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Definition of trade information means. Types and forms of commodity information in international trade

Trade information

Trade information is information about a product or service, manufacturer, seller, provided for by law and communicated to the buyer in order to familiarize himself with the product and the features of its use.

A product is a product that is offered to the market for purchase at agreed prices. A commodity unit is a separate integrity characterized by indicators of size, price, appearance and etc.

Types and forms of commodity information in international trade

Product information - information about a product intended for users of commercial entities.

The primary sources of product information and at the same time providers of services for informing sellers and/or consumers about the goods being sold are manufacturers. From how quality these information Services, depend on the speed of promotion of goods through distribution channels, sales intensity, sales promotion, creation of consumer preferences and ultimately life cycle goods. At the same time, the manufacturer is not the only source of information. Production information may be supplemented by the seller.

Depending on the purpose, product information is divided into three types: fundamental; commercial; consumer.

Fundamental product information is basic information about the product, which is crucial for identification and intended for all subjects of market relations. Fundamental information includes the type and name of the product, its grade, net weight, name of the manufacturer, release date, shelf life or expiration date.

Commercial product information is information about a product that supplements basic information and is intended for manufacturers, suppliers and sellers, but is not readily available to the consumer. This information contains data on intermediary enterprises, regulatory documents on the quality of goods, product assortment numbers according to OKP, TN VED, etc. A typical example commercial information is barcoding. Consumer product information is information about a product intended to create consumer preferences, showing benefits resulting from the use of a specific product and ultimately aimed at consumers. This information contains information about the most attractive consumer properties of goods: nutritional value, composition, functional purpose, methods of use and operation, safety, reliability, etc. Colorful images on the product and/or packaging are also intended to enhance the emotional perception of them by consumers.

To convey information to subjects of market relations, various forms of product information are used: verbal; digital; visual; symbolic; dashed.

Each of these forms is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages.

Verbal information is most accessible to the literate population if it is given in the appropriate language (for example, in Russian for Russia or one of the languages ​​of the subjects of Russian Federation).

Product information

Saturation of the market with goods, expansion and deepening of the range are one of the achievements of the transition to market relations. However, it is often difficult for the consumer to understand this variety of products and make a competent choice of sufficient and reliable information about each name of the goods released for sale. Moreover, information is needed not only about new, but also about long-known products.

The following basic requirements are imposed on product information: reliability; availability; adequacy. These requirements can be referred to as the "Three Ds"

The first “D” - reliability - presupposes the truthfulness and objectivity of information about a product, the absence of misinformation and subjectivity in their presentation, which misleads information users.

Most often, information about counterfeit goods is unreliable, since assortment and quality falsifications are necessarily accompanied by information.

Consequently, unreliability of information in most cases can be qualified as information falsification. Inaccurate information may be caused by insufficient professional knowledge of the subjects presenting it, or unclear requirements for certain information.

The second "D" - accessibility - is associated with the principle information openness product information for all users.

In its turn, general requirement Availability of information can be divided into a number of specific ones.

Language accessibility means that the information must be in the state language or the language of the predominant part of consumers for whom the product is intended. The Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" states that information about the product must be in Russian.

Demand is a requirement that secures the consumer’s right to necessary information and the obligation of the manufacturer or seller to provide it upon request is regulated by the Federal Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Understandability is a requirement that presupposes the use of generally accepted concepts, terms, the definitions of which are given in terminological standard dictionaries and reference books, or these terms and concepts are generally accepted and therefore do not require definitions and explanations.

Generally accepted concepts include the names of well-known consumer goods(bread, vegetables, fruits, butter, rennet cheese, margarine, etc.). However, not all names of goods, especially new or branded ones, may be understandable to the buyer (for example, Solnechny margarine or sandwich butter), which requires explanatory information verbally or writing(for example, oral advice from the seller, annotation or explanatory text on the label).

The third “D” - sufficiency of information - can be interpreted as rational information saturation, which excludes the provision of both incomplete and unnecessary information.

Incomplete information is the absence of certain information about a product. Often, incomplete information makes it unreliable. For example, in Russian consumer market Very often there are goods produced by joint ventures in Russia or neighboring countries, without indicating the country of origin or the name of the manufacturer.

This incomplete information is at the same time unreliable, and goods passed off as products from foreign countries are counterfeit.

