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Composition and functions of hotel services. Organization of work of support services Structure and functions of support services of the enterprise

They ensure the operation of the hotel complex, offering laundry, tailoring, linen services, cleaning services, printing services, warehouse services, etc. Additional services are provided paid services. They include a hairdresser, swimming pool, sauna, solarium, sports facilities and other units. Laundry in the hotel. Enterprises providing services in the hotel industry are striving to improve their official and actual status. However, each star on the sign of a hotel and “other accommodation facilities” requires compliance with certain, often very strict standards. The hotel classification system was approved by Order No. 86 of July 21, 2005 Federal agency on tourism and its annexes. These documents indicate the frequency of changing bed linen in the room and towels, the completeness of linen in the room and even the fabrics of the linen, as well as the list of services provided to clients and the requirements for the timing of their implementation. For example, starting from category I rooms in 4* and 5* hotels, bed linen is provided from natural fabrics - linen, cotton, silk. A 3* hotel provides washing and dry cleaning services for clients’ clothes and their execution time is one day; in 4* and 5* hotels this type of service is provided in the “express service” option. Minor repairs of clients' clothing in hotels, starting from 3*, are also provided. These standards force the hotel owner to choose two possible options: First option. Conclude an agreement with a municipal or private laundry or dry cleaning service and transfer onto their shoulders the responsibility for the cleanliness of the hotel’s linen and the provision of services to their clients. This is the most easy way, but this path has its own problems: – the cost of laundry services provided by the laundry for processing linen to hotels and its clients; - fare; – there is no way to control quality; – possible losses and defects when processing linen; – there is no way to control the quality and timing of customer orders, and the hotel is responsible for them; – not all cities have municipal or private enterprises that provide necessary services. Not all municipal laundries survived the difficult times of perestroika, and those that did have a fleet of outdated, worn-out equipment, the quality of washing of which leaves much to be desired, much better; – time gap between the need for a service and the possibility of obtaining this service. That is, sooner or later there will be a laundry service that provides laundry processing services to the hotel, but until this happens, the hotel is left alone with its problems. Second option. Organization of your own laundry. An increasing number of “old” hotels are currently following this path, and in most new or under construction hotels, their own laundry is provided at the design stage. Let's consider the pros and cons of organizing such a division in the hotel industry of an already operating hotel. Disadvantages: – the need to invest large amounts of money in the purchase of laundry equipment, and in the case of organizing and dry cleaning, the amount increases significantly; – allocation of premises, carrying out repairs in accordance with the requirements of sanitary standards, arrangement and installation of necessary communications; – maintenance costs: wages to employees, washing detergents, increasing energy consumption and operating costs public utilities, equipment maintenance costs, etc.; – search and training of workers and managers (believe me, this is an important problem). Pros: - cash for processing of linen remain with the enterprises; – savings on transport; – 100% quality control of linen processing; – minimizing losses and defects when processing linen, and considering the cost of linen made from natural fabrics and terry products, the gain in money is very significant; – 100% control of quality and timing of customer orders; – the ability to operate equipment on the 3rd (third) shift during peak visit periods; – the possibility of providing laundry processing services to third-party organizations and the public (that is, earning additional funds); – payback within 1.5-3 years. It seems to me that the advantages to organizing your own laundry service are much greater than the disadvantages. On Russian market there are several professional laundry equipment serious companies with good business reputation supplying equipment from American, European and domestic manufacturers. Most of these companies provide both warranty and service supplied equipment. The price level of imported equipment is approximately the same, the same can be said about the fairly high quality of assembly and materials. Both hotels under construction and those in operation need to turn to specialists when selecting equipment. This is especially important for hotels under construction, because domestic design organizations outdated standards regarding laundry equipment are often used, and if the order is carried out by foreign designers, the project usually includes equipment from local manufacturing companies, which often do not have representatives in Russia and further maintenance of such equipment will be very problematic. Choosing a supplier company and working with its specialists at the design stage will allow you to avoid reworking communications and save money and time. However, when turning to specialists, you need to know what you plan to wash and in what volumes. Every operating hotel already has individual characteristics in the composition and quantity of hotel and restaurant linen, the material from which it is made, staff clothing, etc. These features must be taken into account when selecting equipment.

Support services are necessary to service the main production and ensure uninterrupted production of products. The most important tasks of support services are the manufacture and repair of equipment and technological equipment, containers, specialties. tool.

