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Agriculture (world market). Agriculture (world market) Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Southern Federal District

According to preliminary data Rosstat, agricultural production last year exceeded 5.6 trillion rubles. - 4.8% more than in 2015, including the share of crop production amounting to almost 3.2 trillion rubles, livestock farming - 2.45 trillion rubles. 25.2% of the total volume came from the regions of the Central Federal District, 23.2% from the Volga region, and 18.3% from the south of the country. Based on data from the statistical agency, " Agroinvestor» compiled a ranking of regions by agricultural production volume in 2016. Unlike the previous ranking, which assessed , this one takes into account the volume of production in actual prices for all farms. Despite the fact that it is difficult for regions with high production rates to show significant growth in percentage terms, four participants from among the leaders in the dynamics of increasing agricultural output were able to enter this top 10.

Unconditionally takes first place Krasnodar region. Last year, agricultural products worth 420.9 billion rubles were produced here. - 6.1% more than in 2015. The crop sector brought in 325.5 million rubles, and the livestock sector brought in 95.4 billion rubles. Since 2010, the region’s agricultural sector has more than doubled (from 201.5 billion rubles). The share of Kuban in the all-Russian volume of agricultural production is 7.5%, in crop production - 10.3%. The gross grain harvest last year amounted to almost 14 million tons (hereinafter - data without taking into account the latest adjustments). Livestock farming in the region is somewhat worse: the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter last year remained at the 2015 level - 495.6 thousand tons (hereinafter - in live weight), milk - increased by 1.1% to 1. 3 million tons.

In second place in terms of agricultural production is another region of the Southern Federal District - the Rostov region with 305.6 billion rubles. Compared to 2015, the agricultural sector added 15.1%, which allowed it to enter the previous Agroinvestor ranking, taking third place in it. The region is also dominated by the production of crop products (222 billion rubles), this sector grew by 20.3% last year, while livestock farming added only 4.1% to 83.5 billion rubles. In 2016, farmers in the region harvested 11.5 million tons of grain; production of livestock and poultry for slaughter increased by 9.2% to 360.7 thousand tons, milk - by 0.7% to 1 million tons. The Rostov region produced 5.4% of the total volume of agricultural products in Russia, including 7% crop production and 3.4% livestock production.

The third line of the ranking is occupied by Tatarstan with 238.6 billion rubles. Here, too, the share of crop production is larger (RUB 127.5 billion), although the gap from livestock farming (RUB 111 billion) is much smaller than that of the two southern leaders. Compared to 2015, the republic’s agricultural sector grew by 5%, which allowed it to improve its position in the list - then the region was fourth in terms of agricultural production. Although the output of crop products in Tatarstan in 2016 increased by 8.3%, and livestock production by only 1.6%, in the total volume in the country the share of the second (4.5%) turned out to be greater than the first (4%). In general, the republic produced 4.2% of all agricultural products in Russia. The gross harvest of grain amounted to 4.1 million tons, livestock and poultry for slaughter - 484.3 thousand tons, milk - almost 1.8 million tons.

Tatarstan was slightly inferior to the Belgorod region, which at the end of 2015 was third in terms of agricultural production, and now takes fourth position with 226.5 billion rubles. In the “meat capital of Russia,” livestock production naturally dominates, generating 138.4 billion rubles. (plus 1.4% by 2015). But the dynamics of growth in crop production turned out to be much higher than average - 17.5% to 88.1 billion rubles. The region collected 3.25 million tons of grain, the production of livestock and poultry for slaughter exceeded 1.6 million tons, milk - 542.4 thousand tons. In terms of livestock production, the region is the country's leader with a volume of 5.6%, the contribution of crop production sectors in all-Russian production - 2.8%. Last year, agriculture in the region increased by 6.5%; its share in the country was 4%.

The Voronezh region is in fifth place with 219.9 billion rubles, which is 3.4% higher than in 2015. Here, the output of crop production is twice as large as that of livestock - 147 billion rubles. against 72.9 billion rubles, although their growth dynamics are approximately the same: plus 3.2% in the first case and 3.9% in the second. Last year, the grain harvest in the region amounted to 4.7 million tons, which is 10.9% more than in 2015, livestock and poultry production increased by 11.5% to 382.1 thousand tons, milk - by 2.6 % to 828.5 thousand tons. The region’s share in total agricultural production was 3.9%, including crop production - 4.6%, livestock production - 3%.

Sixth in the ranking was the Stavropol Territory, whose farmers produced products worth 210.9 billion rubles, improving the previous year’s figure by 10.3%. As in other southern regions, crop farming predominates here - last year it produced 148.4 billion rubles, while livestock farming - about 65.6 billion rubles. However, the growth dynamics of both sectors are higher than the Russian average: 11.4% and 7.8%. The gross grain harvest in the Stavropol region in 2016 amounted to almost 10.2 million tons, an increase of 14% compared to 2015. Livestock and poultry production increased by 14.5% to 479.7 thousand tons, but milk production decreased by 1% to 680.2 thousand tons. The region’s contribution to total production amounted to 3.7%, including production crop production - 4.7%, livestock production - 2.5%.

On the seventh line, with a noticeable lag, is Bashkiria, where they produced agricultural products worth 165.7 billion rubles. - only 0.8% more than a year earlier. Despite the fact that indicators in livestock farming worsened by 1.6%, the volume of output of the sector (90.85 billion rubles) was greater than in crop farming (74.9 billion rubles), although the latter showed positive dynamics, adding 3.7%. The grain harvest in the republic was 10.5% higher than the level of 2015 - more than 3.3 million tons, livestock and poultry production increased by 0.9% to 397.4 thousand tons, but milk yield fell by 4.5% up to 1.7 million tons. However, Bashkiria produced 3.7% of livestock production in the country, the share in crop production was 2.4%, and in agricultural products in general - 3%.

