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How to organize project activities for students at school. How to organize project activities in elementary school How to organize student project activities

Requirements for an educational project. 1. It is necessary to have a socially significant task (problem) - research, information, practical. 2. Project implementation begins with planning actions to resolve the problem (designing the project itself, determining the type of product and presentation form). 3. Every project definitely requires research work students. Thus, a distinctive feature of project activity is the search for information, which will then be processed, comprehended and presented by project team members.

4. The result of work on the project, in other words, the output of the project, is the product. IN general view This is a tool that the project team members developed to solve the problem. 4. The result of work on the project, in other words, the output of the project, is the product. In general terms, this is a tool that the project team members developed to solve the problem. 5. The prepared product must be presented to the customer or members of the public, presented convincingly enough, as the most acceptable means of solving the problem. Thus, the project requires a presentation of its product at the final stage. 6. Portfolio, that is, a folder in which all the working materials of the project are collected, including drafts, daily plans and reports, and more.

MODEL No. 1 Getting the job done. (2-3 months) Pre-defense of work in your own or another class in order to identify the level of understanding and mastery of the material, as well as develop the ability to understand questions and answer them. (1 month) Protection for expert council schools. (2 months) Definition of the subject, topic, goals, objectives of the project, election of a leader. (1-2 months) Summing up: school-wide conference on the results of the year.

MODEL No. 2 Work on the project begins with the decision of the school parliament to protect the project. Then the head of the department identifies problems and creates “workshops” in which any school student interested in these issues has the right to join. A group of developers builds a concept, identifies tasks, looks for ways to solve them, and coordinates their activities. Subject individual projects are equivalent to passing a subject exam.

MODEL No. 3 Teachers' council dedicated to project work. Selection of direction and topics, planning project work school for a quarter (1st week of the quarter). Formation of the composition of the project team. Discussion of principles of work in creative groups. Setting research tasks, planning work in groups (2nd week of the quarter). Information stage of work on projects. Choice of product form (3rd week of the quarter). Completion of the practical part, product design (4th and subsequent weeks of the quarter). Presentation of the project (penultimate week of the quarter). Teachers' assessment of the activities of project group participants and compilation of a rating of student participation in the project (on a 100-point scale) Teachers' Council for summing up the results of project activities. General school line.

Interdisciplinary projects Interdisciplinary projects are carried out exclusively outside of class time and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem formulation.

Project work passport. Project name. Project Manager. Project consultants. The academic subject within which the project is being worked on. Academic disciplines close to the topic of the project. Age of students. Composition of the project team. (Full name of students, class) Project type (abstract, informational, research, creative, practice-oriented, role-playing) Project customer. Objective of the project. (practical and pedagogical goals) Project objectives (2-4, emphasis on developmental tasks) Project issues (3-4 most important problematic issues) Equipment. Annotations (relevance, significance, educational aspect, summary) The intended product of the project. Stages of work.

ASSESSMENT CRITERIA used in the practice of non-state schools Independence of work. Relevance and significance of the topic. Completeness of the topic. Originality of the solution to the problem. Artistry and expressiveness of performance. How the content of the project is disclosed in the presentation. Use of visual aids and technical means. Answers on questions.

FORMS OF PROJECT ACTIVITY PRODUCTS Selecting the form of a project activity product is an important organizational task for project participants. Analysis of sociological survey data Atlas Attributes of a non-existent state Business plan Video Newspaper, magazine Operating company Game Layout, model Office design

8th edition...

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The proposed manual is devoted to the consideration of one of the current pedagogical problems - the problem of introducing the so-called “project method” into school educational practice. In a brief and popular form, the book outlines approaches to all the main issues of organizing student project activities at school: what is the project method, what are the basic requirements for the project, how to plan correctly project activities in the classroom and throughout the school, what are the main problems and difficulties of the project method, and much more. etc.
The manual provides numerous examples of project activities based on the best pedagogical experience of Russian and foreign schools.
The manual has an obvious practice-oriented orientation and is addressed teaching staff those planning and organizing project activities at school - subject teachers, heads of school methodological associations, deputy directors for educational and scientific (innovative) work.
8th edition, revised and expanded.


