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Sanpin 176 dated February 28 of the year. On approval of sanitary rules "sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal of production and consumption waste"

1. These Rules were adopted in order to ensure a unified approach to the formation of the List of imported goods on which value added tax is paid by offset method in the manner established by the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 12, 2001 “On taxes and other obligatory payments to the budget” (Tax Code ) (hereinafter referred to as the List).

2. Proposals to make additions and changes to the List are sent by interested government bodies, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities (hereinafter referred to as the applicant) to the state authorized body that carries out the formation of state tax and customs policy (hereinafter referred to as the authorized state body).

3. The following information is attached to proposals to supplement the List with goods:

1) justification for the need for addition;

2) conclusion of the authorized person government agency on issues of management of the relevant sector of the economy on the annual need of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the product proposed for inclusion in the List (physical volume):

3) conclusion of the authorized state body on management of the relevant sector of the economy on annual volumes production of similar goods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (physical volume) or the absence of such production;

4) the conclusion of the authorized state body for the management of the relevant sector of the economy on the need to supplement the List with the goods proposed for inclusion;

5) the cost of goods imported into the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, proposed for inclusion in the List (in tenge per 1 unit of goods).

4. Proposals for exclusion from the List of goods are accompanied by

the following information:

1) justification for the need for exclusion;

2) the conclusion of the authorized state body for the management of the relevant sector of the economy on the annual need of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the product proposed for exclusion from the List (physical volume);

3) conclusion of the authorized state body for the management of the relevant sector of the economy on the annual production volumes of similar goods on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, indicating the name of the manufacturer (physical volume);

4) the conclusion of the authorized state body for the management of the relevant sector of the economy on the need to exclude the product proposed for exclusion from the List.

5. The authorized state body considers the submitted proposals with the attachment of information specified in paragraphs 3 and (or) 4 of these Rules, and provides the applicant with a reasoned conclusion on the advisability of adding to the List and (or) excluding goods from the List within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of proposals authorized government body.

6. If the applicant submits an incomplete list of information provided for in paragraphs 3 and (or) 4 of these Rules, the authorized state body in writing refuses to consider the applicant's proposals.


1. Approve the attached “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for collection, storage and disposal. The Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan must ensure, in the manner prescribed by law:


Minister of Energy

Republic of Kazakhstan

V. Shkolnik


Minister of Health

and social development

Republic of Kazakhstan

T. Duysenova

Sanitary rules

production and consumption waste"
1. Basic provisions

use, application, neutralization, transportation,

Class 2 – highly dangerous,

Class 3 – moderately dangerous,

Class 4 – slightly dangerous,

Class 5 – non-hazardous.

use, application, neutralization, transportation,

use, application, neutralization, transportation,



Type of waste

Asbestos-cement scrap

Asbestos chips

Bentonite waste


Sodium sulfate salt melt

Soda granular sludge

Non-standard bleach

Sanding materials


Type of waste

Adhesive tape LSNPL - 0.17

Polyethylene tube PNP

Fiberglass laminated fabric LSE - 0.15

Glass fabric E2-62

Fenoplast 03-010-02

Polystyrene plastics


industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 (according to the degree

Type of waste

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Cellulose acetate butylate waste

Chrome flap

Laying in layers up to 0.2 m

Leatherette trimmings

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Bleaching earth

Laying in a layer of 0.2 m

Phaolite dust



Person who accepted the waste


The person who handed over the waste


Logbook for recording the amount of solid household waste

Registration number of the organization's certificate

Name of the organization that shipped the waste

Type of waste

Waste quantity

Card number

On approval of the Sanitary Rules "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal of production and consumption waste"

Order of the Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2015 No. 176. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on May 5, 2015 No. 10936. Lost force by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 2018 No. 187 (shall be enforced after twenty-one calendar days days after the day of its first official publication)

Footnote. Lost force by order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 23, 2018 (shall be enforced upon expiration of twenty-one calendar days after the day of its first official publication).

In accordance with Article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 “On the health of the people and the healthcare system”, I ORDER:

1) state registration of this order with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order, its direction for official publication in periodicals and in the information and legal system "Adilet";

3) placement of this order on the official Internet resource of the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. Control over the implementation of this order shall be assigned to the supervising Vice-Minister of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order comes into force after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.


Minister of Energy

Republic of Kazakhstan

V. Shkolnik


Minister of Health

and social development

Republic of Kazakhstan

T. Duysenova

Sanitary rules
"Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for collection, use, application, disposal,
transportation, storage and disposal
production and consumption waste"
1. Basic provisions

1. These Sanitary Rules define the sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the collection, use, application, accumulation, handling, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal of production and consumption waste at production facilities, solid household and medical waste (hereinafter referred to as the Sanitary Rules), developed in in accordance with Article 144 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated September 18, 2009 “On the health of the people and the healthcare system” (hereinafter referred to as the Code).

2. The following definitions are used in these Sanitary Rules:

1) drainage stations - structures designed for receiving and discharging liquid waste from non-sewered areas of a populated area into the sewer network;

2) waste water - water used for industrial or domestic needs and at the same time receiving additional impurities (pollution) that changed their original composition or physical properties. Water flowing from populated areas and industrial enterprises at the time of precipitation, street watering or after that, water generated during mining is also considered wastewater;

3) sewage disposal fields, plowing fields - a specially designated area outside the populated area for the collection and disposal of liquid waste;

4) planned and regular cleaning - a system of measures for the collection and disposal of waste with an established frequency;

5) land reclamation - a set of works aimed at restoring disturbed lands for a specific intended use, including adjacent land plots that have completely or partially lost their value as a result of the negative impact of disturbed lands, as well as improving conditions environment;

6) – consumer waste generated in populated areas, including as a result of human activity, as well as industrial wastes similar to them in composition and nature of formation;

7) tailings storage facility – a complex of special structures and equipment intended for storage or disposal of radioactive, toxic and other waste from mineral processing called tailings;

8) – an information and reference document of an applied nature, which contains the results of waste classification;

9) waste accounting - a system for collecting and providing information on quantitative and quality characteristics waste and methods of handling it;

10) waste disposal – waste disposal and disposal operations;

11) waste collection - activities related to the removal, accumulation and placement of waste in specially designated areas or facilities, including waste sorting for the purpose of their further recycling or disposal;

12) waste neutralization - reduction or elimination of hazardous properties of waste by mechanical, physical-chemical or biological treatment;

13) waste disposal – use of waste as secondary material or energy resources;

14) waste disposal - storage of waste in places specially established for their safe storage for an unlimited period;

15) waste processing - physical, chemical or biological processes, including sorting, aimed at extracting raw materials and (or) other materials from waste that are subsequently used in the production (manufacturing) of goods or other products, as well as changing the properties of waste in order to facilitate handling them, reducing their volume or hazardous properties;

16) waste disposal – storage or burial of production and consumption waste;

17) waste storage – storage of waste in specially designated places for subsequent recycling, processing and (or) disposal;