Providing the workshop with energy, repairing energy, transport and mechanical equipment, instrumentation, care and supervision.

Repair of the building and household equipment.

Reception, storage and delivery of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products to the workshop

Support services include:

Mechanic service.

Energy service.

Bureau of Instrumental Economy (BIH).

Administrative and economic department (AHO).

The heads of services report to the deputy head of the workshop for production preparation and, in turn, have workers subordinate to them.

Mechanic service :

Ensure that all types of mechanical equipment and lifting vehicles are maintained in good condition by carrying out inspections and repairs within the time limits established by the schedule.

Monitor the correct operation of equipment and ensure timely and high-quality repairs.

Organize periodic inspections equipment and drawing up ■ preventive maintenance schedules, passports and other equipment documentation.

Organize records of accidents and equipment breakdowns and analyze the causes.

Exercise control over the expenditure of funds allocated for repairs, for drawing up applications for the necessary funds and materials for repairs, spare parts and components.

Provide reports to the department of the chief mechanic of the plant on the implementation of the equipment repair plan, as well as on other sections of their work.

Energy service :

Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of boilers and pressure vessels.

Ensure the good condition and safe operation of steam and hot water pipelines.

Ensure good condition chimney, chimneys.

Organize uninterrupted operation and proper operation of gas and energy equipment, communications.

Monitor compliance with instructions for operation, technical care and supervision of gas and energy equipment, communications, and timely scheduled maintenance.


1. Timely and uninterrupted provision of workplaces with all types of tools in accordance with established standards and technological equipment.

2. Organize and monitor the correct and careful use of tools and devices.

3. Provides timely preventive repairs of equipment and tools and their sharpening.

4. Ensure compliance with tool consumption standards.

5. Ensure the implementation of quarterly and monthly plans approved by the instrumental department.

6. Ensures timely write-off of instruments in accordance with the established procedure.

7. Provide security records of incoming and issued tools from the workshop storeroom.

8. Ensure timely submission of applications to the tool department for the tools needed by the workshop.

9. Provide timely professional inspection and repairs technological installations, devices, tools, measuring instruments, test benches.

10. Monitor the good condition and safe operation technological devices, tools, gas-cutting equipment, measuring and control instruments.

11. Provide timely technical examination testing installations and stands and their safe operation.


1. Ensure the cleanliness and order of all production and household premises, monitor the proper operation and timely repair of buildings, as well as sanitary and household premises.

2. Ensure that the workshop areas are kept clean normal work household premises and care of green spaces.

3. Organize the design of the facade of the buildings of the workshop area, take measures to provide the workshop with equipment and mechanisms (household equipment, materials, loading and unloading mechanisms, waste removal machines).

4. Maintain cleanliness, availability drinking water, timely removal of 1 waste from workshop areas. Organize the cleaning of office premises, monitor the operation of saturation and still plants

5. Carry out routine repairs of buildings, office, public and domestic premises.

6. Provide office, public and other public places for household use. and fire-fighting equipment, furniture, appliances.

7. Analyze the results economic activity, control the spending of the fund wages Location on.

8. Improve business and moral qualities.

9. Comply in full with all points of section 4.46 “Regulations on the organization of work on labor protection of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise PA “Uralvagonzavod” approved by order No. 2173/k dated July 30, 2004.

Auxiliary production premises include an expedition, a kitchen utensil washing room, a bread slicer, as well as premises intended for technical, sanitary and consumer services of production. Auxiliary production facilities help to properly organize the technological process at public catering establishments, improve working conditions, and help comply with sanitary standards and rules approved for public catering establishments.

Semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products are sold to other enterprises through expedition. Large procurement enterprises, as a rule, have several expeditions: an expedition that sells semi-finished products (vegetables, meat, fish, poultry, offal); expedition selling culinary products (at a culinary workshop); expedition to a confectionery shop. The expedition is located near the procurement, culinary and confectionery shops. The composition and area of ​​the expedition premises depend on the capacity of the enterprises and the range of products. The expedition includes the following premises: table for receiving orders, refrigerated chambers for short-term storage of vegetables, fish, semi-finished meat products, culinary and confectionery products, pantries for confectionery products, a room for receiving and dismantling transport containers, washing containers for semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, container storage rooms, a forwarder's room.