In the Modernization Concept general education it is written: “The basic link of education is the general education school, the modernization of which presupposes the orientation of education not only on the student’s assimilation of a certain amount of knowledge, but also on the development of his personality, his cognitive and creative abilities. Comprehensive school should form an integral system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the experience of independent activity and personal responsibility of students, i.e. core competencies, which determine the modern quality of educational content. Relying on the rich experience of Russian and Soviet schools, the best traditions of domestic science, mathematics, humanities and arts education should be preserved.”

A complete system of universal (or general educational) knowledge and skills cannot appear otherwise than in a situation of solving supra-subject problems, in the experience of independent activity, and this is design. Intuitively, everyone who is associated with education today understands that the project activities of schoolchildren presuppose their activity in educational process, and without a child’s activity, education is impossible.

The project method, developed back in the first half of the 20th century, is again becoming relevant in modern times. information society. A project is often called any independent work of a student, say an essay or report. It is not surprising that sometimes teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a teaching method, and students do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a very specific type of independent work. To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to clearly define what a project is, what its characteristics are, how it differs from other types of independent student work, what is the degree of teacher participation in various stages implementation of the project, as it depends on the age of the student and on his other individual characteristics. Among various types For students' independent work, the genre closest to projects is reports, abstracts and educational research. Maybe that’s why they are often confused not only by children, but also by adults. Before we talk about the project as a teaching method, let's be clear. Research- work related to solving a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result.

Project- work aimed at solution to a specific problem, to achieve in the optimal way pre-planned result. The project may include elements of reports, essays, research and any other types of independent creative work students, but

only as ways to achieve the result of the project.

For the student a project is an opportunity to maximize your creative potential. This is an activity that allows you to express yourself individually or in a group, try your hand, apply your knowledge, bring benefit, and publicly show the results achieved. This is an activity aimed at solving an interesting problem formulated by the students themselves. The result of this activity - the found method of solving the problem - is practical in nature and significant for the discoverers themselves. A for the teacher an educational project is an integrative didactic means of development, training and education, which allows you to develop and develop specific skills and design skills: problematization, goal setting, activity planning, reflection and self-analysis, presentation and self-presentation, as well as information search, practical use academic knowledge, self-study, research and creative activity.

There are a number of circumstances that must be taken into account when organizing project activities for students. A student cannot be offered work as a project for which he does not have any knowledge and skills, despite the fact that he has no place for this knowledge and skills

find and purchase. In other words, to work on a project, the author must have a certain initial (even minimal) level of readiness. And, of course, work that is very familiar, has been performed many times before, does not require the search for new solutions and, accordingly, does not provide an opportunity to acquire new knowledge and skills cannot be a project.

There is another feature. In order for a project problem to motivate a student to actively work, its goal must initially be hidden and give rise to a problem. Problematization is the first stage of work on the project - it is necessary to assess the existing circumstances and formulate the problem. At this stage, the primary motive for activity arises, since the presence of a problem gives rise to a feeling of disharmony and causes a desire to overcome it. There is a kind of “appropriation” of the problem by the student, endowing it with personal meaning.

Thus, it becomes necessary to determine and formulate the purpose of the activity. Accordingly, the next, second stage of work is goal setting. At this stage, the problem is transformed into a personally significant goal and acquires the image of an expected result, which will later be embodied in the project product. At this moment, the author has a lot of ideas (not always

realistic), which further strengthens the motive for activity. The presence of an initial problem and an understanding of the final goal of the work force us to begin activities, which should begin with the development of a plan. Planning- the most important stage of work on the project, as a result

which not only the distant goal, but also the nearest steps acquire clear outlines. During this period, enthusiasm and a sense of novelty and significance of the upcoming work are dulled, which may somewhat reduce the motive for activity.

When there is a work plan, resources (materials, labor, time) are available and the goal is clear, you can start working directly.

