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International children's competitions. Category: Children's competitions

In 2017-2018, a huge number of Russian as well as international competitions and festivals for children will be held. Applications for children's competitions 2018 must be sent in advance, so we invite you to familiarize yourself with the list of the most interesting and large-scale competitions that will be held in Russia.

Each child has a wonderful opportunity to take part in the chosen competition, demonstrate their talents, meet new people, and receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Most children's competitions prepare valuable prizes for their winners, which will be an excellent reward for dedication, diligence and work during preparation.

For parents interested in trips abroad, the article will present a number of famous international festivals. Participation in such projects will be a powerful incentive for further work on oneself, so that in the future your child can fulfill all his plans and dreams.

Children's music competitions 2017/2018

“CREATIVE DISCOVERIES. MUSIC" (St. Petersburg, Russia)

It is planned from October 2 to October 5, 2017. The program is designed for 4 days, which participants will spend in the unusually beautiful city of St. Petersburg. The talent competition will take place on day 2, at the end of which absolutely all participants will receive small gifts, and their teachers and mentors will be awarded letters of gratitude and certificates. The winner will receive a cup and a diploma. The rest of the time there is a rich program, including interesting trips around the city, visits to museums and cathedrals. An excursion to the famous Tsarskoye Selo, where Pushkin spent his youth, is also planned. In addition, children will take a walk around Catherine Park, where they will do a lot beautiful photos in memory of the competition days.

“MERGER OF CULTURES” (Kazan, Russia)

This competition is planned to be held in the wonderful city of Kazan from April 28 to May 1, 2018. At the beginning, the children will have an exciting excursion on a comfortable bus around the city to get acquainted with the main attractions of the city. On the second and third days, the festival itself is planned, including rehearsals, creative performances, interesting master classes and a final concert with awards for all participants and their teachers. On the fourth day, the organizers are planning an exciting trip to the island of Sviyazhsk with a visit to historical architectural monuments.


"ST. PETERSBURG ASSEMBLY OF ARTS" (Russia, St. Petersburg)

Among the music festivals, children's piano competitions 2017/2018 should also be noted. Anyone over 3 years old can take part in the competition. He will pass from 01.12.2017 to 04.12.2017, applications are accepted until November 5, 2017. The nominations are as follows: “Piano - solo”, “Piano duets” (4 manual and two-piano), “Accompanist skills”. All children will be awarded diplomas and pleasant gifts, and the winners will be given appropriate titles.

International children's competitions 2017/2018

"STARS OF PARIS" (France, Paris)

The Stars of Paris festival will take place from April 21 to April 30, 2018. Creative groups and soloists with their mentors are invited to participate in the following categories: choreographic numbers, vocals, playing instruments, original art of various genres, theater and painting. All children who took part in the competition will be awarded certificates, and the winners will be given the title of “Laureate”.

The intense program of the competition lasts 10 days, which includes an exciting excursion around Paris and a visit to the famous entertainment center Disneyland. The cost of the tour is 560 euros.

"VIVA-ITALIA-RIMINI" (Italy, Rimini)

The festival will take place in the popular resort town of Rimini from 11 to 16 June 2018. Both creative groups and soloists of various age groups can take part. There are 6 nominations in total: choreography, vocals, instrumental creativity, original art, theater and painting. The winners of the competition will be awarded the titles of “Laureate” of I, II and III degrees in the relevant nominations. In addition, some participants may be awarded special certificates.

The festival program lasts 11 days. During this time, the guys will visit several cities, including Venice, Rome, Verona, Prague, and Vienna. The cost of the trip is 650 euros.

Children's beauty contest 2018 in Russia

Children's competitions related to fashion and beauty are gaining increasing popularity around the world. Such competitions are held in many cities of Russia. On May 31, the annual competition “Mini Miss Chelyabinsk 2017” is planned, the main prize of which will be the opportunity to participate in the project “Mini Miss Russia 2018”.

