvantages of which are being studied by the scientific community. And according to experts, this is the fastest growing form of employment, which is quickly transforming into a number of types of flexible work activities. This, in turn, requires an in-depth analysis to understand the essence of developing trends in employment and the consequences that they can have on the labor market, which predetermined the purpose of this study, which set itself the task of exploring remote employment and its application in Russian practice.

During the study, remote employment was analyzed according to the following key positions. The approach to defining the definition of “remote employment” outlined in the work made it possible to distinguish it from a large array of emerging terms and concepts, as most fully reflecting the main characteristics of modern forms of employment based on technology, distance and flexibility. We proceeded from the fact that currently the forms of practical application of pervasive and effective employment are very diverse and, accordingly, the characteristics of the functioning of remote jobs are different. And the chaotic nature and speed of such progressive spread, which led to the emergence of various terms and concepts, led to the fact that many of them cannot be used as synonyms, since they are different in essence. Systematization of the main features of the definition of “remote employment” (flexibility, distance, workplace equipment modern technologies) through diversity analysis existing definitions new forms of employment allowed us to derive a concept that includes all these characteristics

For further analysis in the work of the issue under discussion, an approach to differentiation was defined various types distance employment, which involved us solving the problem of finding criterial bases for the typology. This needed to be done for the methodological basis for structuring management decisions at the international, state, regional and intra-company levels, as well as for developing mechanisms for regulating distance employment.

The typology of types of remote employment is considered in accordance with the methodological approaches proposed by the ILO, the European Commission on telework, and Eurostat. At the same time, the version of the European Commission is recognized as the most complete, which identified nine types of remote employment, which are described in the dissertation, including work close to home, in a special remote center; working as a distributed team in multiple locations, some of which may be at home, others in more traditional locations, etc. From the noted typology criteria proposed by the European Commission on telework in 1997, we can highlight those that are associated with the transfer of labor operations from the office to any other part of the world using information and communication technologies. In accordance with this criterion, the geographical location of participants in remote labor relations essentially does not matter: there is spatial and temporal decentralization of the performance of work functions.

Further analysis of approaches to typology of forms of remote employment is carried out in the direction of forming a system of criteria that allows them to be clearly structured different kinds in order to select the most effective algorithms for solving social and labor problems. The criteria in this case may be: type of workplace, content of work performed, voluntary/forced telework, risk factors, etc. In accordance with the above criteria, the following types of remote employment can be distinguished: under an individual contract; self-employment; informal teleemployment; distance entrepreneurship, etc.

Based on various criteria, a module was created, proposed by Eurostat, and is a complement to further research in the field of distance employment in Russia, in terms of such aspects as: identification of criteria that can be used to separate “teleworkers” from “non-teleworkers”; identifying criteria on the basis of which one type of remote work can be separated from another; determination of indicators with which it would be possible to evaluate the directions of development of remote employment and the effectiveness of its use for employers, employees and society as a whole. Some of these aspects were reflected in our own study of the development of distance employment at Russian enterprises and were the object of analysis, the results of which are presented in the work.

Any new phenomenon requires determining the prerequisites for its discovery and existence. Therefore, after defining the main definitions and types of remote employment, methodological approaches were developed to study the prerequisites and factors for the development of remote employment, which will also become the basis for analyzing the formation of telework in Russia.

Particular attention in the work is paid to those technological conditions without which the development and widespread introduction of distance employment is impossible. Distance employment, as is known, is closely related to modern computer technologies and the Internet, which are its material basis and allow labor relations between employee and employer to be carried out remotely. The fact is that the Internet creates a situation that is fundamentally new for the traditional economy, creating a single virtual environment of specific relationships between employees and employers, as well as teleworkers. At the same time, “virtual” distance, organizational, technological and economic relations are established, which essentially form the “electronic” segment of the labor market. In turn, high technological equipment and the large-scale nature of cyberspace, which allows information to be transmitted over long distances and the product of labor, in this case, is information; as well as the variety of tasks being solved contribute to the emergence of various forms of employment using computers and telecommunications, changing the accepted geography of job placement.

Information transmitted by information and communication technologies allows workers to perform their job duties remotely. The Internet, at the same time, serves to share

190 a certain type of work activity for various components, then delivering these components via electronic communication channels to sources of labor supply and then using information technology to coordinate the geographically distributed production process. As geographic barriers weaken, the effective boundaries of the labor market expand. The following should be noted:

Firstly, no mass media has grown so rapidly, forming a network information space on a global scale. The information network space, in turn, indicates the possibility of opening new areas of knowledge, the intellectualization of labor, and the opening of new opportunities for organizational and institutional improvement in the areas of human socio-economic activity.

