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How to open a salt room from scratch. Business idea: Salt cave

Many people know the benefits of a salt cave, but it is not easy to carry out such a course of treatment within the city. In this case, an artificially created room is a way out. A salt cave business is a relevant and popular idea, since many parents want to take their children to such a pleasant treatment. It would be most effective to equip it on the territory of a hospital, private children's center or health salon. Let's look at how to open a salt cave or room from scratch.

People analyze information to understand the effectiveness of the procedure. But what are the benefits and harms of a salt cave? After all, a lot has been said, but I would like specifics in order to understand for whom it will be really effective and for whom it will be harmful. Any treatment has its own characteristics, and self-medication can be dangerous to health. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting sessions.

What are the benefits of the procedure?

  • Improved overall well-being. After the procedure, a person feels an influx of strength, gets rid of fatigue, nervous tension and anxiety. Metabolism is stimulated, and the body's resistance to stress and viruses improves. Calming the nervous system occurs due to a relaxing atmosphere and relaxation;
  • Increased immunity occurs with the help of an aerosol, which activates the immunity of the respiratory tract and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The body's resistance to external factors increases and the risk of disease decreases. During the procedure, the patient breaks all contact with external irritants and allergens, so the process of recovery and recovery occurs much faster and more efficiently;
  • Increasing hemoglobin levels in the blood. The circulatory system is also restored during the sessions, as a result of which the hemoglobin level normalizes. The person feels cheerful and cheerful.

The salt cave is especially useful for children. Their body is still in the formative stage. Its restoration and strengthening occurs more quickly and easily.

Effect of a salt cave on children:

  • It has a positive effect on the central nervous system. Easily excitable, hyperactive and emotional kids will quickly calm down and relax. Their body will come to complete peace, and they will be able to fully relax;
  • The procedure is especially useful for children who suffer from private diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • Staying will relieve stress and depression in teenagers;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia is also an indicator for visiting the room.

Is there any harm from the procedure?

The harm is minimal. It's just important to stick to general rules and remember under what conditions it is not recommended to attend the procedure. If you do not have this information in full, then it is better to carry out treatment on the recommendation of a doctor. It has no negative effects and therefore is not contraindicated for most people. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s condition and stop treatment if there is a negative reaction.

Business registration issues

In this case, you can choose any form of registration. It could be self employed or entity. A simplified tax system and entertainment services will suit you.

In addition to registration, a license is required. Inspection and permission from the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological service are also required. If the premises are rented, then there must be permission from the owner to equip the premises. Registration takes time, so it is better to take care of the documentation in advance. The opening of the salt cave must occur after all permits have been issued.

Salt cave franchise or your own brand?

This type of business is relevant and in demand, so your halocenter will not be the first. There are many similar offers on the market, so you can try to open your room under a popular brand that is already known in the market and has gained a positive reputation among clients.

Opening a salt cave as a franchise is an opportunity to receive support and all the business details from a professional who has many years of experience and knowledge in this field. This way, you can save a lot of time on opening a business and finding out various details and nuances. Here you will be provided with answers to all your questions and will be helped in resolving them. They will help you not only open your project, but also promote it. You don’t have to worry about finding the optimal premises and advertising company.

When working as a franchise, many aspiring entrepreneurs are offered to take special courses on running a business, analyzing its profitability, organization and reporting issues. The payback for such a project usually occurs faster. In general, if you do not have experience in organizing your own business, then a franchise is a good start. This is practically a turnkey salt cave.

However, you should not immediately agree to the first offer, even if from above it seems quite tempting. It is important to carefully study the terms of the contract and sort out all the points that are unclear to you. To do this, it is recommended to contact a lawyer and study each point in detail. This is necessary because some companies hide underwater rocks and after signing the agreement they will begin to appear.

Minimum investment to create a franchise business is equal to 500,000 rubles. This amount is minimal. It depends on the list of services and the specific company. During cooperation, you will pay a percentage of income. Business in a salt cave is profitable. If you are still aiming to open your own brand, then you will essentially have to do everything the same as with a franchise. You will independently choose what equipment to buy for your salt cave or room. You can save money on this. You will not depend on anyone and will make your own choices.

However, there are also nuances. For quality work, you will have to independently understand all the nuances of the work. You will have to work out advertising campaign, develop your own brand, think through the internal equipment and concept of work. But if you take the work seriously, then in the future you will be able to sell personal brand franchises yourself. So, the price of salt cave equipment depends on the chosen brand and your wishes.

Where should it be optimally located?

It is important that the population of your city is at least half a million, and preferably more. In this case, there will be enough clients for both you and your competitors. It is recommended to choose a room in the central part of the city, where it is easy to reach different types transport from other areas. The room for a salt cave or room must be at least 50 square meters. m. Equipment for work will not take up more than half of this space. The remaining space will be allocated to the following areas:

  • Workplace manager;
  • Staff rest room;
  • Waiting hall.

The waiting room can be combined with the manager's workplace. The cost of renting a room depends on the region, renovation and equipment. The halotherapy center may be small. It is important that it has a quiet and comfortable atmosphere.

Nuances of choosing employees

For your work, 4 employees will be enough. These are the administrator, equipment operator, security guard and consultant. If desired, the first two positions can be entrusted to one person. You can organize the activities of the center and advise visitors at the same time. This person will also do the bookkeeping and accept payment for services. His responsibilities will include choosing soothing music.

Selection of equipment and tools

You can buy a halogenerator for a salt room on order or in specialized salons. You can also buy salt for the salt cave there.

Nuances of room operation

The halogenerator is configured separately for each work session. This takes on average about 20 minutes. The break between them is about 40 minutes. A maximum of 8 sessions can be performed daily. Visits to the salt cave are by appointment only and please understand that not all places will be occupied. To fill the hall as much as possible, you can offer promotions and discounts at times when attendance is minimal. The course of treatment is at least 10 times. A halotherapy session is the same for adults and children.

Terms and Conditions of Visit

During treatment, it is strictly forbidden to leave the room, open doors or talk loudly. Therefore, you should arrive early so as not to disturb the microclimate. You cannot attend the procedure while intoxicated. You are not allowed to wear perfume, use telephones or take books with you. During the procedure, you must be at rest and rest. So you can get maximum effect. Artificial salt caves and rooms are useful and in demand in big cities.

Portrait of a potential client

This service is mainly in demand and popular in large cities with unfavorable environmental conditions. Therefore, it is optimal to open this business with a large population. That being said, it is important to research your competitors and see if you can offer the best services and offer competitive prices. At the same time, calculate the return on investment of the business.