Young beauties are waiting practical lessons on acting, where famous actors will share their experience, give useful tips, will conduct interesting exercises. Girls will also be taught the art of photo posing, which is, of course, important for every model. It’s hard to disagree with the fact that every girl should also be a good housewife, which is why all participants will be given cooking master classes. All this allows you to reveal the child’s creative potential, reveal his abilities, and also show them modern world fashion. The winner will become the face of the famous modeling agency for a whole year.

Children's competitions are a place for children's fantasies and hobbies to come true. Children's competitions are about discovering young talents. Children gaining new knowledge while participating in competitions helps them become brave and active in life.

In this section you will find competitions for children: preschoolers, schoolchildren and teenagers. Most competitions are free. Children's competitions with free participation are held online with awards: prizes, diplomas, diplomas and certificates of participants.

Schoolchildren from grades 1-11 can participate in competitions of the Ministry of Education in various areas of school subjects and creative disciplines.

Competitions for children

On our portal you will find current, interesting and free children's competitions on various topics, including:

  • All-Russian, creative, dance, vocal, musical, international competitions for children
  • Competitions for children and teachers
  • International children's competitions and festivals
  • Competitions for children's drawings, photographs and many others...

Select competitions below and participate!

All-Russian competitions for children play a huge role in the development of a child. They help in revealing the talents of our beloved girls and boys. Both parents and teachers will definitely note that in every little child there lives not only a mischief maker and a little devil, but also a gift that needs to be revealed. WITH early age The kids pick up pencils and brushes and try to draw. They enjoy playing with plasticine and colored paper. With age, children begin to master more complex crafts. The girls are trying to embroider, knit, and make amazing crafts from beads. The boys build ships from paper and plywood, putting together unusual shapes from construction set parts. And someone else likes to dance or sing, read poetry or write their own fairy tales, draw cartoons or create presentations. All talented children are invited by the organizers of children's all-Russian competitions in 2018 - 2019. Here every participant will find an interesting creative task.

Children need children's competitions!

The school gives the student the basic knowledge that will be useful to him in the future. Comprehending them, he climbs the steps and achieves certain successes. However, many believe that school program- this is the ceiling above which you should not go. It is precisely such judgments that hold back creativity and prevent the child from revealing himself as an individual. A completely different world opens up for those who participate in all-Russian competitions and Olympiads for children. Previously, the organizers of such events added that the event was held for gifted children. And today we can say with complete confidence that every child is gifted in some area. It is only important to make him feel like a winner in his niche.

Is math or Russian good for everyone? And if not, then these children will never get to school and all-Russian Olympiads in subjects. They go into the shadows, sometimes they are labeled “unpromising” and they stop working with them. All that remains for such a child is to go out into the street and look for the company of the same children who are not accepted by science. But you can do it differently.

All-Russian competitions for children 2018 - 2019 have no restrictions for participants. The number of such events increases every year. And all this is done so that every child living in Russia can find their calling and discover their talent, which should not go unnoticed. Let the school student or naughty boy tell everyone how he can draw. Let an excellent student who knows biology by heart discover other talents in himself and take a break from science. Children are offered so many topics that no one will have to get bored and sit with their hands folded.

International and all-Russian competitions for children: age limits

Every little person should know and feel from childhood that he is successful. This is the only way his adequate self-esteem is formed, and those around him, seeing his first successes, will pin high hopes on him, giving him the opportunity to prove himself in the future. Who in school is given the opportunity to participate in all concerts and host holidays from the first grade? For those who have already done this before entering school. Therefore, we recommend that children be involved in all-Russian creative and thematic competitions for children from early childhood. Later, this will become a need for them, and they will constantly look for something new, interesting, where they can open up, compete, and be the best.

