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Structural divisions of the company. Methodology for developing regulations on structural divisions

Creation of a legal entity or division Semenikhin Vitaly Viktorovich

Structural units

Structural units

IN small organization Each employee can perform one or another function or combine several functions. As the number increases, several employees begin to perform the same or similar duties. At this stage of the organization's development, there is a need to combine specified persons into special units (groups, units, sections, sections, departments, workshops) in order to create a more manageable structure. We will talk about this in our article.

Changing economic space Russian Federation associated with the globalization of business and the strengthening international competition, requires the organization to quickly adapt to ongoing changes in external environment, as well as the search for unique abilities that ensure that consumers are offered goods and services that interest them.

Achieving the company's strategic goals in modern conditions functioning is impossible without effective management structural divisions. Strengthening centralization in management contributes to the rapid mobilization of the organization's potential and improvement of the efficiency indicators of its functioning. At the same time, the focus on decentralization ensures an increase in the initiative and creativity of employees at the middle and lower levels of management, improving the quality and efficiency of decisions made. In this regard, the management of an organization is faced with the problem of choosing a certain balance between centralization and decentralization. Its correct solution contributes to effective use internal capabilities of the enterprise, increasing its competitiveness.

The Russian economy during the period of the administrative-command system was characterized by an excessive level of centralization of management. During the reforms of the 90s. the positive effects of large-scale production were lost, a collapse occurred economic ties between enterprises, and the emerging trends of increased decentralization have not fully manifested themselves.

Currently, the leaders of many Russian enterprises realized the need to improve the management of structural units based on the search for the most rational combination of centralization and decentralization.

To solve organizational problems, ensure coordination and control of the activities of employees and departments at enterprises, structures are created that differ from each other in the ratio of centralization and decentralization, the degree of complexity and formalization of processes and other characteristics. As soon as people start working together, the problem of division of labor and specialization of work inevitably arises. In this case, it is necessary to decide how best to distribute the scope of work and determine how to coordinate. At the same time, the essence and content of the management system are manifested in its functions, and its form – in its organizational structure. It is important that the use of different organizational forms, types and structures best suited the content and methods of performing the work and contributed to their effectiveness.

A structural unit is an officially designated part of an enterprise or institution together with its employees who perform the established range of duties and are responsible for the implementation of the tasks assigned to them. Typically, divisions are distinguished based on the generality of the work performed; for example, functional and production divisions are distinguished.

Concept and essence structural unit organizations are somewhat narrower than the concept of a separate unit. From the meaning of the legislation, one can trace some connection between these concepts and draw the appropriate conclusion.

So, for example, in article 22 Federal Law dated December 2, 1990 No. 395-1 “On banks and banking» it is fixed that the internal structural unit credit organization(its branch) is its (his) division located outside the location of the credit organization (its branch) and carrying out banking operations on its behalf, the list of which is established by regulations of the Bank of Russia, within the framework of the Bank of Russia license issued to the credit organization (branch regulations credit organization).

Credit organizations (their branches) have the right to open internal structural divisions outside the locations of credit organizations (their branches) in the forms and procedures established by the regulations of the Bank of Russia.

The authority of a branch of a credit organization to make a decision on opening an internal structural unit must be provided for in the regulations on the branch of a credit organization.

Thus, it can be argued that a structural unit can take place not only within the organization, but also within its separate division. It performs part of the functionality of an organization or a separate division and is distinguished on the basis of some characteristic (field of activity, division of labor).

In accordance with paragraph 9.2 of Chapter 9 of the Bank of Russia Instruction No. 135-I dated April 2, 2010 “On the procedure for the Bank of Russia to make a decision on state registration credit institutions and issuing licenses for banking operations" (hereinafter referred to as Instruction No. 135-I), a credit institution (branch), provided that the credit institution does not have a ban on opening branches, has the right to open internal structural divisions:

– additional offices;

– credit and cash offices;

– operational offices;

– operating cash desks outside the cash desk;

– other internal structural divisions provided for by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

The location of its internal structural divisions is determined by the credit institution (branch) independently, taking into account the requirements established by the regulations of the Bank of Russia.

