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Description of professional achievements. Examples of goals in a person's life

Resume templates are available online, so recruiters get thousands of well-written but almost identical documents, and it's good to write down accomplishments - The best way show professionalism and value to the employer.

Proper Placement of Achievements in a Resume

Above you saw our example of a structured resume with highlighted accomplishments at the previous place of work.

Achievements at work in the resume help "HR" evaluate the performance of a hypothetical new employee.
It is clear that for each employee, the achievements are unique, but general recommendations still have to compile.

  1. Use of effective words. To understand what we are talking about is quite simple, it is necessary to describe the completed processes. Not "spent", but "spent", not "implemented", but "implemented". If the applicant writes that he did something, it’s more like job duties, and to indicate achievements, you need to list your successes, it doesn’t matter in which industry, the main thing is that they are related to the vacancy.
  2. Translation of results into numbers. Great recommendation from professional recruiters. Numbers, percentages, quantitative indicators should be used wherever possible, since the achievements indicated in the resume are the same for most applicants, and the numbers make the eye stop. Of course, the numbers give weight to the achievements, because "increased sales" sounds like banal words, and "increased sales by 28%" is a real performance indicator.
  3. suitability for this job. It is clear that the duties and achievements in the resume of a programmer should relate to the knowledge of certain programming languages, participation in completed projects, but there are also more subtle points. Yes, on leadership position it is better to indicate the experience of making independent decisions, filling the position of top managers, etc. If you plan to expand, increase work functions, you can talk about performing tasks that go beyond the scope of ordinary work.
  4. Link to favorite places of work. It is useful to tie professional achievements for a resume to the last places of work, and they should be directly or at least indirectly related to an open vacancy. Of course, if the candidate worked in one place, he can not particularly pay attention to this item, however, many active people can boast dozens of positions by the age of forty, so you should not list them all.

Remember that achievements are what you have achieved in your professional field, and should not be confused with personal and business qualities on a resume.

Using the Right Phrases in Achievement

Accurate, specific information, metrics and management evaluation of progress- this is the information that recruiters are waiting for.

Employers want to get the best employees, of course, the skills and achievements in the resume are the best suited for self-promotion. Interesting achievements will push the applicant to the top, and banal ones will be left among thousands of similar applicants with “gray” resumes.

“Try to include quantitative indicators in your achievements, numbers speak volumes”

You can work on writing short but informative phrases after the resume has been submitted for review if useful and beneficial facts are remembered.

Functions and achievements in a resume might look like this:

  • closed 24% more deals;
  • implemented a new video surveillance system, which made it possible to detect losses in the warehouse;
  • reduced debt by 13%;
  • received 8 awards from public organizations;
  • opened a branch of the company, while reducing the cost of advertising by 17%;
  • ranked among the best sellers three times in a year.

Achievements in the resume are best placed in the work experience section.

Not only managers or office workers can indicate achievements in a resume, miners, cashiers or teachers can do this.

A worker can produce 30% more parts in a month than the nearest competitor, a cashier can work a quarter without shortages, which is a common thing for supermarkets, and a teacher can write about the success of students in local or international competitions.

An example of achievements in a particular profession

How to write your accomplishments on your resume- perhaps the most correct question asked by applicants, since only such information is able to interest employers.

Many applicants, especially older ones, count on their advantages in the form of experience, knowledge, but the situation is such that without good resume impossible to meet in person. What are achievements in a resume can be explained by the example below, but it must be clarified that achievements cannot be written in carbon copy, samples should be used only to understand the issue.

And now let's see one of the examples of achievements in the resume (shop assistant):

  • exceeded the sales target by 110–140% 6 times in two years;
  • received 2 diplomas from the company's management;
  • buyers wrote me personally 15 grateful reviews;
  • was invited to the New Year's corporate party as the best seller of the network;
  • 16 months out of 24 received additional bonuses for the first places in sales in the department.

Common Mistakes and How to Fix Them

The main mistake of applicants- listing, in the column of achievements in the resume, work responsibilities.

The line between them is really thin, and your achievements in the resume turn into routine actions due to incorrect wording. The phrases “increase efficiency”, “ensure growth”, “implementation of the current system” are used by almost all applicants, of course, recruiters leaf through such documents without looking.
If a person writes without specifics, he usually slips into a list of job responsibilities: did this, did that, etc.

When there are phrases like “tightened 150 screws with a plan of 75,” they show the real success of the applicant for the vacancy.

