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Organization of the process of implementing a business plan. The process of managing the implementation of a business plan at Mebel-M LLC. Development of a strategy for creating a new enterprise

After going to market economy The importance of business plans necessary for organizing your business, preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of the project, and development of new areas of activity has sharply increased. Development of a business plan is recommended both for a newly created company and for an existing organization at a certain stage of development.

You will learn:

  • Why do you need to develop a business plan?
  • What types of business plan are there?
  • What are the goals and functions of a business plan.
  • What are the stages of developing a business plan?
  • What does the structure of a business plan look like?
  • How to evaluate the effectiveness of a business plan.

Why is developing a business plan so important?

The application of business planning helps in the implementation of the company's projects. The drawn up plan makes it possible to present all upcoming events and evaluate the possible results and effects of them.

The business plan includes detailed company description, including goods (services) sold, management processes, as well as financial needs.

Purposes of the business plan

  1. Become a document for creating a new company. It states what methods and tools the owners plan to use to achieve their goals. That is, a business plan is a kind of instruction for opening a new business.
  2. Show that the leader is proactive and will be able to direct his activity towards the implementation of a specific project, is responsible and will be able to achieve his goals, understands how to overcome all possible difficulties.
  3. Tell counterparties and employees about some of the nuances of the project. This will help them see the manager as a colleague.
  4. Prove to potential investors the feasibility of investing money.
  5. Demonstrate the capacity and prospects for the development of a new sales market.
  6. Assess the costs of manufacturing goods, necessary for the market, correlate them with the prices at which it is possible to sell their products in order to determine the likely profitability of the project.
  7. Identify criteria based on which it will be possible to monitor the state of affairs and carry out management.
  8. Identify all possible difficulties awaiting the project in the first years of implementation.
  9. Achieve greater respect and trust from colleagues and investors.

Main types of business plans

A business plan is usually created to introduce innovative, social, economic and organizational types projects.

  • Innovative business plan– a document describing a set of development activities new products, conducting marketing research. Great importance is devoted to describing the innovativeness of the project and protecting intellectual property. The highest goal is formulated and specific periods for the implementation of the project are determined.
  • Organizational plan created to carry out reforms in the company, transition to new management and management systems, development and implementation of the event. It is very difficult to identify qualitative or quantitative indicators for assessing the results of such projects.
  • Economic plan necessary for construction audit systems, privatization of the company, transition to another tax system.
  • Social business plan involves changes in the sphere of social protection, social security, healthcare, elimination of the negative results of social upheavals and natural disasters.

It is also possible to develop a business plan to implement various goals, that is, it can be aimed at a specific target group:

1. Business plan investment project.

We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

2. Business plan of the enterprise.

This is one of the most common types of business plan, which is useful for both large companies and small and medium-sized businesses. Development of a business plan for an enterprise includes consideration of the main aspects of the company’s activities, possible benefits and developmental deficiencies, ways to solve possible difficulties. Using a business plan, you can analyze ideas, determine a more appropriate solution for organizing a business, identify weaknesses, and consider the experience of competitors. In addition, the development of a business plan for an enterprise will be necessary if you want to start cooperation with potential investors or partners. The first section (resume) should be given the most attention. Much depends on convincing and inspiring cooperation summary business plan. In most cases, the study of projects begins with a resume, so it is very important to clearly and clearly describe your concept, ways to make a profit and prove the innovativeness of the proposal. It is necessary that after reading the summary you can answer two questions: “What is the interest of the participants in the implementation of the project?” and “What is the probability of being left without profit?”

3. Business plan for a loan.

A business plan for obtaining a loan has three differences from an investment plan:

  • it must justify the need to finance the company for a certain period of time;
  • the benefits from using the loan must be clearly visible;
  • must contain evidence of the company’s high solvency, indicating timely payment of debt and interest.

Most likely, the bank will not scrutinize the points of the business plan that are not directly related to financial stability enterprises. Greater value whether the borrower has a responsible guarantor or valuables for collateral. Attention is also paid accounts payable and receivable. Studying your credit history will help you find out whether the organization has debts and how timely they are repaid. It makes no sense to provide distorted information. Firstly, all banking institutions carry out independent assessment the financial solvency of the potential borrower, and when applying for a loan it will be necessary to collect a large package of documents and undergo several checks. Secondly, before deciding to apply for a loan, you should evaluate all the pros and cons, and also double-check your own capabilities for timely repayment of the loan and interest. Therefore, when drawing up a business plan, you need to be extremely honest and soberly look at your strengths in order to be as prepared as possible for possible difficulties.

