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National Digital Libraries July Technologies. Parliamentary hearings: the existing regulatory framework is sufficient to create a National Electronic Library

On the topic “Digitalization in the field of culture. Legislation and Law Enforcement Practice,” which took place in the State Duma on February 13 at the initiative of the Committee on Culture, will become the recommendations of the participants in the hearings to the government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture and authorities state power subjects Russian Federation.

It is recommended that the government, in particular, supplement the goals of the “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation” program with the goal of forming a single Russian electronic knowledge space based on digitized book, archival, and museum collections collected in the National Electronic Library (NEL) and national electronic archives in various branches of knowledge and areas creative activity.

At the hearing, three sets of issues were discussed, which were presented by the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Culture Elena Drapeko .

1. “Introduction of IT for the development of a digital economy as a means of overcoming inequality in the availability of cultural goods.”

Introduction of new technological solutions increases the availability of cultural goods and makes the cultural environment more saturated, Drapeko noted: not only the capital’s cultural and art institutions are involved in this process, valuable information also comes from the hinterland of Russia, from regional museums. This also contributes to the development of tourism: people who have become acquainted with virtual exhibitions show interest in visiting interesting places in person. Therefore, it is important to connect different systems - for example, the Kultura.rf portal and the portal about tourism in the Russian Federation.

Drapeko highlighted the NEB project, in the creation of which the Russian Federation used new method, which, according to her, has no analogues in the world: “If in similar projects around the world, resources accumulate somewhere on servers in data centers, then we have a distributed system in which all participants included in it throughout the Russian Federation participate.” . All information systems provided for by law constitute a single “state system” information support cultural activities in the Russian Federation,” said Drapeko, listing, among other things, a single State Register objects of cultural heritage (historical and cultural monuments) of the peoples of the Russian Federation, the state catalog of museums, the state register of unique documents from the archival fund, the register of book monuments, the state register of films.

2.Usage digital technologies in the field of culture.

Here we are talking about how museums, theaters, philharmonic societies use IT “as a means of expression,” Drapeko said, how, for example, 3D technologies are used to create scenery in the theater, how new technologies are used in music. “We have only one concern about this so far: almost all the equipment that is used by cultural institutions to store our digital archive, our heritage and production entertainment programs- all imported. We don't have our own hardware - at all. And this causes some concern,” Drapeko said.

3. Popularization of culture and its achievements through digital technologies.

First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Aristarkhov reported that all the work of the Ministry of Culture on digitalization can be presented in the form of three blocks: maintaining registers and providing public services; the use of digital mechanisms in industry management; popularization of cultural heritage and increasing the availability of cultural goods, - spoke about the filling of the main registers and the functioning of information systems.

According to Aristarkhov, by 2025 it is planned to complete the inclusion of all objects from all museums in Russia in the State Catalog of Museum Objects (the total number of objects is about 62 million objects).

Aristarkhov also stated that the ministry sets itself the goal of first of all digitizing all books published in Russia.

"We want to get in in electronic format all books and other handwritten publications that have ever been published on the territory of Rus', the Russian Empire, the USSR and modern Russia in any language. This will be the digitization of all publications in Russian and in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia that have ever been published in the world. That is, in the future it will be a portal where you can find any publication,” explained the deputy minister.

In addition, the ministry plans to create a unified Russian electronic knowledge space (ERKZ) on the basis of the NEB, which will include not only books, but also information from archives, museums, etc. According to Aristarkhov, in the unified Russian electronic knowledge space there will be only reliable information (as opposed to the currently existing “electronic encyclopedias”, which are very inaccurate).

Source: Ministry of Culture

The deputy also spoke about the formation of the EREPZ general director Russian State Library ( NEB operator) Mikhail Rodionov.

Slide from the RSL presentation

In accordance with existing strategic documents, it is necessary to create a unified Russian electronic knowledge space in Russia. Having indicated that NEB underlies the knowledge space as a reliable source of knowledge (a kind of “building blocks” that make up digital economy, explained the Deputy Director of the RSL), he noted the following problems of the National electronic library.

Slide from the RSL presentation

1. Low demand for NEB funds. This is due to the fact that copyright holders, who are also suppliers of the most relevant and trusted content, fear that their interests will not be taken into account when these publications are included in the New Library. And even if you read only in library premises, “commercial losses” are possible, that is, a decrease in sales. For the same reason, at present, neither the Russian State Library nor the New Library receives required electronic copies of publications. As a result, access to the entire volume of current knowledge in the electronic library is not yet formed.

2. The methodology for forming NEB funds has not been determined– both acquisition of current publications and those already in library collections. Coordination of activities so far comes down to assessing the duplication of existing electronic collections, when libraries send the RSL applications for digitization.

