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Basic tools of systemic marketing. Systemic marketing for everyone Systemic marketing

Clients often come to us with complaints like: “The site doesn’t work,” “Contextual advertising is very expensive,” “Offline promotion is dead.”

And they ask to solve exclusively this or that problem. But when you start delving into the project, you realize that, for example, contextual advertising configured normally.

But the site converts poorly because it is weak or incorrect.

Always like this. One is good, the other is bad. Therefore, to achieve the result it is necessary systems approach and integrated marketing, not a band-aid for a broken knee.

And before we start, I’ll first tell you how it usually happens. The company's sales are falling or it urgently needs to increase them, so some kind of advertising campaign is launched.

And it’s good if different ones are connected, but in most cases it’s one advertising channel promoting one promotion.

And the assessment of effectiveness occurs directly from it, and then often by eye. And this... is not entirely correct.

How to do it right

Correctly use an integrated approach and integrated marketing. But it’s not immediately clear what it is.

And if you study the definition of integrated marketing, it doesn’t become clearer. Here's what we notice in textbooks from university lecturers:

Integrated Marketing is a total set of variables and measurables marketing factors, which the enterprise uses to stimulate the reaction it needs among consumers of its products.

Something is somehow completely missing. So, let's formulate another definition. And if so?

Integrated Marketing- a series of systematic, well-founded and structured measures that are aimed at the successful promotion of the company’s products on the market.

And for this successful promotion, integrated marketing uses everything necessary tools for the speedy achievements that were set before him.

If you do not refer to the same university teachers, then all events within the framework integrated system are divided into 4 main groups:

  1. Product. A product or service that is offered to a potential client.
  2. Price. How much a potential customer must pay to get the product they desperately desire.
  3. Place. This is a product distribution platform (stores, online stores, dealers, etc.).
  4. Promotion methods. Activities of the enterprise to promote goods and encourage potential clients to its acquisition.

Often only 4 groups of events are perceived as marketing or even integrated marketing.

Are there many tools used from it? It seems logical? But in fact, this is only a part, and not integrated marketing itself, and certainly not just marketing. And now you will definitely not be deceived by fake marketers.

And... the most attentive ones learned that now I am writing about 4P or marketing mix. That's right, integrated marketing is built on 4 basic elements. However, we have already discussed this approach in the article.

Here we will talk about how you can get started and set up integrated marketing.

But before we move on to specific actions, I focus on several advantages of using integrated approach in marketing compared to the use of individual marketing tools:

  1. KM is a strategy for achieving long-term goals of a specific business, which is measured only in money.
  2. KM is individual work with a company that any owner wants. There are no template solutions or a universal approach here.
  3. KM is a work built on the state of the entire industry, the company’s competitors and a full-fledged business analysis.

System marketing requires large expenses and therefore many owners are afraid to even think about it.

But if you are going to go far and on a large scale, then you can’t do without it; you need a measured and global approach. By the way, which we always work out for our clients in .

Let me remind you. If you need to learn how to organize several advertising channels together, then you will have to be patient and first read the boring theory.

In a professional approach, integrated marketing is more than combining a banner on the street and advertising on social networks into one chain.

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Differences from

Types of clients and their
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market trends

And a huge amount of other information

It all starts with... a goal

Integrated marketing first of all starts with the goal you want to achieve.

And I’ll tell you right away - they are developed and installed not only by a marketer or the head of the marketing department, as is customary in Russia.

For some reason, there is such a belief that a marketer should do all this, although this is not the case. The participation of the entire company management is mandatory here.

Healthy. If you want to find out who a marketer is and what he does, I highly recommend reading the article.

But let’s return to the goals, without which you can’t even begin to study this type of marketing. This is by the way main mistake Many managers are in a hurry to start quickly, although they do not understand what result they expect.

And such a goal as money is not the only choice. Therefore, I tell you 4 main goals for preparation:

  1. Business goals. Company managers are responsible for these goals. This is achieving a certain position in the market, obtaining a given level of sales or profit (these are different things, if anything).
  2. Marketing goals. Moreover, long-term: from 1 year to 5 years. This is where attracting new customers, increasing loyalty to a product or changing.
  3. Communication goals. This is what the client should do when he sees the company's advertising message. Their task is to create a need for a product or increase its awareness among consumers.
  4. Media goals. Indicators for measurement. They should be as specific and clear as possible. Simply increasing sales is not accepted.

For our clients, when setting goals, we use.

This is when you go from the opposite. You form big goals based on small ones. This way the calculation process becomes more transparent, and every student can implement this action.

Even I can do it!

For example, a marketing goal is to increase the number of requests to purchase products from social network VKontakte by 50%.

Building a comprehensive strategy

Of course, the goal itself is cool. But what to do next? After all, it will not be possible to build a good comprehensive system based on goals alone.

Therefore, after a detailed study of 4 types of goals, although you now have a detailed understanding of actions and approximate costs, there are still quite a few steps for drawing up. I will give this understanding in general.

0. Formation of the base

Unfortunately, I will now voice our personal passions. In order for you to get the effect of integrated marketing, you need to prepare the basic elements of your business for action.

And to do this, the first thing you need to do is decide what from the list below you have, and what you should work on first separately.

This is not the entire list of basic things in the company, I will call it minimal. If you don’t have this, then consider that further work will go down the drain.

Therefore, first of all, we build the foundation, and only then, then we set up the walls and roof in the form of systemic marketing.

1. Collection of information

The next step is preparation. You need to study everything that the company has now, what results you get, and what, on the contrary, negatively affects you.

If you do not know the inside of a business well, then you can make a mistake, which in integrated marketing is measured in hundreds of thousands of rubles.

  1. Key objectives of your business;
  2. Business problems;
  3. Business processes;
  4. , etc.;
  5. Market analysis;

I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that this is not the entire list; it can be continued for a very, very long time.