18) waste transportation – transportation of waste from places of their generation or storage to places or facilities of processing, disposal or disposal;

19) waste hazard class is a numerical characteristic of waste that determines the type and degree of its danger (toxicity);

20) classification of waste - the procedure for assigning waste to levels in accordance with their danger to the environment and human health;

21) type of waste - a collection of waste that has common characteristics in accordance with their origin, properties and treatment technology, determined on the basis of the waste classifier;

22) waste management - types of activities related to waste, including prevention and minimization of waste generation, accounting and control, accumulation of waste, as well as collection, processing, disposal, neutralization, transportation, storage (warehousing) and disposal of waste;

23) conservation of tailings management - temporary cessation of activities for transportation of tailings and their placement in a tailings dump. In this case, the tailings facilities and the tailings storage facility are isolated in such a way as to exclude a negative impact on the environment;

24) liquidation (disposal) of tailings management - cessation of activities for transportation of tails and their placement at a tailings storage facility. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate all buildings and structures of the tailings facility, and the tailings storage facility is isolated in such a way as to eliminate the impact on the environment;

25) waste management facilities - places or objects used for collection, storage, processing, recycling, disposal, neutralization and disposal of waste;

26) municipal solid waste – municipal waste in solid form;

27) landfills for solid household waste - special structures designed for isolation and neutralization of solid household waste;

28) non-hazardous waste – waste that does not have hazardous properties;

29) – waste that contains harmful substances that have one or more hazardous properties (toxicity, explosion hazard, radioactivity, fire hazard, high reactivity) and may pose an immediate or potential danger to the environment and human health independently or when coming into contact with others substances;

30) hazardous chemicals – substances with properties that may have a direct or potential harmful effects on human health and the environment;

31) residential territory - part of the territory of a settlement intended for the placement of residential, public (public and business) and recreational zones, as well as individual parts of engineering and transport infrastructure, other objects, the placement and activities of which do not have an impact requiring special sanitary protection zones;

32) specialized enterprises - organizations that collect, use, apply, neutralize, transport, store, and dispose of waste;

33) medical waste – waste generated in the process of providing medical services and carrying out medical procedures;

34) burial of medical waste - safe placement of neutralized medical waste in the ground without the intention of its subsequent extraction, aimed at preventing the release of harmful substances into the environment and excluding the possibility of using this medical waste;

35) cattle burial ground - a structure for neutralizing and burying the corpses of dead animals, or after forced slaughter;

36) production waste – remnants of raw materials, materials, other items and products formed during the production process and which have lost completely or partially their original consumer properties;

37) production facility – facility economic activity associated with the production of products, performance of work and provision of services that are carried out using processes, equipment and technology that are sources of impact on the environment and human health;

38) – waste containing radioactive substances in quantities and concentrations that exceed the regulated values ​​for radioactive substances established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of atomic energy use;

39) (hereinafter – SPZ) – the territory separating the zones special purpose, as well as industrial organizations and other production, utility and warehouse facilities in the populated area from nearby residential areas, buildings and structures for housing and civil purposes in order to mitigate the impact of adverse factors on them;

40) sanitary cleaning - a system of measures aimed at collecting, removing and neutralizing waste generated in a populated area as a result of the life of the population;

41) liquid waste – any waste in liquid form, with the exception of wastewater;

42) consumer waste - the remains of products, items and other substances formed during their consumption or operation, as well as goods (products) that have lost completely or partially their original consumer properties.

2. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for collection,
use, application, neutralization, transportation,
storage and disposal of waste at production facilities

3. At production facilities, the collection and temporary storage (disposal) of production waste is carried out at special sites (places) corresponding to the level of hazard of the waste (according to the degree of toxicity). As waste accumulates, it is collected in containers intended for each waste group in accordance with the hazard class (according to the degree of toxicity).

Physical and legal entities during the operation of enterprises, buildings, structures, structures and other objects related to waste management, in the event of the occurrence or threat of accidents associated with waste management that cause or may cause damage to the environment, health, property of individuals and/or legal entities , are obliged to immediately inform the territorial divisions of the department of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.

4. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone from the waste storage site (site) to the territory of residential buildings, industrial and municipal facilities are determined in accordance with approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code.

5. Based on the degree of impact on humans and the environment (degree of toxicity), waste is divided into five hazard classes:

Class 1 – extremely dangerous,

Class 2 – highly dangerous,

Class 3 – moderately dangerous,

Class 4 – slightly dangerous,

Class 5 – non-hazardous.

6. Industrial waste of hazard class 1 is stored in sealed containers (steel barrels, containers). As the waste container is filled, it is closed with a steel lid, sealed with electric gas welding if necessary, and packages containing hazardous waste are marked with hazardous properties.

7. Industrial waste of hazard class 2 is stored in accordance with state of aggregation, in plastic bags, packages, barrels and other types of containers that prevent the spread of harmful substances (ingredients).

8. Industrial waste of hazard class 3 is stored in containers that provide localized storage, allowing loading, unloading and transportation operations and preventing the spread of harmful substances.

9. Industrial waste of hazard class 4 is stored openly on an industrial site in the form of a cone-shaped heap, from where it is loaded onto vehicles using a forklift and delivered to the disposal or disposal site. It is allowed to combine production waste of class 4 with consumer waste at disposal sites for the latter or use it in the form of insulating material or planning work on the territory.

10. Waste in liquid and gaseous state is stored in sealed containers and removed from the territory of the enterprise within 24 hours or neutralized at the production facility.

11. Solid waste, including bulk, is stored in plastic containers, paper bags or bags, remove them as they accumulate.

12. The site for temporary waste storage is located on the territory of the enterprise on the leeward side. The site is covered with a hard and impenetrable material for toxic waste (substances), embanked, with a drainage device and inclined towards the treatment facilities. The direction of surface runoff from the sites into the general storm drainage system is not permitted. For surface runoff from the site, special treatment facilities are provided to ensure the capture of toxic substances, purification and their neutralization. The site provides protection of waste from the effects of precipitation and wind.

13. Stationary or mobile loading and unloading mechanisms are provided in industrial waste storage areas.

14. The permissible amount of waste on the territory of an industrial site is determined by the enterprise based on the classification of waste by toxicity level.

15. Monitoring of the state of the environment is not carried out by the production laboratory of the production facility or with the involvement of an accredited laboratory.

16. The conditions for the accumulation and storage of waste on the sites of production facilities are determined by the draft standards for waste disposal.

Accumulation and temporary storage of waste for a period of no more than three months, which is not an object of special environmental management, is allowed, as an exception, in the following cases:

1) when using waste in a subsequent technological cycle for the purpose of its complete disposal;

2) when sending waste for disposal;

3) in the temporary absence of vehicles for transporting waste to recycling or a landfill.

17. Accumulation, storage and disposal of waste is permitted in the presence of specially constructed sludge, slag, tailings, ash storage ponds and dumps.

