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Open your own sewing business. Clothing business costs

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How to open sewing business, what is better to sew - these questions are asked by many novice entrepreneurs who are no strangers to sewing skills. Opening such a business will interest people who love and know how to sew. If you don’t have any sewing skills, you can become a co-owner of a sewing shop and deal with purely organizational issues.

The clothing business is an unlimited space for the implementation of creative and design ideas. This type of activity is multifaceted; any direction can become good source income. For example, you can sew exclusive, designer clothes to order, create soft toys or small fabric souvenirs. If you don’t want to choose a direction of activity, you can open a sewing workshop for clothing repair. Such services are always in demand.

Search for target audience

When choosing sewing as a business, it is important to decide who exactly to work for. First, we need to monitor all organizations in the district that are involved in similar matters. The list of services offered must be varied in order to attract consumers. Of no small importance is the need of local residents for these services and their level of income. Hardly residents small town If they go to a designer clothing boutique, they will be more attracted to a small store or studio that repairs clothes and sews simple things.

To understand exactly where to start a sewing business, you need to draw up a small business plan in advance. It is necessary to include the following sections: consumables, list potential clients, estimated income, specifics of the services offered, possible payback periods for the business. Typically this type entrepreneurial activity can be issued as individual entrepreneur. As practice shows, the name plays an important role in the clothing business. The client is attracted by a bright and memorable sign that stands out from the rest.

Possible costs

It is important from the very beginning to agree with suppliers of fabrics, threads and necessary accessories. This will help you save on consumables. As for equipment, it all depends on the size of the organization. If this is a home sewing business, then it is enough to have 1 sewing machine and overlock. As the enterprise grows and gains momentum, it will be necessary to purchase additional sewing equipment.

There must be a certain amount in stock Money for payment utilities, rent and salaries employees, if any.

In order for as many people as possible to know about your sewing workshop or atelier, you should order business cards and leaflets that you can simply hand out on the street. Social networks and newspaper advertising will come to the rescue. Regular customers are the main method of advertising that cannot be excluded. High-quality work, reasonable prices and friendly service will do the trick. Grateful clients will advertise you from the best side.

Several ideas for organizing a sewing business

Today, there are quite a few areas in the sewing business that may be of interest to consumers:

  1. Sewing clothes for pets is good idea for those who want to open a small workshop at home. In European countries, such a business is considered the most profitable. Today in our country this niche is not fully occupied, so there is still an opportunity to make money in this direction. The initial costs will be disproportionately less than what would be required to open a studio.
  2. The idea of ​​sewing ethnic clothes may seem unpromising and very specific at first glance, but it is precisely this that allows you to quickly find your client. This is explained by the fact that it is difficult to find similar clothes in regular stores, and there are many people who prefer ethnic style. They will be happy to order clothes from you. This business It’s easy to organize within your apartment without spending money on renting additional space or purchasing expensive equipment. The process of tailoring ethnic clothes is creative except professional qualities You will also have to realize your design potential. To make your business successful and recognizable, you can run your own blog or advertise on social networks.
  3. Sewing slings for young mothers is a current trend in the sewing business. Young active mothers who do not want to be tied to the house and strollers will be happy to order such a necessary item from you. You can master such a business both at home and in rented premises. Sewing a sling is not that difficult, you just need to be careful and have some imagination in choosing a design. Such a business from scratch will generate good income if you advertise your activities.

Some useful tips for those who want to organize a sewing business:

  1. You need to understand the sewing business in order to perform the entrusted work efficiently. A good place to start is to take a sewing course or talk to a person who understands this matter and has some experience.
  2. If you are hiring female workers, then the seamstresses must have a certain level of knowledge and experience.
  3. It is better to decide in advance on the specifics of the enterprise and its volume. This will help you avoid unnecessary purchases of equipment and supplies.
  4. It is necessary to draw up a business plan. It’s easier to write down the main aspects of running a business on paper so that you don’t get distracted by little things during your work.
  5. To avoid trouble, you need to register your business. This will require some financial costs and time, but this will ensure peace of mind.

