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How to connect commercial equipment in six steps? 1c compatible commercial equipment.

Association KAMI


Wholesale industrial equipment



Control manufacturing enterprise 1.3

Association "KAMI" is an association of leading suppliers of industrial equipment, industrial enterprises Russia, equipment manufacturers, industry universities and research institutes. The need of the enterprise was the introduction of a specialized scheme for management and accounting based on the functions of the 1C Manufacturing Enterprise Management solution.



Production of electrical equipment




1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 1.3

JSC "ELTEZA" is diversified company, which has all the technical and technological capabilities for the production of modern electrical equipment, electronic and microprocessor devices, as well as train traffic control systems and ensuring the safety of railway transportation. The company's specialists have implemented a number of projects in such areas as: work with controlled transactions, cost calculation, work with customer-supplied raw materials.





Management Accounting. Document flow


1C:Manufacturing enterprise management, 1C:Document flow

The Energotekhmontazh group of companies is a highly professional and rapidly developing enterprise in the field of energy supply, heat supply, water supply, gasification and road construction. The configuration of Manufacturing Enterprise Management and Document Flow was finalized and implemented.





Management Accounting. Accounting, Calculation wages


1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

The Vimcom company specializes in solutions for creating multi-service broadband networks, provides a full range of services from pre-design survey to construction and technical support. During the project, improvements were made to the management information system based on the 1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management configuration, integration with the 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management and 1C: Enterprise Accounting configurations was carried out.



Project activities and consulting


Warehouse accounting, production accounting, rent


1C:Management small company

CJSC PROCONTAINER is the largest supplier of refrigerated containers in Russia. A company specializing in the service of refrigerated container units. The 1C:UNF software product was customized. Warehouse accounting blocks were modified to meet the customer’s needs, service work, production and rental. A feature of the company's accounting was the assignment of identification numbers to equipment and tracking of its full life cycle.



Maintenance and repair of aviation equipment


Management and operational accounting


1C: Managing a small company 1.6

The company VTS Jets LLC carries out service work on the repair and maintenance of aircraft. The system required the implementation of a business chain of documents to reflect transactions. The company customized the 1C:UNF software product. In the system, the blocks of service work, personnel accounting, warehouse accounting and the pricing block were finalized. The information system was brought to standards ISO quality 9001, which are used in the work of the customer.

Company "FAIR PAY"




Management Accounting. Accounting, payroll


1C: Trade Management, 1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C Salary and HR Management

The company "FAIR PAY" presents payment terminals own production. In addition to its own payment machines for accepting cash payments, the company produces Internet kiosks and Content kiosk. Was held complex automation management, accounting and payroll. As part of the project, data was transferred from a previously used warehouse accounting program, and a set of modifications was made to the used configurations to suit the needs of the company. Employees were trained.





Management Accounting, Accounting


1C: Trade Management 10.3

LLC "EVROMASTER" is one of largest producers ready-mixed concrete in the south of the Moscow region. The main principle of the company’s work is to take into account all the interests of partners when developing production options, delivery conditions, prices, terms and types of payment. Comprehensive automation of dispatcher and operator workplaces was completed, with the ability to identify orders by barcodes in loading coupons and integrate the accounting program with the plant management system. The sales manager’s workplace was also automated.





Operational, personnel, regulated accounting


1C: Integrated automation

The MATRIX group of companies is a diversified engineering and manufacturing enterprise that performs work and provides services for the creation, reconstruction and modernization of automated process control systems of facilities in various industries. Implementation of 1C: Integrated automation. During the project, the following tasks were resolved: finalizing the configuration to suit the company's needs, transferring data from previously used accounting systems, installing and setting up the configuration, training MATRIX employees to work with the new information system.






1C: Salaries and personnel management, 1C: Enterprise accounting

SHP LLC "MILK TYRNOVO" - production of dairy products. The company automated accounting and payroll. As part of the project, a methodology for using the information system was developed, taking into account industry specifics.





Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management

OJSC Ostankino Meat Processing Plant (OJSC OMPK) is a leading manufacturer of processed meat products and semi-finished products in central Russia. The "Inventory" block and the list of reports have been modified to meet the customer's needs, and a non-standard exchange between PPs has been configured.





Trade, production, operational accounting.


ITS CONSULTANT: Management concrete plant

LLC "BROK-BETON" - production of ready-mixed concrete of all grades, mortars, sand concrete, wall, foundation and facing blocks, well rings and various landscape products (paving stones, curbs, etc.). During the project, areas were automated: operational accounting actual costs for production, transport accounting, document accounting, control of receipt and disposal of materials and finished products.




Accounting, management and personnel accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Enterprise Management, Management of a Microfinance Organization.

LLC "MFO-ALLIANCE" - Financial intermediation, tender loans, bank guarantees. The software products “Bank Guarantees” and “Tender Loans” were modified to meet the customer’s needs. A project was implemented for the customer to improve the existing information system. The goal of the project was to adapt the information system to the new directions of the company’s activities, as well as to optimize existing automation circuits. During the project, all goals were achieved.




Personnel accounting


1C: Salaries and personnel management 3.0

LLC MFO "JET MANY MICROFINANCE" - provides high-tech and high-quality services in the field of microfinance using a modern arsenal banking technologies lending and IT funds. The transition was completed from 1C: Salaries and personnel management edition 2.5 to edition 3.0 with preservation of documents and modifications




Accounting, management accounting


1C: Enterprise Accounting, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management

PJSC "VOLGA CAPITAL" is an infrastructure company that operates in the financial market, carrying out the activities of a market maker, specializing in exchange transactions and direct investments in own projects.‎ The company is a liquidity provider for all market participants on the NYSE, CME, Moscow Exchange. Comprehensive service maintenance company information database systems.







ITS Consultant: Concrete plant management

"StroyDomServis LLC is one of the largest developers in the territory of New Moscow. The company provides a full range of services related to the development and sale of large investment projects. The main distinguishing feature of the Investtrust company is the comprehensive development of the territory and the use of advanced technologies. The following tasks were solved at the enterprise: operational control over all stages of the plant’s operation, increasing the transparency of processes occurring at the enterprise, quality control of products and services, integration of the plant’s work into the general information system, integration with the payment system."

