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Pine nut collection permit. Business in the collection, sale and processing of pine nuts

In autumn comes the season for collecting pine cones. Our summer, unlike other regions, turned out to be rainy, which means the harvest will be rich. Siberian pine is also a champion in the yield of cones and the number of seeds in them. This means that in the fall Siberians will have the opportunity to earn extra money as a pine cone picker (otherwise this profession is called “shishkar” or “shishkoboy”).

Nikolai Ponikarev, a bigwig with eight years of experience, talks about the intricacies of the work.
— How to avoid unforeseen situations in your work?
- You need to be very careful. The cone is obtained in two ways: by splitting and by directly climbing the tree. I have not tried the second method and do not recommend it to anyone. Boys often hunt for it. And it’s not always successful - they fall and break their legs. The main tool for extracting cones is a hammer. I heard a story about Irkutsk residents who went to buy nuts... forgetting them at home. You understand the absurdity of this situation if you know what it is.
— Tell us about the process of collecting cones.
- They hit wood with a hammer. You need to hide your head: falling cones, although they hit the branches, are slowed down, but hit sensitively. From the first blow, it is clear whether this tree is still worth milking or whether there is nothing there. If a decision is made to strike, then, like the first strike, three or four strikes are made at once at a brisk pace - this is how the top swings. Then the fallen cones are collected. Sometimes we come across them already peeled - this is a squirrel getting ready to have breakfast, and we disrupted its plans. And one day a chipmunk fell on me and my father, along with some pine cones, from somewhere at a small height. When the bag is filled to capacity, they put it in a conspicuous place and start a new one. Having filled both bags, the cole is left in the cedar forest, and the cone is taken away.
— Do you always work in twos?
- More often. If there are two people in an artel, one works as a chopper, the other collects. When there is a good harvest, one person does not have time to collect the cone, so the one who chops from time to time puts the chopper against the tree and helps to collect. But if there are three people working in an artel, then one beats and two collect. By agreement, artel workers sometimes change places of work, each in turn becoming either a collector or a pounder.
— Do you manage to earn a living?
“If you try hard, you can make good money.” You can’t lose a single day or a single hour here. Therefore, fishermen, as a rule, work all day long, with short breaks and always a hearty lunch. They wake up early in the morning. They usually work without days off or rest all season. Only when it starts to rain or snow do they stay “at base” and process the lump. The remaining pine cone is usually processed at the end of the season.

A group of residents of the Krasnoarmeysky district of Primorye remained “hostage” with the Amur tiger for a whole day. People went to the taiga to collect cedar cones and decided to spend the night in a winter hut. In the morning we found a tiger lying in front of the door. The predator rushed at the door and hit it with its paws. The people were able to free themselves only a day later, when a car came to pick them up. Frightened by the noise of the engine, the animal disappeared into the taiga.

A hammer is a huge wooden hammer (one meter long). The stabbing is usually done by the most experienced and, most importantly, skilled person on the team. The dimensions of the hammer vary according to the physical abilities of the operator (or operators) of the hammer. An ordinary stab is such that it can be lifted from the ground and carried by one adult, 30-40 kilograms. It happens (if the lump is coming in hard) that you have to make the stab so big that it takes two people to carry it.

There is work!

In Novosibirsk we found two vacancies for pine cone pickers. They will be happy to see men 25-45 years old who have a practical understanding of the taiga, who do not abuse alcohol, and who have no criminal record. You will have to work remotely from home, in the taiga, in Tomsk region. The employer guarantees to provide workers with housing (tents), sleeping bags, food, and special clothing. The season begins in September; those who want to earn money can work until the end of October. Payment is piecework, 160 rubles per bag of cedar pine cones. According to the employer, it is realistic to collect 10-12 bags per day. How much it turns out - count for yourself.
8-923-242-21-16, Evgeniy, 8-923-704-86-22, Fedor

Several types of cedar grow on the territory of Russia - Siberian, Korean, European. Elfin cedar grows in the mountains. European cedar has a limited distribution and its seeds are almost never harvested for food use. Korean cedar grows in the Far East, is distinguished by large, strong-shelled seeds, is widespread, and its seeds, like the seeds of dwarf cedar, are widely used as food. However, the main place in the preparations is played by Siberian cedar.
Within its distribution area, it does not grow everywhere; the largest tracts of cedar forests are located in the mountains of Southern Siberia, in the West Siberian Lowland and almost throughout Eastern Siberia. It is found sporadically on the outskirts of its range, in forest-steppe areas. For industrial harvesting, plantings with a predominance of cedar are of primary importance, while amateur harvesting is carried out in any planting where this species grows.

Properties of pine nuts
Pine nuts are a valuable and rich storehouse of vitamins.
In particular, nuts contain vitamin A (promotes human growth and development, improves vision); vitamin B (thiamine), which regulates carbohydrate metabolism, the formation of fatty acids, affects the functions of the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems; vitamin B2 (riboflavin), which actively influences the processes of tissue metabolism, hematopoiesis, liver function, and nervous system; vitamin B3 (niacin) – necessary for the synthesis of fats, proteins, energy metabolism, digestive system function, cholesterol metabolism, hematopoiesis; Vitamin E (tocopherol), which influences the formation of sex hormones, activates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, vitamins A and D.
Pine nuts contain many macro- and microelements: magnesium, copper, manganese, silicon, vanadium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, molybdenum, nickel, iodine, tin, boron, zinc, iron, as well as barium, titanium, silver, aluminum, iodides, cobalt, sodium.
Pine nuts contain various carbohydrates: glucose, fructose, sucrose, sugars, starch, dextrins, pentosans, fiber.

Pine nut collection

The beginning of nut harvesting primarily depends on the weather conditions that determine the ripening of the cone. Pine nuts usually ripen in early September, but final ripening varies over the years within 1-2 weeks in one direction or another. In some years, you can start harvesting on August 25, but there were years when the harvest began even after September 10. The season therefore begins immediately after the cone ripens, after it begins to “go” when being chopped.
In addition, the location of cedar forests on the ground also affects ripening; it all depends on the exposure of the slopes, the features of the relief, and the differences quality characteristics the cedar forests themselves. On the sunny slopes and high places The cone ripens earlier, later on the northern slopes.
But usually local residents leave for nut mining by the beginning of September.
The end of the season for local residents, as a rule, is also compressed. Always prompts the start of hunting hunts. You need to return home on time, and have time, not only to prepare for the hunt, but also to bring food to your hunting area, having received deer.
Some respondents said that the season ends after the first snow falls. But this is not entirely true. The cone can also be collected when snow falls. Some hunters, if they feel that there will be no hunting this year, then stay on the site and sometimes combine hunting for fur-bearing animals and collecting pine cones.
Of course, a lot depends on weather conditions and the thickness of the snow cover.
As a rule, by the end of September or the beginning of October, he stops knocking and collecting pine cones and begins processing them. Then the finished nut is transported to receiving points or bases. At the bases, it also takes time to wait in line to dry. Then you need to dry the nut, pack it and hand it over to the receiver.
So, in the fall, the beginning and end of the nut harvest fit into somewhat vague periods; from August 20 to September 10 is the beginning of the season, and at the end of September and the first ten days of October the autumn season ends.
In addition to the autumn fishing season, there is also a spring one. In the spring, they also collect cones. This period also depends on the weather. But usually the collection of padanka begins at the end of April and continues until the beginning of June.