A sewing business is impossible without problematic situations. The most common of them:

  • lack of sales;
  • a lack of work force to process existing orders;
  • lack of experience among hired workers.

Before you do something like this, you should think everything through clearly. You should not take risks if you have no experience or skills in sewing. You must be passionate about your idea and have an irresistible desire to achieve success in the clothing business. This is the only way to achieve good results and high profits.

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13.09.18 19 170 20

How friends make money by sewing clothes

Four entrepreneurs from Yaroslavl invested 2.5 million rubles in an old sewing workshop.

Victor Sikirin

talked to the owners of the sewing shop

Now clothing production brings them 400 thousand rubles a month.

How did you come up with the business idea?

Anton sold sports nutrition for two years in Murmansk region, but the store brought little. In 2016 he added to the range sportswear, which I bought from suppliers. Profits increased, and Anton focused on clothing: it has more margins, and the business itself is easier to scale.

His friend Nastya agreed to help with the production of women's sportswear. Anton sold the store sports nutrition and moved from Monchegorsk closer to Moscow, to Yaroslavl. But developing and promoting a brand from scratch without our own production turned out to be difficult, expensive and unprofitable.

The brand of sportswear that the guys made was called Do, but it never became famous. Anton and Nastya are not going to resuscitate him

Then the entrepreneurs decided to sew clothes for corporate customers and quickly realized that there was a demand for this: brands, sports clubs and federations placed large orders for clothes with symbols.

The first clients were the same sports companies with which Anton collaborated when he was selling nutritional supplements. They ordered branded tracksuits, T-shirts and caps.

Nastya’s colleague, Dmitry, got involved in the case. The guys focused on finding clients, and still ordered sewing from contractors. Monthly turnover reached 500 thousand rubles, profit - up to 75-100 thousand.

After six months, the entrepreneurs realized that they did not want to depend on others. The Russian clothing industry has a low production culture: contractors miss deadlines, do not monitor quality, confuse orders and do not value clients.

Anton, Dmitry and Nastya decided to open their own production. They called it Neith Group.

Search for investors

To start, it was necessary to find 1-2 million rubles. Potential investors first of all asked to see a business plan. To obtain financing, a business plan was ordered from a local company for 25 thousand rubles. The search for investment began in May 2017.

At first, entrepreneurs looked for money from friends, acquaintances of businessmen and their friends. Most refused, citing the fact that they did not understand anything about the clothing business and therefore did not want to invest. Some at first agreed to give money, but then something always happened: the account would be blocked, or it would fail big deal, then people will simply change their minds.

Not finding investors among their friends, our heroes began looking for funding through funds and investor clubs. The guys were often asked for a business plan and key indicators for it, but most investors disappeared after that. Only a few made appointments.

Anton and Dmitry constantly went to Moscow for negotiations, but each time they ended in nothing: no one wanted to invest in production and the real sector, especially in the clothing industry, which few people understand. The guys were advised to launch a digital or cryptocurrency business: it is more understandable, promoted and attractive. In six months, entrepreneurs received more than two hundred refusals.

The most motivated refusal was from a group of investors who wanted to invest specifically in sewing. The guys were turned down because their visions of prospects were too different: investors dreamed of creating a large retail network, and our heroes were thinking of launching a medium-circulation production facility that would be able to quickly fulfill small and medium-sized retail orders. They simply didn’t think about anything bigger then. As a result, they were offered to return for funding in the future, when they grew up and aimed at large-scale production.

As a result, the entrepreneurs were able to borrow one million from friends and relatives, and raised another million through a new partner - a mutual friend Ekaterina. She sold her business and was ready to invest in new project. Now they had 2 million rubles, but still no premises.

