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Companies building refineries. Refineries under construction and design in Russia


(scientific supervisor prof.)

Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after.

This paper examines current situation on the participation of foreign companies in the Russian oil and gas complex. The position of foreign investment in the Russian oil and gas complex is quite contradictory. On the one hand, it may seem that for non-residents Unbearable conditions have been created in the oil and gas complex of the Russian Federation. Licenses and deposits are being taken away and people are being squeezed out of business. On the other hand, active investments in oil and gas projects in Russian territory continue.

The current situation is such that foreign companies cannot do without working in Russia. The Achilles heel of energy multinationals is well known. They are deprived of inventory, which makes their business very unstable. And they simply have no other way but to fight for access to reserves. At the same time, there are not so many promising oil and gas regions in the world. And most of them have very strict rules of the game for non-residents.

Russia is also becoming an arena of struggle between the EU and the US for oil and gas resources. However, the rules of the game here are still clearer than in Africa. Thus, Russia turns out to be far from the worst place to do business. Harsh criticism of the political leadership of the Russian Federation in Western media explained by attempts to bargain for the majors more profitable terms presence in the Russian oil and gas complex.

The development strategy of Russian companies is also largely clear and logical. If foreign concerns seek to gain access to resources and enter upstream projects on Russian territory, then it is important for Russians to enter the end-consumer market and become shareholders of downstream projects in the main regions of hydrocarbon sales. Therefore, the emphasis is on the purchase and construction abroad of oil refineries, gas stations, underground gas storage facilities, gas distribution networks and even electricity generating assets.

As a result, a big bargaining begins. Western concerns intend to expand their presence in the Russian upstream. And domestic companies are in the European and Chinese downstream. This is where the idea of ​​asset exchange comes from. But any exchange involves big disputes regarding their terms. And negotiations (as the situation around, say, the Yuzhno-Russkoye field shows) can continue for more than one year. They use any methods, including direct political pressure.

At the same time, each side understands its necessity for the other, although it tries not to show it in any way. The EU, which in reality is not able to solve the problem of energy shortages without the supply of hydrocarbons from the Russian Federation, does its best to promote the development of renewable types of energy and the expansion of purchases of oil and gas in Central Asia, deliberately trying to underestimate the real dependence on Russia. The Russian Federation responds to this with the idea of ​​financial and technological self-sufficiency, assuring that it is capable of independently developing new deposits and implementing breakthrough projects such as Shtokman, Eastern Siberia or the Yamal Peninsula. Although in reality the level of technological problems there is so complex that they cannot be solved on their own. Not to mention that it would be more logical to share financial risks with non-residents. As a result, there is a serious struggle around exchange strategies, in which both companies and political elites are involved, which gives it a special flavor.

7 Recently, the EU countries and the United States have been paying special attention in foreign policy to such regions as the Persian Gulf, the Caspian Sea and the Russian Federation. It is these territories that large western oil companies consider the most promising in terms of development and production of hydrocarbons. Russia has significant hydrocarbon reserves. Therefore, Western oil companies are striving to participate in mining projects in the Russian Federation. Over the years, the participation of foreign oil companies in Russian oil and gas production has increased from $0.564 to $16 billion.

In the structure of investments of foreign companies in oil and gas industry investments in fixed assets dominate, the share of which is about 76%. These investments are mainly aimed at the implementation of specific oil and gas projects, as well as the purchase of large shares (over 10%) of Russian oil companies, the acquisition of medium and small oil and gas companies.

The Americans were engaged in oil and gas projects in Russia even before the collapse of the USSR, although one cannot talk about achieving large-scale successes. At one time the American oil companies, primarily ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco, wanted to buy out YUKOS assets, but V For known reasons, this became unrealistic. Another corporation, ConocoPhillips, is trying to buy up LUKOIL shares, but Americans Even a blocking package cannot be consolidated. The British achieved little more success. Having managed to create a joint company with a Russian TNK, BP partially strengthened its position in the global oil market. However, despite this, they were not allowed to participate in a number of auctions for large deposits, without even explaining the reasons.

Among foreign companies operating in Russia, the bulk of oil production falls on BP (36.6 million tons), ConocoPhillips (about 10 million tons), Sakhalin Energy (about 1.5 million tons), Vanyoganneft ( about 1.3 million tons).