According to clause 9.3 of Instruction No. 135-I, internal structural divisions of a credit institution (branch) cannot have a separate balance sheet and open accounts for banking operations and other transactions, except for cases provided for by regulations of the Bank of Russia. Internal structural divisions of a credit institution (branch) carry out operations in the manner established by regulations of the Bank of Russia.

Clause 9.5 of Instruction No. 135-I stipulates that an additional office (as an option for a structural unit of a credit organization), for example, has the right to carry out all or part of the banking operations provided for by the license issued to the credit organization for banking operations (branch regulations).

An additional office cannot be located outside the territory subordinate to the territorial institution of the Bank of Russia that supervises the activities of the relevant credit institution (branch).

Coordination with the Bank of Russia of candidates for the positions of managers and chief accountants (if any) of internal structural divisions is not required (clause 9.7 of Instruction No. 135-I).

It should be noted that the definition of a structural unit of an organization, as opposed to a separate division, is not provided in the current Russian legislation.

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation refers to this concept, but does not contain the definition itself. A similar situation occurs in relation to Civil Code Russian Federation.

In the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), this term is used quite widely.

So, for example, Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that a condition regarding the place of work is mandatory for inclusion in an employment contract, and in the case when an employee is hired to work in a branch, representative office or other separate structural unit of an organization located in another locality - place of work indicating a separate structural unit and its location.

The creation of a structural unit is based on the implementation of the same function, which is important for the entire organization as a whole.

For example, on manufacturing plant There are departments (shops) involved in manufacturing products, transport, human resources, finance, marketing and other functions.

One more important factor, which must be taken into account when creating structural units, is the efficiency of the unit’s activities, assessed based on the content of its work, number, location and other characteristics.

The specialization of structural units necessitates coordination of their actions. The larger the enterprise or organization, the more important and complex this problem becomes. Since members of an organization must be bound by a common goal, they need to have constant information about the content of the work and the achievements of their colleagues. This becomes increasingly difficult, since as the number of structural units grows, the communication network between them also becomes more complex.

At the same time, it is important to avoid any uncertainty regarding exactly what work should be done by a particular structural unit and who should do it. Otherwise, such uncertainty may lead to intra-organizational conflict.

We recommend structuring divisions based on several fairly clear criteria. It is believed that uncertainty to one degree or another cannot be avoided, but it is necessary to try to minimize it.

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The most common is to structure the organization into the following divisions:

1) management. These are divisions formed according to industry and functional characteristics, and ensure the implementation of certain areas of the organization’s activities and manage the organization. They are usually created in large companies, government bodies and local government and combine smaller functional units (for example, departments, departments);

2) departments. Treatment and preventive departments are most often structured into departments, medical institutions and organizations. This is usually
sectoral or functional divisions, as well as departments that combine smaller functional divisions.

Government bodies are also structured into branches (for example, branches are created in regional customs departments). As for banks and other credit institutions, as a rule, branches in them are created on a territorial basis and are separate structural units registered as branches;

3) departments. They also represent divisions structured along industry and functional lines, which, like departments, ensure the implementation of individual areas of the organization’s activities. Typically, such units are created in state authorities and local governments; they combine smaller structural units (most often departments). Departments are also created in representative offices of foreign companies and in companies in which management is organized according to Western models;

4) departments. Departments are understood as functional structural units responsible for a specific area of ​​activity of the organization or for organizational and technical support for the implementation of one or more areas of activity of the organization;

5) services. “Service” most often refers to a group of functionally united structural units that have related goals, objectives and functions. In this case, the management or leadership of this group is carried out centrally by one official. For example, the service of the deputy director for personnel may combine the human resources department, the personnel development department, the organization and remuneration department, and other structural units that perform functions related to personnel management. It is headed by the Deputy Director for Personnel and is created to implement a unified personnel policy In the organisation.

The service can also be created as a separate structural unit, formed on a functional basis and intended for
ensuring the activities of all structural divisions of the organization within the framework of the implementation of one direction. Thus, the security service is a structural unit that provides physical, technical and information security all structural divisions of the organization. The labor protection service is also most often created as an independent structural unit and for the implementation of a very specific task - to coordinate labor protection activities in all structural divisions of the organization;

6) bureau. This structural unit is created either as part of a larger unit (for example, a department) or as an independent unit. As an independent structural unit, the bureau is created to conduct executive activities and service the activities of other structural divisions of the organization. Basically, “bureau” traditionally refers to structural units associated with “paper” (from the French bureau - desk) and reference work.