You know better than me what in your company requires attention and what can be left for dessert.

2. Forecast of the result

Remember I wrote about decomposition? So that's the point marketing strategy, especially complex, lies in its correctness.

Or rather, in her professional assessment. Before its development and launch, it is necessary to evaluate it, that is, to predict its results. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem.

You can estimate the volume of leads that you can get as a result of launching a marketing campaign.

Approximate traffic volume for each channel. In the case of offline advertising, this could be reach. As well as the approximate advertising budget that will be required for this.

If the effectiveness of the channel cannot be assessed in advance, then it is necessary to set a time frame and budget for its testing. However, it is better to try to build a hypothesis.

3. Formation of strategy

Only after you have goals and a complete analysis, you can move on to choosing methods and channels.

The most important thing is to understand that in marketing strategy there is no such understanding as ONLY attracting customers.

When developing a marketing strategy, it is necessary to take into account: reach, attraction, conversion (conversion from potential to real), retention and return of customers.

Here you must define in general terms what you will use to achieve your goals.

For example, you decide that you will build the entire movement on.

Naturally, you made such a conclusion because you know what problems you have and what tasks companies face in this moment.

4. Implementation of tactics

And now the most boring thing is to create a plan that will outline all the attraction channels necessary for this and the budget for them.

And the most important thing! For the thousandth time! Don’t concentrate on developing only one thing: offline or online promotion channel.

Just like don’t focus only on attracting clients. Use both. Implement the entire marketing mix. Otherwise they will come to you and turn around.

Evaluation of results. Some people highlight this as a separate stage, but I believe that this should be the default.

Moreover, the results of its work should be monitored in real time, and not after six months or a longer period of time.

Yes and no is the main question

So we got to the most important thing. Fly in the ointment. After all, if everything is so wonderful: the company has developed a strategy that satisfies its goals.

And promotion tools have also been developed and can be implemented, then why are so few companies engaged in integrated marketing?


There are two reasons for this: it is difficult, I would even say very difficult. Or rather, incredibly difficult. And it's very expensive.

Not so incredible, but still for many companies this amount is not livable.

And in order to fully answer this question, I will tell you briefly three possible options implementation of integrated marketing services this approach and our choice.

On one's own

To independently implement CM in a company, there must be at least a specialist who will lead all this and implement it.

And there are not many of them anymore. In addition, he must have assistants or trusted freelancers.


Or rather, even an integrated marketing agency, as they call themselves. And for the most impatient, the cost of implementing this approach is on average in the market from 300-400 thousand rubles per month.

And unfortunately, this is the lowest bar. After all, this cost includes the work of: department head, project manager, SEO specialist, SMM specialist, designer and copywriter (etc.). That's why it's so expensive.


As a rule, agencies and in-house marketers hide that integrated marketing is NOT ONLY.

This is all. This is work with online tools, and offline (banners, leaflets, commercial offers).

And there are very few people and agencies who understand both. Therefore, symbiosis is the ideal choice based on our many years of experience.

It's scary. The implementation period and payback period for integrated marketing is at least 3 months.

But if I were you, I would be prepared to invest first, and after 6-12 months just start getting the effect. But one that will surpass all one-time actions by several goals.

Briefly about the main thing

We live in the 21st century. Therefore, information grows and spreads rapidly. The marketing tools that are used are also updated faster than we breathe.

At the moment there is even a joke: “While you are writing the table of contents for a book about working at Facebook, he manages to change the algorithms of his work.”

Therefore, if you use only 1-2 channels to attract clients, then there is a high probability that clients will simply pass by and not notice you.

When, if you have a comprehensive strategy and comprehensive marketing, you can at least not only attract a client to your office or to your website, but also retain them and later return them if necessary.

After all, then you will have worked out all the necessary tools for this. Yes, it is long and expensive. But very effective.

“Listen to what you say in your presentations.

Check the numbers again, check the facts. Round down and do not confuse multiplication operations with division operations. Our wonderful industry and your wonderful company have absolutely no need to exaggerate their achievements. They are good on their own. They are really good, they are fantastic, they are developing at a fast pace and yet... Stop the smooth flow of your presentations for a couple of hours and listen, take a closer look at what is happening around you. A New Era is coming in the History of our business - the Era of REAL NETWORK MARKETING! Friends, let's tell the TRUTH!

Business is beautiful world , full of possibilities, where one thing can make 10, out of 10 - 100.


U. :

Jung As you know, the main market segment in terms of profitability is occupied by marketing - the promotion system. Based on this, we are considering this market segment. The question arises: Why did people around us earn and are earning a lot of money, but something is not right with us? It seems like we make money (for the majority of people this is a lot of money), but they also earn more. Known types of marketing plans

1. Linear marketing (AVON, ZEPTER) - a person sells products, does not have the right to build a network or open branches. Sold the goods - got a percentage. The first one came to the market with the concept former USSR- ZEPTER, therefore it is a megacenter, then AVON came to the market of the former USSR. Abroad, on the contrary, AVON is a megacenter, since it was the first to come with such a concept of product promotion.

3. Network marketing - managing sales through a network (more attention is paid not to sales, but to the network). Vision became the pioneer in the market. What's happening with Vision - $200 million annual turnover, $100 million annual commissions. The checks from the people who started it all are 50-80 thousand dollars. Why? Are they that smart? - No; brilliant? - No; first? - also no. They are the first with the concept.

No one had brought a concept like this to market before Vision.