The participation of foreign companies in gas production in the Russian Federation is very limited. A special feature of the Russian gas industry is its significant monopolization by the world's largest gas concern, controlled by the Russian government. Russian independent gas producers and foreign investors have significant problems with access to gas pipelines and the ability to implement gas projects.

To date, several forms of interaction have developed in the Russian Federation

Russian and foreign companies:

Purchase of a stake in a large Russian oil company;

Creation of joint ventures and consortia with Russian organizations;

Signing production sharing agreements;

Acquisition of small and medium-sized Russian subsoil users;

Carrying out contract work and concluding service contracts;

Straight economic activity companies registered abroad, including in offshore zones (having Russian roots).

Purchases of shares major Russian vertically integrated The structure is supported by the British BP and the American ConocoPhillips. Negotiations on the conclusion of this type of transactions are taking place at the level of governments of the countries whose companies create joint business. This type of interaction acquires a strategic nature and, as a rule, is politically well protected.

11Examples of foreign investors entering the oil and gas business through creation of joint ventures and consortia JV Rosneft and ConocoPhillips (“Polar Lights”) can work with Russian companies; LUKOIL and ConocoPhillips, Rosneft and Sinopec, Gazprom Neft and Chevron, as well as Royal Dutch, Shell and Sibir Energy (Salym Petroleum).

Projects under the terms of a production sharing agreement (PSA) - currently

Three projects are currently being implemented: development of the Kharyaga field, Sakhalin-1" and "Sakhalin-2".

Entry of foreign investors into oil and gas companies in Russia through purchase, financing of small oil enterprises . Foreign corporations are actively acquiring small companies that are not part of large oil companies, and also register legal entities in Russia to participate in projects for the development of small fields: Eastern Transnational Company, ByTes, Pechoraneftegaz, Samara-Nafta and others. Thus, in Eastern Siberia, the license for exploration and development of the Dulisminskoye field is held by NK Dulisma, owned by Urals Energy Holdings Ltd. (Great Britain), and the Tambeyskoye field is controlled by Tambeyneftegaz and Repsol (Spain).

Eastern transnational company" (VTK is a subsidiary of the Swedish West Siberian Resources Ltd.) operates in Tomsk region since the mid-1990s, owning licenses for plots in the Alexandrovsky and Kargasoksky districts. According to the official report, last year the company's oil production amounted to 497 thousand tons.

Cyprus oil production and exploration company Urals Energy Public PCL was established in the early 1990s. The main assets of the company were three production enterprises in Komi - Tebukneft, Ukhtaneft and RKM Oil - with an oil production volume of about 1.5 million tons per year. In 2003 these assets were sold to LUKOIL for 4.2 billion rubles. Urals Energy now owns a number of licenses in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and production assets, in particular Arktikneft, purchased in 2003. at LUKOIL. Urals Energy Group, developing the Dulisminskoye oil and gas field in Irkutsk region, plans by the end of 2009. increase oil production to 19 thousand barrels per day. Moreover, by the third quarter of 2009. Urals Energy expects production to increase to 15 thousand. bbl/day Over the current year, Urals Energy plans to invest about $90 million in the development of the company and is considering the possibility of acquiring new assets. By 2011 the company expects to increase oil production to 50 thousand barrels per day. South Tambeyskoye field (licensed by " Tambeyneftegaz") in terms of reserves (1.2-1.3 trillion cubic meters of gas and 40-50 million tons of condensate) are comparable to Gazprom’s largest fields, Zapolyarnoye and Medvezhye. IN June 2005 of the year -invest acquired a 25.1% stake in Tambeyneftegaz.

However, in the same year " Tambeyneftegaz" at the instigation of its majority shareholder Nikolai Bogachev, he transferred the license for South Tambey LNG.” After a series of trials last fall, Gazprombank-invest challenged the transfer of the license in court. Mr. Usmanov acted as a mediator in this transaction, and structures affiliated with him negotiated with Mr. Bogachev. As a result, it was concluded settlement agreement on the purchase by the structures of Alisher Usma-

new 75% stake in Tambeyneftegaz. In May of this year, Invest purchased the remaining stake. According to unofficial information, the total amount of transactions amounted to $350-360 million, while Yuzhno-Tambeyskoye is estimated at $1.5-2 billion.