“The main mistake is listing responsibilities at work, instead of achievements”

Personal achievements in the resume, an example of which can be easily found on the Web, must meet the criteria. It’s not enough to say that I go in for sports, it’s better to indicate disciplines, participation in competitions, even victories with school or student teams will turn simple information into information interesting for HR. What achievements can be in the resume is up to the applicant to decide, although you can consult on the headhunter forums, read the opinions of people who are closely involved in recruitment.

How to come up with achievements without work experience?

You can, of course, come up with achievements in the resume if they are not there, but such a method can seriously worsen the chances of a successful career.

The deceit will be easily revealed in an interview, the applicant will be included in the lists of “inadequate”, and then it will be more difficult, but what about newcomers, young graduates with no experience or with a short period of work?

If a young specialist simply did not have time to meet and exceed some indicators, he can describe achievements in life for a resume. Tell how successfully you were engaged, for example, in volunteering, participated in the work of public organizations, but for this there is a separate column “About me” in the resume

You shouldn’t write anything, you can embellish your successes, but within reason, because at the interview everything controversial points clear up. Achievements in the resume should definitely be present, but they must provide specific information related to the open vacancy.

“If you have no achievements at work, use the “About Me” column to describe achievements outside of work experience”

Resume writers can be roughly divided into two categories: those who lie and don't blush, and those who don't lie and blush.

If you rely on statistics, then only 38 percent of applicants attribute non-existent merits to themselves. The remaining 62 percent either present their successes beautifully or are afraid to once again indicate professional achievements, examples of which we will consider today, so that you do not have a feeling of embarrassment or excitement.

Let's first look at what a resume is.


This document is intended to assist in the search for vacancies and employment. It indicates briefly biographical data, education and describes labor activity.

A resume is a true advertisement of oneself, it is read in 1-2 minutes. Since there may be more candidates for one vacancy than for a state-funded place at the institute, the HR specialist has to look through tons of similar information. In this case, the human factor is triggered, and bright information will catch the eye of even an experienced recruiter.

The main points of the resume

Last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, address, marital status, phone number and e-mail are required.

The next step is to list all educational institutions in which you had to study, special attention is paid to higher educational institutions.

You can supplement the previous paragraph with completed courses, trainings or webinars. You need to indicate those that directly relate to the future position.

Experience. If you started to lead labor activity at the age of 11, selling apricots in the market, this is commendable, but such a fact should not be entered in the resume. The most important are your last three jobs.

IN additional information you can talk about your useful skills: knowledge of computer programs, possession foreign languages etc.

In "personal qualities" applicants often write: sociability, purposefulness. That's great, but these qualities are so common on resumes that employers simply miss them and consider them a lack of creativity. Ability to learn quickly, prioritize work, introduce rationalization proposals. Such an employee is the dream of any leader.

Examples professional achievements in a resume, you can official duties that were completed, brought to an end and provoked a positive shift in the organization or benefit someone. For example, your responsibilities include finding new candidates and conducting interviews, then indicate what kind of Last year the staff was replenished with 50 employees, 100 interviews were conducted.

What is considered a professional achievement?

The question is not easy, and the answer to it will be different for everyone. After all, one type of activity is given to someone with difficulty, and the second is easy. It is important not to confuse professional achievements with personal ones.

If you worked in a social service and you managed to save many families from such an unpleasant procedure as deprivation of parental rights, this will be a professional achievement. It might not have been difficult for you, because you are an altruist by nature, but mastering the Excel computer program was a real test, but you did it. Feel the difference?

The second point has become your personal pride, but the employer will appreciate the first one.

Do not destroy, do not let go down and prevent - sometimes a greater achievement than to advance, increase and achieve.

What is not considered an achievement?

The following may sound very stupid phrases, but this also happens:

  • "managed to achieve personal success in professional activities";
  • "during my tenure as a secretary, the flow of clients has increased dramatically";
  • "it was possible not to reduce the turnover of the company";
  • "achieved communication skills in the course of work", etc.

First phrase. What is personal success? This is the result personal growth. A very commendable phenomenon, but no one will take your word for it. In this case, it equates to saying "I've gotten a lot better."

The second sentence is similar. It is unlikely that the flow of clients will depend on the secretary, unless of course you are Aphrodite. This phrase can be reformulated: "I am very beautiful and charming." This is great, but you need to shine with professional skills. But if you supplement it with the following words: "... the number of customers has doubled in a year," then it will have the right to life.