4. Then things like binaries, trinars, etc. appear. (the width of the first line is limited, i.e. I sign people up as beginners, thereby newcomers earn their first income faster). The first such company was Sky Vis. They came first with a new concept. As a product they had an electronic textbook for learning Windows. This company made 60 millionaires in 2 years!!! In 2003, the Meridian Art company appeared with a revolutionary marketing plan. This matrix showed simply phenomenal results! It allows the company to reach a monthly turnover of $3,000,000 with a headcount of

distribution network just over 4,000 people in total.(data for 2003 are given based on the network size of 4,000 people at the beginning of January 2004; in the CIS countries alone, the company structure numbers more than 13,000 people; then consider the turnover yourself, which is constantly increasing.) 20.000 For example, in order to have the same turnover, a company with a traditional marketing plan and a fairly high level of monthly purchases by Russian standards let's say $150 should have a network of active - i.e. distributors who actually buy the goods! If the company’s monthly activity level is $20-30, then for

monthly turnover $3,000,000 will require a network already from 100-150 thousand active distributors! Feel the difference! Compare: 4 thousand - 20 thousand - 100 thousand people. What's happening? Why in the first case do 4 thousand people do what in the second case do 20 thousand? Has the company really found such rich people who This situation can be called paradoxical, since we have all long been accustomed to the statement that in MLM, with minor investments, your income is potentially unlimited. This is where everything comes into its own: the more you invest, the more you get. One thing remains unchanged: you can still start with a small amount, which, by the way, you determine yourself, starting from 100 Euros. In addition, no one will put pressure on you and push you “come on, they say, pay up, otherwise you’ll fly out,” because in this system there is no concept of mandatory monthly purchases , which is definitely a huge plus. But in the future, reinvesting money from income already received, you gradually increase the amount of your participation in the business, and this amount increases automatically by a percentage predetermined by you. For this purpose, the site brilliantly implements an auto-purchase mechanism.

Main feature This marketing plan is not actually about gradually increasing your income, because for every $100 invested you can get unlimited income without reaching into your pocket anymore, i.e. a fixed amount, but a gradual increase in the speed of this process of “transforming a hundred into a thousand.” Figuratively speaking, at first you will receive this thousand in three weeks, then in two, then in one... in a few days... in a day. It's like a wheel that spins faster and faster! For example, many in the Meridian company were able to achieve income in the first month of work $3000 or more!

It's no secret that the cost of products includes the costs of advertising this very product, in some cases this figure turns out to be simply fantastic, up to 80% of the cost of the product.

As you know, network companies do not advertise their products in traditional ways (television, radio, newspapers, posters, etc.), in network companies this money is redistributed and paid to people who make recommendations (people who actively work and build networks). In many companies this figure ranges from 15% to 35% and no more. Ask yourself the question: “Where does the rest go, and not a little money at that?” This money constitutes marginal (unclaimed) profit in the company, which remains in the company and then “settles” in the pockets of the company’s management. Is this fair? You, dear networkers, are used as people who promote products on the market in every possible way (used instead of that very traditional advertising), but what in return? In most cases, you do not even receive half of the money that is due to you. Is this fair? Of course not. That is why the Meridian company returns to the network a little more than 60% of the funds that come to the company when paying for products. Meridian simply acts fairly towards club members by paying the largest amount to the network. Is the company where you currently work fair towards you by simply paying you a portion of what is owed to you? If you agree to work for part of the amount due to you, then all the best to you, if not, then read on. There is an answer to the question: why are such colossal sums paid? It’s just that the people who are at the head of the company, in particular President Daniel Larocque, are wealthy people and have huge fortunes, so they created a company that works for the benefit of people, and not for the sake of enriching the company’s management. Today, many leaders of network companies speak negatively about Meridian, saying that it is

Dear networkers, decide for yourself: how and how much do you want to earn? How were you paid before and how many times more will you be paid here for the same efforts, for the same work done.

Answer these questions for yourself. Don't let other people decide for you.

Many also speak negatively about our products: “some color pictures” and who needs them anyway. Of course, it is easiest to speak negatively about something; I explained why this happens a little higher. Now I will give a little reason why these products are valued: 2. Thanks to agreements between the company and the artist, the circulation is stipulated that allows prints to grow

annually in price from 25% to 40%. (For more information, please read Now

in the products section) The painting market in Russia is almost clean, most of people don’t even know about it yet, so income will depend on how to work correctly in this market. And what products do steel companies working on Russian market ? Everyone else works in the beauty and health market, as well as all kinds of detergents and cleaning products. Sorry for being rude, but cosmetics and all kinds of food additives are now like dirt. Although you are told in training that the market in Russia is clean, I think that you observe the opposite, especially when you start selling your products. How do you do this well? Or do you have to spend a lot of time finding someone to sell the product to? Answer these questions for yourself too... By the way about sales, you are constantly told that sales are only about prenatal stage, and how long will this initial stage last, a year, two, three, five years? Sales will be constant, otherwise if there are none, then there will be no network and will not increase company income

, and therefore your income. The facts confirming this are indisputable. But Meridian International Group has no sales! To summarize all of the above, it can be noted that each type of product needs its own marketing plan; you cannot use our marketing plan to sell, say, cosmetics or nutritional supplements

. This is why such a specific product was chosen. Which leads to very quick income generation. Maybe

increase your income five, ten, fifty times? Maybe?

Certainly. You can do the most incredible things today if you simply change your philosophy and follow a new path to success! This will change your life. Jim

Of course, nothing will happen by itself. Just throwing money at a product and keeping your mouth shut won't get you far. Basics network business- attracting people remains unshakable. First of all, this is an invitation business! But the size difference structures created in this case it is obvious!

Think about it, dear ladies and gentlemen, how many times more will you be paid for the same efforts and the same work done? Are these the same walls that you, dear ladies and gentlemen, place your ladders on? Ask yourself these questions and answer them yourself...

Remember, if the plan is not implemented, then instead; In order to be needlessly upset, you need to replace it with another. That's the whole trick!

Napoleon Hill

Now it is clear that something radically new should have appeared in terms of the product, marketing plan and approach to work.

