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The profession of a person who raises animals. What professions do people raise roosters?


Eight o'clock in the morning. The start of the working day at the Molodezhnaya poultry farm is announced by a howler. It was installed here a long time ago, from the last century, and, apparently, for good reason: the siren has a sobering effect, and I instantly tune in to the feats of labor. As they say, the trumpet calls for duty.
By the way, I prepared for them in advance and read an interesting article on the Internet about what appeared first: the egg or the chicken. A couple of years ago, British scientists used a computer to simulate the process of the appearance of a chicken egg. As it turned out, key role The protein ovocledinin plays a role in its formation. It is he who, being in the bird’s body, participates in the creation of the shell. Therefore, in the beginning there was a chicken, scientists concluded. On this interesting fact My knowledge of poultry farming, unfortunately, was ending.
Moreover, something else is much more important for the reader: how does an egg get to the dinner table? What do laying hens feed? And is salmonella as scary as it is made out to be? For answers to these and other questions, I go to the village of Pervomaiskoye to the Molodezhnaya poultry farm as an ordinary employee. So, I'm on the verge of new discoveries!


I’m not just becoming an assistant to senior livestock specialist Nikolai Mutylin, I’m going to learn from a man who wanted to work in agriculture since the seventh grade. Imagine, for him everyday work is not a routine, but a childhood dream come true. I think that a mentor who is in love with the profession is a real godsend for a beginner. Shoulder to shoulder with him, I will have to learn the basics of poultry farming - the most high-tech area of ​​animal husbandry, according to Nikolai Petrovich.
I will say that getting into the factory territory is not so easy. It is impossible for a person from the street to come here and come here. “No unauthorized entry” - warning signs are easy to see at the most important facilities - poultry houses and feed production shops. At the checkpoint, packages and bags are inspected as necessary. The sign on the wall speaks eloquently about this. Of course, strict precautions are not a whim of management or even a desire to preserve trade secrets. Winged pets are highly susceptible to infections and stress, so their peace and health are paramount.


Strictly observing all requirements for appearance employees, dressed in a white uniform - a robe and a cap, having received several pairs of shoe covers, I set off for the first task. True, we pass by the incubator: even an “agricultural” journalist will not be allowed into it - all for the same security reasons. Whatever one may say, this is a maternity hospital only for birds, and sterility is a priority.
The first one on our route is an acclimatizer, a poultry house for raising young animals aged from 1 to 105 days. Kind kindergarten for chickens, where they reach adulthood and become laying hens. By the way, the Dutch Leghorn - Cross Hisex white breed is bred at the poultry farm.
- At this stage, the cockerels are discarded, leaving only the hens. By the way, do you know that hens lay eggs without the participation of a rooster? - the livestock specialist asks me, to which I widen my eyes in surprise. A fact known to many since childhood, for me, a resident of the village, turned out to be real news!
“The rooster is needed only to fertilize the egg,” continues the chief mentor, “in order to have feathered offspring.”
It turns out that store-bought eggs will never hatch into chickens. Phew, now I will fry an omelette without remorse! It’s true, live forever and learn.


In the poultry house, where we went next, it seems dark out of habit. But gradually the eyes adapt to lighting of 10 lux - dimly, as if a night light is on. Light intensity is the most important condition for the development of a bird. Its deficiency will make the chickens underdeveloped, and its excess will provoke too rapid growth. Another primary requirement is temperature and humidity, as well as a strictly defined amount of feed per day. At Molodezhnaya, all technological indicators are monitored by imported equipment. The monitors display the data necessary for the smooth operation of the poultry house. The task of mechanics-operators is to see deviations from given parameters and prevent changes in the regime. Any mistake in poultry farming is fraught with serious consequences.
“You know, a chicken lays eggs like an automatic machine,” Nikolai Mutylin resorts to this comparison in order to clearly describe the process of the birth of eggs. - The thing is that the follicles inside the chicken resemble a bunch of grapes. The largest “berry” comes out first, then the next one, and so on. Any stress and the follicle may not form. - At this phrase, I began intensively photographing pretty chickens peacefully pecking at grain.
The bright flash that illuminated the room clearly did not please the corydalis: they cackled loudly and nervously flapped their wings. Having apologized to the hens for the invasion of privacy, I hastened to retreat. But the loud noise of discontent continued to be transmitted throughout the poultry house for a long time. “They let the Fox into the chicken coop,” I thought, realizing that my last name in this situation can be interpreted in two ways.
In general, the conclusion suggests itself is this: sudden movements, loud sounds and extraneous noise are not allowed in the poultry house - all this causes the birds to shy away and become stressed.


Poultry farmers have perhaps the most peaceful job on earth. Marina Varaksina has been working at the factory for ten years and knows all the intricacies of the process. In the morning, until 11 o’clock, and after lunch, she, in professional terms, “drives” the egg. At this time, primary sorting occurs - dirty and broken ones are placed separately. “The work is monotonous and stressful,” says Marina, without being distracted. The fingers of her hands quickly move through the eggs - ten after ten, hundred after hundred.
Fitter-operator Valentin Martynov and poultry worker Elena Shavrina monitor how the products move along the conveyor. With their eyes closed, they will show you why there are so many levers and buttons on a huge shield. After the initial sorting, the eggs are sent on an hour and a half journey to the warehouse along the “anaconda” - this is how workers dubbed the long, winding conveyor on the street, which looks like an ordinary pipe.
And those eggs that are stained with chicken droppings, and therefore turned out to be rejected, leave on a horse harnessed to a cart. As I see it modern technologies peacefully coexist with proven old-fashioned methods. Although the horse is an exception. “Youth” has long been moving along the rails of progress. It is modern technologies and imported equipment that make the production process at all stages fully automated.


We are moving to the warehouse - the final point on the route of livestock specialist Mutylin. I feel like I can barely move my legs. Tired. I was there. “How much do you reel in a day?” - I ask, referring to the huge area on which the factory is located. “Probably 10 kilometers, including the distance to the house,” replies Petrovich, as his subordinates call him.
The warehouse is lively and noisy. The process of packing eggs into plastic or cardboard containers is also fully automated. Manual labor reduced to zero. Mechanical operators, most of whom are representatives of the fair sex, monitor the operation of the equipment.
- This is probably the main thing in work - to see the results of your own work in the form finished products? - I ask Mutylin.
- It’s a great pleasure when we carry out the plan. A fascinating process - you need to think through the diet so that you get exactly as much product as you need. For poultry farmers, every minute counts - time to feed, remove litter, vaccinate and much, much more,” answers the livestock specialist.
- And who monitors the quality of products and, most importantly, their safety. How do you fight the notorious salmonellosis?
- For this part, we have specialists from two laboratories - zootechnical and veterinary. Every batch of feed and products is checked,” says Nikolai Petrovich. “By the way, my wife, Galina Nikolaevna, is in charge of the veterinary laboratory, so we vouch for the quality of the products produced as a family,” he smiles.
- Do you raise laying hens at home?
- Not now. By the way, our employees can only keep the breed of chickens that are available at the factory. Strict rule.


