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B2B trading platform. Digital signature for the electronic platform “B2B-Center”

Modern business is developing in many directions, but the plane of electronic relationships is still not sufficiently studied. Of course she has huge potential for growth and development, so it is not surprising that trading platforms V electronic form are becoming more and more popular. What are B2B trading platforms, what are they needed for and what types of them exist - read on.

What is an electronic trading platform

Electronic trading platform (ETP) - this is a place of mutually beneficial cooperation between seller and buyer, where they can carry out their transactions through electronic devices. Almost any Internet resource that contributes to the realization of the ultimate goal is well suited to the role of such a “market”: completing a transaction between two parties. To achieve the task, ETP has all the necessary resources: organizational, technical and informational.

What are they for?

Using the ETP to realize their business goals, each party has the opportunity to make relationships more effective by combining information areas in one. Customers' opportunities are expanded through auctions, competitions and requests for proposals and quotations (all costs are fully optimized), while suppliers, taking part in such events, can post their information about the products provided.

In some cases, the task of conducting trading procedures “falls on the shoulders” of a third party - a specialized organization, and in addition to entering certain data into the ETP, its responsibilities often include processing the final result and even determining the winner. With the advent of such platforms, the interaction between customers and suppliers has become significantly simplified, and their size, industry affiliation And geographical location do not play any role.

Types of electronic trading platforms

The process of organizing bidding on an ETP can have the most different formats, but the concept always remains the same: any supplier will compete with competitors for lucrative contract with the customer.

    Depending on the focus of trading events held on the electronic platform, several types can be distinguished:
  • federal (at the state level);
  • commercial (private companies);
  • associations.

Watch the video about the types of platforms:

Federal electronic trading platforms

ETPs of federal significance include platforms selected by the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, which have everything necessary for organizing auctions in the network open type and adhering in their activities existing rules, defined legislative framework Russia. Such ETPs today include Sberbank-AST CJSC, RTS-tender, State Unitary Enterprise Agency for State Order of the Republic of Tatarstan, Unified Electronic Trading Platform OJSC, Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange CJSC.

Commercial trading platforms for electronic trading

The commercial type of platforms provides for the organization of trade on them by non-state-level companies and, of course, in comparison with the previous type, there are many more such platforms, and their operating regulations are more flexible.

    Commercial trading platforms can be divided into two main types:
  1. specialized (such resources are created for the needs of a specific enterprise, for example, Gazprom’s ETP);
  2. multidisciplinary (in comparison with the previous type, it represents a wider range of products and services, and each organization can simultaneously be both a supplier and a customer, without any nomenclature framework).

In the latter case, on such platforms you can often find data on the work of companies to which the requirements of 223-FZ apply.

    Consolidation of ETP (and with them trade and procurement systems) in one electronic space, which provides for the organization of their work in the following areas:
  • creation of a system that controls and regulates corporate and government procurement;
  • standardization of processes for using electronic signatures, mandatory for a particular electronic signature;
  • formation single base data for all parties to the transaction (buyers and suppliers), without taking into account their actual location;
  • guarantee of accurate and verified data on procurement processes.

The association unites 4 main platforms focused on the implementation of orders for the needs of the state and municipalities: ETP MICEX “Government Procurement”, “Sberbank-AST”, “RTS-Tender” and the Electronic Trading System “Order of the Russian Federation”.

In addition, the association also includes more than 1000 ETP commercial activities(in particular the B2B group). You can become part of such an association only with the help of an individually assigned electronic signature, which is subsequently used when conducting trading (issued by the Certification Center of CenterInform JSC).

With it, you will have access to all the required data about customers located in other regions of the country, the opportunity to study your own advantages and evaluate all your actions, thanks to the “purity” of all concluded contracts and equal treatment of suppliers.

Also, members of the Association have access to data on any ETP of the country or neighboring countries that are part of it. That is, access to all information of the association reduces material and time costs, since all activities are carried out directly without leaving your office.

In a word, such a functional set ensures the most beneficial relationships among all participants in the activities taking place on the site.