4. Business plan for a grant.

Developing a business plan for a grant involves receiving a subsidy or loan from the state budget or charitable foundations. In this case, your document should focus on humane goals and a major contribution to the development of your region or city. Your likelihood of receiving a grant depends on how honestly and accurately you present your business plan concept. And again, it will be necessary to place the main emphasis on the resume.

To summarize, we can say the following. A business plan is a document consisting of calculations, technical and economic justification, as well as a list of activities and specific tasks necessary to implement the project and obtain maximum profit. When developing a business plan, it is necessary to adhere to consistency, thoroughness, specificity, detailed description all the details and nuances and systematic approach so that everything potential partners could receive detailed answers to their questions.

It is necessary to take into account all the features of your future partners, regardless of the type of business plan you choose. As a rule, investors like a document that the company’s specialists compiled independently, without contacting other companies. And first of all, they consider the organization itself, its human resources and the quality of the proposed idea.

For banking institutions, the current solvency of the enterprise is important, without taking into account potential profit. A government agencies usually encourage projects that benefit society and humanity.

  • State assistance to business: with whom will the state share the money?

Goals for developing business plans

The business plan must reflect and justify the costs and profitability of the business being created.

But this is not the only goal. In addition to this, there are other goals for developing business plans:

  • reducing the risks of opening a new business;
  • determining the level of reality of achieving goals;
  • attracting new investors, partners, sponsors, etc.;
  • definition of strengths and weaknesses created business, risk assessment;
  • business plan - a mechanism for obtaining Money(financing, investing, obtaining loans);
  • proof to potential investors of the attractiveness and rationality of creating a new organization;
  • it is necessary to perceive the business plan as a planning process and a management tool within the company.

According to another classification, internal and external goals business plan.

Internal goals: test your existing knowledge, your own understanding of the market environment and acquire new skills and experience. Much depends on the investor's awareness strategic goals, indicators, competitive environment, strengths and weaknesses of a particular investment project, its expected productivity under specific conditions.

1) Development of a strategy for creating a new enterprise.

Strategic planning within the company itself takes place over several stages:

  • Formation of strategic goals of the organization.
  • Development of various directions for the development of the company to achieve the approved goals.
  • Identification of resources that will be needed to implement other areas of company development.
  • Assessing and comparing the productivity of company development options.
  • Determining the most effective option from many different directions of development of the organization.
  • Assessing the need for additional funding to implement the preferred option.

All important information revealed during strategic planning, influence the business plan.

2) Providing the ability to control the process of implementing the developed strategy.

A business plan is a kind of basis for comparison, which allows you to determine deviations from the prepared plan, identify the reasons for inconsistencies and develop measures to eliminate them.

Therefore, a business plan is an important mechanism for managing a company. Creating a business plan will help you forecast more effectively further development events.

External the purpose of developing a business plan is to receive cash injections from external sources in the form of loans or investments, attract the interest of banking institutions and investors, prove to them the feasibility of the investment project and high management companies.

All investors want to assess the profitability of investing in a project and identify the expected return on it and the riskiness of the investment, and this is best done by studying and analyzing the business plan.

Roughly speaking, a business plan is a business card investment project. After familiarizing yourself with it, the investor will be able to understand whether it is profitable for him to invest money and how the project can achieve the greatest productivity with risks acceptable for the investor.

For a business plan to work and achieve its goals, it is very important to approach its creation competently. A general algorithm for generating a business plan has been developed.