Kitchen sink The utensils are intended for washing tableware (cauldrons, pans, baking sheets, etc.), kitchen and serving equipment, and tools. The washing room should have a convenient connection with production workshops (cold, hot). In the washing room there are shelves for used dishes, racks for clean dishes and equipment, washing baths with three compartments - for soaking, washing and disinfecting used dishes and rinsing them.

To clean dishes from food residues, use wooden spatulas, metal brushes, and scrapers. Wash dishes with herbal brushes, using detergents. After processing, equipment, kitchen utensils and in-shop containers are dried and stored in a specially designated place on racks at a height of at least 0,5 -0.7 m from the floor. Convenient storage of kitchen utensils and equipment makes the work of cooks easier and reduces the time spent on selecting utensils and equipment for a particular production operation.

At public catering establishments, bakery products are sold through dispensers and buffets. For storing, slicing and dispensing bread and bakery products at large and medium-sized enterprises, a special room is provided - bread slicer, which should have a convenient connection with the sales area, distribution room, buffet and be located away from the washing stations.

In the room it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of no more than 18 ° C and a relative humidity of up to 70%. In restaurants with waiter service, the bread slicer is placed near the sales area.

In small enterprises, a small area is allocated near the distribution area for slicing bread and selling it. In the bread-slicing room, two production tables are installed, a cabinet for storing a daily supply of bread and a rack for trays of sliced ​​bread. An MHR-200 bread slicing machine is placed on one of the tables.

The bread cutter's workplace is provided with scales to control the yield of bread portions, cutting boards, and, in the absence of a machine, with bread knives, trays, tongs, bread forks, as well as brushes for cleaning tables.

The bread is cut as needed in the quantity required for sale within 1 hour.

Maintenance aims to ensure the technical readiness and uninterrupted operation of trade and technological, refrigeration, lifting and transport and other equipment during the entire period of operation. To avoid emergency equipment failure, enterprises must implement a comprehensive maintenance method. Complex method Maintenance provides for preventive inspection of equipment once a month; medium and major repairs; inter-repair maintenance of equipment, i.e. eliminating problems that arise during the operation of equipment.

In the state of medium and large enterprises There may be mechanics and electricians who ensure the normal technical condition of electrical and sanitary communications to the equipment.

Preventive inspections and scheduled maintenance are carried out by repair and installation plants on contractual terms with public catering establishments. The contract is concluded for a period of one year, it specifies the range and quantity of equipment subject to comprehensive maintenance, the timing (schedule) of inspections, repairs - small, medium and major, the timing of eliminating technical problems with equipment that may arise between scheduled types of work.

The contract also specifies the customer’s responsibilities - ensuring that facilities are prepared for work, timely transfer of funds, ensuring proper operation of equipment (daily maintenance, cleaning, flushing, thawing the “snow coat” of refrigeration unit evaporators, etc.). These works are performed by enterprise employees who directly operate this equipment. In order to increase responsibility for its condition, increase its service life and ensure trouble-free operation, by order of the director of the enterprise, the equipment is assigned to certain employees, they are instructed on operating rules, and the technical minimum is periodically passed.

Current repairs of equipment are carried out at a public catering enterprise, and major repairs are carried out at a repair and installation plant.

Sanitation production includes: control of the correctness of the technological process, compliance with recipes, quality of incoming raw materials, semi-finished products, finished products(carried out by sanitary food and technological laboratories); training workers in sanitary minimum (according to special programs); compliance by employees with sanitary rules, preventive medical and laboratory examinations of employees; daily and general cleaning of premises.

Preventive measures for disinfection, disinfestation and deratization are carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations on the basis of relevant agreements. The contract specifies the scope of work and preventive measures carried out by the sanitary and epidemiological station (SES) at the enterprise, and the timing of their implementation. Work schedules are drawn up by the SES and agreed upon with the customer.

General cleaning of the premises is carried out by the company at least once a week. The enterprise must close once a month for a sanitary day. Special machines are used for cleaning premises and washing floors: vacuum sweepers and vacuum cleaners; floor-scrubber and floor-scrubber, pneumatic window washing machines; Various devices are used to remove dust from lamps.

Household services production includes the creation of favorable conditions for workers, ensuring that staff observe the rules of personal hygiene, storing sanitary clothing, changing clothes, etc. Household premises include dressing rooms, showers, rooms for eating and changing clothes.

Depending on the type and capacity of the enterprise being designed, students in this section must first determine the composition of the auxiliary premises, and then describe the organization of the work of the auxiliary services, indicating the necessary equipment.