The third phrase can be an example of the main professional achievement in life if you are a crisis manager. If a person managed to turn a successful developing company into just a stable one, you should not talk about it.

The fourth case is your personal achievements. It is likely that this girl had communication problems. She managed to work on herself and achieve success, this is not worth shouting about. The employer may regard this achievement as closeness.

Why list your accomplishments?

  • Any company is interested in employees who will lead it to prosperity, and not just perform their duties at an average level, so your success is at previous places work will demonstrate your prospects.
  • It's better not to specify a couple personal qualities in the resume, and confirm them with facts in "professional achievements". Purposefulness must be demonstrated in practice.
  • The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad. "Bad soldiers" are unlikely to be of interest to a successful promising company.
  • You can not indicate your successes in the resume, only then do not be surprised if you are not even called for an interview.
  • You must describe yourself as the ideal "victim" of a headhunter, then you will be "pecked" good company with a high level of motivation.

Examples of professional achievements of an accountant

  • Reducing the staff of economists by half as a result of the introduction of automation of calculations.
  • 10 successfully passed tax audits.
  • Update software enterprises.
  • Successfully passed 5 checks on insurance premiums to the Pension Fund.
  • Possession of a vocational training diploma.
  • 12 audits passed for compliance with labor legislation.
  • Three articles were published in the newspaper "All about accounting".
  • 9 successful external audits.
  • There is a certificate professional accountant, certified by the qualification "Chief Accountant".
  • She was the mentor of five student interns.

Professional achievements of the teacher

  • Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education for conscientious pedagogical work.
  • Gratitude of the Administration of the Ivanovsky district for the quality training of the winners and prize-winners of the regional conference of scientific research.
  • A letter of thanks from the Administration of the Petrovsky Municipal Formation for the preparation of the winner of the regional local history conference "My land is beautiful."
  • 15 open lessons were held.
  • Participation in 5 regional and 7 regional conferences.
  • Organization of the circle "Skillful musician".
  • Organized 8 seminars for city teachers.
  • 5 webinars were held as an exchange of experience for geography teachers.

Doctor's professional achievements

. There were 250 successful operations.

It was possible to achieve the acquisition of new medical equipment: 3 fetal monitors and a doppler.

I have a certificate of training course in the program "Medical massage".

Successfully passed 10 inventories of medical property.

I completed a 6-hour first aid training course, I have a certificate.

Took part in the international scientific-practical conference.

I have a certificate of honor from the mayor of the city for organizing and providing highly qualified medical care population during an epidemic.

Professional achievements of the programmer

Managed to save 20% of the funds for the purchase new technology through software optimization.

Developed the organization's website.

Developed a program that facilitated the translation process archival documents to digital format and saved 10% of the cost.

Reduced the number of crashes by 4 times by improving the functioning of the server.

Examples of other professional achievements

Prepared the necessary documentation for participation in the tender, which was won by our organization.

Conducted negotiations, as a result of which the number of new customers increased by 120%.

In 2014 by social survey was in the top ten the best cashiers jar.

Awarded with an Honorable Mention" The best seller chain stores" in 2015.

Ranked in the top three International Competition in hairdressing.

What wording will not attract a recruiter?

We looked at examples of achievements in professional activities that can be indicated in a resume. Below are phrases that should not be written.

  • Improved the efficiency of the department.
  • At previous places of work, he performed his work qualitatively and on time.
  • After a year of work, he was one of the contenders for the position of head of the department.
  • For 3 years of service, I did not receive a single comment.
  • Managed personal conflicts with the boss.

Let's recap!

1. It is better not to indicate the fulfillment of one's direct duties in professional achievements.

2. Any positive indicators are better calculated. Achievements must be backed by numbers.

3. Do not list achievements that are in no way related to the duties of the desired position.

4. If your profession does not involve achievements that can be counted, keep silent about them. If you know how to express your thoughts beautifully, then go from the opposite: "During the work there were no emergency situations."

5. Do not confuse personal achievements with professional ones. If necessary, list them separately.

6. Avoid humor, sarcasm or irony. "I'm so cool" is not allowed in an official document.

7. Do not reveal the essence of your professional achievements against the backdrop of failures and failures of other employees. Don't compare yourself to your former colleagues.