Introducing Meridian Art.

1. In order for any network to develop, several indicators are necessary, “Meridian International Group” has them, however, in addition to the latter, some truly revolutionary advantages have appeared that no one has used so far. A beginner needs to make money quickly

2. ($100, $200, $300), he should make a profit quickly. When he makes a profit, he tells another newcomer, who after a while sees that the previous one already has more and acts in the same way - a chain reaction occurs. There must be interest per session (per depth).

The larger the leader’s organization, the more he earns; it makes sense to develop the network. He helps people in his organization who earn $100-200, then he gets a replacement, etc.

4. 3. Everything should be simple, easy to repeat. I invited a person, helped him, and he helped the next one, etc., without any difficulties. No monthly purchases

5. - this is nonsense, no one in the whole world has done this before us. After paying just once, you are here for life. Instead of mandatory purchases, a mechanism for automatic reinvestment has been brilliantly implemented, until you earn something, no one will force a new acquisition on you, but I don’t think that having invested $100 and received $1000 at the exit, you will want to take all the money and leave. No sales - here you don’t need to run around trying to sell something to someone. Prints can simply be hung at home, in the office, or can be a good gift

6. Revolutionary Marketing plan, which has absorbed all the best linear and binary marketing plan - binary binary boost matrix.

7. And finally - first with the concept.

Five years ago such an idea was patented. In the art world, there are paintings by recognized authors that cost money; there is only one painting you like, but there are many people who want to buy it. A high-quality copying technology called seriography or print was invented. An agreement is concluded with the author, the essence of which is that he gives the right to seriography (copying) and receives a percentage of each copy sold. A certain number of copies are produced (for example, 100 and no more), a certificate is given for each painting, each certificate bears the signature of the author, the seriography number and their total number. The higher the circulation, the lower the price; the lower the circulation, the higher the price. Meridian Art guarantees the destruction of the matrix with which the paintings were printed. The original painting is stored in an inaccessible warehouse, which guarantees that the number of copies will not increase. Look around, what products do steel companies have? Everyone works in the beauty and health market. Everyone is trying to prove that their product is the best. The art market in Russia is clean.

Next, a kind of cocktail is created between traditional business, stock trading and network marketing according to the income distribution scheme. Having created such a marketing plan, the company operates only in the Asian market, and works with small investments, but nevertheless, one of the authors of the idea, who started working in the organization of the network, made about $20 million in 5 years (in Vision people working 7 years old, have checks of 70-80 thousand. They only went to the third million, and this is for 7 years of work). This is a simple system, but it ensures that all project members receive rewards proportional to their efforts. But if we consider this project as an exchange and investment project with a predictable course of events, then everyone should receive a monthly check, even ifon

To say that this is network marketing means to deceive you, to say that this is not network marketing means to deceive you too.

The company survives thanks to the idea, and a group of businessmen buys the idea (just as McDonald's was once bought).

2. Move the financial office to London.

3. The enterprise itself is being transferred to Malta.

4. Create a website.

5. Create a gallery.

6.Create a marketing plan that allows you to reward people in the most productive way.

7. They will improve the marketing plan as the organization grows and develops towards increasing payments to the network and introducing payments from the depths for building a career in the company.

8. Enter new products into the constructed network.

In six months, the person who started this movement under the auspices of Meridian Art earned 200 thousand dollars, and working in a handicraft way: this is not a meeting, this is an e-mail and telephone (i.e. go online, look, I’m sure you’ll like it, register It costs you nothing, but it can bring a lot).

Now the project is recognized as one of the most dynamically developing in Russia.

During the first year of operation in the CIS, the company paid more than $5 million to the network!


Dear ladies and gentlemen, among you there are individuals who do the following things (for better clarity, we give an example from Tom Schrider’s book Turbo MLM). We kindly request Do not join such ladies and gentlemen in our company, so as not to spoil the market and the reputation of the company as a whole.

Multi-level garbage - a distributor who suffers from schizophrenia and is therefore convinced that working in several companies at the same time will help him proportionally increase own income. This is a man who is crazy about throwing money at buying starter kits.

Garbage Mindset

If one multi-level program is good, then two are twice as good!! And three - three times!!! How about four?

Well, in general, I’ll join immediately at seven, and thus I’ll have a program for every day of the week.

I do program No. 1 on Sundays. All the new candidates I meet on Sunday will be joining program #1. Well, of course, if the candidate prefers the product line of program #4, then I will enroll my Sunday recruit in Thursday program #4.

This will mean that on Thursday, devoted to program No. 4, I will have to devote part of my time to program No. 1 in order to smooth out the resulting difference.

But if my new Sunday candidate doing program #4 will cross with a potential candidate who would be best suited for program #6, which I run on Tuesdays, then I will sign up my Sunday but Thursday candidate for secondary program #6 so that he can attract his new candidate.

If my Sunday candidate acts the same way as I do, then he will also subscribe to all seven programs. If all seven are not very interesting to him, perhaps he will sign up for the tenth or twelfth program in order to find something he likes.

What if my second level distributor from program #47 wants to sponsor his sponsor into another program? What if my group will grow and one day we will discover that we are participating in the implementation eighty seven different programs?

Our meetings will consist of recruiting each other into various networks - higher, lower, intersecting... Perhaps it will be possible to put everything in order only with the help of a lottery.

Multi-level marketing is a business of duplication. That's all! Successful leaders focus on developing a few good leaders and helping them succeed. And this is hard work - even with just one program!

How well do you read other people's thoughts? Can you tell by just looking at a candidate which program is more suitable for him, No. 66 (Wednesday) or No. 53 (Thursday)? Or should you introduce the official distributor to all seventy, immediately confuse him and, as a result, achieve nothing? “What, don’t like this one? Then let me show you five more.”

What will the candidate think if you throw yourself away?