All children living in the territory can take part in the All-Russian children's competitions 2018 - 2019 Russian Federation. It doesn’t matter whether they live in Moscow or Vladivostok, visit kindergarten or high school. They can realize themselves in their age category:

  • preschoolers (works are accepted from pupils of state kindergartens and private preschool educational institutions, from children who are at home with their mothers, or rather from everyone who has not yet turned 7 years old and does not go to school);
  • students of grades 1 - 4 (works are accepted from everyone who studies in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 of schools, gymnasiums and other educational institutions);
  • students of grades 5 - 9 (works of children studying in any secondary educational institution (grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) are accepted);
  • students of grades 10 - 11 (works of high school students studying in Russian schools and secondary school students are accepted).

Which all-Russian competitions do children prefer in the 2018-2019 academic year?

By participating in all-Russian competitions 2018 - 2019, children should receive their portion of happiness. Of course, everyone has their own. In order to feel happy child it is necessary to win, and this is possible only if he does the work that is within his power. Although there are no restrictions on the choice of topics, it is still worth paying attention to those areas that are closest.

All international and all-Russian children's competitions can be divided into intellectual and creative. In the first, it is proposed to demonstrate knowledge of certain subjects and certain topics. Each such event contributes to the development of logical thinking, cognitive activity, and intellectual talent. Those kids who not only know school subjects well, but also study literature themselves, read a lot, are passionate about discoveries and are ready to create their own projects like to take part in such events. The topics of such all-Russian competitions can be very diverse: history, literature, geographical travel and discoveries.

All-Russian creative competitions allow children who have a special gift to discover their talents. How many of our boys and girls are artists, performers, dancers, craftsmen with golden hands, little writers? And each of them tries to prove himself in his niche. And this is where remote competitions for children, which provide such a chance, come in handy. Here you can imagine different types works:

The procedure for children’s participation in distance competitions on

If you looked at our page, then you want to find the most interesting all-Russian children's competition. This is possible at any time for all children of the Russian Federation who attend preschool educational institutions, study at school or gymnasium, and study in studios and clubs. If you are from 3 years to 18 years old, you can become both participants and winners of our competitions, but for this you must fulfill a number of conditions:

  1. Fill out the participant application.
  2. Prepare work for any remote competition that is currently being held.
  3. Pay the registration fee or publish a banner of your portal on your website, which allows you to participate for free.
  4. Send all materials, re-reading the regulations on children's All-Russian competition, to the address [email protected].

Welcome to the website in the “Competitions” section. Many distance competitions are constantly held here for children. Choose yours and be sure to take part in it. All the works of our participants are necessarily published on the portal, which means that a huge number of people will see them. But that’s not all: participants and winners will receive diplomas, which will be an excellent addition to the portfolio of a school student or preschooler. What are you waiting for? Go to the “Competitions” section and become one step closer to the long-awaited victory.

All-Russian presentation competition for schoolchildren

Every student in grades 1-11 can take part in the event by submitting a presentation or report with a presentation on

  • biology,
  • geography,
  • foreign language
  • computer science,
  • stories,
  • local history,
  • mathematics,
  • music,
  • social studies,
  • psychology,
  • technologies,
  • physics,
  • ecology,
  • economy.

All details about the event are on the competition page and in the regulations.

Light of knowledge - autumn 2019

All-Russian competition research work for students in grades 1-11

Each student can take part in the event together with the teacher-supervisor or individually.

The competition accepts research papers and projects on:

    • astronomy and cosmonautics,
    • biology,
    • geography,
    • art history,
    • foreign languages,
    • computer science,
    • stories,
    • local history,
    • literature,
    • mathematics and cryptography,
    • music,
    • to the surrounding world,
    • political science,
    • psychology,
    • robotics;
    • Russian language,
    • sociology,
    • technologies,
    • physics,
    • physical culture,
    • chemistry,
    • ecology,
    • economy.

You can find out comprehensive information about the competition and the Olympiad on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Let's draw magic - 2020

All-Russian competition of New Year's drawings and crafts, as well as a reading competition for schoolchildren.

Give free rein to your imagination and feel the New Year's magic spreading around! Each schoolchild, from grades 1 to 11, can submit a craft to the competition, Christmas tree toy or a drawing on a New Year's theme.