Stages of developing a business plan

  1. Before you start creating a business plan, you need to analyze financial activities the company's market, as well as carry out a feasibility study of various alternatives for its development, taking into account generally accepted international standards. After the analysis and research, a strategy for production and sales of products is formed. To make a decision, you need to have confirmed and complete information. That's why identifying sources of necessary information – This is the first stage from which the development of a business plan begins. Sections begin to take shape by studying business planning publications, seeking help from management consulting companies, or taking courses that offer advice on developing a business plan.
  2. At the next stage of drawing up a business plan, they form development goals, based on the problems that this document is intended to solve.
  3. After identifying external and internal goals, you can move on to the third stage: identifying development recipients. Will it be only internal members of the company (most likely not) or also an external party that the company would like to attract as investors (commercial banking institutions, potential shareholders).
  4. At the fourth stage of developing a business plan, they begin establishing the general structure of the document being created.
  5. At the fifth stage it begins collection of information to prepare all the above sections. At this stage, you need to find people with the knowledge and skills necessary to create a business plan and who can support you. For example, these could be company employees, as well as external consultants.
  6. At the sixth stage there is creating an initial version of a business plan. After all the sections have been assembled, a resume is drawn up (it is always written last). When all stages of developing a business plan have been completed, we can consider that the planning is completed, but it is better not to put the document into action, but first give it to some influential but impartial specialist who can give unbiased comments.
  • Forms of business organization: examples, recommendations, practical issues

Expert opinion

Scheme for preparing a business plan

Tatyana Larina,

The development of a business plan for a store or enterprise is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. A draft business plan is created. To compile it, you will need information obtained as a result of industry analysis. Some indicators will be useful, for example, trends and rates of development in various areas, the degree of dynamism and market capacity, product standardization, segment analysis, buyer resources, production capacity in the business. Then you need to assess the relevance of the business plan and whether it is possible to begin implementing it now.
  2. Next, we begin to develop a business plan strategy, formulate goals and objectives. We determine the probable level economic indicators and we make a forecast whether it is possible to increase profits, what market share the business can occupy, how trade turnover will increase, whether we can satisfy the needs of customers.
  3. At the very end, a tactical business plan is developed. It draws up a schedule that records the company's actions taken to solve its problems and achieve its goals, as well as to implement the strategic business plan.

Based on these steps, a template business plan structure was created, with which you can create a document that displays all the necessary information.

Development of a business plan: sections of the document and its design

1. Decor.

The cover is an important detail of any business plan. You shouldn’t be careless about its development, because an attractive cover that an investor likes can positively influence his decision to sign a contract with you. The company logo must be printed on the cover, and the business plan itself must be placed in a suitable folder with springs. The text should only appear on one side of the sheet. For a business plan, you should use a standard font (Times New Roman or Arial) size 12-14, highlighting all headings.

On title page place the following information about the company: name, telephone numbers, contact person, email, legal address.

2. Brief summary.

By studying a short summary, your potential investors will be able to learn about the advantages and specifics of your business. Be sure to indicate the benefits that investors will receive, what is the attractiveness of this direction, what tasks the company has identified for itself, how it plans to occupy its niche in the modern market.

After the first proposals of the business plan, the investor should understand the attractiveness of the project. The resume should include the following information in brief form:

  • the essence of the business project, the main goal of the company, economic efficiency of activities;
  • prospects for implementing the idea on the market and in business;
  • information about the sources of financing necessary for implementation;
  • the person responsible for the implementation of the project, stages of implementation of the business plan;
  • expected benefit (expected level of sales, rates of income, time required for payback and return on investment).

Particular attention should be paid to determining the main goal of the company, in which it should be noted:

  • main directions, specifics of the company;
  • stages of business development;
  • organizational and legal form and objectives of the company;
  • types of goods/services that the company plans to sell to consumers, how it plans to do this;
  • information on key economic and technical data for the previous five years;
  • information about the competitiveness of goods and brands in the context of specific periods and markets;
  • current state of affairs in the company and prospects for activity;
  • competitive advantages of business, differences from the work of other companies.

3. Description of the product or service.

In this section it is worth considering the main types of services or goods manufactured by the company.

4. Competitive advantage.

Competition is one of the important elements, which must be taken into account when planning activities. It is necessary to clearly understand in which areas the most serious competition is and what can be done to solve this problem. Often, in order to enter the market environment with special high competition, companies reduce prices to be able to operate and conduct business successfully. Under ideal conditions, there is no price competition, but now this occurs only in the case of creating an original product.

To survive among the most powerful business competitors, a company must offer the buyer goods or services that are different from similar ones sold by other companies. But the nuances of the product should be positively perceived by consumers.

5. Risk assessment.

Risks are factors that a businessman cannot influence. Risks that have become reality seriously aggravate the current state of affairs, reduce profits, and reduce the number of customers, which can deprive the company of the opportunity to continue doing business.