Participation of foreign companies in contract work and conclusion of service agreements

contracts . Today, foreign capital is behind the majority of service operators operating in Russia - the Eurasian Drilling Company, the Integra group and Russian units global service corporations Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes and others. The activities of foreign corporations as contractors are mainly concentrated in those sectors where Russian technologies are inferior to Western ones:

In exploration and production of hydrocarbons on the shelf;

Well design and construction;

Telemetry while drilling;

Formation assessment to optimize drilling and positioning of directional wells;

Well services for intensification production (including hydraulic fracturing, acid treatment, etc.);

Well testing;

Sampling on the surface and from the bottomhole zone;

Use of MultiPhase measuring instruments and pumps;

Well monitoring;

Temperature and pressure measurements using fiber optic methods;

Standard and “intelligent” well completion techniques.

In the 1990s, many Russian oil and gas companies registered management company V offshore zone in order to minimize taxation. Then financial resources initially withdrawn from Russia abroad were returned in the form of foreign investments . Currently, there are a number of small companies left that are controlled by Russian business, but are formally registered in other countries (Sibir Energy, Yeniseineftegaz and others). The use of this form of foreign investment makes it possible to protect capital previously withdrawn from the country from possible unfavorable changes in organizational and economic conditions in Russia. Russian policy in last years aimed at creating a new organizational structure oil and gas complex, which is expressed in strengthening state companies(“Rosneft”, “Gazprom”) and the transfer of all managers and production units Russian NKs under state control. In this regard, at the end of 2006, the government submitted for consideration to the State Duma draft amendments to Law of the Russian Federation “On Subsoil”. The new amendments are likely to multiply the contradictions that already exist.

there is a lot in the current version of the law “On Subsoil”. This includes a free reading of the Constitution, insignificant institutions, non-binding declarative norms, and elementary editorial negligence. In practice, this leads to certain objective conflicts between federal authorities and government authorities

subjects of the Federation, create serious complications, including litigation, for subsoil users when resolving issues of granting subsoil for use, procedures for use, taxation, etc. Meanwhile, many problems can be avoided by introducing amendments to the current law. The Law “On Subsoil” was adopted 15 years ago, at the beginning of 1992. During this time, additions and changes were made to it 13 times, and a new edition was adopted in 1995. There have been numerous attempts to fundamentally replace it, for example, with the so-called Mining Code.

There are already more than a dozen options new edition. It was proposed to replace the licensing administrative system for granting subsoil use rights with a contractual civil law system, to replace competitions with auctions, etc. All this suggests that the law is alive, actively responding to ongoing changes in the economy, trying to ensure the efficiency of the subsoil use process. At the same time, a critical reading of the law makes it possible to identify numerous shortcomings in it that complicate the lives of subsoil users and government authorities.

For all its positive features, the current Federal Law “On Subsoil” contains a number of non-working declarative institutions and norms, as well as inaccurate, mutually exclusive and even erroneous provisions. Some of them have been changed or clarified in past years. However, a number of absurdities still remain. Moreover, some significant omissions of the legislator can be eliminated without changing the general ideology of the law and its mechanisms. Indeed, in many cases, problems are created by the careless attitude of the legislator and the legal departments serving him to the formulation of certain norms and institutions.

Amendments to the law on subsoil, regulating access to strategic subsoil areas, during their consideration at the Government meeting, caused virtually no comments. However, such comments arose during the re-approval of the bill.

There have been proposals to supplement the list of mineral, whose deposits can be classified as strategic, as well as prescribe more stringent criteria for classifying deposits as strategic. One of the amendments provides for the formation of a federal executive body authorized by the government to control the implementation of foreign investments in the Russian oil and gas complex in order to identify a threat to national security as a result of the proposed transaction. Towards strategic types of activities This also includes the extraction of mineral resources in a subsoil plot of federal significance. Amendments to the Law “On Subsoil” include three selection criteria for subsoil plots of federal significance:

Availability of unique resources such as uranium, diamonds, pure quartz, rare earth metals;

The volume of recoverable reserves of the field (established only for oil, gas, gold and copper);

A subsoil plot is considered strategic if it is located on a strategic territory or within internal sea waters (that is, in an offshore zone).

