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Ideal quality subordinate. Ideal employee


A clearly formulated idea of ​​what qualities a person applying for a particular position should have will minimize the time spent searching for an employee and facilitate decision-making when choosing from several candidates. When selecting personnel, it is necessary to remember that the ideal employee is not “a pleasant person in all respects,” but a professional who meets job requirements.

The ideal employee. Dream employee portrait

Where does the search for a new specialist for a company begin? From drawing up a personnel application. This is the only way to weed out the “wrong” candidates. How to fit everything you need to know for selection on one sheet of paper ideal employee? It's not difficult if you strictly follow the rules.

Section One: Position and Responsibilities

It is often believed that a personnel application is compiled exclusively for recruiting firms, so that they can use it, like a photograph, to choose from a variety of applicants the one who most fully matches vacant position. But in fact the application in mandatory should be personally drawn up by every leader concerned personnel problems. Even in cases where he intends to solve them personally or through his managers.

Point two: education and experience

Then you should move on to describing the requirements for the new employee. What skills and work experience must a person have to cope with the tasks assigned to him?

The standard point of a personnel application is education. Often a higher education is required. But it is not always wise to insist on this. What is much more important is not a university diploma, but the skills and knowledge that a specialist actually possesses. For example, instead of looking for a marketing analyst with a specialized university diploma, it is enough to write that you need a person knowledgeable in theory probability, mastering the technique of factor and cluster analysis. In fact, a graduate of any technical university can have such knowledge.

Besides " higher education"does not guarantee a thorough mastery of the profession.

For us, a much more important point in this part of the personnel application is work experience, successful experience in solving specific professional problems,” says Elena Galochkina, head of the personnel management department of the Moscow operator mobile communications"Megaphone". - For example, not only a graduate of a prestigious business school can have strategic thinking. Therefore, when selecting future employees, we do not strictly regulate the requirements for their education.

But, of course, there are vacancies for which it is important to find a person with a certain diploma.

Since 1997, I have been selecting specialists in information technology, says Marina Khandrikova, head of the recruiting company Ventra. - And for these personnel positions it is considered important not just to have a university diploma, but to have a specific diploma educational institution. For example, for the head of an information service, people who graduated from MIPT, Mechanics and Mathematics, or the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Mathematics of Moscow State University are preferable. System administrators We are looking among graduates of the Moscow Aviation Institute and some faculties of the MEPhI. And if we need a specialist who knows how to design a telephone exchange, we look closely at MTUSiS graduates. Nowhere, except in specialized universities, is it possible to obtain the necessary set of knowledge for this work.

Section three: gender and age

The next part of the application is the gender and age of the future employee. According to the observations of HR specialists, employers rarely justify these requirements and indicate them automatically. How important are they really?

First rule. If there are no strict professional requirements, you should not limit your choice to only men or only women. But if your inner voice still advises you to screen out candidates based on gender, you should clearly formulate for yourself why a person of a certain gender can do this or that job better. Of course, such cases occur. For example, men perform better in positions that require long business trips. There is very little chance that a woman will be a good leader in an all-male team, especially if it consists of older employees, former military personnel or programmers. If there is no proper explanation for your “sexism,” it is logical to exclude this item from the application and thereby double the number of potential candidates.

Rule two. The importance of an employee's age should not be exaggerated. Again, you need to honestly formulate for yourself what you want when you write that you agree to hire a person “no older than 40 years old.” Often, by setting such a ceiling, the employer is actually looking not for a young employee, but for a flexible, trainable one, capable of growing. But in this case, it is precisely these qualities, and not age at all, that should be discussed in the application. And following stereotypes is irrational.

There are people who, at the age of sixty, are aiming for a third higher education. And there are those who once developed their skills and no longer want to improve. These features do not depend on age, says Igor Dudnik, HR Director of Rusimport. - Not to mention the fact that there are a number of positions for which it is advisable to select specialists over 40 years of age: heads of company departments, senior managers.

Section Four: Personal Characteristics

In the personnel application it is necessary to indicate the requirements for appearance and social status future employee. For example, for a computer sales manager, an employer can make the following list of necessary personal qualities: “attractive appearance, ability to flirt, tell jokes; intelligent, wealthy family." Each of these requirements has its own explanation. It will be easier for a person with a pleasant appearance to establish contact with a buyer than for a seller with a physical disability. And it will be easier for a manager who is used to living in abundance to offer expensive equipment than for an employee who is afraid to even say its cost out loud.