  • Children. Patients with allergies, frequent colds, or lung problems are referred for the procedure. In kindergartens and schools, children often get sick, and such a procedure will not be superfluous to support their immunity. It is important not to stuff the child’s body with pills, but to give it the opportunity to recover natural environment;
  • The youth. Stress modern world do not allow you to fully relax and rest. To give the body a break, you need to rest and simply disconnect from problems and worries;
  • People of retirement age. They usually already have many accumulated diseases, and doctors can only prescribe pills to support the body. To support immunity and restore the body, it is recommended to undergo halotherapy sessions.

Who can and who cannot attend halotherapy?

Indications and contraindications for a salt cave concern every client. In order for the treatment to be effective and bring only benefits, you need to understand whether you can undergo it in this moment.


  • Low immunity;
  • Frequent viral and colds;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Problems with adenoids;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Having skin problems;
  • Diseases of the nervous system;
  • Obesity;
  • Sarcoidosis.


  • Fever bodies;
  • Infectious diseases in active form;
  • Oncological diseases;
  • Frequent bleeding;
  • Hypertension;
  • In the first trimester of pregnancy.

Profit and business prospects

The average cost of visiting a salt cave is 200 rubles per adult. Discounts are usually available for children. For maximum profit, it is advisable to work seven days a week, since on these days there will be a large flow of clients. With high-quality advertising and good service, the business will pay for itself within 1 year.

Seasonality and business characteristics

In the summer, the flow of customers decreases, as many people go on vacation to resort towns. It is important to carry out correct advertising and attract those clients who work in the summer and do not have the opportunity to go out of town and get some fresh air. Also during this period there are frequent fires, so the air is not clean. This is the perfect place to relax and escape the summer heat. If there are very few clients, then you can create seasonal promotions for subscriptions, as well as provide additional advertising.

Advertising and Marketing

First of all, you will be interested in medical institutions and spa salons. It is doctors who can refer the patient to you for treatment. You can leave advertising brochures with them. To do this, you need to personally meet with the head physician and offer your services. Design advertising booklets that describe in detail the procedure, its benefits and contraindications, as well as the rules for visiting it. It would be a good idea to create your own website and advertising pages on social networks.

The beauty and health industry delights consumers with new offers on the cosmetology market. And now clients can improve their health and rejuvenate even without visiting sanatorium resorts. Naturally, excellent development opportunities open up for entrepreneurs in this area! The main thing is to choose the right direction. Great idea Today was the opening of a salt cave. The demand for this type of service is quite large – and this with minimal competition. Experts have long identified the indications and contraindications of a salt cave, and consumers have already appreciated all the delights of this procedure - if you approach the organization of business activities correctly, you can receive a decent income and quickly recoup all costs.

Speleotherapy is a non-drug treatment of the respiratory system, which involves the inhalation of microparticles of sodium chloride by a person. And the substance is known to “kill” many pathogenic bacteria. Such sessions are held near resort areas, where many grottoes with deposits of natural salt naturally appeared. But the course of treatment requires a fairly long duration - residents of large cities will obviously be deprived of this. In this case, all that remains is a halotherapy session. In essence, this is the same speleotherapy, only grottoes with salt deposits are artificially recreated. This is how a business is built - you open a room where all the conditions for the improvement of clients’ health are created.

It would seem that what’s so difficult about opening a salt cave to the public? But here the entrepreneur has to think through many nuances. Firstly, this area is quite new for consumers (you will need to somehow attract their attention), and secondly, you have to fill out a whole bunch of documents and take care of the purchase quality equipment(which will definitely entail waste).

So how to open a salt cave or room from scratch so that the business begins to bring consistently high profits in the future?

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 500,000 rubles.

Market saturation is low.

The difficulty of starting a business is 4/10.

What documents need to be collected?

If you are opening a business alone, then it is better to register it in the form of an individual entrepreneur - less taxes, less running around with paperwork. Are you planning to open a spa with a whole range of services? You can't do without an LLC.

The halotherapy center can be registered under different OKVD codes: 93.29 “Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation”, 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities”. The main thing is not to register as a clinic providing medical services - this is a completely different field of activity, involving many checks, qualified personnel and large financial investments.

The costs of registering activities are low, if we talk about individual entrepreneurs - no more than 10,000 rubles. For this line of activity, choose a simplified taxation system - you will regularly deduct 6% of profits to the tax office.

Franchise or own brand?

Due to the popularity of this area, quite a lot of offers have appeared on the market from franchisors - chains of salt caves, which offer businessmen to open a business under an already well-known brand.

The salt cave franchise requires the full support of the entrepreneur from the brand's copyright holder. By working as a franchise, you save time on starting a business and its further promotion - you don’t have to look for premises, choose a premises, or think through an advertising campaign. In addition, many companies offer businessmen training in managing all matters - from organizing staff work to calculating tax deductions. As practice shows, a turnkey salt cave from a franchisor pays for itself much faster.

Are you planning to open a salt cave as a franchise? Pay attention to the following companies that operate under a franchise agreement - Sol+, Speleon, Galomed, Vita Breeze, Galofort, GaloPlus. Before making a choice in favor of one franchise or another, compare the terms of cooperation - each company has its own nuances in the service agreement!

To open a salt cave as a franchise, you will need 500,000-1,500,000 rubles. It all depends on the conditions of a particular brand. Naturally, throughout the cooperation it will be necessary to deduct a percentage of the profits to the franchisor.

If you plan a salt cave or room as a business under your own brand, you will have almost the same expenses as in the case of a franchise. Moreover, it becomes possible to meet a smaller amount of expenses - after all, you select the equipment yourself (why, for example, not buy used equipment and furniture). But keep in mind that then you will have to independently understand all the issues - plan an advertising strategy, engage in branding of the future company, think through the design of the premises. But in the future, if you develop the business, you can think about selling a franchise of your own brand.

What kind of premises is suitable for conducting business?

While you are settling all the legal issues, at the same time start looking for a suitable premises where the halocenter will be located. There will be a steady flow of customers if you think about a good location for the establishment.

The main rule when choosing a location for a salt room is high traffic! Ideally, suitable room close to children's development centers, medical and educational institutions, sports complexes. Many entrepreneurs organize their business in business and shopping centers. It should be convenient for clients to get here. Parking nearby wouldn't hurt either.

If you check the sanitary standards, then 3 m2 of free space is required per visitor to the salt room. This means that when choosing a suitable premises, you need to take into account the planned traffic of the establishment! As practice shows, an area of ​​50 m2 is quite enough to organize a salon. In this case, the salt room itself will occupy no more than 25 m2. But we also need space for the reception desk and service rooms for visitors and staff.

