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Product matrix example. The structure of the assortment of a retail company and the assortment matrix

The point of sale can be positioned as a store with the widest assortment or the most low prices, a boutique with premium branded goods, etc.

Conducting demand research and consumer segmentation

To identify exactly your buyer and understand his interests, fears and motivation for purchases, segmentation is carried out. To do this, all consumers are divided into different groups, united by certain characteristics. The choice of parameters for classification is determined taking into account the features, advantages and cost of the goods, geographical coverage, format of the outlet.

Consumer segmentation can be carried out by gender, age, income level, type of occupation, social status, place of residence, interests, behavioral and other factors. Segmentation can be carried out for a store or a chain of stores, as well as for different product groups.

For example, customer segmentation is carried out for a chain of hardware stores. To promote this direction, you can select a group of corporate clients ( construction companies, teams of builders providing repair and finishing services, etc.) and individual buyers (purchasing building materials for self-repair of their home).

Each of these groups can be divided into subgroups. Next, demand is studied and with the study of the number and volume of purchases made by different groups (such data can be obtained by studying competitors or analyzing own sales for previous periods). If, as a result of the study, a clear advantage of corporate clients in terms of the volume and number of purchases was revealed, then when forming the assortment matrix, emphasis should be placed on professional goods and equipment.

Segmentation is carried out in several stages:

  1. Definition of segmentation criteria. Selection of the most important parameters from the maximum list of possible characteristics, allowing to divide all consumers into homogeneous groups.
  2. Using the selected segmentation features, you need to highlight loyal and disloyal customers. Such a division will allow us to analyze the high and low loyalty of the target audience in terms of social, demographic, behavioral and other factors.
  3. Drawing up a portrait of the target consumer of your competitors. You can analyze the target consumers of those competitors whose products are cheaper than those whose prices are at the same level as yours and those whose prices are much higher.
  4. Analysis of differences and selection of important segmentation criteria. It is necessary to study all the received groups and identify in what ways they differ. The most important of these are the reason for the purchase, switching to another brand or abandoning the product. These behavioral and psychographic traits tend to be the most significant, with demographics and geography more likely to be descriptive characteristics that enable planning.
  5. Dividing potential buyers into segments and a detailed description of each of them. Each segment should be described in terms of social, demographic and geographic characteristics, behavioral (places and frequency of purchases, important product features, number of brands purchased, etc.) and psychographic factors (life values, priorities, purchase motivation, etc.).
  6. Assessment of the potential of each segment (approximate number and volume of purchases made by different consumer groups).
  7. Choice of target market segments. One or two target groups with the greatest potential are selected, and it is taking into account their characteristics that a further promotion strategy is formed in a particular store.

Sample product matrix in competitive analysis

Comparison of one's own assortment with the list of goods from a competitor is carried out to identify the strengths and weaknesses of competitors and one's own company. This type of research begins with the identification of the main competitors (3-4 large companies) offering similar or substitute products. The following is an analysis of the product range of various competitive companies, their , list of services, benefits.

To compare the product policy of the main competitors, a product matrix is ​​compiled for each individual company, indicating the product range groups, grouped by manufacturers, models, quality, prices and other characteristics.

The data obtained is used for optimization in the formation of their own assortment. For example, in the process competitive analysis it was found that most of them offer a very wide range of product groups, but all of them are represented only by the most popular positions. In this case, you can choose the tactics of maximum depth inside commodity group(increasing the choice of models, volume, color and other characteristics of a particular product).

Selection of the main product groups of the product grid

An assortment or commodity matrix is ​​a complete list of goods presented at a point of sale. Commodity content must be formed even before the opening of the store, taking into account its format, location, features and preferences of the target audience. Spontaneous formation of the assortment, focused on current demand or copied from competitors, without cost analysis and each product group, can lead to losses and ruin.

In addition to the preliminary compilation of a commodity matrix before opening a retail outlet, it is also necessary to update such a list at least once every six months. Ideally, this task should be carried out by a group of specialists: a category manager or purveyor who knows suppliers and has information about what is sold and in what volume, as well as a marketer and Commercial Director.

Features and stages of compiling an assortment matrix:

The commodity matrix is ​​adjusted based on the analysis of sales for the previous period (the number of goods sold, total profit, profitability by position are taken into account). The outlet's product base is formed with all the key parameters - the assigned internal code, name, brand, purchase and retail price, stock balance, etc.

The entire range can also be conditionally divided into price categories (usually, the division is into cheap, medium and expensive segments).

Deepening the range of goods

In order to meet the needs of the target audience to the maximum, the marketer (commercial director or other) of a retail chain or a separate store must constantly work to optimize product content.

By choosing a strategy to increase the number of products within one product group, you can achieve a competitive advantage by offering those products that competitors cannot offer. This is called assortment deepening (differentiation).

This policy allows you to offer target consumers product variations that best suit their needs. An in-depth assortment is relevant for the sale of adult and children's clothing and footwear (various colors and sizes are offered), furniture, mobile phones and other consumer goods.

All assortment management activities of a chain of stores or a specific point of sale are aimed at several goals - increasing retail brand awareness and target audience loyalty, increasing sales and business profitability. Long-term goals are also to improve competitiveness and increase market share. To achieve the set goals, it is necessary to choose the right store format, form a sales concept, and compile a product matrix taking into account demand and the competitive environment.

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Building an assortment matrix of a store is essential element assortment policy of the store. What is the assortment matrix for, in accordance with what it is formed, what are the ways to analyze the product range, when it is necessary to expand this range - these and other topics should be the subject of discussion by the owners of large shopping centers or small ones. outlets.