Eighth place was taken by the Saratov region with 163.5 billion rubles. — in terms of agricultural production growth rate of 19.3%, it became the country’s leader, sharing first place with the Pskov region. At the same time, the latter region is in the fifth ten in terms of agricultural production volume, while the Saratov region, thanks to such dynamics, was able to improve its position in the ranking - at the end of 2015 it was ninth. Last year, the region's farmers produced crop products worth 116.5 billion rubles, and livestock products worth 46.6 billion rubles. The first sector added 26.5% to the 2015 level, the second - 4.7%. The grain harvest in the region increased by 90.3%, exceeding 4.2 million tons. But the production of livestock and poultry decreased by 2.1% to 183.1 thousand tons, milk - by 2.8% to 707.6 thousand t. The region's share in the total volume of agricultural production in Russia was 2.9%, for crop products - 3.7%, for livestock products - 1.9%.

In ninth position in the ranking Altai region from 163.4 billion rubles. quite a bit behind the Saratov region. It also entered the top 10 in terms of growth rate of the agricultural sector, taking seventh place with 12.4%. The region produced 2.9% of all agricultural products in the country, including 3.1% of crop production and 2.7% of livestock production. In the first sector, the output volume amounted to 97.4 billion rubles. (plus 25.2% compared to 2015), in the second 66 billion rubles. (minus 2.3%). The grain harvest turned out to be 22.6% higher than in 2015, exceeding 4.8 million tons, which allowed the region not only to become the leader in the Siberian Federal District, but also fourth in Russia. At the same time, livestock and poultry production decreased by 3.7% to 316.7 thousand tons, gross milk yield decreased by 1%, amounting to 1.4 million tons. At the end of 2015, the Altai Territory ranked eighth in terms of agricultural production.

The Kursk region closes the top 10 with 146.8 billion rubles; a year earlier it was only in 12th position. Behind last year Agriculture in the region added 12.1%, which also allowed it to take eighth place in the country in terms of industry growth dynamics. Plant production in 2016 increased by 17.7% to 99.9 billion rubles, livestock production - by 3.3% to 46.9 billion rubles. The contribution of the first to the all-Russian volume was 3.2%, the second - 1.9%. In agricultural products as a whole, the region’s share reached 2.6%. Last year, farmers in the region harvested about 4 million tons of grain, which is 12.3% more than in 2015. Livestock and poultry production increased by 7.4% to 469.5 thousand tons, but milk production fell by 5.1% to 294.1 thousand tons.

In general, according to Agroinvestor’s calculations, the top 10 regions produced agricultural products worth 2.26 trillion rubles. or over 40% of the total in the country. Their total share in the output of crop products reached 45.8%, and livestock production - 33.1%. Together they received about 64 million tons of grain, almost 5.2 million tons of livestock and poultry for slaughter, and more than 10.2 million tons of milk.

Agriculture regions of Russia- a series of analytical materials prepared by specialists of the Expert Analytical Center for Agribusiness "AB-Center". Below in the text, after the introductory part, there are links leading to articles devoted to agriculture in the regions, territories, and republics of Russia. The situation in Russian agriculture as a whole, as well as trends in key food markets, can be found by following the link -.

Agriculture of Russian regions. Rating of Russian regions by agricultural production

The volume of agricultural products produced in value terms for the country as a whole in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 5037.2 billion rubles. Since 2014, the cost has increased by 16.6% or 718.1 billion rubles, since 2010 - by 94.7% or by 2449.4 billion rubles, since 2005 - by 264.8% or by 3656.2 billion rubles

The leader in agricultural production in 2015 in all categories of farms is the Krasnodar Territory - 333.6 billion rubles, its share in all-Russian indicators is 6.6%. Over the year, the cost of agricultural products produced in actual prices increased by 16.4% or by 47.1 billion rubles, over 5 years by 65.5% or by 132.0 billion rubles, over 10 years by 243.5% or by 236.5 billion rubles.

Agriculture in the Rostov region takes second place with a share of 4.6% of the total value - 229.3 billion rubles. Compared to 2014, the cost increased by 19.9% ​​or by 38.0 billion rubles, since 2010 it increased by 94.2% or by 111.2 billion rubles, compared to 2005 - by 273.0 % or by 167.9 billion rubles.

The Belgorod region is the third agricultural region of the Russian Federation in terms of total value of produced products (produced agricultural products worth 218.1 billion rubles; the region’s share in the total value in the Russian Federation was 4.3%). Over the year, the cost increased by 15.9% or by 29.9 billion rubles, over 5 years - by 122.3% or by 120.0 billion rubles, over 10 years - by 567.1% or by 185.4 billion rubles

Agriculture of Tatarstan is in 4th place. In value terms, the republic produced 213.7 billion rubles. agricultural products or 4.2% of the total value. Compared to 2014, the cost increased by 14.9% or 27.8 billion rubles, since 2010 the increase was 112.1% or 113.0 billion rubles, since 2005 it increased by 246.9% or 152 .1 billion rub.

The Voronezh region closes the top five, where agricultural products worth RUB 200.2 billion were produced in 2015. This is 4.0% in the overall ranking for the country. Growth for the year amounted to 26.0% or 41.3 billion rubles, over 5 years - 193.6% or 132.0 billion rubles, over 10 years - 532.3% or 168.6 billion rubles.