The production process at an enterprise, regardless of the form of ownership, can only be carried out under the condition of its uninterrupted technical maintenance, which is carried out by the relevant support services of the enterprise: repair, instrumental, energy and transport.

Repair facilities are a set of general plant and workshop departments that carry out a set of measures for the care and supervision of the condition of equipment, as well as its repair.

The tasks of the repair facility are to prevent premature wear of equipment and maintain it in a state of constant operational readiness, to minimize equipment downtime during repairs minimum costs, in the care and supervision of his standing.

All work to satisfy the enterprise's needs for tools is carried out by the tool department. Its most important task is the uninterrupted supply of workshops and areas with high-quality tools and technological equipment in the required quantity and assortment with minimal costs for design, acquisition (or manufacturing), storage, operation, repair and restoration.

The tool service at the enterprise determines production needs for tools and equipment, normalizes their consumption and supplies, draws up cost estimates for tool facilities, introduces new types of tools, carries out technical supervision over the operation of tools, organizes the repair and restoration of technological equipment.

The tool farm of an enterprise may include a tool shop, a tool warehouse and tool-distributing storerooms.

Specifics of production and composition transport equipment determine the organizational and production structure of the transport sector.

Material assets arriving at enterprises are unloaded and placed in warehouses. Throughout the entire production cycle, raw materials, materials and semi-finished products are subject to loading and unloading, transport and movement operations. Finished products are also transported from workshops to warehouses.

In-plant transport is not only a means of mechanical movement of goods, but also a means of labor actively involved in the production process. IN in-line production he often regulates its rhythm. Rational organization the operation of factory transport ensures systematic and efficient movement during the production of objects of labor, increases the rhythm of work, reduces the duration of the production cycle, and accelerates turnover working capital, reduces the labor intensity and cost of transport operations.

On industrial enterprises are used different kinds energy resources as technological, motor, heating and lighting energy.

The most important tasks of the energy sector are: ensuring uninterrupted supply of the enterprise with all types of fuel and energy, rational operation of energy equipment, its repair and maintenance. .

At JSC "Plant Promburvod" the auxiliary facilities are represented by a tool department, a transport department and a repair service.

The enterprise's tool economy is represented by a tool warehouse and a tool area. The tool department is engaged in the manufacture of special tools and technological equipment: dies, jigs and other types of equipment. The plant purchases only those tools that cannot be produced in the tool department. This condition is dictated by the requirement of economic feasibility.

Planning of the need for tools and technological equipment is carried out on the basis of the product production program.

Product production technology objectively determines the cargo flows of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, parts, components and finished products of the enterprise.

Any movement is carried out only using technological containers.

The enterprise is provided with all the necessary lifting and transport equipment and mechanisms for the smooth operation of cargo flows. For these purposes, the following are used: overhead cranes, beam cranes, slewing cranes, rail and trackless trolleys, forklifts, and enterprise vehicles.

All lifting and transport vehicles are operated only if they are in full working order and have passed a technical inspection.

At the enterprise in question, a team method of repairing equipment is used and, according to specialization, according to the technological principle. The enterprise has a comprehensive team for repairing equipment and technological equipment.

Types of equipment maintenance and repair work are carried out in accordance with Unified system scheduled preventive maintenance, which includes technical maintenance of equipment and renovation work. Every year at the end of the year it is produced technical inspection of all equipment of the enterprise in order to establish its actual condition and based on inspection, an annual plan-schedule repair of equipment and technological equipment.

An important place in the enterprise management system is occupied by the quality assurance system.

OJSC “Plant Promburvod” pays great attention to the quality of its products. Maintaining quality at the proper level is the quality assurance system (QAS), covering all types of activities of the enterprise.

Output High Quality is impossible without the presence at the enterprise of a unit that monitors the quality of products during its production. Such a division is the department technical control(QCD), which is obliged to prevent defective products from reaching the consumer, which implies high responsibility of the department’s employees for the results of their activities.

The technical control system at the enterprise consists of:

  • -input control;
  • -operational control;
  • - acceptance control (testing);
  • - periodic, type tests and reliability tests.

Production maintenance plays an important role in producing high quality products at minimal cost. In conditions market economy, increased competition and rapid development scientific and technological progress The results of the activities of the enterprise's support services have an increasingly important impact on the final results of the enterprise's activities - the production of high-quality products and profit.