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Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation textbook for motorized rifle sergeants. Main Directorate of Combat Training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

  • Monetary allowance
  • Food supply
  • Clothing provision
  • Medical support
  • § 8. Activities of the commander to ensure the safety of military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • § 9. Accommodation of military personnel undergoing conscription military service in barracks premises. Maintenance and operation of barracks housing stock, fire protection
  • Chapter 3. Organization of internal, guard, garrison and combat services
  • § 1. Organization of internal service
  • The work of the commander and staff of a military unit to monitor the state of internal service
  • Maintenance of the assigned territory
  • Daily outfit
  • Checkpoint equipment
  • Duty officer (orderly) for the company
  • Organization of personnel washing
  • Accounting for personnel in a military unit or unit
  • § 2. Organization of guard duty
  • Selection and preparation of guards11
  • Features of the equipment of the guard room and posts
  • Internal order in guardhouses15
  • Ensuring the safety of weapons and ammunition in guard posts
  • Features of protecting the Battle Banner of a military unit
  • Guard service using technical security equipment
  • Protection of objects by guard dogs
  • Features of the organization and performance of guard duty for the protection and escort of transport with military cargo
  • Organization of security and escort of military cargo
  • Material, household and medical support
  • Control over the organization and performance of guard duty
  • § 3. Organization of combat duty (combat service)36
  • Preparing personnel for combat duty
  • Combat duty (combat service)38
  • § 4. Organization of garrison service
  • Features of the organization of training and garrison service
  • Garrison Military Automotive Inspectorate
  • Chapter 4. Management activities of commanders
  • § 1. General preparation for leadership
  • Advantages and disadvantages of different types of organizational structures
  • § 2. Managerial communication of the commander
  • Some general principles for dealing with difficult people
  • § 3. Prevention and resolution of conflicts
  • § 4. The essence and content of the commander’s managerial activities
  • § 5. Organization of management in a unit (division)
  • § 6. Management of the activities of subordinates
  • § 7. Contents of planning in terms of Requirements for organizing planning in terms of
  • Combat training plan documents
  • Battalion and company planning
  • Chapter 5. Powers of commanders in personnel activities
  • § 1. Activities of commanders when concluding contracts for military service
  • Organization of attracting citizens and military personnel undergoing military service under conscription to perform military service under a contract
  • Activities for concluding a contract
  • § 2. A set of actions by commanders when appointing military personnel to positions, releasing them from positions, transferring to a new place of military service
  • General conditions for the appointment of military personnel to positions
  • § 3. Actions of the commander upon dismissal of military personnel and their exclusion from the list of the military unit
  • § 4. Powers of commanders to assign military ranks to military personnel
  • § 5. Features of recruiting military units with civilian personnel
  • Chapter 6. Organization of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 1. The essence and content of educational work and moral and psychological support
  • § 2. Planning and organization of educational work in terms of
  • § 3. Organization of public and state training in the unit (unit)
  • § 4. Maintaining military discipline in a unit (unit) and its analysis
  • § 5. Actions of the command to organize a search for those who left their unit without permission
  • Chapter 7. Legal basis for the financial and economic activities of commanders
  • § 1. Basic regulatory documents regulating the economic activities of military units Orders of the Minister of Defense
  • Directives of the Minister of Defense and the General Staff
  • Orders of the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces
  • § 2. The procedure and legal consequences of the disbandment (liquidation) of a military unit
  • § 3. Permitted activities of military units aimed at making profit
  • § 4. Real and conventional names of military units and the procedure for their use in economic activities
  • § 5. Military unit as a legal entity
  • § 6. Powers of the commander of a military unit in the field of economic activity. Commander's rights to enter into contracts
  • § 7. Powers of the commander to dispose of the income of the military unit. Features of the activities of subsidiary farms of military units and the distribution of income from their activities
  • § 8. Responsibility of the commander of a military unit for violations in the field of economic activity
  • § 9. Financial activities in a military unit. Payment systems that military units have the right to use
  • § 10. Powers of individual commanders (chiefs) in the field of economic activity
  • § 2. Organization of combat training in a unit, subdivision and analysis of its results

    Combat training is one of the main types of training of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which is a purposeful, organized process of military training and education of personnel, coordination (combat coordination) of units, military units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in in accordance with their purpose. Combat training is the main content of the daily activities of commanders, command and control bodies (headquarters) and troops. It is carried out both in peaceful and war time and is determined by the state’s needs for high-quality trained military personnel, units, units and formations capable of successfully performing the tasks assigned to them.

    The purpose of combat training is to ensure constant combat readiness of troops, achieve, maintain and improve the required level of military-professional training of personnel, their physical endurance, coherence of crews, crews, units, units and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The direction of combat training is determined based on the fundamental provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Fundamentals (Concept) of the state policy of the Russian Federation on the construction and training of the Armed Forces, taking into account trends in the development of military art. It is built on a strictly scientific basis using the experience of wars, armed conflicts and exercises, prospects for the development of organizational forms and technical equipment of troops, as well as the experience of training armies of foreign states.

    The main tasks of combat training are:

    Maintaining high constant combat readiness of units and units to carry out combat missions (missions as intended);

    Instilling in officers, warrant officers, sergeants (sergeants major) solid professional knowledge and skills, developing their commanding qualities, pedagogical skills in training and educating subordinates, as well as skills in managing crews, crews, units, units, formations and fire when performing assigned tasks and their further improvement;

    Training military personnel to independently and as part of crews, crews, units perform their official and special duties during the performance of combat (special) missions and the skillful use of standard weapons and military equipment for combat purposes;

    Coordination of crews, crews, units, units and formations, improvement of their field training; mastering new types of weapons and military equipment, instilling in personnel knowledge and skills in carrying out their maintenance and maintaining them in readiness for combat use, and meeting safety requirements;

    Preparation of units and subunits for participation in armed conflicts and actions as part of joint (multi-departmental) groups to maintain (restore) peace and security;

    Verification during training of existing statutory provisions on the organization and conduct of combat, development of new methods of combat use of troops;

    Coordination of command and control bodies (headquarters) of subunits and units, training them in the ability to control troops in various environmental conditions and carry out measures to ensure the survivability of command and control bodies (headquarters);

    Training military personnel to strictly and accurately comply with the requirements of laws and general military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; instilling in personnel high moral and combat qualities, a sense of responsibility for the defense of the Fatherland, vigilance, discipline, diligence, and military camaraderie;

    Developing among personnel high psychological stability, courage and determination, physical endurance and dexterity, ingenuity, the ability to overcome the difficulties of combined arms combat, the ability to endure physical and psychological stress in difficult environmental conditions;

    Training military personnel to comply with the norms of international humanitarian law and rules of conduct during warfare (during armed conflicts);

    Ensuring reserve training; development of means and techniques for improving methodological systems of training and education, individual methods taking into account the specifics of troops, the peculiarities of training military specialists of various profiles;

    Further development and specification of the content of training and education in accordance with ongoing changes in the life of society and its Armed Forces, taking into account the improvement of weapons and military equipment, methods of combat operations, and the need to constantly increase combat readiness.

    The following basic requirements are imposed on combat training:

    Achieving the required result (level) of training, i.e. clear determination by commanders (chiefs) of the goals and objectives of combat training and ensuring the required training results for military personnel, troops and command and control bodies (headquarters) at all stages of their training;

    Consistency in the training of all categories of trainees. It means coordination of training of military personnel, troops and command and control bodies (headquarters) on goals, objectives, content of training, place and time of events, ensuring joint training of military branches and special forces;

    Rational use of the educational material and technical base for combat training and the cost-effectiveness of conducting combat training activities, i.e. operation of combat training facilities with maximum load, their uniform loading throughout the academic year (training period), their timely maintenance and improvement, comprehensive economic justification for the feasibility and necessity of conducting combat training activities at training material and technical base facilities;

    Introduction of advanced, scientifically based training methods into the combat training process, representing active and purposeful use of new effective forms, methods and means of training, constant improvement of combat training methods.

    When organizing and conducting combat training events, the following principles are strictly observed:

    Compliance with the direction of training and education of the state ideology, the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation;

    Ensuring constant combat readiness of units and units to carry out combat missions as intended, regardless of the duration of their training;

    Teach troops (forces) what is necessary in war;

    Each commander (chief) trains his subordinates;

    Visualization and maximum approximation of training to the situation of real combat operations; systematic and consistent learning, i.e. learning “from simple to complex.” This principle in the practice of troops is implemented in three directions: structural, organizational and methodological.

    A. The structural direction involves building combat training “from the soldier,” that is, the first stage of training should be individual training. After this, the coordination of squads (crews, crews), platoons, companies (batteries, battalions, divisions), and regiments is carried out sequentially. Coordination of a larger military formation should begin only after the coordination of the units included in its composition has been completed.

    B. The organizational direction presupposes a clear division of the functions of officials and control bodies at various levels in organizing and managing combat training. Squad (crew, crew) commanders, platoon and company commanders are the immediate leaders of combat training. Battalion (division) commanders are the organizers of combat training. The regimental control level is also entrusted with methodological guidance and comprehensive provision of combat training. In this case, the center of combat training is the company (battery).

    B. The methodological direction of combat training means the consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities in trainees. At the same time, knowledge is transferred (communicated) in the form of lectures, conversations, stories, film and video screenings and practical actions of troops. Skills are developed through training, training, shooting, and driving exercises. Skills are formed mainly in those forms of training where the main method is practical work. This primarily applies to tactical and tactical-special exercises and exercises. Thus, a story, demonstration, training, exercise, practical work act as a methodological basis for the implementation of the principle “from simple to complex.”

    When organizing and conducting combat training events, the following principles are observed:

    Scientific nature of teaching;

    Collective and individual approach to learning;

    Consciousness, activity and independence of students;

    Unity of training and military education.

    A high level of combat training is achieved:

    Knowledge by commanders (chiefs) of the real state of troop training;

    Timely and specific formulation of tasks;

    High-quality and targeted planning of combat training activities;

    Continuous, flexible and operational management of combat training, personal participation of commanders (superiors) in planning combat training activities and training subordinates;

    Strict implementation of the daily routine, plans and schedules of classes, excluding disruptions and postponements of classes, separation of personnel from combat training;

    Timely preparation and comprehensive provision of classes, the right choice forms and methods of training, using recommendations from military pedagogy and psychology;

    The applied nature and practical orientation of training for military personnel;

    Effective use of educational material and technical base, its development, improvement and maintenance in good condition;

    Skillful organization and conduct of methodological work in military units, constant search for new forms and methods of training military personnel, improving the methodological skills of training leaders, generalization and dissemination of best practices in training military personnel;

    Purposeful and continuous educational work and skillful organization of competition during classes; constant monitoring of the progress of unit training and efficient work management bodies (headquarters) to provide assistance to subordinates; analysis of achieved results and timely summing up of results with each category of trainees;

    Comprehensive logistical support for combat training, full provision of established standards of allowance to military personnel.

    Combat training includes: single (individual) training of military personnel; preparation (coordination) of units (military formations), units and formations; preparation (coordination) of management bodies (headquarters).

    Single preparation- training of sergeants and soldiers after their arrival at the unit (training unit). The purpose of single-unit training is to give military personnel the knowledge, instill skills and abilities (master military specialties) necessary to perform duties in combat, when handling weapons, military equipment and performing daily service. Single training of sergeants and soldiers, including those serving under contract and female military personnel, includes:

    Initial (combined arms) training of military personnel, including those who entered military service under a contract for the positions of sergeants and soldiers;

    Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities for the position held (military specialty);

    Studying the basics of training and education of personnel, developing leadership qualities among sergeants; admission of sergeants and soldiers to independent work on equipment, carrying out combat duty (duty) as part of crew shifts;

    Preparation and passing tests for assignment (confirmation) of class qualifications, mastering a related specialty; preparation for actions as part of duty shifts, crews, teams, units (military formations).