3. Publications are not selected by experts in scientific fields, A library workers who do not have sufficient competencies.

4. There is no analysis of accessibility for users of existing electronic funds– breaking them down into units of knowledge and the possibility of their semantic (semantic) connection.

Rodionov also stated that, within the framework of existing legislation, it is quite possible to work further on the creation of a digital electronic library and an electronic knowledge space, there is a legislative basis for this, “everything can be resolved at the level of by-laws.”

Slide from the RSL presentation

1. Separate the concepts of access and storage of electronic information technology objects. That is, access to copyright objects should be provided only with the consent of the copyright holder - with appropriate agreements in accordance with existing legislation. This will make it possible, among other things, to ensure that the NEB is replenished not by 10% (currently, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 597 of May 2012, 10% of books published in Russia are subject to digitization - ed.), but by a completely mandatory electronic copy of any publication (subject to its selection experts).

2. Models of working with copyright holders must necessarily include the organization of paid access; There must be transparent mechanisms for distributing the money charged for the use of those publications. It is necessary to provide technical means copyright protection (this is a requirement of copyright holders). Payments to copyright holders must be made based on the results of use (you should not pay for unclaimed publications).

3. As one of the mechanisms for legal protection of copyright holders a public register of agreements and conditions for the accession of copyright holders to the NEB should be created. This can be made the responsibility of the NEB operator.

4. It is necessary to form expert councils to select objects for inclusion in the NEB(this has not been done yet). It is proposed to determine the mechanisms for the work of such councils, which provide, first of all, for the motivation of the specialists participating in them. The selection by these expert councils should take place in two directions: a) selection of current publications; b) assessment of the fund that already exists, including publications that are not protected by copyright, but are of scientific, historical, and cultural value.

5. It is necessary to approve indicators reflecting the socio-economic efficiency of NEB activities, i.e. qualitative indicators of the use of NEB funds in science and education.

6. To work on creating a knowledge space it is necessary to create a “group for the semantic linking of all objects” based on the operator.

7. Since the nature of the work to create a unified electronic knowledge space is clearly interdepartmental, it is recommended to use government methods project management , for which it makes sense to create a project office for the electronic knowledge space and electronic information space on the basis of the online information technology operator.

During the hearings, questions were asked about ways to solve problems of reader access to copyrighted works. Rodionov pointed out that there is only one mechanism - for all interested participants to reach an agreement based on the provisions Civil Code Russian Federation.

Based on the results of parliamentary hearings, recommendations will be prepared for authorities and organizations.

  • Russian book publishing in 2015-2016: assessments, trends, analysis, forecasts;
  • Trends in the development of the electronic resources market in Russia and abroad (e-books, electronic libraries, electronic subscription resources, online stores, electronic services, cloud technologies, etc.);
  • EBS 2016 trend: new service platforms for science and education;
  • Promotion of electronic resources. Business models for interaction between publishers and aggregators with libraries;
  • Expert in acquiring library collections. Who is he?





  • Subscribed and open electronic resources: identification, selection, testing, maintenance;
  • Libraries' experience in acquiring and using electronic resources. Corporate use of subscription electronic resources;
  • Electronic and traditional library collections: issues of interaction and mutual influence. Optimal ratio of traditional and electronic resources;
  • Features of acquisition of short-circulation scientific literature;
  • Maintenance of electronic resources: organizational and methodological aspects;
  • Information support for acquisition.


  • RBA Guide “Procedure for recording documents included in the library collection with comments and appendices”; Accounting for traditional and electronic library collections in modern conditions: library, accounting and statistical accounting;
  • statistical accounting in a new way (Form 6 Tax Code, as amended by Rosstat Order No. 671 of December 30, 2015);
  • topical issues of the practice of acquiring library collections in the context of No. 44-FZ “On contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works and services to meet state and municipal needs";
  • acquisition of funds in the context of Federal laws restricting access to information (No. 436-FZ “On the protection of children from information harmful to their health and development”, No. 114-FZ “On countering extremist activities”), No. 101-FZ “On introducing amendments to the Federal Law "On the State Language of the Russian Federation" and certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement legal regulation in the sphere of use of the Russian language", etc.;
  • new GOST standards for the formation of library collections (“Library collection. Formation technology”, “Acquisition of a document collection. Terms and definitions”, “Electronic documents. Main types. Output information. Technological characteristics”, etc.).

The conference includes an exhibition of publishing products, information products and equipment for libraries.

To participate in the conference, you must fill out the registration form on the RNL website.

For representatives of libraries and budgetary institutions, participation in the conference is free.

Registration of publishing houses, aggregators, representatives of companies is paid. The registration fee is 1000 rubles. (including VAT 18%).
To register, you need to fill out an application for participation in the conference and exhibition, an application for participation in the exhibition catalog, and a registration form for each participant from the company.