The assortment matrix of the store is a document containing a complete list of commodity items offered to the buyer in the store, features of the format and location of the store. Sometimes it is also called the commodity matrix.

Where does the creation of a store product matrix begin?

In some stores, the filling of the assortment of goods occurs haphazardly. For example, the owner trading business draws attention to the product that sells best, and decides to increase its supply. Or, seeing the growth of profits from competitors, he orders an additional amount of a product that "does well" from his neighbors. And then he starts “playing with prices”. Often this is bypassing research on the subject of "extra profit". Costs are rising, profits are falling. The assortment matrix should be formed by analyzing many components.

The next step in creating an assortment of goods is the analysis of the buyer group, their requests, needs. This is also done in order to analyze different groups customers, focus on "your consumer" and, as a result, satisfy his needs for a particular product.

Changes to the product matrix must take place at least twice a year. The general requirements for the assortment should remain unchanged, and private changes are necessary. Once every six months, it is necessary to analyze the existing assortment, monitor customer purchases, take into account sales trends and make changes to the product matrix.

Look at the changes on common market, pay attention to the assortment of competing firms, compare client flows, update the pricing policy. You need to not only maintain the interest of regular customers, but also attract new ones.

How to create a commodity matrix?

Formation of the assortment of goods begins with the definition of product groups. Next, you should detail each position to a specific product. At the same time, do not forget to take into account the needs of customers. Set a price based on the average price and taking into account the percentage of profit on this product. Provide similar prices for different product groups.

Explore the supplier market. Analyze, collect information about the quality of the products provided, about the partnership policy, business rules.

The product matrix includes the following components:

- name of the product group (for example, bakery products)
- name of the product category (for example, hearth bread, Moscow bun)
- designation of the price category (premium, average, economy)
- establishment of the product code;
- brand definition;
- designation of packaging, packaging;
- name of the commodity item;
- information about the supplier;
- data on the employee responsible for this category;
- a mark on whether this product is included in the assortment minimum.

Assortment minimum we call groups of goods that are required to be available in your store. It shouldn't happen like this. What exactly these goods you will run out of. The composition of this minimum can be determined based on the demand of buyers.

At a large commercial enterprise The commodity matrix contains a large number of products. Medium and small sellers have a smaller matrix. How detailed your matrix will be - it depends on your desire and capabilities. Make it easy to use all the time.

When representing your brands in the region, consider the specifics of the stores. Of course, it is very convenient when you work with one group of goods in your country. It is easy to build logistics, order products from one supplier. Stores located in different locations may have a different product matrix. After all, the formation of the matrix depends on a specific circle of buyers and this component cannot be ignored.

It's good when you have professionals on the ground who you fully trust. Then making changes to the assortment matrix will not be meaningless, but will be the result of an analysis of the purchasing interests of local residents. Arrange your work so that all changes on the ground are approved by you. Centralization of your activities is essential. The range of goods in the regions may depend on the methods of delivery of products, and on suppliers operating in your economic field.

How to analyze the assortment matrix of the store?

Working on the minimum assortment composition, you need to evaluate the role of each product in this food basket. The assortment matrix includes locomotive products, substitute products (substitutes), additional (related) products and status products.

These are the products that form the basis of the assortment matrix. The most "popular" products, sometimes with a minimum margin. They work more to attract customers than to make a profit. You can have several such locomotive groups. Keep in mind that here we are talking not about the most necessary, important goods, but about goods that have visual appeal.

Substitute goods
This group of goods includes products of two categories: more expensive and profitable or cheap, but high margin. The main task is to make the buyer pay attention to them instead of the goods of the locomotive. Therefore, these two groups are often placed side by side so that buyers can compare and make a choice in favor of products that are more profitable for you.

Related products
As a rule, these are accessories and additional goods who buy "in load" to the main purchase. This group includes services provided upon purchase, for example, setting up equipment. the main objective- increase in the average check.

status goods
The inclusion of status goods in the assortment matrix is ​​more of an image component - sales in this group are the smallest, as well as profit. But they create a sense of wide choice among buyers.

Buyers can also be classified and divided into three categories:
- Those who are looking for a shop with low level prices;
- Those who are most interested in the price / quality ratio;
- Those who are looking for a product that will satisfy their needs as much as possible, regardless of the price. It is this group that status products are aimed at.

Use the program for compiling the assortment matrix of the store. Consider our recommendations. After analyzing the reports on demand and the state of the warehouse, you will understand how to adjust the product line of the store.

success retail directly depends on the compliance of the assortment of the offered goods with consumer demand. Only an effective assortment is able to attract and retain the consumer. Maintaining an adequate and effective policy for the development of a retail outlet is impossible without drawing up an important document - the assortment matrix is ​​an integral element of management.

Assortment matrix is a document consisting of a complete list of goods sold in a store or other outlet. When compiling the list, the location of the store, the features of its format, General requirements assortment policy.

When developing a business development strategy, the management of a retail outlet does not aim to compile an assortment matrix. The formation of this document occurs as a result of the selection of a specific assortment for a specific store, taking into account all its consumer characteristics. That is why the perfect creation of an assortment matrix is ​​only possible after it is fully formed. trade policy and defined the overall development strategy of the company. Responsibility for the compilation and implementation of the assortment matrix is ​​most often assigned to supply managers who know the suppliers of goods and have information about the state of the pricing policy of the sales market. This information helps to form the most effective assortment of goods.

It is believed that range is efficient when the following conditions are met:

  • the product is attractive to visitors to the outlet, which ensures optimal traffic;
  • the goods are quite diverse, which allows the consumer to find everything they need in one place without visiting other stores;
  • the product is profitable, which means that the volume, price and net income from its sale provide a marginal profit sufficient to achieve the company's goal.