Before starting your own business, you need to develop a business plan taking into account the likely risks. This is important because it will help:

  • determine whether it is realistic to achieve the planned business indicators (profit level, desired number of consumers);
  • assess what should be feared and develop ways to mitigate adverse consequences.

When assessing risks, most organizations and individual entrepreneurs use SWOT analysis, which examines the business environment from external and internal aspects.

6. Marketing strategy.

9 most common mistakes when writing a business plan

Mistake 1. Lack of knowledge in the field of the market, current trends, competition and lack of argumentation. This is a very common mistake when developing a business plan, because entrepreneurs often deal only with production issues, forgetting to study the demand for the product. This is wrong; it is necessary to focus on analyzing the market, prospective buyers, and also draw conclusions supported by arguments about the planned sales volumes.

Mistake 2. Inaccuracy of goals. You need to have a clear goal and know what you want. For example, by 2018, take a leading position in your locality on the range, quality and sales volume of baked goods. You must show investors your understanding of three aspects:

  • how are things today (who are we at the moment?);
  • what do you want to achieve (in what direction are we moving?);
  • how you are going to achieve what you want (who you will become and how you will achieve it).

Mistake 3. Unresearched questions. The business plan must provide for and describe everything. Questions regarding:

  • information about the supplier of equipment, raw materials and other materials;
  • a detailed plan for attracting investors;
  • information about the property of an enterprise (IP) that can be used as collateral for lending.

Mistake 4. Indicating the project cost below the real one. This is one of the common mistakes that arises due to poor elaboration of issues related to construction, procurement of equipment and obtaining relevant documents.

Since not all details can be taken into account at the planning stage, the actual implementation cost will be higher than on paper. This can lead to both the need to search for and attract additional investments, and to the absolute end of work and bankruptcy.

Error 5. Underestimating the cost of goods or services. This situation will arise if you do not work well enough on issues related to organizing the production process. When preparing a business plan, young entrepreneurs often inaccurately calculate the costs of resources, materials, raw materials or resort to unreliable information. This leads to high product costs, inability to withstand competition and, in most cases, to withdrawal from the market.

Error 6. The timing of the plan does not correspond to reality. Mistakes made when preparing a business plan may lead to incorrect calculation of the time frame for completing the project (too short), which will make investors and lenders doubt your competence and ability to adequately assess your strengths and capabilities.

Mistake 7. The project and the potential of the enterprise are incommensurable. Any planned project must correspond to the financial capabilities of the company, its size and available resources. Investors and creditors are distrustful of firms that do not match their needs and capabilities. Most banking institutions prohibit issuing loans for project implementation to companies whose project scale exceeds today's financial capabilities.

Mistake 8. There is no clear business plan for promoting the product. There are cases when an entrepreneur pays little attention to the issues of selling and promoting his product, which can lead to receiving less than possible revenue. As a result, the products remain in the warehouse, and the goals set in the business plan are never achieved.

Error 9. There is no clear scheme for returning funds taken on credit. It's important for investors and lenders to understand how you plan to repay your money. If you exclude this item from your business plan, you will most likely receive a refusal.

The business plan implementation stage covers the period from the investment decision to the start of commercial production. Therefore, determine the technical and financial contributions of the various stages of the implementation plan in order to ensure sufficient funds to support the project before and after the start of production. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of financing, as well as financial impacts and production delays.

The implementation schedule should reflect the costs of implementing the project as well as the final cash flows (for all initial investments) so that the appropriate inflows of funds required for financing can be determined.

Implementing a business plan means completing all the work tasks inside and outside the company necessary to translate business project from the business plan stage to the actual production stage. It is necessary to create a realistic schedule for the various stages of project implementation.

Objectives of the business plan implementation:

Determining the type of work tasks inside and outside the company.

Determine the logical sequence of events in work tasks.

Preparation of an implementation schedule defining the position of work tasks, adjustments in time, taking into account required time to complete each individual task.

Determining the resources needed to complete individual tasks and identifying associated costs.

Prepare an implementation budget and fund flows that will ensure the availability of appropriate funds throughout the implementation phase.

Documentation of all implementation data, allowing you to modernize implementation plans and budget, as well as forecasts made during the preparation of the business plan.

Stages of business plan implementation:

Assign a team to implement the business plan.

Create new company(if, for example, investors start new business, and the project will not or cannot be implemented in an existing enterprise) and discuss legal requirements.