What is B2B

When talking about ETP, often the first thing that comes to mind is B2B (“business to business”). This type of economic and information cooperation involves the interaction of companies with other companies, and not with the end consumer of the goods provided.

In the West, the term “B2B” is regarded as a characteristic of any type of activity of some organizations aimed at providing for others production organizations the products they need (for example, equipment or raw materials for the production of products). That is, the subjects of activity in this case are organizations interacting in the market field, and the objects are represented by the goods and services provided. The seller and buyer can be both entire companies and individual entrepreneurs.

The concept of “B2B” is often contrasted with something else - FMCG or, more simply put, “a business aimed at the end consumer.” For example, negotiations with a company engaged in the production of goods for daily use will fall within the scope of FMCG activities, even if this company is a legal entity.

It should be noted that the number of transactions in the B2B format exceeds the number of B2C transactions.

Modern Russian money has come a long way in its development, but who would have thought that back in 1725, 1 copper ruble weighed 1.6 kg and had dimensions of 18x18 cm, with a thickness of 5 cm.

Differences between B2B and B2C

If “bi tu bi” is “business to business”, then “bi tu si” provides for the provision of business services for an individual client (individual). Of course, there is a certain difference between these concepts; it lies not only in the name.

The main difference will be final object, which the product or service provided is aimed at. So, in B2C, the client buys them for his own use, and the company purchases ready-made solution specific business task, despite the fact that there is a high risk of doing so incorrectly.

B2B requires good knowledge of the market for the goods provided and its clients, which will allow you to identify risks for the client in advance and show advantage and rationality possible solutions. In this case, all problems are solved according to one of two possible scenarios: the client carries out all transactions himself, realizing full responsibility, or a whole staff of specialists works on his behalf (as well as on behalf of the supplier). That is, for B2B activities you need to be able to listen to both the opinions of your own team and the entities representing the interests of the client.

There are also differences in the price of the product. In B2B it has fairly high performance, while in B2C the price is low. In addition, in the first case, it is important to be able to correctly carry out calculations, justifying the long-term benefits of the purchases made.

For those who have already dealt with sales in B2B format, it’s no secret that this is enough serious activity, when work with the buyer is entrusted only to professional buyers and experts, and all decisions made are carefully weighed and evaluated (suppliers have considerable industry experience). B2C, on the contrary, is characterized by one-time customer purchases, without specific knowledge, only on the basis of emotional motives.

Sellers in “bi to bi” practice only consultative selling, without specifically using a manipulative approach. They create specific value for the customer and organize their activities according to market segments. Sales cycles are quite long, which cannot be said about BTC.

Business sales require careful planning, which is why the system of work of managers involves taking into account individual results. The cost of attracting new clients in B2B is much higher than in B2C.

This is largely due to the standard profile of the so-called “ideal client”, with the priority of assessing his prospects at the initial stages of cooperation. It turns out that in a B2B system the number of possible clients is significantly limited due to the importance of each of them, while in B2C the effect of large scale reduces their value.

Employees of the business-to-business system carefully study each person or company that has been successfully assessed as promising, and the recording of activities is carried out taking into account the most significant clients (establishing contact with them is combined with resolving the most important issues).

Watch the video about the difference in sales systems:

That is, it is easy to see that in b2b the search for options to solve a problem is carried out during sales, while in b2c only solutions of one type are provided. In the first case, this means selecting managers capable of independent flexible solutions, depending on the specific situation, and there is no need for strict management. In this matter, proper mentoring is of high importance.

The sources of efficiency in the “bi tu bi” system are direct sales of goods, micro-differentiation and lobbying, and for “bi tu si” they are mass communications and macro-differentiation. Of course, in the first case, special marketing preparation is very important for sellers.

To effectively resolve all issues of your business, knowledge and understanding of the above differences in b2b and b2c sales options plays an important role. Like sales methods, managing your activities will vary significantly from case to case. It is not enough to simply use the strategy of one of the famous companies, because a mechanical transfer of her success to her situation is unlikely to lead to the desired result.