Posted On 03.12.2017

Professional resume Professional skills on a resume Professional achievements on a resume

Professional achievements are a very important block in a resume. Unfortunately, a very large number of applicants are faced with the problem of describing achievements when compiling their resume. Indeed, the task is not an easy one, since it is sometimes very difficult to single out from the extensive work experience precisely important and significant achievements that may be of interest to a future employer. If you experience difficulties in describing exactly your professional achievements and results in your resume, our specialists are ready to help you! For about 10 years, we have been helping clients from different cities in compiling a competent resume.

We have prepared for you some simple and useful tips, which will help you correctly describe professional achievements in your resume.

1. Achievements in the resume must be indicated, even if you worked as a secretary or courier.

How to describe achievements in a resume

First, by indicating achievements, you can thereby show the employer that you can summarize your work in a particular workplace and highlight the main thing in your experience. Secondly, it is always very significant for the employer, because a productive and proactive employee will be of interest to any employer.

2. It is better to indicate professional achievements in the resume specific facts and figures.

3. It is enough to point out a few key, really important and significant achievements. This will be enough, do not overload this important section with a huge amount of superfluous and do not the right information. Highlight only the most important.

4. When listing major accomplishments, highlight which benefit or benefit has been obtained for the company. For example, indicate achievements, then, for example, use the phrase: “which allowed the company to reduce procurement costs by 30%” (as one of the options).

5. Describe accomplishments correctly.
Some job seekers make up their resume like a job description from a job description. Even if you use job description Please check all statements carefully.

Achievements are sometimes described in the first person: "implemented, proposed, adjusted, brought out." In fact, these formulations are somewhat contradictory. general concept the resume itself, when writing a resume, they are best avoided.

Of course, a more correct and successful option would be: “The strategy was implemented (implemented) ...., which made it possible, etc.”

Examples of professional achievements in the resume

If you have worked in the field of marketing and advertising, you can give the following variant of professional achievements:
- Development and implementation of customer service quality control procedures.
- Development unique projects aimed at maintaining customer loyalty.
- Organization and formation events(development of a concept, format, site selection, writing regulations and scenarios, developing a focused scheme to attract customers, writing scripts, briefs).
- Organization of large-scale marketing and sponsorship projects, advertising campaigns.

If you worked in the field of sales (sales manager), professional achievements may be as follows:
- Increase in turnover for key customers by more than 2 times (there were so many, now there are so many)
- The maximum turnover in the dealer department is up to $ 10.000.000 (there were so many, for such and such a period such figures were achieved)
- The best sales figures among the department's employees.

If your task was regional development, one can give an example:

Development of the region from "0". Since January 2002 due to good growth sales volume and overfulfillment of the plan, the Central Region was singled out as an independent region.
- Creation of an effective and professional team sales representatives In different cities.
- Building a trusting and mutually beneficial relationship with the management of branches of national distributors.

If your work was related to procurement and brand development, an approximate option could be:

Transfer of all Russian suppliers to work with deferred payment.
- Development of two new nomenclature directions and bringing them to the TOP of sales.
- Building a full cycle of work with claims and returns of goods with manufacturers from …..
- Increasing profits due to the introduction and development of a new nomenclature against the backdrop of a general decline in demand in the market of the entrusted product line.

For an administrative position, you can give the following example of professional achievements:

Effective organization of the document flow of the department (sales, administrative department, marketing department).

Creating an archive of documents from scratch.
- Search and selection of suppliers stationery on favorable delivery terms for the company.

Summing up, we can say with confidence that professional achievements in the resume are an important part of the resume itself, which, in no case, should be neglected if you are writing a resume yourself and hope to produce good impression on the employer. Highlight from your work experience really your merits and achievements, participation in projects, the implementation of some goals and objectives. Remember that in any position and profession, you can highlight some merits and achievements. Feel free to tell about yourself and “praise” yourself a little, make your resume interesting for the employer and an invitation to an interview will not be long in coming!

Constantly doing resume writing, I always recommend to everyone to write achievements in the resume. The resume from this becomes stronger and more effective, the applicant looks more solid and you want to talk with him.