Speaking of duplication, if you find mind reading difficult, don't you think new distributors will face even greater difficulties?

Let's look at the facts. Garbage does not want to understand the realities of its own business.

For example, what makes more sense:

1. Do seven programs, but invest only one-seventh of your time and effort. Doesn't this mean that you will receive only one-seventh of the possible income in each of the programs?

2. Do just one program, but put one hundred percent of your effort into it to achieve success?

Everything seems clear, doesn’t it?

Having achieved success in life, millionaires believe that the easiest way to success is to focus on one goal.

It's like working for a new company every day of the week. Most likely, you will achieve nothing in any of them.

Do you know what “President for a Day” is?

Further difficulties

How can garbage justify itself when it comes to its distributor and says:

- Today's new the program is better than the one I introduced you to yesterday. And much better than the one you entered three days ago. Remember the program we did last week? Did I also say that it couldn’t get any better?

So, I can say the same thing again.

Garbage loses prestige with each successive change of program, so it needs to be regularly increased. But seriously, how many distributors will want to follow a leader who himself does not know where he is going? The world is full of people looking for leaders to follow.

This is why focused, one-company Multi-Level Marketing leaders find sponsorships especially easy. Perhaps they are helped in this by the fact that the competition is incredibly weak.

Today's trash has formed its own cult. With the advent of network marketing, each piece of trash acquired the addresses of hundreds or thousands of fellow junkies. As soon as a new program is born, ordinary garbage turns into SUPER TRASH.Super trash

differs from regular trash in that super trash has stamp licking capabilities. Each new program will have its own trash sending recruiting letters to other trash.

Every letter says the same thing.

"Let's! It's time!

Be first. Follow me. I'm almost first. This is a real chance! It's better than the previous sixteen real chances I wrote to you about. If you start writing right now, you can be the first to send letters to other trash.” And the letters go away. If you are lucky enough to be among the garbage subscribers, you will receive twenty or even more identical requests per week.

Only a few people can be first, so everyone else is soon eliminated. Now they will be able to become the first in another new program, and sponsor their former uplines into downlines. It goes on like this over and over again, trash sponsoring trash, whichre-sponsor

None of them earn any significant amount - and how could it be otherwise? Garbage stays in the program for a month or two, nothing more - after all, if it lingers, it will not be able to be first in the next program.

Well, who makes the money then?

Postal Service!

The appearance of each new program marks an increase in income from the sale of postage stamps.

The smartest Multi-Level Marketing leaders suspect that new programs are being organized postal service in order to increase their own income.

And who loses?

And who loses money because of the cult of multi-level garbage?

The trash itself, of course!

But so do Multi-Level Marketing leaders who let garbage in. own groups!

Nothing can dishonor, poison and destroy a group faster than unscrupulous garbage killing the best efforts of distributors in a tangled tangle of cross-sponsorships.

As soon as the garbage finds out the name of at least one of your distributors, the unfortunate person will regularly receive epistolary waste paper by mail until he leaves his home in an unknown direction.

Is there a cure for this scourge?

We cannot say this with certainty. Currently, such sanitary and epidemiological stations do not exist. But there are rumors that there will be a big announcement soon. new program Multi-level Marketing called “Garbage - recordings for subconscious reprogramming.”

And then you will have the chance to subscribe to it first! Quickly take a statement from your superiors, your inferiors, and both your superiors and your inferiors at the same time...

This could be your chance to secure an excellent, leading position even before the company's announcement, helping you get off to a stunning start from the best possible position.

Section 2. Marketing systems and characteristics

2.1. Marketing system.

2.2. Principles, goals, objectives and functions of marketing.

2.3. Characteristics of types of marketing.

2.4. Marketing complex.

2.5. Marketing environment.

2.1. Marketing system

The concept of a marketing system is particular in relation to general concept systems.

A system is a complex of subsystems, elements, components and their characteristics, the interaction between which and the environment determines the formation of a qualitatively new integrity.

Marketing is applied regardless of the degree of development market relations, because it acts as a real system that links the internal and external activities firms, and also coordinates the interaction of all entities included in the marketing system.

The marketing system can be represented as a diagram shown in Fig. 2.1.

Marketing system– this is a set of socio-economic subjects (elements) of the market environment, each of which has independence and integrity, is in continuous interaction regarding the formation and development of demand for goods and services in order to make a profit and meet the needs of a partner in the existing chain of their communications.

The marketing system includes various elements, which include: suppliers, competitors, intermediaries, consumers and the enterprise whose activities are the subject of research or

analysis. The formation and functioning of a marketing system occurs in a certain environment, which is created under the influence of factors and conditions of the market space and disturbances from socio-economic, political, cultural, demographic and environmental factors. A developed market environment is a necessary prerequisite for the effective functioning of the marketing system.




















Figure 2.1 – Marketing system.

Within a single enterprise, the following marketing systems are distinguished:

marketing Information system;

system of marketing means (marketing mix);

marketing management system.

Marketing information system – a set of structures,

procedures and methods designed to systematically collect, analyze and use a firm's internal and external marketing information.

Marketing system (marketing mix) – a set of techniques and methods, specific tools that an enterprise uses to achieve its goal, solve relevant market problems and better meet the needs of target markets.

Marketing management system includes three interrelated elements: marketing planning, organization of marketing services and marketing control.

2.2. Principles, goals, objectives and functions of marketing

The following can be distinguished basic principles marketing:

1. Careful consideration of consumer needs, the state and dynamics of demand, conditions entrepreneurial activity.

2. Creating conditions for maximum adaptation of production to market requirements, to the structure of demand, based on a long-term perspective.