Bi Tu Bi and its associated trading platforms did not immediately attract public interest. Nowadays it’s easy to find official websites on the Internet that engage in online sales, but back in the 90s in Russia, few people had even heard of them.

The jump in the b2b market occurred only in 2001, which is confirmed by a Boston Consulting Group study conducted at that time (the results published at the beginning of the year indicated the beginning of its development). This study identified more than 50 developing and active ETPs, which for the most part represented metallurgy and fuel and energy industries. Towards the end of 2001, the number of such projects (in various sectors of the Russian economy) exceeded 100.

According to preliminary forecasts of experts, at this rate, the volume of electronic transactions in just a year should have grown in the Russian Federation by more than 100%, and by 2004 it would have stopped at 22.3 billion euros. However, the rapid decline of the Internet industry around the world made certain adjustments to this plan and the initial expectations of specialists were not met.

At the end of 2004, it was possible to trace the work of approximately 200 ETPs in Russia, which covered almost all sectors of business at that time. True, full-fledged B2B platforms that would offer clients a wide range of services are still not enough, and most of those existing today are more like catalogs of products offered, with a search for the data of interest and further offline execution of the transaction.

Today in the Russian Federation there is a sharp decrease in the number of independent ETPs acting as intermediaries, with a simultaneous strengthening of the position of trading platforms created large buyers(purchasing) or sellers (distribution). Moreover, in last years Independent ETPs are not particularly developing and are increasingly turning into standard information portals.

Such trading platforms differ from each other in terms of the volume of transactions carried out on them, so the turnover values ​​by industry do not at all correspond to the number of operating ETPs in them. Thus, the annual turnover per platform in the fuel and energy sector exceeds the turnover of one such platform in the forestry and metallurgical industries. However, the profitability of their work is determined not only by the volume of transactions performed, but also by payment arrangements.

The principle of operation of the B2B electronic trading platform

    There are several basic principles for the functioning of B2B trading platforms:
  • online catalogue;
  • auction;
  • exchange.

Moreover, each option may have its own agreements regarding the delivery or other nuances of transactions for the provision of goods and services. Of course, it is not always possible to say that this is quite convenient for the buyer, but most often sellers on such sites do everything possible for the client’s comfort and long-term cooperation. Let's consider several options for ETP from the point of view of their operating principle.

Online catalog

With the help of such a catalog, buyers in short time can find the sellers they need and enter into mutually beneficial deals with them. In order not to look through many outdated catalogs from the supplier, you can always turn to the search capabilities of the network and compare several characteristics of the product you are interested in at once, in particular the delivery date, price indicator, information service, guarantees and other parameters.

Directories are the most suitable option for industries where there are a huge number of small businesses, and often deals are carried out for the supply of relatively inexpensive goods. That is, online catalogs give the buyer the opportunity to study the offers of a larger number of suppliers and choose the most suitable option for themselves.


Unlike the previous option, a specific price for a particular product (service) is not provided here. Their cost is determined during bidding, which allows for electronic procurement on a tender (competitive) basis.

The largest auction on the Internet is the well-known eBay, which was registered in 1995, and the most expensive lot that was sold here was a Gulfstream V jet, which flew to a new owner for $40 million.


The “exchange” model works well where the cost of a particular product can change quickly depending on supply and demand. With its help, you can coordinate supply/demand and even set market prices. All transactions can be recorded and carried out in real time.

Review of existing electronic trading platforms

Now let’s look at the most popular ETPs of our time and learn about the features of each of them.

  1. Click on the “Register” button on any page of the site. Registration is free.​
  2. Enter the company's TIN and fill out the contacts. The platform will automatically download data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, just check it.
  3. Try to be specific about the categories of goods or services you supply. Based on them, B2B-Center will select specialized procedures. You will see notifications about them in personal account and receive by e-mail.
  4. The platform will check your company’s data within 1 day. Moderation is needed to protect users from unscrupulous counterparties. After processing the application, you will receive an email with your login and password to enter the site.