In addition to the above, production units (for example, workshops) or units are created as independent structural units servicing production(e.g. workshops, laboratories).

The rationale for the creation of one or another independent structural unit, as a rule, is linked to the traditions of the organization (recognized or informal), management methods and goals. The choice of unit type is indirectly influenced by the number of personnel. For example, in organizations with average number workers over 700 people, labor protection bureaus are created with the regular number of employees
3-5 units (including the boss). If the staff of a structural unit responsible for ensuring labor safety includes 6 units, then it is called the labor protection department.

If we look at the organizational structure of federal executive authorities, we can find the following relationship: the staffing level of a department is at least 15 - 20 units, a department within a department is at least 5 units, an independent department is at least 10 units.

Rules and principles of structuring commercial organization, the staffing standards for a particular unit are determined independently by its management. However, one should take into account the fact that the fragmentation of the organizational structure into independent units consisting of 2-3 units, the managers of which do not have the right to accept management decisions, leads to a “blurring” of responsibility and loss of control over the activities of all structural units.

Independent units can also be divided into smaller structural units. These include:

a) sectors. Sectors (from Latin seco - cut, divide) are created as a result of temporary or permanent division of a larger structural unit. Temporary structuring occurs when two or more specialists are allocated within a department to solve a specific task or carry out a specific project, headed by a chief or leading specialist; After completing the assigned task, the sector is disbanded. The main functions of the permanent sector are the implementation of a specific area of ​​activity of the main unit or the solution of a certain range of issues. For example, in the financial department, a sector for financing operating expenses, a sector for methodology and taxation, a sector for financing investments and lending, and a bureau sector can be created as permanent ones. valuable papers and analysis; as a temporary sector, a sector for the implementation of a specific investment project;

b) plots. These structural units are created on the same principle as permanent sectors. Usually they are strictly limited by “zones” of responsibility - each section is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​work. Usually, the division of a structural unit into sections is conditional and is not fixed in the staffing table (or in the structure of the organization);

c) groups. Groups are structural units created according to the same principles as sectors and sections - they unite specialists to perform a specific task or implement a specific project. Most often, groups are temporary in nature, and their creation is not reflected in the overall structure of the organization. Typically, a group operates in isolation from other specialists of the structural unit within which it was created.

The specific name of the division indicates the main activity of the allocated structural unit. There are several approaches to establishing the names of departments.

First of all, these are names that contain an indication of the type of department and its main functional specialization, for example: “financial department”, “ economic management", etc. The name may be derived from the titles of the positions of the chief specialists who head these divisions or supervise the activities of these divisions, for example, “chief engineer service”, “chief technologist department”.

The name may not contain an indication of the type of unit. For example, “office”, “accounting”, “archive”, “warehouse”.

Production departments names are assigned most often according to the type of product produced or the nature of production. In this case, the name of the manufactured product is added to the designation of the type of division (for example, “ sausage shop», « foundry") or the main production operation (for example, "car body assembly shop", "repair and restoration shop").

A structural unit of an organization is a specific part of an enterprise that is focused on performing individual tasks in accordance with job descriptions, charter and other local regulations. About what a structural unit of an organization is, why they are needed and how they are ensured legal regulation, every employer and specialist should know.

What is a structural unit of an organization - legal regulation

The concept of a structural unit of an enterprise defines it as a separate unit that unites certain jobs and the employees who occupy them, which has a certain independence within the organization. Division into structural divisions allows for effective delegation of labor and simplifies personnel management and the entire enterprise as a whole. That is why, without division into structural divisions, effective conduct of activities is possible only in organizations related to small businesses.

The legislation, in turn, does not in any way regulate the activities of individual structural units, does not highlight their features and does not provide any legal mechanisms related to this aspect of labor relations. Therefore, employers have the right to independently organize the division of various teams and structures within the enterprise, without unnecessary restrictions in regulatory and procedural matters.

Branches and affiliated companies are not considered structural divisions of the organization. The key feature of structural divisions is precisely that they are allocated strictly within the company, are not independent and cannot exist in isolation from the business entity as a whole.