Redundant information is the provision of information that duplicates basic information without particular need or is not of interest to its users. Too much information is also harmful because it modern conditions information overload, useless information about a product can irritate the consumer and encourage him to abandon the purchase.

Information means information (messages, data) regardless of the form of their presentation (Article 2 Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on information protection"). Information is considered not only as a result of intellectual activity, but it can also exist in the form of a wide variety of knowledge of a scientific, technical, technological, managerial and other nature. However, not all information is subject to commercial legal regulation, but only that which has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties and the lack of free access to it legally, and the owner of which takes measures to maintain its confidentiality.

A trade secret is a special type of information that is specifically highlighted in Art. 3 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2004 No. 98-FZ “On Trade Secrets”. In accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 3 of this Law, “a trade secret is a regime of confidentiality of information that allows its owner, under existing or possible circumstances, to increase income, avoid unjustified expenses, maintain a position in the market for goods, works, services, or obtain other commercial benefits.” Such information includes data on ongoing negotiations, concluded transactions, counterparties, property status parties, as well as information regarding the use of technologies, scientific and technical decisions, methods of organizing production, i.e. everything that is usually covered by the concept of a production secret (“know-how” - “know how”).

As we can see, this concept has a pronounced economic orientation, namely, obtaining benefits due to the possession of information that is not available to third parties. Previously, a trade secret was equated to an official secret and was defined through such characteristics as unknown to third parties, lack of free access, and the adoption of measures to protect it. Now main feature to recognize information as a trade secret - the possibility of generating income.

The exercise of the right to trade secrets is limited. In fact, the copyright holder of commercial information can only prevent the illegal acquisition of his trade secret by third parties (for example, industrial espionage, bribery of a competitor's employee). Other powers of the copyright holder are exercised, as a rule, within the framework of relative legal relations, i.e. by including in assignment agreements or licensing agreements provisions on the confidentiality of information constituting the content of a trade secret.

However, classifying information as a trade secret will have legal meaning only if it is properly formalized, i.e. an order was issued, an order was made, those responsible were identified officials, organizational measures have been determined. Moreover, in order to become the object of legal relations, information constituting a trade secret must be recorded on a material medium (paper, magnetic medium, film-photo negative and other material objects, including a physical field) and provided with details that allow it to be identified. In accordance with Art. 10 of the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets”, measures to protect the confidentiality of information taken by its owner must include, inter alia: application to tangible media containing information constituting a trade secret, or inclusion in the details of documents containing such information, stamped “Trade secret” indicating the owner of such information (for legal entities- full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - last name, first name, patronymic of the citizen who is an individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

Commercial law protects information that constitutes a trade secret. Therefore, its disclosure against the will of the entrepreneur entails for the persons who allowed its disclosure, as well as those who received it through illegal methods, the obligation to compensate for the losses caused by this. They may be subject to disciplinary action, civil law, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with Art. 14 of the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets”.

Questions and tasks for self-control

  • 1. What is the classification of commercial objects according to natural properties?
  • 2. Give general classification valuable papers.
  • 3. What is the legal regime for securities in commercial circulation?
  • 4. What is meant by documents of title?
  • 5. Name the results of intellectual activity and certain types of information that may be the objects of commercial legal relations.

The consumer has the right to provide complete and reliable information, which includes information about the trading enterprise and information about the goods sold.

The requirements for the provision of this information are set out in various regulations, rules, and instructions.

Information about the trading company and the organization of its activities should be located in places convenient for the buyer. It should include:

  • - name of the trading enterprise, its location and legal address, operating mode of a trading enterprise. The specified information is placed on the sign of the trading establishment;
  • - an individual entrepreneur provides information about state registration and the name of the body that registered it;
  • - if the type of activity carried out by a commercial enterprise is subject to licensing, then it is obliged to provide information about the validity period of the license and about the authority that issued it;
  • - Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”;
  • - Rules for the sale of certain types of goods approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 1998 No. 55;
  • - Rules for the sale of goods based on samples, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1997 No. 918 (if trade is carried out based on samples);
  • - Rules commission trade non-food products approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 06.06.1998 No. 569 (if commission trading is carried out);
  • - other rules regulating trading activities and sale of certain types of goods on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, approved executive bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
  • - rules and regulations fire safety, mandatory for execution by the enterprise (Fire Safety Rules PPB-01-03), approved by Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 No. 313, as well as instructions on fire safety measures, evacuation plans for people (if there are more than 10 Human);
  • - copies of documents confirming the legality of ownership (use) of the premises (certificate of ownership or lease (sublease) agreement registered in the prescribed manner);
  • - approved and agreed assortment list;
  • - indicators of the location of departments (sections) or goods sold;
  • - surnames and initials of sales floor employees - on their workplaces or badges;
  • - features of servicing certain categories of citizens (extraordinary servicing, servicing minors);
  • - list, cost and terms of service;
  • - information about the procedure for exchanging goods;
  • - information about the forms of sale of goods used (self-service, sale of goods on pre-orders, sale of goods with an open display, sale of goods by samples, sale of goods at home, etc.);
  • - a book of reviews and suggestions, numbered, laced, certified by the signature and seal of the head of the administrative-territorial unit in whose territory it is located this enterprise. The book is subject to annual re-registration;
  • - addresses and telephone numbers of regulatory authorities, as well as local administration bodies.

Similar information should be brought to the attention of consumers when trading in temporary premises, at fairs, from trays and in other cases if trading is carried out outside the seller’s permanent location.

Main function product information- this is the provision to the consumer (supplier, seller, etc.) of information about the conditions and modes of proper storage, transportation, selection, use and disposal of goods. The information indicates the quality and completeness of the goods. It should be aimed at a more complete disclosure of the consumer properties of the product and confirm its safety. The manufacturer and/or seller is responsible for the complete compliance of the product with the information stated about it.

Requirements for the content and methods of providing information about goods are established by relevant laws, other legal acts (decrees of the President and decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, relevant decisions of authorized executive bodies) and regulatory documents for specific groups and types of goods. The consumer’s right to information about a product is regulated by the provisions of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, as well as the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Information about the product is brought to the attention of the consumer through labeling, technical documentation, attached to the product, or in another way adopted for certain types of goods.

Information about the product must be complete, clearly understandable and presented in Russian. Information may be partially or completely duplicated on foreign languages, and at the request of the customer can be presented in the state languages ​​of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation.

Advertising information must comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation. For example, the use of terms such as “environmentally friendly”, “fortified”, “radiation-safe” are of an advertising nature. These terms may only be used when indicating normative document, allowing for control and identification of the declared characteristics, as well as when this is confirmed by bodies authorized to carry out such control.

  • the name of the technical regulation or other designation established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and indicating the mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the product;
  • information about the basic consumer properties of goods, and in relation to food products - information about the composition indicating the other food products used in the process of their production and food additives, dietary supplements, the presence of components obtained using genetically modified organisms (if their content exceeds 0.9%), nutritional value, purpose, conditions of use and storage of food products, manufacturing methods ready meals, weight (volume), date and place of manufacture and packaging (packaging) of food products, as well as information about contraindications for their use for certain diseases. List of goods, information about which must contain contraindications for use in certain types diseases, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • the price in rubles and the conditions for purchasing the goods, including when providing a loan, the size of the loan, the full amount to be paid by the consumer, and the repayment schedule for this amount;
  • guarantee period, if installed;
  • rules and conditions for the effective and safe use of goods;
  • information about energy efficiency goods for which the requirement for such information is determined in accordance with the legislation on energy saving and increasing energy efficiency;
  • service life or shelf life of the goods, as well as information about the actions of the consumer after the expiration of the specified periods and possible consequences of failure to perform such actions, if the goods, after the expiration of the specified periods, pose a danger to the life, health, property of the consumer or become unsuitable for their intended use;
  • location (legal address), trade name (name) of the seller (manufacturer) and location of the organization authorized to accept claims from consumers and carry out repairs and Maintenance goods or authorized individual entrepreneur, importer;
  • information on mandatory confirmation of compliance of goods with requirements ensuring safety for the life and health of consumers, environment, as well as requirements to prevent damage to consumer property, which are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The method and procedure for submitting information on mandatory confirmation of compliance is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on technical regulation and includes information on the number of the document confirming such compliance, the validity period and the organization that issued it;
  • information about the rules for selling goods, etc.

It should be noted that for failure to provide information, and

Also, the provision of false or insufficiently complete information by the manufacturer (seller) bears administrative responsibility. If insufficient or missing information results in harm to the life or health and property of the consumer, the manufacturer (seller) may also incur criminal liability.