The most effective assortment of goods convinces the buyer to constantly visit this particular store, diverting him from competitors' outlets, and completely buying up goods for a certain period of time, leaving only minimal stocks of leftovers. With all this, prices are set for the goods, allowing the company to receive optimal profit from sales.

Compliance with all these aspects in reality is a rather complicated process, because many factors should be taken into account. But, realizing that a highly competitive struggle cannot be won without an effective assortment, it is necessary to strive for it. It is to solve this problem that an assortment matrix is ​​formed in the form of a table, with columns and columns reflecting information about the necessary product groups, optimal prices for each product and the volume of inventory for each outlet. The Excel format is the most convenient for the formation of the assortment matrix.

Assortment matrix, an example in an Excel table for a store:

Development competitive market is always accompanied by jumps in the marginal profit received from the sale of one service or unit of goods. Retail is a great example of this process. An increase in the number of stores inevitably provokes price competition, which ultimately affects each of them with a decrease in income. Competition is a kind of struggle for survival. A short-sighted entrepreneur who has not rebuilt his business for the new reality will not be able to make it efficient and will simply be forced to leave the market, giving way to more tenacious ones.

How to manage a large assortment: an example of a price list

The correct price list allows the client to focus on the assortment he needs, and the seller - to correctly conduct pricing and calculate allowable discounts depending on the volume of purchases.

How to make it, learn from the article electronic journal"Commercial Director".

How to implement an assortment policy

Assortment policy- This strategic element, which greatly affects the success of the development of the outlet. Even the presence of a well-functioning personnel management system, experienced accountants and talented administrators will not save the store from collapse without thoughtful work with the assortment.

Many still work, forming the assortment of the outlet only on the basis of their intuition. This is acceptable if the entrepreneur is not at all interested in the development of his store. To build a highly profitable business, you cannot do without the development of an assortment matrix, market analysis, planning and assortment management.

Efficient and correct compilation of assortment and raw matrix serves:

  • increase in gross profit;
  • decrease in inventory;
  • increase in the average check amount;
  • stimulating the growth of customer loyalty and, as a rule, in the short term, a daily increase in the number of checks;
  • efficient use of funds.

Modern market policy allows retail chains not to invest their money in goods, but to issue an interest-free commodity credit provided by suppliers. Your income is used to open new stores, purchase modern equipment and innovative materials.

The assortment matrix will be close to ideal if it is compiled separately for each group of goods related to the store classification. This is very convenient and allows you to take into account all the consumer properties of any commodity item, features and terms of delivery. All these factors cannot be covered by a single model of the assortment matrix. In these cases, it is important to specify the various groups of goods.

The main elements of the assortment matrix of the store

The first step in preparing for the compilation of the assortment matrix is ​​a clear definition of possible product groups. Then each group is detailed to a specific product. Try to determine the assortment based on customer demand and the needs of the customers of the outlet. When determining the price, start from its average value, taking into account the percentage of profit for each commodity item.

Having identified the most relevant commodity items, analyze the offers of suppliers on the market. When choosing a supplier, always collect information and feedback about the quality of the company's work, its reliability, partnerships, and the rules it adheres to.

To compile the assortment matrix, the following information is required:

  • about the name of the group of goods (for example, haberdashery);
  • about the name of the category of goods (for example, a belt, gloves, a purse);
  • about the price category of the goods (premium class, middle class, Economy class);
  • about the product code;
  • trademark;
  • on the designation of packaging or packaging;
  • about the name of each commodity item;
  • the supplier of the goods;
  • about the employee responsible for the category;
  • on the inclusion of this commodity item in the assortment minimum.

Assortment minimum are the goods that have the maximum consumer demand in this store. It is important that the commodity items that make up the assortment minimum are constantly available in the windows.

Assortment matrix of large shopping center will consist of a large number of commodity items. In medium and small stores, it is much less. The head of the trade enterprise independently chooses how detailed the development of the assortment matrix is. The main condition is that the document should be convenient for permanent use.

When opening a representative office of a brand in a region, the specifics of stores are always taken into account. Undoubtedly, it would be much more convenient to work with one type of goods. This facilitates the task of building logistics, searching for suppliers and new products. But in stores located in different places, consumer demand is not the same, and the assortment matrix should be built in accordance with it.

Try to staff the staff with professionals whom you can fully trust. Only in this case, changes in the assortment matrix will be reasonable, expedient, based on an analysis of the interest of buyers and in demand. The manager must review and approve all assortment management actions taken in the field, and only after that changes can be made. This centralizes the activities of all representations. The choice of assortment is significantly influenced not only by consumer demand, but also by the availability of suppliers, methods of delivery of goods, etc.

It is important that the assortment minimum is observed, there are no dramatic changes in the main percentage of the assortment matrix, and new items are included after analyzing their profitability for a particular territory.

When drawing up an assortment minimum, try to determine the role of each commodity item. There is a certain classification that should be followed.

1. Goods-locomotives.

This is a group of products that form the basis of the assortment matrix. It includes the most popular products for a given outlet, sometimes with a minimum margin, since their main task is to attract customers to the store, and not to give high profits. The matrix allows the presence of several locomotive groups of goods. It should be understood that these should not be essential goods, but products that have visual appeal.

2. Goods-substitutes.

Products in this group can be divided into two categories:

  • expensive and profitable;
  • cheap and highly profitable.

It is important to ensure that the buyer is interested in this group, and not in locomotive products. Place them side by side in a showcase and give the buyer the opportunity to compare them and choose a product that is more profitable for you.