Beginning entrepreneurs should not purchase personal property for a salt cave or room. It will be much more profitable to rent space - less costs at the start, and you won’t have to take out large loans from the bank.

Preparing the premises and necessary equipment

It is unrealistic to construct a salt cave on your own - you will definitely need the help of specialized companies! Monitor the market and find companies whose activities are aimed at setting up halocenters.

There are a lot of requirements for the functioning of a salt room - you can’t do it without specialists. On average, to refurbish a room for health sessions and purchase the necessary equipment, you will need at least 450,000 rubles. Look for companies that offer services with the best price/quality ratio. You will probably have to use the help of companies located in other cities - transportation costs are also taken into account.

How artificial salt caves and rooms are equipped:

  • Halogenerator. This is the first device on the list of all necessary equipment! It provides the halochamber with a salt aerosol of the required concentration. Its functions also include maintaining the required temperature (18-20 ° C) and humidity (≈ 50%) conditions in the room. When thinking about what equipment to buy for a salt cave or room, decide on the type of halogenerator. There are several types of installations - some devices work using the ultrasonic method, while others grind salt particles. The first option is better - such equipment operates silently and produces smaller salt particles. Visitors will feel much more comfortable in such a SPA!
  • Backlight. For many, a salt cave is not only a place where you can improve your health. Some people come here to relax and unwind. And indoor lighting plays an important role. It is better to mount a light whose brightness can be adjusted, creating either bright illumination or subdued twilight. Lighting installed on the ceiling and walls, along baseboards.
  • Creation of volumetric reliefs. In order for the interior design to fully correspond to the natural salt caves, it is necessary to build up stalactites and stalagmites here. Specialists use professional equipment for this.
  • Musical equipment. Calm music in the halocenter is relaxing. Speakers are installed in the room.

The price of salt cave equipment will depend on its brand, power, and configuration. The biggest expense is the purchase of a halogenerator. On average, the price of a halogenerator for a salt room varies from 250,000 rubles. To set up the lighting you will need at least 70,000 rubles. To have music playing in the halocenter, you can spend 10,000 rubles.

You can buy salt for your salt cave from many suppliers. Pay attention to the quality of the products. The seller must have everything Required documents, confirming the origin and composition of the salt. The fact is that special products are needed here - the use of sea or Himalayan salt in halotherapy is not approved by the methodology!

Don't forget about the furniture that needs to be installed in the salt cave. As a rule, in small halocenters, the salt room is designed for 5-7 people. This means, buy the required number of comfortable chairs, sun loungers, and footrests. For small visitors, also provide furniture. You will spend at least 30,000 rubles on the purchase of interior items.

Organization of work of the halocenter

The benefits and harms of a salt cave have long been known to the potential target audience. And therefore, when proper organization health salon, there will be no shortage of clients.

The good thing about business is that you don’t have to hire highly qualified specialists. All organizational issues (registering for a visit, accepting payment, consultations) can be handled by the administrator. In the future, when the establishment gets going, you can involve a general practitioner in the work - a specialist will give patients the necessary recommendations on the treatment of existing diseases. This will definitely add prestige to your halocenter - there will be more clients!

There are several features when organizing wellness sessions that are worth considering:

  • Each session must take place at a strictly scheduled time. It will be necessary to draw up a schedule for each day - the number of people wishing to visit the salt room and the time of the procedure are taken into account. The fact is that the halogenerator needs to be reconfigured after 40 minutes of operation - this takes about 20 minutes. You shouldn’t keep clients waiting – so plan all sessions in advance! On average, during an 8-hour working day, procedures can be performed every hour. Please note that on weekdays, groups of visitors are likely to be understaffed.
  • Those who are late to visit the salt cave are not allowed into the premises. If you open the door to the room, the microclimate will be disrupted and all the benefits of the procedure will be negated. Agree with the client about a different session time so as not to lose profit.

Think about the cost of visiting a salt cave. Companies offer clients different prices– a lot depends on the location of the halocenter. On average, the price varies between 150-300 rubles per session. Entrance is cheaper for children.

How to develop a business?

When a business license has been obtained and the halocenter is ready to open its doors to clients, the entrepreneur should think about promoting the establishment. The more people know about the health benefits of the sessions, the more profit can be made.

Advertising on social networks, on TV and radio, articles in thematic magazines - use different marketing tools. Excellent results are observed in cooperation with medical and educational institutions - leave brochures and prospectuses about the benefits of halotherapy here. It’s great if you can come to an agreement with doctors - let the specialists recommend your health establishment to their patients. Take care of creating a company website - here potential clients will learn more about the services and prices for them.

Attracting clients is not difficult. It is much more difficult to make them permanent. And here customer focus comes to the fore!

Please note the following points:

  • Detailed consultations for visitors, explanation of all the important nuances of the procedure - the administrator must be well versed in the issue and it is advisable to undergo training.
  • Offer discounts and promotions to regular customers. For example, on weekdays or in the early hours you can set more low prices to attend wellness sessions. This way you will quickly develop customer loyalty to the company.
  • A good idea would be to sell gift certificates that all visitors can purchase.
  • Mothers with babies often come to sessions. And a salt cave for children should be interesting for them. You can provide a small play area here.
  • Consider providing discounts to certain categories of citizens - people with disabilities, veterans, pensioners.
  • If you have already launched several groups on social networks, regularly give away coupons for discounts or gifts among participants.
  • You can regularly organize free seminars where doctors will talk about the benefits of the procedure and methods of treating various diseases.

What profit can you expect from the business?

The net profit you will receive from doing business will depend on the set cost for sessions and the number of clients.

To buy a halogenerator for the salt room and other equipment, renovate the premises and organize the work of the establishment, you will need at least 500,000 rubles. If the salt room for 7 people is completely filled each session, you will be able to receive 1,400 rubles - this is with an entrance price of 200 rubles. For an 8-hour day you will earn 11,200 rubles. The monthly profit in this situation will be 336,000 rubles (in the case of daily operation of the halocenter). And the income can be even higher - it is possible to make a 12-hour working day. If you manage your business correctly, you will recoup all costs within a couple of months.

What equipment is required for a salt cave - a popular healing room that is gaining popularity among children and adults? Salt treatment or halotherapy is a procedure that is useful for respiratory diseases or their prevention, as well as for a general increase in immunity. We tell you what you will need to organize your own salt cave and how much you can earn from it.