Secondly, the Internet creates a situation that is fundamentally new for the traditional economy, creating a single virtual environment with typical market interactions of participants, which leads to the formation of the Internet economy, which has a vast space for the existence of subjects of economic and other activities. Virtual “distance economic relations” are established between employers and employees.

Thirdly, the creation, preservation and effective use of information resources is also associated with the formation of broad opportunities for the development of new forms of employment. For example, on their basis, in developed countries, electronic labor exchanges are actively being formed, through which specialists in the field of hiring, through computer processing of electronic resumes provided by candidates on the Internet, employ them in accordance with the electronic applications of companies. Thus, the Internet can act as a reliable recruitment tool. With maximum use of its resources, the employer is almost guaranteed to receive even rare and specialized specialists.

No less important, in our opinion, are the economic and institutional prerequisites, which were considered in the work according to an ordered system of factors that determine them. The methodological approaches incorporated in the work, based on identifying the main prerequisites for the existence of telework, allowed us to develop in these areas (technological, economic and institutional) mechanisms for influencing remote employment, as well as give recommendations for its regulation at the state level, which are so necessary and relevant for Russian companies already using this new labor practice.

In accordance with the theoretical justification for the existence of remote employment proposed in the work, we analyzed the stages of the formation of telework. This approach made it possible to analyze the experience of the formation and development of distance employment in countries where telework initially appeared, and then use it to analyze the formation of new effective forms of employment in Russia. It should be noted that in the world, remote employment has firmly taken its rightful place among other types of labor relations, becoming a full-fledged means of livelihood for millions of people, while Russia has yet to assess the prospects for its implementation in the national labor market. There are still very few studies and empirical assessments of the benefits and costs of introducing remote employment in Russia. But, based on some of them and those made abroad, we can still say that this new effective type of employment takes its rightful place in the labor market, successfully developing and expanding. The presented historical aspect of the development of scientific approaches to the study of a new form of employment allowed us to determine the scale of its implementation in the world and in Russia, which in turn served as the basis for identifying the existing advantages and problematic aspects of distance employment for subjects of labor relations.

The process of forming remote employment is just beginning in the Russian labor market, and so far this is only the second stage of development, in contrast to the four that the world community has gone through, so it is very important to have a complete and systematic understanding of both the advantages and problematic aspects of this type of activity. The analysis of the main components of distance employment carried out in the work made it possible to identify a number of advantages provided by this new form of labor organization, and problematic aspects in its use for the subjects of labor relations: the employee, the employer and society. For example, in our opinion, remote forms of work can attract workers due to their following features: greater opportunities to search for work using the Internet; the ability to work remotely; independent planning of working time, which is especially beneficial when work is assessed not by time costs, but by the final result; the possibility of creativity; efficiency in work provided by network communication with clients and the opportunity to learn their preferences; the obvious dependence of wages on one’s own ideas and work results, etc. The problematic consequences of remote employment that a person working at a distance may face are also revealed. For example, these are: the emergence of new expenses caused by connecting to the Internet and working on this network; professional risks associated with “network problems”; dishonesty of the employer, which, in the case of remote employment, can be understood and assessed by the employee with a delay; insufficient communication in a team necessary to gain experience, which is especially important for beginners, and, in addition, a sharp reduction in the possibilities of social and labor adaptation, development of communication skills, communication, etc.

A comparative analysis of the advantages and problems of remote employment showed that, in general, this new form of employment opens up new opportunities for the employer to build an effective labor and personnel management policy that meets the modern requirements of intra-company labor relations. And for the labor market as a whole, to determine the directions of development of state policy in the field of regulation of new forms of employment and mechanisms of influence through the measures we have identified in our work. One of which in the work is monitoring and control of remote work, which is necessary to determine the scale and changes in the employment sector in Russia, which will allow the formation of a more complete and thoughtful employment policy at the industry and regional levels.

The dissertation research argues for the urgent need to develop a broad national program for the development of distance employment as an effective form of labor organization that brings significant benefits to employees, employers and society as a whole, and also offers recommendations on the content of this program. Governmental support and the provision of modern technological and information tools, positive public opinion are necessary conditions development of remote forms of employment.

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