So, the round is completed. My head is spinning from the flow of information. Of course, one cannot cope alone. It’s not for nothing that about 125 people are assigned to the poultry house. They, in turn, are divided into teams - for raising young animals, parent stock, industrial laying hens, an incubator, and a feed shop. Each has a clear task.
Now I understand that the main thing in the work of a poultry worker is patience and meticulousness, because birds react with lightning speed to careless treatment. As a result, mortality and decreased productivity are possible.
The scale of the Molodezhnaya poultry farm is impressive. 500 thousand eggs are produced here per day. The enterprise is from the category of “monsters”: its structure includes field farming and livestock farming, as well as the production of its own dairy and meat products, a chain of stores. The staff is about 800 people.
It is even more terrible to realize the situation that arose at the enterprise due to the grain harvest failure in this dry year. “What we managed to prepare has already been eaten,” director Evgeniy Davydov states the fact. - High price for grain is one problem, another is its shortage. There’s just nowhere to buy it.” In the worst case scenario, Molodezhnaya may stop. But then it will be possible to reach the current level of production no earlier than 2018.

The newspaper’s editors thank you for your help in organizing the “Journalist Changes Profession” project
Evgeniy Davydov, director of OJSC Molodezhnaya Poultry Farm.

Pervomaisky district

Among the professions, there are many whose names are not well-known, but their significance is great. So, not everyone knows who grows vegetables. The professions of these people are varied, their work is not easy, it requires experience, special knowledge and permanent job, because even in winter these workers cannot fully rest - the harvested seeds need care. And in spring, the preparation of seedlings for planting begins. We invite you to learn about difficult professions in more detail.

Varieties of vegetable growing

Growing cultivated plants Vegetable growers are engaged in this activity, but their responsibilities are varied. There are several types of vegetable growing. It happens:

  • Open ground(growing vegetables in fields).
  • Protected soil (work in greenhouses and greenhouses).
  • Melon growing (working in melon fields, growing watermelons).

There are also very similar positions, for example, a field farmer does work in the fields, flax grows thanks to the efforts of a flax grower, rice - a rice grower, a cotton grower takes care of cotton, and grain growers look after grain fields. Each of these specialties is very important.

Plant growing specialties

The professions of people who grow vegetables are quite diverse. We list the main ones:

  • Agronomist. This specialist is involved in the development and implementation of measures to improve productivity, monitors the quality of planting material, and organizes work on sowing crops.
  • Breeder. Without this specialist, people would not have discovered new varieties that are resistant to diseases and have high yields. Selection is the most important part of vegetable growing, as it allows you to obtain more advanced hybrids.
  • Vegetable grower. This man is busy physical labor- caring for potatoes and root crops. However, you should not think that the work is done entirely by hand, the old fashioned way. No, now agricultural machines are coming to the rescue.
  • Machine operator. A specialist whose duty is to operate agricultural equipment.

These are the main specialties. Let’s answer the question: “Who grows vegetables?” There are several professions, but the vegetable grower is most directly involved in working with crops.


To become a vegetable grower, you must have knowledge:

  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Typologies of cultivated plants;
  • Types of soils and their properties.

In addition, a vegetable grower must have good physical fitness, love nature, be able to observe plants, be careful and patient.


Let's continue our consideration unusual professions. Who grows vegetables, we found out, is a vegetable grower, his responsibilities include a whole range of various actions:

  • Preparing the soil for sowing seeds, this includes plowing, loosening, and harrowing.
  • Preparatory work with seed material.
  • The planting of crops itself.
  • Caring for them during growth: timely watering, weeding, hilling, thinning, removal and destruction of diseased or pest-affected plants.
  • Harvesting and organizing its storage and transportation.

A vegetable grower performs a whole range of actions that help grow vegetable crops from seeds to finished fruits. Without these specialists it would be impossible to have on the tables fresh vegetables all year round.

Main types of work

We found out what professions people grow vegetables. First of all, these are vegetable growers. The table shows the main types of work that these specialists do.

What does a vegetable grower do?
With cultures With soil With inventory
Preparing seeds for planting, working with planting material Mixing substrates and different types soils for growing crops Checking inventory: its availability and condition
Protection of plantings from adverse effects external environment Applying fertilizer to the soil Diagnosis and Troubleshooting
Picking seedlings Sampling of soils for laboratory research Preparing racks for storing harvested crops
Watering and hilling Clearing Inventory
Vegetable collection

In addition, vegetable growers draw up schedules for sowing and planting vegetable crops.

Fruit and vegetable grower: a brief introduction

There are many more Who grows vegetables besides vegetable growers? These are fruit and vegetable growers, an even narrower specialty of the agricultural industry; they deal not only with vegetables, but also with berries and fruit crops. Their responsibilities include:

  • Preparing the soil for planting.
  • Growing seedlings.
  • Crop care.
  • Destruction of pests, prevention and control of diseases.
  • Harvesting and transportation of crops.
  • Organization of fruit storage.

The profession of plant protection agronomist is similar in responsibilities.


Not everyone can become a vegetable or fruit grower, even if they have the necessary knowledge and qualifications. Persons with the following medical contraindications are not allowed to perform this work:

  • Skin diseases.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Problems with the spine and musculoskeletal system.
  • Pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Muscle problems.

That’s why, if you decide to connect your life with work growing crops, you need to go through medical examination.

Melon growing and other positions

Let's consider the professions of people who grow vegetables, flax, and watermelons. The latter are called melon growers, since the place of their work is the melon field, where the watermelons beloved by many grow. These specialists are also engaged in the cultivation of other melons and melons:

  • Pumpkins.
  • Melons.

These plants are universal, but growing them is associated with a number of difficulties:

  • They do not tolerate frost, so they can only grow in mild climates with long, warm summers.
  • Melon crops, especially watermelons, require well-lit, elevated areas; in lowlands, plants will not produce a rich harvest.
  • When working with such crops, it is very important to obtain vigorous shoots, so it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of seed preparation, warm them up and germinate them.

Flax growers are engaged in the preparation of seed material, sowing flax and harvesting flax products. They must understand not only the technology of flax growing, but also the maintenance of specialized equipment: flax threshing machines, dryers, sorting machines.

Specifics of flax growing in Russia

Flax is one of the most ancient cultures; its use by humans dates back more than one millennium. Let's name the professions of people who grow vegetables and flax. These are vegetable and flax growers; they are of particular importance in agricultural activities.

Linen is actively used in the light and textile industries; clothing and products made from it are eagerly purchased by foreigners.

We learned about who grows vegetables. What profession is respected? There are many of them: vegetable and melon growers, agronomists and breeders, fruit and vegetable growers and flax growers, their hard work helps produce a harvest of fresh fruits, rich in vitamins and distinguished by excellent taste.

When I decided to have chickens, I focused on egg-bearing breeds, so as not to kill chickens, not to spend money on fights and fun, but still to have fresh eggs. E. Osipova

Traditionally the best egg breeds are: Leghorns and hybrids of this breed, originally bred in Italy (in Livorno), and now the most common almost all over the world. These chickens are small, up to 2 kg, and you can get 220-250 eggs from them per year. Not a record, of course, but not a lot.

I was afraid to take chickens - I have no experience, the young birds are fragile, tender, raising them is a whole art. True, they cost only 50 rubles, but still, putting living souls at risk is somehow not for me. I settled on 6-month-old laying hens. The price of each is 200 rubles, by the way, some exotic bantam beauties would cost one and a half thousand per head! Leghorns begin laying eggs at 4 months of age.