Why a salt cave can bring good profit to the owner

For those who want to create their own business, a salt cave will be a fairly promising option. This is not the easiest thing to organize; it requires some specific knowledge and quite serious expenses. On the other side, Competition in this area is not yet high enough, and demand is constantly increasing. Therefore, even novice entrepreneurs who have no experience in the service sector have good chances carve out your own niche.

The number of potential clients for salt caves is very large: These are children and adults of all ages who decide to be treated with salt for medical reasons or for the sake of prevention and a general increase in immunity. There are not many contraindications to visiting such procedures: metabolic disorders, mental disorders, oncology, acute stages of chronic diseases. They reduce the number of visitors very slightly.

For those who want to create their own business, a salt cave will be a fairly promising option.

What is useful in a salt cave?

To create successful business in your own salt room, you need to have a good understanding of exactly how it works and how the therapeutic effect is achieved. Such knowledge will help to properly organize the work of the cave and build a successful marketing campaign.

In the halochamber, a certain microclimate is recreated, which has characteristics of humidity, pressure, ionic environment that are useful for humans, a complete absence of harmful bacteria and, most importantly, salt particles. These microparticles (from 1 to 5 microns) enter the human body when inhaled, fight inflammatory processes and destroy infections.

Staying in a salt cave has a healing effect similar to relaxing on the seashore, but has a much more pronounced effect due to the intense concentration of salt in the air. The purified air of the halo chamber contributes to a general increase in immunity, rejuvenation of the body and relaxation.

One halotherapy session lasts from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the wishes or medical indications of the clients. A visit to the cell is combined with relaxation, listening to pleasant music, isolation from the noise of ordinary life and other stress factors.

Where to start preparing for opening a halochamber

First of all, it is necessary to assess how in demand this area of ​​services will be and draw up a business plan that reflects the purpose of creating a salt room, the ratio of costs and income, the expected payback period, the main risks and methods for overcoming them.

To do this, you need to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the population of the city and area where the cave is planned to be opened? How many people can become halochamber clients? Is there a widespread need for such services?
  2. Are there organizations in the city that provide exactly the same or similar services? How long have they been in business and how successful are they? Will it be difficult to compete with them?

The answers to these questions will help to present a more realistic picture of reality and form an objective picture of the prospects for business in salt chambers in a particular city or area. The decision to start your own business should be made only after weighing all the prospects and risks.

The list of what is needed for a salt cave is quite impressive.

What you will need to open your own salt cave: list of expenses

The list of what is needed for a salt cave is very impressive and will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. To open the halochamber you will need:

  1. Rent a room with clear zoning with an area of ​​at least 50 square meters (at least a “waiting area” and the halo chamber itself). In addition to the possibility of zoning, there are special requirements for repairs (see the corresponding section). You will have to spend about 50-100 thousand rubles per month on rent (possibly much more). Repairs will require 100-200 thousand rubles.
  2. Purchase necessary equipment for the cave itself, namely the halogenerator, furniture (chairs, sofas or sun loungers), music center and lighting systems. On average, you will need about 500 thousand rubles.
  3. Design of the “waiting area”: reception desk and laptop for him, chairs for waiting visitors, dressing room. You can spend 40-60 thousand rubles.
  4. Expenses on advertising and promotion (optional, but significantly increase the number of customers, and therefore the profit of the establishment). The amount depends solely on the capabilities and wishes of the entrepreneur.

Thus, the total costs of opening your own salt cave will be 500-700 thousand, and if significant repairs and re-equipment are necessary - up to 1 million rubles. This is quite a serious investment, for the payback of which it is necessary to competently organize the work of the establishment from the first weeks.

Permitting documents for a salt chamber

Before opening your own salt room, you will have to officially register (as an individual entrepreneur or LLC), and also obtain a number of permits from the fire department and sanitary-epidemiological services. Since halotherapy is a medical service, To legally operate a company, you will need a medical license.

Requirements for a room for halotherapy: area, renovation, zoning

How to open a salt cave from scratch? First of all, you need to find suitable premises for halotherapy procedures. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance, because the premises must meet a number of requirements.

  1. The area of ​​the cave itself should be at least 12-18 square meters. In such a chamber, 5-6 people can be present at a session at the same time. The cave should not be connected to water supply or sewerage, but should be equipped with a good ventilation system. Please note that the equipment is installed in a separate small room of up to 5 square meters.
  2. Walls and ceilings should not be whitewashed or painted - these coating options will not withstand constant humidity, and the presence of such particles in the air is not very useful for visitors. The best option finishing - blocks of pressed sea salt.
  3. The entire premises of the establishment should be divided into several zones: a cave and a room with equipment, a waiting area, a restroom and a place for staff to rest.

First of all, you need to find a suitable room for halotherapy procedures.

How to choose a halogenerator at the best price

The most important part of the equipment, on which the quality of service provision and, accordingly, their demand will depend, is the halogenerator. This is the name given to devices that create and spray a cloud of salt indoors. They are installed in a small room next to the camera, since the salt concentration in the immediate vicinity of the device is too high.

Currently, there are several types of devices that generate salt evaporation: compressor, ultrasonic and steam. The first two options are considered the most advanced, since steam generators create too low a concentration of active substances in the air (below the healing effect). A medical license is required to operate some halogenerator models.

Prices for salt generators start at 80 thousand and can reach 500-600 thousand rubles. They differ in spraying power, spectrum of particles created, and stability of operation. For an entrepreneur, important characteristics will be the portability of the halogenerator and the ease of its maintenance.

Advanced halogenerators not only spray salt and active ingredients, but also regulate the humidity level (about 50%) and room temperature (about 20 degrees). Modern devices are controlled remotely and store session history. In any case, you should not expect to spend less than 250 thousand rubles in this area.

Creating a cozy atmosphere is the key to the success of a salt cave

Most visitors will come to halotherapy not for medical reasons, but for the sake of relaxation and a change of scenery. Therefore, it is important to create a cozy atmosphere in the cave. In a room of 12 to 18 square meters, 5-6 clients can comfortably attend 1 session.

To accommodate visitors, soft chairs or chaise lounges are installed in which you can relax reclining. It is worth creating a system of soft lighting and non-irritating color music in the camera. Relaxing music is played during sessions- classical, slow, melodic, filled with sounds of nature. Clients are disconnected for the duration of the session Cell phones and concentrate on breathing.