Search for workshop premises

In July 2017, the owner of a sewing workshop in Yaroslavl approached the guys and offered to rent a 400 m² premises along with equipment and 20 employees. He brought the workshop to the brink of bankruptcy and owed workers wages for several months.

A week later, the entrepreneurs signed a long-term lease agreement for 5 years and paid for the first month. Now rent costs 90,000 rubles per month.

To sew clothes in Russia, you need to have a declaration Customs Union. You cannot get it in Yaroslavl: there are no certification centers there. I had to go to Ivanovo, where the entrepreneurs handed over samples finished products V special center and paid 20 thousand rubles. After 6 days they were given a certificate.

Workshop renovation and equipment purchase

To begin with, we decided to renovate the workshop: make new wiring, buy furniture, update equipment and optimize production. Repairs required 2.5 million rubles. The guys already had two million, and entrepreneurs took another 500 thousand from circulation.

Before renting out the workshop, the owner managed to buy high-quality, expensive equipment, but never set it up. The guys paid the master 50 thousand rubles for the setup.

2.5 million R

paid for repairs to the workshop

Entrepreneurs also launched a new direction - knitwear. Before this, the workshop only sewed textiles. I had to buy more equipment. Specialized machines for the production of knitwear were leased for 400 thousand rubles.

Some of the furniture in the workshop required replacement because the old one was already worn out. The guys bought new sewing tables, a cutting table and an intertable - this is a long conveyor table along which the product is transferred for various operations. It took 200 thousand rubles.

We also replaced two non-functioning sewer risers and replaced the electrical system on two floors of the workshop. Almost 400 thousand were spent on everything.

To transport small quantities of materials and products, we bought a new Lada-Largus for 450 thousand rubles. Large consignments are transported transport company.

RUB 550,000

set aside for salaries, purchase of materials and unforeseen expenses

We set aside 550,000 rubles for salaries, purchase of materials and unforeseen expenses.

Launch of the workshop in 2017 - 2.55 million rubles

New equipment

800,000 R

New furniture

200,000 R

Salaries of employees, payments to suppliers

RUB 550,000


RUR 450,000

410,000 R

First month of rent

90,000 R

Debugging old equipment

50,000 R


Along with the premises and equipment, the entrepreneurs received a team of 20 people: 13 seamstresses and tailors, 4 cutters, a handyman, a craftsman and a technologist. Only six months later, using the rental proceeds, the owner paid them back their wages.

The guys did not like the previous organization of work. They faced poor discipline, low skills and low productivity. People could be late for work, orders were fulfilled slowly, there was a lot of waste and leftover fabric. When a new production line was launched, employees had to be retrained so that they could work on modern equipment and perform complex operations.

Entrepreneurs have introduced new work standards, internal logistics rules, and efficiency requirements. Some employees resisted - they did not want to work on new equipment or rebuild work processes - so we had to part with them. Only half of the original team remained.

There are few qualified technologists and management personnel who are able to organize the entire process, and they are expensive. Raising specialists yourself is time-consuming and also expensive. Now the guys are negotiating with the production manager from Ivanovo about going to work for them.

Finding decent seamstresses and tailors is no easier. Young people don’t go into the profession because they have to work a lot with their hands, but they pay little. Middle- and middle-level people work in this field. pre-retirement age. It is difficult to motivate and retrain such employees.

The average salary of a seamstress before taxes is 25-30 thousand rubles, for a technologist and technician - 30-40 thousand. The salary differs in different months: it consists of a salary and piecework part, which depends on the number of orders and workload.


Before the arrival of our heroes, the workshop produced only textiles - women's clothing budget mass market, which is sold in markets for 300-1000 rubles. Working with such a segment is unprofitable: there is little money, you won’t earn a reputation this way, and big clients won’t come for it.