Please send the topic of the report or presentation to be included in the program with a short summary no later than March 5, 2016 in doc format. By e-mail: .
After March 5, topics for reports and presentations will not be accepted.

It is planned to publish conference materials. When preparing presentations, we ask that you save copies of the included illustrations in jpg format with a resolution of 300 dpi.

It is planned to make video and audio recordings at the conference with the possibility of subsequent publication of transcripts of speeches.

Given information mail is not a public offer.

The conference organizing committee reserves the right to select reports and presentations for inclusion in the conference program.

Arrival: March 28, 2016 Hotel accommodation.
March 29 - April 1, 2016 Conference working days.
April 02, 2016 - Departure.

Conference Organizing Committee.

    Appendix 1. Regulations on the National Electronic Library and the consortium of the National Electronic Library Appendix 2. Regulations on the state information system Unified portal "National Electronic Library" Appendix 3. Methodology for selecting 10 percent of the titles of documents published in the Russian Federation for inclusion in the National Electronic Library Appendix 4. Plan (road map) for the development of the National Electronic Library of the Russian Federation for 2014-2016

Development Concept of the National Electronic Library for 2014-2016.
(approved by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation on October 7, 2014)

Main directions of NEB development


In the context of social changes, new economic challenges, the increasing role of the Internet and digital technologies in the creation and distribution of scientific, educational and cultural content, the support and development of an information environment favorable for the development of personality becomes a serious task. A favorable information environment should provide Russian citizens with access through the Internet to national digital information and cultural resources, digitized library and museum collections, digital archives and other multimedia content.

It is necessary to form a single common national electronic knowledge space, which, taking into account copyright and licensing rights, contains works properly described and cataloged, verified by experts and the professional community for relevance, quality of content and language. The National Electronic Library should become such a space.

Information literacy is becoming a critical factor for an individual's success in modern world and for social development in general. A set of skills in searching, objectively assessing, organizing and using information requires constant learning and self-improvement, taking into account existing better experience. At the same time, a significant role in developing information literacy in the digital era should be given to libraries, as the most important institutions for working with information and knowledge.

An increasing number of works of art, cultural phenomena and scientific achievements are initially generated in electronic form. Audiovisual documents, e-books, sites, social media have become the most valuable arrays of information. Identification, cataloging and preservation of electronic resources of the Russian-language segment of the Internet should also contribute to the formation of an information environment favorable for the development of personality.

The Concept of the National Electronic Library (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) was developed for the purposes of:

Creating conditions for coordinating the efforts of government authorities, federal, regional and municipal libraries, libraries of educational and scientific institutions, authors and copyright holders in creating a single national knowledge space and creating a favorable information environment;

Expanding opportunities for citizens to access trusted, reliable and up-to-date information via the Internet;

Development of control and management mechanisms over activities for the digitization of library collections and the creation of electronic resources at the expense of budgets at all levels.

The concept is aimed at increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of priority measures for the implementation of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 N 597 “On measures for the implementation of state social policy” regarding instructions on librarianship issues.

The concept sets out the key areas of activity of the National Electronic Library, its main mechanisms (tools). The concept is intended to become the basis for a systematic approach of executive authorities and the professional community in the formation of a single national knowledge space and a favorable information environment.

Interested departments, their subordinate services, agencies and organizations use the mechanisms (tools) provided by the Concept to improve the efficiency and quality of activities for the formation and use of electronic resources on educational, cultural and scientific topics.

Purpose and justification for the need to adopt the Concept

Plans for digitizing funds, socially significant documents, and creating digital collections are being implemented by all federal libraries of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, libraries of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, other departments, regional, industry and private libraries.

Currently, the Russian-language segment of the Internet includes up to 3 thousand electronic libraries and reference and information resources for various purposes and functional purposes, and most of of them was created by non-governmental organizations and with frequent violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Since 2004, the implementation of the National Electronic Library (NEL) project, initiated by the Russian State Library (RSL) and the Russian National Library (RNL), began. Later they were joined by the State Public Scientific and Technical Library (SPNTL of Russia). Currently, the bulk of the NEB collections are made up of electronic resources of these libraries, the total volume of which at the beginning of 2014 amounted to about 1.3 million full-text documents. In addition, measures are being implemented to create a network of electronic reading rooms, of which there are about 570 at the beginning of 2014.

However, it is impossible to form a unified information space on a national scale only through the efforts of individual libraries, as well as solely through the creation of information and telecommunications infrastructure. Only the involvement of a wide range of libraries, authors, copyright holders and the professional community in filling the distributed fund will solve this problem.