3. Related products.

This group includes goods that complement the main purchase. These are various accessories, accessories, batteries, etc. This also includes services related to the purchase. For example, setting up equipment, etc. It is important that everything increases the value of the average bill.

4. status goods.

Status goods create an image of the outlet rather than bring noticeable profit or increase the number of sales. But it is these goods that the buyer maintains the feeling of a large choice.

Buyers in any outlet are representatives of one of three categories:

  • people who are only interested in stores with low prices;
  • people for whom value for money is a priority;
  • people who are interested in purchasing a product that can satisfy their needs, regardless of its price. Status goods are purchased for this group.

A properly compiled assortment matrix is ​​an example of a significant simplification of the process of managing goods and services. You need to know all the nuances of its construction.

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3 important rules for the formation of an assortment matrix based on goals

Assortment planning cannot be carried out without prior determination of priorities that affect the overall development strategy of the company. It is very difficult to build an assortment matrix so that all goods simultaneously bring maximum profit, have a long-term commodity credit and minimum price. It is for choosing the most effective product for a specific outlet and increase financial results companies are building assortment matrices. Try to follow the following directions:

  1. Focus on maximum profit. This direction is characterized by the inclusion in the main assortment list a product with a maximum markup, consisting of the actual markup and rebate bonuses, if any. It is necessary to analyze the level of retail prices of competing companies in order to determine the maximum possible margin.
  2. Orientation to the maximum commodity credit. In this case, the inclusion in the assortment matrix of goods for which a long-term deferred payment is possible is implied. It should be understood that an increase in the delay provokes an increase in the price of the product, which will lead to a decrease in the margin or an increase in the retail price.
  3. Orientation to the maximum level of service for customers. Acting in this direction, build an assortment matrix, focusing on covering the desires and needs of the maximum number of buyers. Buyer preference should take precedence, even if it runs counter to advantageous offers for deferred payment or the profitability of the product. According to experts, this is the best way, aimed at the long term and leading to maximum results.

Assortment management professionals in their work take into account three basic rules:

1. Orientation to the client.

Meaning this rule that, while developing the product range of the outlet, the company adheres to overall strategy development, but the main focus is on the needs of the target audience: regular or potential visitors to the store. At the same time, not just an abstract group of people, for example, the middle class, but specific group, which has clear characteristics, in particular income level, marital status, average purchase price, product preferences, area of ​​​​residence, etc.

Retail and network trading in Russia, at the initial stages of its formation, identified three levels of income of buyers - the poor, the middle and the rich. The current level of competition has significantly expanded these segments, requiring a more loyal attitude towards customers, a clear focus on their assortment and prices.

It should be understood that a narrow focus on the level of income of the buyer is advisable only in large cities with a large population and developed infrastructure. For owners of stores located in small towns, with two or three retail chains and multi-format retail outlets, it makes no sense to focus their work on a narrow group of people, it is more profitable to cover the requests of representatives of several segments. Undoubtedly, the expansion of the assortment will smooth out the depth of the store's focus, but it will significantly increase the number of its visitors.

2. Taking into account the specifics of the store localization.

This rule emphasizes the importance of taking into account the location of the store when forming the assortment matrix. For its competent compilation, the specifics of the settlement where the outlet is planned or located, its location, surroundings, approximate contingent of regular visitors, etc. are important. In accordance with these criteria, the assortment of each specific point is being finalized depending on the specifics of the region or city.

Many retail chains, represented in various cities and regions of the country, tend to standardize the assortment list of their stores, which is completely contrary to the identified need to adjust the assortment matrix to the needs of a particular region or city. In such cases, it is customary to use one of two approaches for the interaction between the central office and regional offices.

The first approach assumes that the regional offices are completely subordinate to the head office. They submit their proposals for the assortment matrix and analytical reports to the central office for consideration and decision. Any commodity item can be included in the matrix or removed from it only with the permission of the head office. This approach helps to tightly control the activities of the sales representative, eliminates the adoption of biased decisions at the local level, for example, when working with suppliers.

With the second approach regional offices a fully formed assortment matrix is ​​provided, including subgroups, but the specific names of goods sold by the outlet are determined directly by the managers of the sales representative, taking into account the specifics of its location.

We should not forget that the assortment matrix should correspond to the sales area of ​​the store and its format.

3. Optimization of the supply chain.

The need to optimize trade deliveries is determined by the level real work the head of the outlet with suppliers and manufacturers, as well as the attitude towards the introduction of exclusive new products to the market. All these issues are inextricably linked to the management of the assortment, focused on the regional characteristics of a particular market. For example, for retail outlets in large cities with a high level of migration between settlements(Moscow, St. Petersburg, etc.), it is important to focus the assortment matrix on well-known and common brands and brands. Trusting one brand, which is found quite often in any city, a person purchases its products more often than unknown local brands.

On the other hand, in regions with low daily migration, local producers are often more popular than well-known brands. Statistics show that products made in one's own city are more trustworthy than well-known brands, and are less likely to be counterfeit or stale, since they are produced nearby. Patriotism, pride in small homeland, especially if quality characteristics goods are not inferior well-known firms. You can use these advantages by focusing your assortment on local brands. In this case, none of the representatives trading network, which has a main distribution center, will not be able to compete in providing the store with a wide range of products from your local manufacturer.

A store seeking to create a competitive advantage with an exclusive assortment is recommended to fill the assortment matrix with goods that are not represented on the local market. The benchmark for regional stores are metropolitan boutiques, which, in turn, follow the example of European or Western stores. You should be aware that the purchase of exclusive products will require additional funding. Try to introduce only those novelties that correspond to the format of your store and can attract customers with those that are presented only at your place.