The entrepreneurs decided to change direction and launched a knitwear line, making it their only one. Knitwear stretches, it is elastic and soft - sweaters, T-shirts, tracksuits, sweaters or dresses are sewn from it. This is an easy segment to start with and a narrow specialization: the demand for it is greater than for textiles. Large and corporate clients like to order knitwear.

Production margin depends on volumes and technological process. Usually this is 20-40% of the cost of the product excluding taxes.


Entrepreneurs cooperate with three suppliers of Turkish knitwear - the entire Russian market. There is no one else to choose from; the quality of Russian suppliers is lower. If the client has his own raw materials, they work with them.

The two main problems when working with suppliers are fabric quality and availability. Each batch of fabric contains at least 5% defects: different tones, holes, missing threads. This cannot be avoided - these are production features. Therefore, such expenses are included in the cost.

There is a minimum amount of defective fabric in each batch. These expenses include the cost

There is not enough fabric in the warehouses of dealers in Moscow - it must be brought from Turkey. The fabric will not be delivered from Turkey to Yaroslavl less than a month in advance, so you have to order much in advance. The guys chose one supplier, since the fabrics different manufacturers differ in shades of colors, texture and quality.

Depending on the season and workload, fabrics, threads, accessories and raw materials cost from 800 thousand to 1.5 million rubles per month.


20 companies constantly cooperate with the workshop. They provide more than half of the orders.

The main clients are medium and big business from Moscow. For them, the company sews souvenirs, advertising and branded products, for example: T-shirts, sweatshirts or tracksuits.

Entrepreneurs have a non-disclosure agreement with most clients: they cannot show their products, indicate customers as clients or disclose information about the order. This happens because some of the customers are intermediaries who order products for a dozen other companies at once. If their customers know who the real manufacturer is, they can cut out the middlemen. But this will be unprofitable for entrepreneurs, because it is better to work with intermediaries who provide them with work than to lose large orders and work directly with only one client.

In the spring of 2018, the guys released a series of articles about building a business in the clothing industry and published them on the website. on social networks and Telegram. Having spent 20 thousand rubles on their promotion, they received feedback from a dozen start-up brands, some of which later became their clients.


The clothing industry in Russia is poorly developed: fabrics, dyes and accessories are imported from abroad. In Yaroslavl this is generally bad: there are no fabric dealers, all enterprises are designed to produce cheap mass-market goods.

At first, entrepreneurs took orders from everyone: small and large customers, intermediaries. They turned a blind eye to the timing, price, volume - just to receive the order and do it as quickly as possible. This approach cost the business dearly: in the spring the technologist failed to cope with the tasks and the workshop did not fulfill the agreements on time. Several clients left and profits dropped. It took two months to correct the situation.

I had to change my approach to work: do everything slowly, more efficiently and with larger customers. Nowadays, entrepreneurs try not to work with intermediaries: when the client is the final customer, it is easier to control quality. Therefore, entrepreneurs have focused on the more expensive and profitable corporate segment, for which they sew branded clothing and souvenirs.

Business is seasonal. The peak of orders for cheap mass market (textiles, T-shirts, sportswear) is winter and summer, for souvenirs - during the holidays. Branded clothing for corporate events is ordered all year round. It is important to adjust production capacity so as not to miss periods of increased load. Now entrepreneurs work only with the corporate segment - this smoothes out seasonality. In the first months there were downtimes at the enterprise, but since the fall of 2017 the workshop has been constantly busy.

Results and plans

Our heroes entered the business with a ready-made client base, but it was not enough for the workshop. We began to work in plus after 4 months - the pre-New Year's peak load helped.

Since the beginning of 2018, the workshop has been in the black all the time, and profits are gradually growing. Monthly turnover is 2.5-4.5 million rubles, average profit is 300-400 thousand rubles per month for four people. Entrepreneurs invest another 100-200 thousand rubles from turnover every month into development: for workshop repairs and new equipment.

How to organize a sewing business - detailed business plan production, we determine the profitability of opening + 7 sections of the business plan + 4 potential risks.