Attempts to include libraries of the Russian Federation in the digital communications system have not yet brought the desired social effect. Collections created as a result of digitization of library collections are formed unsystematically, fragmentarily, with frequent duplication of sources used. There are no uniform approaches to the digitization of documents and requirements for the quality of digital copies, search capabilities and service functions of the software shells used, and acquired license rights.

The created digital collections are not always harmoniously integrated into the library service system; there is no unified system for recording access to documents in digital form. Readers often do not get access to available resources due to their fragmentation and the unresolved nature of many technical issues(for example, access from mobile devices is difficult). A serious barrier is the current legal norms, which often force libraries to limit access even to publications in the public domain. All this makes it extremely difficult to use the existing digital resources of libraries and does not actually ensure the constitutional rights of the country's citizens to free, equal and universal access to socially significant information of a scientific, educational and historical-cultural nature. Individual tasks and activities implemented by various departments often turn out to be ineffective.

Among the problems are the following:

Lack of a single online library providing a single point of access and collection modern services for users;

Lack of a single electronic library card, with the possibility of obtaining it remotely using mechanisms Electronic Government(in particular, ESIA);

Limited collections of the National Library of Science only to works of scientific subjects;

Lack of regional and municipal libraries, libraries of scientific and educational institutions, and multimedia content in the NEB collections;

Unsystematic formation of funds, digitization of collections, duplication of efforts and expenses for digitization;

Absence unified system statistics and reporting;

Lack of billing system and ability to provide paid services to attract a wide range of copyright holders.

Thus, the development of an integrated and systematic approach to the formation of a unified national electronic knowledge space, the transformation of the National Electronic Library project into a single organizational and technological system, which allows harmonious integration of the entire library network of Russia and a wide professional community into a single electronic space is a timely and urgent task.

The concept aims to eliminate existing inconsistencies and contradictions in creating a unified cultural, library and information space of the country, as well as solving the problem of ensuring the necessary efficiency government spending in this area.

Systems approach towards the formation of a unified national electronic knowledge space, the development of a digital environment favorable for the development of personality is achieved through the implementation of the following key areas:

Organizing the filling of the distributed NEB fund;

Organization of a single point of access to the fund;

Resource support for the implementation of the Concept.

An appendix to the Concept is a road map for the implementation of main activities. The roadmap should be regularly updated to take into account emerging recommendations and changes in legislation, technology and methodologies.

Organization of filling the distributed NEB fund

In the context of a single national electronic knowledge space, a fund is understood as a set of digitized library collections, electronic information, multimedia content, and electronic archives. The formation of a fund implies its distribution, i.e. the ability of project participants to provide creation, cataloguing, connection, use and storage own resources. The distributed fund includes both full-text (or multimedia) electronic resources for access via the Internet, and bibliographic information, including information about the location of a particular book in the library network of the Russian Federation.

A systematic approach to organizing the filling of the distributed fund includes the following mechanisms (tools):

using only verified, reliable and professionally prepared content;

strict compliance with copyright laws;

consolidation of uniform rules and formats for digitization, storage and distribution of documents;

creation of a unified NEB catalogue, based on the Union Catalog of Russian Libraries (UCBR), connection of collections through a unified catalogue;

use of uniform cataloging rules based on international and Russian standards bibliographic metadata;

use of a single catalog to coordinate digitization activities and the creation of electronic collections;

creation of a register of copyright holders and certain models of interaction with authors and copyright holders, including for the provision of paid services (including a model of limited competitive views);

Creation common system regulatory and reference information;

development and use of scientific and methodological recommendations on priorities for filling the fund;

development of standards for inclusion in the NEB fund of scientific works created through budget funding, including as part of the implementation of government assignments;

ensuring long-term storage and use of the NEB fund.

The list of mechanisms (tools) for organizing the filling of the fund is not exhaustive and can be supplemented in in the prescribed manner based on studying the best domestic and foreign experience, as well as at the discretion of the competent government authorities.

It is extremely important to include modern, relevant works and documents in a user-friendly format.

To ensure the constant technological accessibility of the fund, its indexing, navigation and reliable storage, a composition of the main participants of the NEB is formed, to whom these responsibilities are assigned. The responsibilities of the main participants are divided according to functional and thematic principles and are enshrined in the relevant legal and regulatory acts.

Storage of the fund must be ensured on hardware and software systems located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Access to the fund

The National Libraries of the Russian Federation have accumulated significant experience in the field of electronic libraries, and have done a lot of work to create a network of electronic and virtual reading rooms through which readers have access to the library collection.