Accordingly, the structural divisions of an organization cannot have the characteristics of an independent business entity. That is, certain principles must be observed in their relation:

  • The employer should not notify regulatory authorities or trade unions about the creation or disbandment of structural units, or their reformatting, until changes are made in the actual workplace.
  • Structural divisions are not registered in tax authorities and insurance funds.
  • Separate accounting reports are not maintained for the structural divisions of the enterprise. Also, they are not assigned separate statistical codes. The activities of structural divisions are reflected in the general balance sheet of the enterprise.

The legislation does not provide for and does not allow the possibility of opening separate bank accounts for individual structural divisions of the company.

Types of structural divisions of the organization

Since the concept of structural divisions of an organization is not enshrined in legislation, questions of name, as well as specific goals and objectives facing these divisions, may have different answers. But in most cases in personnel records management established basic names are used, which can greatly simplify the creation effective system distribution of responsibilities and personnel management in the enterprise. Thus, examples of names of structural divisions of an organization, along with their main tasks and functions, may look like this:

In addition, other types of structural divisions within the enterprise may also be identified. Thus, production is often divided into separate workshops. There is also a division into sectors, sections and groups - these structural divisions determine specific work and areas of work, as well as the areas of responsibility of employees.

The division into structural divisions in an enterprise suggests that many employees can simultaneously be included in various divisions and simultaneously be members of several of them. So, for example, a repairman builder may belong to the department overhaul, which, in turn, will be part of the economic department of the enterprise. At the same time, a colleague of this builder, in a similar position, can work at the first service site with one team, and the builder himself can work at a different site with other responsible persons.

How to create a structural unit - procedure

The employer, as mentioned earlier, independently decides on the implementation of various structural units and the regulation of their activities. At the same time, the main document on the basis of which it will function this system personnel management is a regulation on a structural unit or another internal document similar in meaning. The content of this provision is not regulated, but traditionally includes:

  • General information about the enterprise and planned actions, goals for creating organizational structures.
  • Specific information about the number of employees - both for the enterprise as a whole and for planned divisions.
  • Tasks and functions of the created structural units.
  • Direct appointment of leadership in them or the creation of mechanisms for appointing leadership.
  • The order in which the relationship between various departments is carried out.
  • Determining the collective responsibility and responsibility of department heads within the organization.
  • The procedure for liquidation, merger and other actions changing structural divisions.

The regulations on a structural unit can be created either one-time, during the implementation of this system, or subsequently supplemented or adopted anew when additional units are created. The most convenient method will be when the main document contains only the main principles of operation of the system of structural divisions, and each individual division is put into operation and regulated within the enterprise by separate ones.

The main task of the employer when creating structural divisions in the enterprise is the most accurate and clear indication of the functions of this structure. So, when specifying functions, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

To avoid the most common mistakes, it would be a good idea to draw the attention of employers to the basic requirements for structural units:

  • Each division must have a clearly defined hierarchical structure that ensures subordination in the enterprise.
  • The legal basis for the activities of a unit must provide this unit with the opportunity to act flexibly and not be fixed within rigid boundaries - otherwise there will be no point in the division of labor.
  • The size of the units should correspond to the capabilities of the manager. It is necessary to understand that in most cases the optimal size of structural units is from 5 to 20 people, but no more and no less.

Depending on the activities of the enterprise and for ease of defining its functions, there are various divisions. The most common is to structure the organization into the following divisions:

  • 1) management. These are divisions formed according to industry and functional characteristics, and ensure the implementation of certain areas of the organization’s activities and manage the organization. They are usually created in large companies, state authorities and local governments and combine smaller functional units (for example, departments).
  • 2) departments. Treatment and prevention, medical institutions and organizations are most often structured into departments. These are usually industry or functional divisions, as well as departments that combine smaller functional divisions.

Government bodies are also structured into branches (for example, branches are created in regional customs departments). As for banks and other credit institutions, as a rule, branches in them are created on a territorial basis and are separate structural units registered as branches;

  • 3) departments. They also represent divisions structured along industry and functional lines, which, like departments, ensure the implementation of individual areas of the organization’s activities. Typically, such units are created in state authorities and local governments; they combine smaller structural units (most often departments). Departments are also created in representative offices of foreign companies and in companies based on Western models.
  • 4) departments. Departments are understood as functional structural units responsible for a specific area of ​​activity of the organization or for organizational and technical support for the implementation of one or more areas of activity of the organization;
  • 5) services. “Service” most often refers to a group of functionally united structural units that have related goals, objectives and functions. In this case, the management or leadership of this group is carried out centrally by one official. For example, the service of the deputy director for personnel may combine the human resources department, the personnel development department, the organization and remuneration department, and other structural units that perform functions related to personnel management. It is headed by the Deputy Director for Personnel and is created to implement a unified personnel policy in the organization.