How to create an assortment matrix step by step

Understanding the goal and knowing all the rules, feel free to proceed to the formation of the assortment matrix. Conventionally, the whole process can be divided into three stages:

Stage number 1. We analyze the source data.

You should not start compiling a product nomenclature before considering all the characteristics of the outlet: what format it is, size, whether it has features. Try not to miss anything and take into account all the parameters, including:

  • the shape and area of ​​the store, the number of storeys of the building;
  • the location of the outlet, including the area, the degree of accessibility for customers, the level of competition, etc.;
  • socio-economic features of the microdistrict;
  • estimated assortment and necessary equipment.

After analyzing all the data received, decide on the retail format, giving preference to a self-service store, discounter or trade from the counter. Then form the estimated preferences of visitors. Work out the positioning.

The correct formation of the assortment matrix and the purchase of relevant goods is carried out with the obligatory presence of a general strategy for development and positioning in the eyes of visitors. But this is ideal. In reality, everything is different. First, the goods are purchased, and at the same time completely randomly, only to fill the windows and shelves, and then the sales methodology is determined. Modern level high competition makes this path completely inefficient.

Stage number 2. We segment buyers based on a study of current demand.

The second stage is about understanding potential clients, their habits, requests and needs. Based on this, they determine the best way to influence the target group, choose marketing and advertising concepts. The sign by which the segments are divided does not play any role. It is important to identify a potential client audience and understand its expectations. The result will be a key segment of visitors to which all efforts must be directed.

Get this information quite simply, for example, by conducting a survey of potential customers.

Stage number 3. We compare our own assortment with the assortment of competitors.

An important point in compiling the assortment matrix is ​​the analysis of the level of competition and the positioning of your outlet relative to others.

It is not necessary to conduct an analysis of the activities of all stores in the district. Enough two or three, but the main competitors. Determine their strengths and weak sides which distinguishes them from each other. Analyze pricing policies by comparing the cost of products from key groups. This provides an excellent opportunity to discover your competitive advantages and add if they don't exist.

However, this step is not always required. There are store formats where competitor analysis is not expected.

Expert opinion

The main thing for me is consumer demand

Anastasia Kondratenko,

owner of Nasha housekeeper store, Tyumen

You should not focus on competitors, forming the assortment of your outlet. What matters is customer demand. My store is located in the courtyard of residential buildings, I often have to work behind the counter myself, and this helps to make timely adjustments to the assortment list of goods, knowing how much of which product is sold over a certain period of time.

I try to form an order in such a way that by the time a new product arrives, the entire existing batch has already been sold. This is very popular with customers who understand that the store always has fresh goods. Of course, some experience is needed to learn how to correctly and competently form the assortment of the store, it took me a year and a half to avoid mistakes and clearly draw up a matrix, confidently knowing what and in what quantity to order goods. For example, older people living in the microdistrict of our store have a pension on the 12th day of each month, and the salary of the majority on the 18th. I always try to strengthen the assortment range by this time, but at the beginning and at the end of the month I order the goods at a minimum.

I always make up an assortment matrix of a grocery store, which makes my work easier and faster. This quickly and reliably shows the most advantageous price segment and commodity items. I make notes directly in the table to make it easier to understand the real situation.

  • How to sort products into categories and put things in order in the assortment

Stage number 4. We determine the main groups of goods presented in the store.

Having chosen the location of the store, having analyzed the possible category of customers, their preferences and the offers of the closest competitors, proceed to the formation of an assortment matrix for your own outlet.

Relying on general concept store, fix the prices for the main product groups. Determine for yourself what price level your store will occupy - above the market, below or average. The next step is to choose the maximum convenient suppliers the necessary goods.

Stage number 5. We break the range into categories.

For marketers, this part of the preparation of the assortment matrix is ​​the most interesting. Taking as a basis the analysis of consumer demand, adding to it your own experience and knowledge of psychology, divide the main groups of goods first into subgroups, and then into separate positions.

This is a rather interesting process, as it allows you to imagine yourself as a buyer in your own store, think like him, proceed from his considerations. Only this approach will allow you to fill the store shelves with demanded goods, increase the turnover and profit of your outlet.

Stage number 6. Understanding the balance of the company's assortment.

This stage of compiling the assortment matrix allows you to analyze how balanced the commodity items and categories are. The assortment should be balanced both in depth and width, taking into account the key role assigned to the product group. There are few such roles:

  • unique goods, supporting the image of the store and related to impulse demand. Such goods are taken thoughtlessly, on the way to the checkout;
  • priority goods that attract buyers and bring maximum profit. For this group of goods, buyers come intentionally to the store. In the absence of the desired position, customers leave without buying anything;
  • basic goods, which have a high turnover and are able to attract a flow of buyers. For the goods of this group, the buyer also comes to the store intentionally, being sure that he will find what he needs;
  • convenient product categories that form customer loyalty and attract customers to this particular store;
  • seasonal goods aimed at changing the assortment and attracting new customers.

Expert opinion

We have many positions that we introduce or reduce depending on the season

Irina Krechkevich,

grocery store owner, Guryevsk (Kaliningrad region)

I analyze the compiled assortment matrix every six months, removing the product that has become irrelevant. I consider it inappropriate to do it more often, since demand always varies depending on various factors, in particular, on the season. An adequate assessment can be given only for at least six months.