Salt cave personnel: composition and basic requirements

To maintain a small salt cave you will need the following workers:

  1. Administrators (2 people). They sign up visitors for procedures, sell one-time visits and subscriptions, and keep order. The clients’ impression of visiting the institution depends on their professional skills and personal qualities (primarily friendliness). Salaries in Russian regions are usually 15-25 thousand rubles.
  2. Operators (2 people). Responsible for the operation of the halogenerator. No special education is required; a training course and compliance with the operating requirements of the equipment are sufficient. The salary is approximately equal to the salary of administrators - 15-25 thousand rubles.
  3. Consultant. This is a specialist with a medical education who will identify contraindications to visiting a salt cave, create courses and explain to potential clients the benefits of halotherapy. Not all institutions have such professionals, but their presence on staff significantly increases the authority of the organization. You can invite such an employee to work for hours or create a remuneration based on the number of consultations provided.

To accommodate visitors, soft chairs or chaise lounges are installed in which you can relax reclining.

When will the investment pay off?

The profitability of the institution and the payback period of the first investment directly depends on the stability and growth of the flow of clients. On average, one halotherapy session costs from 200 to 500 rubles and lasts 40 minutes. After each regular session, twenty minutes of ventilation of the cave is necessary.

In an 8-hour working day, 8 sessions can be performed. If the cave can accommodate 6 visitors at the same time, then in 1 day you can:

  • serve up to 48 people;
  • earn from 9,600 to 24,000 rubles.

Most likely, these are the maximum values ​​for small cities. It is practically impossible to ensure a constant full load. Even a workload of 50% is considered a good result and can provide payback in 8-14 months.

How to build an advertising campaign

Well-thought-out advertising can provide a halocamera with a stable flow of customers. The best solution will use several types of dissemination of information about the institution at once - outdoor advertising, radio and television commercials, printed leaflets and catalogs, as well as online promotion.

It is important to build an advertising campaign around a problem that is relevant to city residents. For example, visiting salt caves is useful for workers in hazardous industries, as it helps combat health consequences. Therefore, if such an enterprise operates in the city, opening a halochamber may be in great demand. Indicate these facts in your advertising and the flow of customers will instantly increase.

It is also believed that Halotherapy sessions replace a trip to the sea in their healing effects, although they are significantly cheaper. During a period of many years of falling incomes, this information can attract a lot of interested visitors.

These are just two examples of accents in an advertising campaign - you can use them or find your own. In any case, find correct angles positioning services for the target audience and repeat that the greater effect is brought not by one-time procedures, but by their course.

Salt chamber franchises: how profitable is this solution?

On modern market salt cave franchises are already actively selling:“Galokom”, “Sol Plus”, “Solty”, “Stoney”, “Vita Breeze”. This is a pretty good solution, especially for beginning entrepreneurs. Franchisors provide their partners with a full set of equipment, recommendations for starting a business, and assistance in promotion.

The only disadvantage of opening a franchise company is the increase in initial costs for several hundred thousand rubles through a one-time contribution to the franchisor and monthly royalty payments. On the other hand, opening a salt cave is a special type of business where many mistakes can be made. It may be worth increasing your investment to avoid incurring losses in the future.


Salt cave business is a rather specific area in a vast market medical services. To organize it, an average of 500 thousand to 1 million rubles is required. The success of an institution depends on the owner’s ability to implement A complex approach: combine quality services and active advertising.

Resort complexes located near salt deposits have their own caves for speleotherapy. An artificially created cave in the city can be an excellent alternative to natural ones.

Speleotherapy (or halotherapy, if we're talking about about artificially recreated microclimate) helps to get rid of disturbances in the respiratory system due to the saturation of the air with microparticles of sodium chloride. The particles destroy pathogenic organisms, make breathing easier, and also normalize histamine levels in people suffering from allergies.

Halotherapy is one of the procedures offered by SPA salons, medical centers, sanatorium complexes. But nothing prevents us from providing such services independently of the others. A salt cave as a business has a lot of advantages - it is a niche in demand on the market with potentially high profits.

Industry characteristics and potential clients

City residents suffer from poor ecology. This leads to weakened immunity and increased respiratory morbidity in adults and children. So the business associated with restoring health is likely to become increasingly popular. Halotherapy is especially in demand in megacities where the level of air pollution is high. The business does not require large start-up investments.

Potential clients (share):

  • Men and women aged 30 to 50 years (80%);
  • Elderly people (10%);
  • Children (10%).

List of salt cave services

The salt cave usually offers the following services:

  • Visit for children under 6 years old accompanied by adults. Session duration is 40 minutes. Cost 100-150 rubles.
  • Visit for children from 6 to 14 years old. Session duration is 40 minutes. Cost - 200-250 rubles.
  • Visit for adults. Session duration - 30 minutes. Cost - 300-400 rubles.

The healing properties of salt caves (disinfection, treatment of severe forms of respiratory tract diseases, restoration of energy reserves) were discovered in ancient times. Halotherapy procedures, combined with music for relaxation, not only restore health, but also stabilize the nervous system - which has a beneficial effect on all areas of life.

You can open a salt room from scratch. But to get started, you need a salt cave business plan.


Will do non-residential premises on the ground floor with an area of ​​at least 85 m². The optimal place for rent is a large residential area with kindergartens and schools.

Important: the premises must be of a commercial type - that is, non-residential.


  • For the halochambers where the procedures will be carried out, two rooms will be required - 20 m² (for children) and 30 m² (for adults).
  • Reception area, reception desk, waiting area - 15 m².
  • Toilet, washbasin - 10 m².
  • Premises for workers - 10 m².

The average rental price in the country is 50,000 rubles.

It is important to spend indoors renovation work. Moisture-resistant plasterboard is suitable for walls, ceramic tiles are suitable for floors.


There is no fundamental difference which form of business to choose - LLC or individual entrepreneur. But for a beginner with a small starting capital, an individual entrepreneur is better. You will have to spend less time on reporting and money on taxes.

To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need a standard package of documents. You need to select OKVED code 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities.” To conduct such activities, a certificate of no criminal record is required - its preparation takes about 30 days. We advise you to issue other OKVED documents for implementation related products and services. As for the form of taxation, a simplified system with 15% tax payments (income minus expenses) is suitable.

It is necessary to obtain permits from the fire inspectorate and sanitary and epidemiological station.

All fire safety requirements must be met:

  • presence of fire alarm;
  • evacuation plan;
  • availability of fire extinguishers;
  • a specially trained employee responsible for fire safety.

Equipment for halo chambers must have certificates of conformity. They are issued upon purchase from a licensed manufacturer. If the room for the salt cave is rented, you need to obtain permission from the owner to use it for your own needs.

The cost of all registration and registration processes is about 20,000 rubles.


The following employees need to be hired:

There are two options: either hire trained specialists, or train newcomers in the business.

Administrator responsibilities: receiving and recording clients, forming groups, settlement operations. A person with no experience can handle this.