Implementation existing plan - the next stage of the project cycle. This is the period of maximum fluctuation of the motive. For some people, the clarity of the upcoming steps and the presence of a clear plan increase the motive for activity, while others have a feeling of ease and accessibility of all work, a desire to relax and not stress. And sometimes the author of the project has already mentally achieved

the result of the work, emotionally experienced this achievement; or, conversely, the amount of work ahead leads to the author giving up and losing confidence in the successful completion of the project (all this largely applies to teenagers). Obviously, at the implementation stage, the teacher will have to find a way to maintain the motive to work, taking into account

personal characteristics of their students. Upon completion of the work, the author must compare the result obtained with his plan, and, if possible, make corrections. This is the stage

comprehension, analysis of mistakes made, attempts to see the prospects of work, assessment of one’s achievements, feelings and emotions that arose during and after the end of work. In addition, the author needs to evaluate what changes have occurred in himself, what he has learned, what he has learned, how his view of the problem has changed, what life experience he has gained. All this is the content of the stage self-esteem And reflections- the final stage of work.

Working on a project involves very close interaction between student and teacher. In this regard, two extremes arise - to completely leave the student to himself or, conversely, to significantly limit his independence, constantly interfering, directing, advising - depriving,

Thus, the child takes initiative in work. The pedagogical subtlety here is that the student must feel that the project is his work, his creation, his invention, the implementation of his own ideas and plans... He must see that the teacher respects his

point of view, even if it does not coincide with the point of view of the teacher.

Here it would be appropriate to turn to the idea of ​​L.S. Vygotsky about the zone of proximal development.

In other words:

A1-A2 - if today the child does part of the work himself, and he does the other (difficult, inaccessible) part of the work together with an adult (with his help, under his guidance), then tomorrow he will be able to do the entire amount of such work completely independently;

B1-B2 - if today a child tries to do all the work, even that part of it that is not yet available to him, making mistakes, not achieving results, losing the motive for activity, then tomorrow he will not be able to do similar work;

C1-C2 - if today a child independently does only what he knows how to do, and an adult does difficult, inaccessible work, then tomorrow the child will never learn to do this work.

Therefore, only joint activity with the teacher during the work on the project will give the student the opportunity master new knowledge, skills and abilities and improve existing ones.

The methodological recommendations of the Moscow Department of Education recommend that project activities, with certain restrictions, begin in the 2nd grade of primary school. Thus, students are expected to be proficient in certain design techniques by 5th grade.

Nevertheless fifth and sixth graders need significant teaching and stimulating assistance from a teacher at almost all stages of work on projects. It is especially difficult for them highlighting the problem, goal formulation work, planning activities. Children of this age have not yet fully formed a subjective sense of time, so they cannot distribute it rationally and do not always objectively assess their own strengths. Younger adolescents are often unable to respond flexibly to new circumstances and make necessary changes to work. It is difficult for them to maintain interest in work for a long time and not lose sight of the distant goal. In the flow of information, it is not always possible to separate the important from the unimportant, reliable information from dubious. In addition, many fifth- and sixth-graders read slowly, do not always understand what they read, do not know how to analyze, generalize, classify, and do not have other general intellectual skills necessary to work on a project. All this is a consequence of insufficiently developed general academic and project skills. Children of this age are not very reflective, do not know how to analyze their feelings and emotions, or give an objective assessment of their achievements. They have not yet developed presentation and self-presentation skills and lack vocabulary. All this assumes that the teacher will have to carry out a significant amount of work on the project together with the child, constantly supporting and inspiring him. However, one should not forget that the project is, first of all, independent work, in which the author can express his own point of view, which may not coincide with the position of his teacher.

Seventh and eighth graders They can quite independently formulate the problem and goal of the project - their knowledge and school experience are sufficient for this. They may have difficulty when developing a plan, especially detailed: if the main stages of work are easily visible to them, then smaller steps fall out of sight. It is clear that this will certainly affect the quality of work. This will require the help of an adult. Implementation of the plan, as a rule, does not cause difficulties.