Packaging and storage of pine nuts

Nuts are packed in fabric bags of 50 kg and in multilayer paper bags - up to 30 kg. Purified kernel and valuable species nuts (almonds) are packed in cardboard and plywood boxes lined with parchment or waxed paper with the bottom of the box lined with corrugated cardboard to protect the kernels from breaking. The net weight of boxes with nut kernels should be no more than 20 kg, with nuts - 50 kg. Pine nuts can be packed in linen, kenaf bags (net weight up to 55 kg) and jute bags (no more than 70 kg). The container must be dry, clean, free of foreign odors, and not infested with barn pests.
Each unit of packaging is marked with an indication on the label or tag of the name and address of the sending organization, the name of the commodity-pomological group (variety) and commercial grade of nuts, net and gross weight, harvest year, packaging date and quality certificate number.
Nuts containing live pests and their larvae cannot be packaged or sold.
Store nuts in clean, dry, ventilated warehouses with maintenance constant temperature and air humidity. Temperature storage facilities allowed from - 15 to 20 ° C (without sharp fluctuations), relative air humidity not higher than 70%. The shelf life of pine nuts is up to 6 months, walnuts and hazelnuts are up to one year, and walnut kernels are no more than 6 months. from the date of harvesting, nuts and almond kernels at 0 °C - 5 years, and at temperatures up to 20 °C - up to 2 years.
At home, shelled pine nuts are stored in the same way as cereals - in glass jars with tight but not airtight lids at room temperature and air humidity of 55-65%. It is not recommended to exceed the shelf life of shelled nuts for more than two to three months. With more long-term storage nuts lose their nutritional value. It is not necessary to store in the refrigerator.
Unshelled pine nuts are usually stored in linen bags in places that have the least air humidity and exclude access to the nuts by insects and rodents. The storage period should not exceed 6 months.

Pine nut business
So, there are two ways of cedar business. The first, and simplest, but not the most profitable, is collecting buds and selling them to resellers. Large Russian and regional companies organize collection points for wild plants directly in villages. If you live next to a procurement point, you will be provided with work and income during the season. The task of such companies is to profitably buy up what they extract and then sell large wholesale quantities. Almost everywhere, reseller companies compete with each other, offering suppliers better prices.
The second option is organization own point pine nut processing. It is worth taking into account that the collectors extract the cone, which is mostly a semi-finished product. The nut needs to be removed from it. Usually this is done directly at procurement points. The cone is placed in a cone crusher, then on another unit the cone is winnowed and cleaned of various debris. The result is a raw nut with a moisture content of 25%. You cannot store it for a long time - it will spoil. The next stage is drying, during which the moisture content of the product is reduced to 15%. The nut is passed through a drying chamber at a speed of 750 kg per hour, after which it is finally cleaned (the norm is 3-5% of debris by volume). In this form, the nut is packaged in standard 35 kg bags for wholesale sale. Further processing consists of obtaining the nut kernel, for which the shell is beaten in a special unit with a rotating drum. Then the kernel is shelled using a grain cleaning machine. The final cleaning is done manually or using special laser separators, the product is finally dried and goes on sale. Cedar oil is also obtained from the purified kernel, the yield is up to 30% of the kernel weight, which is much more expensive than the kernel itself.
According to market participants, the profitability of the cedar business can range from 30 to 100% and even 200%, depending on the depth of processing. Why not a business for those who want to live in an environmentally friendly place and can organize it competently?

pine nut price
Wholesale prices for unshelled pine nuts from this year’s harvest are 200 rubles per kilogram.
Hulled pine nuts (pine nut kernel) wholesale, this year's harvest - 1,100 rubles per kilogram and below (depending on the batch).
The core is offered at retail at a price of 3,000 rubles for a vacuum-sealed package weighing 3 kg.
They sell cedar cones - from 2000 rubles per bag.

The license for the export of pine nuts will not be canceled - this determination was made at an interdepartmental meeting “On the procedure for licensing the export of pine nuts” at the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation last week.

The issue of nuts is far from idle - representatives of the Ministry of Natural Resources, Rosprirodnadzor, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Economic Development, Rosleskhoz, Public Chamber, and the Fund argued about the rules for collecting and selling them, primarily for export. wildlife(WWF) Russia, as well as forest tenants and pine nut processors.

After licensing, budget revenues from rental payments alone increased more than ninefold

Both environmentalists and fishermen were satisfied with the results of the discussion. They feared the licensing system would be abolished. As a market mechanism, it has existed not so long ago - since January 2010. Then, according to the decision of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community within the framework Customs Union, pine nuts in shell and without were included in the list of goods to which export restrictions apply. Obtaining an export license, in which it is necessary to provide documents confirming the legality of the harvest, has become such a limitation. For some market participants - irresistible.

Who lost with the introduction of the licensing mechanism? Unscrupulous enterprises, primarily Chinese.

Such companies bought nuts from the population and exported them in unimaginable volumes, up to 20 thousand tons with only Far East, without providing any documents for the right to harvest, without paying taxes, without caring about the forest area where the cones were collected, says Alexey Karasev, a tenant of the Koksharovskaya nut-harvesting zone in the Primorsky Territory. - And finally, export licensing was introduced. This gave us a chance to be competitive. After all, our expenses are high: we pay for forest lease, for forest care and protection, and we transfer taxes to the budget. We gained an advantage over those who worked dishonestly, who only took resources out of the country without investing in business development. But there will be no license, which means there will be no motivation to rent cedar forests.

All Russian processors voted for licensing the export of pine nuts, as well as fishers from the Far East and Siberia, who rent 1.13 million hectares of forest for the purpose of harvesting food forest resources (primarily pine cones). After all, compared to the “pre-licensing” period, this territory has grown 4.5 times, and revenues to the budgets of various levels associated only with rental payments have increased more than nine times.

At the same time, working according to the rules has led to fewer cases of uncontrolled, unlimited harvesting of pine nuts with the cutting off of tree tops and branches.

The number of forest fires caused by loggers has also decreased.

The Nutsy company, founded by three graduates of Novosibirsk State University, has earned millions of dollars from pine nuts in ten years. Today it is one of the largest Russian suppliers of healthy treats. Our new column “Chance” starts with a story about “Nutsy”. In it, “Ko” will talk about entrepreneurs who found their niche and achieved success in a business started from scratch.

Over the last two seasons (counted from autumn to autumn), Chinese harvesters exported 40,000 - 44,000 tons of pine nuts from Russia. Having processed the nut cheaply in China, they actively supply it abroad. Including to Russia. According to the founder and general director of the Novosibirsk company “Natsi” Igor Romanov, the “Chinese” problem is almost the only one preventing his business from growing both within the country and abroad. " Russian companies“They can’t process such volumes as Chinese ones yet,” he explains. “Duty-free export of nuts slows down the development of production of nut products in the country.”