It is worth hiring a medical professional to fill the position of consultant. He will be able to monitor the condition of patients during the procedure and compliance with the requirements for its implementation.

The operator monitors the operation of the equipment and selects music for the sessions.

Work schedule - 5/2 with floating days off (days with minimal customer flow). On weekends, duties are assigned to the owner of the salt cave. Also, the owner himself prepares reports and promotes the business. You can also outsource an accountant and marketer - but this is if your budget allows.

Salt cave equipment

There are a lot of requirements for setting up a salt room. The first is the optimal temperature. Without excess humidity, with reliable waterproofing, air filters, and a ventilation system. The design should be as close as possible to a natural salt cave. To enhance the effect, you can scatter salt crystals and install starry sky projectors.

The main equipment is a halogenerator that maintains humidity at 50% and a temperature of about 20° C. It sprays a saline solution. Keep in mind that the halogenerator and the cave must be located in different rooms.

The list of necessary equipment and materials is presented in the table:

The condition of the equipment is important - the effect of the visit directly depends on the quality of the halogenerator. Therefore, the level of demand and income. So we recommend not saving on equipment and room decoration (the latter will require about 300,000 rubles).

Promotion and advertising

To popularize services, you need to establish contacts with doctors in local hospitals and clinics. A recommendation from the treating doctor is a reliable way to attract target audience. Agree with the chief physician about the possibility of placing advertising brochures about your services on hospital stands.

Use standard advertising tools - Internet, print advertising, radio. Create a website, communities on social networks, tell in detail about the advantages of halotherapy - what diseases, what forms and at what stages can be treated with its help.

The standard session duration is 40 minutes. That works out to 8 sessions per day. True, it is usually not possible to “clog” all sessions. At unpopular times, you can offer visitors discounts or issue discount passes.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's start with the cons:

  • If this is the first salt cave in the city, it will take a lot of time and money to promote it. It is important to think through promotion methods in advance.
  • There are a number of contraindications regarding speleotherapy. You could end up in court. To avoid problems, it is necessary to draw up a competent agreement on which clients will sign.
  • The business is considered seasonal - demand decreases in summer. To provide stable income You can introduce additional services and promotions.

The advantage is the popularity of the niche. People are interested in good health and are willing to pay for halotherapy sessions, provided that they bring benefits and improve their quality of life.

The second plus is high profitability and quick payback. You can count on a good profit if you work in a big city.

Profitability and payback: calculations

To get started you will need the following investments:

As an example, let's take a salt cave with an area of ​​30 m² for adults and 20 m² for children.

There are 8 sessions per day for adults and 8 for children. In one session, 9 adults and 9 children undergo halotherapy.

The minimum cost of a session is 300 rubles for adults, 100 rubles for children.

9 * 300 + 9 * 100 = 3,600 rubles per session
5,400*8 = 28,800 rubles per day
43,200 * 30 = 864,000 rubles per month

That is, the initial investment will pay off in a month and a half! But to achieve this level of return on investment, it is important to conduct a competent advertising campaign and have a minimum of competitors.

Buying a franchise: is it profitable or not?

To open a salt room as a franchise, you will need from 500,000 to 1,000,000 rubles. When choosing a franchisor, it is important to pay attention not to the promotion of the brand, but to its experience and the scope of the service package. For a beginner, this is a reliable way to start a business, since they will be helped with the construction of the cave, halodesign, equipment and materials. A franchise allows you to significantly speed up the launch of a business and use a ready-made promotion model.

As franchisors assure, salt caves close extremely rarely, and both young people aged 20 years and older people - 60 years or more - become partners of the chains. Franchisors help in finding premises, purchase equipment on preferential terms, and sometimes train staff.

Standard cooperation scheme: you enter into an agreement, then make an advance payment of 50%, then independently or with the help of head office employees you look for premises. Then a design project is developed, building materials and equipment are purchased (sometimes supplied by the franchisor), and the cave is equipped. The final stage is training of franchisees and staff. The entire process takes from 1 to 3 months.

Whether a franchise is profitable cannot be answered definitively. Every month you will give a certain share of the profits to your franchisor. But if he is experienced, you will save yourself from the risks of waste.


Before opening a salt cave, analyze the market for competition and loyalty of the population. You can conduct a standard survey in the area where you plan to open. If there are competitors, try to offer customers Better conditions- more effective procedures, pleasant atmosphere, low prices, discounts, promotions, subscriptions, additional products and services.

It is important to create comfortable conditions for staying in the cave for both children and adults - so that they want to come back again. Not only for recovery, but for proper rest and recuperation.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

1,014,000 RUR

Starting investments

11 months

Payback period

497,000 ₽


Return on sales

Salt caves are one of the most promising types of small business in the field of recreational and health services. This is a simple and understandable business model, small investment and low competition.

1. Project summary

The goal of the project is the opening of a salt cave operating on the principle of a halochamber in Rostov-on-Don.

The demand for halotherapy services in the selected region is increased. According to statistics, respiratory diseases are among the most common. The potential audience is expanding thanks to people visiting the salt room as a means of preventing respiratory, skin diseases, and diseases of the nervous system.

The main services of the salt cave are:

    Conducting aerosol therapy sessions for adults and elderly people;

    Conducting aerosol therapy sessions for children.

Assessment of factors and phenomena influencing the development of the project, as well as analysis of strengths and weaknesses project has shown that its implementation represents a profitable investment. The total investment will amount to 1.14 million rubles. According to the established sales plan, the figure of 497 thousand rubles of monthly revenue is achieved within 3 months. work. The payback period is planned to be reached in the 11th month of operation.

2. Description of the industry and company

The goal of the project is the construction of a salt cave (a room with a salt room with the principle of a halo chamber) in Rostov-on-Don. The halochamber imitates a natural salt cave and is used for recreational, health, and entertainment purposes. The air of the salt cave, which is saturated in a certain concentration with finely dispersed salt aerosol, has the main therapeutic value.

The advantage of a salt cave is that its creation does not require a mandatory connection to any medical institution, SPA salon or sports complex. To organize it you will not need to obtain medical license, as well as hiring personnel with higher medical education - you do not need to have any special skills to work. The Salt Cave is aimed at a wide target audience. The business has a family format. The main clients are mothers with children, families and elderly people suffering from bronchopulmonary, skin diseases, diseases of the ENT organs, or who want to carry out preventive measures to prevent these diseases and strengthen general and local immunity.