Students in grades 7-8 have enough academic experience to independently search, analyze, rank information from various sources, and carry out other intellectual operations within the framework of the project. The biggest problem for students of this age is motive for activity- this is their weak point. Teenagers quickly lose interest, especially if the work seems routine and the results are not inspiring. Analysis and self-esteem cause minor difficulties, since reflexive abilities at this age are still in the process of formation. In general, with measured help, unobtrusive control and inspiring

At least seventh and eighth graders successfully cope even with large, complex projects.

Ninth and tenth graders have all the objective capabilities to work completely independently at all stages of the project. They quickly formulate a problem, easily transform it into an activity goal, and develop detailed plan, taking into account available resources. They already have enough knowledge and experience, a significant stage of school life behind them - all these are prerequisites for successful work on the project. This, however, does not mean that the teacher can withdraw from work. His help is needed for interim progress assessment, For discussion of various hypotheses, versions and ideas and so on.

In order to make maximum use of the educational potential of project activities, the teacher must not only take into account age and individual characteristics student, his interests and characteristics of the motivational sphere, but also to build optimal personal relationships with him while working on the project. The teacher may be:

- head project, which bears serious responsibility for the progress and results of the work. In such a situation, the student may not be very proactive, since this is a familiar teacher-student relationship. As a rule, this position is occupied by teachers working with 5th-6th graders - this gives children the opportunity to gain the missing experience in psychologically comfortable conditions;

- work colleague, who is significantly involved in the process and performs a pre-agreed part of the work and will share with the author of the project future triumph or defeat. This is a relationship of equal partners who are passionate about common work and mutually enrich themselves with knowledge and experience, fueled by each other’s enthusiasm. This interaction is usually

develops among teachers working with 7th-8th graders, who are drawn to those who share their interests, are passionate general idea;

- expert connoisseur, which is a source of information on the project problem, provides the necessary information and gives advice when the project author asks for it. Here the teacher is in a somewhat detached position, encouraging the student to be as active as possible, to be not only the initiator of work, but also the organizer of interaction with the teacher. This is how teachers can work with 9-10th graders who know how to value professionalism and competence and strive to expand their circle of communication in an area of ​​interest to them.

- supervisor, which only inspires the author to work and creates conditions for its successful implementation. In this case, the student is the full author of the project and is fully responsible for both the success and failure of his work. This way you can work with proactive, responsible, well-performing students, regardless of their age.

So gradually, as the child gains experience, he gains more and more responsibility for his work and more and more freedom in its implementation. At the same time, a competently chosen position of the teacher is a subtle tool for the development of a teenager, the opportunity to exert an educational influence on him in

unobtrusive form.

Now a few words about written part of the project, report About work. This part of the design work is often not given much attention. It is worth emphasizing that the written part of the project is the most important component of the entire work. Regardless of what the project product is (even if it is in the form of a brochure or article, that is, executed in writing

form), a written part must be attached to the project, which is actually a report on the progress and result of the work.

Without the written part (report), the project largely loses its meaning, since it is here that the student makes a reflective assessment of all his work. Looking back, he analyzes what worked and what did not; why it didn’t work out as planned; whether every effort was made to overcome the difficulties encountered; the extent to which changes made to the original plan were justified. Here the author of the project gives an assessment own actions, evaluates the experience gained.

To teach children in the 5th grade to write a report on their work, you can offer them to use a template as a draft.


The topic of my project………………………………………………………………...

I chose this topic because……………………………………....

The purpose of my work is ……………………………………………………….....………..

The project product will be - .……………………………………

This product will help achieve the goal of the project because………………

My work plan (indicate the completion time and list all the procedures)

intermediate stages):

Choosing a topic and clarifying the title………………………………………

Gathering information (where and how I looked for information)………………………

Manufacturing the product (what and how you did it)…………………………….

Writing the written part of the project (how I did it)……………….

Main part

I started my work by ………………………………………..