Continuing the theme of automation retail Let's return to commercial equipment. In our previous materials, we discussed the theory: how to choose the right retail store equipment and how it interacts with 1C. This article will focus on practice, namely the method of connecting retail equipment to configurations on the 1C:Enterprise platform. Highly recommend this material to study, since in the future, when talking about the features of this or that type of retail equipment, we will not address in detail the issues of connecting it to 1C.

Currently, the 1C software range can be clearly divided into two parts: configurations based on regular and managed applications. They are easy to distinguish by appearance, the internal differences are just as significant and therefore, despite the continuity, the approaches to working with retail equipment in regular and managed applications differ and will be considered separately. Before continuing reading, we recommend brushing up on the principles of interaction between retail equipment and 1C by reading the article:.

Regular application

This type of configuration includes Trade Management 10.3 and Retail 1.0; in the future, we will use Retail as an example, although the methods for connecting equipment in any configuration of this type are the same.

First of all, connect all the necessary commercial equipment to the PC, switch it to the required mode (for example, RS-232 emulation) and install the necessary drivers for the operating system. After this, you can proceed to connecting the equipment directly to the configuration. To successfully complete this task, we will need two more things: service processing and a vending equipment driver.

As we already wrote in the previous article, service processing is an external component of the 1C:Enterprise platform, which is responsible for the interaction of the configuration with the retail equipment driver, which is a dynamic library directly responsible for interacting with the equipment and implementing specified functions.

With drivers it’s a little more complicated; here you first need to establish who exactly is supporting the equipment: 1C or third-party manufacturers. For a regular application, 1C drivers exist only for barcode scanners and are also available on the update service. The rest will have to be found on the manufacturers' websites. Also keep in mind that many commercial equipment drivers are paid, for example, ATOL.

What if you don’t know where to get the driver? There is a little trick that we will talk about later, but for now you can skip this step and go directly to connecting the equipment. In 1C: Retail we will open Service - Trade equipment - Connecting and setting up trade equipment(in other configurations the path may be slightly different). In the window that opens, we will see all the equipment connected to the workplace, distributed into groups.

Please note that the equipment is configured for each computer separately, binding is carried out by host name, so if you rename the computer, the equipment will have to be configured again. Information about equipment connected to different computers is stored in the Trade Equipment information register.

There are two ways to connect the equipment: manually or through an assistant, we recommend using an assistant who will quickly guide you through all the necessary steps, while manual installation requires some experience and knowledge.

Everything is simple here - choose desired type equipment and press Further. On the next screen we will see all the service processing loaded for this type of equipment. If the list is empty or the required processing is missing, then it must be loaded by selecting the appropriate item.

To download, specify the directory containing the service processing and click the button Get list, in this case all processing will be loaded, and not just for the type of equipment being installed, i.e. It is enough to perform this operation once.

After loading, return to the previous screen and select necessary processing. The choice depends on the installed drivers for commercial equipment, for example, for a barcode scanner, processing is offered for the driver from 1C and input device drivers from ATOL. Each processing has its own list of supported equipment, from which you should select the desired model. Scanners are simple, in fact they are standard equipment, so let’s take something more complex, for example a customer display Gigatek DSP-820.

First of all, let’s visit the page and find out that this model is supported by ATOL (paid) and Scancode (free)

It is quite logical to choose a free driver. Therefore, we go to the Scancode website, download the TO driver in the support section and install it.

Then in 1C we select Scancode service processing

Clicking Further we will see previously created devices for our processing, since the required model is not there, then we select Add a new device.

And in the list of supported equipment, select the desired model, here we indicate its name (substituted automatically) and KKM cash desk on which this device will be used.

It is enough to create any device once, after which it can be used to connect similar equipment at other workplaces. The created devices are stored in the Trade Equipment directory and, as is not difficult to notice, represent lists of compliance with the device model and service processing.

If you use the same model of equipment, but in different modifications, then it makes sense to create a duplicate position, clearly reflecting this in the name. For example, Voyager 1250 Barcode Scanner (USB) and Voyager 1250 Barcode Scanner (RS-232), directly indicating the physical interface of the device, instead of an impersonal Barcode Scanner (generic). Why is this necessary, if from the point of view of 1C these are absolutely identical devices? And so that, without getting up from your workplace, just by looking at the register, you can tell exactly what equipment is installed at each workplace.

Finally, having selected or added the required device, we proceed directly to setting it up. The setup, as we have already said, is done for each computer separately. Depending on the type of equipment, the number of available options may vary. Below is a typical settings window, let's look at it in more detail.

First of all, review the driver information and driver version. It must be installed and have a compatible version; we will touch on compatibility below, but for now we’ll just make sure that the driver is available and available for the application. If the driver is not installed, then you did something wrong, you may need to register the required library manually, or restart the program if the driver was installed while 1C was open.

Above we talked about a little trick. At the bottom of this block there is a link to latest version drivers and if you are using the current configuration release, then the link will also be relevant. So, if you don’t know where to get the TO driver or didn’t find it on the supplier’s website, then you can continue without installing it up to this point, and then go and download it from this link.

Below are the connection parameters: port and speed. If everything is clear with the port, then in order to find out the speed, refer to the documentation for the device. In the case of this display, the default speed value is 19200 bps and if you leave the value at 9600 bps, then instead of letters the display will display " "Kryakozyabra."

Now let's talk about compatibility. IT is a rapidly changing industry, so it may happen that you have more recent versions of drivers than are listed in the processing compatibility list. What to do in this case?

In most cases, the drivers are made backwards compatible and everything should work. But the situation should not be left to chance. First, run the test built into the processing and make sure that the device at least just works.

Then carry out a test run by performing a full cycle of operations for this device in both modes (RMK and normal). So, for example, with the driver from 1C version 8.0.17.x, the METROLOGIC MS7120 "Orbit" barcode scanner works normally, and the METROLOGIC 1250G "Voyager" calls up a selection form with each reading.