    Individual training- maintaining and improving, during the coordination of crews, crews, units (military formations), the knowledge, skills, professional skills and qualities of officers, warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers necessary for them to perform official and special duties in accordance with their position. The goal of individual training for military personnel is their complete and high-quality mastery of training programs, official and special responsibilities for their positions, and the achievement of the highest qualifications.

    Individual training is provided:

    Officers, warrant officers, sergeants - in the system of commander training, during planned classes and training with weapons (weapons), on combat and special equipment, simulators and other objects of the educational material and technical base;

    Soldier - during scheduled classes and training in subjects of study in the scope of general military training and training in a military specialty.

    Training of crews, crews, units (military formations) and military units is carried out in order to ensure their constant readiness to conduct combat operations in any situation in accordance with their combat mission. It is carried out during their sequential coordination (combat coordination) in conditions as close as possible to combat ones.

    Coordination is the training of military personnel in coordinated actions as part of duty shifts, crews, crews, teams, units (military formations) with subsequent training as part of a military unit and formation to perform combat (special) missions as intended.

    Training of management bodies (headquarters) is carried out in order to ensure their readiness for planning combat operations, training and controlling troops in any situation, as well as resolving issues of interaction and comprehensive provision. This training includes: individual training of officers and warrant officers of the control body (headquarters); training of support units of the management body (headquarters); coordination of combat command and control groups and the command and control body (headquarters) as a whole.

    Combat training system is a set of interrelated elements that form a certain integrity and unity, functioning in the interests of training and military education of military personnel, coordinating command and control bodies and troops for conducting combat operations or performing other tasks in accordance with their purpose.

    The elements of the combat training system are:

    Central bodies of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, defining the goals, objectives, structure and main content of combat training;

    Military command and control bodies (services, branches, military districts, formations, formations) directly responsible for managing combat training, the conduct of its activities and its comprehensive support;

    Crews, crews, units, units, formations and their control bodies (headquarters) with whom training is carried out;

    Organization of training;

    Subjects of training, i.e. a set of tasks, techniques, standards, the implementation of which is trained by military personnel, units, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    Forms and methods of training military personnel, coordinating units, units, formations and their command and control bodies;

    Training material and technical base for combat training;

    Material, logistics, financial, technical support for combat training activities.

    All elements of the combat training system are interconnected and organically interact with other training and support systems of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    The most important condition for the effective functioning of the combat training system is the skillful and competent use of training forms and methods. various categories military personnel, taking into account the peculiarities of the functioning of military teams.

    The form of training represents the organizational side of the educational process. It depends on the purpose, the composition of the trainees and determines the structure of the lesson, the place and duration of training issues, the role and specifics of the activities of the leader, his assistant and trainees, the use of elements of the training material and technical base, training and combat equipment. Forms of training are divided into general and specific.

    General forms of training can be classified according to the following criteria:

    a) according to the focus of training - theoretical and practical;

    b) on the organization of students - collective, group, individual;

    c) by location - classroom and field;

    d) according to place in the service process - educational-planned, service-planned, off-duty.

    Curriculum-planned forms of training are typical for theoretical, practical and training sessions, live firing and missile launches, exercises, and war games conducted during scheduled classes. Service-planned forms of training are implemented on park maintenance (park) days and days of routine maintenance, during scheduled safety briefings, special briefings and meetings. Extra-curricular (extra-curricular) - when organizing classes in technical circles, at conferences, various kinds of competitions, competitions, etc.

    The main forms of training are:


    Conversation (story-conversation);

    Class-group lesson;


    Show activity;

    Briefing (instructional lesson);

    Training (training);

    Staff training;

    Command and staff training;

    Tactical flight;

    Group exercise;

    Tactical drill;

    Loss (situational loss) of actions;

    Tactical (tactical-special) occupation;

    Instructor-methodological lesson;

    Comprehensive training;

    Complex lesson;

    Field exit;

    Command post exercise;

    Tactical (tactical-special) exercise;

    Combat training launch;

    Control lesson (test lesson);

    Competition (competition).

    Each form of conducting classes provides one or more teaching methods. Training methods are techniques and methods by which the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities, the development of high moral and combat qualities of personnel are achieved, coordination (combat coordination) of crews, crews, units, military units and their command and control bodies is ensured ( headquarters).

    In combat training they are used in various combinations following methods training:

    Oral presentation educational material;

    Discussion of the material being studied;

    Display (demonstration);


    Practical work (in the field, in parks);


    The teaching methods indicated are general. They are used in training military personnel of all branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military branches and special forces. The specifics of the activities and training of military personnel of various categories and specialties, units, units, formations, command and control bodies (headquarters) determine the use of combat training and special training methods in practice. They are interconnected with general methods that form the basis of the corresponding methods for mastering a particular military specialty.

    Each form and method of teaching and upbringing corresponds to different types of activities. They depend on the subject of training, targets, educational issues, category of students, educational and methodological support and material support. The choice of form and method of training depends on the level of training of personnel, the topic and purpose of the lesson, the availability and condition of the educational material and technical base.

    Specific forms of training are associated with the specifics of the activities and training of military personnel of various categories and specialties, units and determine the use of special training methods in the practice of combat training.

    The organization of combat training is a purposeful activity of commanders (chiefs) and command and control bodies (headquarters), aimed at building the process of training subordinate troops and their command and control bodies, as well as preparing combat training activities.

    Combat training is organized based on the requirements:

    Laws of the Russian Federation;

    Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation concerning issues of military development and functioning of the Armed Forces;

    Resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation defining (clarifying) certain issues of the activities of the Armed Forces;

    Orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation concerning issues of training the Armed Forces and their performance of tasks as intended;

    General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

    Combat manuals and manuals;

    Organizational and methodological instructions for the training of troops in the academic year, regulations, manuals, instructions, programs and training courses for various categories of military personnel, units, which determine the tasks of combat training and requirements for it, the organization and content of combat training, as well as issues of its comprehensive provision;

    Orders on combat training of commanders-in-chief of types (branches) of troops, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders (commanders) of associations (formations, units); orders and instructions for conducting inspections, final inspections and control classes; collections of standards for combat training.

    The head of combat training is the commander. Commanders (chiefs) of all levels carry out leadership of combat training personally, through subordinate headquarters (services) and combat training bodies.

    Organization of combat training includes:

    Making decisions on organizing combat training;

    Combat training planning; coordination of developed documents and submitting them for approval;

    Setting tasks and communicating the necessary planning documents (or extracts from them) to subordinates;

    Monitoring the organization and progress of combat training, assessing its results, promoting best practices in troop training; management organization.

    When organizing combat training, the state of combat training of troops is taken into account. This involves clarifying the topics of classes in individual subjects of training, the number of trainings, exercises performed for each category of trainees, as well as the redistribution of training time on poorly mastered subjects and topics of classes, other combat training activities, taking into account the tasks facing the units (units, formations).

    When organizing combat training, such indicators as the staffing of units (units) with personnel, military equipment and weapons are taken into account; the level of general education and pre-conscription training of military personnel; the availability and timing of the entry into service of new military equipment and weapons, which make it possible to better plan the main activities, rationally distribute training time, develop the most acceptable forms and methods of training, as well as effectively and efficiently distribute ammunition, motor resources and other material and technical means.

    The presence, throughput and removal of field educational material and technical base facilities largely determine not only the quality of training, but also the consumption of motor resources, fuels and lubricants, and other material and monetary resources. When organizing combat training events, such forms and methods of conducting training sessions are used that would make it possible to minimize the time spent on transitions (moving) during training. The time spent traveling to training facilities and moving when changing training places is used to conduct incidental training and work on individual issues and standards for combat training.

    Analysis and correct use of the results of inspections, final checks and control exercises when organizing combat training allows commanders (chiefs) to consolidate the achieved results, determine ways to eliminate shortcomings and rise to a higher level in combat proficiency.

    Making a decision to organize combat training begins with understanding and assessing the initial data and defining the plan and consists of studying the governing documents and tasks set by senior commanders; analysis of the results of current and final control, reports and proposals of subordinates; assessing the conditions for organizing and conducting combat training in the current academic year or training period; clarifying the degree and quality of staffing of subordinate troops with personnel, weapons, combat and special equipment; analysis of the state and capabilities of the educational material and technical base, the availability of financial resources for organizing and conducting combat training events, and living conditions. Commanders (chiefs) must begin this work in advance at all levels of command, without waiting for the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the training of the Armed Forces, organizational and methodological instructions for training troops in the academic year, the decision of the senior commander and the order of the commander of the military district, the decision on the organization combat training of the immediate superior.

    Based on the results of understanding and assessing the initial data, appropriate conclusions are drawn and specific activities are outlined that must be taken into account when organizing combat training (Diagram 1).

    Scheme 1. Sequence of the commander’s work in making a decision on combat training

    In relation to units, the plan for organizing combat training defines: the main focus in training troops and their command and control bodies in the current year (training period); the order, methods and sequence of training (coordination) of military units (units, military personnel), command and control bodies (headquarters); basic issues of troop training management.

    Subsequently, the commander informs the officers directly subordinate to him about the instructions he has received from senior commanders, announces the plan and assigns tasks to the chief of staff, deputies, and chiefs of the military branches and services for their preparation of proposals. The commander's instructions must be fairly specific and targeted. The degree of detail depends on how fully the initial data is understood, and on the preparedness of management officers. Hearing of proposals can be carried out both at a meeting and individually. The content of proposals should reflect issues related to the most important combat training activities.

    Based on an understanding of the requirements of the governing documents, a comprehensive assessment of conditions, plans and consideration of proposals, the commander makes a decision on the organization of combat training, which is the basis of planning.

    The decision to organize combat training reflects: goals and objectives of combat training and methods of their implementation; the procedure for preparing subordinate troops and their command and control bodies to carry out combat missions as intended and training personnel; measures to comprehensively provide combat training; activities for the management of training, education and strengthening of discipline.

    The goals and objectives of combat training are determined based on the requirements of governing documents, specific tasks facing the unit (subdivision), taking into account the actual conditions of the organization and implementation of combat training in the current academic year (training period). Specific and realistic goals and objectives not only determine the objectivity of planning, but also serve as a clear guideline indicating the main directions of activity of commanders and superiors of all levels.

    When determining the procedure for preparing subordinate troops and their command and control bodies to carry out combat missions for their intended purpose and training personnel, first of all, the timing and procedure for working out issues of personnel actions on combat alert, bringing subunits and units to various degrees of combat readiness are outlined.

    In the future, the sequence and timing of individual training and coordination of units and units will be clarified; conducting live firing; number and types of combat training competitions; the procedure for the withdrawal of units (units) to training centers; the procedure for joint training, including with units and units of other types and branches of the military.

    When determining measures for the comprehensive provision of combat training, the procedure for using the facilities of the training material and technical base, including those of other departments, the expenditure of motor resources, ammunition, imitation, money allocated for combat training is outlined, the order of construction and improvement of training facilities and the order of their assignment to units.

    When determining issues of combat training management, measures are determined to provide assistance to subordinate units and exercise control. A special place is given to demonstration, methodological and control classes, summing up and setting tasks, and the work of integrated control and assistance groups.

    The commander announces the decision made to his deputies, staff, heads of military branches and services and sets tasks for the immediate development of planning documents.

