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Features of high-risk work. Conditions for performing work

The measured duration of elements included in a series that has already been cleared of defective measurements is always characterized by certain fluctuations. Under normal conditions of work, deviations from the average are small and most values ​​are concentrated in a relatively narrow interval. The greater the deviation from normal operating conditions, the greater the scattering of the series.

In accordance with this law, state and tariff rates at enterprises can be used as guidelines for differentiating pay depending on the profession, qualifications, complexity of work and work conditions.

Writing and preparation for publication of textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, scientific articles and reports at the department and conference. Provided the work is completed without additional payment.

It should be borne in mind that there are fundamental differences between labor cost standards and normative materials. Regulatory materials are developed, as a rule, by specialized regulatory research organizations for averaged or standardized organizational and technical conditions for performing work. These materials are oriented for repeated use when calculating labor cost standards. The standards are determined at an enterprise or a specific workplace; they are applicable in the given organizational and technical conditions for carrying out specific work.

Conditions for performing work

If you compare the standard conditions for performing work with the actual ones, you can identify reserves of labor itself, as well as reserves in the use of means and objects of labor, detect deviations from normal working conditions and promptly eliminate their causes.

Installation of gaskets on a plane. According to map 56, the standard time for a rectangular laying with a width of 160 mm (up to 250 mm) and a length of 220 mm (up to 250 mm) will be 0.12 minutes. We compare the conditions for performing the work - the pad is soft (cardboard) and introduce a correction factor of 1.5. Estimated operational time

In relation to work, provision of services, and manufacture of products that are different in nature and conditions, an organization may simultaneously apply different methods of revenue recognition provided for in this paragraph in one reporting period.

Specific forms, coordination of the specified conditions for performing work in space and time constitute the content of three different, but closely interacting, inextricably linked functions of organization, planning and management. IN educational programs relevant scientific disciplines In the field of mechanical engineering, the following order of presentation of the material has been adopted: issues of organizing production, planning, and management. The structure of this textbook reflects this sequence.

Creating an optimal parametric series in dynamics is impossible without increasing the level of specialization both in performing the work for which the machines are intended, and in the manufacture of the machines themselves. Conditions for performing work by specialized production units entails the need to consider related technological operations with the ensuing inevitability of further deployment of a dynamic model, which will make it possible to identify a parametric series of machines performing related technological operations.  

You need to learn how to manage your mobility. This is quite accessible - you just need to master the established arsenal of forms and methods of managing scientific organizations. It is necessary to introduce into practice a contract form of employment, encourage part-time work, allow flexibility in the timing, forms and conditions of work (continuous terms or intervals are possible, for example, within one week of every month), payment should be made based on the result, and not on the volume completed work, invite groups of specialists under the contract. It is advisable to invite specialists who are proficient using the latest methods with access to unique equipment, etc. This will improve the quality of work, improve the qualifications of “our” employees, and reduce financial costs. It is necessary to encourage the recruitment of teams from scientists different specialties, different scientific departments and ages. Within the framework of research institutes, the organizational structure must be rebuilt according to the target principle. The duration of its existence is determined by the timing of the implementation of the Center for Acceptance, Research, or government order.

Regulatory materials should most fully cover the most common various options for organizational and technical conditions for performing work. This requirement presupposes a comprehensive description of the options for the conditions for which the standards are established. Each option must correspond to the values ​​of the standards or correction factors to the standards for the main option.

The assembly process is a set of technological operations for connecting parts (assemblies) in a certain design sequence to obtain a product of the required quality. Usually, for standardization purposes, it is specified by an expanded assembly diagram, technical requirements, ensuring the required quality of the product, and the conditions for performing the work. From a technology point of view, the assembly process can be heterogeneous and include adjustment, fitting, plumbing and other work. Such operations are called metalworking and assembly operations.



When developing standards for the relocation of machines in estimated standards and operating prices construction machines taken into account additional conditions performing relocation work

N. numbers establish the regulated number of workers of a certain professional and qualification composition necessary to perform the established amount of work. Maintenance standards determine the number of employees, the number of pieces of equipment or other production facilities that must be serviced by one employee (or team) in certain organizational and technical conditions for performing work.

Requirements for the conditions for performing work under the concluded production sharing agreement.

Specific feature Incentive additional payments and allowances are that they compensate for the employee’s additional workload during the working day. Moreover, this additional load can fluctuate significantly depending on the actual load on the main job and wages. For example, the functions of an existing employee can be distributed among one, two, three or more employees. The workload and amount of incentives can only be determined in the specific organizational conditions of the work performed. All these issues must be resolved through collective bargaining between workers and employers at the enterprise level. It is advisable to regulate the use of each incentive surcharge at an enterprise by a special provision.