The TOP - 20 key regions for the production of agricultural products in value terms in 2015 also included: Stavropol Territory (175.7 billion rubles; share in the total value in the Russian Federation - 3.5%), the Republic of Bashkortostan (152.1 billion RUB; 3.0%), Altai Territory (140.4 billion RUB; 2.8%), Volgograd Region (125.2 billion RUB; 2.5%), Tambov Region (124.2 billion RUB. ; 2.5%), Chelyabinsk region(120.2 billion rubles; 2.4%), Saratov region (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%), Moscow region, including the territories of New Moscow (119.1 billion rubles; 2.4%) , Kursk region (RUB 112.8 billion; 2.2%), Orenburg region (RUB 99.6 billion; 2.0%), Republic of Dagestan (RUB 99.3 billion; 2.0%), Leningrad region(99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Lipetsk region (99.0 billion rubles; 2.0%), Omsk region (96.2 billion rubles; 1.9%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (88 .9 billion rubles; 1.8%).

Below are useful links leading to articles about agriculture in the regions of the Russian Federation. For convenience, links to articles by region are grouped by federal districts. A brief description of the agriculture of the districts of the Russian Federation as a whole is also presented.

Central Federal District

Agriculture in the regions of the Central Federal District (CFD) in 2015 provided production volumes worth 1,322.9 billion rubles. The share of the Central Federal District in agricultural products of the Russian Federation in actual prices was 26.3%, which brought the district into first place among all federal districts in this indicator. Per capita in the Central Federal District in 2015 they produced agricultural products worth 33.9 thousand rubles. (on average in Russia, agricultural production per capita was at the level of 34.4 thousand rubles).

IN regional structure of agricultural production in the Central Federal District in 2015, the first place belongs to the Belgorod region with a share of the total production volume in the district of 16.5% (218.1 billion rubles). The top five largest agricultural regions of the Central Federal District also include the Voronezh region (15.1%, 200.2 billion rubles), the Tambov region (9.4%, 124.2 billion rubles), the Moscow region (including the Territory of New Moscow) ( 9.0%, 119.1 billion rubles), Kursk region (8.5%, 112.8 billion rubles).

Plant growing of the Central Federal District. In total, the size of the sown areas of the Central Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,354.6 thousand hectares - this is 19.4% of all sown areas in Russia.

In 2015, the Central Federal District harvested 55.7% of all sugar beets produced in the country, 41.0% of potatoes, 38.6% of corn, 37.9% of mustard seeds, 33.1% of rapeseeds, 33.0% of barley, 31 0% soybeans, 30.4% sunflower seeds, 27.3% peas, 24.7% buckwheat, 19.3% wheat, 17.2% oats, 14.8% vegetables in open and protected ground.

Livestock farming of the Central Federal District. In 2015, the regions of the Central Federal District collectively produced 45.8% of all pork produced in the country, 35.9% of poultry meat, 16.6% of beef, 17.5% of milk, 20.8% of eggs, 7.3% of lamb and goat meat.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in Northwestern Federal District

In 2015, agriculture in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District produced products worth 244.0 billion rubles. The share in all-Russian agricultural production was at the level of 4.8% (7th place in the ranking of districts). Agricultural production per capita amounted to 17.6 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 is as follows: Leningrad region (share in total production - 40.6%, volume of production - 99.0 billion rubles), Kaliningrad region (12.4%, 30.2 billion rubles), Vologda region (11.6%, 28.4 billion rubles), Novgorod region (11.2%, 27.4 billion rubles), Pskov region (10.6%, 26.0 billion rubles).

Crop production of the North-Western Federal District. Cultivated areas in the Northwestern Federal District in 2015 amounted to 1.8% of all sown areas in Russia (1,429.6 thousand hectares).

In the agriculture of Russian regions located in the Northwestern Federal District, in 2015 they produced 10.5% of the total volume of rapeseed seeds grown in the country, 6.1% of potatoes, 5.2% of vegetables. The district's share in grain production is low. So in 2015, only 0.9% of wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 0.6% of rye, and 1.8% of barley were harvested here.

Livestock farming in the Northwestern Federal District. The Northwestern Federal District accounts for 6.2% of pork produced in the Russian Federation, 3.0% of beef, 8.4% of poultry meat, 5.8% of milk and 9.9% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Southern Federal District

The volume of agricultural products produced in the Southern Federal District in actual prices amounted to 766.8 billion rubles. (15.2% of the total value of agricultural products in the Russian Federation). Agricultural production per capita in the district is significantly higher than the Russian average and amounts to 54.7 thousand rubles. - the highest rate among the districts.

Structure of agricultural production in the Southern Federal District by region (indicators from highest to lowest in descending order): Krasnodar Territory (share in the total volume of production - 43.5%, production volume - 333.6 billion rubles), Rostov region (29.9%, 229.3 billion rubles), Volgograd region (16.3%, 125.2 billion rubles), Astrakhan region (4.9%, 37.6 billion rubles), Republic of Kalmykia (2.8%, 21.6 billion rubles .), Republic of Adygea (2.5%, 19.4 billion rubles).

Plant growing of the Southern Federal District. The size of sown areas in the Southern Federal District in 2015 amounted to 11,711.3 thousand hectares. This is 14.8% of all areas in the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the Southern Federal District harvested 89.5% of the entire Russian rice harvest, 61.6% of melons, 38.3% of vegetables, 33.0% of corn, 29.9% of wheat, 28.7% of sunflower seeds, 19.9 % sugar beets, 13.9% barley, 10.5% soybeans.

Livestock farming in the Southern Federal District. Pork production in the Southern Federal District amounted to 5.2% of the total volume in the Russian Federation, beef - 13.0%, poultry meat - 9.5%, lamb and goat meat - 25.9%, milk - 10.7%, eggs - 10, 7%.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in North Caucasus Federal District

In 2015, the North Caucasus Federal District produced agricultural products worth 390.4 billion rubles - 7.8% of the country's total (5th place in the Russian Federation). Agricultural production indicators in the district are at the level of 40.3 thousand rubles.