If any defects are found in the operation, then you should roll back to a compatible version of the driver, but if everything works fine, then we leave it as is. To avoid the annoying message about driver version mismatch, you can correct the service processing code. Open it with the configurator and find the section responsible for checking the driver version, then replace the version of the compatible driver with yours.

After this, update the maintenance handling in the configuration.

Managed Application

New configurations are being created based on the managed application, today these are Trade Management 11 and Retail 2.1, which have significant differences from conventional configurations, both externally and internally. But there is also a large degree of continuity. If you know how to work with commercial equipment in a regular application, then you can easily figure out the managed one.

The main difference is in the unification of the approach, now instead of separate external treatments service, the Connected Equipment Library (PEL) technology is used, which provides a unified code base and libraries for working with retail equipment at the platform level. The BPO also includes certified drivers for commercial equipment, which makes it easier to find a compatible version.

All connected equipment is divided into certified, support for all components of the bundle Equipment - TO Driver - Configuration carried out by 1C and the equipment is supported by the driver manufacturer, which works with 1C Configurations at the level TO drivers provided by its manufacturer. There is not much difference between these lists, except who you will have to contact for support if problems arise, and you should also remember that third-party TO drivers are usually paid.

Please note that in managed application service processing is not used, and the subsystem of the same name is used to work with connected equipment. At the same time, the scheme of interaction with the equipment has not changed radically, it’s just that the code from the 1C side was unified within the BPO and included in the configuration.

We will not delve into internal differences; those who are interested can independently deepen their knowledge on the topic of Connected Equipment Libraries, but let’s move on to changes in the user part of the settings.

One of the important innovations is Workplaces. A workplace is a combination of a computer and an information base user. This allows you to have different sets of connected hardware for different users on the same computer. For example, for a cashier we set up a full set of equipment, but for a merchandiser we leave only a barcode scanner and add a TSD.

Workplaces also allow you, by checking the appropriate box, to work with the settings of equipment connected to other computers. This is convenient when you need to centrally change equipment settings at several workstations at once. For example, you changed the IP address of the scales with label printing, now you don’t have to run to all the workstations from which you work with the scales; you can change the settings for them from your computer.

The connection and setup process itself has changed slightly and has become simpler. But there is one subtlety, since TO drivers are now included in the configuration and are installed automatically, while setting up commercial equipment the program should be run as an administrator, otherwise you may encounter a situation where the application will not be able to register the libraries and you will receive an error.

The full list of drivers available in the configuration can be found by clicking the link Hardware Drivers at the top of the form Connecting and setting up equipment.

In addition to satisfying curiosity, this list is also useful because any driver can be downloaded and then used separately, for example, for configurations based on a regular application, so as not to search for it on the Internet.

Connecting commercial equipment has also become easier, there is no connection assistant, but there is no need for it, all you need to select is the type of equipment, driver and workplace.

Then you should write down the changes and, by clicking on the button Tune, specify the connection parameters for this piece of equipment.

It should be noted that error messages have become more informative; in our case, the system already had driver for Retail 1.0 and we received a strong recommendation to update it to at least Moreover, you can do this literally “without leaving the cash register”, select Functions - Install driver(we remind you that for this operation to be successful, 1C must be run as Administrator).

But what about equipment that is not supported in the configuration? In a normal application, it was enough to receive service processing and install the appropriate driver. Nothing has fundamentally changed in the managed application; to connect unsupported equipment, the manufacturer must provide the component with BPO technology, which must be loaded into the configuration.

For example, let's take a label printer, which is supported by Scancode. A similar component is presented on the support page for this model.

Connecting the components should not cause any difficulties, open the list of drivers and select the option Add new driver from file, point to the downloaded archive.

As you can see, nothing complicated. We hope that this material will help you acquire the initial skills of connecting retail equipment to 1C:Enterprise and in the future we will not focus on this issue, considering that the reader already has basic knowledge.

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The growth of the business of many companies is often accompanied by an increase in the number and expansion of the equipment used. As a result, the task of organizing operational accounting of equipment becomes very urgent for such companies.

To automate equipment accounting in medium and large organizations, the application solution “Business Plus: Equipment” is offered. This software product is developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and allows you to organize accounting of production, retail, office and IT equipment.

The program provides the ability to create visual plans for the placement of equipment on the territory of the enterprise; the inventory of the equipment fleet is automated using barcoding. The life cycle of an accounting unit in the program includes commissioning, movement, maintenance, repair and decommissioning. Calculation of the total cost of ownership (TCO – Total Cost of Ownership) is provided. Let's look at the main features of the program.

List of jobs

The system implements storage of a hierarchical list of workplaces - places of use or storage of equipment. The grouping of workplaces reflects their territorial location, for example city/address/floor/office. A hierarchical list of equipment can be attached to each workplace, reflecting the relationship of accounting objects. The list of cashier workplace equipment may contain, for example, “Posiflex Cash Drawer”, “LPOS Keyboard with Magnetic Card Reader”, “15” Samsung Monitor”, “Metrologic Barcode Scanner” and “FELIX Fiscal Recorder”.

For each workstation, you can set an arbitrary number of parameters: inventory number, socket number, IP address, mains voltage, etc. A person is assigned to each workplace.

Equipment layout plans

The program contains tools that allow you to create graphical floor plans and indicate the location of specific workplaces on them. You can create a hierarchy of plans, such as building/floor/shop, building/floor/office, etc. Thus, if the plan of the plant territory shows a workshop building, then a quick transition to working with the plan of this workshop is possible.

Floor plans are closely interconnected with the hierarchy of workplaces and the list of equipment. When you select a workplace, a list appears installed equipment and the location of the workplace on the plan.

Equipment life cycle

To register operations with equipment, the program uses the documents “Receipt of equipment”, “Movement of equipment”, “Transfer for repair”, “Acceptance from repair”, etc. The program allows you to track life cycle each accounting unit. In the card of a piece of equipment you can view the history of operations and, if necessary, open the corresponding document.