Opening costs: from 610,000 rubles.
Payback period: 12-18 months.

Before you think about how to open clothing industry, you need to understand that without the necessary knowledge there is nothing to do in this area.

The fact is that many experienced tailors are moving from working at home to opening a private workshop, and competition is increasing significantly every year.

Small ateliers should not be taken into account as competitors, since they do not sew on such a scale, but only to order.

When opening a sewing business, it is worth choosing a specific direction in which to work, something relevant.

If the area of ​​work being performed is scattered, the quality of the products produced may decrease.

In order for the business to be sufficiently relevant, you can work in the following areas:

  • sewing children's clothing (children's clothes are always more expensive than adults, and you have to buy them much more often, since children grow quickly);
  • tailoring of fur and leather products (can be sold significantly above cost);
  • tailoring of costumes for wedding ceremonies;
  • sewing outerwear (coats, raincoats, jackets);
  • sports paraphernalia (tailoring personalized sports suits, sewing team uniforms).

Detailed business plan for sewing production

First of all, you need to draw up a sensible business plan for clothing production in order not to miss important points organization and indicate the sequence of actions.

For example, if you order from another city, you will only have to pay for delivery.

But if from another country, then there is also an import tax.

Required staff

The main means of operation of this production are employees.

In order to sew high-quality products, you need experience and knowledge, and even better, a diploma in this specialty.

In order to save money, you can hire several employees with extensive experience and appoint them as senior staff.

Others may be less experienced but learn as they go.

This should not affect the quality of the product in any way.

To motivate employees to work more productively, and seamstresses of the first category to contribute to the training of less experienced ones, in addition to the rate, you can pay a percentage of the profit (if the monthly plan is fulfilled).

Calculation of personnel costs:

How to find clients in the clothing business?

As mentioned above, without advertising many clients in the clothing business cannot be found.

However, nothing will say about the company as well as a job well done.

Therefore, you always need to monitor quality.

You need to search for clients long before work begins.

The sooner orders begin to be fulfilled, the sooner the business will break even and begin to make a profit.

This is done before hiring people, purchasing equipment and renting premises.

Start with small supplies, and as demand increases, scale up your business and conquer new markets for selling your products.

Monitor the quality of the produced goods, provide Better conditions than competitors.

This will help you earn a name in the market, thereby gaining a firm foothold in the clothing industry.

Sales of products

Another important fact is the sales of products, after all. The greater the volume of goods supplied, the greater the profit.

Nowadays, more and more people go shopping online.

Using this, you need to make your own website or sell products using.

If your business is just growing and you don’t have your own boutique yet, then you can open a point on the market.

You can also agree on the supply of goods to stores, thereby expanding the range of places for selling products.

The store, in turn, will make a profit from increasing the price of the product.

Calculation of advertising costs

General calculation of the cost of starting a sewing business

Profitability of opening a clothing production

The payback period for a sewing business will be no less than a year or a year and a half.

Because it takes time for a business to develop.

Time to establish wholesale sales, speed of production, and perhaps even expand its scale.

With all this, the business has a good, even high profitability, which is equal to 60% (of course, subject to the prosperity of the business).

It is also worth considering the scale of production: a small workshop will pay for itself faster, but a larger enterprise will bring greater profits.

A young woman entrepreneur shares her experience of opening and running a sewing business in the video:

Possible risks when starting a sewing business

In any business there are a number of factors that can make it unprofitable, and maybe even unprofitable.

  • A long payback period can lead to a lack of funds.
  • The lack of clients will lead to operating at a loss.
  • Lack of skilled workers in the market.
  • The cost of materials, when ordering abroad, will fluctuate along with the currency.

In order to sewing business brought a decent income and quickly paid for itself, all possible risks should be eliminated in advance.

Or, at least, prepare to minimize the negative consequences.