Local buyers of natural raw materials are many times inferior to their Chinese rivals. Last season, the volume of Russian procurement barely approached 8,000 tons. About a third of them came from Nutsy. So far, the Siberian company does not know how to deal with competitors from China. But priority measures are already being taken - the company is going to concentrate its efforts on pine nuts (now its product range also includes hazelnuts and peanuts) and strengthen its position on domestic shelves.

Geological exploration

Novosibirsk “Natsi” managed to cover 30% of the pine nut harvest in about 10 years. Having graduated from the Faculty of Geology and Geophysics of Novosibirsk in 1993 state university, Igor Romanov was thinking about his future profession. But the idea to deal with pine nuts was not born out of geological curiosity, but by chance. After graduating from university, the former student went to Ireland. It was on the shelves of the local stores that the tourist saw packaged pine nut kernels. This is an unusual sight for a Siberian. At native food markets, pine nuts could be bought either in cones or by weight (the main unit of measurement was a glass). The packaged pine nut kernel impressed Romanov so much that, upon returning to Novosibirsk, he didn’t think long about how to make money.

At that time, attempts to make money on wild plants (wild berries, mushrooms, nuts) were already being made in Siberia. True, it was difficult to call this a stable business. Peddlers from the mainland brought various goods to remote Siberian villages, which they exchanged for berries, mushrooms or nuts. Commodity-money exchange was also practiced less frequently. Some people tried to systematize the collection of raw materials, but it did not work. Some people left all their money in the taiga during the season, without ever “recovering” it in city markets due to the fact that they did not fully calculate the demand. Igor Romanov tried to take into account the experience of his predecessors. Before starting a business, he and his two partners, university friends Alexey Bychkov and Vadim Eliseev, thoroughly calculated purchase and sale prices, and peeling costs. Calling themselves “Kedr”, NSU graduates in the 1994-1995 season purchased a little in the taiga with their own savings more than a ton nut

Despite all the calculations, Romanov and his comrades still had difficulties with sales, just like the “burnt out” pioneers of the niche. “We started supplying packaged pine nut kernels to stores, but this product turned out to be completely new to them,” recalls the entrepreneur. - There was no confidence in good sales. That’s why we gave the nut for sale.” Very soon, retailers were convinced that packaged nuts were selling well. According to Igor Romanov, a positive moment for the formation of demand was that in the mid-1990s the “nut” shelves were not as crowded as they are today; there was no dominance of peanuts and hazelnuts. In 1995, the partners went to Moscow, where they sold some of the Siberian walnuts and exchanged some for overseas analogues. Expanding the range became a certain insurance for the start-up company and brought additional income.

A year later, the failed geologists appreciated their determination. Volumes grew, business expanded. At the same time, the company was the first among Novosibirsk companies to find out how to get a loan from the EBRD. The head of the Cedar, renamed Nutsy, says that there were no difficulties in obtaining $6,000. “Of course, this is a risky business, work is taking place in a market that is not entirely clear,” Romanov reveals the essence of the matter. “That’s why we took out a secured loan.”

Despite the risks, the company, which at the beginning of its career sold nuts with a markup of up to 300%, quickly repaid the loan. After which she continued to take out loans from banks. At one time, “Natsi” was a regular client of KMB Bank (specializing in small businesses, loans up to $500,000), but when her financial needs exceeded the bank’s limit, she switched to other financial institutions.

Controversial cones

Years later, the risks of the nut business have not diminished. Igor Romanov even calls it wild, meaning, first of all, access to raw materials. The chapter “Natsi” points out the imperfections of the Forest Code. “Incidental forest use, which includes nut fishing, has almost no defined regulatory framework,” says Romanov.

So, local residents, for whom this is a traditional trade, continue to collect pine nuts. The task of companies is to buy up raw materials as efficiently as possible, which is not always possible. “There are no volume discounts here,” explains Romanov. “If you need to buy several tons of nuts, then the cost of a kilogram increases one and a half times compared to when you buy several kilograms.”

In order not to drive themselves into losses, “Nutsy” uses standard methods- suspend purchases in one village and move to another. An additional advantage of “Nutsy” is that it has been working in this market for a long time and has exclusive agreements with some of the bigwigs. True, Romanov complains that the company cannot bind the suppliers to itself one hundred percent, because they still look elsewhere in search of a better price. “Natsi” could not keep the sellers even with the help of the authorities: for two years in a row it won a regional tender for the purchase of pine nuts in the Altai taiga, but even then other buyers crossed its path, offering local residents a higher price.

About 4 years ago, Chinese buyers came to the Russian taiga. Igor Romanov speaks of them as a real disaster, which is extremely difficult to combat due to the lack of duties on the export of pine nuts. It is also impossible to introduce restrictions at the local level. “If in 2000 - 2001, some regions established standards or even bans on exports (this was common then, bans were also introduced on the export of grain and other food products. - Note "Ko"), but now they have stopped doing that too,” says the head of “Natsi”. Among our neighbors, the nut processing business is on a grand scale; about 90% of the entire world pine nut market is occupied by Chinese producers.

Perhaps, if not for the “Chinese expansion,” “Nutsy” would have gotten more nuts. According to Romanov, the company’s existing capacities allow it to process up to 6,000 tons of pine nuts per year. However, other “cedar trees” do not see anything wrong with the presence of buyers from the Middle Kingdom. “We are not close to Chinese buyers; they buy nuts in the taiga themselves, but they also buy them from us,” says Alexander Kireev, head of the Moscow representative office of the Tomsk Food Company (Zhivitsa brand). - IN Lately Buyers from Moscow “break the market” much more, seriously inflating purchase prices.” In winter, the price of a nut reached 45 rubles. per kg, now it is at the level of 30 rubles.

Offensive plan

In the late 1990s, Igor Romanov and his companions themselves made an attempt to play on the field Chinese companies. “In 1998, we began to offer nuts to Europe, but there they pointed out Chinese nuts to us and said that the local consumer knew exactly that,” Romanov recalls. “That is, then they made it quite clear to us that we had no chance of exporting.” The company understood the hint and did not specifically look for exits abroad. A few months later, Nutsy was approached by a Dutch company selling organic products. Trading Organic Agricultural B.V. Foreigners specially traveled to distant Novosibirsk to make sure that “Natsi” pine nuts were suitable for their product portfolio. The corresponding conclusion was received, as well as a certificate for sale abroad. Deliveries were carried out through an intermediary company, their total volumes reached 20 - 40 tons per year. “Natsi” sold the nut kernel not only to Holland, but also to Israel and Spain.

However, this year the export of Nutsi pine nuts has decreased sharply. “The Dutch partner was constantly interested in our price, but never bought anything,” says Romanov. He has an explanation for this, the main culprits of which are, again, Chinese suppliers who have lowered world prices.

According to Igor Romanov, the difficulty in exporting nuts lies in the fact that large Western distributors need clear delivery schedules, and our companies do not yet have a well-functioning and predictable procurement system. But here, it seems, “Nutsy” is lagging behind not the Chinese, but some of “our own people.” “Many people know our company, so it’s not difficult for us to enter foreign markets,” says Alexander Kireev from Tomsk Food Company. Tomsk residents even beat their Chinese colleagues: they attract foreigners with exoticism. Kireev says that his company managed to arrange supplies of pine cones to Germany, where they are very popular, especially around Christmas.