Must know directive and administrative documents, methodological and regulatory materials on the issues of the work performed, prospects for technical development and features of the activity of the enterprise (divisions of the enterprise), operating principles, specifications, design features developed and used technical means, materials and their properties modern means of computer technology, communications and research methods, rules and conditions for performing work; basic requirements for technical documentation, materials, products current standards, technical conditions, regulations and instructions for the preparation and execution of technical documentation, methods of carrying out technical calculations and determining the economic efficiency of research and development, achievements of science and technology, advanced domestic and Foreign experience in the relevant field of activity, the basics of economics, labor organization and management, the basics of labor legislation, rules and regulations of labor protection.

Kj is a coefficient that takes into account the conditions of work (inside a container at small limited access, at a height of more than 1.5), we accept the standard conditions KI = 1.0

Standards should only be developed with the help of analytical method, which involves the division of technological and labor processes into components, their analysis, design optimal conditions execution of work and calculation


  • POT RO 14000-005-98 Regulations. Work with increased danger. Organization of the event.
  • SNiP 12-03-2001. Occupational safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements.
  • “Fire regulations in the Russian Federation.”
  • MDS 12-53.2010. Guiding document. Layouts of administrative and regulatory documents of the labor protection management system of a construction organization.

Basic concepts and features:

  1. Work with increased danger - work, before the start of which, it is necessary to carry out a number of mandatory organizational and technical events ensuring the safety of workers when performing these works.
  2. Permission work order is an assignment for the performance of work, drawn up on a special form of the established form, and defining the content, place of work, time of its beginning and end, conditions for safe conduct, composition of the team and persons responsible for the safe performance of work in hazardous areas production factors, the implementation of which is not related to the nature of the work performed.
  3. The permit may, if necessary, be accompanied by sketches of protective devices and devices, installation diagrams of warning signs, etc.
  4. The system of work permits does not replace the development of work organization plans (WOP) for construction, installation, repair and other work.
  5. A work permit is issued to perform work in areas of hazardous and harmful production factors and when performing high-risk work. Construction, installation, commissioning, repair and other types of work performed construction organizations in the territory operating enterprise relate to high-risk work and are performed according to work permits.
  6. An approximate list of high-risk work performed in the organization must be approved by the manager.
  7. The list of high-risk work, the execution of which requires the issuance of a work permit and the development of a work plan, is reviewed annually by the chief engineer and approved by order of the director.

Those responsible for safety when performing work according to work permits are:

  • The person issuing the permit.
  • Responsible supervisor of work on the work permit.
  • Responsible performer of work according to the work permit.
  • Members of the team performing work according to the work permit.

The following combination of duties of responsible persons is permitted:

  • The person issuing the permit may simultaneously be the responsible supervisor of the work with the right to issue the permit;
  • The responsible work manager may be at the same time the responsible performer of the work without the right to issue a work permit.

Note: the person issuing the permit cannot be at the same time the responsible performer of the work.

Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, training under a special program and certified by a permanent examination commission are allowed to work with increased danger.

Requirements for the organization’s personnel responsible for organizing and performing high-risk work:

Persons who have the right to issue permit orders, as well as responsible work managers, responsible performers of work under the permit permit, must undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection in accordance with the Procedure for training in labor protection and testing knowledge of labor protection requirements for employees of organizations, approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 13, 2003. No. 1/29, and when working with objects controlled by Rostechnadzor bodies, also in accordance with Rostechnadzor Order No. 37 of January 29, 2007 “On the procedure for training and certification of employees of organizations supervised Federal service on environmental, technological and nuclear supervision."

The list of officials who have the right to issue permits to perform work with increased danger, and persons who can be appointed as responsible managers and responsible performers of work, is updated annually (or as necessary) and approved by order of the director of the organization. Each department head must have lists of responsible managers and performers of work when performing work according to work permits.

Employees of the unit from among the repair personnel who are well aware of the equipment on which the work will be performed, who are able to explain the task to team members, who are able to provide supervision of their actions during the work, who are certified and approved for this work in in the prescribed manner.

Before performing work on the territory of an operating enterprise, the person issuing the permit, the responsible work manager, the responsible work performer must familiarize themselves with the requirements regulatory documents on labor protection at this enterprise.