What Achievements Will Give You on Your Resume

  • Achievements will show you as a successful and productive person. You do not just work and fulfill your duties, you lead the company to prosperity. You do it! Not your boss, but you!
  • Professional achievements in the resume play the pride of employers. They also want you to increase their profits, reduce costs, speed up any processes, simplify, secure, invent, etc. Owners want these achievements and that's why they need you.
  • Your successes show your responsibility and determination. I don’t like it when people in their resume list their personal qualities as responsible, purposeful, obliging… Such a listing doesn’t say anything and doesn’t prove anything, but your achievements prove it. These are undeniable facts that confirm that you achieve your goals.
  • Your accomplishments on your resume hint that you are making a career and growing. They emphasize that you appreciate and love your work, want to succeed in it, grow, achieve more. This, in turn, is a subtle allusion to high salary and serious position.

Of course, there are other advantages of indicating achievements in a resume, but I don’t see the point in listing them.

How to write achievements on a resume

Now let's figure out How indicate your progress. I recommend following three rules.

Professional achievements in resume


Personal achievements in the resume must be formulated specifically - increased by 17%, accelerated by 6 seconds, trained 3 managers, wrote 74 articles, passed 4 audits, drew 23 advertising posters, etc. It doesn’t matter what units you measure with, as long as your result is expressed in numbers.

If the result is difficult to measure, write without numbers and try to describe the essence.

2. Linking achievements to the place of work

Usually, the employer is interested in the last 2-3 places of work, so it is better to describe your successes specifically for them. Each place has its own list of achieved goals.

3. Compliance with the desired position

Very often in counseling I see people pointing out accomplishments that are not suitable for future work. Many people confuse the level of leader and subordinate. For example, they are looking for a job as a chief accountant, and successes are written at the level of a junior economist. Or a person wants to get a job as a programmer, and before that he worked in his own business and describes his achievements at the highest managerial level.

So, what achievements should you list on your resume? If you are looking for a managerial job, make sure that the level of success is managerial. If you're looking for a job as a line specialist, fit this level.

It doesn't matter who you worked "before", what matters is who you want to become now. Make your resume future work rather than describe what is now.

Examples of achievements in the summary

I want you to see not just examples of achievements in the resume, but also standard errors, so I made a sign in the style of "correct - not correct."

blurry Specifically
Trained new sales staff (this phrase is not an achievement, but a duty) Trained three new sales staff
Implemented a number of changes that simplified the workflow (what changes? how simplified?) I simplified the workflow: each driver-forwarder received a scanner to automatically record invoices in the system, together with programmers I came up with a system for automatically creating transport documents - now the logistician simply puts a tick and everything is done by itself).
Built a department from scratch Built a department from scratch (hired and trained 7 people, prescribed instructions and regulations, developed a system of motivation and salaries).

Think about how to describe achievements in a resume in a way that tastes good - look for good wording. It depends on whether they want to invite you for an interview.

Here are some more examples of successes and achievements from real resumes as a sample:

  • Organized the transition from GAAP standards to IFRS standards.
  • Organized the merging of two CASCO/OSAGO databases into one database of a single format.
  • Made the transition from 1C 7.7. on 8.2.
  • Successfully passed 4 tax audits.
  • Found a direct loss - the sale of products at prices below cost.
  • Licensed 18 filling stations.
  • Took first place in the production and sales of clothing models for the year.
  • Increased the base of regular English-speaking customers by 70%.

If the details of your work are trade secrets

If you are not allowed to tell the details of your work, indicators and numbers, then stay on the edge of the possible. Tell me about your accomplishments anyway - a little vague, no titles, but tell me.

If you think that there are no achievements

It seems to you. Everyone has success and to find them you just need to start looking for them. Perhaps you will not have super achievements and feats, but you will get a modest list. Well, so what!? Everyone's success is different.

I want to make a reservation right away, there are a number of positions where achievements do not matter - a cleaner, a loader, a handyman, a cashier, a fast food restaurant employee, a driver, etc. If your job is on the list of unskilled labor, don't write accomplishments. They will be redundant.

Also read

»How to write a resume

»How to List Key Skills on a Resume

» How to specify weak sides and shortcomings in the resume

The definition of a person's life goals is one of the main conditions for achieving success. Moreover, it is important not only to set goals, but also to think often that you are able to achieve them and that you will achieve them.

Do not think about obstacles on the way to the goal and imagine ominous darkness. Concentrate on the fact that achieving each goal you set can dramatically improve your life. The more you think about how your goals will change your life for the better, the stronger will be the desire to achieve them. A natural desire for concrete action will wake up in you.