Igor Romanov speaks about the suspended foreign supplies without much regret. “The situation can change,” he notes philosophically. Now he's more concerned domestic market. Initially, the company focused on packaged nuts, imitating the Irish. And although, according to its own estimates, “Nutsy” occupies a leading position in this segment, competitors think differently. According to the brand manager of the Moscow Nut Company Mikhail Yakimov, if “Natsi” is among the top three, it is only in the regions. Moreover, the area of ​​its leadership is limited to the Far East and Siberia. In the capital region, which is the most interesting market due to the solvency of buyers, “Nutsy” is poorly represented. The reason is not only poor distribution, but also a large number of players. According to the estimates of the company "Respublika" (sale investment projects), there are now about 15 companies operating on the Moscow market. The head of “Nutsy” himself does not consider the situation critical. “There is, of course, competition, but that’s normal,” says Romanov.

Now “Natsi” has its own branches in large cities, including Moscow. At the same time, supplies of packaged shelled nuts go to stores in the middle and high price segments. But so far the company is doing better in working with Moscow wholesale. "Nutsy" - quite major supplier raw materials in metropolitan region, and also sells pine nut kernels to other operators for packaging,” says the manager of one of the companies selling nuts.

Now Nutsy is hatching a distribution reorganization plan. Regional branches, operating as internal business units, are planned to be transformed into independent companies in the near future. According to management, this will increase the interest of distributors in promoting Natsi products.

Novosibirsk residents also intend to return to where they started their business - to concentrate on the gifts of cedar. “At one time, we expanded the range, added many other nuts, and spread our efforts,” explains Romanov. “As a result, it seems to me that we have begun to lose ground in the key pine nut segment.” These observations of Romanov are confirmed by competitors. According to Mikhail Yakimov from the Moscow Nut Company, Nutsy's main sales, at least in Moscow, are peanuts and hazelnuts, with pine nuts occupying one of the last places. In the coming year, Natsi intends to invest the maximum amount of money in the taiga and increase its share in the pine nut market. Maybe giving up overseas nuts will just take Novosibirsk residents overseas.

What is "Nutsy"

Year of foundation: 1995

Scope of activity: procurement and sale of pine nuts and products of its processing

Sales: $7.6 million

Strengths: proximity to raw materials base, positive credit history

Weaknesses: underdeveloped distribution, low representation in Moscow

Main competitors: Tomsk Food Company, Kedrovy Bor, Moscow Nut Company, Dikorosy

The new bill appeared in the State Duma database at the initiative of the legislative assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region. As RBC reports, thanks to the innovations, each region will be able to independently set deadlines for collecting pine nuts and change the punishment for violating the rules when collecting them.

The bill recommends that each subject set their own deadlines for harvesting the forest harvest. Special institutions Those who procure nuts collect them for seeds when they ripen. However, ordinary residents in the Jewish Autonomous Region begin to harvest pine nuts even before they are fully ripe. The explanatory note to the document states that this contributes not only to “the depletion of the food supply of wild animals,” but also to “a decrease in the volume of reforestation activities.” It is also noted that sometimes the harvest does not occur often, but once every four years.

In addition, the Legislative Assembly of the region insists on doubling the fine for violations when collecting nuts. Now violators will have to pay from one to two thousand rubles for unauthorized collection, and for officials the amount of the fine will be from three to five thousand rubles.

Let us note that pine nuts are actively collected in the regions of the Ural Federal District, in particular in the Tyumen region and in the north of the Sverdlovsk region.

The State Duma was proposed to limit the time frame for collecting pine nuts by Russians

The Legislative Assembly of the Jewish Autonomous Region has submitted a bill to the State Duma that proposes that regions set deadlines for the procurement and collection of pine nuts, non-timber forest resources and medicinal plants. The document was published on the website of the lower house of the Russian parliament.

“In order to harvest a larger volume of nuts, citizens begin collecting them before they are fully ripe. When harvesting pine nuts, citizens often resort to nut harvesting methods that are harmful to trees,” says the explanatory note to the bill.

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According to legislators, untimely collection of nuts by citizens can lead to the fact that special organizations will not be able to stockpile seeds to preserve cedars, and wild animals will lose food.

It is also proposed to increase administrative fines for unauthorized collection of non-timber forest resources, since the current fines are paid off through the sale of what is collected. Thus, it is proposed to fine citizens 1-2 thousand rubles (currently the fine is from 500 to 1 thousand rubles), officials - 3-5 thousand rubles, and legal entities- 20-30 thousand rubles.

In April, a bill was introduced to the State Duma with amendments to the Forestry Code, allowing citizens to collect dead wood in forests for free.

In 2015, Russian foresters collected a record harvest of cones over the past 10 years. 154 tons of seeds were collected, which is 50 tons more than planned.

The Ministry of Natural Resources supported the proposal of the regional authorities to limit the collection of cones in Primorye

The Acting Governor and Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of Russia Murat Kerimov, during a working meeting in Moscow, discussed the current situation with the procurement of cedar cones in the Primorsky Territory. Andrei Tarasenko proposed amending the Forest Code and introducing restrictions on the collection of nuts.

Andrei Tarasenko emphasized that in Primorye there is a massive collection of cones, most of them in a barbaric way: “Entire teams of cones cut off the tops of the cedar, break the branches, and then set fires. We understand that people want to make money, but with such harvesting we will have deserts instead of forests! If drastic measures are not taken now, the forests will be destroyed.”

The head of the region also drew attention to the fact that the harvesters themselves are injured and die, and the region only loses natural resources from such harvesting. In his opinion, it is necessary to introduce a quota and license the collection of pine nuts: “Now everyone can harvest at least 100 tons and does it by any means. It is necessary to provide in the Forest Code not only the right, but also the maximum standards for everyone - both amateurs and fishers.”

In parallel, on his initiative, a draft regional law will be submitted to the Legislative Assembly. Murat Kerimov supported this idea. “Send proposals to the Ministry of Natural Resources to amend the legislation,” said the deputy minister.

Pine nut collection permit

Amateur experiences:
pine nut picker

How they collect and how much they earn from collecting pine nuts.
Report from the Altai taiga

Alexander Konevich, host of the “Amateur Experiences” program on the “Science 2.0” channel, mastered the profession of pine nut picker

Altai Mountains, Seminsky Pass. It is not cold here in winter and not hot in summer. The special climate of this place is ideal conditions for Siberian cedar, one of the greatest trees on the planet. In Altai, he is called both a breadwinner and a healer.

At the beginning of October, the pine nut collection season is in full swing at Seminsky Pass. From the capital of the republic, Gorno-Altaisk, to the pass is almost 150 km. Most of The route runs along the Chuysky tract. A narrow ribbon of asphalt stretching into the distance, towards the border with Mongolia, was laid on the site of an ancient trade route. Mentions of it can be found in Chinese chronicles more than a thousand years ago. Largely thanks to the pine nut, today these places also have an economic connection with China.