    Combat training planning consists of the collective work of commanders (chiefs) and staffs to determine and coordinate in detail the place and time of combat training activities and its comprehensive provision, with a graphical display of the most optimal system of sequential training of personnel, coordination of troops, command and control bodies, for the conduct of combat operations in various environmental conditions, studying standard weapons, military and special equipment, methods of using them in battle. The basis for planning combat training is the decision to organize combat training.

    Planning should be real, simple, visual and provide: A complex approach to solve combat training tasks; maximum use of educational and training facilities and high intensification of classes; using the experience of wars and armed conflicts, achievements of domestic science and technology, advanced experience in the methodology of organizing and conducting classes and exercises.

    Planning documents should be convenient for everyday use as a working document. When developing plans, all activities are mutually linked and coordinated with each other, and it is planned that they will be carried out evenly throughout the entire academic year. The number of planned events and activities, as well as their sequence, should be based on the level of training of the troops and the actual availability of time.

    Coordination of combat training activities with the activities that determine the daily activities of the troops means careful coordination of ongoing combat training activities with the tasks that are carried out by the troops on a daily basis. These include: combat duty, guard, internal and garrison services; holding park days; placing equipment into storage; daily maintenance of weapons and equipment; performing necessary household and other work. The tasks performed by the troops in their daily activities should not complicate or disrupt the implementation of planned combat training activities.

    In a military unit, planning begins with the receipt of combat training guidelines within the time frame established by the commander (commander, chief) and must be completed no later than November 15. All combat training planning documents must be developed taking into account the provisions of the standard month.

    Training plans are approved: military units - before November 15; battalions and their equals - until November 20. Class schedules in companies (batteries) are approved and communicated to personnel by November 25.

    The system of work of the commander of a military unit and headquarters when developing planning documents for a new academic year provides for a certain sequence of their organizational and practical activities and includes a number of interrelated stages.

    First stage - assessment of the state of combat training of a military unit (units), completeness and quality of problem solving in the current academic year.

    Second phase - studying and in-depth understanding of the tasks set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the commander-in-chief (commander) of a branch (branch) of troops, the commander of a formation, the commander of a formation for the new academic year.

    Third stage - determination of initial data for planning.

    Fourth stage - developing a plan for training a military unit in the new academic year.

    Fifth stage - announcement to the main officials of the military unit management and unit commanders of the plan for preparing the unit in the new academic year and setting planning tasks.

    Sixth stage - organization and development of planning documents, their approval.

    Seventh stage - reconciliation of plans and their approval.

    Plans, after approval by a superior commander (chief), are mandatory for implementation by all personnel and become a program of actions coordinated by commanders, headquarters and services in terms of tasks, time and means. All adjustments to the plan are carried out only with the permission of the person who approved it.

    Combat training activities are planned on the basis of the order of the formation commander “On the results of troop training in the __ year and tasks for the __ year” and the division training plan. The regiment is developing: a combat training plan; order “On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for __ year (training period”; calendar plan of main events for the month; summary schedule of classes for the month (week); schedule of classes for commander training with training groups of officers and warrant officers.

    The training plan for a military unit includes the following sections:

    1. Mobilization preparation:

    1) according to the plan of the senior superior;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the military unit.

    2. Combat training:

    1) according to the plan of the senior superior;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the military unit: training of personnel; training of governing bodies; preparation of units (units).

    III. Events Everyday life and activities: ensuring combat duty; training management activities; training activities; work in departments; work with personnel; restoration and repair of weapons and military equipment; capital construction, repair and redeployment of military units and units; other events.

    IV. Reporting procedure and deadlines.

    The following annexes are being developed for the regiment training plan:

    Composition of training groups and calculation of hours for command training of officers and warrant officers;

    Calculation of hours for self-training of officers and warrant officers;

    List of topics, their content, distribution of reinforcement means and consumption of motor resources for tactical (special tactical) exercises and training;

    List of training sessions for specialists and their timing; list and timing of competitions, competitions, reviews and competitions;

    List and timing of sporting events;

    Calculation of allocation of motor resources for training;

    Calculation of ammunition allocation for preparation;

    Calculation of provision of preparation activities with fuels and lubricants.

    The work of planning combat training in a regiment begins with the preparation of a plan form, in which the activities carried out by senior commanders are first entered. It is advisable to include these events and the timing of their implementation sequentially in all sections of the combat training plan, after which the chief of staff, based on the commander’s decision, clarifies the timing of tactical (special tactical) and other exercises, the sequence of training topics in training subjects. The chief of staff carries out this work with the involvement of deputies, heads of military branches and services, who, together with the headquarters, develop the relevant sections of the plan, taking into account their specialty.

    At the same time, deputy commanders, heads of military branches and services, and other officers involved in planning, based on the decision of the commander and instructions from the chief of staff, complete the development of the relevant sections of the military unit training plan and its annexes. With the development of one or another section of the plan, as a rule, corresponding applications are developed in parallel (Scheme 2).

    D The detailed development of a combat training plan begins with the clarification and development of the “Combat and mobilization readiness” section, which is usually developed personally by the commander with the involvement of the chief of staff.

    Scheme 2. Algorithm for developing a combat training plan and appendices to it (option)

    The direct development of subsequent sections of the plan and its annexes is carried out by officers allocated for this purpose under the leadership of the chief of staff, who organizes and coordinates the work of all executors.

    The officers assigned to develop the plan and its annexes, based on the decision of the commander and the instructions of the chief of staff, make the necessary calculations, coordinate the planned activities, and make entries in the prepared forms of the plan and its annexes. In addition to staff officers, officers from the military branches and services are involved in developing individual sections of the plan and appendices to it.

    The development of sections of the plan usually begins with checking the completeness of the measures previously included in them from the decision of the commander and senior commanders, and identifying missing measures.

    The development of the “Personnel Training” section is carried out on the basis of the calendar of an approximate typical month. At the same time, commander training is planned on certain weeks and days of the month, freeing up the rest of the time for exercises, shooting, and trips to training centers.

    Fire, tank-infantry, fire and unit control training are planned on the days of commander training.

    In the future, tests and independent work of officers are planned.

    Planning for the training of warrant officers is carried out in the same sequence as for officers.

    The training of sergeants is planned only in the training plans of regiments and their peers. At the same time, training sessions are usually planned before the start of each training period. When planning the training of female military personnel, it is necessary to take into account that the training of female specialists holding the positions of officers and warrant officers should be carried out in classes in the appropriate groups for command training of officers and warrant officers. For women holding sergeant and enlisted positions, special training sessions must be planned as part of regular units.

    Simultaneously with the second section of the combat training plan, the application “Composition of training groups, list of topics and calculation of hours for command training of officers and warrant officers” is being developed. Then, in accordance with the command training programs, the relevant commanders develop a thematic calculation of hours in training subjects for each category of trainees. After the development of this application, the application “List of gatherings of specialists and their timing” is being developed.

    The section “Training of command and control bodies (headquarters)” is developed by the chief of staff with the involvement of assistant chiefs of military branches and services, and in the unit - personally by the chief of staff of the unit. Simultaneously with the development of this section, an application is being developed with a list of topics and the distribution of reinforcement equipment for command post exercises and training.

    The development of the section “Training of units (units)” must begin with planning activities carried out by senior commanders, tactical (tactical-special, special) training for all units and subunits, including military branches. In this case, special attention is paid to planning tactical live-fire exercises. Subsequently, measures are determined for the training of military branches and educational work; driver training and marching; conducting drill reviews, mass sports performance reviews; competitions and competitions in combat training.

    Fire training planning is carried out in units where fire training activities for units are specified. They are closely linked to tactical (tactical-special) training.

    Planning of technical training is carried out only in terms of combat training of the battalion and its equal units by the deputy commander for weapons, indicating standards and practical work.

    Planning of vehicle driving training is carried out by the deputy unit commander for weapons together with officers of subordinate services. He, together with headquarters officers, is developing an appendix to the plan “Calculation of the need for ammunition and motor resources for combat training.”

    In parallel with the development of this section of the plan, corresponding applications are being developed.

    The section “Events of daily life and activities” is developed by the chief of staff and deputy commanders with the personal participation of the commander. At the same time, the activities and terms of work of unit management officers are first determined to monitor and assist commanders of subordinate units in organizing and conducting classes and exercises, strengthening discipline, comprehensively ensuring the training and education process, etc. These activities are planned so that they are carried out purposefully, taking into account the importance of the tasks being solved in the unit (subunits), and are carried out, as a rule, by complex groups under the leadership of the commander or his deputies.

    In addition to plans for the academic year (period), the regiment develops a calendar plan for the main events for the month, which not only specifies the timing of individual events, but, most importantly, details the procedure for ensuring the main events, and sometimes additional events are planned in order to ensure the high-quality implementation of the main tasks of the month.

    The calendar plan for the main events contains the main tasks and activities that ensure their implementation for a given month, indicating specific deadlines, responsible performers, involved units, locations, and is developed on the basis of the unit preparation plan. The peculiarity of this document is that it includes only those events in which several units, services participate, or the preparation and implementation of which require the direct participation of commanders and staffs.

    In addition, the following are being further developed: a work plan to strengthen discipline and improve the service of troops; plan for the construction and improvement of educational material and technical base; plan for technical training (additional training) of drivers and other automotive service specialists; plan for comprehensive counteraction to foreign technical intelligence; training plan for class specialists; plan for rationalization and inventive work.

    The heads of the military branches and services of the unit develop service work plans for the academic year, which reflect: the activities of senior commanders and the work procedure of departments (services) for their implementation; activities of the head of the military branch (service) for the training of subordinate units and units in their specialty; timing of tactical (tactical-special) exercises and training, control exercises with subordinate units; thematic calculation of hours for individual companies (platoons) and equal units of military branches and special forces for the period of training according to the service profile; timing and procedure for attracting units of military branches to combined arms tactical exercises; timing of entry to the training grounds and organization of training at them; thematic calculation and timing of the command training of your subgroup, demonstration, instructor-methodological and other classes with officers of the military branches (sergeants) in the specialty, organization of self-training with them; the procedure for training high-quality specialists for the service; the procedure for logistical, technical and financial support for combat training activities of service units, the creation and improvement of educational and material base for the service profile; measures to strengthen discipline and improve the service of troops; management of training and education of subordinate units.

    the following are being developed: a battalion training plan; composition of training groups and calculation of hours for command training of officers; schedule of classes on commander training with training groups of officers, warrant officers, sergeants; calendar plan of main events for the month; summary schedule of classes for the week.

    The training plan for a battalion and its equivalent units is a long-term planning document, drawn up for the training period and includes the following sections:

    I. Combat and mobilization readiness:

    1) according to the plan of the senior superior;

    2) according to the plan of the commander of the formation (military unit).

    II. Mobilization and combat training.

    III. Mobilization preparation:

    1) according to the plan of the senior superior;

    2) according to the plan of the battalion commander.

    IV. Combat training:

    1) according to the plan of the senior commander: training of management bodies; commander training; tactical (special tactical) exercises, etc.;

    2) according to the plan of the battalion commander: commander training; single (individual) training; training of units; competitions, shows, competitions.

    V. Activities of daily life and activities: ensuring combat duty (duty); training management activities; other events.

    The section “Combat and mobilization readiness” includes the procedure and timing of combat readiness classes with battalion personnel, combat readiness training, activities to study mobilization resources, the procedure for monitoring the state of combat and mobilization readiness in battalion units (checking the availability, condition and accounting of weapons and military equipment, materiel; training of officers, warrant officers, sergeants).

    The section “Mobilization and combat training” includes the timing, procedure for training, command and methodological classes conducted in the battalion (its equal unit); single (individual) training; training of units (coordinating units, performing firing (launching) and driving exercises, live firing, tactical exercises, tactical drills on materiel during a field trip); competitions, competitions and competitions and planned costs.