If possible, use legal assistance from state and local authorities and government approval.

Do some financial planning.

Don't forget about organization and management.

Perform organizational building of the company, during which recruitment begins.

Purchase technology as needed.

Perform detailed engineering and contracting.

Present your proposals, negotiate and conclude contracts.

In fact, there are no established regulations governing the costs of pre-investment research. Therefore, no matter how hard you try to find the answer to the question of how much it will cost, you still will not get a clear and unambiguous amount. Let us give you an example of the classification of costs for implementing a business plan.

Implementation management costs.

Costs of starting a company and organizational building.

Costs and expenses directly attributable to the formation of a company, such as finance charges, duties, taxes, fees and legal costs.

Rent and operation of offices, transport, residential premises, etc.

Salaries and wage management staff.

Consultant fees.

Legal costs.

Duties and taxes during the sales period.

Recruitment costs.

Salaries of specialists.

Fees for external training (local and overseas), including travel and food expenses.

Training documentation and materials (if this is not part of the supply contract).

Acquisition and transfer of technology.

Technology testing and evaluation costs.

Detailed engineering process for large costs of acquiring know-how and royalties to specialists.

Expenses for transfer of know-how (training).

Detailed engineering of equipment and civil works, submission and evaluation of proposals, negotiations and conclusion of contracts.

Travel, transport, communication, food expenses.

1) Formation of a company.

2) Government approval (if necessary).

3) Organizational education.

4) Acquisition and transfer of technology.

5) Detailed engineering.

6) Applications, negotiations, contracts.

7) Purchase of land or lease.

8) Construction and installation of equipment.

9) Supply of materials and services.

10) Pre-production marketing.

1) Preparation of the site and infrastructure.

2) Architectural and structural solutions.

3) Electrical and mechanical solutions.

4) Production program.

5) Equipment specifications.

6) Documentation.

7) Reception and inspection of equipment.

8) Technical application documents.

9) Logistics support.

1) Development of all the subtleties of the production process.

2) Ensuring full operation and reaching design capacity.

3) Organization of sales.

Business plan N-sky brewery Moscow, 1998 Contents SUMMARY................................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .................................... 2 INITIAL DATA AND CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENTERPRISE....... ........................................................ ..... 11 MARKET CONDITION FORECAST.................................................... ........................................................ ........................ 27 MARKETING STRATEGY.................................... ........................................................ ........................................................ .......... 33 ORGANIZATIONAL AND FINANCIAL MECHANISM................................... ........................................................ 36 DETERMINING COSTS.................................................... ........................................................ ........................................... 40 DEFINITION OF INCOME.... ........................................................ ........................................................ .......................... …

"I approve" CEO StroyExpoService LLC ______________Vafin R. Sh. __________________ 2000 Business plan “Organization of a woodworking shop” StroyExpoService LLC, Tyumen district, Borovsky village, st. Herzen, 102 Founders: Vafin Ravil Shakhidullovich, tel.: (3452) ...

According to Federal Law dated June 14, 1995 N 88-FZ “On state support for small businesses in Russian Federation» SE subjects mean commercial organizations, V authorized capital which share of participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, public and religious organizations(associations), charitable and other foundations does not exceed 25%, the share owned by one or more legal entities that are not small enterprises does not exceed 25%, and in which the average number of employees for reporting period does not exceed the following maximum levels: - in industry, construction and transport - 100 people; - in the agricultural and scientific and technical spheres - 60 people; - V wholesale trade- 50 people; - V retail trade And consumer services population - 30 people; - in other industries and when carrying out other types of activities - 50 people.

The main stages of implementing a business plan are not always amenable to step-by-step analysis, when one stage invariably follows another. A large number of intersections and simultaneous planning of various activities are inevitable.

For example, training may begin very early, when the company's key personnel spend a long period of time studying abroad, although training of service technicians and operators occurs later, during the completion of a business project and the start-up of production. It is especially important to compare the socio-economic conditions in the country or area with the implementation period activities in order to assess their implications for scheduling the implementation of individual tasks. Effective organization at the port may be important for a specific project, but if the highway connecting the port to the company's facilities, is in poor condition because the personnel responsible are inexperienced or underpaid, the entire project may be in jeopardy.

Appointment of a business project implementation team. The implementation of a business project is usually entrusted to the team for its

implementation. If the company in the process of its formation has qualified personnel, then it can appoint an implementation team under own management. Otherwise, a professional advisor may be selected to act in the best interests of the investor.