Planning and recording the fact of equipment maintenance are carried out using the “Maintenance” document. Two types of service standards have been implemented – “by period” and “by production”. The “period” standard is used, for example, for a machine that needs to be serviced periodically, every six months. To schedule printer maintenance, for example, after printing 15,000 pages, the “output” standard is used.

The program provides the ability to store parameters of equipment models, as well as individual equipment instances. You can store, for example, parameters such as " guarantee period service", "serial number", "inventory number", "capacity hard drive" etc.

Implemented accounting “by copies” and “by batches”. Accounting “by copy” is used to account for computers, office equipment, furniture, etc. For Supplies Integrated accounting “by batch” is used.

A flexible report is used to analyze equipment data. The parameters of this report, as well as the design, can be customized. There are predefined sets of settings that allow you to generate, for example, a report on balances, a report on movements for a period, a report on the total cost of ownership (TCO).

Using Barcoding

During the equipment inventory process, accounting and actual data are reconciled. To facilitate the mass conversion operation, the program provides for the use of barcoding technology.

Barcoding is also convenient to use for documenting transactions with individual pieces of equipment during transfer for repair and acceptance from repair, during revaluation, planning and registration of maintenance, etc. For example, when a faulty cash register It is enough to scan its barcode to determine the workplace where it was installed.

Remote data collection on IT equipment

Accounting for IT equipment in the program differs to some extent from accounting for other equipment. Thus, the program allows you to automate the remote collection of data about IT equipment located on the network. When registering a transaction, the responsible employee only needs to select the type of movement document. Documents are filled out automatically, so the likelihood of data errors is minimized.

Differentiation of access rights

The program implements various options for delineating user access rights when working with data. You can restrict access to equipment lists, for example, by department. Divisions can independently maintain records, while the data of all divisions is available in the parent organization.

For a situation in which different employees are responsible for accounting various types equipment, you can differentiate access rights to data by type of equipment. For example, one employee may be responsible for accounting for commercial equipment, and another employee for accounting for computers and office equipment.

Ease of implementation

Before starting to work with the Business Plus: Equipment program, lists of those responsible for the equipment, workplaces and equipment models are filled out. Then the equipment arrives at the workplace and is assigned to financially responsible persons.

To simplify implementation, the program provides for the use of such built-in technologies operating systems Windows, like Active Directory and WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation). This made it possible to automate the loading of the list of responsible persons, the initial filling in of information about the IT equipment fleet, as well as the creation of a list of jobs.

Integration and accounting of fixed assets

The Business Plus: Equipment program can be used as separate product. It can also be integrated with the programs “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8” or “1C: Trade Management 8”.

Integration improves usability; all operations are recorded in one information base. Another advantage of integration with 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8 is the ability to configure joint use of Business Plus:Equipment with the fixed asset accounting subsystem.

Today, the Business Plus: Equipment software product is successfully used by more than ten companies in Chelyabinsk and other cities of Russia. As a result of its implementation, enterprises have established management accounting for equipment, the assignment of financial responsibility has been streamlined, records of repairs and Maintenance, automated data collection about IT equipment. Data on the composition and cost of the equipment fleet also became available for analysis.

Software“Business Plus: Equipment” received a certificate “Compatible!” from 1C. 1C:Enterprise".

I have one wonderful client. For about 3 years now, I have been servicing his small but quite active chain of stores. And throughout all this time I have been trying in vain to overcome the problems in the operation of the combination of retail equipment and the Retail 2.0 configuration.

The problem is that all released configurations often contain mountains of errors, and hardware drivers only work with one configuration or another. Drivers from the Atol company are especially popular, and for some time now they have become paid. Yes Yes. Equipment manufacturers are so harsh that they supply drivers with the hardware, which still need to be purchased by purchasing full version. And old drivers, which were free, unfortunately often do not work correctly.

The problem is further aggravated by the fact that the cost of the work of “specialists” in installing and configuring 1C is commensurate with the cost of purchasing all software and equipment combined. On the 1C forums, when you ask questions, you are more likely to receive not an answer that will help you, but a response in the form of the phrase “If you don’t know how to do it yourself, hire a specialist” or “There’s no need to bother if you don’t know anything about it.” Therefore, information about the operation of configurations and equipment has to be collected bit by bit, through a long and tedious “smoking” of the manual and surfing the Internet space.

Therefore, in this post I decided to describe in detail the installation and configuration of retail equipment in the 1C Retail 2.0 configuration. In other configurations everything will be similar, the main thing is correct programming and installation of hardware drivers.

So, let's get started.


On this moment The chain of stores has the same equipment:

  1. Symbol LS2208 barcode scanner with USB interface.
  2. Receipt printer ATOL FPrint-5200 with USB interface.
  3. Also in the main store there is a Posua LPOS-II-VDF-2029D customer display with a USB interface.

As a rule, problems arise precisely when choosing the operating mode of the barcode scanner and selecting the necessary drivers.


  1. Operating system: Windows XP and Windows 7 Pro.
  2. 1C Enterprise: version
  3. Configuration Retail: version


We will assume that you have already installed the 1C Enterprise platform and have done the initial configuration settings. Let's start with a barcode scanner.

Setting up the Symbol LS2208 barcode scanner.

The barcode scanner can operate in several modes, but we are only interested in 2 of them:

  1. Mode " HID Keyboard Emulation» - allows the scanner to emulate a USB keyboard. After successful decoding, the barcode data is transmitted to the terminal as if it had been entered from the keyboard. Most USB drivers support HID keyboard emulation capabilities, so no special drivers are required in this case.
  2. Mode " Simple COM port emulation» - requires downloading device drivers from the support center website at . When the scanner is connected to the host system, the next available COM port is automatically selected, emulating a unidirectional RS-232 connection. In this case, handshaking is not supported and setting the baud rate is not required.