I always try to get ahead of the demand a little and introduce the novelties of the season into the assortment a month before it starts. For example, I start forming a beer base for the upcoming summer season at the end of March. This makes it possible to calmly decide on the volume of purchases, layout, advantageous positions etc. I do not accept subsequent offers from suppliers of new brands of beer, believing that if the buyer has not seen this product at the beginning of the season, then he will not be interested in it in the middle. Most often, customers decide on the choice of brand in May.

In any grocery store many seasonal commodity items, which are periodically introduced, then reduced. This does not raise questions from suppliers. They know that they are of interest to us only in certain time of the year. Our cooperation begins a month before the start of the season and lasts an average of three months. After that, this commodity item is excluded from the assortment matrix.

Stage number 7. Final compilation of the assortment matrix, formation of the final document.

The final stage of the formation of the assortment base, when it remains only to bring everything into single base. At this stage, additional preferred characteristics of the product are also taken into account: its color, size, packaging, etc. All the nuances that help the buyer make his choice in favor of your store are entered into a single array, and then the assortment minimum is determined.

The formation, processing and analysis of the assortment matrix data is most often carried out by a highly professional manager. It is in this case that the desired result is achieved, which guarantees the stable development of the company.

The most commonly used method is ABC/XYZ analysis.

  • Formation of the product range of the store from A to Z

Formation of product assortment matrices by ABC/XYZ analysis

When distributing work among managers, remember that warehouses should not be filled with goods of the same type, the application should not be formed on general sales reports by suppliers, but strictly in a specific product subgroup.

It is much more convenient for a professional working with several product subgroups to control the presence of a particular product, to prevent excess balance, as well as the complete absence of goods on display shelves. To optimize the work of the purchasing department, it is necessary to clearly divide the product groups between managers, covering the entire range. This will allow you to control and analyze the assortment matrix of the outlet as accurately as possible.

The job responsibilities of a manager with a high professional category should include responsibility for identifying and forming an assortment minimum and a general list of goods, as well as for conducting purchases in the context of the assigned product group, taking into account seasonality and market fluctuations in consumer demand.

A professional manager does not just generate requests and transfer them to the supplier, he manages the assortment of goods included in the subgroup assigned to him, knowing which and in what quantity is available, and which one needs to be ordered or added. An experienced manager always knows the tools by which these requirements are met.

When forming an assortment matrix, they most often use ABC analysis. But for a thorough work with a commodity subgroup, one analysis is not enough.

The purpose of this analysis is to show quantitative sales headings, but no information on profitability of a particular position there is no. It makes no sense to analyze anything other than the number of sales using this method, or draw conclusions about the profitability of products based on this method alone, because the sale of one product from group C in terms of profitability can close the sale of 25 positions from group A.

The formation of an assortment matrix without taking into account the profitability of commodity items is considered incorrect. The professional approach to the formation of the assortment matrix corresponds to ABC/XYZ analysis, where the number of sales is ABC and the profit is XYZ.

The specified selection criteria give a set of similar product subgroups with parameters AX, BX, CX, AY, AZ, BY, BZ, CY, CZ.

This implies:

  • AX represents the product subgroup of the assortment matrix with maximum sales and maximum profit.
  • BX represents the trading subgroup of the assortment matrix with an average number of sales and maximum profit.
  • CX represents the trading subgroup of the assortment matrix with minimum sales and maximum profit.
  • AY represents the product subgroup of the assortment matrix with the highest sales and average profit.
  • AZ represents the trading subgroup of the assortment matrix with the maximum number of sales and minimum profit.
  • BY represents a product subgroup of the assortment matrix with average sales and profitability.
  • CY is a trading subgroup of the assortment matrix with a minimum number of sales and an average profit.
  • BZ is a subgroup of products in the assortment matrix with minimal profit and average sales.
  • CZ is a subgroup of products in the assortment matrix with minimal profit and minimal sales.

Such an analysis makes it possible to form an assortment matrix, observing the following principles.

The basis of the assortment matrix, let's call it a group BUT, make up subgroups of goods that have characteristics AX, BX, CX, AY, AZ. Do not neglect the goods of the subgroup A-Z, representatives of which are characterized by the maximum number of sales and minimum profit. These are goods of absolute demand, which attract store visitors with their minimal margin.

To commodity subgroups BY, CY, BZ applies to auxiliary assortment AT-row.

subgroup cz make up illiquid positions, as well as novelties WITH.

An assortment matrix built in a similar way, having subgroups A, B and WITH, fully visualizes the necessary nomenclature purchase items.

Significant interruptions in the supply of goods make this matrix incorrect and not always relevant. In this case, you should increase the period of the analyzed interval, keeping the sales history. This step will help to obtain reliable data necessary for further work.

If necessary, in order not to miss anything, you can fix the positions selected for the order in the matrix.

This method of analysis using the assortment matrix demonstrates the real state of product subgroups in the context of positions and suppliers. This helps to identify a priority supplier in order to route an order to him.

For commodity items in the context of one supplier, selection is also done using analysis ABC/XYZ.

  • What to do if customers want products that are not in stock

5 basic principles of assortment matrix management

Development of an assortment matrix as an element of the strategy successful development point of sale should be based on modern assortment management principles, combined with the overall marketing direction of the company.

1. Compatibility.

All company strategies, including assortment, marketing, pricing, communication, etc., must be combined and effectively complement each other.

2. Orientation to buyers-clients.

The entire assortment list of goods presented at the point of sale must have a high level of consumer demand and meet the wishes of customers, otherwise it will not be sold and will not bring any income.

3. Development.

Managers responsible for compiling the assortment matrix are obliged to keep a step ahead of customer needs, which are constantly changing and growing. Supplementing the assortment or removing some positions from it should not only meet new wishes, but also outstrip them.