Thus, all large onshore oil and gas fields, including those located in the undistributed fund ( total number about 30 oil and 40 gas facilities), and absolutely everything is on the shelf. Oil and gas companies that own licenses for large fields also fall into the category of strategic ones.

The status of a subsoil plot of federal significance will significantly limit the ability of foreign investors to buy Russian oil and gas assets. If the transaction falls within these parameters, then a foreign investor planning to gain control over a Russian company will be required to submit an application to the above-mentioned authorized body. At the same time, he may be asked to take on some additional obligations if government departments still consider the deal possible.

In case of oil and gas field his owner can oblige to sell gas at prices domestic market or supply oil for government needs.

The bill restricts any investment from offshore zones. A company registered in such a zone, even if the entire authorized capital it will belong to citizens of Russia, is considered as foreign, since the legislation indicates that the status legal entity determined by the country where it is registered. According to the bill, foreign investors are required to approve a transaction to acquire a block of shares strategic enterprise, which exceeds 25% plus

1 share. A foreign company will be able to receive more than a quarter in any major project only with the consent of the Russian government. Foreign or joint firms planning to participate in auctions for development rights large deposits, will have to create a joint venture with Russian state-owned companies (Gazprom and Rosneft).

High prices for oil and gas contribute to the accumulation of significant investment resources by Russian oil companies. This means that the participation of foreign companies in the oil and gas complex as a source of significant capital investments becomes less relevant compared to the possibility of attracting technologies that can improve the efficiency of work in harsh natural and climatic conditions and

geographical conditions (for example, on the shelf northern seas). Welcoming foreign companies into our market, Russia wants other countries to show concern Russian companies adequate attitude, provided them with access to their market. By exporting the bulk of their products, Russian oil companies are interested in gaining access to oil and gas assets in consumer countries. In connection with this, it has changed public policy Russia in the oil and gas industry, which influenced the forms of interaction and interpenetration of foreign and Russian oil companies. First of all, this joint projects with Russian state-owned companies (Gazprom, Rosneft), for example: in Timan-Pechora, Eastern Siberia, in the north Western Siberia(mainly in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) and on the shelf of the southern, Arctic and Far Eastern seas.

State structures have a political advantage over private ones, and by participating in a consortium with them, a foreign investor can, to a certain extent, protect himself from further economic and political risks.

In exchange for the right to extract oil and gas in the Russian Federation, foreigners will need to transfer ownership of shares in gas distribution, marketing or electric power assets in their territories (markets). Foreign companies They can also acquire a small private oil and gas enterprise developing fields that are not included in the list of strategic ones. It is also possible that foreigners may purchase stakes in large Russian oil companies (Gazprom, Rosneft, LUKOIL, Surgutneftegaz).

In conclusion, it is worth noting that on the Russian side, attracting foreign investors to large oil and gas projects will be motivated either by the import of technology or by the opportunity to gain access to the infrastructure of sales markets. Receiving financial resources from abroad plays a secondary role today. It is possible for foreign oil companies to provide services to improve production efficiency (for example, on the shelf).

From the official registers of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation it is known that today several oil refineries are being built in our country. Another huge number of refineries are in the formal design stage according to data Ministry of Energy registry.

Total will be covered about 18 regions of Russia, and in some regions there are even several refineries.
The majority of new refineries will be located in the Kemerovo region:

  • LLC "Itat Oil Refinery"
  • LLC "Oil Refinery "Northern Kuzbass"
  • Angers Oil and Gas Company LLC

Rosneft is building a factory called Eastern Petrochemical Complex by 30 million tons capacity.