3. Informing potential consumers and influencing them using marketing tools.

Marketing goals are divided into five groups:

market (market share, market conquest, identification of promising markets);

marketing (creating the company’s image, measures to form public opinion, sales volume, profit volume, competitive fight);

structural and managerial (improvement management structures);

providing ( price policy, sales promotion, consumer properties of goods, product distribution parameters);

activity control.

reducing excessive costs in market communications;

elimination of unreliable goods;

introduction of product packaging that would be environmentally friendly

ski requirements.

The marketing activities of an enterprise can be presented as a sequence of four stages, each of which includes certain group functions.

Stages marketing activities(marketing functions):

1. Market opportunity analysis:

analysis of marketing environment factors;

planning, collection, processing, analysis of marketing information;

market research;

analysis of the competitive environment;

study of consumer behavior;

diagnostics of the company's microenvironment.

2. Selection of target markets:

market segmentation;

assessment of market segments;

product positioning.

3. Development of a marketing mix:

development of new products;

determining the type of demand for a product;

formation of competitive advantage;

stage definition life cycle goods;

development of a strategy for trademarks, packaging, and service;

determination of pricing policy;

determining the product distribution policy;

determination of promotion (communication) policy.

4. Marketing Management

making strategic marketing decisions;

marketing planning;

Creation organizational forms management;

− control.

2.3. Characteristics of types of marketing

The typology of marketing types is currently unsettled. However, we can distinguish the main types of marketing according to certain classification criteria (Table 2.2).

Table 2.2 – Classification of types of marketing

Classification sign

Types of Marketing

1. Orientation of marketing activities


focused on


marketing aimed at


mixed marketing

2. Scope of application

marketing of consumer goods

th appointment


industrial goods

but-technical purposes (pro-

thought marketing)

trade marketing

3. The period of time for which

strategic marketing

marketing policy is being developed

teak enterprise

tactical marketing

operational marketing

4. Type of consumer demand







Continuation of the table. 2.2



5. The applied management concept


marketing activities

work at the enterprise




6. Degree of coordination of execution


functions at the enterprise


7. The ultimate goal of marketing


activity of the enterprise


8. Product type

product marketing

service marketing

9. Level of tasks to be solved



10. Degree of differentiation of mar-


keting functions


highly targeted marketing

individual marketing

11. Territorial feature

internal marketing

international marketing

Let's consider all of the listed types of marketing in more detail.

Depending from the orientation of marketing activities distinguish: product-oriented marketing; consumer-oriented marketing; mixed marketing.

Product oriented marketing applies when

The activity of an enterprise is aimed at creating a new product or improving an existing one. The main task in this case comes down to encouraging consumers to purchase new or improved products.

Consumer oriented marketing used if the enterprise's activities are aimed at meeting needs directly emanating from the market. Here the main task marketing – studying potential needs, searching for a market “niche”.

Marketing activities focused on the product and consumer are called mixed marketing.

Depending depending on the scope of application distinguish: marketing of consumer goods; marketing of goods for industrial and technical purposes; trade marketing.

Marketing of consumer goods aimed at individual consumption. Despite the differences between individual categories of goods, all types of marketing of consumer goods are characterized by the following features:

originality of demand (need);

a large share of individuality in decision making;

multi-stage indirect sales;

anonymity of market contact.

Marketing of industrial and technical goods

(industrial marketing) is engaged in the sale of factors of production - investment goods. Features of marketing goods for industrial and technical purposes require taking into account the following factors:

production necessity, i.e. demand and needs for final products(consumer goods), for the production of which an investment product is used;

collectivity and formalization of decision-making in the field of acquisition of investment goods;

relatively insignificant compared to consumer goods, number and high concentration of demand carriers;

direct process of negotiations and transactions;

special emphasis when using marketing tools (commercial credit, special conditions deliveries and payments).

Essence trade marketing lies in treating the merchant not as a competitor and not as a partner in the distribution channel, but as an intermediary client.

The process of implementing the principles of trade marketing includes four main stages:

needs analysis: understand the work patterns of traders and their expectations;

segmenting merchants or identifying merchants with the same needs and expectations;

selection of a target segment that is a priority for the manufacturer;

development of an offer tailored to the target segment(s).

IN depending on the time period for which it is being developed marketing policy enterprises distinguish: strategic marketing, tactical marketing, operational marketing.

Strategic Marketing – marketing, which develops and implements a general program of action for the enterprise for a period of more than 5 years; its goal is the efficient allocation of enterprise resources to reach the target market.

Tactical Marketing– a type of marketing whose task is to create a program of action for the enterprise on the market for a period of no more than 5 years.

Operational Marketing– marketing, which develops and implements marketing mix tools for a period of up to one year. At the operational level, current tasks posed by market conditions are solved. The absolute requirement is that even these short-term tasks should not conflict with long-term ones. strategic goals companies.

Demarketing is aimed at reducing the demand for goods or services that cannot be satisfied due to an insufficient level of production capabilities and limited commodity resources. The main tools of demarketing are a significant increase in prices and the cessation of advertising work. Its goal is not to eliminate demand, but only to reduce its level.

Supportive Marketing used in conditions where demand is active and stable, then activities are carried out to support this nature of demand.

Adversarial Marketing is sold with the aim of ensuring the well-being of the consumer in the case when the product does not meet the requirements of scientific and technological progress, protection environment, rational use material resources. Used when demand is considered irrational.

Depending on the applied marketing management concept howl activities at the enterprise differentiate the following types marketing: production, grocery, sales, market.

Production Marketing– marketing, which is considered

identifies the production process (production volumes, labor productivity, production costs) as the main way to achieve commercial success in the market; effective in a market where demand exceeds supply (producer market).

Product Marketing– marketing, which focuses the entrepreneur’s attention on quality, functional characteristics, product costs (product policy) as the main tool for achieving commercial success.

Sales Marketing– marketing, which uses a system of methods for selling goods and services as the main way to achieve commercial success in the market.