    The section “Events of everyday life and activities” includes activities to ensure combat duty (duty), the timing of activities for the management of combat training: summing up and setting tasks for combat training, conducting control classes, tests and drill reviews, control and final inspections, control and assistance measures, other activities.

    Thematic calculation of hours for the training period is developed in accordance with the combat training programs of various categories of military personnel in all subjects of training.

    The composition of training groups and calculation of hours for command training of officers includes: composition of training groups; general and thematic calculation of hours for subjects of study separately for each of them. In the battalion and its equal units, only a group of platoon commanders is created with the involvement of warrant officers holding officer positions.

    General and thematic calculation of hours for command training is developed on the basis of command training programs for officers and warrant officers.

    The schedule of command training classes with training groups of officers, warrant officers, and sergeants is drawn up for each month of training separately for each category of trainees.

    The calendar plan of main events for the month and the summary schedule of classes for the week are documents of current planning.

    The calendar plan for the main events for the month is essentially an extract from the training plan for the battalion (its equal) for the month and has the same sections. In it, based on the calendar plan of the main events for the month of the regiment (equal to it), extracts from the schedule for the allocation of training objects and the schedule of orders, the timing, time and form of carrying out the planned events are specified.

    To organize daily quality control educational process and assisting subordinates in preparing and conducting classes in formations and military units, a consolidated schedule of classes for the week is worked out. It is composed of commanders and chiefs who have subordinate military units, divisions, services, after receiving extracts from calendar plan and outfit graphics. They indicate the main activities (classes) of combat training that require control, support, assistance from the relevant commanders (superiors), as well as classes conducted by them personally and their immediate subordinates.

    In the company and its equal units, based on the training plan of the battalion and its equal units and the consolidated training schedule, a training schedule for the week is developed. It is the main document defining the organization and course of combat training in training groups and units. All training programs and plans are implemented through class schedules.

    The training schedule for each platoon and its equal units must define:

    In columns 1 and 2 - the date and time of classes;

    In column 4 - the subject of combat training, numbers and names of topics and classes, forms (method) of classes, numbers of standards;

    The remaining columns contain locations, lesson leaders, governing documents and material support for the lessons, and a note about the lesson.

    In addition to scheduled classes with unit personnel, the schedule includes training, independent training, summing up and setting tasks, and instructor-methodological classes with sergeants.

    The training schedule also indicates the preparation and performance of service by units in uniform, the time of combat duty and other events carried out within the units, including park and maintenance days, maintenance of weapons and equipment, chores and washing in the bathhouse.

    When conducting classes as part of a unit with the involvement of officers, this category of military personnel is also indicated in the training schedule.

    The class schedule is drawn up personally by the unit commander and approved by the senior commander no later than Friday of the current week.

    Planning for combat training for the next month must be completed: in a military unit - before the 25th; in the unit - until the 29th (for March - until February 27).

    In order to improve the methodological skills and performance of commanders in military units, a system of work for officials (standard month) for organizing planned daily activities, including combat training, has been introduced.

    The first week is organizational. Certain events are held in military units: classes in commander training, tactical (tactical-special) training (Monday - warrant officers and sergeants, Tuesday - battalion commanders (group leaders), Wednesday - company commanders, Thursday - platoon commanders, commander and instructor-methodological classes; drill reviews, work of complex commissions).

    In full-strength and reduced-strength military units, additional work is carried out in units to provide assistance in organizing and conducting combat training, educational and mass sports activities.

    The second week is mobilization week. In military units of reduced strength the following activities are carried out: command (mobilization) training, training, command post and mobilization exercises; work in the troops, monitoring and providing assistance in conducting combat training classes, performing mobilization week events:

    The first day - mobilization training classes for all categories of officers;

    The second day is the study of mobilization resources, clarification of registration, the work of officers in military commissariats, military construction and training military units;

    The third day is the work of representatives of military commissariats in recruited military units;

    Days four and five - study of combat and mobilization readiness documents, combat documents;

    The sixth day is work based on mobilization deployment and combat coordination.

    The following events are carried out in full-strength military units: command (mobilization) training, training, command post and mobilization exercises; scheduled combat training classes; Wednesday, Thursday - mobilization days; Friday - study of combat missions.

    The third week is planning; for formations, military units - park.

    In military units the following is carried out: conducting classes on commander training with department officers; conducting (participating in conducting) command post exercises (staff training); development of calendar plans for the next month; management and control over the development of plans for major events and weekly training schedules in companies, checking combat training records; execution of current documents, submission of reports, reports, applications to the relevant authorities:

    The first day - classes on the safety of military service, holding inspections of weapons and military equipment, parks, missile and artillery weapons depots and military-technical equipment;

    Second, third and fourth days - implementation of activities for the maintenance of weapons and military equipment, improvement of parks and warehouses;

    Fifth day - Conducting technical (special) training classes for all categories of military personnel (with drivers - driver’s day);

    The sixth day is summing up the quality of the work performed, summing up the results of the park week.

    In military units of permanent readiness, scheduled combat training sessions are additionally conducted;

    The sixth day is a park (park and economic) day.

    Fourth week - control classes. Practical work in units to strengthen military discipline and service of troops, logistics, improvement of educational material and technical base; work of complex groups; analysis of the state of implementation of combat training plans, strengthening military discipline, providing assistance to units; summing up work in departments over the past month, setting tasks.

    In military units: control classes in the main subjects of combat training with all categories of military personnel; command lessons with commanders and their deputies; summing up the results of combat training, military discipline, military service, operation of weapons and military equipment; setting goals for the next month.

    The practical activities of officials in planning daily activities for the week begin on Wednesday, when, based on the instructions of the formation commander, the monthly plan-calendar of main events, the headquarters of the military unit, together with the deputy unit commanders, heads of branches and services, and chiefs of staff of battalions (divisions), develop proposals for the commander of a military unit to make a decision on organizing daily activities (combat training) and clarifying the action plan for the next week.

    The headquarters of the military unit (on a standard piece of Whatman paper) is developing a plan for a consolidated schedule of classes and main events of the military unit for the next week.

    The plan for the consolidated schedule of classes and main events of the military unit for the next week reflects proposals: for the distribution (redistribution) of daily pay between units; as assigned by the duty unit; on the distribution of educational and material base facilities for conducting combat training classes, conducting control, instructor and methodological classes by the commander of a military unit, his deputies, heads of military branches and services; according to the work procedure of the heads of military branches and unit services in units to check the status of reserves and resources (one or two days a week in a company); the date and time of washing personnel in the bathhouse, the places and times of events common to the unit and units (evening checks, park days, sports festivals, conferences, common days of sergeants, drivers, etc.) are determined, as well as units allocated for execution economic works, on combat duty.

    Prepared proposals for planning the coming week with a consolidated schedule of classes and main events of the military unit of the current week are presented on the same day by the chief of staff to the commander of the military unit for development of a decision and consideration of planning documents.

    On Thursday Every week, the commander of a military unit holds a meeting with his deputies, heads of military branches and services, commanders of battalions (divisions), and individual companies (batteries). The chief of staff announces the plan for organizing the daily activities of the coming week. Deputies commander of a military unit, heads of military branches and services report the results of the military unit’s activities this week on their issues and proposals for organizing their work for the coming week.

    Concluding a meeting to plan the coming week, the commander of a military unit, as a rule, sums up the results of the current week; gives instructions for organizing daily activities for the coming week and approves planning documents.

    At the end of the meeting, commanders of battalions (divisions), heads of military branches and services convey the instructions of the commander of the military unit to the commanders of companies (batteries), individual platoons and hand over to them extracts from the combat training plans of the military unit, battalions (divisions) updated following the results of the meeting for drawing up training schedules .

    On Friday every week, the commanders of individual units in the tactical class of the unit headquarters under the leadership of the chief of staff (deputy chief of staff) of the unit, and the commanders of linear companies (batteries) in the corresponding premises of the battalions (divisions) under the leadership of the chiefs of staff of the battalions (divisions) personally draw up and write a schedule of classes for the coming week.

    In the tactical classroom of the headquarters of a military unit, the premises of battalions (divisions), control copies of the necessary reference literature (combat training programs, shooting courses, driving courses, manuals on types of support, general military regulations, manuals, manuals, training methods for subjects of study and other documents) for drawing up a class schedule.

    Company commanders arrive to draw up schedules with their literature. Before starting work, the chief of staff of the unit (deputy chief of staff), the chiefs of staff of battalions (divisions) are obliged to: check the availability of officials and their readiness for work; check the availability of literature from unit commanders and its compliance with control copies; convey the instructions of the unit (battalion) commander; clarify the topic and time of control, instructor and methodological classes conducted by the unit commander, his deputies, heads of military branches and services; update (clarify) the work hours of military unit officials to check the condition, maintenance, accounting, storage, conservation and operation of weapons and military equipment, inventories and their consumption; clarify the activities of educational work, options for morning physical exercises for each day of the week, the content of physical training, the time and content of mass sports work; clarify the topics of instructor-methodological and demonstration classes with sergeants, training with personnel in the morning, as well as the time for washing personnel in the bathhouse.

    Unit commanders, based on the instructions of the military unit commander, specified daily activities, and the requirements of combat training programs using educational literature, personally develop training schedules for subordinate units. At the end of the work, unit commanders submit training schedules to the chief of staff of the military unit (chief of battalion staff) for verification, coordinate them with officials military unit and are submitted for approval to the relevant commanders and superiors. Approved class schedules are posted by the outcome of Friday of each week at unit locations.

    The class schedule is the law; changes to this document can be made only in exceptional cases with the personal permission of the commander of the military unit by crossing out the planned event and writing a new one at the bottom of the class schedule form, with each change certified by the signature of the commander of the military unit.

    The commander of a military unit, deputy commanders, heads of military branches and services develop personal work plans for the month (week). They usually indicate: activities carried out by the senior manager, indicating the timing, place and method (form) of carrying out the activities; events personally carried out in subordinate units, indicating the timing, place and method (form) of carrying out the events; individual training activities (including self-training) indicating specific activities and deadlines.

    Personal plans must comply with the plan for the daily activities of the military unit and the plans for the daily activities of subordinate units. They are signed by officials and approved by immediate commanders (chiefs).

    After the development of planning documents is completed, all planned activities are carefully checked and agreed upon with each other, after which the developed documents are submitted for approval and approval to the relevant commanders (chiefs).

    During approval, the following is checked: compliance of the developed planning documents with the established sample forms; completeness of coordination of plans with relevant officials; completeness and quality of planning, compliance of goals and objectives in planning documents with the plan for the preparation of the unit, announced by the unit commander; mutual consistency of planned activities in terms of timing, location, responsible persons, involved forces and means; the reality of plans with verification of calculations and justifications for planned activities, as well as other issues at the discretion of the unit commander.

    During the coordination, all planning issues are finally (if necessary) resolved, the role and place of each manager in performing the most important tasks is clarified. Coordination of planning documents is carried out under the direct supervision of the commander. At the same time, during the coordination and approval of planning documents, the commander checks the readiness of his deputies, heads of departments and services, and commanders of subordinate units to solve the tasks set for the new academic year.

    After completing the approval of planning documents, the commander sums up the planning results, evaluates the work carried out by the relevant officials and, if necessary, sets tasks for finalizing the developed documents. Approval of planning documents is carried out immediately after summing up the planning results or at another designated time.

    Tasks for combat training are set in part by the order “On the organization of combat training, internal and guard services for the __ academic year (training period); other orders (instructions) of the unit commander.

    The heads of military branches and services set tasks for subordinate units and services in relation to the deadlines indicated above.