Refineries under construction and design at various stages of readiness

Main ProductsDepth of processing, (units)Planned addressStatus
LLC "Refinery "Northern Kuzbass"

Kemerovo region, Yaya district, village. Treeless
Under construction
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, heating oil, sulfur.
87 Samara region, Volzhsky district, Nikolaevka village
Under construction
CJSC NaftatransDiesel fuel, motor gasoline, technical sulfur.92 Krasnodar region, Kavkazsky district, Art. CaucasianUnder construction
Dagnotech LLC
automobile gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, tar, coke
Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, st. Airport Highway, 1
Under construction
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, jet fuel.
96 Novosibirsk region, Kochenevsky district, r.p. Kochenevo
Under construction
Belgorod Oil Refinery LLC
automobile gasoline, diesel fuel
Belgorod region, Yakovlevsky district, Stroitel, st. 2-ya Zavodskaya, 23a
Motor gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, liquefied gases.
95 Ulyanovsk region, Novospassky district, Svirino village
VSP Krutogorsky Oil Refinery LLC
Automotive gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, paraffins, liquefied gases.
92 Omsk, microdistrict. Steep hill, Industrial site, 1Designed
Tomskneftepererabotka LLC

95 Tomsk region, Tomsk district, Semiluzhki village, Nefteprovod st., 2Designed
LLC "Itat Oil Refinery"
Automotive gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil.
Kemerovo region, Tyazhinsky district, town. Itatsky, st. Gorky, 1
Transbunker-Vanino LLC, TRB-Vanino LLC
Jet fuel, diesel fuel, marine fuel, commercial sulfur, liquefied gases.
98 Khabarovsk Territory, Vanino village
Motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, liquefied gases.
85 188302, Leningrad region, Gatchina district, near the village. Malye Kolpany, site No. 1A
Motor gasoline, diesel fuel, road bitumen, sulfur, liquefied gases.
Tver region, Torzhok district, village. Churikovo
Motor gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, bitumen, sulfur, coke, commercial oils, liquefied gases.
97 Oryol region, Verkhovsky district, Turov s/s
LLC "Refinery YuBK"
Diesel fuel, bitumen, sulfur.
Kemerovo region, Kemerovo district, village. New Balakhonka
Diesel fuel, jet fuel, sulfur.
98 Republic of Adygea, Takhtamukay district, Yablonovsky village
Motor gasoline, jet fuel, diesel fuel, MTBE, sulfur, styrene, butadiene, polyethylene, polypropylene.
Primorsky Territory, Partizansky Municipal District, Elizarova Pad
Diesel fuel, liquefied gases, bitumen.
96 Amur region, Ivanovo district, Berezovka village
LLC "ZapSib Refinery"
Diesel fuel, kerosene, liquefied gases, sulfur.
95 Tomsk, Oktyabrsky district, Northern industrial center
LLC "Yuzhnorussky Oil Refinery"
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, kerosene, bitumen, coke, sulfur.
98 Volgograd region, Zhirnovsky district, r.p. Krasny Yar
LLC "Slavyansk ECO"
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, liquefied gases, heating oil, marine fuel, coke, sulfur.
98 Krasnodar region, Slavyansk-on-Kuban, st. Kolkhoznaya, 2
CJSC "Park of Industrial Technologies", CJSC "Park INTECH"

92 Yaroslavl region, Gavrilov - Yamsky district, village Velikoselskoye
Chemical plant - branch of OJSC Krasmash
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, bitumen, base oils.
94 Krasnoyarsk region, Zheleznogorsk, Podgorny village, st. Zavodskaya, 1
LLC "Sibirsky Barel"
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, bitumen, liquefied gases, benzene, toluene, sulfur.
96 Altai Territory, Zonal district, village. Zonalnoye, Zapravochnaya st., 1
JSC "Yan Refinery named after D.I. Mendeleev"Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, heating oil, marine fuel, sulfur.86 Yaroslavl region, Tutaevsky district, pos. KonstantinovskyDesigned
CJSC Kirishi Oil Refinery 2
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, kerosene, liquefied gases, sulfur.
98 Leningrad region, Kirishi district, Volkhovskoe highway, 11
OJSC NK "Tuymaada-neft"
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, jet fuel, liquefied gases, bitumen.
96 Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Aldan district, Lebediny village