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The clothing business involves making clothes and household accessories. A business in the clothing industry will definitely bring profit if you have a creative approach. You can open a salon of designer clothes, a production of soft toys, or a workshop for the production of workwear. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.


When opening a sewing enterprise, determine the direction of production:

  • clothing - household, special, everyday, children's, adult;
  • fabric toys;
  • home textiles;
  • other accessories.

Plan production volumes - the chosen figure will depend on the starting investment in the business, the size of the premises and the number of personnel.

Having chosen the direction of work, register commercial structure- LLC or individual entrepreneur. The list of documents for registration is presented in the table.


Receipt for payment of state duty 4,000 rubles. Receipt for payment of state duty 800 rub.
Application on Form 11001. Application on form P21001.
The decision to create legal entity(if it has one founder) or a protocol on its opening (if there are several founders). A copy of all pages of the Russian passport.
LLC Charter.
Passports of all founders (or copies certified by a notary).
Application in form 26.2-1 for transition to the simplified tax system (if Accounting supposed to be conducted according to this system).

Applications are reviewed within five working days. Based on the results, you will be invited to the local tax office and given a package of documentation for a legal entity or entrepreneur. After registration, open a bank account and order a company seal.

OKVED codes suitable for clothing production:

  • 18.2 - sewing textile clothing and accessories;
  • 18.21 — creation of workwear;
  • 18.22 - sewing outerwear;
  • 18.24 - other clothes and accessories.

When drawing up a business plan, take into account the legal requirements for production premises, make a list of equipment and plan the hiring of employees. Calculate the costs of starting production and monthly expenses. Analyze demand and draw conclusions about possible sales volumes and business returns. Below are examples of business plans for production workshop and for a mini-atelier.


There are three types manufacturing enterprises: small, medium and large.

To open a small enterprise, it is enough to have premises and 400,000 rubles. for the purchase of equipment and consumables. The average production volume is 25-50 products per day. A small-scale sewing business is suitable for entrepreneurs who have limited capital and want to produce exclusive items and sell them at prices above the market average.

To organize a workshop with a capacity of 150-200 products, costs of about 5,000,000 rubles are required. At the same time, a powerful workshop pays for itself faster due to wholesale sales of products to large retail chains.

Analyze the regional specifics of the market and identify possible buyers. Find out in what volumes sellers purchase goods on the market, and in what volumes - Network shops. Think over the range of products, focusing on the needs of customers and your resources.


The process of manufacturing garments consists of the following stages:

  • model design;
  • designing and transferring the model to fabric;
  • fabric cutting;
  • sewing, finishing of the product.

A fashion designer does the modeling. He draws up a sketch of the future product, selects colors and types of fabrics. The designer converts the sketch into a drawing, calculates the dimensions of the parts and the amount of material. He also makes patterns and technical documentation. In an atelier or sewing workshop, the functions of a fashion designer and designer are performed by a cutter - he communicates with the client, takes measurements, cuts out parts, brings the product in accordance with given parameters. The cut parts are sent to the sewing workshop, where they are turned into a finished product.


In garment factories, products are produced in batches for wide consumption. The workshop is equipped with one or more production lines. The advantages of a workshop over a home workshop are the possibility of installation affordable prices and sales of large quantities of products.


So, you have decided to open a clothing workshop. Now choose a room suitable for production. The workshop area depends on the number of goods produced. So, to produce 100 units of products, 60-70 sq.m. are needed. area. Before renting a premises, invite fire and sanitary inspection authorities to inspect it and obtain permission to operate.

To ensure that the premises meet the standards fire safety, equip it with a fire alarm, emergency exit and fire extinguishers.


Having finished renting the premises, proceed to purchasing equipment. Make a list of required units, including:

  • sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • machine for cutting fabric;
  • household iron;
  • steam generator;
  • cutting knife;
  • button apparatus;
  • tables and racks;
  • consumables - threads, tailor's scissors, chalk and others.