As you approach the Seminsky Pass, yellowed larches give way to evergreen cedars, golden autumn gives way to snowy winter. Here they say: “in June it’s not summer yet, but in August summer is over.” On the hottest days, the temperature does not rise above 22 °C. And in winter, when bitter frosts of 40 °C come to Altai, at Seminsky Pass it is still the same 22 °C, only with a minus sign.

The first snow on the Seminsky Pass usually falls already in the 20th of September. For those who extract pine nuts, it is like a call to active harvesting. Cedar cones, heavy with snow, easily fall to the ground. Official collection of nuts is allowed from September 1.

From a scientific point of view, Siberian cedar is a plant from the pine family and is not a close relative of real cedars: Lebanese, Atlas and Himalayan. It is believed that calling the tree Siberian cedar was proposed by Peter I or someone from his entourage for advertising purposes. At that time, Lebanese cedar wood was considered a real treasure in Europe. Durable, strong and lightweight, it was an excellent material for shipbuilding. Be that as it may, today Siberian cedar is no less popular in the world than Lebanese cedar. The tree stands apart from other representatives of the coniferous forest, and in Altai it also grows separately, at the very altitude - 1800 m and higher above sea level.

Previously, walnut pickers had to obtain a timber ticket - something like a license authorizing the collection. For every kilogram of nut they paid 3 rubles. The collectors were distributed among the sections, and the forestry enterprise always knew who was working where. Of course, we couldn’t do without cedar poachers either. After the abolition of forest tickets, passes to the taiga were introduced. The pass cost 10 rubles. and allowed him to grow nuts for at least a day, at least for a month. Now, according to the Forest Code, “free access of Russians to forests is ensured Russian Federation“, so the entrance to the taiga is open to everyone. You can collect as many nuts as you can carry or take away.

Knowing that there was no forester in the taiga, they began to treat the cedar barbarously: they began to make large “leopards”, hit the cedars so that the cone would fall, and wound the cedar.

It is collected by everyone who can collect, from old to small. They go to the taiga in cars, on motorcycles, on horses, and almost on bicycles. They go to the taiga and collect. Because a nut is income.

In the Altai villages located along the Chuisky tract, many still live today subsistence farming. Despite the harsh Siberian climate, the nature of this place generously shares its riches with people. In particularly fruitful years, only the lazy do not collect pine cones. For some enterprises in Altai, the taiga is a real competitor. When the harvest season begins, many go not to work, but to the forest, to get nuts.

Sergey Krukhmalev
pine nut picker

Sergei Krukhmalev came to Seminsky Pass ten years ago. He, a hereditary herbalist, opened a herbal center at the pass. Some medicinal herbs that grow here, at an altitude of almost 2000 m, are endemic to the Altai Mountains, that is, they are not found anywhere else in the world. But still, Sergei calls cedar the most expensive of Altai’s natural resources. Absolutely everything in this tree is considered useful - not just nuts. The medicinal properties of cedar needles, nut shells, tree resin and even cedar sawdust are known. The attitude towards cedar in Altai is close to mystical.

Sergei worked as a forest ranger for five years. Protected 17,500 hectares of cedar taiga. And he always collected nuts himself - both for himself and for sale. He recalls that during his entire life at Seminsky Pass there were six fruitful years in a row, then the cedar “took” a four-year vacation, and last year again produced an unprecedented harvest, which was written about in central newspapers and featured on television news.

pine nut picker

Together with Sergei, Dima and Azamat are collecting nuts this year. All of them will be my teachers. Although this is also Dima’s first season as a hazel grower - that’s what people in Altai call those who collect pine cones.

Azamat has been collecting cones for nine years in a row. In a year when cedar is rich in nuts, a hardworking nut tree can easily earn 5,000 rubles a day. and more. Although, still no, it’s not easy! This work is both dangerous and difficult.

Azamat shows what a legal and cedar-friendly method of extracting nuts looks like, an alternative to the destructive beater with the cold name “Leopard”.

You need to climb as high as possible, preferably to the very top of the tree. Azamat cannot be mistaken - his wife and four daughters are waiting for him in a village near Biysk. In the taiga, Azamat works on a rotational basis: he collects nuts for a month, sells them, and then goes to his family to relax for a week. Last year, in total, he lived in the cedar forests for more than seven months. There were so many pine cones.

The cone knocked down by the tall hazel remains to be collected. The task is simple. Each cone is like a low bow to the earth that grew this tree.

Collecting carrion - cones that are already on the ground - is the simplest, most environmentally friendly and, of course, safest way. But there are a lot of nuts left on the tree, and they are not damaged by rodents. It happens that a bag of cones is collected from one cedar. It is safer to climb a tree with a safety rope held by a partner. But almost no one uses it - they say it gets in the way...

Today the taiga is dominated by a cold wind, which the Altai people call “tushken”. He knocks a cone off the cedars, helping the hazel trees and the taiga animals. The weather in the mountains is changeable. It is best to knock down cones from a cedar in sunny, windless weather - when the branches of the tree are dry.

I really wanted to try, test myself, overcome my own fear of heights. After a couple of minutes, the excitement will give way to other sensations - pine needles are falling into your eyes and branches are constantly climbing, the wind is getting stronger. Because of the snow, my gloves are wet and my hands are freezing and shaking. The higher I go, the more. But the pine cones are still a long way off. Having risen a couple more meters, I decide to return to the ground. In general, the first cedar turned out to be lumpy, as they say. The second time is not so scary, although I still slowly crawl up towards the goal and try not to look down.

It took me at least 10 minutes to get almost to the very top. During this time, an experienced hazel tree will have time to knock down a cone from three trees. At my speed, of course, you won't get rich on a nut.

Using a method that is harmless to cedar, we collected a total of almost five bags of cedar cones in one day. Approximately 6,000 rubles. We ate nuts almost all day!

We will spend the night in a taiga hut where Sergei left the car. Such housing is built in the taiga by hazel farmers or hunters. If it's free, you can move in and use everything there is. But when you leave, be sure to leave water, dry firewood and some food. Unspoken forest law.

To get nuts from cones, Sergey uses a device own production- I only ordered a metal drum from a turner. The peeling machine grinds cedar cones using a car engine. And instead of bags, you get kilograms, so it’s easier to export the nut or take it out of the taiga. At the time of our collection, they paid 1,200 rubles for a bag of cones, 200 rubles for a kilogram of nuts.

Almost five bags of pine cones yield a bag of pure nuts. Where exactly he will go, I don’t know. First, to resellers in the regional center closest to the Seminsky Pass. Then to Siberian producers of cedar oil or shelled nuts. Or perhaps to China, which today is the main supplier of pine nuts to the world market. And there is much less cedar growing there than in Russia.

Today, 80% of all cedar pine growing in the world is concentrated in the Urals, Siberia and the Far East - 43 million hectares! The yield from each is from 300 to 600 kg of nuts. There are many numbers that speak of the generosity of nature. But no matter how rich she may be, the time has long come not only to take, but also to give, to leave something good behind. And if not eternal, then at least for 500–800 years (that’s how long cedar lives). In Altai they say: if you eat a lot of pine nuts and live next to cedars, you can see how the very tree that you planted comes of age. And it comes, by the way... at 80 years old.