Make sure to register and obtain an electronic signature in advance. Many suppliers register on the site, receive an electronic signature, submit their proposal to the most last moment, when the procedure they are interested in is nearing completion, and due to haste, they make mistakes in their documentation. An electronic signature may not work correctly due to an outdated browser, so you should test your electronic signature in advance and become familiar with the computer and software requirements (to the right of the registration form).

How to choose a tariff for participation in procurement under 223-FZ and commercial procurement?

In the comments to articles you can get answers from other suppliers, and experts will answer

Participation in electronic auctions on the B2B-Center platform is paid for customers and suppliers.

The exception is purchases from the nuclear industry with a starting price of up to 200 thousand rubles. Downloading tender documentation in open procedures is free.

After deciding to participate in the procurement, you will need to register on the site and purchase a tariff.

For small businesses, participation in tenders up to 600 thousand rubles is possible at an affordable price of 1 thousand rubles. Participation in all trading procedures on the B2B-Center is possible at a tariff of 10 thousand rubles.

Savings for corporate customers during electronic trading reaches 20%, which in current conditions becomes a determining factor in competitiveness and cost reduction.

The site hosts 43 types of trading procedures.

Main purchasing methods at B2B-Center:

  • Electronic auctions (7 types)
  • Competitions (9 types)
  • Requests for proposals
  • Price requests
  • Competitive negotiations

To use the platform, an electronic signature is required for trading. The B2B Center digital signature must include a special attribute for working specifically on this trading platform. It is usually not included with the electronic signature. Therefore, check this possibility when receiving digital signature, then it will not be possible to make changes.

Registration on the B2B-Center trading platform

To register on the site, you must fill out a profile and provide the following information:

  • User: full name, e-mail, telephone, position
  • Organizations: country, legal form, tax identification number, categories for products offered and consumed
  • Details: full and short title, OGRN, checkpoint, actual, legal and postal address

Many large organizations are thinking about introducing a new approach to organizing procurement activities. It is private companies that are showing interest in automation, whose owners want to receive a convenient and functional service for selecting suppliers. There are many online platforms on the market that provide such opportunities. One of them is a b2b trading platform, which will be discussed in our material.

History of creation

The B2B trading platform was opened by Economic Development Center JSC 15 years ago. From the very beginning, it was conceived as a platform for procurement in the business-to-business segment, hence the name B2B trading platform, the official website is

First major project was dedicated public procurement electricity. The B2B-energo trading platform (official website is still in operation, and at one time was highly appreciated by a number of ministries. Over the past 15 years, the B2B-center space has expanded significantly. Now it unites about 40 more industry and corporate electronic systems.

The founders say their goal is to help companies collaborate effectively when purchasing and selling work, goods and services. More than 240 thousand registered organizations have already assessed how well they cope with this task. It is interesting that among them are representatives of 93 countries, and not just Russian legal entities.


The B2B-center electronic trading center organizes and conducts 43 types of procedures, including competitions, auctions, tenders, requests for proposals and quotations, and competitive negotiations. Moreover, an organization can carry out both the purchase of goods and services that interest it, and the sale of its own.

For those companies that are still thinking about which platform to choose for selling or purchasing goods, we offer:

  • demonstration videos about the operation of the system;
  • training seminars;
  • information materials on procurement.

Full participants in the system have more opportunities. This includes tender consulting and mobile app, and analytical reports, and automatic verification of counterparties. In addition, they gain access to all electronic platforms of the system, so they will promptly learn about tenders in a variety of areas: energy, metallurgy, aviation and automotive industries, petrochemicals, etc. According to new participants, they really like the opportunity to integrate procurement activities into the enterprise management system, as well as an online logistics service. Because the electronic trading impossible without digital signatures, financial services and electronic document management in general, B2B-center provides this aspect as well.

The capabilities of the system are, of course, extensive. But the main thing is that the users are satisfied, which is confirmed by the ranking of the Expert RA rating agency for 2014. The international electronic trading center B2B-center is recognized as a leader in terms of satisfaction with the quality of services.