The main task of the long-term development of the online library is the creation of a unified Internet library of Russia, a single point of access (conditional and conditionally free) to distributed funds via the Internet and mobile applications. A systematic approach to organizing access to the fund includes the following mechanisms (tools) and principles:

centralized navigation and search of full texts and bibliographic records of a distributed fund;

access to the fund through the Internet portal and mobile applications, subject to copyright restrictions;

creation of a single electronic library card and the possibility of receiving it remotely using the Unified Identification and Authentication System;

providing access to the full collection of electronic library for educational and scientific organizations;

creation of a unified system of statistics and reporting;

development of a billing system and reimbursable services;

development personal accounts readers, libraries and copyright holders, creating convenient and relevant services;

inclusion of libraries in the system of remote consultation of users;

unification and standardization of technological solutions, organization of a network of distributed automated workstations for the formation and management of the fund.

The list of mechanisms (tools) for organizing access to the fund is not final. It is necessary to develop a roadmap for the development of a single online information portal, taking into account operating experience, user assessment, and the changing technological landscape.

In the development of software for a single online information portal, it is necessary to provide for the primary use of domestic technologies.

Use of NEB for scientific, educational and social purposes

Based on the need to ensure the unity of common and vocational education, lifelong education, development of electronic services for further development spheres of science and education is the most important task of the NEB, which will be implemented through the tools of free access to the scientific and educational resources of the NEB.

The NEB fund, on a priority basis, should include textbooks and teaching aids from the federal list recommended for use in the implementation of educational programs that have state accreditation, as well as works of scientific institutions created with budget funds. Mutually beneficial models of cooperation between NEB, authors, copyright holders and publishers will be developed to ensure maximum user access to resources of scientific and educational importance. Also, the NEB fund must be equipped with a mandatory electronic copy of published books, with free use for educational and scientific purposes.

The created technological tools should provide the opportunity for authors, scientific and educational institutions to publish their works, with certain conditions of access and use.

Access to the NEB fund by scientific and educational (including general education) institutions should be free and ensure maximum satisfaction of the needs for verified, reliable and recommended information by the professional community.

It is also necessary to develop social function NEB. Social partnership will reveal the capabilities of the NEB with great benefit to society and will help increase its authority and recognition. Partnerships can be based on the information and library component. Social partners of NEB can be executive bodies state power, public organizations, media, educational institutions, cultural institutions and other organizations. For NEB, this will also be an incentive to further expand the range of functions and services and develop the organizational structure.

NEB should facilitate the emergence of new partnerships, contacts, and projects. The involvement of real and virtual users in a single electronic knowledge space should ensure the formation of information needs, tastes, and preferences in a safe information environment.

Resource support for the implementation of the Concept

Resource support for the implementation of the Concept includes measures for regulatory, information and analytical, personnel and financial support development of the library, as well as work to improve the regulatory framework governing the activities of the library sector.

Regulatory support involves the development and adoption of documents defining the organizational, legal and technological structure of the NEB and its participants. To organize the functioning of the electronic library, form a fund and organize access, it is necessary to develop regulations, reference books and relevant methodological recommendations. In particular, it is necessary to develop the following documents:

regulations on the National Electronic Library;

regulations on the single portal of the National Electronic Library;

guidelines for the formation of the NEB fund;

creation of a conceptual apparatus, including taking into account amendments to federal laws regulating library activities;

determination of the organizational status of the NEB.

This list of documents is not exhaustive and will be supplemented as the NEB develops.

Information and analytical support includes:

organization of interdepartmental working group, periodic expert discussions of plans and results of implementation of the Concept;

improving the statistics system, including indicators of the activities of the National Library and electronic library services;

inclusion of tasks for the development of electronic security in the plans of interested departments.

Personnel support for the development of the NEB provides for:

identification of officials in the interested departments (executive authorities) responsible for the implementation of the Concept;

creation and implementation of advanced training programs for NEB participants.

The implementation of the Concept is carried out by executive authorities within the framework of established powers and budgetary allocations provided for by the federal law on the federal budget for the next financial year and planning period.

The main executor is the Ministry of Culture of Russia, which carries out the functions of developing public policy in the library field. The main activities to create a single online library portal and the formation of library collections under the Ministry of Culture of Russia are carried out within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Cultures of Russia 2011-2018" and the state program "Development of Culture and Tourism for 2013-2020", the filling of the fund by other departments is organized within the framework of other federal and government programs. It is also possible to use public-private partnership mechanisms.

Improving the legislative and regulatory framework governing the activities of the library sector includes:

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Electronic libraries. Main types. Structure. Formation technology


Date of introduction:

Cancellation date:

Replaced by:

Text GOST R 7.0.96-2016 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Electronic libraries. Main types. Structure. Formation technology






System of standards for information, library and publishing


Main types.