4. Professionalism.

As you know, cadres are everything. Only a qualified professional knowing the theory assortment management, who knows how to correctly apply it in practice, taking into account all the nuances of a particular case, possessing analytical thinking, is able to analyze all the facts and make an informed decision that guarantees the company's effective development.

5. Efficiency.

All aspects of assortment management are aimed at increasing the profit of the company. With the right approach to this issue, each commodity item makes an optimal contribution to increasing the company's profitability, contributing to an increase in marginal profit.

An assortment or product matrix is ​​a list of stock items approved for mandatory sale to a specific customer. The assortment matrix is ​​created taking into account the format and location of the client.

Formation of the assortment matrix in Mobi-S, this is an additional service feature to facilitate the creation of a list of sales of goods for a selected customer. Many large companies form lists of products that are required or recommended for sale in a certain store format. The point of sale format is a general name, a category that characterizes customers according to some parameters. A commodity matrix is ​​simply the name of a list or group of goods collected according to some attribute. After the matrix is ​​generated for the goods, it is also assigned to the client. When an agent visits a client, he sees in the list of products highlighted in blue products recommended for sale to this client in the context of outlet formats.

In Russian marketing, in addition to the name "assortment matrix", you can find its following names: product matrix, product range matrix, product matrix.

An example of an assortment matrix

Mobi-S uses the creation of an assortment matrix of goods and binding to customers using outlet formats. Several formats are specified. Each format contains its own list of products. A client can only be assigned one point of sale format.

Step 1 Creating a list of outlet formats

Step 2 Product matrix, we distribute goods by TT formats. One product can be in different formats. note Item 3 can be sold in like in a channel Tent also in the channel Supermarket.

Step 3 We assign the TT format to the client. One client - one format.

This is how our assortment matrix will look like as a result.

When choosing a client Client 1 in the list of products, products included in the same outlet format as the client will be highlighted in blue.

Formation of the assortment matrix and its use in Mobi-S

In this video, I will show you how to use an automation program mobile commerce Mobi-S to create a commodity matrix and how it can be used.

For Mobi-S, the formation of a commodity matrix is ​​in dialogue Setting up outlet formats integration module. The procedure for setting the product matrix is ​​similar to that described above. Create TT formats, distribute goods and assign your TT format to the client.

After you have created an assortment matrix, you can use it for the purposes of automating mobile commerce. The product matrix is ​​loaded into the PDA at the time of the request.

Create any document. Select the client for which the product matrix is ​​configured. Go to the tab Products. Press the filter selection button (button with a funnel, at the top left above the list of products). In the dialog that opens, select the item Present in the sales channel.

After using this filter, only products from the assortment matrix will remain in the list of products.

Planned matrix

The planning matrix is ​​an extended version of the assortment matrix function. The main difference is the fixation of matrix changes over time. With this function, you can assign a different assortment matrix of goods to a customer for each day, and you will have a history of changes in this matrix. The planned matrix has priority over the matrix specified through outlet formats. If both types of matrices are specified, then only the item from the planned matrix will be displayed on the mobile device.

Ugh… product. But to make only one product or one service is wrong. So you will lose most of the money.

And even an assortment of a thousand items may not save. It is necessary to approach not only quantity, but also “quality”. You need to know not only how much, but also what.

brick by brick

You need to create so many products in your company that all the needs of all your customers are covered. After all, if a person has a need, then he will solve it, the only question is - will he do it with you or with a competitor?

Therefore, the formation of an assortment matrix is ​​a mandatory action from the point of view of marketing.

What is it? An assortment or product matrix is ​​a list of all product names, the entire product range, approved for a specific point of sale, and compiled ... So, stop! Too smart.

Commodity matrix- these are goods (services) in your business that you create or purchase, taking into account various factors.

I think it's easier and clearer. I will say more, you already have it, but not the fact that it is in perfect condition.

Our task for today is to figure out what you have and what is not enough to increase sales. So put on your wetsuit, we dive deep.

While we are still in shallow water, to begin with, we will determine from what factors the matrix of goods is built.

After all, it depends not only on the business sector. Everything is much more interesting. So, when forming our products, we must take into account:

  1. market demand now;
  2. Future trends;
  3. Competitors (range, prices, advantages);
  4. Features of the city, climate, living conditions;
  5. Location of the point of sale;
  6. The area or size of the company.

Based on the above data, an assortment matrix is ​​compiled for successful sales goods and services.

So if you're going to do things the right way, you need to start with analysis. The path is not the fastest, but the most effective.

It is necessary to analyze not only foreign market but also themselves. If you are a company with experience, you need to look at current sales and their profitability.

If you are a company that is just gaining momentum, then you need to understand where you are moving.

At one time, we shook up our services and realized that for some of them we are not associated in the market.

That is why their sales were extremely low. As a result, we have replaced some of the services. Moreover, we did such an analysis not only on the scale of the service, but on the scale of the formats of work in one service. But more on that later.


Divide into Groups

To make the matrix of goods optimal for all the needs of different target audiences, it must contain several groups of goods.

Their presence is mandatory, if something is missing, then consider yourself losing money.

Important. By default, I assume that you have a “Main” product group. These are your central products or services on which . Therefore, they are not on this list, but your business definitely has them.

1. Goods locomotives

Your business should have locomotive goods. Their goal is to attract a buyer to your business, to show that your prices are really profitable, even lower than those of a competitor (supposedly).

And encourage people to buy. Literally one category of products can solve all these issues.