If a goal inspires you, then you will begin to act towards its achievement anyway. It doesn't matter how much time you have to implement it, because you enjoy the path itself and the fact that you feel more and more satisfied with yourself. Such a state encourages you to act actively, so your level of productivity will only increase.

If you are having difficulty choosing life goals, you can use examples of other people's goals from the list of 100 human life goals.

Read also the article by Gestalt therapist Sergei Smirnov: "" (ed. note)

100 life goals

Personal goals:

  1. Find your life's work;
  2. Become a recognized expert in your field;
  3. Stop drinking and smoking;
  4. Make many friends and acquaintances around the world;
  5. Learn to speak fluently in 3 languages ​​other than your native;
  6. Become a vegetarian
  7. Find 1000 followers of your business/blog;
  8. Wake up every day at 5 am;
  9. Read a book a week;
  10. Travel all around the world.

Family Goals:

  1. Start a family;
  2. Make your spouse happy;
  3. give birth to children;
  4. To raise children as worthy members of society;
  5. To educate children;
  6. Play the wedding of children;
  7. Celebrate your own silver wedding;
  8. babysit grandchildren;
  9. Celebrate a golden wedding;
  10. Get together for the holidays with the whole family.

Financial Goals:

  1. Live without debts and loans;
  2. Organize passive sources of income;
  3. Receive monthly cumulative stable high income;
  4. Every year increase savings by 1.5-2 times;
  5. Own real estate on the seashore;
  6. Build a dream house;
  7. Cottage in the forest;
  8. Each member of the family has a car;
  9. Leave a solid legacy to your children;
  10. Help those in need regularly.

Sports goals:

  1. Get in shape;
  2. Run a marathon;
  3. Do the splits;
  4. go diving;
  5. Learn to surf
  6. Jump with a parachute;
  7. Comprehend the martial art;
  8. Learn to ride;
  9. Learn to play golf
  10. Do yoga.

Spiritual Goals:

  1. Learn the art of meditation;
  2. Read 100 best books world literature;
  3. Read 100 books on personal development;
  4. Regularly engage in charity and volunteering;
  5. Achieve spiritual harmony and wisdom;
  6. Strengthen your will;
  7. Learn to enjoy every day;
  8. Experience and express gratitude every day;
  9. Learn to achieve your goals
  10. Do charity work;

Creative Goals:

  1. Learn to play guitar;
  2. Learn to draw;
  3. To write a book;
  4. Make blog entries every day;
  5. Design the interior of the apartment to your liking;
  6. Make a useful thing with your own hands;
  7. Make your website;
  8. Learn public oratory and not experience stage fright;
  9. Learn to dance and dance at parties;
  10. Learn to cook delicious food.

Travel purpose:

  1. Travel around the cities of Italy;
  2. Relax in Spain
  3. Travel to Costa Rica;
  4. Visit Antarctica;
  5. Spend a month in the taiga;
  6. Live 3 months in America;
  7. Go on a road trip around Europe;
  8. Leave for the winter in Thailand;
  9. Go on a yoga tour to India;
  10. Travel around the world on a cruise ship;

Adventure Goals:

  1. Play at a casino in Las Vegas;
  2. Fly on hot-air balloon;
  3. Ride in a helicopter;
  4. Explore the ocean in a submarine;
  5. Go on a kayaking trip;
  6. Spend a month in a tent camp as a savage;
  7. Swim with dolphins;
  8. Visit medieval castles around the world;
  9. Eat mushrooms from shamans in Mexico;
  10. Go to a transmusic festival in the forest for a week;

Other purposes:

  1. Send your parents on vacation abroad;
  2. Get to know personally famous person who you admire;
  3. Live every day like it's your last;
  4. Organize a positive flash mob in the center of Moscow;
  5. Get second or third higher education;
  6. Forgive the offense to everyone;
  7. To visit the holy land;
  8. Meet new people every week;
  9. Spend a month without the Internet;
  10. Acquire cosmic consciousness.
  11. Find a mentor;
  12. Change someone else's life for the better;
  13. See the northern lights;
  14. Grow a tree;
  15. Climb to the top of the mountain;
  16. Overcome your main fear;
  17. Build new healthy habits;
  18. Ride the roller coaster;
  19. Take part in a costumed masquerade in another country;
  20. Become a mentor to someone.

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One of the problematic points for applicants is the “Achievements” column. You should not listen to the installation laid down from childhood that boasting is not good, this is not the case. It is better to look at examples of professional achievements in the resume and build on them, focusing on your personal experience.