Market Marketing– marketing, which focuses the entrepreneur’s attention on better and more fully satisfying the needs of the market as the main tool for achieving commercial success.

IN depending on the degree of coordination of those performed at the enterprise functions distinguish between integrated and non-integrated marketing.

IN integrated marketing close coordination, coordination and coordination of all marketing functions enterprises.

IN non-integrated marketingall functions of marketing activities are carried out by various departments of the enterprise (sales departments, prices, technical information, advertising, etc.).

IN depending on the ultimate goal of marketing activities Enterprises differentiate between commercial and non-commercial marketing.

Marketing in commercial sphere activities or marketing commercial organizations those engaged in business activities with the aim of generating income (profit).

Marketing in the non-profit field of activity or marketing

ting non-profit organizations, or social marketing, concerned primarily with creating a positive public opinion towards a particular organization or individual.

IN Depending on the type of product, they are distinguished: marketing of goods and marketing of services.

Product Marketing explores the characteristics of the organization effective sales and ensuring the profitability of business activities of various types of enterprises, depending on the characteristics of the products.

Services marketing. Its object is services that have a number of features that are taken into account when conducting marketing research:

abstractness, intangibility of the result;

inability to store and store;

only in exceptional cases the transported result;

often one-time, individual provision;

difficult to standardize result.

IN Depending on the level of tasks being solved, micro- and macro-marketing are distinguished.

Micromarketing is a form of targeted marketing, the practice of tailoring products and marketing programs to the needs and wants of clearly defined and fairly narrow geographic, demographic and behavioral segments.

Problems macromarketing unlike problems micromarketing should be considered from the point of view of the interests of society and the country as a whole.

IN depending on the degree of differentiation of marketing functions tions are distinguished: global, differentiated, narrowly targeted marketing, individual marketing.

They are also targeted marketing strategies.

Global (undifferentiated, mass) marketing –

With problems. Most often they complain about the lack of a system in marketing.

They mean different things, for example:

  1. A mess in marketing goals and priorities (“Too many ideas, we don’t know what to grab onto”).
  2. There is no content strategy (“There is a newsletter, there is social networks, there is a website. Each piece lives on its own”).
  3. There are no bold experiments (“We are doing everything we did five years ago”).
  4. Or vice versa - all marketing is continuous experiments (“Every time we sit down and figure out how we will recruit a new group”).
  5. They don’t distinguish between good and bad (“We’ve tried a lot of things, but we don’t fully understand whether it worked or not”).
  6. No transparency (“Everyone is running around. But what are they running around?”)

Marketing systematization is a big topic. In this post I'll go over the top. Where does systemic marketing live and how to see it.

Where does system marketing live?

First, I’ll tell you where systemic marketing doesn’t live.

It doesn’t live in task managers (not even in Trello), certainly not in mail (even with fancy extensions) and chats (not even in Slack), not in analytics (even Universal) and not in CRMs (even in Amo).

All these beautiful instruments are beads. Consistency in marketing is the strings on which these beads are strung.

The beads are beautiful, but without strings they fall apart.

As you know, strings are not as beautiful as beads. But without them there will be no beads, only a handful of multi-colored beads. In this post I'm talking about three boring ropes.

In my opinion, systemic marketing lives in:

(1) calendar,

(2) signs,

(3) reporting presentations.

1. Calendar

Without rhythm there is no song. Without a heartbeat there is no life. Without regular meetings on the calendar, there is no marketing.

If we lose rhythm, we lose life. And in marketing too. From here.

Regular schedules are different. There are everyday routines (where you do your plan-dos), and there are analytical ones (where you do check-acts).

Remember the Deming cycle or PDCA.

Everyone knows about household regulars. In the camp this is a line in the morning. There are planning meetings in factories. Scrum includes planning and stand-ups.

Analytical regular periods are those in which you analyze what you did, how it moved you towards your goal, and what you are going to do differently.

In Scrum, analytical regulars are shows and retrospectives. This is not enough for systemic marketing. They are reflected on at the level of projects and interactions. As a result, we know exactly what we have rolled out and in what case it is important to go to Masha. But we will not know whether our ship is sinking or how our actions help it stay on course.

The most important analytical regular is the big strategic meeting. I haven’t yet seen anything better than the “khural” format, as Yandex came up with it. If only a khural tailored to the needs of our company.

Khural is a regular meeting where we look at how we have progressed towards our goal and make course corrections.

Before the khural, this is the picture in the minds of the marketing team.

“I understand the purpose of our marketing! This is money. Oh, and the brand! And the traffic still dropped. But we increased the conversion. I understand everything clearly. Seems."

After the khural, the clouds in the marketing team’s head clear.

“I realized that we were behind. But this month they launched two successful projects and overtook the optimistic plan! But it’s too early to relax - we expect half of the annual revenue in the fourth quarter. The project we are currently working on will launch in September and will help us have a great season.”

Start by holding a khural at least once a month. The consistency of your marketing will begin to revolve around it. And then check: turn off the khural, misunderstanding of what is happening will turn on. The clouds of routine cover the sky in a couple of months.

I would like to describe the format of the khural in detail, but not today. Write in the comments if this is important.

2. Signs

The second rope of systemic marketing is signs.

Tablets are a blank slate for any system. If you want consistency in marketing, get signs, don’t be shy.

I'm a person from the creative planet who has pumped up his table muscle so much that you might think I'm an accountant. I even have signs that contain templates for other signs 😉

People don’t like signs because “why waste time filling them out, it’s better to do it.” I love signs because it's a way to provide snippets of information from different sources in a convenient format for reflection.

What is important is not the tablet itself, but how you cut up the information so that later it is convenient for the brain to eat it.

Here are just a few signs, without which I would not be able to make marketing systematic.

- Marketing table. The main pack of spreadsheets for marketing. Team and roles. Expenses. Backlogs. Debugged (pocket).