Labeling requirements specific groups goods are contained in the relevant documents (technical regulations, standards, etc.).

Typically, vending machine operators do not pay due attention to the fact that when selling any product, be it drinks, snacks or goods, they enter into legal relations with the buyer. Placement of instructions on how to use the vending machine, posted telephone numbers technical support, information about the company is the responsibility of any seller, including the operator of vending equipment. And basically these requirements are met, that is, consumer rights are respected.

The consumer's right to information is one of the main ones in the system of consumer rights. It is the availability of information that allows you to make a competent choice in the market of goods, works and services.

But few people think that the responsibilities of the seller, in our case, the owner of the vending machine, also include the obligation to post information about the product.

The consumer's right to information is enshrined in the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to the requirements, Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the consumer has the right to demand the provision of necessary and reliable information about the manufacturer (performer, seller), his mode of operation and the goods (work, services) he sells. Art. 445 Civil Code also obliges the seller to provide the buyer with the necessary and reliable information about the product offered for sale, in accordance with the requirements established by law, other legal acts and the requirements usually imposed in retail trade for the content and methods of providing such information.

How to post? After all, a vending machine, for example, a snack machine, is not a storefront or a supermarket where you can take a product and read the label. The advantages of vending equipment, such as compactness, mobility, and the absence of a salesperson, turn into disadvantages - if you do not come up with a certain way to convey information to the consumer about the product, then the law on the protection of consumer rights is essentially violated. But more on that below.

What information should a vending machine provide about a product:

2. Regarding prepared food products (food vending machines, coffee vending machines) - .

How to convey information about a vending machine product to the consumer

You can do this in several ways:

1. Place some of the information on the labels of the vending machine. Print out the rest, which is more bulky, and place it on the machine or on a counter next to the machine.

Remember - offering to provide information to consumers over the phone does not constitute compliance with the law.

2. You can provide all the information in the form of a catalog and place it on the machine or on the rack. By conveying information to the consumer that where he can get acquainted with the information.

Remember - it is not necessary to re-enter prices anywhere if they are displayed when you press the machine button.

3. Bring information to the consumer through the machine’s display, if you are allowed software, machine model and other aspects.

Responsibility of the seller to the consumer

Ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Legislation is not part of the “features” of the vending market; no one cares how you convey information to the consumer, the main thing is that it is brought within the framework of the law. And if the consumer, upon approaching your vending machine, does not receive information, he has the right to go to court. Information must be complete and reliable.

Of course, no one obliges the client to buy a product from a vending machine? if he didn't find the information. But you don’t need to refer to this; you cannot tell the consumer, “if you didn’t find the information, don’t buy.” The consumer has the right to the necessary and reliable information about what is sold, who sells it and who made it, how and when it can be purchased. Based on this, he makes a purchasing decision. And you, in turn, do not have the right to refuse him.

Since carrying out retail sales you are entering into a public contract, which is what all retail purchases are. The purchase and sale agreement is public agreement. This means that the seller offers to make a purchase and indicates the price and terms of sale. The potential buyer is guided by the specified price and terms of sale. After making a decision to purchase, the buyer no longer has the right to refuse or change the terms of purchase.

“Foreign” experience of the vending market

In fact, you don’t have to think that there in Europe or in the West - everything is “closed-door”. The rights of consumers to receive information are respected there too; another thing is that not everyone always follows the law. But there, too, the consumer has the right to demand information about the purchase he makes from a vending machine. Mainly by Western operators this information communicated through the display (screen) of the machine.

In the USA in 2014, owners of vending networks and small operators were required back in 2014 to provide information not only about the composition, but also about the “harmfulness” of the product by a separate legislative act.

In accordance with the resolution, information on the composition, calorie content, and other properties of each product separately must be indicated on vending machines, and must be placed near the product selection button or directly next to the product. The rule applies to any vending company that owns 20 or more vending machines. The FDA estimates that there are 10,800 operators who have between 4 and 5.6 million vending machines.

– also appeared in 2014.