Number of laying hens that I was going to purchase, I calculated in advance. It depends on the area occupied by the poultry house under the roof and the pen under open air. Of course, it would be possible not to let the chickens out into the air at all; it would be easier and more economical to keep them that way. However, Leghorns are temperamental and active, unlike the almost 5-kilogram meat Cochins - real phlegmatic people. In addition, eggs from chickens that have free range are much healthier than those from birds that are constantly indoors.

I based on the size of the chicken coop, built last fall by my prudent husband. The area of ​​our wooden shed, similar to a utility block, is 2×1.5 m. 6 chickens will fit here - at the rate of 0.5 m2 per bird.

The selection principles are as follows. Birds should be active, with bright red combs and wattles and yellow legs (pale is a sign of old age). The feathers are clean, shiny, tightly fitting to the body, not thin, but not fat, otherwise the chicken will not lay eggs well.
A neighbor in the country, who has been keeping them for a long time and has achieved considerable success, helped me choose chickens from a poultry seller. By the way, we used his advice.

I saved money on purchasing a rooster. Fertilized eggs are living, which means they are not food for a vegetarian.

Chicken Keeper's Commandments

Do not overfeed!

Do not enter the chickens from 9.00 to 15.00.

Always praises them

In addition to the usual door to the chicken dorm, my husband also built a small one (30x40 cm) - only for laying hens. Of course, there is a feeding trough in the enclosure.
Under the drinking bowl We have a deep bowl. We are going to treat the birds not only with compound feed, but also with healthy and tasty additives: grass, leftover broth with bread, millet, grain, fish, dairy products and boiled potatoes.

There is also a separate wooden trough for mineral feeding - shell rock, shells or special feed chalk. In a word, everything is based on the advice of experts.
We hope to receive 4-5 organic eggs per day, 55-60 g each.
After all, in the summer, chickens lay noticeably better. A neighbor somehow received 255 pieces in a year from one laying hen!

In addition, I will also have my own valuable fertilizer - chicken manure. Truly waste-free creatures!


The wild ancestors of chickens gave only 10-30 eggs per year, modern ones - more than 300.
The record was set in 1930: the feathered champion carried 361 pieces in 364 days.
Japanese doctors from the University of Kyoto have found that chicken egg white is a medicine that blocks the growth of human cancer cells.

Spotted that chickens love blue food (you can buy this).
The feeder should be red, but not yellow. Green and orange colors calm them down, and blue is perceived by birds as pitch darkness.
Dietary eggs are those that are no more than 7 days old.

Expert opinion

Vladimir Malik, one of the authors of the collection “1000 tips for amateur livestock farmers”
If a summer resident wants to achieve the maximum number of eggs from hens, he must choose the most productive laying hens and feed them with high-quality feed. These birds eat a little more. To produce 12 pieces, 1.6-1.7 kg of complete, balanced feed is spent.
Today the French breed of chickens is very popular in the world. image, from which you can get 300-320 eggs per year.

Egg hens are usually kept for a maximum of 2 seasons. Any longer is unprofitable. They rush less and less. Modern summer residents, when leaving home, slaughter their birds in the fall, since there is nowhere to put them.

A little arithmetic

Balanced feed for laying hens is prepared according to a special program developed by scientists. The ingredients are mixed automatically and under operator control.
Knowing the composition of the recipe, you can prepare the food yourself. For young laying hens (not chickens!) the diet includes: wheat, barley, wheat bran, fish meal, phosphate, feed chalk, skim milk, sunflower and soybean cakes, table salt.

Whether it is necessary to bother making up a nutritional mixture, everyone decides for himself.
Complete food (PC-1) costs 490 rubles. per bag (40 kg). It can be bought at the market or ordered online in bulk. Then you will pay 11,750 rubles per ton. and the price for 40 kg will be 20 rubles. below.

For 6 layers one bag is enough for 38 days (one bird eats 180 g per day). Even at expensive prices, you will spend a little more than 2 rubles on chicken feed. per day, and she will lay one full egg. The benefit is obvious. E. Osipova

Chicken feeder

Agriculture is a separate branch of the economy aimed primarily at providing people with food. The importance of this industry is difficult to overestimate. There are many in-demand professions related to agriculture. And, of course, they all require certain knowledge and skills.

What agricultural professions exist: list

The most popular specialties in this area are:

  • agronomist;
  • machine operator;
  • machine milking operator;
  • livestock breeder;
  • poultry house;
  • vet.

When asked what professions belong to agriculture, there is another answer - beekeeper and fur farmer. They are not as common as, for example, a milking machine operator or a livestock breeder, but they are also quite in demand.

Features of the agronomist profession

Agricultural technologies are constantly being improved and changed. The responsibilities of an agronomist primarily include proper organization production processes, growing crops, harvesting and transporting crops under these conditions. Also, people in this specialty are involved in the preparation of various kinds of reporting and scientific documentation. Veterinarians usually have a higher education. To date, the profession of an agronomist is on the list of the most in demand in Russia.

Machine operator

This is one of the main specialties in such a sector of the economy as agriculture. The professions of combine harvester and tractor driver have always been among the main ones in the countryside. A machine operator is a specialist who can operate all types of agricultural machinery. In addition, the responsibilities of these workers include knowledge of the design features of the machines, as well as performing their scheduled maintenance and repairs.

The profession of a machine operator is considered one of the most difficult in rural areas. People in this specialty often work in extremely unfavorable conditions - heat, rain and cold. In addition, they usually have to work overtime during the sowing and harvesting period. Fortunately, recently increased requirements have begun to be placed on the design of tractors and combines in terms of convenience specifically for machine operators. The cabins of the new models are insulated and equipped with air conditioners and heaters. But still, the work of a machine operator will always remain difficult, and therefore honorable.

Machine milking operator

There are many answers to the question of which professions in agriculture are the most common. But the most famous is still the machine milking operator. In Soviet times, many films were made about people of this specialty and a huge number of poems and songs were written. The profession of a milkmaid was then extremely honorable. Women of this specialty appeared on blue screens in the form of healthy, cheerful, rosy-cheeked girls in headscarves. However, of course, the profession of a milking machine operator is actually very difficult, and there is not much romance in it.

Milkmaids have to get up before dawn - at five o'clock in the morning. Their responsibilities include wiping the cow's udder and feeding it. But the main occupation of representatives of this profession is, of course, milking animals. This operation is performed three times a day. Like a machine operator, the profession of a milkmaid is very important in agriculture.

Livestock breeder

This is also a very common profession in rural areas. Agricultural-related specialties may belong to animal husbandry or crop production. The main activity of a livestock specialist is, as the name suggests, breeding and raising various types of farm animals. Workers in this specialty must provide them with the most comfortable conditions for keeping and breeding. In addition, the duties of the livestock breeder include monitoring the health of the “wards” and maintaining the purity of the breed. Also, people of this specialty make sure that all the necessary components are present in the diet of cows, pigs, sheep, horses and goats: vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.

Among other things, livestock farmers clean and disinfect cowsheds and pigsties and take part in preventive measures to prevent the spread of epidemics. They also monitor the procedure for grazing animals in summer time year, as well as the process of preparing food for them for the winter.

Poultry house

The responsibilities of representatives of this profession are almost the same as those of a livestock breeder. The only difference is that the poultry house cares for representatives of birds: chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys, etc. This is also one of the most common specialties in such a sector of the country's economy as agriculture. Professions related to poultry care are very complex and responsible.