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The salt cave market is considered one of the most promising directions in the field of recreational and health services and is at the stage of its formation. This explains the rapid capture free zones market for network projects. Competition in this area of ​​business is still low. Basically, salt rooms operate at medical and SPA centers and are one of the components of a whole range of services, which makes it difficult to position salt caves as an independent business.

Speleotherapy is more popular in the middle zone of the country, where the level of competition among salt caves is much higher than in the South. This can partly be explained by competition with wildlife - the Don Territory does not experience a shortage of recreation. However, in such a large metropolis as Rostov-on-Don, a relatively new and unfamiliar to the general population method of health improvement and recreation seems to be underestimated. A big city means polluted air, large crowds of people, and chronic fatigue of the population. The problem for citizens seems to be that people do not go to hospitals with such problems, preferring to rest at home instead of queuing and wasting their nerves. Consequently, an establishment that offers health and recreational services at a low price, but is fundamentally different from the image of a hospital halochamber, will be popular. high level the effect of the services provided due to the created unique atmosphere of the establishment.

The salt cave itself is a room with a total area of ​​40 square meters. meters, located on the ground floor of a multi-storey building and having a separate entrance. Area 20 sq. meter is occupied directly by the salt room, where aerosol therapy sessions take place. 11 sq. meters is occupied by the reception and waiting area. 5 sq. meters falls on the technical area - the so-called “operator room”, where the halogenerator is located and aerosol reserves are stored. Another 4 sq. The bathroom occupies a meter. The location of the salt cave is a large multi-storey residential area with a population of 100 thousand per salt cave. Location 150 m from the stop public transport, with parking available for visitors.

The management structure of the salt room is simple. Management is carried out by the owner of the project, who can manage the business without constant presence at the site. Most functions are carried out by an administrator who prepares the provision of halotherapy services, advises visitors on emerging issues, records and records visits and receives incoming calls. The employees' work schedule is shifts, 2/2, full-time from 10:00 to 22:00.

Investment costs for the repair and decoration of the salt cave are calculated based on the average market prices of companies involved in the construction of salt caves - and amount to 530 thousand rubles. The cost of equipping the salt room, reception area, technical area and bathroom is 410 thousand rubles. The total, together with the cost of delivery, is 1.14 million rubles, which are taken from personal savings (credit funds are not used).

An individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system (the object of taxation is income) was chosen as the form of ownership. Main commercial and management functions assigned to the owner.

3. Description of salt cave services

First of all, the salt cave is designed to provide services for the provision of healing and relaxation procedures, which are carried out in a salt room designed for 6 visitors per session. The break between sessions is 20 minutes. The duration of one session is 40 minutes. The salt cave is open 7 days a week, sessions are held at the beginning of every hour. There are 12 sessions per day. The salt chamber is open 358 days a year (the salt cave is closed on January 1-3, February 23, March 8, May 1 and 9). As competitive advantages visitors find a number of additional services, which do not require significant costs. For clients, there is the possibility of both one-time visits and the possibility of purchasing subscriptions at a discount. The average check of the establishment is 300 rubles. The full list of services is presented in Table. 1. The project operates in the middle price segment and is accessible to a wide category of the population.

Table 1. List of salt cave services

Name Description Cost, rub.

Aerosol therapy session for adults

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for children under 3 years old

for free

Aerosol therapy session for children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit. Accompanied by adults


Aerosol therapy session for children from 7 to 15 years old

1 visit. Upon presentation of an identity document or student


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + child under 3 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + child from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Aerosol therapy session for an adult + 2 children from 3 to 7 years old

1 visit


Subscription "10+1"

10 sessions + 1 session free

2 500

Subscription "15+1"

15 sessions + 1 session free

3 900

Subscription "20+2"

20 sessions+2 sessions free

5 000

Salt room rental

For the duration of 1 session

2 100

Using a massage chair cover

Provided in addition to the standard session


This type of service does not require obtaining a medical license, since it involves the use of household equipment (halogenator), which is installed in fitness complexes and spa centers. The business is registered under OKPD 2 93.29 – Other services in the field of entertainment and recreation. Despite the line of business related to public health, the business does not claim to be medical, does not provide professional medical advice, does not prescribe any recipes or courses, focusing only on disease prevention, strengthening the immune system, providing relaxation services and entertaining clients.

4. Salt room sales and marketing

According to Rostovstat data for a five-year period (from 2010 to 2014), the most “popular” type of disease in the region is respiratory diseases. As of 2014, 1,512,300 people suffering from such diseases were recorded in the region. On average, this amounts to 357 cases of the disease per 1000 population. In addition, the services of salt rooms can be useful for people suffering from diseases of the nervous system and skin diseases. They affect 97,480 and 137,200 people respectively (that is, 22 and 39 people per thousand of the population). That is, more than 1.7 million residents of the Rostov region can be potential clients salt caves, making up the bulk of the client flow.

The target audience can be divided into several categories. Firstly, these are children suffering from allergies, bronchopulmonary and ENT diseases, which are widespread today. Secondly, these are elderly people over 55 years old who want to improve their well-being and slow down the aging process of the body. Thirdly, these are middle-aged people (35-55 years old) who visit salt caves to relax with family or company, “clean themselves” and strengthen their immunity. Also, visitors to salt rooms can be pregnant women, athletes, people looking after their tone and health, smokers who cannot give up their bad habit, etc. IN this business there is a large proportion of returning customers, which positive effect from sessions can reach 60%.

Ready ideas for your business

Among the competitors in the region under consideration are two large SPA centers, which include in their range of services a visit to the salt room, several salt caves within the city and beyond, as well as halochambers as part of a sanatorium, dispensary and health center. Among the disadvantages of competitors, one can highlight the relative “closedness” of salt rooms to the general public (available only to clients of SPA centers), the simplicity of cave design, and a weak marketing policy.

Sales are made by prior telephone appointment. Visits without an appointment are subject to availability. In marketing promotion, the main emphasis is on social networks and group promotion through outsourcing. Key platforms are Facebook, VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. This is the development of groups and public pages, targeted advertising in communities dedicated to health and healthy image life. It is planned to allocate an average of 30 thousand rubles per month for advertising purposes. The budget will vary depending on the season, presumably increasing before and at the end of the summer period. Additional clients (up to 15-25%) are attracted by intermediaries - employees medical institutions, recommending the services of a salt cave and receiving a reward in the form of a percentage for each referred client.

5. Production plan

Geographically, the salt cave is located in a large area of ​​the city of Rostov-on-Don with a population of more than 150 thousand people, on a high-traffic street, 150 meters from a public transport stop, from where you can get to various parts of the city. The rented premises have total area in 40 sq. meters, two rooms, 20 and 11 square meters. meters, a utility room and a working bathroom, which is the best option for the arrangement of a typical salt cave. The premises were initially supplied with electricity and a heating system; walls, floor coverings and ceilings were repaired, which helps reduce costs for decorating the reception area.