- Launch calendar. Allows you to enter the supersystem and soar above all the major tasks that are in task managers and which are not. Compact, it allows you to glance at all projects, the status of each, upcoming deadlines, gaps due to vacations and other risks.

- Project plate. When I was leading projects, I immediately put up a sign for each one. Tabs: project products, calendar, roles, goals and metrics, content, risks, promotion and others. If there wasn’t this sign, I would forget to work out the risks, for example.

- Platform. These are the channels for which you generate content. This is where they live: subscriber dynamics, content plans, themes, editorial policies, content types, funnels by channel, plan-fact by channel, and so on.

Keep a sign for everything that needs systematization. Don’t forget to update them so they don’t smell like carrion. Ask the team for help, remind them. Create a READ ME tab and write the filling rules there. Fill in the numbers that are most important to you with your hands so you can touch them and load them into your brain. Become your marketing accountant.

3. Reporting presentations

Report presentations are unattractive work presentations. When a project or experiment is completed, the manager sends a reporting presentation to all interested parties.

What problem do reporting presentations solve? Let's look at the PDCA cycle again.

The problem with this cycle is that it is usually under-twisted. That is, marketing looks like this.

I always think of it as a rotary knob that only clicks when turned fully.

The ultimate goal of this story is to put more new tools into your pocket.

Guys don’t finish PDCA because they are in a hurry to get going or because they don’t like to talk about a bad result.

So as not to be afraid, allow yourself to make mistakes when it comes to experiments.

The reporting presentation is made according to a template and does not take much time. It is important to make an introductory slide about the details of the project, calculate traffic, conversion to emails and money, metrics for other important goals. Compare with what we planned to achieve and with the indicators of other similar projects. Make top products or content. Draw conclusions about the effectiveness of the project and what needs to be done differently next time, and what solutions should be used in the future.

This book will allow you to build step by step basic system marketing in existing business or a starting project and increase sales by at least 30% already in the first season!

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book Systemic marketing using the example of clothing manufacturers (I. P. Pishchuk (Borodavko), 2018) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Section 1. System marketing

The situation happening in the country now is a time of opportunity for those entrepreneurs who want to take their business to a new level. During the crisis of 2014/2015 and the post-crisis period, a lot has changed: weak players left the market, strong ones strengthened their positions, client flows were redistributed among those who remained working.

How, under the current conditions, can we take new positions in the market and increase sales?

The answer is simple - you need to set up a high-quality marketing system in your company.

Marketing and system marketing

Just 10 years ago in Russia, only sales department employees were involved in product sales. Later, we increasingly began to use the concept of “marketing”.

What does marketing do and how does it contribute to sales? Let's figure it out. After all, behind well-structured marketing in your company is not only sales growth, but also the development of the company itself.

When I conduct trainings or workshops for clothing manufacturers and designers, I always start with a definition. Its essence lies in a very simple phrase: marketing is everything that ensures the sale of products.

The second concept, more capacious, sounds like this: marketing is attracting, servicing, retaining and returning customers to business.

Those. working with clients at three levels of interaction, which are indicated in the wording itself.

Many Russian entrepreneurs see this work scheme like this (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Levels of customer service in marketing

At first glance, everything is correct. But if you look at this diagram in a different form, the picture will change a lot (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Levels of work with clients in systemic marketing and the foundation of the business

From Figure 2 it can be seen that work with a client can be carried out in a closed circuit, i.e. systematically. The experience of my clients and students has proven that such a scheme is more effective and economical for the business itself.

How does it work? You invest money in advertising and marketing and attract customers (this process is called lead generation). After a client contacts your company, you are engaged in servicing him - i.e. the client moves to the second level of interaction. Then your task is not to forget about him, but to keep him in business, return him for a repeat purchase, attract his friends and acquaintances to your company, and also engage in attracting new clients.

According to statistics, attracting new traffic to a business costs 11 times more than reselling to an existing client. Of course, in businesses there are exceptions when it is impossible to return a client for a second purchase, but this rarely happens.

It is precisely this cyclical work with the client that systemic marketing does. It allows clients attracted to the business to go “in circles” and at the same time bring new clients to the business.

There is one addition: all marketing cannot be in a company by itself. It must stand on a solid foundation - company positioning.

Majority Russian entrepreneurs does not develop positioning. And they work on a whim. This is where we get high competition in certain niches or segments and unmet demand in others, a lack of clear work goals, and sometimes disunity in the work of regional divisions. All this leads to the situation described in Krylov’s fable “When there is no agreement among comrades, their business will not go well...”

We'll talk more about positioning in Section 3.

Important! Availability and communication of positioning in the market to all employees of the company helps to solve dozens of issues related to how to develop the company. The result from introducing positioning into the company’s work will not take long! Proven by dozens of my students and clients.

Modern instruments marketing.

Previously, we looked at three levels of customer service:

– attraction;

- service;

– retention and return.

In the full list of current marketing tools that we analyze at the online training “System Marketing from A to Z” (, there are more than 110 of them. Within the framework of this book, our task is to analyze those tools that are included in the so-called basic marketing system. They will be discussed in the following sections. We will look at business analysis tools, study positioning, and analyze assortment matrix and drawing up a marketing strategy for the season, and then we’ll move on to the tools of the three levels of working with clients.

At the end of this section, I invite you to fill out a simple checklist and evaluate the basic marketing system in your business (Fig. 3). This will allow you to understand the current situation in the company or project that you are planning to organize. Enter next to each tool in the appropriate column the rating that you think the tool is currently configured for, where 0 – the tool is not implemented, 1 – the tool practically does not work, 2-4 – your expert review and 5 – the tool works effectively. And in the last column, write the planned implementation/adjustment dates or some comments for yourself. If you do not understand the essence of the tool, then skip it or set it to 0. You can return to this checklist as you read the book.