Man began raising and breeding animals thousands of years ago. The profession of veterinarian has existed for about the same amount of time. In ancient times, people of this specialty accompanied caravans and armies, monitoring the health of horses and camels, and professional veterinary schools were opened in the Middle Ages. In our country, this specialty appeared on the initiative of Peter the Great. It was this emperor who once brought highly qualified veterinary specialists from Europe to Russia.

Today, as in the past, the main task of an agricultural worker in this profession is the treatment of animals. His responsibilities also include carrying out preventive measures. Veterinarians deliver animals, administer vaccinations, and perform sterilization or insemination. Representatives of this profession also monitor the use of various types of chemicals when growing crops intended for animal feeding.

Currently, there is a veterinary station in almost every locality. There are similar clinics even in cities. True, they treat not agricultural animals, but ordinary domestic animals - cats and dogs.


There are different agricultural professions. On modern enterprises This industry not only breeds animals and grows plants. Beekeeping also refers specifically to this area of ​​the national economy. The specialty of a beekeeper is quite rare in our country. However, this does not mean that it is uninteresting or unclaimed. This is a fascinating profession, but, like any other agricultural profession, it is quite difficult and very responsible.

The responsibilities of a beekeeper include forming new families of bees, ensuring their wintering and collecting honey. Also, people of this profession fight diseases of the insects entrusted to them, repair hives and equipment. Despite its relative rarity, the profession of beekeeper will always exist, because many people love honey. In addition, the product is very useful.

Fur breeder

Breeding rabbits, nutria, and arctic foxes is also one of the specializations of such an industry as agriculture. Professions related to caring for such animals are also quite in demand. Fur breeders are responsible for the maintenance and reproduction of rabbits and nutria. Their responsibilities include monitoring the conservation of the livestock, the purity of the breed, procedures such as feeding, disease prevention and care.


This profession appeared in agriculture not so long ago. However, it is almost impossible to imagine crop and livestock production without it today. First of all, an agroecologist monitors the use of fertilizers and various types of chemicals in the fields when growing agricultural plants. The tasks of this specialist include mainly developing recommendations for minimizing harm from them. Agroecologists also work in agricultural enterprises to restore depleted and eroded soils.

Where can you get an agricultural specialty?

Today in our country there are many educational institutions of different levels, whose tasks include training workers in such an industry as agriculture. Professions of this type can be obtained in many cities of our country. Agronomists and veterinarians usually graduate from universities and technical schools. They train to become machine operators in technical schools and colleges. The same goes for milkmaids and poultry workers.

The most famous higher educational institutions in our country where you can obtain agricultural professions are agricultural universities:

  • Orenburgsky.
  • Kuban.
  • St. Petersburg.
  • Altaic.
  • Voronezh, etc.

Also, highly qualified specialists are trained by the National Agricultural Academy named after. Timiryazev. Of course, the success of the development of an industry such as agriculture directly depends on the quality of training of young specialists. Professions (examples of which were given above) of this group require a person to have intelligence, dexterity, quick thinking, and often physical endurance. In any case, the process of training future veterinarians, agronomists, milkmaids and machine operators should be approached with all responsibility.


Eight o'clock in the morning. The start of the working day at the Molodezhnaya poultry farm is announced by a howler. It was installed here a long time ago, from the last century, and, apparently, for good reason: the siren has a sobering effect, and I instantly tune in to the feats of labor. As they say, the trumpet calls for duty.
By the way, I prepared for them in advance and read an interesting article on the Internet about what appeared first: the egg or the chicken. A couple of years ago, British scientists used a computer to simulate the process of the appearance of a chicken egg. As it turned out, the protein ovocledinin plays a key role in its formation. It is he who, being in the bird’s body, participates in the creation of the shell. Therefore, in the beginning there was a chicken, scientists concluded. Unfortunately, my knowledge of poultry farming ended with this interesting fact.
Moreover, something else is much more important for the reader: how does an egg get to the dinner table? What do laying hens feed? And is salmonella as scary as it is made out to be? For answers to these and other questions, I go to the village of Pervomaiskoye to the Molodezhnaya poultry farm as an ordinary employee. So, I'm on the verge of new discoveries!


I’m not just becoming an assistant to senior livestock specialist Nikolai Mutylin, I’m going to learn from a man who wanted to work in agriculture since the seventh grade. Imagine, for him everyday work is not a routine, but a childhood dream come true. I think that a mentor who is in love with the profession is a real godsend for a beginner. Shoulder to shoulder with him, I will have to learn the basics of poultry farming - the most high-tech area of ​​animal husbandry, according to Nikolai Petrovich.
I will say that getting into the factory territory is not so easy. It is impossible for a person from the street to come here and come here. “No unauthorized entry” - warning signs are easy to see at the most important facilities - poultry houses and feed production shops. At the checkpoint, packages and bags are inspected as necessary. The sign on the wall speaks eloquently about this. Of course, strict precautions are not a whim of management or even a desire to preserve trade secrets. Winged pets are highly susceptible to infections and stress, so their peace and health are paramount.


Strictly observing all the requirements for the appearance of employees, putting on a white uniform - a robe and a cap, having received several pairs of shoe covers, I set off on my first task. True, we pass by the incubator: even an “agricultural” journalist will not be allowed into it - all for the same security reasons. Whatever one may say, this is a maternity hospital only for birds, and sterility is a priority.
The first one on our route is an acclimatizer, a poultry house for raising young animals aged from 1 to 105 days. A kind of kindergarten for chickens, where they reach adulthood and become laying hens. By the way, the Dutch Leghorn - Cross Hisex white breed is bred at the poultry farm.
- At this stage, the cockerels are discarded, leaving only the hens. By the way, do you know that hens lay eggs without the participation of a rooster? - the livestock specialist asks me, to which I widen my eyes in surprise. A fact known to many since childhood, for me, a resident of the village, turned out to be real news!
“The rooster is needed only to fertilize the egg,” continues the chief mentor, “in order to have feathered offspring.”
It turns out that store-bought eggs will never hatch into chickens. Phew, now I will fry an omelette without remorse! It’s true, live forever and learn.


In the poultry house, where we went next, it seems dark out of habit. But gradually the eyes adapt to lighting of 10 lux - dimly, as if a night light is on. Light intensity is the most important condition for the development of a bird. Its deficiency will make the chickens underdeveloped, and its excess will provoke too rapid growth. Another primary requirement is temperature and humidity, as well as a strictly defined amount of feed per day. At Molodezhnaya, all technological indicators are monitored by imported equipment. The monitors display the data necessary for the smooth operation of the poultry house. The task of mechanics-operators is to see deviations from the specified parameters in a timely manner and prevent changes in the mode. Any mistake in poultry farming is fraught with serious consequences.
“You know, a chicken lays eggs like an automatic machine,” Nikolai Mutylin resorts to this comparison in order to clearly describe the process of the birth of eggs. - The thing is that the follicles inside the chicken resemble a bunch of grapes. The largest “berry” comes out first, then the next one, and so on. Any stress and the follicle may not form. - At this phrase, I began intensively photographing pretty chickens peacefully pecking at grain.
The bright flash that illuminated the room clearly did not please the corydalis: they cackled loudly and nervously flapped their wings. Having apologized to the hens for the invasion of privacy, I hastened to retreat. But the loud noise of discontent continued to be transmitted throughout the poultry house for a long time. “They let the Fox into the chicken coop,” I thought, realizing that my last name in this situation can be interpreted in two ways.
In general, the conclusion suggests itself is this: sudden movements, loud sounds and extraneous noise are not allowed in the poultry house - all this causes the birds to shy away and become stressed.