The team can carry out either all or part of the work. Particularly for large projects, certain tasks (such as detailed engineering or supervision of construction and installation work) are often subcontracted. The main purpose of assigning a project team is to ensure that all work is carried out in accordance with the implementation plan and budget and that appropriate countermeasures can be taken if implementation work and costs deviate from plan.

Starting a business and legal requirements. The creation of a new enterprise is necessary if, for example, investors are starting a new business and the project will not or cannot be implemented within the existing enterprise. If investments are made in operating enterprise, then some of the legal requirements described below will not apply.

Legal process, registration and authorization. If company formation is necessary, any local, national, bilateral or international rules and regulations and procedures prescribed by local authorities must be followed at all stages of the project. There are a number of national and international documents and guidelines that describe the content of contracts concluded between companies and the documents that must be submitted to the authorities. Rules and customs are not the same in different countries, so studying them will take a lot of time.

Starting a company can be divided into the following four steps.

1. Signing a letter of intent between business partners to found a company. When creating an international joint venture, such a letter of intent is signed by local and foreign partners. One of the topics covered by the letter of intent may be the joint preparation of a company business plan. If its development leads to a positive conclusion during the pre-investment phase, then the next three steps are part of the investment phase.

Agreement between business partners on the financial structure and preparation of documents required by the authorities.

3. Formal submission of the application to the authorities. ^

4. Official authorization or registration of the new company.

The procedure for creating a joint venture can be quite complex and time-consuming. Before a business project can be carried out as a joint venture, it must be approved legal basis. In many countries this can take 4 to 6 months and require the assistance of a lawyer or expert.

Government approval. In many cases, government approval is required in order to import machinery, equipment and technology provision. The supply of imported materials, including manufacturing raw materials, parts and components, may also be subject to government approvals.

Financial planning. Once the investment decision has been made and the full investment costs and their schedule are known, it is necessary to begin detailed preparations for financing the business project in accordance with the financial requirements of its implementation.

Organization and management. The plan and implementation schedule prepared in the business plan usually form the basis future work implementation teams. The team must have the necessary authority over contractors and consultants to ensure the effective and timely implementation of the business plan. Team members must have sufficient knowledge of local conditions. The team will have to act not only during the implementation period, therefore it is necessary to form a core of management, technical and maintenance personnel, which will subsequently become part of the management of the company during its further functioning.

Organizational building. Replenishment schedule depends on production type and availability the necessary workers. Training of new employees can begin very early early stage, and it may be necessary for some key figures to study abroad. Moreover, to get started effective training, it may be necessary to use expatriate instructors and provide educational materials and training equipment. Very often, replenishment of personnel is carried out

is carried out at the last stage. Training programs begin only when a company is ready to begin production, resulting in low capacity utilization in the early production stages.

Acquisition and transfer of technology. Acquiring technology is a key element of the implementation phase of the business plan. Sometimes you have to decide legal problems, such as patent rights, operating restrictions or restrictions on technology transfer and trade names.

Detailed engineering and contracting. The final plant layout and design, prepared in the business plan, is the starting point for detailed engineering. During the implementation phase, complete site preparation documentation is carefully developed, machinery and plant equipment are ordered, for which engineers, architects and planners are involved, collaboration which requires effective coordination. The cost of this work and the time required for it should be estimated in the business plan. The business plan implementation team is provided with a full range of technical documentation long before the start of construction and the equipment installation stage.

An important aspect that does not receive enough attention is the provision of detailed guidance on equipment maintenance and repair. It should be ensured that the instruction text, graphics and diagrams can be used by future operators and maintenance personnel.

Submission of proposals, negotiations and conclusion of contracts. This stage includes: identifying contractors, consultants and suppliers; preparation, presentation and evaluation of proposals; negotiations and conclusion of contracts. To achieve the most best offers reasonable time must be allowed.

The period of time between the proposal of price and the final conclusion of the contract can be planned without much difficulty. The time to delivery of equipment can range from several months (for a relatively small company) to two years (for more complex installations). Delivery times should be planned to ensure that equipment arrives in a sequence that is optimal for both supply and construction. It is necessary to anticipate all critical stages for transport for the supply of bulky or heavy machinery and equipment. Suppliers must carry out quality control, organize loading and transport routes, and prepare commercial and customs documents in accordance with local laws and regulations. It is necessary to have intermediate warehouses and premises where the equipment will be safely stored until installation at the enterprise.