Formation technology

Official publication


GOST R 7.0.96-2016


1 DEVELOPED by the Federal State budgetary institution"Russian State Library". Federal State Budgetary Institution "Russian National Library". Federal State Budgetary Institution “Presidential Library named after. B.N. Yeltsin." Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Russia". Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Library on natural sciences Russian Academy of Sciences". Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences"

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TK191 “Scientific and technical information, library and publishing”

3 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated December 8, 2016 No. 2003-st


The rules for applying this standard are set out in Article 26 Federal Law dated June 29, 2015 No. 162-FZ “On standardization in the Russian Federation.” Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual (as of January 1 of the current year) information index “National Standards”. and the official text of the changes and amendments is in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the next issue of the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notifications and texts are also posted in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet ()

© Stamdartinform. 2017

This standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated or distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

1 area of ​​use..............................

3 Terms and definitions...................................

4 Main types of electronic libraries...................

5 Structure of the electronic library......

6 Composition of the electronic library......................

7 Functionality of the electronic library...........

8 Technology for forming an electronic library....

9 Organization of an electronic library................

10 Architecture of the electronic library...................

GOST R 7.0.96-2016


System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing


Main types. Structure. Formation technology

System of standards on information. Itbrarriartship and publishing. Digital libraries. Basic types. Structure. Development

Date of introduction - 2017-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes the main characteristics of digital libraries, the necessary set of type parameters, defines the composition, structure, functionality, organizational foundations of a digital library, provides the necessary terms and their definitions.

The standard is intended for use by libraries of all types and types, archival services. NTI bodies and other information services in the development of regulatory and technological documents, organization of practical activities in the field of formation of electronic libraries.

2 Normative references

8 of this standard are used Normative references to the following standards:

GOST 7.70-2003 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Descriptions of databases and machine-readable information arrays. Composition and designation of characteristics

GOST R 7.0.63-2013 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Electronic publications. Basic views and output information

GOST R 7.0.93-2015 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Library fund. Formation technology

GOST R 7.0.94-2015 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Stocking the library with documents. Terms and Definitions

GOST R 7.0.9S-2015 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Electronic documents. Main types, output information, technological characteristics GOST R ISO 23081-1-2008 System of standards for information, library and publishing. Document management processes. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles

GOST R 52292-2004 Information technology. Electronic information exchange. Terms and Definitions

Note - When using this standard, it is advisable to check the validity of the reference standards in the public information system - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet or according to the annually published information index “National Standards”, which was published as of January 1 of the current year , and according to the issues of the monthly published information index “National Standards” for the current year. If a reference standard to which an undated reference is given is replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that standard be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If a reference standard to which a dated reference is given is superseded, it is recommended that the version of that standard be used with the dated reference.

Official publication

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

the year above the approval (acceptance). If, after the approval of this standard 8, the referenced standard to which a dated reference is given is amended affecting the referenced provision, it is recommended that this provision be applied without regard to this change. If the reference standard is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which a reference to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this reference.

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses terms according to GOST R 7.0.83. GOST R 7.0.93. GOST R 7.0.94, GOST R 7.0.95. GOST 7.70-2003. as well as the following terms with corresponding definitions:

3.1 architecture of a digital library: Organization of an information system, embodied* in its elements, their internal and external relations, based on the digital library policy.

3.2 collection of electronic documents: Part of the electronic library collection, representing a logical association of electronic documents selected according to any criterion of belonging and intended to implement tasks that are defined by the policy of the electronic library.


1 A collection can be described by its own set of metadata.

2 The electronic library collection may include various collections.

3.3 digital library content (content): Documents that are stored in the digital library, as well as descriptive metadata.

Note - Content does not include administrative and structural metadata.

3.4 metadata: Structured data that describes the context, content and structure of an electronic document throughout its life cycle.

3.5 electronic library object: Identifiable storage unit.

Note - An electronic document and a hyperlink are special cases of electronic library objects.

3.6 electronic library operator: A citizen or legal entity engaged in operating an information system, including information processing.

3.7 electronic library policy: A documented set of rules and principles governing the activities of a particular electronic library, and the procedure for their adoption and change.

3.6 electronic library fund: An ordered collection of objects, formed by the operator of the electronic library, and intended for long-term storage and use.

3.9 functionality of the electronic library: The ability of the information system to ensure the formation and use of the electronic library, to perform the functions defined by the policy of the electronic library.

3.10 electronic library: Information system, designed to organize and store an ordered collection of electronic objects, and provide access to them using unified navigation and search tools.

electronic document: A document in digital form that requires tools to use computer technology or other specialized devices for reproducing text, sound, images.

(GOST R 7.0.83. Article 3.1)

4 Main types of electronic libraries

4.1 Electronic library by creation method:

Generated - electronic content is created by the operator of the electronic library;

Aggregated - collected from external electronic sources:

Mixed - consisting of generated and aggregated content.

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

4.2 Electronic library by method of organization:

Independent - organized in the form of a separate array of information objects;

Built-in - part of a more general resource.