Then I started to …………………………………………………….

During my work I encountered the following problems………………………

To cope with the problems that have arisen, I……………………….

I deviated from the plan (indicate when the work schedule was disrupted)

My work plan was disrupted because……………………………

During the work, I decided to change the design product, because

But still I managed to achieve the goal of the project because……………….


Having completed my project, I can say that not everything that was planned was

Mano, it turned out, for example……………………………………………..

This happened because……………………………………..

If I were to start over again, I would ……………………………

Next year I may continue this work in order to

I think I have solved the problem of my project, since………………..

Working on the project showed me that (what I learned about myself and the problem I was working on)

which he worked) ………………………………………………………………………………

Of course, it is not necessary to use this template in full. However, it is necessary that, when reporting on the progress and result of the work, the child analyzes his successes and failures, and reflects his feelings and emotions.

In high school, reports on work on a project should be more detailed and in-depth, so high school students must write them completely independently.

Few words about project protection. The most important skill that students acquire during project activities is the skill public speaking for the purpose of presenting the result of their work (project product) and self-presentation of their own competence. The ability to briefly and convincingly talk about yourself and your work is in great demand in modern society.

Project defense usually takes place in the form of a presentation. That is, a short (7-10 minutes) public speech, during which the author introduces the audience to the results of his work.

Problems that most often arise during a presentation may be associated with anxiety, lack of visual materials, insufficiently rehearsed speech, inability to arouse the interest of listeners, violation of regulations (the student does not meet the allotted time). In order for the student to cope with these problems, it is necessary to rehearse his speech to defend the project. For this he will also need Feedback from a teacher or members of a creative design workshop.

Use of visual aids

The entire presentation should be accompanied by well-selected and prepared visual aids in order to:

Attract the attention of listeners and maintain their interest;

Strengthen the meaning and meaning of your words;

Illustrate something that is difficult to perceive by ear (for example:

numbers, dates, names, place names, special terms, gra-

fics, diagrams, etc.).

Visual aids should not be used solely to:

Make an impression;

Replace live communication with the audience with visual aids;

Overload the speech with a large amount of information;

Illustrate simple ideas, which can be easily stated

In order to use the project method as a means of teaching and education, it is necessary to have a good understanding of what underlies the typology of projects in order to competently choose the necessary type of project to achieve the didactic goal. This is why typology questions educational projects are widely discussed in the specialized literature.

E.S. Polat offers the following classification.

Classification of projects by subject area:

. Mono-projects are usually implemented within one academic subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity. The leader of such a project is a subject teacher, and the consultant is a teacher of another discipline. Mono-projects can be, for example, literary and creative, natural science, environmental, language (linguistic), cultural, sports, historical, and musical. Integration is carried out only at the stage of product preparation and presentation: for example, computer layout literary almanac or musical arrangement sports festival. Such projects can be carried out (with certain reservations) within the framework of a class-lesson system.

. Interdisciplinary projects are performed exclusively outside of school hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge. They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of problem formulation. For example, a project on the topic “The problem of human

dignity in Russian society of the 19th-20th centuries.” requires simultaneously a historical, literary, cultural, psychological and sociological approach.

Classification of projects by the nature of contacts





Classification of projects by nature of coordination

. With open, explicit coordination. In such projects, the project coordinator participates in the project in his own function, unobtrusively directing the work of its participants, organizing, if necessary, individual stages of the project, the activities of individual participants (for example, if you need to arrange a meeting in some official institution, conduct a survey , interviewing specialists, collecting representative data, etc.).

. With hidden coordination. In such projects, the coordinator does not reveal himself in the activities of the participants in his real function. He acts as a full participant in the project.