When both imported and local equipment is installed, supply chain issues arise. Deliveries of local equipment in Russian disrupted cooperative ties often take much longer than deliveries of imported equipment. Therefore, orders must be planned much earlier.

Test equipment testing is sometimes a serious problem. These tests, particularly their duration and test conditions, should be defined precisely and in detail in contract documents to avoid future claims. At the stage of developing a business plan, it is necessary to indicate what equipment tests are required or recommended with the calculation of approximate costs. The result of the equipment inspection is decisive for both suppliers and buyers.

Buyer approval of the test is a condition for payment to the supplier for installation of the equipment. This test is also decisive for investors. A failed performance or equipment test inevitably means a delay in plant startup and commissioning. Although suppliers or contractors issue a promissory note for payments, its value is not comparable to production losses. A poor equipment performance test document without clear statements about plant objectives and testing methods, as well as the responsibilities of all parties involved, often leads to delays and legal problems.

Many equipment inspection contracts are followed by a warranty period. In this case, the acceptance of the equipment performance test is preliminary, and the final certificate of acceptance is issued after the end of the warranty period.

Model forms of contracts. Should be drawn up sample samples contracts for the construction of enterprises (production sites and lines) in the following terms: “under

key for large sums"; “almost turnkey”; “with reimbursement of expenses”; “providing know-how and application services” These sample contracts distribute the responsibilities of the parties in a balanced manner. When drawing up sample contracts, the following issues are highlighted; timely completion of a single object (section, line), guaranteeing the ability to maintain high efficiency work and production of goods of a certain quality; introducing full investment costs instead of just the contract cost; payment terms associated with the fulfillment of the contractor's obligations; continuity of technical guarantees; involving the buyer in all stages of delivery; efficient use debt obligations in order to ensure their fulfillment by the contractor.

To assist users of sample contracts in contract negotiations, it should be prepared; reviews covering pre-contract practice; technical specifications; explanatory comments on the fundamental points of the sample contract with a description of the recommended additional agreements both inside and outside the contract. This is necessary to address training deficiencies for local personnel as well as for inexperienced plant operators.

Acquisition of land. Opportunities for land acquisition can be considered at an early stage, but it should be kept in mind that a comprehensive use plan must be prepared for each potential site, adequate access to the plant site must be provided, and transportation routes must be designed to withstand the heavy traffic loads of the site. the time of construction and transportation of goods produced at the enterprise. Harsh climatic conditions may prevent construction work on the site and detain them, It is necessary to consider the expansion of existing railways, laying temporary and permanent water and electrical lines. The assembly of telecommunications structures must be completed by the time on-site activities begin. When acquiring a plot of land, a conclusion from local authorities may be required on the impact of the enterprise on environment. It usually takes a lot of time to get a positive conclusion. If the business plan does not sufficiently address local regulations for the avoidance of natural disasters, then there is a need for additional work both on and off site, which will result in additional costs.

Construction and installation of equipment. Any construction delays will have a direct impact on the costs and revenue estimates planned during the business plan phase. When drawing up a construction schedule and installation work it is necessary to take into account that they can begin only then, then the final layout of the enterprise (site) will be prepared, the selected site will be purchased and all necessary permits will be obtained from local authorities. Site preparation can be planned without major problems, but care should be taken to carry out the necessary checks and technical studies to ensure that the proposed civil works are adequate. Site preparation should also cover construction constraints and an assessment of the accessibility of existing offices, accommodation, means of transport, etc. The sequencing of civil works and construction activities should be carefully determined in accordance with infrastructure requirements and accessibility, as well as the arrival and installation schedule various types equipment. Careful consideration should be given to the flow of materials to ensure that the location of open storage areas does not interfere with other activities on site.

Providing raw materials and services. During the implementation of the business plan, it is necessary to complete activities for the supply of basic production materials. If some of the goods are imported, then possible obstacles in the supplier-buyer chain should be examined, as well as any problems that may arise during transit should be resolved. Although initial supplies of spare parts are usually provided by equipment suppliers, this may not be sufficient to maintain operations. Funds (foreign currency) must be established to ensure the supply of spare parts and consumable raw materials.