Pine nut collection documents

Permission to collect pine nuts

What you need to have to sell pine nuts. And does anyone really need it? (is there demand)

You must have nuts. There is demand, but prices are high.

Pine nut collection in the Siberian taiga. A film about the process of collecting and processing pine nuts was shot in 2011 with direct participation.

There will be demand if you present it correctly

There will be demand, but sometimes the price is steep. This is understandable; each intermediary makes a margin. Eventually.

Of course I need it, I can sell it wholesale throughout Russia. I was already selling Altai herbs, and things were going well, but the supplier leaked and said that someone had bought the entire batch from him.

Is it possible to sell grown tobacco? What is needed for this?

Read the Code on Entrepreneurship.

The explanatory note to the document notes that special organizations are engaged in the procurement of pine nuts. According to the law, collecting pine nuts is not allowed to just anyone, and you can run into a fine. The nut harvest season is determined by local authorities.

No. You need to have a specialty in growing this poison and guarantee that the business will be profitable. There can be no guarantees, because profit is the benefit of humanity, and benefits do not arise from the spread of social ills.

Yes, give an ADVERTISEMENT to whoever needs it and they’ll buy it!! Otherwise it’s a license! does he have 10,000 hectares??

15-20 million people in the country are engaged in all sorts of nonsense without being registered anywhere and do not “soar.” The state cannot deal with them yet. Small volume and lack of real direct harm will probably help.
You can suggest the slogan of import substitution.)

Switch to collecting conifer resin and collecting pine nuts Kemerovo, Tomsk 500 thousand per month no license or patent required, just become a game warden.

Documents. The ticket allows you to collect up to 50 kg of pine nuts per day; if the collection exceeds these numbers, each new kilogram will cost the collector 3 rubles.

To grow tobacco legally, you only need to certify your product. Like so. The laboratory will test for nicotine and tar content, as well as for the presence of bacteria and viruses. To do this, you just need to look at “what documents are needed for product certification”
And one more thing - if you are in Russia, why don’t you take up fireweed, it finally grows for free, and the tea is the best. Use local resources

Do you agree with the opinion that you can determine her character by what is in a woman’s purse?

What if there is a “MESS” there??

If you decide to start collecting pine cones yourself, you will need to purchase a forest ticket. Necessary documents for engaging in entrepreneurial activity in nuts: registration of a private entrepreneur, certificates of conformity of product quality.


If she's such a mess, then it's the same in her head.

Only a handbag is possible!

I doubt. There is eternal bedlam there.

Nothing like this. Lies.

Extraction and collection of nuts. Pine nuts are included in the group of goods for which there are customs restrictions on the import and export. To obtain a license, you must provide documents that confirm the procurement of cedar raw materials on the basis.

No! I do not agree! The contents of my handbag are car documents, keys, and a strict wallet. I think that this will not tell anyone that I am a cheerful, carefree child!

I don’t know... I don’t go through bags. but I choose according to my liking.

No. I personally have such a mess in my bag and I always have “all the necessary things”, only mom and dad and I are missing from my handbag, but in life I am a responsible and efficient person, even too strict.

That's right, a direct connection.

In our area, walnut harvesting now begins early. The first pine cones at the markets appear completely green, and in order to resemble themselves a little in the degree of maturity, they have to undergo a real perversion - cooking.

Well, who will decide? me too, psychologists

Of course I agree)))))

Yes. but I don’t know if you will be able to determine my character, my type of activity and other data about me, if in my purse (at this time) I have: a wallet with money and credit cards, a cosmetic bag (eye shadow, mascara, pencil, lipstick, mirror, tweezers, perfume). Felt pens and markers. Rubik's Cube. A bottle with baby formula, the second with boiled water. Two diapers (different sizes). Wet wipes. A book of toasts (small, the size of a notebook). Notebook. Pen, pencil, pencil sharpener. Mobile phone and the charger used in the car.

I took a break, went and looked, checked and added: . three small bags of raisins and a bag of pine nuts. ABOUT! more. Airplane ticket. That's it.

What is menie?

No, I completely disagree. I have a lot of bags, and their contents vary depending on the size)))) an elephant could fit into one (it’s a complete mess), and in the other there’s only a phone and keys)))

The basis for obtaining a license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the export of pine nuts is the approval of Rosprirodnadzor. Legitimacy of documents - documents drawn up with our help are completely legitimate.

I'm a creative mess there. What can you understand? Yes, I am a creative person at heart, but in this chaos I will find everything unmistakably

Pine nuts are available for sale. Why does cedar grow in Russia?

Yes, it grows in Siberia.

The collection of pine nuts begins at the end of July or the beginning of August and lasts about two months. But since we did not plan to collect pine cones on an industrial scale, we dragged ourselves into the forest without the appropriate documents.

Actually it's growing. For example, the banks of the Yenisei - taiga, cedar forest.

Of course it is growing! This is a coniferous tree, and there are no shortages of coniferous trees in our country!

Of course it grows, they are not brought from Africa! 🙂 Learn geography and natural history!

Of course, in Siberia

Good morning! Russia is a little bigger than your city! There is also Siberia!

If you also want to start collecting pine nuts, then in this case you will need to buy a so-called forest ticket, which allows you to have the following documents in order to start doing business with nuts.

Truffles are also on sale. Do they grow in Russia too?))))

Cedar grows in the Asian part of our country

Cedar grows only in Africa; what we usually call cedar is Korean Pine. But even in regulatory documents it continues to be called cedar.
And in terms of pine nuts, China bought them 30 years ago (and still buys them) and now we eat all the peeled nuts (grains) from China.

Siberia is considered to be the birthplace of pine nuts. In old times it was considered a symbol of strength, health and longevity. Even under Ivan the Terrible, it was exported to England and other countries. Currently, the value of cedar oil remains quite high, since 98 percent of the Siberian cedar harvest comes from Russia

It's still growing. In Siberia.

Allow regions to independently determine the timing of collecting pine nuts and increase the fine for violations of the rules when collecting them. The corresponding bill is posted in the State Duma database. The explanatory note to the document notes that the harvesting of cedar.

The nuts are not pine nuts at all, but pine nuts - this kind of pine grows in Siberia, which is popularly called cedar.

Of course, in Siberia, in the taiga, there are a lot of cedar trees and local population collects these cones, extracting nuts from them. They are handed over in large bags, so they make a significant contribution to the budget of every family where the adult population collects them

In Russia, cedar pine is called cedar, but real cedar does not grow in Russia!

Girls who have given birth, please tell me what to take with you to the maternity hospital. (I know about the exchange card and passport)

The usual set: soap, towel, toothpaste, brush. Yes, and don’t forget about gaskets - take plenty!

I sell peeled pine nut kernels, Khakassia, autumn 2016. All documents, export possible. Selling pine nut kernels, harvested in 2016 Altai region. Available 1500kg. There are also raw materials for processing another kg of kernels.

Each maternity hospital has its own rules. Therefore, your antenatal clinic will tell you what to take with you.

We took a robe. 2 pairs of slippers. (one ordinary second for the shower.) a towel. underwear. shampoo, tooth brush, paste.