Poultry farmers have perhaps the most peaceful job on earth. Marina Varaksina has been working at the factory for ten years and knows all the intricacies of the process. In the morning, until 11 o’clock, and after lunch, she, in professional terms, “drives” the egg. At this time, primary sorting occurs - dirty and broken ones are placed separately. “The work is monotonous and stressful,” says Marina, without being distracted. The fingers of her hands quickly move through the eggs - ten after ten, hundred after hundred.
Fitter-operator Valentin Martynov and poultry worker Elena Shavrina monitor how the products move along the conveyor. With their eyes closed, they will show you why there are so many levers and buttons on a huge shield. After the initial sorting, the eggs are sent on an hour and a half journey to the warehouse along the “anaconda” - this is how workers dubbed the long, winding conveyor on the street, which looks like an ordinary pipe.
And those eggs that are stained with chicken droppings, and therefore turned out to be rejected, leave on a horse harnessed to a cart. As I see, modern technologies peacefully coexist with proven old-fashioned methods. Although the horse is an exception. “Youth” has long been moving along the rails of progress. It is modern technologies and imported equipment that make the production process at all stages fully automated.


We are moving to the warehouse - the final point on the route of livestock specialist Mutylin. I feel like I can barely move my legs. Tired. I was there. “How much do you reel in a day?” - I ask, referring to the huge area on which the factory is located. “Probably 10 kilometers, including the distance to the house,” replies Petrovich, as his subordinates call him.
The warehouse is lively and noisy. The process of packing eggs into plastic or cardboard containers is also fully automated. Manual labor is reduced to zero. Mechanical operators, most of whom are representatives of the fair sex, monitor the operation of the equipment.
- Perhaps this is the main thing in work - to see the results of your own labor in the form of finished products? - I ask Mutylin.
- It’s a great pleasure when we carry out the plan. A fascinating process - you need to think through the diet so that you get exactly as much product as you need. For poultry farmers, every minute counts - time to feed, remove litter, vaccinate and much, much more,” answers the livestock specialist.
- And who monitors the quality of products and, most importantly, their safety. How do you fight the notorious salmonellosis?
- For this part, we have specialists from two laboratories - zootechnical and veterinary. Every batch of feed and products is checked,” says Nikolai Petrovich. “By the way, my wife, Galina Nikolaevna, is in charge of the veterinary laboratory, so we vouch for the quality of the products produced as a family,” he smiles.
- Do you raise laying hens at home?
- Not now. By the way, our employees can only keep the breed of chickens that are available at the factory. Strict rule.


So, the round is completed. My head is spinning from the flow of information. Of course, one cannot cope alone. It’s not for nothing that about 125 people are assigned to the poultry house. They, in turn, are divided into teams - for raising young animals, parent stock, industrial laying hens, an incubator, and a feed shop. Each has a clear task.
Now I understand that the main thing in the work of a poultry worker is patience and meticulousness, because birds react with lightning speed to careless treatment. As a result, mortality and decreased productivity are possible.
The scale of the Molodezhnaya poultry farm is impressive. 500 thousand eggs are produced here per day. The enterprise is one of the “monsters”: its structure includes field farming, livestock farming, as well as the production of its own dairy and meat products, and a chain of stores. The staff is about 800 people.
It is even more terrible to realize the situation that arose at the enterprise due to the grain harvest failure in this dry year. “What we managed to prepare has already been eaten,” director Evgeniy Davydov states the fact. - The high price of grain is one problem, another is its shortage. There’s just nowhere to buy it.” In the worst case scenario, Molodezhnaya may stop. But then it will be possible to reach the current level of production no earlier than 2018.

The newspaper’s editors thank you for your help in organizing the “Journalist Changes Profession” project
Evgeniy Davydov, director of OJSC Molodezhnaya Poultry Farm.

Pervomaisky district

Don't have time to wait at the doctor's office? In this case, a specialized appointment with a specialist was opened via the Internet. Here.

In order to successfully work in poultry factories, poultry farms and cope with complex mechanization for feeding and caring for poultry, it is necessary to acquire certain knowledge and become a poultry farmer. But what are the responsibilities of a poultry farmer? Its activities include preparing and distributing feed, regulating the supply of water in drinking bowls, and cleaning production facilities and workplaces.

In order to successfully work in poultry factories, poultry farms and cope with complex mechanization for feeding and caring for poultry, it is necessary to acquire certain knowledge and become a poultry farmer.

But what are the responsibilities of a poultry farmer? Its activities include preparing and distributing feed, regulating the supply of water in drinking bowls, and cleaning production facilities and workplaces.

Also, his area of ​​responsibility includes the obligation to carry out measures aimed at increasing the productivity of poultry, for which purpose, during the growing process, he sorts and culls them.

The poultry farmer also takes part in preventive and therapeutic measures. In addition, the poultry farmer must monitor the living conditions of the birds, for which, using control equipment and heating/ventilation devices, as necessary, set the required air exchange rates, temperature, and air humidity in the room, including in the incubator.

To successfully work in poultry breeding, as in other livestock-raising professions, the poultry farmer must have the special aptitudes necessary for working with animals, for example, observation, the ability to understand invisible biological processes, and practical interest.

That is, the poultry farmer must be a truly caring, attentive friend of animals, which will allow timely detection and prevention of changes in their behavior, which in the future can negatively affect their development.

The profession of a poultry farmer is primarily in demand on poultry farms, whose activities are aimed at creating an abundance of agricultural products.

But only complete mastery of the profession will allow you to become a competent, qualified worker on a poultry farm, who has an excellent knowledge of the complex of work carried out - starting from the preparation of feed, maintenance, feeding, and breeding of birds.

After all, today the main processes carried out in poultry farms are mechanized and automated to the maximum, so often one person cares for many thousands of birds.

The first step is to clearly understand and understand the intricacies of caring for birds, from young animals to adults.

Why draw up a daily work schedule, and then strictly follow it, correctly prepare feed, select optimal mode maintenance for each stage of bird growth. A person indifferent to nature cannot be a good poultry farmer. He must love his business, nature, animals and birds, his future charges, then the chosen profession of a poultry farmer will bring joy.

When I decided to have chickens, I focused on egg-bearing breeds, so as not to kill chickens, not to spend money on fights and fun, but still to have fresh eggs. E. Osipova

Traditionally the best egg breeds are: Leghorns and hybrids of this breed, originally bred in Italy (in Livorno), and now the most common almost all over the world. These chickens are small, up to 2 kg, and you can get 220-250 eggs from them per year. Not a record, of course, but not a lot.

I was afraid to take chickens - I have no experience, the young birds are fragile, delicate, and getting them out is a whole art. True, they cost only 50 rubles, but still, putting living souls at risk is somehow not for me. I settled on 6-month-old laying hens. The price of each is 200 rubles, by the way, some exotic bantam beauties would cost one and a half thousand per head! Leghorns begin laying eggs at 4 months of age.