The required costs for applying salt coating, halodesign and building equipment are 940 thousand rubles. The area of ​​the salt room is 20 square meters. meters. The room is intended for a one-time visit by 6 people, which fits into the standards accepted in this area of ​​business of 2-3 square meters. meters per visitor.

Ready ideas for your business

Due to the specific nature of the type of activity and its relative novelty, it is planned to attract a specialized organization to install a turnkey salt cave for the construction of a salt cave. The criterion for selecting companies was the use modern technologies and a rich case with a large number of high-quality work, as well as an affordable cost of services. As a competitive advantage, a halo design was chosen with the decor of the flow and walls, imitating the space of a cave with the formation of stalactites and stalagmites (the word “cave” was decided to be taken literally), faults between the walls and the ceiling. In Table. 2 shows the costs for the halodesign of a turnkey salt room.

Table 2. Repair and halodesign costs

Name price, rub. Quantitative indicator Cost, rub.
Walls. Halodesign "Cave"
Salt tile path with curved facing
Ceiling. Halodesign "Cave"
Walls. Mirror halodesign "Infinity"
Cosmetic renovation of the reception area
Facade work, sign installation
Installation of halogenerator
Lighting design
Acoustic preparation of the room
Ventilation installation

The planned period for finishing the building is 30 days, after which work can actually begin (training will not require a long time investment). In addition to these expenses, minor expenses are also expected, such as Internet and other expenses.

The costs of equipping a salt cave are shown in Table. 3. The list does not include the cost of delivery of equipment and finishing materials from Moscow, amounting to 200 thousand rubles, as well as the purchase of a starter kit of consumables - highly dispersed sodium chloride powder for the first 1000 sessions - 36 thousand rubles (variable costs).

Table 3. Costs for equipping a salt cave without applying salt coating

Name price, rub. Quantity, pcs. Cost, rub.
1 A device for group aerosol therapy (halogenator) with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz, a power of up to 50 W, with an air filter 210 000 1 210 000

High back chair+foot stool

9 500 4 38 000

Chaise lounge chair

5 000 5 25 000

Administrator's computer

22 000 1 22 000

Set of children's toys

18 000 1 18 000

5.1 type speaker system

15 000 1 15 000

Split system

13 500 1 13 500

Massage cover for chairs

3 000 4 12 000


10 000 1 10 000
10 9 000 1 9 000

Salt lamp

3 500 2 7 000

Computer desk

6 000 1 6 000

Exhaust fan

4 000 1 4 000

Coffee table

2 500 1 2 500

Office chair

1 700 1 1 700

Psychosuggestive programs on CDs

250 4 1 000
17 800 1 800

Wall hanger

600 1 600

other expenses

up to 10% of the final cost 37 000
410 000

Responsibilities for ensuring operation are assigned to the project manager. Visitors are received by two administrators working in shifts (Table 4). The administrator position includes a combination of operator and consultant and does not require any special skills from employees. Training on how to operate the equipment is provided by the supplier on site after installation. Office employees and their family members (no more than 3 people) have the opportunity to use the salt room services free of charge 2 times a month, subject to availability. In case of illness, vacation and other circumstances, they are involved wage-earners. Accounting has been outsourced.

Table 4. Staffing table and wage fund

The main items of current costs include rent (35 thousand rubles) and salaries of full-time employees (together with deductions - 65.1 thousand rubles). The variable part depends on the flow of visitors and seasonality factors. This includes the purchase of consumables - highly dispersed sodium chloride powder with a particle fraction of 1-5 microns (including delivery from Moscow, the cost of the powder for 1000 sessions will be 36 thousand rubles), spending on advertising promotion and maintaining groups on social networks (30 thousand). rub.). The traditional decrease in demand for salt cave services occurs in the summer (up to 15-20%). As the salt room becomes more recognizable, it is expected that attendance will increase. It is planned to reach the planned sales volume within the 3rd month of operation. The sales plan, taking into account seasonality, is presented in the Appendices (see Financial Results Report).

6. Organizational plan

Managerial, commercial and marketing functions carried out by the project owner. His activities include strategic planning, market research, interaction with intermediaries. Essentially, he is the manager of the salt room. Due to the relative simplicity of business and a small amount no hierarchical employee complex structure not provided. Full-time and hired employees are directly subordinate to the project owner.

7.Financial plan for a salt cave

The costs of the investment period include investment costs for the construction and decoration of the premises, the purchase and delivery of equipment, which will amount to 1.14 million rubles. The costs of the main period include rent, payroll, housing and communal services, purchase of sodium chloride powder, marketing expenses and interaction with intermediaries. All major financial indicators project, including cash flow, profit, costs can be seen in the Appendices (see Statement of Financial Results).

8. Project effectiveness assessment

Despite its novelty, the project is distinguished by an affordable level of costs, both investment and main period. The advantages of the project can be found low level fixed costs and the absence of significant expenses for Consumables. In fact, the only such material is salt, which is used to conduct sessions. For 1 session, 1 bottle of powder is required, costing 36 rubles. The payback period for the project is 11 months. Project performance indicators are presented in Table. 5.

Table 5. Project performance indicators

9. Risks and guarantees of business in salt rooms

The salt cave project cannot be called tried and tested. For most of the population, visiting artificially created salt caves may be a novelty, therefore, in order to minimize risks, it is planned to undertake marketing preparation (social networks) at the stage of opening the cave. Positioning halotherapy as a useful way of healing and relaxation “for everyone”, reaching the target audience through social platforms, as well as the availability of services, can significantly increase the planned occupancy rates, and in the future increase the cost of services by 15-20% without negative consequences for the elasticity of demand. The main risks are reflected in Table. 6

Table 6. Assessment of project risks and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences

Risk Probability of occurrence Severity of consequences Prevention measures
Increased construction time and cost Conclusion of a contract with a fixed term for the construction of the halo chamber and with a fixed estimate
Unprepared audience Active marketing policy, more productive work with social networks and intermediaries
Increased competition Providing additional services, optimizing loyalty programs, using all competitive advantages
Worsening economic situation, decreasing solvency of the population Cost optimization, review of prospects for changes in pricing policy

Taking into account the fact that investments are made in a liquid tangible asset, the worst-case scenario of bankruptcy of the enterprise is not possible.

10. Applications *

* Applications are made using a unique business calculation service from the website portal.