Diapers, wet wipes, baby cream (for a newborn). For you - soap, brush, paste, toilet paper, pads, a package of disposable panties, a comb, some kind of nipple cream, washable slippers, a mug, a spoon. Take some apples and a bottle of water (still) - because after giving birth you will want to drink and eat. I would also advise taking disposable shampoo packs and a nursing bra (it’s inconvenient without it).

Of course, documents, take diapers just in case, some also take baby jackets and rompers for a newborn. Now the child is in a free state, without swaddling.

Cholate. slippers. shirt. There are special pads for women in labor. toothpaste and brush. buy an ointment called DEPONTENOL and you will apply it to your nipples if they get cracked. And the baby can be smeared with diaper rash.

Collection and storage of pine nuts. It’s not for nothing that pine nuts are called the gold of Siberia. Therefore, after collecting, the nuts must be removed from the cones. There are several ways to do this.

For the child: diapers, diapers, vests, caps, wipes (wet and such), powder, diaper cream, thermometer, bottle, cotton pads (for washing), a pacifier (I didn’t need one, whatever you want), a discharge envelope .
For you: sanitary pads, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, brush, comb, towel, robe, nightgown, clothes for giving birth, bed linen (and for childbirth), dishes, nipple cream (depanthenol), breast pump, toilet paper , a boiler (to heat water, drink tea, etc.), chest pads, slippers (flip flops are better)
In our maternity hospital, the first day (when you arrive there) they didn’t feed you, you can take food with you. This is good advice, because when I arrived there, I hadn’t eaten for another day. You never know what will await you.
It seems like that's it!
Have a good birth))

Take EVERYTHING! Especially food and drink. It’s scary to look at maternity hospital food. There, all dishes are called “underdigested something” or HEX (uncensored transcript). I don’t know whether you will have to wash yourself in the maternity hospital or not, but take soap and bubble accessories anyway. Where I gave birth, the plumbing was repaired under Tsar Pea and I washed myself in the sink. DO take food, I insist. No one will give you anything to eat during contractions, so take your own - cookies, chicken broth, fruit drinks. In short, something that is easily digestible. The same candies or chocolate. For the child, you can take diapers and diapers - calico and flannel (if this is allowed by the rules of the maternity hospital, in many you cannot bring your own diapers). Take a KETTLE, otherwise you won’t even get boiling water. You don’t have to take the reading material with you - buy it later on the spot, at a kiosk, or your relatives will bring it to you. You still won’t read during contractions, because first you have to walk and breathe a lot, and then your head stops boiling, and you will only realize what is happening an hour after birth. The main thing is not to forget 200 grams of shelled pine nuts (evaluate after childbirth). Have you forgotten anything? Forgot! HUSBAND! So that in the maternity hospital they don’t do anything to you in vain (extra injections, IVs - doctors love this), let someone “on the board” be with you. You shouldn’t trust the maternity hospital staff too much and think that they do everything honestly and correctly - nothing like that: under the guise of vitamins, they can inject oxytocin. And they did this more than once and in more than one maternity hospital. If you value your health and the health of your child, write a power of attorney for someone close to you and let them be with you. They have no right to keep them out. But eat the cake and cognac for the staff on discharge and drink it yourself! Because while the staff is eating donated cakes, other women in labor are suffering and cannot call a doctor or a nurse. Don't torture them! If you want to give money, give it, but only later, after the birth (if it went well). Good luck to you in such a difficult task!

For myself, I took: a robe, washable slippers, two nightgowns, two towels (one for the face and hands, the second for everything else), bed linen, pads, a nursing bra, a postpartum bandage, a pair or even three comfortable panties (especially important if cesarean), soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, mirror with comb, charger, cream for cracked nipples, hygienic lipstick, wet wipes, mug, spoon and two plates (for soup and second), a diaper for examinations and some kind of sweater for lock (if there is a draft in the room, the breast must be protected)
For Lala: diapers, wet wipes, a towel, three flannel and three cotton diapers, three cotton and flannel shirts. a thin and warm cap (depending on the temperature in the room), a diaper for the crib and a flannelette or fleece blanket.

It’s better to check with the maternity hospital itself!
some allow their own robe, nightie and underwear, and some only allow their own slippers.
personal hygiene products (paste, brush, soap, comb, hand cream and cream for cracked nipples) are allowed everywhere. Gaskets are also allowed in some places, but not in others.
It’s also good to have your own mug and 2 spoons (tea and tablespoon), and if allowed, then a plate.
They usually give everything for the baby in the maternity hospital, only things will be needed for discharge

You know, there are these disposable diapers, they are oilcloth on one side. So, it would be nice to take it with you. They are sold in the same place where diapers are sold. They are convenient for changing your baby’s clothes when he craps himself, for example, and they will also be useful to you after childbirth, on the bed, for yourself, for every fireman. Immediately after birth there is heavy bleeding. even the largest gaskets may not cope. And in general, this is a cool and useful thing even at home.
And take water with you to drink during childbirth. not carbonated. Personally, I drank two 1.5 liter bottles during childbirth. =) For some reason I really wanted to drink. Regarding the snack. 99% of the things you definitely won’t want to EAT there.
Take it toilet paper(suddenly it’s not there in the toilets). and for childbirth too. And not ordinary, but SOFT. The regular one will seem like sandpaper to you.
Don’t forget sanitary napkins for your baby, you will need them. And take special ones for yourself, too, for intimate places. and liquid intimate soap.
And also a notepad and pen. This will also be needed.
It would also be a good idea to grab the smallest pacifier, a feeding bottle and baby food, better than NAN. Because it’s not a fact that you will have milk. For example, I didn’t have one. I took the kettle and made Danka’s food myself, without waiting for the honey. the staff will deign to feed my child.
And another water bottle. Formula fed babies need extra water.
When I wanted to eat was after giving birth. I’m just incredibly hungry =) So let your family take care of bringing you something to chew after the miracle happens =) Just something that’s not allergenic for the baby.
Also, don’t eat chocolates during childbirth. From such an energy snack, a child may be born covered in allergies.

Rent of Forest for Paperwork, Permits from Rosprirodnadzor with a Quota for Shipping Chaga with Export License, Export of Birch Mushrooms, Pine Nuts, Harvesting 2016.

Usually only rubber slippers and water are allowed.

My friend really wants a child. Doctors say that everything is fine, but nothing has happened for 6 years. Maybe someone knows old recipes. Help

Maybe the problem is with the man?

In Siberia, the collection of pine cones begins in late August, early September. Boiled cones begin to be sold on the market as early as August, but this is an illegal harvest. Every year, local authorities are required to set a start date for the pine nut harvest.

Look for miraculous Orthodox icons. You can ask at the church. Just don't despair and believe in the best. Good luck.

My former employee did not have children for 10 years. She and her husband decided to take the baby to the orphanage. When the paperwork was completed, the employee felt that she was pregnant. Now they have two children (their own and the one from the baby’s home). And this is not an isolated case.

There are many reasons: from congestion of organs and systems to spasms and obstruction in the head. Patience, humility, faith, hope and love work wonders. But the very first thing is to learn how to create and see this miracle yourself!