Control over the performance of work according to the work permit is carried out within the framework of their job responsibilities the person who issued the permit and the work manager to whom the permit was issued.

The procedure for issuing a work permit

  • Work order - permission to perform work with increased danger is issued before the start of this work.
  • The work permit should be issued in the department where high-risk work will be performed. The permit order is drawn up by a person appointed by order of the director of the organization, responsible for issuing permit orders in the department (at the site, at the facility).
  • The work permit is drawn up in two copies, one copy of the work permit remains with the person who issued the work order, and the second copy remains with the responsible work manager. The work permit is assigned a number, and under this number it is registered in the “Logbook of the issuance of work permits for high-risk work.” The journal is kept and kept by the person issuing the permit. The magazine must be laced, numbered and sealed. The journal, blank forms and closed permit orders must be kept by the person issuing them. The journal is stored for 6 months after the last entry in it. The work permit is stored for one calendar month after its closure.
  • The work permit is issued for the period necessary to complete the specified amount of work. In case of failure to complete the work within the time specified in the work permit or changes in production conditions, changes in the composition of the work team are terminated, the work permit is closed, and the resumption of work is permitted after the issuance of a new work permit. The extension of the permit may be issued and carried out by the person who issued the permit.
  • The number of permits issued to one responsible work manager is determined by the person issuing the permit, based on the ability of the responsible managers to perform their duties. At the same time, the responsible work manager should not have more than three open work permits at the same time. The responsible person can be issued only one work permit (for one team/for one workplace).
  • When performing high-risk work, the team must consist of at least 2 people, including the responsible performer of the work. The total number of employees under one permit should not exceed 10 people. When determining the size of the team, the conditions in which the work will be performed should be taken into account (dust, poor visibility, noise, saturation technological equipment, work at different levels, etc.) Guided by the above, the number of workers included in the work permit should be reduced to a reasonable number, namely: the person in charge of the work should exercise constant supervision over all members of the team.
  • When performing work with increased danger by two or more teams at one site, a work permit must be issued to the responsible performer of the work for each team, signed by one person. When issuing work permits, measures must be developed to ensure the safety of workers, taking into account the joint nature of work performed by teams
  • For high-risk work performed by contractors, permits must be issued by authorized persons of these contractors. Such permit orders must be signed by the appropriate official departments where this work will be carried out.
  • When performing work in security zones structures or communications, a work permit should be issued if available written permission the organization that owns this structure or communication.

The procedure for performing work with increased danger

  • The procedure for admitting workers to work in the area of ​​operation of equipment and utilities on the territory of an operating enterprise is established by the written consent (permission) of the head of the enterprise, the owner of the facility and the corresponding signature in the permit.
  • Production areas, technological lines, etc. on which it is completely stopped manufacturing process, as well as buildings and structures located outside operating units organizations allocated to perform work with increased danger by forces contractor or another unit, must be transferred to them for production according to the act.
  • Before performing work on the territory of an operating enterprise, the person issuing the permit, the responsible work manager, the responsible work performer must know the requirements of regulatory documents on labor protection at this enterprise, comply with them and demand compliance from subordinate personnel.
  • Responsible managers and responsible performers of work do not have the right to grant access to the team to work for which a permit is required, if the permit has not been issued to them.
  • Responsible managers and responsible performers of work do not have the right to accept work permits, grant admission to the team and begin work if the nature and conditions of the work, safety requirements, are not reflected in full and do not comply with the requirements of labor protection instructions.
  • Before allowing team members to perform high-risk work, the responsible work manager is obliged to:
  1. In the presence of the responsible executor, check the implementation of the labor safety measures provided for in the work permit and readiness for work;
  2. Using the certificates, check the compliance of the brigade composition by position (profession) and qualifications with the entries in the work order - the permit. Tell the team the name and position of the person responsible for the work;
  3. If, when checking the implementation of labor safety measures, the responsible manager or performer has doubts or ambiguities in ensuring safe working conditions for team members, they must request clarification from the person who issued the permit;
  4. Conduct targeted briefings with team members at the workplace with an entry in the “Targeted Briefings Registration Log”, the form of which is presented in Appendix No. 8 of this Procedure, and in the work permit;
  5. Sign the permit and hand it over to the responsible person;
  6. When resuming work after a break (for lunch, on a day of rest, on a holiday, etc.), the responsible work manager must personally verify that the conditions of their production have not changed, and only after that return the permit to the responsible performer of the work. Resumption of work without a work permit is prohibited.
  • The responsible performer of the work is obliged to:
  1. In the presence of the responsible work manager, check the preparation of workplaces, compliance with safety requirements, and the availability of the necessary equipment for team members personal protection, equipment and tools;
  2. Determine for each team member his workplace;
  3. For hot work (fire heating of bitumen, gas and electric welding work, gas and electric cutting work, gasoline and kerosene cutting work, soldering work, metal cutting with mechanized tools) in temporary places (except construction sites and private households) a permit to perform hot work is issued by the director or person responsible for fire safety.
  4. Constantly be at the work site and constantly supervise all members of the team;
  5. Do not allow team members to leave the work area without permission and perform work not covered by the permit;
  6. Remove team members from the work site during breaks during the work shift. The work permit remains with the responsible performer of the work. Resuming work after a break is permitted only after a personal inspection of the workplace;
  7. At the end of a shift, work, as well as during breaks in work holidays and days of rest, the responsible performer of the work is obliged to transfer the work permit to the responsible work manager (the person who issued the work permit) for storage;
  8. Resumption of work without a work permit is prohibited.
  • The work must be stopped, the work permit must be withdrawn and returned to the person who issued it in the following cases:
  1. If a discrepancy is detected between the actual state of the work conditions and the safety requirements provided for by the work permit.
  2. When the volume and nature of work changes, causing changes in the conditions of work.
  3. If the responsible work manager or other persons monitoring the state of labor protection detects violations of labor safety rules by employees.
  4. When the composition of the brigade changes.