The service can also be created as a separate structural unit, formed on a functional basis and intended to support the activities of all structural units of the organization within the framework of the implementation of one direction. Thus, the security service is a structural unit that ensures physical, technical and information security of all structural units of the organization. The labor protection service is also most often created as an independent structural unit and for the implementation of a very specific task - to coordinate labor protection activities in all structural divisions of the organization;

6) bureau. This structural unit is created either as part of a larger unit (for example, a department) or as an independent unit. As an independent structural unit, the bureau is created to conduct executive activities and service the activities of other structural divisions of the organization. Basically, “bureau” traditionally refers to structural units associated with “paper” and reference work.

In addition to the above, production units (for example, workshops) or units serving production (for example, laboratories) are created as independent structural divisions.

The rationale for the creation of one or another independent structural unit, as a rule, is linked to the traditions of the organization (recognized or informal), management methods and goals. The choice of unit type is indirectly influenced by the number of personnel. So, for example, in organizations with an average number of employees over 700 people, occupational safety bureaus are created with a staff of 3-5 employees (including the boss). If the staff of a structural unit responsible for ensuring labor safety includes 6 units, then it is called the labor protection department. If we look at the organizational structure of federal executive authorities, we can find the following relationship: the staffing level of a department is at least 15-20 units, a department within a department is at least 5 units, an independent department is at least 10 units.

The rules and principles of structuring a commercial organization, staffing standards for a particular unit are determined by its management independently. However, it should be taken into account that the fragmentation of the organizational structure into independent units consisting of 2-3 units, whose managers do not have the right to make management decisions, leads to a “blurring” of responsibility and loss of control over the activities of all structural units.

As already noted, independent units can be divided into smaller structural units. These include:

  • a) sectors. Sectors are created as a result of temporary or permanent division of a larger structural unit. Temporary structuring occurs when two or more specialists are allocated within a department to solve a specific task or carry out a specific project, headed by a chief or leading specialist; After completing the assigned task, the sector is disbanded. The main functions of the permanent sector are the implementation of a specific area of ​​activity of the main unit or the solution of a certain range of issues. For example, in the financial department, a sector for financing operating expenses, a sector for methodology and taxation, a sector for financing investments and lending, and a sector for securities and analysis bureaus can be created as permanent ones.
  • b) plots. These structural units are created on the same principle as permanent sectors. Usually they are strictly limited by “zones” of responsibility - each section is responsible for a specific area of ​​​​work. Usually, the division of a structural unit into sections is conditional and is not fixed in the staffing table (or in the structure of the organization);
  • c) groups. Groups are structural units created according to the same principles as sectors and sections - they unite specialists to perform a specific task or implement a specific project. Most often, groups are temporary in nature, and their creation is not reflected in the overall structure of the organization. Typically, the group operates in isolation from other specialists in the structural unit.

The specific name of the division indicates the main activity of the allocated structural unit. There are several approaches to establishing the names of departments.

First of all, these are names that contain an indication of the type of unit and its main functional specialization, for example: “financial department”, “economic management”, “x-ray diagnostic department”. The name may be derived from the titles of the positions of the chief specialists who head these divisions or supervise the activities of these divisions, for example, “chief engineer service”, “chief technologist department”. The name may not contain an indication of the type of division. For example, “office”, “accounting”, “archive”, “warehouse”.

Production divisions are most often named according to the type of product produced or the nature of production. In this case, the designation of the type of division is appended to the name of the product produced (for example, “sausage shop”, “foundry shop”) or the main production operation (for example, “car body assembly shop”, “repair and restoration shop”).

If a structural unit is assigned tasks that correspond to the tasks of two or more departments, this is reflected in the name - for example, “financial and economic department”, “marketing and sales department”, etc.