4.3 Electronic library by access type:

Open access - provided without special financial, legal and technical conditions;

Conditionally open access - provided as an object of copyright and related rights or on licensing terms.

Note - A digital library may have several types of access depending on the legal status of the document.

4.4 Electronic library by status:







Note - The electronic library can be combined by status.

5 Structure of the electronic library

5.1 The structure of an electronic library is understood as the composition of system elements, each of which has a specific function, the organization of connections and relationships between system elements.

5.2 The electronic library includes service subsystems and support subsystems:

Service subsystems ensure the formation and storage of the electronic library collection, as well as all types of services;

Support subsystems include technical, information, and mathematical support.

5.3 The electronic library includes the following elements:

Electronic Library Foundation;

Information and linguistic support;

Software including user interface:

Technical support, including hardware and communications.

5.4 The electronic library collection may consist of:

Fund of user copies intended for network use in active mode of any access level:

A backup fund intended to ensure the safety of electronic library objects and their compensation in case of loss;

A fund of insurance copies intended to ensure long-term preservation of digital library objects.

6 Composition of the electronic library

6.1 The electronic library collection is formed as a collection of electronic documents and metadata. collections with metadata, hyperlinks to external resources.

6.2 The content of the electronic library contains:

Primary objects (documents/editions) that cannot be changed during the operation of the electronic library, but can be deleted/replaced entirely in accordance with internal policy;

Descriptive metadata is a (derived) unit of content dependent on the primary object. providing a basic search function that can exist stand-alone or within the body of the primary object.

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

6.3 Metadata consists of:

Structural metadata characterizing the general structure of the resource and its components, volume and other similar properties of the resource being described;

Descriptive metadata, including a description of the resource content, bibliographic data, annotation, resource identifiers;

Administrative metadata describing the dates of creation and update of the resource, information about the creator or modifier, the owner of rights to this resource, user access permissions, information about available versions and/or copies of the resource, their storage addresses and other information necessary for the administration and management of the resource.

Note - Metadata functions are defined according to GOST R I SO 23081-1-2008.

6.4 According to legal status or mode of use, digital library acquisition objects may fall into the following categories:

Resources that have entered the public domain;

Resources the copyright holder of which is the state;

Resources whose copyright holders are legal entities or individuals;

Resources that have not entered the public domain, but whose copyright holders are not known (“orphan works”).

7 Functionality of the electronic library

7.1 The electronic library must provide the functions specified in 7.2. and can provide additional services, the set of which is determined by the architecture of a particular electronic library.

7.2 The electronic library must perform the following mandatory functions:

Formation of a fund (registration, processing, exclusion of objects);

Data storage and updating;

Navigation in the system, searching and obtaining information:

Data protection and information security;

System management.

7.3 Additional services include built-in or add-on services: applications for creating new objects, providing tools for conducting scientific research/ experimental work, ensuring communication processes, integration with other information systems.

7.4 Electronic library services are divided into services:

On the creation and management of the fund;

User service.

7.5 Function management involves identifying different groups of users in order to provide them with certain types of services.

Note - Management of functions can be temporary or permanent, determined by the internal policy of a particular electronic library

7.6 Services for different users (user groups) are determined by the architecture of this electronic library.

Note - Services can be open, restricted, or closed depending on the profile and role of the user (group) or internal policy.

7.7 The electronic library identifies the main user groups:


System personnel, including metadata creators:


GOST R 7.0.96-2016

8 Technology for creating an electronic library

8.1 Technological processes formation of an electronic library:



Creating metadata:

Technical processing and data preparation:



Note - Acquisition and accounting are carried out in accordance with the normative legal framework for libraries of the Russian Federation.

8.2 Acquisition of the electronic library collection includes the identification, assessment, selection, ordering and acquisition of documents for the collection or the acquisition of access rights to them.

Note - Sources and methods of acquisition are determined according to GOST R 7.0.94.

8.3 Accounting - registration of the receipt of documents in the electronic library fund, their removal from the fund, final data on the size (volume) of the entire fund, the value of the fund.

8.4 Metadata creation includes the preparation of structural, descriptive and administrative metadata for the digital library collection.

8.5 Technical processing includes the preparation of documents for placement in the electronic library (for example, markup, establishment of hyperlinks, etc.).

8.6 Storage - set of measures/procedures. determined by the electronic library policy to ensure the safety of electronic objects.

8.7 Management - activities related to planning, regulation of functions, coordination of work in the technological cycle of the formation of a digital library, control and analysis, including the composition and structure of the collection in accordance with the policy of the digital library.

9 Organization of an electronic library

9.1 The organization of the activities of the electronic library is carried out on the basis of the policy developed for a specific library.