18. Transportation of industrial waste of hazard classes 1 and 2 is carried out by specially equipped vehicles in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological territorial unit of the department of the state body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, in accordance with Article 62 of the Code.

19. The amount of transported waste corresponds to the cargo volume of transport. When transporting production waste, environmental pollution is not allowed at the places of its injection, transportation, loading and unloading.

20. All processes associated with loading, transportation and unloading of waste from hazard classes 1 to 3 are mechanized. Transport for transporting semi-liquid (paste-like) waste is equipped with a hose device for draining.

21. When transporting solid and dusty waste, transport is provided with a protective film or covering material.

22. Dust-like waste is moistened at all stages: during loading, transportation, unloading.

23. When transporting industrial waste of hazard class 1 and 2, the presence of unauthorized persons is not allowed, except for the person driving the vehicle and the company personnel who accompany the cargo.

24. At enterprises using waste as raw materials, automation and mechanization of technological processes are ensured.

25. Before disposal, hazardous waste is neutralized depending on the level of toxicity of the waste

26. To neutralize production waste (hazard classes 3 and 4), it is permitted to combine part of the production waste with consumer waste at the relevant enterprises and store part of the production waste at a solid waste landfill. Neutralization of toxic industrial waste (hazard classes 1 and 2) is carried out at toxic industrial waste disposal sites.

27. Disposal of solid and dusty waste of hazard classes 2 and 3, the toxic ingredients of which are not soluble in water, is carried out at industrial waste landfills. Waste dumping in pits is carried out with layer-by-layer compaction. Highest level waste in pits is provided below the planning mark adjacent to the territory of the pits by at least 2 meters (hereinafter referred to as m).

When constructing pits, the width of the area adjacent to the pits is provided for at least 8 m. Burial is permitted in soil with a filtration coefficient of no more than 6 - 10 meters per day (hereinafter referred to as m/day).

28. Disposal of dusty waste is carried out in pits, taking into account measures to ensure that this waste is not carried away by the wind. The daily working area of ​​the burial site is expected to be minimal. After each loading of dusty waste into a pit, they are isolated with a layer of soil at least 20 centimeters thick (hereinafter referred to as cm).

29. The burial of solid and pasty waste of hazard classes 2 and 3, containing toxic, water-soluble substances, is carried out in pits with the bottom and side walls insulated with a compacted layer of clay 1 m thick and a protective screen made of polyethylene film.

30. The backfilled area of ​​the pit is covered with a compacting layer of soil, along which waste is transported to fill the rest of the pit. Transporting waste over a compacted layer of soil prevents its destruction.

31. When burying waste of the first hazard class, containing poorly soluble toxic substances, measures are taken to prevent their migration into ground and underground waters:

1) lining the walls and bottom of the pit with clay in a layer of at least one meter with a filtration coefficient of no more than 10 m/day;

2) laying on the bottom and securing the walls of the pit with concrete slabs and filling the joints with bitumen, tar or other waterproof materials.

32. Disposal of water-soluble waste of the first hazard class is carried out in pits in steel containers or cylinders with a wall thickness of at least 10 millimeters (hereinafter referred to as mm) with double control for tightness before and after filling them, which are placed in a concrete box.

33. The pits filled with waste are isolated with a compacted layer of soil 2 m thick, after which they are covered with a waterproof coating of tar, quick-hardening resins, and cement tar.

34. Sealing layers and waterproof coatings protrude over the area adjacent to the pits. Waterproof coatings extend beyond the dimensions of the pit by 2 - 2.5 m on each side and are connected to the coatings of adjacent pits. The joints are formed in such a way that they facilitate the collection and drainage of storm and melt water from the surface of the pits to a special evaporation platform.

35. The organization of work on the installation of an insulating coating, drainage channels for pits, and the method of filling them are decided in each specific case, taking into account the topography of the site and hydrogeological conditions.

36. When destroying industrial waste that is subject to combustion, furnaces with operating modes at a temperature of 1000 - 1200 degrees Celsius (hereinafter referred to as o C) are used. It is not allowed to accept production waste for which it was designed for landfilling. effective methods extraction heavy metals and substances, radioactive waste, petroleum products subject to regeneration.

37. Liquid waste of hazard classes 1–3 is converted into a paste-like consistency before being transported to a landfill. Disposal of waste in a liquid state is not permitted.

38. Tailings dumps are located both on the territory of the ore processing enterprise itself (within a single industrial site), and at a distance from it on an independent (alienated) territory, taking into account the sanitary protection zone.

39. The area where the tailings dump is located provides for the possibility of organizing a sanitary protection zone around it required sizes. Its location is linked to long-term plan development of the region and enterprise.

40. It is not allowed to place tailings ponds in areas of surface aquifers that are sources of water supply, in close proximity (less than 1000 m) to large rivers and lakes of national economic importance, as well as cities with a population of more than 50 thousand people with prospects further development(according to the size of the sanitary protection zone).

41. On the territory of the enterprise, tailings dumps are located at a distance equal to half the size of its sanitary protection zone from the production, administrative and household buildings of the enterprise, but not closer than 500 m.

42. Tailings ponds are located:

1) below the water intake points drinking water and fisheries;

2) in areas with low-filtration soils (clay, loam, shale), with groundwater at its greatest rise (taking into account the rise of water during the operation of the tailings dump) at least 2 m from the lower level of stored waste. In case of unfavorable hydrogeological conditions at the selected site, measures are taken to ensure a decrease in the groundwater level.

43. Before the start of burial of the tailings, measures are taken to drain it to a condition that allows the use of equipment necessary for excavation work.

44. The territory of the spent tailings dump is not allowed to be used for any national economic purposes. On the territory of the sanitary protection zone, the construction of housing, childcare facilities, social, cultural and consumer services, as well as the arrangement of places for recreation and sports.

45. If the buried tailings dump is located at a distance of up to 2 km from populated areas, industrial enterprises or land, then a fence made of prefabricated reinforced concrete with a height of at least 2 m is provided. The fence is located no closer than 30 m from the tailings dump, provided that the power outside the fence gamma radiation doses from the soil surface and from the dam body do not exceed 0.3 micro Sieverts per hour above the natural background. If the tailings dump is located at a distance of more than 2 km from populated areas, the fence is constructed from two rows of barbed wire on reinforced concrete pillars. A tailings dump located at a distance of more than 5 km from populated areas and transport routes, in an area not suitable for national economic use (mountainous areas, desert, etc.), in agreement with the territorial divisions of the government agency in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, should not be fenced. Appropriate warning and prohibition signs are placed around the tailings dump.

46. ​​A passport is drawn up for the buried tailings dump, which indicates: the time of completion of burial, short description burial activities, the organization that carried out the project, the enterprise that carried out the burial, the organization that accepted the buried object under surveillance, sanitary and dosimetric control data at the end of the work and the restrictions that are imposed on the buried object and the surrounding area.

3. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for collection,
use, application, neutralization, transportation,
storage and disposal of solid household waste

47. In populated areas, waste collection, use, application, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal are carried out by specialized enterprises. In small settlements, in the absence of specialized organizations for the collection, removal and maintenance of solid waste disposal sites, places with independent waste removal are organized, under the control and maintenance of the local executive body.

48. Food waste facilities Catering, trade, educational, sanatorium and resort organizations, with the exception of infectious diseases hospitals, including anti-tuberculosis, skin and venereal diseases, are collected in containers with lids, stored in a refrigerated room or in refrigerators. Food waste, with the exception of food waste from infectious diseases hospitals, including anti-tuberculosis, skin and venereal diseases, can be used for livestock feed.

49. In populated areas (on the territory of households, organizations, cultural institutions, recreation areas) special areas are allocated for placing waste collection containers with entrances for transport. The site is arranged with a hard surface and fenced on three sides to a height of at least 1.5 m.

50. Containers for collecting solid waste are equipped with lids. In populated areas, the container site is placed at a distance of no more than 25 m from residential and public buildings, organizations, sports grounds and places of recreation for the population, excluding temporary settlements (rotational camps, non-stationary objects and structures).

51. The estimated volume of containers corresponds to the actual accumulation of waste.

Calculations of the number of containers to be installed are made taking into account the population using the containers, waste accumulation rates, and their shelf life.

The shelf life of waste in containers at a temperature of 0 o C and below is allowed no more than three days, at above-zero temperatures no more than a day.

52. For collecting solid waste in a well-maintained housing stock containers are used; in private households it is allowed to use containers of any design with lids.

53. On the territory of residential buildings, organizations and enterprises connected to centralized water supply and sewerage systems, it is not allowed to build or re-equip yard installations, cesspools and waste collection areas.

54. Collection of liquid consumer waste is carried out in cesspools with a waterproof cesspool and an above-ground part with a lid and a grid for separating solid fractions. If there are yard latrines, a common cesspool may be installed.

55. Unsewered courtyard and public latrines are removed from residential and public buildings, from playgrounds for children and recreation of the population at a distance of at least 25 m, from wells and spring catchments - at least 50 m.

56. In areas of multi-storey residential buildings, planned and regular cleaning of the adjacent territory to the container site within a radius of 1.5 m from the edge of the solid waste site is carried out as necessary.

57. The number of vehicles for transporting waste is determined taking into account the actual development of the site being built and the local conditions of a particular settlement.

58. The vehicle washing area is located outside the economic zone. A washing compartment with a cold water supply is provided on the site. Transport flows of clean and dirty containers and garbage trucks arriving at the landfill are separated and should not intersect.

59. In the absence of tap water, washing containers at an outside temperature above plus 5 o C can be carried out using watering machines.

60. Wastewater from washing containers and vehicles, they are sent to cards for evaporation or used to moisten solid waste.

61. When leaving the landfill, a disinfectant concrete bath is installed to disinfect the wheels of garbage trucks. The length of the bath is at least 8 m, width 3 m, depth 0.3 m.

62. A light fence, a drainage trench more than 2 m deep, or an earthen rampart no more than 2 m high are installed along the perimeter of the entire territory of the landfill.

4. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for collection,
use, application, neutralization, transportation,
storage and disposal of medical waste

class A – non-hazardous medical waste like solid waste;

class B – hazardous (epidemiologically) medical waste;

class B – extremely (epidemiologically) hazardous medical waste;

class G – toxicologically hazardous medical waste, similar in composition to industrial waste;

class D – radioactive medical waste.

64. At healthcare facilities, premises for sorting and temporary storage of medical waste are provided in accordance with the Sanitary Rules “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Healthcare Facilities”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code.

65. Persons transporting medical waste from the moment of loading onto vehicle and before accepting them at the designated place, it is necessary to observe measures for their safe handling.

Collection, reception and transportation of medical waste is carried out in disposable bags, containers, safe disposal boxes (hereinafter referred to as KBU), containers. Containers for each class of medical waste, containers and waste collection bags are marked with different colors. The design of the containers is waterproof, preventing unauthorized persons from coming into contact with the contents.

66. It is not allowed to compact medical waste by hand and collect and dismantle medical waste without personal protective equipment.

67. Class B medical waste is neutralized in special installations: combustion (incinerators) with gas purification, or disinfection installations. Products of incineration of medical waste and neutralized waste become class A medical waste and are subject to disposal as solid waste.

68. Used piercing and other sharp objects (needles, feathers, razors, ampoules) are accepted at the KBU, which must be disposed of without prior disassembly.

69. Organic waste from operating rooms (organs, tissues) from non-infectious patients is subject to burial in specially designated areas of cemeteries in accordance with the Sanitary Rules “Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements for Communal Facilities”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code.

70. Used fluorescent lamps, mercury-containing devices and equipment are transported and stored in tightly closed containers that prevent damage during storage and transportation.

71. Disposal of medical waste of class G is carried out at hazardous waste landfills, and in case of their neutralization at solid waste landfills.

72. Transportation of medical waste is allowed in a vehicle equipped with a waterproof closed body that can be easily disinfected if there is a sanitary and epidemiological territorial unit of the department of the state body in charge of the transport in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, in accordance with Article 62 of the Code.

73. After unloading medical waste, the vehicle is washed, disinfected and kept clean.

74. The incineration of medical waste is provided in special installations (non-disinfected medical facilities of class “B” and all medical facilities of class “B”), located taking into account the size of the sanitary protection zone, in accordance with the establishment of sanitary protection zones of production facilities, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code. It is not allowed to burn medical waste on the territory of facilities and populated areas outside of specialized installations.

75. Thermal neutralization (incineration) of medical waste is carried out by thermal exposure of medical waste at a temperature not lower than 800 - 1000 o C.

76. Medical waste is accepted for neutralization if there is an accompanying document signed responsible person healthcare facility indicating the class and volume of waste.

77. Medical waste is accepted in packaged form, with qualitative and quantitative records being kept in a special journal.

78. A special installation for the neutralization of medical waste is located and operated in accordance with technical documentation manufacturer.

79. At medical waste disposal and disposal facilities, a room for sorting and temporary storage of medical waste with an area of ​​at least 12 square meters(hereinafter referred to as m2) and is equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, refrigeration equipment for storing biological waste, separate shelving, containers for collecting bags of medical waste, scales, a sink with hot and cold water supply, and a bactericidal lamp. In each room, conditions are created for washing, storing and disinfecting containers. Separate overalls are provided for service personnel.

80. The floor, walls, and ceiling of rooms for temporary storage of medical waste are made of materials resistant to detergents and disinfectants.

81. In addition to the main premises, there are premises for staff with an area of ​​at least 6 m2, a storage room for cleaning equipment, detergents and disinfectants with an area of ​​at least 4 m2, and washable returnable containers.

82. The washing room is equipped with a bathtub with running cold and hot water or a crane with a floor drain. To ensure that staff comply with personal hygiene rules, a sink is provided with running cold and hot water, equipped with facilities for washing and drying hands.