A special feature of our competition is that teachers can make crafts and draw winter landscapes just like their students, because the corresponding nominations are also open to teachers.

Young lovers of fine literature can read their favorite New Year's poem and send a video recording to take part in the reading competition.

Based on the results of the competition for training students, the teacher receives a certificate and/or thank you letter from the organizing committee.

In total, the competition includes 5 nominations for schoolchildren and 6 nominations for teachers.

Interim results of the competition and the issuance of award documents are held weekly on Wednesdays, except January 1.

All details about the competition are on the page and in the regulations.

The pure shine of the stars

All-Russian competition of reports and presentations, essays and research works, as well as a competition of artistic recitation and illustrations for schoolchildren

A new creative competition is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Silver Age poets Mirra Lokhvitskaya and Zinaida Gippius. However, the theme of the event is not limited solely to their creativity.

Each student from grades 5 to 11 can submit a report, presentation or research paper to the competition dedicated to the life and work of a poetess of the 19th - early 21st centuries of his choice.

The participant can also participate in an essay competition based on the lyrics of the poet of his choice.

A recitation competition is open for schoolchildren, where everyone can read their favorite poem by Mirra Lokhvitskaya, Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetaeva, Yulia Drunina, Bella Akhmadulina or another poetess.

For those who are interested in artistic creativity, the nomination “Illustration for a poem” is open.

In total, the competition provides 7 nominations for students and 13 nominations for teachers.

Heroes of History 2019 / 2020

Theme of the competition: the history of Russia and world history from ancient times to the present day.

Each student can submit a report, presentation, research paper, essay on a historical topic to the competition, as well as take part in an artistic recitation competition by reading a poem, an excerpt from a poem or a fragment of a prose work on a historical topic.

The competition is also open to teachers of history, literature, teachers primary school, teachers additional education and librarians, college and university teachers.

The competition is divided into 4 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Take part in the second stream of the competition and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on December 20, 2019.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Thirst for new discoveries

All-Russian competition-marathon for students in grades 1-11, as well as for teachers and professors.

Theme of the competition: the geography of our planet in all its diversity.

Each student can submit a report, presentation, research paper on geography to the competition, and also take part in an artistic recitation competition by reading a poem or a fragment of a prose work in the adventure genre.

The competition is also open to teachers of geography, literature, primary school teachers, additional education teachers and librarians, college and university teachers.

The competition is divided into 3 streams. Results and issuance of award documents at the end of each stream. Take part in the first stream of the competition and add a new diploma to your portfolio of achievements on November 26, 2019.

All details are on the competition page and in the Regulations.

Also, every student can take part in our project’s distance competitions. You can always find a list of available events in the new section. We have prepared tasks for different age groups; both first-graders and graduates will be able to find something for themselves. On this moment There are six Olympiad tests available in Russian language, literature and art. The section is regularly updated, stay tuned.

To answer this question, let us turn to one of the main legislative acts regulating work in the field of education in general and the procedure for certifying teaching staff.

Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012, as amended on July 26, 2019

Article 77. Organization of education for persons who have demonstrated outstanding abilities

"2. In order to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities, federal government agencies, organs state power subjects of the Russian Federation, bodies local government, public and other organizations are organized and carried out Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sports events (hereinafter referred to as competitions), aimed at identifying and developing students’ intellectual and creative abilities, ability to engage in physical education and sports, interest in scientific (research) activities, creative activity, physical education and sports activities, to promote scientific knowledge, creative and sporting achievements.

Article 34. Basic rights of students and measures of their social support and incentives

“22) development of one’s creative abilities and interests, including participation in competitions, olympiads, exhibitions, shows, physical education events, sporting events, including in official sports competitions and other public events.

The activities of the Open Palms project are carried out in accordance with the above law and are aimed at supporting and developing gifted children.

How can the active participation of children in Olympiads help a teacher when passing certification?