9.2 The electronic library policy is divided into:

Internal policy that determines the structure and procedure for the formation of an electronic library. composition of system elements and methods of their interaction, functions and interconnections of the system:

Foreign policy, which determines a set of directions for the organizational and substantive interaction of a particular electronic library with other subjects and objects of the information space.

9.3 The rules for the formation and change of policy are determined in the main regulatory document and are regulated through qualitative assessment.

9.4 The main regulatory document may have various names and take different forms.

Note - Regulatory documents can be a concept, regulations on an electronic library, etc.

9.5 A qualitative assessment of the adopted policy is carried out in the form of a comparative statistical analysis of the operation of the electronic library, monitoring of effectiveness, expert assessment and significance coefficients determined individually for each specific electronic library. Qualitative assessment is the basis for policy change.

10 Architecture of the digital library

10.1 The architecture of the electronic library defines:

The functional structure of the electronic library, representing the interaction of all its constituent objects;

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

The structure of the software necessary to manage data and maintain the functioning of the electronic library:

Hardware structure, including computing facilities and communications necessary for the operation of applications:

Set and methods of implementation of available functions and additional services;

Organization of data protection and information security;

Methods of managing and using the electronic library.

10.2 The architecture of the electronic library can be represented by:

In the format of a detailed description of the functioning of the information system;

In the format of a formalized description of the interaction between client and server for each supported data exchange protocol.

Note - The architecture of a digital library is not associated with a specific technology.

10.3 According to the storage method, the architecture of the electronic library can be;

Local - building a system based on local network with a centralized database;

Cloud - using third-party computing power and storage as a service remote control for hosting an electronic library, its support through a wide network channel, virtualization of management and access.

Note - The architecture of the electronic library can be combined.

10.4 According to the method of organization, the architecture of a digital library can be:

Centralized - all data sources, repositories of electronic resources and metadata are logically combined into a single array;

Distributed - placing the system on different computer networks, that are components electronic library.

GOST R 7.0.96-2016

UDC 026.06:004:006.354 OKS 01.140.30

Key words: librarianship, electronic library, electronic library collection, electronic library architecture, metadata, functionality, services, technological characteristics

Editor O.A. Antoshkova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector Yu.M. Prokofieva Computer layout E.E. Krugova

Delivered as a set on December 20, 201. Signed on seal 01/19/2017. Form? 60 "64 Vg. Typeface Arial

Uel. oven clause 1.40. Academic ed. clause 1.30. Circulation 54 copies. Zach. 121.

Prepared based on the electronic version provided by the developer of the standard

Published and printed by FSUE "STANDARTINFORM". 12399S Moscow. Grenade Lane.. 4.

From June 4 to June 13, 2016, a international Conference"Crimea - 2016" is a global professional forum for specialists and managers of libraries, publishing houses, book trading and book distribution organizations, museums, archives, information centers, universities, technical schools, computer and Internet companies, business, law, scientific, cultural and educational institutions.

One of the current events of the program was the Section “Electronic libraries and online resources in the modern library and information space”, organized with the support of the Russian State Library.

Section Chairs:

Visly A.I., General Director of the Russian National Library,
Gruzdev I.A., Deputy General Director for Informatization of the Russian State Library,
Avdeeva N.V., Head of the Department of Functioning and Monitoring of Client Service of the Russian State Library,
Goncharov M.V., Head of the Department of Advanced Research and Special Projects of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia.

Kolosov K.A., Head of the Department of Research and Optimization of the Internet Complex and Electronic Libraries of the State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia,
Blinova T.A., Deputy Head of the Department for Supporting Access to Electronic Resources of the Russian State Library.


1. Consolidation of electronic resources of leading Russian libraries
Visly A.I., Russian National Library, St. Petersburg

2. The problem of scaling algorithms for identifying doublet bibliographic records
Shorin O.N., Russian National Library, St. Petersburg

Zhabko E.D., Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg

Avdeeva N.V., Sus I.V., Russian State Library, Moscow


Yarotsky V.M., LLC MIP "Informika Service", Moscow

Skipor I.L., Kemerovo State Institute of Culture, Kemerovo


1. NEB - a single Russian electronic knowledge space
Rodionov M.D., Russian State Library, Moscow
2. Legal aspects of the work of the NEB
Strelets I.I., Russian State Library, Moscow
Bobrik R.V., Russian State Library, Moscow
Kolosov K.A., State Public Library for Science and Technology of Russia, Moscow


8. Martemyanov A.A., Perm State Regional Universal Library named after. A.M. Gorky, Perm

Zaitsev A.V., Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg

Lyutetsky V.M., Raduga-LIK Company, Ryazan

11. Borovinsky A.I., IP Borovinsky A.I., Perm

Knyaginin K.N., Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg

Selivanova Yu.G., Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg

Maskhuliya T.L., Presidential Library. B.N. Yeltsin, St. Petersburg