If the company has strict corporate requirements for clothing and hairstyle, this should also be indicated in the application

Once I was faced with the fact that one company did not consider a candidate just because he had a beard,” says Marina Khandrikova. “They told me: “We can’t take him because it goes against our corporate style.” Selecting an employee for this company would be much easier if this feature was indicated in the personnel application.

And finally, a special point in the personnel application is personal qualities.

The requirements for key characteristics employee, advises Igor Dudnik. - And you shouldn’t concentrate on character traits that cannot directly affect his work.

As practice shows personnel workers, personal qualities in the application should not be more than three. Otherwise they start repeating each other. If you can’t choose the most important ones, you can do this. List 15 qualities on a piece of paper, and then, using the method of elimination, leave three that you really can’t do without. It is likely that most of the rest will flow from them. For example, an employee-leader will certainly be distinguished by dedication, focus on results and efficiency. It is important to ensure that the qualities included in the application are not mutually exclusive. For example, employers often simultaneously require sociability and perseverance, an analytical mind and leadership abilities from candidates. But such universal people are rare. Most managers also have purely individual preferences, which you should not hesitate to disclose in the application submitted to the recruitment agency. Otherwise, again, a lot of effort and time will be lost. Recruiters will send applicant after applicant to the manager, and they will all be unsuitable. Why? Well, let's say, because the director of the company is a convinced monarchist. He is looking for someone like himself as an assistant, but no one knows about it.

This is what, for example, the owner of one of the companies selling electronics did. He asked recruiters to find someone for the position of camera sales manager who “believes in technical progress", "passionate modern technologies», « knowledgeable about technology digital photography." Such requirements corresponded to the personal attitudes of the leader. It was his passion for technology that led him to business, which he successfully organized. And these are the people he wanted to see around.

Section five: wages

After describing the requirements for the applicant, it is the turn to show his cards. How much are you willing to pay the “ideal employee”? Will he be provided with health insurance? What additional benefits will he get from working for your company?

It is best not just to list the contents of the social package, but also to provide monetary equivalent each of its components. How much are the insurance services guaranteed to a new employee? How much money will be spent on his training, payment cell phone and sports? The answers to these questions are very important for applicants, since the cost of the same health insurance in different companies can differ significantly. And, thus, a person will be able to appreciate the real benefits that will give him future work. Often " social package“Increases wages by almost half. This good motivation, allowing you to attract a competent specialist.

In the section of the personnel application dedicated to financial matters, you should definitely indicate whether the candidate is expected career and therefore an increase in salary. In some companies, it is customary to conduct certification once a year, based on the results of which employees can expect an increase or decrease in salary. All this is also recorded in the application.

"Orientation" for the agency

A message seeking a new employee can be sent to a recruiting agency, a newspaper, a magazine, one of the Internet personnel sites, or all of these places at the same time. But it is worth remembering that in each of the listed cases the application should look different. The most detailed personnel application is required for a recruiting agency. It should include detailed information about the company and the specifics of the department for which the employee is being selected, detailed description requirements for the candidate (including gender, age, personal, professional quality), as well as a list of questions that should be asked to determine the real competence of the applicant. In such an application, “either-or” language should be avoided (for example, “either higher education or work experience abroad”). This greatly expands the pool of applicants. If it is not possible to set clear parameters, it is worth distinguishing the requirements into “mandatory”, “desirable” and “exclusive”. For example, your request can be formulated this way: “Work experience in leadership position two years or more, experience preferred wholesale sales, candidates without knowledge of English are excluded.”

Today, staff turnover in companies is simply enormous. And a little competition among employees is considered quite a good and useful phenomenon, which keeps employees on their toes and in a state of high productivity. Hard work and relative autonomy are not always enough to advance at work. You need to think about your image and correct shortcomings before your superiors notice. It's always helpful to have a basic understanding of what makes you desirable and in demand. What qualities of an employee should be in your arsenal?

1. Ambition

Ambitious employees are willing to do anything to achieve company goals and advance career ladder. They won't slack because they set high goals and know that much is expected of them. They also have a strong desire to progress in their career. Ambition allows you to discover creative ideas - and all this is undoubtedly good for the company. However, they must be adequate and consistent with your capabilities and intellectual abilities. Otherwise, they simply will not be justified.

2. Enthusiasm

People who are passionate about their work undoubtedly have an advantage over their colleagues who are easily burned out at work. Energetic and cheerful employees are always happy to learn something new. They help create a work environment in which new ideas come faster.