The structure of agricultural production in value terms in the North Caucasus Federal District was distributed as follows: Stavropol Territory (production volume - 175.7 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 45.0%), Republic of Dagestan (99.3 billion rubles, 25. 4%), Kabardino-Balkarian Republic (38.7 billion rubles, 9.9%), Karachay-Cherkess Republic (28.0 billion rubles, 7.2%), Republic of North Ossetia (25.8 billion rubles, 6. 6%), Chechen Republic (RUB 17.2 billion, 4.4%), Republic of Ingushetia (RUB 5.7 billion, 1.5%).

Plant growing of the North Caucasus Federal District. The sown area of ​​the North Caucasian Federal District in 2015 amounted to 4,291.4 thousand hectares. This is 5.4% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

The North Caucasus Federal District accounted for 18.6% of corn, 15.4% of peas, 12.3% of wheat, 11.5% of vegetables, 11.2% of melons in the total volume of indicators for the Russian Federation in 2015.

Livestock farming in the North Caucasus Federal District. In the livestock industry, the North Caucasian Federal District produced 1.9% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 9.9% of beef, 6.8% of poultry meat, 27.8% of lamb and goat meat, 9.0% of milk and 3.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Volga Federal District

The volume of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 1,147.7 billion rubles. The share in the total volume of agricultural products produced in Russia was 22.8%. According to this indicator, the Volga Federal District is in second place in the Russian Federation after the Central Federal District. Agricultural production per capita in the Volga Federal District in 2015 was at the level of 38.7 thousand rubles.

The region with the largest share (18.6%) in the total volume of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District is the Republic of Tatarstan (production volume - 213.7 billion rubles), the Republic of Bashkortostan with a share of 13.3% and a volume of 152.1 billion rubles is in second place. The top five key agricultural regions of the Volga Federal District also include the Saratov region (10.4%, 119.1 billion rubles), the Orenburg region (8.7%, 99.6 billion rubles), the Samara region (7.3%, 83.2 billion rubles ).

Plant growing of the Volga Federal District. In 2015, the regions of the Volga Federal District collectively provided 73.6% of rye produced in the Russian Federation, 50.6% of camelina seeds, 40.9% of sorghum, 37.2% of lentils, 32.2% of millet, 30.2% of sunflower seeds, 27 .9% oats, 24.9% barley, 23.7% mustard seeds, 21.8% potatoes, 20.7% melons, 20.7% peas, 15.5% wheat, 7.3% corn.

Livestock farming of the Volga Federal District. In 2015, the Volga Federal District accounted for 30.0% of beef produced in the Russian Federation, 17.6% of pork, 20.3% of poultry meat, 20.0% of lamb and goat meat, 30.9% of milk, 25.1% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Ural Federal District

In 2015, the Ural Federal District produced agricultural products worth 319.5 billion rubles. (6.3% of the total Russian volume of agricultural products produced). This is the 6th place in Russia. Per capita, the district produced agricultural products worth 26.0 thousand rubles.

Volume and structure of agricultural products produced in the Volga Federal District by region: Chelyabinsk region (production volume - 120.2 billion rubles, share in the total volume - 37.6%), Tyumen region (83.6 billion rubles, 26.2%), Sverdlovsk region(75.0 billion rubles, 23.5%), Kurgan region (40.6 billion rubles, 12.7%).

Crop production of the Ural Federal District. The sown area of ​​the Ural Federal District in 2015 amounted to 5,197.4 thousand hectares. This is 6.6% of all areas in the Russian Federation. In 2015, the Ural Federal District harvested 5.5% of the wheat produced in the Russian Federation, 7.3% of barley, 9.8% of oats, 9.4% of rapeseed, 8.2% of potatoes. 3.7% vegetables.

Animal husbandry of the Ural Federal District. In the livestock industry, the districts produced 6.8% of the total Russian volumes of pork, 5.8% of beef, 9.1% of poultry, 2.9% of lamb and goat meat, 6.3% of milk and 10.8% of eggs.

Agriculture of Russian regions located in the Siberian Federal District

Agricultural production in the Siberian Federal District in 2015 in actual prices amounted to 626.1 billion rubles. (12.4% of the total volume of agricultural products produced in the Russian Federation, 4th place among districts). Per capita in the Siberian Federal District they produced agricultural products worth 32.4 thousand rubles.

The ranking of the TOP-5 regions by the value of agricultural products in 2015 in the Siberian Federal District looks like this: Altai Territory (volume of production in actual prices - 140.4 billion rubles, share in the total volume in the district - 22.4%), Omsk Region ( 96.2 billion rubles, 15.4%), Krasnoyarsk Territory (88.9 billion rubles, 14.2%), Novosibirsk region(88.1 billion rubles, 14.1%), Irkutsk region (59.4 billion rubles, 9.5%).

Plant growing of the Siberian Federal District. The sown area of ​​the Siberian Federal District in 2015 amounted to 15,026.7 thousand hectares. This is 18.9% of all sown areas in the Russian Federation.

In the Siberian Federal District in 2015, 46.5% of the entire Russian harvest of buckwheat, 37.5% of oats, 18.0% of rapeseed, 17.2% of peas, 14.9% of wheat, 10.8% of barley, 8.5 % potatoes.

Animal husbandry of the Siberian Federal District. Livestock farming in the Siberian Federal District provided 14.5% of all pork produced in the Russian Federation, 18.9% of beef, 7.6% of poultry meat, 12.8% of lamb and goat meat, 17.5% of milk, 15.4% of eggs.

Agriculture of the Crimean Federal District

Agriculture in the Crimean Federal District in 2015 provided production volumes worth 63.3 billion rubles. The share of the KFO in agricultural products of the Russian Federation in actual prices was 1.3% (9th place among all federal districts in this indicator). Per capita in the Crimean Federal District in 2015 they produced agricultural products worth 27.4 thousand rubles.