    The unit headquarters, no later than the 20th day of each month, sends to the units extracts from the schedule for the allocation of training facilities at the training grounds and the schedule of assignments.

    Objectives are set (clarified), as a rule, simultaneously with summing up the results. They should not repeat the provisions set out in the guidance documents, but develop them in relation to the unit, subdivision and specific situation. Objectives must be specific, justified and realistically feasible, provide for consolidation of the achieved positive results, elimination of shortcomings that occurred in this unit, and determine the next milestone in the training of personnel of the unit (unit) indicating specific deadlines, quantitative and qualitative indicators.

    When setting tasks, the commander determines:

    Combat training activities that should be paid special attention to in a given academic year (training period);

    The procedure for preparing the unit (units);

    Timing for the withdrawal of units to training grounds to practice combat training missions and training ground work;

    What exercises, classes and in which units will be conducted by the commander, where and within what time frame will the commander’s integrated group work to provide assistance and monitor the progress of combat training;

    What and by whom measures should be carried out to comprehensively ensure the progress of combat training and the timing of their implementation;

    The sequence and timing of the implementation of activities for the organization of combat training determines in detail: the procedure for training officers, warrant officers, sergeants and units, including which and to whom additional topics and classes should be trained, specifies the number of hours for their implementation;

    Forms and methods of educational work in departments;

    The sequence of use by units of training material and technical base facilities, compliance with safety requirements when conducting combat training activities;

    The procedure for organizing and conducting inventive and rationalization work; procedure for control and assistance.

    In addition, the unit commander can monthly and weekly clarify tasks on the main subjects of training, conducting classes with certain categories of military personnel, on the standards for the consumption of material resources in tactical (special tactical) classes and exercises, complex training, and on other issues.

    Unit commanders set tasks according to training subjects, topics and combat training standards. The following is usually indicated:

    The procedure for conducting command training with sergeants;

    Timeframe for coordinating departments;

    Clarified content of lesson topics and standards;

    What classes, exercises and in which units will be conducted by senior commanders (chiefs);

    What topics (standards) should be further developed with lagging units (military personnel);

    The procedure for working out issues of moral and psychological preparation during training sessions, exercises and training;

    The procedure for conducting field trips and testing sites.

    Combat training management- this is the purposeful activity of command and control bodies and officials in planning, organizing combat training, providing assistance and monitoring the organization of combat training in subordinate troops and their command and control bodies; monitoring the progress of combat training activities; generalizing the experience of combat training and bringing it to the attention of military command and control bodies and troops, taking into account combat training activities and reporting on them; regulation of training and military education of military personnel, coordination of units, units and their governing bodies.

    Commanders (chiefs) of all levels exercise leadership over combat training personally and through subordinate command and control bodies (headquarters). It must be specific and ensure the complete and high-quality implementation of combat training programs and plans.

    Requirements for combat training leadership:

    Compliance of the content of combat training with the provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian State;

    Strict and full adherence to the principles of military training and education;

    Taking into account the achievements of military science, the experience of wars and armed conflicts, best practices in organizing and conducting combat training activities for troops;

    Effective use and development of educational material and technical base for combat training.

    The main activities of combat training management are:

    Monitoring the progress of combat training and providing assistance to subordinate commanders and units;

    Purposeful preparation of commanders and staffs to lead combat training;

    Organization of work to improve (confirm) class qualifications;

    Organization of competitions, competitions (competitions) among military personnel and units according to tasks and standards;

    Constant study and prompt implementation of best practices in teaching practice;

    Continuous improvement of the training material and technical base and timely introduction of the latest training tools into combat training practice;

    Accounting and reporting, timely and objective summing up of combat training.

    An important element in the management of combat training is monitoring its progress and providing assistance to subordinates. The purpose of control and assistance is to provide the commander (chief) with objective data reflecting the readiness of subordinate troops and their command and control bodies to carry out combat missions, the level of training of personnel, the real state of affairs in combat training, the state of discipline and service of troops in all units and training of commanders (chiefs), organization, planning, conduct and comprehensive provision of combat training events and other issues.

    The main content of the work on control and assistance is: checking the implementation of the plan and combat training programs, the coverage of training for all categories of military personnel; checking and evaluating the organization and methodology of conducting classes and exercises, the level of training of personnel and the coherence of units, studying the results of monitoring the progress of combat training, determining the causes of identified deficiencies and providing assistance to subordinates in organizing and carrying out work to eliminate them; developing measures and planning the work of services to eliminate deficiencies that require a decision from the head who organized the inspection; training unit commanders in the organization and methodology of solving assigned tasks through the preparation and conduct of targeted instructor-methodological and demonstration classes, joint practical work on the preparation and conduct of basic troop training activities; control over the elimination of discovered deficiencies.

    Commanders (chiefs) are required to constantly monitor the implementation of assigned tasks by subordinate units and the quality of the educational process. Control is carried out through the planned work of senior commanders in units, subunits, as well as based on reports received from subordinate commanders and superiors.

    Control measures are reflected: in the training plans of units - for the academic year; in the calendar plan of main events - for a month; in the work plans of complex groups - for the duration of their work.

    In the battalion, control measures are reflected: in terms of combat training of the battalion (its equal) - for the period of training; in the calendar plan of the main combat training events - for a month. Unit commanders draw up personal work plans for the month (week), which are approved by their immediate commanders (supervisors).

    The battalion commander must check the quality of training monthly in at least 2 units, the company commander (his equal) - weekly in at least 1 squad, platoon and equal units. When checking the organization and progress of training, the status of combat training records must be checked. The results of checks are recorded in combat training logs.

    Monitoring the progress of combat training is divided into current (daily) and periodic.

    Current (daily) control serves to ensure the quality of the educational process, adjust the training process, and prevent negative phenomena in combat training. Contents of current monitoring: checking the readiness of the main combat training activities, preparing leaders for the next training sessions; checking the organization, methodology and progress of classes; checking the quality of mastery (practice) by military personnel of topics educational tasks and standards during classes; checking the serviceability and efficiency of use of educational material and technical base; hearing from subordinate commanders (chiefs) about the implementation of combat training activities and readiness for training the next day.

    It is advisable to carry out daily (current) monitoring of the progress of combat training in accordance with the consolidated training schedule, as well as the personal work plans of the commander and other command officers of the unit.

    Periodic control is organized in order to check the level of training of personnel in individual subjects of training, job and special responsibilities, the training of units as a whole, after working out individual sections of programs (completion of coordination stages), training units, introducing best practices and the requirements of governing documents into the training process. Contents of periodic control: checking the level of training of personnel for combat duty; test (control) classes (exercises); final (control) checks; verification of the organization of training and commissioning of newly arrived reinforcements, graduates of training centers, military personnel serving under contract, officers - graduates of military educational institutions, officers called up from the reserve, and military personnel transferred from other branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; checking the fulfillment of individual tasks by officers; monitoring the implementation of best practices; taking tests on knowledge of combat training guidelines.

    The level of readiness of units and subunits to perform combat missions is checked during combat training classes, and the level of professional training of personnel is checked during control classes.

    The level of readiness of units and subunits of constant readiness to perform combat missions is checked: during the exercises of subunits, units and formations; in training; at live shooting.

    Exercises during final (control) inspections are carried out with a battalion and its equal units on complex topics, with a company and its equal units on one of the topics. The unit or unit is brought to these exercises in full force with standard weapons, military equipment and established reserves of materiel. At the discretion of the person leading the inspection, some restrictions may be introduced.

    Control exercises are an effective means of checking the quality of personnel’s assimilation of the main topics of training programs and increasing the personal responsibility of commanders for the level of training of subordinate units.

    During control classes, personnel are checked on the implementation of combat training tasks, exercises and standards in accordance with the requirements of orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, directives of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, organizational and methodological instructions of the commanders-in-chief (commanders) of the branches of the Armed Forces (branches) troops, special troops) on the training of troops for the current year, programs, courses, manuals, regulations, instructions and collections of standards.

    Control classes are conducted by commanders, heads of military branches and services upon completion of individual training of soldiers and combat coordination of units. Control exercises to check the coherence of the battalion and its equal units are conducted by the commander of the formation, company and its equal units - the unit commander.

    In order to improve the quality of training of troops for exercises, part of the tactical combat exercises immediately preceding company, battalion and similar tactical (special tactical) exercises are conducted on equipment together with reinforcement units as control exercises by senior commanders.

    The work of senior managers in subordinate units for the purpose of control and assistance is, as a rule, planned in a comprehensive manner. For these purposes, complex groups are created from officers of command and control bodies (headquarters), heads of military branches, special troops and services. In the course of their work, they must: teach commanders effective management methods, mastering new equipment and weapons, improving training methods and educating subordinates. The duration of the group’s work in the unit is up to a week.

    Before working in subordinate units of senior managers and complex groups, a plan for their work is developed. It defines: purpose and objectives; composition of the complex group; terms and duration of work; the composition of the units involved in the inspection; issues of organizing combat training that are subject to study and testing; basic issues of assistance; the procedure for training and work of the leader and group in the troops (work plan); the procedure for recording the results and summing up the work of the complex group.

    Based on the plan, a work plan for the integrated group is drawn up, specified by place, time and tasks to be solved, targeted training is carried out to check the readiness of officers to complete the task assigned to them, personal work plans are approved, linked to the daily routine of the unit.

    The developed plan should take into account as much as possible the activities carried out by the units, and not only eliminate their disruptions and postponements, but also provide assistance in their preparation and implementation. If necessary, work plans may additionally include activities and classes that need to be carried out in this department by the senior manager in order to train subordinates or eliminate existing deficiencies. IN mandatory assistance should be focused on the most important events of a typical month or week.

    During training, instructive sessions are held with officers, during which the following are explained: the goals, objectives and work plan of the group; analysis of the state of affairs in a particular department and unresolved issues; the procedure for checking, assessing and providing assistance on the organization, conduct and comprehensive provision of combat training. At the end of the training, the group leader sums up the results and sets tasks for further training of officers.

    In preparation for work, officers are required to study the methodology for conducting those classes and activities that they will conduct during control and provision of assistance. Each group member, preparing for work, must prepare plans for upcoming classes in the departments.

    Officers who will conduct classes during control and assistance are required to: understand the purpose of the class, with which unit it is being conducted and on what topic, the state of the units, their composition and the tasks to be solved; study the program, a collection of standards for the subject of training and draw up a list of questions and practical tasks, taking into account what military personnel must know and be able to perform; determine the methodology for conducting the lesson, think through its organization and order of conduct; determine training places, their number and assistants; determine the necessary safety requirements; when assigning a task to the commanders of units (subunits), indicate: place, time, procedure for conducting the training, material support, readiness time. If necessary, individual assignments can be issued to those being tested (trainees).

    Preparation for work on control and assistance is completed by checking readiness for it. the main task readiness checks - determine the degree of readiness of officers of the integrated group to work in units and give permission for admission to work as part of the commission. During this stage, interviews should be conducted with all members of the complex group and, if necessary, tests should be taken to test their knowledge of charters, governing documents, and readiness to work. Based on the results of the interview or tests, a conclusion on admission to work is given.

    The results of the work of the complex group are reflected in reports (reports) or acts, which indicate: the degree of implementation of combat training programs and plans, the level of training of military personnel and the coherence of units, shortcomings that occurred and their causes, conclusions on the organization of combat training in a given unit, as well as results of work on other issues, measures to eliminate identified deficiencies with determination of deadlines for their implementation.

    Measures to eliminate deficiencies that cannot be eliminated during the work period, and the timing of their implementation, are included in the corresponding unit preparation plans.