3. Modesty

Nobody likes a braggart. The preferred candidate for the position will be the one who proves his worth through hard work and not empty words. Moreover, it is initially unclear to the employer whether you are telling the truth or exaggerating.

4. Reliability

What's more annoying than an employee who doesn't follow instructions? Either he doesn't take the job seriously or he wasn't careful when instructions were given. In any case, this works against him. And as a result - errors, defects in work and “burnt” deadlines. Following instructions shows that the employee takes his responsibilities seriously. A reliable employee has a better chance of getting a salary increase.

5. Positivity

As a rule, people don't like being in company - it's depressing. An employer wants someone who comes to work with a smile on his face and is always optimistic, no matter what happens. Kindness is contagious. No matter how tedious and difficult a task may be, a positive person always solves it with joy and efficiency. In addition, employers value these qualities of the employee and their participation in solving the company's problems. The more an employee recognizes problems and offers help in developing them, the more valuable he will be.

6. Motivated

Motivated people do not need to be forced to work and be held over their heads in order for them to do anything. Such people have the stamina to carry out their duties. And they do them efficiently. You don't have to worry about the quality of work or the deadlines when someone works for you. motivated employee. Such workers set the general pace, and others try to follow it. These people are persistent and purposeful, they are able to laugh at themselves and take criticism.

7. Confidence

We can bet that at least once in your life it has happened that you wanted to transfer a project to someone who is more confident and does not hesitate in his actions in order to get rid of this problem. A confident employee takes risks more easily and responds to challenges. Only those people who believe in their abilities and talents achieve the best.

8. Hard work

Nothing can replace this as the main criterion for an employee. There are people who work hard for several years and then lose momentum. People who treat their work as a 9 to 5 job (even when there is an important project to complete) will never be perceived by employers as hard workers. They are not ready to put extra effort into work and spend extra time on it. The success of a company depends on whether employers are able to hire hardworking and results-oriented workers.

9. Team spirit

Many companies are based on teamwork. To succeed as a team member, employee qualities such as patience, tolerance and good communication skills are required. Teamwork provides many benefits: work gets done faster, relationships between employees improve, and team members get to know each other better.

10. Leadership qualities

Leadership begins with self-confidence and is strengthened by success. If the company has a person with leadership qualities, then he will be more likely than anyone else to apply for a key or management position.

The above qualities of an employee make him indispensable at any place of work and in any company. Consider whether you have these characteristics.

Every businessman and manager wants only qualified, talented workers who work in his office, devoting maximum effort and time to their work.

So, what characteristics, personal and professional, should such an employee have? How to choose it?

An excellent employee must first of all perform his duties efficiently. job descriptions, work for results and at work deal directly with the work process, and not with personal matters.

Another important quality is responsibility and genuine interest in the work being performed. A person who does something by order, without desire, is not capable of great labor feats, and you can hardly expect creative ideas from him.

He should strive for a common goal - the success of the company, and not serve an eight-hour working day as a duty.

The subordinate must be able to analyze events and make final decisions, be able to regulate the process, that is, keep everything under control.

In addition, the employee must be aware of the latest news from the organization.

Initiative and its manifestation is one of the most important qualities good team. Subordinates should not be afraid to offer their ideas; on the contrary, the manager should in every possible way stimulate the development of new ideas and plans coming from colleagues.

Kindness is an important character trait that everyone who works in a team needs.

The ability to find dialogue with colleagues, refrain from conflicts, and be able to resolve everything through negotiations is what anyone will need in concluding agreements, contracts, discussing everyday issues of an enterprise, for example, a Moscow recruitment agency.

Communication skills. The ability to get a silent client to talk so that he explains the details of a transaction, or to quickly get closer to colleagues - this will also be needed in work life.

Personal sympathy. The employee you select to work in your company must be liked. It doesn't have to be any special sympathy. Rather, it is simply a feeling that it is pleasant to contact a person, there is no hostility or constraint in communication, there is no negativity or repulsive traits in appearance and demeanor.

In any case, when making a choice in favor of this or that person, be sure to remember that a healthy moral atmosphere in the team is the key to the success of your business.

Many employers complain that they cannot find the ideal employee for their company who would meet all the requirements. What really is hidden under the phrase “ideal candidate” and what qualities you need to have to pass an interview - in the material of the “Work” project.