It is necessary for both partners to give up bad habits - smoking and alcohol abuse.
For normal operation The reproductive (childbearing) organs of both men and women require zinc. It treats inflammation in the prostate gland, promoting conception. The most zinc is found in sprouted wheat grains, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, oats, figs, oranges, lemons, grapefruits, honey, as well as in seafood - squid, crabs, oysters.
Deficiency of selenium in the body leads to infertility and prostatitis. Selenium is found in sugar-free corn seeds, brewer's yeast, walnuts, dried apricots, raisins, and garlic. However, selenium is not absorbed if the body has an excess of carbohydrates, of which there are many in pies and pastries. You must abstain from sweet foods.
Shilajit with carrot juice relieves a number of inflammatory processes and improves the function of the reproductive organs. 1 mummy tablet (0.2 g) per 100 g. dissolve carrot juice for 15 minutes. Take morning and evening 30 minutes before meals. 20 days on, 10 off. And so on for 2-3 months, for both partners.
Traditional methods for the treatment of infertility:
Cut the leaves from a 3-5 year old aloe that has not been watered for 7 days and put it in the refrigerator for 3 days. After this, chop the leaves and pour honey and ghee. The proportions are as follows: 1 part aloe leaves; 6 parts honey; 6 parts ghee. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Take 2 times a day, 1 tablespoon per 1 glass of hot milk. Treatment is carried out for 2 months. At the same time as aloe, drink a decoction of plantain seeds: 1 tbsp. spoon of seeds per 400 gr. water, boil for 5-10 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Drink plantain for two months too.
10 gr. fresh white acacia flowers or 5 gr. dried bark per 10 g. vodka, leave for 10 days. Take 20-25 drops 3 times a day in 1/2 glass of water 30 minutes before meals for infertility.
Drink galangal root tincture for two to three months (about 50 drops per day - that’s almost half a shot). It normalizes ovulation well - this remedy in folk medicine is recommended for those who cannot get pregnant.

The question about nuts is far from idle - about what rules will be followed for their collection and sale, firstly, Obtaining an export license, in which it is necessary to provide documents. All Russian processors voted for licensing the export of pine nuts.

Perhaps the problem is with the man. He needs to get tested too

What kind of people are the Shors, where do they live and what do they do?

The Shors are a people living in the south of the Kemerovo region of the RSFSR (Mountain Shoria), mainly in the basin of the Tom River and its tributaries Kondoma and Mras-Su. Self-name of blinders; In Russian historical documents of the 17th-18th centuries, the Shors are called Kuznetsk, Kondoma and Mras Tatars.
Number of people: 13,975 (according to the 2002 census). They speak the Shor language of the Khakass-Altai group of Turkic languages. In the past, the Shchors were formally considered Orthodox; in fact, they maintained shamanism and trade cults. The Shors were formed during a long period of mixing of Ugric, Samoyed, Keto-speaking and Turkic tribes. In terms of culture and origin, they are close to the Northern Altaians and some ethnic groups of the Khakass. Until the beginning of the 20th century, the Shors had significant remnants of tribal relations. Before the October Revolution of 1917, their main activities were: hunting, fishing, and among some groups, primitive agriculture; great importance had blacksmithing, as well as mining and smelting iron ore (hence the name Kuznetsk Tatars). Over the years Soviet power The life of the Shors changed radically. Most of them are employed in agriculture(agriculture, animal husbandry, as well as traditional crafts - hunting, fishing, collecting pine nuts). Many Shors work in industry. A significant layer of intelligentsia has emerged.

Residents of the region are advised to delay collecting pine nuts. It should be remembered that trade forest resources This entrepreneurial activity, for the implementation of which it is necessary to obtain the necessary permits.

SHORTS, Shor (self-named), people in Russia. Federation (15.7 thousand people). They live in the main in Kemerovo region (12.6 thousand people), as well as in Khakassia (1.2 thousand people) and Rep. Altai and others. Total no. 16.6 thousand people Smallpox terr. habitat - bass. Wed river flow Tom and its tributaries Kondoma and Mras-Su. Ethnography and groups are distinguished: northern. , or forest-steppe (“Abinskaya”), and southern, or mountain taiga (“Shor-skaya”). They speak Shor language. Turkic group of the Altai family. Dialects: Mras-sky, widespread along the river. Mras-Su and in the upper reaches of the river. Tom, and Kondoma - on the river. Condom and in the lower reaches of the river. Tom, adjacent to the north. dialects of the Altai language. Russian is also widespread. language (53.6% are fluent, 40.9% consider them native). Formed on an axis. substrate common to the Ugrians, Samoyeds, and Kets. In the 6th-9th centuries. The Sh. were part of the Turkic, Uyghur and Yenisei Khaganates and were Turkified, partially mixing with other Altai, Uyghur, Episian-Kyrgyz and Mongolian tribes. In the 17th-18th centuries. The nomadic cattle breeders Teleuts who came from the North (Irtysh, Barabinskaya and Kulundinskaya steppes) merged with Sh. In the 17th-18th centuries. Russians called Sh. “Kuznetsk Tatars”, “Kondom and Mras Tatars”, Abinsk. They called themselves by the names of clans (Karga, Kyi, Kobyi, etc.), volosts and councils (Tayash-Chony - Tayashsky volost) or rivers (Mras-kizhi - Mras people, Kon-dum-Chony - Kondoma people), for outside the territory of residence - Aba-Kizhi (aba - clan, Kizhi - people), Chysh-Kizhi (people of the taiga). Altaians and Khakassians called them by the name of the Shor clan. This name spread widely and was introduced as official in the 20th century. In 1925, the Gorpo-Shorsky national was formed. area with a center in the village. Myski, then - s. Kuzedeevo, abolished in 1939. Number. in 1926-14 thousand people. Until the 19th century one of the main Since the 18th century, the smelting and forging of iron was especially developed in the north. sold iron products to Russian merchants. The Russians called them “Kuznsk nomads and increased contacts with the Russians, making blinkers. blacksmithing could not compete with imported Russian products, and blacksmithing gradually began to disappear; hunting became the main occupation. Initially, driven hunting predominated. hoofed animals (deer, elk, deer, roe deer), later - fur trade (squirrel, sable, fox, weasel, otter, ermine, lynx) - until the 19th century. with a bow, then with guns received from Russian merchants. From 75 to 90% of households in Sh. were engaged in hunting. (1900). They hunted animals within the ancestral hunting territory in teams of 4-7 people (initially from relatives, then from neighbors). They lived in seasonal dwellings made of branches and bark (odag, agys). They used skis (shana) lined with kamus. The load was pulled on a hand sled (shanak) or drag (sur-tke). The spoils were divided equally among all members of the artel. Axles. Fishing served as a source of food. In the lower reaches of rivers it was the main occupation, in other places from 40 to 70% of farms were engaged in it (1899). They moved along the river with the help of poles in dugout boats (kabes) and birch bark boats. Let me add that the occupation was gathering. In the spring, women collected tubers, roots, bulbs and stems of saran, candy, wild onions, wild garlic, peony, and hogweed. Roots and tubers were dug up with a root-digger, which consisted of a curved handle 60 cm long with a transverse crossbar-pedal for the foot and an iron blade-spade at the end.