The store where the practice took place belongs to trading network CJSC "Tander" The directorate of this network is located in Krasnodar. JSC "Tander" was founded in 1994 as wholesale supplier household chemicals and cosmetics, and since 1997 began to develop the food segment of the market, becoming one of the five largest distributors in Russia. In 1998, the first self-service store was opened. Within a year, the company reached a leading position in the south of Russia, after which the company began promoting to other regions. 2000 is a significant year in the history of the company. All stores are being converted into a discounter format and united under the Magnit brand. In the period from 2001 - 2005. The chain showed rapid regional growth and took first place in Russia in terms of the number of stores - 1,500 and became the second in terms of revenue in the country. In April 2008, as part of a secondary placement, the Company entered the London Stock Exchange. According to unaudited data, the net revenue of the Magnit network as of December 31, 2009 amounted to 169,604.53 million rubles. The number of stores in the Magnit chain, as of December 31, 2009, was 3,228 (3,204 “convenience stores” and 24 hypermarkets. As of December 31, 2009, the company operated 58 branches, in which, as of December 31, 2009, about 76 thousand employees. The company has 9 of its own distribution centers, which account for about 78% of the total turnover. The company also has its own fleet of 1,453 vehicles, which allows reducing transport costs and almost completely eliminating losses during transportation. As of December 31 In 2009, the assortment of the Magnit chain of stores included about 530 items of goods under its own brand, which is 15.00% of the assortment and 12.28% of total sales. automated system inventory management, thereby increasing inventory turnover. "Magnit" is the owner of the largest network in Russia in terms of the number of stores and their coverage area, which allows purchasing at special conditions. Much attention is paid to cooperation with local producers and suppliers, which allows us to quickly resolve issues of providing store chains with fresh locally produced goods. Since 2006, the company has been developing in all cities of Russia new format retail trade - the MAGNIT hypermarket chain. The hypermarket is an object of a new format for each city: modern functional architecture, spacious layout, large and convenient parking, sale of a full range of products for the whole family in one place, organization of a zone Catering- all this is in great demand today in the service market of every city where our hypermarkets operate or are under construction. As of December 31, 2009, 24 hypermarkets were opened. Currently, more than 18 objects are under construction. The trading area of ​​hypermarkets varies from 2000 - 12,500 sq.m. The assortment includes up to 15,000 items of goods, of which on average about 78% are food products. Hypermarkets are located within the city, which makes them possible to visit not only by car owners.

The object of the internship is the Magnit store, which was opened in March 2003. It carries out its activities on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the enterprise. The main goal of the Magnit store is to make a profit. The main activity is retail. The Magnit store has a retail area of ​​250 m2. The store layout is in Appendix 1. The store sells food and non-food products everyday needs. There are two ways to place equipment - linear and boxed. The racks are located parallel to the checkout points, which allows inspectors to monitor the aisles. For ease of movement, the minimum width of passages is 1.4 meters. Before refrigeration equipment(slide, islands, cutting department) with products there are aisles 1.80 meters wide to avoid crowding and unhindered selection of products by the buyer. The passage in front of the ticket office occupies a 2.10 meter long area, where a queue forms during peak hours. In the entry-exit area, baskets, tables for packaging, and storage lockers are conveniently placed, which allows the flow of customers to intersect to a minimum extent.

The main method of service is self-service. Self-service selling is one of the most convenient methods for customers to sell goods. Self-service allows you to speed up operations for selling goods, increase the throughput of stores, and expand the volume of sales of goods. This method provides for free access for buyers to posted trading floor goods, the ability to independently inspect and select them without the help of a seller, which allows for a more rational distribution of functions between store employees. Payment for selected goods is carried out at payment centers served by cashier controllers. The store is a separate building, located in a convenient location for customers, since there is a bus stop nearby and the store has a parking lot. The store has retail premises, premises for receiving, storage, and also has utility rooms (for storing containers and washing rooms). These include receiving, unloading, cooling chambers for storage, and packaging. There are no facilities for preparing goods for sale. Administrative premises in this store: manager's office, rest room, dressing rooms, toilets for staff. In the Magnit store, the location of the premises helps to rationally organize the trading and technological process. The premises for receiving goods communicate freely with the sales floor; the aisles are wide, allowing goods to be easily transported to the sales floor. Trading and warehouses located on the same level, which allows timely and prompt replenishment inventory in the sales area. Administrative premises are directly connected to the premises for receiving goods, and household and utility rooms are directly connected to the sales floor.

Thus, we can conclude that the store premises fully satisfy all the requirements that are presented to it and correspond to the assigned tasks. We can also conclude that the entire Magnit chain of stores is a well-developed chain and Tander CJSC is successful organization and is the first in Russia in size and plans to enter the markets of the CIS countries in the near future.