The interrupted work can be started only after the deficiencies have been eliminated and the work permit has been received.

  • Upon completion of high-risk work:
  1. Materials, tools, devices are removed, people are removed from the work site, the work permit is handed over to the responsible work manager or the person who issued the work permit.
  2. The closure of the permit is formalized by the signatures of the responsible manager (responsible executor) of the work and the person who issued the permit.
  3. Before the clearance order is closed, it is prohibited to put into operation a facility where high-risk work was performed.
  4. If an accident or accident occurred while performing work under a permit, this work permit should be attached to the materials of the investigation into the causes and circumstances of the accident or incident.
  • When performing high-risk work, workers must be provided with personal protective equipment in accordance with industry standards and taking into account the dangerous and harmful production factors affecting them.
  • Combined works:
  1. For work with increased danger, in which several sections and services of the organization are involved (for so-called combined work), permits are issued by the chief engineer or, by his order, by the head of the department in which the combined work is planned to be performed.
  2. The recommended form of work permit for combined work is given in Appendix No. 5.
  3. The person who issued the permit for combined work must additionally ensure that the combined work is agreed upon in terms of volume, timing and safety measures with the head of the department where this work will be carried out.
  4. The head of the department in which combined work is expected to be performed must allocate an area for the work and ensure the implementation of measures for the safety of workers determined by this work permit.
  5. In case of combined work, the head of the department in which the combined work is expected to be performed, together with the responsible manager and the responsible executor of the work under the permit, must organize control and ensure the implementation of the activities specified in the permit.
  6. Controversial issues arising during the organization and performance of combined work must be resolved by the managers of ChelyabStroyKomplekt CJSC, under whose subordination are the divisions engaged in the production of combined work.
  7. When performing combined work, permission to carry out work with increased danger must be formalized in a work permit with the signatures of the responsible work manager, the responsible executor of the work and the head of the department in which the combined work is performed.



(working conditions) Conditions under which they must work wage-earners. These include such parameters as permitted breaks, lighting, temperature and ventilation of workplaces, safety and ease of use of mechanical and other equipment, and Vehicle, normal staffing table, penalties. Working conditions are determined by legislation, such as the Health and Safety at Work Act, collective bargaining between employers and trade unions, representing workers, and positive changes made by employers to improve employee attitudes and improve staff morale.

Economy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". J. Black. General editor: Doctor of Economics Osadchaya I.M.. 2000 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .

See what “WORKING CONDITIONS” is in other dictionaries:

    working conditions- A set of values ​​of parameters of an electrical product (electrical device, electrical equipment) characterizing its operation in this moment and under given operating conditions. [GOST 18311 80] EN operating conditions… …

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    Operating conditions for electrical products Dictionary-reference book of normative terms technical documentation

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    operating conditions of burners in a wide range of loads- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy industry topics in general EN burner turndown operating conditions ... Technical Translator's Guide

    user working conditions- user environment (operating) user environment - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology in general Synonyms custom... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    operating conditions at full load- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Energy topics in general EN full load conditions ... Technical Translator's Guide

    Operating conditions of the electrical device- 91 Source: GOST 18311 80: Electrical products. Terms and definitions of basic concepts original document... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    Operating conditions of an electrical product (electrical device, electrical equipment)- 91. Operating conditions of an electrical product (electrical device, electrical equipment) Operating conditions Set of values ​​of the parameters of an electrical product (electrical device, electrical equipment),… … Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

    WORKING CONDITIONS NORMAL- working conditions, including organizational, technical, sanitary and hygienic conditions, which must be provided by the employer at all workplaces to all employees, regardless of the type of work they perform, in order to meet production standards and other standards... ... Encyclopedia of Labor Law


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Work in existing electrical installations must be carried out according to the order, by order and in accordance with the list of works performed in the order of current operation. Lists of work performed according to work orders, orders and routine operation are approved by the employer.

[work permit for work in electrical installations (work order) is a task for the production of work, drawn up on a special form and defining the composition of the team and workers responsible for the safe performance of work, indicating their electrical safety groups, content and place of work, start time and completion of work, conditions for its safe performance and measures for preparing workplaces.]

[an order is an assignment for the performance of work, defining its content, place, time, safety requirements (if required) and the persons entrusted with its implementation, indicating the electrical safety group.]

A typical form of a permit form for work in electrical installations is shown below.

In relation to safety requirements, work in electrical installations is divided into:

  • with stress relief;
  • under voltage;
  • without removing the voltage, away from live parts that are under voltage.

Work in electrical installations must be carried out using electrical protective equipment designed for this type of work. The use of basic electrical protective equipment that does not correspond to the voltage class of the electrical installation is prohibited. It is prohibited to touch the insulators of an electrical installation that is energized without using electrical protective equipment.

Workers should remember that after the voltage at the electrical installation disappears, it can be supplied again without warning.

In electrical installations, it is prohibited to work in a bent position if, when straightened, the distance to live parts is less than the permissible distance to live parts that are energized. When working near unprotected live parts in electrical installations, the worker is prohibited from positioning himself so that these parts are located behind or on both sides.

Table - Permissible distances to live parts that are energized
Voltage, kV Distance from people and the tools and devices they use, from temporary fences, m Distance from mechanisms and lifting machines in working and transport position, from slings, lifting devices and loads, m
Up to 1:
- on overhead lines 0,6 1,0
- when performing work on overhead lines under voltage 0,35 1,0
- in other electrical installations Not standardized (no touching) 1,0
3-35 0,6 1,0
110 1,0 1,5
220 2,0 2,5
330 2,5 3,5
750 5,0 6,0

The illumination of work areas, workplaces, passages and approaches to them must comply with the requirements of technical regulations for this type of work. It is not allowed to perform work in places with insufficient lighting levels.

Major and current repairs of electrical equipment with voltages above 1000 V, as well as overhead lines, regardless of voltage class, must be carried out according to technological maps or PPR. When performing work on one connection by two or more teams, a project for organizing the work must be developed with the appointment of a person responsible for their coordination.

When a thunderstorm approaches, all work must be stopped on overhead lines, overhead lines, outdoor switchgear, on inputs and switching devices of closed switchgear, transformer substations and other electrical installations directly connected to overhead lines, on cable lines connected to sections of overhead lines, as well as on overhead lines inputs in the premises of communication centers and antenna mast structures.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, work under voltage is allowed. In this case it is necessary:

a) protect other live parts located near the workplace that are energized and that may be accidentally touched; if it is impossible to fence, perform technological operations to isolate live parts near which live work is being carried out;

b) work in electrically insulating galoshes (boots) or standing on an electrically insulating stand or on an electrically insulating carpet;

c) use hand-held electrical insulating tools and personal protective equipment that meets the requirements of the relevant technical regulations.

List of works in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, the execution of which is permitted under voltage, and the technology for performing them specified works approved by the employer.

Unauthorized performance of work, as well as expansion of jobs and the scope of the task determined by the work order or order are prohibited. If dangerous or harmful production factors that are not covered by the work order arise during the work process, as well as in the event of a change in the conditions of work, the work order is closed, and work is resumed after the issuance of a new work order.

The performance of any work in the coverage area of ​​another work order must be agreed upon with the supervisor or work supervisor (if a work supervisor has not been appointed) of the previously admitted team. The approval of the work is formalized before preparing the workplace by writing “Approved” in the margins of the work order near table A.3 and the signature of the person approving.