Portrait of an impeccable candidate

If we analyze the majority of vacancies, we can see that employers want to find a sociable, stress-resistant specialist who is able to work non-stop during irregular working hours. average salary and always smile at the same time. However, even if such a candidate exists, the company will always have other reasons for dissatisfaction.

"In fact, all these general qualities, such as communication skills and an active life position, will never help you find an employee who would be ideally suited for a particular position, says Head of Sales Department Sergey Borisov. – There is no universal ideal worker, because in each specific case the specialist is faced with various tasks. And if one position requires a person who knows how to establish business contacts and persuade, then another would be more suitable for a shy but hardworking employee who has no ambition and will do the same monotonous work year after year.”

Based on this, we can conclude that the ideal employee does not exist, and in each specific case it is necessary to focus specifically on the tasks that the specialist will have to perform.

“Finding a suitable employee is not so difficult if you do not strive to find the perfect one,” says Sergey Borisov. – For me, the key criteria are interest in the company, understanding of my business and the desire to improve my skills. Everything else is not paramount. If an employee is interested in his work and wants to achieve better results, then stress resistance and perseverance will come by themselves. If an employee recommends himself as active, purposeful, but at the same time he is not interested in your business, then after a while there will be no trace of purposefulness left.”

How to “figure out” a suitable employee?

Recruitment specialists note that the ideal candidate for a company must first of all be able to answer several questions: why he chose this particular company and what he can do for it. All other criteria become only an addition, but not an advantage.

“As practice shows, if a candidate cannot answer during an interview why he decided to work with us, then he does not stay long,” says recruiting manager Anastasia Komarova. – Some candidates cannot even tell what the company they want to work for does. Of course, such an attitude towards a potential job is simply not acceptable, and the applicant will be refused. Each position has certain requirements regarding education and work experience - these criteria are considered at the resume stage. During a personal meeting, the applicant must competently present his knowledge about the industry in which he wants to work, tell what skills and experience he has and what he is ready to do for the company. Based on the answers, we can conclude whether the candidate is “ideal” for a particular position.”

“If the specialist’s interests coincide with the company’s capabilities, then this can be the beginning of ideal cooperation,” says Anastasia Komarova. – Sincere interest is immediately visible during the interview. The candidate does not answer with banal phrases, but maintains a lively conversation and asks a lot of questions. If a potential employee shows a desire to work in this particular company, and he has the necessary competencies for this, then you can turn a blind eye to some personal qualities that do not meet the requirements specified in the vacancy.”

Third no less important rule– Attentiveness to the job description. The candidate must be ready to solve all the tasks posed by the company. And for this you need to have sufficient knowledge the necessary knowledge and competencies.

“You need to carefully evaluate your capabilities with the stated requirements,” says Sergey Borisov. – It is stupid to count on the fact that experience will come in the process of work if you are applying for a serious position. As a rule, the company expects new decisions from employees, rather than explaining to them the well-worn rules. Assessing your qualities is important in any other position. If an employee applies for a monotonous job that requires constant concentration, and at the same time knows that he is impulsive and cannot sit in one place for a long time, then there is no point in wasting his or the company’s time.”

Let’s summarize: an ideal employee is a kind of collective image that consists of a set of professional and personal qualities. However, for each company such perfect image will be different depending on its goals and requirements. It is important for the applicant to remember that, first of all, you need to be a professional in your field, know about latest changes in the market and strive for development. With this approach, the chances of becoming an excellent candidate for the company increase dramatically.

Portrait of an ideal employee

Surely everyoneHR- a specialist imagines a portrait of an ideal employee, but it is always different for everyone, because it is focused on the needs and values ​​of a particular company. But, despite the fact that each industry has its own characteristics in terms of the profile of applicants, in general it is possible to identify general trends in determining certain qualities of successful candidates. Therefore, we decided to find out from the representatives HR- the communities of Kaluga and the Kaluga region, how they see the employee of their dreams.
The survey collected the opinions of managers and HR specialists from more than 35 companies from different fields of activity: automotive business, mechanical engineering, food production, trade and others. All participants proposed 10 qualities that, in their opinion, an ideal employee of their company should have.
We divided the conventionally named characteristics employees on professional and personal. Skills and competencies that define the “ideal employee” as a successful specialist were classified as professional. Personal are the intellectual and psychosocial qualities necessary for a person’s realization within the framework of the proposed life (including career) conditions.