83. Workers involved in the collection, neutralization, transportation, storage and disposal of medical waste undergo preliminary (upon entry to work) and periodic medical examinations in accordance with " " and " ", approved in accordance with Article 155 of the Code.

84. At medical waste disposal sites, the following personal hygiene conditions are observed:

1) work is carried out in protective masks, screens, disposable rubber or latex gloves;

2) smoking and eating in the workplace are not allowed;

3) work is carried out in special clothing;

4) storage of personal and special clothing is carried out separately in closets.

5. Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device,
maintenance and operation of landfills

85. The size of the site for a solid waste disposal site is established based on the period of waste accumulation for 20 - 25 years.

86. Places for the landfill are provided in separate, free from development, ventilated areas, not flooded by storm, melt and flood waters, which allow the implementation of engineering solutions that exclude possible contamination of populated areas and public recreation areas, domestic water supply, mineral springs, open reservoirs and groundwater.

87. The landfill is located on the leeward side of populated areas, taking into account the winds of the prevailing direction, below the water intake points for domestic and drinking water supply along the rivers, below and beyond the boundaries of the water intake zones of open reservoirs, wintering pits, places of mass spawning and feeding of fish.

88. The landfill is located in areas where groundwater lies at a depth of more than 20 m and is covered by low-permeability rocks with a filtration coefficient of no more than 10 m/day. The base of the landfill bottom is placed at least 4 m from the highest groundwater level. The bottom and walls are provided with waterproofing.

89. The size and landscaping of the sanitary protection zone of solid waste landfills is carried out in accordance with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for establishing a sanitary protection zone of production facilities”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code.

90. It is not allowed to place a landfill in reserve areas of housing construction, expansion of industrial facilities, recreational areas, in river valleys, gullies, in areas with soil subsidence, in places where karst processes develop, in the territory of mineral deposits, in the feeding zone of underground sources of drinking water .

91. The slope of the landfill in the direction of populated areas, production facilities, agricultural land and watercourses should not exceed 1.5%.

92. The size of the sanitary protection zone of the landfill to populated areas and open bodies of water, as well as objects used for recreational purposes, is at least 1000 m.

93. Industrial waste of hazard class 4 is accepted without restrictions and is used as an insulating material. This waste is characterized by the content of aqueous extract (1 liter of water per 1 kilogram of waste) of toxic substances at the level of filtrate from solid waste, an indicator of biochemical oxygen demand (hereinafter - BOD total) and chemical oxygen demand (hereinafter - COD) - not higher than 300 milligrams per liter (hereinafter – mg/l), homogeneous structure with a fraction size of less than 250 mm.

The list of industrial waste of hazard class 4, accepted at solid waste landfills without restrictions and used as an insulating material, is given in these Sanitary Rules.

The list of industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4, accepted at landfills in limited quantities and stored together (standards per 1000 m 3 of solid waste), is given in these Sanitary Rules.

The list of industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4, accepted in limited quantities and stored under special conditions, is given in these Sanitary Rules.

94. The territory of the landfill is divided into two zones: the solid waste storage area and the area where household facilities are located.

The storage area is divided into separate sections (cards), which are alternately filled with waste, according to the schedule for the operation of the cards drawn up by the administration of the landfill.

95. Utility rooms are provided for landfill personnel. The household premises include: a room for eating and a room for storing special clothing, a sanitary unit and a shower room with hot and cold water supply.

96. Workers involved in the treatment of production and consumption waste work in special clothing, special shoes and personal protective equipment.

97. Personnel involved in the collection and disposal of solid and liquid waste, and the operation of relevant structures, undergo preliminary upon entry to work and periodic medical examinations in accordance with "" and "", approved in accordance with Article 155 of the Code.

98. Reclamation/liquidation of the solid waste landfill after it is filled is carried out in accordance with the project.

99. At the landfill, they ensure control of the composition and accounting of incoming waste, waste distribution in the operating part of the landfill, and the technological cycle for waste isolation.

100. The solid waste landfill accepts consumer waste and some types of solid industrial waste (hazard classes 3 and 4), as well as non-hazardous waste, the class of which is determined by experimental methods.

101. For joint storage of solid waste, non-explosive and non-spontaneously combustible industrial waste with a moisture content of no more than 85% is accepted. Liquid and paste waste is not accepted at the solid waste landfill.

102. The landfill has a list (list) of organizations served, indicating the waste and its quantity.

103. Industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 is accepted in limited quantities (no more than 30% of the mass of solid waste) and stored together with household waste, characterized by the content of toxic substances in the water extract at the level of filtrate from solid waste and BOD values ​​of 20 and COD 400 - 5000 mg/l oxygen.

104. For each batch of waste transported to the landfill, the management of the production facility issues a certificate in the form in accordance with these Sanitary Rules.

105. It is not allowed to accept chemical waste and waste that poses an epidemic danger at solid waste landfills without neutralization in special facilities. Neutralization and disposal of solid, liquid and paste-like waste containing radioactivity is carried out at specialized landfills.

106. The bodies of dead animals, confiscated animals, and the remains of meat carcasses from meat processing plants are not allowed to be accepted into solid waste landfills; they are neutralized at cattle burial grounds or recycling plants.

107. To disinfect waste at a landfill, field composting methods in piles are used; for landfills receiving less than 120,000 m 3 of solid waste per year, a trench storage system for solid waste is used. The trenches are 3–6 m deep and 6–12 m wide at the top. The trenches are laid perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds.

108. The soil obtained from digging trenches is used to fill them after filling with solid waste.

109. The length of one trench is adjusted taking into account the time it takes to fill it:

1) during temperatures above 0 o C, for 1 – 2 months;

2) during the period of temperatures below 0 o C - for the entire period of soil freezing.

110. Direct storage of solid waste in water in swampy areas and areas flooded with flood waters is not allowed. Before using such areas for solid waste landfills, they are backfilled with inert materials to a height exceeding by 1 m the maximum level of surface or flood waters. When backfilling, a waterproof screen is installed. If there is groundwater at a depth of less than 1 m, an insulating layer is applied to the surface with preliminary drainage of the soil.

111. In the green zone of the landfill (along the perimeter), monitoring wells are installed to take into account the impact of solid waste on groundwater, one of them is above the landfill along the groundwater flow, 1 - 2 wells below the landfill.

112. The amount of solid waste delivered to the landfill is recorded in a special journal in a form in accordance with these Sanitary Rules.

113. When storing solid waste on a working map, intermediate or final isolation of a compacted layer of waste 2.0 m thick with soil or other inert material is carried out. At flat landfills, waste is isolated daily in the summer, at temperatures below plus 5 o C - no later than 3 days from the moment of storage.

114. Slags and/or industrial wastes are used as insulating materials: lime, chalk, soda, gypsum, graphite, asbestos cement, slate.

115. When unloading from garbage trucks and storing solid waste, portable mesh fences are installed perpendicular to the direction of the prevailing winds to retain light fractions of waste. At least once per shift, waste retained by portable shields is collected and placed on the surface of the working map, compacted on top with an insulating layer of soil.