In the structure of agricultural output in the Crimean Federal District in 2015, the main share of total production belongs to the Republic of Crimea - 97.7% (61.8 billion rubles). The share of the city of Sevastopol accounts for 2.3% or 1.5 billion rubles.

Source: Expert and analytical center for agribusiness AB-Center. When using materials, an active hyperlink to the source is required.

AGRONEWS has compiled an agricultural map of the world, which tells about the leaders in the production of agricultural products.


China successfully grows 50 species of field plants, 80 garden plants and 60 garden plants. However, first of all, the Celestial Empire is known rice plantations. In 2015, it exported 287 thousand tons of rice. Since the 1990s, China has ranked first in the world in cereal production.


The undisputed leader in quantity large livestock cattle You can call India, where there are now 221.9 million. Also, an agrarian-industrial country, home to 2/3 of the poorest population of the planet, ranks second in the world in production Sahara- about 14 million tons per year. And last year India became the largest producer milk in the world with a share of 18.5%. The country exports $112 billion worth of products annually.


In terms of exports of agricultural products, Brazil is in third place in the world (share in world exports - 6.1%). And in terms of production coffee and sugar cane the country is ahead of the rest of the planet. Brazil also has a large cattle population (208 million head). According to the latest data, exports from Brazil amounted to $199.7 billion.

In terms of agricultural production, the United States is significantly larger than any other country. Thus, the United States ranks first in the world in production soybeans and the third - for collection sugar beets. 16% of the total world harvest is grown here. grains and 22% of global volumes sorghum. More than 2.5 million private farms have been created in the state, employing more than 20 million people. Favorable natural resource conditions, scientific and technical progress, as well as government investment, are factors that contribute to the development of agricultural production in the United States.


Indonesia produced 32.5 million tons in 2015 edible oil, which is 2/3 more than the second world leader Malaysia. Last year, foreign sales of Indonesian palm oil generated $19 billion. The main agricultural industry is agriculture. The main crops are rice, cassava (an edible root plant, used for making flour and porridge), coconuts, corn, bananas, and sweet potatoes. Fishing has historically been of great importance. Indonesia currently ranks third in the world in terms of fish and seafood production.


First of all, Japan is famous for its love of fish and seafood. On average, a Japanese consumes 168 kg of fish per year, which is the highest among countries in the world. However, the main agricultural sector in Japan is rice farming. About half of the country's farmland is occupied by rice fields. In 2014, the volume of Japanese agricultural and agricultural exports food products amounted to 611 billion yen (about 5.8 billion dollars). In particular, the export of salmon increased by 36.7%, and traditional Japanese exports by 33.1%. confectionery, 41% - beef and rice.


Türkiye surpasses all countries in terms of harvest forest nuts, cherries, dates, apricots, quinces and pomegranates. The Turkish Republic also ranks second in the collection of watermelons, cucumbers and chickpeas, and third in the collection of tomatoes, eggplants, green peppers, lentils and pistachios. $3.8 billion worth of fruits and nuts are exported from this country annually. In 2014, Turkey's total exports reached $157.6 billion, a record high for the country.


About 70% of marketable agricultural output in Germany comes from livestock farming. Among them pig and cattle breeding. The latter, by the way, accounts for 2/5 of all commercial agricultural products, with about 1/4 coming from milk. At the end of last year, Germany's foreign supplies increased by 6.4% and amounted to 1.195 trillion euros.


France is the largest exporter of agricultural products. The country ranks first in Western Europe on production grain, milk, sugar beets, second - in production meat, potatoes and grapes. By turnover foreign trade($58 billion) France is in fourth place in the world.


At the end of 2015, agricultural production in Russia increased by 3.5%. The country ranks third in the world in exports cereals. Last year it amounted to 31 million tons. A quarter of vegetable oil from all production volumes is also exported from the country. Russian caviar is famous throughout the world; in addition to it, honey is an exclusive Russian product, the export of which is growing year after year.



Routing lesson on the topic " Largest producers agricultural products"

Item: geography (profile level)

Educational and visual complex: V.N. Kholina “Geography. Profile level. 11th grade

Educational and methodological support :

Personal computer (1 pc.), Windows XP operating environment, Microsoft Office Power Point, media projector, screen.

Political map of the world, agriculture of the world.

V.P.Maksakovsky. Economic and social geography of the world. Grade 10. M.: “Enlightenment” - 2006

Lesson type: combined

Media product :

    Operating environment - Windows XP; Microsoft Office Power Point, CD "Great Encyclopedia of Cyril and Methodius", CD "Geography of the World, Grade 10", Internet resources.

    Type of media product – Visual presentations of intermediary companies, Microsoft Office PowerPoint.

    The feasibility of using a media product is to increase the efficiency of learning the material; development of design and research competence of students; intensification of the educational process.


    Educational – formation and consolidation of a system of knowledge and skills on the topic “Geography of World Agriculture”

    Developmental – development of design, research and creative abilities of students.

    Educational – the formation of communication skills, the ability to work in a team, increasing motivation to study the subject.

Lesson time : 45 minutes

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation educational activities students.

Updating knowledge.

Teacher. Modern agrogeography is represented by a wide variety of types of agriculture, formed as a result of the influence of natural and climatic factors. social and economic factors. Agriculture arose about 10 thousand years ago, when people moved from gathering to growing plants and breeding animals.

Speech by a student with the message “Hypotheses of the origin of agriculture”

Complete task #1. Remember:

    what natural conditions influence the agricultural specialization of the territory;

    Name the areas of specialization in crop production.

Teacher. The expedition of the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing in 1919-39, led by the outstanding biologist and geographer Academician Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, to Africa, Asia and Latin America proved that the majority cultivated plants originated from seven main areas.

N.I. Vavilov identified 8 main areas.

Completing task No. 2. The teacher shows on the map.