97 Rostov region, Kamensky district, Chistoozerny village, Neftezavodskaya st. 1
PNK Volga-Alliance LLC
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, liquefied gases, coke.
96 Samara region, Koshkinsky district, Pogruznaya station
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, kerosene, liquefied gases, bitumen.
98 Kaluga region, Dzerzhinsky district, pos. Polotnyany Plant
Barabinsky Oil Refinery LLCDiesel fuel, motor gasoline, coke, liquefied gases, bitumen.95 Novosibirsk region, Kuibyshevsky district, Oktyabrsky village councilDesigned
LLC "Vtornefteprodukt"Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, liquefied gases, sulfur.75 Novosibirsk region,
Berdsk, st. Khimzavodskaya, 11
PNK-Petroleum LLC
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, liquefied gases, coke.
75 Stavropol Territory, Izobilnensky district, Solnechnodolsk village
LLC "Yenisei Oil Refinery"
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, liquefied gases, coke.
87 Krasnoyarsk region, Emelyanovsky district, Shuvaevsky village council, 20th km. Yenisei Highway (right side), section No. 38, building 1
Albashneft LLC
Diesel fuel, motor gasoline, kerosene, liquefied gases, coke.
92 Krasnodar region, Kanevskoy district, Novominskaya village
Automotive gasoline, diesel fuel, elemental sulfur
92 Leningrad region, Volosovsky district, pos. Moloskovitsy
automobile gasoline, diesel fuel, elemental sulfur
75 Volgograd region, Svetloyarsky district, 1.5 km in the southwest direction from the village. Svetly Yar
LLC "Sibnefteindustriya"
diesel fuel, low-viscosity marine fuel, petroleum bitumen
75 Irkutsk region, Angarsk, First industrial area, block 17, building 11
motor gasoline, diesel fuel, low-viscosity marine fuel, road bitumen, sulfur
89 Samara region, Syzran district, near the village. Novaya Racheyka, 1st Industrial Zone, plots No. 2, 4, 5, 6
Oil refinery IP Dzotov F.T.""
motor gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, coke
73,9 363712, Republic of North Ossetia - Alania, Mozdok, st. Industrial, 18
CJSC "Caspian - 1"
motor gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil
75 Republic of Dagestan, Makhachkala, South-Eastern industrial zone, sections “A” and “B”
LLC "Yurgaus"
motor gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, liquefied gases, petroleum bitumen
94 Kemerovo region, Guryevsky district, 1.5 km east of Guryevsk

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Oil refineries in Russia Production of road bitumen in accordance with the requirements of the new interstate standard Construction of a new complex for processing oil residues at the Nizhny Novgorod Oil Refinery will cost 90 billion rubles

Currently in Russia there are 28 large oil refineries with an oil refining capacity of more than 1 million tons of oil per year and about 300 mini-refineries. In recent years, the margin of the oil refining business has successfully competed with the profitability of oil exports.

As a rule, large oil refineries have higher economic efficiency, however, a longer payback period. Therefore, in the refinery construction sector there is a tendency to increase the number of enterprises low power, having their own economic niche and aimed at solving more specific and local problems.

During the construction of a refinery, the requirements for the level of automation are extremely high. technological processes, reliability and safety of equipment and technology, qualifications of operating personnel.

To make a decision on the construction of a refinery, it is necessary to carry out serious analytical work to obtain a feasibility study and develop an environmental protection project. The key point is the optimal capacity of the future oil refinery, which depends on the availability of raw materials and the concentration of existing oil refineries in the construction region.

Selecting a refinery construction site

Refinery construction is carried out primarily in close proximity to pipelines transporting crude oil or oil production facilities, which reduces the cost of transporting crude oil.

Refinery profile

Oil refineries can be divided into 4 main profile groups:

  1. Fuel profile refinery;
  2. Fuel and oil refinery;
  3. Fuel and petrochemical refineries (petrochemical plants);
  4. Refineries (petrochemical plants) of fuel, oil and petrochemical profile.

Since the demand for fuel significantly exceeds the demand for other petroleum products and tends to further increase, fuel plants are most widespread. Therefore, the construction of oil refineries in Russia is carried out primarily in this direction. There is data showing that enterprises engaged in complex oil refining have greater economic efficiency than highly specialized ones.

Depth of crude oil processing at refineries

The depth of oil refining at a refinery is important indicator efficiency in the use of raw materials and, ultimately, production. Modern plants have a Nelson complexity index of more than 8 and give a total yield of light petroleum products of about 90%. High level the depth of processing indirectly indicates the saturation of production with secondary processes.

The construction of a refinery with a high share of secondary processes will allow for deeper oil refining and increase the yield of more valuable petroleum products than the oil residue.