Consider a document entitled “Methodology for analyzing information about the results of professional activities of applicants qualification category(first or highest) carrying out educational activities by the position of “teacher”, which guides the experts of the certification commission of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Student achievements

Criterion: individual educational achievements of students (results of participation in competitions, olympiads, competitions, scientific and practical conferences, intellectual marathons, projects on the subject(s) of study).
Each academic achievement is taken into account, subject to participation:
  • several students in one event ;
  • the same student in events of different levels;
  • the same student in several events.
When participating in face-to-face events held by organizations engaged in educational activities and educational authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level Level of educational organization
Winner = 6 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 5 points

Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points Winner = 3 points Winner, runner-up, laureate, nominee:

1 person or more = 1 point

When participating in face-to-face events held by third parties
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level
Winner = 5 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 4 points

Winner = 4 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 3 points

Winner = 3 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 2 points

Winner = 2 points

Prize-winner, laureate, nominee = 1 point

When participating in correspondence and distance events conducted by organizations engaged in educational activities and educational authorities
International level Federal level Regional level Municipal level

1-5 people = 4 points

More than 5 people = 5 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When participating in correspondence, remote events conducted by third-party organizations
International level Federal level Regional level
Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 3 points

More than 5 people = 4 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 2 points

More than 5 people = 3 points

Winner, laureate, diploma holder:

1-5 people = 1 point

More than 5 people = 2 points

When assessing the results of correspondence and distance events, it is necessary to study the regulations on holding a correspondence competition, Olympiad, etc., located on electronic resource event organizer. To do this, you must follow the direct electronic link specified by the applicant in the “Name of events” column. In the absence of this information, the AC specialist has the right not to take into account the results of students’ participation in correspondence and distance learning activities.
  • The points of each participant are not summed up if the student team wins.
  • The total number of points when assessing the results of intramural events at any level should be no more than 15 points
  • When assessing the results of intramural events at the level of an educational organization, a single mark (1 point) is given for any number of achievements (not a multiple of the number of achievements).
  • The total number of points when assessing the results of correspondence and distance competitions of any level should be no more than 10 points

Of course, a teacher can receive the highest score during certification for participating in a face-to-face international competition conducted by educational authorities. Successes at such events at the federal level, etc. are slightly less valued. Unfortunately, professional competitions and there are not many Olympiads for schoolchildren of this level, and not every teacher or student can take part in them for many reasons: very strict selection conditions, restrictions on the number of participants, the inability to personally come to the competition site, etc.

At the same time, having prepared a winning student remote competition at the federal level, during certification, a teacher can receive the same number of points as his colleague with a student winner of a city-level competition conducted by the education department, or a colleague with a student winner of an intramural competition federal scale. The victories of students at school competitions and olympiads, alas, are not highly valued.

  • The results of the activities are stored on the project website in the “Results” section for no less than 5 years after their completion (five years is the inter-certification period). Indicate a link to the final table in the report when passing the certification, as well as on your personal or school website.
  • The status of a completed event is always posted on the results page. Any member of the certification commission will be able to familiarize himself with it.
  • Each teacher can apply for an unlimited number of students participating in the competition.
  • The same student can participate in different competitions.
  • Five or more students participating in competitions and olympiads should bring you 3 additional points during certification.

Since 2016, regular competitions for schoolchildren have been opened on our website. These are the research work competition “Light of Knowledge” and the report and presentation competition “Open Palms”. Lovers of Russian and world history can always take part in the “Heroes of History” marathon. Literary competitions, reading competitions, and other creative events dedicated to significant dates are also regularly held. For example, in 2018/2019 academic year The competition “Beauty and life emanates from everywhere...”, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, and the competition “Poet and Sage”, dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Andreevich Krylov, were successfully held. In the fall, we remembered our favorite childhood authors as part of creative competition“Learn good things”, and in the spring there was a recitation competition for Victory Day “Festival of Peace and Spring”.

Having analyzed the document that guides the certification commissions, we can conclude that distance (correspondence) competitions at the all-Russian level, conducted by the portal, are an appropriate addition or an optimal alternative to the few events held by educational authorities in your city or region.