The total costs for equipment are 250,000 rubles, for fittings - 50,000 rubles.


The success of the clothing business depends 70% on the level of personnel training. Opening small production, hire:

  • two cutters;
  • three seamstresses;
  • cleaning lady;
  • order taker.

At first, the designated number of employees is sufficient. Later, you will be able to involve fashion designers, designers, and highly specialized seamstresses in your work.

To save money, hire 60% experienced employees and 40% beginners - perhaps students. Having gained experience at your enterprise, they will work there for many years.

Pay your staff according to the “salary + interest” system. Create a production plan and reward employees with financial bonuses for achieving their goals.


Explore the wholesale databases of fabric manufacturers. Select suppliers based on the price-quality ratio. If you can negotiate direct contracts with the bases, you will save on supplier markups and reduce production costs.

When studying business, ask questions on forums, search successful entrepreneurs in your region and adopt their experience, make acquaintances, including with suppliers.

Ideally, find a mentor willing to accompany your business. He will tell you where to find high-quality fabrics and accessories, how to purchase equipment and organize the sale of goods.


To find out what products will be in demand in the region, work in several directions simultaneously. Combine the tailoring of evening dresses with the production of fabric souvenirs, and the production of workwear with the production of accessories for the garden. Make sure that the combinations are not absurd - it is strange when a company that produces hammocks and canopies produces chiffon scarves.

After selling the first batch of goods, analyze the demand again and clarify the portrait target audience. Reconsider pricing policy if necessary. So, if you sew summer sundresses of a simple cut, and your consumer is young mothers, you should not inflate your prices.

In any region there is a stable demand for children's clothing - if you manage to get a certificate for sewing one, consider that you have found a “gold mine”.

Study not only demand, but also supply in the market. Look into competitors' stores, see what they produce and at what prices they sell. Don't try to steal the ideas of other entrepreneurs - use your own ideas to attract buyers.

To prevent your business from burning out at the very beginning, calculate your income and expenses. Determine the payback period of the business. An example of calculations for a workwear sewing workshop with a productivity of 75 products per day is given in the tables below.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Registration and execution of permits 10 000-20 000
30 000-50 000
Room renovation 20 000
Purchase of equipment 250 000-800 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
20 000
Total 400 000-1 240 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Rent of premises for the first month 30 000-50 000
Purchase of materials 70 000-330 000
Salary to employees 75 000-100 000
Electricity, utilities 15 000
Transport and other expenses 20 000
Total 210 000-515 000


The level of income and profit of an entrepreneur depends on the volume of products produced, consumer demand, availability client base and trade partnerships.

Wholesale cost of one product 700-1500 rub.
Number of items sold per month 500 pcs.
Average monthly income 350,000-750,000 rub.
Profit per month 140,000-235,000 rub.
Business payback period 4-7 months


Possible sales channels for clothing products:

  • Network shops;
  • private entrepreneurs;
  • direct sales;
  • trade via the Internet.

At the initial stages, agree with the owners small shops about the supply of your goods for sale. Connect later large networks, and then create your own online store.


Opening a home studio is easier than opening a sewing workshop. To do this, you just need to have a modern sewing machine and equip a room in your apartment as a workshop. To develop your business, purchase equipment and organize advertising campaign. Print and distribute flyers, create an advertising website or group in social network. Study fashion magazines and try to find a “zest” for your products to attract customers who value exceptional things.


When you're ready to expand your business and move into rental space, create a business plan. Choose a room of 60-80 square meters. m., corresponding SES standards and fire authorities, with good ventilation and electrical network at 380V.

Buy 2-3 sewing machines, racks, an overlocker, a couple of tables and mannequins. Hire employees if you are ready to provide them with wages. The key workers of the atelier are the administrator, the cutter and the seamstress.


Below are tables calculating the costs of opening a mini-atelier with the number of employees - 3 people and output - 1 product per day.