    The study, generalization and implementation of advanced training experience consists of the purposeful daily work of commanders (commanders, chiefs), control bodies (headquarters) to identify new, advanced methods and ways of organizing the training and education of officers, warrant officers, sergeants, soldiers and the use of new methods, methods training and education through demonstration, instructor-methodological classes, meetings and methodological conferences (seminars) on current issues of combat training, development of teaching aids and recommendations. Carrying out such events helps to establish common views on the methodology for preparing and conducting classes and exercises in a given unit or formation.

    Taking into account the results of combat training is a reflection of quantitative and qualitative indicators of the implementation of personnel training plans and the level of training of troops. Accounting includes the collection, systematization, storage, updating and analysis of data that reveals the level of training of units, units and formations. It must provide a comprehensive analysis of the state of the level of training and coherence of units, the progress and quality of the educational process in order to prepare the necessary decisions and recommendations in the process of command and control of troops to maintain and improve their combat readiness.

    Accounting is divided into operational and periodic.

    Operational accounting consists of the daily recording and processing of the results of the implementation of combat training plans and the assimilation of the training program by personnel. It includes accounting for the combat training of soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) of a platoon (equal unit), warrant officers (midshipmen), and unit officers.

    Periodic accounting is a generalization of the results of operational accounting with subsequent analysis and conclusions for a specified period of time in the academic year (week, month, quarter, half-year, year).

    The main accounting document for the combat training of a unit (battalion, company, platoon and equal units) is the combat (commander) training log, which is maintained during the academic year. The logs are kept for a year and destroyed at the end of the year.

    In a platoon and its equal units, combat training and its results are recorded in a combat training log, with details specific to each serviceman.

    In a company and its equal units, records of combat training and its results are kept in the combat training log of the company and its equal units for squads (crews, crews) and platoon. In addition, notes are made on the conduct (performance) of classes (events) in the class schedule.

    In a battalion and its equal units, combat training and its results are recorded for the platoon, company and equal units. In addition, the command training of officers and warrant officers is taken into account in the command training logs.

    In part, combat training and its results are recorded for companies, battalions and equal units. In addition, the command training of officers and warrant officers is taken into account in the command training logs. In the combat training plan of the unit and the calendar plan of the main events, notes on completion are made.

    Responsibility for maintaining accounting documents in a unit, battalion and equal units rests with the headquarters, and in a company and equal units - with the commander; for commander training - for the leader of a command training group.

    Personal records of officers' training are maintained at headquarters; personal records reflect the results of commander training, final checks, exercises, completion of individual assignments and other indicators of officers' performance of service.

    Reporting on the results of combat training is a system of reporting and information documents and activities that provides commanders and control bodies with timely and objective data on the progress and quality of troop training. It provides for specificity, efficiency, and continuity of troop training management and includes: reports on the results of combat training for the winter training period and the academic year; reports (acts) on the results of inspections in accordance with the instructions on the procedure for inspections; reports on the implementation of training plans; reports on the readiness and conduct of basic combat training activities carried out personally by commanders; current (including formalized) reports using computer centers, telephones and other communication equipment.

    The results of control in the unit are recorded in the combat training log, summarized by headquarters and reported to the commander for decision-making.

    Unit commanders report weekly to their subordination on the quality of implementation of planned activities and the coverage of personnel in combat training.

    Based on the results of the control, commanders (chiefs) conduct both general reviews and reviews with individual categories of personnel, at which positive experiences, shortcomings, their causes and ways to eliminate them are discussed.

    The battalion commander (and his peers) reports monthly on the completion of assigned tasks, the results of personnel training, class attendance, and unit evaluations in training subjects for the month to the unit commander.

    The unit commander (and his peers) monthly analyzes the degree of completion of assigned tasks, the level of training of units, the quality of the educational process and the coverage of personnel in combat training, and shortcomings in combat training. Monthly, to the extent established by the formation commander, reports on this, indicating the grades assigned during control classes. Based on the final data for the training period and academic year, submits a written report to the formation commander.

    Each service must know the state of training of the units directly subordinate to it, and according to the profile of its specialty - for all units. For this purpose, the order of reports by service is established and accounting forms are developed.





    Approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces -
    Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation


    The textbook is intended for squad commanders of motorized rifle units. It contains materials in the scope of the combat training program, as well as the basics of military education and training of military personnel.

    The provisions and recommendations of the Textbook should assist junior commanders in the quality training of their subordinates and skillful leadership of the squad in combat and in everyday activities. At the same time, these provisions are the basis for the development of techniques and methods of action in each specific case, so they should be applied creatively, in accordance with the specific conditions of the environment and the learning process.

    The textbook was developed by a team of authors under the leadership of Colonel G.P. Bolotov consisting of: Colonel of Justice S.P. Kocheshev, professor Colonel A.S. Maslennikov, colonels A.V. Ignatova, B.N. Moskvina, S.L. Nosenko, A.A. Yastrebov, Lieutenant Colonel R.A. Azizova.

    Under the general editorship of Colonel General A.I. Skorodumova.

    Chapter first



    The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Armed Forces) is a state military organization that forms the basis of the defense of the Russian Federation.

    The Russian Armed Forces were formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1992. They are intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of Russia.

    The border troops of the Russian Federation, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Railway troops of the Russian Federation, and civil defense troops (hereinafter referred to as other troops) are involved in solving the problems of the country's defense.

    IN modern conditions One of the important tasks of the Armed Forces is to ensure nuclear deterrence, which forms the core of the country's entire national security system. In addition, we have to solve a fundamentally new task - to carry out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

    In accordance with the basic provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and other troops can be used to counter internal sources of military threats. Separate formations of the Armed Forces, in accordance with current legislation, may be involved in assisting the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in localizing and blocking the conflict area, suppressing armed clashes and separating warring parties, as well as in protecting strategically important facilities.

    The Armed Forces may also be tasked with assisting border troops in protecting the state border, assisting in the protection of sea communications, important government facilities and economic zones, and in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and piracy.

    The forces and means of the Armed Forces and other troops may also be involved in providing assistance to the population in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

    The involvement of the Armed Forces in carrying out tasks using weapons other than their intended purpose is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

    The Armed Forces carry out their activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other legislative acts in the field of defense.



    Combat training is a set of planned, organized and systematically carried out measures for military training and education of personnel, coordination of units, military units, formations and their command and control bodies (headquarters) to perform combat and other tasks in accordance with their purpose. It is carried out in peacetime and wartime; the combat effectiveness and combat readiness of troops largely depends on its quality. Combat training includes individual training of military personnel (including commander training), training (coordination *) of subunits, military units, formations and command and control bodies (headquarters).

    During combat training, classes, drills, exercises, and live firing are conducted. At them, military personnel study military regulations, weapons and military equipment, methods of action in combat, and units, military units and formations practice methods of action when performing combat missions. Combat training is carried out in accordance with the requirements of charters, manuals, instructions, manuals, orders and command directives.

    The content of combat training, forms and methods of training are determined curriculum and programs. Tasks for combat training in the Armed Forces are set by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.



    Military training is a pedagogical process during which, under the leadership of a commander (chief), subordinates acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, which ultimately make up military skill.

    Knowledge– various information fixed in memory in the form of systematized concepts and images. Knowledge is expressed in rules, laws, scientific theories. The process of acquiring knowledge ends with its application in practice. In battle, it is not enough to know how to act; you must be able to act on the basis of this knowledge. Based on the assimilation of knowledge, warriors develop the necessary skills and abilities in the process of special exercises.

    Skills– automatically performed actions that are an integral part conscious activity person. Skills in the process of activity free the consciousness and will of a warrior from excessive dispersion and give him the opportunity to concentrate on solving the main task.

    A short story, combined with an exemplary demonstration and subsequent repeated training, form the basis of the sequence of formation of the necessary skills and abilities in soldiers.

    Skills– the ability of trainees to apply knowledge and skills in practice to quickly, accurately and consciously perform their duties. In the process of their formation, the warrior moves from working with outside help to working independently. Through constant exercise, skills are improved, and their individual elements are transformed into skills. However, skills are not reduced to the sum of skills; they always contain elements of creativity that allow a soldier to skillfully act in various situations, eliminating templates and coaching. All field training of troops is aimed at their formation.


    The principles of training are guidelines that determine the course of training in accordance with the goals of military education and reveal the laws of the process of assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities in trainees.

    The principles of training express the basic requirements for the content, organization and conduct of classes, for the activities of the teacher and students. These include: scientific nature of teaching; teach troops what is necessary in war; consciousness, activity and independence of students; visibility in learning; systematic, consistent and comprehensive in training; learning at a high level of difficulty; strength of knowledge, skills and abilities; collectivism and individual approach to learning.

    Scientific teaching determines the direction of personnel training, reflects the dependence of the content, methods and organization of training on the tasks of education, the level of development of science and technology in the country. Each lesson should be thought out and structured in such a way that the material being studied forms a firm conviction in the need for military service, equips soldiers with modern scientific knowledge, and is closely linked to the life of the country, the Armed Forces, and practical problems personnel. The implementation of this principle is unthinkable without the high military-professional training of the sergeant, which obliges him to constantly work on himself.

    Teach troops what is necessary in war. This principle reflects the objective need to train personnel in strict accordance with the requirements for conducting combat operations in modern conditions, to bring each lesson as close as possible to combat reality, to conduct classes with a full load, without concessions or simplifications.

    Consciousness, activity and independence of students. This principle requires that training be organized in such a way that soldiers clearly understand their tasks, meaningfully acquire knowledge, consciously apply it, while showing high activity, independence and initiative.

    Visibility in learning dictated by the fact that visual, auditory, tactile and other sensations and perceptions are the beginning of all knowledge. Visualization of learning presupposes an inextricable connection, constant interaction between living perception and the words of the lesson leader. The main purpose of visualization in military training is to form strong knowledge, skills and abilities in soldiers, to reveal the combat capabilities of weapons and military equipment, and to create in them specific and correct ideas about modern combat.

    Visual aids are classified into natural (showing practical actions, samples of weapons and military equipment), visual (diagrams, posters, films, propaganda tools, etc.), verbal-figurative (description of facts, events, comparisons, metaphors).

    Systematicity, consistency and complexity in training mean that the success of learning is possible only when the educational material is arranged and presented in such an order that new knowledge is based on previously acquired knowledge, and previously learned techniques and actions prepare students for mastering subsequent ones.

    Learning at a high level of difficulty requires that students consciously master the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities under high tension of their mental abilities and physical strength. This means that combat training should not involve easy learning, simple memorization of various information, or mechanical execution of certain actions.

    Strength of knowledge, skills and abilities is provided throughout the course of training. The acquisition of solid knowledge, skills and abilities is facilitated by systematic repetition of educational material, carried out in constantly changing and increasingly complex conditions. Consolidation and deepening of knowledge, improvement of skills and abilities occur in the process of practical activities of trainees, therefore sergeants must monitor the quality of assimilation of the program by soldiers, know what questions and by whom specifically have not been sufficiently worked out, take measures to consolidate knowledge and improve skills through individual assignments, additional training and instilling skills for independent work.

    Collectivism and individual approach to learning. Collectivism as the unity of thought, will, action and responsibility of personnel is an indispensable condition for achieving victory in battle. At the same time, it acts as an important condition for success in learning. Carrying out an individual approach means knowing well the spiritual and physical characteristics of each warrior and influencing him taking into account these characteristics.


    Methods of military training are techniques and methods collaboration the trainer and trainees, with the help of which the commander (trainer) achieves the assimilation of knowledge by subordinates (trainees), develops their skills and abilities, develops moral, combat and psychological qualities, ensures coordination of units, military units and their headquarters.