We also call these products “milk”, because everyone knows how much it costs. And if suddenly at the entrance to the store you see milk for 200 rubles, then you will immediately turn around and leave.

Because you decide that if milk is so expensive here, then the rest is also expensive here.

Another example, but from the other side. You see an advertisement on billboards that the store is now selling a well-known brand vacuum cleaner at a very low price in the city.

You come to the store, and they tell you: before you buy this vacuum cleaner, please listen to another vacuum cleaner, it is a little more expensive, but much better.

In this case, at the expense of the goods of the locomotive, you were attracted to the store, and earned by selling a more expensive product. Naturally, some will only buy locomotive goods.

But there will be those who will buy something for him or take a more expensive offer.

Important. You can earn 0 rubles on a locomotive product, or perhaps even go into a small minus. But all this on the condition that you resell, transfer to another product or take into account.

2. Related

Sell additional service or the product is a sweet deal for the seller. Everything is simple here. You must have related products with your main purchases.

As a rule, there is a very high margin for such upselling, and some businesses rely on them alone.

Also good example from public catering, where we will definitely be asked to add syrup to coffee or cake to tea.

The sale of related products largely depends on the professionalism of the seller.

And to help them perform more successfully, connect to this, and special phrases for upselling.

3. Status

The presence of a VIP product always excites the minds of the owners. And when I talk about VIP, it means a very, very expensive offer compared to the rest.

And even if you are a seller of premium goods or services, this also applies to you. There are obvious reasons for this:

  1. There will always be someone who wants to buy the most expensive offer;
  2. Against the backdrop of expensive offers, all the rest seem more affordable.

The first point is clear and obvious, there are always people who are used to taking the best, considering the cost as an indicator of quality. Let's take a closer look at the second reason. And I'll give you an example.

You scroll through the construction of houses and see three options for the cost: 800 tr, 1.2 million r. and 1.8 million rubles. Which one will you choose from this?

Most likely average, since most people think in terms of the golden mean (price = quality). Plus, it's obvious that the third option includes premium frills, since it's so expensive.

And now let's imagine a situation that a house for 3.2 million rubles is also added to these options. What do you say now? Right.

Now the house for 1.8 million rubles. looks not so expensive, and the first option is generally free. The effect is achieved, the mind is deceived.

4. Substitutes

Or they are also called. The same human need can be satisfied in different ways.

The task of substitutes is to satisfy the need of a person who came for another product.

That is, it is an alternative to his choice. But this is too smart, I’d better give examples: orange-tangerine, breeches shorts, margarine-butter, Turkey-Egypt, tulle curtains.

Marketers even have a belief (based on numbers): an increase in the price of one substitute product entails an increase in demand for another.

In addition, the more substitute products in your assortment, the easier it will be to convince a potential buyer to buy from you.

Continuing the thought of the first paragraph, not all companies can find a substitute, and in some it is better not to do this.

Such products in some cases can reduce sales, as the client will begin to hesitate between the choice and, as a result, “spit” on the whole thing. The same story with the amount of assortment (see the video below).

5. Polar

I did not find a description of such a group of products in the stories of other specialists. More precisely, no one endured these goods and services separately, but I think in vain. Therefore, I present to your attention the products “Polar” (the name was invented by us).

These are products that are either cheaper or more expensive than the main solution. They are necessary so that the client can choose something more profitable in our company or vice versa something more worthy.

And our sellers could skillfully earn more (transferring to an expensive product) or not lose customers (offering to purchase a more profitable product).

Moreover, do not confuse cheaper goods with locomotive goods. They have different tasks. The locomotive attracts the customer and rarely makes a profit. And a cheap polar one, in addition to attracting, also brings profit to the company.

Also, do not confuse expensive polar with VIP. They also have different goals. With VIP, we make prices contrasting and radically different from the main offer.

And the expensive polar one differs from the main one by a small cost, so that the client has the opportunity (psychologically and financially) to switch to it.

6. Partner products

A very rare find in businesses is partner products. In Russia, it is customary to perceive all companies in the district as competitors. The phrase is ideal: "He who is not with us is against us."

This position is firmly in the minds of all entrepreneurs, but we break it with a sly different materials. We have prepared a video for you, watch it below.

Now, when you understand that partners are good, not evil, you can introduce partner products in your company.

The goal is to make a profit through the so-called affiliate program. It is used both in offline and online points of sale.

For example, we made a mannequin at our client (shoe store), which we dressed in our shoes and various products of partner companies.

Thus, we removed the headache - what to wear these shoes with, as the client immediately saw where to go for things. The partners did the same.

7. Complementary

One way is to sell more in pieces. We can immediately sell 2-3 positions of one product.

But if this is not possible, then it is better to form a complex of several goods or services. Alternative words for this approach: packages, bundles, kits, collection.

To assemble a set of several products, you need to have complementary goods or services in your product matrix. These are products that play an independent role, but become even more effective with another product.

In practice, we see this in cosmetic stores. Especially often in holidays, where several care products are combined into one transparent film with a ribbon and a bow.

Sometimes we can find products in such kits that are not sold separately (but this is quite rare).

You can put “Complementary” into a separate product matrix. But, as a rule, they are already in the goods and are “Basic” or “Accompanying”.

They may not be in services, so you have to think carefully before implementing them.

Life hack. You can create kits from goods and services. This is not a traditional solution, but it looks very interesting.

Briefly about the main

Depending on a number of factors, the commodity matrix may vary. And an experienced owner should correct it in time.

But do not forget that the variety of product categories described above affects the company's goal, as it gives the potential buyer freedom of choice, which is also not always good.

Thus, the construction of a product matrix should be a thoughtful and verified process.