Refinery construction and ecology

Oil refineries belong to hazard class I, which requires the presence of a sanitary protection zone around the facility within a radius of 1 km (SanPiN 2.2.1/ Thus, within a radius of 1000 meters from the refinery there should be no residential buildings, recreation areas and other areas with standardized indicators of environmental quality.

If we talk about the environmental damage caused environment refinery, then the damage is mainly caused indirectly: the main source of air pollution is automobile transport. It's no secret that gasoline Russian manufacturers has not the most high quality. The reason for this is that today in the oil refining industry the problem of depreciation of fixed assets, including obsolescence, is very relevant.

Therefore, the construction of refineries equipped modern equipment, as well as reconstruction and modernization of existing plants is one of the ways to reduce environmental damage.

The Ministry of Energy has developed a refinery modernization project aimed at increasing the depth of oil refining. According to the project, it is planned to legislate state preferences for those enterprises that exceed the plan and can achieve an oil refining depth of at least 92%.


Project Management Plan- one of the main and important documents of the project, by referring to which you can understand:

  • How the project will be planned
  • How the project will be carried out
  • How will the project be monitored and managed?
  • · how the project will be completed.

Currently, project management is new wave management activities, which is taking an increasingly active position in solving problems that were previously the privilege of middle management.

In view of the increasingly active implementation of projects in the life of enterprises, it is currently necessary to create special teams of project managers capable of creating and implementing a project, successfully completing it and creating conditions for the viability of everything that was created in the project.

Project management is used not only in economics, but allows you to more effectively solve social, environmental, political, technical, psychological, international and other issues.

Construction of an oil refinery

The construction of an oil refinery can only be realized by the most major players oil industry and practical market monopolists in this industry. The construction of an oil refinery is based on existing oil fields to which the owner of the future plant has legal access.

It is extremely important that during the construction of an oil refinery, all norms, rules and technologies that can ensure the safety of future production are observed.

Specifics of oil refinery construction

Oil refineries are industrial enterprises, which are engaged in the processing of oil into kerosene, gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, lubricating oils, petroleum coke, bitumen and raw materials for petrochemicals.

The scale of construction of such plants depends, first of all, on: the chosen oil refining option (whether it will be a fuel, fuel-petrochemical or fuel-oil processing method);

  • · planned volumes of oil refining (usually in million tons);
  • · and depth of processing (final yield of petroleum product in terms of oil).

These indicators most accurately characterize the specifics of an oil refinery, so they should be taken into account as a priority when planning and organizing construction.

At all stages of construction there must be created the necessary conditions to implement the mandatory stages of oil refining, including the main ones:

  • · preparation of raw materials;
  • · distillation (primary processing);
  • · cracking - recycling raw materials;
  • · Hydrotreating is one of the most important stages of oil refining;
  • · formation finished products(diesel fuel, gasoline, oil, etc.)

Let's look at each of these stages in more detail.

First, oil is dehydrated and desalted in special installations to separate salts and other impurities that cause corrosion of equipment, slow down cracking and reduce the quality of refined products. No more than 3-4 mg/l of salts and about 0.1% water remain in the oil. Then the oil goes to primary distillation.

Primary processing-distillation:

Liquid petroleum hydrocarbons have different boiling points. Distillation is based on this property. When heated in a distillation column to 350 °C, various fractions are separated from oil successively with increasing temperature. At the first refineries, oil was distilled into the following fractions: straight-run gasoline (it boils away in the temperature range 28-180°C), jet fuel (180--240°C) and diesel fuel (240--350°C). The remainder of the oil distillation was fuel oil. Before late XIX centuries it was thrown away as industrial waste. For oil distillation, five distillation columns are usually used, in which various petroleum products are sequentially separated. The yield of gasoline during the primary distillation of oil is insignificant, so its secondary processing is carried out to obtain a larger volume of automobile fuel.


Secondary oil refining is carried out by thermal or chemical catalytic splitting of primary oil distillation products to obtain more gasoline fractions, as well as raw materials for subsequent

obtaining aromatic hydrocarbons - benzene, toluene and others. One of the most common technologies of this cycle is cracking.