    The main teaching methods are: oral presentation of educational material, discussion of the material being studied, demonstration (demonstration), exercise (training), practical and independent work.

    Oral presentation of educational material is used when familiarizing soldiers with the basic provisions of regulations and other documents, tactical and technical data, the design of weapons and military equipment, the organization, weapons and tactics of actions of units of a potential enemy. Oral presentation can be in the form of an explanation, story or lecture.

    Discussion of the material being studied used to deepen, consolidate and systematize military and military-technical knowledge in combat training classes. It is carried out during conversations, class-group and seminar sessions.

    Conversation is a way for warriors to assimilate knowledge by answering questions. For students it is a process of solving logically interconnected theoretical and practical problems.

    A class-group lesson is in many ways reminiscent of an extended conversation. However, theoretical and practical issues are discussed more thoroughly than during a conversation. Students do not just answer questions, but deeply analyze facts and phenomena, make generalizations and conclusions themselves, deepen and expand their knowledge.

    At the seminar, the material being studied is discussed in depth and in detail. At it, reports and abstracts are usually heard and discussed, providing the basis for speeches, exchange of opinions, and friendly discussions.

    Show (demonstration)– most effective way training warriors in unlearned actions. The demonstration method is a set of techniques and actions with the help of which soldiers create a visual image of the subject being studied and form specific ideas about the structure of weapons and military equipment. The demonstration is used in the study of drill techniques, physical exercises, actions with weapons, the design and methods of controlling weapons and military equipment, the procedure for performing internal, garrison and guard services.

    Exercise (training). The method of exercise is understood as repeated, conscious and increasingly complex repetition of certain techniques and actions in order to develop and improve the skills and abilities of warriors. During the exercises, soldiers master practical techniques for using and maintaining weapons and military equipment, ways to solve tactical, fire and technical problems, perform drill techniques and actions on foot, in cars and combat vehicles.

    Practical work performed by personnel, as a rule, after a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities have been acquired. In the course of work, what was previously learned is consolidated, integrated, and improved. Practical work is carried out as part of squads, crews, crews and therefore plays a decisive role in coordinating units and in preparing them for combat missions.

    Self-study educational material is the most important method personnel training. The method of independent study of material is a set of techniques and methods by which soldiers, without the direct participation of commanders, consolidate previously acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, and also master new ones. Main types independent work warriors are working with printed sources, independent training, independent viewing and listening to television (video) and radio broadcasts.

    In educational departments, training of cadets is carried out using a method of systematic and step-by-step inculcation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Its essence is that cadets are trained using educational training cards (ETCs) and educational training tasks (TZ). The cadets do not memorize the contents of the TC, but with their help they immediately study the structure of units, components and practically carry out operations (preparing weapons for firing, setting up a radio station, etc.). To conduct the training, the platoon (squad) is divided into training groups of three people. Of these, one reads the TC, the other shows what is named on a model or a real object, the third controls its actions. Subsequently they change places. Thus, each student studies the material three times within the allotted time.

    Cadet training is carried out first using full TCs, reflecting the entire scope of actions, and subsequently - abbreviated TCs, which indicate only the main (key) actions.

    The squad leader must directly participate in the students’ study of the material, be ready to answer questions, help understand the content of the training manual, and achieve high student activity in the lesson.


    Form of study– organizational side of the lesson. Training is carried out in various forms, which depend on the purpose, the composition of the trainees and determine the structure of the lesson (the order and sequence of practicing educational material), the place and duration of practicing educational issues, the role and specifics of the activities of the teacher, his assistants and students, the use of elements of the educational material base, weapons and military equipment .

    The general forms of personnel training used in all branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the military are theoretical and practical lessons, comprehensive training, live firing and tactical exercises.

    In progress theoretical studies the soldiers acquire social and state knowledge, theoretical foundations modern combat, physical foundations and principles of operation of weapons and military equipment. This is achieved through lectures, seminars, class-group classes, conversations (interviews), tests, classes in specially equipped classrooms, self-study, consultations, etc.

    To the group practical classes includes drill and tactical exercises, exercises at the training ground, in the park, on the parade ground and in the sports town, on a terrain model. During these classes, soldiers master weapons and military equipment, practice methods of performing tactical techniques and actions with weapons (on equipment) in various types of combat, in various conditions. The main methods here are demonstration and exercise (training).

    Instructor-methodological, demonstration classes, flights and group exercises are used to prepare the teaching staff.

    Complex training are carried out day and night, at training grounds, in a fire town, at command posts, at firing positions, etc. Their purpose is to develop, maintain and improve general and special combat skills of individual soldiers and units, to facilitate the preparation (coordination) of squads , crews, crews.

    Live firing are carried out to test the knowledge and skills acquired earlier, and to improve the skills and abilities of warriors to hit targets in modern combat. As a rule, they complete one or another stage of training for military personnel and units.

    Tactical exercises– the highest form of training for commanders, staffs and troops. Their goal is to complete the coordination of units, military units, and formations. Tactical exercises are the most important means of achieving high level field training and combat readiness.





    Approved by the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces -
    Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation


    The textbook is intended for squad commanders of motorized rifle units. It contains materials in the scope of the combat training program, as well as the basics of military education and training of military personnel.

    The provisions and recommendations of the Textbook should assist junior commanders in the quality training of their subordinates and skillful leadership of the squad in combat and in everyday activities. At the same time, these provisions are the basis for the development of techniques and methods of action in each specific case, so they should be applied creatively, in accordance with the specific conditions of the environment and the learning process.

    The textbook was developed by a team of authors under the leadership of Colonel G.P. Bolotov consisting of: Colonel of Justice S.P. Kocheshev, professor Colonel A.S. Maslennikov, colonels A.V. Ignatova, B.N. Moskvina, S.L. Nosenko, A.A. Yastrebov, Lieutenant Colonel R.A. Azizova.

    Under the general editorship of Colonel General A.I. Skorodumova.

    Chapter first



    The Russian Armed Forces were formed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 7, 1992. They are intended to repel aggression directed against the Russian Federation, armed defense of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as to carry out tasks in accordance with international treaties of Russia.

    The border troops of the Russian Federation, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the Railway troops of the Russian Federation, and civil defense troops (hereinafter referred to as other troops) are involved in solving the problems of the country's defense.

    In modern conditions, one of the important tasks of the Armed Forces is to ensure nuclear deterrence, which forms the core of the country's entire national security system. In addition, we have to solve a fundamentally new task - to carry out peacekeeping activities both independently and as part of international organizations.

    In accordance with the basic provisions of the Military Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the Armed Forces and other troops can be used to counter internal sources of military threats. Separate formations of the Armed Forces, in accordance with current legislation, may be involved in assisting the internal affairs bodies and internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in localizing and blocking the conflict area, suppressing armed clashes and separating warring parties, as well as in protecting strategically important facilities.

    The Armed Forces may also be tasked with assisting border troops in protecting the state border, assisting in the protection of sea communications, important government facilities and economic zones, and in the fight against terrorism, drug trafficking, and piracy.

    The forces and means of the Armed Forces and other troops may also be involved in providing assistance to the population in eliminating the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

    The involvement of the Armed Forces in carrying out tasks using weapons other than their intended purpose is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws.

    The Armed Forces carry out their activities on the basis of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in accordance with federal laws and other legislative acts in the field of defense.


    Sergeants belong to the rank of junior commanders and represent the largest group of command personnel. They bear full responsibility for the training and education of subordinates. Speaking about the role of junior commanders, M.V. Frunze emphasized: “Junior command personnel form the basis on which the entire matter of discipline, combat soldering and combat training of the unit is based.”

    Currently, the role of sergeants has increased even more. This is due to the increasing complexity of the tasks facing units and subunits, changes in the social image of the soldier, the transition to recruiting formations and military units of the Armed Forces with contract servicemen, and the improvement of weapons and military equipment. The requirements for the training and education of soldiers have increased, but the time frame for their training has remained the same. This necessitated the need to increase the level of pedagogical culture and responsibility of commanders at all levels, and primarily those who directly develop the qualities of a warrior in soldiers.

    Personnel education is carried out by sergeants during daily military service and combat training. They organize the service of their subordinates in accordance with the regulations, and ensure that the entire structure of military service instills in the personnel loyalty to the Military Oath.

    One of the important tasks of sergeants is to instill in their subordinates a readiness to defend the Fatherland, pride in belonging to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a desire for exemplary performance of military duty and official duties. To do this, they themselves must serve as an example of good manners and a zealous attitude to service.

    Sergeants help subordinates study weapons and military equipment, regulations and manuals, organize and serve with them on a daily basis, carry out daily work to strengthen military discipline, develop the ability to subordinate their actions and behavior to the requirements of military regulations and orders of commanders. They are responsible for the drill and physical training of their subordinates, for the safety of their health and provision of everything necessary. The personal example of the sergeants, their authority, high moral qualities, selfless attitude to work, discipline.

    In this regard, junior commanders should strive to improve their pedagogical knowledge, develop methodological skills, and study best practices in working with people. The sergeant's duty is to be a skilled teacher and educator. Without this, it is impossible to achieve unity in the process of training and educating soldiers, aimed at preparing them to defend the Motherland.

    The most important requirement for the process of training and education is to know and take into account the national characteristics, traditions and customs of those peoples whose representatives are subordinates. In a multinational team, a sergeant is obliged to be strictly guided by the principles of justice, to show special sensitivity, prudence and integrity, and concern for strengthening friendship and military camaraderie.

    High demands are an integral quality of a commander, the basis of discipline and organization in the unit subordinate to him. It has nothing to do with rudeness, neglect, or humiliation of the dignity of a subordinate, which alienates the soldier from the sergeant. Demanding standards must be constant, fair, equal to everyone, and respectful. Demandingness, combined with respect for subordinates, helps soldiers understand their tasks and mobilize forces for their successful completion. Demandingness must be supported by strict control over the actions of subordinates, combined with skillful encouragement conscientious work, with care for subordinates, with attentive attitude to their needs.

    Success in the work of sergeants largely depends on the extent to which they are aware of their personal duty and responsibility for the affairs and actions of their subordinates, improve their knowledge and experience, and wisely use the rights granted to them by military regulations.

    Units and subunits become combat-ready if the departments are well prepared and coordinated, if each serviceman clearly knows his duties and fulfills them flawlessly. The role of the sergeant, who personally teaches the soldier military skills and prepares excellent students and top specialists, is great in this.



    Military service - special kind federal public service, performed by citizens in the Armed Forces, aimed at protecting the Fatherland from aggression.

    The basis legislative framework military service is constituted by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws “On Defense”, “On military duty And military service", "On the status of military personnel", military regulations and other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.

    Lawnormative act adopted by the highest authority state power or by the direct expression of the will of the population (for example, through a referendum) in the manner established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and regulating the most important social relations.

    Law and order- one of components public order resulting from the implementation various types social norms governing various areas public life and differing in character and in a divergent way of influencing people’s behavior (customs, moral norms, etc.).

    Wars and armed conflicts involve large masses of people who must be controlled, and a wide variety of material resources are used. technical means which should be used with maximum efficiency. The only way to unite these people in accordance with the demands of armed struggle is to establish a certain order, rules of their behavior.

    Military law and order contributes to the unity of the military team, strengthening the moral and psychological state of personnel. Each serviceman, engaged in one activity or another, must be sure that his colleagues, each in his place, act in a strictly defined order, together with him. The ways and means of achieving strong military law and order are enshrined in federal laws, the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    All military personnel, regardless of military rank and position, are equal before the law and bear the responsibility established for citizens of the Russian Federation, taking into account the specifics of their legal status.

    Offense V in a broad sense words are an antisocial act that causes harm to society and is punishable by law. Offenses include crimes, misdemeanors, and disciplinary infractions.