Let's look at the operating modes using examples. In operating mode HID Keyboard Emulation in cashier mode, you will have to manually open the barcode entry window (Alt+F7 or F7) and bring the item to the scanner, after which the scanner will simply insert the received code into the active window. Same with all other windows. And even if you open Notepad and read the code, it will be pasted into the program window. The mode is convenient because it does not require installing additional drivers or making additional settings, but you have to constantly press (Alt+F7 or F7). Many programmers use these combinations as a prefix when transmitting data, but they do not always work correctly. And programming additional prefixes is not supported by all scanners.

In operating mode Simple COM port emulation in cashier mode, you don’t have to call up the barcode entry window (Alt+F7 or F7) every time; the drivers and program will do this automatically. That is, you simply bring the product to the scanner and it appears in the list. Everything is generally simple, but the installation of additional drivers is required.

We have decided on the operating modes. Now you need to configure the barcode scanner itself. To do this, we will use the wonderful . To transfer from one operating mode to another, simply read the corresponding barcode from the instructions. On page 108 of this manual there is a complete description of all scanner operating modes, and on page 109 the corresponding barcodes.

I personally recommend choosing the operating mode Simple COM port emulation, then the cashier does not have to constantly open and close the barcode entry window. Next, we scan the corresponding barcode, after which the scanner will emit a squeak, which notifies us that the operating modes have been switched and the device has been rebooted.

For a scanner in COM port emulation mode, we will need drivers. You can download them from the corresponding section on the manufacturer’s website or from the link.

Download and install the drivers, and then restart the computer (just in case).
After the reboot, connect the barcode scanner and scan the barcode to switch the scanner to COM port emulation mode. The scanner will make a sound indicating that the operating mode has changed and the scanner has rebooted.

After detecting the scanner and installing the drivers, go to computer management and check if a new device has appeared.

As we can see from the figure, the COM1 port was assigned to the barcode scanner. Remember, we will need this information later.

Now you need to connect the scanner to the workplace of a certain cashier. To do this, launch 1C and log in as an administrator. Go to the “Settings and Administration” tab, then in the left menu select “Configuring connected equipment”, and then in the right field click on the “Connected equipment” link.

In the window that appears, on the left side, put the switch next to the words “Barcode scanners” and click on the “Create” button.

Type of equipment: is already set to Barcode Scanners.
Driver handler: select “1C: Barcode Scanners”.
Workplace: select the user who will work with the scanner. In my case it is “Cashier(MAIN)”.

Next, click on the “Save and close” button. The scanner we just added should appear in the list of equipment. Select it in the list of equipment and click on the “Configure” button. If the drivers for the barcode scanner are not yet installed, you will see red text in the corresponding fields. In the window that appears in the top menu there is a “Functions” button, click it and select the “Install driver” item. The platform will automatically install the driver from 1C to work with barcode scanners. This driver is very convenient because when working with it, all processing works in the Retail configuration itself.
That is, there is no need to program the F7 prefix and other “inconveniences”. A barcode is inserted automatically into all fields. Thus, when creating invoices, as well as in the RMK mode, there is no need to open the barcode entry window. The program will do everything automatically.

After installing the driver, in the scanner settings you need to specify the number of the COM port to which our scanner is connected. In this case COM1.

We leave all other settings at default values.

This basically completes the scanner setup.

If you decide to configure the scanner to operate in HID keyboard emulation mode, then you will not need to install drivers or make additional 1C settings. Just plug in the scanner and it's ready to go. The barcode to be scanned is entered into the active window. In this case, you do not need to add anything to the connected equipment. But each time you will have to open the barcode entry window manually, which is extremely inconvenient when working in the RMK mode.

Setting up an ATOL FPrint-5200 receipt printer with a USB interface.

Close 1C after setting up the barcode scanner and connect the receipt printer to the computer. Immediately decide on a new device. Now we need a receipt printer driver. You can download drivers from the manufacturer's website, but as I already said, the drivers are paid. Therefore, we take and install the free version of the drivers from the link. We reboot the computer, just in case.

After the reboot, go to computer management and find our receipt printer.

The printer operates in COM port emulation mode and in my case occupies the COM3 port. Let's remember and move on.

After installing the drivers for commercial equipment, shortcuts for setting up various types of commercial equipment appear in the list of programs; there is also a utility for initially setting up a receipt printer, which I will discuss in more detail a little later.

Launch 1C and go to the settings section for connected equipment. Next we go to the section fiscal registrars and add a new device.

After adding the device, click on the “Configure” button in the top menu and go to the printer settings.

In the window that appears, fill in all the fields.
Device model: ATOL: FPrint-5200K.
Port: COM3.
Timeout: leave it as default.
Name: You can not change and leave the default value.

This basically completes the installation and configuration of the printer.

Note: Be careful when installing drivers. With an earlier driver version, the receipt printer may not work correctly. During the initial installation, I encountered a problem when the printer issues a receipt, the total cost is reduced by the amount as a percentage. That is, if the product costs 17 rubles, then the total cost in the receipt will be the product for 17 rubles, then the printer will issue a receipt for 17 rubles - 17% = 14.11 rubles. This problem can be resolved by installing new drivers.

And so, the scanner and printer are configured and working correctly. Now you need to configure the customer display.

Connecting and setting up the Posua LPOS-II-VDF-2029D customer display with a USB interface.

All devices are connected using a USB interface for one simple reason. In 2 of 3 trading floors There are small netbooks that only have USB ports.

On the first page it says that the display can:

  1. Work in COM port emulation mode.
  2. Emulate protocols:
    • Firich
    • Partnertech CD5220
    • DSP800
    • EPSON

We are interested in the DSP800 protocol and COM port emulation, because working with COM ports for 1C is preferable.

To switch the display to emulation mode, you need to download and install. After installing the program, restart the computer and connect the buyer’s display to the computer. We launch the installed POSua MPOS Master Full utility and switch the customer’s display to COM port emulation mode.

Now you need to install . There's more here. After installing the drivers, do not forget to restart your computer.