116. Bypass canals that drain ground and surface runoff into open water bodies must be regularly cleaned of debris.

117. Burning of solid waste is not allowed on the territory of the landfill, and in case of spontaneous combustion, extinguishing is carried out independently by the landfill personnel before the arrival of the fire service.

118. The landfill is closed after filling it to the height specified by the project. At landfills with a service life of less than 5 years, dumping during the process is allowed 10% in excess of the prescribed vertical mark, taking into account subsequent shrinkage.

119. The last layer of waste before closing the landfill is finally covered with an outer insulating layer of soil.

120. When finalizing the outer insulating layer, a slope is arranged to the edges of the landfill for water drainage.

121. Strengthening the external slopes of the landfill is carried out from the beginning of the operation of the landfill and as its height increases. The material for the outer slopes of the landfill is soil.

122. The design of the upper insulating layer of the landfill is determined by the stipulated conditions of its use after the closure of the landfill. When using a closed landfill to create a forest park complex, ski hills or observation platforms for viewing the area, the thickness of the outer insulating layer should be at least 0.6 m.

123. To protect against weathering or washout of soil from the slopes of the landfill, they are landscaped in the form of terraces immediately after laying the outer insulating layer.

124. It is not permitted to use the territory of the reclaimed landfill for capital construction.

125. Exhausted quarries and artificially created cavities are collections of polluted storm water and wastewater. In order to return this territory to a state suitable for economic use, its reclamation is carried out.

126. It is allowed to fill quarries and other artificially created cavities using non-hazardous waste, solid waste and waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 from a production facility. Also, for burial it is allowed to use established places with the definition of the estimated sanitary protection zone in accordance with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for establishing a sanitary protection zone of production facilities”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code. When using any type of waste, their morphological and physicochemical composition is determined. The total amount of food waste and plant waste should not exceed 15%. The basis for waste disposal must meet the requirements of the established procedure for the design, operation and reclamation of landfills for solid waste.

127. The size of the sanitary protection zone for a reclaimed quarry is taken equal to the size of the sanitary protection zone for solid waste waste transfer stations and is at least 100 m from the nearest residential building. The reclaimed quarry has a fence and temporary utility facilities to ensure the work is carried out.

128. Technological control at the solid waste landfill and industrial waste disposal site is carried out by the enterprise that owns the landfill or an accredited laboratory. The laboratory provides control over the state of pollution of atmospheric air, water of open reservoirs, groundwater in the working area of ​​the landfill and within the boundaries of the sanitary protection zone.

129. Industrial (laboratory) control is carried out above and below the landfill along the groundwater flow, as well as above the landfill on surface water sources and below the landfill on drainage canals.

130. Analyzes of atmospheric air samples over the waste sites of the landfill and at the border of the sanitary protection zone for the content of compounds are carried out quarterly. The volume of indicators to be determined and the frequency of sample volume are justified in the project production control polygons. When analyzing atmospheric air samples, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, benzene, trichloromethane, carbon tetrachloride, and chlorobenzene are determined.

131. At a production waste disposal site, the list of controlled hazardous substances contained in waste depends on the composition of the waste.

132. If air pollution is established above the maximum permissible concentration at the border of the sanitary protection zone and above the maximum permissible concentration in the working area, measures are taken to reduce the level of pollution.

134. The dimensions of the sanitary protection zone and SR of drainage stations are established in accordance with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for establishing a sanitary protection zone of production facilities”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code.

135. When organizing and carrying out work with radioactive waste, one should be guided by the requirements of “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for ensuring radiation safety”, approved in accordance with Article 144 of the Code. The site for the drainage station is located on the leeward side in relation to residential and public buildings and structures. Dimensions land plot are determined at the rate of 0.2 hectares per 1 m 3.

136. Liquid waste is unloaded from vacuum-filled tank trucks through intake hoses into receiving devices.

137. Water is added to liquid waste at a ratio of 1:1, solid impurities are crushed in waste crushing plants and discharged into sewers, and in their absence, they are transported daily to places designated for the disposal of solid waste.

138. In non-sewered settlements, solid and liquid waste are collected separately. Liquid waste is collected in waterproof cesspools and transported by sewage transport to sewage disposal fields or plowing fields.

139. Sewage disposal fields are located at a distance of at least 1000 m from the boundaries of the residential area with convenient access roads.

140. Fields are divided into summer and winter areas and into separate sections (maps). Liquid waste is poured onto the field over the plowed surface and plowed to a depth of 20 cm. Winter areas are plowed in the fall and filled in in the winter; in the spring, after drying out, the area is plowed again.

141. Sowing is allowed in sewage disposal fields industrial crops and it is not allowed to use them for sowing vegetable crops.

142. Plowing and sewage disposal areas are fenced off, and areas for vehicle washing are installed. The premises for workers are provided with lighting and water.

industrial waste of hazard class 4 (according to the degree
toxicity) taken to solid waste landfills
without restrictions and used as an insulating

Type of waste

Aluminosilicate sludge SB-G-43-6

Asbestos-cement scrap

Asbestos chips

Bentonite waste

Spent graphite for calcium carbide production

Lime-lime, limestone, sludge after slaking

Chalk chemically precipitated solid waste

Aluminum oxide in the form of spent briquettes

Silicon oxide (at PVC production and A1C13)


Sodium sulfate salt melt

Silica gel (from adsorbers for drying non-toxic gases)

Silica gel production sludge from filter presses

Soda granular sludge

Soda-cement production distillation waste in the form of CaSO4

Molding core mixtures free of heavy metals

Chemical water treatment and water softening sludge

Sodium chloride sewage sludge

Non-standard bleach

Slate production solid waste

Slag from thermal power plants, boiler houses operating on coal, peat, shale or household waste

Sanding materials

Construction waste: construction soil, waste concrete, mortar, ASG, broken bricks, waste ceramics, adobe, clay, etc.

industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 (according to the degree
toxicity) taken to landfills in limited quantities
and stored together with solid household waste
(standards per 1000 m 3 of solid waste)

Type of waste

Limit amount of production waste tons per 1000 m 3 of solid waste

VAT residues from acetic anhydride production

Resita waste (cured formaldehyde resin)

Solid waste from the production of foaming polystyrene plastics

Waste from the production of electrical insulating materials:

Getinaks electrical sheet Sh-8.0

Adhesive tape LSNPL - 0.17

Polyethylene tube PNP

Fiberglass laminated fabric LSE - 0.15

Glass fabric E2-62

Electrical sheet textolite B-16.0

Fenoplast 03-010-02

Solid waste from suspension and emulsion production:

Copolymers of styrene with acrylonitrile or methyl methacrylate

Polystyrene plastics

Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene plastics


industrial waste of hazard classes 3 and 4 (according to the degree
toxicity) taken in limited quantities and
stored under special conditions

Type of waste

Limit amount of production waste (tons per 1000 m 3 of solid waste)