In 1891, engineers V. G. Shukhov and S. P. Gavrilov proposed the world's first industrial installation for the continuous implementation of the thermal cracking process: a tubular reactor continuous action, where forced circulation of fuel oil or other heavy petroleum raw materials is carried out through pipes, and heated flue gases are supplied into the interpipe space. The yield of light components during the cracking process, from which gasoline, kerosene, and diesel fuel can then be prepared, ranges from 40-45 to 55-60%. The cracking process allows the production of components for the production of lubricating oils from fuel oil.

Catalytic cracking was discovered in the 30s of the 20th century. The catalyst selects from the raw material and sorbs on itself primarily those molecules that are capable of dehydrogenating (giving off hydrogen) quite easily. The unsaturated hydrocarbons formed in this case, having an increased adsorption capacity, come into contact with the active centers of the catalyst. Polymerization of hydrocarbons occurs, resins and coke appear. The released hydrogen takes an active part in the reactions of hydrocracking, isomerization, etc. The cracking product is enriched with light high-quality hydrocarbons and as a result a wide gasoline fraction and diesel fuel fractions are obtained, which are classified as light petroleum products. The result is hydrocarbon gases (20%), gasoline fraction (50%), diesel fraction (20%), heavy gas oil and coke.


Hydrotreating is carried out on hydrogenating catalysts using

aluminum, cobalt and molybdenum compounds. One of the most important processes in oil refining.

The objective of the process is to purify gasoline, kerosene and diesel fractions, as well as vacuum gas oil, from sulfur, nitrogen-containing, tarry compounds and oxygen. Hydrotreating units can be supplied with distillates of secondary origin from cracking or coking units, in which case the process of hydrogenation of olefins also occurs. The capacity of existing installations in the Russian Federation ranges from 600 to 3000 thousand tons per year. The hydrogen required for hydrotreating reactions comes from catalytic reforming units or is produced in special units.

The raw material is mixed with hydrogen-containing gas with a concentration of 85-95% vol., supplied from circulation compressors that maintain pressure in the system. The resulting mixture is heated in a furnace to 280--340 °C, depending on the raw material, then enters the reactor. The reaction takes place on catalysts containing nickel, cobalt or molybdenum under pressure up to 50 atm. Under such conditions, sulfur and nitrogen-containing compounds are destroyed with the formation of hydrogen sulfide and ammonia, as well as saturation of olefins. In the process, due to thermal decomposition, a small (1.5-2%) amount of low-octane gasoline is formed, and during the hydrotreating of vacuum gas oil, 6-8% of the diesel fraction is also formed. In the purified diesel fraction, the sulfur content can be reduced from 1.0% to 0.005% and below. The process gases are purified to extract hydrogen sulfide, which is supplied to production elemental sulfur or sulfuric acid.

Formation of finished products:

Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and technical oils are divided into different grades depending on the chemical composition. The final stage of refinery production is the mixing of the resulting components to obtain finished products of the required composition. This process is also called compounding or blending.

All production processes oil refining requires special conditions, the use of certain technologies and equipment, which is also important to take into account during construction.

Stages of construction of an oil refinery

The construction of an oil refinery plant is a process consisting of the following sequential stages:

  • 1. Determination of the specifics of the technological component of the future oil refinery.
  • 2. Selection of location (site most advantageously suitable for a given industrial complex).
  • 3. Preparation of a variety of text and graphic materials detailing the characteristics of the future plant, which is necessary for selection land plot for the construction of a plant specializing in oil refining.
  • 4. Preparation of primary documents necessary for the preparatory design of the refinery.
  • 5. Development of all necessary project documentation for the construction of an oil refinery.
  • 6. Construction and installation work at the selected site, installation of purchased equipment and organization of commissioning work.

In addition to all these stages, an important component of planning the construction of a refinery is also an investment analysis of the financial component of the future plant. And only after finally weighing all the pros and cons can you take on this project with confidence in its quick payback.

An organization that has made a firm decision to build an oil refinery cannot rely solely on its own strengths, and therefore is forced to involve third-party contractors in the field of design and construction. But it is thanks to their help that the owner of the plant will be able to actually get something that will bring him profit. The construction of an oil refinery is a sure step forward in organizing a highly profitable and stable business in Russia.