We indicate the device model as DSP850B, so the display will work correctly with Russian fonts. When selecting other protocols, asterisks may appear on the screen instead of capital letters.

In the creeping line field, you can specify the name of the store. And check the “Use ticker” checkbox.

This completes the setup of the display itself; now let’s configure the parameters for how 1C itself works with the display.
To ensure that our display does not stand idle without informative inscriptions and does not display its model on the screen, it is necessary to make small adjustments to its operation.

We launch 1C under Administrator and go to the “Setup and Administration” section, then in the menu on the left, select the “Configuring connected equipment” item and on the page that appears, click on the link “Customer display operating templates”.

In the item “Customer Display Operation Template”, select the template we created earlier.

At this point, all settings for the retail equipment are completed and the cashier’s workplace is ready for full-time work.

P.S. In cashier mode on a small screen (for example, a netbook), the quick goods panel does not slide out in configuration version If anyone suddenly knows how to defeat this, please write in the comments.

New features and changes

Version 1.2.4 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added support for drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.6".
  • Added version control for drivers supplied in configuration layouts and a mechanism for updating drivers by the user.
  • The exchange with connected equipment in the "1C: KKM Offline" mode and the equipment Web service has been improved in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.6".
  • For the equipment Web service, the ability to send data in batches (price list) with support for a pool of requests has been added.
  • The exchange mechanisms with KKM Offline ATOL and Shtrikh-M have been improved. Implemented:
    • Support for various ATOL and Shtrikh-M exchange formats;
    • Hierarchical unloading of goods;
    • Uploading tax rates of goods;
    • Unloading properties necessary for accounting for alcoholic products;
    • Loading payments by types and types of payments;
    • Loading barcode data for excise and special brands of alcoholic beverages.
    The barcode printing component has been updated to version
    - Fixed memory leaks when generating barcodes.
  • Added new driver "ATOL: Customer Display 8.X", version 8.7, developed by ATOL.
  • Added new driver "ATOL: Input Device Driver 8.X", version 8.7, developed by ATOL.
    The driver supports the operation of two types of equipment "Barcode scanners" and "Magnetic card readers" and is developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "Hexagon: Label printers Zebra, Proton, Toshiba-TEC, Datamax-O neil" has been updated to version 2.3.2.
    - Added support for Toshiba-TEC and Datamax-O neil label printers.
  • The driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (Native)" has been updated to version
    Bugs fixed:
    - 50002661: Error working in Linux with keyboard devices containing non-ASCII characters in their names.
    - 50002662: Error in keyboard mode on Linux: if the keyboard device is configured correctly, barcodes are not read.
    - 00065592: In WEB clients Chrome and Firefox, an error occurred in missing characters in the barcode in keyboard mode. Appears on CipherLab scanners.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "Scancode: Data Collection Terminals" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the supplier's distribution tools.

Version 1.2.3

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Corrective release

  • Added a new driver "Dreamkas: Fiscal registrars VikiPrint", version 4.02, developed by the company "CrystalService".
  • The driver "ATOL: Fiscal Registrar Driver 8.X", version 8.7 developed by the ATOL company, has been updated.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "Crystal Service: Fiscal registrars Pirit" has been updated to version 4.02.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "1C: Fiscal Registrar Emulator" has been updated to version 1.0.13.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "1C: Customer Display" has been updated to version
    - Added support for WEB client Internet Explorer 8.0, 9.0(x86), 10(x86), 11(x86).
    Bugs fixed:
    - 000557621: Error opening the COM port when working in the Internet Explorer WEB client.
    - 00060158: Error in incomplete clearing of the display when displaying three or more lines.
  • The driver "1C: Receipt Printer" has been updated to version
    - Added Linux support. Linux supports devices connected via the COM port interface and Virtual-COM (ttyS, ttyACM, ttyUSB).
    Bugs fixed:
    - 00046295: Alignment error: barcode alignment is always centered, text alignment is always left.
    - 00059407: Error in incorrect application of settings during the "Test" operation.

Corrective release

  • Bugs fixed:
    - 00057346 - Error in unloading TSD data for zero quantity for the drivers "Scancode: Data Collection Terminals" and "Scancity: Data Collection Terminals".
    - 00053178 - Error loading sales reports for "1C: KKM Offline" when working in the Google Chrome WEB client.
  • The driver "1C: Receipt Printer" has been updated to version
    - Added support for Internet Explorer browsers versions 8-11, Mozilla Firefox versions 31-39 and Google Chrome 37 and higher running Windows OS.
  • The "1C: Customer Display" driver has been updated to version
    - Added support for Mozilla Firefox browsers versions 31-39 and Google Chrome 37 and higher running Windows OS.
  • The driver "Scancity: TSC Label Printers" has been updated to version
    - Fixed a bug where the link to download the main driver package was not provided.

New features and changes

Version 1.2.3 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added support for drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The built-in forms for the TAXI interface have been improved in accordance with the internal standards of the 1C company.

Bugs fixed:

  • 00011627: Fixed an incorrect call to the integration component for acquiring SBERBANK.
    In the equipment instance setup form, you can select the version of the library to use.

The list of supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new driver "ATOL: Electronic scales 8.X", version 8.7, developed by the ATOL company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • Added a new universal driver "1C: Customer Display (NativeApi)" version 1.0.1, developed by 1C.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5" and supports customer displays connected to COM ports (VirtualCOM) operating using the following protocols: Epson, Firich/CD5220, DSP800.
    Supports work in thin and thick clients in operating environments Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Linux Ubuntu 12, Linux Fedora 17.
  • The driver "Shtrikh-M: Fiscal Registrar Driver (Universal)" has been updated to version 4.12.
    The driver was developed by Shtrikh-M in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.5".
  • The driver "Hexagon: Proton Barcode Scanners" has been updated to version 1.1:
    Bugs fixed:
    - Fixed connection error - incorrect identifier of the connected device was returned.
  • The driver "1C:Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" has been updated to version
    - Added driver support for the “Magnetic Card Readers” equipment type;