Number of laying hens that I was going to purchase, I calculated in advance. It depends on the area occupied by the poultry house under the roof and the open-air pen. Of course, it would be possible not to let the chickens out into the air at all; it would be easier and more economical to keep them that way. However, Leghorns are temperamental and active, not like the almost 5-kilogram meat Cochins - real phlegmatic people. In addition, eggs from chickens that have free range are much healthier than those from birds that are constantly indoors.

I based on the size of the chicken coop, built last fall by my prudent husband. The area of ​​our wooden shed, similar to a utility block, is 2x1.5 m. 6 chickens will fit here - at the rate of 0.5 m2 per bird.

The selection principles are as follows. Birds should be active, with bright red combs and wattles and yellow legs (pale is a sign of old age). The feathers are clean, shiny, tightly fitting to the body, not thin, but not fat, otherwise the chicken will not lay eggs well.
A neighbor in the country, who has been keeping them for a long time and has achieved considerable success, helped me choose chickens from a poultry seller. By the way, we used his advice.

I saved money on purchasing a rooster. Fertilized eggs are alive, which means they are not food for a vegetarian.

Chicken Keeper's Commandments

Do not overfeed!

Do not enter the chickens from 9.00 to 15.00.

Always praises them

In addition to the usual door to the chicken dorm, my husband also built a small one (30x40 cm) - only for laying hens. Of course, there is a feeding trough in the enclosure.
Under the drinking bowl We have a deep bowl. We are going to treat the birds not only with compound feed, but also with healthy and tasty additives: grass, leftover broth with bread, millet, grain, fish, dairy products and boiled potatoes.

There is also a separate wooden trough for mineral feeding - shell rock, shells or special feed chalk. In a word, everything is based on the advice of experts.
We hope to receive 4-5 organic eggs per day, 55-60 g each.
After all, in the summer, chickens lay noticeably better. A neighbor somehow received 255 pieces in a year from one laying hen!

In addition, I will also have my own valuable fertilizer - chicken manure. Truly waste-free creatures!


The wild ancestors of chickens produced only 10-30 eggs per year, modern ones - more than 300.
The record was set in 1930: the feathered champion carried 361 pieces in 364 days.
Japanese doctors from the University of Kyoto have found that chicken egg white is a medicine that blocks the growth of human cancer cells.

Spotted that chickens love blue food (you can buy this).
The feeder should be red, but not yellow. Green and orange colors calm them down, and blue is perceived by birds as pitch darkness.
Dietary eggs are those that are no more than 7 days old.

Expert opinion

Vladimir Malik, one of the authors of the collection “1000 tips for amateur livestock farmers”
If a summer resident wants to achieve the maximum number of eggs from hens, he must choose the most productive laying hens and feed them with high-quality feed. These birds eat a little more. To produce 12 pieces, 1.6-1.7 kg of complete, balanced feed is spent.
Today the French breed of chickens is very popular in the world. image, from which you can get 300-320 eggs per year.

Egg hens are usually kept for a maximum of 2 seasons. Any longer is unprofitable. They rush less and less. Modern summer residents, when leaving home, slaughter their birds in the fall, since there is nowhere to put them.

A little arithmetic

Balanced feed for laying hens is prepared according to a special program developed by scientists. The ingredients are mixed automatically and under operator control.
Knowing the composition of the recipe, you can prepare the food yourself. For young laying hens (not chickens!) the diet includes: wheat, barley, wheat bran, fish meal, phosphate, feed chalk, skim milk, sunflower and soybean cakes, table salt.

Whether it is necessary to bother making up a nutritional mixture, everyone decides for himself.
Complete food (PC-1) costs 490 rubles. per bag (40 kg). It can be bought at the market or ordered online in bulk. Then you will pay 11,750 rubles per ton. and the price for 40 kg will be 20 rubles. below.

For 6 layers one bag is enough for 38 days (one bird eats 180 g per day). Even at expensive prices, you will spend a little more than 2 rubles on chicken feed. per day, and she will lay one full egg. The benefit is obvious. E. Osipova

Chicken feeder

There are many professions in the world, and everyone chooses the right one for themselves. But you want something interesting. Not only a profitable occupation, but also to make your soul happy. Professions of people who grow vegetables are considered the most suitable for spiritual satisfaction. Essentially, it’s an activity for fun, but many people get so carried away that they end up in the Book of Records with, for example, giant cabbage or square watermelons.

And here the question arises about what professions grow vegetables. This is what this article will be devoted to.

Craft of the Ancients

In the ancient world, farming was vital. Time passes, but this activity remains in first place. The difference between the past and the present is that previously it was agriculture, and now this activity belongs to the science of agronomy. For many millennia, the inhabitants of our planet have learned and taught smaller ones to cultivate plots of land, plant, grow and care for any crop, which as a result bears edible fruits. Those who grow vegetables (profession agronomist), without them it is impossible to imagine the development of agriculture. In addition, these specialists are interested in selecting healthy and high-quality varieties (for example, apple trees, potatoes, wheat).

In ancient times, farming was the main activity in people's lives. After all, if a farmer did not know how to plow, plant and harvest, then he was doomed to short life. Work related to the land fed and gave strength to our ancestors. Eating natural food, they were strong and strong.

Who is an agronomist

There is a special category of people who understand the field of agriculture, agrochemistry, other sciences, and also those who grow vegetables. The profession of these people is agronomist. The agronomist carries out full control on the agricultural territory. The functions of this person are the following:

  1. Preparation land plot. Sowing crops.
  2. Application of special fertilizers.
  3. Control of preparation and saving of seeds.
  4. Pest control.
  5. Controlling crop growth.
  6. Harvesting the finished crop.

As a rule, an agronomist works in the field, but in addition, his responsibilities include drawing up a work plan, maintaining documentation and managing subordinates. A professional in his field will easily complete all necessary work, which will be rewarded with a good harvest.

How to become an agronomist

What professions do people grow vegetables to achieve good results? This is an agronomist, and in order to become one and receive high qualifications, you need to study in special institutions: technical schools, institutes. Such a person must have either a higher specialized or secondary specialized education. Upon admission to educational institution you should know that most You will have to spend time in clean air, so it is advisable to have the following qualities:

The person who holds such a position is considered the most responsible in agriculture. It is on his shoulders that the difficult preparation of a work plan and daily monitoring of the activities of his subordinates falls.

Another Calling

What professions do people grow vegetables? They are called differently. A farmer is a specialist in the field of crop production. This type of activity brings complete pleasure.

Who grows vegetables? The profession is called an agronomist, and the type of activity is farming. They are very similar. But you can only engage in farming with higher education, and without it. When studying in special institutions, in addition to crop production and growing vegetables, there is an opportunity to study poultry farming, dendrology, veterinary medicine, etc. Specialists with such an education are highly valued.

Farming is built inside

Country people- these are those who grow vegetables. The profession of a farmer seems to be embedded within them. A true farmer has 3 main qualities:

  1. Endurance.
  2. Physical training.
  3. High level of performance.

This profession is quite complex and labor-intensive. The downside is that farming is often not very profitable business, because investments can pay off for quite a long time. Farming is the profession of people who grow vegetables, raise animals, take care of plants, etc. They know better than others that there may not be success.

Profit depends on the weather. Sudden changes in temperature and heavy rainfall can have both good and bad effects on crop development. As for business, it is advisable to have initial capital. Seeds for planting are a necessity and must be paid for out of personal funds. In addition, hired workers may be needed, whose work should also be rewarded in monetary terms.

