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Which is longer the resource service life. Product durability indicators


The most important technical quality characteristic is reliability. Reliability is assessed by probabilistic characteristics based on statistical processing of experimental data.

Basic concepts, terms and their definitions characterizing the reliability of equipment and, in particular, mechanical engineering products are given in GOST 27.002-89.

Reliability- the property of a product to maintain, within a specified time limit, the values ​​of all parameters characterizing the ability to perform the required functions in given modes and conditions of use, maintenance, repairs, storage, transportation and other actions.

Product reliability is a complex property that may include: reliability, durability, maintainability, storability, etc.

Reliability- the property of a product to continuously maintain operability for a given time or operating time under certain operating conditions.

Operating state- the state of the product in which it is capable of performing specified functions, while maintaining acceptable values ​​of all basic parameters established by regulatory and technical documentation (NTD) and (or) design documentation.

Durability- the ability of a product to maintain operability over time, with the necessary breaks for maintenance and repair, up to its limiting state specified in the technical documentation.

Durability is determined by the occurrence of events such as damage or failure.

Damage- an event consisting of a malfunction of the product.

Refusal- an event that results in a complete or partial loss of functionality of the product.

Working condition- a state in which the product meets all the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

Faulty condition- a condition in which the product does not satisfy at least one of the requirements of regulatory, technical and (or) design documentation.

A faulty product may still be functional. For example, a decrease in the density of the electrolyte in batteries or damage to the lining of the car means a faulty condition, but such a car is operational. An inoperative product is also faulty.

Operating time- duration (measured, for example, in hours or cycles) or volume of work of the product (measured, for example, in tons, kilometers, cubic meters, etc. units).

Resource- the total operating time of the product from the start of its operation or its resumption after repair until the transition to the limit state.

Limit state- the state of the product in which its further operation (use) is unacceptable due to safety requirements or is impractical for economic reasons. The limit state occurs as a result of resource exhaustion or in an emergency situation.

Life time- calendar duration of operation of products or its resumption after repair from the beginning of its use until the onset of the limit state

Inoperative state- a condition of a product in which it is not able to normally perform at least one of the specified functions.

The transfer of a product from a faulty or inoperable state to a serviceable or operational state occurs as a result of restoration.

Recovery- the process of detecting and eliminating failure (damage) of a product in order to restore its functionality (troubleshooting).

The main way to restore functionality is repair.

Maintainability- a property of a product, which consists in its adaptability to maintaining and restoring an operational state by detecting and eliminating defects and malfunctions through technical diagnostics, maintenance and repair.

Storability- the property of products to continuously maintain the values ​​of established indicators of its quality within specified limits during long-term storage and transportation

Shelf life- calendar duration of storage and (or) transportation of the product under specified conditions, during and after which serviceability is maintained, as well as the values ​​of indicators of reliability, durability and maintainability within the limits established by the regulatory and technical documentation for this object.


Rice. 1. Product state diagram

reliability constantly changes during operation technical product and at the same time characterizes his condition. The diagram for changing the states of the operating product is shown below (Fig. 1).

To quantitatively characterize each of the product reliability properties, single indicators such as time to failure and time between failures, time between failures, service life, service life, shelf life, and recovery time are used. The values ​​of these quantities are obtained from test or operational data.

Complex reliability indicators, as well as the availability factor, technical utilization factor and operational readiness factor, are calculated based on the given single indicators. The range of reliability indicators is given in Table. 1.

Table 1. Approximate nomenclature of reliability indicators

Reliability property

Indicator name


Single indicators


Probability of failure-free operation Average time to failure

Mean time between failures

Average time between failures Failure rate

Failure flow of a restored product

Average failure rate

Probability of failures


Average resource

Gamma Percentage Resource Assigned Resource

Installed resource

Average service life

Gamma percentage life Assigned life Assigned life


Average recovery time Probability of recovery Repair complexity factor


Average shelf life

Gamma percentage shelf life

Assigned shelf life Established shelf life

Generalized indicators

Set of properties

Availability factor Technical utilization factor

Operational readiness ratio

Indicators characterizing reliability

Probability of failure-free operation of an individual product is assessed as:

Where T - time from start of work to failure;

t - time for which the probability of failure-free operation is determined.

Magnitude T may be greater than, less than or equal to t. Therefore,

The probability of failure-free operation is a statistical and relative indicator of maintaining the operability of serially produced products of the same type, expressing the probability that, within a given operating time, product failure does not occur. To establish the probability of failure-free operation of serial products, use the formula for the average statistical value:

Where N- number of observed products (or elements);

N o- number of failed products over time t;

N R- number of functional products at the end of time t testing or operation.

The probability of failure-free operation is one of the most significant characteristics of product reliability, since it covers all factors affecting reliability. To calculate the probability of failure-free operation, data accumulated through observations of operation during operation or during special tests are used. The more products are observed or tested for reliability, the more accurately the probability of failure-free operation of other similar products is determined.

Since trouble-free operation and failure are mutually opposite events, then the assessment probability of failure(Q(t)) determined by the formula:

Calculation average time to failure (or average time between failures) based on the results of observations is determined by the formula:

Where N o - number of elements or products subjected to observations or tests;

T i - uptime i th element (product).

Statistical assessment of the mean time between failures calculated as the ratio of the total operating time for the period of testing or operation of products under consideration to the total number of failures of these products over the same period of time:

Statistical assessment of the average time between failures calculated as the ratio of the total operating time of a product between failures for the period of testing or operation under consideration to the number of failures of this (their) object(s) for the same period:

Where T - number of failures over time t.

Durability indicators

The statistical estimate of the average resource is:

Where T R i - resource i-th object;

N- number of products delivered for testing or commissioning.

Gamma percentage resource expresses the operating time during which a product with a given probability γ percent does not reach the limit state. Gamma percentage life is the main calculation indicator, for example, for bearings and other products. A significant advantage of this indicator is the possibility of its determination before the completion of testing of all samples. In most cases, the 90% resource criterion is used for various products.

Assigned resource - the total operating time, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

P odestablished resource is understood as a technically justified or specified value of resource provided by the design, technology and operating conditions, within which the product should not reach the limit state.

Statistical assessment average service life determined by the formula:


Where T sl i - life time i-th product.

Gamma percentage life represents the calendar duration of operation during which the product does not reach the limit state with probability , expressed as a percentage. To calculate it, use the relation

Appointed date services- the total calendar duration of operation, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

Underspecified service life understand the technically and economically justified service life provided by design, technology and operation, within which the product should not reach its limit state.

The main reason for the decrease in the durability of a product is the wear of its parts.

Before considering the durability indicators of objects, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the temporary concepts of reliability theory.

Operating time– duration or volume of work of the object. The operating time can be either a continuous value (duration of operation in hours, mileage, etc.) or an integer value (number of work cycles, starts, etc.).

Run-to-failure- operating time of the object from the start of operation until the first failure occurs. This indicator characterizes the system being restored.

Resource– the total operating time of an object from the beginning of its operation or its resumption after repair until the transition to the limit state.

Life time– calendar duration of operation from the start of operation of the facility or its resumption after repair until the transition to the limit state.

Shelf life– calendar duration of storage and (or) transportation of an object, during which the values ​​of parameters characterizing the ability of the object to perform specified functions are maintained within specified limits.

Residual resource – the total operating time of the object from the moment of monitoring its technical condition until the transition to the limit state. Similarly, the concepts of residual time to failure, residual service life and residual shelf life are introduced.

Assigned resource– the total operating time, upon reaching which the operation of the object must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

According to the current practice of assessing the reliability of consumers' ESN, the following interruptions in ESN are distinguished.

Short break limited in duration by the time interval necessary to restore the ESN automatically using remote control or manual activation where the operator can do this immediately. Such operations usually do not exceed several minutes.

Medium-length break limited by the time interval required to manually restore power in areas where there is no operator on duty. Such operations take 1–2 hours.

Long break, which cannot be qualified as a break of short or medium duration.

In reliability theory, the following durability indicators are used.

Average resource is the mathematical expectation of the resource.

Gamma percentage resource– this is the operating time during which the object will not reach the limit state with a given probability γ, expressed as a percentage.

Assigned resource

Average service life– mathematical expectation of service life.

Gamma percentage life– calendar duration from the start of operation of the object, during which it will not reach the limit state with a given probability, expressed as a percentage.

Designated service life– calendar duration of operation of the object, upon reaching which the intended use must be discontinued.

The main characteristics of durability are average service life and average resource.

For a restored object, the average service life is the average calendar duration of operation of the object from its beginning or resumption after preventative repairs until the onset of the limit state.

The average resource represents the average operating time of an object from the start of operation or its resumption after preventative repairs until the onset of the limit state.

For a non-repairable object, these characteristics coincide and represent the average duration of operation until failure or the onset of a limiting state. In practice, this value will coincide with the average time to failure Tav.

A statistical estimate of the average service life can be obtained from the results of monitoring n similar power grid facilities operated under approximately the same conditions. The formula for statistically assessing the average service life of similar objects based on observation results has the form:

where τj is the service life of the jth object;

n – number of similar objects.

The service life of each specific observation object depends on many random factors, while the limiting state of the object is practically determined by its characteristics, indicating that its further operation becomes unsafe for humans and environment, or becomes economically unprofitable.

Often, the consumer has to deal with such concepts as warranty period, service life and shelf life, each of which has its own special meaning. Many buyers are often confused and do not see the difference between these categories, and the time period allocated for each of the terms can be completely different.

Life time

This is the time period during which the product (or service) must be suitable for use, otherwise the manufacturer of the product is obliged to eliminate the defects. The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” clearly regulates the rights and obligations of the product manufacturer, and the buyer has every right refer to the law in such a situation.

The service life is necessarily established for certain long-term use products, especially for functional parts and assemblies that can cause serious damage if broken. This often happens when consumers use durable goods that have long been due for write-off. For example, planes of Russian airlines purchased at auctions of decommissioned equipment in Europe, or touring amusement parks that have almost fallen into disrepair. The manufacturer is obliged to establish service life for the following groups of goods:

  • goods for children (strollers, bicycles, etc.),
  • equipment and devices for heating and hot water supply, plumbing,
  • home furnishings,
  • household goods, cultural goods,
  • sporting goods, pleasure craft and watercraft,
  • technical means for keeping animals at home and caring for plants

However, the manufacturer is not required to assign a service life for all durable goods; there is a category of goods that do not require a specified service life. In this case, the manufacturer of goods or services may refuse this procedure or assign a service life voluntarily. As practice shows, very few manufacturers are willing to take responsibility and refuse to set a service life for their product, because this entails a huge risk. The fact is that according to the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, in the event of a breakdown of a product that does not have a service life, the manufacturer will be held liable for ten years. Not every entrepreneur will agree to this, which is why almost all durable goods have a service life.

The service life begins to count from the moment the act of purchase and sale is completed. The sales consultant must notify the buyer of the product about the service life established by the manufacturer. The seller's lack of awareness indicates his incompetence, since providing such information is part of his duties. It’s another matter when the manufacturer is located in another country and obtaining information about the service life is impossible. Then the store is forced to take on greater responsibility, since the buyer has the right to compensation for damage resulting from defects in the product, and the effect of this law is not limited by time. Simply put, damage caused by imperfections or manufacturing defects of a product without a service life is compensated by the store, regardless of the time of occurrence of this damage.

This is extremely unprofitable for stores, so they try not to deal with goods whose manufacturers, due to territorial remoteness, cannot provide information about their service life. Although some sellers rely on the legal ignorance of buyers who are simply not informed about the specifics of selling such goods. It is regulated by clause 2 of Article 1097 Civil Code RF and clause 3 of Article 14 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”.

Best before date

The concept of expiration date applies mainly to food products. This is the time interval after which the product loses its consumer properties and becomes unfit for consumption or use. Unlike durable goods, the service life of which begins from the moment the goods are transferred to the buyer, food products The expiration date begins from the time the product is released. Thus, the shelf life does not depend on the fact of sale of the goods - unsold goods are subject to write-off and disposal. Any food product sold in a store must have an expiration date on it. If you come across a food product that does not have such information, you should not buy it, as it was manufactured with obvious violations. After all, if the product is already expired, its use can cause serious poisoning or even worse.

Expired products pose a serious threat to human life and health, which means that every consumer should carefully study the product label during the purchasing process. The same applies to other product categories, for example, goods household chemicals, medicines etc. By law, such products must contain information about the expiration date, because they not only lose their characteristics, but are also dangerous to human life.

These are the following groups of food products:

  • bakery industry products,
  • sugar and flour confectionery products,
  • vegetable oils and products of their processing,
  • products of the canning and vegetable drying industry,
  • beer and non-alcoholic industry products,
  • products of the tea and salt industry,
  • food concentrates,
  • meat and meat products,
  • products of the dairy and butter-cheese industry,
  • baby food products,
  • biologically active food supplements,
  • In addition, the following groups of non-food products must have an expiration date:
  • products for the prevention and treatment of diseases at home,
  • perfumery and cosmetic products,
  • household chemical goods,
  • cultural goods, goods for leisure and entertainment,
  • products for keeping fish, birds and animals at home

According to the laws in force in the territory Russian Federation, stores do not have the right to sell expired products, but in practice such cases can be observed everywhere. The buyer should get into the habit of checking the expiration date of the product, especially if it is displayed at the edge of the display case. As a rule, the freshest products are placed in the far corner of the shelves, but products with expired or about to expire are located in close proximity to the buyer. However, sometimes even vigilance does not save you from purchasing low-quality food products; the fact is that large stores often cheat with labels and change the expiration date on the labels. Buyers demonstrate surprising negligence in this matter - having come home from the store and finding an expired product, few go back and begin to demand justice. But the buyer has the right not only to exchange an expired product, but also to compensation for moral damage.

Of course, the seller can also be understood: what to do with a mountain of expired products that cost a tidy sum? The Law of the Russian Federation “On the Quality and Safety of Food Products” obliges the seller to immediately get rid of products whose shelf life has come to an end, and, of course, not to sell them under any circumstances. Unscrupulous supermarkets solve the “problem” in another way - by processing expired products. It is very easy to prepare cold cuts or goulash from a rotten piece of meat, which can then be sold as fresh. And in the smokehouse of the same supermarket you can quite easily smoke fish that has begun to rot, which can also then be put into circulation. In general, there are plenty of similar tricks in anyone’s arsenal. large store, but the seller does not have the right to such processing. The buyer can only count on the help of government supervision and control authorities, which must conduct an inspection of the trading enterprise in the event of complaints. Representatives of the service organize sanitary-epidemiological and other types of examination, during which the compliance or non-compliance of the product with consumer characteristics is revealed.

Guarantee period

This is a period of time during which the buyer has the opportunity to identify significant defects in the product that were not identified during the purchase process and make demands on the manufacturer of the product. Information about the warranty period can be seen directly in the documentation relating to the sales deed. This can be either a separate warranty card or notes in the contract. Moreover, very often the warranty period in the technical passport of the product differs from the period on warranty card, which is a hidden scam by a store that wants to save itself from unnecessary worries by shortening the warranty period. This trick only works on uninformed buyers, but knowledgeable buyers legal terms people know that the only correct warranty period is from the manufacturer, and not from the seller.

There are cases when the warranty period is not specified in the technical documentation. You can find out by contacting the manufacturer; fortunately, nowadays there are many ways to communicate. If warranty period the manufacturer does not provide this type goods, then usually the seller sets a warranty period of six months, and for real estate objects two years. There are precedents when the warranty period assigned by the seller was less than six months, but the law is merciful to consumers in this situation. If the buyer can prove that the goods sold were already defective, then within six months he has the right to count on compensation for damages. The same time frame (six months) is established for goods that do not have a warranty period (neither the manufacturer nor the seller has assigned one).

The warranty period begins to count from the moment the purchase and sale is completed, and not at all when the product leaves the assembly line. If defects in the product are discovered before it is transferred to the buyer, the latter has the right to free repair or exchange of the product. If the buyer has chosen free repairs, then he should be aware that the time required for repairs is not included in the warranty period. Even more than that: the warranty “does not tick” from the very moment the buyer contacts the service center and writes a statement of claim. If the buyer prefers to exchange the goods, then the guarantee for new product is counted again.

The buyer should be aware that when transporting defective goods to a service center or store for repair, delivery costs are paid by the seller or service center. However, this only applies to those goods whose weight exceeds five kilograms. But refusal to reimburse transportation costs in territories where there is no representative office of a store or service center is unlawful, since the seller is obliged to pay the costs to the buyer after delivery of the goods.

Free delivery also applies if a similar product is provided to the buyer for a period of time warranty repair purchased product. Buyers often forget or do not know about this right to provide goods free of charge during the repair period, and cunning sellers often take advantage of this. If you back up your demand for the provision of goods for the period of repair with a written statement, then the effect will simply surprise you. The store will provide you with the goods within three days, and will do its best to “adjust” the repair process to service center, because the seller will be interested in returning the goods to you as soon as possible. However, this rule does not apply to the following groups of goods:

  • 1. Cars, motorcycles and other types of motor vehicles, trailers and numbered units for them, except for goods intended for use by disabled people, pleasure craft and watercraft
  • 2. Furniture
  • 3. Electrical household appliances used as toiletries and for medical purposes (electric shavers, electric hair dryers, electric curling irons, medical electric reflectors, electric heating pads, electric bandages, electric blankets, electric blankets)
  • 4. Electrical appliances used for heat treatment products and food preparation (household microwave ovens, electric ovens, toasters, electric boilers, electric kettles, electric heaters and other products)
  • 5. Civilian weapons, main parts of civilian and service firearms.

Article 5.
Rights and obligations of the manufacturer (performer, seller) in the field of establishing the service life, shelf life of the product (work), as well as the warranty period for the product (work)

1. For a product (work) intended for long-term use, the manufacturer (performer) has the right to set a service life - the period during which the manufacturer (performer) undertakes to provide the consumer with the opportunity to use the product (work) for its intended purpose and bear responsibility for significant deficiencies that arise through his fault.

Durability indicators characterize the ability of a technical product to maintain operability over time until the onset of a limiting state, when it loses its operability with an established system of maintenance and repairs.

The list of durability indicators used is as follows:

T r – average resource, i.e. average technical resource up to overhaul;

T pγ - gamma percentage resource;

T rn - assigned resource;

T r.u- installed resource;

T sl - average service life;

T slγ- gamma-percentage service life;

T sl.n- assigned service life;

T sl.u- established service life;

T sp- service life before decommissioning of the product or maximum service life.

The concept of “resource” characterizes durability, based on the operating time of the product, and “service life” – based on calendar time.

The initial data for calculating the resource, the procedure for its calculation and statistical evaluation, as well as the procedure for adopting the required resource of products are regulated by the methodological instructions MU10-71 “Industrial Products. Definition of a resource." M.: Standards Publishing House, 1972.

Since the resource is understood as the total operating time to the limit state, its indicators are determined using formulas similar to the MTBF formulas.

Average product life - this is the mathematical expectation of its resource. The statistical estimate of the average resource is:

Where T r- resource i-th object;

Ν - number of products delivered for testing or commissioning.

Gamma percentage resource expresses the operating time during which a product with a given probability γ percent does not reach the limit state. Gamma percentage life is the main calculation indicator, for example, for bearings and other products. A significant advantage of this indicator is the possibility of its determination before the completion of testing of all samples. In most cases, the 90% resource criterion is used for various products.

Probability of resource provision T pγ, corresponding to the value γ /100, is determined by the formula

Where T r- operating time to the limiting state (resource);

γ is the number of products (%) that do not reach the limit state with a given probability.

The value of the gamma percentage resource is determined using resource distribution curves (Fig. 23).

Assigned resource- total operating time, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

Figure 9 – Determination of the gamma percentage resource value:

A And b– curves of resource loss and distribution, respectively

Under established resource , is understood as a technically justified or specified value of resource provided by the design, technology and operating conditions, within which the product should not reach the limit state.

Average service life - mathematical expectation of service life. A statistical estimate of the average service life is determined by the formula: , (5.22)

Where T sl- life time i-th product.

Gamma percentage life time represents the calendar duration of operation during which the product does not reach the limit state with probability γ, expressed as a percentage. To calculate it, use the relation

. (5.23)

Designated service life- the total calendar duration of operation, upon reaching which the use of the product for its intended purpose must be stopped, regardless of its technical condition.

Under specified service life understand the technically and economically justified service life provided by the design

Figure 10 - Typical product surface wear curve

ruktion, technology and operation, within which the product should not reach its limit state.

Limit service life T cn represents the calendar duration of operation or use of the product until its decommissioning and decommissioning (use). It is determined in the same way as, for example, the average service life is determined.

It is known that The main reason for the decrease in the durability of a product is the wear of its parts.

By wear and tear is the process of gradual surface destruction of the material of machine parts as a result of friction of other parts, solids or particles against them. It is known that the wear resistance of a material depends not only on the properties of this material, but also on many conditions under which friction occurs. These conditions (factors) include: properties of the conjugate body, properties of the intermediate medium, temperature on the surface, etc.

Figure 10 shows a typical curve of wear characteristics depending on the duration of testing or operation of products

Wear is characterized by three periods:

1. Period primary wear or the running-in period, when a transition occurs from the initial state of the friction surface to a relatively stable state. During the running-in period, the wear rate decreases over time, approaching a certain constant value characteristic of the period of steady wear.

2. Period steady wear, under constant operating conditions of the rubbing surface, is characterized by a constant wear rate.

3. Period accelerated wear and tear .

The results of wear tests and observations of pluses during the operation of equipment are usually expressed in relative quantities.

Relative wear resistance:


where Δ l e - linear wear of the standard,

Δ l m - linear wear of the material of the tested product (sample or part);


E = Δ G e/Δ G m,

where Δ G e - weight wear of the standard,

Δ G m - weight wear of the material of the tested product (sample or part).

Wear can be assessed not only by relative characteristics linear wear, but also by the relative change in the volumes of the standard and the test object.

In practice, wear resistance (wear) is often assessed at absolute values such as mm/km, mm 2 /hour, etc.

Three groups of factors have been established that influence the type and intensity of wear on the surface of machine parts: 1 - factors that determine externally mechanical effects on the friction surface; 2 - characteristics of the external environment; 3 - factors associated with the properties of rubbing bodies.

Specific factors of the dimensional group are: a) type of friction (rolling, sliding); b) the speed of relative movement of the rubbing surfaces; c) the magnitude and nature of pressure during friction.

The main factors of the second group associated with external environment, are: a) lubrication; b) gas environment (air, aggressive or protective atmosphere); c) the presence of abrasive (solid) particles on the friction surface.

For administrative use

Ex. No.

GOST RV 15.702-94

For administrative use

Ex. No.

GOST RV 15.702-94








Official publication



1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2. ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 31, 1994 No. 83.


This standard may not be reproduced in whole or in part,

replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the State Standard of Russia

1 area of ​​use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.

3. Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.

4. Designations and abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

5. General provisions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.

6. The procedure for establishing assigned indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.

7. The procedure for extending assigned indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.

Appendix A Scheme for selecting the nomenclature of assigned indicators

Appendix B Title page decisions on carrying out work on

extension. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.

Appendix B Title page of the program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 18.

Appendix D Title page of the conclusion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 21.

Appendix E Cover page of the decision on the extension of appointments

indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.


System for developing and launching products



Date of introduction 1995---01---01


This standard applies to samples (systems, complexes) military equipment, their components and components for cross-industry applications, materials and substances (hereinafter referred to as products), for which the technical documentation (TTZ, TOR, KD) establishes the assigned resource, service life, shelf life, transportation distance or duration, including number before repair, re-preservation or write-off (hereinafter in the text - assigned indicators).

The standard establishes general requirements for the organization and procedure for carrying out work to establish and extend the assigned indicators of products.

GOST 2.503-90 ESKD. Rules for making changes

GOST V 15.501-90 SRPP VT. Operational and repair documentation for VT. General requirements to nomenclature, structure, content, presentation, design, publication and methods of making changes.

GOST 27.002-89 Reliability in technology, Basic concepts, Terms and definitions

GOST 27.410-87 Reliability in technology, methods for monitoring reliability indicators and plans control tests for reliability.


This standard uses terms in accordance with GOST 27.002


The following symbols and abbreviations are used in this standard:

T r..n. - assigned resource;

T r..n. R. - assigned resource until repair of a certain type;

T r..n. sp. - assigned resource before write-off;

T sl..n. - assigned service life;

T sl..n.r. - designated service life before repair of a certain type;

T sl..n.sp. - designated service life before decommissioning;

T hr..n. - designated storage period;

T hr..n. PC. - designated storage period before reconservation;

T hr..n. sp. - designated storage period before write-off;

L so-called - assigned transportation range under given conditions;

t so-called - assigned duration of transportation under given conditions;

TD - technical documentation;

Spare parts - spare parts, tools and accessories;

TK - technical specifications;

TTZ - tactical and technical task;

KD - design documentation;

ED - operational documentation;

ND - normative documents;

R&D - development work;

TU - technical conditions.


5.1. The establishment of designated indicators is understood as a set of works carried out by organizations and enterprises of the customer, developer and manufacturer, based on the results of which the values ​​of the assigned indicators are established in technical specifications, technical specifications and design documents for products.

5.2. Extension of assigned indicators is understood as a set of works carried out by organizations and enterprises of the customer, developer and manufacturer to determine the possibility of operating products outside the values ​​of assigned indicators established in technical specifications, technical specifications and design documentation, development and implementation of measures to ensure the operation of products for the extended period.

5.3. The assigned indicators must ensure the possibility of timely implementation of measures to maintain the required technical level and quality, combat readiness and effectiveness of products, planning orders and deliveries of products, spare parts for them, as well as forced cessation of operation of products, based on safety requirements for human life and health, security environmental or technical and economic considerations.

5.4. Upon reaching the established value of one of the designated indicators, the operation (storage) of the products is stopped and one of the decisions is made:

Continued operation of products (with positive results of work to extend the assigned indicators);

Sending products for repair or re-preservation (for stored products;

Transfer of products for use for another purpose before they are written off or disposed of.

5.5. The required values ​​of the assigned product indicators are provided by:

Creation of the design, including selection components, components, assemblies, parts, materials and substances that maintain the main indicators of quality and reliability within the required values ​​of the assigned indicators;

Development (selection) of product manufacturing technology that ensures full implementation of design solutions;

Operation of products in strict accordance with the requirements of the customer’s ED and ND regulating operational issues;

Carrying out necessary modifications and repairs of products in accordance with the requirements of the relevant design and repair documents.

5.6. The assigned indicators of products are confirmed by carrying out the necessary theoretical and experimental studies using the results of calculations, testing of prototypes and production samples (including accelerated methods), leading operation of the samples, as well as the results of the operation of analogues and prototypes of products.

5.7. The establishment and extension of assigned indicators is carried out in accordance with the requirements of this standard, taking into account the features and specifics of creation and operation specific types products.

5.8. Disagreements related to the establishment and extension of assigned indicators are resolved by higher-level organizations according to the subordination of the parties.


6.1 Assigned indicators are established based on purpose

products, physical principles of their operation, design features, conditions of use, predicted technical level, quality and reliability, as well as operating experience of prototypes and analogues of products.

6.2. The assigned indicators based on the customer’s studies, research and development work, preliminary projects by industry and taking into account the achieved (expected) level of durability and storability of similar products are specified in the technical specifications (TOR) for implementation of R&D and based on the results of the design and development work, they are entered into the design documentation: (specifications for products and ED).

6.3. In the general nomenclature of assigned indicators, four types of assigned indicators are distinguished:

Assigned resource indicators ( T r..n., T r..n. R., T r..n. sp.);

Assigned service life indicators ( T sl..n. , T sl..n.r. , T sl..n.sp.);

Assigned storage metrics ( T hr..n. , T hr..n. PC., T hr..n. sp.);

Assigned transportation indicators ( L so-called t so-called).

Assigned indicators ( T r..n. R, T r..n. sp., T sl..n.r. , T sl..n.sp. , T hr..n. PC., T hr..n. sp.) refer to indicators that are specified by the type technical solution.

Assigned indicators ( T r..n. , T sl..n. , T hr..n. , L so-called , t so-called) refer to indicators that are not specified by the type of technical solution.

6.4. By agreement between the customer and the product developer, along with the general range of assigned indicators, it is allowed to use other assigned indicators that take into account the specifics of specific types of military equipment.

6.5. The selection of the range of assigned indicators is carried out on the basis of the classification of products according to the following criteria:

The nature of the main processes that determine the transition of products to the limiting state;

Availability of data for products on the dynamics of technical condition and reliability of their analogues and prototypes during operation;

Possibility of restoring the resource (service life) of products by carrying out scheduled repairs of a certain type;

The method of restoring the resource (service life) of products during scheduled repairs of a certain type;

Criticality of products to external influencing factors (mechanical, climatic, etc.) characteristic of the adopted (intended) method of transportation

6.5.1. According to the nature of the main processes that determine the transition to the limiting state, products are divided into:



Aging and worn out at the same time.

Note – When classifying products according to the indicated characteristics, the characteristics of the purpose of the products, operating conditions and modes of operation, data on the reliability of analogue and prototype products are used.

6.5.2. Based on the availability of data on the dynamics of technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes, products are divided into:

Having data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes;

Having no data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes.

6.5.3. If it is possible to carry out scheduled repairs of a certain type of product, they are divided into:



6.5.4. Based on the method of carrying out scheduled repairs, products of a certain type are divided into:

Repaired in an impersonal way;

Repaired in a non-impersonal way.

6.6. The range of assigned product indicators is established in accordance with Appendix A.

6.7. For products, several assigned indicators can be set, specified by the type of technical solution.

6.8. The designated shelf life (including before write-off, before re-preservation) is established for products whose transition to a limiting state is possible as a result of aging processes.

The designated shelf life is established for products in the absence of data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of their analogues and prototypes under storage conditions.

The designated storage period before write-off is established for products if there is data on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of their analogues and prototypes under storage conditions.

The assigned shelf life before re-preservation is established for products whose preservation uses materials and substances whose assigned service life (protection period) is less than the assigned shelf life before decommissioning of the products.

6.9 The designated range and (or) duration of transportation under given conditions are established for products whose external influences are characteristic of the adopted (intended) method of transportation and are limiting.

The choice of the designated transportation distance or duration is carried out taking into account the possibility of measuring the transportation distance (duration) during operation with the required accuracy.

For individual products, by agreement between the customer and the developer, both of these designated indicators can be set.

6.10. If the products include components, components, materials and substances that are not replaced during operation, for which assigned indicators have been established, all corresponding indicators of the same name must be established in the technical specifications (TOR) and design documentation for products over high level downsizing down to the product as a whole.

Example– The following designated indicators have been established for the components, components, materials and substances of some complex product:

For solid fuel - the designated shelf life;

The turbine has an assigned resource.

Replacement of solid fuel and turbine during operation is not provided. No other designated indicators have been established for components, components, materials and substances.

In this case, for the product as a whole, along with other assigned indicators, the following must be established: an assigned shelf life and an assigned resource.

6.11. If necessary, but in agreement with the customer, for various modes and operating conditions, the design documentation establishes the corresponding values ​​of the assigned indicators and provides the distinctive characteristics of these modes and conditions.

6.12. By decision of the customer, agreed with the developer and manufacturer, it is allowed to establish preliminary values ​​of individual assigned indicators indicating the stage of development, production or operation at which the values ​​of the indicators should be clarified, as well as to revise previously established individual values ​​of assigned indicators upward or downward, if this is confirmed by the results of operation.

6.13. The values ​​of the assigned indicators of components, components, materials and substances used in products must be no less than the corresponding values ​​of the assigned indicators of the products as a whole.

In justified cases, by agreement with the customer, the products may contain components, components, materials and substances (for refurbished products - from among those that are replaced or included in reserve groups, for non-restored products - only from among the components and components, included in reserve groups), for which assigned indicators are set with values ​​less than the same indicators for the product as a whole. In this case, the design documentation for products, including technical specifications and ED, contains a list of such components, components, materials and substances indicating the values ​​of the assigned indicators.

6.14. During operation, the operating time (service life, shelf life) of components, components, materials and substances for which assigned indicators have been established must be taken into account.

When components, components, materials and substances reach the established values ​​of the assigned indicators, one of the decisions must be made in accordance with 5.4.

6.15. If the products include reserved components, components for which a designated resource or service life has been established, the corresponding assigned indicators for the products as a whole must be established taking into account the nature of resource consumption (service life) of the components and components included in the reserve group.

6.16. When establishing the values ​​of assigned indicators, requirements for methods must be determined, technical means and accuracy of operating time measurement.

6.17. The operating time of products (batch of products) is calculated from the moment of its acceptance by the customer’s representative.

The customer's representative enters the operating time during acceptance tests into the ED for the products he accepted.

The service life and shelf life are calculated from the day (date) of acceptance of the products by the customer’s representative.

The distance (duration) of transportation of products is calculated after their acceptance by the customer’s representative from the moment the transportation begins.


7.1. Extension of assigned indicators is carried out for specific type products or individual batches of them, combined by the period of their manufacture (commissioning), taking into account operating conditions, safety requirements for human life and health, and environmental protection.

Work to extend the assigned indicators is carried out for the fullest use of the resource, service life and shelf life of products in order to save material and financial resources.

7.2. Work to extend the assigned indicators is planned and carried out taking into account the following levels of product disaggregation:

Samples (systems, complexes) in general;



Materials and substances.

In each specific case, the composition of the levels of product disaggregation at which the necessary research is planned and carried out is determined taking into account:

The magnitude of possible material, technical and financial damage in the event of an erroneous decision to extend, in which the products may reach limit states within the established value of the assigned indicator;

The actual technical condition of product samples for which it is planned to establish new values ​​of assigned indicators, assessed based on the totality of all available a priori information for the period of work planning (including the results of architectural and technical supervision);

The expected costs for carrying out work to extend the assigned performance of products.

7.3. The relationship and mutual obligations of the developer, manufacturer and customer for the period of extension of the assigned indicators beyond the values ​​initially established in the TD are determined by a joint decision to extend the assigned indicators of products.

7.4. With new values ​​of assigned indicators established as a result of work to extend them, full compliance of all product quality indicators with the requirements originally established in the TD must be ensured.

In justified cases, it is allowed to reduce individual product quality indicators to a level determined by a joint decision of the customer, developer and manufacturer.

7.5. In general, work to extend the assigned indicators of products in operation (storage) (hereinafter referred to as work to extend the assigned indicators) includes:

Development, coordination and approval of a decision to carry out extension work, a program with a work schedule;

- carrying out the work provided for by the program, analyzing the information received and results, carrying out the necessary technical and economic calculations and assessments, developing a technical solution on the possibility of extending the assigned indicators, developing partial and final conclusions based on the results of the work performed;

Preparation, coordination and approval of the decision to extend the assigned indicators and the action plan to ensure the operation of products for the extended period;

Implementation of the measures provided for by the decision to extend the assigned indicators.

Note - In justified cases, it is allowed to develop only a work schedule instead of a program.

7.6. Work to extend the assigned indicators is organized by the product developer or customer in accordance with the terms of the contract for the performance of work to extend the assigned indicators.

7.7. Work to extend the assigned indicators is carried out by:

Manufacturers of products;

Product developers;

Leading industrial enterprises by type of equipment;

Customer organizations.

7.8. Manufacturers of products:

Conduct an assessment of the technical condition of dismantled components, components, materials and substances;

Conduct tests of components, components, materials and substances;

Conduct a generalization and analysis of data on the quality and reliability of products based on test results, information on complaints, and the technical condition of products;

Participate in the development of methods for assessing the technical condition and testing of products carried out in the interests of extending the assigned indicators;

Develop conclusions based on the results of the work performed.

7.9. Product developers and (or) parent companies by type of equipment:

- develop methodological documents for carrying out work to extend the assigned indicators provided for by the program (methods for assessing the technical condition of products, testing, forecasting, developing solutions for extending the assigned indicators);

Conduct a generalization and analysis of information on the dynamics of the technical condition and reliability of analogues and prototypes of products;

Analyze statistical data on the reliability of products, the results of assessing the technical condition of products and their tests;

Predict the technical condition and reliability of products;

Conducting an assessment economic efficiency extension of assigned product indicators;

They develop a technical solution on the possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned parameters of products;

Develop conclusions on the possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned indicators of products.

7.10. Customer organizations:

Develop methodological documents for the implementation of work to extend the assigned indicators, the implementation of which, in accordance with the program, is provided for in operating organizations or in the customer’s repair departments (methods for studying the technical condition of products, operation and assessment of the technical condition of lead or leading samples, test launches and firing, etc.). d.);

Carry out the work provided for by the program, the performers of which they are identified;

Develop conclusions based on the results of the work performed;

Conduct a technical and economic examination of conclusions on the possibility of extending the assigned indicators of products developed by industrial enterprises.

7.11. The organizer of the work to extend the assigned indicators (the developer or customer of the products in accordance with clause 7.6.) develops a solution for carrying out work to extend the assigned indicators.

The decision must indicate the developer of the work program to extend the assigned indicators and the deadline for completing its development.

The decision may provide periodic conduct works to extend the assigned indicators during the operation of products in order to gradually increase the values ​​of the assigned indicators.

In this case, separate decisions on carrying out work for each subsequent stage are not made.

The decision to carry out work to extend the assigned indicators is agreed upon with the developer and manufacturer of products as a whole, with the customer’s organizations, as well as with the developers and manufacturers of those components, components, materials and substances for which the assigned indicators are established in the TD, and is approved by the customer.

Work to extend the assigned indicators must be planned and carried out in such a way that a decision on the possibility of extending the service life of products is made before they reach the established values ​​of the assigned indicators.

The form of the decision to carry out work to extend the assigned indicators is given in Appendix B.

7.12. The program of work to extend the assigned indicators is developed by the product developer or the enterprise that holds the original design documents. In general, the program may include the following types of work:

Development, if necessary, of organizational and methodological documents for implementation individual works to extend the assigned indicators;

Collection, analysis and summarization of information available at the beginning of work on the durability and shelf life of products for which the assigned indicators are extended, as well as domestic and foreign products of a similar type or design and technological design;

Assessment of the technical condition of products at the site of operation and repair;

Testing products in general according to special programs and methods and assessing their technical condition during and after testing;

Disassembly (dismantling) of products into components and components and assessment of the technical condition of components, components, materials and substances dismantled from products;

Conducting tests of components, components, materials and working substances according to special programs and methods and assessing their technical condition during and after testing;

Forecasting the technical condition of products for the extended period and making a decision on the possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned indicators;

Assessment of the technical and economic efficiency of extending the assigned indicators of products;

Development of reporting documents (partial and final conclusions) based on the results of work performed;

Development of a draft decision to extend the assigned indicators with an action plan to ensure the operation of products for the extended period.

The program is agreed upon with the work performers, the customer and approved by the product developer as a whole.

If the program provides for the execution of work and the preparation of conclusions by the customer’s organizations, the work program is approved by the product developer as a whole and the customer.

The form of the work program to extend the assigned indicators is given in Appendix B.

7.13. In each specific case, the choice of types of work to be included in the program is determined by:

Purpose of products;

Design and technological features of products and features of their placement at the operation site or in the carrier object;

Conditions and modes of operation and storage of products;

The number of product samples that make up the operational fleet;

Actual and required operating time, service life, shelf life, range or duration of transportation of products;

Expected costs for performing work to extend the assigned indicators.

7.14. The possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned indicators is assessed based on:

Initial and additionally received information about the reliability and technical condition of products during the designated resource, service life, storage period and during transportation to the designated distance (time);

Results of forecasting the reliability and technical condition of products for the extended period;

The results of the technical and economic analysis of the work carried out to extend the assigned indicators.

7.15. As initial information for assessing the possibility and feasibility of extending the assigned indicators, in the general case, the following data obtained at the stages of development, manufacturing and operation of products is used:

The results of the work carried out to substantiate the values ​​of the assigned indicators established in the design documentation for products;

Results of calculation, computational-experimental and experimental assessment of durability and storability indicators during development, testing and operation data in accordance with GOST 27.410;

Information about new ways and methods of ensuring the durability and preservation of products;

Data on product modifications and changes carried out technological process manufacturing products aimed at increasing durability and shelf life;

- results of controlled and (or) trial operation, including those specifically carried out in order to determine the actual values ​​of the resource, service life, shelf life, distance (duration) of transportation of products;

Reliability data technical services and repairs, collected during operation in accordance with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents on information systems on product reliability.

7.16. To predict the technical condition of products, methods based on:

Using data on changes in technical condition and diagnostic results of components and components during operation;

Testing dismantled components, components, materials and substances in laboratory conditions, including accelerated ones.

Forecasting methods are selected taking into account:

Features of the purpose, principle of operation, design, manufacturing technology of products, conditions and modes of operation, maintenance and repair during operation;

Required accuracy and reliability of the forecast.

7.17. Reporting documents based on the results of work performed are drawn up in the form of conclusions.

The conclusions must be accompanied by protocols with measurement results technical parameters, carried out in accordance with programs and methods for testing and assessing the technical condition of products, and standards for the values ​​of these parameters established in technical conditions for products.

In general, the conclusions are:

Manufacturers of components, materials and substances - developers of components, materials and substances or parent industry enterprises by type of product;

Developers of components, materials and substances or leading industrial enterprises for equipment samples - manufacturers of components and customer organizations - leading for component products;

Developers of components - to the manufacturer of products as a whole;

Manufacturer of products as a whole - to the developer of products as a whole;

Product developer in general - to the customer;

The customer organization – the customer and the product developer as a whole.

Conclusions developed by industrial enterprises are coordinated with customer representatives at these enterprises and approved by enterprise managers.

Conclusions developed by customer organizations are approved by the heads of these organizations.

The conclusion form is given in Appendix D.

7.18. The product developer as a whole, together with the customer, based on the submitted conclusions, develop a draft decision on the extension of the assigned indicators with an action plan to ensure the operation of the products for the extended period.

It is allowed to include in the action plan to ensure the operation of products for the extended period following works:

Replacement of components and components based on the results of assessing their technical condition with products of current production or promising analogues before resuming operation or during operation;

Carrying out repairs of individual components and components before resuming operation in order to restore properties lost by them as a result of wear and aging;

Re-preservation of products in storage;

Clarification of the nomenclature and quantity of spare parts and components contained in spare parts kits;

Clarification of the volumes and timing of technical maintenance and average repairs;

Making changes to the design documentation for products in accordance with GOST 2.503, GOST V 15.501;

Issuance of bulletins for carrying out relevant work.

The draft decision on the extension is agreed upon with the performers of the work provided for in the action plan and approved by the customer.

The form of the decision to extend the assigned indicators is given in Appendix D.

7.19. To carry out individual stages of the extension work, as well as prepare a decision on the extension of the assigned indicators, it is allowed to create an interdepartmental commission. The composition, functions and work procedure of the interdepartmental commission are agreed upon between the customer and the product developer.