    - Added the "COM port timeout" parameter. Defines the timeout when reading a COM port;
    - The "Suffix" parameter is supported for devices that emulate a keyboard for Linux OS;
    - The "Suffix" parameter is supported for devices operating via a COM port for Linux OS.
  • The driver "1C:Barcode Scanner (COM)" has been updated to version
    - Added the "COM port encoding" parameter. Determines in which encoding to perceive the character stream when reading a COM port;
    - Added the "COM port timeout" parameter. Defines the timeout when reading a COM port.
    Bugs fixed:
    - 30026916: For Linux OS, the sequence of barcode characters from the COM port arrives in fragments of varying lengths depending on the driver settings.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "Shtrikh-M: Data Collection Terminals" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the supplier's distribution tools.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "SCALE: Scales with label printing CL5000J" is excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the supplier's distribution tools.
  • The layout with the driver distribution kit "Sberbank: Acquiring Terminals" has been excluded from the library. The driver is installed using the supplier's distribution tools.

Version 1.2.2

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Corrective release

  • The driver "1C: Receipt Printer" has been updated to version
    Bugs fixed:
    - DSS-00-00048242: The text description of the last error that occurred is not returned.
    - SSPR-00-00049454: Opening command cash drawer does not work normally.
    - Added an option to automatically open the cash drawer after printing a document. The default value is True.

New features and changes

Version 1.2.2 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added new asynchronous methods for working with equipment. Synchronous methods are retained for compatibility.
    Work in asynchronous mode is supported for all types of equipment. To operate the equipment in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to change the configuration code in terms of working with the methods of each type of equipment. The methodology for converting the configuration to asynchronous methods is described in the document “Using BPO functionality in configurations.htm”, sections: “Methodology for converting the configuration to asynchronous methods”.
  • A mechanism for printing cash receipts using a software-defined template has been added. The method of using the template printing mechanism is described in the document “Using BPO functionality in configurations.htm”, sections: “Fiscal recorders” and “Receipt printers”.
  • The barcode printing component has been updated to version
    - The returned image format is set to PNG with a depth of 32 bits. This fixed a bug where an incorrect barcode image was returned to the platform.
    - Fixed a bug with incorrectly returned barcode images in the client-server version when generating a large number of barcodes in parallel.

The list of supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new driver "CAS: Driver for scales with label printing", version 1.0.1, developed by the KAScenter company using NativeApi technology.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4" and supports the following models of scales with label printing: CAS CL5000J, CAS CL5000, CAS CL3000, CAS LP-1.6, CL-5000D.
  • Added new driver "Crystal Service: VikiVision Customer Display" version 1.0.3. The driver provides connection to customer displays of the VikiVision brand.
  • Added new driver "Scancity: TSC Label Printers", version 1.0.0, developed by Scancity.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • Added a new driver "Scancode: Driver for TSD CipherLAB 8x00 (NativeApi)", version 1.0.1, developed by the company "Scancode" in NativeApi technology. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • The "Hexagon: Zebra and Proton Label Printers" driver has been updated to version 1.9.9.
    - Added support for Zebra label printers.
  • The driver "1C: Receipt Printer" has been updated to version
    - The driver is prepared for running FireFox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome in asynchronous mode.

Those "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

Version 1.2.1

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

Version 1.2.1 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added support for a new type of equipment "Receipt Printer".
  • Added support for a new type of equipment "Label Printer".
    Drivers developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4" are supported.
  • Added the ability to exchange with "1C: Mobile Cash Desk" using the universal driver 1C: KKM-Offline in file exchange mode.
  • A new protocol for exchanging data with equipment "Equipment Web Service" has been added.
    This interaction protocol is implemented on the library side using the WEB service "EquipmentService".
    Interaction is carried out in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".

The list of supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new driver "1C: Receipt Printer" version, developed in The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4". The driver provides connections to POS receipt printers that support the ESC\POS protocol.
  • Added a new universal driver "1C: KKM-Offline" for working with KKM-offline.
    The driver supports downloading settings and a price list with details by characteristics and packaging of goods, downloading a list of sales reports with details by payment type and type of payment.
  • Added new driver "Hexagon: Proton Label Printer", version 1.7.6, developed by Hexagon.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.4".
  • The "Scancode: Data Collection Terminals" driver has been updated to version 6.0.7.
    - Fixed an error in calling a procedure as a function (Appears when working with 1C:Enterprise and higher).

Procedure for initial BPO implementation and updating from BPO versions 1.0.x, BPO 1.1.x to BPO version 1.2 is described in the document those "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

To use the capabilities provided by the library of connected equipment in configuration, you must follow the instructions in the document"Using BPO functionality in configurations.htm".

Version 1.1.7

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.7 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added general asynchronous methods for connecting and disconnecting equipment. Synchronous methods are retained for compatibility.
  • The following types of equipment work in asynchronous mode: barcode scanner, magnetic card reader, offline cash register, scales with label printing.
    To operate barcode scanners and magnetic card readers in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to change the configuration code in terms of connecting and disconnecting equipment.
    To support working with offline cash register machines and scales with label printing in asynchronous mode, it is necessary to replace the configuration code with asynchronous methods for working with these types of equipment. To operate these types of equipment in the web client, you also need to install an extension for working with files in the browser.
    The method for converting the configuration to asynchronous methods is described in the document “Use of BPO functionality in configurations.htm”, sections: “Methodology for converting the configuration to asynchronous methods”, “Barcode scanner”, “Magnetic card reader”, “KKM-offline”, “Scales with printing labels."
  • Errors logged:
    - 30013422: Uploading and downloading to KKM offline does not work in the web client (Google Chrome)
  • Driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" version is prepared for Google work Chrome in asynchronous mode.
    Reported errors:
    - 10142713: The testing window is displayed minimized in the web client (Google Chrome).
    - 10142681: Error localizing the interface of the driver configuration form in the web client (Google Chrome).