Grow Potatoes

To grow a vegetable, you need to know the characteristics of the selected specimen. For excellent results, you should use high-quality seed varieties. Who grows vegetables? Even schoolchildren know the name of the profession - it is a farmer.

A very tasty and healthy vegetable is everyone’s favorite potato. And in order not to harm it when planting potatoes, you should know some features:

  1. The soil should not be colder than 8⁰.
  2. Water periodically, but do not flood (watering may damage the potatoes due to bacteria).

Method of planting vegetables and feeding them

There are several landing options:

Both gardeners and farmers know how to grow vegetables properly. It is necessary to make a calculation. Having a certain area, you need to calculate how many potato seeds are needed. The ideal planting material is potatoes of small diameter. It is not advisable to plant very deeply. When planting deeply, there is a possibility that the potatoes will become infected with various bacteria. A suitable depth is about 12 cm.

Fertilizing is a mandatory process that directly affects the quality and quantity of the crop. The professions of people who grow vegetables are very important. These people say with one voice that potatoes need fertilizer. To get big and tasty potatoes, you can use:

  1. Manure.
  2. Eggshells (when sprouts appear).
  3. Ash.
  4. Wood ash.

Do not forget to hill up the potatoes once a month, giving air to the tubers. So in a simple way You can feed yourself and your loved ones every year. Potatoes are a healthy and tasty vegetable. It is enough to follow the rules of planting and fertilizing to enjoy the harvest all winter.

While everyone was sleeping

The profession is called “flax growers”. But the most important thing for those who grow flax is their profession. Those who grow flax and watermelons should know everything about the benefits of these plants. What professions do people grow vegetables? They are called differently. Perennial flax can have blue and white flowers. Everyone who grows flax is required by their profession to know that this plant loves the sun very much.

Probably everyone knows what flax looks like - a perennial plant with blue flowers. All experts know that there are such varieties of flax: yellow-fiber flax, yellow flax, perennial flax, tauride flax, fine-leaved flax. Yellow-fiber flax is similar to Austrian flax. Tauride flax has yellow flowers and is widespread in southeastern Europe. Flax has not only beneficial, but also medicinal properties.

Who grows flax?

Flax seeds contain three types of fatty acids. In folk medicine it is an antitussive and expectorant. Many professions in agriculture are directly related to the names of plants. It is these people who know some secrets and own certain technologies, since this profession is quite ancient.

Flax is a natural raw material. It produces durable, hypoallergenic and high-quality material. For flax, it is necessary to drain the soil, and this perennial is replanted every three to five years. The soil must be fertilized and alkaline. Also, all experts know that a plant like flax loves moist soil, but if you grow an annual, then drought is not a problem.

How does flax reproduce?

Flax can be attacked by fungi, which leads to wilting and rot. You can combat these problems with the help of special medications. Nodules can appear from nematodes, so it is necessary to plant marigolds along with flax. Fiber flax is the most important crop. When an action plan for flax cultivation is drawn up, the characteristics of the crop itself, processing, soil and plant protection measures are taken into account.

Benefits of flax seeds

And it doesn’t matter whether it’s fiber or seeds. Flax has attracted people for a long time. This plant could easily be pulled out, but it bent in the wind all the way to the ground, and then straightened out again. And then it turned out that its bark was the same as that of a linden tree. Flax is a very strong plant that people used even earlier than wheat. There are many professions in the world, and everyone chooses the right one for themselves.

Professions of people who grow vegetables are considered the most suitable for spiritual satisfaction. There is a special category of people who understand the field of agriculture, agrochemistry, other sciences, and also those who grow vegetables. The profession of these people is agronomist. The villagers are the ones who grow vegetables. The profession of a farmer seems to be embedded within them.

This profession is quite complex and labor-intensive. For excellent results, you should use high-quality seed varieties. Who grows vegetables? Even schoolchildren know the name of the profession - it is a farmer. Both gardeners and farmers know how to grow vegetables properly.

The professions of people who grow vegetables are very important. These people say with one voice that potatoes need fertilizer. Flax is valuable food product, from which healing flaxseed oil is made. The profession of people who grow flax is called flax grower.

Yesterday they showed on TV a farmer - a flax grower - this is the name of the profession of a person who grows flax. He and his wife grow flax and are looking for young machine operators to work for them. He must know not only the varieties of flax, but also how to properly collect, care for, plant, and how to protect the plant from pests and diseases.

When growing flax, the professions of tractor driver, machine operator, agronomist, raw material sorter, technologist, and technician are additionally involved. Flax growers are trained in special departments of agricultural institutes and universities. A flax grower must know what soils are suitable for growing flax, be able to protect the crop from various pests and achieve a high yield.

People who work in the fields where flax grows are called “flax farmers.” Flax is a plant that is very valued in our time, as it contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial for humans. This is one of the most ancient professions, and in our time the flax grower has in his stock a large number of secrets of proper cultivation and care of this plant.

Now specialized enterprises are engaged in flax processing. An agronomist is a specialist in the field of agriculture with comprehensive knowledge in the field of growing and harvesting plants. Subordinate to the agronomist are machine operators and field farmers. Labor productivity on the farm, and therefore profitability, depends on this. They developed new techniques for growing grain and vegetable crops, potatoes, flax and hemp and put them into practice.

This allows you to further select the best varieties and working methods. IN last years from agricultural producers Altai Territory Interest in the cultivation of fiber flax is growing. Fiber flax is one of the few industrial crops, which is capable of growing and providing high-quality raw materials for production in the harsh Siberian climate.

Let's hope that flax will reciprocate those who grow it. And here the question arises about what professions grow vegetables. This is what this article will be devoted to. Specialists in growing flax are called flax growers. The location should be sunny, but the soil can be any, without stagnant water. Those who grow flax know everything about this wonderful plant. Their profession is unusual and requires special training.

Who grows flax: profession, features, technology

Probably everyone knows what flax looks like - a perennial plant with blue flowers. If we talk about decorative varieties, they have large flowers. Petals may fall quickly, but new ones bloom in their place. All the flowers that bloomed during one day begin to fade and fall off. In full bloom, this group of plants is very beautiful. It can only be compared to blue skies. This beautiful plant is unpretentious and cold-resistant. He is not afraid of frost. The location should be sunny, but the soil can be any, without stagnant water. Those who grow flax know everything about this wonderful plant. Their profession is unusual and requires special training.

What are the varieties?

All experts know that there are such varieties of flax: yellow-fiber flax, yellow flax, perennial flax, tauride flax, fine-leaved flax. Yellow-fiber flax is similar to Austrian flax. Only its petals are light blue in color; dark veins are clearly visible on them. Yellow flax prefers open spaces and warm areas. Reproduction occurs through seeds, but the plant does not tolerate transplantation. Perennial flax can have blue and white flowers. Blooms in June-July. On slopes it can be branched. Tauride flax has yellow flowers and is widespread in southeastern Europe. Thin-leaved flax has woody stems and white and lilac flowers. Flowering begins in June and continues until the end of July.

This is exactly what those who grow flax in Russia should know. Places should be open and sunny; plants will develop best on light and fertile soils.

Benefits of flax seeds

Those who grow flax and watermelons should know everything about the benefits of these plants. Flax has not only beneficial, but also medicinal properties. Flax seeds are widely used in folk medicine. They are considered a panacea for a huge number of diseases, and are used in cooking as a dietary substance. Flax seeds contain three types of fatty acids. This is three times more than in fish oil.