Classification of projects according to the dominant activity of students

. Practice-oriented the project is aimed at solving problems that reflect the interests of project participants or an external customer. These projects are distinguished by clearly defined results from the activities of their participants from the very beginning, which can be used in the life of a class, school, neighborhood, etc. The value of the project lies in the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve a given problem. Such a project requires a well-thought-out structure, a plan for all the activities of its participants defining the functions and contribution of each of them to the progress of the work and its result, a clear idea of ​​the design final product. What is especially important here is good organization of coordination work, step-by-step discussions, adjustments to joint and individual efforts in organizing the presentation of the results obtained and possible ways their implementation into practice, organization of systematic external

project assessments.

. Research project resembles in structure Scientific research. It includes justification of the relevance of the chosen topic, setting the purpose and objectives of the study, mandatory

putting forward a hypothesis with subsequent testing of various versions, discussion and analysis of the results obtained. Such projects require a clear structure, thoughtful experiments and experiments, as well as methods for processing the results obtained. .

Information project is aimed at collecting information (data, statistics, facts, etc.) about any object or phenomenon, verifying it, analyzing it and summarizing it in order to present the received reliable information to a wide audience. Such projects, just like research ones, require a well-thought-out structure and the possibility of systematic correction as work on the project progresses. The process of working on such a project looks something like this: defining the subject of information search - stages of search with the designation of intermediate results - analysis of collected facts and preliminary conclusions - adjustment of the initial direction (if required) - further search for information in refined areas - analysis of new facts and their generalization - conclusions and so on until data is obtained that satisfies all project participants - conclusion, presentation of results (discussion, editing, presentation, external evaluation).

Creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to its implementation and presentation of results. Such projects, as a rule, do not have a detailed structure; it is only outlined and further developed, subject to the logic and interests of the project participants. At best, we can agree on the desired, planned

results (joint newspaper, essay, video, sports game, expedition, etc.).

Adventure, gaming, role-playing. The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. In such projects, the structure is also only outlined and remains open until the end of the project. Participants take on specific roles determined by the nature and content of the project. It can be literary characters or fictional characters imitating

social or business relationship, complicated by situations invented by the participants. The results of such projects can be outlined at the beginning of the project, or they can only emerge towards the end. The degree of creativity here is very high, but dominant species The activity is still role-playing and adventure.

Classification of projects by duration

. Mini projects can fit into one lesson or part of a lesson. Work on the project is carried out in groups, duration - 20 minutes (preparation - 10 minutes, presentation of each group - 2 minutes).

. Short term projects require the allocation of 4-6 lessons, which are used to coordinate the activities of project team members. Most of the work of collecting information, making a product, and preparing a presentation is done in extracurricular activities and at home. The work is carried out in groups, duration - 4 lessons.

Lesson 1: determining the composition of project groups, issuing assignments (collecting information on their elements).

Lesson 2: group reports on the collected information, development of the content of the project product and the form of its presentation.

3rd and 4th paired lessons: presentation finished projects, their discussion and evaluation.

. Weekly projects performed in groups during the project week. Their implementation takes approximately 30 - 40 hours and is entirely carried out with the participation of the project manager. When implementing a week-long project, it is possible to combine classroom forms of work (workshops, lectures, laboratory experiments) with extracurricular activities (excursions and expeditions, field video filming, etc.). All this, thanks to a deep “immersion” in the project, makes the project week optimal shape organization of project work.

. Long-term(year-long) projects can be completed in groups or individually. In a number of schools, this work is traditionally carried out within the framework of student scientific societies. The entire cycle of implementation of a year-long project - from determining the topic to presentation (defense) - is carried out in


The ongoing changes in modern society require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies aimed at individual development personality, creative initiative, developing the skill of independent navigation in information fields, developing in students a universal ability to set and solve problems to resolve problems that arise in life - professional activity, self-determination, Everyday life. The most important thing becomes the education of a truly free personality, the formation in children of the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made, clearly plan actions, effectively collaborate in groups of diverse composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural connections. Focusing on the formation a holistic system of universal knowledge, abilities, skills, modernization insists on creating such learning conditions under which students, already within the walls of the school, will acquire “experience of independent activity and personal responsibility.” Consequently, already within the walls of school a person must master the sum of modern universal skills and learn to apply them in everyday life.



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