Good afternoon At the branch foreign company a division or department is created, and new positions are introduced for this purpose. A group is created to solve the problems facing this department and for this purpose employees are hired for new positions. What documents need to be drawn up, where to register, in which document that a certain division is being created in the branch, do you have forms for such documents? Thank you!


The structure of the organization is established based on the volume and content of the tasks solved by the organization, the focus and intensity of the information and documentation flows that have developed in the organization, and taking into account its organizational and material capabilities.

By general rule employers are free to determine the organizational structure in the organization (names of departments, their composition and hierarchy), staffing by positions and professions and the number of employees performing a particular job function. Consequently, departments can be assigned any name established by local regulations. In this matter, one should be guided by the principle of reasonableness and expediency. The name of a specific department should be selected based on the specifics of the organization’s activities and the tasks that the department faces.

The procedure for registering a new structural unit largely depends on the system of local regulations in force in your organization, other internal documents and established practices, which may also be reflected in the regulations for the creation of internal structural units. The decision to create a new structural unit is usually formalized by order. The content of the order largely depends on which documents must be amended when creating a new structural unit.

Thus, you need:

1. Issue an order to create a new structural unit(see sample below).

2. Make changes to organizational structure .

In many organizations, the organizational structure is approved as one of the internal documents. As a rule, it is drawn up in the form of a diagram, which allows you to visualize the relationships and interactions of departments and individual officials who are not part of any of the departments, key top managers. The creation of a new structural unit in this case requires changes to the current organizational structure. How changes are made depends on how the organizational structure was established. That is, the organizational structure can be stated:

Solely executive body-the head of the organization (i.e., the stamp “I approve” on the organizational structure);

A specially issued document (i.e. an order approving the organizational structure).

Changes to the organizational structure are made in a similar way.

3. Make changes to staffing table .

The creation of a new structural unit presupposes the presence of its internal structure. Consequently, the creation of a new structural unit will entail subsequent recruitment of personnel, for which it is necessary to make changes to the staffing table.

You can make changes in two ways:

  • issue an order to amend the staffing table (see sample below);
  • draw up staffing in new edition and approve it with the appropriate order (see sample below).

The choice of one option or another is within the competence of the employer. The procedure for making changes is presented below in the text.

4. Develop Regulations on the structural unit.

The place of the newly created structural unit in the organization as a whole, the tasks that management sets for a specific unit, as well as the functions that are required from the unit, the nature of its interaction with other structural units and other issues related to its functioning are traditionally reflected in the regulations on structural unit. It is not mandatory under current legislation. Nevertheless, its role is difficult to overestimate.

Regulations on the structural unit are local normative act, which determines the status of a structural unit and its place in the organization. It is advisable that the draft regulations be developed by the head of a higher structural unit or executive, under whose subordination this unit will be located. In this way, it will be possible to clearly record management's expectations of its introduction into the organizational structure.

5. Develop and approve job descriptions for employees of the structural unit

The development and approval of job descriptions for employees of the created structural unit is carried out in a manner similar to the development of a project and approval of the regulations on the structural unit. It should be noted that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not oblige the employer to have job descriptions for employees. However, their development, approval in in the prescribed manner and familiarizing employees with them is in the interests of the employer. After all, the instructions make it possible to initially minimize possible conflicts between employees and employers related to the fact that the manager’s point of view on determining the duties of a subordinate may “diverge” from the employer’s point of view. Besides, job description disciplines both the employee and his manager.

After consistently implementing the above actions, you can begin to formalize the hiring of personnel in the created structural unit.

Sample order for the creation of a new structural unit



Moscow 02/01/2012


1. Create a department for the introduction of new technologies.

2. Appoint S.T. Minchenko as head of the department for introducing new technologies.

3. HR service LLC "Tehstroyservis" prepare following documents:

– make changes to the organizational structure;

– make changes to the staffing table;

– develop the Regulations on the department for the introduction of new technologies together with Minchenko S.T.;

– develop and approve job descriptions for employees of the department for the introduction of new technologies together with S.T. Minchenko.

4. Legal service Tekhstroyservis LLC will ensure compliance of the Regulations on the department for the introduction of new technologies and job descriptions of employees of the created department with the requirements of Russian legislation. Responsible - Zimko U.Yu.

5. The head of the labor protection department ensures that the job descriptions of employees in the department for introducing new technologies comply with labor protection requirements. Responsible - Shurochkina A.Ya.

General Director Gnedykh A.R. Gnedykh

We have read the order.

A copy was received for storage and use at the workplace.

Job title


Department Inspector

Kryukov R.A.

Department head
introduction of new

Minchenko S.T.


Head of Legal

Zimko U.Yu.

Head of Department
labor protection

Shurochkina A.Ya.



Voronina O.L.


Details in the System materials:

  1. Answer: How to create a staffing schedule

Assignment of staffing table

Responsibility to draw up staffing schedule

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not say that every organization must have a staffing table. However, there are no documents abolishing the practice of drawing it up. At the same time, there are compelling arguments in favor of designing a staffing table:

  • staffing allows you to determine the number of employees needed by the organization, sums of money on their content and with the structure of the organization itself;
  • The staffing table can confirm the validity of applying tax benefits and attributing expenses to the cost of products (works, services, expenses).

Since January 1, 2013, due to the adoption, the use of unified forms is not mandatory for most organizations. The exception is. They still need to use it at work unified forms without fail.

All other organizations, when drawing up organizational and administrative documents, have the right to both continue to use unified forms and.

Such conclusions follow from the totality of the provisions of the articles of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ and are confirmed.

Drawing up staffing schedule

The staffing table is an impersonal document. It does not indicate specific employees, but the number of positions in the organization and salaries for them. Employees are appointed to positions by orders of the manager after the approval of the schedule.

Change of staffing

Changes to the staffing table can be made at any time when there is a need, since the employer determines the frequency and frequency of changes in the staffing table independently (). In addition to renaming positions, establishing a different salary, etc., in labor legislation There are separate procedures that can also lead to a transformation of the staffing table. For example, (), organizational or technological changes (), etc.

Renaming an employee’s position and changing the size of his salary in the staffing table entails a change essential conditions employment contract. This means that before making changes to the staffing table, you need to issue an order or an employee, and then conclude a contract with him additional agreement To employment contract. In case of renaming a position, the employer must make a corresponding entry in work book employee (Rules approved).

If the job title or salary is changed at the initiative of the administration for organizational or technological reasons, the procedure will be slightly different. It is necessary to notify the employee of upcoming changes two months in advance. If the employee does not agree to work under the changed conditions, send him a written offer of another job that matches his qualifications and health status. If there is no such job, offer a vacant lower position or lower paid job. If the employee refuses all offers or you do not have suitable job, formalize your dismissal under Part 1 of Article 77 Labor Code Russian Federation (refusal to continue working due to a change in the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties).

This procedure is provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

At the end of the procedure, make appropriate changes to the staffing schedule approved in the organization (instructions approved). You can make changes in two ways:

  • publish;
  • draw up a new edition and approve it accordingly.

The obligation to compile is established only for government agencies(). An organization that is not a government agency cannot be fined for lack of instructions ().

However, there are strong arguments in favor of creating a job description. Its presence will allow the organization:

  • justify;
  • distribute responsibilities evenly between similar positions;
  • prove in court the legality of the imposition disciplinary action per employee;
  • correctly conduct personnel certification, etc.

The procedure for drawing up a job description is not regulated by law, so the employer independently decides how to draw it up. In practice, a job description can be formatted as or as . Similar explanations are contained in.

Job Description Sections

Regardless of the format, the job description usually consists of the following sections:

In chapter " General provisions» specify:

  • job title in strict accordance with;
  • requirements for the employee;
  • direct subordination (for example, an accountant reports directly to the chief accountant);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • presence and composition of subordinates;
  • replacement procedure (who replaces the employee during his absence and who he can replace);
  • a list of documents that an employee must follow in his activities.

In the “Job Responsibilities” section, list all duties assigned to the employee in accordance with assignment practices labor functions, which has developed in the structural unit. When compiling a section, you can use , approved , and , approved . They contain sample list responsibilities of various positions.

In the “Rights” section, write down a list of rights that an employee has, within his competence, when performing job responsibilities.

In the “Responsibility” section, it is customary to specify the types of assigned responsibility in accordance with the law, depending on the employee’s job responsibilities.

If the job description is drawn up as an independent document, approve it by the head of the organization and introduce it to employees hired for the corresponding position, signed by (, Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Nina Kovyazina
Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Human Resources of the Russian Ministry of Health