Special conditions for storage at a landfill or preparation at production facilities

Activated carbon production of vitamin B-6

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Cellulose acetate butylate waste

Pressing into bales measuring no more than 0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3 m in a moistened state

Wood and sawdust waste

Chrome flap

Laying in layers up to 0.2 m

Non-returnable wooden and paper packaging

Does not include oiled paper

Leatherette trimmings

Laying in a layer of no more than 0.2 m

Bleaching earth

Laying in a layer of 0.2 m

Phaolite dust

Bagging in wet condition

on industrial waste sent to landfill

Registration number _____________

Name of the enterprise delivering the waste _____________________

Departure date ________________________ Car number ____________

Agreement with a special vehicle fleet or landfill No. _________________

Name of waste type _____________________________________________

Quantity: in tons _____________________________________ in m 3

Shipped the waste _______________________________________________

Took the waste to the landfill ________________________________________

Accepted waste _________________________________________________

Reception date "____"_____________20___

Not accepted (with reasons) ________________________________


Control card for the certificate (issued to the waste disposal company)

Name of the enterprise that delivered the waste


Reception date ___________________________________________________ No.

cars _____________________________________________________

Type of waste __________________________________

Quantity in t, m 3 __________________________________________

Person who accepted the waste


The person who handed over the waste


Latest accepted

Last modified

Base status

  • Total documents 271457
    In Kazakh language 135416
    In Russian 135058
    On English language 983
    Email: [email protected]
    Phones: +7 7172 58 00 58, 119
    Opening hours: 09:00 - 18:30
    (Astana time)
    Closed: Saturday, Sunday

    About the project "Laws of Kazakhstan"

© 2008 - 2014 EML LLP

Appendix 5
to the Sanitary Rules
"Sanitary and epidemiological
requirements for collection, use,
application, neutralization,
transportation, storage
and waste disposal
production and consumption"






In accordance with subclause 5.5 of the Regulations on Federal service state statistics approved by Government Decree Russian Federation dated June 2, 2008 N, and in pursuance of the Federal Statistical Work Plan, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2008 N 671-r, I order:

1. Approve the submitted Federal agency sea ​​and river transport attached federal forms statistical observation with instructions for filling them out, collecting and processing data on which are carried out in the Rosmorrechflot system, and putting them into effect:

annual from the 2017 report:

N 1-SMP "Information on the transportation of goods in the waters of the Northern Sea Route" (Appendix No. 1);

quarterly from the report for January - March 2017:

N 1-TR (marine) "Information on transportation activities in maritime transport" (Appendix No. 2).

2. Establish the provision of data on the federal statistical observation forms specified in paragraph 1 of this order to the addresses and within the time limits established in these forms.

3. With the introduction of the statistical tools specified in paragraph 1 of this order, Annex No. 1 “Federal statistical observation form No. 1-TR (mor) “Information on transportation activities in maritime transport”, approved by Rosstat order dated September 8, 2015 No., shall be declared invalid. "On approval of statistical tools for the organization by the Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport of federal statistical monitoring of transportation activities in maritime and inland water transport."



Appendix No. 1






for 20__ year


Delivery deadlines

Form N 1-SMP

Rosstat order:

About form approval

dated March 17, 2017 N 176

About changes (if any)

from __________ N ___

from __________ N ___

FGKU "Administration of the Northern Sea Route":


Name of reporting organization ___________________________________

Mailing address ___________________________________________________________

OKUD form code

reporting organization for OKPO

Indicator name



ships flying the Russian flag

ships flying foreign flags

Cargo transported in the waters of the Northern Sea Route - total

(sum of lines 103, 106, 109)

for reference:

number of ships

gross tonnage


transit cargo

for reference:

number of ships

gross tonnage

delivery of cargo to ports and port points in the waters of the Northern Sea Route

in coastal sailing

on overseas voyages

removal of cargo from ports and port points in the waters of the Northern Sea Route

in coastal sailing

on overseas voyages

From line 100 transported:

Liquid cargo (sum of lines 113, 114)

petroleum products

for reference:

number of ships

gross tonnage

Dry cargo ships (sum of lines 118 - 129)


non-ferrous metals

black metals

scrap metal

hard coal, coke

chemical and mineral fertilizers

chemical cargo

timber cargo

cargo in containers

cargo on ferries

other cargo

for reference:

number of ships

gross tonnage

OKEI codes: thousand tons - 169, unit - 642 Official responsible for providing statistical information (person authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity) ___________ __________ _________________ (position) (full name) (signature) ___________ E-mail: __ "__" ___ 20__ year (telephone number (date of the contact document)


on filling out the federal statistical observation form

1. Federal statistical observation form N 1-SMP is provided by the federal state government agency “Administration of the Northern Sea Route” (hereinafter referred to as the FGKU “Administration of the Northern Sea Route”).

The form is provided within the deadlines and addresses indicated on the form.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials, authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of a legal entity.

The address part of the form indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - a short name.

In the line "Postal address" the name of the subject of the Russian Federation is indicated, legal address with postal code. If the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual location is also indicated.

When the code zone is full title page reporting legal entities enter a code according to All-Russian classifier enterprises and organizations (OKPO) on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code posted on the Rosstat Internet portal //

2. The definitions and terms given in these Instructions are given solely for the purpose of filling out the federal statistical observation form N 1-SMP.

3. The volume of cargo transported in the waters of the Northern Sea Route includes transportation carried out by vessels on a commercial basis, both under Russian and foreign flags.

4. The volume of cargo transported in the waters of the Northern Sea Route includes: transit cargo; delivery of cargo to ports and port points in the waters of the Northern Sea Route; removal of cargo from ports and port points in the waters of the Northern Sea Route.

5. The volume of cargo transported in the waters of the Northern Sea Route is differentiated by type of navigation (coastal and foreign) and the range of cargo.

Coastal shipping includes transportation between ports and port points of the Russian Federation.

Transportation during overseas navigation includes transportation between Russian ports in the waters of the Northern Sea Route and foreign ports.

6. Transportation is allocated from the total volume (line 100) individual species cargo (lines 112 - 114, 117 - 129) according to the enlarged nomenclature.

7. The form is drawn up on the basis of administrative data from the Federal State Institution "Administration of the Northern Sea Route" in accordance with the Rules of navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated January 17, 2013 N 7.

Appendix No. 2

Form N 1-TR (mor)


In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 78 “On the procedure for training military personnel undergoing military service under contract (except for officers), in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and at the preparatory departments (courses) of the specified educational institutions" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, No. 7, Art. 789) I order:

1. Approve:

The procedure for issuing and recording referrals for training in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), the continuous duration of military service under a contract of which is at least three years (Appendix No. 1 to this order);

The procedure for providing military personnel studying in civilian educational institutions with higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions with mastery of educational programs through part-time (evening) or correspondence courses, additional holidays and other social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (Appendix No. 2 to this order).