East Asian: millet, soybean, hemp;

South Asian: tea, lemon, orange, cucumber, sugar cane;

Central Asian: melon, peas, barley;

Western Asian: soft wheat, rye, oats;

Mediterranean: durum wheat, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, turnips;

Ethiopian: coffee, sorghum, wheat;

Central American: sunflower, pepper, beans, tobacco, pumpkin, cocoa;

South American: potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, corn.

Teacher. Initially, agriculture in these areas developed in isolation. Great geographical discoveries and the development of colonies in the New World led to intercontinental “migrations” of cultivated plants.

What do you think are the main issues we will cover in the lesson, and what will be the topic of the lesson?

Teacher. Write down the topic of the lesson in your notebook"The largest producers of agricultural products"

Students listen and take notes if necessary.

Students fill out the diagrams "

Natural conditions influencing the agricultural specialization of the territory"

and “Branches of specialization in crop production”

Performed locally.

Checking progress at the board.

Students fill out the table at the same time as the teacher shows ( Handout)

"Cultivated Plant Centers"

Students' answers:

1.How has the geography of agricultural production changed from the 19th century to the present day?

2.Which countries are the largest producers of the most important agricultural crops at present?

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Teacher. Simple circuit analysis"Branches of specialization in crop production"allows you to see that the most important direction is field cultivation, and the production of the main agricultural crops - grains - is associated with it. 85% of all cereals grown come from wheat, rice and corn.

Grain crops are the basis of world agriculture
skogo economy.

The teacher offers to listen to the speeches and fill out the table. (Task 3)

The students' performances show the leading countries and the main areas where wheat grows, marking them with icons.

1 student. Wheat - wheat beltUSA , steppe provincesCanada , Argentine pampa,Australia , steppe partRussia and Kazakhstan . Canada and Australia export 80% of annual wheat harvestprostrate.

On a note:

    VApril - July wheat is harvested in the southern regions of the USA, the Mediterranean, China, and India;

    in July - August - in other areas of the USA, in most of Europeropes;

    in September - in Canada, Northern Europe;

    in December - March - in Argentina, Australia, New Zealand.

Corn - the largest producer areUSA ( tats Iowa, Illinois), here fertile soils, a warm and humid climate, which contributed to the formation of the “golden” corn belt. This is 1/3 of the world's corn production. The United States has a dominant position in the world corn market, with the second largest exporter beingArgentina. China and China also stand out in corn production.Brazil, but here this crop primarily meets the needs of domestic livestock farming and is used as fodder.

2 student. Among other grains, the following stand out: rye - forest zone, podzolized soils (Russia, Belarus); buckwheat - Russia, Ukraine, China; Barley is unpretentious, grows everywhere, and is a fodder crop. Sorghum is thermophilic and highly drought-resistant. It easily adapts to various soils, therefore it grows in tropical and subequatorial zones.

Rice - staple food, replacing bread, also for almost half of humanitycultivated in conditions more high temperatures and excess moisture. First of all, this is East and Southeast Asia.The area is 2 times smaller than wheat, but the yields are the same (since they are harvested 2 times a year).

Based on rice growing, the most densely populated areas of the rural population have developed in this region. Among other regions we can highlightBrazil, Egypt, USA.

Teacher.As a result, we can identify the main grain producers:China, USA, India, Russia, Brazil, France, Canada. Pay attention to Australia and Argentina - the grain harvest in these countries is not so large compared to those already mentioned; they are the largest exporters of wheat along with the USA and Canada, while China, India, Brazil, large producers, import grain.

Students look at the diagram on the slide and analyze it.

Task 3. Students listen and fill out the table

Creative application and acquisition of knowledge in a new situation

Teacher. I propose to continue the lesson with the introduction of intermediary companies for the purchase of agricultural products for Russia.(you received the assignment to prepare a project for intermediary companies in the last lesson. I remind you that the project for creating a company should determine the area of ​​your activity, the feasibility of creating your company, the location of representative offices in countries. In which countries will you locate them? What cities do you recommend for locating offices? Why? Choose the most rational ways to transport purchased products.The project should include requirements for future employees of the company, including knowledge of the language required to work in each of the representative offices.

1.Group performances.

2. Independent work.

Teacher. You have two task sheets on your desks. You, having independently distributed responsibilities, with the help oftextbook page:

1. mark the distribution areas on the contour map following food and non-food crops different colors or different types shading and write down the leading countries in production in the table.

Group 1 - narcotic and tuber crops;

Group 2 - oilseeds;

Group 3 - sugar and tonic;

4 group -fiber crops;

2. on the task sheet2 write answers toquestions on given crops.

3. Identify a person from the group who will present the results of the work. order to learn more than what is suggested in the questions about “your” culture, you will prepare 1-2 questions for other groups.

Creative presentations.

The groups take turns presenting their company using a computer. Answer questions posed by the class. Each group is given 4 minutes for presentation and questions.

During the presentation, students continue to fill out a systematizing table: “table"The largest producers of the most important agricultural crops"

In placesstudents continue to fill out the systematizing table: “table“The largest producers of the most important agricultural crops” and fill out the outline map.

Homework information

The teacher announces homework with the preparation of additional messages (optional).

Paragraph 2 Article 120-124, projects of companies for the production of livestock products

Lesson reflection

The teacher invites you to speak briefly or write in the margins your feelings about the lesson.

At the end of the lesson, reflection and self-assessment take place in the class. Students answer the questions on the self-control and reflection sheet and give a self-assessment.


Table “Centers of origin of cultivated plants”

potatoes, tomatoes, cotton, corn.

Geography of world agriculture

Food crops.

Oilseeds occupy 2nd place in the population's dietof our planet after wheat. Requires high costs. Their share is large in the diet of the population of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

By collection:

soybean 1st place in the world is occupied by the USA (more than 1/2 of the world harvest);

peanuts - 1st place India;

olives - 1st place ItaLeah.