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Renting premises 10 000
Purchase of equipment (2 machines, overlocker, tables) 45 000
30 000
Total 85 000


Cost type Amount (rub.)
Renting premises 10 000
Salary to employees 45 000
Purchasing consumables 10 000
Total 65 000


Average cost of one product 3,000 rub.
Number of items sold per month 35 pcs.
Average monthly revenue 105,000 rub.
Average monthly income 40,000 rub.
Business payback period 3 months

As you can see, a small studio quickly pays for itself, but does not bring much profit to the owner. To increase your income level, you need to expand your business or focus on producing exclusive items at high prices.


To make your studio successful, establish a work schedule that is clear and convenient for clients. If you are located in mall, let the opening hours coincide with the center's work schedule.

Create a business card website with a clear description of your services and a group on a social network to maintain contact with customers.

If you sew clothes, pay special attention to customers with a non-standard figure - once you please them, and they will return for new wardrobe items regularly.

Comply with the deadlines and quality of order fulfillment. Best advertisement— conscientious work of the staff and polite customer service.

In this article:

Sewing production is a specific business that requires careful planning and clear organization. The idea of ​​organizing a sewing workshop came to many bright minds, but not everyone managed to make such a project successful. How to organize a sewing production and not go broke? Let's try to figure it out.

This type of business can generate considerable income, which is why competition in this area is quite high. To make a profit, you need to calculate all the numbers and work out at least the simplest business plan.

Also, ideally, you should already be familiar with sewing at least at a basic level. For example, you like to sew clothes for yourself and your loved ones. If not, then it would be advisable to take a sewing course, read the necessary literature and talk to people who understand the issue.

The fact is that opening a tailoring studio is not so difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that for the smooth functioning of production, a number of specialized devices may be needed. All this equipment is extremely expensive, so you need to know exactly what equipment you will need for your specific workshop and in what quantity.

What do you need to know to open a studio?

The production of clothing, linen and other garments usually requires an industrial scale - production volumes that are too small simply will not cover all costs. This in itself dictates several important rules:

Large-scale production + bulky equipment = large premises;

You will need a considerable staff of workers;

A significant amount of raw materials will be required to avoid production downtime.

Based on all this, a significant start-up capital, and the huge volumes of necessary raw materials and a large staff ensure that variable costs will also be solid.

Here is a list of equipment you may need:

  • Single needle sewing machines;
  • Cutting table with cutting knife;
  • Overlockers;
  • Loop semi-automatic devices.

To open a tailoring business, you may also need a semi-automatic button machine, equipment for wet-heat treatment of products, additional furniture, for example, tables, chairs, etc. The price of equipment can vary several times. The final price is influenced by various factors, namely:

  • Brand (manufacturer) of equipment;
  • Its age (new equipment can be 2 or more times more expensive than used equipment);
  • Delivery of equipment to your site (if you order from abroad, you will also have to pay duties).

Cost calculation

The rule for calculating costs is this: the more products you plan to produce per work shift, the higher the costs will be, since you will need:

  • More equipment;
  • More complex equipment will be needed (for example, industrial sewing machines instead of conventional ones; semi-automatic lines);
  • Larger room;
  • More workers.

The required starting capital can be in the range of 25-250 thousand dollars, depending on the size of the workshop and production volumes.

In addition, the location of the equipment inside the future workshop is of decisive importance. Everything needs to be arranged so that workers don’t have to constantly run from one end to the other. Production should flow smoothly (like a conveyor line).

If you do not have experience in designing sewing workshops, it is best to order a workshop design from sewing production technologists. Design development will, of course, add to the cost of your project.

Organization of sales of goods

Sales channels are perhaps the most important aspect of selling any type of product or service, be it computer online game, carpet cleaning or sewing production. Indeed, why produce something (or provide services) if it cannot be sold? For clothing products, distribution channels are of decisive importance.