In folk medicine it is an antitussive and expectorant. In addition, it is an excellent laxative. It is also actively used as a rejuvenating agent because it contains vitamins E and A. Flaxseed oil is used to care for hair, nails and skin. The seeds should be eaten crushed and washed down with plenty of water. You can also add flax seeds to cereals, salads and dairy products.

Who grows flax?

Many professions in agriculture are directly related to the names of plants. Who grows flax? What is the name of the profession? They are called flax growers. It is these people who know some secrets and own certain technologies, since this profession is quite ancient. All technologies were passed on from one generation to another - all in order to achieve significant harvests.

Flax is a natural raw material. It produces durable, hypoallergenic and high-quality material. Those who grow flax did not get the name of their profession for nothing. After all, they really enjoy respect and honor.

How are specialists trained?

Flax growers are trained in special departments at agricultural institutes. But the most important thing for those who grow flax is their profession. After all, you need to love it in order to absorb the experience of the masters.

Flax care

For flax, it is necessary to drain the soil, and this perennial is replanted every three to five years. The soil must be fertilized and alkaline. Everyone who grows flax is required by their profession to know that this plant loves the sun very much. The temperature can be both high and low. Also, all experts know that a plant like flax loves moist soil, but if you grow an annual, then drought is not a problem. After flowering has ended, all inflorescences that have wilted must be cut off.

How does flax reproduce?

Everyone who grows flax is required by their profession to know that perennials must be sown directly into the soil in spring or autumn. Later, the seedlings should be thinned out. Perennials are sown in containers. After this, the young plants are transplanted into pots and at the end of summer they are propagated by cuttings or bushes, which are divided. In the first year of life, plants must be covered or placed in a place that will be protected.

Flax can be attacked by fungi, which leads to wilting and rot. You can combat these problems with the help of special medications. Nodules can appear from nematodes, so it is necessary to plant marigolds along with flax.

What do you take into account when growing flax?

Fiber flax is the most important crop. It is valued not only for its flax fiber, but also for its oil, which is obtained from the seeds. After all, it is a highly valuable food product.

When an action plan for flax cultivation is drawn up, the characteristics of the crop itself, processing, soil and plant protection measures are taken into account. All this has a great impact on the yield and quality of the product, which will be considered final. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s fiber or seeds. If the products are to be used for food or medical purposes, the technologies must be safe. And this applies to absolutely all stages of cultivation, without exception.

Flax has attracted people for a long time. This plant could easily be pulled out, but it bent in the wind all the way to the ground, and then straightened out again. And then it turned out that its bark was the same as that of a linden tree. Flax is a very strong plant that people used even earlier than wheat.

Who raises geese? What professions do people raise geese?

The growing industry itself poultry, including geese, is called poultry farming, and it relates to agriculture. What I mean is that this industry is not independent, but is included in the list of agricultural ones and is subordinate, for example, to the Department of Agriculture.

People involved in poultry farming are poultry farmers by profession. Women poultry farmers are sometimes called poultry workers.

Veterinarians treat geese and other birds. Biologists and ornithologists study their habits.

You can engage in poultry farming at a professional level - then a person graduates from a secondary or higher educational institution and has diplomas. But more often people without special education work in poultry farms.

By the way, poultry farming would be very profitable investment money, if not for periodic shocks with bird flu, when all livestock in contact with sick birds are destroyed.

And at home it is worth becoming a poultry farmer, which will be a very good help for the family budget.

Interesting facts about the profession of people who raise cows

Boys of all times and peoples love to watch Westerns.
In them, brave cowboys fight Indians and shoot accurately with pistols. However, shooting from Colts is just a side and extremely rare activity of the inhabitants of the prairies. First of all, judging by the literal translation, a cowboy raises cows; it is difficult to say whether this is a profession or a vocation. However, the profession of a cowboy can be translated more euphoniously and more accurately: cattle driver, shepherd, cattle breeder.

The cattle drive could last a whole year, so cowboys were forced to acquire the simplest skills of professions that usually served the cow's life: calf raiser, veterinarian, cattleman, milkman, and even breeder and livestock specialist.

Modern livestock farmers

In modern livestock farms, which provide large cities with an uninterrupted supply of meat and dairy products, the cow shepherd has dissolved into a professional team of livestock breeders, each with one or more specialties. As a rule, these are urban people and have higher education. A new one has been added to the traditional specialties - operator of livestock complexes and mechanized farms.

Those who raise cows in the old-fashioned way (village residents) are usually called cattle breeders and farmers. They can themselves be general specialists or hire the same veterinarians, milkmaids, calf breeders and breeders.

The work of a cattleman is hard. Even if you have only one cow, forget about weekends, vacations and going to the theater. A cow is able to become attached to you and bind you to itself, with invisible chains of production necessity and care for a living, joy-giving creature.

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
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  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints.

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

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  • If you were asked a question by a poultry farmer: who is this, then, most likely, approximately the following picture would instantly appear before your eyes: a person somewhere in rural areas, feeding domestic animals such as chickens, ducks and geese. This is all true, only in modern realities, when any branch of production grows to immense proportions, poultry farmers mainly work in factories.

    What exactly does a poultry farmer do?

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    Even in our age of general automation, it is impossible to do without a person who will keep under supervision all processes related to the feeding and growth of birds. The poultry farmer has a lot of worries; he must serve hundreds, or even thousands of chickens.

    His primary tasks include:

    • preparing food in compliance with all technological standards and distributing it;
    • control over the timely supply of water to drinking bowls;
    • measures for cleaning production premises;
    • setting the necessary parameters in the room, such as temperature, humidity, air exchange.

    It is the poultry farmer who is responsible for monitoring optimal conditions keeping chickens or other birds. In addition, the poultry farmer takes an active part in therapeutic and preventive measures. He must carefully monitor the condition of the animals and take appropriate measures at the slightest symptoms of disease.

    Naturally, random people are not allowed into poultry farms. Poultry farmers receive specialized education and, depending on their experience, are assigned ranks. IN job responsibilities Poultry farmer of the second category includes herding birds, maintaining equipment and inventory, screening out weak birds and collecting animals that died prematurely.

    Poultry farmers of the fourth category perform actions aimed at increasing productivity, sorting and culling live goods, and clean trays in cages from toxins. Five-digit students use latest methods during selection and breeding work, they look after the young animals and monitor compliance with the conditions for raising breeding birds.

    Of course, without love for animals there is nothing to do in this. A poultry farmer must not only carefully handle the birds entrusted to his care, but also be very observant in order to react with lightning speed to changes in the behavior of his charges.

    If we forget about personal qualities for a while, it is important for this specialist to understand;

    • rules for care and maintenance;
    • composition of disinfectants;
    • basic veterinary and sanitary standards;
    • rules regarding grading and packaging of egg products.

    It would be useful for the poultry farmer to have responsibility, since oversight or careless attitude towards one’s duties can easily lead to irreparable consequences. This seemingly simple profession is taught in agricultural technical schools, and future poultry farmers undergo internships directly at poultry farms.

    It is pleasant that every day, thanks to the efforts of domestic poultry farmers, the growth of the Russian bird population is increasing. And finally, it is worth noting that a real poultry farmer is a person to whom doing his activity brings incomparable joy.

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