To resolve critical production issues, it is mandatory to use a quality control system. Quality control can be carried out by agencies operating in the supplier's countries,

Pre-production marketing. Preparation of the sales market should begin well in advance so that the products can be sold within the planned time frame. Otherwise

In this case, the stock of unsold products will increase, and preliminary calculations about the commercial profitability of the product will turn out to be incorrect. Market preparation consists of advertising and training sellers and dealers, as well as organizing a sales network and providing special equipment for selling goods (freezers, exhibition halls, workshops).

Approaches to developing a business plan

Note 1

There are two approaches to developing a business plan, one of which is to draw up a business plan by hired specialists, while the project initiators prepare the initial data, and the other is to independently develop a business plan by the project initiators and receive methodological recommendations from specialists. IN Russian practice The second approach is predominantly used.

A business plan helps assess the future situation both within the company and in the external environment. It is necessary to orient management in a situation of joint stock ownership, since it is with the help of a business plan that enterprise managers make decisions on the accumulation of profit or its distribution among shareholders in the form of dividends. This plan allows you to justify measures to develop and improve production. In addition, a business plan makes it possible to coordinate the activities of partner companies, organize joint activities on planning the development of companies that are associated with the production of identical or complementary goods. Business planning, together with internal functions, plays a big role in developing a macro-level planning strategy.

All long-term business plans of enterprises are information base, which is the basis for developing national planning policies within the framework of state regulation of the economy.

Thus, the use of a business plan is more related to assessing the market situation both inside and outside the company to find investors.

Stages of business plan implementation

The main stages of business plan implementation include:

  • Appointment of a group to implement a business project. As a rule, the implementation of the project is entrusted to a group of specialists. The main goal such an appointment is a guarantee that all work will be completed according to the implementation plan and budget, and it also becomes possible to take countermeasures in case of deviation from the implementation work plan and costs.
  • Company formation and legal requirements. Opening a new company is necessary in cases where it is not possible to implement a business project within the existing company.
  • Carrying out the legal process, registration and authorization. If a new enterprise is being created, then it is required to identify for all stages of the project all local, regional, international instructions and rules that must be followed.
  • Implementation of government approval. Government approval is required for various lines of business, such as import of machinery, equipment, etc.
  • Financial planning. As soon as a decision on capital investment has been made and the volume of investment expenses, as well as their schedule, has become known, a detailed financial planning business project that meets the financial requirements of its implementation.
  • Organization and management. The project plan and schedule are the basis for the group’s future work to implement it. During the implementation of the project, the investor should form a core consisting of a manager, service and technical staff, who will manage the enterprise in the future.
  • Organizational building. At this stage, the new production is being staffed.
  • Technology acquisition and transfer. Is key element process of executing a business plan. Sometimes, with the chosen technology, it is necessary to solve legal problems, for example, obtaining a manufacturing patent, overcoming operating restrictions, etc.
  • Detailed engineering. At this stage, complete documentation for the new production is carefully developed: the use of space, equipment, resources, etc.
  • Making proposals, conducting negotiations and concluding deals. At this stage, contractors, consultants and suppliers are identified, proposals are prepared, submitted and evaluated, negotiations are conducted and contracts are concluded.
  • Pre-production marketing. It is necessary to conduct market research prior to production to ensure that successful implementation products.

Reasons for failed planning

There are often cases when business planning within a company does not allow achieving goals. There are the following types of reasons why intra-company planning fails:

  • Managers and business plan writers do not take into account the objective limits of business planning;
  • Subjective features contained in the behavior of investors.

The first and most important reason for failure is excessive external pressure, as well as a situation in which short-term indicators take precedence over long-term ones. Any company has many urgent tasks that need to be solved in the shortest possible period of time. However, the urgent is not always the main thing, and in this case it is necessary to determine the general direction of the company’s actions, its main goals, and long-term objectives.

The second reason is the nature of the personality of the manager, who may have weak management and planning skills.

The third reason is related to the qualifications of the planning specialist.

Insufficient literacy of specialists in some issues leads to negative results of business planning, such as:

  • Drawing up business plans that are isolated from general business activities;
  • Clashes and contradictions between managers and specialists.

The way out of this situation is considered to be the establishment of active interaction between managers and employees of all levels and divisions both during planned activities and in discussing issues related to strategic development companies.

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