The most commontuber crop - potato. Homeland of potatoes - South America, highlands of Peru (but now it's mostlynom culture of the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere). First place inThe potato harvesting countries in the world are China, Russia, the USA, and Poland.

Sugar crops. More than 120 million tons of sugar are produced annually in the world: 2/3 - sugar cane, 1/3 - sugar beets. main feature growing sugar cane and sugar beets -labor intensity. The birthplace of sugarcane is Bangladesh. There are 150 sugar factories in Cuba, producing 4-5 million tons of sugar per year (from sugar cane).

Sugar crops:

A)sugar cane grown in his “second homeland” - in AmaRica, in areas with tropical and subtropical climates;

b)sugar beet - culture of the temperate zone. Its main producers are Russia, Ukraine, countries of Foreign Europe and North America.

Tonic crops - tea, coffee, cocoa. They are cultivated in the tropics (tea in the subtropics) and have limited habitats:

A)The birthplace of tea is China. And now 4/5 of the world's tea harvest comes from countries
Asia - especially India, China and Sri Lanka

b)The birthplace of coffee is Africa. Nowadays2/3 of its harvest comes from Latin American countries, especially Brazil and Colombia. About 50 countries exporting coffee. At a cost of international trade among foodof free goods, coffee ranks second after wheat.

V)the birthplace of cocoa is America, but now its main producers
are located on the Guinea coast of Africa

As people's wealth increases, their diet plays an increasingly important role.playvegetables and fruits. First place in terms of production of vegetables andChina occupies melon crops, cabbage - CIS, tomatoes - USA, onions - China. The first place in the world in harvesting grapes is Italy, bananas - Brazil, oranges and lemons - USA, tangerines - Japan.

Non-food crops.

Known from fibrous crops

A)cotton - world production of cotton fiber is 20 million tons; The first place in cotton planting and cotton harvesting is occupied by the countries of Asia, the second place by the countries of America, and the third place by the countries of Africa. Other fiber crops;

b)linen - crops are limited, 3/4 of world flax production occurs in Russia and BelarusLarus

c) rubber – 85% comes from southeast Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand;

b)sisal - The distribution areas of the culture are limited;

V)jute - Bangladesh; 85% is given by the countries of Southeast Asia, especially Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia;

d) tobacco.

Questions 1
1. What plants are legumes?
2. Which ones? environmental problems causes unsustainable agricultural land use in Africa?
3. What is the “green revolution”?
4. Which of the following countries has the highest share of irrigated land in the total cultivated area? Ukraine; Pakistan; USA.
5. Which country has the most large population sheep?
6. Which countries are the leaders in cotton production?
7. “Coffee is the main export product of Uganda, Burundi, Lesotho.” One of the countries in this phrase is named incorrectly. Which?
8. Tea does not grow in England, but the concept of “English tea” exists in the world. Why?
9. The ratio of the amount of freshwater and sea fish caught in the world: 1:10; 1:1; 10:1.
10. Name the country - the world's largest producer of sugar cane.

Answers 1

1. Soybeans, beans, peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils, vetch.
2. Desertification due to overgrazing of livestock, soil depletion with the slash-and-burn farming system, abstraction of water from rivers in arid regions for irrigation, soil erosion in areas with rugged terrain, deforestation in the zone of equatorial forests.
3. “Green Revolution” - the transformation of agriculture based on the achievements of modern biological and agronomic science (primarily the development of new high-yielding varieties of grain crops), chemicalization, land reclamation, and the introduction of new technical achievements.
4. In Pakistan.
5. In Australia.
6. China, USA, India.
7. Lesotho.
8. The British Empire included India, where tea has been cultivated for a long time. The British brought tea to the metropolis and decided to dilute it with milk. This is “English tea”.
9. 1:10.
10. Brazil.

Questions 2
2. What plants are classified as cereals?
3. What environmental problems are caused by unsustainable agricultural land use in Europe?
4. What is an agricultural firm?
5. Which of the following countries has the highest share of vineyards in total area cultivated lands? France; Ukraine; Germany.
6. Which country has the largest pig population?
7. Which countries are the leaders in potato production?
8. “Bananas are the main export product of Ecuador, Costa Rica, and Cuba.” One of the countries in this phrase is named incorrectly. Which?
9. Coffee does not grow in Turkey, but the concept of “Turkish coffee” exists in the world. Why?
10. The ratio of the amount of freshwater and sea fish caught in the world: 1:10; 1:1; 10:1.
11. Name the country - the world's largest producer of sugar beets

Answers 2

1. Wheat, rye, rice, corn, millet, barley.
2. Soil erosion in areas with rugged terrain, pollution of soils, as well as rivers and canals with pesticides and organic fertilizers, soil salinization.
3. An agricultural company is a large agricultural enterprise, which includes the production of agricultural products, their processing, storage, marketing, and seed selection based on rational management and advances in agricultural technology.
4. In France.
5. In China.
6. China, Russia, India, USA, Poland.
7. Cuba.
8. The Ottoman Empire (the core of which was Türkiye) also included Arabia. It was from here that coffee spread throughout the empire, and from there it came to Europe. Europeans call the method of brewing coffee, adopted in the East, “Turkish coffee.”
9. 10:1.
10. France.