A little about personal

The rating of personal characteristics was as follows. The first place was awarded to such quality as responsibility - 85.3%. Likewise, many candidates list this quality first in the “About Me” section of their resume. Having become a stereotype, it often does not correspond to reality. Many employers include in the concept of “responsibility” not just high-quality execution duties assigned to the employee, but also the ability to make serious decisions and be responsible for their consequences. At the same time, we should not forget that “he who is not even responsible for himself is immediately responsible for everything.” For a more complete perception, it is necessary to clearly understand what level of responsibility will be assigned to a particular employee.
In second place is communication skills; 52.9% of respondents paid attention to it. Communication skills are necessary for any person to achieve success in modern world. For many professions, the ability to find a common language with colleagues, quickly change behavior and tune in to the same wavelength with different people is part of professional competence. The candidate’s communication skills are evidenced by his experience and the results he has achieved in the past. Communication skills reflect the adequacy of information perception. Even if we consider blue-collar professions or positions whose main tasks are not related to active interaction with people, a sufficient level of communication is necessary for contact and correct understanding between colleagues, subordinates and the manager.
Third place goes to diligence (41.2%). Executive employees are always needed by everyone. Thus, the “Olympic minimum” consists of responsibility, communication skills and diligence.
The next most popular are the ability to work in a team and hard work (these qualities received 38.2% of the votes). A hardworking person will achieve the maximum in his professional field. Hardworking, but not a workaholic. The second one can be detrimental to performance. There is a possibility that a workaholic may “break” after some time. Along with hard work, some of the respondents emphasized the desire to work. This characteristic can hardly be called a quality; rather, it is a person’s attitude towards work.
Among other qualities, stress resistance (29.4%), honesty (27.3%), creativity (23.6%), discipline (23.5%), dedication (17.7%), punctuality (14.7) were noted. %), self-confidence (8.8%). For 11.8% of HR managers, a positive attitude from employees is important, and only 6% believe that the ideal employee should have good health.

You become a professional by working with professionals

Analyzing the professional qualities of employees, we obtained the following figures. Quite logically, the desire for development leads the way (32.6%). Then - professionalism (20.6%) and result-oriented (18.2%). It is no coincidence that the popularity of these qualities in the requirements for candidates is high. Employees who are results-oriented and self-development-oriented are able to achieve their goals despite the difficulties and obstacles that arise along the way. The result - one of the indicators of work efficiency - just depends on the motivation of the employee. An employee’s focus on results makes him stand out in the team.
In fourth and fifth place are learning ability (14.7%) and performance (11.8%). The ability to plan and prioritize, as well as the presence of analytical skills, was noted by only a few of the respondents. In addition to the above qualities, HR specialists noted in their questionnaires positivity, loyalty, flexibility, mobility, independence, and initiative. This choice is largely due to the period of active and dynamic growth, development and establishment of many companies in the Kaluga region.

Oil painting

Obviously, our division is arbitrary, and some personal qualities can “flow” into professional ones, depending on which side you look at them from. In addition, it is necessary to understand what each of the specialists or managers puts into this or that definition. In general, the conclusion is obvious: to be an ideal employee and get the desired job, it is not enough to have only education and work experience.
As a result of the survey, the portrait of the “dream employee” will be as follows: before us is a responsible and efficient person, not only professional, but also systematically improving the level of his qualifications, creative, developing and striving for successful career. He is stress-resistant, sociable and knows how to work in a team. He is distinguished by hard work, honesty and discipline. And now you have a unique opportunity to compare yourself with the portrait of an ideal employee and evaluate your capabilities.
However, you should not take the survey results too literally. As a rule, any employee needs certain qualities, but to varying degrees. The basic rule of HR, like that of a doctor, is “do no harm.” Only by correctly correlating vacant positions with the profile of competencies that an employee will need in the process of work can HR specialists make right choice, and candidates - to assess their chances in the regional labor market.

We thank the companies that took part in the survey:
LLC PKF "Khozstroyinstrument"
"Natural product"
LLC Confectionery Factory "Lotte Rus Kaluga"
"Home Credit and Finance Bank"
"LG Electronics Rus"
CJSC "White Gold"
KA "Professional"
LLC "Inzhstroy"
LLC "Pipelife Rus"
Arneg LLC
LLC "Inmarko"
OJSC "Obninsk Sausage Plant"
CIS Karelia-Upoflor LLC
LLC "Poultry farm in Belousovo"
Avon LLC
OJSC "Khlebokombinat"

Irina TITOVA, HR specialist at Benteler Automotive LLC