According to official data, over 15 years of operation, 808,000 procedures were performed at the site. As of June 14, 2017, 5,200 lots were current. That is, in fact, approximately 150 trading procedures are carried out every day. In total, during our work we managed to conclude contracts totaling 9.4 trillion. rubles

The company does not disclose detailed statistics. But its success can be judged by other data. For example, at the end of last year, B2B-center was in 13th place in the Forbes ranking of the most valuable RuNet companies. This is on the same level as Yandex, Group, Avito, which are not involved in procurement. In addition, the trading platform took 31st place in the list of the largest groups and companies in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as 24th place in the ranking of IT service providers.

Electronic marketplace "B2B-Center" was founded in 2002 and in recent years has been among the top three in terms of total procurement volume in the Russian Federation.

B2B Center unites in itself All trading systems B2B, of which there are already more than 30: B2B-Energy, B2B-Avia, B2B-NPK, B2B-Metallurg, B2B-Agro, B2B-Housing and Public Utilities, B2B-Auto, B2B-Insurance, B2B-Construction, B2B-Bank and others.

Participants of the B2B-Center system

Within the framework of the B2B-Center electronic platform system, the following companies organize their procurement procedures:

  • PJSC "Promsvyazbank"
  • OAO IDGC of Urals
  • PJSC "Kubanenergo"
  • Smolensk NPP
  • JSC "Zarubezhneft"
  • and others

Cost of participation

  • The starting tariff for suppliers and customers is 24,000 rubles per month (but where more profitable option 39,000 per quarter).
  • The cost of organizing/participating in one procedure up to 600,000 rubles is 1,000 rubles.
  • Participation in nuclear industry procurement with a starting price of up to 200,000 rubles is free.

It should be noted that downloading tender documentation for open tenders is free.

To participate in trading on the B2B-Center trading platform, a qualified electronic signature is required.

How to obtain an electronic signature for a B2B ETP

To apply, fill out the following application.

After submitting your application, a certification center specialist will call you within 30 minutes (on business days). He will answer your questions, after which he will send an invoice and an agreement for the production of an electronic signature.

Cost of electronic signature

EDS price for trading on the B2B-Center trading platform - 350 0 rubles.

If this is your first time participating in electronic auctions, you may also need:

  • USB token on which your digital signature is recorded (1200 rubles)
  • license for the CryptoPro program (1200 rubles)

The electronic signature is valid for 1 year after production. Then it must be issued again.

How to register on B2B-Center

To register on the site you need to follow the link. Fill out the “User” column, then enter information about the organization and, at the last stage, indicate the address and details. You also need to select a login, password and provide an email address.

On the registration page you will also find a list of statutory documents of the B2B site.

A separate paragraph specifies the requirements for a PC for convenient work on the trading platform.

System Features

  • each registered company can act as both an organizer of trading and a participant
  • a total of more than 350,000 companies are registered
  • Every day about 5,000 purchases are placed
  • over the entire existence of the site, 912,000 tenders were held for a total amount of about 15 trillion rubles
  • geography of participants - more than 90 countries of the world

What kind of purchases are carried out at the B2B Center?

The site conducts electronic auctions in the following industries:

  • Banking services
  • insurance services
  • telecommunications
  • construction, reconstruction and repair
  • Agriculture
  • transport and logistic
  • minerals
  • Fuel and lubricants and petroleum products
  • electrical equipment
  • industrial equipment
  • special equipment
  • computers and office equipment
  • clothes and shoes

How to properly search for ongoing auctions

For the convenience of users, a special form has been created to search for trades in real time - the “Trading Platform” section. The search is carried out by keywords. Many filters are used to maximize search detail. Thanks to this, you can immediately cut off a lot of unnecessary information.

After entering the required information into the search form and selecting filters, click the “Apply Filters” button.

Additional Information

On the website in the “Training” section there is information useful for bidders. You can find out about upcoming training seminars and webinars, undergo retraining and advanced training, and also undergo self-study. Interesting and educational videos are presented that introduce the work on site.

Users of the service can get advice and ask questions: