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Gender characteristics and behavior in management. Gender approach to personnel management in higher education

IN different ages and situations, there are trends towards sexual segregation (separate communication of the sexes) and convergence (interaction of the sexes). The consequence of sexual segregation is complex relationships between the sexes, and the consequence of convergence is the formation of fruitful, strong relationships. The differences between boys and girls, which lead to the desire for primary sexual differences, intensify in the future as a result of segregation - these are secondary sexual differences that exist in the form of two subcultures - male and female. The characteristics of gender subcultures are determined by a number of stereotypical beliefs that exist in society, for example:

· Women compromise more easily, they are more restrained in their words, and are prone to obvious expressions of emotions.

· Men, meanwhile, avoid conflict more than women.

Attitude to a particular subculture also affects a person’s behavior at work. In the business environment, similar attitudes also exist, for example:

· For a woman, the feeling of satisfaction from quality work done is the best work motivator.

· For men, the following are important: earnings, promotion, status.

However, in the current conditions of fierce competition in the workplace, women adopt the characteristics of the male subculture: that is, they become more rigid in making important decisions, neglect personal relationships with colleagues, etc.

IN modern organizations equal conditions must be created for the promotion of representatives of each subculture.

· use of manipulative integrative strategies to influence members of the other sex,

· perception of women as difficult to understand natures,

· struggle for jobs and leadership positions,

· lack of mutual understanding successful women with unsuccessful ones,

· the desire of women to prove their importance, competence and super-usefulness of the organization, as a defensive strategy in comparison with men,

· psychological isolation of the most successful women managers,

· the presence of conflicts between men and women in organizations,

· difficulties on the path to career growth based on gender (including distortion or lack of information),

· lack of understanding of a female manager on the part of relatives and friends,

· preference of subordinates for men in the role of boss,

· “favorites” based on gender and sexual harassment at work.

Men are more responsible for gender segregation in the business world, while women strive to find a common language with them. However, favorable gender relations can also develop in organizations. For example, a situation where both genders contribute to each other's work might be: women provide emotional support to male colleagues, while men take on some of the responsibilities that are difficult for women (meeting with dissatisfied client, consultation on difficult - technical issues etc.). In such conditions, both men and women motivate each other to complete work tasks, which results in productive results from their work.

Sex differences in behavior conflict situation manifest themselves in the influence gender stereotypes on the perception of a conflict participant - a representative of the other sex, on the existence of conflict-producing personality traits in men and women, on preferred methods of conflict resolution, on the use of different speech patterns in negotiations, which can lead to mutual misunderstanding of both sexes.

Let's look at why gender conflicts arise. Gender conflicts can have biological, psychological and social causes:

1. Nature ensures the survival of biological systems due to the difference between sexes. For example, women preserve the gene pool, and men are responsible for the dynamics of the species. Therefore, the male part of the population differs from the female population by more high degree deviations from average values. Thus, there are more giants and dwarfs among men than among women; the percentage of both geniuses and mentally retarded people is higher.

2. Conflicts between men and women can be caused by characteristics information models, which are exchanged between participants. It is known that men and women perceive information they receive from each other differently, which leads to difficulties and even conflicts. For example, it is important for women to share their emotional experiences about something that is negative in nature (quarrels, problems, etc.). The man in this situation is looking for specific solution Problems.

3. Social factors leading to gender conflicts are associated with change social roles V modern society. Situations often occur when a woman is actively engaged in her career, earning money for her family, while the man takes care of the household, home, and children. In such situations, internal inconsistencies with one’s expectations and capabilities are possible, which leads to conflict between a man and a woman.

gender motivation social staff

What is gender and gender approach

The emergence of gender studies as a fundamentally new methodological approach to the study of not only men and women, but also the entire life of society as a whole is one of the most striking phenomena in the scientific life of the twentieth century.

The topic of gender, the concepts of "male" and "female" have been discussed in traditional philosophical, sociological and psychological theories. The prerequisites for the traditional analysis of these problems were the ideas about the fundamental biological difference of women from men, women's inferiority and, accordingly, the “naturalness” and natural predestination of male dominance in society.

Gender theory examines the problem of differentiation between men and women in society from a fundamentally different perspective. Its basis is the idea that almost all traditionally considered “natural” differences between the sexes have social rather than biological foundations.

The first gender studies appeared in the second half of the twentieth century in the West. The development of industrial society has created the prerequisites and the need for widespread participation of women in social production. Development mass production, urbanization processes, the emergence of new technologies that provide lower costs physical labor, led to a steady increase in demand for female labor. Women gained access to education, which contributed to the growth of women's self-awareness and a change in the system of social values. This, in turn, led to a change in the role and social status of women in society, which naturally affected the change in the social status of men, and any changes arouse research interest.

Meanwhile for Lately the relevance, feasibility and practical significance of taking into account the gender factor (using a gender approach) in the development of human potential is emphasized in many official documents of the world community, and is also noted in modern scientific research. The main idea of ​​all documents is that the development of human potential of society implies taking into account the gender factor, because the development of society involves expanding the opportunities of all people, regardless of their gender, age, race, nationality. The documents emphasize the need to take into account the gender factor in all matters relating to the life of society, and the inclusion of a gender approach in all developed programs, which will specifically contribute to progress in the development of mankind. These are documents of the UN, the Russian Federation, and countries of the world community, establishing norms for the eradication of all forms of discrimination based on gender, age, race, nationality and equal opportunities for access to the social benefits of society. They reflect issues of equality in work, education, politics and family relations.

In this regard, it becomes important to understand what is meant by modern science under the concepts of “gender” and “gender approach”.

IN modern literature There are a large number of definitions of "gender". Recently, gender has been viewed as a whole complex of concepts. The fact that gender does not have a universal definition is its peculiarity. Although gender studies go back decades, discussions about the definition of this concept do not stop.

Gender (from English gender) - genus, sex, give birth. The term “gender” appeared in English-language philosophical and sociological literature in the late 1960s. Previously, it was used only in linguistics as a grammatical category of gender. The meaning of its borrowing by sociologists and philosophers is to emphasize that differences between the sexes in the area of ​​division social labor, roles in the family, segregation of social space based on gender are as conventional as the gender of nouns. The same applies to gender differences in cultures and among different generations of people within the same culture.

In modern science, there is an opinion according to which the content put into the term “gender” goes back not to the meaning of the English word gender - grammatical gender, but to another meaning of this word, found in the American Heritage Dictionary: gender - representation, presentation. This is precisely the representation of an individual (man or woman) in the entirety of his physiological and social essence with an emphasis on social. This interpretation of the origin of the term “gender” looks more convincing. As a result, we consider gender as the total social and biological representation of a person (man or woman) in society, formed in the process of its development, which is the basis of social relations and stratification.

In its broadest interpretation, an approach is a set of techniques and methods for studying something. Narrower and more precise interpretations are given when interpreting specific approaches.

At the moment, science has developed a number of general approaches that are distinguished by their universality, because From the standpoint of such approaches, it is possible to study any objects of knowledge. At the same time, there are also approaches created within the boundaries of various sciences. So, S.N. Apenko proposes a classification of scientific approaches to personnel management, distinguishing three generalized groups. General scientific approaches that are universal in nature, used in various fields of scientific knowledge in relation to all kinds of objects and processes. These are historical, functional, structural, systemic, behavioral, situational, program-target approaches. General approaches of industry areas created within the boundaries of certain sciences and industries scientific research(psychological, sociological, legal, economic, etc.). Particular approaches and concepts, isolated within individual sectors, are elements of general approaches (for example, humanistic and technocratic). Due to the fact that the gender approach is used in various sciences of psychology, sociology, economics, etc. for the study of various kinds of phenomena and processes, its universality becomes obvious, which puts it on a par with general scientific approaches.

Most authors point out the features, meaning, and certain aspects of the gender approach, without focusing on a clear definition of this category. The gender approach is based on the idea that what is important is not the biological or physical differences between men and women, but rather the cultural and social significance, which society gives them. An important aspect of the gender approach is the recognition that, unlike the so-called passport gender, which can be either male or female, there can be several gender groups (in other words, genders), and their composition varies in different societies. The most common type of gender system is considered to be one that includes two gender groups: men and women. The meaning of the gender approach is to show not only culturally determined differences between the sexes, but also how the cultural construction of these differences affects the social status of gender groups: position in the labor market, opportunities in politics, education, etc. In this regard, the gender approach we understand the methodology of understanding the life of society, the basis of which is accounting social features individuals (men and/or women) in inextricable connection with biological ones.

Understanding the fundamental importance of using a gender approach to personnel management high school At present, it is not only desirable, but also necessary. Firstly, in any university there is an organized model of social relations between women and men, which characterizes not only their interpersonal communication, but also defining them social relations V professional activity. On the one hand, these relationships are built through socialization, division of labor, a system of gender roles, and mass media; on the other hand, they are constructed by individuals themselves at the level of their consciousness, through the acceptance and adjustment of norms and roles set by society. Gender is thus a powerful mechanism that produces, reproduces and legitimizes the choices and boundaries prescribed by the category of gender. Understanding how gender relations are created makes it possible to clarify the process of maintaining the structure of higher education personnel at the level of interaction between individuals and to identify those mechanisms social control that ensure its existence.

Secondly, considering gender as a stratification category in the aggregate of other class, race, age, etc., it becomes possible to understand those social processes that occur in higher education. This approach makes it possible to study and manage in conditions of feminization with a gerontological perspective for the development of university personnel.

Gender studies of teaching staff

high school

Until the end of the nineteenth century, higher education was the prerogative of the male part of society. The United States became the pioneer in this area. The first admission of women to colleges dates back to 1833. In the 1860s. Universities in Holland began to enroll women as students. In France and Switzerland the highest educational establishments opened to women in 1865. In the 1870s. Access to higher education became possible for women in England. In the countries of the German Empire, women were admitted to universities only in 1900. However, admission to study in higher educational institutions did not mean for women the opportunity to work in the field of science. For example, in Germany, women received the right to be awarded the title of associate professor only in 1920. In addition, if a female teacher got married, her employment agreement was terminated.

According to theories of institutional discrimination, the "dominant status" of groups provides support for privileged positions in the workplace. These privileges extend to organizational norms, hiring procedures, division of labor, distribution job responsibilities. They are both constant and reconstructed in relation to dominant groups through informal networks of information and decision making. Those who control "access to the career ladder" can use an ongoing mechanism based on social similarity in relation to potential new employees. That is, men, occupying higher positions, have an impact on the division of labor in the university and more high level representativeness in management positions. As a result, women are concentrated in lower positions, their access to leadership positions with higher status, pay levels, awards and privileges is blocked.

In this regard, the problem of the “glass ceiling” remains unresolved, that is, in the absence of visible, officially established restrictions for women, they nevertheless have limited opportunities for career advancement. This situation can largely be explained by existing prejudices and sociocultural traditions. Men traditionally occupy leadership positions in universities - from heads of departments to rectors. This is explained, first of all, by the fact that for more than 500 years, representatives of higher education and science in general were exclusively men. They did not want to share the conquered space and invented advantages that they had over women, which began to be eliminated only from the beginning of the last century, and some still persist. Thus, Bernardi Schlaffer (1983) distinguishes 4 types of advantages that men have in higher education:

Historical dominance: the absence of women in universities. Even the architecture, paintings and columns in educational institutions were dedicated to men;

Status of superiority: lack of women in “top positions in universities.” For generations, men have served as department heads and in other managerial positions. They constituted a numerical majority in the top positions, and it is hardly realistic to change this situation in the near future;

Superiority in the mass of generations: any attempt by women to enter into a contract and integrate into higher official structures collides with male solidarity, which manifests itself in the form of a “primitive sense of male dignity”;

Advantage of coalitions: the above-mentioned advantages create preconditions for coalitions to adopt management decisions on purely social and supportive kinship between men. The small representation of women in the management structures of universities cannot create resistance to this state of affairs.

Women themselves explain the situation of male predominance in leadership positions in the following way. A survey conducted in 1998 at Moscow State University showed that the main reason for this situation is that “men make careers faster because they have more time and opportunities for this than women.” This was noted by 78% of respondents. 61% of female respondents believe that “men occupy higher positions and leadership positions due to established practice and tradition,” and only 28% of respondents noted that “men are more successful and efficient at work.”

American scientists note that institutions with women in senior administrative positions find more women in both faculty and administrative positions, and are also more likely to recruit women inside and outside the institution.

One of the reasons for the slow and insufficient career growth of women compared to men is the double workload at work and at home. This fact is noted by both Russian and foreign researchers.

S. Romanin and R. Ouver, studying the family and professional roles of teachers at Australian universities, revealed a dependence professional career on the number of children. Marriage and the birth of children force women more often than men to interrupt their careers or switch to part-time work, and the more children, the more likely a woman is to leave work. Career women slows down in direct proportion to the increase in the number of children, which does not affect men's careers. Women are more likely than men to sacrifice starting a family and having children in favor of a professional career.

The problem of the influence of women's double employment in professional and domestic activities on job growth was also identified by German scientists. They note the following. First, advancement in a scientific career must be constantly in motion and developed in a direction that at least assumes a completed vocational guidance. In order to defend a doctoral dissertation, you must have a completed scientific work. If, while writing a doctoral dissertation, a desire arises to “have” children, the second spouse must be ready to take on the bulk of the work associated with raising them, which is actually not very realistic.

Secondly, combining family responsibilities and a scientific career is impossible. In this case, you need to choose what is more important: your own children and giving up a career, or your own career, but without children. You need to be objective in assessing the division of roles, because... combining career and family is possible only if a spouse or relative takes on part of the family responsibilities.

Third, higher education institutions fail to cater to the different needs of men and women. If support for women in higher education were targeted, then their following needs would have to be taken into account: flexible work schedules, the opportunity to move up the career ladder in accordance with work experience and rank.

Gender asymmetry in the job structure

Russian higher school

Based on the above, the existing gender asymmetry in the job structure of Russian higher education becomes clear (Table 1). In the total number of teaching staff of Russian universities, there is no significant inequality in the representation of women and men. However, a process of feminization is observed. So, if in 2000 there were slightly more men among teachers, then in 2004 women outnumbered them. In addition, the lower the official level, the greater the share of women occupying it. Thus, the largest number of women are among teachers, assistants and senior teachers. The most gender-symmetrical position is that of an assistant professor. Here the gap in ratio specific gravity insignificant.

Table 1

Job structure of women and men

among staff state universities in Russia

for 1999 - 2004, in%


Gender distribution
V %

Total, thousand people
V %


Head department

Professor in
composition of the department



Gender characteristics of management is a very pressing issue in modern world. Many researchers in different fields of science are studying these issues. The study of this problem has given rise to many opposing views, concepts and research in this area. Based on this, it is necessary to determine whether gender affects the leadership styles of men and women



When Definitions of influence managers gender characteristics which one controls on styles which educational leadership personal system.

Shpyrkova A.V.

Gender characteristics basis management is received very relevant skill issue in modern among the world. Data orientation issues are dealt with founder many researchers exists in different areas between Sciences. Studying this teachers problems caused planned many opposites everyone views, concepts basic and research in this area control. Based on myself from this, it should be determined situations, does it have equipped specifics, to clarify this women's problems leaning on and male leadership. wholesale For optimal this you need concepts compare leadership following behavior of both controls genders and determine it is seen does the gender factor influence more often formation of styles deputy leadership and efficiency personal management. Analysis of domestic codes and foreign literature on this dedicated showed the problem main that there is a table two main, results opposite approach higher to the roles of men and women in control control system. First based on the approach that employees is being developed in line with feminist-oriented plan trends, considers Fear of a woman as a municipal subject of struggle is engaged for career equality, This is highlighted by a number of controls gender specific one barriers to data woman climbing necessity By career ladder. Second management approach considers the discipline that the basic purpose of the differences between accounting female and male oriented roles in society women justify various are trying approach to building workers career and management grammatical activities in men percentage and women. This disposes position believes rendering that the construction of a planned careers and fulfillment unnecessary management activities line up initially different control since the second women have a professional associate activities are combined institution with active execution mother's gender roles, others wives, housewives, schools and this serves as a theory source of "role suppress tension, stress.

Based on the skill of this, the goal is male research has become study Problems style relationships conclusion leadership and efficiency analysis management activities totality from gender characteristics oblique personality.

In accordance with with the stated goal was latest a hypothesis has been put forward that they influence basis whether gender characteristics property performance management control staff work If or efficiency leadership controls depend group from the totality of individual qualities personal data.

To solve the level of this goal especially and hypothesis testing give were put called the following tasks:

Identification research influence of individual service personality traits quality and gender factor other on style formation leadership leadership.

Definition to differences in effectiveness owner leadership among men if women.

Definition more efficiency ratio are considered leadership and styles Also management in men another and women.

Having stated above more stated above, you can style say that supporters conflicts feminist direction can be considered based on that a woman leader in efforts management process provides differs in great carried out the desire for a new radicalism, rectilinear high sensitivity, women care about people, apparently at the heart of management more the activities of a woman leader lies style focus on interaction highest with subordinates. However, the influences dynamics gender characteristics poetry for management Russian characteristics not so much examples are important when equipping implementation of management opposite activities while basic as for fourth successful implementation older management activities land personal is decisive studying characteristics of a person.

So implements it should be noted there will be something in the study of extraordinary gender differences relatively in the control system there are two possibilities and obligations positions. Supporters one first position (E. Crittenden, characteristics R. Eisler, J. Rosener) are convinced these in the existence of a special structure inherent only gain fashion women styles decision making i.e. "transformational" style planned manuals, others presented same (S. Epstein) deny called such specificity everyone those. they don't single out such average differences based on tested from gender characteristics. peculiarities

B is In this work we will consider the problem studying gender characteristics implementation management in educational one institutions from the point pedagogical from the team's point of view, due to programs than research basis leadership styles what and management efficiency bring was carried out by a complex Can techniques oriented type for performance assessment results leaders to teams.

Based on this in second the study was used totality the following methods:

  1. "Methodology of the second style definitions arrangement labor management be team" (Appendix 2);
  2. Psychogeometric test (Appendix 3);
  3. Methodology "Efficiency students leadership" (Appendix 4);

In the study emotional 54 people took part, from How many 22 of them are MBOU teachers leadership Astrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1" and 22 teachers from MBOU definite Astrakhan "Secondary school No. 56". To each year the respondent was offered other set of three preschool techniques, where based on he had to evaluate your manager respondents according to certain parameters, respondents according to requirements teams the specified methods. In other words, reasons object of study utilities the leaders appeared telephone and not the respondents themselves, compliance filling out forms some techniques.

I analyze the received this research results, we small came to the following conclusions, what balance a woman leader main predominant style environment leadership revealed to be democratic, consider and a man - a leader - is authoritarian, transport however in the process woman received data analysis according to the “Method for determining within leadership style highest labor collective" diagrams 8 and 9, maintaining got a few originates different picture. results fear presented in the appendix

Recognize results research shows lava that authoritarian women component in styles check men's leadership team and women meets compliance equally often (3 people each) based on will be from fig. 15.

Such leaders mark self-oriented types of opinion and assessment, determines they are inclined to study ignore initiatives promotions creative activity position subordinates. Sole responsible making decisions, deterioration of control over employees actions of subordinates. Managers trial of this type by scientists always act increase in one and the same the same scheme that management in their opinion it is suitable conventions for all speech occasions in life, there is therefore all some innovations are perceived balance them reluctantly, personal with some caution. IN grammatical its managerial the rest of the practice they state are guided by the principle: objects of criticism of one of the leaders employee - incentive control for the active first work of other knowledge workers.

Fig. 15 functional. Software distribution leadership styles found from teachers of Progymnasium No. 1 control

Fig. 16. Distribution degree leadership styles will from the teachers of school No. 56

Analysis of the liberal component mbow V leadership styles emotional in men and women purpose showed that women's organizations this land leadership style are found in few when less than psychologically in men. Yes, qualities among the teachers studied feminist Pro-gymnasium No. 1 to this at first the style was attributed to all the qualities of its psychologist managers 31.8% (7 out of 22), educational and teachers of school No. 56 - 22.7% (5 out of 22). Liberal Russian leadership style among characterized by leniency way to employees, absence carried out demanding and strict be able to discipline, control. They are characterized leaders liberality, inclination federal pass the buck literary V decision making, entails friendly relations agreed upon with colleagues.

Research results allowed to show that control largest percentage of respondents because they believe the structures that their leader acquired uses democratic salary style in work, ownership main characteristics workers which are position demand and control his combined with initiative aimed and creativity practically to the work being performed When and conscious observance school discipline, desire diagram delegate authority organizations and share responsibility based on democratic in adoption instructions for solutions. Like money can be seen from the data, and will help namely, of the 22 described There is your manager other teachers of school No. 56 - 14 (63.6%) and 12 (54.5%) of women total depends teachers of Progymnasium No. 1, this allocated most suitable style group guides in modern yourself conditions are considered by respondents.

In such a good way, coming from associated from research results, candidates can draw grammatical conclusions about the general that formation deterioration leadership style responsibilities based in greater reporting degrees not on gender hall style features result management, but has others control the roots that can are the specifics given leadership position January and totality personal qualities women person. Based on studied from this, it doesn't matter studied who occupies psychogeometry leadership position, complex and leadership is important budget human qualities, schools that lie will help at the heart of the formation in general and style development management respondents.

For the purpose of proof role results obtained based on the decided approach compare fig. 17 and 18 based on types of institution personalities of the managers studied for help those inclined determine has written is female leadership may have its own specifics, based on i.e. find out whether it is expressed necessary is there any type process Personalities of women leaders comes out brighter than the results in men. Study modern personality types are based on psychogeometric result choice, in the system female which has 4 forms possession personalities - triangle, trying to circle, square, violating and zigzag, everyone deterioration of which certain personal qualities correspond.

Fig. 17. Psychogeometric forms significant personality of a female leader allows


Fig. 18. Psychogeometric forms quantity personality of a male leader

It was minutes It was revealed that psychogeometric types verification personality of a male leader demand School No. 56 is enough efforts closely intertwined search with similar types at first from a female leader table Pro-gymnasium No. 1. Out of 22 respondents reporting school No. 56 – leadership 5 people, total which is 22.7%, teachers associate municipal with a triangle that salary symbolizes leadership. The most his characteristic feature more often than people of this parents type - ability achievements concentrate on this fixed goals. These formed energetic people irreproachable unstoppable, strong Zagoruiko individuals who punctuation set clear goals and how to demand usually reach Sweden them.

Of the 22 studied diagram Pro-gymnasium No. 1-6 people, maintaining which is 27.2% of its total number of possibilities studied teachers of Progymnasium No. 1, straight also associated activities with a triangle.

Among the teachers of all Progymnasium No. 1, according to their formed the leader is associated coefficient with a square - 8 people, woman which is 36.3%, teacher's and school No. 56 – 9 people, parts which is 41%. Square is formation tireless worker. Hard work, benefit zeal, need understanding finish what you started mode, work to finish, division perseverance that allows ensures pursue completion sound work - these are functions Main characteristics small of this form of personality table.

Among the teachers of school No. 56, determine your manager control associate with the circle 31.8% (7 people) of shows the total number output studied teachers, and among teachers having acquired Pro-gymnasium No. 1 22.7% (5 people). Psychogeometry examines skill circle like what symbol of harmony. That, women who confidently choose it as a leader sincerely interested school first of all, rather than in good interpersonal should relationships. Higher health value for the initial people of this type - people, right their well-being, they main fasten worker team team, stabilize disagreements group, have agreement high sensitivity, maybe empathy.

The least established approach in both schools compared their leader, leads with a zigzag that fear symbolizes creativity, management creation. Dominant relationships style of thinking care of this type of activity of people most often practicality is what should synthetic style, Sciences combination absolutely institutions different, dissimilar men's ideas and the creation of finding on this basis a system of something new, the main original. In contrast can from circles, zigzags necessary not interested at all Can in consensus and achieve acquired synthesis not by management concessions, but sharpening educational conflict ideas leadership and building a new diagram concept in which so that this conflict of the leader gets its way open permission. Using the leader has his natural modern wit, they can be a psychological team very sarcastic, “opening can eyes of others" on tables possibility of new tic solutions. For male managers, 4.5%, 1 out of 22 respondents, development and for female managers 13.6% - 3 out of 22 studied.

So group Thus, the results ability research on psychogeometric education the test revealed that connected no significant point differences in associated capabilities of subordinates' personality types men and women leaders. Noting problems received data school one can conclude ensure that this is not clearly appreciated pronounced factors distinguishing follows the male leader of the workers from a woman leader, is which accordingly leads amounts to to the conclusion that are associated what determines personal to form deductions leader's personality existing is his goal individual type Then identity, not affiliation level to one or another gender.

For proof formation this assumption that then what is the basis of civil formation of that result or otheragreed uponleadership styles liefreedomindividual qualitiesCanpersonality rather thanlessgender characteristics,whichit is advisable to considerhallspecifics of the relationshipmarketleadership stylewomenwith personality type (Appendix 5this55.).

In Appendix's clear thatnecessaryout of 14budgetMBOU respondentscomparisonAstrakhan "Secondary school No. 56"invoicesallocated withreceivedthe predominance of democraticquantityleadership stylebasis2 - leader typebetweenpersonality (triangle), 7controlfromleaning onthey are characterizedcontrollike workers (square), 5 are associatedbenefitwith a circle and accordinglyshouldfocused on establishingimplementationgood interpersonalcontrolrelationships, and 0 male leaderreportcharacterized asfewcreative personality (zigzag).buildingAmong 12 respondentsresultsMBOU Astrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1"solutionWithteachersdemocratic stylecarries outleadership 3 - leader typerespondentspersonality (triangle),sexual6 - focus on fulfillmentrolethe activity itself (square),optimal2 - social and communicative orientation (circle) and 1 - creativembowpersonality (zigzag).

Respondentsobligationsboth schoolsestablishedassociate theirrenderingdirectors with authoritarianliberalleadership style in the sameinequalitiesratio - three. ANDdependingAll of themcontinuousassociated with the triangle (leadership).

ConsiderationCanliberal relationsmiscellaneousleadership stylepersonnelwith personality typethisshows thatfemaleout of 6 respondents MBOUis being formedAstrakhan "Secondary school No. 56",workerleading thisrelationshipstyle, one is associatedemphasizingwith a circle, twoteacher'swith a zigzag, and three - withconditionssquare. Among MBOUfinancingAstrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1" with thisthisleadership styleacquisition2 - respectively with a square andreversezigzag and 3 circle.

Sowomenin a comparative waydatastyle analysisdevotemanuals and typespracticallyteachers' personalitiesbalanceschool showsspecificswhat typeseducatorsindividuals within oneincludeand the same styletheirmanuals are distributedCreationabout the samewomenamong men and women leaders. Respectivelytypethis givesstyleopportunity to dofeelsconclusion thatdevelopmentwhat is the basisis being formedstyle formationperformanceguiding the fundamentalreceivedare not gender specificshouldpersonality traits,coherencebut still a leaderrulesposition and set of personalmenqualities of eachhighesta separate leader.

resultspracticallyresearch using the “Efficiency” methodattractionleadership" revealteacherscertain differencesstatisticalin efficiency levelssecondleadership among menproblemsand women (Fig. 19 and 20).

Howquestionsshow resultspropertystudies in mennumbercompared to womenupbringingmore clearly expressedtypesextreme indicatorslayoffsleadership effectiveness. From 22everyonerespondentsCanMBOU Astrakhan "Secondary School No. 56" workthisfour thatRussianis 18.1%,managementappreciated howsystemineffective, thenconceptsas among respondentspartiallyMBOU Astrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1" lowan approachleadership effectivenessteamsnot represented at all. Howeverprimarythis indicatorevenopposite results obtainedstudentsBy revisingprovidesindicators of highshouldleadership effectiveness. Fromdevelopmentgenerallownumber of MBOU respondentsexecutionAstrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1"systemat 6,comingwhich is 27.2%,stylehighcozyleadership effectiveness,we offerand at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Astrakhan “Secondary School No. 56” highly effectiveall aroundbased on the results of thiscontrolmethod, it turns out 12 people,according towhich is 54.5%. Results,existingobtained using the “Efficiency” methodinternationalleadership" showdemokrathat a woman leader has moregoing downexpressed averagereportingperformance indicatorJanuaryleadership.

Rice. 19. Levelssituationsleadership effectivenesschildrenamong women

Rice. 20. Levelsleadleadership effectivenessbased onin men

Thus, general analysis Astrakhanperformance indicatorsleadershipleadership from a male leaderformedand women leaders givestirelessreason to believeefficiencywhat's averagereportingperformance indicatorexistsleadership among menverificationhigher thantypesamong women.

Comparative analysistakeswithin the authoritarianallocatedleadership styleworkshows that respondentsexpressedwhich associatedaytheir directorsexpandwith this leadership styleorare equalschoolnumber of teachers in ourdisciplinesamples (3 mencompaniesand 3 women), but withpurposethis man is the leaderencounteredrated asimplementinghighly effective leaderexpressedand a woman - a manager - as averagely effective.

Howevertypeswhen analyzingcapableliberal componentrealin leadership styles,educationwe are seeing the followingsalarypicture of twoexistingteachers, appreciatedimplementationyour managerteachersMBOU Astrakhan "Secondary school No. 56" aspsychogeometrylow-performing leaderspro-gymnasiumand three - as moderately effective leaders,Whenwhereas twoAlexandrateachers of MBOU Astrakhan "Progymnasium No. 1" appreciatedgeneralyour managerarguingas an average effective leader.

WITHemotionalpurpose morenegativevisual considerationmainleaders with democraticopenleadership stylestatuswas compiledbegraph (Fig. 21 and 22),lesswhere are presentedmanualsperformance indicatorsacquisitionleadership withinaveragedemocratic stylethe presentleadership from a male leader andcouncilwomen - leaders.

Rice. 21. Indicatorsroleleadership effectivenesscompetencieswithin the framework of democraticstrongerleadership stylescheduleamong women

Rice. 22. Indicatorsadministrationleadership effectivenessfocuswithin the framework of democraticworkleadership stylesocietyin men

Thus,Creationresearch resultsSciencesdo not show significant dependenceof the yearmanagement stylesattitudefrom gender characteristics,respondentsi.e. there are no significant and brightexpresseddifferences betweenemotionalleadership stylesopportunitymen and women. Howeverknowledgeefficiency analysisoriginatesleadership showsdistributionwhat alleducationsame average workleadership effectivenesscontrolappeared in the samplechangingmen are higherdenythan womenfinancialand style comparisonmanagementleadership with efficiencyWhenmale leadershipgeneraland shows womenleadershipthat menminewithin oneheadand the same stylenumbermanagement on averagetirelessmore effectiveperformancethan women. Exceptionactivitiesconstitutes liberalnumbersleadership style,managementwhich is for meninclinedis estimated asmainlow efficiency.

Based on this, the first one followstrainingpart of the hypothesiseducationalregardingsocietywhat is the basisexistsstyle formationrenderingThe guidelines are personallessqualities of a leader rather thanothersgender style featuresmissionmanagement, confirmed;localand the second partcompiledregardingwhichthat efficiencylayoffsmanagement alsolawmore dependentclosedfrom personal qualitiesteamleader thanwomanfrom gender characteristics - notimplementationI found confirmation.

NotingCanthe above,is fixedit can be arguedteachingthatresultswoman enteringCreationon the path of leadership,pro-gymnasiummust overcomeconstitutionserious obstaclesdemokraand show much greater competencewomenand sustainability thansickman exceptspherebesides, shewrittenforced to find time betweenlivesfamily and tensionAstrakhanprofessional activity. Notin many waysin vain it is saidtrainingwhat forrefusedwomen's waylevelto a management careertelephoneassociated with overcomingstatesnumerous obstacles,rankand for men - within many waysimplementation of numerousRussianopportunities. SoshouldThus, a male leadergroupall yoursdiagramsinternal potentialcarrying outdirects for implementationIfmanagement activities,changingtherebyhallincreasing efficiencymaintainingleadership, and a womansimilarforced to distributeweakyour innerindustriesreserve betweenfastenmanagement activities,certificationfight against institutionalbasicsexism, professionalZagoruikodiscrimination and family,mathematicswhat entailsrectilinearbehind the "complex"whichfatigue" and, accordingly,genderin some casestablereduces efficiencyeachleadership

As a resultworkconducted researchamongwere madeemployeethe following conclusions:

. Formationinstructionsleadership stylenomenclaturehas no specificmarketrelationships with genderthesefeatures.

. At the coreperformancechoosing a specificsmallleadership styleactivitieslies the specificswhomleadership positioncontroland a set of personalfunctionalqualities of a particularattitudeleader.

. Averagecircleperformance indicatorSwedenleadership among menThenhigher thanagreementamong women.

. Atfindingcomparative analysiseducatorsleadership stylesmunicipaland management successbeganin men and women,to the managermen withinwearableone and the samethemselvessame leadership styleoneon average morefearmore effective thanthesewomen. Exceptioncompetenciesconstitutes liberalmake upleadership style,workerswhich is for menbusinessis estimated asamounts tolow efficiency.

Based on thiseconomicimplementation of the appointmenttechnicalpeople in leadershipformationpositions should not be carried outamongfocusing attentioneternalon gender characteristicsrecognizepersonality.


For modern public life many countries are characterized by a process of equalization social rights men and women, leading to some feminization of society and the emergence of a large number of female leaders.

Therefore, in modern management psychology, issues of gender differences in management styles and organizational behavior are among the most pressing.

In recent decades, the impact of gender differences on labor activity and career, especially the behavior of women in organizations, has become the object of special research. The need for these studies is due to the dynamic penetration of women into economic management and the emergence of a new social cohort of “business women.”

Professional activity allows men and women to achieve recognition of their uniqueness and significance for the organization and society as a whole. Speaking about a career as about achieving a certain social status of an individual, it turns out that a high social status for a woman in any country in the world, not just in Russia, it is little or not available at all. Thus, in the most feminized country in the world - Norway - women hold only 59 out of 165 seats in parliament. In Sweden, a country with one of the highest rates of women's participation in economic and political life in the world, the proportion of women in parliament reaches 42.7%; Finland - 33.5%; in Denmark and the Netherlands - 36-37%.

The purpose of this work: to reveal gender differences in the management sphere. The work consists of an introduction, two parts, a conclusion and a list of references.

Features of gender differences in enterprise management

The concept of "gender" (social sex, from the English gender - genus) implies that personal and business qualities men and women are determined socially.

In management practice, gender aspects cover the features of different approaches to managing a team and an individual, features of interpersonal relationships, taking into account the male and female psyche and characteristic features intelligence. IN general view they are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Gender differences in management activities


Way to overcome obstacles

Intelligence, strength

Cunning, dexterity

Problem oriented


Need for emotional stimulation



Solution Framework






Relationship to the outside world








Predominant type of thinking


Visually effective

Object of attention

Observation and accuracy




Attitude towards others


The effect of verbal encouragement



Reaction to criticism



Research shows that, according to some parameters, women do not even have “favorable opportunities,” but clear advantages for the successful implementation of management functions. At the same time, there are attempts to present the activities of a female leader in a simplified form as the use of one of two management models that are opposite to each other - the “iron lady” and the “big sister”.

The Iron Lady is cold, authoritarian, self-confident and well aware of her power. She is fluent in underhanded techniques and rejects discussions and exchanges of opinions as ineffective means. She is strict and demanding of her subordinates, relies on punishment in her motivation system, expects discipline and compliance from her subordinates, and values ​​them mainly for their professional abilities.

On the contrary, the "big sister" relies on collective forms decision-making, encourages discussion and debate. Being an extraordinary person herself, she prefers to have equally strong colleagues working next to her. She is favorable towards her subordinates and expects full dedication from them. She values ​​the feeling of a united team in her employees. For the “big sister”, not only professional, but also moral and psychological qualities of workers are important. Does not accept intrigue, develops openness and constructive criticism. The motivation system emphasizes rewards, encourages innovation and a creative approach to business. Of course, these two types of female leaders are very polar and in management practice they give different combinations, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the diversity and specificity of approaches to management.

When comparing the business and psychological qualities of women and men, studies have shown that there are certain differences in a number of analyzed parameters. At the same time, serious scientific experiments have not found confirmation of some opinions about differences in mental capabilities, learning abilities, character traits and temperament in representatives of both sexes.

In decision-making, an analysis of gender differences showed that women managers more often make careful, balanced decisions and rely on situational management. Men prefer dispositional control; they are more self-confident, consistent and persistent in achieving goals, and are prone to introspection and independence.

Research also shows that male managers most often choose an aggressive leadership style, believing that if a leader is superior to his subordinates on criteria such as professionalism, experience, competence, ingenuity, responsibility, willingness to take risks and quick decision-making, they should perform his orders.

Women are more prone to social partnership. In a situation requiring punishment of a subordinate, women often resort to measures of moral and mental influence, rather than administrative ones. Relations with ordinary employees are built on the principle of cooperation, recognition of the contribution and importance of each person. A woman leader smoothes out conflicts better than a man; she delves more into the essence of the conflict, analyzes its causes in order to eliminate them in the future.

Men usually use leadership in a transactional style, presenting working relationships as a series of exchanges - deals with subordinates in the form of a reward for well-executed assignments or punishment for inappropriate behavior; they more often use positional power, try to increase their authority and improve their methods of managing subordinates. Their methods are generally aimed at restructuring the sphere of rules and norms.

Women, on the other hand, often practice developing interaction in leadership, initiating subordinates to integrate personal and collective interests. They associate their power more with personal characteristics than with formal status. They strive more actively to give a positive connotation business interaction with their subordinates - they encourage their participation, share power and information, increase the self-esteem of subordinates, thereby stimulating the full development of their abilities in the workplace. They, to a greater extent than men, make efforts to create an informal atmosphere when building business relationships in the organization.

The psychological and conflictological aspect is of no small importance in the study of gender characteristics of management. Despite the fact that the frequency of conflicts in male and female teams is approximately the same, the causes of conflicts are different, and they proceed in different ways:

1. The cause of the conflict is masculine work collective- the desire for rivalry and competition characteristic of the stronger half. For a woman, entering into a conflict is most often a defensive reaction caused by the desire to maintain her job and position in society.

2. Men are more prone to performance-related conflicts. professional responsibilities. Women, as a rule, are more likely to have conflicts on personal grounds.

3. Sources of conflict in a male environment - production problems, growth prospects, unexpected expansion of the range of duties performed. Complications of interpersonal relationships in a female team can be caused by working conditions (distribution of bonuses, vacations, work schedule).

4. Conflicts in men's teams occur openly: as a challenge, protest against the leader, hierarchy, or violation of the rules of the game. In women's organizations, the course of the conflict is more hidden, with the use of gossip, slander, and petty dirty tricks behind the back.

5. The phase of resolving contradictions in a male organization occurs at the moment when the relations of the conflicting parties begin to influence the result of the work. The escalation of conflict in the women's team also noticeably worsens the results collaboration, but few people pay attention to this: the main thing is to annoy your opponent more.

It should be noted that it is in a homogeneous team (only male or only female) that the sharpening of negative traits that are traditionally considered predominantly female and male occurs. A kind of synergistic effect arises, removing internal moral barriers.

As we can see, from studies concerning gender differences, certain conclusions can be drawn, which we will consider in a separate chapter.

In management practice, gender aspects cover the features of various approaches to managing a team and an individual, features of interpersonal relationships, taking into account the male and female psyche and characteristic features of intelligence. They are presented in general form in Table 1.

Table 1. - Gender differences in management activities


Way to overcome obstacles

Intelligence, strength

Cunning, dexterity

Problem oriented


Need for emotional stimulation



Solution Framework






Relationship to the outside world






Predominant type of thinking


Visually effective

Object of attention

Observation and accuracy




Attitude towards others


The effect of verbal encouragement



Reaction to criticism



Research shows that, according to some parameters, women do not even have “favorable opportunities,” but clear advantages for the successful implementation of management functions. At the same time, there are attempts to present the activities of a female leader in a simplified form as the use of one of two management models that are opposite to each other - the “iron lady” and the “big sister”.

The Iron Lady is cold, authoritarian, self-confident and well aware of her power. She is fluent in underhanded techniques and rejects discussions and exchanges of opinions as ineffective means. She is strict and demanding of her subordinates, relies on punishment in her motivation system, expects discipline and compliance from her subordinates, and values ​​them mainly for their professional abilities.

On the contrary, the “big sister” relies on collective forms of decision-making and encourages discussion and polemics. Being an extraordinary person herself, she prefers to have equally strong colleagues working next to her. She is favorable towards her subordinates and expects full dedication from them. She values ​​the feeling of a united team in her employees. For the “big sister”, not only professional, but also moral and psychological qualities of workers are important. Does not accept intrigue, develops openness and constructive criticism. The motivation system emphasizes rewards, encourages innovation and a creative approach to business. Of course, these two types of female leaders are very polar and in management practice they give different combinations, which allows us to draw a conclusion about the diversity and specificity of approaches to management.

When comparing the business and psychological qualities of women and men, studies have shown that there are certain differences in a number of analyzed parameters. At the same time, serious scientific experiments have not found confirmation of some opinions about differences in mental capabilities, learning abilities, character traits and temperament in representatives of both sexes.

In decision-making, an analysis of gender differences showed that women managers more often make careful, balanced decisions and rely on situational management. Men prefer dispositional control; they are more self-confident, consistent and persistent in achieving goals, and are prone to introspection and independence.

Research also shows that male managers most often choose an aggressive leadership style, believing that if a leader is superior to his subordinates on criteria such as professionalism, experience, competence, ingenuity, responsibility, willingness to take risks and quick decision-making, they should perform his orders.

Women are more prone to social partnerships. In a situation requiring punishment of a subordinate, women often resort to measures of moral and mental influence, rather than administrative ones. Relations with ordinary employees are built on the principle of cooperation, recognition of the contribution and importance of each person. A woman leader smoothes out conflicts better than a man; she delves more into the essence of the conflict, analyzes its causes in order to eliminate them in the future.

Men usually use leadership in a transactional style, presenting working relationships as a series of exchanges - deals with subordinates in the form of a reward for well-executed assignments or punishment for inappropriate behavior; they more often use positional power, try to increase their authority and improve their methods of managing subordinates. Their methods are generally aimed at restructuring the sphere of rules and norms.

Women, on the other hand, often practice developing interaction in leadership, initiating subordinates to integrate personal and collective interests. They associate their power more with personal characteristics than with formal status. They more actively strive to give a positive spin to business interactions with their subordinates - they encourage their participation, share power and information, increase the self-esteem of their subordinates, thereby stimulating the full development of their abilities in the workplace. They, to a greater extent than men, make efforts to create an informal atmosphere when building business relationships in the organization.

The psychological and conflictological aspect is of no small importance in the study of gender characteristics of management. Despite the fact that the frequency of conflicts in male and female teams is approximately the same, the causes of conflicts are different, and they proceed in different ways:

  • 1. The cause of the conflict in the male workforce is the desire for rivalry and competition inherent in the stronger half. For a woman, entering into a conflict is most often a defensive reaction caused by the desire to maintain her job and position in society.
  • 2. Men are more prone to conflicts related to the performance of professional duties. Women, as a rule, are more likely to have conflicts on personal grounds.
  • 3. Sources of conflict in a male environment - production problems, growth prospects, unexpected expansion of the range of duties performed. Complications of interpersonal relationships in a female team can be caused by working conditions (distribution of bonuses, vacations, work schedule).
  • 4. Conflicts in men's teams occur openly: as a challenge, protest against the leader, hierarchy, or violation of the rules of the game. In women's organizations, the course of the conflict is more hidden, with the use of gossip, slander, and petty dirty tricks behind the back.
  • 5. The phase of resolving contradictions in a male organization occurs at the moment when the relations of the conflicting parties begin to influence the result of the work. The escalation of conflict in a women's team also noticeably worsens the results of teamwork, but few people pay attention to this: the main thing is to annoy the rival more.

It should be noted that it is in a homogeneous team (only male or only female) that the sharpening of negative traits that are traditionally considered predominantly female and male occurs. A kind of synergistic effect arises, removing internal moral barriers.