The list of supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new driver "Crystal Service: Fiscal registrars Pirit", version 2.01, developed by the company "Crystal Service".
  • The driver "INPAS-UNIPOS: Acquiring system driver" has been updated to version
    - Fixed an error in setting the value of the "Currency code" parameter. Previously it was impossible to set a currency code other than the default value (810).
  • Added support for the following customer display models with the current ATOL driver:
    OMRON DP75-21, NCR 597X, Shtrikh-miniPOSII PRO, Posiflex PD-201/PD-309/PD-320.
  • The driver "1C-Rarus: Driver for fiscal registrars MEBIUS" has been updated to version
    - Fixed an error in the "Open Cash Drawer" method. The cash drawer had not been opened before.
    - Fixed an error in the "Connect" method. Previously, when performing the method on some FR models with an open shift on receipt tape An error message was printed.

Version 1.1.6

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.6 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added new driver "GAZPROMBANK: Acquiring system driver", version 1.0, developed by Gazcardservice.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2"..
  • Added new driver "USC-EFTPOS: Acquiring System Driver", version 1.0.2, developed by Shtrikh-M.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "INPAS-UNIPOS: Acquiring system driver", version, developed by 1C-Rarus.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "1C-Rarus: Driver for fiscal registrars MEBIUS", version, developed by 1C-Rarus.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "Shtrikh-M: Fiscal Registrar Driver (Universal)", version 4.11, developed by the Shtrikh-M company.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • The layout with the distribution kit for drivers for fiscal registrars Shtrikh-M version 4.X is excluded from the library. Installation is carried out using the supplier's distribution kit.
  • The layout with the general distribution of ATOL drivers version 6.X is excluded from the library. Installation is carried out using the supplier's distribution kit.
  • The driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (COM)" has been updated to version
    Driver errors fixed:

  • The driver "1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)" has been updated to version
    New features added:
    - Support for USB scanners operating in keyboard emulation mode under Linux OS.
    Driver errors fixed:
    - 10131526: The application hangs/repeats the character entered from the keyboard multiple times when the components “1C: Barcode Scanner (COM)” and “1C: Barcode Scanner (NativeApi)” are running simultaneously through the “Keyboard” port.
    - 30009911: Error when operating some CipherLab scanner models in virtual COM port mode.
    - 30008098: Incorrect identification in the “Test” window of the COM port from which the barcode was read when running under Linux OS.
    - 30008099: Platform crash after closing the "Test" window when running under Linux.
    - 30009836: Display the driver configuration form in Russian, regardless of the specified regional setting of the infobase.

Version 1.1.5

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.5 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added a new driver "ATOL: Fiscal Registrar Driver 8.X", version 8.2, developed by ATOL.
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".

Version 1.1.4

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.4 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added new driver "Hexagon: Proton Barcode Scanners", version 1.0, developed by the company "HEXAGON".
    The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2". The driver supports the operation of barcode scanners of the Proton model line.

Version 1.1.3

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher, with compatibility mode disabled.

New features and changes

Corrective release 1.1.3

  • Bugs fixed:
    - 00027876: Error in access rights to workspaces when updating external components at system startup.
    - 00028754: Events from input device drivers named "Barcode" and "TracksData" are not processed.

Version 1.1.2

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.2 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added a new driver "ATOL: Driver for data collection terminals running MobileLogistics", version 8.2, developed by ATOL. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • The driver "1C-Rarus: Felix fiscal registrar driver" has been updated to version 1.2. Added support for Felix 80K fiscal registrars. The driver was developed by 1C-Rarus in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".

Version 1.1.1

ATTENTION! This release can be used with version 1C:Enterprise and higher.

New features and changes

Version 1.1.1 contains functional changes to the 1C: Connected Equipment Library subsystem.

  • Added the ability to connect new drivers , developed according to the 1C: Compatible standard. The opportunity is provided:
    • Downloads in information base a driver file supplied as an archive of an external component, prepared in accordance with the requirements set out in the document “Technology for creating external components”;
    • Uploading the driver distribution file to the information database;
    • Opportunity using a driver pre-installed on local computers.

    Drivers must be developed in accordance with the requirements set out in the documents “Technology for creating external components” and “Requirements for developing drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2”:

  • Added the ability to operate the library in modality rejection mode. Added non-modal methods for working with equipment. Modal methods are kept for compatibility, and can be removed if necessary ( For more details see the document"Procedure for implementation of BPO.htm").
  • Adaptation of screen forms for the Taxi interface has been completed.
  • The library is supported for running on Linux.

The list of supplied drivers has been changed:

  • Added a new version driver "1C: Barcode Scanner" version 8.1.0, developed in NativeApi technology. (For more details, see the document "Technology for creating external components.") The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2".
  • Added a new driver "CAS: Driver for electronic scales for simple weighing", version 1.0.4, developed by the KAScenter company using NativeApi technology. The driver was developed in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2" and supports the following models of electronic scales: CAS AD, CAS AD-H, CAS ED, CAS ED-H, CAS MWP, CAS MWP-H, CAS SW , CAS DB-H, CAS DB-II, CAS PDS, CAS AP-M, CAS AP-EX, CAS ER Junior.
  • Added new driver "HEXAGON: Data Collection Terminal Driver", version 1.1. The driver was developed by the HEXAGON company in accordance with the document "Requirements for the development of drivers for connected equipment, version 1.2". The driver supports the following models of data collection terminals with loaded software"Goods 5": Proton PMC-2100, Proton PMC-1100, Proton PMC-1200, Proton PMC-8100.
  • Drivers "INPAS: Acquiring Terminals" and "SoftCase: Acquiring Terminals" are no longer supported. Layouts with drivers are not supplied as part of the library; driver handlers are left for ensuring the operability of acquiring systems previously installed at the workplace.

Procedure for initial BPO implementation and updating from BPO versions 1.0.x to BPO version 1.1 is described in the document those "Procedure for implementing BPO.htm".

To use the capabilities provided by the library of connected equipment in configuration, you must follow the instructions in the document"Using BPO functionality in configurations.htm".

Full configuration distribution

The library distribution package is available for downloading by registered ITS users.