    Depending on the offense, military personnel may be subject to disciplinary, administrative, civil, financial or criminal liability.

    Military personnel bear disciplinary responsibility for offenses related to violation of military discipline, moral standards and military honor, on the basis and in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Misdemeanor is a general term denoting an offense that entails disciplinary or administrative liability under the legislation of the Russian Federation. An offense is considered a socially harmful act.

    A disciplinary offense is a violation by a serviceman of military discipline or public order or norms of morality and military honor, for which, on the basis and in the manner established by the Disciplinary Charter of the Armed Forces, a disciplinary sanction may be imposed on him or norms of social influence may be applied.

    Gross disciplinary offenses by military personnel include:

    absence without leave;

    being late from vacation, business trip or medical facility;

    being late or leaving work without permission;

    violation of the rules of guard duty (watch), internal services and combat duty;

    performance of official duties while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances;

    violation of safety requirements leading to loss of performance;

    violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel;

    waste or loss of military property;

    misconduct in public places during off-duty hours.

    Military discipline there is strict and precise observance by all military personnel of the order and rules established by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (chiefs).

    Military personnel bear administrative responsibility on a general basis in accordance with the legislation on administrative offenses. At the same time, administrative penalties in the form of administrative arrest cannot be applied to them, and to military personnel undergoing military service on conscription, also in the form of an administrative fine.

    Military personnel bear civil liability for failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations provided for by civil law, for damage caused to the state, legal entities, citizens and in other cases provided for by law.

    Military personnel bear financial responsibility for material damage caused to the state during the performance of military service duties, in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation No. 161 – Federal Law “On the financial liability of military personnel”, which establishes the conditions and extent of financial liability of military personnel and citizens called up for military training (hereinafter referred to as military personnel), for damage caused by them in the performance of military service duties to property in federal ownership and assigned to military units.

    This Federal Law applies to military personnel serving under conscription and contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as in other troops and military formations.

    For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts apply:

    property of a military unit (hereinafter referred to as property) - all types of weapons, military equipment, ammunition, fuel and lubricants, food, clothing and other types of military property, structures, money and securities, other material assets that are federal property and assigned to a military unit;

    real damage (hereinafter referred to as damage) - loss or damage to the property of a military unit, expenses that the military unit has made or must make to restore or acquire lost or damaged property, as well as excess cash payments made by the military unit.

    Military personnel bear financial responsibility only for actual damage caused through their fault.

    Military personnel who cause damage outside the performance of military service bear financial liability in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    It is not allowed to hold military personnel financially liable for damage caused as a result of the execution of the order of the commander (superior), as well as as a result of lawful actions, justified official risk, or force majeure.

    Military personnel may be held financially liable in accordance with this Federal Law within three years from the date of discovery of the damage.

    The financial liability of military personnel can be limited or full.

    Limited liability is liability for damage caused by negligence during the performance of military service duties.

    Military personnel performing military service under a contract and citizens called up for military training bear financial liability in the amount of damage caused by them, but not more than one month’s salary monetary allowance and one monthly bonus for long service; military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription - no more than two monthly salaries.

    Military personnel bear financial liability for the full amount of damage in cases where the damage is caused:

    military personnel to whom the property was transferred under accountability for storage, transportation, issue, use and other purposes;

    actions (inaction) of a military serviceman containing elements of a crime provided for by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

    as a result of theft, intentional destruction, damage, spoilage, illegal expenditure or use of property or other intentional actions (inactions), regardless of whether they contain elements of a crime provided for by the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

    deliberate actions of military personnel that entailed costs for treatment in military medical institutions and health care institutions for military personnel injured as a result of these actions;

    military personnel who voluntarily brought themselves into a state of narcotic, toxic or alcoholic intoxication.

    Military personnel bear criminal liability for crimes committed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Crime- this is a socially dangerous act committed guilty of guilt, prohibited by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation under threat of punishment (Article 14).

    Incident- this is an event that resulted in an accident with the death or serious injury of people, the infliction of significant material damage or other grave consequences in the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Depending on the nature and degree of public danger, crimes are classified as follows.

    Minor crimes - intentional and careless acts, for the commission of which the maximum punishment does not exceed two years of imprisonment.

    Crimes of medium gravity – intentional and careless acts, for the commission of which the maximum punishment does not exceed five years of imprisonment,

    Serious crimes - intentional acts, for the commission of which the maximum punishment does not exceed ten years of imprisonment.

    Particularly serious crimes - intentional acts, the commission of which is punishable by imprisonment for a term of over ten years or a more severe punishment.

    For offenses committed, military personnel are, as a rule, brought to one type of responsibility. Military personnel exposed disciplinary action in connection with the commission of an offense are not exempt from criminal liability for this offense.

    In the event of an offense involving the infliction of material damage, military personnel shall compensate for the damage regardless of whether they are brought to other types of liability or the use of civil rights measures.

    Social sanctions may be applied to military personnel for offenses related to their violation of military discipline and public order.

    Crimes against military service are crimes against the established procedure for military service, committed by military personnel undergoing military service by conscription or under contract in the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Russian Federation, as well as citizens in the reserve during their military training. .


    Crimes against military service (military crimes) pose an exceptional danger to society. Among the most dangerous crimes is the failure of a subordinate to comply with an order from a superior.

    Failure of a subordinate to comply with a superior's order, given to in the prescribed manner, which has caused significant harm to the interests of the service, is punishable by restriction on military service for a term of up to two years, or arrest for a term of up to six months, or detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term of up to two years.

    The same act, committed by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy, or an organized group, and equally resulting in grave consequences, is punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), entered into force on January 1, 1997, for the first time determines that an order from a superior must be given in the prescribed manner. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces instructs the chief, when giving an order (command), to be tactful, self-possessed, and not to allow the human dignity of a subordinate to be humiliated and the rules of military politeness to be violated. The order must comply with the requirements of laws and military regulations, and be given in the manner and interests of the service.

    "To the commanders (chiefs) prohibited give orders (instructions) and instructions that are not related to the performance of military service duties or aimed at violating the legislation of the Russian Federation” (Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”).

    An order or instruction that is given by the appropriate person and in the proper form is mandatory. For harm caused to an individual, society or the state as a result of such a mandatory order (instruction), criminal liability is borne by the person who gave this order or instruction.

    The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for the responsibility of military personnel for resistance to the boss as well as another person performing the duties of military service assigned to him, or forcing him to violate these duties, associated with violence or the threat of its use.

    These acts are punishable by restriction in military service for a term of up to two years, or detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to five years. The same acts committed:

    b) using weapons;

    Violent actions against the boss, committed during the performance of military service duties or in connection with the performance of these duties, is punishable by restriction in military service for a term of up to two years, or by detention in a disciplinary military unit for a term of up to two years, or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years. The same acts committed:

    a) by a group of persons, a group of persons by prior conspiracy or an organized group;

    b) using weapons;

    c) causing grave or moderate harm to health or other grave consequences, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three to eight years.

    Armed strengthRussianfederations managementtroops. Yes, when preparation To combat

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    Departments conducting preparation reserve officers specializing in military air defense ArmedstrengthRussianfederations SAINT PETERSBURG... communications, as well as hidden requirements managementtroops. Yes, when preparation To combat actions and during their conduct...

  • Document

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  • INFORMATION MATERIALS for candidates entering military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation under secondary vocational education programs Murmansk 2011


    ... troops NBC protection of the Armed Forces StrengthRussianFederation at the Military Academy troops NBC protection and engineering troops, organized Preparation personnel sergeants... and strengthening RussianArmedStrength, to increase them combat readiness and defense...

  • The Russian Ministry of Defense has recreated the Main Directorate of Combat Training (GUBP). One of its main tasks will be to increase the combat effectiveness of inter-service groupings of troops, First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Arkady Bakhin, told reporters on Monday. GUPB was newly created “to coordinate the activities of military command and control bodies in the field of comprehensive training of troops,” RIA Novosti reports the words of the military.

    GUBP was disbanded in 2010. The military explained this decision by the need to transfer directly to the General Staff the main functions of command and control as part of the reform of the Armed Forces. The recreated GUBP will “combine the efforts of the branches and branches of the military” in the interests of increasing the combat effectiveness of the army and navy, Bakhin said.

    Thus, a unified coordinating structure has been created for all types and branches of the military. “Now the task of creating such a structure is one of the priorities, and I have been entrusted with responsibility for this area of ​​work,” added the Colonel General. Bakhin announced to reporters today that he will oversee the activities of the military police.

    One of the principles of creating a military police, according to the general, is to attract professionally trained people “from officers to contract soldiers” who will perform garrison, guard and patrol services around the clock, without interrupting military personnel of formations and units from combat training. Bahin clarified that it is planned to entrust the military police with security warehouse areas, arsenals and bases of the military department.

    According to the draft law “On Military Police,” prepared by the Ministry of Defense in October, the new structure will combine a number of powers previously exercised by the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor’s office, the police, the FSB and other departments. The military police will investigate crimes committed by military personnel, ensure military discipline, ensure that military personnel are kept in guardhouses, protect the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, participate in counter-terrorism operations, and solve problems to suppress international terrorist activities. Military police will have the right to cordon off or block the territories of military units and military camps. The military police in Russia have already been created and have begun to fulfill their functions, but it will take another two years to finalize the structure, said on November 19 the First Deputy Head of the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Major General Andrei Nechaev.

    In the near future, an experiment will be conducted at the Alabinsky garrison base (Moscow region), Bakhin said. It involves the transfer of the functions of garrison and guard services, as well as patrol services, to military police bodies. Structural changes in the Ministry of Defense are not limited to the re-creation of the GUBP. Bakhin announced today that the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation will no longer oversee the main directorates, directorates and departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. This will be dealt with by the relevant deputy ministers of defense, Bakhin said. The reassignment of all central military command and control bodies was done to increase the efficiency of the command and control system of the Armed Forces, ensure uniform approaches to the implementation of core tasks by military command and control bodies, and prompt adoption management decisions and personal responsibility for the quality of their implementation, said Bakhin.

    The Colonel General clarified that he personally, as the first deputy, will be responsible for combat training of troops, inspection activities (checking the quality of combat training) and conducting interspecific exercises. Another innovation, according to Bakhin, was the separation of military-scientific and innovation work into a separate area. It is entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Oleg Ostapenko, who headed the Aerospace Defense Forces. “The main task in this area is to analyze the fundamental scientific research and determining the possibility of creating applied technologies on their basis in the interests of the RF Armed Forces,” Bakhin explained. Issues of the state defense order, equipping the army with weapons and military equipment at the Ministry of Defense will be supervised by Deputy Minister Yuri Borisov, said Colonel General.

    According to him, the Department of Education and the Personnel Inspectorate, previously subordinate to the Minister of Defense, became subordinate to the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Nikolai Pankov. In general, the command structure of the Russian Armed Forces will remain the same, Bakhin emphasized. There are still “certain inconveniences and some inconsistencies” that will be corrected in the near future, the Colonel General added. The Ministry of Defense is undergoing a reform that began after a change in the leadership of the department. Anatoly Serdyukov headed the Ministry of Defense since February 15, 2007.

    On November 6, 2012, President Vladimir Putin dismissed Serdyukov from the post of Minister of Defense and appointed Sergei Shoigu in his place. The former head of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations and ex-governor of the Moscow region began active transformations in his new post with the return of students from the Suvorov and Nakhimov schools to the Victory Parade. Among Shoigu’s latest initiatives is equipping the Airborne Forces with the new BMD-4 airborne combat vehicle and depriving the Ministry of Defense of the function of selling its own property.