Possible options

It is almost impossible to find a sample of achievements, but there are main points that you can focus on when filling out this column. For example, for the sphere of trade, such formulations are suitable:

  • increased sales volume in excess of the established norm by 15% over the last six months of work as a salesperson;
  • retained all major customers during the crisis period;
  • ensured the expansion of the sales market through the development of a network of branches in regional centers, which contributed to an increase in the company's profit by 11%;
  • conquered the niches previously occupied by competitors in large retail chains, increasing sales by 1.3 times;
  • developed a new tactic for finding buyers, which allowed attracting more than 50 new clients in a year of work, 6 of which are large;
  • repeatedly ranked among the top three in terms of customer service quality as a call center operator according to the results of organized surveys.

For people whose work is related to paperwork, accounting, planning, you can use the following example:

  • successfully passed 3 tax audits as a chief accountant;
  • accelerated the document flow at the enterprise by introducing and developing an electronic database together with the programming department;
  • organized a successful transition large enterprise from version 1C: Accounting 7.7 to 8.3;
  • found a discrepancy in the cost of production, due to which its price was overestimated and made the product uncompetitive, correcting the error led to a revaluation of the cost and the resumption of sales;
  • increased the efficiency of the planning department by 80% due to the introduction of automation of calculations, this made it possible to reduce the staff of economists by 2 times.

Specialists in the field of computer technology, depending on their specialization, can choose what to write from the following list:

  • increased the efficiency of the company by establishing the functioning of servers, thanks to which the number of emergency failures was reduced by 3 times;
  • conducted an effective analysis technical support company and was able to reduce 20% of the funds allocated for the purchase of new equipment;
  • a team under my leadership developed the company's online store and promoted it to the TOPs of search engines;
  • created a program that allows you to optimize the workflow at the enterprise;
  • provided the possibility of control, limited access to resources, the subject of which is not related to professional activities.

Competent wording

When pointing out your achievements, do not forget that they should not reflect your daily duties, but exactly what goes beyond them. They should show that the specialist took the initiative or carried out the instructions of the head, which went beyond his previous experience.

When describing achievements, it is important to understand that a potential employer must see the problem and your actions. The result is also important.

For example, this wording can be traced in such variations:

  • implemented a satellite control system for sales agents, which increased sales efficiency by 23% per year;
  • trained new employees in 2 weeks in such a way that allowed them to immediately reach the level of sales established in the company;
  • conducted customer service training, explained the main functions of the manager, thanks to this, the number of purchased tourist tours increased by 18% compared to the same period last year;
  • managing the delivery department, I was able to achieve a 2-fold reduction in order processing times through the introduction of a logistics system and staff training;
  • organized and conducted a full-scale study of the market of fermented milk products in the city, which made it possible to introduce a new product;
  • negotiated successfully and the supplier provided a discount, and the company was able to save more than 7% of the amount allocated for the installation of new software.

Such wording allows the future employer to see your achievements in work, for a resume they should be formulated briefly and clearly.

Is it worth adding credit to yourself?

If you want to get a position, then keep in mind that employers are interested in selecting professionals. If you have nothing to brag about, you are drastically changing the scope of your activity or are getting a job for the first time, then it is better to skip this column altogether.

Please note that the recruiter is able to check any achievements, be it:

  • 40% increase in sales due to a change in negotiation strategy;
  • introduction of accounting automation at retail outlets;
  • development of new products as a technologist;
  • introduction new system stimulation of labor, increasing the productivity of workers.

An employer is unlikely to want to hire a person who attributed to himself non-existent achievements in the resume, thereby trying to increase the likelihood of employment.

Blurry phrases in resume

The recruiter wants to see real achievements in the resume, not general wording. There is a list of phrases that are better not to use. Among them:

  • improving the efficiency of the department;
  • created a new department and adjusted its work from "0";
  • conducted training for new employees;
  • did their job well;
  • for 4 years of work did not receive a single reprimand;
  • ensuring sales growth in the established region;
  • keeping records in the assigned area.

Such wording will not attract a personnel officer. They just make it clear that the person went to work and did the assigned tasks. These are not at all the achievements that can be indicated in the resume and which the employer should pay attention to. This column requires specifics indicating the programs implemented, the percentage of sales increase, the number of attracted customers, the level of profit growth of the enterprise, which can be attributed to the list of your achievements.