  1. Competitions and olympiads of the “Open Palms” project are remote and conducted by a third-party organization, therefore, according to the instructions of experts certification commissions, must be taken into account when calculating points for certification of teachers.
  2. All ongoing events have federal status, which is confirmed by the Media Certificate with the distribution territory of the Russian Federation and other countries, issued by Roskomnadzor on February 16, 2016.
  3. We invite teachers and students to take part in competitions and olympiads of our project to replenish their portfolio and more confidently pass certification.

© 2015-2018 Online publication for teachers, educators, schoolchildren and preschoolers “Open Palms” (IP Anisimov P.V.) All rights reserved.

The system for identifying and supporting young talents is formed as a set of programs and activities that ensure the development and realization of the abilities of all children and youth in order for them to achieve outstanding results in their chosen field of professional activity and High Quality life. Competitions and Olympiads for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held in several stages free of charge.

Implementation of competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education.

To support talented children and youth, the Ministry annually identifies 5,350 young talents in all regions of Russia. In accordance with the Decree of the President of Russia, 1,250 children - winners of Russian and prize-winners of international Olympiads - receive bonuses of 60 thousand rubles, and 4,100 people - winners of regional and medalists of Russian Olympiads - receive bonuses of 30 thousand rubles.

Some of the award winners are selected federal center from among the winners of international and all-Russian Olympiads among schoolchildren, vocational education students, students, as well as from among the winners and prize-winners of all-Russian events with youth, proposed by federal executive authorities and all-Russian (international) public associations.

The second part of the winners of the Talented Youth Prize is determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The number of awards for each region is determined in proportion to the number of young people aged 14-25 years. Based on the results of regional Olympiads and other competitive events, 1,600 people are selected for the award. In accordance with the rules for awarding prizes for talented youth, the selection of candidates of the second group is made in five nominations: socially significant and public activities; scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities; professional excellence; artistic creativity; amateur sport.

Competitions and Olympiads for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 74 “On approval of the Rules for awarding prizes to support talented youth and the procedure for paying these prizes,” a list of Olympiads and other competitive events is being compiled, based on the results of which prizes will be awarded.

Olympiads and competitions for schoolchildren, approved by the Ministry of Education, are held by one or more organizers - federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, state (municipal) educational institutions of higher education vocational education, non-state educational institutions of higher professional education, state (municipal) scientific institutions with the possible participation of one or more state (municipal) or non-state educational institutions of secondary vocational education, educational institutions of additional education for children, educational institutions, public organizations and state public associations, media, and other legal entities.

The number of prizes for Olympiads and other competitions for schoolchildren approved by the Ministry of Education is established in proportion to the number of citizens living in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, specified in paragraph 1 of these Rules, and is approved annually by order of the Ministry.

Competitions for schoolchildren are held by constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the following categories:

Socially significant and public activities;

Scientific and technical creativity and educational and research activities

Professional excellence;

Artistic creativity;

Amateur sports.

All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren of the Ministry of Education.

The All-Russian Olympiad for Schoolchildren is one of the forms of working with gifted children in the system Russian education. This is a system of annual subject Olympiads for students of state, municipal and non-state educational organizations that implement educational programs basic general and secondary general education. The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren helps identify gifted students starting from the 5th grade.

Successful participation and being among the winners All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren guarantees students of graduating classes of general education organizations admission to any university in a specialized field without entrance examinations. In addition, winners and runners-up of the final stage of the Olympiad from grades 8-11 participate in international Olympiads in general education subjects.

The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren is held in 21 general education subjects: mathematics, Russian language, foreign language(English, German, French), computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geography, astronomy, literature, history, social studies, economics, law, art (world artistic culture), Physical Culture, technology, basics of life safety.

The Olympics includes several stages.

School The stage is carried out according to tasks developed by the municipal subject-methodological commissions of the Olympiad. Organizer school stage Olympiad is a local government body that carries out management in the field of education.