1. 🇧🇾 Belarus – 631.3 kg per 1 person

2. 🇺🇦 Ukraine – 487.4 kg

3. 🇳🇱 Netherlands – 384.8 kg

4. 🇩🇰 Denmark – 343.3 kg

5. 🇧🇪 Belgium – 299.2 kg

6. 🇱🇻 Latvia – 251.3 kg

7. 🇰🇬 Kyrgyzstan – 230 kg

8. 🇵🇱 Poland – 229.8 kg

9. 🇷🇺 Russia – 216.8 kg

10. 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan – 208.5 kg


J`son & Partners Consulting

Agriculture accounts for 4.6% of Russia's GDP and plays key role in the country's economy. According to J`son & Partners Consulting, Russia ranks 3rd in the world in terms of arable land area, grows 8.4% of the world's wheat crop and took 1st place in wheat exports in 2016 (30 million tons). According to Rosstat, in 2016, a record 119.1 million tons of grain were harvested in Russia, which is 13.7% more than in 2015, including 73.3 million tons of wheat (+18.6%), 2 .5 million tons of rye (+19%).

The share of agriculture in GDP is traditionally lower for countries with more developed economies. Among the economies included in this comparative analysis, the largest share of agriculture is typical for India (17%), China (8.9%). Developed economies such as the USA and Germany are characterized by a 1-3% share of agriculture in GDP. Russia occupies an intermediate position in comparison with the selected countries with 4.6% of agriculture in GDP. The actual gross value of agricultural products in Russia is $60.9 billion.

As an analysis by J`son & Partners Consulting showed, India and China have the largest number of people employed in agriculture and absolute value and by share of total employment. China's agricultural population is twice as large total number population of Russia. In countries with developed economies, there is a decrease in the number of people employed in agriculture and an increase in the cost of agricultural products per worker as an indicator high efficiency in the agricultural industry. In Russia, the gross cost of agricultural products per worker in 2015 was $8 thousand, which is almost three times higher than in China, but tens of times lower than in the United States.

According to J`son & Partners Consulting, of the countries under consideration, Russia has the smallest share of reduction in agricultural land and the third largest (after China and the USA, respectively) in terms of the actual value of this indicator.

The global trend of loss of agricultural land sets the direction for development towards the development of lands previously unsuitable for agriculture and increasing the efficiency of the agricultural sector in terms of crop yields and livestock productivity.

Productivity is an indicator dependent not only on climatic conditions, but more and more tied to soil cultivation techniques, selection of new varieties and other criteria for the country’s agrotechnical development. Russia demonstrates the largest share of yield growth among the countries studied, while the actual yield of Russia is now inferior to Germany and the United States by 2.5-3 times.

Germany demonstrates the highest grain yields, while the dynamics of reduction in the area of ​​arable grain crops is the highest. Also in Russia there is an expansion of the area of ​​arable land for grain crops; over 14 years, the actual figure has increased by 1.1 million hectares.

In these statistics, fertilizers are understood as phosphorus, potassium and nitrogenous substances. In the agriculture of the countries under consideration, more and more fertilizers are used to increase yields; the highest figure belongs to China, where over 7 years the use of fertilizers increased by 18.7% and in 2013 amounted to 557 kg per hectare. Only in Germany has there been a reduction in the use of mineral fertilizers; over the given period, this figure decreased by 8.3% and amounted to 203.5 kg per hectare. In Russia, the use of fertilizers is tens of times lower than the countries under consideration, and is also the most low dynamics growth in fertilizer use – 6.8%.

To measure the level of efficiency of agricultural activities in different countries It is convenient to use the cost of agricultural products per worker.

The highest values ​​of the cost of agricultural products per employee, according to experts from J`son & Partners Consulting, belong to Canada, the USA and Australia. In terms of growth rates for the specified period, countries were distributed as follows: Russia (+42%), Belarus (+35%), Spain (+33%), Kazakhstan (+29%), Canada (+27%), China (+26 %), USA (+15%).

Experts from J`son & Partners Consulting have identified the following regional trends in mechanization and automation of agriculture:

  • According to the study, India and China are rapidly increasing their level of agricultural mechanization. In China, the agricultural machinery market has grown at an average annual rate of 13.3% over the past 5 years. In India in the period 2002-2014. tractor sales increased more than 3 times.
  • In Europe, the fleet of equipment is gradually decreasing, while its complexity and power are increasing. This is especially noticeable in long term- over 50 years in Germany, the number of tractors purchased annually has fallen by 3 times. In Italy, tractor purchases fell 2.3 times from 1987 to 2015. At the same time, the average tractor power in Germany reached 155 hp, which is 2-3 times higher than in Asian markets.
  • In the USA, the average annual market growth rate was 5% for 2010-2015. The main growth drivers were government subsidies, low interest rates and industry consolidation processes, during which large vertically integrated holdings were formed. Their development increased the demand for large, powerful equipment needed to process large areas. Now this dynamic has been exhausted and due to low world food prices and the strengthening of the dollar, stagnation is predicted in the next 5 years.4. In Russia, the number of agricultural equipment for 2005 – 2015 fell by more than 50% on average. This applies to almost all types of equipment: tractors -51%, plows -57%, cultivators -47%. Despite the presence of mechanisms state support Agro-industrial complex, financing of the industry is insufficient. In 2015, investment in fixed capital decreased by 12.9%. At the same time, the amount of funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery at preferential prices was increased almost 3 times (up to 5.2 billion rubles); the number of purchased equipment was increased by 1.4 times. However, these rates are not yet sufficient: the plan has only been fulfilled for the supply of grain harvesters, but the plan for tractors and forage harvesters has not yet been achieved.

  • In Russia, the number of agricultural equipment for 2005 – 2015 fell by more than 50% on average. This applies to almost all types of equipment: tractors -51%, plows -57%, cultivators -47%. Despite the existence of government support mechanisms for the agricultural sector, funding for the industry is insufficient. In 2015, investment in fixed capital decreased by 12.9%. At the same time, the amount of funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery at preferential prices was increased almost 3 times (up to 5.2 billion rubles); the number of purchased equipment was increased by 1.4 times. However, these rates are not yet sufficient: the plan has only been fulfilled for the supply of grain harvesters, but the plan for tractors and forage harvesters has not yet been achieved