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of troops of military districts, fleets, commanders of branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, chiefs of main and central departments Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations, commanders of formations and military units, chiefs (leaders) of organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars to ensure:

issuing and recording referrals for training in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), the continuous duration of military service under a contract of which is at least three years ;

provision to military personnel studying in civilian educational institutions and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions with the development of educational programs for part-time (evening) or correspondence courses, additional leaves and other social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Minister of Defense
Russian Federation
S. Ivanov

Registration N 7941

issuing and recording referrals for training in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions for military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), the continuous duration of military service under a contract of which is at least three years

1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 78 and regulates the issues of issuing and recording directions for study in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions (hereinafter are called - civilian educational institutions) military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), the continuous duration of military service under a contract of which is at least three years in calendar terms (hereinafter referred to as - candidates for training).

2. To receive a referral to study at a civilian educational institution (hereinafter referred to as a referral to study), the candidate for study submits a report.

The report states:

name of civil educational institution where the candidate wishes to enroll;

the continuous duration of military service under the contract available to the candidate for training as of the date of writing the report;

the education candidate has (when and what educational institution he graduated from);

received or did not previously receive a referral for training.

A copy of the education document is attached to the report.

those who have expressed a desire to receive an education of the same level that they already have;

undergoing training in military and civilian educational institutions (in any form of training);

those who previously entered civilian educational institutions in the direction of study and were expelled from them for failure to comply curriculum for unjustified reasons, for violation of the charter of an educational institution and (or) its rules internal regulations, if less than three years have passed since the deduction.

4. In the absence of the grounds specified in paragraph 3 of this Procedure, the candidate for training by the commander of the military unit in which he is serving is issued a referral for training in the form established by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 78.

The direction for training indicates its validity period - until the day of expiration of the contract for military service by the candidate for training.

5. A candidate for training who previously received a referral for training, but did not use the right to enter a civilian educational institution during its validity period, in the event of concluding a new contract for military service, is issued a new referral for training in accordance with this Procedure.

In case of loss of a referral for training, the candidate for training, at his request, is issued a duplicate of the referral for training.

6. A candidate for training has the right to replace the training direction issued to him if he decides to enroll in another civilian educational institution. In this case, the previously issued referral for training must be handed over to the commander of the military unit in which the candidate for training is undergoing military service.

The first copy of the direction for training is issued to the candidate for training against signature in the record book specified in paragraph 7 of this Procedure, the second copy is filed in the military personnel’s personal file.

to the Order (clause 7)

accounting for directions to study in civilian educational institutions,
issued to military personnel undergoing military service
under contract in a military unit________

provision to military personnel studying in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions with the development of educational programs in full-time (evening) or correspondence courses, additional leaves and other social guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation

1. This Procedure was developed in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2006 N 78 and regulates the provision of military personnel study holidays and other social guarantees associated with training in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and in preparatory departments (courses) of these educational institutions with the development of educational programs in full-time (evening) or correspondence courses.

2. To be granted study leave, a military personnel studying part-time (evening) or part-time at a civilian educational institution (hereinafter referred to as a military personnel) submits a report with an attachment of a certificate of invitation from a civilian educational institution*.

Study leave is granted for the period and within the terms specified in the summons certificate. Study leave includes the time required for the serviceman to travel to the location of the educational institution and back. The duration of study leave, excluding the time required to travel to the location of the educational institution and back, cannot exceed the periods specified in paragraph 8 of the Rules for the training of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers) in civilian educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education and preparatory departments (courses) of the specified educational institutions**.

Study leaves provided to military personnel are additional and are not included in the main leave account.

3. If, during the period specified in the certificate of invitation from a civilian educational institution, the participation of a military personnel in events, the list of which is given in Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure, is provided, then in the absence of the possibility of exempting the military man from participation in these events, he will not be given educational leave during this period. provided.

A serviceman participating in these events is issued a certificate (Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure).

4. Military personnel studying in civilian educational institutions located outside the place of their military service, when granted educational leave, are issued military transportation documents for travel to the location of the educational institution and back, or they are reimbursed for expenses incurred for stated goals, in the manner established by the Guidelines for registration, use, storage and handling of military transportation documents in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation***.

5. If a serviceman is sent on a business trip lasting more than three months, including to participate in peacekeeping and counter-terrorism operations, he is issued a certificate (Appendix No. 3 to this Procedure).


* The form of the summons certificate is established by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated May 13, 2003 N 2057 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 11, 2003, registration N 4889).

*** Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated June 6, 2001 N 200 (registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on November 30, 2001 N 3061).

Appendix No. 1
to the Order (clause 3)

events in which participation entitles military personnel studying in civilian educational institutions to master part-time (evening) or part-time educational programs to postpone the time of passing the final or intermediate certification

1. Activities related to the introduction higher degrees combat readiness or with the announcement of mobilization, including for training purposes.

2. Combat duty (combat service).

3. Activities for operational and combat training of troops (forces):

operational exercises;

operational-tactical exercises;

tactical live-fire exercises;

command post and staff exercises;

command post training;

tactical and special exercises;

experimental and exploratory exercises;

mobilization and special exercises;

flight tactical exercises;

maneuvers of troops (forces);

departures to sea of ​​ships (vessels) and submarines, aviation sorties according to the combat training plan, performing tasks to support fleet forces, inter-base transitions and in emergency circumstances.

4. Checks of the state of combat and mobilization readiness, organization of combat work, performance of special tasks, combat training: planned; sudden; final (control).

5. Being on business trips.

6. Implementation of activities in emergency zones. Participation of troops in ensuring the state of emergency.

7. Implementation of measures to eliminate accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters, carrying out quarantine measures.

8. Participation in peacekeeping operations.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order (clause 3)

Corner stamp of a military unit REFERENCE Given________________________________________________________________ (military rank, _________________________________________________________________________ surname, first name, patronymic) to a person undergoing military service under a contract, that he took part in events in the period from "__"_____________ 20__ to "___"____________ 20__ , preventing timely arrival to pass the intermediate (final certification). The certificate is given for submission to ________________________________________ (name of the civilian _________________________________________________________________________ educational institution in which the military personnel are studying) and in accordance with clause 5 of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 7, 2006 N 78, is the basis for postponing the time of passing the intermediate (final ) certification. Commander of the military unit ______________ ___________________________________ (signature) (first name, surname) Place of seal

Appendix No. 3
to the Order (clause 5)

Corner stamp of a military unit REFERENCE Given by _____________________________________________________________________ (military rank, __________________________________________________________________________ surname, first name, patronymic) to a person undergoing military service under a contract, in that he is from "__"______20__. sent on a business trip lasting more than three months. The certificate is given for presentation to _________________________________________ (name of the civilian _________________________________________________________________________ educational institution in which the military personnel are studying) Commander of the military unit ______________ __________________________________ (signature) (first name initial, surname) Place of seal

Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2006 N 176 "On measures to implement in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 2006 N 78"

Registration N 7941